Monday, June 17, 2024

Situation Update

The Light Forces are in the final stages of removing the dark Atlantean network. This network consisted of three concentric rings, the outer one made of bases in the Kuiper belt, the middle one of bases in the asteroid belt, and the inner one as a network of underwater bases throughout the planet.

After 26,000 years of existence, this dark network is finally about to be defeated. The outer ring is gone, the middle ring is gone, and from the inner ring only the main stronghold remains. After that is gone also, the Source and the Light forces will begin a very risky, complex and challenging process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker:

When the inner ring of the dark Atlantean network collapsed a few weeks ago, the Aldebarans immediately created their own positive network of underwater bases and also a few surface outposts in complete alignment with their plan of supporting the Event which was formulated in 2023:

The Pleiadian fleet has returned to this Solar system and will participate in the Event operations in various ways that can not be discussed yet.

Aldebaras, Pleiadians and the Resistance formed a strong alliance that will work as a team in the Event operations.


After many months, the Pleiadians have contacted Russian military again, with the purpose of ending the war in Ukraine.

As a result of this, Putin made a peace offer:

Although his offer was rejected, it started an important energetic process through which peace can be manifested, when enough people see through the lies and manipulations of the military industrial complex: 

And see through the secret plans of the Cabal:

People will also begin to understand that Putin does NOT want a world war, nor does he want to use nukes:

Just to refresh your memory about Putin:

And also, to refresh your memory about Bitcoin:

Aldebarans have communicated that they will contact Chinese positive military if or when certain conditions are met. Plans have already been put into motion regarding this. 



Operations have also started in various factions of the worldwide Agartha network to prepare for the contact with the surface. They have begun activating special energy portals at specific entry points into the Agartha network. Emerald meditation can help you to connect with Agartha:

Soft disclosure about Dyson spheres has started in the mainstream media:

Scientists are beginning to finds evidence of merger of smaller universes into this one:

And evidence of tachyons:

And most importantly, they have found first experimental evidence of false vacuum decay:

Victory of the Light!



  1. Replies
    1. light workers community to have an international communication

      invitation code

      Tachyon Products


      Tachyon Light Workshop

      Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

      What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .

      Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

      🖐🏻️ It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

      Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

      Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

      Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

    2. What I am concerned about is what direct and rapid changes this "disentanglement" will have on surface humans.

    3. Behavioral changes in a positive way but while the process of disentanglement we can expect intense purification effect. A lot of people might go crazy.

    4. we are very close to the Event happening IM SO EXCITED . I have a new discord server called “truth seekers” if any truth seekers are interested in joining here is the link.

  2. Fantastic intel!! Thank you once again COBRA, Saint Germain, Light Forces and Resistance Movement!
    Let's end this stand off once and for all so we can finally have The Event, First Contact, and begin a long overdue healing for this planet and all inhabitants. And yes, I think the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds deserve some R&R aboard the Motherships!!☝️😇

    1. Contrary to what some dude said in a comment below... EVERYONE here has put in time, effort, blood, sweet and tears for this mission. After THE EVENT, I don't think it's too much to ask the Light Forces to allow us a small break to heal, detox, and prepare ourselves for our full missions during the three wave Ascension process. I'm just looking out for my family of Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds who need alot of healing... and less judgment... ESPECIALLY from other Lightworkers.
      Love and Light,

    2. @Lightpower
      Yep, I think this is the most apt---> And finally get to, you know, LIVE.

    3. Hi @Lightpower my friend! It's good to connect with you and I truly hope and pray all is well with you... or at least getting better knowing we're finally at the threshold of The Event!
      Everyone on this planet needs a great deal of help and healing from millenia of abuse. I can't wait to meet with all of you aboard the Motherships for a long awaited celebration, healing, and preparations for the next phases of our individual and collective missions. I for one am choosing to come back to help awaken, heal, and uplift humanity and prepare them for their own Ascension process in waves two and three! So yes, I'm very much wanting First Contact and hopefully qualified for the first wave of Ascension! Either way, I can't wait for this long ass nightmare to finally be over and humanity to experience true peace, love, prosperity, and freedom for the first time in millenia! See you soon my friend! ✨️🫵😎👍✨️

  3. For those interested, a playlist of positive AI songs:

    YouTube Link


  4. Victory of the light! Us lightworkers came to this planet to make a positive change because this planet and humanity really needed the help. If we wanted a vacation then we would've incarnated somewhere else where we could have experienced said vacation. So remember stand strong and do what you can to help because once this nightmare is over it will never get this bad again! Not even close!

    1. @Libra
      Look at these 2 videos:

      Lots of good, honest people, wanting to change the world for the better, to do the right thing, got DESTROYED.....either metaphorically, or literally.

      Yep, Rambo: First Blood, as I call it, "Sherman: Every Weekend"

      My damned 'family', or people who I thought were friends, romantic relationships ending before they begin (when it came to intimacy, be it emotional or physical...I only met 2 kinds....the unavailable or the undesirable), and, of course, Joe Sixpack and Plain Jane (Like Morpheus said in 'The Matrix', they'd fight to protect their life of slavery). It's to the point I trust very, very few humans, and TOTALLY gave up on any some of intimate relationships with earthlings, TOO MUCH PAIN to bother trying anymore. There's many times I am lying in bed, relaxing, and the tears start flowing, I'm totally quiet and my consciousness is soooo worn out crying, that my subconscious needs to do it for my consciousness.

      Yep, anywhere you stop to take a breather, the darkies release the wolves and zombies after you, and you gotta go on running, no time, nor energy, to be able to fight properly. In Conan the Barbarian, even Conan himself was LITERALLY running from wolves....even a mountain of a man like him was only able to fight back when he stumbled into that long forgotten temple and snagged the sword of Atlantis.

      Those of us who were forced to incarnate here, DEMAND a rescue.

  5. Finally can breathe again with this situation update thanks cobra and victory of the light.

  6. Reading this feels like the Event can really happen by 2025 without any unexpected delay.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The ideal would be if the LFs tried a more aggressive approach and do not wait until the lurker is gone. They could make themselves known by uncloaking their underwater bases and starships after the elections.

      They can easily turn all nuclear weapons inoperable and make this whole theatrical sudden reveal happen within the next six months.

  7. It's always something to remove and after the lurker nonsense it'll be something else.

  8. Thank you for the very good Intel.
    Thank you, Pleiadian Brothers and Sisters, Aldebaran Brothers and Sisters, Resistance Brothers and Sisters and ALL others.
    Love your ALL!
    Victory of the Light!

  9. Am thinking that removing the lurker from the surface population will be "a very risky, complex and challenging process" because various people could act very dangerously. When aspects of it are brought up to be removed, this creates fluctuations - greater momentary instability. Cabal members in particular could become even more unstable than they already are.

    1. @Starlight
      Meaning they might shoot EACH OTHER in the back. Like a Scorpion that goes mad and ends up stinging itself.

      And I want a front row seat.....and a powerful gun.

    2. Yeah, it could work in our favor. Many angles to it. 🧩

  10. Thanks cobra rm what a situation update summer of love

  11. the Event and the first contact! yes!

  12. (traduction FRANCAISE mise à jour/ FRENCH translation of the update)
    Cobra-17 Juin 2024- Mise à jour de la Situation ( Evènement, Aldebaran, Pléiadiens, Agartha, Méditation)

    Méditation de l'Emeraude pour se connecter à Agartha ( Juin 2024 )

    Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
    (Merci de largement partager 🙂) 
    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
    Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone”
    Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau 
    vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
    facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"

  13. Thoughts:

    Will this Dark networks removal finally allow swift completion of Pandora & MOSS?

    Are the top leverage points of the cabal Biolabs,DEWS & HAARP?

    It seems the multi universal and billion year old Lurker has already been disentangled from the universe after 6 months.

  14. An article about Russia is straight out of Goebbels: 50% truth + 50% lies, but in the end it’s nonsense. The visionary who wrote this article (or his sources) does not understand either Russia or its system of power at all.

    “The main reason why Vladimir Putin is so despised by Western powers is that he completely deceived them for the benefit of the Russian people.
    No one understands Russian history of the 20th century better than the rightly indignant citizens of the USSR. These people endured great trials and tribulations at the hands of communist thugs who were brought to power by Western bankers and the Anglo-American political class. They know exactly what happened to their Motherland after the completely falsified Bolshevik revolution."

    After this, even the dumbest Russian ( will understand that he is being fooled... probably naive Europeans and Americans who know nothing about Russia will believe this. Author of the blog, recommending reading this article, have you read it yourself? If you trust this, then you are discrediting yourself...

    How exactly do you need to refresh your memory with an article about Putin, how? author of the blog, can you be more specific? from my point of view, the article was written according to the Goebbels 50-50 truth-lies with the aim of fooling the naive Western man in the street (most likely an American, Europeans live closer and have Russian diasporas in their countries - they may ask how in reality), that is, the article is garbage, trying to convince that Putin is fighting globalists and is supposedly supported by the majority of the population. I think that spending several hours refuting the information of this garbage article is not respecting yourself, it’s a waste of time, because... the result of this action will be zero - now no one is interested. Just like describing the St. Petersburg economic forum in 2024, where in a conversation with oligarchs Putin spoke about the adoption in the country of the ideology of “authoritarian social capitalism”, that is, de facto fascism (not to be confused with Nazism). They decided to turn the column of resources from west to east - to China, there will be no development of industry, science, or expansion of civil society, namely industry and civil society are a sign of sovereignty. Honestly, the context of your drawing attention to this article is not is false. After reading it, I got the impression that a motorcyclist drove quickly past and had to step aside to avoid getting hurt, but tripped and fell into the trash. It was especially hot where the bastard Yeltsin was called a patriot, and the Bolsheviks staged a damned revolution, depriving the “Russian people” of the future. 3 options for the authorship of the article: a descendant of white emigrants, an employee of Western intelligence services who is brainwashing ala Trump and KyuAnon, together with the prostitute, are saving the world, a foreigner who is hyped on rumors, who understands absolutely nothing at all in the history and affairs of the Russian Federation and is gaining popularity on speculation and stupid, false rumors. I'll go wash myself.

    1. "No one understands Russian history of the 20th century better than the rightly indignant citizens of the USSR"

      how many countrymen of any nation would have made that exact statenent 'then and now' and still be far from truth...

      we been played.. all men(humanity) everywhere from all nations.. their struggles dictated n preplanned yet people stick to what seems real as close to their vision

      the real truth lies not on history books nor on personal group experiences. that is one aspect of existence due to cause n effect. a pendulum of events driven by forces beyond our visual scope.
      The effect before our eyes seems to be the real explanation for all natural n unnatural .. we judge the protagonist along history with tainted eyes.. assuming many a things.. based on our limited view.

      have we learn nothing?

      if u are here (on website) contemplating the improbable... not the impossible.. as being here one needs to be open minded
      why is it impossible to think that any other view other than own perception may have some merit.

      we are made up of what we eat.. same works with our perception . on what we allow to constrain us or liberate us..

      what that might be differs from individual to individual.

      you as we all are free to belief in whatever we choose... the unfortunate thing is that our spit of spite n or of disagreement may just reach as far as the balaced or umbalanced emotion at that time lead us... how much truth we hold.. will always be in question.. in fact imho.. should always be.... unless one can claim he/she know exactly what is going on beyond shadow of doubt..Do you?

      all i saw or read was a very angry man making claims of others being wrong except himself..

      we all been there.. n in some instances still there..

      things may not always be as it seems.. is one thing good to keep in mind when trying to explain our existence.

      to think otherwise imho it leads us in same old paradigm programming n finally making a fool out of us.

      im assumming u speak from heart and you truly believe what you said. Hope you feel better

    2. I re-read the text several times and it’s not clear to me what you wanted to convey. Can you put your thought into 2 sentences? For example, the meaning of my text above is in 2 sentences: “The article shared by the author of the blog above is nonsense. She did it according to Goebbels’ laws “Mix truth with lies, then the lie will become truth” and it’s strange to me that the author recommends it for getting acquainted with the Russian political system.” Formulate it more simply, please.

    3. I believe only in facts, and the facts that this article is nonsense are in my multi-gigabyte archive, which includes videos, books, articles, images - the vast majority are not freaks and journalists, but scientific specialists with academic degrees of the Soviet era, an era when people did not they lied, and watching tik-tok and eating a hamburger was not the goal, people were striving for the stars and the good of humanity. I am ready to answer for my words, and you? Just don’t quote QAnon where Putin and Trump save the world (I had enough of the nonsense that Yeltsin is a super-secret patriot who saved the Russian people from communism by saying in the US Parliament: “God bless America” in the above article). I am sincerely surprised that the author of a blog claiming to have access to classified intelligence information consumes such garbage and recommends it to others. I am especially outraged that the genocide of Russians carried out by the leader of the current Russian Federation, the Hasidic puppet Putin, is presented in this article as “salvation” and “good”, and not an act of super-mass murder and depopulation. This news about the country in which I and 4 generations of my family live is at least 90% untrue - how can I look at how people like you are trying to screw up your head - then you, poor people, think that the Russians want to come to your houses and steal your washing machine for the rocket chip. All normal people will think that this is stupid, but TikTok and social networks are being improved for a reason.

      It’s also a strange informational reason to admire Putin’s “peace proposal” when the population of the Russian Federation and the army with average officers will not accept defeat or a truce, because too many people have died under the slogan “Liberation of Ukraine from the Nazi government of Zelensky” and everyone understands that peace negotiations are the creation of a hot spot in the underbelly of the country, and why do the Russians need their own “North Korea” from the territory of which a NATO invasion could begin? And the author of the blog is trying to present this nonsense as a real achievement... I would rather believe that in the event of defeat or a treacherous peace, the military will twist Putin’s neck and use nuclear weapons in Poland or France, than that this peace will be signed, especially given the fact that For 10 years, the so-called Ukraine has been shooting children and old people with multiple launch rocket systems for refusing to forget the Russian language - the language of their ancestors and to speak the “language” invented as a meme from the French humorous accent - “mova” - for peasants singing songs. Frankly, if there was an obvious genocide of soldiers carried out by both sides of the Ukrainian conflict as part of the disposal of the Slavs with the subsequent settlement of the Jews of Israel in the territory of “Ukraine” as the Heavenly Jerusalem, I myself would volunteer for the front - a program for accelerated physical training of military personnel has long been found, printed and awaiting arrival Russian national power - I agree to die only for the sake of the future of my people - the largest white people on the planet. In the second month of the conflict, it became clear that the refusal to correct military mistakes, the disgusting supply of ammunition, weapons and equipment, sending soldiers to attack machine guns and artillery in the style of the First World War is nothing more than a planned genocide, and why should I - a Russian - a Slav - an Indo-European to serve the interests of the Jews? To die at their command, clearing their land of themselves for their descendants, as their god Yahweh bequeathed to them? Why should I do good to them?

    4. Sorry.. but to be honest, when I see Cobra had made this point to put the article about Putin here, it felt like it was for you specifically lol. I said to myself "that one commenter is not gonna like this haha". You only been here for a few years, but you come here on cobra's blog again and again, so you can disagree all you want... how can you know who is correct or wrong? Cobra has said more things about Putin even longer before you found him. For you it is hard to read because youre unfamiliar with hearing such points that have been said already at least 10 years ago...Personally i think there is more than one putin, trump, clinton etc. If im wrong, it doesnt matter; i have no way to verify it only speculate. Information is a way to expand your speculation though, it doesnt mean it is fact or someone is wrong or vice versa. Cobra's said much more Things you would still not agree, so it's interesting you're anyway still reading his input/Intel. Try to focus on the information at large; when the disentanglement starts, don't you think a LOT more information will release and conflict with our beliefs and worldviews...? Dont you think disclosure is taking effect already ?? Admit there are things you don't know, things you can't know. You dont need to be a grimza about it

    5. as far as article... z don get too wrapped up on them... imho i would look for the general idea... not taking all to heart.. we are not out of the matrix to assume all written n all actions taken are fully righteous or noble.. (disclosure may come even from unexpected ones even in part)

      is my belief when Cobra provides an article is to point out an idea within or general idea .. . do you think when he provides a link from NASA he is asking us to belief verbatim all written on it. the point of it all is that finally some info is being release to the public.. When technical information is given is fooilish to assume is all accurate. You still use discernment when reading anything.

      you would spend all waking hours disecting all links finding faults in them.

      and if we were to disqualify all faulting articles by our standards would there be much to read? well frankly maybe thats why i dont read much anymore
      i would like to believe... i'm 1 part wise 3 parts fool lol

    6. good point. SN
      "there are things you don't know, things you can't know"

      same is true with those writting them articles.. assuming they had good intent

    7. SN, buddy, I can and have every right to talk about Putin for the reason that 8/10 of my life passed under his rule, and my great-grandfather found the Russian Tsar and I know perfectly well what and how it was in my country for at least the last 80-100 years. Unlike you, a foreigner, able to touch my country only through the channel Russia Today, led by the Zionist-liberal puppet of half-Armenian-half-Jewish origin Simonyan, whose husband taught at the Zionist-liberal economic institute, founded by CIA agents who carried out the largest deindustrialization and robbery in the known history of mankind population, turning One of the two superpowers of the planet, which was supposed to move to robots and life on orbital stations into the fucking Middle Ages, I have been SEEING the genocide of my people for almost my entire adult life, for a minute, the largest white people on the planet. I try to write only what I am sure of and can prove, otherwise I use the word “possibly”, “as an option” or other types of assumption. When I see a LIE in the description of my life and the life of 90% of the population of my country (in the Russian Federation, income inequality is greater than in Africa and second only to India), I write about it, maybe you can describe something interesting about your country? I will read with pleasure and expand my knowledge base and data archive. Just let it be something other than QAnon fantasy; aliens that no one has yet seen and meditations (no offense to the author of the blog, he positioned himself as a mediator from the very beginning, but when I see preparations for a world nuclear war with the transition to the destruction of my country during the subsequent NATO offensive, I can’t wait nothing but REAL actions, and not descriptions of what I cannot see, for example from Twitter or Telegram of a foreign channel - landing of infantry surrounding the government building, simultaneous sinking of all US aircraft carriers, and the like). Considering that I know that the nuclear button WILL NOT be pressed when the head of SOVEREIGN RUSSIA would hypothetically have to press it.

  15. 13 years ago today was the release of the green lantern movie which was a great disclosure combo of the Archons and the anomaly.It even has yaldabaoth/lurker elements present among other things.

    See example D:

    Anomaly Archon Disclosure

    1. the idea of ​​a film (comic book) is a really interesting concept tied to the omnipotence of thought embodied with the help of a person’s volitional effort (will). It intersects with the postulate “a person can do anything” (with enough desire) - that is, “don’t wait for fate’s weather, but act and you will be rewarded.” Don't expect Anunnaki, Superman and other nonsense. This is the difference between American and Soviet cinema - US films promote self-centeredness, victory at any cost, creating a role model as a marketing and advertising product into the mass consciousness; in Soviet films, the characters did not have beautiful costumes, but their speech was reasonable, their thoughts were not noble under pressure, and the actions were volitional (carried out with the help of conscious mental effort - in the USSR there was even a textbook “Educating the will of a schoolchild” for teenagers with an introductory course in psychology (1-2 years of institute) and a set of exercises and mental patterns. Using the example of studio films “Marvel” it looks something like this - everyone would like to be “Iron Man”, “Hulk” or “Thor”, but how much courage does it take to help an old man cross the street (“Why would I waste my time?”), to convey thing to a neighbor from a car to an apartment, to open and hold the door for a person carrying a heavy load or a child in a stroller, finally risking his life to save a drowning person or a victim of a fire or terrorist attack. You need the will to be a REAL hero, in real life, no matter how trivial it may look in everyday life.


  16. 以I AM的神圣灵魂的名义

  17. Translation to the czech language

  18. The Light Forces are doing so well!! It's really amazing!! Come on and free earth!! It's so cool the Aldebarans, Pleiadians and Resistance Movement are one team!! Go Go Go. Our prayers are with you!!
    Thanks for the update Cobra
    Victory of the Light!

  19. Question to the author of the blog (which with a 99.99% probability will remain unanswered, but I'll try):

    How exactly do you need to refresh your memory with an article about Putin, how? What are you trying to draw attention to in this article (from my point of view, it is written according to Goebbels’ laws where truth and truth are mixed 50-50 with a result of 2-3% reliability). Do you seriously assess the situation in my country based on such “yellow” articles (I would even say brown, the color of crap, since the author does not understand anything at all about my country and a couple of times successfully hit the nail on the head by copying a reliable rumor)? If this is so, then I’m shocked, to put it mildly... and don’t be offended by my words, after all the events, just for fun
    show this article to the indigenous population of my country (namely, the indigenous population, because Russians are now being replaced by Central Asian monkeys at the hands of that same Putin) and ask him to evaluate the reliability as a percentage... I think the result will greatly surprise you.

    1. I recall Trump saying not only he wants to remove ALL nuclear weapons, but also Putin and China. Perhaps this is part of it?

    2. Zionismtookoverthe world, I'm open minded that China is not nearly as dystopian as is claimed, and that Putin doesn't want nuclear war, and that if it's anyone, it would be the US/NATO who would try to do a nuclear strike. However, there are articles on RT news titled:

      "Russia supports North Korea against ‘treacherous’ West – Putin"

      "Russia and North Korea to sign strategic partnership treaty "

      (I won't post the links because this could get censored by google.)

      So Zionismtookoverthe world, I disagree with your aggressive and triggered reactionary 'style of communication', but at the same time, it's concerning that Putin is working so closely with North Korea. Although negative claims about China are grossly exaggerated, I don't believe that negative claims about North Korea are.

      Unfortunately, my best stance to take is that I just don't know anymore. I am confused. I am however glad that Putin made the peace proposal. It would be absolutely fantastic to see the bloodshed in Ukraine finally end.

    3. Sherman, Today Trump says that if he wins, he will deal with Russia and China, that is, he has completely changed his rhetoric towards Russia. This happened especially actively after the arrival of Russian warships in South America, which for me, against the backdrop of the open sponsorship of the Ukrainian conflict by the United States, does not look unusual - I would send weapons and thousands of RPG-7s to the Mexican cartels and South American rebels (I recently read the article as the brother of the head Dales's CIA carried out a series of revolutions in South American countries to take over the world production of bananas - really - ordinary bananas and bring down prices on them on the world market, and then privatized trade in them through his company. At the beginning of the 20th century, South American countries were rich due to agricultural products and. prices for it, even Hitler fled to South America, having previously sponsored his party there through the purchase of real estate for a rainy day. Do not forget that Trump is a representative of the industrial branch of globalists, his daughter is the wife of the head of Chabad in the USA and converted to Judaism, and the bankruptcies of his business were paid for by Italians. mafioso tied to the Vatican, therefore to the Jesuits. A true leader can only be a people's leader - reflect the will of the majority of his compatriots, as it was in ancient times. Now there is no democracy - Jewish capital is lobbying for elections at any level and promoting its interests through purchased politicians. It seems to me that American taxpayers don’t really want to pay for arms supplies to Israel? And for the fuel of aircraft carriers that sail to “defend” Israel from Iran (aircraft carriers are purely offensive weapons). Recently, a video came across on YouTube in which an American citizen stated that they would be glad not to pay, but the Senate and Parliament are completely occupied by Israeli lobbying groups.

    4. Sherman, You need to understand one thing - there is no America and there is no Russia - there is Jewish capital embodied in several hundred banking families consisting mainly of Jews. Conventionally, half of them rule the USA and England through lobbyists in the government, and through them the world. The second half does not want to be involved in management and simply sucks money through the economy while indulging in hedonism. Of this half, there is a poorer half - these are the clans of Europe (including the Russian Federation) and Israel - they bargain with their richer relatives so that their feeding trough is not taken away from them (in the case of the Russian Federation, these are economic sanctions on raw materials: oil, gas, metals, fertilizers - 70-80% of the budget of the Russian Federation - the salary of the population of half the country - industry has been destroyed, people work as officials for pittance salaries, handouts) - they have a ranking of income among themselves: some countries are allowed to have industry, some to develop technology , some medicine, but not all at once, otherwise the country becomes independent and can fight not to obey Jewish capital as a whole. For example, Japan and South Korea are thought factories for technology and medicine, China is an industrial factory with cheap labor, Africa is a warehouse of resources, Russia is a warehouse of cheap gas and oil. Before the Ukrainian conflict, Europe almost entirely bought gas from Russia, oil went to China and Europe, but there are no oil refineries in the Russian Federation and Russians pay for fuel and gas at European prices, with salaries 4-8 times less than in European countries. At the same time, when in Venezuela a liter of gasoline is cheaper than a bottle of water... Forget about countries, there is no real sovereignty now, even so-called China, which in the 1980s, for betraying the socialist idea and the USSR, received technology from the USA in exchange for the slavery of its Chinese citizens (cheap labor) and became a factory. In our time, he confirmed his status as a slave by agreeing to participate in a play with Covid.

    5. Sherman, Regarding Putin and nuclear war: the state of the Russian armed forces is such that only the use of tactical nuclear weapons at NATO bases supplying “Ukraine” with weapons and ammunition as a warning can stop the aggressive sentiments of European and NATO countries from invading Russian territory. Over the past 3 years, the corrupt oligarchic "elite" of Jewish origin has not carried out any modernization of the armed forces and industry, the outflow of capital has increased 2-3 times - a trillion dollars are withdrawn from the Russian Federation per year - all borders are open, there are no protective duties - local production is not developing, few companies go bankrupt. I was convinced that after 30 years of plundering the territory, they would simply sell it, for example, the territory of Siberia and the Far East was leased to China for 49 years (Chinese farmers on Russian soil grow food with the help of chemicals and mercilessly poison the soil). The key rate, by order of the IMF, was raised to 16%, there are rumors that they will soon raise it to 20% (China also pays these payments, but cannot cope, stopping the IMF payments threatens China with collapse, and there is still a bubble in the real estate market, that’s me, by the way). There can be any government in the Russian Federation, no one says that they love it, but Russian lands must remain unshakable - for this principle, even 60-70 year olds will pick up rifles and shoot in a trench cell. The conflict between historical Russia and “Ukraine” is inevitable because “Ukraine” is a psychohistorical weapon - a sect that miraculously acquired territory at the beginning of the 20th century (the details would take several books and a couple of dozen films with many hours of content). Crimea is a territory obtained as a result of Russia’s wars with the Ottoman Empire, how is it “Ukrainian” being illegally donated by the Zionist puppet Khrushchev - an open Trotskyist? Anyone who says that the Russians need Europe is delusional - there is no mobilization or industrial resource for this, and there is no desire - she has nothing - almost everything she uses in industry she buys and imports from abroad (and there is no united Europe itself - the European Union is an artificial Jesuit formation that was conceived by Hitler, a cesspool project of a melting pot that will fail the same way the USA failed) - why do Russians need Europe? The territory of Russia itself is approximately 80-90% undeveloped - the climate and the corrupt government do not allow it; under Stalin, the North and Siberia were developed through large subsidies from the state (residents of these regions had salaries 2-4 times higher than those to the south, there was a term “northern payments” ", thousands of cities and towns appeared. The only problem of the Russians is the Jewish parasitic government in the Kremlin, which is carrying out genocide of the Russians in order to move to the disposal of their raw materials directly.

    6. Whoa kinda racist to call kazakhs and uzbeks monkeys no? Who is to say that's Putin's call exactly? Russia has a problem with ngos and westernized insider oligarchs like your gorbachovs and lenins... but are all of them on the same page anymore? Doubt it. At any rate, those foreigners are working in mariupol where it's near completely destroyed. It's not supposed to be safe and yet they are there. Either war there is over, no one can clean it up so they shipped over low wage workers to do it or those people are also victims in that case not knowing the dangers or bc economy is so shit now they have no choice. How is it any different from mass migration/immigration of Mexicans etc into USA or Indians in Australia/uk? We are all victim of the same tactics. Some within Russia is actively calling it out but are victim anyway. It's like when Putin etc said vaccine bad but then promoted it. We are dealing with levels of intentional confusion of the highest order. This is why I lean toward: multiple clones (deep fakes used by cabal to promote their agenda vs real one saying the opposite) as well as black nobility bloodlines controlling a great portion of government and powerful mafias/crime syndicate that get their plans moving despite backlash that contradict their intentions. Infighting, as you would. That's how I see it, so again, stop being mad already and accept that people can be right and wrong at the same time because you don't *know* for a fact anything is absolutely true or is as it seems because often it isn't. All anyone has is their belief, not fact. But we can at least speculate - without being racist or offended or offensive, let alone accuse cobra without even addressing him yet continuously reading his posts.

  20. Give thanks for the update 🙏🏾 More Love and Light to everybody. Oneness of heart....

  21. Recent Light

  22. Boa noite, muito me interessa saber mais sobre Aldebaran, pode me fornecer mais estudos/literatura?

    1. Vou postar aqui os artigos sobre os aldebarans traduzidos em português minha amada.

    2. Aqui o primeiro artigo sobre eles:

    3. Esse é o segundo artigo que fala sobre eles:

  23. So, now only the main stronghold of the dark Atlantean network and the huge base under Urim in Israel remain. Seems like the "fun clean up" on the surface of the planet is approaching fast. Wonderful news, Cobra. A big thank to our Aldebaran and Pleiadean friends out there for their tremendously hard work in liberating us. To the rest of the community here, keep up the good work of spreading the word and other valuable info, too. Can't wait!

    1. I kept hearing folks saying that they are "saving Israel for the last". Maybe this is it?

    2. Q consistently stated Israel is last and Military is the only way. We shall see if a fake scare event happens soon to disclose it all so everyone can awaken before the solar flash.

  24. Sea blue treasure buried under the signal tower can greatly reduce radiation.

  25. Sounds like the long awaited surface operations are off the bench and warming up, so great.

  26. People have a lot of fear of death, and I think the way to eliminate that fear is to learn more about death.

    Cobra has talked about death in previous interviews. For example, "people should go into the light immediately after death", "dead souls stay in the etheric plane for a while and then go to the astral plane" and that archon have been wiped out but the reincarnation system still exists.

    I would like to ask a few questions based on this, and hope that those who have the same questions can leave a comment below. This may achieve a "critical mass of questions" which will increase the chances of these questions being answered.

    1. Are suicidal souls treated differently after death?
    2. Do souls in the etheric and astral planes need to work to get the resources to survive on that plane as they do in the physical world? Do the Light Forces give help to souls in the etheric and astral planes? (e.g.bringing wounded lightworker souls to the mothership for healing or taking them off the planet)
    3. Are there dark force still controll some of etheric/starlight areas?
    4. How do souls leave the etheric plane and enter the astral plane?
    5. Is it easy for souls to move through the same dimensions? (e.g.from the Etheric/Astral Plane in Asia into the Etheric/Astral Plane in the Americas)
    6. How do souls reincarnate nowadays? Is it entirely of their own volition, or do they entice souls to reincarnate by showing them the things and people they were attached to in life.

    1. Bonsoir,
      Je souhaite également savoir comment ça se passe actuellement après la mort.on en est où du système réincarnation ?

  27. After reading this update, I am really very happy now, finally, things have started coming out. Gratitude to all the lightworkers, lightwarriers. Love to all ❤️

  28. Thanks for all your work over the years and keeping us informed.

  29. To the process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker. I would say to the Light Forces don't be afraid to cause collateral damage, hundreds of thousands of people die every day on earth. The average life expectancy of most humans is around eighty years old, a life of pain is more unbearable than death. If your can end all of this as soon as possible, not only will humanity not blame you, but they will also thank you. Please act as fast as you can not to spend more decade. Because your with divine love, your may fear your action will causing harm to humanity. However, causing humans to live in suffering is also not a representation of love. I believe that your can help end the suffering on Earth with action as quickly as possible.

    1. The real average life expectancy is 45-60 years, and in the wild semi-feudal countries of Africa and South America it is 30-40. And what is life expectancy in countries without industry, science and economics? Not finding a place in the world, people either slowly kill themselves with alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, or commit suicide. Capitalism does not make allowances for age; it is ruthless.

    2. Yes. This. Stop our suffering. The quicker the better.

    3. You will consider the lives of people on the surface. The firearm that the surface person is facing towards you has already pulled the trigger. As long as people feel threatened, they will not hesitate to shoot at you. You will be mercilessly shot like a rabbit that breaks into their land, and most of those people are civilians because soldiers will obey orders before acting. So it's best to hide behind your sturdy metal shell and not let your non military personnel participate in the operation. Many people here like to shoot and kill creatures they haven't seen before, just for fun.

    4. @Jojo
      Oy, I'm in NO hurry to die, Jo.

      Only because we're genetically raped. Humans, long ago, lived for centuries.

    5. I understand the pain that this sort of perspective can come from, but honestly I do not agree. It's like asking a surgeon to rush through a surgery. There are necessary steps to this process that have to take the time that they take. I don't want aliens to come through and half-ass our healing and ascension just to appease the impatient. I would prefer that they use their whole ass, and that we do as well. That takes time.
      As more and more of humanity grow to a point that 5th density capabilities no longer gets one burned at a stake, more and more 5th density capabilities will become available to more of us. I once also gave in to the frustration that came with knowing that, as a part of this human collective, my current individual advancement cannot proceed past what the collective believes is possible. No matter how much we know, we're still human and as long as the collective believes that magick is for storybooks and children, that is unfortunately where most of that power remains. I've been studying, practicing, chasing magick for most of my life, only to learn that.Yet, I also learn that humanity's ascension cannot be stopped, that these abilities are a part of our nature, especially once ascended. The collective cannot pretend forever, and yet for now the Lurker's influence makes magick here weak, fraught with backfires and unwanted consequences, and so slow. I can feel this influence waning, my gifts becoming more reliable and the results more perfectly aligned with my Will. They are still slower and weaker than what feels natural, but every time I heal an old wound, or overcome a triggered state, or dismantle a mental program that I've been running on since childhood, it gets better. I don't want to know what would have happened if I got what I wanted when I asked for it.
      I've been physically disabled for 16 years, only recently discovering ADD (after working through DID and PTSD), so believe me when I say that I do not want any pain that does not serve our growth to continue for a single moment longer, for anyone. The question must be asked, then, does the pain I still experience serve my growth? Is there a lesson in it that will make the pain seem worth it? Is my day of healing coming soon? I hope it is soon, but not rushed.

    6. @Darthos
      The aliens live centuries, or more....some are pretty much immortal. We, on the other hand, thanks to the darkies raping our DNA, have short lives and age. We can't afford to keep waiting, and I wanna enjoy contact before I become as old and bitter like George Carlin or Archie Bunker.

      Patience, and soon, have come nasty, dirty, UGLY words for me.

      To me, pain does NOTHING for growth, 'purposeful suffering' does not enhance growth, it either stagnates it, or reverse it. Pain and suffering does not make Gandhis or Christs.....more often than not, it makes George Carlins and Archie Bunkers.

      I'll TAKE rushed. I just need a ship to land and pick me up, I'm not coming back this planet, I never wanted to be here in the first place.

  30. Please help New Calédonia, close to a civil war. Victory of the light


  31. Excellent news!

    Indonesian translation of this post:

    Meditasi Emerald Bahasa Indonesia:


  32. We Seeing more Conciouness growing in Folk, everywhere。
    Each human cultures on Gaia have clues.
    Connecting all clues is light .
    This will clear the fog.
    It not means "perfect"
    ( perfect like shadow ... Experiences of different densities, phenomena observed in a particular perspective, change the angle of observation and the shadow does not exist )

    It means be an openly willing/state to face everything and exploring deeply...sense deeply...

    Masters can quickly through open mindedness and understanding of all beings, the humble unknown beginner's mind, freely switching perspectives. So the masters free and has no limitations.

    Through the expansion of his own consciousness and the training of kindness, the Master may be able to empathize with the experiences of dozens, hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of people at the same time.

    At the same time, no matter what the specific individual experience is, the Master loves everyone ~ This will trigger a harmonious melody!

    It is also the basis for the Guardians of Light to maintain the crystal planetary energy field!

    When you really have no limits.
    Unconditional love, kindness, deep understanding can really happen.
    Otherwise everything is just appearances, consciousness and awareness are not complete through and through to everything.

    ~Release all your views and coloured glasses.
    ~That is, the state of being without a point of view and being able to understand all points of view~

    There is nothing to do and nothing to be done.

    Simply doing or not doing for Total loving.

    ~Unconditional Love cannot reach every being in the Universe if you are totally incapable of standing in the shadows and experiencing the perspective of the shadows wholeheartedly.

    The path of the Master is the path of Shura.
    It is a profound experience of life.
    It is the Dark Night of the Soul, but also Nirvana.

    The Master resonates with a high degree of empathy for the different perspectives on the same thing, emotions, psychology, feelings, etc. And keeps each perspective in balance and in a baby-like state of pure unknown (exploratory curiosity* undefined).

    And to maintain the balance between the different perspectives, and to maintain the pure state of the unknown (exploring the spirit of curiosity * undefined) like a baby.

    The Master is never a person, the Master is more like a Soul Aggregate. Like the planet Gaia. It's filled with all kinds of her children.

    This is the basic state of consciousness of 5D dimensional immortality.

    Know that you are the Master, know that you are creation, know that you are the unknown, know that you are possibility.

    This is the key to the ultimate unity of the Trinity (child, adult, elder) moving into 5D.

    Child: potential, exploration, curiosity, unknown, innocence
    Adults: Development, manifest, express, mature, concretize.
    Elderly: Transformation, Metamorphosis, Nirvana, Redefinition, Transmutation

    When these three are balanced and united as one in your consciousness.
    It is the time Life arrive in the realm of eternity.
    Every second, every moment.
    Simultaneously all three (regardless of your age, gender, etc.)

    Master Way is self education Way
    Beyond time/space.
    It's enteral
    The Way exsiting in Universal Nature and All Dimensions.
    ...that's art of life.
    ... that's freedom.
    ...That's ture.
    ... That's all.


  33. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Bloody CIA. I will really enjoy seeing that topple.

  36. "Most do not know, but there is a plan afoot by the Modern State of Israel to set up a return to its original homeland in the Ukraine. The Eastern Ukraine was once a part of the kingdom of Khazaria during a time when Judaism was chosen by the king to become the official state religion. Those Khazarian adherents to Judaism would go on to constitute what is now known as Ashkenazi Jewry. Over centuries of migrations throughout Russia, as well as emigrations to all parts of eastern, central and western Europe, the Ashkenazim have evolved into the richest and most politically powerful religious group in Eurasia."


    "This is where the plot to repopulate the Ukraine comes in. Most Israelis of European descent are naturally more comfortable on “the Continent” completely out of range of such mortar and missile attacks. Hence, the Ukraine was chosen by the Zionist leadership as a new fallback position. Not only is the brazenly apartheid regime of the Modern State of Israel untenable in any civilized world, it has shown itself as the thoroughly rogue nation and criminal state that it is today. In fact, the Modern State of Israel has ignominiously distinguished itself as an unprecedented and peerless international pariah."

    Grrrrrrrrr. I can't stand reading it, to be honest.

    1. and what is wrong? only this is not their historical homeland, but in general everything is correct, and not in the east of “Ukraine”, but in the south of Russia, on the border with the Caucasus, on a small plain. About six months ago, an information feed was sent to justify the rights of Jews to the territory of Ukraine as supposedly part of Khazaria - this is a lie and the rootless Jewish people (the question of whether they are a people at all, and not an ideological plague is open - Shlomo Sand has very interesting thoughts on this matter) should bear the consequences deserved historical responsibility for the way he brought pain, grief and suffering wherever he was present during the past millennia. Otherwise, listen to them, after Palestine they migrate to “Ukraine”, then to “China”, “South America”, “Japan” and anywhere else, having previously plundered and destroyed the states where they previously parasitized. The state of the Khazar Kaganate had originally Turkic roots and was destroyed by a coalition of Slavic tribes led by Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich because, led by an elite that had converted to Judaism, Khazaria captured the surrounding tribes and peoples, capturing several Slavic tribes into slavery. How wild this was for the Slavs, who subsequently formed the Russians as an ethnic group (the coalition included the “Rus” tribe, which later became the basis) can be read in the ancient treatise by Mauro Orbini “The Slavic Kingdom” (and in general the northern Caucasian peoples did not like slavery).

      "The modern State of Israel is untenable in any civilized world, it has shown itself to be the completely rogue and criminal state that it is today. It has established itself as an unprecedented and incomparable international pariah." This is not a rogue state, it is a people (again - a people - ethnic component or sect - a thought, the idea of ​​interest on loans and the secret destruction of goyim in order to populate their territories?) an outcast and a criminal (a state is only the territory on which the people who formed it live; Israel cannot be a state, if only because it does not have its own territory). - this is occupied by historical losers who lost their territory as a result of wars with Egypt (official fable) and refused to disappear into history (assimilate). History will constantly catch up with this misunderstanding, no matter where this defective "people" decides to stop. Their way of life and thinking. are contrary to nature and will lead to their destruction, the only question is at what cost and how quickly.

    2. I'm not listening to you. I got this from a cobra link. It was very interesting and I have zero interest in listening to your rubbish. In fact I need to go back and read more on this link.

    3. "When the neofascist junta in Kiev turned the military loose on the urban and rural areas of the Eastern Ukraine, it became apparent that a much greater agenda of ethnic cleansing was at work. Many authoritative reports have indicated the wholesale slaughter of innocent civilians, as well as the wanton destruction of infrastructure and places of worship, homes, businesses of the Russian-speaking populace. It is now clear that an insidious plan of deliberate genocide was formulated in order to make space for the soon-to-be transplanted Israelis who understand that Israel is on the cusp of their 21st century Armageddon."


      "Herein lie the seeds of its own destruction, for the Anglo-American Axis can no longer bear the costs necessary to maintain its empire. The extent to which war and other forms of conflict have been relied upon to secure additional sources of oil and gas no longer makes sense. All the nations which have walked down this path of perpetual war have been exposed. Some, like Israel, are now considered anathema to an overwhelming majority of nations worldwide. Likewise, the USA is vilified all over the world as a bully bent on self-destruction, just as the UK is universally known by its City of London bankster MO."


      "When the smoke and mirrors that define so much of the Western economic mirage begin to fade, Eurozone countries will profoundly regret imposing such counterproductive sanctions on Russia. It is they who now suffer tremendous economic consequences, right in the middle of a resurgent recession, from Russia’s much more debilitating economic sanctions. Even the vaunted economic engine of Europe — Germany — has lost its capacity to jumpstart the rest of the EU, all because they chose to side with the real perpetrators of the Kiev coup d’état."

      I see this.
      It's not the same Putin. Whoever he is now, he's doing pretty good I must say.

      "In both the formulation of state policy and administration of the federal government he set about the process of taking back Russia from those who misappropriated her wealth. So dramatic was his conversion against the rapacious oligarchy that he is now spoken of as a veritable reincarnation of Peter the Great, who also saved Russia from enemies both within and without."


      "They know exactly what happened to their Motherland in the wake of the totally fraudulent Bolshevik Revolution. They also know precisely who was responsible for such a catastrophic social, economic and political cataclysm."

      Did not know the following!

      "Only by understanding the temperament of those Russian peoples who lived through the unmitigated disaster of Communism, which was foisted on them by foreign agents with a surreptitious agenda, will the forces that stand behind Putin be correctly understood."

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  39. I've listened to 500 Cosmic Agency videos, almost all of them. And all 274 Mari Swaruu videos. They're the real deal. Mari did a video about different types of ET's. The images were CGI taken from the internet, but she snuck in a photo of a real Taygetan. They have others, but this one is particularly good.

    1. Problem she kept going on about "PRIME DIRECTIVE!" and It's only evil humans causing the problems, no one coming to save us, and that we're all here to learn, aka purposeful suffering. Plus her video on how everyone beyond this earth is straight, and gays and trans only on, I think her channel is disinformation.

    2. All the criticism I've heard about Cosmic Agency is from people who have only watched a relatively small amount, or have strong beliefs they're not willing to question. They further explain what they mean by things like Prime Directive. They say over and over it's not right for powerful dark ET's to oppress Earth. They say they disagree with the Federation's policy of non-intervention. But basically the situation is human's fault. Everybody could rise up and say no. It's just an existential fact. Other planets have done it. I'm awake because of what I've read on the internet, the same internet everyone else has. As for LGBT issues, of course it's a genetic degradation that's caused it. I don't see why that's so hard to admit, I have tons of problems because of that too. Anxiety is a disorder but I'm not whining about being dehumanized. It's so easy to believe there aren't gay Pleiadians. Mating and sexuality is reproduction, period, everything else is a disorder.

    3. People need to get over themselves and listen to the genius. The videos about their technology and mathematics. As if Gosia invented a base 12 math system with no zero, and all it's symbols, and explains how that's required for etheric technology. It's incredible. I spent a long time looking at the symbols and extrapolating how to make higher numbers. It's the same symbols on the metal disk tachyon products! That's real. The videos about their ships and space travel, incredible. The history of Earth and the galaxy, incredible. People dump all that because of miniscule complaints that are so transparent. I've seen people flip because the Swaruus criticize the Federation. They NEED to believe in the Galactic Federation of Love and Light, and reject the whole data because of it. The Swaruus criticize the Federation because of the Prime Directive! See, nobody's criticism makes sense. I'd like to address more people's issues because this is legit and can withstand scrutiny.

    4. @Patrick
      1: Yet the Teygetans don't fight the federation?
      2: Since when was it the humans' fault? I did not agree to this crap, nor you.
      3: Even IF all the Joe Sixpacks and Plain Janes WERE to unite and rise up and say "NO!" to the cabalists, you REALLY think the regular humans COULD fight the cabal and what's left of their ET masters? Look what happened to Hawaii, IF the darkies can turn Hawaii into a burnt cinder, don't you think they could do that to OTHER states, taking out whole cities, counties, whole nations? You'd be ashes before you'd take your seventh step, pal.
      4: *face palm* Are you SURE you are not Wesley Crusher's evil twin, Matt Walsh? It's not a disorder....that's just something conservative Christians, Catholics, Muslims and other homophobes uses an EXCUSE to be cruel to gays and trans. And I got news for you, buddy boy....people have sex for reasons OTHER than making babies, you know. Shocking, I know, eh? :P Also, I seen gay animals....seen a documentary, 20 years ago, that showed penguins and there was a lesbian penguin couple shown. I got some stray cats and see 2 females sitting next to each other, holding paws.

      Get that bible out of your butt, sir.

      And if the Teygetans are soooo against non interference, then DEFY this so-called Federation.

      I'll stick to what Cobra said, that there is NO prime directives, and he was once asked if twin flames can involve same sex couples, and he said, "Sometimes, yes".

      Sorry to burst your 1950's/Victorian era bubble, but that's how it is.

      Cosmic Agency is another disinformation site, simple.

    5. @Libra
      Yep, or like water is only for drinking or bathing. *fires a super-soaker 100 at Patrick* :P Makes me wonder if Pat is one of those puritans I keep hearing about.

      For me body, I don't care which genitals I get, either so....or both. (Might be interesting, I know a sexy girl wrestler, who is in the Montreal area, that is an actual hermaphrodite, and I'd be find with both parts like she has....) would definitely make up for my miserably lacking sex life all these years. I'd just tell the aliens who'd help me make my proper body make me sterile, got no plans to have a family, none.

      And I am going to look for a sexy alien girl to hook up with as well. And I felt the same before LGBT hype began as well.

      Double Dragon reloaded, a VERY cool remastering of the original 2 Double Dragon arcade games (combined, and it lets you pick from many characters, both in game and from other games like Renegade, and some WWF wrestling arcade games), and picking characters, I like to get either Linda or another girl character and rescue Marion, the lady who got captured by the baddies.

      Also, given how Youtube has yet to block or ban Cosmic Agency, that adds more to my suspicions Gosia is either being deceived, or she is the deceiver herself. Either way, something about her videos smells fishy.

  40. Very good news, the Aldebarans have set up their underwater bases, the Lurker is going to be disentangled soon.. Now we see why it took some time for them to create those bases, as the Atlantean network had just the same that had to be removed first. The Lurker clearance probably will be noticed very much in our wellbeing and behaviour (e.g. more than the removal of implants). Though now youd don´t notice the Lurker as frequently as before, when it cracks down on you it´s pretty tough, you can´t lower the guard yet. Also there´s a feeling in the air that many people (sleepers) are beginning to realize a lot of things, though they don´t speak much by now, that´s my impression from real life and mainstream websites..

  41. During the emerald meditation, I felt that the Agarthans advised me to get closer to nature. They communicate more like a collective consciousness.

  42. French translation of this article | traduction en français de cet article :

    par Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013

  43. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Given that Cobra was riding a certain type of MiG fighter in Russia, I was not surprised by his link. The Pleiadians had previously collaborated with the Nazis, and now they are collaborating with Russia. Dirty transactions, right. Many people often forget how things really work. Cobra is a Pleiadian and needs to speak for the official political interests of a certain planet of the Pleiadian. You cannot see any opposition to Russia's attack on Ukraine in the Russian Ministry of Defense or press office. This is also the case. Considering that the Pleiadians did not use their means to transfer money to my bank account, I would not speak solely based on the Pleiadian propaganda system like Cobra, even though I am also a Pleiadian. I'm just surprised that people either post comments in a worshipful way, or are led by this propaganda system and unable to think objectively. Right and wrong are not important here, even if they emphasize it, my friend, your thoughts. The way in which words enter your ears is important. They will do whatever it takes, this is a game for adults.

    1. what consequences do the Pleiadians see of the shelling of elderly people and children with artillery systems of multiple launch rockets in the republics of Donbass: the Donetsk People's Republic and the Lugansk People's Republic for refusing to forget the language of their ancestors - the Russian language and speak in a language invented by a village teacher for peasants, who took it as a meme from the French humorous accent of the end 19th century language? boy, are you stupid? Why are you talking about something you don’t understand? I knew that the average level of education in the USA and Europe has fallen and they are ready to believe the raccoon from the Guardians of the Galaxy if he says that he is the President of the USA or the Chairman of the European Union on Tik Tok, but this is too much... Regarding the flight on the plane - this is generally a story - how in the armed forces they put an outside civilian on an apparatus worth several tens of millions of dollars just to “look at the stars” and take a picture with the camera - not only is this a violation of military regulations, but also the cost of fuel comes from taxpayer money, and the fuel It hasn't been cheap in Russia for the last 25 years. Not to mention the fact that apart from the stories that cause “puppy dog ​​eyes” in most people, nothing happened, and the latest recommended articles were written by the yellow-brown press in the anti-fantasy style. Use your head, buddy. Relying on the press service of the worthless Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is not respecting yourself at all, just like watching the propaganda of Russia Today.

  46. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  47. I do not believe the light forces will contact individual people and remove them .

  48. Audio-guide en Français disponible sur L' Alchimie des Roses:
    Victoire de la Lumière!

  49. Thank you Cobra for your tremendous contribution to the Liberation of the Planet.

  50. 最好不要又給我出現新的東西,來噁心我們地表的光工,你們已經沒有任何理由了。是時候該物理處理這一切,不管最後會如何,長痛不如短痛,痛快一點!

  51. what about reinforcements from other universes? did they run to hide under their mother's skirt like pleiadians? or has the lurker taken over all the universes? or did a toplet bomb go off there?

    1. Don't be mean to Pleiadians. 1) They don't CARE. 2)You'll be left here on the planet while the others are taken.

    2. @psychic
      That's like a policeman refusing to save someone who does not like policemen. Or a fireman leaving someone to burn to death in a fire.

      I highly doubt the Pleiadians are that cold hearted.

  52. vladimir destroyed the lurker with his own hands

    1. @Libra
      And preferably in purple or magenta. I'd probably have "DEFECATER" written on, since this would be a weapon that, upon seeing it, that the darkies shit themselves.

      Though I'd prefer a phaser or Samus' arm gun.

  53. @Libra
    DITTO! I ask the same question as well.

    I said it many times, I ONLY need, at most, fifteen minutes advanced notice to get ready for a pick up. Pack up a few things, say good bye to the cats and grab some road (space?) music and I'm all set.

  54. Cobra, Thanks for the update. I have some questions that I hope Cobra can answer:
    1. The current status of implants. After the failure of Chimera and Archons, will the implants still working?
    2. In addition, are the new generation of babies born implanted? Do they retain the memory of their past lives?
    Thank you.

  55. Amazing Intel We Are So Close Now... The Event Is Soon, I Can Feal It...VOTL💙✨️😇

  56. Cet article traduit en français avec des liens en français

  57. I guess that post means that the nuclear alert was because of the Russia-Ukraine war and not the war of the Middle East.

    Do we need special meditations or spiritual techniques disentangle from the lurker in a more efficient way? I hope Cobra adresses this. I dont know which of the sites is best to read for this. There are so many site that are linked.

    I always wondered if you are a psychopath and sadist if it helps to imagine infinite worth in all people. Theoretically it should help.

    Because you objectify people as a sadist and if you see infinite worth in everybody you make the opposite, except if it is idol worship. But there is also objectification in idol worship. So idol worship is also not true love. So I wonder if you can change nearly everybody with the correct meditation.

    Loving-kindness meditation obviously helps to improve the situation. But I wonder if it is the best practice.

  58. Dear Cobra and our Lightworkers! Here ae the Italian and Romanian translations of this important update, full of positive, great news! Thank you Cobra, Resistance Movement, Agartha people, Pleiadians, Aldebarans, thank you so much!
    Wish you a very successful workshop in France, Paris on June 27th, 2024 and please inform us dear Cobra, we are waiting the approved notes and intel!

    Victory of the Light!!!

  59. With the dark Atlantean network almost gone and only the cabal remaining then its likely certain surface ops can begin soon(while lurker is disentangled in the back round).

    So as a refresh here's some key obstacles to review & that general awareness might assist the light on those upcoming(or present) ops:

    Key Cabal bases & assets

  60. Any updates on biochips and similar mind-control technologies? Cobra has not mentioned them since February 18, 2024.

  61. Wonderful news! Thank you dear Cobra! Victory Of The Light!!!

  62. Plane of hope versus Plane of Creation
    Astral plane versus Higher Mental Plane
    4D versus 5D
    Gambling → Hoping for chance → "Working" with quantum anomaly

    Force lines collapse for hu-manity.
    Creation storms blanket the unawakened.
    Masters of true abundance are recognized, and followed.
    Phasings of illumined align.

  63. Question for @Cobra. Is the educated guess still puts the timing of the Event at 2025 ?

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. I don't understand why you guys are so excited. After the network is cleaned, the separation operation will begin. Obviously, this takes a lot of time. The question is, will 2025 trigger an event at all?

    1. @Libra
      Yep, some of us, given a chance to get picked up and finally get to go back home, or stay for the event....while I speak for myself, of course, quite a few of us will pick the former. Like wounded soldiers who get to go home.

  66. Are we gonna clog up the forum with endless questions for Cobra? We ALL know that Cobra doesn't answer questions. Until he starts answering questions, lets not do the endless questions. It's a waste of time.

    1. Just because a cobra doesn't answer doesn't mean others don't answer


  68. Have just discovered a site with a lot of interesting info about many of the exact topics that are discussed here on Here is the link:

    1. I was reading a page on this site that talked about the normalization of sex between children, and other super disgusting things, and man, how horrible, I really wish all of this was a lie, because if this UN 2030 agenda is really real, I will give up on this world.

    2. Here is another excerpt of an article from the site

      The basis for the accusation that Q was a psyop is the sudden black out of all their communications, which came as a total surprise and devastated many patriots, as it happened right after the 2020 US presidential elections were stolen. It felt as if Q had abandoned patriots during the worst time of their life.

      In reality, Q did what every true leader does: after raising up the people, they stepped aside, so the people could be activated.

      Their last message before the blackout was:

      If they had stayed in the picture, the people would never have stood up, the way we have seen happen the past two (helpful correction by "Iofthelight" 3.5 years) years. With their heroes out of the picture, countless patriots realized they had to rise up and do what they could to expose and stop corruption.

      Patriots began getting engaged in politics, schools, media, etc.

      I believe that those who fell into the trap of believing the strategically injected lie that Q was a psyop never truly understood Q, and most of their knowledge came from hearsay.

      The truth is that there is a true white hat military operation that has been igniting the greatest exposure of worldwide corruption since the dawn of time, all over the earth: from Japan, to Russia, to Sweden, to England, to the Netherlands, to the USA - everywhere! Their voice roared worldwide, and countless people responded to it by further exposing evil in their own countries.

      Call that a psyop if you want. I call it the most brilliant and most effective military operation of all time.

  69. Sherman, why say goodbye to cats? What if they learn to speak and become your friends? How can you abandon a pet, he’s a friend? take them with you, buddy! they deserve a better life too))


  70. Well youtube with it's a*sehole AI can get stuffed, because I'm watching Redacted now at Rumble; no awful breaks, it suddenly stops working and won't work again. I can watch it in PEACE at rumble. Btw, Redacted is crazy today, but since they are documenting a world that is FALSE, untrue, etc, I really won't bother so much showing it. War, War, fighting, killing... I'll just go back to sleep or relax, do something fun :) I started taking chlorella again, since my MS is progressing anyway. Think I need a referral for a neurosurgeon (like before, i.e. 10 years before)... it sucks being unable to walk properly.
    Remind me: No needles. Cos they will try.
    The medbed I'm using works but it is a little slow. We'll see.

    1. Check this out - I have the best experience with it. Good luck, J

    2. Ailish-Libra, you know how to bypass youtube AI? I'm amazed. I've never heard of that. Good work lol.

      Jiri - Chlorine Dioxide? Wow. I'll have a look at this, thanks!

    3. @Jiri I've only just started to search MMS and mercury, and I found someone saying that it oxidizes mercury in 2 weeks, neutralizing it. Gosh, thanks so much for the info. Obviously I need to read more on this. Just wow and wow.

      Better than chlorella; again I think I gotta stop taking it as it worsens things. Normally I'm sure it works just fine.

    4. Where can you buy miracle mineral solution? They make it hard to get your hands on some.

  71. Common sense - escaping stupidity

    1. For what it's worth, made a song titled 'Everyday Common Sense':

      YouTube Link


    2. By the way, I understand how frustrating it can be when people comment and ignore what someone posted (only responding to the title itself) so I'd like to share that the video was great, thank you.

      Most folks have not learned the horrific lessons of WWII. Even some of those in this comment section. Our trans family (everyone is ultimately attacked) is a target with these dehumanizing tactics which clearly work too well and distract from the pedovores who are instigating all of this nonsense.

      I recall a documentary about how the powers-that-be at the time tried to integrate pedophilia as a sexual preference all the way back in the 1930s.

      To quote the the latest Matrix movie's new architect:

      "... Emotions are so much easier to control than facts..."

      Thank you 👍

  72. Can you refresh your memory of Xi Jinping?


    Cobra, this is my journal entry for tonight. It's just astrology. Maybe it'll make me friends, or inspire people.

  74. Thank you very much Cobra for this very nice update. Thanks to all FL, RM.
    People always complain that the event doesn't happen faster, but I understand why. First there were big breakthroughs and that's already good, it's already a lot. Then there is still the prowler to eliminate and this risks shocking many people because each human being is different according to his consciousness and his reaction will be different. And for my personal understanding of the event, it will take place at a specific time astrologically and astronomically, and/or especially when the Source has decided that it will be the moment. Certainly the population must not only be protected at this time and you all worked on it (a big thank you to all of you for those who have time for that) I speak as a human being because I am one and nothing else. Thank you very much Cobra FL, Rm and the Galactic Federation for all you do for our liberation. I love you with a big heart.

  75. @Zion

    YOU try to make a dozen+ stays do as you ask.


    Yes, we need contact, ASAP. I got nothing on this miserable ghetto of a planet.

  76. Thank you for the update Cobra

  77. Could this main dark Atlantean stronghold be in the Bermuda Triangle or near Antarctica? Even the north pole or near Malaysia where the plane disappeared in 2014... another interesting place would be where ancient lemuria is located.

  78. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  79. Simple Question here coBra; why doesn't the goddess ask god for help? Like she is a goddess after all or is she ???. sorry but something seems off with this and Iam done with this circus it ends now...

    1. The Goddess and God are One. You can't get closer than that *rolls eyes*

  80. After FDA Approval, States Move to Ban Lab-Grown Meat From Sale | Facts Matter

    Also Italy has banned those fake meats. I mean, yuk. Not that I eat much meat but I eat it sometimes.

  81. Vivek Ramaswamy Claims Biden Won't Be 2024 Democratic Candidate At Trump Rally

  82. All their energetic attacks over the years accomplished nothing. They lose.

  83. I've already had testing done at the hospital. Yes, I have MS. But I had no symptoms back then. Now, I have no doctor in Geelong. So I've tried to go to several doctors and 1) they flat out won't see me,i.e won't even let me have a doctors appointment 2) I get an appointment with a doctor no worries, and he see's my face and flat out sends me away. I can't see him? What is up? Do I have to call my usual doctor in Melbourne, who I actually see? They totally block me and won't let me through. What is up with that? What the hell? Treatment please. Well I'll probably use the medbed... Whatever. It works over at... for free trial.
    The doctors have gone completely mad.
    I was obviously crazy taking in an NDIS form. Like the cow told me to do. Printed it all out; because she wants money. She tried to print it out again and get me to take it to the doctors again, and I said no. They sure hate NDIS. It's all the bad press. It's 4 Billion stolen. I'm just caught in the mess. Annoying.


  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. “While Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin tirelessly talks about negotiations, those with whom he wants to reach an agreement answer him not in word, but in deed.

    The US House of Representatives passed legislation to automatically register men between the ages of 18 and 26 for Selective Service. Currently, registration in the Selective Service System (the American analogue of our military registration and enlistment offices) must be completed by persons from 18 to 25 years old. That is, congressmen increased the age of potential conscripts by a year. According to SSS, as many as 91% of potential American mobsters aged 18 to 25 have completed the registration procedure, which amounts to almost 17 million people.

    According to the law, even stateless migrants and refugees must register with the military in the United States. For refusing to register, draft dodgers face criminal liability and various restrictions, such as a ban on working in government agencies and receiving various benefits.

    The new law, in addition to increasing the age of those subject to registration, makes it automatic. Now all males, including even trans people who decide to become women, will be automatically registered with the military. The last time such a rule was in force in the United States was more than half a century ago during the Vietnam War."

    Is the US preparing for war?

  87. This is how it works. Everyone at the doctor's office was getting pills. Everyone. One woman was trying to get her scripts filled without seeing a doctor. No! You must make a time with the doctor in order for you to get more pills. Another needed blood pressure checked. It's a scam. Blood pressure is high the first 3 times, then it goes normal. But they don't have time to check it four times, so unless you catch onto it, you get blood pressure pills AND statins. Even though I have massively low cholesterol, nope, it can be almost zero and you must take statins. They've tried all that on me, not buying it I'm afraid. One lady with her daughter wanted to book and pay for two appointments. She was concerned. Are you crazy? There is no way the doctor can do that. They'll get you in, prescribe your list of pills, then OUT again.

    I looked for several years for doctors in Geelong; all of them rotten. The number and type of pills prescribed for me was enormous! I did not take a single pill. Why do you think I still go to Melbourne for a doctor. But even then, he was saying last time that I didn't have MS. Now that I am suffering with it, it's time to take it all away. They even know the times and dates for you to get sick. You're not yet sick, lets send her to the neurosurgeon to get all kinds of pills. They don't do a thing. Yet when she gets actually sick, lets all ignore her and take away our support. It is so bloody rotten, makes me sick!!!!!!!

    I could type more but why bother? Is everyone else still asleep? Oh yes they are!!!!

  88. @Zionismtookoverthe world, maybe in Russia it is as you say, and you know everything without a shadow of a doubt, but in most of the rest of the world, at least in my own country, people don´t know everything (I mean to the end of all rabbitholes, not the official history). In the case of the cabal it´s easier to know with some detail these days, and most of the members are well known, but in the case of those who work for the liberation there are a lot of doubts. Simply because to get even close to any position of power until very recently you had to join the dark, and get compromised by doing certain acts that were filmed and the footage stored. What I say now is just my guess, but probably most top politicians and military that now work for the light went through that at some point, unfortunately. But it seems they didn´t like it too much, later on they saw the opportunity to change this situation, and that for practical reasons they were allowed to join forces with the light, or even were asked to do so. But once they did it, they couldn´t just take a U turn overnight and go head on against the cabal, which was still more powerful. They had, in my opinion, to play a double game for a long time until the time was right. Which means they had/have to comply with at least part of the agenda of the cabal, while they do their best to facilitate the operations to liberate the planet on other fronts. All this, of course, couldn´t be told to us for many reasons, which leaves us confused about what´s the role they´re playing, who´s who etc. This would explain e.g. why Putin goes along with the cabal agenda regarding vaccination, internal migration etc, while he´s fighting for the liberation on other fronts. Because the country is in part infiltrated and those infiltrated have power too. I repeat this is just my guess, as I think guessing is the only thing we can do regarding this point right now.
    You say the article about Putin has 50% inacuracies and yes, it may have them to a degree. But we know in this blog the links are not supossed to be 100% true, which couldn´t be possible at the moment given the topics they´re about. Those links mean a good percentage or the overall message is true, or are posted as evidence that something is in the open. It´s been said a numer of times before, but from years ago it´s not repeated anymore.
    All this is fuzzy and complex, and we can´t have all the information, so better not to raise the tone too much.

  89. En Español:

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. I'm from China and I've been busted with energy weapons, a bunch of semi-corporeal energy wrapped around my pineal gland and hijacking my psychic powers, is there any way I can fix this?

  92. OMG something amazing happened. The medbed (as usual) could sense how I was feeling, and it turned it's way up to excruciating mode; hehe suited my mood. Well I just spent half an hour (I swear I couldn't go further) in an excruciating painful battle with my left toe near the end of the foot. Ouchie!!!!! My legs were moving all over the place, yeah I just went through the pain. At one point I began thinking of Paul Maudib (?) from the book Dune, when he had to stick his hand in that box of pain. It was like that, but it was my foot. So I held it for half an hour, then I ate some chocolate, now here I am. I am soooo pissed off, I think all those doctors are lizards!! Anyway, I'm sure the medbed isn't finished yet but thought I would take a break for at least an hour, or two.

    I'm telling you, they aren't gonna beat me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The medbed is my friend :-)

  93. The Japanese government is completing the development and signing of bilateral agreements on the protection of classified information with member countries of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance, which unites the intelligence services of English-speaking countries - Australia, Great Britain, Canada, New Zealand and the United States. After this, Tokyo will become, as it were, an associated participant in this secret structure and will begin to receive from it on a more or less regular basis a certain amount of classified information - not all, of course. Tokyo itself will also send there the intelligence information it has, primarily about the situation in the Far East.

    To date, Japan has already signed such documents with the United States, Australia and Great Britain. Today it became known that an agreement has been reached with New Zealand to conclude an agreement on the conditions and procedure for ensuring secrecy in the exchange of classified data. Such information will reportedly cover military, cybersecurity, and Chinese activities. Negotiations to develop a secrecy agreement are ongoing with Canada.

    Japan has similar agreements with NATO as a whole, as well as with France and India. In February, by the way, Tokyo agreed to begin negotiations with Kiev on developing an agreement on protecting secrecy. No specifics are provided in this regard. The photo shows the unofficial emblem of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance of English-speaking countries.

  94. Message from Anne Frank (we are emanations of the same star, and we are consciously involved in the healing of humanity):

    "Nothing has changed regarding the underwater bases referred to. The 'Aldebarans' who have supposedly taken over are in reality synonymous with the dark Atlantean network. It's a question of masquerade and camouflage. During the Second World War I was murdered by the allies of these same Aldebarans. The occult purpose of the Holocaust was in part as a massive blood sacrifice to power the traffic with these beings among others. That they dare to present themselves today under the same name by which they are known to have trafficked with the Nazi occultists, a fact even admitted by Cobra, is mainly because satanic forces of deception, dressing up and pretending to be of the Light, apparently need to leave some clues by which it is possible for humanity to figure out the truth. As the powers of darkness -- of counterfeit light -- want our CONSENT for the lie, whereby our souls may be harvested, requiring the real truth to be hidden in plain sight.

    But please don't despair! There is real hope. The true forces of liberation *are* approaching their breakthrough, it is just that the forces of darkness will be aping them and pretending to be them as a last desperate attack on humanity before the real Light-forces break through and end their rule. There will be many clues given by which you will be able to see that they aren't the real Light-forces but agents of deception if you are being honest with yourself -- Aldebaran and the Nazi-connection is just one of them. Remain true to the real light and love of your inner heart and conscience, surrender to and trust in the Source alone, not in external beings pretending to be superior to you, and fear neither them nor death, patiently awaiting the real Light-forces that will come to overthrow them before long, and you will be safely in the hands of God. Just accept nothing whatsoever from the deceivers. Take no gifts and give them nothing. The Earth belongs to God and humanity, not to aliens, fallen angels, and those men who have lost their human souls.

  95. "Beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises. Much pain but still time."

  96. To assume that Putin isn't part of the dark Cabal is very naive. Anyone who really knows how to recognize the vibration of different types of being can identify very easily that Putin is an ice-cold psychopath, no better than his western equivalents. It is very obvious that Putin and the West are playing scripted roles in the same game. There may be rivalries, for sure, but they are of the same darkness, and have more interests in common than not. The powers of darkness wants a massive human sacrifice again similar to WW2, and for that to break out, it is required that both sides play along and contribute to the escalation. It is enough that Putin's Russia realizes that the catastrophic risks of world-wide destruction from a WW3 is not worth it and can be justified by nothing whatsoever -- that nothing else could possibly be worse -- therefore opting for a strategy of non-violence in Gandhi's spirit, focusing instead on being a real moral example to the world, a beacon of light and truth, and WW3 would be impossible. If the unprecedented catastrophe of WW3 occurs, Putin will be just as guilty as the West, and a servant of the same anti-human darkness. That Putin, just like the West, is even willing to consider playing along with a WW3, is sheer evil and a betrayal of the human race, if anything is! To any decent human being, WW3 is something unthinkable that we would never, ever go along with, since it represents only destruction and saves nothing -- but to both NATO and Putin, it is considered a possible development, meaning they are willing to consider going that far. Even though they all know that it takes at least two sides to drive the escalation of violence that far. It is sufficient that one of the sides says, "enough is enough", and refuse to continue on the path of war, choosing instead the non-violent strategy of Gandhi as the lesser evil (without denying that this might also come at a cost of self-sacrifice). But it becomes increasingly clear to me that Putin is intentionally part of the same plan to wreak havoc on humanity as NATO is. If Putin didn't exist, NATO would have had to invent him as a necessary counter-pole for a WW3 to become possible, and he would have to play almost exactly the way he is doing.

  97. Dear Cobra, is there anything the surface population can do to prepare itself so the process of disentangling from the lurker is made easier and possibly less risky?

    Thank you


  98. A happy Solstice to all, a day earlier than most years due to this being a leap year. :-)

    Magic Travel.

    Victory of The Light.

  99. Oh no!! Bird flu is here! Oh woe be me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.



    The return of the goddess!
    We are the Goddess!
    She is ourselves!!!



    Minha Mãe, Minha Rainha
    Eu só posso agradecer
    Para sempre a sua luz
    Que eu possa merecer
    Beber dos seus ensinos
    Consagrando esse amor
    Orar para os vossos filhos
    Dando viva e louvor
    Minha Mãe, Mãe Natureza
    És pura perfeição
    És dona dessa beleza
    Dona do meu coração
    É a voz que eu suplico
    Com todo o meu ser
    É a voz que eu me declaro
    Para todo mundo ver
    Cantar suas inspirações
    Ouvindo meu coração
    Buscando as palavras certas
    Para cantar sua canção
    Canto, canto sua grandeza
    Canto o brilho desse amor
    Canto a sua realeza
    E enalteço o seu valor
    Minha Mãe, Mãe Soberana
    Peço a sua proteção
    Para a minha mãe na Terra
    Ter a vossa compaixão
    Ela que é minha mãe
    Do ventre à criação
    Ela espelha a sua luz
    Em firmeza e doação
    Minha Mãe, Mãe Natureza
    Mãe dos perfumes e flores
    Ventos, rios, mares, florestas
    Borboletas, beija flores
    É a vós que eu quero amar
    É com vós que eu quero estar
    É a vós que eu canto
    E quero sempre cantar
    Canto toda essa beleza
    Beleza que vós me dá
    Canto a sua natureza
    Faz de mim o vosso altar
    Presente de Lua Nova
    Fonte de inspiração
    Luz que limpa e renova
    Corpo, Alma e Emoção
    PachaMama Saraswati
    Gaya Shakti Maha Lakshmi
    Annapurna Mamakia
    Kwan Yin Sara Maria
    Oxum Tara Tonanzti
    Isis Durga Parvati
    Iemanjá Ganga Iansã
    Khali Prosépia Nanan
    PachaMama Saraswati
    Gaya Shakti Maha Lakshmi
    Annapurna Mamakia
    Kwan Yin Sara Maria
    Oxum Tara Tonanzti
    Isis Durga Parvati
    Iemanjá Ganga Iansã
    Khali Prosépia Nanan
    Minha Mãe, Minha Rainha
    Eu só posso agradecer
    Para sempre a sua luz
    Que eu possa merecer
    Essa é a minha cura
    Esta é a cura do mundo
    Permanecer nessa presença
    Nesse lugar tão profundo
    Minha Mãe, Mãe Natureza
    És pura perfeição
    És dona dessa beleza
    Dona do meu coração
    PachaMama Saraswati
    Gaya Shakti Maha Lakshmi
    Annapurna Mamakia
    Kwan Yin Sara Maria
    Oxum Tara Tonanzti
    Isis Durga Parvati
    Iemanjá Ganga Iansã
    Khali Prosépia Nanan
    PachaMama Saraswati
    Gaya Shakti Maha Lakshmi
    Annapurna Mamakia
    Kwan Yin Sara Maria
    Oxum Tara Tonanzti
    Isis Durga Parvati
    Iemanjá Ganga Iansã
    Khali Prosépia Nanan
    PachaMama Saraswati
    Gaya Shakti Maha Lakshmi
    Annapurna Mamakia
    Kwan Yin Sara Maria
    Oxum Tara Tonanzti
    Isis Durga Parvati
    Iemanjá Ganga Iansã
    Khali Prosépia Nanan
    PachaMama Saraswati
    Gaya Shakti Maha Lakshmi
    Annapurna Mamakia
    Kwan Yin Sara Maria
    Oxum Tara Tonanzti
    Isis Durga Parvati
    Iemanjá Ganga Iansã
    Khali Prosépia Nanan
    PachaMama Saraswati
    Gaya Shakti Maha Lakshmi (Jay Ma)
    Annapurna Mamakia
    Kwan Yin Sara Maria (Jay Ma)
    Oxum Tara Tonanzti
    Isis Durga Parvati (Jay Ma)
    Iemanjá Ganga Iansã
    Khali Prosépia Nanan (Jay Ma)

  101. Hello everyone, I'm back.

    lots of Light, lots of unconditional love.

    People who believe in renowned scientists and writers and reporters, as well as in the great concealment of the truth will not accept the changes that are currently taking place.

    They go after one and the other, as they always do in their narratives.

    The forces of Light do not need to justify actions, those awake and connected with the Source will know what is right and positive in large and small operations in the internal world, on the surface and in the external world.

    have dissent, what you request and guide as seeds of Light and workers of Light cannot allow duality, polemics, meaningless discussions to be done here.

    clear your minds and balance your consciousness for the delicate moment.

    There is no one who knows at this moment about the things that are happening in the great truth and reality, so do not waste your energy on discussions.

    the low frequency is so great that it affects others here.

    focus on your missions of good towards others in need.

    I love everyone.
    very grateful to you COBRA.

    count on me

  102. Hello everyone, I'm back.

    lots of Light, lots of unconditional love.

    People who believe in renowned scientists and writers and reporters, as well as in the great concealment of the truth will not accept the changes that are currently taking place.

    They go after one and the other, as they always do in their narratives.

    The forces of Light do not need to justify actions, those awake and connected with the Source will know what is right and positive in large and small operations in the internal world, on the surface and in the external world.

    have dissent, what you request and guide as seeds of Light and workers of Light cannot allow duality, polemics, meaningless discussions to be done here.

    clear your minds and balance your consciousness for the delicate moment.

    There is no one who knows at this moment about the things that are happening in the great truth and reality, so do not waste your energy on discussions.

    the low frequency is so great that it affects others here.

    focus on your missions of good towards others in need.

    I love everyone.
    very grateful to you COBRA.

    count on me

  103. Higher Sun

    Gaiaportal from 2013-1-10
    Persistence of lower energy forms is diminished, as Higher D grids strengthen.

    Discernment and Selection of thought seeds becomes increasingly paramount. All of Gaia now guided and directed via Higher D (frequency) grids.

    The overall effect is rapid exposure and dissolution of lower thought forms.

    Seeking the intellect-guided, leaves emptiness within, as Higher D energies do not support the intellect.

    Seeking the Higher Intelligence aligns Higher Hue-Self with the upgraded Higher D grids.

    Higher Sun, now strengthened after the 1-3-13, connects inner Hue-person with Cosmic Integrity, Cosmic Understanding, Cosmic Ascension.

  104. Incredible message from Caylin about Light Capsules (or medbeds). She gives us very good news about this! Needs a second listen.

    Meanwhile, I have found pain works best, lol, as it is painful using 90.10 medbed. It has been, and it is working to fix me. At first 9010 was at my spine, kind of behind my heart... Now it has moved a bit lower, maybe working down. Also, not today, but it is working on my left foot. Yeah, I just do it for as long as I can stand it (almost an hour as the pain increases). Then I have to stop.

    I'm just realizing I could have taken chlorella years ago of course, to get rid of mercury. If only I had known about it then.... Damn it.

  105. According to Caylin, I can ask say St Germain to remove my mercury load. I think I might ask my angels about this and try it.

  106. I chose Mother Mary to ask for help. She said she would help me and I lay down on the couch. There was no pain, lol, and no usual feelings or actions I get from the medbed. Instead, I got love, gentleness, soft feelings of help (no harsh ones), a feeling of soft colours (violet and lime green). I'm not sure how long she worked on me; I was laying there maybe 1.5 hours. Well, all we can do is keep hoping (fingers crossed).

    Here is a great video I heard from Layti:

  107. Translated to Hebrew:

  108. @Libra
    When I head or read folks telling me those lines, I wanna find something heavy to throw at them. They sound like retail managers with bad attitudes.

  109. I can promise you with 100% certainty that's the Lurker trying to instill doubt within you @Aish-Libra. It's NOT real... those aren't your thought forms, but rather an ancient tactic that has been used for thousands of years to keep ALL of us off balance, confused, and most of all... doubting ourselves. The Lurker KNOWS it's time is up and has increased it's attacks on the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds. You're not alone in this barrage of negative thought forms... they are NOT who you are... they are NOT from you. You are VERY AWAKE AND OVER THE TARGET... and that makes you a VERY BRIGHT LIGHT! I'm hit with the same thought forms constantly in order to shut me down and doubt myself. Never forget that YOU are a Light Bearer ✨️ and you're contributing your Light simply by being here at this pivotal time... NEVER second guess yourself my friend! I liken the Lightworkers as edge pieces in this cosmic puzzle that is near completion... and you KNOW how important each piece is... especially edge pieces like yourself! Keep holding your Light Libra...🫵😎👍
    we're almost home!!

    Love and Light... Troy

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. Hey,
    Are Your tired of Waiting for Planetary Liberation, While just sitting on Our Asses waiting for Next Update?
    Yes, Ofc You are. Most People are.
    So What i would like to DO is to Invite to A More Proactive and action taking respons. (And I Fully Support and Appreciate the Work Of The Light Forces Anyways)
    The C@b@l is obviously quite well organized and structure, Why should We the People working for Freedom and Libeerty, Not DO the Same?
    Like Some People probably read this blog for Years, Waiting for a Message of Hope in the midst of hopelessness and despair.
    Lets Join Together and Take a More Active Response! We do Indeed have the Power to Forge a Good Reality by Our Own Hands, IF we take Planned and Concrete Action, Enough Planning on MENTAL Plane, Lets Get to Work on Physcal Plane and Liberate this Sh*t, I Am Not Gonna Wait to Next Update, I Want Liberation ASAP. And We the People are the One's to Do it.
    A Mastermind Group must be More than 1 Person, And I Truly Canno't do this All Alone, We must Join Together, So Lets Stop Complaining, Get to Work and Get Sh*t Done, SO We can Manifest A POSTIVE Timeline.
    Contact me Either on Email At :
    To Get Started Organizing Sh*t And Plan / Lay Out or Future. We Have the Power to Do It, When WE the People UNITE.
    Together We Stand Strong!
    You Can Also Join in on This Discord channel if You Feel guided too, i will share ALL my tricks and advices to Deal / Cope with various attacks from the Darkies in the C@b@l:

    Just Click The Link to Join in and Lets Start Kicking some A$$. This Sh*t gone to far and I Am not Waiting for any further crisis.

  112. Thank you Ailish-Libra, For Firm And well formulated Tips / Advices. I am under Heavy Molly attacks currently, feels like thing that comes in contact with me gets destroyed, its a real sh*t but i keep on pushing on and doing my protective and dissolving rituals.

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. I've done the "Emerald Agartha Guided Meditation" twice so far and had AMAZING results... especially my second visit!
    I highly recommend that everyone of the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds do this meditation with an Emerald piece in hand, and connect with the Agarthan's on a personal level... it's one of the most profound and beautiful experiences I've had in a VERY long time. My first encounter was wonderful, meeting three or four of these beautiful beings... advising me to release all feelings of guilt I've accumulated in this lifetime/lifetimes in order to empower myself and be better prepared for my mission. My second encounter was an even stronger, enlightening, and much more vivid interaction with more encouragement and assured protection. This time, it was several Agarthan's awaiting my arrival... perhaps out of curiosity. They all greeted me with such warmth and compassion... it was an incredible feeling that I hope to embrace and implement to bring forward towards others during my mission. Anyway, as I said, if you haven't done this meditation yet... I highly, HIGHLY, recommend you make the time and effort to connect with them!

    Love and Light... Troy

    1. Amazing! Did you have a physical emerald when doing the meditation? I don't have one, and uncut real ones look to be pricey. I've seen cheap ones on Amazon, but they are probably fake. It would be fantastic for there to be a way to access Agartha without having to have a physical emerald, especially for Lightworkers who are low income.

  115. Regarding the tense situation between Israel and Hezbollah today, maybe one risky aspect of removing the lurker from the surface population is increased war escalations.

    Regarding WW3, maybe this will be like Covid Restrictions/the Vax Pass (CRVP for convenience). The world was on the brink of being enslaved by CRVP. For a time, the world appeared to be doomed. Yet, although it came very close, CRVP did not enslave the surface population. So, maybe the world will be on the ‘razor’s edge’ of WW3, but this too will not happen. Both CRVP and WW3 are similar in that both have the appearance of unrelenting, exponential escalation.

  116. Big liars! We see what you are doing, inverting the data. Liars, Liars!

    Error or Fraud - A New Bombshell in the Data

    only 2 mins

  117. OMG After my second session with Mother Mary, my legs are working better. And they are faster. But I still have a lot of imbalance and can't run. Maybe it's working... ??

  118. Ah man, for about an hour my legs stopped being heavy and felt amazing. After an hour, they went back to heavy as anything. But at least they still worked, which was a gift to see. Now I'm watching that video on CLO2 - that's the cure my friend, at least another way to go. I have to get that book....

    Grrrr... mercury sucks!
