Saturday, February 12, 2022

Ascension Plan Update

Time has come to release the next portion of the Ascension plan for this planet.

Some intel about the Ascension plan was already released in a previous update:

Since then, the Plan has evolved and new intel was given by the Light Forces.

Most importantly, the Light forces have communicated that the Ascension window of 1975-2025 will NOT close in 2025, but will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN. This means that energies will keep increasing and since 2025, the Ascension energies will forever permanently flow from the Galactic Central Sun through our Solar System towards the planetary surface.

The Light forces have refused to comment what that means practically for the timing of the Event. Based on the intel I have, I can make an educated guess and speculate for two possible scenarios. The first scenario predicts the Event in 3-15 months timeframe from now and then a fast transformation of the surface human society until the Galactic Pulse in 2025. The second scenario predicts the Event in 2025 and the Galactic Pulse a few years later, but earlier than 2030. Be aware that these dates are just speculations and may be wrong, since they were not directly confirmed by the Light forces.

Also very importantly, there was a substantial change to the Ascension plan when Project 501 collapsed in the summer of 2019. It then became absolutely clear to the Light forces that surface humanity will not be able to undergo healing and liberation without direct physical intervention, and that surface society will have to go through a slow collapse until direct intervention can be safely introduced without dark forces destroying the planet. Therefore the original plan with three Ascension waves between the Event and the Galactic Superwave was too ambitious and had to be revised. So here is the revised Ascension plan.

First, the increased energy from the Galactic Central Sun will continue to purify all the remaining quantum and subquantum anomaly around the planet and beyond, and the Light forces will keep removing all negative non-physical entities. Some quite reliable clues about the removal of various aspects of the primary anomaly can be found here:

Second, the solar activity will keep increasing, as we are coming closer and closer to the solar maximum of solar cycle 25. Early predictions were estimating that cycle to peak in July 2025, but now scientists are expecting the solar maximum in late 2024:


Early research of Alexander Tchijevsky has shown that 60% of all social unrest happens within a year and a half of each solar maximum:

Therefore we can expect monumental societal changes between early 2023 and early 2026, that is a year and a half of the current solar maximum of solar cycle 25:


This coincides perfectly with Portal 2025:

And with prophecy of Beinsa Douno:

All negative timelines will collapse and all timelines will converge into the Event:

At the time of peak social unrest and with enough anomaly removed, the Light forces will upgrade the current state of emergency for the surface of the planet into martial law.

This practically means that the whole surface population will undergo a brief (3-7 days) military lockdown during which the mass arrests will be taking place. People will be instructed to strictly stay at home to ensure the safety of military operations without collateral damage. Positive forces will be using quantum pulse weapons to block the weaponry of the Negative military and to freeze the troops and civilians who will refuse to obey the orders of the Positive military.

There is still a large aspect of the Event plan that needs to stay classified and will be a big surprise almost to everybody.

After the Event, the surface society will undergo a drastic transformation that will take a few years.

General surface population will keep integrating intel about Exposure and Disclosure that will be released through the mass media, and begin to heal their deep psychological wounds from the dark past.

While the most extreme psychopaths and sociopaths will be removed from the surface of the planet at the Event and shortly after, many latent sociopaths will remain in the society until the Galactic Superwave and keep a low profile without causing any harm, knowing that any harmful action would trigger their swift removal.

It takes quite a long time to completely purge a system:

After the Event, the vast majority of Lightworkers will go through a massive healing process with much assistance from positive energies, angels and Light forces. There is a lot of self-healing work that needs to be done, and it is expected that a few years later when the Galactic Pulse arrives, about 2000 people will be ready to Ascend in the first wave of Ascension which will coincide with the Galactic Superwave and the planetary Evacuation:

Those preparing to Ascend in the first wave will be living in Islands of Light, which will begin to be formed shortly after the Event.

They will connect with their twin souls, many of them being on the motherships:

They will expand their horizons beyond past programming and start forming Soul relationships:

During the Evacuation, the ships of the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Confederation will rescue the surface humanity from the Galactic Tsunami:


After the Evacuation and after the Earth goes through its transformation, only beings fully aligned with Light (estimated about a few million Lightworkers) will be allowed to return and reinhabit the Earth in Islands of Light and prepare for the second and third wave of Ascension which will happen relatively soon afterwards.

The mass of humanity will be evacuated in their physical bodies just before the Galactic Pulse and transported to the planet in the Pleiades star system which already inhabits about 70 billion humans which were evacuated from the astral plane of planet Earth in 1999.


About 500 million of surface evacuees, mostly sociopaths and psychopaths and many of them Dracos and Reptilians who came to Earth in 1996-1999 period and were living since then in human clones on the surface, will not be able to fulfill the minimum criteria for evolution and will be taken to the Central Sun for restructuring.

This effectively means the end of darkness and suffering for the whole universe, and a “new cycle of luminosity can begin”.

Victory of the Light!


  1. The first event scenario will certainly not happen, so be tormented mentally and physically by the cabal for a few more years...
    Not very motivated after 2 years of Corona Terror.

    We will see. I'm tired.

    1. I agree.
      It is beyond belief that we will still have to suffer much longer than we can handle.
      This new time-line we're on now will cost millions of unnecessary deaths and suffering.

      I want off this planet now to escape this lunacy from BOTH sides of the fence.


    2. Not essential! He who is tired must prepare for his death in the next few years. Or pull yourself up on the rope. ---That's not what I'm saying, that's what a lot of people say. Much depends on the collapse of the U.S. and China political systems. (Interdimensional ETs and Chimera)

    3. And when Russia and US Nukes this Planet? Sad that the Light Forces let the NWO, Great Reset happen... In France when you have them Covid App you don't need to war a Mask in Buildings and that's the Mark of the Beast

    4. I can take the 3-17 months window. But a 2025 evennt would drive me into turd tossing raging monkey.

    5. Você pode estar cansado. Como a maioria de nós. Mas estamos falando de salvar o planeta. E não somente de salvar a espécie humana. Por isso tenha calma. Seja compreensivo com as Forças da Luz.

  2. Just weird this update, makes not much sense..

  3. My guess is this post will get many comments. For those that are fairly new. Note if you have commented and there are more than 200+ comments(note i dont know the actual #) the latest comments won't show until u scroll to the bottom of the page and hit the "load more" ... (if it is showing). In short you have to load all comments before you may see your latest post.

    Last.. Be mindful of others when commenting.

    1. I guess there will be 800 to 1000+ comments.....

    2. (important🌟)“View web version ”
      The website on the mobile phone needs to click this to see a lot, which I neglected before.
      Remember to play a relaxing song when you read the comments.🤗

  4. Now we have a most possible timeline. And we can see our future almost. Keep work for ascension. VOTL!

  5. Holy crap!! 🤯
    This update does not disappoint!
    This is perfect and aligns so much with what I was sensing and hoping for.. 🥳
    Thank you dear Cobra & Lightforces! 💖

    1. i'm kind of scared, i don't want to loose everything i own and my digital artwork loss either, and i worried i won't see it will we still keep all our belongings and stuff because i don't want to loose everything i own

    2. ms100dragon100, love not the work of thy hands...

    3. i still want to keep all what i worked on and not loose it

  6. Thank you for this update, Cobra!
    Is there anything we can do to manifest the first scenario?

    1. Massive chaos so they have to intervene.. seems massive societal chaos is what prompts galactics not meditations ..just from this post we asked for direct intervention they aren't doing it ..

  7. We know not when
    In the blink of an eye
    We'll have awakened
    Thank you for the warnings
    To prepare, to be Ready
    #SisterhoodoftheRose 🌹👁🌹

  8. So evolution is being forced upon people and if they do not succeed they get sent to the central sun even if they don't commit crimes? Also I am not ok with almost 100% of all humans not being allowed to live on their own home planet if they're not light initiated.

    1. You are wrong.The Earth is not the home.Did you choose?No,nobody have the chance to choose,It was the darkness who control we here.And told us the earth is home and made us"love"this planet.All of these are nonsense.If this short experience of living on the planet that was controlled by darkness made you miss here,you can choose

    2. the update states the human experiment is quite the failure.

  9. Honest I was a little worried that they wouldn't make this a beachhead that looks like we will be moving forward until everything is free


  10. We shall see about that.

    Path Of Least Dunka Dunka


  11. Military domination, destruction of our planet, our banishment...
    Not sure if this 'light forces' are any good or just want this planet.

    1. Ho gli stessi dubbi.
      La luce è luce e non sofferenza.

  12. アガルタ(東京)の入り口を公開します。




















  13. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  14. I would be very glad to see the First Scenario 😊

  15. As usual, we get close to the end date of 2025 and it gets pushed back another few years, this has been happening over and over since 2012. And I can safely guess that when we get closer to 2030 there will be another new update that it has been pushed back again to 2040 or 2045 or something like that, then it will be pushed back again and again and again. This is how it always goes. Hey guys, it has been fun, but I am done with all this.

    1. I see it in a way that working on yourself ensures that you choose the moment of ascension for yourself :)

    2. @Damian
      We been 'working on ourselves' long enough.

      I want contact, restoration, healing and off planet while I'm still alive and young enough to enjoy it.

  16. I'm following this site since 2014.And this became really funny.Omg, I cant beleive...New followers are coming and they will swallow the same story as we used to. And when the 2025 comes, then the plan will change because circumstances changed. In other words,for new "votl" guys on this site - have fun reading these wet dreams until you see that only your own efforts can change reality. Then this fairy tale will fall away ... I'm not saying it's not true but this has already become counterproductive for the development of the individual.

  17. tired of BS stories let's see some action.

  18. I honestly had a feeling recently that we will have a soap opera type of climax that 2025 is not the end and mass ascencion will be possible after that. That gives are more time so that's a good news?

  19. How is the clearing of the invisibles going? What happened to the remaining anomaly to still be cleared in the astral plane?

    1. What is most difficult to remove is the sub-quantum anomaly, which even Ascended Masters can detect only indirectly.

      My impression is that the invisibles are losing power.

  20. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  21. I See It
    I Hear It
    I Feel It
    I Taste It
    I Smell It
    I Sense It
    I Create It
    ❤ WorldPeace1 ❤

  22. Surprised we got the confirmation of no hard limit for ascension window today. I thought it will be announced in 2025.

    With such revelation, I plea to Light Forces, and whoever feels so guided, to focus on peaceful resolution for the current stand-off in Ukraine.

  23. It's a joke, so no more event and ascent before 2025? And now dates like 2026, 2030? Frankly after all that has been done, meditation, petition, etc... Who was to assure us of a quick defeat of darkness, now that? Dates moved back as usual. I'm fed up, I stop all this and many will be so disappointed, that they will do the same....

  24. To anyone concerned by the Coldplay video linked; don't worry, you won't be required to find meaning in lame pop music to qualify for ascension.

    1. Now I've had a day to digest this update, I hope you'll allow me to voice my opinion.

      For a decade, the 2012Portal narrative has been "when the toplet bombs are removed, we will have The Event/Galactic Pulse

      straight away. They are the one insurmountable obstacle keeping the Light Forces from freeing us as hostages on this


      Now in 2022, the narrative is "The plan has evolved...the Ascension window will remain PERMANENTLY OPEN...the Light forces

      have refused to comment what that means practically for the timing of the Event...I can make an educated guess and

      speculate...these dates are just speculations and may be wrong..."

      Many lightworkers are living in hellish situations; whether they experience incapacitating mental or physical conditions

      (I've speculated that crippling lightworkers in their final lifetimes is hugely beneficial to the Cabal's agenda to inhibit

      the Ascension plan) there has been a carrot dangled infront of us, encouraging us to persevere.

      Honestly, I would probably be OK if you told me the whole "Galactic Pulse" would never happen, AS LONG AS we would get The

      Event on time, and all of the wonderful, divine gifts, healing technologies and freedoms that Disclosure and The Event are

      supposed afford...

      But by announcing that the Light forces have rescinded their 2025 deadline for The Event, you've taken away MY one bit of

      solace. The one enduring shred of optimism that I was holding on to - I was counting down from 3 years and 11 months until I

      am granted advanced healing technology - and you've taken that from me. I really don't know what to believe anymore.

  25. So 3-8 years until we go off planet?

  26. So much Gratitude dearest COBRA for all the years of service. Thank you RM, GF,and all Light Warriors on, above and below the surface. We shall prevail.

  27. So, Cobra has published something here that is very rare for him: a speculation.

    While I can only speculate about the reasons, I think it might be possible that the reason was that we're all eagerly waiting for a hint about the expected time window for the Event.

    Giving a time frame makes one vulnerable, because few are willing to accept that everything is always in flux and therefore no certain information can be given in this regard.

    I am therefore very grateful to Cobra for giving us some guidance and hope, regardless of the fact that he might be attacked for it.

    May all those for whom it takes too long have the strength to remember BEFORE posting a comment that Cobra is responsible for the progress of Earth's liberation only in a positive sense, because for years - making many sacrifices - he has provided us with information on this blog. He is not responsible for setbacks or delays. There are several reasons for these, which include us as a collective.

    Focusing on the positive in an article and constructive comments will certainly be more conducive to progress we want to have.

    May we all have the strength to walk the final stretch of the road with confidence and fulfill our mission here - united and supportive of each other (especially of Cobra and his blog).

    1. Every living being, which is not omniscient, depends on assumptions to be able to act and to correct them in case of wrong assumptions. The behavior of the Primary Anomaly is unpredictable.

      The less Primary Anomaly there is and the thinner the veil becomes, the more certain assumptions become.

  28. Funny you mention that. I just received information about this subject too and felt moved to come here. Part of the message I received clearly spells out the following: This is the last battle. It is also the last chance to chose between the wheat and the chaff. We are in the Harvest. There is still a little bit of time left to do the right thing. Forgiveness will be given freely to chose who change course, no matter how dark the past.. However, those who continue to defy the greater force in this universe will be "deleted", with no re-incarnation or incarnation potential.

  29. The Primary Cause of Possession for Cobra Followers, and Moving On

  30. Thank you for the update. For everyone here (me included), do what you can to help this new world come true, dont wait or expect other to do the job for you.

    I am happy to know how great our future is looking.

  31. I can hold out until 2025.

    Thank you Cobra.

  32. 赶快触发事件,不要拖拖拉拉的

  33. .....Victoire de la Lumière ✨ inutile de préciser que le 1er scénario est celui auquel tous les travailleurs de lumières se prépare depuis 20 qui est très attendu.. 🙏🏼 S'il vous plaît, faites que cela se réalise, nous ne pouvons plus attendre. On doit passer a l'action ! Merci ❤️ On est avec vous.

  34. Emergency declaration remains in effect.
    Quarantine command remains in effect.
    Purification command remains in effect.

  35. Thanks Cobra.
    You know the man from Yemen, al Mahdi, in Arabic? I ask this because his appearance prophesied the beginning of the Golden Age. And he's been appearing since 2006.

  36. The goalpost keeps moving. #verytired

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Disclosure initiation protocol remains in effect. Procession will continue.

  40. Elimination command protocol remains in effect. All commands will proceed.

  41. All Commands Full Alert remains in effect.

  42. Getting a feeling of slight disappointment and then again “I told you so”
    Surface humanity is not waking up and therefore it is impossible for them to wake up without direct information of the light being released by mass media. That can happen only after direct divine intervention by the light forces. For that first the light forces need to come closer to earth and to come closer to earth they need our positive energy. I’m thinking that there are only 2000 people who are supplying energy to the motherships so that light forces can come closer to earth without retaliation by light forces.
    This is my opinion only and I’m not pushing this down anyone’s throat. So forgive me if I don’t make sense.

    1. I been saying it for years, the ONLY way the masses have ANY hope of waking up is from a seldom seen, and long overdue culture shock, and it MUST be TANGIBLE.

      There is NO other way. We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it YESTERDAY!

    2. I agree on that point. Many many many people are still not waking up after all the lies from politicians and pressure they went through until now.
      What is really needed is a direct interference and disclosure of treasonsous cases in the mass media. The masses were being brainwashed for decades and an interference is needed, at least for the vast majority of surface population.

  43. of course the first scenario wont happen, its too soon enough and i confirmed my thoughts that the timeline will go further and further as it goes somes years now that i follow this blog.. so the 2025 went to 2030, oh i am sorry it went to permantly open.. i think you got my point..

  44. So beautiful to read this on the day of Adriana's 50th birthday, thank you my friend! 🙏🙏❤
    Victory of the Light! 🖖💥🛸

  45. So um getting to close to the "must be done by 2025" and now conveniently it changes to does not expire.

    Swear recently we heard something similar like 2 weeks to flatten the curve.

    Thank you for the eye opening update...

  46. Great!
    Which means the EVENT will delay again
    what a good news!!

  47. Gratidão pela atualização Cobra, me parece uma informação mais concreta e de melhor entendimento📖📒📖📒📖📒📖📒 A Luz Venceu!!!

  48. This can be interpreted in many ways, especially with the still relatively scarce amount of information on the subject of this blog when related to our everyday experiences.

    Approximate predictions can be changed at a moment's notice, and as this blog indicated even then both proposed timelines (next 3-15 months or the year 2025 C.E.) is subject to change.

    The educated guess that we had based on the scarce information made available to us as to why this originally had an expiry date of July-August 2025 C.E. was because of Cosmic related planetary, solar, constellation and galactic alignments and other factors.

    With this latest update, the Event can now be justified being delayed further.

    At this point its safe to assume any quick resolution to the current situation is no longer assured.

  49. I'm not seeing much here in this update to be optimistic about. Seems like each update is worse than the last. For the past ten years The Event was portrayed as a cleansing event. No more.

  50. 最近腦海浮現著 我那個精神問題的父親被移除地表的畫面,謝謝科博拉的分享,這真是好消息

  51. wait are we going to see the ascension of earth or do we have to leave, do we HAVE to be in a positive vibration because is really hard due to certain life things, did we fail? i'm confused

    1. Sembra di sì.
      Esiliati e chissà e non so se in un corpo fisico. Visto che si pronostica di andare con i milioni (o miliardi) di umani che dal piano astrale (non fisico) sono sulle pleiadi dal 1999.

  52. This is very good news, I would very much like to attend a true mystery school once this whole thing blows over.

    I can speak for everyone of us when I say, i'm so tired of all the nonsense and craziness on this world. I just want myself and everybody else to live peace and enjoy their lives without worry. ❤

    I will not miss the old world, I don't think many will. Bless you all, who read these words.

    I'm ready to ascend, but I know damn well I will probably be among those in the last wave due to all my personal flaws and trauma, I have a lot to clear and am more than willing to do so.

    Much love and blessings to you all, and thank you all for getting us this far, none of this would have been possible without the lightworkers. Pat yourselves on the back, you've earned that much needed rest and it will come soon.

    I'm glad to have been a part of this liberation movement. It's not easy being awake and having to witness all the horrible things that have been kept in the dark while others are completely oblivious to it and go along willingly.

    - Atreianos

    1. Need more than a pat on the back.

    2. Hi Atreianos, I have gone through the comments to find the one to respond to and it is you because I wouldnt have written it better. I would like to let you know that if your life is just full of miracles, if you feel every single day that all your life is decreed by God, that all the things that are happening to you are meant for your good, then you are one of the 2000. You must have known for many years and as the Event gets closer you feel it stronger and stronger so do not worry. The date is not important because with God we can handle everything. If you do not have your team of archangels yet, then learn who they are and choose your own team and you are not going to doubt your future any longer.

    3. You can use guided meditations by Brian Scott to grow up spiritually and especially "Sitting with the angels". You will make it, I know it.

    4. Atrieianos and to everyone else here, I've seen glimpses of the islands of light. I've seen the New Earth and I've also seen my family members who are generally amazing people but heavily programmed fully ascended. I also received a message from my sister from the future who is currently immersed in 3D-"Don't worry about when it happens. Just know that we're all here."

  53. this is amazing!!! i've been following this blog for 5 years now and this is incredible news. i've just gotta wonder what 70 billion humans were doing in the astral plane of Earth?? how did they end up there?

    1. These are the deceased. All the deceased who were in the astral before 1999 were taken to a planet in the Pleiades. I may be lucky enough to see my father who died in 1993.

    2. Tutti morti sicuramente. Il che mi fa avere dubbi sull'evacuazione, che non avverrà col corpo fisico. A voi l'immaginazione...
      Solo 2000 persone che saranno talmente evoluti ascenderanno e potranno tornare sulla terra? Mmmm

  54. sounds pretty dramatic - out with the old, in with the new - here we go on the magic carpet ride - let us keep our focus on the Light and ride this wave to a brighter future - love to all, even those poor fools lost in the darkness - Victory of the Light!!!

  55. I've been following this blog almost since it's inception and I only have commented a couple times. I feel strongly about this, so I feel as if I must comment:

    Scenario 2 (Event in 2025) simply can not happen if we want most of humanity to survive the Transition. If the Cabal still holds the critical mass of power for another 3 years, many of us will either be dead or imprisoned. This is clearly seen by a comparison of 2019 (Most freedoms intact worldwide) vs 2022 (Mandatory or coerced forced poison injection every 6 months in most places worldwide). With another 3 years of cabal reign, things would surely become exponentially worse. Right now, the cabal is trying to create an extinction level nuclear war, with Putin openly manifesting it as a possibility: (
    In my strong opinion, this can NOT continue until 2025. The critical mass of power must be transferred to the Alliance in short order for the survival of the human race.

    Events on the surface are escalating at an extremely fast pace; peak social unrest is seemingly only weeks/months away. Truckers are literally going to occupy many major capitals of the world, with Washington DC next (According to the convoys leadership, they will occupy DC by March 1st). Thus, in my strong opinion, scenario 1 (event in 3-15 months) is not only by far the most likely scenario, but it's what is required to keep the surface population fully intact.

    Before, obsessive speculation of event timing was definitely of the lowest purpose as it only led to uncertainty, sadness, and other feelings of Anomaly. Now, with obvious massive societal collapse in less than a years time (with no intervention), speculation of when the event is to happen is at least reasonable.

    We will win this. Paradise on earth is just a grasp away. It's time to manifest our beautiful future in the stars full of love and happiness.

    Victory of the Light!

    Cobra, I think it's time to bring back:

    Victory of the Light is near!

    1. Now the President of the Russian Federation is openly using Einstein's World War IV quote of sticks and stones in open negotiations with NATO.

      He's pissed after a US Virginia class submarine sneaked into Russian territorial waters near the Kuril Islands north of Japan.

    2. so,the second one can't happen if light forces want Earth liberation.

  56. 1: what about our monuments like the pyramids or other wonders of the world?
    2: are they going to save the animals too?
    3: can we take our belonging because i don't want to leave behind everything i worked on or i had for years? (as in for example i don't want my physical or digital art to be lost forever after working for years on it)
    4: do we HAVE to be in a positive vibration or it does not matter, we will all see the event no matter what vibration we are on?
    5: will we be ok and we will make our own homes in the planet with all our belongings so we can feel right at home?

    1. Bustered by this update. And even a little pissed off. Why do I have to leave the earth if the ascension takes place? What is all this need if I have to leave who knows where? And then this turn on the date and opening of the portal. It seems to me a sort of taxation, at the level of the cabal. I don't like it and I don't like it, I say sincerely!

    2. I guess many of Us will only be liberated without phisical body. Anyway ascensione will be' only after the cleanse of very attachment . In a way or the other, sooner or Later, any attachment has to/will be resolved.

    3. From dead (astral) I don't need to ascend anything, nor live on an alien planet in astral. I want to live on my planet freed from evil but physically. In 5D, as they say, but physically. If I have to die to do it then I don't care, I could soon die and goodnight. I tell this brutally but that's what I feel. I meditated, signed the petition but I think I was teased. Evil, I see it badly.

      A shocked land and people who are seized and reach (like?) On another planet and only 2000 will live as physical beings? All this effort for this result? I'm not there, I'm sorry. I consider myself a free man and against evil but if my freedom is reduced to being tossed so then perhaps better if i resist alone.In my home and my planet.

      I hope I understand badly but things come back.

      It's like saying that if the house burns I die but at the after world I am safe and I would live happy. Bullshits!!

      Planetary release to escape? What does it mean? We are here and we struggle to change the planet with us living. Let us not lose ourselves as in ufological abductions.

    4. This is what is planned: an ascended humanity living on an ascended Earth.
      Earth's ascension requires a radical cleansing, from which all unascended humanity will be protected by an evacuation.
      Only humans who have completed their ascension will then have sufficient vibratory capacity to return to live on the new Earth.
      The others will complete their personal evolution on another more appropriate planet.
      What is announced here is an extension of the ascension process of humanity, so that more humans can access it. We need more time than expected.

  57. Hope this does not mean contact is going to be delayed...

    1. Ma che t'importa del contatto? Lo vedi che è tutto un illusione? Tutto. Nel bene e nel male.

  58. Her tweet is compelling evidence that the cabal had indeed been given five months to prepare to hand over their power, without collapsing the world financial system as a condition for their leaving Earth through the Antarctica intergalactic portal.

    This is close to cobra's first guess.

    1. LET it collapse. The world financial system is one of the reason this planet's a shithole.

      Don't make promises to the bad guys, they don't deserve ANYTHING, apart from a bullet to the brain.

    2. Haha, my friend, you are the one who impressed me the most. I'm glad you gave me a comment.🤗

  59. Let's hope that all negative Cryptids will also be removed.

  60. Woweee... So we could actually experience the Event three (3) months from now... maybe... at the earliest, I think he wrote.

    Well, actually, I am ready.
    Victory of the Light!

  61. is the hold up more that of the dark forces or more so that the surface population is in no way ready for disclosure?

    1. Disclosure MUST happen. IF the masses ain't ready, fuck 'em. Time they grow up.

  62. Dear light forces,
    This plan sounds much better thought out and aligned with the reality on Earth, except for the intervention of the positive military. I don't see that happening. Perhaps you are missing a crucial bit of information in regards to it. We've been experiencing forceful tyranical.lockdowns, we might revolt against them in the future, even if they are positive. I sense a great deal of fear coming from us surface humans in regards to that approach. I feel guided to say that we don't know the difference between an evil psychopath and a regular, charismatic human being that "didn't do anything wrong".
    On a possible related note, what you are doing is trying to heal humanity. I think a mass healing surge can happen if we collectively become aware of the higher/larger consciousness that encompasses us all. Perhaps the existence of civilised alien life and in combination with the source would be it. This is a common technique I use in my emotional healing process. It's called parts work, where two or more parts are channeled and made aware of eachother's actual needs and intentions with the purpose of banishing fears. But there is also a point where the patient that is channeling a part is asked this question "What do you think about ?" It makes that part aware of the larger, benevolent whole that it is a part of. Sometimes this is all a part needs for reintegration and healing. This works only when that superior unified consciousness exists as a possibility.
    The question you shod ask yourself is:"how do I present the higher unified consciousness/source/other planet's civilizations to a part that doesn't believe we exist?"
    I have a child-self stuck in the past in a bunk bed, in darkness crying her soul out to be rescued or killed. She's begging with everything she has to be taken away by E.T.s or angels but knows deep within her beings that's not realistically possible. I tried making her aware of my present adult self that has already left the abusive parental situation but she spoke back at me through time and space, snapping at my.advice with a "Dear angel or entity who is speaking to me right now ... how does that have any real-life application!?". Upon further insight into this issue, I see that a few things need to happen first: Both her and I need to realize to the fullness of our being just how cruel and abusive our father was. We don't yet because he feels 100% in the right to be cruel with me. And his belief is stronger than ours and it's fully normalised and we have no positive example of what a family should be like. Secondly, us humans got abused and tortured into believing that good things/don't happen. My child self is stuck there because she believes that nothing positive can happen to take her away from there and only worser situation are viable as a posibility. I'm sure the archons and the lack of ascended masters on the planet has something to do with this.
    So ... gl with revealing yourselves to us and understand what a shocking change that would be.
    Finally, a personal note, I am emotionally devastated that you couldn't make it sooner. My cat was diagnosed with polychistic kidney disease and I'm crying every day. I can't heal her, I wished I had time for you guys to arrive, but she's going to die before the Event. This hurts me endlessly! If you can do anything to save her, please! I'm sure millions of families are in my situation as well. We're heart-crushed, going through the worst emotional pain imaginable! Please do something!

    1. Bingo!
      I want off this fucking lump of rock, and in THIS lifetime. EVERYTHING that I need for the happiness I need lays in the hands of the aliens.

    2. Damn, some words got lost from my post. Here is the important one:
      But there is also a point where the patient that is channeling a part is asked this question "What do you think about |name of the person who is channeling|?" It makes that part aware of the larger, benevolent whole that it is a part of. Sometimes this is all a part needs for reintegration and healing. This works only when that superior unified consciousness exists as a possibility.

  63. Thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light! ✨🛸🌟

  64. I have long felt that the Event will be missed. :(

  65. Thanks Cobra...takes me back to MARCH 2016 when I read this info...I am very grateful to see the revised info. The work seems to really be gaining much momentum as of late... been waiting a long time for...THE GREAT AWAKENING!
    Victory of the Light.

  66. Thank you Cobra..
    One question arise in my mind, why Light forces communicated that the Ascension window will close in July 2025?, if they were not sure and how now they are predict that the Ascension window will open forever?

    1. Però lui ha fatto delle ipotesi, non ha detto che è così.

    2. Is my guess. But 2025 is when there was to be not only a planetary transformation but also a solar system transformation.

      Ascension window was planned for that date probably to coincide with the cosmic changes ... meaning the event n healing n 3 ascensiom was to occurred. it isnt possible to squeeze it all within 3 years basically.. so some modification to the plan gets done.. obviously the planet will be going thru the changes... n ascend.. the inhabitants here will ascend eventually whereever they are.. . At whichever pace. Now i dont know how it all works.. maybe it is a unique event to ascend with the planet n is only happeninh here...i dont really know...
      Regardless... ascension is a process that souls goes thru not just once... so the fact ascension window is set to be infinite is it not the normal setup .. if we had not been slaved/hostages.. i dont know the answer.. these r just me thoughts n questions

  67. Now first we gotta go though the next hell of cabal plan then hopefully we can see the light of event

  68. "At this point, the loser can only prolong the game.
    Both players know the game is over.
    Based on the rules of the game, the bad guys have already lost and the good guys have already won."

    1. Will only mean a damn when this so-called 'game', which I say is a WAR, finally ENDS, and we have the star trek life.

      Otherwise, all that stuff on victory is only WORDS.

    2. It is indeed just a matter of how much collateral deaths and sufferings it will take. The longer it games, more harmful it will be'. Yet the end is already decided and set. God give Us the strenght to hold on until then

  69. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post.

    Traduction de l'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  70. we all have to try very hard to reach God with love. the rest happens anyway

  71. 🌿 If anyone wants an extra dose of upliftment, to add to the update.... here is the MP3 of the live 🎹 Piano Transmission / Sound healing session from Thursday! Just uploaded. ♡


  72. Anybody who has issues with raising vibration, There are subliminal affirmations for ascension and planetary liberation as well:

  73. Need to read again but it seems the slow drip disclosure what happened to removing toplet bombs and Galactics would trigger event?
    We could have years to wait? Why did we do mass meditation and sign the form for direct intervention now? Sorry we are being misled the story changes all the time .. humanity needs a full stop and all shown the truth. Nesara to happen any not until after event.. nobody to receive med beds ...massive die off due to vaccines coming. I am not pleased .. frankly I feel betrayed.. 2018 galactics engage Draco ships...4 years later we are still prisoners ? Cobra said this was a hostage situation .. so we are still prisoners as long as cabal control media and keep chemtrailing and injecting the masses. Sorry but damn this update didn't make me feel excited. What is happening on the surfaces the dumbs the chimera nothing mentioned ..

    1. You have a point there. What append to the toplets bombs???

      Why light forces can't just explain us correctly the things.

      The resistance is doing a poor job for the logical intels here.

      This new plan is better in a way and if i am correct, contact will be made before the event. So it's interesting but more clear message can be clearly be done.

  74. I am against postponing events beyond 2025.
    The event was delayed more like a mirage. This could cause many light workers to leave.

    1. I am a bit confused about this Intel. Too much guessing. It will be disappointing if the first scenario won't happen. Not only humanity but, also many lightworkers are tired.
      According to the Lightforces humanity and the whole situation is not ready so we get more time and with more time more suffering? Will it really help? I don't think so.
      Or the reason of pushing the date out is because the Lightforces haven't been able to solve the toplet bomp problem yet?
      I would have thought that our Divine Intervention Meditation would rather speed up our liberation process and the danger of destroying our planet won't be an issue anymore.
      Then in what sense is the Divine Intervention happening?

      I don't understand that it was said that the cosmic window of ascension will close in 2025 and now it won't. That is OK but Why? On what does it depend?

  75. Tack för denna vackra beskrivning om vad som sker Cobra🙏
    Vi som följt dessa uppdateringar i många år har lärt oss att de mörka krafterna inte ger sig så lätt utan kämpar in i det sista för att fördröja det som kommer ske the event

    Ljusets seger 💖💖💖

  76. So it looks like several more years of the same filth on this planet. Extreme financial inequality, debt, etc...and decades after the event to clean this planet. I'll give it a few more months of my time and then seclude myself. I need peace. I want to go home as well. You'll know where to find me.

  77. I have deep remorse over spring 2018. Fault aside, I'm still troubled over the events and the ripple effect they had. I wish there was someone I could talk to about what happened.

    I'm glad things will turn out regardless. I look forward to healing from that ordeal.

  78. The galactics thought we could liberate and heal ourselves ?? How they can't removed all the negative beings and toplet bombs yet right?
    Mid 2023 wld be social chaos or later .. what happened to removed toplet bombs trigger event? So people wld be brought back after super wave for 2nd and 3rd waves?? I thought there wouldn't be 3 waves? The galactics should know by now what will happen
    3 to 15 months or 2 years??
    They took out Draco ships Jan 2018 per your post did they think we could liberate ourselves with the cabal in power of all the tools here.. slow drip disclosure won't work .. people are too programmed ..

  79. Peoples are tired and suffering enough, do not have strength for further extension. We need Event now! I believe most of the Light Workers share the same point of view.

  80. We need videos of these 70 billion humans evacuated from the astral.
    We want to hear them talking about their experience in living in your planet and receiving your healing.

  81. most of us have lust weeks o months left since in many countries you cannot work or do basic shopping without the jab . in italy for eample forthermore jab is mandatory for over 50 Years old.
    We are happy the plan is evolving positevely, but in a few months like these there will be simply no one light warrior light worker, potitive person left to be rescued on this planet... so ... nice try ... too little, too late, i know THE problem is the average quality of enslaved humanity that is simply not capable to embrace the light... well dear star brothers, youare loosing even light warriors and light workers keeping on pretending they survive in this madness for others months or years.... we will keep on fighting of course and die free "INSIDE" but... what a bitter result.

  82. Sorry but for me everything makes no sense except variant 1. We are in the midst of end time madness, everywhere there are protests, people are waking up, the petition was successful, the cabal is going crazy with corona dictatorship, now they want a new world war. HOW should the next years go well? Then it all escalates

  83. In spanish, en español, en castellano:

    Greetings: LF, AC, Pleiadians, RM, Cobra, and all who are working for the planetary liberation. What a TEAM!

  84. 500 million...

    We always knew about that plan "they" had.

    Taking too long. Just do it.

  85. Victory of Ascension Plan ! We will prevail !

  86. Come italiani difficilmente potremo resistere le attuali condizioni per un altro inverno, già ora è quasi impossibile anche solo lavorare senza esser vaccinati. E onestamente credo poco a costituire villaggi auto sostentanti perchèv non è una cosa che si mette in piedi in pochi mesi e poi non saremo mai sicuri visto in ogni momento potranno venirci a prendere con la forza .

  87. Same..but I have no desire to die. I want to live and get myself restored, and have the last laugh at the Archons and their butt-buddies in crime. I also want to jam a blade in the guts of one of them, and force their eyes open and stare them in the eyes as they die.

  88. Thank you Cobra for keeping our spirit UP! :D

  89. No one is omnipotent in the Primary Anomaly realm, not even the Source.

  90. COBRA.
    I'm totally against delaying anything past 2025. The way things are, there will be not much left to liberate. And, for quite a few of us here, out patience is wearing very thin. We can't go on being these 'warriors of patience' any longer.

    I do, and have for YEARS, agreed with the masses will NOT wake up on their own....they are too brainwashed, too programmed, too dependent on TV, authorities, and celebrities to think on their own. I've said for a long time that ONLY through a seldom seen, long overdue CULTURE SHOCK will the masses wake up, and this said culture shock NEEDS to be TANGIBLE....something that everyone can SEE.

    Also, what of the petition and meditation back in december? Also, I've seen several UFO's hanging out here, to the east and west.....they seem to be scoping out my property, which is approximately 47 acres. Does this mean my property is eligible as a landing/first contact site, as according to contact dish?

    Like this guy says ---->

  91. This update confirms the feelings I had for a while. All those people hoping on event to happen fast and trying to guess the date for it are doing great harm to themselves. It will always cause disappointment. We don't know full story and there is nobody who could us.

    The event will happen but nobody knows when that is. In the meantime one should work on themselves, working through their own traumas and negativity. Time moaning is time wasted. Waiting idly for Event is time wasted. Like it or not you're here. If you're feeling misery, fear, anger, hate and bitterness the event won't save you, cobra won't save you, light forces won't save you. This part you will need to do yourself.

    Having said that, I do feel compassion to people suffering and I do understand people's disappointment. Waiting for Event though is not the answer

    1. Starseeds did not come here to work with the vibration of hope, which is not a means of manifestation. Starseeds have come here to use the upper mental plane for manifestation.

  92. Hrvatski prijevod-- Croatian translation :

    and on Telegram :

    Thank you Cobra, Light Forces, Resistance Movement and Lightworkers, Lightwarriors. ✨☀️🥰💛

    Victory of the Light ✨

  93. Another delay. I'm done for now. See y'all in 2025.

  94. Thank you dear Cobra for the update of the Ascension plan for our planet and humanity! It was very awaited already and all of us understand the profound meanings of these processes on planetary and individual level. One fact is very important and very reassuring, that one city of Light, Ljubljana, is placed very near my location and hopefully, I will able to enjoy it when time comes. Here is the Romanian translation for this significant update: Victory of the Light!

    1. ljubliana is the nearest island of light in eastern europe?, nothing in romania?, i think will be one in Fagaras, not sure


  96. I felt the date 2025 was too close when I look at what is in the world now, but I trusted what Cobra and the LF had said. For me, this news means that the dark forces have been given a few more years to destroy humanity, more epidemics, more wars, conscious impoverishment and so on. They will also have the opportunity to implement The Great Reset. Demonstrations and meditations are not worth much, maybe a little but not enough, the dark ones will do with us what they want for many, many years to come. I don’t blame anyone working for liberation, I’m just disappointed. I don’t think there will be any significant visible progress until the majority of people wake up because while they are asleep the dark forces can use them for their own plans, so no matter how the light forces and lightworkers go forward, the sleepeing people are destroying their work.

    1. ... the sleeping people are destroying their work.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Interesting update. Here are my thoughts:

    I know that there are many factors that determine when the Event will happen. Some of those factors are unknown to the surface population. Also the timing of the Event is only partially in the hands of the Light Forces. I know that with time it is getting safer. I understand the delays are a blessing for those souls who are converting from darkness to light.
    But I'm not sure humanity is getting more and more ready for the Event. If we're just descending into chaos and it's so difficult to make a good plan and stick to it, maybe it would be a good idea to just start the Event and deal with all the consequences.
    Personally I don't mind waiting. My life is good and relatively stable. I feel safe and happy. But I don't see any collective progress and I don't see how I can contribute to the liberation of this planet.
    So maybe just start. It's going to be a mess anyway.

    "the original plan with three Ascension waves between the Event and the Galactic Superwave was too ambitious"
    Probably most of the plans that require some involvement from the surface population are too ambitious. The sooner we start with the Event, the sooner the Light Forces will start to work with the surface population and we will all be able to make more realistic plans.
    (Lightworkers, not knowing when the Event will happen, also make unrealistic plans for their lives.)

    I had a dream about big scale military operations on the surface during the Event. This update confirms my dream.
    In my dreams about the Event there are also very colourful phenomena in the sky.

    I had an interesting dream yesterday. There were some very tall powerful negative beings. But as soon as they tried to attack me or approach me they suddenly dissapeared.
    There were also advanced negative spaceships in the sky. They also started disappearing one by one.
    I felt very safe in this dream.

    My message to the Lighworkers would be:
    Stop seeing the Light Forces as the allknowing allpowerful saviours. See them as partners. And start behaving like potential partners. Let them see that we are ready to communicate, cooperate and to do our part.
    Don't look at these plans as absolutes. Cocreate. Or at least try to make it easier for the Light Forces to help us.
    It would be much easier for them if we could just give them some useful feedback.

    My message to the Lightforces would be:
    You're probably still hugely overestimating the surface population. Cobra says that you are revising your plans every time you realise you've overestimated people. This will continue even after the event. I'm talking from my experience. If you take people seriously, they will respond with anger and aggression. You'll need to learn many new strategies of interaction, which may seem counterintuitive to you. Otherwise, communication will be impossible. It is beyond just words. You'll need to come down here and experience it for yourself.

    1. Interesting points Dont panic. Also note The key here.. is about not letting the bad guys destroy the planet imho. That is what is keeping the bad guys afloat..mainly. imho

      Note The bad guys were counting on the earth changes n population reduction... if i understood corre tly the only reason why humanity was being added to the plan to also be consider to ascend with planet and to prevent the volumes of extreme torment against it is because Gaia sent the call out for her to be assisted and to help her inhabitants.. also some outside beings were pushing for that. Will be interesting to know someday who those were

    2. Until the bad guys can destroy the planet and souls on it no event will happen. As simple as that. No event means evil ones still have a finger on the trigger

  98. "..we all"..? Speak for yourself please. Over the last couple of years, my confidence and trust have been permanently severed, and I know I'm not the only one either.

  99. I'm afraid to even voice my opinions without them mysteriously vanishing.

  100. Too many people disappointed and allowing Cobra’s words to lower your vibes, which will ALWAYS make This take longer. The 3-15 months window is what I align with in many ways, but look at the geopolitical landscape and imagine/visualize where we will go now. Things take time. Keep your vibes HIGH and we will finish this nonsense in no time at all. Victory of the Light !!

  101. Too many people disappointed and allowing Cobra’s words to lower your vibes, which will ALWAYS make This take longer. The 3-15 months window is what I align with in many ways, but look at the geopolitical landscape and imagine/visualize where we will go now. Things take time. Keep your vibes HIGH and we will finish this nonsense in no time at all. Victory of the Light !!

  102. Hi Cobra! So here, the forces of light have gradually cursed us with the truth of what has actually happened in recent months, where each update was, among other things, essentially an admission of this information to today's update. Thanks to the forces of light for their sincerity, we finally read here what we suspected and did not want to hear right away. This whole situation is stalemate and difficult, it has been reflected in all aspects of planetary liberation, the plan of ascension and what we will still have to go through in a slowly collapsing society. There are losses in every war and corrections are made on the basis of them, and today they have been put before us in the update. The prediction that some ascents will be able to handle some 2,000 people speaks for itself. I really appreciate that you have even started speculating about when you think the Event will take place. He always avoided deadlines, and today he approached it to relieve the situation a little and turn on the light. You are a great fighter, respect and thanks for your work. So, with the understanding of what this information actually means, what the changes are and where they are going, we continue.

    1. Thank you for this reflected and balanced comment.

  103. Perhaps may have to be with amount of light within you?. Remember he said those that are align with light will be returning... so if transformation or ascension is occurring raising to levels higher 5 6 n beyond... is possible an avatar of Gaia may not be inhabitable or even visible in lower dimensions... once it ascends. So you may have the free will to return but perhaps there might not be anything to return if you are not align to its vibration.

    I don't know. It is my guess.
    There is too much we dont know.. specially beyond our physical world. Heck even about our 3D existance.

  104. It was said by Cobra sometime ago that the waiting time for the event has been cut in half. This is cut in half? Now the window doesn't close. We all know the first scenario ain't happening because it's never been quick with anything. I ain't gonna make it then.

  105. Thank You🙏🏽🌈We will keep doing our Lightwork stronger than ever.
    Much Love and blissful Ligh0

  106. I’m focusing on my own life from now on and working with what’s available to me here and now. No more living in fairy land waiting for aliens to come and fix everything. Too many false expectations. We were seemingly closer than ever to the event and direct intervention but now there’s a possibility no event till 2025? Either cobra has no clue or he’s just stringing us along.

    I’m changing my life from here on out. I’m going to do the work. It’s time to start living in the real world guys

  107. So the magic 2000 create islands of light where they then reside, but that won't suffice and the planet will be flooded again. Why all the work just to end in destruction? This my home. I feel her and I breathe her. There are many aspects I have not experienced on my planet and I feel cheated at the idea I would not be allowed to stay on my home. I have no desire to be a space ranger. I'm an Earth Mama. Why must we vacate the planet? Why is the end result always to destroy the planet surface and hide its history? Where is the truth in hiding the planets history with floods?

  108. Tôi nghĩ sẽ xảy ra kịch bản đầu tiên

  109. So the magic 2000 create islands of light where they then reside, but that won't suffice and the planet will be flooded again. Why all the work just to end in destruction? This my home. I feel her and I breathe her. There are many aspects I have not experienced on my planet and I feel cheated at the idea I would not be allowed to stay on my home. I have no desire to be a space ranger. I'm an Earth Mama. Why must we vacate the planet? Why is the end result always to destroy the planet surface and hide its history? Where is the truth in hiding the planets history with floods?

  110. how exciting is to be born in the trash dump of the universe at the precise time it is collapsing down to createthe most beautiful paradise garden ever? We will proud ourselves for eons for having lived this and made it possible.

  111. Not only good people are reading this blog. So there will be some strategic deception here. Just as they say that Sananda comes from Sirius and the five elements of the four races. Sananda did not come from Sirius, but the recent soul experience in the Pleiades. It did not originate in the Pleiades. The Pleiades is not the birthplace of Sananda's soul. Sananda's soul comes from near the Central Sun of the universe. The four races and five elements are even more obvious. After the meeting, people can be guided to accept the inner value. The message of the five elements represented by the four major races has been rejected by me since I first heard it. I don't accept the concept of four races and five elements. If a race can represent elements. So is the element represented by earth people stupid. And Indians can't call it red. They are yellow. They can't give them any race just because they go from one place to another. If Indians can be called red people. So can the Puritans who came to North America from Britain be called green people and blue people. They all mean the same thing anyway. There are people within any race who prefer to express one of the five elements. It is believed that the four elements of ethnic protection are tantamount to racial discrimination. This is a thorough way to refer to the problem. Because of the specific situation at that time, this expression can serve a higher purpose, so I don't think what was said at that time was out of evil intention. But a more euphemistic white lie in line with reality. This is acceptable. If you really understand me. Some of your contradictory questions about corbora will also be solved. It doesn't want to evaluate Satan. Because she is actually a goddess. It is a different reincarnation of the same being as Athena, Maat and sehmet. As the archangel of creation, she is Nuwa in China and a snake tempting Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden of creation. The original words of the Bible are a distorted account of her creative process. And she is actually the twin soul of Jesus Sananda. The dark ones hijacked her concept and made people reject the energy of her red vitality. And think it's evil. That's what the Archons have been doing for a long time. Why Cobra says Satan is the main figure of the dark forces is because he needs to cooperate with the situation. Because at this time, the positive benefits brought by his mouth will be less than the negative benefits. So he serves a higher purpose. Hong Xiuquan could say that he was the younger brother of Jesus in the dark Qing Dynasty at that time. In fact, he was the prototype of Sananda. Just like we said that Saint Germain was Francis Bacon, I don't think I can't say this information. Because I don't have the prestige brought by the aura of resistance authority. Many people think I'm talking nonsense, but that's why I can say it. If I understand this, I will say it. It's torture for me not to say it. While questioning me, I went to the field more and experienced it with my heart. This is actually a way to connect the higher self. Focusing on the overall situation is not perfect, but it is very realistic. Military intelligence will test each other, not to mention the more magnificent interstellar war. Who I am and why I say this. I don't know. The dark ones won't know. Even if the dark ones know, they can't do anything. Because the only way to kill me is to kill myself. They powerlessly tempted me to commit suicide. But without success, now I want to make the dark ones feel pain in this way. By the way. The narratives of the forces of light may be their periodic release of information. Or they may have changed their plans. Because the casualties caused by event will be greater than the number of people killed by the cabal in a period of time before event.This is the truth. So be mature. See a movie. Fall in love. Moisten the remaining matrix, just as Cobra said before.

  112. Nothing is more interesting than the unknown tomorrow.🌟
    We have felt too much pain in hundreds and thousands of incarnations.💔
    Depression is normal, and we all have emotions other than negative ones.
    I'm sorry, my words can't change your reality.
    If you can, please leave your positive comments. Negative comments can easily make people more collapsed. If you want to tell your pain, as a member of the earth, I can best understand everyone's feelings.😊

  113. With such high percentage of the population got vaccinated, while med-bed cannot undo the damages. Does this imply that it is OK for this situation to go on? For years?

    🙏☀️♥️🕊🙋‍♀️🕊♥️☀️🙏 🇧🇪

  115. Looking the comments,and i understood why the event didnt happen.Half of you guys are not awake......and always complain.that means you are still under control.I am not punishing you guys,i just saw many darkness here and say the truth,and i could imagine what terrible will happen if the event happens just now,just like what you think.Human,really needs to be cured.......i think i quiet angry......sorry.By the way,i dont speak English

  116. Great news, Thank you Cobra, I am sure that light will win, will not be easy...

  117. When you don't expect it, it becomes reality. Life on this earth needs to be responsible for itself. The Galactic Federation doesn't know what life is. They are like people who play games, discussing the story of npc. It's time to break free from this addiction now, cut down on blogs and other information, and start improving your life.

  118. Great! :) Thank you for update!!!

  119. What was Karl Haushofer theory?
    Haushofer was, what is called today, a proponent of "Eurasianism", advocating a policy of German–Russian hegemony and alliance to offset an Anglo-American power structure's potentially dominating influence in Europe. Beyond being an economic concept, pan-regions were a strategic concept as well.

  120. Highly recommend reading in full one of cobras links above, by teh master mystic beinsa Douno (died 1944) here are a few excerpts:

    'The Fire of which I speak [galactic pulse], that accompanies the new conditions offered to our planet, will rejuvenate, purify, reconstruct everything: the matter will be refined, your hearts will be liberated from anguish, troubles, incertitude, and they will become luminous; everything will be improved, elevated; the thoughts, sentiments and negative acts will be consumed and destroyed. Everything that is around you will soon collapse and disappear. Nothing will be left of this civilization nor its perversity; the entire earth will be shaken and no trace will be left of this erroneous culture that maintains men under the yoke of ignorance.
    ..Our solar system is now traversing a region of the Cosmos where a constellation that was destroyed left its mark, its dust. This crossing of a contaminated space is a source of poisoning, not only for the inhabitants of the earth, but for all the inhabitants of the other planets of our galaxy.

    Only the suns are not affected by the influence of this hostile environment. This region is called “the thirteenth zone”; one also calls it “the zone of contradictions”. Our planet was enclosed in this region for thousands of years, but finally we are approaching the exit of this space of darkness and we are on the point of attaining a more spiritual region, where more evolved beings live.

    The earth is now following an ascending movement and everyone should force themselves to harmonize with the currents of the ascension. Those who refuse to subjugate themselves to this orientation will lose the advantage of good conditions that are offered in the future to elevate themselves. They will remain behind in evolution and must wait tens of millions of years for the coming of a new ascending wave. The earth, the solar system, the universe, all are being put in a new direction under the impulsion of Love..

    There will be floods, hurricanes, gigantic fires and earthquakes that will sweep away everything. Blood will flow in abundance. There will be revolutions..
    After these sufferings, those that will be saved, the elite, will know the Golden Age, harmony and unlimited beauty. Thus keep your peace and your faith when the time comes for suffering and terror, because it is written that not a hair will fall from the head of the just. Don’t be discouraged, simply follow your work of personal perfection. You have no idea of the grandiose future that awaits you. A New Earth will soon see day. In a few decades the work will be less exacting, and each one will have the time to consecrate spiritual, intellectual and artistic activities.

    The question of rapport between man and woman will be finally resolved in harmony; each one having the possibility of following their aspirations. The relations of couples will be founded on reciprocal respect and esteem. Humans will voyage through the different planes of space and breakthrough intergalactic space. They will study their functioning and will rapidly be able to know the Divine World, to fusion with the Head of the Universe.

  121. We should not have to suffer because of xombie laggards.

  122. So just ditch everyone that has mental issues because of social exposure that wasn't supposed to take place. Yeah 10 years of hell could do that to some people. Ain't gonna be anyone left homie

  123. Many thanks for the update. Considering the possible delays, this might be concerning for many. But I think this was to be expected, given the mental state of the average population.

    I think the strategy to “force it” would lead to a situation where people would be so shocked that they would destroy everything around them. Chaos and mayhem would ensue, and also affect lightworkers and open-minded observers in a harmful way. Currently, such large-scale trauma could possibly not be prevented.

    Probably, this is the main reason why the main focus rests on clearing the non-physical planes right now, trying to get rid of invisibles and the quantum anomaly as such. The mental and emotional situation needs to be cleared. According to quantum mechanics, consciousness has always been the foundation of reality. And if that foundation is taken care of, outer reality will inevitably follow.

    Lightworkers and interested observers will possibly find comfort in the fact that the upcoming energies of the source strengthen freedom more and more every day. One could argue that it will be helpful to see society crumble, since it provides an opportunity to look beyond ones’ own limited beliefs and consider a deeper truth of things.

    Approximately 2000 people will make it as part the first ascension wave. Considering that billions of people live on Earth, this first ascension wave does seem to be a tiny minority. It might indicate that the process of emotional and mental cleaning is difficult. If this is true, even open-minded people might be challenged or even overwhelmed by the upcoming turmoil.

    Given that, we need every day to prepare ourselves for what is about to happen. That’s why I consider the “waiting” time as a gift to prepare myself. There are many methods, but I had very good experiences with focus and meditations exercises. It helped me to see what is important for me to do, and also inspired me to change my life.

  124. Thank you Cobra... this is the most detailed plan you have shared and it gives us such comfort and love knowing we are headed into beautiful times. May the light shine through all of us... am deeply greatful ..

  125. The 40 destroyed Starlink satellites would have been shot down by the Deep State to delay the Start of a Free Information System for the Liberation of the Planet!

  126. COBRA, Lightforces and the Resistance Movement...

    The latest Intel is wonderful news and inspiring in many ways but I wish to express my concern as far as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors. We have done what was asked of us many times over to strengthen the positive time-line towards The Event for a smooth transition. As per timing concerning us I feel we... those participating in Contact Dish are VERY READY for first contact and would very much like to move this along. Speaking for myself I am struggling with the daily challenges of financial hardships, family, friends and loved ones pulling me down to frequencies I'm desperately trying to rise above which obviously make me question my entire mission and self worth. What I'm saying is I'm very tired... we're very tired and it's time for First Contact to begin so we can detox from all of this garbage that we've accumulated through this and previous lifetimes so we can feel confident and energized once again in order to help do our part in a more direct fashion with the rest of humanity that is in need of preparing and waking. I'm tired and wore out and need a positive Contact and purification of mind, body, and spirit. I want so badly to help as Jesus did but know I can't until I go through a thorough purification process via Contact and time aboard the ships to prepare. I have been waiting my entire life for this moment and am asking you all to not delay one second more than needed so WE can finally begin the healing and Ascension process. Also, if at all possible PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors out financially via Project Dreamland... WE NEED the help NOW if we have to wait longer for the Event to begin. Our savings is running out... we need financial assistance now if at all possible please. 🙏
    Outside of that... I feel we're ready for this Intel to unfold as quickly and smoothly as possible and we'll be right here to help and do our part as always. We were born for this mission and by God we will finish it together!


  127. This is not any good news for many. My health is so much down especially since the " succesful " dwcember meditation , just dragging arround from one day to the next. Minimum 3 more months of this nightmare is indeed terrifying news. Just want to go , to escape from here. Hope the astral and the "lords of karma " will be cleared soon
