Thursday, May 6, 2021

Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Light forces have managed to clear all Chimera space fleet, except for a small number of TR-3B and other reverse-engineered craft, operable in suborbital space by the negative military under direct or indirect orders from the Chimera.

A certain number of Chimera underground bases, with most of them not very deeply underground, is still remaining and they are very difficult to clear, because they contain Chimera-controlled Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian and other star race hostages who are controlled and guarded by physical Chimera spiders. Those bases also still host a large amount of captured human children and adults. The main Chimera base under near Bukavu in Congo is still intact with both spider queen and king and a few other Chimera spiders inhabiting it.

Quantum anomaly around Earth is clearing nicely, but with enough remaining anomalous quantum fluctuations very close to the surface of the planet to still prevent physical manifestations of Ascended beings and their Lightships (external merkabas):



Quantum fluctuations directly related to human implants and biochips are clearing better than expected. Spacetime distortion created by the implants and biochips is thus being reduced fast and drastically. This has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotional volatility in the last few weeks. Also, most of the akashic records have been cleared. This does not mean that the recordings of past events have been deleted, the Light forces are only removing all negative energetic and emotional charge of those past events, and it will be thus easier for people to release and forgive.

The total number of negative non-physical entities around the planet has fallen below the psychologically important threshold of one trillion and is still decreasing fast. This practically means that there are only still about one hundred non-physical demonic entities per each incarnated human being, trying to control him and push him to the dark side, which is far better grid ratio than in the past decades since 1996. When the grid ratio falls below 10 non-physical demons per one incarnated human, the brightest and most powerful surface humans are expected to start really waking up from quarantine Earth amnesia.

On the surface of the planet, our meditation for peace in Ukraine has been quite successful and the war has been averted this time:

People are fighting against medical tyranny and there are already large liberated areas such as Florida:

There is a lot of fear-based disinformation circulating on internet of vaccinated people shedding spike proteins and infecting everybody. Spike protein shedding is far less dangerous than many people fear, although it moderately increases the chance of getting prion disease:

Also, vaccines do NOT block your Ascension process, they only decrease your vibration frequency to a degree.

Current vaccines are only a Trojan horse for a potential future technology that the Cabal wants to develop, a biochip that would be inserted into the body and would be tied to a global online digital currency system after the Great Reset for all financial transactions, the so-called “Mark of the Beast”.

DARPA made one step further in this plan by connecting vaccines and biochips:

Needless to say, this “Mark of the Beast” plan will NOT be successful.

Here it is interesting to know that Anthony Fauci, one of the frontmen of the Great Reset, is connected with the Abys family which is a black nobility family from Switzerland:

Abys family was one of the “controllers of Daat”, occultly speaking.

The next phase of the plan of the Great Reset Cabal is to engineer a global cyberattack that would take down the internet, which they would then resurrect with a new online financial system under their control:

All bitcoin, cryptocurrency and Tor fans need to know that Bill Gates has secretly installed a backdoor keystroke logger into all Windows operation systems so the Cabal knows everything about your bitcoin transactions:

Speaking of Bill Gates, the real reason why Melinda divorced him is because she is afraid of the guillotine:

According to sources, the Nuremberg style trials that are approaching will include a public trial of many Cabal members for crimes against humanity which will result in somewhere between 500 and 5000 death sentences. Cabal criminals will be publicly executed mainly in the USA, China, Japan and a fourth country which must not be named. Those criminals will then be gathered on the etheric plane by the Light Forces, will undergo another trial by the Galactic Court at the Ganymede sorting facility and then be processed in the Galactic Central Sun.

Many lesser Cabal criminals will be arrested, then rapidly tried by military courts, then transported off planet by the Resistance and sorted through the Ganymede sorting center. Those among them unable or unwilling to correct their crimes will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring and the rest will be taken to correctional facilities across the Galaxy where they will be able to “work out their karmas”.

About 500,000 Cabal middlemen who were promoting the negative agenda such as corrupt city mayors, lawyers, politicians, bankers, hospital managers, doctors, journalists and even some who were posing as “light workers”, will be arrested at the time of the Event and will serve their term. It is interesting to know that a few past members of my team who betrayed the Light will be among those arrested.

After all this is done, the Light Forces will address so-called injustice nodes and many more people among the surface population who have seriously wronged others will serve their term with house arrest, community work or financial fines.

Here it is important to understand that many past injustices will be settled and healed through truth and reconciliation commissions, through mediation and through forgiveness.

Many people who were incarcerated across the planet for minor offenses such as marijuana possession or petty theft will be released from jail immediately after the Event.

All this will bring much needed closure, so a dark and unjust chapter of human history will close and a new, better one will open.



Next month, a process of partial Disclosure may begin through signs of life detected on Mars through Perseverance NASA rover and through Pentagon UFO files.

Some Disclosure hints are already here:

With less primary anomaly remaining, quarantine Earth is finally opening up, and suborbital flights will be available for the surface population starting from July 20th:

As we are getting closer to the Event, there is much activity behind the scenes in militaries across the planet that can not be reported, except for a few hints here:

You might want to read this sci-fi novel which includes both the pandemic and the Event, and can bring an interesting perspective:

You might practice using the violet flame to purify the energies in those challenging times:

Or plant more cintamani stones in locations worldwide to support the positive energy grid.

A Japanese team has taken this photo of a beautiful Galactic Confederation cloudship after a successful cintamani mission in Aomori, Japan:


Victory of the Light!


  1. Wonderful new update Cobra. Thank you for all the time and effort you devote to this. So many are discovering aspects of the hidden agenda through the v1rus, that perhaps it is backfiring.
    It is important we keep our personal energies buoyant and remember bubbles of heaven are just a few metres away when you are in the countryside.
    Victory to the Light

  2. This is FANTASTIC NEWS COBRA!! Thank you RM and LF for all that you are doing. I know that many, including myself become a bit stressed and discouraged due to the longer periods of silence before new intel can be released but the intel usually doesn't disappoint when it does finally come through.
    Hang in there everyone and hold the line... HOLD THE LIGHT! WE GOT THIS... WE'RE ALMOST HOME! GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!


  3. Wow! Thanks for that uplifting news Cobra. The divine Goddess wants peace and peace it shall be. VOTL!

    1. "The main Chimera base under near Bukavu in Congo is still intact with both spider queen and king and a few other Chimera spiders inhabiting it." So if we all do a global meditation together to clear them out would that speed up the event?


  4. Without having read the update, this is

    Die Liebe

    Love and Light will always find a way and prevail.



    1. Now I've read it and this was sent my way to pass on:

      In Dulci Jubilo

      In sweet jubilation We will be.



      La Fenice ha purificato le ombre del passato
      per trasformato in un bellissimo arcobaleno quindi odio il mio amore, non puoi nemmeno immaginare in che stato mi metti quando accarezzi la rosa in questo modo, infatti se lo immagini molto bene ♥

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Victory of the Light!!! I hope justice is very near.. The central sun is waiting and our liberation party too

  7. I am so touched by this great news. Thank you so much and thank you light forces and galactic federation. We will meet soon and have a great party of joy and love together. Love and Light for all sentient beings in the universe.
    and Vicotry of the Light <3

  8. Fantastic information. For information, Cobra talks about a petition from the military in France.

    To date, despite threats from politicians, approximately 25,000 military personnel have signed the letter, including 68 generals !

    Justice is near. Victory of the LIGHT!

  9. Thank you dear friend. Victory of the Light and Love to All.

  10. Cobra, what will happen to the etheric body of the one whom called herself "Mother God?" and had passed away recently?(In the last month or so.)
    Will this person be taken to the Ganymede sorting facility also? Or will this person's soul be rehabilitated?

    Thank you.

    Victory of the Light!

  11. Very interesting update, thank you. I bet the 4th country is the one im living in: Kanada

  12. Thank you very much, Cobra.

    I'm *very* reassured regarding the fear-mongering around "shedding" that is circulating around the internet. It struck me when I first heard about it, that it was way overblown.

    Thank you.

    1. Logic and reasoning seeing the played out plays...

      It’s so simple when the fear is harnessed. Well done to not get emotional, especially as a healer.

      Much love

  13. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  14. Looks like events are moving along nicely now. When will the truth come out to the public who are sleeping?. Thank you Cobra, and team.💛🧡💚💙💖💕💜❤🖤🌞🙏🌈👍

  15. Fantastuc news expected since a long time.
    Thank you very much.

  16. Amazing news.

    "Controllers of Da'at"? Does that mean they 'Guard' the secrets of Atlantis, along with the Aldobrandini family?


    After the event or even before, do the forces of light allow anyone who wants to die voluntarily and end their life?

    1. You'd be missing out on the best time in Human History.

    2. It’s a freewill system, drop the hammer... wish a few more had your balls. Strap a whole bunch of hotdogs on your chest and run at the White House. Least the news will be worth watching. Especially if you’re right and I’m wrong, they might tractor beam up.

      What the hell did you all put in our Kool-aide.


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Hold on, after the Event all traumas and alikes will be healed, I don't see the point of ending your life at that point.

    5. Imho Dennis i think is hard for some to envision that a better life would or could follow...

      If we all would remember who we are i am sure many would probably change their minds in ending the life.

    6. When you got folks WANTING to die, you know this world's fucked up.

      Hope the light forces get the good stuff here, fast, or folks like Emperor gonna be commonplace.

  18. Thank you for the Update. At some days the sky is full of cloudships. This gives me strength! 💖

  19. victory of the light! I hope the light forces end this coronavirus dictation soon .. more and more people and especially children are getting sick :(

  20. mass arrests and disclosure will make things easy for LF, as we humans need just some evidences so to be persuated and wake up.. especially now when we are all not so good, a slap will start the domimo.. so simple just a hint.. many thanks

    1. No 'hints', give full, hardcore, in your face stuff.

      No more pussyfooting.

  21. Yes, “This has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotional volatility in the last few weeks”, could be seen.

    And: I am excited about: “physical manifestations of Ascended beings”

  22. Wow such a great post, thanks cobra.


    1. Hey Brandon! Good to see you. Are you alright=

  23. German translation of this article:

  24. Thank you dear Cobra, much Love!
    Thank you RM and Light Forces for all you do!
    This are truly best news...It is great to know that we also stopped ww3.
    I was in Meditation Battle Stations Mode :-) for two months, doing huge amount of our Meditations daily, primarily Goddess Vortex, Peace Meditation, Flower of Life and some others. I am so very exhausted but deeply grateful and happy.
    Victory of the Light!

  25. En castellano, en español:
    También estamos haciendo sesiones de disolución de implantes en Español y otros idiomas! :D :

  26. Getting closer, after the Light achieves final victory we'll be shocked at just what odds and darkness we overcame! I'll be ready to go back to Sirius for a nice, well earned rest and vacation. Hold the line shiny star-peeps, just a little further! Thanks for the info/update Cobra.

  27. Let's gooooo
    Lock them all. Free this realm.

  28. Yesterday a good friend of mine told about the lost of a good friend of his, telling me this friend died of Corona. He just used some words to describe the devastating status of his friend.
    But I recognized it from older books, this friend died of AIDS.

  29. Very interesting update. Thank you Cobra and light forces!

  30. Any explanation as to why 90% of Singaporeans chose to take that Contact Tracing system with bluetooth and now any place with a Safe Entry system will not allow you in without that system? I would have liked to see more explanation on this.

    The reason why 'fear based disinformation' exists is because nothing can be trusted at this point. Scientists on our side against the vaccine are working with end-result evidence like monstrous 'deciduous cast' sheddings of uterine walls experienced in women who didn't have the vaccine but mixed with those who had, indicating a form of airborne transmission. Because they have chosen to work on the right side of things, they don't have the sufficient funding and research to find things out and portray an accurate picture, leading to the rest of us having to conjecture worst case scenarios.

    Also after reading this, there doesn't seem to be anything on vaccine connected deaths.

    Sorry I won't be playing the forgiveness game. I consider house arrest, community service and/or financial fines (who I believe I expect they will be getting if this system is as fair as they claim it is) an easy get-out-of-jail card. I won't bore people with the details, but I have been through enough and I intend to collect that debt with 100% interest.

  31. Como digerir que para cada um de nós Existem 100 deles? Como comemorar isso como Vitória da Luz?

  32. We are now is very near to the event. Victory of the light!

  33. Thank you for the update.

    I love you Old Man, really do miss you pops...
    -Son Goku

  34. The blog mentioned that the vaccine lowers vibration although doesn't block ascension.

    However has this been addressed?

    French Healer's experiences with the soul being disconnected from the body:

  35. you'll never walk alone
    Victory of the Light

  36. Thank you...

    ❗ Please keep these coming more often - even if it is just minor changes. It really sparks our collective flame. More than you know!


  37. can lightforces invent a new version of stardust technology to deal with the pandemic in India?

  38. ✴⚡

    PS - Very interesting to see "Grid Ratio" mentioned at last.

    Is this the same Grid Ratio (failure) etc. that has been referred to in all the past posts? 😉

    What do you guys think . . . ?


  39. 1 QUESTION: how is possible that some soft disclosure would leave throught the controlled NASA and Pentagon?

    1. NASA.....always LYING.

      Look at their god damn Brookings Report.

    2. There are white hats working there and infiltrating their ranks. Also, more and more military men are choosing to change sides because they see their inevitable defeat.

  40. Many thanks Cobra for this uplifting news.❤️

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.


  42. Good article. It will be cool to see the wisdom of higher beings in action. To have ideas and events make sense. Growing up on Earth you just get used to most ideas being word salad. You hear people on TV and real life and it's gibberish. Policy and law make no sense. I bet it will be very different to have real logic running things.

  43. wow so now the total number of negative entities is about seven hundred billion?

    1. Yes, below a trillion. So something like seven to nine hundred billion.

      Cobra said this in the last planetary situation update in on March 31:
      "On the etheric and astral planes close to the planetary surface, the Light forces are also clearing negative entities that are still oppressing humanity. There are still trillions upon trillions of those entities present, and they need to be removed along with their negative etheric scalar technologies before any meaningful breakthrough can happen."

      So even if "trillions upon trillions" meant only two trillions, then clearing one trillion took only a little over a month. So at this pace we should reach the goal of "fewer than 10 entities per each human" in the middle of June.

  44. cobra vouching for rawrealnews? Has Hilary been executed??? Podesta on trial now...huma and comey to come??? If so this is very good news....this may be part of the package that is aired after the event. If the executions are done and only the actors remain...people can’t really protest can they?

    1. There are evidence of at least 4 Hillarys. Clones, body doubles, idk.

    2. @Dennis

      My question is WHY are these duplicates ALLOWED to roam free?

    3. But there’s only one soul, (if she’s even human anymore). If that’s gone to the central sun the doubles are just a joke, like the one they brought out in the day if her execution. Several inches shorter than the original. But if comey is there and is giving evidence about Barak??? Remove that player and Biden has no one to tell him what to say. Then of course they force “Biden” to quit and bring in kammy.

  45. Victory of the Light!!!
    Love and Light!!!

  46. Thank God, finally a new sitrep!! Been checking this site every day for last 2 weeks, hoping for this. Glad to hear that everything is progressing. I knew that Ukraine war would never happen, but thanks for clarification on the vaccines. Some of the vaxx whistleblowers are predicting millions of deaths of vaccinated people next fall - winter but I don't see it happening.Too many lightworkers in too much fear thinking that "the bad guys" are winning! The biggest viral trend on the planet is The Great Awakening!! FYI, I have regular free group distant healing sessions in which I channel my Angelic Liquid Light Healing modality contact me via my site VOTL!!

  47. super primo cosmic brilliance lightforces operations ongoing-bravo zulu all lightforces members at all levels here in theatre of war operations.....

    hats off to cobra for dialing up the best intel available to the earth surface population for many years now.....bravo zulu chef.....

    and great to hear the real death sentences manifesting for the dark force operatives are quite small in numbers relatively speaking - the lightforces way - a much kinder gentler machine gun hand maintaining adheremance to galactic codex laws-the highest law doctrine in the galaxy.....

    we end very soooooon dark force often pseudo and satanic driven justice systems here on earth - that send peoples to draconian style prisons,when often no breech of any natural law has been violated.....

    absolutley - the release of millions of illegally incarcerated peoples all over the earths surface in process.....

    we have massive works we can do - including opening up many healing and recovery centres that offer real medicines and real spiritual teachings and such,real educations offered on natural laws and the true science of the multiverse - so healing of the peoples including those being released after being subjected to violations/defilements harms of all sorts,that are by diabolical driven designs - incorporated into these draconian prison systems on earth and beyond.....

    even with massive suppression ongoing of medical technologies and real medicines-we can set up excellant healing centres with whats available for use presently-such as -----ortho molecular medicine,chlorine dioxide, medicine teas like chinese lily flower tea to cleanse the digestive system,chinese guava tea to maintain optimum bloodsugar levels etc.....

    and advancing more each day now on earth plasma technologies,light and frequency healing technologies,even early medbed technologies are manifesting now .....tachyon healing chambers thanks to the chief and other groooooovy pleidiuns.....

    nootropic supplements that are becoming better and more available each day-like zeta xr.....etc etc etc etc etc-and more
    and more and more of the surface population utilizing meditation as a major apparatus for healing,enlightenment,communicating etc.....

    teachings of the true science of the multiverse as being made available more to the masses each day-just study cobras massive works here and your mind will continue to be blown in a positive way.....hahahahaha.....

    enough of my rant - the aquarious energies are quite lovely i would propose......hahahahaha.....

  48. 1/3

    Sorcery Mind Control

    The themes primarily showing themselves in the outer environment are the same patterns which lead to growing and feeding Victim-Victimizer (V-V) collective archetypal forces which trigger an assortment of ego defense mechanisms in individuals. When we digress into V-V patterning, usually the controlling type of personality will come in for a targeted attack to add more pressure or intimidation tactics through emotional manipulation in order to get what they want. We can observe that when the sorcerer archetype does not get what he/she wants, they will resort to an assortment of other types of more sophisticated manipulation; gaslighting, DARVO, humiliation, bullying, persecution and more.

    The level of sorcery mind control that is being used by sorcerers to subjugate the masses to accept a genocidal agenda is at an all time high.

    The sorcerer comes in many forms; celebrity, authority figure, politicos, influencers, social media, leaders, organized groups, people around us, etc. The sorcerer is a vampire conjurer of the V-V collective forces in which they receive emotional payoff and feed off of the negative emotional energy when it is triggered in people around them. These collective archetypal forces can become the source of our inner emotional triggers and are commonly embedded upon unhealed emotional wounds that surface into the conscious mind in the use of language that has energy manipulation signature. Manipulation can be very subtle and/or very obvious, manipulation and coercion are tactics used to gain control over others.

    There is a heavy price to pay for emotional manipulation of others, either with intent to do so, or unconsciously. Engaging in subtle manipulation of others can yield a train wreck of issues that will explode into chaos for the purpose of learning life lessons. It is wise to avoid using any kind of emotional manipulation and to become aware of any such tendencies, which is usually the ego letting us know that we are feeling fearful or insecure.

    The manipulation signature that is in use on the collective consciousness to push victims and victimizers is so very sneaky, so very twisted and anti-human. It feeds upon our unhealed fears, self doubts, lack of trust, and feelings or beliefs of low self esteem that rely on outer appearances rather than truth and authenticity. The more of this negative emotional content that remains unhealed as the pain body, the easier you are to manipulate and control. The Controllers and the NAA entities know this well and will attack our weakest links which are generally connected to primal survival thinking.

    The sorcerer archetypes are casting spells on people's minds, repeating the same nonsensical drivel over and over again to gain our submission and feed the flames of fear and self doubt. Stay strong and do not succumb to this spellbinding, stay away from the sorcerer types as their job is to invert your mind, invert your thoughts and invert your spiritual connection.

    We may need to be brave and see clearly that sorcerer types may be false friends and even family and loved ones, people who have been recruited by their own fears and thus take the place of the sorcerer to spread his inverted mind and inverted beliefs for self imposed slavery.

    1. My gf of 16 years is one of the worst sorceress' I know. But it's good practice lol. Keeps one on one's toes and always a reminder that darkness never sleeps, never stops and never cares. Unless it's to gain advantage of course. Often times, competitive people carry manipulation like a jacket.

  49. 2/3

    As an example of dark portal people being weaponized for committing sorcery for the sorcerer, there has been a pattern of V-V enforcement through the fear based. I notice they parrot the anti-Christ mind control and have a response for every statement made as to why you won't be getting the toxic injection. The retort is telling an individual (adult or child) to go sneak off and get the shot and not tell their partner, spouse or family. They are bribing children and adults to get the shot. Every opportunity to generate breaches of trust and wedges between close family members, parents and children are being used, this is to isolate and destroy family bonds. Make sure that you have a honest and clear communication with close loved ones, especially kids. This is pure evil at work, see it for what it is and its loses power.

    The tale of the Evil Magician was mentioned by Gurdjieff in Ouspensky's book In Search Of The Miraculous. It well illustrates the current events of mind control propaganda being used by black magicians and sorcerers to trick humanity and control their perception.

    There was an evil magician. He lived deep in the mountains and the forests, and he had thousands of sheep. But the problem was that the sheep were afraid of the magician because every day the sheep were seeing that one of them was being killed for his breakfast, another was being killed for his lunch. So they ran away from the magician's ranch and it was a difficult job to find them in the vast forest. Being a magician, he used magic.
    He hypnotized all the sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it.
    He then told different some, "You are a man, you need not be afraid. It is only the sheep who are going to be killed and eaten, not you. You are a man just like I am." Some other sheep were told, "You are a lion -- only sheep are afraid. They escape, they are cowards. You are a lion; you would prefer to die than to run away. You don't belong to these sheep. So when they are killed it is not your problem. They are meant to be killed, but you are the most loved of my friends in this forest." In this way, he told every sheep different stories, and from the second day, the sheep stopped running away from the house.
    They still saw other sheep being killed, butchered, but it was not their concern. Somebody was a lion, somebody was a tiger, somebody was a man, somebody was a magician and so forth. Nobody was a sheep except the one who was being killed. This way, without keeping servants, he managed thousands of sheep. They would go into the forest for their food, for their water, and they would come back home, believing always one thing: "It is some sheep who is going to be killed, not you. You don't belong to the sheep. You are a lion -- respected, honored, a friend of the great magician." The evil magician's problems were solved and the sheep never ran away again.

  50. 3/3

    The tale of the Evil Magician is analogous to the concept of the architect in the artificial mind control programs that are feeding the synthetic AI Matrix. This architect is the False Father God of the synthetic AI Matrix and in charge of the mind control programs that keep people in a state of fear, sleep and consciousness slavery. In the Castaneda books, the idea is similar to that of the dark predators who feed off the unaware humans of the world. Don Juan explains that:

    "We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners.' They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them."
    The crux of the matter on which the whole ploy of the dark magician and his sorcery rests is humanities gullibility, complacency and tendency to wishful thinking which produce cognitive dissonance when faced with painful truths. The Gurdjieffian cosmogony traces these features to the organ kundabuffer or negative ego, implanted into man by fallen angels at the dawn of time to keep man producing vibrations for the Moon, which had accidentally broken loose and needed to be thus fed to prevent further disaster. The organ kundabuffer or negative ego makes humans see all as pleasure, to see the small as great and the great as small and for all intents and purposes see himself as privileged and immortal. This is similar to Castaneda's description of the predator's mind. The so-called rising kundalini is just a remnant of the power of illusion used by the dark magician to make sheep think they are magicians themselves, Gurdjieff tells us. These are all traps of an undisciplined mind and dominate ego filter which block authentic higher consciousness from embodying.

    Any variety of disciplines may be applied towards the setting of spiritual goals to achieve greater ego transcendence and spiritual embodiment.

    One must comprehend that you can end the dark consequences of the negative ego filter and consciousness blocking with the three main factors which will cause the revolution of the individual's consciousness.

    These three factors are:

    Death of the Ego and animal nature, the Psychological “I”
    Birth of the Spiritual Being (Inner Christ) within us
    Service to Others or Law of One practices as a lifestyle
    The ego dies based on rigorous creative comprehension of these larger truths. The Inner Christos being is born within us during our hierogamic union with divinity or embodied Hieros Gamos. The Service to Others path is being of service with unconditional love, and naturally flowing in the moment. The energy exchange made between participants being of service to others, amplifies and expands consciousness growth like no other method. The more you amplify the energetic field of being in service to others, the more joy, harmony and spiritual gifts will be brought into your life. The more service you dedicate to Gods plan, the Law of One, the more spiritual support and spiritual presence one can exchange with God Force.

    Take what is necessary for your spiritual growth and discard the rest.

    ~ Lisa Renee

  51. my physical body is becoming healthy more and more, even not full healthy . but it is a good sign!!
    our solar system is becoming lighter and lighter, some part of light is out of our eyes can see and lightmaps ,,but some people can feel it !!!Animals and plant also.
    life is becoming more …more…more
    then i know we are near by the event.
    when we/god/whole/oneness know it happened.
    it happen ! !!
    thanks for all tears,lover,hearts,


  52. cats on mars.....

    their are cats on mars i would propose....

    (40 to 50 earth pounds) in weight -mars cats,medium to dark beige brown in color,with thin black stripes running from head to tail in direction....

    these mars cats pound for pound are very strong and also very fast at the same time,and showing exceptional stealth like abilities also.....

    they have the speed of the cheetah and the strength of the leopard.....

    the mars cats reside at southern equitorial regions of mars-not operating up north yet.....

    these cats are great hunters,their prey include insectoids that are about a foot and a half tall,2 and a half feet long and a and about 2 feet wide,,,,,

    the cat hunts like their cousins on earth do of course-with stealth technology employed in sneaking up on the intended prey.....

    when the cat deems itself to be close enough to its intended prey-it accelerates at initial and final velocity speeds that are very impressive to us terras.....

    the cat then jumps onto the top of the insectoid-and as quickly as can be mustered gets its claws into the insect so as not be thrown off(as does happen sometimes and some of those times the cat becomes the prey).....

    then the cat carves into the base of the neck area located in the upper section of the top part of the insectoid.....when this operation is done effectively it mortally wounds the insectoid, the fastest way for the cat to neutralize the prey,and reduce the risk of being injured or killed by the insectoid that is exceptioanlly strong of course-not unlike an ant on earth lifting an object many times their bodyweight.....

    we sooooon visit again off earth,including our mars families of cats and insectoids and reptilians,and humans of course etc.....hahahahaha.....

    1. Many old comics, and old view master reals shown relics on mars, like the face and cities, but also statues of pussy cats.

  53. Victory of The Light ! Hope the Event happens as soon as possible so I can assemble a "dream team" project to make a Fantasy RPG videogame with a Black Protagonist and diverse party members ! :D

  54. Wooow.

    Okee that's a great clear and honest update. This is praticly a perfect uptade in the sense that you provide us with all of the subjects we were hoping for and we NEEDED.

    I really good work Cobra. Thank you.

    I wish the light forces will find a way to save the ostages.

  55. This Cobra new update declares the severe aspect of The Source.It is a great interpretation of Kabbalah fifth Sephirot Geburah. My concern is that exposing the existence of galactic correctional facilities may provoke some blog followers’ religious trauma, because the existence of such an institution implies the rationality of the purgatory doctrine in the Catholic teachings, as if "Unconditional forgiveness of saving grace" does not so free of charge.
    However, after this process of accepting the truth and transforming, the righteous people on the surface who are truly struggling for liberation will feel strong peace of mind. On the contrary, those hypocrites will feel ashamed. It's time to separate wheat and tares!
    The implement of the sacred severe law is a process of purification and refinement, but real gold is not afraid of fire.
    Another point I think it is necessary to remind is the self-righteousness of human nature.Since it has been solemnly stated this time that even lightworkers who acted recklessly may also be tried, some people who think they understand the whole situation may convict others for this. I hope that the lightworkers team on the surface can learn about the godliness and awe of religious believers, admit their blind spots in knowledge, and maintain cognitive openness. Never put yourself in the position of law enforcement.
    This update also reflects that the Galactic Alliance and the Resistance Movement have become more aware that the reason why the surface has fallen to such a situation is not only the responsibility of the dark forces such as Chimera and the Archon, but also the free will of the native population of the planet. But I hope the light forces can better understand that blaming a specific thing or person for negative consequences and nailing it to a pillar of shame is not an advanced way of thinking.Everyone actually has unlimited potential to make things better. Yes, I'm talking about someone who can stop the Hungarian couple from getting worse.
    At the same time, the earth’s native humans cannot be held irresponsible for the sufferings of the earth just because of their relative weak of streghth. Many people are indifferent to justice. Their insensitive performance is precisely endorsing the Catholic doctrine of original sin of human nature.Since only the armed sanctions recorded in religious scriptures can awaken the conscience of human beings on earth, I suggest that the light forces can play the role of God in the Old Testament when necessary——If they have been deemed to be incurable.
    The light forces must not only supervise the behavior of the lightworkers, but also supervise every human on the surface. When the intolerable things they do reach a certain critical mass, it is necessary to take coercive measures against them.For example, domestic abusers and people who regard lightworkers as cult members and violate their legal rights.
    The following two cases can well reflect the degree of evil deeds of surface humans:
    Yuzhang Academy: a real hell on earth
    Lin xi's Gel-cloth Doll Room
    It is hoped that the light forces will pay more attention to the pervasive evil in the normal surface humans, rather than dissatisfied with the imperfectism of lightworkers, otherwise it will form a vicious circle and make people afraid to assume greater missions and responsibilities.It is time for the Galaxy Court to improve their trial standards and judicial practices.
    Absolute and idealized sacred justice is our common aspiration.I hope to see the fulfillment of the virtue of The Source in the Great Judgment.

    Victory of the Light!

    1. And, and end up with more disgruntled starseeds if not careful.

  56. There are already many people out there who convey the fear of vaccines. We, who know the existence of the universe, should tell more about the great beings that protect us from it and the spectacular scenes of encountering such beings rather than the fear of vaccines. It's a difficult job, but at least around me, it's becoming easier to convey it.

    1. When the Fukushima nuclear power plant was damaged by the big earthquake, two miracles happened. One is that when the fuel rods that collapsed at Unit 4 were about to ignite, water flowed in from the pool at the top with good cracks. Moreover, they forgot to remove the water from this pool during the inspection four days ago. Another miracle happened at Unit 2. When the reactor was on the verge of a steam explosion, the reactor cracked and the steam escaped. Without these two miracles, Japan's land would have been uninhabitable. I think these two miracles can be a good source of information about the higher beings that intervene in catastrophic events.

    2. Good luck getting anyone to believe it without proof.

  57. Victoire de la lumière! Here's some more interesting information about war liberation.

  58. I like the image of the merkabas. Like a multidimensional hot air balloon.

  59. When are we going to do another mass meditation Cobra? Like the last December? Thanks, VotL.

    1. Seems like it's not necessary now. Or maybe even not necessary anymore, since we successfully anchored the Aquarius energies last year. Now we just have to let those energies work and see the results.

      With swift progress on the remaining Chimera, the primary anomaly, and negative entities, our meditations probably wouldn't have any significant effect anymore. It's probably the most important to just keep peace on the planet to buy the LFs another few months to finish their job and let the Event happen.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Thank you Cobra, for your tireless work

    VOTL !!!!!

  62. Twice I've seen Sacha Stone on pics where he wears Red Shoes. I've reported that but he keeps coming up. Does anyone know why? He seems to know a lot but so does Cabal, 'more about you than you know yourselves'.


      #355 from March 8, 2021

    2. I looked 3k but don´t see anything of value. But its nothing special. That´s why I avoid english...

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I think that 100 mother fuckers around me will all be good ppl in the near future, I want to smoke with them. Happy.... VTOL!

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I don't agree with that. It is surprising that warning voices keep appearing when energy work is called for, due to which insecure people stop the work. For example, when I said something about the Flower of Life, someone replied that you must not make a circle around the Flower of Life, otherwise the energy would not come out. I did not agree with that, and did not notice any negative consequences.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Seems like a very positive update, despite the underground base issue. Thanks to Cobra and LF. But I do have some issues with the post.

    "Spacetime distortion created by the implants and biochips is thus being reduced fast and drastically. This has resulted in a significant decrease of human emotional volatility in the last few weeks."

    Really? Not noticing or feeling this at all. If anything people have been crazier and more aggressive than ever around here. Just one example out of many: There was a mass murder in a daycare center by a knife-wielding nutjob a few days ago, with several little children murdered.

    Or could this mean that negative archon people and animal/plant spirit NPCs, will show their true savage nature more often?

    "Also, most of the akashic records have been cleared. This does not mean that the recordings of past events have been deleted, the LF are only removing all negative energetic and emotional charge of those past events, and it will be thus easier for people to release and forgive."

    Thanks for addressing these concerns. Release, yes. But forgive? If this is about the cabal, hell no.

    "The next phase of the plan of the Great Reset Cabal is to engineer a global cyberattack that would take down the internet (...)"

    Speaking of this, the Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 anime series which I've just finished watching, portrays a post-great reset world (in the series it's called the "Simultaneous Global Default"). All debts were forgiven, but all bank accounts were also wiped out so most people ended up with nothing. Most currencies became completely worthless or suffered hyperinflation. Elderly retired people suffered the most. Soft disclosure.

    "According to sources, the Nuremberg style trials that are approaching (...) will result in somewhere between 500 and 5000 death sentences."

    "About 500,000 Cabal middlemen who were promoting the negative agenda (...) will be arrested at the time of the Event and will serve their term."

    These parts are concerning, because I'm getting the feeling the LF might still end up being too lenient.

    About the 500k middlemen number, some clarification please. Is this only Cabal people fully aware or with a good idea of the DF plans? Or it's also people working for the Cabal with little or zero insider knowledge? If it's the latter, 500k middlemen sounds an unrealistically small number. I'd estimate between 2 to 5 million Cabal middlemen worldwide. And trust me, many of them are monsters that would have done exactly the same as the top Cabal members if given the chance. About 50000 death sentences would be more realistic.

    "Many people who were incarcerated across the planet for minor offenses such as marijuana possession or petty theft will be released from jail (...)."

    Concerning. LF are beginning to sound like cultural marxist liberals. "Minor offenses" are a relativistic concept; what's a "minor offense" for you, might not be for me. We'd need a good definition of what "marijuana possession" (i.e., how much of it?) and what "petty theft" mean first.

    Which takes me to another point: One issue that I've never seen being addressed, is what's going to be the fate of the incarnated demons that may or may not be working for the Cabal but make lives of peaceful people miserable? Like violent carreer street criminals who terrorize, rape and kill without remorse, in fact they revel doing so, in order to steal purses, phones, cars, burglarize houses, kidnap people for ransoms, and deal hard drugs? Members of violent gangs and drug cartels? If all these monstrous psychopaths end up getting is a slap in the wrist through these so-called "injustice nodes", just because they have nothing to do with the Cabal, I will probably lose all trust and faith in the LF. Personally, I'd say they all should also be executed in the physical plane, and then let them be judged in the etheric plane.

    1. @Arrow

      ANY weed posssion should not be an issue. Before the 20th century, having weed was no big deal.

      the war on drug was a war on people, and all it did was destroy lives and make a handful of people mega rich, on BOTH sides of this so-called 'war on drugs'.

    2. I'm a conservative-leaning libertarian who hates marxism and any form of government control with a cold passion. And I'd release ALL perpetrators of victimless crimes. It's NOT a crime if you're not hurting anyone except yourself. I've never done any drugs, but I'll support people's freedom to put whatever they want in their bodies. You can mutilate yourself, drink poison, or even try to commit suicide and it's not a crime. So why should be possessing or taking any drugs be considered a crime? Just punish people if they hurt anyone while on drugs. Maybe even give them more severe punishments for committing crimes on drugs, just like causing car accidents while drunk. But don't punish people for doing to their body whatever they want. That's a slavery. Because the politicians assume they own your body.

    3. @Sherman

      I am willing to make concessions for leniency on marijuana. I have consumed it several times during my senior high school and college years, and I do know it has beneficial effects on the mind and body. My issue with marijuana is the same with alcohol: Most people don't know how to consume it responsibly, and that's why I've always been against legalizing recreational consumption (that's a position I already held when I was younger and consumed it ocasionally). And despite counterarguments from its defenders, it IS a gateway drug, at least in our present societal strcuture and implant-controlled population. Alcohol is actually much worse and I think the ban on alcohol is one of the very few things islamic countries do right. Maybe after the event it will be okay to legalize marijuana, but many marijuana dealers are linked with violent, brutal organized drug cartels and should pay for their actions.

      As for the war on drugs, ignoring all the US gov and CIA foul play on their distribution, don't forget about the hard drugs like cocaine, heroin and crack. These drugs are really evil, have destroyed families and killed countless people.

  69. "Next month, a process of partial Disclosure may begin through signs of life detected on Mars through Perseverance NASA rover and through Pentagon UFO files."

    On this subject, I'll just copypaste one comment I wrote in early April:

    'I mean, the US gov and military as of late just outright admit that surfacing UFO videos are real. Now we're seeing them publicly admitting stuff that just 20 years ago could get people gaslighted or disappeared by MIBs or killed under dubious circumstances like Bill Cooper. Could you believe this hapenning just 10 years ago?

    What puzzles me is the current lack of public interest. Stuff related to UFOs that 20 or 10 years ago would be making headlines on media and be receiving a lot of buzz, is often published as just a footnote. It wouldn't require much - just the US government and military admitting some UFO videos are real and confirmed to be crafts of unknown origin, decades ago would've been a huge scandal that would be in main headlines for weeks on end. Instead, this kind of event just gets lukewarm reactions now.

    Sometimes I wonder if it's because sheeple are so glued to their smartphones and celebrity gossip that they don't care about anything else anymore, and are burned out with information overload. Even if Pleiadians landed on their backyard, they would just grow bored and annoyed that they had to take their attention away from their Cabal hypnosis devices for a minute.'

    1. Maybe for those not so glued to their smartphones their lives at this point in time have more immediate concerns than a motorised frisbee.

    2. Let pleidian ship land, and I GO WITH THEM. THAT is what I have been waiting for since I was an 11 year old kid in 1991.

      Also, we need FULL disclosure, not soft.

    3. I believe Spec has a point. Whether people see (from a distance) or hear of UFO has made no tangible difference in their daily life. They have heard of its existence .. n nothing come of it that shows a clear impact. They still have to pay bills.

      However if there is mass landings of course their focused would b different.

    4. @Spec Ops

      Good point. Still, even taking that in consideration, I do find the apathy at least a bit puzzling.


      We're obviously only getting full disclosure after the Event.

  70. It is interesting to know that a few past members of my team who betrayed the Light will be among those arrested.

    Hum... can anyone explain?

    1. Cobra?

      People have to know!
      Is it a likelihood that some or more lightworkers or lightwarriors, or starseeds, or so on...,
      is it a likelihood that they cross to the darkness??

      People have really the right to understand!!

    2. @Unknown

      It's like the Darth Vader story.

    3. this is an old story cobra already addressed years ago.
      there are no new betrayals, so dont worry ;)

    4. It is my understanding that the Hungary hmm i forget the term. Portal.. was cleared by the Cobra n his team effort. However apparently some people within his group started to use their influence to bring doubt (including character assasination) n ultimately bring down the worked done..

      I dont recall details .. best is someone provides link.

      I think hungary is an important layline /energy vortex.

      ... someone please correct me if im wrong

  71. Thank you Cobra. Dude I am starving. Please ask the Resistance to start food relief operations for us starving lightworkers. Surely it must be safe enough to do so now. I keep fantasising these days about a gesture operated holographic replicator which materialises food for me. THAT would be one handy gadget to have on hand now.

    1. In India it's getting difficult to get food at some places. Police and local people are giving hassles to people without masks threatening with fines or jail. These lockdowns and medical measures must ebd now

  72. Victory of the Light! breaking dawn❤

  73. Thank you Cobra. Dude, can't you ask the RM to arrange food relief ops for starving light workers. Surely, it must be safe to do that now.

    I keep fantasising about a gesture driven holographic replicator that materialises food for me. THAT would be one cool gadget to have on hand now.

  74. Thanks for this update, Cobra.

    Very intense.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. If you are referring to this:
      "About 500,000 Cabal middlemen who were promoting the negative agenda such as corrupt city mayors, lawyers, politicians, bankers, hospital managers, doctors, journalists and even some who were posing as “light workers”, will be arrested at the time of the Event..."

      I think you may have missed the part "after The Event"

      U need to understand that at The Event.. it means that there is no hostage control mechanism in place to prevent the planet from being liberated fully. People will be affected in many levels... not to mention a boost in vibration. Full disclosure will happen no matter what

  76. Thank you Cobra for the update.
    French translation

    Traduction du post en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  77. Best update ever! Ultra positive! My heart aches for the galactic races children and adults being held by the chimera in the underground bases. May they be rescued as soon as possible! Cobra thank you!

    Galactics THANK YOU!


  78. Looks like the whey protein isolate was very harmful as a primary protein source. Discontinued.

    Is there any cure for prion disease? Every search I do says there is absolutely no cure. I am constantly in close contact with vaccinated people at my job so this poses a huge problem. If I die from it at least I'll know it's not my damn fault. Actually I probably won't know that if I get it ;)

  79. "...although it moderately increases the chance of getting prion disease."

    If you used the word "mildly" or "barely" instead of "moderately" I would feel much better :(

  80. Hey Cobra..I am wearing Mask & gonna take Vaccine..Please tell your LF to stop me if they can!!

    1. People like you are a big part of the problem. That's why this insane medical tyranny keeps going on

    2. In my country (Poland) there is a saying: "Głupich nie sieją. Głupi się rodzą", which means:"They don't sow the dumb. The dumb are born"

      Please, please, please, do EXACTLY what you really want.

    3. You wanna take the shot, go ahead....I won't stop you, I'm done trying to save folks.

  81. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. They have all the right to bring justice

    2. The ascended beings will not kill anyone, but as you know people from earth are mostly far from being ascended, and they want justice for the oppressors. That's the return of the karma for the oppresors. That's how the karma works. The ascended being certainly knows that if you try to guard someone from his karma, that he earned, you are taking his karma onto yourself. So they will not interfere.
      So, are you interfering, or are you allowing for the karma to take place?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Are you joking?

      Stop thinking you are living in dysneyland. Wake up.

      I really want to see what you will do if the cabal go against lightworkers.

      If they go into your house to kill you, what you do??

      Give them flowers??????

      You are really living a total liberal no sense mentality.

      They kill babies murder for pleasure, rape and torture millions of people if we count all these years.

      They kill millions of US!

      if we go soft they will take advantage and primary anomaly will still be their in earth.

      Wake up.

      I think you quite don't understand that they will execute them and being taken by the light forces. That's just a body and i am sure they will do it in a soft manner.

      So please stop with this.

      Stop thinking because a good person kill a bad one the good one will be exactly like the bad.

      That's just a wrong no sense mentality.

      When you act and take the decisions and free will to kill you have to accept the consequences.

      What you want???? Let them in a prison for life, they will die to you know.

      Better kill them now to impeach and create more problems in the future.

      We need to clear the surface.

      What do you think the light forces do we they clear something????

      They take them and some go to the central sun!!!

      This is a excellant way to clear the cabal the most rapidly possible. This will create a state of consciousness and will clear the primary anomaly more rapidly. Do you know that these people are so full of primary anomaly that can affect the earth grid?

      You have to understand that the light forces can't directly arrive and take them.

      The only solution is that they die and then the light forces will take care of them.

      What do you think the light forces have done to the native reptilians(humain form - vempire)????

      They eliminated them with sonic weapons. They kill them because if not, if we were in another time line you will be eaten for dinner alive my friend!

      These people are the people that even after the event wil refuse to go to the light, even if the light ask them if they want to return in the light side!!!

      That's their free choice so they need to pay the price, not give them an opportunity to go to prison and then escape and cause problems.

      Do you know why prison is not an option? Because they can't be juge by the light forces!!!!

      Just read the update for god sake.

    5. @sidedesert

      I can see you are naive. When someone goes out and kills, again and HAVE to take the scumbag out, otherwise nothing will change.

      You sound like a battered wife who's husband abuses her, but still defends them, because she 'loooooooves him', despite the fact HE does NOT love HER.

      Wake up and smell the mocha, pal.

      Lemme put it this way...for the sake of argument, let's say you have a young child. You and your child walk down a sidewalk, and around the corner, some screwball leaps from a bush or corner, and he jump your child, with intent to rape and or kill....are YOU going to break the fucker's head open, or are you going to LOVE HIM?


      We're in a WAR, mind you, throw away the rose colored lenses.

    6. Dear one, perhaps begin by untangling death and punishment.

      Death is a doorway, nothing more, nothing less.

      When you understand their are beings who have self-harmed so appallingly, that all their own energies are 'reversed', that there is no salvation for them, you will understand why these ones are taken through the doorway of death to be in spirit alone, from where they can then go to the central Sun to at last be in relief, returned to the light. There is no other way back for them.

      This entire operation - the death doorway, the return to the central Sun - will all be carried out in the most sincere love and care, for we do indeed want these most greatly self-destroyed to return to us, the One.

    7. Side. We are not at the stage where humanity understand n follows galactic policies... do not confuse The Event with whatever events the world military (good guys) plan in order to clear out the bad guys.

      The military (at this stage) is not concern with ascension or spiritual growth.. they operate in order to liberate the nation from its oppressors in compliance to their book of rules.. at least is my understanding... the trials is part of an accepted process... it is suppose to show accountability n responsibility. Whether it meets galactic standards thats another topic

      As far as the trials being done elsewhere .. at Genemede those are at a soul level... n if at a physical level u know they are given oppportunity to accept the light and receive healing. The ultimate goal is to clear out every trace of darkness per divine plan

      And Galactic come on thats a bit raw to tell someone to shut up.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. @Sidedesert

      Executing the cabal members and chimera-controlled incarnated demons who obviously will have no place in post-event society (like violent career criminals, rapists, etc), is an act of love.

      It's an act of love towards their victims. It's an act of love toward themselves, just like it can be an act of love to terminate a rabid or terminally ill or injured animal.

  82. Thank you dear Cobra for this very, very comprehensive update! Thank you to the Forces of Light and to the RM for everything they do for the Liberation of the planet!
    It would be nice if you did mini updates more often with all progress however small (you can't imagine dear Cobra how much we need this to hold on and stay positive despite the still frequent attacks and despite the protections). We continue the "flower of life" meditation every day and we collect day after day on our FB page in French all your articles, information and interviews available since 2012, it is a good basis for understanding and it is starting to interest people ! But let's not complain too much! This is nothing compared to the hostages you mentioned !!!! Can't wait for everything to end! Victory of the Light! (M-H and V)

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It's up to us ourselver emperor. Cobra does give the information to help us do that. We always have the right but we must use it ourselves.

    3. Not sure why u sound demanding.
      as far as your question... i think is pretty clear we are in the pickle we are cause many lightwarriors starseeds n so on fell for the games of the bad guys and succumbed to the darkness grip.

      Lured by power n greed etc... those u may see out there playing out the roles of bad guys... not all of them were once bad.

      He also already stated some that helped him which were lightworkers betrayed the light. In addition he mention that there are tons of entities attempting to convert people to their side.

      Maybe i am misunderstanding your question.







    1. Just a guess.. there were such a thing as Galactic Wars... races evolved overtime (not always highly advanced). We have not been told when these hostages were taken and from where. Also is possible hostages were brought here from areas where the good guys were liberating... this being the last stronghold... just guessing

    2. Curious what is the significance of using caps

  85. Wooo! We did it!!! Hooray! Congrats everyone for averting this war!

    The last few times I did the Peace meditation, I saw (with my mind's eye) a think brown-ish layer of ... something over the Middle East, Ukraine and other conflict areas around the world. It resembled a wound scab, like clotted blood and it seemed to be made out of circles. I know this will sound weird but the circles gave me the impression that they are wooden watches. Did I see a think layer of halafian pottery?
    In any case, this "scab" was distracting and it made it difficult for me to send the pink healing energy through it. I can't tell if this is a good or a bad thing.

    Thank you for answering our questions!
    I also have good news: there's 3 of us placing buddhic columns on certain members of the loging mafia in Romania. We want to save the Carpathian forests. And Schweighofer, the Austrian company is on our list.

  86. Thank you so much CoBra. Big hug of Light and Love from me.
    Holding Light, focusing on the Event I am :)

  87. Is Bill Gates' mistress a Chinese honey trap?

  88. Great update, one of your best

  89. Thank you !! Very uplifting <3

  90. Elena Danaaan came out lied when she said that the Galactic Federation of Worlds Liberated the Moon and is fighting on Mars! Is she spreading false information from the alleged Federation of Worlds? The Galactic Federation of Worlds, instead of helping people on planet Earth and eliminating the dark ones, decided that it is better to fight on Mars? And on Cobra there is no such information.

    1. Moon was liberated. Check Cobra's posts from last year.

    2. If you have read all the articles on this and Elena's website, you would not be asking this absurd and baseless question. Please, informe yourself better, before saying bull***t

    3. There is not only "no such information". Cobra actually stated that the entire solar system beyond lunar orbit was liberated last year. And that includes Mars. There's no one to fight outside of Earth anymore.

    4. Perhaps that is her truth... or she might be comtrolled opposition. In short notvall those in the forefront coincide in information.. maybe there is still some group or operation going on... there are millions of ships out there.. i am sure some could be spare to be doing some operation elsewhere.. in addition there arecmany groups in the alliance.

  91. Mulțumim Cobra pentru aceste info .Așteptăm Evenimentul .

  92. I saw a german video where they talked about the vaccine genetically modifying people which has repercussions over several incarnation

    1. It wont take several reincarnations to liberate the planet. This is it.

  93. All this is jolly good, but one question....

    SOFT disclosure? Why?

    IF we hear of stuff like microbes found on mars, for example, I'll be going, "Yea? BIG WHOOP!"

    It's INTELLIGENT LIFE that needs to be announced. Direct first contact. Soft disclosure wont do much, and allow those who did the decades long truth embargo to get away scot-free.

    I want to stand face to face with the ET's, not hear about bacteria.

  94. Much Love and Light!!! Many thanks Sir Cobra for this update!!! Victory of the Light....

  95. Just woke up today and first thing I saw was this update, thank you very much! I was very curious to know what the update on the vacines would be, thanks for that! Really all the updates on the military movements shows we are very close, I can feel it! By the way as I came here to comment, there were already 144 comments, another good sign! It's been a long jouney since this blog started in 2012, but I'm sure that by next year when it's tem years gone we'll be celebrating! I'm with you Cobra and Light forces, let's keep meditating, praying and spreading the Love, so close now, Victory of the Light! <3

  96. I have a serious question. At the event, many people are arrested. Why are some of them sentenced to death? In the Cobra information, there is a "soul execution" in which some existence is burned in the center of the universe, and such treatment is permitted. I am Japanese, but in my country, there was a tragic incident called Sagamihara disabled persons facility murder case. The defendant claimed that the handicapped, who make the people around them unhappy, could be killed because they did not deserve to live. Our country sentenced the defendant to death. Although the defendant made the people around him unhappy, isn't it that putting him to death would mean accepting his argument? "The defendant made his surroundings unhappy and is not worthy of life. Therefore, he was sentenced to death." Is that a common argument in space? Does anyone accept execution of the soul without exception? Isn't there any opposition movement? Will Jesus, Buddha, and Ashter say, "If a crap doesn't want to reform at this moment, it should be executed?"? Why should a Kabal or a chimera die if they are judged to be unwilling to reform at this moment? Why can we conclude that they will never mend their ways for ever and ever? Does this universe, even Draco's emperor or the chimeric king, have no goddess who believes in the possibility of their future reformation and wants to allow their souls to exist, and who, at this moment, decides not to reconsider, has only a strict Father who executes immediately? If so, is the post-event universe a world in which everyone is placed by God the Father on the "guillotine of light" and is obliged to continue to prove his existence so that the blade does not come down? Does our story end with a happy ending when all the terrible scum dies? If there is a soul that can be killed, please tell me the reason. I don't know if this question of my own is correct. I hate the rulers who have tormented me, but can I accept that my soul is so easily executed? Is this difficult problem completely solved in space? (Note: This sentence may not be conveyed correctly because we used machine translation.)

  97. Change was not gonna come through the top down style or so, it comes from the ground level

  98. 07.05.2021 - Progress report about the HARD, TANGIBLE PROOFS of the Etheric Liberation on the 3D Earth:

    - Stop of MSM manipulation and disinfo, disclosure of Cabal crimes: 0%
    - Global mass arrests of the Cabal, Black Nobility etc. members: 0%
    - Positive financial reset (worldwide debt elimination, NESARA/GESARA): 0%
    - Disclosure of the hidden history of humankind (Atlantis, Antarctica, etc.): 0%

    - Disclosure of existence of sentient extraterrestial beings and UFOs: 0%
    - Disclosure of advanced propulsion systems (interstellar travel): 0%
    - Disclosure of advanced energy systems (free zero-point energy devices): 0%
    - Disclosure of advanced medical systems (medbeds, rejuvenation, longevity): 0%

  99. Gratitude, Blessings and Love !!!!

  100. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  101. X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs Reveals the World's Most Secret Religion

  102. finally good news! this is motivating and inspiring. thanks

  103. Your update gave me new hope Cobra, I think I can finally begin to see the light at the end of this long tunnel that we have been stuck in all these years and I believe more than ever that the breakthrough is just around the corner, thank you for everything you and the light forces have done over the years to help prepare us for this glorious event that is soon to unfold for humanity, when the Event finally happens I know on that day I will cry tears of joy that we humans are finally free at last!! Victory of the Light!

  104. Thank you for the update Cobra.

  105. Where do you get your information?


    You're going down and it feels good
    But you ain't wearin' what you should
    All the people that you've had
    The time is over

    So count your blessings, count the times
    You forgot the names, commit the crimes, yea
    All the people that you've had
    The time is over

    Oh, it's time to make amends
    You've been burnin' the candle at both ends
    Oh, it's time to make amends
    You've been burnin' the candle at both ends

    Oh it's time to make amends...
    You've been burnin' the candle at both ends

  107. I think that people don’t need to be extremely enthusiastic about this update.

    First of all the event is “approaching” since before 2012 and we still here.

    The word “approach” is used here a bit to optimistic if you ask me and out of the reality we are in right now.

    The second think is the so called “Nuremberg trials”.

    I don’t want to disappoint anyone but this seems to be out of the question right now as well.

    And remember that we hear about the arrest of the cabal members since 2009! As you all know we are still here and nothing happened.

    And when I mean nothing happened I don’t count the “shady claims” from different fake channels and alternative media that the cabal members have been arrested or executed “behind closed doors”.

    Yeah, sure!

    That a BS as big as the fake pandemic!

    Also here comes in my mind a simple and logical question: if the cabal knew that there is even a small chance to get to “trials” you think they will pull such a card as the fake pandemic? I don’t think so!

    That’s why I am skeptical about any claims on any cabal arrest or trials.

    As Benjamin Fulford says: Believe it when you will see it!

  108. nous organisons des sessions gratuites en direct sur la dissolution des implants sur les chaînes Youtube Hervé Gaia et Victory of The Light.

    We organize free clearing implants sessions on youtube channels Hervé Gaia and Victory of the Light

  109. Info about life .. after the event etc.. criminal justice etc.

    Look under topic: Life/General

  110. 1/2

    After Mega Banks Supervised by the Fed Lose Over $10 Billion to a Highly Leveraged Hedge Fund, Fed Puts Lipstick on a Pig in its Financial Stability Report
    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: May 7, 2021 ~

    Federal Reserve Building, Washington, D.C.Remember the phrase “putting lipstick on a pig.” It became popular after the bust when it was learned that the big Wall Street banks had glowingly recommended “hot” new issues of stocks to their customers while secretly calling them “crap” and “dogs” in internal emails.

    Putting lipstick on a pig is what the Federal Reserve is attempting to do in the Financial Stability Report it released yesterday afternoon. Both the lipstick and the pig are captured in this paragraph on page 8 of the Fed’s report:

    “Banks remain well capitalized, and leverage at broker-dealers is low. Measures of hedge fund leverage are somewhat above their historical averages, but the data available may not capture important risks from hedge funds or other leveraged funds.”

    To unpack the scope of the Fed’s deception in this paragraph, one needs to first understand that as a result of the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999, the largest federally-insured banks on Wall Street now own the largest broker-dealers (trading casinos). If the “data available” is not capturing the full scale of risks between the hedge funds and the mega banks and the broker dealers they own, then there is zero evidentiary support for the Fed to state that “Banks remain well capitalized.”

    Making certain that the mega banks remain well capitalized should be the number one priority of the Fed and its team of bank examiners, since the last time the Fed was caught with its blinders on resulted in $29 trillion in cumulative bailouts to resuscitate a pulse back into the financial system of the largest super power in the world.

    In 2008, century-old Wall Street firms were blowing up faster than Roman Candles in a fireworks factory explosion: Bear Stearns, gone. Lehman Brothers, gone. Citigroup, insolvent and propped up by the Fed. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, put into government conservatorship – where they remain. AIG, propped up with government money in order to bail out its derivatives contracts with the mega banks. And on and on.

    One would have thought the Fed’s abject failure as a regulator in the leadup to the financial crisis of 2008 would have resulted in Congress stripping it of any supervisory role going forward. Instead, Congress fell victim to Wall Street lobbying and actually increased the Fed’s oversight role of the mega bank holding companies in its 2010 Dodd-Frank financial “reform” legislation. Every American is far worse off as a result of that Congressional sellout.

    What the Fed is attempting to sheepishly acknowledge in that oblique paragraph cited above is that 13 long years after the greatest financial crash since the Great Depression, it once again has no firm grip on the hidden dangers lurking at these mega Wall Street banks.

  111. 2/2

    Archegos is just one of more than 3,000 family office-styled hedge funds operating in North America for which the Fed has no clarity. In Table 3 of the Fed’s most recent Financial Stability Report, it lists hedge fund assets in the U.S. financial system at $8 trillion. But since it has no idea of how much exposure banks have to family office hedge funds, that figure is likely to be wildly underestimated.

    The mega banks have been able to dodge reporting the family office hedge fund margin loans to their regulators by structuring the loans as derivative swap agreements – private, over-the-counter (bespoke) contracts between two parties that regulators have little to no granular information about.

    One federal regulator that does have some non-granular data about these derivative contracts is the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) – a regulator for whom President Biden has yet to nominate a permanent head.

    According to the OCC’s “Quarterly Report on Bank Trading and Derivatives Activities” for the quarter ending December 31, 2020, equity (stock) derivative contracts at federally-insured banks and savings associations have exploded from $737 billion (notional or face amount) since the Wall Street banks last blew themselves up in 2008 to $4.197 trillion notional as of December 31, 2020. That’s a heart-thumping increase of 469 percent in just 12 years.

    The OCC report specifically notes that these equity derivative contracts are being held in the federally-insured banks – not at their broker-dealers.

    The OCC report notes further that “The four banks with the most derivative activity hold 88.4 percent of all bank derivatives.” Those banks are: JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup’s Citibank, and Goldman Sachs – all supervised by the Fed. (The first three rank in the top four of the largest federally-insured banks in the U.S. Rounding out the top four is Wells Fargo.)

    The official report on the 2008 financial crisis from the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission determined that derivatives played a central role in the crash, noting that “over-the-counter derivatives contributed significantly to this crisis” through “uncontrolled leverage; lack of transparency, capital, and collateral requirements; speculation; interconnections among firms; and concentrations of risk in this market.”

    That’s exactly what transpired in the Archegos blowup in March.

    Indeed, very little has materially changed on Wall Street since 2008 despite the ongoing dog and pony show of stress tests, financial stability reports, Financial Stability Oversight Council meetings and hauling regulators to Congressional hearings. The mega banks are bigger than they were in 2008; the mega banks are still paying the ratings agencies to rate toxic debt; Dodd-Frank’s Volcker Rule has been rendered meaningless by the banks simply calling proprietary trading a hedging function and loaning out their balance sheets to hedge funds via derivatives; the mega banks are still trading the stock of their own bank in their own Dark Pools, potentially manipulating their share prices; and the hundreds of trillions of dollars in derivatives, which the public was assured that under Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation would be moving out of the darkness onto exchanges or central clearing houses, remain largely in the dark as private contracts of unknown terms between the bank and an unknown counterparty.

    The omnipresent question is when will Americans rise up and demand better for themselves and their country.

  112. @Rajah pour DC
    C'est toi ça ?🤔

  113. Great news. Thank you for the update.

  114. How hath the oppressor ceased, the golden city ceased!
    Big shout out to the 144000 LightWorkers and Mass Meditations! You ROCK
    #SisterhoodoftheRose 💞🌹👑
    Saint Ann, Mother of Mary
