As promised, here are 20 answers to your questions.
How will the First Contact happen for people like me who don't own property?
First Contact for people who do not own property will happen at the private land of people who volunteered to give that land for mass Contact.
What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .
Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.
Why is the liberalization process so slow? Why aren't the Galactic Federation forces taking any physical action against the dark forces? There is one answer, and that is the right of human choice... Who among us does not want freedom, welfare and love, when the intervention of the forces of light is against our will?
Liberation process is so slow because there are so many layers of the dark matrix that have to be dismantled. The will of the surface Lightworkers is clearly in favor of intervention, and intervention will happen as soon as it is safe enough.
May I ask Cobra, will directed energy weapons be dismantled during the event? I was targeted by directed energy for 8 years.
It is said that paying attention to negative and emotionally disturbing news, such as the recent so called "natural disasters" and Cabals other heinous acts, causes a decrease in the frequency of an empath. How can we keep our frequency up while we're getting aware of darkness?
Keep yourself informed, but do not spend more than 20 minutes daily for doing so.
Can you give an update on approximate percentage of clearings? (Ex: How much anomaly, reptilian souls, Chimera, Archons, underground bases/tunnels have been cleaned out?). Things feel a lot lighter lately, much less dark attacks. Thanks for all the insights and info on this blog!
Anomaly is in the process of being cleared, almost all Reptilians are gone from the etheric and astral planes, Chimera is almost completely defeated, Archons/black nobility still keep most of their power, deep underground bases are all cleared, some shallow underground bases and tunnels still exist.
What are the Light Forces (with it's various races and organisations) and the Resistance Movement's feelings about the surface human population? To elaborate the question: Do they hate us, do they love us? Are they dissapointed in us, are they pitying our situation and care about us? Are they neutral or confused about us and our situation? What is an aproximative proportion of how many of them care about us and how many just care to whipe out the darkness? Are they excited or aprehensive to meet us? Are they excited to release all those physical and emotional healing technologies that we can't wait for?
They care about the surface population, but they feel pain because they can not intervene directly yet. They are afraid of the power of subquantum anomaly. They do not understand many things about the surface population. They are excited to release healing technologies, they are looking forward to interaction with humans, but are also afraid of it.
After the Evacuation, most of the surface population will live on a Pleiadian planet. Will there already be a structure ready there, of houses, products, technology, a government... or will we have to start everything from scratch in the middle of the jungle?
All infrastructure is already there, human beings there are given assistance, technology, healing and guidance by the Light forces.
Will our pets come with us when evacuated?
What will happen after the Event with the many resources accumulated by Humanity, such as literature, poetry, music, art? Much of this has been digitized and is on the Internet. Something is present on the surface of the Earth only physically... If there is a big tsunami, and much on the planet is washed away by water, what will be preserved? What will happen to Internet resources, such as YouTube Music, for example, and other resources containing the accumulated cultural achievements of Mankind?
Most of the best pieces of art have already been rescued from the surface of the planet and are stored at safe locations away from the surface where they will survive the polar shift intact. All online resources of the surface population are copied and stored at safe locations also.
the rumor of simultaneous meditation around the world
Is it true
that it is dangerous or ineffective to participate unless you are an
expert meditator?
I personally feel safe and effective because the
meditation procedure includes a protective process, and I will
continue to participate, but the above theory is still often claimed.
It is safe to participate in mass meditations.
Will the Cabal push a new pandemic/lockdown event during this autumn/winter and strech it into the next year (elections)?
They might try, but they will fail.
Is Delta Option still a possibility the light forces are considering?
It is possible, but unlikely.
Hi Cobra, Has all physcial Chimera Spiders been cleared?
Is it possible for someone to meet their soul mate but not recognize them?
Yes and it happens often.
Does invoking the White Fire of AN clear subquantum anomaly?
Yes, it helps.
I asked the light forces to very quickly show themselves a while back and i saw 2 very quick flashes of gold light a minute or 2 after asking. So because they showed themselves very briefly does this mean it is somewhat safer for them to briefly show themselves now even though i understood they cant show properly yet?
Were the Hawaiian fires an attack from the Dark forces?
Why will cities of light be needed during the tsunami?
To stabilize the energy grid to guide the planet through the Ascension process.
Dear Cobra, right after the Event will the people know from the free media the importance of the lightworkers' mission?
Thank you!
ReplyDeleteWhen will the etheric matrix be turned off?
ReplyDeleteGood question, wanting to know the same thing
DeleteIs it too hard to read? "Liberation process is so slow because there are so many layers of the dark matrix that have to be dismantled. The will of the surface Lightworkers is clearly in favor of intervention, and intervention will happen as soon as it is safe enough."
DeleteBonjour 🙂Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.
ReplyDeleteNous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.
Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
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REPLAY LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS officiel du 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"
PDF FRANCAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumière du 1 Mai 2023
PDF ANGLAIS explicatif pour Activation du Portail de Lumièredu 1 Mai 2023 (ENGLISH PDF to explain the Portal of Light Activation on 1st May 2023)
ReplyDelete"Until physical intervention occurs, Lightworkers and Light Warriors should HOLD THE LIGHT GRID as much as possible:
a) The construction of the Cintamani grid:
COBRA | 29th may 2017 : The Cintamani Network
people who are involved in the surface cintamani grid, to refrain from having physical contact with their own cintamani stones at times when they are in conflict with other surface humans, or when they are in an extremely negative emotional state, to avoid contaminating the grid.
b) The construction of the Tachyon chamber grid
c) The construction of the Soul Family connection grid:
COBRA | 2nd april 2018 : soul families
d) The construction of sisterhood of the rose (with physical meetings)
COBRA | 16th june 2018 : Planetary Activation of SOTR
e) Prepare for physical contact with the Light Forces according to the internal guidelines:
COBRA | 18th March 2018 : Contact
COBRA | 9th May 2018 : Protocols of entry
F) Refrain /Avoid From Interpersonal Conflicts By Choosing Non-réaction and Conscious Positive Action Over Reaction .
Let's Continue to hold the Light together 🙂
You can find some useful healing tips/meditations here :
"Let’s Heal Together: Preparing Ourselves for Liberation and Ascension"
We are so much stronger together💫
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking your time and answering these questions. Much progress has been made. VOTL!
ReplyDeleteThank you cobra
ReplyDeleteMerci Cobra :) <3 Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaîa
ReplyDeleteThanks COBRA
Could someone explain to me in more detail please, what would healing technologies be, I know that it can be connected to the physical body but I feel that it can be connected to something beyond the physical body, something connected to the mental, psychological and emotional part maybe, I would like to understand more deeply about this ... grateful brothers
DeleteThanks for the answers/update!
ReplyDeleteTranslated to spanish
Traducido al castellano
Thank you Cobra! All good questions and helpful answers. Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteThis art turned out beautiful! It goes perfectly with the "valse de fleurs - tchaikovsky" The phrase is uplifting! "The event is about to happen!" Gratitude Cobra! 🌎🫂👽☀️⭐️🕊🙏🏽🌻💖✨️
ReplyDeleteArabic translation of this post /الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:
Thank you that (no. 7) was a good answer.
ReplyDeleteA few follow-up questions are:
- What are a few things about meeting us that they are afraid of? What's they'r 7 worst fears?
- What is the power of subquantum anomaly,? It has the power to .... -which the LF fear.
And about question no. 15:
- What can a regular surface person do to become aware of who their soulmate is upon meeting them?
- Is it just better we stay oblivious about our soulmates until it's safe enough?
- At what point, after the event will we become aware of who and where are soulmates are? Will this be a natural insight or will we be helped by guides, LF and RM or God to give us instructions on where each memer of our soul family is and will they help us close the distance as well?
Thank you very much!
Same problem for me. I think all we can do is to follow our inner path and hope or better trust that at one intersection of this path someone fitting will join the path. If not I request a life with my soulmate in another life under conditions I would like to live as compensation for this difficult mission. Maybe it's not the answer you like to hear. It's also not the answer I like, but another I didn't find yet.
DeleteEdit: Be aware that it's not your personal fault if the soulmate didn't appear yet. The dark forces do everything that it will not happen, that people who could be are influenced, brought of their way and many more. The only thing you are responsible is to follow your own path The rest is other souls stuff. Their failure is not yours. If they are influenced and there is no way to get them out go ahead, leave them behind. Maybe one day they will say sorry, even it can be after life. Let them, it doesn't bring you forward to lose time and space with them. Put the light in first place in your life, that's the only thing that counts. Better stay alone and get the reward when it's time. Don't play the monkey for a girl what you like but you don't get anything back. Life on this planet in this time isn't as it is meant to be. It's often hard to be alone, but better than a relationship what's not real or doesn't complete you.
DeleteMy special someone's an alien.
DeleteUnfortunately it is mostly as you say. But even if comes a love gift from above people can't follow it because of different mostly stupid reasons. This love gift can be between a couple or even an enlightment for a single person to show the direction. My father got that enlightment in a terrible life situation in his younger years and lived against it, we discussed it short time before his death.
Many people have no connection to the energy thing in sexuality and relation. The falling in love thing is not the real full light what should be between 2 souls. The falling in love is just a mechanism where the dark forces open up the veil to let a bit love/energy inside to let 2 persons make another body/child to continue the actual game as it is. You know they controlled until now the incarnation and whom they sent to what couple.
I don't know if the next year's will bring a change in it, referring to cobra as he said close to the event it will be possible to meet the soulmate. Let's hope the best, more we can't do and trying all to help clearing negative things to accelerate.
Thank you Cobra. Some of these questions you have already partially answered on your blog history. This work doesn't seem to contain very much new information. Why not share some true Earth history with us to further expand the collective consciousness, helping many to remember and know this world better so we are not so blind. That could be most empowering. With Gratitude.
ReplyDelete@Light Warrior Agree.
Delete@Light Warrior Agreed! Or answer chosen questions with a bit more detail.
DeleteThank you.
Victory of the Light!
in my opinion. the way we could have helped is if indeed some of those questions popped up on previous interview or posts.. we could have assisted by providing a link to the post. this way it makes way for other questions to be considered. we must remember not everyone here may have read all you have or they may be fairly new.... thus a repeated question is a new question for them. if there is a next time hopefully we will deal with it better.. as a team.
DeleteGreat, thanks! 👍🌌
ReplyDeleteThanks for the answers Cobra! My meditations recently have been clearer then they have been in a long time. I'm still having trouble grounding lately. Even working in the garden barefoot and swimming in Lake Huron haven't helped much. Anyone else experiencing this?
ReplyDeleteMany people experience low energy the last time. Or attacks with negativity. I see/feel much lower effects when I visit energetic places than a year ago or 2. Also the cabal puts all on the table they still have. Probably it's the last part of the fight til it gets better.... hopefully...
Deletever good choice and variety of questions and answers i have to admit it, thank you
ReplyDeleteAwesome Q&A everyone! 👏
ReplyDeleteWe should keep this train rolling!
Thanks again COBRA!
Thank you dear Cobra! We are very grateful for your update-answers post. Here is the Romanian translation: and the post on your "Portalul Cobra" telegram Channel / Romanian: Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteAm vazut canalul are 200+ membrii. Nu existe o posibilitate sa organizam nisde intalniri la locurile energetice din ce Romania are destule? Nu stiu cum facem legatura, eu las o adresa de Mail in caz de interes. sven4711 (at) gmx (punct) net
DeleteVa multumesc mult pentru interesul acordat si va promit ca vom.tine legatura si vom gasi o cale sa comunicam pantru a pune la punct multe detalii privind problemele ridicate. Intre timp va rog sa va inscrieti in grupul nostru spiritual Prepare for Change - Romania in care sunt administrator, si care ca a fost infiintat cu scopul de a ajuta oamenii din tara noastra prin informatiile, meditatiile, stirile distribute, toate acestea avand la baza informatiile oferite de Cobra prin blogul sau. De asemenea, va rog sa va inscrieti si pe canalul Cobra pe Telegram, pentru a beneficia de toate traducerile articolelor lui Cobra. Noi suntem sustinatorii lui Cobra si ii urmarim.toate postarile si meditatiile in masa, care au fost si sunt de MARE succes, atingand si depasiind cu mult masa critica necesara pentru a ajuta Fortele Luminii si situatia in general de pe planeta. Vo voi trimite in mesaj si pe email. Victoria Luminii!
Deletethanks and Appreciate for everyone working with many dimensions and different views or levels .
ReplyDeleteEach everyone are parts of Oneness...of the Gaia Blueprint...of the Essence of Living...
Deeply knowing...Each every loving beings with the universe are try to doing their best...
That's Enough. Appreciate for...
We keep Holding the Most Pureness Light.
Oneday it will across the final line.
Just as the picture:
🦋We will grow become butterfly.
💎We will grow Become Crystal*Krystal *Christo.
🙏We will Rising AM what AM.
🎉infinite Loving Always By everything side's 🎉
Blessing all.
And:My Galactic Families!!!!!!!!!!
IF AM EXSIT HERE CAN BRINGS just 0.00000001%light and love. Wisdom and peace. I will doing. Because I so loving all beings on earth......people, animals,,plants,,,quartz..Mama earth...all Elementals,,ocean,,air,,,forest...everything.....
Even it is the most hard way we choose.
Wishing everything soon freedom!!!!!!!
Thank you Tian for your beautiful words ! 😀
DeleteMany Blessings to you !
Alesya, question: Hello everyone. Dear Cobra, 1. I ask you to comment on the information about Elena Danaan about the Space Federation of Worlds, about Tor Khan Eregion, about the Intergalactic Federation, about the Arks, about Annunaki Prince EA and about the book of Elena Danaan "A Gift From The Stars", and about the inversion beam? 2. Is Elena Danaan an emissary of the Galactic Federation of Worlds? 3. Elena Danaan is selling for $80 a meditation practice from the star system Orochai (Arcturus), known throughout the galaxy as an art of body and spirit. What is your opinion on this. 4. What can you tell about the Pleiadians from the planets Era and T-mar (Temmer)? 5. What can you say about the flotilla of the Galactic Federation of Worlds in the planet Jupiter system? 6. Can Benjamin Fulford's information be trusted? 7. Constant burning sensation on the skin and all over the body even at night. Is it radiation? 8. How to make sure that all negative contracts are canceled? 9. How to join the Resistance Movement? everyday life on Earth can be offered by the Light Forces for Starseed, as concrete actions for a better way of life. 12. What can you tell about the Cat races of the galaxy? people, about upcoming events are always fulfilled, but I can never change anything? Thank you for your answers. Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteElena Danaan is channeling AI and she supports Transhumanism.
DeleteShe once said in a channeling: "Cintamani Stones? Never heard from it."
I fear for Elena Danaan. Her book was wonderful years ago but now she has rewritten it. I think she was off-ed and someone very dark is in her place. I have her original book, and she really was once different. Now according to Elena she is off in a UFO every week, and she hangs out with Enki. Blegh. And many others who are questionable, to put it nicely.
DeleteHi Maxpi and Simya. Each unique being is highly complex, holds freewill/autonomy, and therefore has formed their own truths. Spirituality is also very personal. Use your own inner discernment with all outside information. Clarity of inner feelings are the most powerful and accurate indicator of what and who is in alignment with your souls knowing. As for planet Erra, from what I currently have gathered/recollected it is a forest planet about the size of earth and is home to very Human looking Nordic types of people. There also could possibly be very tall elf like people there and very unique, wonderful animal life. The forest on Erra may be quite similar to the what we enjoy in The Pacific Northwest. As for Temmer it is said to be a main vacation planet in Pleiades and is very similar to the subtropical Mediterranean regions, Southern California, The middle East, or Egypt. Supposedly there is so much diversity of people enjoying the beaches and weather on Temmer it's truly amazing and highly revered all over the galaxy. Some other info related to your consciousness orientation which you might enjoy could possibly be found on my blog here: Grand Rising, Blessings.
Delete@ libra
DeleteI dont know this name that you are mentioning. :-)
I only can say, that I used to follow Elena for 1 year. I read also her First book. And I got a lot of informations about what she was telling in her channelings.
And in the beginning I liked her videos very much.
But then she started of saying, that she never heard about "Cintamani stones". And in this case a lightworker has to decide who to follow.
When 2 Whistleblowers are telling their world view and this important things are not matching, than only one of this 2 whistleblower is real.
Elena was also saying sometimes strange things about "good brain chips" that her mentor is having for driving his space ship and that they have a chip inside her arm to make micro payment.
Elena was never mentioning Cobra. And Elena see herself as the only authorized spokeperson.
That was enough for me.
When I listen and read about Cobra it always feels real and authentic.
I was last week re-reading an interview of Cobra from 2016 (7 years ago) And it was still very accurate what he said.
You all jump on every man or woman's band wagon the second they have a piece of "truth" to offer you like a rat eating cheese. Elena is no more special than you or I. She got famouse, boom, now she's Corey Goode 2.0. We all saw what happened to his lying butt in court. Stop with the pedestals. You have the power of discernment and intuition yourself. Noone else needs to be followed.
DeleteThank you!! ❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra. Much love.
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias Cobra
ReplyDelete"They care about the surface population, but they feel pain because they can not intervene directly yet. They are afraid of the power of subquantum anomaly. They do not understand many things about the surface population. They are excited to release healing technologies, they are looking forward to interaction with humans, but are also afraid of it."
ReplyDeleteAaaaw! 🥰 So looking forward!
Thank you Cobra! This was a wonderful read! 🙏💜
Time they stop being afraid.
DeleteIt is quite comforting to know, that they are as excited and anxious about the first contact as we are!
Deleteyes. I think myself too.
DeleteSo sweet, that they are also very excited to meet us,
like we are excited to do. :-)
Dear Starfamily. If someone of you read this now.
I just want to let you know! I am locking so forward for seing you! And I wanna eat a chocolate ice cream with you in a orbital space station ! :-)) That will be so fun ! :)
I believe the LF will see most of the surface people are actually friendly and very nice
DeleteThank you, Cobra!
ReplyDeleteCOBRA répond à 20 questions (Avec liens complémentaires)
Cet article est la suite de celui-ci dans lequel Cobra nous demandait de poser des questions en commentaires puis il en choisirait 20 pour y répondre :
Thank you, Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteI am greatful. We have done our best.
ReplyDeleteThank you 💖
ReplyDeleteThank you Cobra for answering questions! Here is a translation of this post in Bahasa Indonesia:
thank you for the clarifications
ReplyDeleteThanks for the answers, Cobra. I appreciate the confirmation that the Hawaiian fires were indeed an attack from the dark forces.
ReplyDeleteCobra recently mentioned the "R'Kok: lightworkers are the least powerless people on Earth" channeling. That channeler has started a blogspot, if anyone wants to read more of his work:
Thanks Cobra for the Q&A.
ReplyDeleteThe post in French / L'article en français :
Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !
a few things i don't understand:
ReplyDeletewhy isn't there a big meditation to remove the anomaly?
why doesn't the source pass the instructions to the forces of light to remove the anomaly?
why were 20 questions answered out of 1000?
why weren't the questions for everyday life answered, except for questions that won't improve my life in any way?
By the way, why do you think a big meditation would remove the anomaly? That is bizarre to think that...
DeleteCome to think of it, why doesn't the Source just remove all beings from this universe, just evolve us all up to say the 20th dimension... Oh, maybe that would be too easy...
Did Cobra really make sure not to improve your life? Oh no. Your life wasn't improved. Maybe he will do so soon. We obviously all want our life improved. Lets make Cobra the "big LIFE IMPROVER."
victory of light
DeleteAnd if one has fallen ill to or is bothered by radiation such as 5G, is there a protocol to be protected from it? A command? Please let us know or make one as it's ruining the lives of many awakening, sensitive starseeds who for that reason have difficulty following and doing their missions here on earth.
ReplyDeleteQuick tip:
DeleteLed paint will shield against radiation...
I know, it's the worst, electrical fields are killing me. I just saw two scientific studies where they identified abnormalities in the brains of EMF sensitive people. Frankly I think it's normal, you should be able to tell if you're under attack from electronic weapons. But anyways, shielding works. There are canopies to put around your bed, and clothes to wear during the day. The problem is they're expensive. And worse, made from cheap toxic nylon from China that deteriorates, absorbs through the skin and nose, made me sick, I'd be super pale and dizzy. I've tried it all and it was bad. But some people are fine. EMF blocking paint can be good. Don't use lead paint, they have real stuff made for the purpose. But if you have wireless tech in your house it won't help of course. Rosemary extract is a good answer since EMF's usually can't be avoided more than we already are. It actually has a lot of evidence, saving rats from tumors exposed to radiation. It prevents the oxidative damage so it works for non-ionizing radiation too. Tincture is best, but whole herb capsules work too. It's inexpensive which is good.
Deletehave u guys tried mica material for insulation... i first heard of it in a dream.. also heard of it in a documentary as they speak about one of the pyramids/structures i believe in mexico.. maybe Teotihuacan (somewhere. was layered with micca). i cant rem name of doccumentary.. ).. what i found out. such material gets use in microwave...
Delete"...Mica sheet for microwave ovens has excellent electrical insulation properties and high mechanical strength, ..."
not sure if makes a good emf shielder... if they would sell helmets out of it. i would wear one
Orgonit is a good protection against 5G.
DeleteThis was awesome. Thank you for this.
ReplyDeleteGerman translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:
Sometimes it seems like your patience and dedication to the mission are infinite.
Key people like you make such a big difference and in light of that, a "thank you" doesn't seem appropriate - even though in many cases that's all that can be given to you.
In this sense - thank you very much for your patience, your perseverance, your understanding of behavior sometimes incomprehensible to others, your painful sacrifices and your exemplary dedication to the mission.
“No one owns the water.
ReplyDeleteNo one owns the lands.
No one owns the oceans.
No one owns the sands.
These are given by our Mother.
(Our planet provides for free.
Only by hands of the greedy
Does the Earth require a fee.”)
Thank you Cobra for answering a good sampling of questions. It is reassuring to see your responses and also to the following question. This allows us to participate in the liberation process in a significant way. 👏👏👏
ReplyDelete"What the single person can contribute to get rid of the oppressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way."
'Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.'
ReplyDeleteI love you all very much, My Glorious Great Beings.
ReplyDeleteDear Starseeds
ReplyDeleteHow would it be after the event?
How would we all live?
How will it feel to have a body and mind with the restored full capacity?
What would we do the whole day?
How will First Contact or Re-Contact be?
I am wondering about that a lot.
One day... in the future .... all this endtime madness will be over....
I will be so happy..... we all will be so happy.. and we will be dancing and singing .... and praising !
That will be such a party !
Lets imagine this feeling right now....
Imagine it ... how it already was happening....
enjoy the feeling of joy, relief, peace and mercy.
Thank you universe... thank you.
You want to read more?
Feel free to follow my Channel on Telegram:
Dear @Libra
Deleteyou will be surely very happy! Good luck!
Heartfelt gratitude for your answers!
ReplyDeleteVictory of the Light!
Please write something about the Pleiadians.
ReplyDeleteSearch the blog first.
DeleteThis blog has a search function:
you may want to contact prepare for change. they used to have the cobra faq here
Deletethey may have changed its location or remove it completely. if so.. you may want yo ask them to let u dowbkoad the info.. i believe you would ve avle to
DeleteNot surprising , these questions bring on more questions . If many of the great works of art are already in safe keeping what about pieces still on display like Michelangelo’s Pieta , sculpture of David and the great works of Bernini , Sanmartino , Leonardo … The Sisten chapel ? Cobra said the dark have brought in ugly architecture but the renaissance will return . I’ve seen and know individuals on twitter, sorry X (😂) actually talking about this very same topic . They post lovely pictures from many of the old masters the beauty around us ( western exile , michaelartofficial , culture critic , israpha83 . In any case I found this connection very interesting . Thank you Cobra .
I think that all this "artworks" and all this content from "youtube" and other social medias, will need to have a big re-view and re-sorting of what we really want to keep and what to delete. :-)
DeleteAnd for myself. I want after first contact a future without all this online-videos. We will have so much other things to do than hanging around online.
We will be interacting with all this loving galactical beings and not being online and watching youtube :-)
Cobra. Thanks for the post. I have a question about Corey Goode. He says liberation will be after 2030, because there are still so many dark side forces. What do you have to say about his intel?
ReplyDeleteWe will all have to deal with our trauma and you have brought up something we all need to think about. What you’re saying is very true and reality sets in when I read your comment. Important to keep our inner strength.
ReplyDeleteThank you dear Cobra.
ReplyDeleteThe Laws of the Sun is an anime movie for spiritually aligned. It contains ::Earth and ancient civilizations
:: Multidimensionality
:: Dark ages, Gold ages
:: Golden Teachings
:: Earth transformation
Thanks for the answers and explanations
ReplyDeleteTranslation to Hebrew:
So, in essence, first contact is a service for the wealthy. This is because not all land in the world is as affordable as it is in the United States. In fact, most land in the world is very expensive and only available to the wealthy. It's ironic that the poor have contributed so much to first contact, but are ultimately barred from participating because of their poverty. The so-called beginning of the galactic era is still the era of the wealthy. A poor person does not deserve to participate in this event, and will have to beg for the wealthy's mercy in order to gain access. This is no different from what is happening on Earth today.
ReplyDeleteThis entire operation has always been spearheaded by wealthy people in power.
DeleteThe races who want to help us have to play by the cabal's rules to some extent. I can't blame them too much for this.
However, I do not completely trust the LF just yet, especially because of the goddess stuff. They have to prove that everyone will be treated equally.
I do understand what you mean.
DeleteI think that foremost those humans will be contacted, who are ready for this contact and are of course starseeds.
When you are a wealthy humans who owns lands and a house, it doesnt help to get first contact when you are not ready for first contact and you are not a starseed.
Try to be aware. That your starfamily also loves you from the bottom of their hearts and they are very smart and engaged to find a way to meet you as soon as it is possible.
They are working already now very hard and are already now cheering very excicted for meeting us !!
People have been complaining about Contact Dish since the article was written. Bananas! So in this scenario, aliens are landing and talking to people, posing for photos, the government can't stop it, and you're still disappointed? This is why ET's are apprehensive about adopting humans into the galactic society.
DeleteYou can find cheap meadows at bailiff auctions.
DeleteThank you Cobra very much for your answers.
ReplyDelete"A little about the hopes for a liberal revenge. But among our elite, they really believe that the West will soon agree to an agreement and soon everything will be as before February 2022.
ReplyDeleteThe best evidence of this is the sharp increase in tours to Paris and Rome, in order to "leave Raska again and plunge into the civilized world." The demand of Russians for autumn holidays in Paris and Rome has grown by a third over the year, news reports (
That is, last year the elite was still afraid that they could pay for positions and contracts for traveling to the West and spending millions. Now don't be afraid.
Why elite? Sorry, but as tour operators suggest, a vacation in Paris for up to a week costs from 200 thousand rubles ( This is without shopping in boutiques and other entertainment.
This is the same amount as a fighter on the Zaporizhzhya front will receive in a month, who has three shell shocks and at the same time was able to burn a "thieves" British tank. Just like any other soldier in our army. It is better not to consider the salaries of teachers, employees of defense enterprises and peasants, otherwise it will be completely offensive to them.
Regarding such a trifle that French cannons and tanks are being used, for example, in the Belgorod region, they are not at all embarrassed. So these same Belgorod residents "deserved" it. And the rest deserve it. And Ilona from Donetsk ( And in general, they are "out of politics" and do not care who they kill there. The main thing is not them.
But still, the main thing here is that there is no more talk of any nationalization of the elite. As they were believers in "everything is more beautiful and dear there," they remained with the same faith, in fact, quietly renouncing their homeland and people.
The problem, which in the next 10 years will become decisive for the future of the country, because the West has set a course for our division and destruction, and it is impossible to survive without an elite focused on the well-being of the Motherland, and not Parisian boutiques. It just doesn't happen that way."
"CNN: Authorities evicted tens of thousands of Delhi's most marginalized residents ahead of the G20 government summit and launched massive house demolitions. The government justifies itself and says that it demolishes illegal buildings. It says it intends to resettle some of the affected residents. However, activists question the timing, arguing that the demolition is part of a "beautification" campaign to rid the city of beggars and slums in order to impress foreign dignitaries. Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants to create an image of a modern superpower in the G20 and hide the long-standing and deep problem of poverty. The Indian government has denied any connection between the demolitions and the G20 summit. In April, more than 100,000 residents of one of the districts of the city lost their roofs over their heads. Some had nowhere to go: there was no money to rent an apartment, so they lived under a tarpaulin. Savita's family asked the police for some bread in order to divide it among six household members. One night, the men tried to grab her neighbor's daughter and drag her into the woods. There were stray dogs and cows all around, rummaging through the remains of decaying food. Savita's daughters did their homework with difficulty."
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to accept the poverty and struggle so many divine humans have had to endure...I question how this helps to grow the soul and the bigger picture of why any of this was allowed for so so long once the game here was hijacked and we became prisoners.
DeleteWe have a Babylonic Slave Monetary system, Its not designed to make Good people or Hard working People thrive. Its design to exploit and work people so hard they barely live.
DeleteThe Real Winners in this system are the ones who are Cunning and know how to make other people work for them.
Hola COBRA, se que somos muchos para contestar entre tantas preguntas. Pero lo intentaré, dejare aqui dos preguntas para ti. Si tienes tiempo, ya te agradezco desde ahora. 1. EL EJERCICIO DEL "VORTICE DE LA DIOSA", ¿AYUDA A LIMPIAR ANOMALÍA PRIMARIA, SI SE PRÁTICA A DIARIO? Y 2. Cabría la posibillidad de adquirir LA "CAMARA DE TAKIONES" de forma financiada o a un menor precio, ya que el precio es muy elevado. Gracias.
ReplyDeleteThe past few night I've been having a tough time sleeping, and feel like inside of me is a battle field.
I've had some visions from time to time, often very brief, like a few moments....but seems the darkies are trying to interfere with my dreams, too. I ask for info of first contact, and my much needed, and overdue, transformation, but most of the time the dreams involve either shopping centers or stores....and full of stuff that does not exist, or the more annoying ones......I'm in a class room, and the teachers either wants our homework or giving back tests. The stupid part is that I don't recall any homework being assigned in the first place, taking any tests, or even knowing what the damned subject is being taught, and I often get a test back full of red ink all over it, red checks or x's.
I am asking the Resistance Movement and the Light Forces to help me win the lottery or raise $40,000 to buy my house with my animal shelter and our living with a paralyzed mother.
ReplyDeleteI live in a cramped room with a paralyzed mother and I have nowhere to put even furniture and no refrigerator, I live in filth and poverty, my cats die from lack of food and no one helps me, neither the state nor the people. I wrote questions to Cobra and did not receive an answer and was very upset and cried -
so mom will die soon and we will not fly to the Pleiades together.
If someone wants to help, here is the link address where you can transfer at least how much money I will be grateful and happy.
Just donated. Maybe the light forces could find a way to pitch in. They'd have to stop being so afraid though. (I'll end this reply here and bite my lip.)
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThank you from the bottom of my heart to Libra and Starlight and also to everyone who has helped and is helping. I would like the Light Forces to use the funds of Saint Germain for everyone who needs it or in other ways.
DeleteDear Fellow beings, Please pray for me that i Get really wealhy and Rich. I will certainly provide when i have the funds spare for all my dear brothers and sisters in need of money units.
DeletePlease also pray that my cryptocurrency goes totally banans, would be awesome. And dont hesitate to send me a message askin for money, will certainly donate if you're truly in need and assist in any way possible.
Can i Get AAaamen?
Olá 1221 ! Infelizmente não tenho condições de fazer uma doação, cada 1 dólar para mim são 4,98 Reais brasileiros ! Te desejo muita sorte e força para superar essa vida. A sua realidade também é a realidade de muitos outros, a vida na terra é insana. Temos que tentar manter a luz ! por mais difícil que possa ser ! A vitória da Luz está garantida, eu tenho certeza !!!
DeleteBe kind and loving! So simple, yet so powerful :)
ReplyDeleteYes very simple, but obviously not so easey to many many many many, so far.
DeleteDear Cobra and our friends! I send ow the Italian translation of this post: and here is on the Italian Cobra Telegram channel - Il Portale Cobra: Thank you so much, Vittoria della Luce!
ReplyDeleteI assume cobra does not have clearance to answer any real questions.
ReplyDeleteIt seems so and that is wery strange. We should be in a part of the jurney where they should open to more info and open the support of monetary means since there are theese needs and theese possibilitis. He told us for a long time that the reason for beeing so careful was the bombs that now are gone.
Delete@Spartacusthefirst While I agree thay they should be informing us on all things but that would compromise their plans cause the cabal are still here in control of our physical world, which means the cabal would know every plan of the light forces if they do that
DeleteAbout to happen? But seriously!
ReplyDeleteSebastian, is unveiling, is claiming it for long beyond 2025.
DeleteHow do we put this together?
Why you do not tell people finally that these so called "Lightforces" aka Galactic Confeds are also corupt to the core and inept like a blue banana? Why all these soft lies and lalala for so long? These galactic honks play with us humans and enjoy their little fun-island in the kosmos. It is simply not possible that it takes so long to free earth. Long time ago the rubbish of the last galatic war should have been cleaned up!
ReplyDeletePerhaps your place is in burningman not here.
DeleteI really found these questions & answers to be very helpful! Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteHad an interesting dream the other night I wanted to briefly share.... a man in like a cream colored loose linen shirt and pants sat next me, had dark hair and tan skin with amber/green eyes .... his eyes were very interesting and he was handsome and he looked Mediterranean like and smiled at me and said "wars are being fought over you" and I said to him "excuse me" and then he repeated it again and then he disappeared. Maybe he's referring to wars being fought for humanity...for all of us? I just found it to be interesting and thought I'd share!
Hi Libra
ReplyDeleteI do understand that you do wish to have, first contact (re-connection) with your star family as soon as possible. Me too. :-)
So I think when this contact will start, I believe it will not be so much later than the official contact and much more big changes in the world.
You could also be part of a community who owns together a house.
I believe that our star family will start first with contacting us with dreams and visions. And there will be loving guidance and advise how to make it happen nevertheless if you have an own house or not.
Your narrative seriously Kicks ASS Cobra !!!
ReplyDeleteI'm all set and ready to go myself. Just NO death, ok? Want ALL the good stuff in THIS incarnation.
So far the people of Hollywood have not given any terms to those who are striking, even after several months of striking. Nothing. Clearly they don't plan to. I don't think you will see a thing. Meanwhile, we are all supposed to submit to AI. The industry will become AI, scripts will be written now by AI, it will all be oriented via AI. You know that is how we have to be. They will make all the actors out of AI. It's too easy for them. People really aren't needed. That is why, after a couple of months, the actors guild has heard nothing. Nothing. How cold is that? I wish you great luck with your strike.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime, if you live next to garbage that totally stinks, they will also do nothing. Doesn't matter how much it smells like sh*t, they will just ignore you, even if you get this tiny spot on telly, and get one minute of airtime, they still ignore you. Ignore you. Matt Shirvington is hopeless. What a cold man. I've seen him do several cold interviews. We don't like him much anymore. Spend ages chatting about the weather. Just brush over the real news!
I have a question for Cobra about the website that the Pentagon launched about UFOs, what direction this could take, Pluto returns in Aquarius in January 2024, that is, disclosure will come with everything, can this website be a bridge to this event? Also is the Cabal trying to use 'global warming or climate change' for their Great Reset? VOTL
ReplyDeleteWhy are the LF afraid of interaction with humans? I'm pretty surprised by this! Is it because we're very different from them?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that humans exhibit many emotional behaviors that are unpredictable and while our emotions can be a source of our strength and identity, it also can be a detriment.
DeleteWe're very different and unique, one human to anther. And we can also be quite unpredictable at times. We also tend to do some quite stupid sh*t some times
DeleteI hope the event is soon. We were told we'd have fist contact long ago, another nothing burger. How frustrating!
DeleteI guess they are afraid we are violent for no appearant reason as our mind is influenced by the implants. But I guess they will feel more comfortable with the ones who have the implants removed already.
DeleteI'm not surprised at all. We must look like a bunch of crazy, unstable, babbling, vain, self-centered idiots. Well, most of us.
DeleteIt makes sense. Humans are super violent, often for no good reason. In major cities the streets are littered with bodies, mostly from minor altercations and misunderstandings. When the pandemic started, the murder rate went up 30%! A small increase in stress and people flip out. When ET's land, a small but significant part of the population will go psychotic and start killing and destroying everything they can. That's what happens when a sports team wins a championship! But more than that it's the psionic energy of our thoughts and feelings. Most ET's can feel other's thoughts and emotions, so being around us is probably intolerable at this stage. Also consider the Light forces aren't talking about you. Think about the majority of the planet, the barbarism is so bad most people don't even know. What goes on in China, the Middle East, and Africa for example is unspeakable. If you're a galactic being, used to infinite peace and connection with source, you really want to get Boko Haram on your ship and try to talk some sense into them?
DeleteCOBRA... I would love to have you clarify the Lucifer vs Satan comparison. You have always (purposely) been vague on these entities.
ReplyDelete@ Libra
ReplyDeleteI already read many times in the comments, that you are very much suffering because you want to be again in a female body. So I am very sorry to read that. And I hope you will be happy in the future!
Interesting thought about the RM approaching you and asking to come with you. Thank you for sharing the links.
How would you know in this moment, if this being who is asking you to come with you within very short time, if this being is really from the RM and not from another organisation?
The same I am asking myself about "First Contact". How will I know which polarity this galactical being really is, which is contacting me?
Many sources say, you have to trust your heart or your gut feeling your inner knowing. I also "think" that this will be the case. At the moment I can't really imagine for myself, how that will be.
How about letting everything behind you. What is about inforrming your human family, parents and siblings? Just going away without saying goodbye?
That's actually funny what's to understand? We have bio and plasma implants we have other tech keeping us from waking up we have elite with all the money we have corruption all around and yet we still manage to smile and love each other that's pretty damn impressive
ReplyDeleteI feel that there have been people in the comment section who have been deliberately guiding lightworkers to identify with exaggerated gender, which is really uncomfortable
DeleteSome of us, like Libra and myself, have been wronged.
Transgenderism exists, and for a loooooong time. And they are not criminals, perverts and pedophiles as opposed to what the so-called 'awakened' and the so-called 'patriots' say.
According to Nikkei News,
ReplyDelete"The military is mired in commotion in the wake of two top Rocket Force generals being purged, the firings coming to light in July."
some officials within the Chinese military have been dismissed. There are also reports that during the floods in Hebei in August, sudden flood discharge led to soldiers being drowned by the floodwaters.
How many righteous armies are there now in China? What is the situation with the Red Dragon and Blue Dragon?
"A video with an audio recording of Todd Callender (a lawyer who publicly claimed an increase in the death rate among the vaccinated), talking about the deletion syndrome (chromosome rearrangements in which a section of the chromosome is lost) of the 1P36 gene and the upcoming “Marburg epidemic” (the so-called “zombie virus”, as well as the possibility of transmitting a 5G signal from towers in the frequency range that will interact with chimeric pathogens inside lipid nanoparticles (delivered using the “anti” Covid-19 vaccine) in body of vaccinated people.
ReplyDeleteIn the above audio recording, Callender claims that the 5G towers will broadcast an 18 GHz signal for 1 minute (3 times) as a pulse to activate said chimeric pathogens.
On October 4, 2023, the United States will test the Emergency Alert System (EAS), which is scheduled for 2:20 pm ET and will last, note, 1 minute.
What if this EAS test is actually a 5G signal transmission in disguise?
Note that the article refers to the process as "Emergency Wireless Emergency Alert Test".
Unusual wording and time frame.
Let me remind you, the new version of Covid-19 (Eris) is designated as "E.G5" (5G)"
"Pfizer is asking the court to throw out the whistleblower's lawsuit because the U.S. government knew about the vaccine fraud.
ReplyDelete( his latest attempt ( to bury evidence of criminal negligence associated with the development of experimental mRNA Covid vaccine, Pfizer has reportedly filed a motion to dismiss a whistleblower lawsuit alleging that the vaccine maker and two of its contractors manipulated data and committed other fraudulent activities during clinical trials.
The case was suspended pending trial.
Instead of declaring innocence or that the charges were fabricated, lawyers for the pharmaceutical giant argue ( that the lawsuit filed under the false claims should be completely dropped because the US government was fully aware of fraud committed during the development of Pfizer's mRNA shot, according to the whistleblower's lawyer."
"Continuing the theme
ReplyDeleteDr. Pierre Gilbert in 1995:
“Vaccines may contain liquid crystals that will be placed in brain cells and become microreceiver of electromagnetic fields, where it is possible to send waves of very low frequency. And through these low frequency waves, people will be unable to think, they will be turned into zombies. "
@Sherman often classroom dreams symbolize you are getting taught and given intel to do an assignment here in 3D realm. I remember being a classroom full of different beings and getting briefed. And onetime in a huge library doing paperwork with group of starseeds and honestly we had a great time.
The question of further tightening is open, but more likely yes than no. The tightening will depend on further weakening of the ruble or a more significant acceleration of inflation.
The leadership of the Bank of Russia thereby blocks the development of the economy, provokes further export of capital and dooms thousands of enterprises and millions of citizens to bankruptcy. This is the most destructive weapon used by Washington against Russia in a hybrid war in which the main bet is on agents of influence.
Sergei Yuryevich Glazyev is a Russian economist and politician. Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, current member of the Collegium for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission. Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation.
ReplyDeleteFor those who are interested, posted a divine message on Twitter about this new Cobra post which came true:
Another synchronicity, at the time of making the above tweet, this Cobra post had 118 comments. It was published September 4th and after September 4th there are 118 days remaining in the year.
DeleteCorey Goode just started the galactics haven't even entered our solar system and it will be years before earth is this the original Corey ? He states they won't enter until late 2025. Is this disinformation? He speaks as if the Orion group is still firmly in control of earth mars and the moon!?
ReplyDeleteYou mixing things up alittle. He never said there is no Galactic Confederation here. Otherwise we obviously would be a completly conquered world. Who will enter our solar system by late 2025 is the Galactic League of Nations armada with some other forces after they have dealt with the dark fleet/orion empire in sourrounding systems and then there will be enough combined power to free the solar system completly.
DeleteWith due respect Doug, I stopped following Corey when his information started to become fear mongering. I trusted my own feelings and have moved on.
DeleteHi Doug
DeleteI do ask myself the same. What is going on with Corey?
I used to be a follower of him since years.
But now I have more and more the feelings, that he is turned around and is replaced. That would be very sad and a explanation why his intel becamed somehow so strange.
I do see that the big change is happening right now and in this time !
He's buddies with that lil runt, David Wilcock, and he's no better.
DeleteThink he migth be affected by the H1V£ m1nd virus. And is negativly oriented.
DeleteAnother message came true for those souls who are curious. Got the word 'Arthur' on August 30th which I wrote down and then on September 1st a great documentary about Arthurian legend was uploaded to YouTube and is an interesting watch:
Arthur was also one of the themes of my Lion's Gate in 2022
DeleteI'd just like to point out, according to Ben from SuspiciousObservers, Maui will be gone when the waves role out. Despite it being beautiful, and the Dark stupidly stealing the land and doing what they want over there, it will be GONE. New Zealand is another beautiful place, but that too will be entirely under water. I mean Oprah can buy up Hawaii all the wants but she (probably a clone by now) she will just go under water too. There isn't any underwater DUMB left they can go to....too bad. There's only a few places that *might* be okay. Just try to hitch a ride off world with Ashtar and his crew. Hopefully they can lift us all before the waves.
ReplyDeleteExcellent observation.
DeleteSame, I wanna get off before the tidal waves hit.
DeleteAttempting to post this with the Twitter link without the html code. For those who are interested, got a divine message 'Enola Gay' on September 2nd. Did some research and found out sole interesting info (magic 410) and that 9/2 is the date WWII ended (didn't know that).
The message is: The Event is about to happen.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteFor anyone who is concerned about pain anywhere in the body, use this working method that my Higher Self provided me with.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to get a new protocol for severe pain from Cobra for my mother, but alas. It occupied me with my thoughts and requests to the Higher Self. And it gave me hints, not only on this method, but also on others. So .
If you have aching pain or any other - close your eyes and mentally imagine the place or organ where it hurts. Keep the visual without being distracted and without looking away from that place and at the same time mentally draw on the organ or the place where the number 55515 hurts. And mentally pronounce ( five five five one five) as many times as you want. All .
Works ! Subscribe about your experience. Thanks to everyone who helped me and helps!
It is sad to hear of the many difficulties the intelligent and most brightest souls on this backward planet are having. I too went through many struggles in my twenties and thirties. I caught on to what Nicholas Tesla said “Everything in our universe is energy, vibration and frequency”. I knew I had to work on myself and I didn’t know how. I was fortunate to have been guided to the right healers who facilitated my higher self to work on removing blockages and attachments. My ability to manifest abundance did become easier but I still faced many challenges while doing so.
ReplyDeleteFrom personal experience when I do aura cleansing exercises my thoughts are more positive and changes in my life are visible. I did a very simple exercise before bed and upon waking for 30 days where I imagined the brightest sun above my head. I then allowed it to enter my body into every part like putting on a glove and imagined it going into all cells and organs. I imagined myself being so bright like the sun and putting this gold light into all my aura colours and then sent it deep into the earth.
Sounds like just a meditation however after 30 days I was lucid dreaming and saw two negative attachments I had. The looked so exhausted from the light that they just left me. One was 10 feet tall and the other looked like a slob. My cravings for specific foods and alcohol stopped. I felt like my head was clearer and I could make decisions without feeling confused.
The attachments also never stop so this work has to be done daily.
ReplyDeleteVERY INEFFICIENT method. Also, I am NO starseed, not am I a lightworker, nor do I want to be one. I'm just a fallen fighter that the darkies killed, tortured and sent, against my will to incarnate here, in the wrong species and wrong gender. I'm not gonna volunteer for some chickenshit outfit, with little no information, nor am I taking on ANY assignment. I'm barely getting by as is, and I'm EXPECTED to SOMEHOW do some foolish thing, with no direct, face to face intell? Fuck that shit.
I'm NOT gonna be jumping through anyone's hoops, Sen. I'm not gonna be Rambo and take on someone's dirty work. And what's in it for ME? So far, I've gotten NOTHING.....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Like that old saying, "They don't pay me enough for this abuse!"
ReplyDeleteI personally have NO problem leaving my so-called human 'family' behind....they are just a bunch of greedy, money hungery sheeple who care about money and they are religious bigots. Most of my friends either are gone, some stabbed me in the back.....I WILL walk away without saying goodbye. I never wanted to be on this damned gulag of a planet ot start with.
I'm more than ready for direct, face to face contact with my REAL friends and family, from the stars, and GO HOME. All I need is an advance notice....say 20 minutes, to get ready, tell my cats goodbye, and just GO. I'll have no regrets, being on the alien ship, watching this planet shrink away on a window, and finally get to LIVE.
I said many times, folks with land, one of which shall remain nameless, are offering said land as a landing and contact site, not to mention a place to make a large med bed center.
ReplyDeleteIs 50 acres adequate?
And as I said, the good aliens want to meet with us? You got a volunteer here. And I feel more alien than human anyhow, a wounded alien, but alien thus.
Thank for information in post! :)
ReplyDeleteYou can meet aliens already, just listen to 1111hz freq and meditate+ activate third eye.
Wow, Dear Sister, You're Amazing :D Love your Style! Much Love and Light to You, and I Totally Agree with You <3 <3 Love Your Vision, can Totally join that! No more anger, no more fear, Only Joy, Peace and Blissfulness <3
ReplyDeleteThank you. God bless
ReplyDeleteYes! I totally Agree me dear brother Doug<3 Humans are amazing. God bless
ReplyDeleteBut we also have quite a history with corruption, think that's why the aliens are a little scared.
@lightfulyvictory To be honest, I feel like he's an online commentator
ReplyDeleteWhat will happen with the Cabal members who didnt fix their actions and will ask to be evacuated by Ashtar fleet?
ReplyDeleteWhy The Land Rule is Completely Ridiculous
ReplyDeleteThe argument that Cobra's blog is owned by solely by the Cobra author is false because the blog is really owned by the Light Forces and Underground Resistance, along with all lightworker participants. Cobra is still the one who makes posts of course, and there's no legal document stating that the 2012 Portal blog is owned by all participants, but on a Cosmic level, this is the case if one really thinks about it.
Therefore, it's not a 'personal prerogative' for Cobra to censor comments that he doesn't like. Definitely, certain comments should be censored if they promote slander or place an innocent individual or group of innocent individuals in physical danger if physical addresses are provided and so forth (obvious reasons), but many of my comments/replies have been censored over the years with undo cause.
I admit, there was one time when I deserved to be censored. This was when the covid agenda was going crazy and there were wildfires in the area making so much smoke that the sky was severely dimmed and I was working at a grocery store where people were panic buying water. I lost my cool and was censored, and then spammed a subsequent comment over 100 times. This was back around 2021.
Maybe Cobra holds a grudge against me for that, I don't know. I do feel bad about it, but I was just so upset because of all the chaos after doing a mass meditation to improve the situation. That still doesn't excuse what I did.
Nowadays though, I'm way better at what I say and how I conduct myself, and my latest disagreement regards owning land, and this was censored as well.
(Sometimes my comments/replies don't go through immediately, and show after a few comment updates when there is a new post and people have moved on, which can be seen as a form of shadow banning.)
My latest censored disagreement regards owning land. I firmly stand by the position that no one should have to own land for First Contact, or know someone who sets aside owned land for First Contact. For those who don't own their own land (most people these days), the number of people who own private land set aside for First Contact is extremely low. The chances of someone having access to someone else's land for First Contact is virtually zero. The vast, vast majority of the surface population doesn't own private land set aside for someone else to have First Contact.
Furthermore, who truly owns land anyway? For practical reasons, yes, people do own property with legal documents (which is becoming the exception and not the rule as the cabal are destroying finances across the globe), but in a Cosmic sense, we all share the same planet.
I made a reply agreeing with Libra on this, saying that the land rule is completely ridiculous and that the Light Forces should stop playing games. And, when the comments were updated, this reply did not go through. Sherman gets to cuss and rant, but when I say something adversarial, it gets censored. (If the reply goes through in future comment updates, again, this can be seen as a form of shadow banning.)
I do believe the Violet Flame and Fire of An and related meditations are powerful, so I'm not saying that people should get fed up and quit (nor will I), but Cobra's blog does not reflect the true viewpoints of the very small section of the surface population who participates, because not all voices are allowed to be heard. This is stated for the Light Forces and Underground Resistance to see, as is my perspective regarding owning land. Please eliminate the unjust and unfair land rule for First Contact.
Thank you.
Thank you for answers, we need once a month this session because a lot of our questions were not answered, I'm wondering why we don't have access to at least some lesser goddess mysteries. I'm craving for knowledge and i don't know what to read anymore, i want something with higher percentage of truth. Starseeds can use that knowledge in best possible way and dark forces already have that knowledge, only thing is they twisted it, so why are we not allowed to have access to at least some of that knowledge? We have few times per year some good informations from Lightforces on this blog and everything else is more or less the same repetition. And if we can't have that lesser goddess mysteries knowledge now because it is too dangerous, we can have once a month Q&A Session. I guess there are a lot of people in Resistance movement so they can get time to answer our questions. It's getting crazier and crazier on the surface without knowledge. If more of Light is coming in on the surface by every day, that also means we must get some new informations more often to properly ground all of that Light. I'm really interested in more knowledge about Soul Families and the preparation for Ascension Process.
ReplyDeleteThe following is from Dr. Michael Salla's Telegram channel. Dr. Michael Salla writes and interviews people about the ET presence on earth, the Secret Space program and related topics.
ReplyDelete"Here is a very clear paper on how tachyons operate, and their connection to the human brain and ancient electric circuitry.
Dave Rossi's ability to develop advanced equations and theories has gained much attention from breakthrough physics scientists."
The article is: "What Are Tachyons? & Their Connection to Ancient, "Electronic" Circuitry"
ReplyDeleteGood to know that mankind cultural assets won't disappear, it was one of my biggest concern. For example, some pieces of music (and movies ! ) would never have existed without the experience of suffering. I hope people won't have to experience intense suffering in the future, but this also means that there will be less piece of art/expression on this subject. I believe everyone has experienced feeling comfort when listening to a song echoing your own suffering.
ReplyDeleteWhatever pearl we got from this difficult experience on earth, we should preserve.
I also love quality work in general (something well made with lot of attention), would be a shame to lose it all. Even if we have hovercraft, i'm sure some peoples will enhoy flying an old plane or driving a car. Let there be fun and diversity.
will first contact happen in our homes? physically and what if we have others like family or freinds living with us?
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra, please explain about the animals. Will domesticated animals and slaughterhouse captives be saved from carnivores and slaughterhouses during this event? And will they be transported to a safe planet? Are humans allowed to kill animals on those planets??? What about carnivores? Will they become extinct? Will there come a day when animals will be freed from humans and not eaten and live in complete peace and tranquility?
ReplyDelete"The Dark of You"
by Breaking Benjamin
It must have been inside my head
I've lost the hope that I have left
And now, at last, it comes to pass
We sleep, we dream, we have no less
Along the path, we lost our way
It's all a game that I must play
And now the weak that fall
Return to ash, defeated after all
Fade away to the wicked world we live
And I become the dark of you
Say a prayer for the wounded heart within
As I become the dark of you
Let go
When all has come to life
We live, we breathe, we die
They call me to the light
Forever lost in time
With every dream we find
We feed, we burn, we lie
The fall of humankind
The everlasting light
Fade away to the wicked world we live
And I become the dark of you
Say a prayer for the wounded heart within
As I become the dark of you
Let go
When all has come to life
We live, we breathe, we die
They call me to the light
Forever lost in time
With every dream we find
We feed, we burn, we lie
The fall of humankind
The everlasting light
Fade away to the wicked world we live
And I become the dark of you
Say a prayer for the wounded heart within
As I become the dark of you
Let go
Save this selfish world
Save this selfish world (let go)
Save this selfish world
Save this selfish world
2018.dec.31.-èn kivégezték Hillary clintont ès Trump is jelen volt.2019-ben Bident.2022-Tom Hanks.Ez igaz?
ReplyDeleteFor those interested souls I have been recently experimenting with whether the physical world can be influenced while in a lucid dream on the astral plane. This is huge and amazing.
ReplyDeleteRecently I have been verbally manifesting in the dream that the Ascension process begin. I did this on September 4th.
Then on September 6th, today as of the time of this writing, I had a doc appointment and they suggested a new medication. It happened so easily I knew it was Divinely guided.
When I picked up the medication I saw that the manufacturer's name is Ascend:
TY for your time and Victory of the Light!
@Libra Screens and porn transmit subliminal and overt trauma. From the violence and horror to which we may be jaded to, to all the messaging of replacement, rejection and dystopianism. With porn it's the jading of our intimacy and organic desire that are lost. This all creates PTSD.
ReplyDeleteHow many men were angry at women from early childhood onwards? Multigenerational trauma is very real.
As all the anomaly in the universe is channeled to this planet it seems that the key right now is at what pace it´s being removed. If it´s fast enough to cope with the anomaly already here and with what is constantly coming in to finish it off in time (or take it below the critical mass). Maybe it´s not well known or maybe it can´t be told openly because of the DF
ReplyDeleteI need some money to maintain my daily life and do tasks. If there is crowdfunding, please reply to me! thank you I am a light worker in China.
ReplyDeleteI sent a message to COBRA. He didn't reply to me. Did he not receive it?
ReplyDeleteUpdate to my blog post, "Why the Land Rule is Completely Ridiculous:
ReplyDeleteLibra commented a previous quote from Cobra stating that owning land is not the only option:
"People who do not own land will be contacted also, but for that contact they will need to be in nature at least 60 meters/yards away from the nearest human being to avoid implant / biochip interference, and as far away as possible from the local military bases."
See also:
"The statement from 2022 seems more plausible to me, but I need far more details for preparation!"
With these matters, the energy is extremely volatile. My own storm is over, at least for now. Thank you Libra for the very important quote!
Well despite the fact the waves will be coming at some point, we still have to act like we care about the earth. So I got an informative email about Proton, (which includes protonmail). The dark side hates proton.
ReplyDeleteIn their email:
Google is facing a $5 billion lawsuit from people who say the company never got their consent before tracking them in “Incognito mode”. The case is now one step closer to trial after a ruling in August. “The court cannot find as a matter of law that users explicitly consented to the at-issue data collection”, the judge said.
India’s lower house passed a data privacy bill that would require companies to obtain explicit consent before collecting personal data. Civil rights groups say the bill allows too many exceptions to that rule, similar to the “legitimate interest” exemptions in the EU’s privacy law.
The US constitution prevents the government from seizing people’s data without a warrant, so instead they just buy it. There’s nothing stopping American agencies from purchasing your personal information from data brokers, and they’ve been doing so for years.
For a few years, Google had a worthy competitor in the search engine space. Neeva was fast, useful, private, and ad-free. So why did it fail? Because Google pays billions of dollars to be the default search engine. The startup’s failure shows how Big Tech prevents privacy-focused business models from competing in the market.
Big Tech companies are trying to insert a clause into a major trade deal that would prevent 14 countries from regulating them. We explain how their lobbyists are attempting to skirt democratic oversight through the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework.
And they also say using ChatGDP is pretty bad as it remembers what you tell it. Don't say anything private; I wouldn't use it. It's bad AI.
Specifically they say:
We’ve already written about how ChatGPT is essentially a collection of GDPR violations (that’s not even a significant exaggeration). But you may have also discovered that using this tool is incredibly useful. Is it possible to use ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) in a way that respects privacy?
Strictly speaking, the answer is no. LLMs are trained on hundreds of gigabytes of text despite never obtaining permission to use that data for that purpose. Therefore privacy violations are baked into the system. On top of that, everything you say to the LLM is just adding to the pile of data it learns from and recombines later. This is the reason multiple companies, from Apple to Bank of America, have restricted their employees’ use of ChatGPT.
If you still want to use ChatGPT, the best advice is to avoid sharing any personal data whatsoever, including when creating your account. Ultimately, privacy and AI don’t mix, and that’s according to ChatGPT itself. Here’s what ChatGPT said when we asked how to stay private on the platform: “Using large language models privately can be challenging due to the computational resources required and the centralized nature of the models”.
Victory of the Light!
ReplyDeleteWe Are Free
You can find cheap meadows at bailiff auctions.
ReplyDeletePlease to COBRA +TEAM,
ReplyDeleteplease we know the GREYS are in charge and many more Aliens and AIs. YOU have to do something CALL for Heavenly ANGELS to rescue eg. Owen Shroyer from Infowars, they want to put him in PRISON, he did nothing wrong. I heard a female GREY runs the CIA. I mean we need help, The new masks, lockdowns, boosters...AJ with clips of Dr. Giordano the nano MIND CONTROL, heart attacks overall etc. I am not sure, if he and all "mad scientists" are hacked, or the Repoids tweaked their brains give them the intellectual edge. They continue mid September we again imprisoned. kr emz
When It Gets Thick
ReplyDeleteBest thing to do when confusion, paranoia, and cognitive dissonance is in the air:
Disengage, chill, be neither here nor there, and enjoy some tunes.
To me the most important part of this Q&A is that the lightforces are afraid of connecting with the surface population. It is really important because I understand them. Because I spent my whole life trying to realize to what deep extent am I under the influence of dark programming and conditioning. To really define what is my deep inner core and what is all the trauma that I got from living here. I bet when my soul incarnated here I was afraid too. But I think there was a reason why I am here now. So I know the lightforces understand that they should connect but are still afraid of getting into all the pollution we have here. And they will, I think, to an extent. it is hard to be in contact with something that is polluted and not get influenced by it. But I think that both lightforces and the surface population will come out of this experience stronger and better. So I say- come on in. i am ready to explain and inform about all the experience i have of how it is to incarnate here and live through all that there is on this planet. I want this experience to be recorded to ensure that this is the last place where such hard conditions still exist in the universe.
ReplyDeleteRewrite the Star [Seeds]
ReplyDeleteLost in the Milky Way
Smile at the empty sky and wait for
The moment a million chances may all collide
I'll be the guiding light
Swim to me through stars that shine down
And call to the sleeping world as they fall to Earth
So here's your life
We'll find our way
We're sailing blind
For it's certain nothing's certain
I don't mind
I get the feeling
You'll be fine
I still believe that
In this world
We've got to find the time (for the first time)
For the life of Riley
From cradles and sleepless nights,
You breathe in life forever,
And stare at the world from deep under eiderdown.
Although this world is a crazy ride,
You just take your seat and hold on tight.
Life Of Riley - a carefree comfortable way of living
Stance on the GFL, Health's Link to Mastering Manifestation, and Dietary Changes
Ciao Lightpower, è da diversi anni che seguo questo blog e da altrettanti anni per così dire "seguo" i tuoi commenti se non altro perché sono gli unici in italiano. Mi sembri effettivamente un individuo molto "sviluppato", dai l'idea di uno che ha vissuto molte esperienze spirituali. Ti dispiacerebbe dirmi come potrei diventare anch'io come te?
ReplyDeleteCos'è questa storia della fiamma viola?
Come fai a comunicare telepaticamente?
Da dove potei cominciare?
Attendo tue, grazie in anticipo della risposta!!!
Thanks Cobra x Your Work of FL!!! 💜💫🛸🛸🛸💫💜