Thursday, September 16, 2021

Systems security breach at 504


  1. siempre en 504 hay violación de seguridad ?

  2. ..absolutely stunning...


    9/11 Launched the First of the Unaccountable Bailouts by the Fed to Wall Street
    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: September 13, 2021 ~

    New York Stock Exchange Floor

    Most Americans believe that the unprecedented Fed bailouts of Wall Street didn’t begin until December of 2007, on the cusp of Wall Street’s financial collapse in 2008. That’s wrong. The Fed’s first massive bailout of Wall Street started on 9/11.

    By the closing bell on September 10, 2001, the day before the attacks, the Nasdaq stock market was already in the midst of a full-scale implosion, having lost 66 percent of its market value and wiping out $4 trillion of wealth.

    The Wall Street mega banks were in the cross-hairs at the time of then New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer for bringing to market Initial Public Offerings of companies that the banks’ own research analysts were internally calling “crap” and “dogs” while the same banks issued buy recommendations on the “dogs” to the unknowing public. One internal email from Jack Grubman, an analyst at Salomon Smith Barney, captured the brazenness of the deception: “Most of our banking clients are going to zero and you know I wanted to downgrade them months ago but got huge pushback from banking.”

    The Congressional Research Service indicates that the Fed funneled “$100 billion per day” over a three-day period beginning on 9/11 to Wall Street firms. The consolidated annual reports of the Federal Reserve Banks show that the Fed’s balance sheet grew from $609.9 billion at the end of 2000 to $654.9 billion at the end of 2001 to $730.9 billion at the end of 2002 and $771.5 billion as of December 31, 2003.

    According to a report by the St. Louis Fed, these are the numerous ways that the Fed rescued Wall Street following 9/11:

    “The Fed held $61 billion of securities acquired under repurchase agreements on Sept. 12, vs. an average of $27 billion on the previous 10 Wednesdays and about $12 billion a year earlier.

    “The Fed directly lent funds to banks through the discount window. The $45 billion in discount loans outstanding on Sept. 12 dwarfed the $59 million average of the previous 10 Wednesdays.

    “As a regulator, the Federal Reserve—along with the Comptroller of the Currency—urged banks to restructure loans for borrowers with temporary liquidity problems. To assist such restructuring, the Fed made additional funds available.

    “The Fed passively extended credit to the economy through its role in clearing checks. When the Fed clears checks, it credits the receiving bank before debiting the bank making the payment. Float describes the amount of money that has been credited to check depositors but has not yet been debited from the check writers. The float totaled almost $23 billion on Sept. 12, for example, some 30 times the average float over each of the 10 previous Wednesdays.”

    The Chicago Fed reported that an additional “$90 billion in liquidity” was added by the Fed setting up 30-day dollar swap agreements with the European Central Bank, the Bank of Canada and the Bank of England.

    Outside of a gush of bailout money from the Fed, Wall Street loves interest rate cuts because they are a boon to their trillions of dollars in derivative contracts. On September 17, just before the stock market reopened for the first time since the 9/11 attack, the Fed announced it was cutting both the Fed Funds Rate and the Discount Rate by 50 basis points (half of one percent). Two weeks later, on October 2, the Fed slashed both the Fed Funds and Discount Rates by another 50 basis points. Stunningly, on November 6, one month later, it again cut both rates by 50 basis points, bringing the Fed Funds Rate to 2 percent and the Discount Rate to 1-1/2 percent. On December 11, both rates were cut again, but this time by just 25 basis points. The Fed Funds Rate, at 1.75 percent, was now trading at the lowest level in 40 years.

  3. 2/2

    According to the 2001 Annual Report of the Chicago Fed, one unnamed bank was so grateful for the largess flowing from the Fed that it sent “a thousand packages of LifeSavers candy to each of the 45 Fed offices.”

    A report prepared by Stacy Panigay Coleman for the Federal Reserve’s Division of Reserve Bank Operations and Payment Systems found that a handful of the largest Wall Street banks were dramatically overdrafting their accounts at the Fed, resulting in daylight overdrafts peaking at “$150 billion on September 14, their highest level ever and more than 60 percent higher than usual….” According to other annual reports at regional Fed banks, fees were waived by the Fed for these enormous overdrafts.

    Gail Makinen, Coordinator Specialist in the Economic Policy for the Government and Finance Division of the Congressional Research Service delivered a 60-page report on other money flows. Makinen found that New York City received the following in Federal aid as of the date of her report in September 2002:

    “$11.2 billion appropriated in September 2001 for debris removal and direct aid to affected individuals and businesses [the businesses go unnamed]; just over $5 billion in economic development incentives was approved in March 2002; and another $5.5 billion for a variety of infrastructure projects for New York City was approved in August 2002.”

    The Chicago Fed’s 2001 Annual Report contains further information on the enormous amount of money flowing from the Fed immediately after 9/11, detailing it as follows:

    “The Fed begins to flood the financial system with record levels of liquidity by executing repurchase agreements [Repo loans]. These overnight loans collateralized with government securities are used routinely in open market operations, but seldom top a few billion dollars each day. On Wednesday [September 12], the Fed injects $38 billion, more than double the previous record. Thursday [September 13], the Fed shatters that mark with $70 billion. The next day, the Fed injects even more — $81 billion.”

    Which banks on Wall Street needed this enormous infusion of money? The public, to this day, has no idea, just as it has no idea which banks had borrowed $495.7 billion in repo loans on one day last year.

    For how another horrific tragedy for America became the golden goose for Wall Street, see our reporting on the Fed’s bailouts to Wall Street that began on September 17, 2019, four months before the first case of COVID-19 appeared in the U.S., and grew exponentially during the pandemic.

  4. Military Convicts Bill Gates By Michael Baxter 09.12.21

    A military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay has convicted Microsoft Founder Bill Gates on charges including child trafficking, pedophilia, conspiracy, money laundering, murder, and public health endangerment—the conclusion of five days of heated testimony that repeatedly saw Vice Adm. John G. Hannink of the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps square off against attorney David Baluarte.

    The fireworks continued Wednesday morning as Vice Adm. Hannink offered into evidence additional proof of Gates’ illicit ties to the vaccine industry. Documents obtained from Gates’ personal server outlined how he in 2011 distributed vaccines “carrying serious side effects up to and including death” to 41,000 children in poverty-stricken India, after meeting “mild” resistance from vaccine distributors in the U.S. Gates claimed the vaccination granted absolute immunity against a strain of “super polio” that was ravaging the impoverished.

    Rather than inoculate recipients against polio, the vaccine exacerbated it and left over 40,000 children crippled or dead. And while cases of polio indeed were on the rise, the mysterious “super polio” was pure fiction, invented by Gates and a consortium of international vaccine distributors. Gates even travelled to India to help administer the product, which was often given orally, as a sign of good faith.

    “By his own documents, Gates and his people had waged a massive marketing campaign to convince the people of India that his “super polio” was resilient to current vaccinations and that only his product, which he personally endorsed, could stave off the imaginary, virulent strain. He had the audacity to handfeed his poison to innocent children,” Vice Adm. Hannink addressed the tribunal.


    Six of six children, Vice Adm. Hannink said, developed complete and irreversible paralysis, followed by cerebral hemorrhaging and death within 90 days of inoculation.

    Since the children were American citizens, born to American parents, the military had authority to prosecute Gates for their deaths, as is stipulated in the Insurrection Act of 1807, which Donald J. Trump activated prior to leaving office.

    “Gates’ diabolical ventures didn’t stop with India,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the 3-officer panel. “Four years later, he repeated his so-called humanitarian mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo—that time claiming he’d developed a cure for HIV. And while we can’t prove any Americans died of that drug, we know at least 27,000 Africans did—and this all points to motive.”

    Vice Adm. Hannink pivoted to more current events, questioning Gates’ relationship to Dr. Anthony Fauci.

    “You met privately with Fauci five times, at his home and yours, between December 2019 and July 2020. Your own documents discussed ‘donating’ tens of millions of dollars to pharmaceutical manufacturers in exchange for getting 10 times your ‘investment’ back once vaccines were marketed. In your own words, Fauci approved of the idea. If you’re such a philanthropist, why were you expecting kickbacks?” Vice Adm. Hannink said.

    Gates’ lawyer instructed him to not answer the question.

    “And did you not discuss placing what you referred to as a ‘nano-centric biometric recorder’ into vaccines—a chip, as it were, that would send biomedical data of recipients back to the vaccine manufacturers and to the NIH and to the CDC without the recipient’s knowledge?” Vice Adm. Hannink went on. “This invasion of privacy—and we are working to determine if this took place and the scope—is just another of example of Gates’ madness. We believe the Office of Military Commissions has offered enough prove to convict the accused and sentence him to death. But that decision is in your hands,” he told the 3-officer panel.

    The officers needed not one minute to reach a unanimous decision; they found Gates guilty on all charges and asked that he be hanged for his atrocities. Vice Adm. Hannink set an execution date of October 5, 2021.

    1. MOAB incoming💣💣💣 #MotherofAllBombs #GreatSolarFlash

    2. This Michael Baxter is a fan-fictional writer, so it is a fake news. Please do the research first before posting this kind of disinformation. Thanks!

    3. I hope this is true and so much more!

    4. Bill Gates and Melinda Gates died in a kidney diseases in 2013. Look into is a military intelligence community fake news operation.
      They instigate -bussines as usual- for information hungry thruther and exposure people.

    5. I think if anything it’s info-disinformation. No idea where it came from. Cobra has referenced them before, about the fake White House. I’ve also seen another one like this saying gore is acting president and taking down the deep state. Which is impossible because he is deep state as well. I don’t think the alliance would give us actual intel until it’s time for us to know, at least the 100% truth. Having some misinfo allows for deniability. But, who knows. I feel it’s best to be like schrodingers cat, and hold several possible options as possibilities until the box is open.

    6. Michael Baxter formerly wrote for The New York Post.

      Think I'll believe him over randoms on the web!

      Bill Gates will be executed Oct 5.

      Living above some gang stalkers perps - and their panic has gone into overdrive past 3 days - can confirm Gates is next up on the chopping block! I'm living the proof!


    7. Ain't it great, not knowing what's actually happening?

    8. I appreciate you providing this information very much... For anyone to say what is real or fake right now is mind boggling to me. @takecake I learn something from your post every time I read them, I pay no mind what is real or not, it's all data leading to the same disclosures... The only absolute truth is from the light records and if you understand what this means than your ascending nicely and have a very high thinking pattern or frequency.

      I'll take some more cake and much love to you.

    9. ..but it's so entertaining - a good laugh is good for your health. Plus someone's gotta control the parallel narratives.

    10. @takecake your so brilliant and have this shit figured out! Way to crush it.

    11. I remember that Cobra said that cabal arrests and trials will be open for the whole world to see. It won't be something only found in obscure blogs. That's why I believe it is just fanfic/fake news.

    12. I won't be laughing until these rat fuck sons of bitches are all DEAD. We ARE in a WAR, you know.

  5. I feel something has changed in the air, I feel we have reached the turning point. Durham's indictment is just the start. McAfee releases coming very soon. Arizona audit results next Friday. Buckle up, I believe it's finally happening. We need to center ourselves and get prepared. The Beast is cornered and is very dangerous. Don't go to DC on the 18th, FBI wants to re-create Jan. 6th. Our freedom is coming. It may be a fight but we will!!!

    1. I do believe you may be correct and for all of the people that wanted to take up arms and fight back should honor their word. I did here a few on here wish this as their resolve and I look forward to living the experience with you all.

  6. Anybody who is AWAKE and AWARE, should BE very careful about this "devil's advocate" in a beautiful woman's body, called Kim Goguen. (IS that "M" himself in a woman body?) [they] use her to steer another wave; another game of DIVIDE & conquer between the real awakened ones, and the sleeping sheeples, who can not use their LOGICAL thinking.
    DO YOU, REALLY, BELIEVE she represents the Earth; the Humanity; ME; YOU... on a Universal level? Never ever!!!

    She's very weak in her FAKE answers. She knows so very little about the things she's been PAID to talk about. She is the latest "innocent, alluring weapon" of the weakening negative forces. A new type of "sexy Hollywood star", who can easily LIE and brainwash those - who CAN NOT DISCERN, NOR THINK for themselves.

    Unfortunately, it's because of these kind of people, that still, the negatives keep winning.
    DIVIDE AND CONQUER.... That strategy has worked for EVER!!!!
    But now.... IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP, and put an end to this horrible game!

    I hope every one reading this with an open heart - GOT IT!!

    1. Totally agree, elite is playing the last game now if humanity is chipped through vaccine, creating a so callled revolution in which all the low level staff freemasons, mafia, dirty politicians will be killed and they will show up like liberators from cabal, remember never trust nesara.

    2. It’s interesting because it’s basically the same control system that we don’t want.

      Life-force is…
      A small group attempting to manipulate outcomes through the monopolization of advanced technology and information access, agreements with non human entities, and gatekeeping of incredible sums of money that do not belong to them.

      Sounds just like the so called ‘cabal’ with a different ideology to justify the means.

      …think about it.

      I revoke any and all power given to entities or systems that seek to gatekeep information, technology, or resources.

    3. Kim Goguen is truly a victim in this. The Dracs wanted to use her to get by the terms of the Treaty. They needed a true human to qualify as proof that they had "turned over Earth" to humanity. It was always a big con game and Kim was the most important target of it. She saw through it and we are all better off for that. Kim's authority comes from being the primary trustee of a system created by the Dracs to get total control under Galactic Law. Basicallyn, in order to sell something, you have to have clear title, which the "system" she controls provides proof.

      Kim was given the power to "sell" humanity, but she saw through it and now works to fix what she sees as wrong. But is it her job? Is she truly the Sovereign of Earth? No, her power is derived from the corrupt system of Marduk, and with the Earth Alliance and Galactic Federation of Worlds waging a military campaign to eject the Dracs, Reps and Dark Fleet, the organization they are leaving behind can hardly be expected to remain intact. Expect Kim to work with the Alliance to dissolve the legal authorities of her office and become involved in our new banking system, but not in charge. Being the enemy's chosen one is not really a good position to negotiate your role in the new government.

  7. Maybe 504 could serve as a decoy...?

  8. according to Corey Goode latest information,the reptilians underground bases in Antarctica still exist?

    1. I remember reading a Cobra post saying reptilian underground bases are gone. The only underground bases functional today belong to the surface cabal/negative military.

    2. I was reading Cobra key posts and this post what among them. I don't remember the year and the month though.

    3. Corey Goode is a POS. A lying fraud. He became corrupt with David Wilcock when the money started rolling in. Move on from anyone saying they are "Enoch".🤣🙄

  9. Olho por olho, dente por dente. Isso também é JUSTIÇA.

  10. Source the game u are playing with us humans is in itself crimes against humanity.

    1. The problem is we DON'T have a contact with the Source, or even Ascended Masters, as long as we are inside the Earth's quarantine. This was a condition Dark Forces demanded, to keep their hostages (us) alive.

      So the Source isn't playing with you. It has zero contact with you until the Event. Unless you're an extremely awakened person that can look beyond the quarantine. More awakened than Light Forces stationed in our solar system, because even they didn't have contact with Ascended Masters here.

    2. Source is a fucking asshole, then. Keeping us alive, as slaves, cattle more like it....better dead than smeg.

      *gives source the one digit salute* Thanks a heap, source.

  11. I express my deep gratitude and strongly shake hands with the military officer Hennink and the military detachment for their worthy service to Humanity.God Blessings.Thank You Cobra.

  12. Cobra what do u think of the mercury retrograde that is soon?

  13. Message from Athena, goddess of war and wisdom.

  14. Several years ago, I had to rethink my approach to what's happening in this world.
    One way I considered was to lose all hope and prepare for the worst. This was unacceptable to me.
    The second way was to try as hard as I can to stay positive, no matter what. This also somehow didn't feel right. It felt too "fanatical" and exhausting.
    But then I realised there was another way. I can simply let go and go with the flow. Being a lightworker is not about putting as much effort as I can into staying positive. For me, being a lightworker can mean being natural and taking things lightly.

    Since then, it has been working great for me. I do what I can to support the liberation of this planet, but with very little emotional attachment. I don't try to force things just to fail and get frustrated. I just stay relaxed. I accept things as they are. If an opportunity arises to do something, I use it. Otherwise, I'm just an observer.

    This kind of golden mean between "we're fucked" and "I'll try as hard as I can" feels just right. It has become second nature to me.

    1. I concur. I have been getting the message to "Just Be". Help when you can otherwise "Go With Flow". Can be challenging sometimes but going with the flow does seem to be have a much easier time of things. Thank you for sharing your message

    2. @Thanks for all the fishes
      There's another good one: "You don't need to MAKE your life happen. You just need to ALLOW it to happen."

      Cool nickname btw :D

    3. I love the way you described it. I feel exactly the same. Thanks, my friend! I greet you in the love/light of our One Creator

    4. Yeah, I agree. People pay too much attention to this blog or scrutinise alternative media instead of getting on with their lives

    5. Thank you for the post, I enjoyed this very much and how I reach the logo mindset. Bravo on your success... the "matrix" was designed to feed us our fears until we have no more fears or a manageable amount to process out. How they come is mostly in the heart, the souls mind, by way of life challenges, death and so on. Spiritual war really got turned up in 75 for the 2012 timeline and then ramped up in 2015 for the Great Awakening timeline recovery. I appreciate you seeing things in a most simplistic way, it was and is always a choice... freewill.

    6. Simple observing evil is a good way to shine light on it take power away from it. I have seen lightworkers too emotionally attached to "alternate" source of information about vaccines potentially killing billions of people and panicking. In my experience this and other doomsday scenarios are POTENTIALITIES which we have the power to prevent from manifesting but holding the light and not investing your energy into these scenarios.

      I am SOVEREIGN.
      In Light

    7. Love that Don't Panic♡ Do not panic!!♡♡♡

    8. Excellent Responses to an Excellent Post! I am very careful with what I 'download' but I "Downloaded This Awesomeness!" Thanks for the Brilliance, Thanks Cobra and LF's, We are Creating Manifestation, for The Event and the Implementation of The Galactic Codex are synonymous.
      Hold Fast, Hold The Light!

    9. Like Unicron said, "DESTROY THE MATRIX!"

      It's just THAT simple. Destroy it and be done with it.

    10. WHAT lives, Klodi. Being a slave is not what I'd call living.

  15. Info:
    15. Nóv. 2019 China virus, bioweapon was released in Wuhan.
    666 days later was 9/11 2021.
    One world trade center is in 100% proportion to the covid syringe.

    see photo:

  16. I LOVE you Cobra and all fellow lightforce brothers and sisters. Godspeed. Namaste

  17. 144k rainbow warriors from Hopi prophecy
    Perpare for the Event
    Archangel Micheal gathering/wakening his brothers and sisters

    Victory of the Light!

    1. The Rainbow Dragons wonderful - the Phoenix rises this Age.
      -54 Loco

  18. Music

    Goodnight, California - Kathleen Edwards

    1. This song is about the love for 'the one'. The all overlapping need for wholeness. But it is still a detail, because after the union with our beloved comes the world. World here we come, here we are. All together, for the great unity with / in everything, with God that was always there but now officially incorporated into everything and everyone.<3 We welcome back our beloved GOD. Good Morning World.

  19. I'm tired.

    They need to be exposed.
    This plandemic need to be exposed.
    The human/child traffic needs to be exposed.
    The SSP need to be exposed.

    Expose them all.

    1. Hang in there my friend. You are not alone.

    2. Reach the light records and you can help with all of this list. Appreciate the I'm tired mantra or were you placing a galactic complaint to the light forces? A lot seem to think this is a place for us to put them in check, bizarre. They didn't co-create this in freewill, we did. Either way I'm sure they have it noted as it seems to be on repeat, stuck in time...

    3. People on the surface know very little about freewill and how to use it. Without taking away personal responsibility of an individual, I would say that the nightmare that has manifested on earth is a result of the very few at the top of the Dark Forces manipulating the rest of the surface population on the physical and non physical planes to such horrific degrees, that most have no clue what they have manifested.
      So many people have absolutely no idea the evil that exists and that almost every aspect of human society is a carefully fabricated lie to keep them enslaved and use them as batteries for the amusement of the few at the top.

      As more light enters the surface we will have to deal with the truth, but no being in the universe has the right to judge a sovereign soul.
      Even the captured dark forces are given a choice in accordance with Cosmic principles to either atone for what they have done or be dissolved by Source and start their journey again.

  20. The dark forces are pushing hard...

    Why White hats doesn't take over once for all??

    It's time.

    1. Are you aware that every lawyer is barred to England and Vatican? can you imagine what kind of a mountain that is going to be to deal with? Everyone tried illegally by our constitutional rights and all lawyers are practicing treason. Order vs. Chaos, Hold the line... Shield wall is what we need right now more than anything, it's a multidimensional war. We are close... look at all the information to include millions are waking up, almost daily.

  21. Keep hanging in there!

    Victory of the Light!

  22. Replies
    1. Yes!!! Let our internal light shine now! It has been suppressed far too long.

  23. Thank you for taking down the evil presence in our world. Can't wait for all to be completed.

  24. Thank you for ridding us of the evil presence on our planet. The end will be with us soon.

  25. Hopefully the situation will approve once we reach inflection point in a week

    1. I thought the inflection point was the 18th? Or is it a range of dates. The 24th will be massive, the az audit report will be released to the public. Proving voter fraud in the us elections.

    2. Even if the real inflection point did occur on 18 Sep, it will not be noticeable on the physical planes due to all the manipulation in both MSM and "alternate" media and censoring in all platforms. It will take some time to see its effects on the physical planes.
      The best indicator is to feel the energetic changes and I personally have observed signs over the past week that more light is entering the surface. People are having to deal with their problems and trauma's they have neglected.
      Even before the event as more and more light reaches the surface the surface population will have to face their belief systems and trauma's. All forms of abuse that has occurred will come to the surface more and more.
      The moment of the event is the snapping point when all this positive energy will reach critical mass and destroy the matrix forever.

  26. If Mplan is short for "Masterplan" and L4, L3 and so on are layers or levels then I think it beneficial to take a look at COBRA's post from October 12, 2012.
    They are clearing the mental, astral and etheric non-physical planes inside the thin layer that surrounds the surface of planet Earth.

    1. Thank you for this post, I got a lot from it. We must hold the shield wall...!

  27. I wonder who this message is from ... the DS or the white hats in this katy perry video Very possible she is DS minion.

    Some of the lyrics ...
    Are we crazy?
    Living our lives through a lens
    Trapped in our white picket fence
    Like ornaments
    So comfortable, we're living in a bubble, bubble
    So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble

    So put your rose-colored glasses on
    And party on

    Turn it up, it's your favorite song
    Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
    Turn it up, keep it on repeat
    Stumbling around like a wasted zombie, yeah
    We think we're free

    Dance, dance, dance to the distortion
    Turn it up, keep it on repeat
    Stumbling around like a wasted zombie

    Are we tone deaf?
    Keep sweeping it under the mat
    Thought we could do better than that
    I hope we can
    So comfortable, we're living in a bubble, bubble
    So comfortable, we cannot see the trouble, trouble

    Nice tune colorful video. What do you think?

  28. Dark Forces are crapping their pants right now.
    504 hasn't seen anything yet!
    Peeps in the USA are pushing back HARD and disrupting their 'script'. We've had enough!
    Victory of Light!

  29. Benjamin Fulford makes some very good points as of late.

    1. Benjamin has been slapping nonsense for years. She is pulling us for his nose.

  30. For what it is worth, hang in there my friends. I feel and see something big shifted. Good is rising.

  31. Dr Salla Corey Goode I dont like what they both are saying .. cabal elite meeting w galactics

    1. You might find a more complete explanation in this video with Elena Danaan and Megan Rose, the two ladies who communicate directly with their contacts in the Galactic Federation of Worlds. This concern has been raised and they explain it in an understandable way.

    2. Video link for my comment.

  32. dreams and other stuff wrote a song at 19 years old here it is
    very deep everyone should listen to it

  33. There easy 200k protesters all wanting freedom

    1. 120k protesters in France last week. At this rate, by November no one will be protesting anymore if nothing happens. The more vaccinated, the fewer people are willing to protest. And vaccination rate can only go up. Unless it drops below their birth rate, which is about 1% of population per year.

    2. And still it does not make any positive change for us. We had far over 144000 people protesting and still nothing gets better

    3. We don't need more hopium, we would like to see at least some positive results if not a major breakthrough. If we are supposed to stay alive and defend ourselves only meditations may not be enough , what about advanced weapons and supernatural powers , since both the LF and the DF have that ?

    4. Yes, sure if u call "freedom" to this capitalism "normal" life :/

      Even lockdowns people seem more free as many con home office. Only the ones that need to drink alcohol and drugs think they are mess free now ,

  34. I generally like the articles on, but this article on that website proves how easy it is to manipulate and fool the surface population.

    Alternative media is as gullible as MSM. That is why it is very important to connect with the part of yourself outside the matrix to detect what is true and what is lies no matter the source of the information.
    The truth is that we will never be completely free of slavery until the entire concept of a financial system is completely abolished.

  35. Would like to see with my 3D mental eyes a feeling of all this. Not just through-out a screen. I'm ready for this and I know the subject since December.

  36. All with Merkabas / Kundalini activated, send a root pulse or two up and through the Crown to the ships and bring them closer.

  37. Gaia is fired up don't shut her down, she's been reloaded, she is not the one you knew, she's now and then combined, she is not the same this time around! Share the healing in this song


    Hundreds of THOUSANDS of protesters around the world fighting for FREEDOM

  39. Cobra, please help us understand your comments about the vaccines... Why I am having trouble trusting the information Cobra is giving about the fake vaccines:

  40. Au jésuite Don ........
    Les jeux sont faits, rien ne va plus pour toi. Rends-toi à la Lumière.
    Victoire De La Lumière !

    One of COBRA's recommended channelers. Since there are very few legitimate ones I thought it a good idea to revisit this one channeling Ashtar talking about the Ascension process. You'd be surprised how in line WE currently are. Give it a listen and I'm sure you'll be uplifted and perhaps help those of you still having doubts or on the fence.

    Love and Light...


  42. PROJECT veritas:

    "On Monday night we are going to break the internet. STAY TUNED:"

  43. Come on Cobra baby, what's the skinny? LoveYa and LF and All the LightNinjas and Soooo Ready for some good old fashioned home cooked Galactic Codex, a giant helping of WorldPeace1 and a cool tall drink of Galactic Unity!!!

  44. Wow are the Light forces getting worked? Corey Goode says he hasn't been sharing intel because it's not good. This blog seems to show an extended attack. And the surface situation isn't good either. Oh well, we always knew this would happen, the collapse. Hang in there.

    1. I find BOTH goode and wilcock highly questionable.

  45. After years of studying your work COBRA, I have had a major spiritual Epiphany!! Thank You, I understand so much more about my own roll in Manifesting The Galactic Codex.
    Much love peeps, Hold Fast, Stay Amazing, Manifest Manifestation!

  46. Message of hope from the Collective.

  47. Cobra please update if u can. I need to know what my chances on the Astral are. It's been a month already.

  48. Article from Jeffery Pritchett:

    "You Won't Believe What Pleiadians Are About to Tell You" The Great Darkness into the Great Light via Truth Can Change Your Life

  49. I live in France, I don't see the revolution coming, you got your dates wrong

    1. And that's why i warned lightworkers when this uptate came, to not trust or put hope on it. Actually i don't even know why cobra have talked about it.

  50. In the artificial subject of law "Russian Federation", power was seized by the internal troops in 1993, after the execution of the legislative body of the state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic on June 12, 1990. The successor to the coup leader Boris Yeltsin, Vladimir Putin, has been depriving people living in the territory of the RSFSR state for 20 years of the truth about their belonging to the subject of the RSFSR law and the right to self-determination. Regularly rigging and forging parliamentary and presidential elections. Observers from European countries do not pay attention to this, since they are representatives of countries subordinate to the Zionists, like the leadership of the Russian Federation. This time, the same thing happened: the peoples of the Russian Federation had their elections stolen, the turnout in the elections is less than 50 percent, which is absurd for any democratic country in the world, but not in the Russian Federation, where the turnout threshold was ABOLISHED LEGALLY after Putin " became president "(appointed by Yeltsin). Power in our country has been seized by a criminal group consisting of oligarchs of Jewish origin, internal troops and traitors from the civilian population: doctors, police, administrative officials - all of them receive money for living from a handful of these bandits who call themselves the "political party United Russia" and who are holding power by force , creating for themselves the signs of the state and the appearance of the fulfillment of official duties.It is unlikely that you will be able to help us in any way, but please tell your relatives, family and friends that all the opposition in the "Russian Federation" is either in prison, or bought, or dead. Abroad, a tame opposition from the Jewish lobby sits and creates the illusion of a struggle. The population of our country is actively stirred up by migrants from Central Asia, Putin did everything to turn the country of Eastern Slavs, whites, into an Arab caliphate. A state with a thousand-year history and culture dating back to general Indo-European times fell.

  51. We have waited too long!
    Plz wipe out the Cabal quicklier,Light Force.

  52. miracles don't happen again? we are really surprised

  53. *** ERUPTION IN PROGRESS *** -- FLASH TRAFFIC: LAVA HAS BREACHED SURFACE, FIRES BEGINNING -- DETACHMENT and FRACTURE OF LAND ! Earthquake Swarm - La Palma - If Blows, a Tsunami Could Wipe Out U.S. East Coast

  54. I have been holding back for a long time, but now is the time. As a disclaimer, I do not work for any one group or entity. On the contrary, I am quite confident I came here for reasons not directly related to the unfolding aberration happening here on this planet. The "Beast" is about to be enthroned. -- "know thyself".

  55. Examining Beliefs
    Does the majority of the medical community understand that through its complicity it has betrayed the trust of humanity at global levels, that doctors, nurses, medical professionals, hospitals and senior care homes have been used as indoctrinated killing machines? There will be no way for the medical industry to reclaim that trust from the public again, when so many medical professionals did not stand up for their fellow humans and advocate for their patient’s bodily autonomy or protect their right to choose their own methods to pursue personal health and wellbeing. Harshly and grotesquely many of our elderly died painful deaths in total isolation from loved ones or without a decent standard of care, where many appear to be victims of incentivized genocide. Many medical professionals are complicit in carrying out the most vile and evil agenda for perpetuating global human genocide and incentivized murder for hire that we’ve ever lived through at this worldwide scale.
    via Lisa Renee ~

    1. German "Health" minister admitted last summer that over 200.000 cancer patients didn't get proper medical care because of "cov.crisis"

  56. protests all over. here is one from nyc

  57. The Real Terrorists

  58. Yeah well look like something is going against the cabal now, but not to visible. Maybe the light forces stoping the jesuits and their foundings.

    The only thing that really matter in the coming Ascension plan uptate is that contact with our sisters and brothers of light, will be faster for lightworkers.

    That's actually the only point that matter for us really to be honest. I hope the light forces can understand this.

  59. Iceland UTC time 11:11 Am

    Fake Biden & Co 20. Jan. 2021
    Today magic time. 20. Sep. 2021

    20. jan --> 20. Sept. = 66.6% of the year.


    #Today on #earth the #redpill is most in demand.
    #covid is a #plandemic

    Victory of the light

  60. ??? Can we have some news. I mean what is happening with the subcantum primary anomaly? And the last underground bases being cleared?

  61. Been taking brief looks at the media again. The FDA rejected the Biden administration's booster shot plans! Maybe matters are finally beginning to improve on the planet surface.

  62. Absolute Accuracy is a Essential

    There are some possibilities that come to mind:

    It's possible that they won't isolate the coronavirus because the coronavirus is a modified, more severe version of the flu virus. This modified version of the flu virus is not significantly worse than the flu, but is bad enough to cause more deaths than usual, but certainly not even close to being bad enough to be called a plague and so forth. Thus, it's the disinformation element in the alternative media to state that Covid doesn't exist, as this is a purposely incomplete statement. Technically, it could be argued that the Covid being blamed for all the cases and deaths does not exist. However, saying there's no virus at all helps provide legal protection for the negative elites for connections to Wuhan lab funding. If there's no Covid, then there's no such thing as the negative elites funding Wuhan labs. However, the negative elites indeed did fund Wuhan labs, but it was a modified flu virus that was created, as were all subsequent variants. Also, this would mean that PCR testing was rigged to detect modified strains of the flu virus and then call it Covid, and to give false positives.

    Again, I'm stating that the above is a possibility. One thing's for certain: There needs to be absolute accuracy regarding "Covid" to be able to truly defeat what's being pushed.

    1. Before covid and with covid...
      Every day mortality rate on this planet was 250.000 people dying from illness,powerty,violence.. Each day. And 500.000 people being born, each day.
      For several months now I am not paying attention to the media and "official" covid death number, but it is "only" several weeks of usual death rhythm.
      Of course, without the darks that number would be zero.
      That day will soon arrive.
      No wars, no killing, no suffering, no powerty.

      💜Victory of the Light 💛

    2. Radhika, true. Many other causes of death that have a much higher number. Covid was done for the purpose of maintaining dominance over the surface population, but their control structure is falling apart.

      Regarding the public spectrum, I'm looking forward to living in a world that has value. Victory of the Light!

  63. What ever happened to Eostre's Gift?

  64. We need a fucking great uptate coming from the stars 😍😍😍. Let's goooo light forces, i feel soon i will break free from the matrix. Is like i can more and more destroy the control matrix and becoming free.

    I willlll be freeeee one day and that's soonnnnnn. Whatever it takes!!!

    1. 😁 Je fais de mon mieux pour garder la lumière Maia ! Mais j'ai de plus plus de jours ou je suis vraiment moi même d'autre ou j'essaye de guérir mes peurs.

      Et oui je vois empeux la vie en rose ces temps si, bien qu'il en à d'autre moins rose et clairement d'autre noir je crois être de plus en plus fort et à maintenir une stabilité plus facilement.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Excellent! The Galactic Codex and The Event are intrinsically linked!
    Yeah Galactic Codex!!
    Yeah The Event!!!

  67. It would and shall and will be fabulous!
