Sunday, May 30, 2021

ASCOM L3LSIP prefinal positioning complete


  1. Hope that's something related to the final phase before the end of evil here.

  2. Replies
    1. After the Chimeras had been cleaned out,who controls the negative Archon metrix program ?
      It is not clear,
      are the Archons still to be cleaned out?

    2. @Starseed, from what I remember, Cobra hasn't said anything about clearing Archons yet. So it's either classified, or they'll be cleared last, after Chimera and other negative entities.

    3. Just destroy the matrix program, period. Serves no good purpose.

  3. Here is a Directory created to easily navigate through his Intel :


    1. 🙏🏻Thank you for sharing!🌟❤️🌎🌐🦋

  4. A couple of days ago the instant I finished the hostage meditation the bottom fell out and it started pouring down rain! I ask myself was that some kind of sign to let me know that there was some kind of a breakthrough. I sure hope so.
    It brought tears to my eyes. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

    1. Maybe it was symbolic of the IT movie

      see the intro here

      and the ending / spider

    2. Last night I did the liberate the hostages meditation and felt a very strong tingling vibration go through my entire body, similar to a seizure but not. Anybody else experience this? Hope this means something positive.

  5. Time for the BMF. There is at least 1 free-will spirit consenting to the earth's end to slavery and exploitation, end it at any cost. Like the controllers say "it is about free will"! This is my free will consent, not their slavery system.

  6. “ASCOM sequence initialized.” May 25, 2018

    Whatever it is, it’s taken 3 years and 5 days to complete so it’s definitely a big piece.

    Let’s get this party started.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Yes, towards Victory of the Light!!! 🧘‍♀️

    2. It's not yet complete, as it clearly states prefinal not final.

  7. Esperando que pronto llegue la Luz

  8. Not sure exactly what this means, but it is important, decisive, final. The Universe is broken, and needs to be fixed, to protect innocence, banish darkness for All time, Forever.

    1. Do lightworkers say that an axiom of the universe that in order for there to be light, there must be darkness? They say that in order for people to be brought to light, they have to go through darkness. Therefore there will never be an end to darkness because darkness can only be brought forth from light.

    2. @Concerned Person, that's not what Cobra says. He says that darkness and all evil in the universe is a result of primary anomaly. It wasn't created by the Source. It just spontaneously came into existence. And the Source's goal is to understand and dissolve it. That's what all beings of Light are working towards. The darkness wasn't supposed to exist in the first place. It's just an anomaly that has to be erased. There's nothing to learn from it.

    3. Perhaps akin to the adage "there is nothing to fear but fear itself". It only serves as a tool. You don't use a tool when you don't need it, but you keep it around in case you do, right? Until a better way is discovered and the tool can be discarded or put into history as an example of progress. I say let's make a museum and put the dark on display for future generations to learn what not to do. But then for the average person it's obvious not to exploit your own kind, so nevermind lol.

  9. Please LightWarrior EnergyNinjas Hold Fast, Visualize WorldPeace1, See it, Touch it, Smell it, Taste it, This WorldPeace1 Train is pulling into Manifest-Station! Hold Fast, Hold the Line, Stay Loving and Kind, Stay Epic Dear Awesome LightNinjas!

    1. Yes Indeed! Hold the Light!
      INFINITY = 1

  10. 如果黑暗注定要终结,那就早一些到来吧!早已厌倦了这个矩阵。被剥夺的自由意识几千年了,试验早就该结束了。

  11. Seems good!

    Victory of the Light!

  12. Oooh, I like the feel of this one!!...
    Keep on it, LF, and thank you for all you are doing!
    Let’s keep meditating everyone.✨🌎✨

  13. Replies
    1. Também pergunto: O que significa mais essa mensagem codificada ? Queremos saber o q realmente falta pra o evento q esperamos desde 2012.

    2. @Джулый Либра Акила.....так and да
      Totally understandable.

  14. are people underground saved all?
    i really care it ,offen
    meditation it,my heart have them...and with them.
    i will continue work with light until surely they all saved and healed .

  15. Sure sounds positive thank you Galactics!

  16. ASCOM = Ashtar Command
    L3 = Estação de implantes

  17. Question for Cobra-When the Event happens will you be making a post to declare that the Event has begun when the day finally comes?

    1. Oh, we’ll know. The whole world will know. You won’t need to check a blog. It will be unmistakable.

  18. The Lake Kivu Base is about to fall!

    300 earthquakes in a week; 61 in 24 hours.

  19. Ascension To the final event!VOTL!

  20. Saturday, May 26, 2018
    Merge ASCOM / EELA / primary wipeout / R! wipeout, JLS grid detected

  21. 虽然看不太明白,但肯定是好消息。

  22. Been experiencing déjà vu lately.

  23. Hope it means something good.

  24. ASCOM = Ashtar Command
    L3 =Implant station

  25. Yesss!!!! Victory of the light!!! 😍💫💗

  26. Did my part in the meditation to help free the rest of the light forces and then some. Strangely I feel something is about to happen.

    1. Thank you starbrother. :-)
      many greetings from switzerland


    Something we all should be doing at least once a day.

  28. Le plus beau des Firework mes chéris 💖🕊️

  29. Victory of the Light! We have hope for the event this year. It's possible, we can do it.

  30. Please end this evil farce once and for all. We can't hold on much longer.

  31. Looks good. Hope everything goes smoothly.
    Remenber: Our consciousness creates reality. Believe in your power. Let the Event happen!

    Victory of the Light!

  32. Goddess wants peace and liberation! And it will be! Victory of the LIGHT!

  33. I do not understand what it means. But I know this is an incomparably difficult job. Thanks for the updates. The light has won!

  34. yes this is the Ashtar command and L3 is the position in the solar system near Earth

  35. Just speculating here :D It would be awsome if ASCOM stands for ASCension OfMankind...<3

    1. Colombo se met au Vert 💖🤗 en Egypte en écoutant des musiques d'autrefois ssshhh


    2. I am serious..And I don't u derstand the languige ..maybe frensh..

    3. Un petit Phœnix de France tout est possible !

  36. I post many things many ways, no higher purpose to mislead you all. A large part of this resistance blog was to track my Ascension. Why else you think I would “self indulge”? Some understand what’s going on and why I choose my personal way to a very important time of my compression breakthrough. Yeah, many of you made this about you for no higher purpose…. I’m not the ones on here spreading lies. Eoestera Grounding was my Soul and now we, the right frequency folks are opening that 6th seal with my higher selves and Galaxy Warrior families and many more. Your Egos took something I had a need to read and clouded it with negative reviews and thoughts until you attacked our Savior Jesus Christ or whatever you want to call me, either way I still fight while some still stay lost.

    “God works in mysterious ways” - It’s that easy until you want to get mad about your own confusion. Get off my blog was a firm warning to please stop and let me do my thing if you don’t want to be part of Jesus rising without judging then go, we don’t need your negativity to combat here as well as higher plains of thought existence, where it matters.

    Last is I did have to go to social media to meet the Starseeds in the field needing my absolute light and understanding of the mark of the beast.

    Take care of yourselves if you’re not in the proper frequency their isn’t a crapping thing we can do but slam the crib and that’s why the hippie isn’t happy, our energy murders our own captives. I have mastered emotional control as an ascension master I am the ONE. I type with understanding of my message like them or not it’s 2021 and folks got “monkey smarts”, consciences to a T, nailed like the cross they believe.

    54 Loco to do it with little to NO strong seeds support, but we have the best waking up and those that still sleep should stay until you blossom more outta fear of their own SUN power or the Eves of Love. We need us in one or just a few, either way I do my summons.

    Last time I’ll explain. Many of you are way behind because you judged social media. The lessons stack in tech age are obvious as our messages can sometimes not be deleted. I rise with or without, because it’s my Soul Mission too.

    Jesus Christ

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You are not Jesus Christ. Just for letting you know.

      And i will not be silent anymore with this. If you are truly a lightworker you can understand that doing this, is a disrespect against an Ascended Being.

      You are clearly not even close.

      For the people that will say ho galactique you need to stop worry about him and stop focus on these people, i understand you, but i am who i am and i play my role to.

      My vibration is very good and will not be affected by exposing a fraud.

      This need to stop right now.

      Enough of crazy people in this world to now reading your BS. We don't need now a comment section that will transform into a crazy degenerate thinking. The only blog of mindful people and the most awake are being transformed into a jock and no one (sherman yes) is even worried.

      I am very worried when i hear someone say that he is Jesus Christ. This need to stop.

      THIS IS FOR Planet x and BMFH (ISIS)

      you need medical treatment now.

      you will retailed to this message and make you like you are full of wisdom by being peaceful and tell me how to react. Yeah i know, the problem is that there is nothing wrong with me, but you, clearly yes.

      And sometimes a reality tchek is needed to push you out of this non sense. Not wise and peaceful way to say it because you are clearly the kind of person that can't accept that you are not an ANIME (GOKU) in dragon ball z or Jesus.

      I can't tolerate someone that call himself a lightworker and disrespect Jesus by thinking he is him. And then putting no sense comments here.

      You Have been exposed like your little minds you are.

      Don't play with a lightworker with commen sense. I don't buy your Shi*.

      Normally i juge no one but this, i am sorry a can't let pass.

      That's my nature to explose and bring common sense.

      And for the people that think oh you are to sensitive, yeah stop crying like a baby and begin to be true with yourself. This is unacceptable for a so called lightworker.

      And i will not let this guy infiltrate or begin to turn this comment section into a dysneyland fantasy.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Guerrier galactique17 ne t'excuses pas un bon coup de pied au cul ca n'a jamais tué personne ce FDP par contre ! j'ai pas mal morflé ces dernier jours mais ça je l'ai pas vu venir je crois qu'il est temps d'acheter le Shi *..

    5. Excusez-moi BMFH

      Moi aussi j'ai morflé beaucoup ces derniers jours.

      Et quant j'ai vue des messages sans aucun sense, cela ma mis hort de moi. J'ai defoix de la peine à te comprendre dans les messages que tu publie.

      Bref, bonne soirée !

    6. Guerrier galatique17 vraiment pas besoin d'excuses tout va bien , j'espère que ca ca mieux juste je crois que la merde me balance encore n'importe quoi dans la tête , qu'il se sert du net pour me balancer tout et n'importe quoi le dernier jeu vidéo un nid souterrain aquatique avec des squelettes humain partout , des cadavres d'araignées avec des os humain un labo secret avec un lapin blanc dans une sorte de berceau branché qui lui sert d'énergie , un squelette de chat /chien et une statue de crapaud vert qui à l'air de se foutre de ta gueule dans ce marais .Et bien sur impossible de retrouver la vidéo !
      En ce moment j'i plus l'impression de ressembler à Split qu'a moi même et je mentirais si parfois la bête n'avait pas envie d'aller faire un carnage sur la sienne mais je deviendrait comme lui et ca hors de question !

    7. Il ne m'a jamais dit sur son blog privé qu'il l'était, mais il m'a révélé autre chose.
      Mais ce secret est entre lui et moi. Il m'a montré ce qu'était un frère qui tient à sa sœur, et maintenant vous me l'avez enlever.
      Vous avez coupé le lien, je vais me libérer d'un autre.

  37. Randy Kramer said that those who live to 2030 will live for several hundred years then young and healthy!

    1. I thought Cobra said something like people will live anywhere from 200-300 years or something like that when medbeds come.

    2. Don't thrust this guy. Can Cobra confirm he is legit?

    3. Why do the aliens live for thousands?

      I know 300 years is better than 80, but I prefer to have the thousands, to the point I am more than willing to give up my humanity.

    4. Randy said that from the 30th year all technologies of medical beds or regeneration capsules will be open. and after that people will be able to live for several hundred years as they want.

    5. @Sherman Earth is a closed system. Learned it in grade 8. It's an entropy based planet which means you don't live as long here. 3D is a real killer lol. Past 3D you live longer because of less inertia apparently. Less "friction" on your cells or something?

    6. @mg2323 I said, which pisses some people off.


      Also adds to what I said in that I did not chose to come here, I was FORCED. I'd never come here by choice. And why I NEED to get off this rotten planet.

    7. @mg2323
      I stick to that we're genetically raped. According to ancient texts, humans lived much longer in ancient times. SOMETHING went wrong since then.

      Our DNA is fucked up,and we need it FIXED.

  38. Hostage liberation meditation finnish version:

  39. ASCOM = Commande Ashtar
    L3 = Estação de implantes

  40. Thank you dear💛 Cobra 💛!
    Each progress of Light and Love is greatly appreciated. Congratulations!

    From depth of my Heart with Blessings~~~~~progress on Liberating hostages is very fast and smooth.
    Much Love.
    Victory of the Light 💛



  42. Underwater base housing the artificial grey avatars,cloning humans from abducted humans in order to make a "new human" for archon entities to "wear as a meat suit".

    1. There's not that many Archons. Why would they need to abduct random humans for this? They surely have plenty of perfect cloned bodies already.

  43. It's inevitable that sooner or later, everyone will be coming into contact with vaccinated people. Someone previously replied about suramin, and this person may have been correct. Prepareforchange made an excellent article about pine needle tea, and how it can combat prion disease:

    Thank you Prepareforchange for creating this article! It could end up saving many lives!

  44. Blessings to All Light Workers in Every Realm and Dimension

  45. Imagine the faces of all religion programmed people when they discover there are intelligent beings all over the universe after the event, and they are not devils like their religions tell them.

    1. I say just have ET contact, and if the religious folks can't handle it.....too bad.

    2. I assume you're not talking about Christians, and specifically catholics? Bc even the pope specifically said he would welcome and even baptise aliens. The catholic church is talking about it since 2008. It's not even recent news.

  46. Survey: how much silver does everyone hold?
    What is a reasonable amount to see us thru?


    1. It depends on you! Depending of your life. I will say don't worry to much about it.

    2. @Doug
      You are driving with closed eyes on a highway with 140 Mph and the road ends in 500 meters. How high is your survival rate?

      Love and light! ❤️

    3. I got about 50oz, about 2-3 months salary's worth

    4. Thanks all.. Michael you made me laugh.. driving blind are those who dont ask the questions.. cobra to my knowledge hasnt said how long it might be in terms of how long we may need 3D money we know galactics dont use it. 5D earth not needed.. will anyone even accept silver as currently I cant buy groceries with it.


  48. So if all chimera underground are gone, will we begin to see visible changes in the physical plane?

  49. Yes! Thank you Cobra! VOTL❤️❤️❤️

  50. Quicklines - Compiled by Soren Dreier

    >each line is a link >

    Denmark helped NSA spy on Merkel & other European leaders, new reports reveal, as Snowden says Biden was ‘deeply involved’

    117 employees sue Houston hospital network over vaccination mandate, say they don’t want to be ‘guinea pigs’

    NYC School Enrages Parents Over ‘Masturbation,’ Transgenders, and Consent Classes for First-Graders

    Veterans Speak About Memorial Day: “It’s Not About Us”

    Media admit they made a mistake dismissing Wuhan Lab leak theory just because Trump backed it

    UK Police Raid Purported Cannabis Farm, Find Huge Bitcoin Mine Instead

    Man’s Lung Bursts Pushing His Heart To The Right While Running Wearing A Mask

    COVID Vaccines Must Be ‘Incredibly Safe’ Before Use on Children: UK Minister

    Why Peru is reviving a pre-Incan technology for water

    A rare look at a perilous journey in the Caucasus Mountains

  51. Hell"s Gates spoke at a conference panel entitled “Closing the Global Divide: Health, Education and Technology.” He discussed how the mapping of the human genome would result in a new era of technological breakthroughs and discussed the need to offer internet access to everyone to close the digital divide and allow the “new” internet-based economy to take shape. At the time, Gates was backing a company, along with American Telecom billionaire Craig McCaw, that hoped to establish a global internet service provider monopoly through a network of low-orbit satellites. That company, Teledesic, shut down between 2002 and 2003 and is credited as being the inspiration for Elon Musk’s Starlink.

    Bill Clinton and Bill Gates entered the world of philanthropy around the same time, with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launching in 2000 and the Clinton Foundation, in 2001. Not only that but Wired described the two foundations as being “at the forefront of a new era in philanthropy, in which decisions—often referred to as investments—are made with the strategic precision demanded of business and government, then painstakingly tracked to gauge their success.”

    Other media outlets, however, such as the Huffington Post, challenged that these foundations engaged in “philanthropy” and asserted that calling them such was causing “the rapid deconstruction of the accepted term.” The Huffington Post further noted that the Clinton Global Initiative (part of the Clinton Foundation), the Gates Foundation, and a few similar organizations “all point in the direction of blurring the boundaries between philanthropy, business and non-profits.” It noted that this model for “philanthropy” has been promoted by the World Economic Forum and the Milken Institute. It is also worth noting that several of Epstein’s own “philanthropic” vehicles were also created just as this new era in philanthropy was beginning.

  52. While mainstream media outlets apparently agree that Jeffrey Epstein was a likely factor in the Gates’s recently announced split up, what these same outlets refuse to cover is the real extent of the Bill Gates–Jeffrey Epstein relationship. Indeed, the mainstream narrative holds that Gates’s ties to Epstein began in 2011, despite the evidence pointing to their relationship beginning decades earlier.

    This blanket refusal to honestly report on the Gates-Epstein ties likely is due to Gates’s outsized role in current events, both in terms of global health policy as it relates to COVID-19 and in his being a major promoter and funder of controversial technocratic “solutions” to a slew of societal problems. What is more likely, however, is that the nature of the relationship between Gates and Epstein before 2011 is even more scandalous than what transpired later, and it may have major implications not just for Gates but for Microsoft as a company and for some of its former top executives.

    This particular cover-up is part of an obvious tendency of mainstream media to ignore the clear influence that both Epstein and members of the Maxwell family wielded—and, arguably, continue to wield—in Silicon Valley. Indeed, the individuals who founded tech giants such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, Microsoft, Tesla, and Amazon all have connections with Jeffrey Epstein, some closer than others.

  53. Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal pt 13

    Part 13: Final exposure of Bill Gates. His last evil schemes in the lime-lights...

    By Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter

  54. I'd really love to make a fantasy RPG videogame with anime-style art where the game would be inclusive of both White and Black races featuring playable characters from both colors with a Black Male Main Character, so I hope The Event happens soon so I could recruit willing members for my game project. I'd like it for my game to have aesthetics similar to the Trails of Cold Steel series albeit featuring a Black man as the protagonist. Of course, I want to add Asian characters too other than Black and White ones.

    1. I see that you take the subject of this game very seriously. Do you think people will be playing computer games after the event? after the event, people will have much better technology than what we have now. So even this game should be developed on a different level than the games that exist now. second thing there are already games that are similar to your idea. and the third thing is that people after the event will have other activities to do than playing computer games, for example you will have to take care of your development and your evolution. after the event, we will also have a lot of changes that some people will not be able to cope with and will need help, so I don't think then people will be interested in playing games. idea to create a computer game is a good idea for "now", not to postpone it for "after the event", because after the event it may turn out to be completely unprofitable.I'm sorry but this is my opinion on this subject, I do not want to destroy your dreams, of course you will do as you want

    2. Aaaand his main feature is going to be that he's black? And then you're going to build the story and the whole world around it?
      I mean, sorry, but that's a shitty way to make games, and stories in general. There's just something wrong with this line of thinking.

      Like, you can start with "I want to create a story set in Africa" or "I want my characters to be tribal warriors and shamans". That's a cool and interesting concept that wasn't covered much in RPG games. And their ethnicity would stem from the story and the world you want to create.

      But when you say "First, I want the protagonist to be black", then it's like saying "First, I want the protagonist to wear pink pants. Yes, that's the most important thing. And then I'll build the story and the world around him wearing pink pants."
      Sounds stupid, right? That's because your character's clothes aren't any defining feature. Same with skin color. It's just aesthetics. And it's strange to start thinking about a story from aesthetics. Unless you're going to make a story where race is somehow a key element of it. But from what you're saying, it sounds like the race of your characters won't really matter, and you're just making it for diversity's sake. And that's a terrible way to create a story.

      First, you should start from thinking about a story you want to tell. Then choose race and other aesthetics of your characters accordingly. That way you can create a good and immersive story.

    3. You keep spamming this copypasted message in lots of updates and never bother responding any replies, so I don't get what's your angle with this.

      And like I said before, I don't understand what's keeping you from starting to recruit people and start working on your game right now. If your idea relies on wokeness and racial virtue signaling as its primary defining factors, it will probably become more difficult to recruit people for your project after the Event.

  55. Un message "Mère est ce que les Carrottes sont cuites ?"
    Épuisée .

    1. Intéressante la réponse .

    2. No more. Mother Divine is completely Recharged to Absolute Love Light Strength!
      Any resistance to this happenings is just Futile.

  56. I and I ordered it ✌🏼🎁🌹 Great job everyone! We are highly activated and well connected to the new Web! Felicidades!🎉🎉🎉
    #TheEvent #GreatSolarFlash #SisterhoodoftheRose

  57. So many cloudships in the sky yesterday evening! 😍

    1. I have shared the same experience. Wonderful to see.

    2. Moi un bel orage ,le ciel à gronder hier mais je n'ai pas peur des orages ils m'apaise et surtout j'adore l'odeur de la pluie va comprendre ⛈️

    Wednesday, January 29, 2020

    The Blue Dawn is coming:


  60. I hope there is also something progressing in South Korea...
    People are so deeply brainwashed and oppressed..

  61. Interesting channeling in relation to our meditations for peace in gaza and liberation of hostages from underground bases

  62. Good Luck Ashtar Command! The energy seems clearer now than before, the Light is as clear as can be but the human part of the world is messed up. Thanks to All the warriors who make a difference everyday by maintaining that high level of love and respect.

  63. Good aliens are here, also the bad,but im positive ;)

    1. ETs .. we are them! Our DNA has 22 or more ET races why we are prized as our avatars contain so many races. So obvious earth hs been an experiment on duality and biology

    2. @Unknown

      Big deal....unlike the REAL ET's....we have short lives, we age, we are prone to disease. Our DNA is raped.

      Sorry, but will only mean something when the REAL ET's arrive, and FIX our DNA. I want to be far more than a genetically raped monkey, Unknown.

  64. Finally we are at the finish line.🥳

  65. We finally have reached the finish line.

    1. Pas de premier ,pas de second ,tous gagnants Tous sur le Podium .

  66. Here is a very interesting Youtube video I found that relates to Cobra's intel.

    A brief summary of what its about.

    It talks about Earth being a prison planet controlled by the (Chimera)Draco/Orion Empire. It doesn't talk about the Chimera, but we all know why that might be.

    It talks about the war between the Galactic (Con)federation and the Chimera(Although they claim the Galactic Confederation does not have the military power to defeat the Chimera which is not true)

    It talks about very intense mental programming of the surface population that prevents surface humans from realizing they are in a prison planet.

    It talks about a "alien" facilities in the Himalayas.

    This video seems to be a trailer for a movie. Although I don't agree with everything this video talks about, it is very interesting to see that people are starting to see the real truth about the war for liberation of planet earth.

  67. Today... June 1st I celebrate my 53rd Birthday and it would be an amazing gift to bring about The Event and finally liberate this planet and all beings upon her...
    This of course will continue past today but it would be an AMAZING gift... wouldn't you agree?
    For now though I would l like to share my utmost gratitude with ALL of you for holding the line and holding the light. We're right at the threshold of a beautiful new world now and an incredible life ahead of us. I'm more than ecstatic and excited to fulfill the mission and meet with all of you aboard the ships preparing for our missions back here on Earth to help the second and third waves Ascend. To help change billions of lives in the most beautiful and positive ways is the best gift one can ever ask for.
    God bless ALL of you... thank you COBRA, my fellow Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, The Light Forces, The Resistance Movement, The Galactic Confederation Of Light and Ashtar Command, all the Arch Angels and Ascended Masters as well as the Agarthan Network... and above all thank you God for this opportunity to be apart of this Incredible Movement. You're all amazing and I'm honored to be among all of you to bring about liberation for ALL of creation.
    Keep Your Eyes To The Skies... VOTL


    1. Happy birthday🤗Gemini😄💜
      Dear brother be very well.
      Blessings to you 💜!

    2. Happy Earthday Troy! Thank you for participating in this Hero's Journey! What a ride! Your wish is our command🎁🙏🏼🎉🌟 Galactic Earth 🌎💞 Cosmic Mother

    3. Happy Birthday!!! Thank you for coming here to anchor the Light.

    4. Happy birthday One of 144k, hope we meet soon in 5d! ❤️

      Love and light! ❤️

    5. Awww... you guys are the best... infinite thanks!
      Now... let's help save some hostages and then have The Event... shall we?
      Let's do this ground crew...

      Until WE meet in 5D... your friend and brother


  68. Had a dream where "the sky unraveled like a scroll" or whatever the quote is. Lots of neat stuff on the other side from what I saw briefly. Only a matter of time, aha...

  69. Except everyone keeps forgetting we still have 3+ years of this "story" left to read. Patience is a virtue is the most misunderstood it seems.

    1. If we lived long, and did not age, like the ETs', maybe we would be more patient, but our DNA has been raped and gang banged over the centuries. We need ET contact, and get our DNA FIXED.

      THEN we can be more patient.

    2. No point trying to convince you 😐

  70. On this June 1st it literally feels like something is about to break loose and be exposed. Felt super lethargic yesterday only to suddenly vanish by the evening and what took over was a strange optimistic positive vibe that kept me up playing guitar .today I feel more positive but also nervous as to what is coming. Mabey I'm down to just having 70 ARchons around me and the light is breaking further in. Would be awesome. Votl

    1. Il est temps de rejouer alors la musique guérit bien des maux plus que je ne l'aurais crus ♥

  71. Initializing final phase1 Coded message2
    More codes3
    Activate final Sequence4
    Victory is coming5
    Victory of the Light.

  72. Question for Cobra-is the Event going to happen as soon the Light forces clear ALL chimera bases? And if so does that mean the Event could happen in the month of June ? Or more likely in July ? Please tell us some good news

  73. Ready to set sail

    Cobra on May 6, 2021
    We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars.

    Crop circle on May 10, 2021 with 8 sailboats

    1. Love! Love! Love! Ready to go with the flow in my new spaceship💦⛵ #WaterisLife

  74. Meditate as much as you can people, especially liberating the hostages and removing all dark entities forever! Together we can get the event to happen immediately. Why wait? You know what to do light warriors! See you all at the event soon! Yay!

  75. @AstralTraveler it's fake. I followed their intel on for about a year, and it's useless. I'm glad I haven't bought any of their worthless bonds and devalued currencies.
    There's like 10-20 gurus there, posting the same "intel" every week or so. With dates, with "confirmed sources", and everything to make it sound like the salvation is right behind the corner. Every single week for YEARS it's "just one more week, just a few more days, and everyone will be rich".

    I don't know why they're doing this. But they're hurting people with this fake hope and useless "intel". So many people saying they used their last savings to buy their useless bonds and currencies. So many people saying they'll be on a street if the revaluation doesn't happen within a week or a month. So many people talking about suicides. It's so heartbreaking to read this. If even one of those suicide stories is true, then those gurus (including Kim Goguen) are murderers. They're definitely the most fake and dangerous out of any "intel providers".

  76. Anyone here have information as to when we will meet up with our twin flame? Cobra mentioned relationships will change due to the upcoming events. My current relationship has recently been shaken up a bit. I am wondering if the shake up has anything to with being close to the breakthrough or event?

    1. MINE is on another planet.

    2. Ne t'inquiètes pas trop à ce sujet crois moi retrouver son jumeau
      n'est pas apprécié de tous (DF) il faut vraiment que le lien soit fort pour résister à leur tentative de séparation surtout en ce moment , mais chaque coté féminin retrouvera son coté masculin et ne feront qu'Un .
      Bisous plein d'Amour .

    3. BMFH (Phoenix) English translation:

      Don't worry too much about it believe me to find her twin
      is not appreciated by all (DF) it is really necessary that the bond is strong to resist their attempt at separation especially at this moment, but each feminine side will find its masculine side and will become one.
      Kisses full of Love.

  77. @ Sherman mon ami tu m'amuses ! en effet l'argent n'est pas important juste ce dont tu as besoin dis moi la bague à ta main droite ,elle m'intrigues , ta famille est là juste tu ne la vois pas encore avec ton cœur et ton esprit pas avec tes yeux tu serais surpris tout comme je l'ai été .
    Tellement de courage en toi ,il serait dommage de ne pas le mettre à profil .
    Bisous Phœnix

    1. I translated it for you Sherman:

      Sherman my friend you amuse me! indeed the money is not important just what you need tell me the ring on your right hand, it intrigues me, your family is just there you do not see it yet with your heart and your mind not with your eyes you would be surprised just as i was.
      So much courage in you, it would be a shame not to put it in profile.
      Phoenix kisses

    2. From reverso translation:
      my friend you amuse me! indeed money is not important just what you need tell me the ring on your right hand ,it intrigues me , your family is there right you do not see it yet with your heart and your mind not with your eyes you would be surprised just as I have been. So much courage in you, it would be a shame not to put him in profile

  78. @ Sherman my friend you amuse me! indeed the money is not important just what you need tell me the ring on your right hand, it intrigues me, your family is just there you do not see it yet with your heart and your mind not with your eyes you would be surprised just as i was.
    So much courage in you, it would be a shame not to put it in profile.
    Phoenix kisses

