Thursday, June 23, 2022

Planetary Situation Update

There are massive, tectonic changes happening behind the scenes, and not much about that can be reported for tactical reasons. Therefore the posts on this blog are a little bit less frequent.

In the last few weeks, there have been huge victories against the Chimera fleet. There are two subfactions of the Chimera, the first one called the Orion subfaction and the second one the Andromeda subfaction. The Orion subfaction is mostly located in underground bases and is being wiped out. The Andromeda subfaction has infiltrated the surface population in the last few years as they realized their final defeat is near, and they will be a little more difficult to clear, as they are using humanity as a living shield.

The Light Forces have managed to infiltrate the Chimera chain of command undetected, and are now corroding the Chimera structure from within. Most of the negative scenarios for the planet have collapsed, but there is still one quite improbable, but very dangerous scenario that has yet to be resolved.

The Light Forces have completed the construction of both Dyson spheres, the one around the Sun and the one around the Earth. The Galactic Confederation fleet is thus ready for the arrival of the Solar flash, they just need to liberate the surface of the planet and prepare humanity as well.

Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength, and strong solar flares that are expected during the coming Solar maximum in the next few years can collapse the Earth magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift:




On the surface of the planet, there are strong geopolitical shifts happening as well.

First, Russia is busy preparing for the implementation of the new gold and commodities backed global financial system:

That will include a international reserve currency based on a basket of currencies, exactly as I have predicted on my blog more than 10 years ago:

And a stablecoin cryptocurrency backed by gold:

Behind the scenes, the Russians are also quietly preparing to release free energy technology, and they will do that as soon as the power of the dark forces is diminished sufficiently that it is safe to do so:

Situation in China is a totally different story. A few years ago, Dragon sources have communicated cryptically: “Xi has lost the mandate of heaven”. This has now become mainstream knowledge:

Xi is under heavy Jesuit influence and is trying to hold on to power, becoming more and more dictatorial:

Not everybody in China is happy about this, and the Shanghai clique is trying to remove him from power. This is the real reason behind the Shanghai lockdowns, as Xi is using lockdowns to block the activities of the Shanghai clique:

Although, on average, Chinese people can tolerate more abuse than Westerners, they also have enough, and beneath the surface of the Chinese society, a revolution is brewing:

Chinese financial system is on the verge of collapse, and the authorities are misusing Covid apps to block the citizens from accessing their banks and their money to prevent bank runs:

Xi has also signed a decree to legalize “special military operations”, obviously targeting Taiwan:

As promised, Dragon sources have immediately reacted with disclosure in Chinese mainstream media on the same day:

Evidence is coming out that the Chinese have deliberately released the coronavirus from the Wuhan lab:

Even Tedros Adhanom has admitted that the virus may have come form the Wuhan lab:

The same lab also experimented on monkeypox:



There is some interesting intel coming out about the vaccines:

And about microchips in medicine pills:

The World Economic Forum is still trying to enforce their version of the Reset:

Now it is their do or die moment, and they are trying to terrify everyone:

By engineering a systemic collapse of the Western civilization:

The system is far more resilient and adaptive than they expect, and their attempt will fail.

They will fail:

And we will win:

We are not there yet, and a meditation for peace is needed in a potentially emerging conflict between Russia and Lithuania / NATO:

Flower of Life meditation is also needed, to stabilize the planetary Light grid, bring more Light to the planet and help purifying it from the remaining anomaly:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Thanks for the update Cobra! Can anything be said about what % of global politicians, religious leaders, and celebrities are really just CGI, actors, or clones/A.I.?

    1. And the Stealth Archons and Subquantum Anomalies, how's the cleanup?

    2. Motherships in the Moon - 26.06.22

  2. Thank you so much Cobra❤️ for this long-awaited update.. Great news! And huge thanks to to the LF upon completion of the Dyson spheres!❤️

  3. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  4. If they are using us as shields, any weapons we can use against them?

    1. Yes, meditation and kumbaya.

    2. One of the weapons one can use is to utilize the teachings and techniques of Neville Goddard. You can start off with "At Your Command" and "Your Faith is Your Fortune" books (Neville's books are in public domain).

      Here's the audiobooks to listen to:

      And a dedicated community for success stories and guides. Here's their wiki, and you can post in the community if you have more questions:

      Feel free to learn and practice his teachings while you "wait" for the ETs to "deal with the darkies"; that is, if you still haven't managed to protect, save and heal yourself and those you care about, once you're through with the studying and on with practicing Neville's techniques; after all, there's still an element of "team-effort", my fellow co-creator.

    3. @Azure
      Thing is...all those who I 'cared about' disowned me. So, apart from my mother, I'm on my own.

    4. @Sherman
      I have a different paradigm, so I can say that it doesn't matter who did what to 'you', because it doesn't truly have any effect on your own ability to change your 'reality' which your Focus determines, unless you allow it to.

      I recommend to listen to the audiobooks I posted, then come back here. Perhaps once you're through with at least those two books, you will see what truly is the problem and where all of these "Super Saiyans" are that you fail to see.

  5. Two things:
    "The Light Forces have completed the construction of both Dyson spheres, the one around the Sun and the one around the Earth. The Galactic Confederation fleet is thus ready for the arrival of the Solar flash, they just need to liberate the surface of the planet and prepare humanity as well."

    This seems to align with the first scenario of the Event, with the polar shift being around 2025.

    "Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength, and strong solar flares that are expected during the coming Solar maximum in the next few years can collapse the Earth magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift"
    This one being the galactic pulse and us leaving Earth which can be around 2025 first scenario or around 2030 second scenario.

    Keep in mind this are speculations by Cobra about the dates, so it's not 100% accurate but it's the best we have for now.

    As always, Victory of the Light!!

    1. Don't wait for the Event ! It will be at the same time as the pole shift. 😞

    2. The Event must happen months before the polar shift, otherwise there will be no time to save humanity from the tsunami.

    3. The Event will be the pole shift.

    4. I always understood Event happens .. then we have 3 ascension waves that follow so people have 3 chances to ascend before the pole shift occurs and 3d earth is cleansed. Is this not still the timeline ?

  6. Polar shift

  7. I think we've all been feeling the turmoil

  8. Victory of Light
    Dates Are Important


    Mjolnir :

  9. A wonderfully encouraging report, indeed! Next 5 weeks shall prove interesting and worthy of our patience. Thank you for the update, Cobra.
    Dyson completion is heart-warming and worth celebrating. Keep Shining Those Internal Lights, Everyone! Much love and power to the liberation of the earth and her human race! We could not do this without our Special Federation's Help! For that, I am most grateful. Shine On! Love and Peace

  10. As shown in figure🖐🏼

    At the end of this picture is the answer. I encourage you to share your inspiration and guidance.
    I didn't take cooperation seriously at first, which may be the beginning of cooperation.
    I hope you and I will never forget to cooperate.

    Cobra: And the second factor is there is less cooperation and more egoism and more stupidity among the Lightworkers than anybody expected.

    but I would say the more people hold the Light, the more people cooperate in a positive way, the more people develop and manifest common sense together with a spirit of cooperation, the more, the easier our roles will be.

    Yes. And of course, most people will not take me seriously and they will still not cooperate, and we will have more mandates, more of the same until the breakthrough happens. This is most likely what would happen. I'm not very hopeful again, I have seen enough of human nature to see how people behave.


    The above information will be sent repeatedly to deepen the impression.

  11. ✋🏼"The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms. There are about 1000 such bases worldwide, and two main ones in Ukraine are below Odessa and below Azovstal metal plant in Mariupol."

    Meditation to clear all underground toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits:

    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

    2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to clear the toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits so that there can be physical intervention from the Light Forces on the planet surface for planetary liberation.

    3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

    4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this Light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

    5. Visualize a band of the Violet Flame, the Fire of An, and Pink Light, each one for a few minutes, extending 30 meters (about 98.5 feet) below the surface of the planet, clearing all toplet bomb mechanisms and clearing all underground pits. The Light Forces/Underground Resistance can also be visualized to be clearing all toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits with the Light/Flames. If unable to visualize, focus on the intention. Be one with the intention and know that this clearing is happening.

    6. Visualize the course of events on planet Earth shifting into the most positive timeline possible, with the Light Forces physically intervening on the planet surface and building an active partnership with the surface population, bringing Earth into a new and eternal Golden Age.

    When I tried this meditation, pictures like this came up🌟

  12. holy moly this is insane! Let love fill our being and bring a greater peace on earth and throughout the rest of the universe.

  13. "Earth's magnetic field is already 25% down in its strength, and strong solar flares that are expected during the coming Solar maximum in the next few years can collapse the Earth magnetic field to the degree necessary for the magnetic excursion, leading to the physical polar shift:"

    it's over, I stop all this, always new enemies, new deadlines, now years of waiting? There will always be something that will delay the event, if it ever happens one day...

    1. It's called distraction social engineering to prevent your personal empowerment. Use common sense.

  14. Top Takeaways :

    -Massive, tectonic changes behind the scenes

    -huge victories against Chimera fleet.

    - underground bases being wiped out.

    - corroding the Chimera(surface) structure from w/n.

    - Most of the negative scenarios for the planet have collapsed

    - completed the Dyson spheres

    * "It would also be beneficial if people reread old articles from this blog as then they will be able to put fresh situation updates into a broader context. "

    Cosmic Q Map :

    All Cobra mentions (posts/interviews ) of the Financial Topic will be out hopefully by end of month . Much needed clarity will be on that upcoming post & well needed for all perspectives out there on this subject

  15. Thank you, Cobra and thank you Light Forces. Wow. We all appreciate your liberating us ! VOTL !

    1. It's good that you're free.

    2. I am free. And I will become much more free as we proceed, as will everyone.

      And that is all I will say.

  16. Very interesting about the Chimera. In the last few weeks I've seen several dead spiders. Many more than usual. Documented this in an email on June 7th:

  17. Don't know if Cobra will let me get away with posting this again but I understand if not. For those who are interested:

    Sleep Deprived, Divine Messages Still Coming Through, Solar Flare Synchronicities, Another Possible Hilarion Ascended Master Contact, Russia/Lithuania Telepathic Message & More

  18. アガルタネットワーク(カナダ)を公開します。









































































































  19. Finally a update thanks cobra and votl

  20. another super prmo intel update by our fine and superfierce lightwarrior mr cobra-bravo zulu monsieur.....

    somehow i sense when cobras going to release a planetary liberation update-others have wrote of such also of course.....

    one time i was going to some light rays intitiation sessions cobra was offering us-and i got confused to which direction it was located in i stopped walking and was looking in all directions -and sooooon somehow someone arrived and gave me information on the location and time of the light rays intitiations operations that were taking place-just a concidence of course-hahahahaha......

    the earth surface is shifting massively absolutely-including here in canada.....

    heres a well known hockey player in canada - theo fleury who i think is also onto something growing faster and faster-and eventually manifesting a ready lightforces driven political machine and such,to replace the cabal controlled machines now collapsing worldwide-if you will.....

    theo fleury-quote—–The Freedom Convoy raised more money in a month than the NDP has ever. That’s what scares them. The new opposition party.—–unquote…..


    a new military veterans group has manifested in canada - -and we are growing each day-and are affiliated with other groups such as police nurses etc.....

    from the V4F website-quote-----Veterans for Freedom (V4F) is a grassroots organization comprised of Canadian Armed Forces veterans who are mobilizing a nation-wide movement of peaceful, lawful, civic action. We join our brothers and sisters across the country to restore fundamental freedoms for all Canadians, and to honour our Fallen, who made the ultimate sacrifice for these freedoms. We stand on guard to uphold Canadian laws that are governed by the Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. We call on all able-bodied veterans in Canada to STAND-TO.


    may the great earth surface humans continue to unite - in prime creators supremely brilliant super sacred sunlight.....

  21. Warp speed now! 2 weeks = 7/7 portal🌟Go #GalacticConfederation !! We keep praying🙏🏼We keep meditating🌈 for the Victory of the Light! #SisterhoodoftheRose

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. 🖖🏼😇What do you think the source looks like?
    Surrounded by golden particles, this is what I think.

  24. Another picture about hands, this time holding together.🙌

  25. The Final Battle🌍✨

    Synchronize with one of the pictures.

  26. May it illuminate our way forward,

  27. Whats the point in expecting free energy technology from the Russians and gold back crypto currencies if humans are still expected to be removed from the planet when the pole shift happens?

    1. Yes Dougie, I thought this too

    2. Hahaha! From the Russians, this is funny! They are the largest producers of gas, oil and coal. This is a good joke ...🙂

    3. @Unknown
      They might be forced to give up the mineral slime and black rocks....which I have no problem with.

    4. Unknown, your the joke. Get out of here with all that negative crap. We have enough already in our daily lives. Why are you here if you don't believe a word Cobra says? Go join the Democrats.

  28. Thank you to the Resistance Team - let us all keep the focus to the final Victory of the Light!

  29. The nearest light✨🌏

  30. Hey Corbra how you doing! thanks f_or the update Victory of the the light...

  31. Wow talk about synchronisity lol🙊...

  32. Lots of updates, Thanks Cobra!
    Trying to get my head around China.
    Amazing job. Glad we are winning!
    Victory of the Light!

  33. Why dont u post more memes cobra it will help the awaking community on with twitter ect.

  34. Or start a channel like memology with memes and light workers memes are very powerful of getting the word out

  35. thanks Cobra, once update per month will do, If there is no significant things to talk.

  36. I mainly use Google translate to read this blog, but I knew english. There is an interesting fact. It is interesting to note that in the passage "In the last few weeks, there have been huge victories against the Chimera fleet", which originally means light wins, Google Translate translates it as a major victory for the Chimera fleet.

  37. Interesting that I don't see Cobra speaking of Pope's possible resigning here.

  38. Blessings Dear Cobra and LF's ❤

  39. Mulțumim Cobra pentru informații. Le așteptăm.

  40. Please help solve the problems of Chinese mainland!

  41. I don't understand ~ how many exceptions still need to be cleaned up? How much time will it take to liberate?

  42. This update sounds positive. Victory of the light. I have a question for anyone with experience with the tachyonis products. I looked at the site a couple of times and was considering buying something. I was considering that the tachyons can create protection, slow aging, expand consciousness, etc and was considering what I should buy. I bought a cintimani which I wear while I sleep and I have gotten fair protection from it. Patrick Kehoe said that the rose quartz spheres were the best cost wise. Are all of the tachyonis products permanent tachyon generators? Should I buy a larger cintimani stone? If anyone is willing to share, what did you buy and what did you experience with it?

    1. The true med beds will be free/no fee for usage. Do not be deceived.

    2. Is not about the size or carat of the stone, is more about how you deal with. The size may be important when you do grid work, because of the impact that it generates on the place, ley line, level of trauma that needs to be transmuted. Otherwise you don't need to have a stone in physical form as possessing it to benefict from its metaphysical characteristics, the only thing you really need is to discern that everything is connected, and you can plugin to all the cintamanis placed on this planet or elsewhere. When you do, do it with high level of respect and love.

      This is what the Tachyon really is, the zero point or Source/Consciousness and Manifestation, where everything is implicit, and from where everything sustains their existence. You heart is a portal and a generator of tachyons case you didn't know. That's where you connect to the Soul/Counsciouness, and that's exactly why the darkness do everything to shut it down in order to held the Soul into a captivity state and destruction.

      Cintamani is not a stone for protection, it is mainly used for unblocking and precipitation of what was surpressed or held as for psichic reconnection, healing and spiritual progress, specially connected to the Spiritual Hierarchy from Sirius (where came from). If you want a protective stone, amethysts, lapis lazuli, black turmaline, onyx and shungite, are best for that purpose.

      Remember, a stone is a fragment of consciousness in crystallized form, it has a will of its own and chooses where it wants to go or be. When we have a stone, we don't really own it any more than it owns us.

    3. @Rosa, my sister sent me turmaline, amethyst, obsidian, and some other stones last year. I got some protection from them. When I received my cintamani I had trouble wearing it. I would fall asleep for an hour or two and wake up and have to take it off because of this intense anxious feeling. When I got to the point where I could sleep with it on all night it helped with protection a lot, although I am sure its main purpose is more spiritual. I was just asking people what they would recommend as far as tachyonis products and why.

  43. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

    The first Planetary Situation Update since July 13, 2021.

    Please note: The translation of the link "Peaceful civil disobedience" will soon be added to the German translation. / Bitte beachtet: Die Übersetzung des Links "Friedlicher ziviler Ungehorsam" wird in Kürze der deutschen Übersetzung hinzugefügt.

    1. Due to the importance of the content of this link

      "They will fail:"

      the German translation of this article was also added at the the end of the German translation of Cobra's article.

      Aufgrund der Bedeutung des Inhalts dieses Links

      "Sie werden scheitern:"

      wurde die deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels auch an das Ende der deutschen Übersetzung von Cobras Artikel angefügt.

    2. @ Libra

      Thanks for your comment regarding the peaceful civil disobedience. I have already approved it.

      Still working on the translation of it, as I translated the other text first.

  44. unknown
    June 21, 2022 at 12:10 AM
    One year from our latest post on the blog

    We are also in 'Radio Sillence'... 🙂

    1. But, here is no so much 'RADIO SILLENCE':

      There will however be unnamed posts on which comments sections will we post links that may be of interest for Light Communities development.
      So, if there may be still an interest, please visit from time to time.
      With kind regards

  45. Thank you Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post.
    Traduction de l'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  46. Big Thanks Cobra!☀ And we keep the Light and we Love You!💛💛☀☀

  47. Thanks for the update Cobra!🌹🙏

  48. In Spanish, en español:

  49. Can Cobra Clarify who release the covid19 virus? I remember it's back in 2020 -2021 you mentioned it was released by an USA (cabal) agent, so which is correct? It seems to be contradicted it-self.

    1. Hi R, it was written in the past post from
      2020 end time madness:

  50. The trauma is internal conflict. More than likely, you were a strong, powerful gender in a previous existence. Now, you agreed to come back, in this life, as the opposite gender. This will and does cause confusion. Not by knowing who you are; however, but because the dark uses gender as another form of separation and division among us. The Creator loves you, regardless of the earth suit. Bathe in the divine love of Our Creator, and the external world's opinion matters not to your true happiness and mission. With love and peace....just be you.

  51. I always agree with Cobra.
    But I have other thought:
    1. "Chinese financial system is on the verge of collapse"
    Can't agree yet. It's seems to be some banks of Chinese Province appear funding problem, and it's a act of criminal, it's too early to say and a weak connection to "collapse"....... Any other specific proof?
    2. "misusing Covid apps to block the citizens from accessing their banks and their money to prevent bank runs"
    It's a misunderstanding..... The official central government and the law don't allow such action. A few officials have be punished
    3. "and the Shanghai clique is trying to remove him from power. This is the real reason behind the Shanghai lockdowns, as Xi is using lockdowns to block the activities of the Shanghai clique:"
    Not sure , but in my perspective, China official principle against Covid-19 is "Zero-COVID" , lockdowns is a must to ensure a low spread speed of virus and run all citizen level pcr test.
    I think Shanghai is trying to learn the west "give up" principle which brought a punished from official central government.... Honestly I do feel terrible for the Shanghai's "give up"
    principle .

    4. "they also have enough, and beneath the surface of the Chinese society, a revolution is brewing:"
    Well, It's a conflict based on the lockdown principle, but it's a month ago.... and Shanghai is already stop the "lockdown". Do you think that the citizen will still as angry as a month before? It's hard to say it can become a revolution....

    It comes back to the arrangement against Covid-19, "Zero-COVID" , "give-up" or "both"?
    At least, The fact is that China lockdown principle is a way that the least people die. Correct?

    So "Chinese people can tolerate more abuse than Westerners" seems to be joking... Or, more deaths is a better option or "less abuse" compare to "lockdown" ? I doubted.

    1. Well, apart from small protests, we've yet to see the Chinese people do a Marie Antoinette on the Chinese Communist leaders as of yet.

      Look at the Romanian Revolution of 1989 as an example.

  52. "In the beginning was the unconditioned awareness of being, and the unconditioned awareness of being became conditioned by imagining itself to be something, and the unconditioned awareness of being became that which it had imagined itself to be; so did creation begin.

    By this law – first conceiving, then becoming that conceived – all things evolve out of No-thing; and without this sequence there is not anything made that is made.

    Before Abraham or the world was – I AM. When all of time shall cease to be – I AM. I AM the formless awareness of being conceiving myself to be man. By my everlasting law of being I am compelled to be and to express all that I believe myself to be.

    I AM the eternal No-thingness containing within my formless self the capacity to be all things.

    I AM that in which all my conceptions of myself live and move and have their being, and apart from which they are not.

    I dwell within every conception of myself; from this withinness, I ever seek to transcend all conceptions of myself. By the very law of my being, I transcend my conceptions of myself, only as I believe myself to be that which does transcend.

    I AM the law of being and beside ME there is no law. I AM that I AM."
    - Neville Lancelot Goddard: "Your Faith is Your Fortune"

  53. @Libra
    And hormones and operations won't help me. The damage from puberty has been done. Balding at 16 (and to pour salt into the wound....EVERYONE in my family, on both sides, have a FULL HEAD OF HAIR, not a single bald one amongst grandmother on my mom's side, who I think is a lizard, is balding, but that's due to her getting hair done like she has for the past 50 years....a cotton candy, helmet style, which involves harsh chemicals....and her hair is like a thin 'shell', but , as I said, that's to her own fault) and to add to insult, I can grow a full beard fairly fast, which I hate passionately, since I abhor facial hair of any kind, for facial hair is the quintessence of masculinity. Hell, I was already SHAVING at around the age of 13. The Archons really went to town on me...and I want to kill them all and dance in their blood.

    And having a family of conservatives, many of them Christians, who take the Catholic style, did not help. I could not risk getting disowned by my family as a scared teenager. My options were less than limited, they were non-existent.

    I too, evoke Galactic Codex, and the light forces are obligated to help, both legally and morally.

    When I get restored (hell, just make me LOOK and SOUND like a girl, and make me alien, and that, for me, would be enough), I'll take cute, but what I'm going for is drop dead, smoking gorgeous, sexy, that any gay or bi alien girl will be hitting my up, ASAP.
    Like her:
    Like her:

    You get the idea. Already have a dozen or two outfits planned and designed, I just need the good guys to show up and make it happen for me.

  54. Yep...even some of the gay community are transphobic, if you can believe THAT.

  55. These two articles (linked by Cobra in this post) are really absolutely worth reading:

    "They will fail:

    And we will win:"

    They clearly show that passivity, "closing your eyes", waiting for others to do the work for you (waiting for the savior/others to bring about change), victim mentality (whining, blaming others), focusing on the negative things and not solutions, insisting on one's own opinion/view/assessment and not reflecting feedback are NOT the way to bring about change.

    And most importantly, they show possible solutions - they describe the current state (acknowledging the problem; that's important, but don't dwell on it!) and then possibilities for what each of us can do.

    The two articles refer to different circumstances - one to industrialized countries and the other to a so-called developing country (I am aware that a discussion about political correctness could be sparked here, and would like to add that I have used these terms for the sake of simplicity and do not associate any value judgement with them.) - and thus no one can actually say that this could not be implemented with them - at least to some extent (e.g. networking can be accomplished by EVERYBODY).

    I really hope quite a few will read these two articles and be inspired to "do something (or more than already)" that both thwarts the other side's plans and supports our side.

    Perhaps reading the two articles will also help to inspire one or the other to get out of victim mode - at least in part - and simply try out an approach other than always focusing on the negative, other than always whining, blaming and seeing oneself as helpless/incapable of action.

    I mean, what does one have to lose?! At worst, nothing changes in the personal circumstances or the emotional situation. Isn't it at least worth a try?

    And when one does that - i.e. no longer focusing only on oneself, which may even have caused one to lose all touch with reality and interpret behavior/statements of others very one-sidedly/wrongly - one may find that one feels better, simply because one no longer feels attacked, threatened, disadvantaged, unable to act, etc.

    Thanks for sharing these articles, Cobra. May they help to take self-responsible action.

    I would like to make a brief comment about our friends in China, because I am afraid it is most difficult for them to implement what has been written above, and yet there are those who do.

    What is happening to you right now (and here I don't just mean what is happening in general, but in particular what is happening to those from our - Cobras - community) is unimaginable and it breaks my heart.

    Unfortunately, there is not much/nothing we can do for you from the outside, but I am sending you as much positive energy as I can. May you get through all this in one piece and healthy (physically and mentally). We love you!

    1. How do you slay the dragon, alone and unaided?

      Without weapons, tech and super powers, adhoc, we are victims. Otherwise this war would have ended long ago. Not like we can build spaceships, photon torpedoes and light sabers and go up there and fight, nor are we Dragon Ball Z fighters. Even those damned Sholin Monks, who people say are sooo powerful, have yet to even bother fighting the darkies, etc.

      We NEED outside help, or this war will never end.

  56. What about the corona tribunals? Will they come before the solar flash?

  57. @Sherman, I believe that it is because they don't like what is being engeneered throught this whole thing of the ABCLGBT+, or whatever alphabet they use. I'm straight sexual oriented, I know gays ans lesbians and I do not consider them at the level of these strange creatures that start now to appear in order to traditional basis family and the educational of the younger. Gays and lesbians are natural the way they live life besides that many feel hurt because of the patriarchical laws that have ruled society and preffer women, or a women world, because women tend to be more opened and create more acceptance to non conventional love expressions. However, they respect the heterosexual oriented not trying to impose their ways, as they do not advertisethemselves like a neon flash light in the night about their preferences by the single fact that what belongs to the intimicy must keeps there, that's the rule of elegant people. And yes, they laugh when they see these strange ABCLGBT+ creatures because of the level ridiculousness they portrain themselves by option.

  58. Thanks for the update Cobra. At this time you may know quite well that I not mask to soften of or to make it pretty. So, it's gonna hurt the way it is.

    In my country we have a traditional saying that is "Quando a esmola é grande o pobre desconfia" / "The poor distrust when the alm is big." I sense this applies to the possibility of a planetary mass evacuation. To corroborate it, historical data from the 20th century is rich in quantity of mass extinction events and nobody from outside intervened to prevent it. So, what would be different from now taking into consideration the high level of complexity to address such operation in order to save lives when is more easier let them die, using a backup to suply a new terraform project?

    Don't like it but seems more realistic the possibility of let everything perish by its own than to make the effort of trying to save it. And by dying, that's not the problem. The real problem is the level of trauma and endoctrination suffered by the Souls that keeps them into captivity life after life, conditioning all possible experiences by the lack of liberty from a diminished light. In this chapter, it is notable that many of the readers are confused by the logic order of the steps of this event, if the mass evacuation takes place if before or after the solar flash.

    About the really mean of Ascension. At this time, everyone should formulated its own designation for this term, however I must confess that I found terrible how it is presented most of the times, that basically says that we need to ascend to be "ascended". I truly feel that is not not the case. Ascend is nothing more than remembering, that is more or less, return back our consciousness that was held into captivity by Morpheus(/sleep), a forgetfullness state generated from the density of unconsciousness while submited into immersion of any kind, if by contract (voluntary) or by force (non voluntary), in order to sustain an experience of whatever nature.

    From here is easy to start to understand that consciousness is the true matter from what we are made from, as its plastecity and volaticity applied to or in which aspects is presented, mantained to generate us as an expression, as a Soul. From here we start to get used to what was were before we came in to this, through the enlargement of the horizons of the conscious field, we start noticing that we do make transversal moves all the time that permeates more than a level or perception like communly the 3D. Our thoughts and our feelings are the vehicle from where our conscious field navegate through multidimensional or multifrequentials, being this 3D the most limited and fractured state where we can be. This metaphysical explanation is more credited to explain the real reason why a physical intervention at the 3D level is suspitious to occur than a transference of the Souls/Consciousnesses without their physical expression. Of course, the death of this physical expression must occur if not an atomic transmigration, however death is just a ritual of passage and not an end.

    There are different author stating that ascension means that the death of the physical body. I can't agree because many died and have not "ascend" (did not remember who they are). I do agree that the solar flash may incinerate us all, making instantly perish this physical vehicle and leave us in a state of letargy while we trying to recover consciouness back. And as more matrix they are, more difficulty to overcome and go back to their natural state on unlimited state of consciousness.

    Meditations may help but the key to all of it is an emotional powerful state of mind. Do not expect the Event more than the empowering yourselves like Jedis do.

    1. We need SOMETHING. I've YET to see ANYONE become a 'Jedi' or Dragon Ball Z powerful. We ARE, remember, genetically raped.

      And I'm in no rush to die, thank you.

    2. It's not about being alive or dead. Goes deep.
      It's about the [fucking] mindset that prevails in the afterlife.
      This is what determines whether you are freed or enslaved.

      [As] the problem is not only in genetics but in the suppressors that have been placed and that, of course, are embedded into each one's mindset. In this case, death is an advantage >>> for those who really seek liberation <<< as the discharge of the old body desatach from the absurdity of the current world, in which, the otherside offers a vast opportunity to change our mind into something higher and much more expanded.

      Jedi and other siddhi powers... Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist. The limit is really in your imagination. ;)

    3. @Libra
      Well, one thing, we lived a LOT longer. Even in the bible, folks lived over 900 years.

      I personally want thousands, if not total physical immortality, which I heard, IS a choice. Probably real life Jedi are Super Sayien....I mean to render us genetically raped and wounded primates had to have had a reason to make us so pathetic.

      Like that picture of a kid with butterfly wings, and some adult in a three piece suit about to chop off the kids' wings with a giant pair of scissors.

  59. God bless all the DNA Data Banks cooperating with Andromeda spider archons, Babylon Reptiloids, Orion Dracos, or any other subfactional infiltrated humans, including NCBI, EMBL-EBI, CNGB, DDBJ to be abolished forever. Amen.

  60. Magnetic Pole Shift Update & Current pole migration position: As of May 17th to June 17th we moved another 5.16 miles. The North Pole continues racing toward Siberia. So we are 35 miles from the 40 degree mark. Average speed has currently been 5.11 miles per month. If we move 5 miles a month that would put us at around 7 months away from the 40 degree.

  61. And like i commented a few blogs back, liberation of the planet has come in the form of russians... just like the Cicada3301 music track message, remember that one:
    Ursa Major (Bear) will bite the hand triumphant hand that feeds it

  62. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  63. Victory of the Light !!! <3 <3 <3

  64. Thanks for the global update, dear Cobra! Updates for the planetary situation in general is so important, we need to read a lot, because your statements are highlighted throughout your post, through links to other reliable sources, great information and interpretations from you, are still there. Here are the links to my translation into Romanian language and into Italian also, please let me share to our audience and help them to understand well your precious intel post:
    Romanian post:
    Italian post:
    Also, we have a large page on our meditation blog, with all the urgent meditations, updated:
    Romanian page:
    Italian page:
    Timetable for implants clearing sessions:
    Romanian page:
    Italian page:

    Victory of the Light!

  65. Thank you very much for this update. Dissolving the planetary and individual anomaly is most needed right now.
    Subliminal affirmations helped in the most powerful way to manifest all of that and help with the Ascension process !!

  66. According to Alex Collier, an Andromeda contactee, there are no dark malevolent Andromedans. All Andromedans are benevolent and trying to help assist humanity. Just saying.

    1. Similar to .. "all reptilians are bad"... ? What are the chances.. in the billion years the universe been operarional.. specially during its infancy and during the struggles of galactic wars (where not all were evolve spiritually) is it possble that everyone in a specie remained untoched by darkness. I find that hard to believe... is it even possible. So were rhere offshoot... rogue members that may have deviated from path.... back then when darkness ran rampant.. planets conquered and destroyed... i


    3. Alex Collier refers to beings from Andromeda constellation. I believe COBRA means beings from Andromeda Galaxy whom called as Maitra. Tall gray wrinkly beings.

    4. @Sasanka - Then why does the Andromeda Galaxy and the Andromeda constellation share the same name? What's the difference?

  67. Replies
    1. The most basic of which is a single ring around a planet or star.

      Watch the Star Trek episode, "Relics", shows a fantastic Dyson sphere.


  68. Now on the street tonight the Lights Grow dim
    The walls of my room are closing in
    There's a war outside still raging
    I say it ain't theirs anymore to win
    I want to sleep beneath
    Peaceful Skies in my Lover's Bed
    With a Wide Open Gaia in my eyes
    And these Romantic Dreams in my head

    Well we made a promise we swore we'd always remember
    No retreat, baby, no surrender
    Like soldiers in the winter's night with a vow to defend
    No retreat, baby, no surrender

    No Surrender

    I'm Ready to Grow Young Again.


    1. ;-)

      Encore une foix:



  69. Wow, thank you for these meaningful comments, Libra.

    I must admit that the behavior and comments of some here sometimes bring me to a point where I doubt I can still be understanding.

    And I would so much like what you wrote to be understood and acted upon. I know how hard that can be, being in the situation myself where I no longer have any sympathy for certain comments here on this blog.

    My admiration goes out to Cobra, who has to read all these comments, approve them, and manage to remain emotionally neutral, even though some comments here definitely have the potential to cause discomfort or hurt.

    When I imagine that the LF read everything on this blog (and they probably do), I wonder what image they get of us - those who consider themselves "woke" and spiritually mature?

    Does what there is to read here hold the potential to deem us evolved enough to be ready for acceptance into the galactic community?

    Most of the comments here are wonderful - in content and in the way they are written.

    But there are also the other comments - aggressively written and/or inappropriate in content (e.g. constantly repeating one's frustration or making unsubstantiated statements or putting oneself (with dramas) in the center of attention or attacking the LF or making demands or ...).

    Then I wonder if or to what extent these comments have an impact on the perception of all of us and if there is understanding for the image that is created or if it is seen as a sign that we are not yet ready for contact/acceptance into the galactic community. Are we perceived as a whole/human community or is there differentiation?

    It is like a glass of very pure water. How many drops of ink can be dropped into that glass of water before the water is no longer clear but is seen as cloudy/dirty?

    Would we want to get in touch with someone who insults us or attacks us or does not value and respect us or only makes demands or does not acknowledge and thank us for what we accomplish or makes our work more difficult by their behavior? I dare to say that I can answer this with a very definite no.

    Would the LF do it? I don't know. Probably they can muster understanding.

    Still, it would be great if everyone tried to make sure the drops they put in the glass of water were clear, or at least not dark ink.

  70. Grazie mille, Cobra per il tuo aggiornamento che diventa «CIBO SPIRITUALE» come l’«ACQUA VIVA» che donna Potere, Soffio, Coraggio, Determinazione per andare avanti e proseguire con la propria missione di vita!
    La Forza e la Potenza dei Jedi che ognuno di noi possiede (dentro se stesso), ci guida per andare avanti con la nostra azione.
    La chiave centrale è: «STARE NEL PRESENTE!!!» con la totale consapevolezza di fare/dare tutto ciò che è umanamente possibile. Per quanto possiamo viaggiare in mille altre dimensioni, non scordiamoci che viviamo in un corpo di carne, involucro della 3D →4D →5D. Buona Ascensione!!!
    Un abbraccio a tutti i Figli/Figlie della Luce! Victory of the Light!!! VOTL!!!
    For all of us - The Light - The Album Leaf -

  71. Can these Dyson spheres be seen because there are no images showing Dyson spheres around the Earth and Sun. It would help to have some proof

    1. The starships of the Galactic Confederation are usually not visible for obvious reasons.

    2. Yea, plus it would give the power mongers of this planer reason to shit their pants, which NEEDS to be done.

    3. We need contact, and we need it YESTERDAY, 3k14Pi

  72. There are alot of inflitraitors in the truth (or untruth) movement and JS made a video, ppl use alot of discernment when watching this movement :

    1. Now, while the statement "There are alot of inflitraitors in the truth (or untruth) movement ..." may well be true, Jordan Sather may not be a reliable source of information.

    2. We speak German, Jordan Sather addressed this in his video. He said it's up to people to use their discernment to trust or not trust him.

      Those who claim to be in the awakening movement who are knowingly lying to people in the awakening movement with false intel and propaganda, seriously need to be held accountable, especially when they get to have all this money and nice possessions as a result. There really are people who get paid to promote the false flat earth theory? Wow, just... wow. These are some of the most vile people on the planet.

      It's beyond disgusting when real people who want to know the truth, who work hard just to make a living, are being deceived like this by those who get paid to lie in the alternative media, who live lives of luxury. This crime is possibly deserving of being sent directly to the Galactic Central Sun. I don't think I'm being too harsh here.

  73. If the Resistance Movement is not going to denounce russia for their war and constant murderous aggression, I'm done working with them and will no longer promote the meditations.

    1. Vai em paz.
      Você tolerou todas as guerras da OTAN no mundo. Porque agora se tornou intolerante?

    2. They did! Cobra said Putin was following Jesuit influencers by starting the war. That's the worst possible condemnation.

    3. I sent that article to someone back when it happened, and they too came away with the idea Cobra supported the war. Just because he's not CNN froathing at the mouth every single day making Russia seem like a cartoon villain. There are subtleties to reality, and people need to actually read the articles because he doesn't repeat himself like TV propaganda.

  74. In fact I'm being polite when compared with the gays and lesbians that I know. And yes, they truly hate this thing called LGBT+ movement. In their words, they consider that they are being ridicularized, and by no way they feel represented by this ideology. From here is possible to imagine the variety of terms they apply to adjective the strange creatures, from considering that these LGBT+ ruins their business for the bad image they transmit, to the damage that this ideology induce to the minds of the young generations, or the destruction of the basis of society they know and contributed to make it better. In comparition to the hetero sexual, these are reactive and the first to say NO to what this have become. They are altive enough when they state it and no way show weakeness while judge. In their words, to feel sexualy oriented by people of the same sex is not a crime when both parts involved freely consent. However, not recognizing the gender when someone birth and pass the rest of the life trying to convince to not accept what by nature was give, that's a case of psychiatry...

    From my point of view and in general, I feel a lot of confusion on both sides that becomes an opportunistic loophole for free harvesting. Nothing benefits more than the plans of darkness.

  75. completed ... both Dyson spheres

  76. @Libra
    Hope your wrong on man not being ready....I'm sure as hell ready to return home to the galaxy...and not be stuck in the sticks of the galaxy for life.

    Contact is the ONLY way this sick world is gonna get well. No way in hell will this place get better naturally on its own.

    And I personally want to have a long overdue reunion with my space family, my real family, and my special someone, whomever she is.

    The ET's need to look at individuals, not society/species as a whole, otherwise it will only lead to mega disappointment, as well as resentment.

  77. @libra
    For me, I'd probably dress like, well, what ya seen in the videos.
    Heather Thomas's character in that movie had nice fashion tastes, always loved those sexy 80's styles.

    And Kana, better known as 'Asuka' in the west/wwe, was, an is, a fashion model as well as a gamer, and she always wore nice stuff, check her out online.

    Yes, I been sexually frustrated for a looooong time. Gonna see if the Et's can make me into a hermaphrodite girl, like a sterio typical Futa. I wanna more than make up for the past 30+ years.

    As for those 'therapy', I think they also used electro shock, back in the stone wall days. You won't believe how many 'awakened' folks want to see trans, and to a lesser extent, gays, pretty much, well....gotten rid of, wanting to create what I'd call a Abrahamic paradise.

    As for dreams, the one that confirmed me that I was an alien woman was back in 2005. I THOUGHT it was the grown up version of a kid my friends just had that year..but she looks NOTHING like that. Through my own methods, I confirmed the woman in my dream WAS me, alright. Sorta like actress Lala Ward, when she was VERY young, in the 1960's. like this, hope the link works. Only difference was my hair was curly, like Farrah Faucet had in the 70's.

  78. @chromosome

    WRONG. I did NOT chose to be the opposite gender. The ARCHONS did. TRY to think that such a concept actually happens, that free will DOES get violated.

    And like what Libra said, 'divine love' is NOT enough. IF the divine loved me, I'd be an ALIEN WOMAN right now, joy riding through some asteroid field....and NOT in this incorrect, ugly, masculine human body.

    and PLEASE...STOP calling it a 'suit'. I want to grab a cinder block and bash it over people's heads when I hear them say that.

    And I CAN'T 'just be me' until I get fixed. Like Libra said, walk in our iron boots a few miles for a bit.

    Transgender don't impose their ways too, if you think so, you been either watching too much TV, or too many 'awakened' media sources.


  79. I'll feel beautiful once I've been restored, Zou.

    And I feel a need to cut the DARKIES, chop em to pieces, while they are still ALIVE and AWARE of what's happening to them.

  80. We are seeing that Trump is being compared to a snake, and called a snake, all kinds of lies that animals on the earth are a hoax including gorillas and koalas, Neptune is an inner planet, Atomic bombs are a hoax - well i've even visited the sites in Japan that were bombed. Suddenly Shariraye has gone off, plus the intel she is receiving is gloating about how she keeps putting up the lies. I tried to email her to check it's from real OJ but I got in big trouble from her. So, it's all happening with Shariraye. We will see how it turns out.


  81. G.H.REES Andromedan Portal ATTENTION!!. The planetary hyperlodge ''HONG'' of SHANGHAI, CHINA, by direct order to the Space administration of China via the masonic lodge of HONG KONG, has ordered ''AOA'' Adeptis Ordo Atlantis London (Masonic hyperlodge of the West and Russia) along with its Space administration counterparts , namely NASA of the USA and ROSKOSOS of Russia, to coordinate their movements pertaining  to the announcement of the imminent arrival of ‘’SPACE FORCES’’ on planet earth.
    The Chinese Space administration also knows the identity and point of origin of the incoming aliens. Therefore, with this message of G.HREES astrostrategics, we wish to inform only the Space administrations of the USA and Russia, both of which are totally oblivious to the true identity and origin of these incoming aliens.
    1).Identity and origin of the incoming aliens:
    These incoming aliens are Kronian(Saturnian) Andromedans who turned against the authorities of the constellation of Andromeda in our local galaxy, and who teamed up with SIN-SION(ZION)-SINA-JEHOVA, leader of the two draconian war planets Selene (MOON-LEVAN) and Lilith, in orbit around earth as super heavy satellites. These Kronians reside in areas around the North Pole. They have made an agreement with draconian leader SIN-SION-JEHOVA to pretend they are coming to earth in peace and as law-abiding non-rebelled Andromedians, originating in the constellation of Andromeda , pretending to restore the old (through Zeus) andromedian sovereignty on planet earth. Their true intention will be to reign over planet earth through supposedly Greek planetary governors, only for 7 years from 2023 till 2029, during which they and the Greeks are to commit crimes against the draconian Chinese888 and Koreans777. Both Chinese and Koreans are products of lunar genetic engineering who first invaded Atlantis 13,500 years ago, thereby instigating a world war between Greece (Hellas) and Atlantis 11,600 yrs ago.
    At the end of the seven years , the Kronians will abandon the Greeks and their planetary government to retutrn to their North Pole residence by 2030. At that point, the the draconian space forces of the MOON, in collaboration with the Chinese and Koreans, Russians and Islamic nations, will launch the third World War (actually the fourth) to bring about the genocide of armies and civilians, against the nations of NATO and SEATO of the West, due to their participation in the crimes of the false 7-year supposedly Greek planetary reign against the armies of R.I.C axis (RUSSIA-ISLAM-CHINA+KOREA).
    2).End result of the 3rd World War:
    For the 2nd phase of WWIII, HONG CHINA, and its subordinate lodge of AOA LONDON, have masterminded the genocide of of the armies and civilians of Russia and those of Islamic nations by the Chinese+Korean armies. This genocide will be the result of various hostilities between China, unified Korea, Russia and Islamic nations regarding the allocation of all conquered lands and looting of the already massacred countries of the US.E.J (USA-EUROPE-JAPAN) axis , that is the members of NATO and SEATO during the 1st phase of WWIII.
    True incoming Andromedian recognition criteria:
    1).In the case that following their arrival on earth, the incoming aliens do not fully break up and destroy the countries of China and the two Koreas, then they are not law-abiding  Andromedians but rather Kronian rebells against Andromeda.
    2).In the case that the incoming andromedians do not destroy on their own both China and the two Koreas , and if they also ask for the help of the western armies of US.E.J axis of NATO and SEATO , then they are not true andromedians but again North Kronian rebells against Andromeda , and allies of the MOON draconians.
    For all the above as well as additional planning of HONG, their North Kronian allies of the draconian MOON, and AOA LONDON, as it is evident through mathematical analysis, G.H.REES have already informed the Andromedian forces at the four outer planets of our solar system, via signals to hollow earth Andromedian communities.

  82. Spare me with the "iron boot" salute as if estating that a pain of certain group is the ultimate pain from any others. Telll that to people that are going thru other afflictions such as indv with cancer, . missing limbs etc.. or kids or adults being rape and murder under our noses.

    dont lose sight of who the enemy are.. is not one of you.. whether u want to play the role of victim or not.. flash news we are all being played... every group are experiencing tremendous pressure and the bad guys are using our weaknesses to make sure we get on each others throat...
    By now it is not hard to figure that indeed the bad guys are using every single card to make sure to dilute and destroy society ..families and partnerships.
    who has the right answer.. probably not one sole group.. not one person.. ..

    All i can say... look beyond our pain and our prejudice.. from those that support or misunderstand us.. and find a common ground. Maybe those who u think they have no F* idea may have some point that u wish not to even acknowledge becausee u are too drown into your own pain.

    If we cant find a common ground .. this ping pong game will is pointless... and frankly gives no merits to anything we claim... why cause it exposes us as being as inflexible and narrowed minded as those whom we want to call out as being.

    No one should be in the predicament we all are.. especially kids should never be placed in the middle of the adults match.. that is where the bad guys have us... that is by design where the bad guys have placed the kids at and we have allowed it.

    What is the wholesome answer.. what is the healthy answer for a kid.. how to protect them from the grip of the bad guys.. wholesome here is key.... wholesome is not what i want or what u want...

    And please dont anyone give me an iron boot answer... because that will invalidate anything attempted to be said... we are grown enough to know pain is relevant... and anyone can come up with a bigger pain than mine or yours.. so dont use pain as a shield or excuse.

    What the world needs is love as the song says...not excuses... and we are full of them


  84. So far, only Benjamin Fulford calls a spade a spade: Jews have taken over the planet. All the governments of the world, except, it seems to me, Iran, are controlled by the Zionists of Israel, England and the USA. Their ideology, which admits that all the people of the planet except the Jews, are cattle that can and should be killed without mental anguish explains the problems of all countries of the world. Find an official, actor, businessman or politician who is connected with Israel, possibly through citizenship (obtaining Israeli citizenship is impossible without passing an exam for knowledge of the book of Tanakh, where it is written that all the people of the planet are cattle not worthy of existence and taking a solemn oath to serve Israel and its interests). If any public figure whom you suspect of a policy of degradation and destruction of "his" nation, ethnic group, state is associated with Israel (especially if this person has a Jewish surname, name), then you should know that he destroys you so that his "people" will populate your land when you will be destroyed. As it is written in their "bible": "the men of the lands that you want to occupy must be killed, their wives and daughters must be taken as slaves for sexual pleasures." At this point in time, the "state" of Israel has an average of 3 children per family, which is more than in Uzbekistan during its entry into the USSR. Do you think it is possible to support so many children in a small desert country under constant rocket fire from Iran and an atmosphere of perpetual religious tension?

  85. Currently, the Jews have two projects for resettlement from an aggressive environment for them. Both projects are carried out by the Jewish sect "Chabad" (Hasidim). The first place is occupied by Ukraine, part of which until the 11th century was part of the Khazar Khaganate (before, Benjamin Fulford incorrectly indicated that the current economic and political elite of the United States, England and Europe belonged to the so-called "Khazar mafia" - this is not true, because originally Khazaria, or The Khazar Khaganate consisted of the local indigenous population and problems for it began since, during the political instability in this entity, part of the elite accepted Jews who profess Judaism.Further, part of this elite intermarried with Jews through marriage and converted to Judaism, then they nominated the ranks of the head of state and since then problems have begun for the surrounding states.The need for Jews in slaves and material wealth resulted in the enslavement and robbery of the peoples surrounding Khazaria, which some time later was put an end to by the Russian prince Svyatoslav Igorevich, who began the destruction of the Khazar state with the liberation of the Slavic tribes from slavery among the Khazars. Knowing "and historical claims" of the Jews to the territory of the State of Palestine (it has now been proven, including even by the Jews themselves, that the Jews never lived in the territory of Palestine), they may have the same claims to the territory of Ukraine (the Hasidic communities of Ukraine massively bought land from the administrative authorities of Ukraine starting since the 1990s, after the destruction of the USSR by Jews and their coming to power over the republics (states) of the former USSR. The second Jewish resettlement project is Russia. After the destruction of the USSR and the seizure of managerial positions in the former Soviet republics, an era of slow genocide began for the indigenous population of these countries through the destruction of national economies, the inculcation of anti-natural values ​​(LGBT), the destruction of family culture, the culture of work, education, ART, the corruption of children and women, alcohol, smoking, drugs. Possessing a predominantly Slavic population of the countries of Eastern Europe (including historical Russia, without the territories of Siberia and the Far East). Judging by the same information about the number of children among Jews, only Russia becomes a place where Jews will take refuge after the world chaos they have created.

    1. UAU!
      Tenho fundamento que indicam que você está mostrando a direção certa das coisas.

      Clif High – A Máfia Khazariana.

  86. I felt great reading the update the night of the 23rd and then on the 24th the next day I felt drained and floored. I just laid down outside for a while instead of lifting weights. I walked afterwards and saw a rooster walking down the street as well as an owl perched on some power lines. I saw baby owls too.

    The following video was made shortly after the update. Daniel seems to be getting some downloads.

    The New Earth Metamorphosis/a Planet Reignited With New Life

  87. How come people spawn over night for abortion rights and not protest against cabal and world economic forum human rights abuse vaccine mandates bloody hell i have no faith in humanity wtf is wrong with this world.

  88. Thanks for the intels Cobra!

    Q is back too

    1. Q returns once Chimera's weakened

  89. 👽?😁

    After the critical mass of signatures was reached, the Pleiadians have communicated that the legal basis for their intervention on the surface of the planet is now established.

    They will start contacting first the individuals who are participating in the Contact Dish project:

    Since Galactic Law overrides local laws, this contact will be established regardless of the local laws in the countries where people will be contacted. The Pleiadians have stressed that they want to initialize the contact as soon as possible, but will NOT contact anyone until the basic safety of contacted individuals can be assured, and for this the Dark forces on the physical plane need to lose more power. They do not wish to say when the contact sequence will start, but when it starts, it will start suddenly without warning.

    People who do not own land will be contacted also, but for that contact they will need to be in nature at least 60 meters/yards away from the nearest human being to avoid implant / biochip interference, and as far away as possible from the local military bases.

    As soon as this contact happens, and even before, it will trigger strong emotional reactions among the surface population. Remain calm then, and use common sense.

  90. Ladder of Light✨✨

    As soon as there is enough anomaly removed and enough Light present on the surface of the planet, much intel will be released and everything will be much clearer for many people.

  91. They have committed their crimes in past incarnations, for example, during old lives they have sacrificed Lightworkers and incorporated their Soul parts, due to which they lead a pretty good life during later and also current incarnations, as the life and prosperity energy of the sacrificed Lightworkers continues to constantly flow to these Dark Ones (very often incarnated Reptiloids).

    The sacrificed Lightworker, on the other hand, will lead a rather dreary existence in this and past incarnations. Neither "The Secret" nor "Law of Attraction" would help in this case... one has to get these Soul parts back first, for a successful manifestation of a reasonable life in this highly occult Earth Matrix.

    1. Then the "Law of Assumption" by Neville Goddard will definitely work; or even better, combine all those Laws with Neville's and you have a formidable combo on "fixing yourself" be it Soul Fragmentation or other incidents.

      I personally believe it's about time individuals, even in these kinds of communities, stop clinging to self-limiting beliefs e.g. "I can't do X unless X happens" etc., when they can utilize their own Divinely-given Administrative Powers over this Matrix to collapse their reality and rewrite it however they wish.

      All they have to do is to acknowledge the scope of how powerful they truly are as a Co-Administrator/Creator of this Matrix/Illusion and any diseases, illnesses, or even Soul Fragmentation is fixed. They can even pretty much bring about The Event now and eliminate what needs to be eliminated (Chimera, Anomaly, Cabal, etc.) through the Law of Assumption, Living on the End (Living in the State of Wish-Fulfilled), and utilizing their Divine Administrative powers through Decrees, and Imagination that is imbued by pure emotions, thought, willpower and intent.

      "Your focus determines your reality"--Qui Gon Jinn

      The only hope a normie Cabal weakling could do against the Divine Administrative Powers of the individuals in this Matrix that they are corrupting is to spread self-limiting beliefs and ideologies e.g. "You can't do X unless X happens", and brainwash the hell out of an individual so that their perceptions of themselves are that of a powerless weakling, unable to do anything, and thus their Divine Administrative Powers--ever impartial--will project just that to their own reality, plain and simple.

      In that regard, Soul Fragmentation and any forms of diseases and illnesses can be corrected and fixed; and that's just only the tip of the iceberg as to how powerful you all truly are, as Co-administrators of this Matrix/Illusion.

    2. In addition, Neville Goddard beautifully explained the process on utilizing such Divinely-given Administrative Powers over the Matrix/Illusion on two of his books: "Feeling is the SECRET" and "Prayer, The Art of Believing":

      I highly recommend the people, even on here, to peruse his teachings, which certainly helps, instead of wallowing in negative, self-limiting beliefs and ideologies, and waiting for an external "savior" outside of oneself to make things right.

    3. These articles about dark mechanics look more like Dr Mengele chronicles than liberation papers. As these entities starve they realizing a major part of their wealth did not come from natural manifestation processes. They were severing others flow of abundance to boost their own. No narrative convergence and no deals with evil.

    4. I heard cabal members were capable of anything to get their dose of Adrenochrome. It's very addictive in the long run.

  92. If the pole change occurs in 2-3 years and not in 2017-18, the event will come soon. As in cinemas; coming, coming, coming, coming. So, soon. Anyway, I feel like something big is emerging.

  93. Beauty is subjective.

    I don't see any reason why something as malleable to thoughts as a lightbody would be restricted in its forms/how it looks, other than the personal perception of the individual.

    Hermetic Principle of Mentalism, people; The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.

  94. Lemme get my physical body fixed first.

  95. @DH
    Being forced in the wrong gender body is a disease of the spirit. Hell, the Archons raped and violated my soul.

    And don't try guilting us into being shamed for expressing our pains.

  96. Ciao Cobra, grazie! La traduzione in Italiano è qui:

  97. @Libra J. M. Aquila: "The quoted phrase of yours confirms your ignorance and maybe even hostility!"

    No. You read or interpreted wrong. I quoted the gays and lesbians who do not like the trannies. That statement is from them, not mine. My point of view was expressed at the end and in a separated paragraph. Read again and pay attention please.

    To not take the risk to be considered transphobic, I would add this. In my perspective the trangender people are victims to a certain degree, on the other hand, they are also responsible since they were free to do whatever they want even if that result into something they may regret after. I don't see things separatedly but as a whole. I see the drama in a much more complex and perverse way than this tiping point of turning people against their own body, the social fracture of turning people against each other, the oportunistical gains for the pharmaceutical and physicians, etc.

    Time to make the homework: who was Alfred Kinsey and John Money?

    Everyone, watch this documentary case you haven't: "What Is a Woman?" (

    Subtitled is Portuguese:

    I watched this last night exactly after my last reply. So, I guaratee there was no influence even I do agree with Jordan Peterson. But let's take it seriously because that's what matters. The problem here is not so much the adults but the youngest. That's really what concerns me about, because they are the first and the most injured victims from the process. Also their families. And here, independent of the biological sex that was born or and the ideologic gender that each one identifies as, we all have the social and moral duty to question is is legitime that the state, medical and educational institutions interfere how parents educante their children when they are minors?

    Watch the documentary, really worth it.

    To finish. @Libra J. M. Aquila, is not nice when you call someone ignorant only because that person does not match with your views. Don't let that a disagreement becomes the spark for starting a war. Do you want see an adversary? The mirror shows you the reflex of the your first and last enemy. Self-honesty is a virtue. Stay in peace and remember that you are welcome. <3


  98. She knows what it takes to make a pro blush.
    She'll take a tumble upon you.
    Roll you like a Dice.
    All the boys think She's a Spy...



  99. Cobra, is there any point in Russia or any nation for that matter doing a gold standard and introduction of free ways to create energy when there is a polar shift on the way to wipe us all out?

    1. The Event? I don't know why people are forgetting about the Event.

      So after the Event we have all the things Cobra already said and things like what Russia is doing will make the transition easier, and after the Event while society is growing in a loving way with free energy, med beds, etc, we finally have contact with our star families in preparation for the Galactic pulse and us leaving the earth on the spaceships. Otherwise a spaceship coming from nowhere right now would only make people fearful, that's why we have the Event.

      So, first of all Event, don't jump to the next scenario before the Event has happened.

    2. I WANT a spaceship to land and pick me up NOW, not waiting for SOCIETY to 'be able to handle it'. I don't want more painful waiting just for the 'benefit' of the masses....that's how breakaway and secret societies get formed.

    3. Wasting energy to wait for the event.

    4. I have to agree with @Dede.
      The Event must happen at least a year or two for the surface population to adjust and heal before the Solar Flash and Pole Shift. Once everyone is adjusted to the new reality and have an optimistic future awaiting via Ascension... humanity will be ready and willing to vacate the Earth to allow it to go through it's changes. The Event is due any day now... that's how I SEE it. 🤔

  100. Err meant to write "relative" not "relevant".. but i take it both applies

    @libra. Lol@+Iron boots

    @Sherman.. my understanding .. the dirty game they pull is that the soul gets placed on a wrong vessel.. i dont think it gets rape... nor a desease gets added.. at least not in such situation of wrong body , wrong vib energy...

    now i dont know all the processes.. but i do believe the soul in general gets trap and supoosedly is quite an estrenuous experience... but that is at the trapping point.

    This is not to minimize the trauma that the person on 3D has to go thru if wrong soul vib placed on wrong avatar.

    Remember the soul has played many roles before if one is to consider reincarnation being valid.. maybe some people have been female mostly... others mostly male... who knows. The mis-match problem is happening at the distribution center before we get catapulted to 3d world obviously

    Furthermore... there is another theory to consider : the bad guys play this mismatch lil dirty trick on some perhaps to make sure those that would or could create great difficulties for them will have in their life enough distraction.. friction n fractures that in turn become no match to the bad guys... utterly docile.. feel beaten n helpless

    That of course is a choice in perception... u may follow the bad guys recipe for taming u..or u work against all ods and pave ur way.

    Many odds may be against you..... is you ultimately that will define and redefine yourself.. by your own actions.. regardless what avatar u have. .. we may not be able to get all we want at the moment..but is u who chooses who u become with what you got. Or embrace idleness helplessness.... ange..etc.. is all a choice

    The diff between any individual regardless of challenges ... i reckon is perception.

    Outlook on life.

    I dont personally know you Sherman thus my observation obviously may be flawed.

    Without knowing you... I hope you have made great strides in your personal and professional life.. i hope your life is not in idleness ..filled with anger and resentment which is what u seem to project more often than not... i have watch you enough years... to make one wonder if this is truly u in real life.

    I am saying this cause you are someone that deseves happinesss.. everyone does... now i know the need to be happy is everyones quest...

    There are healthy ways of dealing with our challenges and unhealthy ways..the barebone question is.. is our approach healthy..

    Those honest with oneselves would immediately recognize and answer such question... the wise one would try to figure something to make it a bit has nothing to do with having to adopt newage practices.. if that does not call u.. is about self responsibility.. self love... how much u love urself and u are willing to give urself a chance...

    I have a question for you.. what advise you would give someone in your predicament.. besides listening to the person.. what is the best advise you could give someone...

  101. Chinese lightworkers have been suffering for years recently by its government, so help them by meditating this meditation.


  103. I don't see the point for this loooong sexual orientation debate. Like Rosa de Vénus said "elegant people keep intimacy matters private". Do you guys ever discuss how you take a shit or the color and consistency of your own turd? That's my point.

  104. Being born with an ugly body but fully functional or in the wrong gender is not so bad. And say that shit of "walking in my iron boots" to this famous American guy born without arms and legs, despite his defective body he seems to be happy and motivated in life unlike all of you whinny sissies complaining here about being born in the wrong gender. LIFE IS A BITCH! If you don't like it you can leave!

  105. As I said earlier, CHINA is the center of evil.

    Xi is full of delusions of conquering the world. Even if he wants to liberate the earth, his definition of liberating the earth is very different from that of LF.

    Apparently the dragons cannot gain power now. Investing in Li KeQiang is a good choice. He comes from the Communist Youth League faction, is cautious, and doesn't like to do rude things. He hasn't done much in the anti-corruption campaign, so he's an acceptable candidate for all parties.

    1. China is not evil, maybe there are corrupt people but average Chinese are good hard working and they don't complain

    2. Yes, all these links about CHINA are really helpful. Thank you for these, Cobra.

      I am guessing, however, that China's power structure is not that different from the USA's power structure. That is, there are very unkind and brainwashed and compromised and paid-off people at the top, they fight among themselves for power, they murder their opponents for power, and they deceive the people.

      Why is this feeling familiar?

    3. So this gigantic news drop on Friday 6/24 of the reversal of Roe v. Wade in the US Supreme Court has a lot of the brainwashed public in the US really upset. (Many women I know are quite angry about it..... They are ones who love Nancy P. and Hillary C.....)

      And now we are learning that the Roe vs. Wade case in the first place was a gigantic lie and orchestrated brainwashing of the people.

      Check out Armstrong Economics on the subject, here. Especially interesting to note is Ruth Bader Ginsburg's comment that she blurted out, probably forgetting she isn't supposed to say things like this:

      (I do believe in women's power over their own bodies, so we will have to see how the states determine what type of abortion is legal, and what isn't. The devil is in the details....))

      Anyway, perhaps the "Tectonic Changes" are being publicized with first steps like this Supreme Court decision.

      And note -- on the very day of this Roe v Wade decision, "Q" is back! It's hard not to be excited about Q returning.

      Hang in there, people.

      Victory of the Light!

  106. Xi has lost the mandate of heaven”. This has now become mainstream knowledge

    This article is very informative I didn't know Xi's father was executed and his sister committed suicide, and he did hard labor for 7 years Chinese people suffer so bad even their leaders have horrible lives anyways thanks for sharing this article I learned a lot about xi I did not know

  107. Nice articles and references liked the one about xi

  108. If the catastrophic change of poles is to occur on Earth, then what is the use of Dyson sphere?

  109. @Unknown
    Not THIS again.

    1: That is akin to those people who try to 'help' depressed people by saying "others have it worse than you!". That NEVER helps one bit.

    2: I am SICK and TIRED of hearing about the armless, legless man. I'M NOT HIM, damn it. FUCK the armless, legless man, FUCK HIM! When alien contact happens, he's not gonna hesitate to get arms and legs.

    And guess what, life is NOT supposed to be a bitch, that's ARCHON meddling. You must live a real charming life if you resort to calling us 'whinny sissies'. FORGIVE ME if I am not the MIGHTY, MANLY MACHO JOHN WAYNE type you so obviously are. All hail mighty duke wayne....

    Galactic Codex GUARANTEES a positive, happy life, Unknown.

    This is another reason I want to go with the ALIENS and become one of THEM, once again. THEY have compassion, and not acting like some drill sergent, calling us whinny sissies. So don't worry, when the alien ships land, I'm gonna one of the first ones to hitch ride. And believe me, the air will be much fresher once I'm amongst them once again.

  110. @DH
    My advice....go with the aliens when they arrive ASAP. Human tech, aka 'monkey tech', won't help us.

    Since when does being awake and ascended involve having a rather....Victorian attitude when it comes to sex and sexuality? Hell, have you seen how many straight, cis gender folks talk and act about sex?

    The Victorian era and the 1950's are long over as well. In those days, the 'elegant people' would arrest folks showing off ankles, or going insane if someone shows off some navel. Sorry, but I don't see a liberated world reverting to some sort of born against christian or muslim paraside.

    From what I heard, the ET's are pretty open about sex and sexuality.

    Sexuality and sex are a part of life, Unknown, without it, we'd be no different than amoebas.


    Before making a judgement on trans people.....try TALKING to one in person, hmmmm?

  112. The Ongoing Need for Revolutionary Free Energy Tech :

    Tomorrow, Foster Gamble of Thrive project fame will have a conversation with George Wentz, about the latter’s renewable energy incubator. On the website for that project, there’s emphasis on all the alt energy usuals – solar, wind, geo-thermal – along with a dash of swash-buckling fossil fuels exploration. Yawn. However, there’s also mention of plans to develop Nikola Tesla’s wireless electrical transmission tech, which Tesla used in the 1930s to power an automobile – one retrofit with an electric motor – by sending the power wirelessly from his Wardenclyffe ZPE (Zero Point Energy) generator.

  113. Unity is the key

    Unity is one of the main keys that will lead us to success - at least imho.

    Why do I think that is? Unity makes us strong because, on the one hand, we feel supported and more secure and, on the other hand, we multiply our strength.

    "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts."
    (I am aware that this phrase is sometimes contrarily discussed, but in this case I think it works well as an illustration).

    This, in turn, poses a danger to the dark side, which is why they do everything they can to divide us and turn us against each other. The stronger we are, the more we can weaken them and vice versa.
    But what do we mean by unity?

    Some will say that it means that we respect each other, accept each other, are tolerant of those who think/feel/act differently, as long as it is within the ethical standards we deem appropriate. So, this describes how we deal with what we perceive in our environment (immediate and online), how we react to it.

    This is a view I share.

    However, this is only one part on the path to unity, because there is still a crucial factor missing - namely, acting (as a complement to reacting). Only claiming that one's own actions and expressed ways of thinking must always be respected and tolerated by others is too one-sided - especially because it has the focus on the others and not on oneself.

    So, an important personal contribution one can make to unity is to consider what effect what one expresses and does has/could have on others and / or to what extent one's own actions/expressions fit - also in their extent - into the setting where they are made. Everything has its time and its place, but that is simply not always and everywhere.

    In the comments section of this blog, I see wonderful posts that can be / are thought-provoking because they share complementary or contrary information that is / can be discussed respectfully. There are also posts shared that are probably not about the content at all, but about the effect on the listener (e.g. music videos) and sometimes there are comments where one or the other cannot even understand why this is shared here. There are also reports of experiences and expressions of worries, fears, doubts, annoyance, questions, confusion, uncertainty, successes, joy, gratitude, etc.

    And then there are comments or threads that are out of the ordinary and have the potential to turn into something that may not have been intended. There are claims that comments are deliberately written here to push someone to suicide, emails received privately are posted, people are attacked in hurtful and sometimes demeaning ways.

    How can / could this happen? Who is to blame? Well, probably each of the parties involved think they know the answer to that - the others are to blame.

    What if we don't spend so much time looking for the culprit at all, but understand the mechanism behind the division and put our focus on how this can have a better outcome in the future?

    What if we put more focus on our own actions and reactions and their potential impact?

    Factors such as language and cultural barriers in communication, programming, implants, dark side troublemakers, etc. obviously play a big role in the grand scheme of things - but how much influence can we have on them?

    I think the easiest approach we can take to achieve unity (at least to a certain extent) is to consciously pay attention to how we act and react. If we have doubts about whether a planned action or reaction is conducive to unity, then it may help not to act / react right away, but to wait for some time and then reconsider whether an action / reaction is absolutely necessary and if so, in what way.

    This way we could support each other, which would strengthen us as a community and support the liberation process. And a positive "side effect" would probably be that those involved would feel better.

    This is something that each and every one of us can contribute - IF we are willing to do so.

  114. 獻給中國的兄弟姐妹! 🫂

    Kuan Yin Mantra

    Gayatri Mantra

    Gayatri Mantra

    Victory of the Light!

  115. You can't fool me that Putin is the good guy. 😞 Never!

  116. All those qualities are missing in this "modern" and "evolved" "society".
    They only prevail in few loyal (to Spirit) INDIVIDUALS.

  117. "they just need to liberate the surface of the planet and prepare humanity as well."

    I wonder how they are going to "prepare" the masses. Well, the information is alreacy "there" , what else can we do?

  118. Only with the new energies would the overturning of Roe v Wade ever be possible.

  119. Is CERN weakening Earth's magnetic fields?

  120. A way to speed up The Arrests

  121. Q started posting again ... they asked are we ready to play the game again ... NO I don't like the game. No more games ... let's see some action.
    Q claimed it had to be this way ... did it? I can't believe cutting off the corporate media and implementing the EBS showing the evidence would not have been enough.
    Now this distraction of Roe vs Wade ... they need division like there is no tomorrow, thanks to the corporate media they are getting it. With all the destruction the DS is causing why not around them up? Can they cause more damage if they do? I can't see how.
    Like I said ... I don't like this game and don't want to play it.

  122. @Sherman: "Transgender don't impose their ways too, if you think so, you been either watching too much TV, or too many 'awakened' media sources."

    I agree if that applies to you, I do not agree if you are generalizing because it's not true ( know it!).

    @Libra J. M. Aquila: "In fact, I am so self-honest that it shocks most people! I am aware that not everyone takes me seriously."

    I think I am that too, so that I recognize we have points in common: the obstacles we have found only because we dare to express ourselves without filters or second intentions. Is what a Soul does!

    Unfortunately I don't know you too much as Sherman, but I am starting to catch your mental field (without being intrusive) while we are interacting. And I would tell you that in no way I would refuse a soul to soul hug with you, so that you feel the tenderness and care that helps you heal from that fracturated Soul. This story goes much but much more than the distorted relation you[/we] have with your[/our] current body.

    @DH you have interesting points of view, thanks for sharing.

    @Unknown, this continues only because Cobra allows it. But I do agree, it extends far more than the subject of the post that if taked by a positive perspective, at the end, may result into something catalistic and therapeutic for each one parts.

  123. Since I wanted to study deeper in comments I get sexually traumatized.

  124. Toxic is more accurate. Could be avoided.

  125. With all the information we have right now about the activity of the Sun and the magnetic field of Earth, it looks like the crustal displacement, physical polar shift and tsunami are going to happen as soon as it can be, the beginning of the solar maximum in 2025. On the other hand, even if the time period between the event and the tsunami has been considerably shortened in the last ascension plan, I suppose it would have to be a bit more than two years. So, unless the Galactic Confederation withholds the polar shift and tsunami for years, which seems to be a huge task even for them, the Event should happen in a matter of months.
    Also, here in this blog I´ve read that the Event has to take everyone by surprise, so no obvious clue would be given here either.
    But if the problem of the toplet bombs couldn´t be solved, I suppose it woud be better to allow the tsunami happen without the event first, rather than have the toplets triggered. The first would be a normal death from which we could reincarnate without darkness, and the latter I think would imply a big spiritual involution for everyone
