Sunday, March 12, 2023

Urgent! Meditation to Stabilize the Financial System Every 4 Hours

A few days ago, one Black Nobility faction has used JP Morgan to trigger the collapse of SVB bank, the 18th largest bank in the USA:

This is very similar to the developments in the financial system that were happening just before the coronavirus outbreak:

The collapse of SVB has already triggered delays in Etsy payments:

And bank runs at First Republic Bank, which is expected to go underwater in the next few days, and other banks:

In the era of mobile phones, bank run contagion can spread really fast, and can potentially disturb the financial system tomorrow (Monday March 13th), as the story hits the mass media and the human masses realize the potential seriousness of the situation:

Update Monday March 13th:
The Fed has intervened on Sunday evening, by patching the financial system with a bailout, effectively preventing a massive bank run on Monday:

The crisis is not over yet, as First Republic bank is on the verge of collapse:

If this bank collapses, perhaps more drastic intervention from the Fed will be required. Certain sources are claiming that the contagion will not spread beyond commercial banks in the US that are already in trouble. Other sources are pointing out that Credit Suisse is in trouble as well:
If the crisis is not contained fast, the JP Morgan faction will try to use it to swallow up more banks, suppress their connection with the Epstein scandal and steer the government to impose strict capital flow controls and then implement CBDCs as the final solution to the crisis. So those who are now wishing for the financial system collapse a la JP Morgan do not know what they are asking for:


The Light Forces do NOT want a hard crash of the system, they want a gradual and balanced meltdown of the system combined with the increased awareness which would lead into the positive financial Reset.


For this reason they are asking as many people as possible to do the following meditation starting on Sunday March 12th at 10 pm UTC and then every 4 hours, for the next 72 hours, thus daily at 2 am UTC, 6 am UTC, 10 am UTC, 2 pm UTC, 6 pm UTC, and 10 pm UTC.
Update Monday March 20th: 

The Light Forces are asking those who feel so guided to continue doing this meditation daily at 3 pm UTC. The purpose of this meditation is NOT to artificially maintain the old financial system, but to bring Light into it to ensure that when the meltdown occurs, it will be done in the most possible positive way and that it will NOT be misused by the dark forces to implement CBDCs. The crash of the old system WILL occur, and when it does, it has to be done in the best way possible.


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to bring the Light to the global financial system and to stabilize it.

 3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize the St Germain's violet flame purifying all people and institutions involved in the current financial system, especially JP Morgan, the Federal Reserve, commercial banks currently in trouble, and all human masses, the violet flame calming their fears. Visualize the meltdown of the old system and implementation of the positive new financial system being done in the best possible way.

5. Visualize a brilliant white Light shining on everyone, every financial institution and all situations in the current financial system.
Guided audio meditation in many languages is posted here:
Victory of the Light!


  1. Thanks for the warning!
    Translated to spanish
    Post y meditación traducido al castellano

    1. @Libra J. M. Aquila: Exactly!

    2. How long is 'gradual', you think, Lib?

    3. One thing about this "danger" of CBDCs is that as a digital currency its reliant on a digital infrastructure.

      As we know the Sun's solar activity is increasing faster than expected, and Suspicious Observer's YT channel has been posted here several times showing the Sun will reach a micronova stage in a short time frame of less than a decade. has also featured graphs updated over those presented in past blog articles showing the Sun keeps deviating away from predicted trends, showing its leading to a potential event in future.

      Digital currency might survive in some protected server or cloud vault, but the devices required to access them will be affected by such solar outbursts.

      Furthermore the underground industry will ensure cash has to remain one way or another, according to 'London Paul' of The Sirius Report:

      "Following depend entirely upon cash for operations:
      International Terrorism
      Narco Trade
      Organised Crime
      Firearms, Human and Organ trafficking
      Money laundering
      Multitude of other illicit activities

      No need for conspiracy theories to demonstrate why cashless society can't exist."

      Source from Telegram software:

  2. I understand that a quick collapse would likely cause a fear energy spike among the unaware Earth humans. The dark fear spike during the first few days of the scamdemic was painful and difficult to transmute. On the other hand, this long battle of attrition with evil has taken its toll on all of us... I'm tired. I say let Babylon burn to the fucking ground! 💲🏦🔥🎆🎉

    1. hear, hear! Ready or not, here we come!🎉🍀🦁

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Then good luck buying food or necessities in the next months while the chimera is still holding humanity hostage and large parts of humantiy will completely descend into chaos.
      You guys still dont get the situation, do you? There is a very good reason why the LF want a gradual collapse.
      Just because you are tired of waiting (which, as we often enough elaborated, is the wrong attitude anyway) you want something to happen even if it mostly serves the agenda of the dark forces..
      You either can not be serious or you have lost complete touch of reality and all trust in the lightforces, in which case I am honestly sorry for you!

    4. +1 on what Infinity said. I will not put my intention and energies either into this cabalist system that is the root of all problems on this freaking way !

    5. And at least without that money the us cant do wars anymore

    6. Ha I know right. I'm in a sweet situation to fight out the apocalypse so I'd love it. But everyone in cities, which is most people, would basically be a death sentence. Seems like most of them want New World Order hell, so should I feel bad when they get it?

    7. Fauci just said "A lab leak could be considered a natural occurrence." Brah if that one sentence doesn't wake a person up, I can't even say on here what I think. There has to be some kind of galactic justice for these people. To fully support the Cabal when they're on TV revealing their evil plots, for them to be spirited away by the Event would be a massive injustice. 80% of the population are literally Cabal minions, if they're not in galactic court facing charges along with their handlers, I don't think I could handle that. Most days I believe the Dark forces plan is more just. They actually are correct that humans deserve this. I swear to god I'll join the Schwabenlanders and help them finish the job before I'll let the muggles live in Islands of Light.

    8. 1.
      SVB will get a Bailout I don't understand how ppl think this is a hard crash...
      2. It have two be a Hard crash otherwise new dark financial systems can integrate very easily

    9. @FluffyFractalshard: Thanks for this comment, I hope it brings some sanity and perspective

    10. @FluffyFractalshard: Agreed. Most of people talking here, pretending to be lightworkers and in the same time running for a collapse which is nothinig else than a dark agenda following the fail of the pandemics, most of these people are fake lightworkers just open your eye. That's truely easy to see. We are close to the event and now you want a fast collapse that will create a lot of suffering, and you say that it will bring the event sooner? You make me smile little girls, don't you think we know who you are?

    11. @ Lukian "We are on the verge of the event"

      sry but I've been reading this for years....

    12. @Light44: LUCIAN*, my words are based on serious solid studies of solar activity, the peak being now closer and closer, already in 2024. We all know that. Continue to spread your fear and deception, we will continue to hold the light until the event.

    13. I agree that there SHOULD NOT be a hard crash. People should not put their personal anguish (if they have such anguish) before the larger picture. I suggest doing the meditations.

    14. @Fluffy: I'm not telling anyone what they should do. Meditation always helps, I don't agree with the specifics of this one, but if someone feels called to then do it. I'm also not saying let the banks crash without a plan (I sure hope there is a coherent, coordinated plan and Light Forces aren't just winging it 🙄)The National Guard would have to quickly be mobilized to distribute food/supplies and prevent riots. This would also be a great time to round up the cabal and their minions (mass arrests). Its kinda like pulling off a band-aid. This is gonna hurt either way, quick and sharp or slow and agonizing... I'm basically the opposite of most people on Earth. While most cowered in fear and wore useless masks and got death shots I refused and chuckled at the absurdity of it all. Most fear chaos, I shine brighter during crisis. (For any fellow Star Trek dorks). I'm like Worf, partially domesticated by being around Earth humans. But I too hear "The cry of the warrior". Many of us are just tired of holding Light/Space and taking a hell of a beating. My physical/mental/sexual/emotional energy bodies are fried. I don't think I can hold out for months/years longer. I can muster up enough strength for a final grizzly-ass showdown with evil. Going down with energetic guns blazing, not a whimper and a wet fart...

    15. @Cobra - And what of your repeated claim of "The Great Reset can not happen"? Now we're having to do meditations to avoid the potential domino effect of banks collapsing triggering a major recession and introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (which sounds like a page out of the WEF's playbook.)

      This is legitimately concerning to me, and I ask you, how are followers of this blog supposed to have faith and conviction in what is being said here when claims get repeatedly retracted or contradicted? I don't want to be negative but in case anyone needs reminding, this blog asserted that The Event would happen in 2012, then that would happen by 2025, and finally the deadline was scrapped completely. Now this blog has been claiming that The Great Reset could not happen, and still, we have The Cabal trying to collapse banks (and getting close it seems.)

      So Cobra, after your urgent calls for our aid by way of meditation, Should we still be completely unfazed by all this - or should we be squirrelling away gold, silver and cash so we're not potentially caught with our trousers around our ankles? If you think I'm being too combative I get it, but it's our livelihoods we're talking about here; whether or not someone has money to put food on the table and the ability keep a roof over their heads. We need to know the truth.

  3. It is our honor and sacred duty to hold space during the turbulence. We are very proud of the surface population in light of all we've been through. It is so spectacular this Ascension process! We welcome these earthly changes and this cleanup process. See u all in the astral realms✌🏼 Peace Beloveds Beings💞
    #SisterhoodoftheRose 🌹

  4. Replies
    1. "Pentagon And Harvard UFO Experts: Alien ‘Motherships’ Could Be Flying Through Our Solar System"

  5. Why can’t the light forces trigger the event? Enough is enough the world is falling apart, the cabal needs to be arrested and we need full disclosure in the media, financial reset, we need liberation, please God I beg of you to intervene in our world and liberate us from the evil ones, I’m tired of being a slave to the matrix, I want to be free and leave this world and start a new life on a new planet, please save us God, please intervene

    1. I pray the same prayer everyday also! This has been allowed to go on too too long. End the suffering!

  6. The financial system is bound to colapse no matter what. The central banks are increasing interest rates and unloading their balance sheets. It is just a matter of time until the system breaks akin to 2008 but on a much bigger scale as both corporate and sovereign debts are on a whole new level compared to 2008.

  7. Maybe humanity also needs a hard crash and that's the total wake-up trigger...

    1. The thing is, that it is questionable whether a hard crash would be enough of a wakeup call because the chaos and suffering it would generate might overwhelm rather than wake people up..
      Same goes for a world war or anything that the dark ones are planning exactly for that reason: to increase suffering and delay the awakening and the liberation.
      Have you seen how much truth came to light just in the last few months? This gradual awakening process is much more beneficial because while in relative "safety" people are much more able to pay attention and connect the dots. When they have to fight tooth and nail to get some bread at the store, they will rather hate the ones who got the last bread instead of those who intiated the collapse.
      Again, I am totally with Cobra and the LF on this, we really dont want a hard crash right now! Not before the last chimera are removed and the hostage situation of humanity is resolved.

    2. I agree. I think we need a hard crash to then trigger the martial law in the USA so the light forces begins with the delta option. And then partial disclosure until the event.

    3. Exactly. I do not agree with Cobra on this. The collapse needs to happen hard and fast. It will be the final trigger that serves as a catalyst to awaken those who are still asleep. It happening slow and gradual only prolongs the suffering needlessly. Just like ripping a band-aid off, it is better if you just do it fast. Then real change will start to manifest.

    4. This so-called 'wake-up' would be looting and chaos followed by new tyrannical laws to further subjugate the surface population.

    5. Starlight, I think some chaos needs to happen to wake up the final stubborn sleepers. Anyone still asleep now will not wake up unless the proverbial bucket of ice water is dumped on them.

    6. Ed, yeah, some chaos, sure, but no, not families unable to feed their children - that's going too far. I did some mental alchemy on this one, combining opposite perspectives. There are elites who are feeling the pain now, but a total collapse can be prevented with the meditations.

  8. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!


  10. MEDITATION FRANÇAISE /French meditation

  11. I totally agree. I will meditate on it.

  12. I have been very tried,so let the finance collapse!
    We refuse any gradual.
    LF have to push ahead bravely, destroy chimera.

  13. Don't you mean similarity to the financial crisis of 2008 rather than virus crisis?

    1. That's what I thought too. 2008 crash meant wake up the mass by the Cabal but it wasn't really successful.

  14. "The Light Forces do NOT want a hard crash of the system, they want a gradual and balanced meltdown of the system combined with the increased awareness which would lead into the positive financial Reset."

    Understanding this statement based on our collective reality:

    1) The LFs WANT a gradual and balanced meltdown of the global financial system. Is this what is unfolding before our eyes? No.

    2) What LFs really WANT takes time for all of this to settles in, it also means the process keeps delaying until it reaches that optimal condition. Do we have that time? No. (Here I could be wrong in my assumption, and if so, please somene present me facts.)

    3) Do LFs have enough power to demand their overview under the circumstances that are currently unfolding on the surface? Corroborated by the facts, they still haven't.

    From my perspective and being realistical, only meditations or prayers can't stop this avalanche. In few words, what is beginning to precipitate is the continuity of Agenda 30, this time is the collapsing of the structure of the old financial system at great speed. This is what they (/the darkies) want and is what they need to continue and won't stop, won't give up an inch. The question that we all must do is, what options do we have according to our resposabilities (if personal, familiar, professional and social)? What is exactly our ray of action besides aligning in the meditations and refocus (all the time) with a clear and sharp thought about what kind or reality WE REALLY WANT?

    As the covid era, this won't be different in terms of action regarding our social responsability in helping raising the awareness of the people so that they also understand the (intrisicated) financial chaos, only keep them cool will help them also integrate the critical mass consciousness so that collectively we flip this shit definitly and for once.

    Cobra, I'm sorry but your statement given in a recent interview is totally displaced from reality. You said that if that people survived to the lockdowns they could endure the rest. Is the oposite. What is unfolding now could be much worse. While in the covid era we still have certain levels of liberty by simply disobeying, now this will affect us all almost by the same: social unrest, inflaction and mass starvation, all in the same pack guaranteed.

    While the attacks continue on the surface population, my sincere hope is that the LFs won't stop either. And here is the answer to many of your questions about why the LF have take it so long/or couldn't move faster »because we are in the middle« and the darkies retaliate immediatly and directly upon us. Basically, each time one make their move, the other do theirs in an obsolete parity of progress just to secure each one's piece.

    Have faith in yourselves first and don't put your power externally (public figures, politics, saints, gods or goddess, blogs, channelings, etc). Never give up your vision and exerc the liberation now.

    1. Let me add this issue that very little has been talked about but which was one of the critical points that occurred during the time of the Covid-19 pandemic - the factor that suicide cases increased exponentially.

      Why weren't they spoken? Because the health authorities deliberately concealed these data, and because, at that time, all deaths were counted as cases of or with covid. The situation that now presents itself to us is no different, in fact, it is much worse and the suffering will be proportionate because global society is trapped in a phantom financial system whose solution inevitably required a balanced transition. Honestly, I doubt that we have these conditions that allow us to transit in this mode because the agendas (and note that I use agendas in the plural, the good ones, the less good ones and the bad ones) are running simultaneously, which makes a real understanding of what is happening complex. And because, the most important factor of all, the wear and tear we are in specifically post-covid, makes this plausibility even more derisory of being implemented. LFs do not WANT this impass prolongs much longer, I give it as certain.

      Let's go by points, no one will want a transition "a la PJ Morgan" and be stuck with CBDCs (Central bank digital currencies). This is not the financial reset that the Light Forces had planned. Even if at the same time there is already in operation an economy supported by goods with real value. In other words, while the bad guys are out here getting their shit together, we're subject to whatever they want. Unfortunately these bastards still have too much power.

      The issue of meditations has always been positive insofar as we co-create a favorable field for the manifestation of the most optimistic reality. Taking meditation not as a practice but as a philosophy or way of life puts an end to this dualism of "do I or do I not meditate?" However, meditations do not fill empty bellies. I think that we should all, (honestly, it's late to some of you who never thought about that before!) think of ways to acquire our food even if we are the ones who produce it ourselves. And here, those who live in cities are the most disadvantaged. If you can make the move from the city to a countryside area where you can plant crops and raise animals, think seriously about it while you still have time.

      As last, I do understand and feel all your disappointment, tiredness, anger, hopeless left in the comments. Let's make this exercise. Before all suffering you may feeling now, do nothing besides just feel it and let it sit down. Just observe and detach yourself from that as it does not belongs to you anymore. More releaved now? What makes the discomfort is the resistence that it is inside and creates the stop of the flow, taking out that resistance unblocks and things get to balance again. This is how to be in the zero point. And don't need courses or degrees, just allow yourself to manifest. Be gentle. Take care.

  15. The Alliance is still hoping for a mass awakening, isn't it? You guys just can't see reality, can you?

  16. Confirmation from certain sources
    related to infighting between the bloodlines
    specifically related to financial system

  17. feels like more briliiant pillars of whitelight and the sacred violet flame has increased in prowess of recent.....

    looks like weve entered the third phase of the planetary ascension process.....with the thermal flux of the galactic central sun rising exponentially now - until the thermal flux peaks at the moment of the event.....

    great science presented here - perhaps not so unlike boiling a pot of water - yet a more complex higher energy worlds macrocosm and dynamicly multidimensional science process involved....

    perhaps we are at the stage - if utlizing an anylysis of the boiling water process-we are at the phase where the water temperature is at max 100 degrees celcius - and latent heat energy continues to be added to the water until it reaches latent heat of evaporation stage - and begins to boil - transforming into a gas state - when the water starts boiling its planetary liberation time.....then entering into 4th phase transition level = post planetary liberation days.....victory of the light for light to light in light sacred light.....

    1. I do understand. It is not that majority of us do not have this perception but if the Light Force do not make this an opportunity to trigger the mass or The Resistance Movement press that button which would change the entire financial system right at the moment the collapse to happen, could we really hope for a smooth/gradual transition? I would stick to the flower of life meditation to help the mass to calm down but I do not wish to interfere with this crash.

  18. This is what all of us on this blog have been preparing for, for some time now. We are the ones who need to be there for all the non-awakened souls. A global bank collapse is upon us. A lot of people around us are going to go through extreme feelings of panic when many major banks collapse.
    Here is how we may be able to calm our friends and family down. Tell them the following:
    Money is only paper. It doesn’t do ANYTHING. People do! All our infrastructure (even if it’s not in such a good shape) is still here. All our factories and production units, of life necessities, are still here. There is no need for panic. All we need to do is to start teamworking. Forget about service to self. It’s counterproductive. Instead talk to friends and neighbors, colleagues at work or even local people in high positions.
    For a short period of time, until the new financial system gets up and running, we all need to help, support and be there for one another. We can go to our workplaces as usual, even if we don’t get our two week or monthly income salary, just to keep the life support branches running.
    Does this sound crazy? I do not believe so compared to the alternative chaos and destruction that could take place.
    I live in northern Thailand and often see people ‘teamworking’. Neighbors and friends often bring food or something whenever they meet. If you live in a city obviously you don’t have direct access to orchards or food production but ask yourself how your necessities get to you. Well, keep the normal everyday routines going. Keep going to your local store and ONLY take what you need (Yep, no empty shelves).
    I know. It won’t be easy for store owners to let people come in and just pick what they need and leave (even with a temporary local credit system promising later payment when money is once again available) but stop and think for a while what the alternative would be. We just have to look at what has already taken place in many major cities around the world.
    I personally don’t believe it will take too long to introduce a new MUCH fairer economic system into our world. In fact, several sources are suggesting this has already happened. The OLD system hasn’t completely died yet and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize who the culprits are.
    For those of us who are still able to think positively: This is a great moment to introduce a new system that works for everybody.
    To sum it all up, two things need to be focused on hard: The light forces’ removal of the toplet bombs and working on the above. What are your thoughts on a peaceful way of getting to our common goal, light workers? Victory of the light and unconditional love to all of you out there working so hard to bring us into the light!

    1. Agreed...I thought the alliance wanted the fake fiat DS system to go down?? Now I am confused isn't this why cobra promoted buying silver a few years ago to prepare for just such a collapse? A gradual slow approach will take decades the federal reserve needs taken down by the military per Q!! If you think the Fed Reserve will allow the alliance reset rainbow currency and the QFS I ask why would they?
      Cobra I don't get it, don't we need this collapse to awaken the zombies among us and to reset into the QFS? When or how will this ever happen if the current system just keeps dragging on alot like the clearing of the chimera which I hear now all negatives ETs were removed from earth years ago!? So which is it who is telling the truth here.
      All I have heard is prepare with extra food and water...keep cash and silver at home.. now I am asked to meditate to keep the deep state system up and running? The Fed Reserve owns all the banks now all are part of the system all banks loan using their fiat money created out of nowhere.
      I am a bit dumbfounded now.

  19. Well what LF want and what they get are 2 diff things. We want intervention but, like this collapse, want and get are separate things.

    Personally I say let it go, and yes I would be directly impacted if large banks crumble.

  20. So people have the right context of whats happening

    An old key Quote Cobra gave back when the virus began

    "..the reason why things are as they are right now, why there is so much craziness is because we are so close to the breakthrough and the dark forces know that we are so close to the breakthrough and they’re freaking out, and they know much more than we do, how close we are. They know much more than we do, how close they are to losing everything. And this is why they’re acting crazy. So if we know that you can read the signs of the day in a different way, in different light, you can see their desperation, their mistakes, and through that, you can be sure that we are very close globally speaking. From the perspective of all of our lifetimes we are very close to the end. And after this is over, we will be glad that we persisted, we’ll be glad that we fought our last battle. We will be glad that we did what we did with all the meditations, with all the activations, with all the projects, we will be very, very pleased that we have made those choices, that we have been one among the few people who have made that choice. It will be a very, very big inner reward to have that feeling that you were the one who come to contribute it to the final victory."

    Liberation is Near !

    1. @Doug, it was said during the interview with Sisterhoods of the Rose Paris and Versailles about France spiritual history and Goddess mysteries 2 years ago

  21. Shouldn't this be happening anyway? Without its collapse, how could we replace it with the new system? A smooth transition is impossible as long as Dark force's minions crawling on this planet. This collapse is a must.

    1. My thoughts exactly it must be taken down and rebuilt, a gradual slow changeover ...? That will never happen I have read about nesara now for years...just around the corner.. the election truth just around the corner...send the solar flash!! Which was due already too. Seems the delays are now causing it all to collapse and we are asked to meditate to keep the satanic matrix going..ironic

  22. Can't believe you want to safe this system what we fight so hard... This was the last time for me on you're blog

  23. Greetings! Guys, who gets information about meditation?? Dear worker of light, please check the purity of your channels, your information comes through dark sources. Recently, this is the second failure. The first meditation is that Putin's speech will provoke a third world war. Even then, my soul refused to believe it. Now, excuse me, some nonsense: let's help the black nobility save their money. The collapse of the banking system will cause a popular uprising. So maybe it's time??? The world cannot now without a banking system. I'm sure the white nobility will take the initiative. And it will be a huge breakthrough. Why would the forces of light hold back what they themselves wanted?
    Now behind the scenes of world politics there are violent attacks on all lightworkers. especially the key light workers. Strong pressure is felt by couples of kindred souls. Dear ones who have a soul mate, pay attention to your relationship. And save them.

    1. We don't help the black nobility to save their money here. We save our own asses knowing that they want a collapse, and that if that collapse happens we will all be f***ed because the society will collapse too, food, everything, and it would push everyone in suffering, exactly like the pandemics did.

      We are trying to stop a dark agenda and you are trying to protect it, and then you say "please check the purity of your channels"? Check yours first.

      About the white nobility, don't believe that they will openly fight against the black nobility. They will intervene during and after the event, not before, be a little smarter. Thank you

    2. panic-panic-panic..... What makes you think that there will be a complete collapse of the financial system??? All panic attacks are from dark energies. Breathe evenly, dear soul. This world, though crazy, is not enough to deprive billionaires of their money.

    3. If not now when?? We keep the old system going? Won't the galactics our families finally step in and show themselves won't the military the alliance all of it step up? Won't the election truth be revealed won't QFS be installed the old system has to come down ...a gradual slow changeover are you kidding me..that won't f ing happen the elites will just maintain control then printing trillions of fiat like they have..the satanic bldgs need razed

  24. I admit I don't u derstand this situation well enough. I don't see the consequences and ho harsh they might be. However, I hink I'm speaking for most people here when I say "I don't care! At least it's something!" We're sick of waiting, we want the world to make a change already, we want the divine intervention to yild results by actually hapening. Dear light forces, we don't want to mditate to settle this crush so that things can be restabilized, even hough this is what the dark forcess want. Dear light forcess, we would preffer to meditate so that thish crush can be transmuted into a positive event. Use this to your advantage, take the opportunity to do some good.
    Dear light forces, quit walking on eggshells around the cabal and do something!
    You CAN push the line!
    I won't meditate for this, I've been waiting for a shock event that would change the world since 1996!

  25. Ha most megmented az 10 év idő vesztés. Nem azért harcoltunk hogy a sötét tovább élvezkedjen. Nincs 3 világháború ha nincs pénz. Lépjetek ahogy a riggelen tetétek. Itt nincs lassú összeomlás.

  26. Do you REALLY ask us to meditate to SAVE the shitty financial system??

    My answer is: NO!

    "The Lightforces want..."
    I dont mind anymore what the Lightforces want in their sluggish speed.

    WE WANT the Event. Now!

    Its already too late.. And all because YOUR hesitation and slowmotion..

    Biggest joke will be if the cabal will trigger the Event with this move...

    1. Yeah would be funny if the collapse causes the event that would be the biggest irony.

    2. @Unbeknown Universe
      The event should be done in a gentle way. Most people have no idea what a rough transition would mean.

    3. Did the pandemic cause the event? "Many people will find spirituality in being alone and understand the cabal agenda as it is being more clear now", but actually the pandemic was a shitty time that retarded everything, it was not good at all. And now you believe that the full fast collapse will also be a good thing? You are all f****** childs with dreams in your head, begin to think like men and follow a right plan, not a random plan with full fast collapse that will again retard everything because people will suffer a lot especially in poor area, you are all f***** stupid that's crazy to read all your comments, st** and meditate if you want the event as we all want it most fastly as possible, thank you

    4. @3k14Pi
      It will only mean something IF we live long enough to see it.

      I don't want to die on this planet, you know.

    5. 3k14Pi I didnt say it should happen but it would be a big irony

    6. @Sherman,

      after the event, there are completely different possibilities for incarnation than there are now.

      Moreover, even if you die, you will probably incarnate again soon, since there are fewer souls available now, since 70 billion have flown out.

    7. People in poor areas ALREADY suffering. And starving to death..

      I know a rough transition what would mean in the worst case: death.
      But its worth for me. No problem if I die. I dont fear death.

      Delta solution with the complete destruction with the planet also fits for me.

      One thing counts: let this shit be over. At all costs

      And after we can restart everything again.

      And yes, the LF in the past made big mistakes, hesitated too much, beleived in all the bluffs of the ds.


  27. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in french - L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  28. 4 évet vártunk hogy fed csödbe menjen. A vezetők halottak. A nagy ujrainditás eltörölve. És a föderáció még nincs kész?

  29. If someone had told me at the time when we participated in the meditation for divine intervention and for direct physical contact and the successful petition that 15 months after nothing had improved for the surface population, it was getting worse... That the forces of light would demand surface population to meditate for saving the banks, so I really wouldn't believe that. It is an incredible irony that all the surface population can do is pray for the banks to be saved so that they can continue to pay their debts and deepen their debts in this gradual collapse of society. The forces of light want a gradual collapse... it all sounds unpleasant and that improvement is out of sight, an unknown point in the future, people need to feel the improvement now. After all, there are no signs of actually functioning processes leading to some balancing of the collapse and awareness of the surface population. How many more people will grind this until there is a real improvement?... Still bad news.

    1. Agree. Light Force's "gradual collapse" sounds like another 300 or more years of suffering in this prison.

    2. TOTALLY AGREE...!!! This kind of an action (mass-meditation "for calming the situation") just PROLONGS things more & more - and GIVES THE TIME to the Darks to EXACERBATE things for WORSE & WORSE further...!!! If We HELP "The Darkies" to *CALM THEIR OWN FALL* - then We SURELY PROLONG & ENFORCE Our Own FURTHER SUFFERING...!!! So - (EVERY)ONE Awakened, Enlighten & Ascending Soul - MUST STAND FIRMLY into *THE-ONE-TRUTH* - better SOONER (although tougher but swifter) than LATER (longer-in-continuity, with no ending in site & maybe never)...!!!

    3. Wait, wait friends. I didn't write anywhere that I want a severe collapse of the banking sector. On the contrary, it must stabilize, we currently have no other alternative. I was alluding to these incredible delays in the liberation of the planet and that there is still no real process that would balance and harmonize the gradual collapse of society. I can't write, I'll elaborate later. Thank you for understanding.

    4. At some point the proverbial bandaid needs ripped off. The fact that the galactics per cobras own admission have taken a cautious approach to liberating re planet has caused this to a great extent. They kept telling us to prepare for bank runs and collapses and when it arrives they aren't READY!! Buy silver remember collapse the fiat system per cobra ..I did many many ozs worth less than I paid. Wall St silver all of at home remember? Oh wait game plan has changed help the DS system stay alive ?? No not me...the alliance white hats military galactics have had enough time I read posts in 2018 from cobra that Draco ships were being taken out and it would be a quick defeat for the dark ones...we are now in 2023 everyone and as states things are worse..toxic train derailments SADS children jabbed rem that wld never happen either children wouldn't be jabbed...they were. Lots of promises lots of channelings lol as they sit in their plasma ships high above earth...they allowed this to happen to earth they allowed the dark ones to kill children rape them bleed them for adrenachrome for 1000s of years...I think my life review looks pretty damn good against those who knew and allowed it...I sit here thinking am I holding enough light doing enough and then I think I have 2 strands attached I can't do what they can I read meditate to save the enslaving tool the debt tool..? How can I awaken friends and family when it's always "close" I can't say much any more we could be years away it appears I have to feed my family and pay bills all this bullshit about nesara and rainbow currency and QFS bfs it sounds great but the galactics appear to be hands off humans signed up they must do it meanwhile the dark elite still have control

    5. Tachyons and Breaking Free from Time

      If there's one that can be traveled to, using a tachyon chamber is definitely worth it!


      There has been talk of when the Event will occur and so forth. When focusing on timeframes, this entraps consciousness into a time-bound prison. It's true that people need to manage their time for various activities, but when it's "Are we there yet?" over and over, this becomes quite the snag.

      I've been told of stories of people who are in prison, with 15-year or more sentences. Some of these prisoners learned the art of meditation and being at peace. When a particular meditative prisoner was told that he had so-and-so years left, he would tell people to stop reminding him, because he learned to have his consciousness in a state that goes beyond waiting mode. He was at peace and in harmony within. And, guess what? He got out of prison way sooner than expected, to the point where it was seen as a miracle!

      Life doesn't even have to be a prison. There are many ways to learn and grow in all areas. I very strongly disapprove of anyone saying that everything has to just be lousy before the Event. Assuming someone doesn't have a gun to their head, etc, there's so much mystery around us and within us to tap into! So whenever someone starts promoting waiting mode, which is what is being done when someone wonders about when the Event will happen and so forth, just know that they are trying enslave your consciousness to time.

      This also includes being angry about too much time given with little or no progress. I've been guilty of this myself. I vow to no longer be upset about this. Either way, whether through dying of old age or through the Event happening, 'Kansas is going bye-bye.' It probably won't be old age, but either way, it's important to free the mind from time. If a real-life prisoner can be at peace with a several-year sentence, surely lightworkers can do the same. And it's me who's saying this - the one who's been metaphysically attacked in ways I can't even describe!

      People may say, "There won't be a planet left if there is no Event very soon," and my response is, "Very well. If there is no planet left, then this is also 'Kansas going bye-bye.' I'm not saying I want Earth to be destroyed, but in any hypothetical future, the end result is always 'Kansas going bye-bye,' whether it be the Event, planetary annihilation, old age, freeing one's consciousness from time, or any other scenario. No matter what, enslavement is not eternal.

      Some people who are very time-bound will not relate to what I'm saying here, and that's fine. Feel free to continue creating unnecessary suffering for yourselves, but count me out!

      People who are in their 80's or 90's - they feel like their lives have been very short. It really does go by in a flash!

      I do wonder what's up with all these banks shutting down all of a sudden... I'm not implying anything! Just curious... 😎


      I concur that we don't want a hard crash, so the new meditation from 2012portal is worth doing:

    6. I am writing through google translator. First of all, I want to say that the hard fall of the financial sector must not occur. We have no viable alternative and we all need the best possible situation in the financial sector. Whatever the origin and purpose of banks, the money we need for our families flows there. In this world, money is a certain material manifestation - a carrier of energy - abilities and possibilities of life in every aspect. I argued years ago that banks must not fail. I personally see the problem in the fact that, according to the information from this website, we have to go through a gradual disintegration. I think the surface population and lightworkers have had enough of really bad things and this is not going to make anyone happy. It gradually crushes people, families. This was not supposed to happen, unfortunately we slipped into such an unfavorable timeline a few years ago and we have to go through it. And it's really happening. It makes me angry. I would be wary of statements like the one in the comment above that the forces of light allowed this hell on earth several thousand years ago. We are old souls who have been criss-crossing the universe for a long time and have lived in different civilizations and God knows what position we ourselves were in when things happened back then. When I read on this site how we must inevitably go through a slow collapse, I have all kinds of questions and emotions. If real help doesn't come, just an improvement, then some people who worked and fought for the light will unfortunately not get to see what they would most like to see - experience. I'm sorry for that, while those who laugh at us and don't understand that we are under attack - that they suck money out of our intangible darkness, money is energy. They lie between the material and non-material worlds, they can also be manipulated at the energy level. They consider us incompetent, that we don't know how to handle finances. So these people have the material background to see that liberation sooner than those for whom I would like it so much, because they worked on it, while the others laughed at them and tapped their foreheads. If, in addition to this slow, necessary collapse, there is not a bit of the balance that is being talked about, but for now such processes are not in motion - only a point somewhere in the future. Cobra has never answered a single question of mine here on the blog, so I most likely won't feel like answering any of his questions in the future if that comes up, but I want to sincerely commend his commitment to continuing this blog and continuing to post comments. I appreciate that.

  30. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  31. It's great that the financial system is starting to collapse. I will meditate that it collapses hard.

  32. the fall of the banks is a good thing, I don't understand how anyone can support that slavers continue to stay at the helm.shame on you!!!

    1. In the banks is the money of the people.

    2. Let's say we go for a HARD crash with hoards of starving, insanely desperate people first attacking food malls etc. Then when the shelves are completely empty they (the slaves) get completely pissed off and torch the place because the 'fat mall owners' didn't care about us the poor slaves and retired into their bunkers. Now there are no more malls. Then we all cry out in infinite anger and start persuing anyone carrying a bag of ANY description and quickly dispose of that unfortunate soul just hoping to find something in the bag that's edible or can be used to exchange for food. When that option runs out as well, we leave the city and start aiming at farmers who 'surely have some grubb'. By now we lose some of the hoard on the way and still feel it is worth it to go berserk on the poor farmer(s). Because we are from the city, there are quite a lot of us and now we realize that the farmes in most cases don't have all that much of products to survive from. The big global food chains have already grabbed it and transported it to their bunkers. So, we get rid of the peasants and hurray and chear for a while until we realize that our kids at the back are dying from starvation and malnourihment because only the biggest, strongest and fittest will survive. Soon a nagging question begins to make its way to our brains. Where is my family? Has anyone seen my wife/husband/partner/kids/relatives anywhere? Then finally we realize that all the infighting between us only resulted in, that an even faster wipe out of the human race is taking place and OMG, maybe someone desperate, even a close friend, may have resorted to cannibalism..... Is this a blunt exaggeration that couldn't possibly happen? Are you prepared to end your neighbor's or a friend's life, that you have had many porch parties with, in life because you chose to fight rather than think? After all, it will only benefit the 'Super Elite'. Maybe it is a better idea to let the 'Old Guard' gradually collapse and a new 'White Hat/Light Forces Currency' be introduced, protected by super encryption that even the best AI would have to spend a hundred years or more to brake. We could then watch how the new currency, backed by real gold/silver/estate/land/natural resouces or what ever, makes it evenly handed out into all of our accounts. We can then rejoyce, repair our broken lives, slow down and even begin to do ANYTHING we feel suits our destiny..... I know which alternative I'm going for. What about you guys?

    3. Hey just maybe the galactics will be forced to act!! Fly those ships down here.. you think? Aren't they are families out allies? Hmm isn't that what families do? Or wait until all the crops have toxic clouds over them like Ohio .all egg plants are destroyed .. chemtrailing with pathogens kills us all? Sorry but come on people aren't waking up I don't see it in my own family..still fast asleep. We need a hard stop this slow drip bullshit won't won't won't work how can the galactics be so naive?? In your face truths are needed now hard truths if people can't handle they die..they be it..the majority will get it they will have to.

  33. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور :
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  34. I won't be meditating, I want the collapse

  35. I disagree all banks needs to obliterated for anything useful to happen

    1. I also want to add that the literal insane amount of respect we pay our enemies because of magic doomsday bombs is getting old. The light forces should be reminding the cabal of their imminent extinction on a daily basis. The fact that we humanity are suppose to tolerate endless tantrums from the cabal is sickening. >:(

  36. This just shows, that our situation has imrpoved over the last 3 years! A total crash would be too brutal for most of humanity.. so now we have the possibility of a more gradual meltdown again. thats good news!

  37. All the moth**f***ers saying that the full fast collapse is a good thing: see you crying in your kitchen when opening the fridge, seeing nothing and shooting why the lightforces, why didn't you act to protect us? whyyyy?? We do but you don't listen, now meditate and stop talking about something that you don't understand and don't even seriously THINK ABOUT IT

    A full fast collapse will put everyone in a shitty situation especially in poor area, no food, many structures collapsing, especially little ones like organic markets etc, you just f****** don't think you are childish as f*** that's crazy, I understand why the event took so much time, because we associate with retarded souls

    May the smart ones meditate, as always, and bring the event

    Blessings to them and ty Cobra

    1. This many f*** bombs automatically disqualifies someone from being called one of the smart ones, in my honest opinion. You're using foul language to your brethren who served and fought alongside you, possibly longer than you have, yet we are not the reason why there is a delay, yet again, the delay is to give chance after chance after chance to the sleeper population so they have yet another opportunity which they will not seize because it's still comfortable for them and don't see the problem, and never will if something doesn't hit them in the head to see the truth. Yet we are the "motherf...ers" and not the ones who cause this whole situation? Great lightwork, brother.
      Perhaps you're the one that don't understand that this whole rescue situation was done built on our backs, many of us who have been on the awakening path for decades, even before Cobra's blog came to be! We have sacrificed and sacrificed, we kept being asked to be patient and endure a little more, help is on the way, time after time we are the ones who are squeezed more, who are bled out more, as the ground crew, we are faithfully working towards the same goal and now we are the ones with no money left for food, almost nowhere to live, Pleiadian codes stopped working, we are hanging off the edge of the cliff barely hanging on with few fingers anymore, and now we are asked yet again to prolong our own suffering because the crash would be too painful to those who have not yet experienced any hardship in comparison to lightworkers who have been suffering for years or several decades now? So our prolonged torture is okay, but we must protect the rest at all cost from facing the reality of the dark on this planet? I refuse to be a sacrificial lamb anymore. It does nothing to me. And it starts to seem like they coerced us into this sacrificial light work with rosy promises and then we're being bled out!
      Shame on you for calling anyone a retard here whose sufferings you don't understand yet who have been here and did their best anyway. I don't even call the sleeper souls retards even though they were given millions of chances just the past years alone, and they're more willfully asleep than ever. Shame on you.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. It's right! We are earthlings, after all! And we decide what and how to do. The forces of light can recommend. But it is up to the earthlings to make a decision!

    4. @Chaplet del Rose 👏👏👏 I have participated on every mass meditation LF has organized. Spread the word in my country. Gathered the souls for urgent meditations. Yet refusing to go along with LF's take on current events doesn't make me a MFer or a retard. I've been attacked by DF in both Astral and physical realms for taking on them in fights. I have done lightwork in my three past lives on this planet so that the right foundation been laid for the liberation and Ascension. Just because we refused to go along with the LF for one instance doesn't make all the sacrifices and hard work done in past lives and in the current life worthless.

    5. >Chaplet Del Rose

      Its classic demonstration of demonic possession.

      Key to how to spot red flags is when you see people get emotionally entangled in it to the point of attacking others who have reservations or demonstrate critical thinking skills, by stepping back and observing objectively without being sucked in yourself.

    6. @Rose
      Spot on.
      Though, swearing and cussing is an entitlement, all the stuff I've gone though, I'll use as many f bombs as I see fit.

    7. Chaplet del Rose I feel you my friend!

      Read what I experienced.
      I am from GREECE.
      You may or may not know what happened in my country from 2010 (and will continue for another 99 years).
      In short, an entire country (10.000.000 people) was sacrificed in the midst of humiliation to save European and by extension American banks. Anyone who does not know about Financial killers and History, (I am sorry, I have to to say that) but should not have an opinion on such matters before being informed.
      13 days ago there was an unimaginable train accident with 57 dead (among other things because of the bailouts that the people did NOT accept in a referendum).
      Hundreds of people have committed suicide, either for psychological or financial reasons. The population has decreased at the last census by one million. (In my opinion the people will be wiped out after long suffocation) this is their plan and they are not hiding it.

      The PLAN is hard fall or long suffocation. Choose!!!

      The "bad guys" will never become "good guys" no matter how many years we wait for them. This is the role they have accepted to play and they do it very well.

      To everyone who narrates dystopian horror scenarios, STOP SELLING FEAR (you sound like the most conservative journalists trying to sell the agenda of the powerful).

      No, in Greece is not like in “Walking dead” because, us the Greeks are the “Living dead”.

      Yes, the supermarkets have food on their shelves, but people don't have money to buy them. The world is not an American movie where savages plunder everything!

      When all the above was happening in Greece, many people woke up, because they asked the very simple question.
      “How money is being created?” and “why it is not owned by those who work, but, by some bankers and their bosses”.
      So, it was the perfect opportunity to awaken so many people who were previously living in the nirvana of the matrix.
      Then came the pandemic as a second blow and yes, many (those who had money) ran to get piles of toilette paper that are still piled up on their balconies until today (No matter what you say or do, there will always be these kind of people, politicians love them).

      After all, nothing is as scary as fear itself.
      Monsters are born in one's mind and then spill out into society.
      In fact, I have not understood exactly, what the LF are waiting for to get involved?
      If we had Nesara/Gesara already, we would enjoy the fall.
      This makes me believe that maybe, even the LF seek the hard fall for the sake of awakening as many people as possible.

      However, I know because I've seen it happening twice – so far, that people learn the hard way. They only care if something bad happens to themselves. They do not care what is happening to someone else. It is a nice opportunity, really it is!
      I call it ...Fall and learn!

      So let the party begin!!!

      After all LF will protect us, will they not?

      (In case you wonder, English is not my native language)

    8. You speak a little too much for someone who pretends to be a lightworker. Meditate or don't, that's all.

      "Don't meditate!! Don't meditate!! The system needs to collapse fast and hard!! And put everyone in the streets!! The cabal drinking and laughing in their big houses in california!! More suffering to feed the spiders!! More difficulties for the lightworkers!! Yea yea!!!! Don't meditate!!!!!"

      Hahaha, you really think that we will believe your shitty words, a**h****?

      Meditate, support the best timelines, and let these little girls complain

      May the light be with you

    9. >Plato

      Thanks for sharing your experience. As your username suggests it goes back to a time when Greece was the center of wisdom and intelligence, and like the Pyramids of Egypt, your civilization inherited the Greek Temples from a possibly much older source.

      Too bad time and the Ottomans and pressure from NATO to go against Russia and now this train disaster had to come one after another.

  38. I can understand the controversy here because many people just can't stand the waiting anymore and want to see physical results because there is the chance that we are still sitting here after 2025 (years ago still declared the latest possible time of the event), or maybe even after 2030. And let's not fool ourselves, the majority of humanity still believes that everything will go back to the way it used to be. And meanwhile, the Cabal is planning their next crap: either a second pandemic (maybe this time openly using bioweapons), or a war USA China from 2025 on, or their fake alien invasion etc.

    Maybe it would be simply a compromise to go into this meditation, not with the thought of keeping the system running, but also not to crash it hard, but simply that the situation resolves itself in the way that is best for humanity, light forces and the liberation of the planet. And should that mean running the system a little longer, okay then, but should that manifest itself in a hard crash with the possibility to quickly go into the event, so be it too. Just my opinion.

  39. The irony of the frequent blog comment complainers saying "WELL I'M NOT GOING TO MEDITATE AT ALL! LET THE PEOPLE SUFFER!" is delicious because I can guarantee they aren't even frequent meditators to begin with because if they were they wouldn't be the ones moaning on every Cobra update.

    So yeah keep being the lumps you already were.

    We got this fam. 🙏

    1. Every commenter even those perceived as negative or naysayers have some value. 🙏

  40. Thank you very much Cobra.

    I'm reposting the 2nd interview about tachyon rooms in English :

    Interview sous-titrée en français :
    2ème interview de Cobra sur les chambres à tachyon sous-titré en français :
    Faire des séances de chambre à tachyon connecte spirituellement et aide pour l'événement.

    Victory of the Light !

  41. Even if you support the system crashing down hard idea, this meditation is a great tool for either purpose, because we are bringing light into it and then purifying it with the violet flame, so for whatever reason you wish to do this meditation, we all know how the financial system is corrupted, so what bad will sending light into it and purifying it do? Any ammount of darkness cannot survive in light, period. Unless you want to protect the current system, like, from ANY kind of collapse (apart from it's natural collapse because of it's entropic nature), not sending light to it is exactly what that does, it enforces the corrupt and backwards system, because bringing light into the dark transmutes it, purifying it with the violet flame cleanses it, if we want the system to fail, if we want the light to win, we have to do this!


  43. Perdón, pero no voy a poner mi energía mental en sagrada meditación, para seguir sosteniendo este teatro y farsa. Si el viejo Sistema tiene que caer, que caiga. El nuevo: QFS, VON EL PATRON ORO, LA ALUANZA, Y LOS ANCUANOS CHINOS, YA ESTA LISTO PARA OPERAR...lean por favor el informe de Benjamín Fulford de hoy Lunes 13 de Marzo.

  44. And so this is what happens when the Light Forces don't give enough consideration to the sufferings of the Lightworkers, as even Cobra stated before. Keep overplaying the situation, keep postponing the fulfillment of any promises given over 10 years, and you're left with a bled out ground crew who will meditate no more, who will refuse to endure "just a little bit more" torture for the sake of those who are still living the good life while our flesh is falling off our bones, sacrifice after sacrifice, dark attack after dark attack. This is truly heartbreaking. I've spent decades with meditating and light work. I've shared everything I had. I've done everything that was asked from me and more, by hundred-fold. I can not hold on any longer. The ones who do the dirty work down here can not go on in these harsh conditions without any help given. But screw it, if the Light Forces can not give us help directly, but we have Tachyon chambers and tachyonized products, all that are financially out of reach for most of us here who need it the most. Do the Light Forces want liberation or they're too comfy and in a safe distance? Because we down here actually want liberation since we are the ones suffering in this hell down here incarnation after incarnation. If such healing is available on Earth right now thanks to Tachyon chambers that could help us to regroup, get restored, and able to fight on a little longer - and it is not offered to the ground crew for free to restore us back into this crucial battle at this solemn hour - then what are we talking about? I'm not asking for shipful of food descending from heaven on my doorstep. I am asking to make those expensive healing technologies available for free to the lightworkers that are barely alive after years and decades of dark attacks and lightworking anyway. If such miraculous tools can not be used to help the sufferer, for financial gain of those who possess it, then the Event is indeed hundreds of years away if not more. For if the Event was within reach, no one would care about their own financial gain anymore. We would freely offer what we were given to help our suffering brethren, come what may. By the way, I lived like that for decades because I actually believed that the Event was near! So whose faith is too weak? Not mine.
    At any rate, this is not a willfully rebelling against the Light Forces situation. This is a "keep beating the horse that pulls a 100 ton carriage and at one point it will collapse and die and work no more" situation. Light Forces need to finally understand us. For many of us are one literally one second away from falling off the cliff into the abyss, even with a "soft crash". are already in a hard crash up to our eyeballs. And you want us to exist and meditate in this state, suspended in hell, for gods know how many more years? Yeah, right.

  45. The frequent complainers exist as a drain. They have all the good information needed to not be in the state they are in spiritually, mentally, and emotionally and then proceed to do nothing with it. Heaping excuses and pointing fingers is the game they have chosen to play with their own development in these times. It's sad, but like most sad things in this world is frequently being undone by those that have chosen to make the change within so that the world without changes alongside.


  46. Thanks for notifying this @Libra.

    Note to Cobra, next time you edit the content of your articles, I would suggest that you also include a small notice at the top of the message, for example: "(note: this article has been re-edited)". Thanks.

  47. So, do you think anyone needs your explanation? Ten years ago I might have agreed with you, but this is not ten years ago. We're just too tired for a hope that someone else has described. We just want to see real change happen. You don't understand? Let's wait a dozen years to understand.

  48. Who is very dependent on money? That's right, very rich people. Are there very rich people among the lightworkers? No.
    For whom should lightworkers work now? They must work for the benefit of the dark nobility who own the capital. Right?
    Let's consider how badly ordinary people with an average salary were affected during the global financial crisis in 2008? As a candidate of economic sciences, I will say that they did not suffer. Yes, small businesses have suffered. Yes, food prices and housing and communal services have risen. Yes, interest rates have gone up. But there are also advantages to the collapse of the financial system.
    For example, the military industry will rise in development. This is bad??
    Cobra, please think about it.

  49. I'm not going to participate. I think it is good if it collapses. The faster the better. No more slow and gradual, this needs to happen now.

    1. Tempting, but no. Some don't seem to understand the real ramifications of this.

    2. I thought the same about the Ukraine war but it lasted much longer than I thought and the Cabal got much more out of it than I thought. So this time I trust Cobras intuition more that this is better to go slow.

  50. I'm proud of you Libra...🫵😎👍
    Thank you for again being the voice of clarity here.
    You got alot of Light "in you" and "on you" my friend.😉

  51. So, we have two bad guys and two dark systems, they are conficting. And instead of taking advantage of this moment, weakness, a chance to put bright people in the financial system, to improve the system, at least partially, you tell us to support one of the bad sides, why is that? Let's take advantage of this moment, connect our creative potential and intercept the management of the financial system, after all, there is a resistance movement, there are Pleiadians, there are bright agents in these management structures, these scattered rays of light need to be collected, organized into one bright star - a new improved financial system, even if only in the USA, let the improvement it will be insignificant, but we must promote our interests, the light forces.

  52. Very good points. A hard crash would be a disaster!

  53. Dark night of the soul, when we debate with our inner light against doing the exact thing we came here to do.

  54. As soon as we safely avert this attempt to manifest maximum financial misery, I believe we will need FULL disclosure on human trafficking to begin.

  55. Cobra, I love you and you know it.
    Guys, Cobra's mission is not easy, but very important. He has been leading you along the path of awakening and development for many years. But did he understand the most important part of his mission? I think not, then the mission would have been a failure. The purpose of the forces of light through the work of Cobra is to make us, earthlings, strong, independent, strong-willed.
    We, earthlings, should not obey unquestioningly the Force of Light, we should not live only in the hope of their help, look at the sky and pray. Then how are we different from the usual fanatics of religions???
    And this post of Cobra showed a powerful leap in the development of many people. They began to think, not just believe! They say what is important for them, and not for the forces of Light or the forces of Darkness.
    Cobra, bravo! Forces of Light, we love you!

  56. This plan of the black nobility can backfire on them. Some psychopaths in power can be removed while the meditations can help stop a total collapse.

  57. Second bank has closed down i wonder how many more will follow

  58. Just HOW long is 'gradual', Fluff?

  59. It appears most won't support this and I must agree..this buys the GALACTICS more time. They've had enough with all the pep talks via channelings..stay positive. Keep those spirits up..keep working keep playing the debt slavery game...oh silver keep cash at home...stock up..oh wait pray for DS banks to stay afloat...oh wait the dark reset won't happen we will get won't be jabbed either right rem that? Nope they are dying too but it is all for a higher purpose to show the sleepers the truth we must kill children to wake up adults?? WTF kind of plan is that? Adrenachrome harvesting for how long and galactics did what? Media still now taken over this pace we will be here in 10 years more we are so close..hang in there..
    I salute Putin and Russia can't wait for off planet help go kill those Nazis and liberate the people and we wanted that to stop..what?? We are at war!! They want us all dead people bioweapons for vaccines take 5 plz!

    1. DougJamesVOTL, that's why I made a blog post about freeing the mind from time. There are prisoners in jail who have 15 year+ sentences but some of them free their minds from time to transcend their situations through deep meditation. I've been working on doing the same, and I no longer allow external circumstances to get me down so much. So, I have no problem doing this meditation, especially since I resonate with the Violet Flame so much anyway.

    2. Exactly. Enough pussyfooting. . Free money printing is their tool of absolute control. Let it all fall.

    3. Starlight 432, that is commendable personal advice. However, my heart aches for the millions of innocent, unawakened lives around the world who are still suffering in poverty, hunger, illness and emotional trauma's and are the main victims of this controlled illusion matrix. Some may suggest that these victims are following their own personal soul contracts and journeys, but it still means suffering.

    4. 5th Dimension, it's true about the already-existing suffering. But if the system completely collapsed, the percentage of people who suffer the way you are describing would exponentially increase.

  60. We aren't addicted we must use it to live. Big difference nobody want debt but how else do we live. This was all allowed .. gradually won't work has it worked so far were the chimera willingly removed do you think the elites willingly step down? No they need to be killed sorry but they do they are pure evil take them out heal their souls or send to GCS. How many must try kill and sti be allowed here? We are prisoners cobra said it over and over we are being don't pray for a system that has kept you imprisoned do you?

  61. The light forces gotta send us something to keep going, especially if we're asked to slowly pull off the band-aid, rather that tear it off. Give us something.

    And I keep asking, how long IS 'gradual'?

  62. "Nothing can stop what's coming" guys... Q has been telling this all along.

  63. Absolutely not. A slow collapse is delusional as they simply print money. This is their power. Let it fall. Free money printing is their tool of absolute power. I pray it collapses. All of it.

  64. ❤️

  65. So much Banana comments. We are close to the event! lets not ruin it by causing more further harm to the system. atleast meditate tog graduate melt down the system.

    1. Close? How many years have we been hearing that word? I lost count. It is time to be done with the never-ending hamster wheel of false hope, no more sitting and waiting for the always "close" and "very soon" Event. It is time for real change to start happening. Now... Let the system collapse..

  66. Cobra says :"So those who are now wishing for the financial system collapse a la JP Morgan do not know what they are asking for"
    Cobra knows what he says, he has NEVER lied to us... Read again all his blog, all his information... If the Forces of Light ask for our participation, it is because it is important and despite our state of fatigue, disenchantment, impatience, our misery, our poverty, our poor quality of life, we call ourselves Workers of Light and we must help!
    So, Vincent and I, with what we understand of the situation, we do this meditation because we are first and foremost Workers of the Light, it is our main job! Victory of the Light and .... It will be the Victory of the Light!
    (V and M-H)

  67. Ben F update dont be fooled by the SVB sideshow's all part of the Fed ..they can prop it up if they have to.. how can any bank go under if all the $$ is digital ...sure paper money but people are moving out large sims digitally

  68. I don't really trust in stabilizing 'the economy', which is and has been cancer on humanity. Banks needed to die three millenia ago. Why are lightworkers the only ones meant to face any kind of hardship? Shouldn't we be at our brightest when the rest have lost their vain hope in the matrix?

    1. Many negative elites are already feeling the pain from the last few days, but if the collapse gets to the point where it hurts innocent people and their families so that they and their children starve and/or are murdered for food and so forth, that's just going to create unimaginable unnecessary suffering.

  69. Agreed! Let's not have another 1929!

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. What happened with the $209 billion SVB is insiders withdrew all their money from the bank only to have Janet Yellen step in to replenish their funds. Canadian Intelligence sources say it was just a massive bribery operation that will not fool anybody. Ponder this: The CFO of SVB bank is none other than the former CFO of Lehman Brother

    Benjamin Fulford weekly update.. today

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. The light forces do not want a hard crash! Listen to what Cobra said!

  74. COBRA, just want to say thanks for allowing alternate views and dissenting opinions here. Many places do not. We all want the same thing. (Total liberation and freedom for Gaia and all life). We just disagree at times on how to get there ... In my time here on Terra I've learned one thing for certain. Our greatest fears or what we think we most desire don't manifest. It's always a third option that we often can't foresee at all. For instance, what if we just woke up one morning on a totally different timeline/frequency? All the iron middle fingers in contradiction to the Light and dark altars gone forever without a trace. Tossed into the endless molten steel ocean of Source and melted back into the Oneness. A celebration unequaled anywhere in the Multiverse ensues... 🤷‍♂️♥️

  75. Amada Presença de Deus, EU SOU em mim, escuta-me agora o que decreto:
    Derrama as bênçãos que agora invoco, sobre o Santo Cristo de cada um.

    Que o Fogo Violeta da Liberdade role, ao redor do mundo a todos curando;
    Satura a Terra e os povos também, com um resplendor Crístico sempre maior.

    EU SOU esta ação de Deus no alto, mantida pela mão do Amor divino,
    Transmutando as causas da discórdia aqui, removendo o núcleo, para que ninguém tema.

    Todo o poder do Amor à Liberdade, erguendo a Terra aos Céus acima.

    Fogo Violeta radiando agora, em viva beleza é a Luz de Deus,
    Que agora e para sempre, mantém o mundo, o meu ser e toda a vida,
    Eternamente livres, na Perfeição dos Mestres Ascensos!

    Onipotente EU SOU! Onipotente EU SOU! Onipotente EU SOU!

  76. Seriously,Although everyone is really fed up, but FL. More than any of us, we can see the current situation clearly. Now that we have come to this point, this meditation is so important. Please put aside your emotions and complete this meditation task.

  77. You think this meditation is about preserving the financial system that enslaves us, but if the agenda of the black aristocracy continues, all human beings will suffer more than they do now, LF, they can see the result and they don't want that to happen. We do this meditation so that they can intervene at a more opportune time. You are creating an opportunity for events to happen as soon as possible. Eight million years of galactic war. Think about your original intention when you awaken. Don't make wrong decisions at the last moment.🙏🙏🙏

  78. Cobra, I think you need to explain that if the financial system crashes now, there will be no food to eat, no energy, riots and etc.

    And that the light forces can't and won't prematurely start the event because of that.

    It will be much worse for humanity.

    1. @Earth Dragon, It was summed up pretty well in the post
      "The Light Forces do NOT want a hard crash of the system, they want a gradual and balanced meltdown of the system combined with the increased awareness which would lead into the positive financial Reset."
      Those that choose not to support this at least shows the light forces the shape that the surface population is in. I did two of these stabilizing meditations and I want the light forces to know I was interfered with today at 6 in the afternoon during the meditation. If possible some protection would be nice. Command 12 21 is still about 50/50 for me in effectiveness.

  79. Requests to meditate for the financial system presents confusing messages. I've followed numerous creditable sources over the years besides Cobra's blog and one point is made clear is that the current financial system will collapse and be replaced by a more fair and equitable system where everyone benefits. This new quantum financial system as I understand is already running in the background and is backed by precious metals such as gold and silver seized from assets of the dark sides and the amounts are of immense proportions beyond imagination. While there will be a period of adjustment and temporary discomfort and suffering it will soon pass. Many in the awakened community have been anticipating these events and maybe now is the time for the major 'dominoes' to begin falling.

  80. Let us not forget the big picture. The toplet bombs are still not cleared so light forces can not intervene yet. That being said, the crash of the financial system will not help us at all. In fact it will cause only more chaos which black nobility will use to implement CBDC and gain more control as Cobra has mentioned above. Therefore, by stabilizing this current financial system even though it is corrupted to the core we will minimize the chaos and help the transition become as much peaceful as possible, which we all want. Think about the poorest of the poorest, and what will happen to them if the financial system crashes fast and not gradually. Let us not forget why are we here and what is our mission.

    1. I wouldn't say they "can't" intervene. It's just not the best timing yet. The best would be a slowly cascading failures which lead to the end of the FED. I believe this is what is coming from now on. A full collapse now, would lead to them trying to institute the Great Reset digital currency. A full collapse would also increase the fear level which only benefits the dark ones. A slow unraveling of the money laundering and bribery mechanism will be the best outcome. It will give the people a chance to see what has been done with our money, while accelerating the awakening. Think about how much has been revealed just this year. I don't think we've seen anything yet. The big events are just around the corner.

    2. I agree with you completely! Thanks for clearing it up, I did not express myself very well there. Like you said, these last few years were crazy but it is nothing compared to what is coming.

  81. I wholeheartedly agree that MSM should be the main battleground. Failure by the light forces to control MSM prevents any truthful disclosures and guarantees the awakening process will take a long time and thereby prolonging the pain and suffering.

  82. I respect your points Libra, but if the Alliance forces have a new financial system up and running already in the background as we have been told by many other creditable sources, the situation now does not mean we do not have something in place to proceed with a complete new financial reset. I suppose we the awakened have no knowledge of the many details of what is going on behind the scenes which creates a lot of confusion that is reflected in the feelings and comments.

  83. no matter how right we are on our comments, i understand that the light forces has their own plans.. we will never be a part of it, we will never be on the resistance , we are just readers of this blog.. which one of you had ever had a response from cobra from examble? no matter how much we beg for the event, or we pass our great ideas or we ask for physical interference from the light forces , this will never happen.. to somepoint i understand it as they control our minds so we will get exposed and create dangerous conditions.. but.. i cant accept it..
    so we will just keep up arguing between us here on the comments as so long now and thats all..
    i am not buying again anything from foods and stuff , .. i laughed when someone(who got a response from cobra) wrote to another one here : You either can not be serious or you have lost complete touch of reality and all trust in the lightforces, in which case I am honestly sorry for you!
    and i wonder who are the lightforces to trust them if they never even contact to us? it sounds like hey prey to jesus to save you which was an evention from ceasar...
    of course i dont trust them.. ok make another 300 years , we actually got used this reincarnation system so its ok.. its our karma
    no offends to anyone, you can of course keep up commenting here with no regards

  84. Burn the fucker down in record time

  85. Let's meditate. Victory of the Light!

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Ten years ago I would have agreed with you.

  88. Menos mente y análisis 3D y más conexión con nuestra parte divina.
    Cooperemos con las Fuerzas de la Luz para que cualquier transición impacte en armonía, para el mayor bien de todos los seres. 🙌💗 eso hace un verdadero trabajador de la luz, a eso hemos venido. No importa el resultado, somos responsables de elevar nuestra frecuencia y aún el el caos tendremos todo lo necesario. Ya hay disponibles varias líneas de tiempo para habitar, tu eliges, mientras ireadias amor para que lo viejo desaparezca. 🌸⚜⚔🌹

  89. 講得好像是我們光工讓這些銀行倒閉發生的一樣,光明勢力不要只要我們冥想,動起來奪回主導權,我不認為這樣子的冥想能獲得多少效果,就算有那只是暫時的

  90. The article update is correct a financial collapse wouldn't lead to Mad Max survival situation like we'd want, it will be technocratic control that will make the pandemic response look mild. It won't be replaced with a positive system, that's Q level nonsense. If the Light forces can't intervene because of forced vaccinations or the cancer holocaust claiming the lives of 10 million per year, they're not going to intervene just because some banks fail. All the intel saying the "white hats" will set up a new financial system are mid level insiders who know nothing of the ET situation. With planetary obliteration at stake, they won't intervene for any reason.

  91. I saw a video today where this guy asked 10 high school students to tell the time on an analogue clock...
    None of them knew how to tell the time. They have incredible access to information and are stupid beyond belief. Most folks now days are idiots in the 'information age'...

    Don't forget to add derivatives to your meditation.

  92. A little bit of a tangent here, but somewhat related. People should not give their power away to a book.

  93. A fény győzelme kőzel.csak nem 2025 lesz hanem 3025.azt meg ugyse éri meg senki aki itt kommentelget.

  94. I call upon the violet flame from primary source to place a circle of protection around me and everyone within this space on this site, transmute that which does not serve the light.
    This is the time to be the calm in this storm.
    Be the solution, not the problem. Much Love.

  95. COBRA didn't say to save those banks, it just said to let those banks die slowly.

  96. Je suis désolé mais ca sera sans moi, je ne méditerais pas pour sauver des institutions qui nous manipule et nous esclavagise avec l argent ....

  97. I was just reading something from Mother Earth and she is so right. We cannot use our mind to control things. We are humans, and as such we tend to use our MIND. But we have to step back, and we have to release control. We have to let it go, hence why meditation is so important. For some reason I was getting stressed during the meditation, and this never happens. Then I realised the Mother is right! A big part of it is letting go; let go and let GOD. We are all worried about finances and none of us really want it to completely crash. That seems crazy and is reckless. We must pray that it happens slowly. Cobra has said "The Fed has intervened on Sunday evening, by patching the financial system with a bailout, effectively preventing a massive bank run on Monday." Thank God.

    "Because the flow of goodness in the universe, the power of joy, can be recognized by your own senses. Feelings of happiness and of relaxation will tell you that you are making connection with that joy. Put your trust there, again and again, even when it appears to be against the laws of the mind."

    And we sink into the glorious peace she speaks of!

  98. Sending Light and Love to all here. My perspective: we all agree on final outcome desired and Divinely decreed. The purpose of the last few years meditating peace and anchoring light onto this planet has been to engineer the most highest timeline for liberation and ascension and the smoothest transition. The ultimate purpose has been to save as many lives as possible and enable as many souls to ascend as possible. As a soveriegn being of Light I do not support the path of transition being dictated by the dark. Even though it may be faster but with a greater price of uneccessar loss of life. This meditation is NOT supporting saving the banks. It is supporting the plan to transition as smoothly as possible with the least hardship to ALL OF THE ONE. It is supporting the Light forces plan who have access to the bigger picture. I am doing it tough and cannot wait for this crappy movie to end. However I choose to do it on the agenda of the forces of Light and will never support the darks terms and agenda. Meditating to stabilise the financial system in this moment is my choice. Choose wisely dear souls and do not be distracted by impatience.

  99. The consciousness of people has a high importance for manifestations. The dark ones know this and try to limit the consciousness of people for their purposes with low vibrations, for example fear, which hinders the liberation process.

    For the light forces high vibrations are important, therefore they promote the gradual decline of the financial system. Thus, people have enough time to understand the processes and become aware of them. This awareness helps in the liberation of the planet.

  100. I think with all the reasons given it makes all the sense to do the meditation, I´m doing it. Why not, because you´re fed up? ok, so then you prefer to whine, blame, complain, demand, feel pity, be grumpy etc? To fix this disorder is very easy, just stop it. The situation is what it is. And the underlying causes will be fixed far more easily in its due time if you give all that up. And it´ll be better for the collective

  101. For years, we have been waiting for the collapse of the FIAT financial system!!!

  102. We are all tempted with a Big Change, even if it comes from the Cabal. But wait! Did you guys envisioned the consequences of it? You may be in a good financial position, but what about the rest? It will be useless chaos, and it will touch you, unless you live on an island. Don't be selfish and stupid guys, please cooperate with the LF, otherwise you will regret your impatience, thankyou

  103. There are two factions within the Black Aristocracy. One faction wants to stay in control of the current financial system, so they don't want to collapse, and that faction is behind the Fed.One wants to continue to control the current financial system, and the other wants to let the financial system collapse and build a new system under his control. As a result, one went bankrupt and the other tried to save it.So it is not the faction that supports the Federal Reserve that operates bank failures, but another faction. We don't want the current financial system, and we don't want the negative new financial system they want to build. They're two financial systems we don't want. What we want is a positive new financial system built by the forces of light.But the factions that support the Fed will also exhaust themselves in a series of rescues. If these two factions slowly die out in the consumption of each other, it is what we want to see most. The process of their mutual consumption is in line with the slow, smooth and natural transition process we want. The public has also witnessed the instability of the current financial system, and will have a new understanding of the current financial system, thus raising awareness in this regard.This is exactly the kind of transition that the forces of light want: a slow, balanced transition, with rising awareness, that leads to a positive financial system. Therefore, at present, I hope that the collapse faction will not be too fierce, and the rescue faction still has some spare power to balance the vigorous operation of the collapse faction. And we use the energy of meditation to stabilize the current financial situation.

  104. Shaking people up is already happening
    Here in Germany, there have been more and more people lately who are well versed in finance and are using YouTube to educate people about inconsistencies in politics, for example, and are being followed by many people.

    They may not even be light workers, but truth seekers.

  105. Financial system collapse now ! Go LF ! VOTL

  106. @ Libra
    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I think this worst case scenario will not happen.
