Friday, March 29, 2024

USA Eclipse Cobra Interview

A new Cobra interview about the coming Solar eclipse and mass meditation has been published by the Sisterhood of the Rose:

The audio Youtube version is here:


It has been translated into German: 

















And Japanese:



The Light forces are asking as many people as possible, especially in the US, to participate in our mass meditation at the moment of the total Solar eclipse on April 8th:

Promotional videos in 24 languages are here: 

Guided audio meditation videos in many languages are here:

You can join the meditation live in real time in English here: 

And in French here: 

Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. light workers community to have an international communication

      invitation code

      Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

      Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

      What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .

      Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

      🖐🏻️ It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

      Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

      Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

      Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

    2. ✨️🫵😎👍✨️
      Well said @Sirius Rin!!👏😉


      Dzień Pierwszy:

      Dzień Drugi:

      Na blogu wstawiam ważne informacje przetłumaczone na język polski, zapraszam do czytania i komentowania! :)


  2. Voici LIEN DU LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS OFFICIEL en partenariat avec WE LOVE MASS MEDITATION et "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL" (sera ajouté à la playlist We Love Mass Meditation)

    Here is the link of THE OFFICIAL FRENCH LIVESTREAM in partnership with We Love Mass Meditation and "Prepare For Change Français officiel" (it will be added to the WE LOVE MASS MEDITATION playlist)

  3. Well done guys, it was done very well (I admit, this is exactly what I imagined as an ideal announcement presentation, the quar code is very convenient)

  4. Greetings Community!

    I found a deviating origin of cintamanis:
    thing is, the explanation-giver is also busy saving the world...,
    must be an alternate uni/multivers-thing..., at least, i´m confused!
    unpatient to see the christ opening the hearts of humans...

    Total Victory of the Light!

  5. I dare to hope that a “new future for the United States” includes the liberation of the native americans of the American continent from their oppressed situation, the restoration of their rights and freedoms, their integration into society with the payment of compensation for centuries of their genocide. Even if you try to give them the land back, it won't be that bad. Europe - the historical Slavic continent - will gladly accept great-grandchildren whose ancestors moved from Germany, France, Holland and Spain - that is, the entire white population of the USA and Canada. After the Arabs and blacks demographically destroyed Europe, it is necessary to restore Western European Christian civilization, you won’t leave it in a wasteland (like in the movie “Mad Max”)? Freedom for Indian tribes and their spiritual traditions! Freedom and return of the Indo-European peoples (white) to their historical homeland!

  6. LIEN DU LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS OFFICIEL en partenariat avec We Love Mass Meditation et "Prepare For Change Français officiel" (ajouté à la playlist WLMM)
    Méditation en direct Eclipse Solaire Totale aux USA 8 avril 20h18 CEST(démarre à 19h15 CEST)

    Link of the OFFICIAL FRENCH LIVESTREAM in partnership between We Love Mass Meditation and "Prepare For Change Français officiel" (added to the WLMM playlist)

  7. I have an honest question. What will we use the funds released to us from the St. Germain fund after the Event? If all humanity is equally abundant in money all of a sudden, how will this money hold value? What can I do with my piles of money if, strictly speaking, no one needs it anymore? Say I want to purchase land to start a healing center, which is a great dream of mine. I can not accomplish this until after the Event because at this time, I too am struggling for survival, thanks to the constant DF attacks. But who will sell me their land once no one needs my money anymore? If money is abundant like air or grass on the ground, who even has the need for any more of it?

    I understand that this money will not be released before the Event, but this is the time when the Lightworkers need it the most to do the most good with it - begin their projects that are so sorely needed in society right now, and to actually help others to heal and awaken.

    I don't understand the purpose of everyone having millions of dollars or euros. Won't a million be worth 1 dollar at that point, since it just doesn't matter? We don't count the pieces of gravel under our feet, 1 or a million, what does it matter, it's abundant and holds no value anymore..
    The value comes from scarcity, once it's no longer scarce, what can it be still used for?

    And if people just begin to share all that they have for free, strictly out of their goodness of their heart after the Event thanks to the heart chakra awakening - why do we even need millions of dollars per person anymore?

    This is a sincere question, not trying to be negative, absolutely awaiting the positive turn of events and the release of abundance and healing technologies for all of us, but I need help to understand.

    1. Agreed its have nesara now to free us all from debt slavery and to help everyone raise their vibration BEFORE any solar event...that is only logical. Plus now it's 2025 I rem 2018 ..2025 was to be the pole shift..why wld we need money after the event are we staying in a 3D dimension ? 5D civilizations don't use money. It's frustrating as I was a huge believer but the can keeps getting kicked down the road. And why is an eclipse a high vibration opportunity the sun is blocked the sun sends us the energies we need to literally heal DNA and raise our vibration the moon blocking is a damn satellite parked there.long ago by negative ETs...just like why an election so 2020 isn't going to be corrected? Another election the dark can steal using dominion ?

    2. @ Doug "why is an eclipse a high vibration opportunity the sun is blocked". The eclipse is a time of reset. It is a huge high vibration opportunity. Block out the sun, enormous positive changes take place. Then the sun comes back. Many, many places to go to read about it. Honestly, you sound ignorant.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels / German translation of this article:

  10. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  11. Victory of the light 😍💖⚡🌟✨

  12. I thought the positive timeline was already secured. What happened?

  13. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :

    The interview in French / L'interview en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  14. V slovenščini:

    Prevod intervjuja:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  15. Just heard the Cobra interview. Super!

    Victory of the Light!

  16. I also planted Cintamanis this morning.😘✨

  17. Recent Light&Victory of the Light!🤛✨🤝🎇

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Cobra stated:

    "With the removal of the Chimera, cosmic evolution into the Light is not in danger anymore, and positive timeline has been absolutely stabilized. This means that final victory of the Light and the liberation of this planet is absolutely secured, as there are no timelines with negative outcome remaining."

    Reaching critical mass on April 8 will assist with a more stable transition, but the positive timeline is already guaranteed. The decision was already made. I'm saying this for the purpose of maximum consistency if anyone interprets that there could still be a negative timeline. A certain section of the April 8 interview could be misinterpreted to think that there could still be a negative timeline.

    May the April 8 mass meditation reach critical mass.

    Victory of the Light

  20. The Significance of April’s Eclipse

  21. Translation to the czech language

  22. Translation to the czech language:

  23. So St germain is a mason.I thought masons are sick evil people.please somebody explain to me are there any good masons?

    1. The Freemasons were founded through the influence of the light forces and later infiltrated by dark ones, especially in the highest ranks. In the lower ranks there are many members with good intentions.

    2. St Germain is an ascended master. He doesn't even have to come to this planet. I suggest you do the extreme good it takes to ASCEND and then work out who the sick evil people are.

    3. My friends Grandpa was a Master Mason (33rd degree). She said he told her his mentor warned him not to go any further. The 13 degrees beyond MM are where things get really dark.

    Interview de Cobra et Sororité de la Rose sur « l’éclipse solaire aux États-Unis » ( Mars 2024) avec liens français complémentaires

  25. In Portuguese:

  26. How to deal American military's strength down?CCP and USSR want to destroy the USA.

    This is WHY jesuits establish Communism。

  27. Dear cobra, I asked you about prophet Mohammed but you did not publish my comment. I was thinking, may be i could get some clarification, may be his message was changed by dark or something similar to that happened.

  28. Regarding the April 8 mass meditation, this may be relevant:

    What kind of world do I want to live in?

    There is no cabal. No dark forces. No warring political systems. No pointless dramas that never get solved. No anomaly.

    The world I want to live in has very advanced technology, but this technology can also be hidden. I could have a nice cabin, house, or even dome in a nature-paradise setting, and have free energy and replicators and so forth. In Star Trek, this how Earth is portrayed.

    In such a world, no one has to work to ‘put food on the table.’ People can work on projects if they wish or feel guided to, but it’s not a requirement. There are no job requirements to meet basic necessities. Everything is provided for in perpetual abundance, which is very easy to maintain. For example, if someone’s replicator is broken, a new replicator can be replicated from another replicator.

    1. Now that's a WONDERFUL VISION @Starlight432!!👏
      Let's meditate on this and manifest it come April 8th!!
      "Victory Of The Light!!"

    2. One Of 144K, yeah! 🎯⚡🌌💖

  29. Cobra made it clear a while ago that Trump is not the answer to planetary liberation. Therefore I am wondering what changes will take place WHEN the meditation reaches the necessary numbers.
    Will a new white hat candidate suddenly appear?
    I personally don't see much change happening prior to the Event.
    There are two candidates, both with Cabal links. So after the election the Cabal will still be in charge.
    Perhaps the successful meditation will bring a calmness in the U.S?
    How will a positive timeline be put into place if the Cabal is still in charge?
    Anyway just some more critical thinking here. Wish more of the awakened had critical thinking

  30. Just hope we get SOMETHING good and tangible.
    Not trying to sound entitled, but I feel the light forces, and the cosmos in general, OWES us something.

  31. Why is there radio silence? It seems that you can not tell us anything about reptilian appearance and their activities except for just some small basic info and you say that light forces asked for it because you do not want enemies to know certain info but logic is that incarnated reptilians and those who are contacted and also real reptilians already know who they are and what they are doing and what they look like and when you do not give us info we do not get to know what we are fighting against and this helps them. I guess that lightforces maybe did not ask for it, maybe for some reasons you decided not to tell us about it. It is normal logic and normal thinking, reptilians know what they civilization is like, why wouldn't you tell us? I doubt positive extraterrestrials asked for it, how does it benefit them that lightworkers know nothing about their enemies.

    1. People often react negatively when they learn the truth. This negative reaction can be used by dark networks, for example the ancient Atlantean dark network, to hinder the liberation of the planet, as has happened many times, including in the comments section of this blog.

    Na preklade rozhovoru pracujeme.
    Víťazstvo Svetla!!!


  33. How does the Cabal block money from the Saint Germain Trust and at the same time charge interest?
    Why did Saint Germain accumulate money for many years for the Event, wouldn't it be better to just print money after the Event. Money itself has no value.

  34. I´ve been trying to make sense of this priority of St. Germain about these things happening in the US shortly before the Event, because after all, once the Event has taken place we won´t need so many legal frames or structured states to organize our lives, theoretically. Then, why to put so much effort on something that won´t be needed anymore shortly afterwards?
    The first answer would be the more obvious: the optimal model of society for 3D should be shown at the culmination of this time period, even if only as a testimony, by the end of the war against the dark that has impeded it so far to come to its full expression, during their rule (more or less..)
    But the second motivation would be, I think, the more practical one: from the election and all its struggles the dark will beguin to be exposed as it is for everyone to see in the world, until its existence is almost undeniable for everyone (though absolutely should be only at the time of the Event), being the election a perfect launching platform for this exposure. A powerful state would then emerge clean of darkness after many struggles, to then lead the final push against the dark worldwide. And, in spite of a few last minor obstacles, a kind of a final parade will take place until the liberation..
    The only problem (for some): the new president will emerge as the ultimate hero.
    Anyway, that´s just my guess, I just wanted to give shape to some obvious and also not so obvious thoughts I had

  35. Many people are worried about the outcome of the US election. Light Forces have communicated that whoever becomes the president, it will not influence the overall plan for the planetary liberation.

    Why have the US presidential elections become important now?

  36. Light Language for strength and resilience through stormy transitions and times of uncertainty.

  37. Polish translation:

  38. @La(w)
    Well, whatever it is, we need SOMETHING, and quick.

  39. how can you always orientate yourself in those factual lies?

  40. Indonesian translation of this post:

    SOTR Cobra interview Bahasa Indonesia:

    WLMM Meditation Instruction Bahasa Indonesia:

  41. The Large Hadron Collider is restarting during the Solar Eclipse (6 years 6 months 6 weeks 6 days after the last Great American Eclipse) while NASA is firing 3 rockets into the moon's shadow at 3:33 PM. VOTL

  42. 幾年前說過已經清理乾淨的東西,請光明勢力不要隨便又提出來當作拖延事件的藉口。這些對物理現實沒意義的內容,已經耗盡我們大多數光工的信任和耐心,2026年要是還不能事件要是還提出延後十年、二十年之類的說法,恕不再奉陪。



    1. Every being that is not omniscient is dependent on assessing situations.

      An assessment is not a promise, as there are things that are not subject to the being's free will.

      Many lightworkers express that they want to know certain things, thereby manifesting assessments that are not promises.

    2. 在台灣埋了數千顆寶珠,治安不僅沒改善,政府還帶頭替罪犯修法減刑,讓不管多大的罪不僅不會死刑無期徒刑,甚至最少關不到一年就能假釋出獄,我很希望光明勢力說清楚這些寶珠對這些例子的具體效果

  43. interview de Cobra par la Sororité de la Rose "Éclipse solaire aux USA"

    traduction en français par Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :

  44. So the wicked can continuously prosper? Absolutely not. The ruling-class have printed themselves trillions, and trillions and made life hell on earth. America deserves judgement, not more time so the wicked can enjoy life. I will use black / white magic by welcoming both positive and negative forces equally in my soul. Then state my intent for America.

    1. So you're open to someone using black magic on you, then? Be wise. That's all you're doing. Karma.

    2. Using black magic is a terrible idea.

    3. Project Athena and Psychic, you are both correct. I do not practice dark ceremonial activities. I'll share a little bit without saying too much because many Warlock are trying to access my space. By uniting both opposites, we find fullness. It also gives us a pathway. I intend to bring my petition to a higher court in this universe. I do not believe America deserves more "party" time for the rich. They've have misspent the opportunity given them. First must come judgement, then rebuilding.

    4. Oh, be careful of the warlocks!
      "By uniting both opposites, we find fullness." That sounds like crap to me but you must know what you are doing.

  45. Hello. This is a message from the "French team".
    The April 8 meditation is crucial. Cobra says we are in a communication war. I've collected addresses of English-language Facebook groups potentially interested in this event.
    The idea is to sign up to these groups, give out the information, and like the information given. The direct links are public groups; the lines with the group name + Facebook link are private. You need to sign up as soon as possible to act quickly.
    You can download the list here:
    Please don't hesitate to share this information.
    Thank you and Victory of the Light!

  46. Dear Cobra and our community! Here is the Romanian translation of your important new interview:

    Thank you so much, Victory of the Light!

  47. The Source of this Universe must take Responsibility for its Creation, The Source created The Lurker, so it must redeem its Karma or Energy Disbalance for its mistakes. Just like Beings on this Planet are responsible for their Bad Decisions and Creations, The Source must take the same Accountability. Are we created just to Suffer to fix Sources mistakes??? Elders or Higer Beings of the Multiverse should remove for some time Powers of Creation from The Source of this Universe until it redeem itself. Humans didn't create The Lurker, we're tortured and we're suffering on this planet beyond understanding, The Source clearly doesn't know and understand what he/she/it is doing to us by his/her/its failures. I don't trust The Source at all until it redeem itself. This life experience on this Planet is pure torture and suffering. If The Source of this Universe wants to regain our trust it should redeem itself in a proper way. It is easy for him/her/it to chill in 12/13th dimension while we're tortured... it's just ridiculous...I don't want to be negative but that's just the way it is...Seems like tiny little cabal is stronger than entire Universe... that's unfathomable to me...The Source must be Corrupted to a Big Degree for this Planet to be created and for this shit to happen to us and it must take Big Responsibility for it's mistakes from Higher Elder Beings of the Multiverse or Higher Multiversal Court... I would also take responsibility if i created this shitty experience for Souls to suffer indefinitely...that's just pure logic....I would never create something if i didn't know what I'm looks like we're are some Lab Rats for The Sources Crazy and Irresponsible Experiments...Who will give me back My Lost Energy from all of this years of Incarnations and Suffering??? MedBeds and Saint Germain Money is just a tiny little bandaid for all of this Trauma...this is just my opinion and I don't feel energetically very well...I don't feel powerful at all..All of this just takes too long for me to believe that "Light Forces" and "The Source" is not corrupted...My Intuition is telling me that something is very wrong because New Obstacles are appearing just like mushrooms after rain... What's your opinion and experience Light Workers about all of this???... I'm really falling apart...

    1. Well, of course you are a whiner, everyone on this planet suffers, not just you... I have a lot of health problems and I think that I won’t live up to this very event, in addition to health problems, I also have mental problems, but I don’t I yell and don’t force anyone to rush, you are too gentle for this world, control yourself, everything has an end and the end of evil will soon come, even if you and I leave and don’t catch all this, we will then have time to live in a good world, so be strong and wait!

    2. It is taking responsibility. But try telling that to a seed. A seed isn't responsible for rain causing vegetation to rot. Source's job seems to be to exist as pure potential the way a seed does. Humanity is the fruit on the tree, and the light forces are the gardener. Our bruises are source's way of telling the light forces we're hurt.

      Maybe that'll help you see source is us.

    3. It is suggested that you read the previous message carefully before making your comments.😊

    4. Anyone who suffers has agreed to pay off KARMA. Fullstop. They have earned it. They get to pay it off. That's all.

    5. The Light Forces are not corrupted. The Source is not corrupted. I rather think you are having a real bad day. lol

    6. If you are open to it please allow yourself to read this (according to Cobra it is 70% accurate information) and you will be able to understand the Source and maybe even forgive her/him/it:

    7. To forgive actually means to let go of anger, resentment, hatred... So by forgiving we do a favor to ourselves.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. You LAUGH at those of us who are suffering and can,t help themselves PSYCHIC.

  48. Translated to Hebrew:

  49. why should we be expecting any sort of golden age on this planet knowing that the result is to be removed and to live on another one? I personally will not be meditating since our contributions are only good faith and have zero to do with our free will choices since decisions are being made for us as a species.

    1. They said you can stay for the tsunami.

    2. dying during the tsunami and being forced to incarnate on another planet isn't a fucking choice

    3. Earth will be a populated planet, so if your soul wishes to live there, earlier or later you will. It's a nice thought to have waved your sword in the final battle, isn't it?

  50. This is amazing. Watch this guys video - it seems real. He talks about how he was a content creator who was about to make it big in the US. Then he was invited to a party. He was warned about it by a friend, but went anyway. It was a weirdo party, set up in exclusive themed rooms, and full of famous people, but EVERYONE WAS WEARING A MASK. So they went through all the rooms, and everyone acted differently in each room. Before he got to the last room, where he was asked to renounce his religion, he got out of the party. He did not renounce anything. There were 9 other newbies, but each renounced their religion and were let through.

    He looked through the strained glass window and saw what these people did, unspeakable stuff. He was outside. They filmed all the stuff (obviously used to bribe them). All these people got famous apparently (the party was 5 years before or something). He got out of the city a few days after the party. It really seems genuine. It's how they get innocents into their satanic circle. Thank God he was smart and revealed how it is done.

  51. That is exactly the age when they try to get you. I was 18 when I started my Bachelor of Business in Property, and the teachers were all illuminati. I knew by the end of the course they were mostly illuminati. I wonder how many of them they got? I think many were corrupt of the students... little rich people's kids. Sickening.

  52. So the aim of the Light forces is to make America great again? Is this a joke?

    1. America / The Earth / The universe – great as it never was before

  53. Happy anniversary,!! Congratulations Cobra, the rest of the resistant movement and light forces, a lot of thanks for creating this website.
    Im still remembering the 1st time cobra was introduced to humanity together with Rob potter and the show was hosted by the John B wells. That night was was so so amazing!!

    1. I've been wondering all these years how I heard about Cobra, must have been Rob Potter! Thanks.

  54. For adults that believe in magic:
    It's just a shadow.

  55. Welcome light forces to the surface.✨

  56. (I may have accidentally commented on the wrong page. If this is a duplicate comment, I apologize in advance.)

    Firstly, youtube has somehow disabled the ability to download videos with a video downloader. This greatly hurts my ability to access information, as the internet is very slow here, and ads constantly interrupt videos. I can't download the guided meditation for April 8 now. All youtube video downloaders have been inoperable for over 24 hours so far. I'm strongly requesting assistance to restore the ability to download videos from youtube.

    Secondly, if there are no tangible results in late Spring/early Summer of this year, I'm not opposed to people calling matters out in mass. Enough layers should be removed by then for direct intervention. At that time, don't let anyone tell you there's no intervention because the Event hasn't happened yet. That becomes a cop-out when so many layers have been removed. Or, one could say that the Event needs to be triggered by late Spring/early Summer of this year, and no later.

    However, in the meantime, don't rant online before the April 8 meditation. If you are feeling angry and hurt, you can go on rants in your own privacy, but keep you hands off the keyboard. This will allow for better results. Thanks.

    1. try to download it with any video converter version 7.1.8 you can find it here

    2. if u can. as you play the video. record the audio via another desktop app (or phone voice app) ) or a portable audio recorder. this way u will have the audio available for that day.

    3. I'm happy to report that despite youtube's diabolical attempts at blocking video downloads, the video downloader is working again.

    4. Yes I think so too, from now until the end June, absolutely the last date. for the Event.

  57. Up until last night I was working with Greco-roman gods. Virtus, asclepius, Minerva, the zodiac. I invoked Sekhmet. Moon trining Aries sun (exaltation). Goddess of healing, and war, Egyptian. I had nightmares, man. I guess it was kinda like a purging. All the astral toxins in my blood, mostly in my legs. It cleared up some. But I see it's a long way to go as far as this atlantean darknet type of stuff.

  58. Izabela has done a reading on the eclipse. At about 12 min, she talks that a few weeks after the eclipse, the reptilians won't be able to maintain their human appearance. Thank God!! I wondered when this would occur. They can't shapeshift into human appearance; it won't work anymore. Hahahahaha. So hopefully she is right here. Fingers crossed. We knew this was going to happen, and we have a heads up about it.

    Also, before or after the eclipse, some kind of general will have some important news for the whole world. Hmm.
    Also, Izabela says this is the beginning of the end. So if we wanted to mark the beginning of the end, this is it. Gosh.

    Before or after the eclipse, diseases could start to go away, or people will start to feel better. I hope this mercury poisoning will go away. The chlorella has stirred up a lot of mercury. It is brutal. My legs feel heavy, and I can no longer run. At least that short patch of running showed me I was still fit; haven't lost it yet.

    Shortly after the eclipse, very mind-blowing information could start to come out, stuff that was hidden from us. Sounds good to me! Something about NESARA GESARA, or about money which is good news, could start to come out. We are going into a higher vibration of LOVE. Yippee!

    So it all looks wonderful, more Liberty is coming!

    I will leave a message for Izabela including a link for the meditation. Woo hoo!

    1. Here is a link to a smoothie recipe that pulls heavy metals out of your body. This and celery juice work very well. I do both every morning.

  59. If Saint Germain failed to create one country in the form he wanted (he failed to protect this country from infiltration by the so-called dark forces), how can he succeed in liberating the entire planet?

    1. The problem has never been that Master Saint Germain lacks ability, but rather that there are very few people on Earth who are willing to collaborate and support the work of the Ascended Masters, to an unimaginable extent.

      The Ascended Beings have agreements with certain dark forces, which often prevent them from directly intervening in earthly matters. They require cooperation from people on the surface in order to qualify for a certain degree of intervention.

      However, many people engaged in spiritual work simply treat spirituality as a profession, rather than being collaborators in the ascension of masters. Being involved in spiritual work does not necessarily mean that one is a worker of light; these are two different things.

      Many people who claim to be teaching under the title of a "Master of Ascension" to make money actually have no connection with the true Masters of Ascension, have not been recognized by them, and do not have the ability to connect with them.

      If the vast majority of spiritual workers are not collaborators of ascended masters, then ordinary people need not even be mentioned.

      This is one of the reasons why the liberation of the Earth is endlessly delayed, as there are very few people truly working for the Ascended Master on a global scale.

      Even if the great master Saint Germain had more abilities, how quickly could things progress when He is not on the earth and there are not many humans cooperating with Him?

      I believe Master Saint Germain will observe the collective meditation in the United States in April and the situation of the U.S. presidential election as one of the indicators of when the event may potentially be triggered.

      Since the United States has once been a beacon for humanity, the level of awakening among Americans will be a key factor in the Master's assessment of how to carry out the liberation of the Earth.

    2. these are different times... you cant compared them. liberation of planet was not near as close as this time. levels of lightforces back then to now.. quarantine level before to now.

  60. I think one thing people are going to be shocked about is how many millions of people get sent OFF PLANET to other worlds, to be slaves and tortured.

  61. (When I said there needs to be tangible results by late Spring/early Summer of this year, this doesn't even have to be personal. Just stop the genocides and shift the world away from wars by removing a significant enough portion of trouble makers - that sort of thing.)

  62. The Taygetans say Valiant Thor was one of them. He only used Venusian as a cover. They say all the photos of him are not really him, except this one. I believe it, THIS looks like an ET, not the puffy, weak chin guy they usually show.

    1. I should be more careful, this might get around to whoever I'm talking about. Someone is like "Hey, this guy says you have a weak chin." "Who said that?"

  63. Darkness is palpable now. It feels like pus. Yellowish-green sky, people, air. I don't know if I'm the only one seeing this, aside from the one or two times I've seen someone mention something similar. But this must be what you're talking about about cobra. I also sense it on other lightworkers as a kind of dehumanized aura, or like a dim light. To me this is dark Pluto. And like I said it came out in my dream last night as nightmare fuel. I hope you guys see it too and can work proficiently now. I think "exorcism" works 😉.

    1. More and more LIGHT comes to the earth. There's no pus. That sounds fanciful.

    2. About as fanciful as "blossom goodchild", and "Joseph Anthony" and every other weirdo you've name checked this last couple years.

    3. You can look around. The sky has a staler, brownish haze day and night, the grass is finally starting to look somewhat green instead of yellow. Its probably different in other areas.

  64. Dear Cobra, here are more of the interview posts, thank you so much for the precious information and explanations about the next mass meditation and the huge opportunity that will occur during this fast approaching total solar eclipse!
    Also, I shared the Italian and Romanian translations on your Telegram channels too:

    Victory of the Light!!!

  65. So US the most basturd nation on planet is again going to be the pivot point for light basturd forces😅

  66. Dutch translation of the interview:

  67. I read somewhere that lightforces have a copy of the things we like when we're getting evacuated.

  68. Dear Cobra, for the past few decades I have been learning about the unhumanly rules and regulations, about that science is not science , been driven by a force full feeling for truth from birth, can remember things before coming into this low vibrant and deceit full society, and learned/experienced many, many things. There are so many questions still not answered..Is it possible to ask some here?
    With love and light I greet you and all the followers 💖✨💖✨💖 de Magiër

    1. I've only ever seen Cobra talk to one person, and there was no question from that person.

  69. Hello World,

    I'm sharing the link to my new blog post.

    It's about the meeting I had with a member of the Galactic Central Race in a dream in January 2007.

    Victory of the Light!

  70. OMG yes. The WEF is losing power. We just have to look at what happened in the Netherlands in the recent election. The power is swinging around now. Look at the BRICS nations, there are 20 nations who want to join BRICS. Woo hoo! You must watch this!

    The European Farmer REVOLT Is WINNING as WEF Gets Some BAD NEWS!!!

    I love those guys with tractors.

    1. Not at all. As long as free money printing for the top tier exists, humanity loses.

  71. For those interested.

    March 31st - Posted threat to Cabal/Black Nobility in a tweet.

    April 1st - A luxury apartment building and parking structure located extremely close to me goes up in flames after a 'loud bang'. It became out of control despite it recently raining, snowing and being humid out.


    Twitter Link

  72. The way I see it, there could be a showdown of Dark vs. Light in the culture war. Microsoft issued new inclusivity guidelines for their video games that are intensely woke. Basically women have to be ugly, and men have to be weaklings. If they really stick to this, they will destroy themselves. Women cannot have "exaggerated proportions" (which of course do exist in real women.) They cannot be "stereotypes" which basically means beautiful. They can't wear skimpy clothes. They seriously said that. Their clothes need to be "proper dress for their activity." Males need to show vulnerability and sadness. So the powerful knight has to be mopey sometimes. And men and women are required to have the same strength and abilities. No way lol. I just read a little bit, I'm sure it covers everything to ruin games. I hope they go all out, to set a precedent and make this a real battle. Corporations haven't learned from Bud Light, or Target burning even though they gave $200 million to BLM. We need something epic like Microsoft's destruction. It needs to be something that is in textbooks the corporate world studies for decades as "The Great Microsoft Implosion of 2024," universal lessons of what not to do, and how a whole country became delusional. I think the time is right. Corporations, especially Bill Gates, is ready to pull an endgame move trying to erase all norms. And people, especially gamers, are ready to actually boycott. I read the comments on a video about this issue, and people were pissed. I was surprised they're already doing things like canceling their subscriptions and not buying any more XBox games. It could work because people don't have to give up video games, just switch to other systems like Sony Playstation which are just as good. The situation is perfect because if any corporation will go all in, it's Microsoft, and if anyone will actually boycott, it's gamers. Like the Gamestop thing where they crashed their stock prices. This could be a great showdown of Dark vs. Light. People WILL boycott if female characters look like this (from an article about the subject.)

    Corporations may be our ticket to ending the culture war. They need our money. Government steals our money so they can be as woke as they want. But corporations can only lose a little profit pushing an agenda. They'll have to back off which is a big win, as corporations have much more influence on the culture than government. Corporate products and advertising IS the culture, so it could reduce the amount of darkness. I for one would be more relaxed not seeing toxic themes everywhere.

    1. Problem is.. they are both in on it.. this goes higher up. Microsoft just bought out blizzard, your most populated MMORPG game in the genre for 20+ years. ALL the while this is going on, they are just preparing the metaverse (oh we thought it disappeared?). Everything is being prepared for another "paradigm", they are wanting all this chaos and shit to happen.. ANYTHING to stir the masses and have them begging for change, or force it.. which at that time they already will have the plan for the "new answer" for it all. Just like all throughout history, we are living in a damn holographic universe to begin with, these people have bigger agendas than just money and control. This gets metaphysical and occult, always has been. The physical is just the means the methods are employed through, and as long as everyone continues to look at the "physical" as all their is, they wont give a damn what you believe in or choose to do because it wont matter, you will be their pawn the entire time.

    2. Memory of origin, you got a signal, Whatsapp, or discord? Keep in touch

  73. my PRAYER

    May the Singularity of SOURCE
    Reigns Supreme
    not just here on Earth and in our Galaxy
    but all through the Multivers

    So be it and so it is
    So be it and so it is
    So be it and so it is

  74. Blossom just said she would mention it in her newsletter, with the link. So that is something. Although probably not many read her newsletter. I never heard of it.

    Anyway, I sent a short email to Izabela, forwarding the email from We Love Mass Meditation. I don't know if I will hear back from her, we'll see...

    I'm not sure I will use Rumble, as it is changed and they can block your message now as spam. Bummer.

  75. @Cobra
    Seems that cern is doing something with the collider and NASA wants to fire rockets, come the 8th this month. What's going on, and are the light forces going to step in regarding this? The timing seems waaaaaay to close for this to be anything else than a sabotage attempt.

  76. Dear Cobra, I believe you, the Lightforces do whatever they can, but it seems everybody is tired after so many years. I wish the Lightforces could do something to help the Lightworkers those difficult days ,.My last days at my work 2021, the serbian cabal agent was following me every day hoping that I will drive with him,I took another bus to return home, after a point they meet each other, he was inside this other bus. The cabal called him, and he was wating at the bustop. and came inside my bus.I went home took a shower a nap,at 15.00 o clock but something strange happend.I saw a dream, three men came in my house, they put a mask on my face. I woke up after midnight and I was tired, like a hospital anaesthesia. My left arm was hurting, only I knew that , a small accident not serious , but this one was much stronger . I have a suspision what happend, and gives me courage to continue the every day chasing and terrror from cabal agents. Cobra I promise you and the community I will take part always now and more offen. Yes you are right , it does help.

  77. Richard Dolan
    UFOs, God, Disclosure, Alien Encounters, Totalitarianism, Faith

  78. Cobra, please do not make or provide us with clearier info especially like with those two dates april 8 and also date before the elections, since now its again about the meditations and possibilities. You make even conferences and there you talk of these two dates, which later again is nothing deeply special just again a possibility for meditation. People are waiting for serious info, you provide it like that is something special and later it becomes clear that this is a good date for a new meditation. When we hear that /this date is the date for american people to make a decision for their destiny/ we think of something more serious, again we go to the asleep people and tell them of those dates and later it becomes obvious that all the talk and conference and everything was to say that these two dates will be a good time for meditation again, so please stop sending us these empty bubbles, everybody is here in debts, in diseases, tortured and injured waiting for the Event, and we dont care of nothing, in this battle I lost it all and if new medicine does not come soon I will lose myself as well, so tell the light forces that we are waiting for the event in the first half of 2025, since i feel that i dont have any energy left and if Event does not happen soon, half of the lightwarriors will leave this site and all this game at all. Again you told in the conference that date before the elections is /the last oportunity for the dark forces to cause something bad/, so again even this saying can be changed from your side that you meant something else, so please comunicate more clear, since these days there is not even one accurate source of info to get.

  79. I truly feel like there are VERY tangible timeline jumps possible during this eclipse. Kinda like having a nightmare and suddenly waking up and feeling such relief and joy it wasn't real. I'm rapidly losing interest in speculation on dates and occurrences. Also in the drama and nonsense playing out in 3D. I'm focusing all my energy on breakthroughs within (especially the heart). So no matter what occurs I'm not looking to external factors or people for love, happiness, or completion. May we all remember the truth within!♾️♥️

  80. il consiglio che ti do è di lasciare il telefono a casa e uscire fuori, penso che loro dirigano gli attacchi nella posizione in cui tieni lo smartphone. Quando succede a me, esco e faccio una passeggiata, poi inizio a sentirmi meglio

  81. Una Pregunta para COBRA.: ¿Qué paso al final con el "LURKE", se eliminó?, se disolvió?, A Question for COBRA: What happened in the end with the "LURKE", was it eliminated?, was it dissolved?

  82. That just made my day! Hahahahahahahaha

    I'm reading how the dragon reptiles and reptiloids, etc. no longer have a COLLECTIVE CONSCIENCE on Earth. They are still here, but not for long. They have no support from above. Hahahahahaahah. THEY CANNOT SURVIVE.

    What is coming for us? It is called COMPLETE ENERGY LEVELING. Real humans are getting stronger, and anything that is negative or no longer fitted for this planet, only has months to survive. It is brilliant. The dark ones have no support. Soon they will be gone. It's so good I'll put it up again:

    The negative energy is gathering like pus. It's getting ready to burst open and GO AWAY. Like this morning we had to hear the Australian PM (a clone of some sort) talk about how the King (yep, another clone) has given his "blessing" of a new governor general. (I mean, puke, another clone). Well, I'll be glad when it does finally BURST. This is a great listen, about 14 mins long.

  83. Earthquake somewhere around 7.5 just happened for Taiwan. Lots of videos. Tsunami warning for Japan.

  84. She speaks such truth in this message, you must listen.

    Truly, the only way to ascend is to become the way in the middle, and let go of looking for money. I became Buddhist at 21... just let it go, you'll never miss it.

  85. The astrologer Aubree Stars description of April strongly resembles the event scenario. Could it be in April? I had strange experience recently. My computer was acting up. I restarted it and started firefox up. Instead of bringing back my lost tabs it pulled up the return of light channeling which I stopped reading last year. I was not expecting that.

  86. St. Germain posztulációja akkor lehetséges, ha az USA tagállamai széthúlnak. Ez azért van így, mert az USA egyesítése háborúval történt, tehát vissza kell térni az eredeti állapothjoz.

  87. Azt is kevesen tudják, hogy most az USA területe, a megalakulása óta valójában a vatiKÁN, a KÁN magánbírtoka, és így az USA valójában a vatikánnak adózik. Azt is kevesen tudják, hogy minden szabadkőműves páholyt a vatikán írányítja, tehát a jezsuiták. Ezt St. Germain sem tudta, így valójában St. Germain-t is átverték a szabadság, testvériség, és egyenlőség szavakkal, mert nem tudta mit jelentenek ezek a szavak valójában magarul. Ezeket nem könnyű elfogadni, de ez van.

  88. A Buda, és Krisztusi szer körülbelül 100 éve már nem jó. Most egy új szer lesz átadva, és ez az új szer titka, szér, szár, szar, szor, ször, szűr, szúr kell ahhoz, hogy megemelkedj, hogy emberré, asszonnyá válj, hogy bejuss a magba, és így ki tudj lépni a duális világból. Ehhez már más életvirága is tartozik, és ezt sem ismeri St. Germain. Valójában az eddigi hét mester, Buda is ezért a szer megismerése miatt fognak megszületni. Ezt Buda meg is jósólta. A magyarok fogják először megkapni a szert, és adják át a jányoknak, és fiúknak E földön. A lényeges különbség a régi és új szer között, hogy az új szert, csak a gyökértársaddal tudod végigvinni, és nem adható át videón, beszéddel, bemutatással. A magyar nép nem létezik, így nincs magyar állam, kormány, parlament sem, mert ezek mind hazugságok. Egyetlen szkíta törzset sem neveztek magyarnak, de az egyik szkíta törzs neve magar. A magyar, és magar szavak egészen mást jelentenek magar nyelven.

  89. Its amazing how everybody is talking now about the Event, calling it "the Event", (Majority of them not even acknowledging the source of information) People claiming to be channelers, incarnated ets, and repeating like a parrot everything Cobra says, wow. There is a guy in Brasil (land of charlatans) who shamelessly repeats all what Cobra says, just for the ske of money and feeling "special", and the followers dont realize it.

    1. Dates Are important

    2. Yeah I saw someone reference the eclipse as "the event." So stupid.

    3. Wow, is word of Cobra getting out? Don't worry, we are so close to the Dark going down. I think the two worlds may split - between high and low vibration? Don't worry, we will prevail.

  90. COBRA

    1. Galactic Central Sun
      Truth in Plain Sight

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Well I left it a bit late, but I just thought of Joseph Anthony, so I sent him a quick email. He's American and into astrology (with a big fan base), and the whole devil worshiping rubbish going on. He *might* be able to help. Let's hope so. I know it's a mercury retrograde right now.

  93. without the cintamani-grid, the taiwan-rumble could´ve been much worse...

  94. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: those wishing to serve under a contract cited the desire to take revenge for the terrorist attack in Crocus as their motive.

    The agency states that in Moscow and other Russian cities the number of people wishing to enroll in military service under a contract has increased significantly.

    “Over the past week and a half, at selection points for military service under a contract, an increase in the number of people wishing to enter into contracts with the Russian Ministry of Defense in order to take part in a special military operation has been recorded. Over the past 10 days, about 16 thousand citizens have signed contracts,” - Ministry of Defense.

  95. (FRANCAIS /FRENCH) Notre Audio guide français Méditation éclipse solaire USA (dans playlist We Love Mass Meditation+temps de pauses pour répéter phrases de déclarations, audio guide "Prepare for change français officiel" )


  96. We're leavin' Babylon
    We're goin' to our Fatherland



  97. Opalstar33 · 1d ago

    "The telegram channel to join is Eclipse USA Chat Group.
    Share this with everyone.
    You are loved Angels, We got this 🌈🦋😇🥰📯📯📯🗝️🔥"

  98. I'm worried about something called Apeel, which gets sprayed directly on our fruit and veg. It can't be washed off and is meant to kill you. I suggest everyone starts repeating these words, from God, or father-absolute, when you bring your groceries home. You say:

    "I ask the Flame of Universal Love to neutralize all the components of artificial origin hazardous to my health on each of the products bought by me and leave what is beneficial to it."

    Repeat this. I say it three times out loud. I think it was translated from Russian. Do this to all your food because if they have sprayed it now with Apeel (including in Europe, America and probably Australia now), it's poisonous.

    Also, now band-aids are sprayed with toxic chemicals so they can get into your blood stream, including Johnson & Johnson. Yeah, they're really trying to kill us.

    Also, no one has been interested in saying a word about the We Love Mass Meditation meditation. No one. I've tried. I just asked if they could mention it... but no. Must be the mercury retrograde...
    Even Blossom turned me down. Begging for free stuff as she is. Oh well. I did ask my angels and they think we will get the 30,000 people. I really hope so!

  99. “Judging by the way the political field is being cleaned up in Ukraine, including Zelensky’s team, the country is being prepared for a long terrorist war against Russia.

    For an effective war of this kind, there must be unity of command, without any space for controversy. The state must be built like a terrorist structure, like ISIS or HTS.

    Therefore, online jokes about the Emir of the UG (Ukrainian State) Abu Zelu al Yahudi cease to be jokes. In order for a large terrorist structure to function clearly, there must be complete subordination to the amir (president) inside, and his shura, that is, the military council, must consist of like-minded people. A terrorist structure and its network is always a small totalitarian sect. Well, or big, like ISIS.

    After everyone in Zelensky’s entourage was cleared out who at least somehow doubted the possibility of fighting further, the Ukrainian government (if all the decorations were removed) began to look like a council of field commanders headed by an ideological leader, and all this is tied to external curators. This is how the Caucasus Emirate was built. The external curators there were Arab militants controlled by the British.
    In the Kuyaba Emirate, the British, rather together with the Americans, simply directly control the main field commanders: Budanov, Syrsky, Malyuk and others, keeping dozens more of the same on the bench, from Beletsky to Zaluzhny.

    Moreover, the West is quite happy if Ukraine completely becomes something like IS, but in a more serious format. There is no need to spend as much money on terrorist attacks as you have to spend on supporting the war and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. For the price of one Leopard, you can organize ten or twenty serious sabotages. This includes all expenses. And sabotage can cause very serious damage to Russia, both moral and economic.
    Well, besides, Bandera’s ideology of national superiority is very similar to the ideology of religious superiority of the Islamists. And terror is completely a Bandera tradition.

    Therefore, now the West will do three things simultaneously. Talk about the need for peace negotiations, promise Ukraine either to give money or send troops, but the West will seriously support Ukraine in a terrorist war."

  100. "Donald Trump's interview with Playboy magazine in 1990 (

    The Japanese persuade us, they bow to us, they tell us how wonderful we are, and then they pick out our pockets. We lose hundreds of billions of dollars a year while they laugh at our stupidity.

    The Japanese have their great scientists making cars and VCRs, and we have our great scientists building rockets so we can defend Japan. Why aren't we getting reimbursed for our expenses? The Japanese are cheating the US, it's a real trick: first they take all our money for their consumer goods, and then put it back into buying all of Manhattan. So either way we lose.


    What was your trip to Moscow like?

    This happened shortly after a Korean plane was shot down over Russia. I'm sitting on my plane when my pilot announces, “We're now flying over the Soviet Union,” and I think to myself, “What the hell am I doing here?”
    Then I look out the window and see two Russian fighter jets... I later found out that they were directing us inside. I insisted that two Russian colonels fly with me - I felt safer, besides, my pilot speaks little Russian, which is putting it mildly, and I did not want problems with radio communications.
    I predict that he [Gorbachev] will be overthrown because he has shown extraordinary weakness.
    And we must continue to give him credit because he is destroying the Soviet Union.
    In addition to the real estate deal, you met with high-ranking Soviet officials to discuss possible business deals with them; what impression did they make on you?

    In general, these guys are much tougher and smarter than our representatives. We have people in our country who are just as smart, but unfortunately they are not elected officials. We are still suffering from the loss of respect that goes back to the Carter administration when helicopters crashed into each other in Iran. It was Carter's logo. He was carried out of the race and needed oxygen. I don't want my president to be carried off the race track. I don't want my president to land on Austrian soil and fall off his plane. Some of our presidents have been incredible assholes. We need to be tough.

    Your favorite word is “hard”. How do you define this?

    Being tough means being psychologically capable of winning battles against your opponent and doing it with a smile. To be cool means to win systematically.


    What's the first thing President Trump would do upon entering the Oval Office?

    Much. A tough position would prevail. I would put a tax on every Mercedes-Benz imported into this country and on every Japanese product, and we'd have great allies again.


    Do you think George Bush is soft?

    I really like George Bush, I support him and always will. But I don't agree with him when he talks about a kinder America. I think that if this country becomes even a little kinder or gentler, it will literally cease to exist. I think if we had business people - Carl Icahn, Ross Perot - negotiating some of our foreign policy issues, we would be respected around the world.


    What would be some of President Trump's long-term views for the future?

    I think about the future, but I refuse to draw it. Anything can happen. But I often think about nuclear war.

    Nuclear war?

    I have always thought about the problem of nuclear war; this is a very important element in my thought process. This is an absolute disaster, the biggest problem this world has, and no one is paying attention to the details. It's a bit like a disease. People don't believe they will get sick until they get sick. Nobody wants to talk about it. I think the greatest stupidity of all is people believing that it will never happen because everyone knows how destructive it will be, so no one uses weapons. What nonsense."

  101. "Does any of this loose thinking exist in Trump's office?

    At a much lower level, I would never hire a person who thinks like that because he has absolutely no common sense. He lives in a world of fiction. It's like thinking the Titanic can't sink. Too many countries have nuclear weapons; no one knows where they are all directed, what button is needed to launch it. The bomb Harry Truman dropped on Hiroshima was a toy compared to the one we have today. There are thousands of weapons pointed at us, and no one even knows if they will go in the right direction. It has never really been tested.
    These idiots in power don't know how to paint a wall and we're relying on them to fire nuclear missiles at Moscow. What happens if they don't go there? What happens if our computer systems don't work? No one knows if this equipment works, and I've seen numerous reports lately stating that it probably doesn't work. It's a complete mess.

    And how would President Trump react to this?

    He would have a very strong belief in extreme military power. He wouldn't trust anyone. He wouldn't trust the Russians; he would not trust our allies; he would have a huge military arsenal, he would improve it, he would understand this. Part of the problem is that we defend some of the richest countries in the world for nothing... We are laughed at all over the world.

    Wait. If you believe that the public shares these views and that you could do the job, why not consider running for president?

    I could do this job as well or better than anyone else. I hope George Bush does a great job.

    Do you absolutely not want to be president?

    I don't want to be president. I'm one hundred percent sure. I would only change my mind if I saw this country continue to go downhill.


    You're involved in a lot of events, deals, promotions - late at night, after all the reporters have left your conferences, are you ever satisfied with what you've achieved?

    I'm too superstitious to be satisfied. I don't dwell on the past. People who do this immediately go down the drain. I am never complacent. Life is what you do while waiting to die. You know, this is all a pretty sad situation.

    Life? Or death?

    Both. We are here, we live out our sixty, seventy or eighty years and then we leave. You win, you win, and in the end it doesn't mean that much. But that's something you can do to keep your interest.
    Some of my friends are incredibly successful and unhappy people. I truly believe that a successful person is never truly happy because he is driven by dissatisfaction. I've never met a successful person who wasn't neurotic. There is nothing terrible about this... these are controlled neuroses.

    What do you have in mind?

    Controlled neuroses mean the presence of a huge level of energy, an abundance of discontent, which is often not visible. It's also lack of sleep. I sleep no more than four hours a day. I have friends who have to work twelve hours a day, and I tell them that they are at a huge disadvantage in terms of the game.

    And when you don't sleep at night, are you completely alone?

    Yes, yes, because it's a little difficult to catch someone on their feet at four in the morning.

    You mentioned that you have to be born with “it.” Do you think your children inherited “it” from you?

    Statistically, my children have a very bad chance. Children of successful people, as a rule, are very, very problematic and unsuccessful. They don't have the required feature. You'll never know until you test them. But I get along well with my children.

    Do you think they will have to do this?

    I'd like them to work with me in business, but ninety-five percent of these kids fail in difficult big businesses. This requires confidence, intelligence, and endurance. If you lack any of these traits, you won't succeed."

  102. Recalling this interview with Trump, the political daily The Hill (the printed version of which is distributed in all offices of the US Congress) added on April 4, 2024 ( russia-relations-trace-back-to-1987/) links to two publications:

    Washington Post (09/01/1987) ( a312feb2639e/)

    Between the lines of a millionaire's advertisement

    Donald Trump, a multimillionaire real estate developer who has had well-publicized spats with city officials, is using his cash to dip his toe into the more exotic waters of foreign policy.

    In full-page ads published in the Washington Post, the New York Times and the Boston Globe, Trump argues that the United States should bill Western Europe and Japan for America's efforts to allow oil tankers to pass through the Persian Gulf.

    When a prominent private citizen spends $94,801 to publish such a message, the age-old question arises: What is he running for?

    “As far as I know, he has no plans to seek public office,” Trump spokesman Dan Cloress said. "The reason Donald told me he was doing this was because he was tired of seeing other countries take advantage of America."

    Tom Messner, one of the heads of the advertising company, said:

    “It was his [Trump] idea to do this. We were just intermediaries. We developed the advertisement, recommended the newspapers, allocated the money and placed it. Our creative input was minimal."

    ABC News (02/11/2024) (

    On February 10, at a campaign event in South Carolina, Trump said:

    If you don't pay your bills, you don't get protection. It's very simple.

    Trump explained that he had spoken with an unnamed foreign leader in the past about what might happen.

    One of the presidents of a large country stood up and said, “Okay, sir, if we don’t pay and Russia attacks us, will you protect us?”

    I said: “You didn’t pay, you are a criminal. No, I wouldn't defend you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.”

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg criticized Trump's comments, arguing that it "undermines all of our [NATO] security."


    After this, the author of The Hill continued (

    The message [in Trump's 1987 ad] fit perfectly with the KGB's message at the time. My father, Paul Auerswald, headed the US State Department's Office of Public Communications in the 1980s. His office published a pair of reports on “active measures,” as Soviet influence operations were called.
    Donald Jr. and Ivanka Trump made the first of their trips ( ) to Russia in 2006.

    In 2007, Trump sent a letter ( to Vladimir Putin, in which he warmly congratulated the Russian leader with awarding him the title of Person of the Year according to Time. “As you've probably heard, I'm a big fan of yours!” he exclaimed.

    By 2014, Eric Trump stated ( ) to author James Dodson, “We don’t rely on American banks…We have all necessary financing from Russia. We go there all the time."

  103. "...Three years later, after his father was elected president, Eric Trump vehemently disavowed ( ) that quote.

    And the conclusion:

    Donald Trump may be dangerous, but he is not reckless. When it comes to his efforts to undermine the NATO alliance, Trump's message has remained the same more than 36 years since his first (but not last) visit to Moscow.


    So, is The Hill undermining Trump's image in the eyes of elites, congressmen and American citizens, or helping him ahead of the election?

    What about the official Russian narrative about the role of NATO and the lost subjectivity of Europe?"

  104. “28 businessmen and decision makers in the economic sector of the Israeli regime filed a petition to the Supreme Court and demanded the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu from the post of Prime Minister.

    The petitioners stressed that Netanyahu has a conflict of interest in waging the war.

    The people mentioned explained to the Israeli Supreme Court that Netanyahu is interested in prolonging the war in order to avoid criminal prosecution.

    @parstodayrussian - zinc

    And this is also part of the pressure from the Biden administration, which wants to either end the war in Gaza or remove Netanyahu before the US elections, since Netanyahu has become too toxic not only within Israel, but also for the Biden administration, since most Biden voters are more likely to lean towards Palestine. than to Israel.

    Actually, one of the most basic reasons, if not to start a big war, then to commit a big terrorist attack. Netanyahu needs to become “Zelensky,” who, no matter how toxic and unpleasant to the West, no one dare touch him, because he is “a pillar of democracy.”

    The current prime minister of Israel has never had anything like this - he was at enmity with the globalists even before Trump’s first arrival and, through his son-in-law, provided support for Trump from the Jewish lobby in the United States, which contributed to the victory over Clinton. And they don’t forget this.

    But they cannot throw Israel “to the wolves” in Washington, because it is its main ally in the Middle East, and, moreover, an ally with a huge lobby that can bite off its head. Therefore, if there is war, you will have to put up with Netanyahu and fit in.

    This is if there is war and a threat to security. For now, the only security threat is Israel and the Biden team is trying to push it away so as not to interfere with the general line.”

  105. Why do we no longer have a tachyon chamber in Slovenia? It was one of the first in the world, and it's really strange that after so many years of operation, it no longer works. Will there be a new one soon? VOTL

  106. "In the Russian Federation, preparations for the rating manual are being actively carried out. Steel presented some of its parameters. It will consist of two digital indicators - the material level (the current merits of the citizen) and the formal level (his growth).
    Most likely, in Russia, for the rating (it will be introduced little by little “after the SVO and all important elections,” like plastic cards or smartphones in the 2000s), the following criteria will be applied:
    - Law-abiding (no criminal records, no criminal records, no professional records)
    - Academic performance (for students and schoolchildren),
    - Having children and dependents,
    - Sources of income and their legality.
    - Involvement in preferential categories of citizens,
    - Credit history, presence or absence of arrears, debts for housing and communal services, taxes, fines
    - Accounts on social networks (does not post destructive content and comments),
    - Participation in public life and volunteering,
    - State title,
    - Sports, medical examination, vaccination, healthy lifestyle
    ...and it looks like it.
    It is logical that an academician or a deputy with a mandatory determination of status (now) may have a lower overall rating than a volunteer foreman from a factory or a doctor who plays sports and does not have any traffic violations or arrears on debts.
    Also, the knowledge rating will help people not to work at work, not to rent out housing, not to go out to clubs and not to make transactions with people whose rating is suspiciously low (perhaps it will be an antisocial or problematic tenant, employee, partner)."

    Who declared a few months (years?) ago that nothing would work out for them and that they would all be punished?

  107. Can anyone please post a link to the transcript of the April 8th meditation?? I've looked everywhere and can't find it. If the internet or YouTube go down WE WILL NOT HAVE A COORDINATED, TARGETED MEDITATION


    2. Go to we love mass meditation on YouTube and find the April 8 meditation video, go to the details header and it'll have a transcript.

    3. P.S. Never mind I found it on the bottom of the 'I love meditation' page.


      1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

      2. State your intent to use this meditation to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.

      3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.

      4. Visualize a pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to the Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our galaxy, then going through Pluto in Aquarius; now visualize this light going through the solar eclipse, then through all beings on the surface and below the surface and also, through your body to the center of the Earth.

      5. Repeat the following declaration out loud three times to ask Saint Germain to assist in this transformation:

      In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

      Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

      In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

      Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

      In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

      Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

      6. Now visualize the Violet Flame transmuting all darkness in America until only Light remains. Visualize the Violet Flame passing onward and blanketing the entire planet transmuting all darkness on earth.

      7. Visualize full disclosure of the global cabal and extraterrestrial life in the mass media.

      8. Visualize the Constitution of the United States of America fully implemented.

      9. Now visualize a new, grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

      (Suggested duration of this meditation is 20 minutes.)

  108. OMG Blossom turned into a nightmare. First, the native American called White Cloud who she channels, turned out to not be native American! He was a child apparently in that life, hundreds of years ago, and he died before he grew up! It's a scam. Even Blossom was surprised when she heard. So she channels this man who puts on a strange voice called White Cloud - it's not real. But even worse, Blossom herself is weird. Yes, she does some good work with the Galactic Federation, but I noticed last time, she wanted to keep chatting to me... and naturally I stopped. I spoke to her about how we got the numbers last time, and thanked her, but she wanted to keep chatting... she was a bit miffed. So I believe that is why she is all weird this time... Yeah, somehow I wandered into weirdo land with her. I've cut all ties now. She's a real strange one, she's taken to begging for free stuff from her followers. There was more strange stuff with White Cloud but I'm happy to be out of there now. It was peculiar.

    And half the time she DISBELIEVES what the Federation of Light tells her. I'm not joking. Well, we'll leave her to it... she's a little difficult.

    1. I always felt she was off the latch, since ALL her channelings sounded the same. To HELL with channeling.

  109. May this special mass meditation be successful!

    May God bless America!

    Star Spangled Banner

    America the Beautiful

    God Bless America

    1. The top tier never stopped being blessed, at the expanse of everyone else. I do not see that changing anytime soon until their power via the free money printing press is removed.

    2. Go America!! We hope you are successful!! God Bless America!!

  110. Light, once again I seek your help. My body has been constantly unwell, tired, and weak. Sooner or later, I will die... I cannot handle any of the problems in my life...

  111. so: constant "attacks" by "loved-ones" getting somewhat physical ...
    i´d advise everybody to take full cover the next days!

  112. "Finance Minister Marko Primorac presented the Central Population Register

    Croatia is vigorously building its site of a digital concentration camp.
    Every resident of the country will have to tell the state what their religion is, what their nationality is, what their mother tongue is, whether they live in an extramarital or informal same-sex union and what their contact details are.
    If he fails to do so within the prescribed period or fails to report changes in his condition within 10 days after they occur, he will be fined between 660 and 2,650 euros."

  113. Using Winamp to Play Music in A432


  114. Family 🦁

  115. Eclipse, April 8th, 2024 - Mari Swaruu

  116. A good description of time lines, and where we are going.

  117. Fantastic message from Mira! About timelines, the split that is happening!


  118. April 8th Warm-Up Exercises:

    5. Repeat the following declaration out loud three times to ask Saint Germain to assist in this transformation:

    In the name of I AM that I AM of eternal light, I call upon Saint Germain.

    Saint Germain, please fully restore and implement the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers, and lead the earth into a new era of The Age of Aquarius.

  119. "Ukraine, Tajikistan, USA and UK

    RIA-Novosti (03/24/2024) (

    The recruitment of terrorists took place through the Ukrainian Embassy in Tajikistan.

    Ukrainian Ambassador to Tajikistan Valery Evdokimov was the head of Ukraine's foreign intelligence service from September 2019 to June 2020.

    Life (31.03.2024) (

    The Ambassador of Ukraine to Tajikistan Valery Evdokimov graduated from the Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine in 2006. Later he worked as head of the Intelligence Directorate of the Border Service of Ukraine, and after Zelensky came to power, he headed the Foreign Intelligence Service. In 2022, after the start of the Northern Military District, Evdokimov was sent as ambassador to Tajikistan.

    Appointed ambassador on June 24, 2022.

    On June 15-16, 2022, CENTCOM Commander Michael Kurilla visited Tajikistan. Discussed options for how to “balance” Russia’s influence.


    “Kommersant” (04.04.2024) (

    On April 4, Nikolai Patrushev, at the 19th annual meeting of the secretaries of the Security Councils of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, said that the Ukrainian embassy in Dushanbe “carries out recruiting work” and attracts mercenaries to the international legions to fight against Russia.


    SP (24.03.2024) (

    Subordinate to the GUR MOU there is the International Legion of Territorial Defense of Ukraine (IL).
    Michael Kurilla, a former assistant to Joseph Votel at the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), where they train, among other things, to “manipulate the activities of territorial networks” to covertly carry out their main tasks, on February 8, 2022, promised to restore the US intelligence architecture in Afghanistan. On 04/01/2022 he was appointed commander of CENTCOM, and on 04/29/2022 an article was published in The Diplomat magazine ( -violence-against-tajikistan/) about how ISIS-K* (a terrorist organization banned in Russia) is recruiting Afghan Tajiks to prepare for attacks on “tyrannical” Tajikistan.


    Valery Evdokimov was the chairman of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine from September 20, 2019 to June 5, 2020
    He was replaced by Valery Kondratyuk, the main character of the publication ( of The New York Times about the partnership of the CIA with the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense (it all started under Obama/Biden, but significantly intensified under Trump/Pence).

    It turns out that a few months before the US presidential election, either the Trump administration achieved a change in the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine, or those who negotiated with Trump in exchange for removing impeachment from the agenda for putting pressure on V. Zelensky.

    How to find out?

    The context of Evdokimov’s appointment to Tajikistan may help here.

    General Kurilla is rising when the Democratic Party is in the White House.

    The previous ambassador of Ukraine to Tajikistan was Vasily Servatyuk.

  120. "...Under Poroshenko, he was the first deputy chairman of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. Under Zelensky, he was immediately appointed to Tajikistan (in May 2019). Taking into account the Afghan and Iranian connections ( of Father Andrei Ermak, this is an interesting move.

    In June 2020 (before the US elections and in parallel with the replacement of Evdokimov by Kondratyuk in the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine), the Ukrainian Ambassador to Tajikistan Servatyuk was appointed part-time ambassador to Afghanistan.

    In August 2020, in a conflict with Andrei Ermak (and MI6?), the head of the GUR MOU, Vasily Burba, close to Valery Kondratyuk and the CIA, lost his position (

    After the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, an incident occurred when the Ukrainians were supposed to fly out, and the plane was transferred for the removal of assets important for the United States. Then Yevgeny Enin broke up ( with William Burns, and Zelensky fired Servatyuk (in October 2021).
    And only in June 2022 he appointed Evdokimov to Tajikistan.

    On the advice of MI6 to “balance” the projects of the Kurilla military group and at the same time the “republican part” of the CIA?

    At the same time, the “democratic part” in the person of William Burns and his deputy for operations David Marlow ( (the move of ISIS* from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan was within his area of responsibility, like all special operations The CIA since June 2021 - by the way, shortly after this Valery Kondratyuk was removed from the leadership of the SVR of Ukraine) has been connected ( and with the leadership of the company Clearview AI (+ new context (https://t .me/shadow_policy/7549) in connection with the functionality of Ekaterina Chernogorenko in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine) and with the coordination of arms supplies to Ukraine.

    So which network organized March 22?"

  121. (Cobra review )
    When the time is right

  122. Time:

  123. We planted a cintamani in Loveland, just in time for the eclipse!

  124. Interesting times. Turns out Blossom was beyond normal. Honestly, it is not normal behaviour. Anyway, the guy who lives behind me just came over to ask if he could remove the metal fence the LANDLORD put up. Not me, the landlord. After 5 years of him banging on my walls, including during the night, I shut the door in his place. Massive harassment. So he want back around and tried all these electronic saws... Nothing was removing or cutting the metal fence he built. Too bad the OWNER erected it... he just went straight and tried to destroy it. Guess what, he couldn't. So the builders began building the fence and left it there. Well, that's what I wanted, hehe. I'm just the tenant, I can't tell you what to do.

    Anyway, the horrible men out there, and Blossom. I can't tell the difference. Is anyone else having *weird* problems due to the eclipse. It's almost psychotic. It's totally insane. Blossom is exactly like the weird English women who turn out insane. She's loopy.

  125. Cobra what you think about Geordie Rose. QuantumComputer. Cern. Wes Penre Papers! Emergence of Cicadaaaa?? Always stay on side of Truth!

  126. We are infinite beings, and we can bring more than one of ourselves to this work. 30,000 is doable, in effect if not in number. We can do anything.


  127. Well then, Sun's about to be blocked out by an artificial object called moon.
    Hope everything turns out okay.

    Empire Of The Sun - Changes


  129. Cindy LG:
    REPLAY of the OFFICIAL FRENCH LIVESTREAM for the Total Solar Eclipse in USA

    REPLAY du LIVESTREAM FRANCAIS OFFICIEL (Méditation en direct) pour l'Eclipse Solaire Totale aux USA

  130. Aw, that was a nice meditation. Using We Love Mass Meditation was a bit difficult last night (it froze at the start of the meditation), I had to start the page two more times, but we got the last 10 minutes of the meditation. Maybe because lots of people were using the page (more than it says). I hope so! Next time I'll have a print out of the meditation before me.

  131. It didn't go too well, did it?
