Wednesday, June 1, 2022


Pandora in progress. M signal field substable. Minimum M / DL / MDS / HP / SD requirements met, VTX requirements not met.  


  1. Looks like the wipeout 8 was stopped or has done.

  2. Looks like great progress! Can you give us a situation update COBRA? Or are we getting to the point of need to know only?

  3. 20220531 V4F Podcast – V4F Padre Interview
    an interview with our first padre member of veteransforfreedom – this guys excellant-hes got lots of hardcore military training also-got his jump wings the whole 144000 yards-hahahahaha…..

    any military veterans residing in canada-we could use your valuable services-including american veterans etc of course interested in joining…..

  4. Cobra will event happen until or in 2025?

  5. super primo mental progress by lightforces ongoing by the looks and sounds and feels of it.....bravo zulu.....

    namaste all fine members of the family of light-as we rise in mindsight.....

  6. Nice progress <3

    This information came thru, and its now time to release it to an bigger audience, from our beloved Brothers And Sisters outside the Matrix control grid. This command is to be used as a protection against Deep State/ Cabal's attempt to make us suffer and be seperated to the once we do love.

    Have you ever seen the movie The Adjustment Bureau from 2011?

    This command we now have got protects us from the black hats attemt to hurt us, exactley as they do in the movie mentioned above. See the movie even if you have seen it in the past, you will understand why this command is so helpful in so many ways for the hole human population that is about to ascend out of the Matrix control system.

    For ex if the black hats discover you try to be with your twin flame to raise both of your frequency, they will do what ever they can to make that not happen, especielly if you are in the awaken part of the human population.

    The command to use is 15:51 and you say it aloud with the words out three times, like this:
    Command fifteen:fiftyone ( 15:51)
    Command fifteen:fiftyone ( 15:51)
    Command fifteen:fiftyone ( 15:51)

    When you have activated this command then an protection shield will be formed in your outer energy field of your body which makes any attempt, exactly like the black hats does in the mentioned above movie, completley fail as their energy attack will go around this energy protection field and thus misses its "target".

    The best part is that this command only needs to be activated once in your hole life!

    If you have activated the command 15:51 in your body then all human you hug or touch their skin get this activation shield activated automatically for their energy field as well. And even better is that you dont have to worrie about touching or hugging a black hat operative or some of the human population that will not ascend as the command cant be activated in those humans that will not ascend by soul level agreement.

    And as usual use your own discernment and ask your guides and higher self if you are suppose to activate this command or not.

    <3 Victory Of The Light <3

    1. Thank you! Victory Of The Light 🙏😊💫

    2. I have a question for the person who wrote about "Command fifteen:fiftyone ( 15:51)"

      Where is the source of the information?
      I cannot confirm its safety.
      You should not post anything for which you do not know the source of the information.

    3. The commands require a technique specially developed by the light forces.

    4. Nothing to fear. Whatever will bring to you, you had to face. In the end the outcome is according to plan.

    5. i've got protection practices;

    6. Votl...
      A good sales-pitch... One flaw... you make it sound too perfect... too certain it will work. Makes one wonder

      You are aware that the codes that have been previously shared by Cobra with us... are still a work in progress? Effectiveness reduced because of the present control mechanisms... not to mention it was disclosed who the originator of the codes is

      I am wondering though why u do not put much effort in validating if your codes' source is legit or at least safe to be share before u openly share them. Would u not think is reasonable step

    7. If it was "dangerous" to invoke this help, I assume Cobra would have forbidden it

    8. Interesting. VOTL22 suddenly appears and enthusiastically gives us a "protection" code from an 11 year old Hollywood movie? Realize the writer and director of this film has an ivy league degree in public policy which is largely about policing the public through contrived legal codes. Matt Damon via Hollywood the new Cobra? I don't think so. And.. If you are so protected, why not reveal your name? Where are your own blog contributions with authentic pictures of yourself for the lightworkers to see and possibly connect? I'll stick with my Angels, Guides, my own energy fields, and AR12 for last line of defense, trusting in Cobra to reveal these other kinds of things as needed. Cobra allows all sorts of comments on here Law of Freewill as it's up to the individual to think/feel/act for themselves. Thank you but no thank you. Shout outs to all the "OL's" original lightworkers raising up the vibration and holding the light. Rock solid Faith and The Power of Love💖

    9. What gave you the confidence to think you could meet your twin flame right now?

    10. Mine as well go all out and say the 12 21 command 3x several times a day.

    11. Personally, I like the Rush 2112 protocol, or alternatively, the Van Halen 5150 protocol. Just play and turn up to 11.

    12. @G Zou
      There will be nothing left in 100 years, much less 1,000, if things don't happen soon.

  7. Thank you cobra!! What needs to happen now to achieve the Event we all want to happen?

    Victory of the Light!

  8. Where is the source of the information?

    Do not post anything for which you do not know the source of the information.

    1. I was responding to the person who wrote about "Command fifteen:fiftyone ( 15:51)", but I made a mistake and it became a stand-alone entry. Sorry about that.

  9. Today, "Official McAfee" shared a pic of the Pleiades on it's telegram account

  10. Grazie mille, Cobra! Vittoria della Luce! 💜🙏💫⏳✴

  11. Final Conclusion Regarding Hexa and Octa Usage in Sacred Geometry

    An excellent interview has been made showing that both the Flower of Life and "keylontic flower of life" are the same geometries. It's only the angle of view that causes the octa to become a hexa, and vice versa:

    One can use both the hexa (30 and 60 degree), and octa (45 and 90 degree).

    One could do a Flower of Life meditation:

    Then, at another point in time, one could gaze into 8 pointed star configurations:

    All geometrical power can now be fully utilized.

  12. Replies
    1. No one knows but Source!

    2. Source needs a good, hard kick in its complacency.

    3. @Sherman

      I wonder what exactly prevents Source from acting upon this shitshow at this very moment instead of waiting for all cosmic cycle shenanigans.

    4. April 24 was a pivotal date per cobra we should know better our timeline ? It appears the GCS reverses it's magnetic field by 2025 if I understood cobra less than 3 years away we are supposed to have the event and prepare for ascension before this happens are we not?? Also aren't there supposed to be 3 additional ascension waves?
      Won't the event wave disable toplet bombs and all AI used against us?

  13. primary anomaly question

    event can happen when primary anomaly still around if apocalypse happens years after the event when all anomaly is removed

    does this mean the event has to happen with primary anomaly still present so humanity has enough time to transition? what does this mean?

    how does this affect event timing and what could happen after the event if primary anomaly is still around?

    i guess its all a transition

    hope to see a response

    1. Also what will happen in regard to the planetary ascension process proper if it starts after the event and primary anomaly is still present? Planetary ascension process will change as the primary anomaly is removed

  14. So not to be negative but in all seriousness why did we meditate if it's all planned already and we need x amount of people on earth to awaken and will that trigger event I don't think so seemsike the event will happen when it happens based on cobras posts..maybe I missed something forgive me but weren't we trying to accelerate the timeline and trigger the event? In 2 years we might have the event? So mass meditations were done for what purpose? So many qhht had it happening already so I don't feel bad higher selfs we're wrong what chance do I have...I do feel betrayed all this talk of delt option and things happening sorry but what has happened to awake the sheep they won't wake up!!

    1. The main aspect of our cooperation, I would say, is to make the transition as smooth as possible and to support the light forces in this. Many are already complaining about what has happened so far. But that would be nothing compared to a rough transition.

    2. If we have to depend on the sheep, we're totally boned.

    3. @BBB
      they follow whatever the TV tells them to follow and believe. they wear diapers over their faces, despite the fact said diapers don't block pathogens, they keep away from each other, they stand in line, waiting to get poison injections. they support their 'leaders', even if they do the SAME SHIT the 'other guy' did. And they lash out at you for both standing up against it, questioning it and trying to help them.

      If that does not scream ovine, I do not know what does.

    4. @Doug: The light forces do what they do, but we can speed up the process by helping them. It's our planet after all. That's the purpose of the meditations. It's difficult to see results because we're on the physical plane where the results are not really visible. However, the work we've been doing is the difference between liberation in 2022 vs. liberation 2,3, 4 years from now. Yes, it could have happened last year like many QHHT sessions predicted, but it would have been much messier and many of us would have died. A toplet bomb explosion doesn't just kill your physical body, it kills your mental body, astral body, etheric body, etc and that's a result they would view as a huge failure. Would that be worth it to get there a little faster? No. The goal is to save quite literally EVERYONE on earth and we should be humbled that they care that much about us. I've fought in some of the battles (vague but terrifying memories) and it isn't fun. I've seen hundreds of those black things get right back up and come at us after we thought we wiped them out. I'm beyond tired of waiting too, but we have to be involved and meditation is the most effective way to speed things up.

    5. i do concur in having this idea of calling ur fellow human beings sheep to be of poor taste... just because the way of persuating them to see beyond the illusion was and remaims not good enough .. we prefer to give them a subhuman label to make us feel better than them.. we all are aware the controls in place and the active illusion.... is not an easy shell to break... if individuals not presented with the right red pill.

      I agree with BBB many out there whom we want to put down have a heart of gold.. awareness might not be upto date... but some can certaintly beat in heart and mind some of us who opt to call ourselves lightworkers. Just because we are by some degrees more aware in planetary and other worldly matters .. the scale of goodness does not always point in our direction if each person is to be weighted individually. Some of us spill hate just as bad as some of them.. we can at times behave as childish as much as some of them.. so please. Lets stop the high horse syndrome that seems to sweep us at times. They have much right to freedom as we do. They have their share of suffering just like we all .. they bleed just like we do...

      To answer your question Doug- you seem to be missinng some memos in between. At one point, if my memory serves me right was recognized by the light forces that the idea of triggering the event until x% of population awakens was scratched.. yes the push to bring awareness continues nonetheless. In addition.. the idea of the meditations indeed it was to assist in speeding up the process toward the event and it did. Yes it did not put us one day away from the event but it still helped. In addition it assisted in dwarfing attacks or activities by the bad guys.. so the meditarions were not wasted.. the dilemma we face is volatile and i assume you have become aware that this is not a straight black white battle.

    6. BBB See you in 200 years then when we have transhumanism achieved by the badies i would love to be proven wrong tho

    7. Keep letting the common guy without the knowledge keep voting the cabal in and let them to them until they wake up if they ever do

    8. @DH
      Considering how they treated me when I TRIED to help them open their eyes....and met with seething ridicule, and even beaten up, many it any wonder why some of us refer to them as sheep or sheeple? Being someone who's been bullied my entire life, be it school, work, or even my so-called 'family', who disowned me, for not embracing their greed, bigotry and mindless devotion to religions, among other things....I'm gonna call it as I see it.

      Trust me, they dont have hearts of gold, more like Formica.

      Personally, I want to take part in the actual fighting. Fix me up, repair me, restore me, and I'll be happy to fight the it humans or spiders or whatever.

    9. Jesus called his followers sheep and Christians are happy to see themselves as sheep

    10. Sherman.. i understand where you are coming from... however not everyone are like that... not everyone experience the same treatment by individuals that might not be opened to what one beliefs.

      U did have a tough path having to deal with so many as it seems closed minded n ill minded folks...

      Unfortunately we dont realize at times in time that we are fighting a battle too soon... or find ourselves ill prepared to deal with it. Basically you were fighting the dark just as many or like the light forces back in time.. illed prepared.. and well.. the result of such was moral and many other aspects of you fragmented further.

      Before you did not understand many a things.. why people behaved in certain ways.. the magnitude of darkness around n about... the confusion, the control mechanisms... you are better prepare to face darkness.. and imho u can now succeed.. because u are wiser... is not hate that makes u wiser..imho is..understanding of the larger picture view... and a renew approach to each unique pixel.

      Would u be honest with me and tell me every approach you took in facing every one that did u wrong... was the "right" approach.. i would even venture to say.. in some of those cases the right appproach was no approach at all... simply because u would have recognize that it was not the right time... that some were simply not ready or willing to listen.

      You may have been eager to help Sherman.. and perhaps you could have in someway without having to lose your shirt while at it. Indeed You helped but u lost more than u bargain for. bottom line is advisable to ponder about our past actions.. recognize how our decisions and methods can play a role in us experiencing more or less discomfort... the outcome of the challenge we face is not fixed.... is a result of many a things including our input... some battles may seme unavoidable... however u still got u.. u are a variable in it

    11. I have been fighting these darkies but haven't joined any meditation session, how can I apply?

    12. @DH
      Another reason I HATE being a stinking human...and why stand by that I did NOT chose to incarnate on earth, as a human, and worse, a man.....not willingly, despite what the 'experts' keep trying to beat me over the head with.

      What I did to try to wake the sheeple up. I would have documentations, not to mention straight up science, math and physics to back it. for example, 9-11, my late dad was an engineer for Boeing for several years. He helped design the planes and would watch them being built on his time off. No way in hell could a plane SLICE through a building, nor would jet fuel catch fire like that. One that that drove him BONKERS was in movies, like the end of Die Hard 2, where a MATCH was used to ignite leaking jet fuel, and that it could burn down a building.

      Also, I tried to show the corruption of NASA, showing raw images not photoshoped/air brushed, and the Brookings Report.

      I tried to show how face masks DON'T protect one from a virus. I tried to show them about the things the big names in govt, business and hollywood were doing to kids. I tried to show how so much is out in the open.

      No one listened....the right wingers kept calling me a communist, a socialist, unpatriotic, a soy boy, a whiny snow flake, lazy, self entitled, godless, etc. The left wingers called me a racist, sexist, anti Semitic, a tin foil hat, anti science, etc. I've also taken a few fists to the face, or threatened with severe beating to 'put the fear of god into me'. And the so-called 'experts', lashing out at me, whenever I'd say anything on how many of us DON'T chose to come here, willingly, that our souls are forced. And many of them accuse me of being a new world order agent, or mole, when I say that, or mention my need for a gender correction, and genetics, procedure.

      That's just the small description. Also, it's all this, and more, that makes me sooooo want to be back with my REAL friends and family out there, amongst the stars, in my PROPER body, and FIGHTING, actual it on a space ship, or on the ground, KILLING the darkies and ending all this crap.

      I'm DONE trying to help the sheeple, and SICK of 'holding the light'. The light forces are in their SAFE, COZY spaceships, probably celebrating someone's 10,000th birthday, and still looking about 20, while WE are down here, taking all the cheap shots from the darkies.

      Like the old saying, "this job does not pay me enough for this abuse.".

    13. @Doctor Cop
      How were you fighting the darkies?

    14. BINGO Sherman if the majority keep not waking up we are just boned

    15. The command 12 21 protocol is where it's all at. "Command 12 21" 3x, several times per day. When being energetically attacked. Also, talk about what's happening when doing it. I really made a negative entity upset last night. They really don't like this protocol!

    16. @Universe
      Then we're screwed.....NO WAY in hell are Joe Average and Plain Jane going to wake up naturally.....not for centuries, and there will be nothing left here in a few centuries. And I want to see the good stuff while i'm young.

      I renounced Catholicism and Christianity at the age of 14, back in 1993, and thus began the eventual alienation by my SO-CALLED 'human family'. They can roast in the HELL they believe in so much.

    17. @DoctorCop for mass meditations.. (connected with Cobra)

      There are also the 144K Mass meditations (go to 'join'):

      And very occasionally Simon Parkes (TODAY!):

    18. Wow alot of comments thanks all. I know the meditations helped but even cobra stated he expected more tangible physical changes to occur especially after winter solstice 2021perhaps we are very close I just can't accept another 2 years ..children dying of.thr jab...people divided not food shortages coming so we starve the people and that aids ascension?? For me we need nesara and truth disclosed now to unite is all so we can all ascend together..without truth and removing fear of $$ and food we can't move forward I don't see it happening ..or event.

    19. @Doug

      Just let me hitch a ride with the positive aliens, and that's enough for me.

      Kinda like what Kang said, "Only a fool fights in a burning house!"

  15. But the VTX is always not meet. What's the meaning?

    1. I assume it refers to the toplet bomb situation.

  16. アガルタネットワーク(カナダ)を公開します。

































































    1. アルガルタに行きますか?たくさん写真を撮って、私たちに報告してください。どうもありがとうございました

  17. According to Kimberly Goguen, these are the cables (VTX) that connected the financial computers of the cabal in the 70s and 80s and are now obsolete, no longer used. She mentioned Cobra when she said so, that this is why it is not met. I don´t think she is trustworthy, but it is no easy to tell

    1. @Don Pepe: Ok. So this is the reason for the requirements don't met? Thanks. But the RM use or control this cable net?

    2. I don´t think she´s reliable but yes, according to her the LF want to take control of this network but given it´s out of use this requirement is not met. I don´t think the LF would make such mistake, but she stated it very clearly. You can see her videos in Rumble or Bitchute, she is pretty convincing however in other topics. I commented this to see if someone knows anything about her or has an opinion

    3. If these cables are out of use and obsolete i don't understand why the LF/RM could have to use for their goals? Seems stupid to my humble opinion; unless they have a secret plan to work with.

    4. You mean tell me that all this crap, which should have ended long ago, is because of 40+ year old WIRES?

      Don't know if I should be amused or horrified.

    5. Welcome to planet gulag, Libra. So many questions, little to no answers.

    6. i get my freedom?


  19. Humble, like a bumble bee, that is how I will deal with it all, A to Z.

  20. Well, seeing as how the only remaining obstacle is a certain type of bombs, I think we now know what VTX refers to.

    I remind everyone that participation in the "stop the monkeypox" meditation as often as you can is a terrific way to help speed up the process. They're obviously trying mass shootings every day, so let's finish this before more people have to die.

  21. Starlinks are particle separators that track every nuclear silo, Elon-Noel-Leon = Light Force Member, specifically an Eternal, Military White Hats operation support so all nukes can get vaped in 2secs, this is how LF's work in the 3D, we build it and use it for good vs evil. Would be useful for many, on here, to understand a better picture of what is going on and how we are first contact rising through the human being experienced with all.

    Another that might help, drugs, pills, alcohol, other natures energy sources are concentrated to a weaponized point, like a potion is when boiled in a pot/brewery, microwaves, gun powders, fire, electricity, magnetism, list is long and simple, can be weapons the dark/light use in multiple dimensions, it is that simple when we don't give our power away to "others". Human beings are to be the chosen, bring a balance to space/darkness, we are to be the light beings, at least those who make it... rest will go to a planet of more learning, example is Venus = the fly trap, nitrogen fueled reality = more or less the same we have now, have to graduate in life or source will not allow us to go and do more of the same things.

    Shame leads to blame leads to the same chemical drip as pride, this is why many will speak out for themselves, others, believing they are fighting for a pride, lack self-awareness and one might support a dark agenda vs natural order.

    1. Directed Energy Weapons, that is what I was referencing above, how we concentrate the matter into a weapon. Cocaine comes from this process, like Meth does with salts, concentrated to a weaponized point or into healing energy.

    2. Our reality is built for a child to an elder understanding, soul guiding us, another Elon example, Elon=Lone and why he is in the Lone Star State, and why he is not with the Eternal Family here, Black Hills area, the land is our provider, "you are what you eat", of our conscious projection of self-image. Why such a Native Earth understanding of this totem process... Cows/Bulls eat a lot of plants or are vegetarians and if you're here expressing yourself from the plant kingdom or 2D you will eat both plant and meats, some like it really rare, bloody. We are expressing an Arc of all but have a "home" dimension.

    3. An example of directed energy weapon usage: A light aircraft carrying one million pills of the amphetamine-type stimulant Captagon, commonly known as “jihad pills”, was intercepted near the Kuwaiti border on Friday, the Middle East Eye reported, citing Iraq’s Federal Intelligence and Investigations Agency. The agency reportedly said in a statement that as soon as the aircraft entered Iraqi airspace, security forces opened fire and “forced the pilot to land”. However, he managed to flee across the border. The seized Captagon pills were intended for sale inside Iraq, the agency added. According to a senior security forces officer, quoted by AFP, the aircraft came from Iran and was heading for Kuwait. Captagon, which was originally used to treat depression and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, turned into a stimulant popular among fighters during the war in Syria. Sales of the drug in the Middle East increased significantly in recent years, reaching $5.7 billion in 2021, a report by the New Lines Institute released in April said.

  22. Cobra, thank you so much for this reference, The more you study, the more you grasp the bigger picture.
    VOFTL 💖

  23. When the sun was yellow by jaydreamerz:

    Rendlesham Forest/RAF Bentwaters checks all the boxes and remains one of the most important events in World History. Part 1 and 2

    1. Yes! The sun is ridiculous. It used to be the color of an egg yolk and you could look at it for a second. Now you can't even open your eyes outside. You don't tan anymore, just get radiation burns in 10 minutes. Is it chemtrails, the atmosphere degradation, or the sun itself? Either way, it looks like a white LED.

    2. Each time I go out, I feel drunk and the sun is so bright, I need to squint like Clint Eastwood all the time.

    3. 5 or 6 years ago, I went outside one day, and felt I was on fire, like Dracula in the sun light.

      What gives?

    4. Muitas vezes, o sol me queima...tenho uma espécie de alergia, será da radiação?

    5. When I was a boy in the 1990s I would play at the beach for two to three hours without sunscreen on and barely sunburn at all. The sun was a bright a yellow. I would go on my fathers boat in the ocean and four or five hours later I would notice I was burning. This happens now in less than an hour under the ultra bright white sun. Its so bright I have trouble looking up at a mostly overcast sky. I do feel like vampire clint eastwood now.

    6. I think it started around 2014 and got bad in 2016 when I heard about it and noticed. A couple years ago I was talking with my old climbing partner who now lives across the country. She was like "Yes! I keep expecting my friendly high school sun, but get radiation burns." And the color. We spent lots of time in high elevation mountain sun from 2010-13 and were fine. I've never worn sun glasses in my life even hiking 14,000' mountains. Now I can't go outside without becoming Clint Eastwood. (The skin damage too lol.) 4 years ago I lived near a railroad yard which was the most open place in that part of the city. I remember walking through to get to the grocery store and it's like someone shining a white laser pointer in your eyes just being out there. I could see chemtrails making the color different, but the intensity, it has to be weak atmosphere or the sun changing. Or weak magnetic field of Earth, just thought of that.

    7. Cobra, mind explaining WHY the sun seems to be, well....nuking us these days, please?

    8. I concur. When I was a child in the 80's/90's I would be outside from dawn to dusk. I never used sunscreen, if I did, it was coconut oil so I could tan my back and legs. The only time I ever burned was going skiing or in the pool for hours. I can't go out now for more than 15 min. before getting red. Same with my kids.

    9. Yea. Folks say, "go out in nature! take off your shoes and stand in the grass and ground yourself".

      Can't do that when one's getting NUKED within a quarter hour.

    10. "Nuking us these days" haha, that would be worthy of an update. And 5G satellites man, I can't even go outside. It comes through buildings, but I have shielding that helps a little. If this stuff doesn't stop, I can't carry on.

    11. Yes sun went yellow to white but I also heard they put up a sun simulator don't recall if cobra confirmed that or not. I am outside alot now trying to soak up the photons and hold my light in this 54 yr old body...I am not a good meditator so I try to also look at the sun early and late to help my pineal gland etc... Of it's a simulator then all is for not..

    12. I gave up meditating....I'm either twitching awake, or gasping for air.....and when I DO manage it, I often see some ugly ass creatures, with great big teeth, lashing out at me.

      Another 'gift', courtesy of the Archons, no doubt.

      Cobra, sorry, man, but we NEED MORE INFORMATION. Such as what the HELL is up with the sun?!

  24. Wakeup Meditation

    Sunday 5th June 2022 at 5pm Eastern Standard Time (EDT), 10pm British UK time (BST)

    1. Guided Meditation here for Simons meditation:

  25. 🌍🌟VOTL!!

  26. Thank you dear Cobra! Victory of the Light! 🌠🌅💜

  27. Scusa ma non è uguale a disclosurenews

  28. Solar plexusheart chakra
    Yellow → Green

    What to do if you have succeeded in harmonizing the earth by connecting to the solar plexus?

    Do not follow the programming of the dark ones and fall into pride, but connect with the heart chakra.


  29. Heavy Rain.

    When The Levee Breaks feat. John Paul Jones | Playing For Change | Song Around The World



  30. Alt Goku only wanted the best possible fight we could get :), come talking that shit we will pull your card, like ants on a giant serpent, we will be fine... aye, aye, aye, we got a Kyjew momentum in us. I believe in Human Beings, stronger than they know.

    1. Wait until we are ONE...

    2. "Earth still exist"

    3. @G Zou Ragnarok, often times it is the little things that have all the Power, like a virus. Covid would be our 3D example, as is the body hosting many microbial lives which has their own consciousness, purpose...

      Great post and vision to see the 5D, why the creative movies use 555 as a prefix of phone numbers... Imagination can see and express the universal experience to amazing accuracy.

  31. One thing awesome about a mirror reality is if it's really small here then it is likely having a large experience in the multiverse, imagine the beastly looking virus, algae, bacteria, insects, beautiful field of life. Anything Source needs us to clean up, in the total body, we will find a way to get it done. It is wise to understand where we are at in Source... no coincidences, the apple, given to the teacher, an image from the bible, lessons.

  32. Global Wakeup Meditation on Sunday, June 5th at 9 PM UTC by Simon Parkes / Connecting Consciousness


    If you feel guided, you are invited to join forces by participating.

    1. Thank you, I will be joining in. Unity for the win!

    2. Dear Jonathan and Libra,

      Thanks for your willingness to join forces. I appreciate this greatly, as I am sure that unity/cooperation is crucial for our success.

      All genuine communities dedicated to the Light have the same goal, and once we realize that focusing on what we have in common (rather than looking for the differences in intel and approach) is the key to success, because together we multiply our strength, we will make great progress.

      This also means that we must not give up our efforts for collaboration, even if we may be disappointed that no efforts in this direction are (yet) coming from the other communities.

      What is right and important remains right and important, even if we are pioneers in this for the time being and try to set a good example.

      We lose nothing by these efforts, but can gain so much.

      Libra, war es ein guter Abschluss für diesen Tag/diese Woche? Ich hoffe, dir geht es gut. Du hast wieder einige sehr bereichernde Kommentare geschrieben. Danke dafür!

    3. @German

      WHEN do we get the good stuff? We need SOMETHING to keep going.

    4. @We Speak German I agree with everything you said and I especially loved the sentence: "We lose nothing by these efforts, but can gain so much."

    5. @ Jonathan

      May I add (to the statement: "We lose nothing by these efforts, but can gain so much."):

      And as long as we don't have great expectations from it, but simply practice collaboration because we know it's important and right, then we can't be disappointed and continue with the same enthusiasm.

      Sometimes there is a danger of taking "something" personally when something does not develop according to one's expectations, which can lead to falling into a kind of defiant attitude, which in turn is not conducive to the whole process.

      There really are a lot of members in Cobra's community who manage to keep the focus on the process, to have the bigger picture in mind (instead of only seeing their own little world and thinking they are the center of events and thus possibly taking themselves a bit too seriously) and for that I am grateful.

      Everyone can contribute to the success in their own way, as long as the contribution is constructive. This can be, for example, participating in a meditation, translating Cobra's articles, making guided audios or promo videos for Cobra's meditations/articles, posting/sharing disclosure articles, burying Cintamani stones, or making an effort to put one's focus on being in a high vibration or looking for solutions or feeling gratitude or helping others or networking with like-minded people, etc. (there are so many other options). Destructive contributions, on the other hand, can slow down the process, which is a pity.

      I'm glad that you - at least in part - understand and share my views.

    6. @ Libra

      You probably don't see it that way yourself, but I think that what you reveal about yourself here is a pretty good example of a constructive way of dealing with the general situation that we ALL face on earth.

      From some of your always rewarding comments, one could tell that your personal situation is anything but easy. And I would like to emphasize here that I have NEVER perceived this information as whining or accusatory, but always as factually informative. In the first aid course we learn that it is not those who cry the loudest who need the most urgent help, but those who are very quiet.

      On top of that, you live in Germany. I don't want to claim that it is hardest here for those like us, but I know from my own experience what harassment, meanness and attacks those who don't comply with the system have to suffer from the environment and the system.

      Clearly, you would have good reason to complain and whine and stretch the phrase "walk in my shoes". Instead, I see that while you acknowledge your less than desirable state and circumstances, you then focus on solutions and things that are positive and constructive. Furthermore, you have enough empathy to be aware that your life undoubtedly has its challenges, but in contrast to the much greater suffering endured by parts of populations worldwide, your pain is significantly less dramatic. It always is a question of balance.

      This is the energy that moves us forward. This is the attitude that makes a difference. And I have no doubt that your soul family is very proud of you and can't wait to physically reunite with you - whether on one of your ships or on some other occasion.

      After all, one would have to seriously ask oneself at what point one has to assume stupidity in someone who always does the same thing and does not see the desired results - or at what point one has to assume that someone loves to see and present themselves in a victim role - or what kind of energy someone radiates is inviting.

      In terms of collaboration not always working with everyone - I absolutely agree with you. I see this situation in three different communities I'm active in - with Cobra's community being the one I put the most time and energy into.

      In fact, there are situations where further attempts at mediation would be counterproductive and do more harm than good.

      However, I can also always experience that there are successful ways of solving problems when the focus is on finding solutions.

      All in all, we are "only human" with all the programming, implants, traumas, experiences that unfortunately contribute to the general difficult situation. We may therefore not be able to liberate Earth alone, but we are an indispensable part of the mission - each with their own personal mission.

      That is why giving up, retreating, attacking, accusing, etc. is not a solution. If we ask ourselves - loosely following J.F. Kennedy - "What can I do for the light forces?" and not, "What can/should the light forces do for me?", then we are already a big step further on our way to victory.

      Thank you, dear Libra, for being part of the solution and not the problem!

      Wenn alles vorbei ist, werden wir eine Möglichkeit haben, uns persönlich zu treffen und unseren Sieg zu feiern. Ich habe das mit einem bestimmten Team aus Cobras Community fest geplant und ich würde mich freuen, auch mit dir gemeinsam auf die harte Zeit zurückzublicken, in Erinnerungen zu schwelgen und uns zu erlauben, stolz auf uns zu sein wegen dem, was wir in Kooperation mit allen, die ernsthaft und aufrichtig für das Licht kämpfen, erreicht haben.

      Bis dahin geben wir nicht auf, halten durch und zusammen und tun, was getan werden muss, bis wir das tun können, was wir tun wollen. 😊

  34. Safe and Sound

  35. Lightworker Light Forces Alignments
    →Aligned with tractor tracks←

  36. from this webpage-quote----Kevin Annett, author and whistle blower, talks about “fake news” around mass graves in BC, Pope coming to visit, connection between Vatican and China and more!
    More is revealed about the genocide in the British Columbia residential schools. This is a serious topic that we need to pay attention to. People have been complacent far too long. The evidence is in. Kevin says that denial is a human reaction to something too horrific to accept.

    Annett is the co-founder of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State. He has been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.-----unquote.....

    1. Please do not spread this divisive and false story any further. There is simply no evidence of mass graves at any residential school anywhere in Canada. Kevin Annet is a proven disinfo agent of the worst variety and he is in fact the party who started this nonsense story. Tribal elders in Kamloops are on record as stating that there is a historical graveyard near the residential school in Kamloops where this story began. They knew from the beginning that this graveyard pre-dated the residential school and that there no mass graves. But somewhere along the way they decided to go along with it. Maybe they liked the attention and the sympathy, or maybe the money. Nobody has found a single body in any of the so-called mass graves. They will drag this on as long as possible because once they start exhuming, the truth will come out and the lie is proven. Yes, there were outbreaks of diseases at some schools and yes, some children did die as a result while there. But there were no mass racially-motivated deaths and there are no mass graves. As always, it's all BS.

    2. The graves were acknowledged by the Catholic school. They took in native children who nobody else would. It was 100 years ago so usually the parents couldn't be contacted and they had to be buried there.

  37. Cobra, would you consider getting behind todays Simon Parkes Mass Meditation today? To Wake the masses? Your support would be a real boost..

    Guided Meditation Here:

    Simon info here:

    VOTL! xxxxxx

  38. Thomas Sheridan: Everyone should know the elites didnt get jabbed

  39. 🌎🌟
    There is a feeling of connection. Today, I have been looking at the lake for a while, watching its fluctuations. It reminds me a lot. Things I meet today always feel as if they are giving me hints. I will review things that are synchronized with these.

  40. Not feeling well lately. Strange physical complaints. This must stop! We hold the light. Is this the anomaly being cleared by us also?

  41. SOLAR CYCLE 25 UPDATE: Once again, Solar Cycle 25 is exceeding predictions. Sunspot numbers in May 2022 more than doubled NOAA's forecast, setting the stage for a relatively strong Solar Maximum in early 2025.

    The plot, above, compares actual sunspot numbers to a selection of benchmarks. The blue curve is the "official forecast" issued by NOAA's Solar Cycle Prediction Panel in 2019. Sunspot counts are tracing a curve significantly higher than that.

    The green curve is the average of all solar cycles since 1750, and the red curve is a new prediction based on the Termination Event. Current sunspot counts match both. Even if Solar Cycle 25 turns out to be merely average, it will still far exceed previously low expectations.

    Stay tuned!

  42. Love

  43. "Old paradigm systems and timelines “failure” (collapse, dissolution) is certain.

    The “when” is not ours to state or imply, in any way,

    as we operate free of the time illusion (domain)."

  44. Give us an update or an interview at least. That's months without a planetary situation update!

  45. I've been checking out RRN and he is reporting that Trump and Berger don't want to do mass arrest. They want to wait until the midterms and Trump says that if they win there will be NO NEED FOR MASS ARREST.
    What does that tell you about him? Cobra is right about Trump ... he is not interested in stopping the crimes ... he want to do things that suit him. They has no intentions what so ever of removing the fraud machine ... both sides use it ... both sides want it.
    Also let's not forget what Cobra posted about the white hat not wanting the LF to liberate us because it was against their religion.

    The white hats and Trump's actions indicate they will not uphold their oath to the Constitution. Our only hope now is The Event ... Source knows we need it now. Please Source ... don't let us down.
    Thanks for reading my post.

    1. @spirttoo, I dont trust any of them. I never fully bought into trumpism, even if he said and did some good. He is in the middle somewhere. Even putin who has done a lot of good is probably not one hundred percent behind full liberation and disclosure because that would mean his cabal past would be exposed.

    2. I can't disagree trump openly kept promoting the jab...over and over..many followers took it not way but elderly people friends of ours did! So why the rallies why risk his life??

    3. More proving Trump can't be trusted ... his so called truth social is no different than the other social media .... check it ...
      If this report is true, does the ban destroy any and all belief that Trump is working on behalf of the White Hats?

      Donald Trump’s Truth Social Bans Dr Sherri Tenpenny… Here’s the Reason Why
      by The Jeff Dornik Show
      June 7, 2022


      (Former) President Donald Trump launched Truth Social to supposedly combat censorship by Big Tech. Unfortunately, just like most of the other alternative social media platforms that have popped up, Truth is being weaponized to destroy the First Amendment.

      Dr Sherri Tenpenny was permanently suspended yesterday from Trump’s Truth Social. I reached out to her team, who told me that they were not given any explanation except that Dr Tenpenny had violated their Terms of Service.

      This morning I went through and read the Terms of Service, and could not find anything in there that could be used to justify permanently suspending the world’s most important anti-vaxx doctor.

      However, I began thinking about the scenario and realized that there may be a logical explanation, although it’s not what most people want to hear.

      President Donald Trump has been continually touting that the covid-19 “vaccine” is one of his greatest achievements as president. Every time he says that, I roll my eyes. He should know better by now, but he’s refusing to listen to the data and science.;read=201119

      As far as I am concerned ... Trump a traitor until proven otherwise.

      Thanks for reading my post

    4. @LongStar ... I agree ... especially about Putin ... I have watch video of people in Russia, that don't want to give their opinions due to fear ... that's not right.

    5. I don't believe this is true. I just looked at what I think is her Truth account and its still there. I think you can only trust about 1/3 of the information on rumormillnews. There's a lot of falsities, including the RRN site. Even if she was suspended, it has nothing to do with Trump, unless he instructed his workers to censor.

    6. Stop reading Raw Real News. COBRA has confirmed it's not true, plus on their own site they say that it is satire.

    7. @ CoryCat ... not true ... Cobra stated that RRN was partially correct and even link to a couple reports in his updates. The site states it is satire due to legal advice.

      I did some more research on Tenpenny and found her account was reinstated. What cause her to be banned in the first place?
      As far as Trump goes ... I don't trust the guy. He sends out too many red flags for my taste. Especially the part about not holding those accountable for the election fraud by doing mass arrest.

  46. Not a word from Cobra about Simon Parkes meditation. Good that we keep us separated....

    1. You may have missed that Simon's meditation had its own article dedicated to it on WLMM. WLMM was founded at Cobra's request, so it is closely related to him.

    2. U could have posted it.. i posted a meditation a previous month by another organization simon advertised...
      I would assume if Cobra would have been asked he would have done it. Still us could be the eyes for all those meditations out there n be the link

    3. @slasher, I dont know the reasons for it but I do know that CoBra has called for many meditations and numerous alt media figures were asked many times by portal readers and were silent. The meditations CoBra called for were planned by the light forces during specific astrological configurations to assist in operations. The timing was key. People with major followings had their own meditations at different times or just ignored it. Parkes may have mentioned CoBra before. James gilliland has before as well as fulford. Many others have not.

  47. KANI in Martian assistance: Magnetic clearing in progress… 96% (non-regressive).

    Regrouping of sleepers initiated. Sector Mars 1. Earth still exists: catharsis of demand in process… (57)

    I'm seeing this in my dreams, can hear the sounds, smells, very visual, the multidimensional experiences coming in... This mornings made me laugh, aye, aye, aye, If we think it, or say it, it's being experienced somewhere at some time.

  48. elon musk-quote----Making life multiplanetary expands the scope & scale of consciousness.

    It also enables us to backup the biosphere, protecting all life as we know it from a calamity on Earth.

    Humanity is life’s steward, as no other species can transport life to Mars. We can’t let them down.-----unquote.....


    go elon go-hahahahaha.....

  49. ALLATRA TV extensive multi part video "The Truth about the Annunaki"
    And: : "The Creative Society is a project of all humanity that provides the opportunity to bring our civilization peacefully to a new stage of evolutionary development in the shortest possible time." Zhanna Anunakene Tikitok :aliensoul_28. Very interesting!!! I hope Cobra will comment about The Annunaki, Zhanna, Creative Society, Allatra tv. Seems we are all working for planetary liberation! Thanks Cobra!

  50. commond 1551
    commond 1551
    commond 1551

  51. Zhanna (Annunaki) says the main message from The Annunaki to the people of Earth is to "Love each other, or we will never become Human" Tiktok aliensoul_28. Zhanna is bringing through much positive, wise, and interesting information.

  52. Some people here probably already know there are a number of shows that talk about Ascension in one form or another but there is one that really does it justice in my opinion and that's the Stargate sci-fi shows. It's a great mix of knowledge, adventure and comedy.

    One episode really stands out and it's called Tao of Rodney and it's basically about how the military team explores the ancient floating city of Atlantis which is located in another galaxy. They discover a room where one of the main characters finds a platform which activates and suddenly envelopes him in a spiral ribbon on energy. He starts to manifest abilities and the team ultimately discovers that it's an Ascension machine which accelerates the person's DNA. I won't give away the ending but they do reveal some great teachings which I've found is congruent with teachings from The Crystal Stair and other sources including this blog.

    If this resonates with anyone they can watch it for free at the link below. There are ads but you don't have to sign up for anything and the quality is good and it has subtitles:

    Victory of the light <3

    1. We need those sort of machines, NOW.

    2. @Jonathan, I think its called midnight special with michael shannon. His son appears to go through a sort of ascension. Its one of my favorites. The high elves leaving with gandolph, frodo, and bilbo at the end of lord of the rings is another one of my favorites too as well as when goku first went super sayian in dragon ball.

    3. @Longstar
      and, note, NONE of those heroes were HUMAN....NONE.
      What do WE got?

    4. @LongStar117 Thank you for the recommendations I will give them a go! They sound interesting. Haven't really dedicated time to watching LoTR or Dragonball but they sound interesting. It's cool to watch these shows with news eyes and being 'awake' many years later after they came out (at least for me anyways). I know some here have been awake their whole lives or many years more than others here. Brutal.

      @Sherman I would make one small correction and say that we needed the Ascension machines a long time ago.


  54. The Pleiadians ~ We're Participating in Cleansing You ...

  55. It was Buddha who sealed me, Humility, Patience, Wisdom, my trials in life, court - humble, Wisdom of a child's mind - 0 to 7 years old is natural 5D, and Patience to grow.

  56. Planetary situation update is needed!!!

  57. The helicopters have cleared up around here. I'm pretty hopeful. The Illuminati dude behind it was a furious narcissist and I would always get his anger here, so I am so happy it has stopped. I've been watching a few weeks. They say they cleaned Australia. Woohoo don't come back!
    Next the White Hats move onto Canada. Good luck! I hope you do really well there.

    There has been some stuff on the Internet about dark ones who know they are losing and are coming into the Light. Like it is that easy. Beware these reports as they do all they can to defeat us. If they agreed to come into the light, believe me they would instantly be removed from Earth and imprisoned. Then they face Galactic Court for all of their many crimes over many lifetimes. Then they face thousands of years of paying for these crimes, including a lot of torture crimes. Yes, they are "amongst" the ones who are incarnated and as children get tortured. Maybe by themselves. They have a very high price to pay so I don't feel sorry for them at all. Horrible. And they will pay if they don't opt for recycling in the Great Central Sun. Man, they are in deep sh*te either way.

    1. Will only matter if we get to SEE them get sent screaming into galactic central.

    2. Helicopters are not controlled by anyone you know. I had a friend who had delusions about the world being agents, and she snapped out of it. I'm not trying to be insulting, but come on, they're not spying on you.

    3. We tend to have military copters flying about here, rather if looking for something.

  58. L-ove [Lightwork]
    Near the crop circle, an "L" can be seen in the landscape:°28'25.2"N+1°49'34.2"W/@51.4787702,-1.8209077,1397m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x6f86c1aeb80afe9e!8m2!3d51.4736633!4d-1.8261691

    The crop circle begins with a capital "L" and a hyphen. The hyphen stands for work that connects. It emphasizes active action - carrying out the personal mission.

    The word "Love" results from connecting individual parts.

    What comes to a lightworker's mind about "L" and "connect"? - Lightwork.

    The "L" is capitalized, which emphasizes the importance of working together.

    The crop circle is a guide to the manifestation of "love"

    Especially, I would say, the numbers "2" and "3" are highlighted.

    "2": Grain pressed down will probably stand for the share of the work of the light forces. Grain left standing will stand for the portion of the work of the light workers. Both together are necessary for the total work. Furthermore, the crop circle is aligned in several places with the tractor tracks, which of course emphasize the work of the light workers.

    Viewed in the writing direction, the result is a "W". (Double V).

    "V" I would say stands for Victory. "W" and "3" can be expanded to "www" which stands for the Internet. When starseeds cooperate with the light forces, the victory of light accelerates.

    Starseeds have opportunities to use the Internet to manifest love, light and liberate the planet by connecting with the light forces in their personal mission.

    Because: According to Cobra, every thought and action creates ripples in the infinite field of consciousness.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Reclaiming common sense
    After the peak of stupidity has been overcome and the light forces have done cleansing work on the mental plane and progress can already be seen in people, it is time to reclaim common sense.

    A stimulus for this may be the very rare type (0.1%) of Sigma Man. He is known to be very good at using common sense. He has leadership qualities at least as good as an alpha male, but does not reach out to lead others. If it does come to that, he does not lord it over them like an alpha male, but encourages them to imitate him by living examples.

  61. Question to the Lfs and resistance movement about worldwide meditations.
    We better make a meditation to the complete remove of the cabals until The beginning of THE EVENT, instead of doing so much different meditations, with the removal of the cabals (anchors, chimera, yaldabaoth and +) we'll have peace immediately, the Primary Anomaly will be easy to remove, so let's do just one meditation worldwide for the end of the cabals.
    I'm not against any medications I'm just against the cabals

    1. I've thought about this too. But I think our main weakness is lack of focused energy, so something big like the Event would be a defused intention. Or meditating for world peace. And everyone has different concepts of these large idea. Maybe the best way is to target these issues and it will have more of an impact. "Stop the war in the middle east." Great everyone can easily be on the same page with what that looks like. Anyways, good thoughts thanks.

  62. June is busting out all over! Don't forget to sing and dance ... good for the Soul ...

  63. Hello,

    Meeting with Richard Saint-Germain, who claims to be 17,000 years old. An alchemist, he claims to transmute lead into gold. Interviewed in various places, including the garden of the Palace of Versailles, this antiquarian who claims to come from Atlantis, reveals the "secrets" of his alleged immortality.

    In this 1972 film produced by a French television channel is in the archives of the French audiovisual. He claims to be the last of the Templars, he cured a showbiz celebrity who testifies in this film, we also see Mme de Pompadour...

    Fake or not, we discover a mysterious man with a lot of stature and charisma.

    Possible translation in youtube.

  64. アガルタネットワーク(カナダ)を公開します。












































































  65. However, you have to be open-minded about it, otherwise you will get stuck on a certain level or you will then be missing some puzzle pieces to understand the bigger picture of what is happening.
    For example, one will not know that we are in a global hostage situation. (but maybe it is better that not everybody knows everything).
    Regarding the toplet bombs, I can partly understand that cognitive dissonance sets in for some - knowing about something like that can be quite scary.

    No, ignorance is never a good thing. LET the masses be shocked to their very cores. Old Man Jenkins, an old black guy I knew as a kid in the early 90's, once said, "The medicine might taste bad, but it's the only way the patient is going to get well". CRAM the medicine down the masses' throats, I say.

    Need more than discipline, we need RESULTS. Like George Washington's army, like I mentioned several times before. They NEEDED a TANGIBLE victory, otherwise the army would have dissolved, and America would have a Union Jack for the flag, now.

    IF we have to wait for critical mass, we're doomed.

    I want to meet the aliens NOW, dammit, NOT 'one day'. As I said, won't do ME any good if I am DEAD or ELDERLY by the time the good stuff happens, Lib.

  66. BINGO!

    Do SOMETHING, Light Forces!
    I said, REPEATABLY, that many of us VOLUNTEER to fight.

    Just FIX ME UP, restored me to what I was before, train me, provide me the weapons, tech and so on, and I will GLADLY DESTROY as many of the darkies as possible.

    Like this -----> Replace the police officers with the darkies.

    So, light gonna take up my offer, or are we going to wait....and wait....and wait some more, HOPING, that, SOMEHOW, things come out right in the end?

  67. My physiological health is probably down the toilet already. Thanks, light forces for the 'help'.

  68. The family is getting better at trials, look forward to the collapse of 3D.

  69. Dear Cobra! A few month ago, on December 9th 2021 (Article: "Divine Intervention Activation Update and Another New Cobra Interview"), you wrote an important fact: "December 21st, 2021 is the turning point of a certain cycle and is in fact the most powerful day of this year.

    SpaceX CRS-24 mission to the International Space Station, which has a certain important significance for breaking the quarantine status of planet Earth, is expected to be launched on that day just a few hours before our activation:

    If everything goes according to the plan, I will be able to reveal the classified aspect of the SpaceX CRS-24 mission in a few months." Hopefully, all is going according to Plan, even if the Plan of Light Forces may change sometimes a bit. There is so much to explain and update for us, I can't wait a new global update of the actual situation! I need to thank you for all! My best wishes for you and we stay and hold the Light!

  70. There will be a pole change, the Event will be missed.

  71. ✋🏼"The last line of defense before the Light forces can physically intervene on the surface, are the so-called pits. Pits are secret military bases up to 30 meters underground, which were before owned by the Illuminati Breakaway Complex and are now operated by the surface Cabal. Some of them hide members of the Chimera. They can not extend more than 30 meters underground, because the Resistance can now clear most of the locations that are deeper, but can not yet intervene closer to the surface because of toplet bomb deterrence mechanisms. There are about 1000 such bases worldwide, and two main ones in Ukraine are below Odessa and below Azovstal metal plant in Mariupol."

    Meditation to clear all underground toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits:

    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

    2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to clear the toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits so that there can be physical intervention from the Light Forces on the planet surface for planetary liberation.

    3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

    4. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this Light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

    5. Visualize a band of the Violet Flame, the Fire of An, and Pink Light, each one for a few minutes, extending 30 meters (about 98.5 feet) below the surface of the planet, clearing all toplet bomb mechanisms and clearing all underground pits. The Light Forces/Underground Resistance can also be visualized to be clearing all toplet bomb mechanisms and underground pits with the Light/Flames. If unable to visualize, focus on the intention. Be one with the intention and know that this clearing is happening.

    6. Visualize the course of events on planet Earth shifting into the most positive timeline possible, with the Light Forces physically intervening on the planet surface and building an active partnership with the surface population, bringing Earth into a new and eternal Golden Age.

    When I tried this meditation, pictures like this came up🌟

    1. The other day I had a dream of an elevator system being used, which may be related to the pits.

      Speeding up and intensifying the process of clearing these underground pits will dramatically speed up and intensify the process of positive intervention on the planet surface, so that 3D is no longer an experience of constant conflict, scarcity, and misery. These underground pits and toplet bomb mechanisms are the last line of defense against physical intervention.

      Also, "Command 12 21" x3, several times per day.


    2. It's also a matter of what one feels guided to do. One can do many different meditations, or one meditation in particular that has the strongest calling.

      I've been feeling a strong effect from the rainbow flower of life sphere:

      An conversion in progress.

  72. 💥

  73. I think people really did live hundreds of years like Noah. Sure there are some questions about record keeping, but it seems to be common knowledge that people lived 900 years. And there's a steady degradation which makes sense.

    1. Simple, the darkies RAPED humans' DNA. Hence now we have pathetic life spans, we age, and deteriorate.

      Just one of MANY reasons I want to GIVE UP my humanity.

    2. Bingo! Patrick and do you notice anytime they discuss life extension it gets buried immediately? Than we are always told why we can't have it! Followed by lies about how we have to be slaves and take a transhuamanist AI approach because that's real life extension not! Its only for slaves. Than my personal favorite all the fake new age guru types tell us we are not spiritual enough; which is just Jesuit CIA lies in action telling us lies you have to be ultra spiritual to have it. Thats complete total BS lies if that was the case the bad guys that had it would not have been able to have life extension which of course they did!

  74. I feel adrift...I guess my expectations were overzealous.. listened to so many qhht sessions and got excited after mass meditations hit CM.. I expected change to happen and perhaps it is and I am not being patient enough.
    A planetary update and our chances to trigger event as I have heard it won't be triggered until X% of humanity reach a specific vibration this the elite are now attempting starvation as store shelfs are fast becoming bare and prices are going up sharply.. so this will help raise the collective vibration? Of course not..this only sets us back again...we can't keep allowing this the galactics have to see how this keeps us from moving forward.

    1. HOW the fucking hell are people going to 'raises their vibrations', and all that other 'woo woo!' stuff, IF they are STARVING? People are already struggling to live before all this crap we got going on.....

      ....Galactics...DO you want this as DIFFICULT as possible for some twisted reason?

    Vocês já repararam?
    Que: Há uma ligação cultural desde a Babilônia até Roma (passando por Antigo Egito e por Jerusalém.
    Babilônia - Marduk (mostrado com a forma de um Anunnaki - um velho barbudo),
    Antigo Egito - Amon-Rá (mostrado com a forma de carneiro),
    Jerusalém - Jeová (mostrado em formato de Anunnaki - um velho barbudo),
    Grécia - ZEUS (mostrado em forma de Anunnaki),
    Roma - Júpiter (mostrado na forma de Anunnaki - em Pompeia tem até hoje o busto de Júpiter).
    Atlântida - Poseidon (mostrado em forma de Anunnaki),
    Todos parecem portar um tridente.
    Já repararam que é a mesma entidade, o Deus dos Hebreus, dos cristãos, e dos Islâmicos?

  76. A great article that is worth any of the five minutes (or so) reading it. Without a doubt, it can be of great help to one or the other if one delves into the contents more intensively after reading.


  77. Your Song



  78. BDE



  79. And Finally, it comes down to this.

    And as we wind on down the road
    Our shadows taller than our soul
    There walks a lady we all know
    Who shines White Light and wants to show
    How everything still turns to Gold
    And if you listen very hard
    The tune will come to you at last
    When All are One, and One Is All
    To be a Rock And not to Roll


  80. This universe is broken.
    It needs to be fixed or destroyed.

  81. God bless the resurrection of the physical death of TORAI Tarō Daitenku (十来太郎大天空) in Shingō-Aomori. May Isukiri rest in peace and union with his brother and family. May the festival of Matsuri and Garlic planted be blessed. Amen.

  82. My gosh I found an amazing video. This is of a reptilian in human form and you can clearly see him breathing through his neck. What his neck does is impossible for any human neck. It's gross. Thanks for the guy for sharing this:
    He also shared this video from the movie Vivarium

    And I wasn't going to mention this but it is relevant. Yesterday on the Shariraye show she mentioned that there is a reason why people who get jabbed have changing DNA. One of her white hat intel guys said it is so the reptilians can get back to earth by taking over those bodies. Snatching those bodies. Weren't we already told this in our D grade movies? True? I don't know but I don't think it will get that far. We are under the control of the galactics, it is going brilliantly well, we just got to get through the next few years.

  83. I've thought of wanting to fight along side them too. They'd never have us because battles are very technical actually, especially the way the Resistance does it I bet, so we'd be more liability than help. Oh well, I can be a security guard! I'd still be cool with having a sweet weapon. But fighting the draco directly, they can kill just by looking at you! Ha, I don't know if we'll ever be good enough to take them on. I sure would like to have my body fixed up though.

  84. ✋🏼🙀
    8) All-seeing eye. This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors all activity of physical beings and then reports this to the non-physical Archons.

    Then I saw something similar.

  85. L+L+...L+W+M to be completed
    This crop circle "Love" emphasizes the necessary cooperation of the star seeds with the light forces.

    L - Light, love, light work, connection to the light forces...
    M - Personal mission, missions, meditation...
    W - WWW - Lightwork via Internet...

    The crop circle consists of connected circles of standing and depressed grain. The emphasis is on the grain left standing, because the ASKII 2 code indicates the highest digit of the binary code (1) for it. Depressed grain stands for the mission of the Light Forces, while left-standing grain stands for that of the starseeds. - That is, the action of the star seeds is addressed (binary code (1)).

    The crop circle shows the not yet finished sign for "love" (ASKII 2 code). The last piece ("L") is not yet built in and the angle does not fit. This piece is marked as a capital letter, so it is of crucial importance or it represents the beginning of the work; it is also present several times in the landscape.

    The part is connected to the other parts by a line of depressed grain. Tractor tracks pass through this line, representing work of the starseeds on the harvest of life. - A connection of the missions of the starseeds to the missions of the light forces is necessary to complete the work; for example, to spread the truth in the best possible way through the Internet.

    Each installed part and the part to be installed each have a connection to the tractor tracks; likewise the installing work.
