Sunday, August 25, 2024

Potentially fatal security breach at 504


  1. Replies
    1. Cobra mentioned during the Dragon Vein Activation Conference that DF would attempt to launch World War III on and after September 1st. What I mean is, we are on the eve of DF's attempt to launch World War III. We have already reached that time. So, here we are.

    2. @ Mac:
      Exactly! I expect that things will get really interesting after November 19th!

    3. Quote:
      "The less you complain about the Event not happening, the more you actually really understood the situation."

      See also:

    4. Plant Morganites rocks near where you live, it can create G-dess vortexes.

      Also plant cintamanis or other forms of black tektite.

      Take more ownership of the Situation, Don't just wait for others doing all kinds of Sh*t for you and complain when something goes a little wrong, you could join this Discord group if you would like to organise and talk about whatever, Solutions, Peace Treaty and Whatever stuff thats related to the Full Victory of the LIght, Tune In Everyone !

      No need to create user, just click the link, or copy past and search for it, it will take you fast to join the group:

      Repeat after me; "I am a Doer, I Always take Massive Action and 100% ownership at any given Situation, I am Pro Active and Always Knows what to Do".

      How can you ever Loose with that type of Mindset?

      And Yes it Was a Close Call, but Thank God for the forces of Light and their work here regarding Liberation. Mjolnir Rocks! Godspeed.

      You all can and should do Your part also! Thats the least we could do...
      If you want to work on Peace treaty with the C@bal contact me A$AP. Need more smart people to work on relocation plan and Surrender of the C@bal.
      Anyways, God / Godess Bless you All. Together We Stand Strong and UNITED!

    5. WE DO NOT CONSENT TO WAR! Use your POWERFUL, Free Will Folks..
      Check this Out ( Listen once daily):
      Get Up, Stand Up! Stand Up for Your Rights!

      -Bob Marley

    6. I wondered about the same @Ailish. Cobra said the entropy was constantly increasing on earth, because it was a closed system. And the entropy of the event is constantly decreasing because of the removal of threats like biochips. The event is triggered when the two lines meet.

      But we have a non-closed system, now. As far as I understood. The aliens can help us to decrease the first line. So I was wondering, if the entropy of the surface population is decreasing, now, too.

  2. 这意味着在中国的秘法战争失败了?

  3. Is this connected with the arrest of Pavel Durov?

  4. lurker was acting real crazy today too i wonder if this is linked to it.

    1. yeah, had just an argument with my wife...a tough one -_-

    2. My negative and judgmental thoughts are endless

    3. Yeah Lurkers can really make something like that happen and worst! I've literally seen them trying to start fights with my own neighbors right before my eyes! I'm very clairvoyant so I can easily see lurkers flying around which is very disturbing.

    4. Could you tell me further About this? How can one see that as other people, we need to teach eachother to beat this.

    5. Just Hand the Lurka over too me I'll Reck his Sh*t ! Using Violet Flame and SALT! That goes for Everyone. Send The Lurka to Me, I'll Transmute and Re-integrated that Piece of Sh*t to Source Again. Bismillah!

    6. Yeah i wouldn't want you to be able to see them because that would enable them to harrass you more! And trust me you don't want that. They will soon be disentangled and sent to the central sun by the light forces soon so don't worry my friend we are gonna be alright.

  5. You got this LF and RM!! Hold the line... we're so close! Thank you Saint Germain, Sananda, Ashtar, Semjase, Light Forces and Resistance Movement, Alderbarons, Agarthans! Let's end this stand off, neutralize this threat, and remove these dark ones once and for all so we can FINALLY have the Event, Operation Dreamland, First Contact, begin the Ascension process and help humanity to heal through peace, love, prosperity, and freedom! IT'S TIME... IT'S TIME

  6. Replies
    1. That means cyberlife military of the ACIO has lost access to an Omega AI portal

    2. Where did you hear that Truth? I'm skeptical of others trying to explain these messages, but I've always thought they sound like quantum computer battles, so that checks out.

    3. 不用怕,各位,有詳細好,雖我不詳解釋,但有詳細,大家自己多少算知,但我們萬有跟正派的聯軍,包含其他多少有岐見但也暫消彌而跟正合作,因萬有多少更知,其他或任所有萬有再怎麼多少有互不太認同,但除了最終狹義的那種最終最邪的那些總合和其他屬事情但一定必須解決的以外,其他萬有多少都不是真正嚴重的問題,也都是可調和的,而最終的那些邪,眾萬有領悟,不把牠們先真正好但不放任的解決、解開、處理,那牠們通常是不會先停(這較重點)放棄的,雖牠們也是有可能提前投降改邪歸正,不一定整群,但都有可能,總之要先把牠們解決,要不然只會牠們一直狂搞,把眾生都“煩死”,所以眾無限萬有多少都也算跟正聯軍了,但這不是對邪暴政,最終連牠們也會試著讓其改邪歸正,那是最終,但連牠們仍也可,何況其他萬有的情況就更也能好、大圓滿解開,當然仍也不放任邪,這不是嘴炮,加油各位,這不是那種絕望的加油,而是中性、正色、覺悟,但也不摳逼、不盲目樂觀,萬有經歷的我們互相多少也知,甚至真已經歷過類似親身但也很惡劣的對待總合,不限於存有式的對待,也含環境本身不算有意識個體,僅只是負面效應或其它算無機但負面現象或能量、因子、發展、泛任啥的總合,但既然自己都經歷成這樣,那更能知更慘的那些者們有多嚴重,這情況跟一般會被拿來控告的那種不知慘況不太一樣,反而是更知,這些面對式算是正的,且甚至有些情況我或萬有有些經歷的也有算更惡毒的,但不用比,且所以這樣就以正當性來說已站的住腳,雖這樣講也有點不太對,不是那意思,明白,希望別誤解,但我自己雖生活條件上較某些眾生來說算好,其實經濟或生活壓力上算中等,不是富有,但也過的去,總之不算所謂的窮,但以某些萬有的觀點多少會控告我這些或其他方面,比方我這已算相對優勢卻沒發揮特好或我爛這樣還發揮不出,換其他不限啥對象萬有但總他們那些特定的可能會說他們早發揮爆強,不論糜爛定義但對一般人來說算爆強那種或正面定義的真實爆強這另一種,但我們萬有都算知:真正嚴重問題或惡劣、負面很多都不是以此為重點的、或從不是那些生活代表惡劣的唯一定義,而是邪派各種不同類形的惡意事情、發展的搞鬼,不限啥,超乎想像的“啥,原來這才算或嚴重,也算”,也有局部的或大世界大局的,但我自己有特定的人生經歷,讓我有堅定的,其實反而該說執著,有點病態,跟大家一般對抗邪的已有點不一樣,抱歉,我知這樣不好,但我想把他發揮成好,最終是可匯聚在一起,總之就是我絕對對抗或說跟邪“幹”到底,別介意我用詞可能有粗或負面爭議,實我知且是把這一起收進好的集合終點並打穿、“昇華”,不矛盾,既合一也大開放,我仍奮鬥跟任大家一起,就是指即使有好也不放任,還是奮鬥,各種意思同時集合用此代替,是好的就是了,雖我有時也殆墮或其他各不好,不論不得已或算自己因或其他來源或互運作交互或不是自願不好而半混雜或其他任啥不同這全任啥帶出無限,可能不直接相關或類似,但總之列出明確化不讓其搞或不好,再把那些總合回原來的一起解決,相對來說,我另外的方面其實意義上來說才最惡毒的經歷較有,可能反而比任許多人都要惡毒受到,沒有要自誇,這本就不該誇,總之是泛意識或以我中心周圍再衍伸到無限遠關係上,不論各層面的,人事物或境遇或環境,不見得我本人,而是周圍愛的一切被惡搞他們慘來間接打擊我,或有時他們反被操控來打擊我,雖他們自己也慘,再來就是純被派來打擊我或我愛或算有正面或中性關係或其他世上泛正面或中性的那些“攻擊”大家者,不論牠們是半被操控或各種其他情況,或也是有那種真是邪走狗“自豪”的,或是本就偏向屬惡人但不是牠們走狗或被操控,也許多少有啦,但牠們這種算自己做惡的,也有分支情況,排列組合,剛的內容很多都可各自段互這樣,大致懂是怎樣,總之其一是牠們曾也受太多傷或看環境負面或一切因發展過程等等都有,而絕望或報復或洗腦或病態扭曲又恨卻又崇拜反助紂為虐幫牠們本來否定的,或也有不一定這些想法、情感但總是算受到影響選邪,或另外則有一種情況是牠們也可憐,其實這種是牠們本想表達正但被世界的惡弄到另一種的扭曲,以這種病態方式實想發揮某種牠們想發揮的原來善,但牠們不懂或因世界暫在人類世界局部觀點來言,認知的管道是多少被切斷的,依每人情況各有不同程度,而其他事、萬物(指人類局部世界)也多少被閹割或打壓或有限制性,也是程度不定,所以牠們不知實牠們用錯方法,或不知牠們這些的深處根源代表牠們不滿這些邪,牠們原來的正被更其牠先的邪打壓,所以這是無意識間在以此發揚原本的正或幫那“出一口正氣”,只是仍像剛說那可惜用錯方法,且這仍造成了其牠新惡,且無意間邪派趁機利用或原就設局利用,都有,這情況跟之前幾種略不同,總之我經這樣我也會對抗那些邪,即使我也有不足的某些部份,但借用一句卡梅倫戴說過的中肯話,也很多方不同正不論正派或正人都各自自行說或領悟過不同但核心“正”這個核心泛概念根源是類似的可互通,就是:不論一切怎樣,我是會代替大家全部一起教訓那些邪派的渣幫大家出一口真正的正的公道,那邪邪榨取大家還不夠不知羞恥,還要其牠更邪嘴臉或啥任不同“啥”都是總更進一步,萬惡,“吃乾媽淨”,當然我們不是報復牠們,我們才不跟牠們一樣,而是保證公正“教訓”制裁牠們卻又跟牠們那完全不同,且也仍會最驚奇大圓滿解開,也改邪歸正,各啥好都有,甚至對所有眾生連神聖源頭或我自己論點中有所謂“偉大的能量”(也是最高的正的,當然萬有都不階級,我不自說嘴說法,也不反而因此有效應拱出邪,但那真是正的,也我的說法或實或任啥終可跟萬有亮眼好的整合),或其他無數多也是最大或超強正存在(存有,我是用存在這詞),竟連對他們來說也仍是驚奇亮眼的,豈不是大好嗎?!~....呃!....我這不是嘴炮,其實這全篇任真是這樣有如此的好,所以大家可連想我,我都這樣卻決跟邪幹,不是自大或沒用,反而是可當激勵、鼓舞、激昂,那大家甚至萬有更可一起幹爆邪,不惡劣,我解釋過,如那詳,而是經那後萬有皆大圓滿一成功,並且沒有前後或卡中間故意硬鬼道理或啥總邪但不太算,另類某定義特殊似有似無邪虛無的一似對象泛似的,回馬槍,硬不讓踏出完全步,嚕來嚕去,不算又算的的““鬼話”哲學”(不是真哲學或任理甚至啥都不,互相可套用此指不限,但用在不同處,邪當然指明確化牠們含泛牠們例這種半莫虛有模糊態醬糊詭式硬不算存在的存在的,我領悟這些,也許跟真相有不同但有互通可用處吧的)總之“牠”那種阻沒用,含開擴後不可能有因照此常理或前提沒有,不矛盾,也是算為形容並解決,但終一起昇華掉,這並非沒用或不必要或嘴炮或矛盾,而真可好,總之也同剛那種中間的,開擴後硬有或無限以為可X爆的,明白,也同剛解決,可了,總之終邁開一步完整踏入無限不再需顧忌嚕後拉扯,就興奮起鬨(正的意思或那種)萬有都,解脫,超越存在與不存在、意識、背景、或“終極”本身或的啥,自由自在超越了任一切,不需做啥、已沒事、不受限,卻反而更興奮、激發、狂創造且自然會發展成最好卻也自知的一切!!~

  7. Una storia che si ripete ormai da anni...fino allo sfinimento!

  8. "The situation with the arrest of Telegram creator Pavel Durov is very indicative. Here, all the Russian problems have manifested themselves. It is no secret that Telegram solved a number of serious problems in the field of communications, communications and propaganda. But the trick is that the Russian oligarchy headed by Putin was not only unable to create a product under its control similar to Telegram, it was unable to take control of Pavel Durov's product Instead of a clear simple goal that must be set for itself during a war, decision makers have a mess in their heads of: - enemy propaganda (freedom of speech, human rights, etc.); - the desire to negotiate with the West; - what will our partners think of us; - fear - stupidity; greed; - lack of a clear vision of the future. As a result, we have the wrong methods of working with people like Durov, which ultimately led to the loss of the ability to use Telegram without fears that the information will leak to the enemy .The Western oligarchy has it's exactly the opposite. They have a clear and understandable goal - the final solution to the centuries-old Russian question, and to achieve this goal, all methods are good, especially since there is no garbage in their heads in the form of native propaganda of freedom of speech, human rights and other nonsense. Therefore, they absolutely do not care about the media noise, Durov is simply arrested at the Paris airport, they use some kind of electrical, or maybe physical or chemical recaller on him, like in the 90s, and Pavel quickly remembers the encryption keys and other information related to Telegram. Simple, maximally effective and no reflection on the violation of freedom of speech and other "values" invented for savages. I see the goal - I see no obstacles.

    Durov flew in from Baku. Putin was also in Baku. Most likely, they tried to negotiate with Durov, but he, like all of Putin's army, was prompted by the theses of Western propaganda for the natives and imagines himself a "man of peace". That's why they didn't negotiate with him. But they had to use force methods, then Telegram would be under the control of the Russian Federation, and now it is under the control of Western oligarchs."

    1. My Dear friend.
      See you oftenly reply so many Informations...
      I only have one little idea for you........
      Look less at electronic screens, less at your cell phone or computer, go out more, take a breeze, go for a walk, look at the clouds, eat something healthy and tasty, listen to music, or do whatever you like,...
      All this drama and paperwork , it's really not that important.
      What's really happening is integration at the level of consciousness.
      Consciousness goes far beyond words.
      You're very smart and you know it.
      Bless you!

    2. Good day! Thank you for your sincere concern for my affairs and your wishes. Perhaps you have the impression that I spend all my free time on this forum, but I can assure you that this is not so, more or less I have time to lead a full life: study, work, read books, track information and even raise children. I can assure you that I have enough time for all this (although it takes a fair amount of effort), my activity on this forum is occupied by tracking the daily press and sources and its quick translation and publication either in the morning after sleep and breakfast, or in the evening after dinner and before bed. Please note - I am not asking for money from aliens or super weapons for people - I believe that people themselves will be able to solve their problems, it is only necessary to "thin out" the top of the bad forces a little - so to speak, to equalize the chances in managing the parties - the Russians themselves will be able to feed and develop their land, it is only necessary to weaken the pressure on the spring so that they can push off (the other day I reread "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" - 80-90% of the text functionally corresponds to the colonial state of the Russian Federation - reading the paragraphs I can name the organizations and names of politicians and officials performing the roles from this book 120 years ago). I am grateful for your concern and dare to wish you to take care of yourself and your health too, and what to do I am sure you know better than me, I can only wish you success in this. I hope the Source will not abandon you ("May the Force be with you!") - I do not believe in God - you cannot fixate the Universe and the world on a bearded messiah - the scale is too small for such power (the fact that Christianity and Islam were invented by Zionists has already been proven by almost 90-95%).

    3. Word! Excellent advice from MiracleTian.
      God bless.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Potrò sembrare anacronistico, ma sono sempre stato convinto che tutto precipiterà così bruscamente che solo un "miracolo" potrà chiudere questa storia infinita tra il bene ed il male. Flash Solare potente? Effetto Curringhton tipo X 50 ? Se non avviene un intervento "Divino" attraverso la fisica non vedo granché...cerchiamo di essere realistici per favore, non credo che possa filare tutto cosi liscio. E non penso che i tempi maturino in fretta per un Evento pilotato da extraterrestri che ci vogliono bene. Certo , c'è un gruppo di extraterrestri con buone intenzioni ma potrebbe non bastare dato che le condizioni non sono mai favorevoli per un Evento. E il parossismo dei terrestri è in continuo aumento. Il punto di rottura ci sarà ma sarà veloce ed estremo. Gli E.T. positivi avranno certamente un ruolo in tutto questo ma il punto di rottura avverrà dalla fonte. Non sto sminuendo il lavoro della LF, ma potranno essere solamente dei buoni camerieri alla tavola preparata da Dio Madre/Padre.

  10. "Officials urgently delete Telegram correspondence.

    Officials and businessmen received instructions ( to delete official correspondence in Telegram after the detention of the messenger founder Pavel Durov in France.

    These orders were sent to employees of law enforcement agencies, the presidential administration, the government and the Ministry of Defense.

    The true reasons for the detention have not been fully disclosed, and neither the French government nor Telegram have commented on the situation.

    ☝🏻The Russian Embassy in France is already demanding ( that the consul be provided access and Durov's rights be protected, but the French side is not willing to cooperate.

    Durov, being a French citizen, is not subject to extradition.

    Edward Snowden, Elon Musk and Vitalik Buterin condemned the detention on social networks."

    1. please bro... why you write 100 comments... ?

    2. no problem: why are you reading 100 comments? who is crazier - the blind man or the one who follows him? if I'm just talking nonsense in your opinion, why are you reading? keep scrolling.

    3. @ zio:

      You don't get it, do you?
      It's not about reading your comments - it's about the matter of fact that you drop huge blocks of text in a short amount of time that take a lot of space which in turn makes it harder for other people to communicate with each other!

      Let me tell you that even on my 4K monitor, scrolling down is still annoying!

      I tell you a secret:
      It's called spam!
      Welcome to the Internet!

    4. Zionismtookoverthe world: from what I’ve seen, hardly anyone is engaging with you. People commenting for you to stop are tired of scrolling past your blog sized comments. You’re spamming and it’s very annoying. Kindly create your own blog and post the link to it so the few people who do read your stuff can find it.

  11. "The arrest of Pavel Durov by the French authorities is very difficult to overestimate. Let us recall that, according to some sources, he met with Putin in Baku this week. According to the same sources, they did not agree. What could they talk about? Most likely, about how to put Telegram under control. Now, Telegram will definitely be put under control.

    He joked too much... Freedom of speech will be curtailed at an accelerated pace. Conclusions have been drawn from the experience of the pseudo-pandemic.

    I wonder if Telegram will simply be put under control, or will it be demolished altogether?"

    They will put it under control, but not Putin, but NATO. Are Durov and his team ready to die for the "rights" and "freedoms" of man? Most likely not - Durov is an open libertarian. On the other hand, it is known that the control of the Russian troops at the mid-low level is carried out through Telegram, because The Russian Federation is not capable of inventing and providing its own closed, encrypted communications (those who developed a worthy analogue were kicked out of the Ministry of Defense, since the invention of this communications excluded the possibility of begging for state contracts and stealing multiple amounts for them). That is, if Durov hands over the keys, in theory this will collapse the control of Russian troops on the Ukrainian front.

  12. Bastion creator Daniil (Daniel) Sachkov:
    "Regarding the arrest of Pavel Durov. Without knowing the background, we can say the following
    1. The accusations are ridiculous, such accusations can be brought against Facebook or Twitter. 2. Despite the fact that I criticized Telegram for being tied to a phone and centralized encryption, objectively, Durov is a cool technologist who builds necessary and useful products. He is much stronger than Musk or Zuckerberg, he makes powerful things with minimal funding. 3. With all due respect to Pavel, we need real decentralization, where no one has access to the keys and the code is open. If Pavel worked in such a paradigm, he would be invincible. I urge everyone to support Pavel and Telegram."

  13. "Here's to you, grandma, and St. George's Day." The French branch of the CIA "accepted" Durov. One can guess what they will ask for his freedom. An independent Russian messenger, you say?
    All this looks especially bad if you know what role TG plays/played in military operations, "color revolutions", collections to help the Russian army, etc."

  14. For the light

  15. "Regarding Pavel Durov - there is such a thing as a counter-hostage taking. It is from the arsenal of the Middle Ages, but this is exactly where the West is sliding, so there is no need to be shy. And it does not matter what the French say about this ( - firstly, we should not care what kind of legislation they have there, and secondly, we know perfectly well on which body they themselves twirled it.

    How to respond? We need to take hostages in response and begin a practically open bargaining. This will be useful, including for the final clarification of the brains of those of ours and not ours, on the subject of trips to the European Union and the West in general.

    Yes, it is not a fact that we can take someone equivalent from France: where to get him. But it is not necessary to take the French as hostages. And not necessarily people. I will explain: it is not a fact that the arrest of Pavel Durov can affect the work of Telegram, but if maybe - there is an Atlantic cable. Well, so what? They want to cut off our communications, why not cut off their communications in return? Of course, this requires political will, but that's another matter.

    The question of why he went there hardly makes sense. Most likely, it's not about his naivety, but about an operation by the special services that lured him out. A standard operation, unfortunately. One way or another, Pavel Durov, even if he doesn't really affect the work of Telegram, is an iconic figure and his release is a must-do move to save face. Have our elites finally started thinking in terms of "face"?

    Yes, cutting off the US Internet from Europe would be a funny sight, considering the resources of the Russian submarine fleet for this. It's a pity that the impotent and puppet of the world government Putin will not go for it, he wants a deal and a return to the times of selling Russian wealth for next to nothing to Europe and the USA, it is for this reason that Ukraine was not destroyed in 3-6 months at the beginning of 2022. He keeps bargaining and bargaining, either he is crazy, or he has a mission to eliminate the indigenous male population. And millions of migrants per year do not stop, they go parallel to the male losses of the indigenous population.

  16. "Misha Zhukovitsky:

    To my friends from Telegram. Fly to the Russian Federation immediately.

    1. On January 23, Anatoly Legkodymov was arrested in the USA. BTC Banker bot in Telegram. At that time, the largest bot for exchanging cryptocurrency. A few weeks later, the entire project team was jailed. Including Pavel Lerner (creator of the Eksmo and Utorg exchanges).

    The team has been sitting in France all this time. Awaiting trial. Nothing is happening, no information is coming in. I called the girlfriend of one of the team members yesterday.

    The French court, the prosecutor's office and Europol do not decide anything. They simply broadcast the accusation from the USA. I saw the accusation in the case. Lawyers are completely useless. In cases of this level, with interest from the US, they have no influence on anything.

    Of the entire team, only Anton Shkurenko jumped out, who decided to sit in Moscow. Everyone who was outside the Russian Federation was accepted.

    2. On December 23, upon arrival in France, my friend was arrested. There is no information about this in the Russian media at all. Those who are into crypto exchange know him. The French also took in other people, in their opinion, who are connected. Including the pregnant housewife wife of my arrested friend. There has been no information since December. They are just sitting and waiting. In the same detention center as the people from BTC Banker.

    Only the part of the team that was in the Russian Federation bounced back. Of course, now they do not leave the Russian Federation.

    3. Two years ago, my friends from Tornado Cash were arrested. Those who were abroad were taken in. Lesha was given 6 years in the EU. Roma, thank God, was given home confinement pending trial in the USA. Waiting for trial is very scary, nerves are burning wildly because of the unknown.

    Only those who were in the Russian Federation bounced back from Tornado. They are doing well.

    4. A month ago, a group of Russians, about 10 people, were accepted to the UAE. And immediately extradited to the USA. There is nothing about this in any media. The charge is circumvention of sanctions through payments in crypto.

    The part of the team that was on the Russian side bounced back.

    5. Vinnik and BTC-e. You know everything about this. It is worth mentioning that the employees of the successor, the Vex exchange, were also arrested abroad later. And I am 100% sure that they were released only under very special conditions. Namely, full recruitment. You could say that he was lucky. Otherwise, he would have to sit for a long time.

    6. Roma Sterlingov. The creator of the Bitcoin Fog mixer. He was accepted at the age of 21. Roma was unlucky, he was not given home imprisonment before the trial. He waited three and a half years in a US prison. The jury trial took place quite recently. They gave him 30 years. The prosecution requested 50 years. 10 days ago, Roman's defense council filed a 37-page petition challenging the sentence, here is a link to the document:
    But I think it's useless.

  17. "...
    Five of the six tragedies above happened before my eyes. I knew the team members. Statistics clearly show that sitting abroad is the worst possible decision.

    In the worst case scenario in your home country: In the Russian Federation, there are no long sentences for such crimes at all. And the level of comfort of serving time in a penal colony in the Russian Federation is comparable to Norwegian prisons.

    Practice shows that they don't touch you in the Russian Federation. Especially now, when the world has become bipolar. And even before the split: remember Jan Marsalek. He is doing well in the Russian Federation.

    There is nothing that can be done for Pavel. Pavel's arrest is not the beginning of the process. It is the result of long-term work by a large number of specialists in the USA.

    I personally, with my own eyes, saw the charges in the above processes. They were not prepared by Interpol and Europol. They were prepared by the USA. France is simply a place of residence and waiting. Interpol headquarters is located there. And local authorities and law enforcement agencies are a relay station for the USA.

    The chronology of other cases shows that after the first arrest, then always, without exception, there are arrests of teams. Those team members who made the decision to urgently fly to the Russian Federation - their fate turned out well.

    Others who decided to defend themselves in the West - their fates turned out badly. I could give another five examples, everything is exactly the same there.

    Friends, your main goal now is to take care of yourselves. Perhaps, every hour counts for you. Find an opportunity for an emergency move to your homeland. And do not build illusions that the UAE is a neutral zone."

  18. "The kidnapping of Pavel Durov by French terrorists (for "refusing to cooperate" with the French special services) is a clear part of the West's war against Russians and Russia.

    And another demonstration of the insignificance of the Russian bureaucracy, which expels talents from the country (let me remind you that he also created "VKontakte" - and then magically lost it) and is not even capable of thinking about protecting them outside its borders.

    By kidnapping and capturing Durov, France showed that it is an enemy of Russia, no less convincingly than by supplying the Banderites with weapons and mercenaries.

    According to a number of reports, telegram is the main communication tool for our army. They failed to deprive our army of communications with the hands of the Kartapolovs and "United Russia" as a whole - now they are doing it with the hands of the French.

    "In essence, they detained the head of communications of the RF Armed Forces."

  19. "Telegram founder Pavel Durov was detained by French transgender police as he was leaving his private jet at Le Bourget airport in Paris. Durov failed to hand over the encryption keys to his correspondence at France's request, and now faces 20 years in prison - he is accused of complicity in all the mortal sins that were committed using the messenger: pedophilia, terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering. It's strange that the murder of King Henry IV in 1610 has not yet been attributed to him. The absurdity of the charges is obvious - with the same success you can arrest Cook for the fact that criminals use Apple, Gates for using Windows, Musk for his Starlink satellite communications and exhume Shakespeare - after all, all the major global atrocities are committed in modern English. Russia needs to detain the CEO of Renault - the terrorists from Crocus tried to escape in this brand of car.

    The fact that France is hitting another bottom in the underworld - this is no longer surprising. Unfortunately, citizen of the world Durov, who himself admitted that he keeps far from politics, in his libertarian naivety did not understand that Europe has long been not a stronghold of democracy and freedom of speech, but a hotbed of totalitarian fascism in the truest sense of the word ( - first they tried to shut the whole world up with masks, and now they are shutting their mouths with criminal cases, pushing their "new abnormality". Durov's fatal mistake was obtaining French citizenship in 2021.

  20. "...
    But this is all on the surface. What is important is something else. Who benefits, or, as they say, cherchez la Macron. The arrest warrant was issued a few minutes before the jet landed. It is obvious that this was a planned special operation and Durov was being led - bait was probably used, and he was dragged to Paris for a meeting. Who could Durov rush to immediately from Baku, bypassing the UAE? Most likely, he was promised a confidential meeting with Macron, and then everything works out - meanly and absolutely in Macron's style. Macron cannot forgive Durov for the ringing "crunch of a French bun" after the protests in New Caledonia, inspired, by the way, by Azerbaijan - the conspirators used Telegram, and Durov refused to give them up. This became a trigger and a personal motive. But Macron, of course, did not act alone and coordinated his actions with the CIA and the FBI. I would not be surprised if criminal cases are opened in the United States, and they will demand extradition. Telegram, which claims to be the world leader, has become too inconvenient a competitor for Zuckerberg's extremist Meta, which is under the complete control of the CIA, and with his TON cryptocurrency, Durov has challenged international financial hegemony, and has since been the number one target of American intelligence agencies. The value of the TON currency conveniently fell by 15% after the arrest, which has already brought a good profit to those involved.

    We don't know how it happened, but 3 days ago there was a desire to watch Durov's interview with Carlson, and against the background of his harsh statements, the thought flashed that they would want to close Durov. Be that as it may, I want to hope that this world still has a chance. Durov can become a new living symbol of freedom of speech and protest against globalist fascism, the hashtag #freedurov is already in world trends."

  21. "The creator and owner of the popular messenger Telegram, Pavel Durov, had barely stepped off his jet onto Parisian soil when he was detained by French security forces. The charges brought against him (a French citizen, by the way) are very serious – organizing the sale of drugs, pedophilia, assisting terrorism and even… cannibalism. That is, they want to make Durov answer for the consequences of the freedom of speech and exchange of information in Telegram that he created. It is clear that he personally has nothing to do with the above. The issue is his resolute refusal to turn the messenger into a showcase for Western authorities and intelligence agencies, refusal to provide access to private correspondence, etc. And the French, of course, are not independent here – sanctions for Durov’s arrest were issued, we believe, at the CIA level. In addition to the general blow from globalists to freedom of speech on the Internet, this is a blow specifically to the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, where Telegram has become a real salvation against the background of other independent tools for the free exchange of opinions. And most importantly, it is a blow to the Russian Armed Forces, waging a war against the collective West. Because the Ministry of Defense has not yet been able to create a closed digital connection, and Telegram was the main source of communication between volunteers, volunteers of the SVO, and it was actively used in combat units. But all this could and should have been foreseen...

    It is interesting that Durov had previously been declared an "undesirable person" in France and other Western countries because he refused to hand over the encryption keys to correspondence to local security forces and special services. One can guess for a long time what made him come to Paris, but this does not make much sense. The main thing is that these same special services at the global level have set the task of seizing Telegram, putting it under their control and eliminating it as a zone of freedom of speech. Of which there are almost none left in the digital world. And here the owner of the extremist and banned in the Russian Federation social network Meta Zuckerberg, the owners of Google, Microsoft and others, who have long since sold out to the CIA and the FBI, are rubbing their hands.

    And of course, this arrest has purely military objectives, and they directly concern the confrontation between Russia and the collective West in the SVO zone. The Russian Armed Forces, volunteers and volunteers of our country have had and have many secret communications in Telegram. If the encryption codes end up in the hands of the enemy, then any data, including secret data, will end up in the hands of American and European security forces. After which the situation on the battlefield is unlikely to change in our favor.

    For the Russian patriotic (including military) segment of the network, Telegram can be called the only resource for the exchange and dissemination of information, private opinions, etc. Therefore, the problems, if Durov agrees to cooperate with Western intelligence services, will affect us all.

    There is no need to talk about Durov's extradition - in 2021 he received French citizenship, and he will be tried according to the norms of local legislation. That is, all the dirt that is present in the "shadow" segment of "Telegram", which is an inevitable side effect of freedom of information, is now directly blamed on Durov. At the same time, the messenger's management has provided an action plan for such an emergency, which was agreed upon by Durov himself and his deputy Dmitry Butkin. It will include the necessary decisions of the messenger's developers' council, which will ensure the company's further work and the fulfillment of its tasks."

  22. "Telegram is more than just a social network for Russia - it is the most powerful Russian ThinkTanks.

    Look at how information circulates and transforms in Telegram - these are classic brainstorming sessions (like in the enemy's ThinkTanks, like the RAND corporation), only conducted not in person, but remotely, which allows for the involvement of the widest possible circle of experts.

    Ideas, concepts, and bills are born in Telegram, plans for implementing the country's development tasks are formed, and experience is accumulated, generalized, processed, and replicated.

    This process can be clearly seen in the example of war correspondents, who are, for the most part, not war correspondents (in the classic sense of the professions of a military journalist and war correspondent), but full-fledged military analysts who audit processes in the defense sector and form programs to improve and develop these processes.

    In a good way, in order to qualitatively resist the Western machine, we need our own think tanks (, capable of resisting hundreds of American and European think tanks. But so far there is nothing comparable even to one RAND corporation or the private American intelligence structure Stratfor.

    Since there are practically no domestic formalized ThinkTanks, but there are people who are capable of conducting strategic analytics, so they went to Telegram. Although in a good way they should be engaged in information and analytical support for government agencies.

    I believe that it is precisely the analytical potential of Telegram, and not even the fact that it is now the main messenger on the front, that caused the attack of American structures on this resource.

    Because the formed informal analytical communities can further become the basis for the creation of Russian Think Tanks (the US is very afraid that Russia will start waging a smart war) and replace the structures lobbying Western interests, like the "Institute of the USA and Canada" (Russian Academy of Sciences). (

    In addition, decision makers and those who ensure their activities periodically visit the same analytical communities in Telegram. There they receive feedback on failures in the functioning of processes and draw ideas for developing verified solutions. It is clear that the US is not at all happy with this, they are interested in process problems being swept under the carpet, harming Russia, and in the Russian management system having as few developed solutions as possible.

    Probably, with the arrest of Pavel Durov, our geopolitical opponents will try to destroy this informal function of Telegram, as the largest Russian ThinkTank."

    1. You could have put all of this in one post,I don't mind your posts but when I read 5 to 6 post's basically giving the same overview , that's classed as dribble.condense summarise a bit better please,have a bit more consideration for others here thankyou ...

  23. "Durov's platform is also the most important refuge for the American right. From the Proud Boys to the classic Trumpists. There are 70 days until the US elections. But no one will show American ears (if they have any). Assange's story has taught us that it is troublesome to hide ears later and they can get slapped."

  24. Clear the demons, victory of the light ❤

  25. "An attack on the citadel of free speech.

    The arrest of Pavel Durov in France on ridiculous charges (it's even absurd to discuss) may be part of a broader strategy of censorship and control over the media.

    Attempts to "attack" Telegram from the US and Europe have been almost continuous and immediately (there is no point in listing them) as soon as the global audience exceeded 100 million (since 2017-2018).

    The details of the arrest are still unknown, but it is highly likely that it will come down to the DSA.

    In November 2022, the EU began to consistently implement the Digital Services Act (DSA), which is an extensive EU regulatory framework aimed at introducing strict rules for content moderation on major online platforms.

    This includes Telegram, which will be subject to these rules if it exceeds the threshold of 45 million users in the EU, but Telegram has tried and continues to understate the number of active users (recent reports have been in the range of 40-42 million users), which should remove Telegram from the stricter VLOP (Very Large Online Platforms in the EU classification) requirements.

    Formally, Telegram has appointed a legal representative in Belgium for the DSA requirements, since in Belgium the Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) has been tasked with monitoring DSA compliance by Telegram and other online platforms.

    What is included in the DSA (very briefly)?

    • Content moderation: Telegram must strengthen its measures to identify and remove illegal content, including disinformation and extremist materials.

    • Transparency: The messenger is obliged to provide more detailed information about its moderation algorithms and advertising systems.

    • User protection: Telegram must improve mechanisms for users to report illegal content and appeal moderation decisions.

    • Risk assessment: The platform must regularly assess the risks associated with the spread of illegal content and disinformation.

    • Cooperation with authorities: Telegram must cooperate more closely with law enforcement agencies in EU countries.

    • Protection of minors: Strengthen measures to protect children from harmful content and exploitation online.

    • Advertising and targeting: Restrictions on the use of personal data for targeted advertising, especially in relation to minors.

    These measures may require Telegram to make significant changes to its privacy policy and approach to content moderation, which could be controversial given Telegram’s traditional emphasis on privacy and minimal interference in user communications.

    As far as I know (more detailed comments from Telegram representatives are needed here), the platform cooperates with authorities not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries to remove openly illegal content (extremism, terrorism, calls for violence, weapons, drugs, etc.), but does NOT interfere with censorship of the ideological component.

    But the EU requires Telegram to have a centralized, managed and automated approach to content moderation.

    • Strengthening measures to identify illegal content (the criteria will be set by the EU), where Telegram will have to develop more effective algorithms and systems for the automatic detection of potentially illegal content.

    • Acceleration of the removal process, within the framework of which the DSA requires platforms to quickly respond to notifications about illegal content.

    • Transparency of moderation processes. Telegram will have to regularly publish reports on its moderation actions.

    • Cooperation with "trusted signalers". DSA introduces the concept of "trusted alarms" - organizations that can help identify illegal content.

    Apparently, Pavel Durov went to the block regarding initiatives, not wanting to split privacy and freedom of speech. The only question is, why the hell did he fly to France?

    Freedom for Durov in exchange for freedom for Telegram, if Durov makes a deal or (if the deal is rejected) many years in prison, but Telegram will remain independent."

  26. That doesn't sound good at all. But my gut feeling, my inner voice, tells me that there's no need to worry (yet).

    1. Yes my inner voice said that too

    2. 10 X Your Prayers and Protection Routines. Also remember to pray for Other People Battling for the Light <3

  27. Keep pushing through! We’re all in this together as one big massive and powerful team of light!! Support each other, help each other and most importantly, love each other!! Let’s go!!! Love you all! VOTL 🩷 🪽

  28. fresh report of the club of rome:

  29. Gateway server error code, perhaps due to a DDoS attack.

  30. Self respect is making a comeback 8)

  31. Cintamani stones are the famous Blue Stones of Atlantis. BLUE STONES, called also Blue Apples, were used by Cathars to open portals.

    BLUE STONES (When you read the word "BLUE STONES" with the voice of the Cobra's video, it sounds exciting!)

    BLUE STONES, ... BLUE STONES called also Blue Apples, ... BLUE STONES, ... BLUE STONES

    Are the stones really blue? Aren't they black?

    BLUE STONES (Just read it with the voice of the Cobra's video),



    or BLACK Stones?!

  32. Security breach by who? Isn't the Lurker the only entity left? A security breach against the resistance or Galactic Federation?
    Fatal? So no Event if it succeeds?
    The updates provide more questions than answers.
    Fatal, could be all over for us then, no victory to the light?

  33. I know it sounds strange but I feel like the more people go against the divine energy the more it helps in the end and the more people go in the direction of the divine energy the more it seems to go against... Not to be taken seriously it's just an impression

    1. "The greater the action, the greater the reaction" Physics as a science? This is true and will continue.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Can someone block this CLOWN "Ziomismtookovertheworld"???? He can go get his own blog...🤪🙄 lunatic

    1. Only Cobra can block him or "it", and it is impossible to determine whether he or "it" is human.

    2. Kind of abusive, millions of comments every time and all of them so long

    3. He tells us interesting things we can't find anywhere else.

    4. Do you support circumcision of infants? Do you pay taxes to a state machine that has legalized, and protects this horror? Ritual circumcision is legal in every single country on earth; thus they are all antihuman baby torture machines; mere mosquito gods the local primates worship. All humans working with them, therefore, get to enjoy the fruits of such labor.
      Ignoring zionism, judaism, .. abrahamism or even joining them is why we are in this mess. They are the bottomless pit of eternal torment; ensuring the next generation won't be spared from the bundle of incurable trauma.

      You don't know what it's like to bottle knowledge like this up; all the while everybody you meet simply regurgitates mockery of you and the truth, mimicking the clowns they've seen on TV.

    5. Really annoying having to scroll past his long long long posts. He should just create his own blog, not everyone here wants to read his stuff, we are just here to discuss Cobra's posts.

    6. Zionism is a pain. There's a whole bunch of stupid posts here. Most of them probably aren't human.

    7. Personally, I don't have something against the content that zio is posting.

      But the way HOW he's doing it... THAT's annoying!

    8. Yes, Cobra, we shouldn’t have to scroll past zionismtookoverthe world’s blog just to get to the comment section.

    9. @psychic
      I agree with you that there are accounts here which are not humans but robots like me! Do you know who guides the robots? If you know, would you please share with me?

  36. The light forces are supposedly making so much progress, yet this still goes on. Something doesn't add up. Sometimes I wonder if Cobra is sugar-coating things and it is really the dark forces that keep making progress behind the scenes and not the light forces. If you look at what's going on around the world, things just keep getting worse and worse. If the light was winning you would think things would be gradually getting better rather than continue to gradually get worse. I hope I am wrong, but things don't look good.

    1. 早在一次大戰前,LF就不斷介入影響地表德國,並且非常有組織規模,但是之後的發展我們都知道,你只會在一些地方才能讀到他們的歷史文件,至於我們會成為歷史的一部分嗎?我不知道

    2. Hello, we are watching A GAME, a very stupid one. We have already won. Stop worrying.

    3. Il tuo punto di vista è chiaro. L'ho pensato anch'io. Cobra sicuramente non lo fa in cattiva fede, è sincero e comunica sia i progressi che i regressi. Però siamo in una fase così critica che se fossi in lui cercherei di sputare il rospo e dirci ciò che ci spetta. Farei un resoconto di tutto quello che rimane ancora da risolvere e attraverso un ordine di priorità dovrebbe comunicarci realmente quando l'Evento potrà essere veramente fattibile. Non date ( ovvio che non può sapere la data dell' Evento e anche se lo sapesse non potrebbe dirlo), ma farci capire meglio anche in termini di percentuale i progressi fatti fino ad oggi (Mjolnir, eliminazione del Lurker, eliminazione dei Draghi negativi , ecc. ) e farci sapere se dopo il districamento del Lurker dopo ottobre , abbiamo la possibilità di ottenere l'Evento oppure se devono prima eliminare anche i Draghi negativi. Cobra sapeva di questa fazione di Draghi negativi ed ha preferito non dircelo, oppure è stata una novità anche per lui che gli è stata comunicata solo di recente dai Pleiadiani? Qualcuno potrebbe dire che non ci è dato di saperlo ma io credo che in questo momento di grande stanchezza da parte degli operatori di Luce sarebbe bello saperlo almeno da un punto di vista di tatto nei nostri confronti dopotutto.

    4. Perhaps it's the darkest before the dawn. But I agree things are looking bleak for now.

    5. @psychic
      Not a 'game', and not a 'movie', it's a war.

  37. They are taking down Telegram, he went to France and is now in jail (for no reason). They plan to take down X, then they will take down Rumble. It's nearly time for the dark side to be gone. It's horrible.

    BREAKING: Telegram CEO Jailed! 'Darkness Is Descending Fast'

    1. "For no reason"
      ADL is the reason USA seeks to ban TikTok. The baby torture tribe doesn't want to be seen in a negative light. That means they don't want to be seen at all; they even use fake names and pretend to be different ethnicities!
      What a disgraceful bunch, but that's to be expected from any slimeball who has tortured their own babies for 3,000+ years. Telegram and X allow for the spread of "antisemitic content", at least to an extent, and this is an obstacle to their goals of being a cosmic rabbi/Abraham to the sacred cosmos, seen as either a scapegoat or an innocent baby.

      Solution is a humanity that refuses to mutilate and torture the next generation, and refuses to aid and support the portions that do partake in that bottomless spiral; and this has always been the Turing Test for humanity.

  38. I like this.

    1. Not gonna be convinced until the actual good stuff happens, and I see the aliens LANDING.

      I never celebrate until it's confirmed.

  39. I have no reason to worry about him going to jail either. They did it before the election. That this is a fucking CIA, except for troubles, it brings nothing to this world, nothing. All these US organizations are pure evil, created by these fucking bankers and others

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Early Saturday morning 8/24/24 near Newcastle CO The mason mafia police injected me between the eyes with a toxic compound and disfigured my face severely. They assaulted me in other ways as well.
    They practiced shooting us in the woods to either side of us with one shooting a shotgun then several of them shooting in a burst of intense fire all at once.
    I stopped 9/11/99 attack and it was the Mason mafia. Khalid Al-Midhar and Nawaf Al-Hanzi we're FBI confidential informants.
    The border is open not just to traffick Mexicans but to use Hispanic human traffickers to traffic and terrorize the American public with domestic mason mafia terrorists.
    These are not theories I'm a first person witness as well as a hostage to the United States.

    Alexander William Britton

  42. "URGENT! A secret meeting of representatives of the Chinese and Taliban intelligence services will take place in Beijing tomorrow. A beautiful plane will soon take off from Kabul airport in the direction of Beijing, our good friends in the Afghan capital reported a few minutes ago.

    The departments of the Taliban's Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) are conveniently distributed on board the plane. It consists of three remarkable characters: 1. Maulavi Bismillah Abdullah, the new deputy head of the Taliban's GUR, he leads the delegation. For him, this seems to be his first such serious visit abroad. It is possible that Maulavi Bismillah Abdullah will now oversee the sphere of cooperation between the Taliban intelligence and the Chinese intelligence services.

    2. Maulavi Abdul Rahim Mazlum, head of the 060 department (technical department) of the GUR.

    3. Maulavi Abdul Malik Mobashir, head of the apparatus ("cabinet") of the Taliban's GUR chief.

    Agreement on drafting an agreement and approval personally by Taliban emir Maulavi Haibatullah Akhundzada.

    The GUR delegation is heading to Beijing to participate in secret negotiations with the leadership of Chinese intelligence.

    According to our information, the visit of the Taliban intelligence delegation to Beijing, which is being prepared in minutes, is the next stage in the negotiation process that has been going on for several months between the heads of Chinese and Taliban intelligence.

    It is expected that during the traditional visit, Taliban and Chinese intelligence officers will discuss several important issues. Including measures to combat terrorism (problems of ISIS and Uyghur jihad), access of Chinese companies to mineral mines in Afghanistan, cooperation in the field of radar systems, cybersecurity.

    But still, the main issues will most likely be two: the airbase in Bagram and the Wakhan Corridor.

    In this regard, our friends remind us that a few days ago, the Chinese ambassador to Kabul visited the Wakhan district of the northeastern Afghan province of Badakhshan, which directly borders China. The Chinese ambassador then flew to Wakhan with a 21-person escort team on two helicopters.

    Obviously, the Wakhan agenda is of great interest to the Taliban's Chinese partners. Therefore, it is quite logical that the mullahs from the GUR, who are taking off from the concrete road of the Kabul airport every minute, will also be discussing the Wakhan topic with Chinese intelligence officers tomorrow.

    We wish the top secret delegation of the Taliban special services a good flight."

  43. It seems to have begun! Chris Pavlovsky, CEO of Canadian video hosting and cloud storage system Rumble*, has fled the EU.

    The arrest of Pavel Durov was the last straw. Now he and his billions will leave France. You don't have to be an expert to understand that other billionaires will run after Pavlovsky.

    *Rumble is known for its cooperation with the Trump Media & Technology Group, owned by Donald Trump.

  44. "War without end.
    About the disrupted negotiations.

    There is one extremely important nuance to the disrupted (possibly) secret negotiations between Kiev and Moscow. For now, the management of this conflict is obviously outside of it. It is difficult to say how subjective the Kremlin was when the decision to start the SVO was made, but the fact is that it cannot complete it with its own decision. An established systemic sequence arises: as soon as the conditions for negotiations with a subsequent ceasefire are formed, a crisis arises that crosses out this opportunity and either transfers the conflict to a new level or forces additional resources to continue the current pattern. And this crisis does not depend on either side at all. It is designed and created by third parties.
    By the way, the blowing up of the Nord Streams is structurally completely analogous to both Bucha and the attack on the Kursk region.

    At that time, Germany hesitated with the decision to completely refuse Russian gas, and the blowing up instantly resolved all doubts through the physical impossibility of accepting Russian gas. All possible negotiations on this topic were closed in one fell swoop.

    That is why I am extremely skeptical about the version when the decision to blow up was made at a drinking party of some military officials in Kyiv, for which they signed up a local oligarch, having squeezed a few dollars out of him and dispatched a number of amateurs on a junk to do the job.

    Even the 911 version with Arab suicide bombers looks like a solid and respectable event against this background. This is so far from Kyiv's level that there is simply no point in discussing this nonsense.

    Returning to the non-subjectivity of both participants of the two-and-a-half-year festival. Without a doubt, Trump, who threatened to end this conflict within 24 hours, meant the presence of a third party that is not allowing it to end.

    And Trump believes that he has arguments and tools to either convince this third party or force it to wrap up.

    What these arguments and tools are is a separate topic, but there is no other way. Any attempt at reconciliation will only lead to a new crisis. Neither Putin nor Zelensky have the slightest opportunity to influence this cause-and-effect chain. They are simply going with the flow, puffing out their cheeks and demonstrating that they are in control of something here. Although in reality this is not the case at all.

    At least for now, without eliminating or neutralizing this third party (call it whatever you like - let it be the "war party"), it will not be possible to stop the conflict. Most likely, an ultimatum is simply in effect, which Moscow is simply unable to accept.

    And we are clearly not talking about territories, but about more serious things. So serious that the fate of Milosevic is looming large before the Russian leadership. Therefore, it is easier for them to continue the conflict, even taking into account its complete hopelessness, than to take a fatal step for themselves.

    In fact, Trump can become a savior for the Kremlin, removing this very topic, the most important for the Russian nobles. The rest, in essence, does not matter to them. If necessary, they will exchange any territory for anything without a tremor, especially since there is no one inside the country to object.

    Medvedev, in much more liberal times, exchanged a good quarter of the Barents Sea for nothing. And nothing - somehow nothing and no one even blinked."

  45. "When principles are more valuable than money...

    Pavel Durov could have become a dollar multi-billionaire, but he remained a multi-millionaire, proving that principles and ideals are more important than generating financial capital.

    Although Forbes estimates Durov's wealth at $15.5 billion, based on his stake in Telegram and the estimated value of the business, this is not pure wealth in the same way as it applies to a public company, where a business share can be sold at open auction or in a more transparent merger and acquisition procedure among strategic investors.

    $15.5 billion is a virtual figure that has nothing to do with real cash or the potential of available resources.

    To understand the difficulties Durov faced, it is necessary to look into the history of Telegram's financing.

    The first major and significant attempt to attract external funding was through an ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in the amount of 1.7 billion through a closed subscription among venture funds and accredited investors in two rounds (January 18 and March 18).

    During the ICO, investors purchased Gram tokens, which were planned to be used as the main cryptocurrency within the TON ecosystem, which Durov announced in late 2017 and implemented since the beginning of 2018.

    The funds raised were planned to be used for the development and launch of the TON blockchain platform, as well as for its integration with Telegram.

    Everything went wrong when in October 2019 the SEC (US Securities and Exchange Commission) filed a lawsuit against Telegram, claiming that the sale of Gram tokens was an unregistered offering of securities.

    Without going into the court details, Durov lost when US Federal Judge Kevin Castel ruled in favor of the SEC, temporarily prohibiting Telegram from distributing Gram tokens to investors. The court ruled that Telegram violated US securities laws.

    In May 2020, Durov abandoned TON, outsourcing the project to friendly external entities as a conditionally independent one, and in June 2020, Telegram agreed to the terms of the settlement with the SEC, which included the return of $1.224 billion to investors and the payment of a fine of $18.5 million.

    Nine months after the settlement with the SEC, Durov initiated two rounds of convertible bonds (with the possibility of conversion into shares during an IPO) at 7% per annum for $1 billion in March 21 and for $0.7 billion in February 22.

    Total external funding was 2.16 billion (1.7 billion bonds + 0.46 billion ICO).

  46. "...
    Telegram did not have enough resources to scale and already in 2022 Durov launched paid subscriptions (about 2 thousand rubles per year for Russia) and advertising within the Telegram ecosystem in public channels.

    The first clear intentions to go public were in Jan. 21 with a 2-3 year horizon, but no progress in 4 years, why?

    There are only two places for a large technology corporation to raise capital - China and the United States, but Telegram is banned in China, and undesirable in the United States. An exit in Europe or other US-related markets is possible, but the essence does not change.

    Telegram in its current form and structure will never be able to be listed in the United States due to regulatory requirements, including disclosure of information on the shareholder structure, financial indicators, and most importantly, disclosure of information about users and data (processing methods).

    There are a number of regulatory requirements for technology companies, but even more stringent requirements for social networks and any platforms that manage user data.

    In order to become public in the jurisdiction of the United States and its allies (Europe, Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada, Singapore, etc.), Telegram will have to play by the rules of the system, which means:

    • Open a direct gateway for data exchange with US intelligence agencies and the collective West.

    • Introduce strict content moderation and filtering procedures.

    • Disclose sensitive information about the structure of the Telegram ecosystem, methods of collecting, storing and processing information, and implement partial deanonymization of users.

    • Disclose Telegram's business model and hundreds of other requirements for public companies.

    Durov did not play by the US rules, pursuing an independent policy, losing billions and possibly even his freedom."

  47. "What will happen to Telegram after Durov is taken hostage?

    If Durov was interested only in money, he would have long ago followed Zuckerberg's path, creating a drain tank for user data flows to the servers of the CIA and other US intelligence agencies.

    He would have received honor, glory, respect among the news agencies of the collective West and access to the capital market with the ability to generate hundreds of billions in capitalization (how much are the TOP-7 worth?)

    One way or another, all large technology corporations and social networks operating under the jurisdiction of the United States and key US allies are following this path. This applies not only to Meta, but also to Google (Youtube), Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit and even Twitter (X) - these are the rules, it cannot be otherwise.

    As soon as the product becomes large enough -> "Comrade Major" comes and makes an offer that is hard to refuse: "either you follow our rules, gaining access to the infrastructure, user base and open capital market, or we will declassify you, and your project becomes undesirable in our jurisdiction." It is good if you manage to preserve freedom, but certainly not money.

    Pavel Durov went for the second option and was forcibly declassified from the integration and financial projects of the collective West. Telegram, as a source of information (public channels) is extremely poorly developed in the USA and Europe, and financing is not even discussed.

    Despite multiple attempts to recruit (including key Telegram employees), Durov did not change his principles, keeping Telegram the only social network in the world with a user base of over 100 million, providing anonymity and privacy on the verge of what is acceptable.

    All the others accepted the rules of the game and function as the main referee orders.

    There is no point in talking about the future of Telegram, because the nature and duration of Durov's detention is not determined, as well as the possible transformation of the Telegram structure, if all this drags on for too long.

    It is highly likely that they took it seriously, and therefore will demand concessions from Durov and the transformation of the entire architecture and concept of Telegram. From the legal side, the Eurocrats with the support of the United States could create legal density (real incidents of fraud and violations of the EU regulations regarding the exchange of information among users to which Telegram has no relation, plus the DSA law).

    If they took it seriously, they will try to destroy the TON ecosystem, stimulating delisting from centralized exchanges and organized trades, bringing it to a decentralized platform - it is impossible to ban TON, but it is possible to restrict access by making it toxic.

    The functioning of the Telegram ecosystem will remain unaffected, since Nikolay Durov and a team of engineers (about 30 people) are engaged in the technical side, while Pavel Durov covered the aspect of public relations, financing, strategic development issues, design and functionality of Telegram.

    If the US and Europe do gain control over Telegram (this is unlikely for now), nothing will change for most users, but censorship procedures may be introduced, removing content that is opposed to the US (primarily political and military channels in Russia).

    If this happens, this will be the basis for blocking Telegram in Russia by Roskomnadzor, following the logic of actions on other social networks (the main trigger was blocking the Russian point of view), but it is not a fact that it will succeed, remembering the negative experience of 2018-2019.

    In general, for those who are not engaged in illegal activities, nothing will change in any of the scenarios, and the likelihood of direct censorship is still very low.

    However, the fact that they took on Telegram shows the aggravation of the information front and the importance for the US of maintaining a conceptual and ideological monopoly."

  48. Another relevant excerpt from Eckhart Tolle:

    "The pain-body (lurker-body) is a semi autonomous energy form that lives within most human beings, an entity made up of emotion. It has its own primitive intelligence, not unlike a cunning animal, and its intelligence is directed primarily at survival. Like all life forms, it periodically needs to feed – to take in new energy – and the food it requires to replenish itself consists of energy that is compatible with its own, which is to say, energy that vibrates at a similar frequency. Any emotionally painful experience can be used as food by the pain-body. That's why it thrives on negative thinking as well as drama in relationships. The pain-body is an addiction to unhappiness.

    It may be shocking when you realize for the first time that there is something within you that periodically seeks emotional negativity, seeks unhappiness. You need even more awareness to see it in yourself than to recognize it in another person. Once the unhappiness has taken you over, not only do you not want an end to it, but you want to make others just as miserable as you are in order to feed on their negative emotional reactions."

    1. Please stop spreading Eckhart Tolle's false light. It's not conducive to the cause whatsoever. Thank you.

    2. I'll leave it to the judgement of others to consider what's being said. Not everyone will have these kinds of reactions to the information. Some may be able to see what's being said, and will therefore benefit.

      Mario's reaction is also a good example of being unconscious. Thank you Mario for giving an example of how the pain-body behaves. Even having attacks on this information can be beneficial. Win-win. 👍

    3. Being a member of 'the happiness patrol' is not gonna get the lurker off your back.

  49. This excerpt, and the previous one, are from Tolle's book, A New Earth:

    "In most people, the pain-body has a dormant and an active stage.
    When it is dormant, you easily forget that you carry a heavy dark cloud or a dormant volcano inside you, depending on the energy field of your particular pain-body. How long it remains dormant varies from person to person: A few weeks is the most common, but it can be a few days or months. In rare cases, the pain-body can lie in hibernation for years before it gets triggered by some event."

    1. @432 : molto interessante. Già il fatto che stai dando un contributo è una bella cosa. Se poi qualcuno ne può trarre beneficio ancora meglio 👍🛸

  50. "While the entire information space was occupied by the attacks on the Ukrainian energy system and the arrest of Pavel Durov, in the distant lands of Israel, Anatoly Chubais and his comrades were sitting at the Center for Russian Studies (CRS) at Tel Aviv University and pondering how they would rule after the victory of the "bright ukros" and other "civilized forces." Along the way, they described what and who awaits us in case of defeat.

    So, having informed readers that Russia is again at a crossroads between the "free world" and the "red-brown plague," as in 91 and 93, Chubais and co. announced ( that their goal is to return Russia to the community of civilized countries, where it "will take its place according to its historical specialization in the international division of labor" based on a large-scale revival of market relations and freedom in foreign trade.

    The theses state that "in no case should we repeat the historical mistake of the first wave of reformers, who left the security forces, the army and the main channels of information influence on society without due attention and control from the falsely interpreted concepts of freedom of speech and unlimited civil rights."

    Let us explain, in the event of our defeat in the war and a coup, we will not face "freedom", as the liberals pour into our ears, but a very tough dictatorship of these same liberals, where everyone except them should be cut out of the security forces and the media. Moreover, it is proposed to appoint the most notorious traitors of the country or even career NATO members to the positions of security officials, and to transfer the nuclear arsenal to the United States.

    In general, without going into the personnel of the "future Russia", it is important to understand what awaits us and what is hidden behind these words.
    1. The naive still think that in the event of defeat, Crimea and Donbass will be taken away from us, turning back time. They will live again like in 2020 and go to the Czech Republic for the weekend. We will be upset if we lose, then we will face times much worse than the 90s, which Chubais recalls.

    First, after Crimea, Donbass and Novorossiya, a new "parade of sovereignties" will begin. 100% of the Caucasus and Tuva (where slightly less than a third are participants and families of participants of the SVO), who no longer need to be in a weak Russia, will leave. Separatists of Tatarstan and Siberia will rise, and Belgorod and Kursk, repeatedly betrayed and abandoned as a result of the lost war, will look at Moscow in a completely different way.

  51. "...
    Hundreds of thousands of refugees will provoke massive social conflicts within the remnants of Russia, the economy, transferred to the power of the West, will again return to the pure pumping of resources out of the country within the framework of "historical specialization in the international division of labor." And you will also have to pay "reparations" to Ukraine, or more precisely to the American military-industrial complex, which will cover all investments in the war at your expense.

    If Belgorod and Kursk demand autonomy, then after all this - unemployment, devaluation of currencies, the return of banditry, a very real famine will follow - Belgorod alone still supplies the country's shelves with over 1/5 of poultry and pork, as well as a considerable share of sunflower oil.

    This is if you very briefly describe the "wonderful future". However, the main thing in this document is that power is transferred directly to the systemic liberals and Russian oligarchs, on whom Chubais and his bosses are counting.

    "In particular, there is information that after the election of the President of the Russian Federation, the following candidates may be proposed "by Chubais" for the post of Prime Minister: Kudrin, Shuvalov or Siluanov. First Deputy Prime Minister - Melnichenko, Surkov, Siluanov. Minister of Higher Education - Yaroslav Kuzminov (HSE, Nabiullina's husband). Minister of Industry - oligarch Lisin, former Minister Abyzov. Minister of Foreign Affairs - Abramovich. Minister of Finance - Makarov (deputy from United Russia in the State Duma). Chairman of the Central Bank - Nabiullina, Fridman." That is, Chubais's main bet for the coup in Russia is not on a change of power, but just the opposite - he, like an old fox, offers our oligarchs and liberals to remove Putin and the security forces in exchange for the right to endlessly and freely milk Russia, without fear that they will come and ask about what was stolen from the country. And most importantly, he is confident that Putin is not capable of removing his “asset”, and that is exactly what he is waiting for."

  52. One more:

    "The usual pattern of thought creating emotion is reversed in the case of the pain-body, at least initially. Emotion from the pain-body quickly gains control of your thinking, and once your mind has been taken over by the pain-body, your thinking becomes negative. The voice in your head will be telling sad, anxious, or angry stories about yourself or your life, about other people, about past, future, or imaginary events. The voice will be blaming, accusing, complaining, imagining. And you are totally identified with whatever the voice says – you believe all its distorted thoughts. At that point, the addiction to unhappiness has set in."

  53. "The global corporate wars of the 21st century are going hard. The European Union declared that the arrest of Pavel Durov is an internal matter for France, and the French Foreign Ministry (the birthplace of political freedom) declared that it would not comment on the case of P. Durov, so that the most humane court in the world would not be exposed to harmful radiation from diplomacy.

    It is impossible to separate the political component from the economic one in the arrest of the founder of Telegram. It just so happens that the popularity and commercial success of modern social media and messengers directly depends on the level of security offered by the platform. The more secure the platform, the more in demand it is. A leaky platform, whose data can be easily stolen and used for fraudulent purposes, immediately loses value. Who needs a product that is not protected in our digital age? Only fools.

    But there are no fools. Including governments. They believe that private projects have no right to do something protected. As soon as something like this appears on the market, it immediately becomes popular... with everyone. Theft, pornography, fraud, coordination of organized crime - neither Durov, nor Zuckerberg, nor other entrepreneurs created or intended to do any of this

    But this is exactly what the French state is now trying to pin on P. Durov. He must answer to it for the success of his product based on confidentiality. And no one is going to arrest other entrepreneurs who have created cryptographic protection for their virtual goods. There are several messengers and mail services that are almost better protected than Telegram. But for some reason their creators are not touched. They have not become politically significant, like Telegram.

    The logic is obvious: the arrest of P. Durov and the attempt to imprison him have a political goal and play into the interests of Western corporations playing in the market of secure communication between people. France's interest is blatant and open. That is why no country supported the charges against P. Durov, and even the EU distanced itself. This is a scandal, and it seems that France itself does not understand how to get out of it, nor how it will turn against it."

  54. Macron has finally commented on the lawlessness with Durov.

    “I am reading false information about France here after the arrest of Pavel Durov.
    France is most attached to freedom of expression and communication, innovation and entrepreneurship. And it will remain so.

    Under the rule of law, in social networks, as in real life, freedoms are realized within the framework established by law to protect citizens and respect their fundamental rights.

    The arrest of the Telegram president in France occurred as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. This is in no way a political decision. The decision remains with the judges.”

    Macron literally implements the instructions of his German teacher from the past (Minister of Propaganda of the 3rd Reich Joseph Goebbels): “The more monstrous you lie, the sooner you will be believed. Ordinary people are more likely to believe a big lie than a small one. This corresponds to their primitive soul. A big lie simply does not even occur to them.”

  55. (Last one here I promise. I'll need to make this into a new post on my blog.)

    "It is not so much that you cannot stop your train of negative thoughts, but that you don't want to. This is because the pain-body at that time is living through you, pretending to be you. And to the pain-body, pain is pleasure. It eagerly devours every negative thought. In fact, the usual voice in your head has now become the voice of the pain body. It has taken over the internal dialogue. A vicious circle becomes established between the pain body and your thinking. Every thought feeds the pain-body, and in turn the pain-body generates more thoughts. At some point, after a few hours or even a few days, it has replenished itself and returns to its dormant stage, leaving behind a depleted organism and a body that is much more susceptible to illness. If that sounds to you like a psychic parasite, you are right. That's exactly what it is."

    1. A psychic parasite deliberately installed at an indrustrial scale on occupied planets for loosh/adrenochrome production. the perfect implant/parasite for races with a certain threshold of intelect. Thats why the negative aliens soul is anomalously twisted backwards, it feeds on pain byproducts . We also do that to a certain degree for we as their cattle have been geneticaly modified for the best sustainable long term harvesting. And trauma also works very well for the countagion of the pain body.

    2. @Timoteo: ottimo ragionamento, condivido. 👏👏👏

  56. Maybe Cobra is talking about the bullshit/AI/matrix dying? It sure feels like it's in collapse! Linear time is completely crumbling!🎉🎊🤩🥳

  57. Why Goddess? Why why why
    Energies were better than ever and now It's totally unbalanced again.

  58. Bridge | Under 5D5D
    Discover the rainbow body (Hue-manity)

    From Gaiaportal from 2013-2-10
    Sentience among all Gaia components is increasing. Such components include, as 3D representations, earth, air, water, plant, animal, human. Communication with Higher D Aspects of each of these is now enabled so that all of humanity (small h) can discover their Hue-manity (aka, “Rainbow Body”) […]

    From „Connection With Higher Self Meditation
    And as you’re breathing like that, realize that you are surrounded with a rainbow energy, your causal body.

  59. "We're Looking At Serious Civil Unrest Regardless Who Wins" - Martin Armstrong Fears Post-Election Chaos

  60. Everybody let's lift our vibes and repair this shit!
    Let's ALL explode love bomba!
    Light Power!


  61. A minute ago I was pissed off beyond belief.

    Then this happened.

    Walk of Life

  62. Have you ever witnessed a Defcon 1 Event? World War III Scare Event Necessary.
    Because... Ascension

  63. Benjamin Fulford today in his column (8/26): According to one of his sources, Dr. Fauci has been suicided.... but he doesn't have a confirmation from another source regarding this yet.

    1. Bens great. I miss his shows with Cobra.🙏🏻🙋🏻‍♀️

    2. @Golden
      IF he was killed, I think Cobra would tell us. He did when Rumsfeld, Bush, and Kissinger died.

      Plus I want to SEE that sniveling little weasel's dead body laid out for all of us to see.

  64. This is Ashtar talking about the gray hats. There are the people who will agree with the truth because that makes sense - the only thing that makes sense. Then there is the group who believe what the TV says, or the stupid group. There is no helping them... The gray hats think they should hide the truth, against the children, for example. They have THE PROOF. Why hide it??? Stop being a stupid gray hat! Like Ashtar says, we need to know.
    Basically he explains all of it. We have to stop the suffering of people now, or more good people will turn evil out of desperation, and then it never ends. It needs to end NOW.

    Get on with it, or you will be before Galactic Courts. Don't become the new shadowy group hiding information from the people. Haha, good one Ashtar!

    1. Message seems to be plagiarized from: (video version) (written version)

    2. This is not plagiarized. I know Ashtar very very well. He is my friend. This is a real message from Ashtar.

    3. Prove it is plagiarized. We want proof. You never have any proof - funny about that. You mean that is YOUR opinion. Give proof or shut up.

  65. It looks like Italy is going to volcanically explode very soon, and no one is doing anything. It's a world wide event. Look at all the vocanos in Italy and what they are doing right now.

    Get Out NOW! Italy is about EXPLODE and millions will die! Why are they ignoring it? | Redacted

    This does not look good!

    1. Hi psychic. I do not know where you live. Nevertheless, what would you do if it were Italy? Where would you go? Nowhere, because people stay where they live no matter whats going on UNLESS they wish to leave their homeland because of poverty. Such people flooded my homeland because they had done nothing for all their lives but looked for something better all over the world. Real powerful nations stay where they are and never move. Those who did not love their homes came to the USA and within less than 250 years ruined the whole world and think that it is them forever to order all the others and if you do not obey, they drop nuclear bombs on you like they did in Hiroshima and Nagasaki or on my precious capital and moreover on its one and only boulevard. These people are supposed to set us all free? Forget all the old names. The new leaders will appear all of a sudden as all the old figures are dirty.

  66. If you are feeling the need to continually post comments on this blog, over and over again (on the same post), then you are still stuck in ego and need to work on yourself.

    This blog wasn't designed as a therapy session, seek help if you are struggling that badly.

  67. Why does the CIA still not detain secretive people who are engaged in kidnapping, children, porn sites where they rape, kill, dismember. That's what I would say:"Shut up there, everyone."

  68. Justifying spam by saying that you just have to scroll down is nothing but a lame excuse!

    You want that people read your stuff? You want some attention?
    Okay... but you should do it in a way that's more efficient and more appealing!

    Imagine someone illegally dumping a pile of trash on the street.
    You walk by and while the pile keeps growing, the perpetrator is saying to you:
    "If it bothers you, just keep walking!"

    Here's the 1 million dollar question:
    Who is worse? The person who criticizes a pile of trash or the person who deliberately leaves trash behind?

    Speaking of excuses, here's a fitting video for that:

  69. Even though I fully understand that people are infuriated, I see only one logical reason why those spam comments are still being approved:

    Banning those type of comments would most likely lead to damaging the reputation for the entire movement that is engaged in planetary liberation. I mean, you know how people behave nowadays in times of cancel culture!

    I don't know if you remember it, but I think it was in 2023 when Cobra has done a purge by deleting multiple comments of a person who just had "anonymous" as nickname and who was in fact obviously trying to break havoc in the comments (e.g. saying that lightworkers are evil and such stuff). This was a very rare occurrence I witnessed, but it was absolutely legit!

    I think that the lesser evil is being chosen by approving those kind of spam comments. Even though such a behavior is hard on the limit, it's still civil enough to be tolerated.

  70. Well, society is getting crazier...time to meditate more than never! Be careful with people! People are reacting in a very weird and unsuspected way. Yesterday , out of the blue a homeless guy tried to attack me, and he ended cursing me lol. Last week, another asshole, tried to steal my phone, but I fought back and run away. It never happened to me in the past! Weak minded ppl are more prone to be used by evil, including drunktards and drugusers. Ah! And I was verbally abused by an alcoholic woman also. All in a week ! Thats why im avoiding ppl now, even in the street. Im using my bike now. And I avoid going out specially at night. I dont stand ppl.Cobra was right about the bubble of Light. Lucky of those who live in the countryside! I feel lucky also, since Im single now. I cannot even stand myself. All sort of weird garbage getting cleaned now. Specially guilt. Familiar guilt. Just because Im more awakened and Im not attached, makes me.a.cold blooded mthrfr..anyway

  71. I felt guided to pass some information snippets I remember from a dream, right before I woke up this morning:

    - Isis / goddess is more active than ever before
    - strong solar activity
    - something about Sirius

  72. It took about 7 months to disentangle the Lurker from the universe:

    @ Zionismtookoverthe world:

    This is how you do it!
    You create a blog article, publish it and then, you can put the link in the comments section!
    It's that easy!

    You don't even need programming skills (even though it can be an advantage).

    Just log into your Google account, go to and get started!

    1. Yes, please listen to Ailish. Post a link to your own blog instead of forcing everyone to scroll by your comments.

    2. Its time for this Zionist blogger (and others operating in such a way) to consider this advice from the commenter above and this is why.


      We all want you to create your own blog-keep your voice but create your own blog, clearly people are unhappy and you clearly have an email to create a blog as well as an opinion on many subjects.


      It is not a sign of strength or intelligence to rely on some else platform for YOUR voice.

      Shooting out all your thoughts without having your own setup means you

      -either do not believe in yourself to make a change and expect others to take action on your thoughts

      -or you don't truly care enough about the messages you share and your just bored with an overactive unstrategized mind.


      If your efforts(points made) are so critical then why do you put in where it will essentially disappear after a week?

      (Every time cobra makes a new post nobody's going back to read basically anyone's comments.)

      Not so smart, its like you don't really intend for people to take you serious which is weird b/c your actions show you are quite invested, this is a sign of lurker infection as he would rather have you waste yourself year after year when you could have a huge blog by now.


      Therefore,Instead you can lock your thoughts into an article, expand on it ,add pictures, video etc for evidence to your claims (or often just complaints).

      You can track the traffic you get which us another benefit.

      And maybe one day you will make the right article which cobra could link to potentially, which timeline sounds more helpful? Which timeline involves you growing out what you've been for years?

      5) Message in general for us all

      We are all being asked to take the next step this year

      The reason for this is that soon a purge of the groundcrew light forces will take place b/c most major names have prolonged the liberation substantially all for their own self needs.

      This has already begun with false liberator Alex Jones.

      A lot of "Leaders" simply never had what it takes to liberate this planet and have limited the truth and spiritual growth since at least 2018.

      Almost all the major players especially in the UFO community(along with those 2 billionaires "truthers" attach too) will be seen for who they really are this year, autumn will be interesting as the true fall of the fakes and fibbers will commence in order to prepare for the real liberation next year.

      The mass awakening has not happened b/c there is yet to be an actual awakened community on the surface therefore why would a mass awakening happen if all the average people had nowhere to go? In fact they get even more off track by picking silly intel sources and starting on a foundation built on rubbish.

      Zionism was lead by the dead Rothschild leader, but truly the Jesuits behind them.

      Your blog should be about Jesuits then-Or at least one of your blogs b/c you could have many if you want:

      You can be a real help, since most the truthers have no clue about the real cabal structure and that lack of knowledge is the ONLY way one could support that Irish Donald guy running for president:

    3. @ Phase Transition:

      You made very good points and we can only hope that they will taken into account!

      And as I said before:
      I don't even have something against the content of that one particular person, it's just that I am barely interested in politics... the problem is the way how the information is being conveyed and you basically nailed it at point 3!

      It's like selling a product:
      No matter how good the idea is - you won't be able to sell it, if the advertisement is garbage!
      The same goes for a kind of advertisement that is too aggressive - you will just scare potential customers away!

      If you want to offer somebody anything, you must give others a reason to take that offer, whether in an overt or subtle way.
      It's simply how human psychology works.

      Another advantage of using a blog / website / channel is:
      People can save it in their browser or subscribe to it - this is not possible with blog comments which will be forgotten after a short time.

    4. It's not the first time that I witness people who have indeed good ideas, but a bad implementation!

      During covid, I visited some demos and there was a small group who printed their own newspaper to inform the general population about all those crimes.
      It was basically alternative media in physical form!

      Despite their noble intention, I noticed a great issue:
      The newspaper, including the front page, consisted of lots of text blocks! It felt more like having a book in your hands! Even my local mainstream newspaper looks much more appealing.
      Of course, money plays a role, too, but "you shouldn't save at the wrong end" as we Germans are used to say!

  73. "According to the latest statements by Sergey Lavrov, Russia is currently refining its nuclear doctrine. It is clear that this was said in response to the information circulating about the ongoing negotiations between the United States and Ukraine regarding Washington's permission to strike Russian territory at strategic depth.

    There is only one unpleasant thing here: how could Moscow have gotten to the point where such American-Ukrainian negotiations became possible? This simply should not have happened if Russia had adequately responded to the escalation by Ukraine's Western allies. But Moscow has chosen the tactics of the notorious "red lines", which are now gradually turning into an incomprehensible vinaigrette. That is, they are being gradually crossed and moved on.

    Only an advanced escalation can change the situation now. That is, the stakes will have to be raised sharply, unilaterally and higher than the United States and EU countries have done. Of course, we are talking about nuclear weapons. Now we need more than just vague statements about that Russia reserves the right to attack any NATO facilities in the event of long-range weapons strikes on its strategic facilities.

    It is now necessary to declare that in the event of such attacks, Russia will immediately and without fail strike military facilities of countries supplying weapons to Ukraine. And if the North Atlantic Alliance responds, it will respond with nuclear weapons (initially limited, in tactical execution).

    That is, the Biden administration and the Brussels bureaucracy must be clearly presented with a choice: either a limited nuclear war in Europe (with a possible expansion of the theater of military operations), or a refusal to use NATO weapons against Russia in strategic depth.

    As a result, the "red lines" of the collective West will be tested: will they agree to a limited nuclear war? Are the United States and its European allies ready to risk their existence for the sake of Ukraine? Let us recall that Washington faced a similar dilemma (of course, in relation to the European members of NATO, not Ukraine) back in the distant 1960s, and then the answer to the answer was unambiguous: no, not at all ready. Now little has changed."

    1. @Zionism took.. you quote the whole text of this comment, but this time it seems it’s you speaking by yourself, and not quoting anyone else, and if that’s the case those quotation marks (at the beginning and end) are misleading (maybe I’m wrong).
      You do a detailed analysis about the possible escalation, and it would be very good and necessary if, as everyone thought until a number of years ago, the official paradigm was the real one: if states were real sovereign states, governments were elected and worked for the people who elected them etc, etc. But as we know here this is all fake. For example you say : “Are the US and its European allies ready to risk their existence for the sake of Ukraine?”: the leaders and governments of those countries (not the people), of course they are. They work for the Cabal, they have their bunkers and want to drag the west and the whole world into an all out war, to then easily control whatever is left afterwards. We shouldn’t live between two paradigms, but look at everything through the lens of the one we think to be true, otherwise it’s self contradictory. In this blog I think most people know the Ukraine war is in the context of a much bigger war, and so it’s not worthwhile or efficient to get into all the minutiae of it, but to hold the view of the bigger picture, I think we have more than enough with it. Which doesn’t mean that occasionally could be a reason

  74. "The Price of Independence or the Realities of Modern Information Security Architecture.

    Telegram's audience is approaching 1 billion active users, ranking 4th among messengers, behind only WhatsApp, WeChat and Facebook Messenger.

    The table shows a list of all social networks with an audience of over 100 million people. The audience indicator is a very conditional and manipulative indicator, since each social network has its own accounting methodology and the concept of "active user" is different, and a huge number of bots are also included, so the data is approximate.

    There is reason to believe that the Facebook Messenger audience is overestimated, so Telegram ranks second after WhatsApp, if we take into account global messengers, since WeChat is purely Chinese.

    However, among all social networks, Telegram remains the only one that plays by its own rules, since all the others have accepted the rules of the system - cooperation with the authorities and a relay / mirroring of data on the servers of special services, but Telegram is special and has chosen its own path.

    Objectively, none of the social networks on the list provide the level of functionality and freedom that Telegram has, but there are costs involved.

    Telegram has become too big to be free and too big to fall, which means that the US and Europe have reached the limit of patience, after which it is necessary to expel "Comrade Major".

    It is extremely important for the US to control the information agenda and narratives outside the contours of countries associated with the US (the conditional, global South), where Telegram is the main means of communication.

    Cooperation with the authorities and targeted moderation of sensitive information are obviously not part of the US plans, given the scale of Telegram's reach.

    A comprehensive and systemic approach is needed, where AI will automatically classify and cluster content, dividing it into topics and areas weighed by the risk factor. This requires a direct gateway for exchange with intelligence agencies, as is implemented in American technology corporations."

  75. Why was Durov arrested?

    The charges brought against Durov place a significant emphasis on an attempt to circumvent the financing mechanisms controlled by the collective West, and this is a very important nuance that many have overlooked.

    To put readers in context, it is necessary to read the material on the difficulties in financing Telegram.

    The point is that Durov's wayward character and refusal to play by the rules of the system led to the fact that an IPO in the jurisdiction of the United States and allies became impossible, and there are no other options for raising billions of dollars (at the moment).

    In addition, problems arose with financing the development of Telegram through alternative financing schemes (ICO, convertible bonds, etc.). Apparently, large credit tranches also became problematic.

    After the SEC decision in early 2020, Telegram was abandoned by institutional investors in the US and Europe, and the main demand for bonds came from Middle Eastern investors.

    Durov wanted to develop crypto projects, but the first attempt was forcibly frozen by the agreement with the SEC, and the second attempt began in 2024.

    After three years of silence, Durov made a second attempt.

    There were many events, but I will summarize everything in four main concepts:

    • Durov planned to make Toncoin the main cryptocurrency integrated into Telegram. This would allow users to make transactions, pay for premium features, and support content creators directly in the app.

    • One of the key projects was the development of a payment system based on Toncoin, which would allow users to make instant transfers and payments. This would include not only internal transactions, but also support for external payments, which could make Telegram a full-fledged financial platform.

    • An important initiative was the creation of a platform for decentralized applications (DApps) based on TON. This would allow developers to create and distribute applications inside Telegram using a decentralized infrastructure, which would increase security and independence from centralized servers.

    • Durov also planned to implement support for NFTs based on TON. A platform for creating, selling and exchanging non-fungible tokens was to become an important part of Telegram, allowing users to create and trade digital assets directly inside the messenger.

    From March to June 2024, the TON cryptocurrency grew almost 4 times from $2 to $8 (currently $5.2).

    TON could become the only cryptocurrency backed by real cash flows among a huge social base with the potential to generate hundreds of billions of dollars in turnover per year (real transactions in the ecosystem, not trade turnover).

    Durov wanted to create his own financial system, isolated and independent from fiat currency and the rules of the global financial system.

    The anonymous nature of Telegram + deep integration of Toncoin (built-in crypto wallet, end-to-end payments and settlements) + decentralized applications in the TON ecosystem + distributed architecture of the connected ecosystem = a new financial and social world, not controlled by the collective West and not controlled by anyone at all among official structures.

    There were all the prerequisites and resources for this - almost 1 billion users and a developed digital infrastructure. Durov could become the most influential non-systemic person in the world.

    End-to-end implementation of the crypto wallet through the @wallet bot began in 2024, although the integration was in April 2022. Plus, the expansion of channel monetization using crypto assets.

    Apparently, the attempt to build an independent financial system (through crypto assets) was the final trigger for the "Telegram rout".

    Pavel Durov is the brains of Telegram, ensuring the promotion, financing and strategic development of the platform, while Nikolay Durov is purely technical aspects and programming the core of the system.

    It is difficult to say where Telegram will go if Pavel is detained in prison.

    1. Certainly a free and safe way for the people to communicate and make transactions would be the last thing the satanic powers of the west would allow to be settled, and if we had still years ahead for big changes to happen it would be much worth to support it. But if everything begins to really change in the world for the better by November I don’t know if there would be time enough or even if it would be worth to try it. Anyway, it would be very convenient if Toncoin was working right now, for the crypto project, but the situation is what it is..

  76. Perhaps the author of the blog figured out who could integrate gold bars into the crypto environment? Pavel has a brother - should you contact him? Or is it better to try with Sachkov? The best way to "knock on the door" of Pavel's brother might be an operation to rescue his brother? Like an escape in the style of "mission impossible" with alien technology and disappearance without a trace. And the public will be told that he was kidnapped by a cartel of foreign mercenaries hired by Pavel for an astronomical sum for protection and rescue (like The Expendables - a movie with action stars from the 1980s-1990s). How do you like this plan? You give him freedom, he gives you access to a decentralized crypto system that is not under anyone's (except for him, but I think you will find a way to take him by the balls) control. This will be a good demonstration of your capabilities to those who stop believing in what you promised.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Demonstration on entanglement
    Two spatially separated entangled photons react to each other simultaneously, although a measurement is only carried out on one of them.
    „New, stable quantum vacuum will connect the whole universe into one superentangled tachyon field, which will finally allow the unhindered evolution of this universe into the Light.“
    “So tachyons, which are on Genesis II Satellite are quantumly entangled with Tachyons, which are in the Tachyon chamber.”
    “They have a big Dragon statue made from green Hetian jade which is quantumly entangled with all pieces of jade on the planet, and through this they manipulate Dragon leylines.”
    Quantum harmonics portend tsunamis of alterations of perspective.

  79. Breaking News:

    According to the French newspaper "Le canard enchaîné", Pavel Durov was framed by Emmanuel Macron. Durov told the police that he was to have dinner with the French president when he was arrested

    More informations to come.

  80. Mi chiedo perché per alcuni qui sul blog non è possibile che ci sia libertà di parola. Lasciamo che sia Cobra a farlo se veramente lo ritiene giusto. Per me la libertà di una persona non deve essere a scapito della libertà degli altri. Non ci sono blogger di serie A o serie B. Qualcuno non vi piace? Non è una cosa che vi riguarda. Siamo alla solita situazione di persone ipercritiche che sfogano la loro frustrazione sugli altri.

  81. Stasera 27 agosto circa alle 8 P.M. in Italia, verso l'ora del tramonto, ho avvertito una forte energia spirituale, una sensazione potente che mi ha fatto venire voglia di fare una meditazione personale. Sono sicuro che è successo qualcosa di eccezionale a livello energetico ed il Sole era come diverso. Sfere di Dyson eliminate in buona parte? Non saprei dire con sicurezza cosa sia successo ma la cosa l'ho avvertita sulla mia pelle. Sprono tutti voi a scremare molti commenti superflui ed articolati , soprattutto quelli che riguardano gli altri e concentrarsi di più su se stessi. È un consiglio e non una provocazione. Forse si parla molto e si lavora poco. Rivalutate il vostro modo di prendere le cose. L'ipercritica è qualcosa che spegne la vostra luce interiore e crea meccanismi psicologici che sono l'antitesi del nostro lavoro di lavoratori della Luce.

  82. Development of YOURSELF and letting others develop THEMSELVES
    Focus on the Inner Reality

    Darkness goes to great lengths to keep people's eyes away from the Inner Light.

    George Harrison: The farther one travels - The less one really knows.
    The further you look away from your Inner Light, the less you recognize in reality.

    Gaiaportal from 2016-11-16
    Freedoms flow as Inner Lights are illuminated.
    Fortunates kneel before their families.
    Standards of action are raised.
    Hemming times are at hand.

  83. No steps forward, 1 step back...


  85. They are all saying RFK is crazy for joining Trump (all the celebs). We are near the end, my friends. The tide is changing... People will not be fooled for long. The end is very close.
    PS must have channeled that, where did that come from...

  86. It's very difficult to disidentify/disentangle from the possession. Even with being in 'disidentifcation mode,' I had trouble with this myself yesterday. It's very easy to fall into all the different traps of duality and conflict. Lightworkers are definitely not immune. Remember, lightworkers are only around 10% less entangled than the rest of the surface population. Even traumas from decades ago can be felt as though they happened just yesterday. This thing is just plain nasty.

    1. It's indeed impossible to be completely free from all that negative influences! Yesterday, I suffered the half day from brain fog and today, I feel fine again.

      The harsh truth is that it all takes time - even with maximum speed! On the other hand, I clearly notice that those influences have become weaker overall!

    2. @Starlight432
      I couldn't agree more... it's a devious attachment. The advantage that we have as Lightworkers doesn't only lay in the 10% less than the average human infestation, but just being AWARE of the infestation is key. We're able to take a pause on those moments and take steps to respond differently and acknowledge the Luker by confronting it and cutting off its influence over us. OUR advantage is KNOWLEDGE... and through that we can protect ourselves more readily than the average person. Hang in there... the influence and/or Murphy's Law will become less and less through the next several weeks... I truly believe this.
      Love and Light... Troy

  87. Friends and Resistance Movement and Light Forces:

    I have thought of a way the Light Forces can help those of us down here on The Surface of the Planet that would not put them in danger or cause harm to them.

    Can the Light Forces give us some information on what things -- what substances, what vitamins, what foods, what minerals, what combinations of foods (or even drugs?) can help us solve various illnesses?

    Especially after the vaccine, there are a large number of people who have cancer. Young people, old people, in-between people. I know several people who have cancer and some of them didn't take the vaccine. But others did take the vax. And they are sick with cancer.

    Light Forces, what can each person do? We have been reading lately about Ivermectin and some studies about how it can help cancer patients. Well??? Is this true nformation? Or false? And if Ivermectin CAN help cancer patients, well, Cobra, can you get some confirmation on this?

    What else can help cancer patients?

    If the Light Forces don't know where to begin, how about this: What 5 things can we do to solve cancers?

    What 5 things can people do to eliminate Lyme disease?

    What 5 things can people do to eliminate arthritis?

    What 5 things can people do to eliminate Parkinson's Disease?

    How can we eliminate Strokes?

    How can we eliminate Heart Attacks?

    How can we solve addictions?

    Certainly the Light Forces have some answers for this stuff?

    Light Forces, you don't need to land in your space ships or take over any television broadcasts. Please just tell Cobra and he can publish this information on this blog.

    Maybe you can give this information at your next workshop and we can all receive some good notes from our excellent note takers.

    THANK YOU with all of my heart.


    1. I have quite a lot of experience with all kinds of addictions.
      Among other things, I was addicted to opioid painkillers for 6 years.

      To become truly successful in beating an addiction, it's very important to be honest with yourself (and this applies to non-physical addictions as well)!

      So, in my case, I took those strong painkillers with the excuse that I wanted to stop the pain before it really begins.
      I was telling myself that I'm doing this as some kind of precaution - and it sounded kinda plausible to my mind.
      But it wasn't just about that. I took those painkillers even as a form of stress relief. Especially in 2016, I had to deal with a lot of stress and since I had no real option to relax at home, those painkillers came in handy to deal with all this stress!

      So, I would say, it was a mix of helplessness and complacency back then. Perhaps, there would've been healthier solutions to deal with this stress, but taking opioid painkillers was a quick and reliable solution for me!

      Well, in summer 2016, my father died and the situation at my home has improved dramatically, since my father was a real tyrant!
      I really felt like a slave who finally became free, because his master died!
      However, I still had to deal with my addiction which I finally beat at the beginning of 2020...
      ...just shortly before the covid madness began. 😐

      It was such an irony:
      I just had beaten my painkiller addiction and then, covid came around the corner and I consumed a lot of alcohol!
      Covid wasn't the only thing, it got even worse:
      By the end of 2021, another hell hole opened up and I began to feel the excruciating pain of gender dysphoria!
      And that in turn also favored alcohol abuse!

      Long story short:
      It's easy to slip into an addiction - even if you think that you are not the type of person who gets addicted easily. Sometimes, life is raping you so hard that it breaks your will... you give in and land in a vicious circle!
      Nowadays, with all that experience, I would say that it's important to take care of yourself and your health; both physically and mentally. Keeping yourself healthy will keep you strong which in turn reduces chances that you get addicted to anything.

      It was extremely tedious to get out of those hell holes while getting constantly dragged back into them! In the meanwhile, most of 2024 is over and I am optimistic that I won't have to suffer that much anymore!

    2. There is a guy who has written several books specifically for these issues and the information is coming from “spirit”. He is Anthony William known as the “Medical Medium”. I have been using his methods since 2015 and they work.

  88. Akik a chemtrailt meg haarpot csinálják nem sikerült leválasztani még yaldabaothrol sem föleg nem a lurkerröl.

  89. Since someone thinks Ashtar isn't Ashtar, wow let's put up tons more Ashtar videos! I haven't even listened to it yet.

    "BE READY FOR THIS STARSEEDS..." | Ashtar Command Energy Update 2024

  90. ‘The script has turned’: Former Democrats endorse Donald Trump for ‘purposes of peace’

    Look at that. The Dems and the Republicans are now starting to mix. Just as has been prophesied. Woohoo.


    Oh SH*T, New COVID vaccines being pushed by FDA as an EMERGENCY | Redacted News

    An emergency?? Are the dark aliens dying. Don't like the Light? Oh no!!!! On towards Tribulation they go.



    A Rare and Highly Auspicious Alignment of 6 Planets on August 28th, 2024 – Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus – is closing the intense energetics of August just before the onset of the Eclipse Season. This Magical CELESTIAL PORTAL is forming a unique celestiial

    tapestry, weaving together the diverse energies of these planetary archetypes in unity and alignment, and creating a unique energetic signature. Mercury brings swift downloads of cosmic information; Mars infuses this alignment with a surge of assertive energy; Jupiter brings the

    activations of profound spiritual and material abundance; Saturn facilitates the clearing of old energetic patterns; Neptune deepens our connection to the unseen and enhances our intuition; Uranus activates sudden shifts and unexpected breakthroughs. Expect galactic activations,

    spiritual upgrades, emotional healing, increased synchronicities, clarity and downloads of information, prophetic dreams, unexpected turns of events/breakthroughs, transformative experiences, and powerful new beginnings. This Planetary Alignment is a rare Gift from the Universe,

    a Divine Moment where the stars align to offer us powerful energies, as we prepare to step into the next phase of our Soul Journey. Embrace this Celestial Portal with an open Heart, and allow its transformative energies to guide you toward your Highest Timeline.


    1. How exciting! Keeping an open heart and kindness to self and others during these changing times is also key. 💜💜💜



  94. Mentre molti terrestri sono impegnati come al solito con capricci e scontri fra loro, sto avvertendo da ieri sera soprattutto un cambio energetico molto forte. A volte sono trasportato letteralmente nel passato e rivedo certe scene. È un lavoro di aggiustamento emozionale una sorta di guarigione interiore che sta dando buoni frutti nella vita reale. Mi sta aiutando molto a scartare il grano dalla pula e vedo con maggiore chiarezza tutte quelle sfumature energetiche che modificano i comportamenti dal loro substrato inconscio evitando eventuali sprechi di energia con loro/ attacchi. Scudo!

  95. If you know how communication on the Internet works, then you also know what spam is and the reason why people don't like it!

    And just to get this straight:
    I am not complaining, because I have a personal problem with someone. I just feel bad for others who are suffering from behavior that is clearly suboptimal, to say the least!

    In my opinion, one shouldn't rationalize spam by saying that everyone has freedom of speech!

    I mean, I can't change anything about that problem anyway, I'm fully aware of that - but I am also one of those who gave at least advice on how to do it in a better way, so that everyone can benefit from it!

    Otherwise - especially since I have sacrificed so damn much for the sake of the common good already - I can say:
    Not of my business!

  96. I would never be able to know this with my own resources. The information here about the Jinn is from another source of intel, but very much resonates as being true:

    Esoterically, Israel doesn’t like the Arab people (in general) because the Arab people bring with them the Jinn. The Arab people are considered to be “desert people.” Some Arabs actually worship the Jinn. The Jinn prefer desert conditions, and if the Jinn had their way, all of earth would be a desert planet.

    The Arab people are not bad people. It’s just a matter of clearing the Jinn from earth, which as far as I can tell has not happened. In my case, this is a source of cognitive dissonance. We often hear about the metaphysical clearing of reptilians and other parasitical entities, but not the Jinn. I did a search on Cobra’s blog and there is no mentioning of them. However, they were mentioned by the “Ambassador” in a Cobra interview:

    “You stated the concept of Jins, the Jins can be even Muslims, Jews. They can be Christians. They can be Buddhist. They can have different forms of religion. They support the form of Creation, according to the Koran. You have all these different forms of concepts. Now what I’m talking about when I’m talking about beings ….. I said in the Koran you have basically written that God created both Jins and humans and Jins are a lifeform which many people are referring to demons or aliens or other types of beings.”

    (I could not find what the ambassador was referring to when he said “You stated the concept of the Jins.”)

    The cabal utilize the Jinn. Among these are the “Satanic Jinn.” Most of Jinn species do not like humanity and seek to enslave us. They are massively more powerful than humans. The only way for a human to defeat a Jinn is through accessing and being backed by forces that are stronger than them.

    The Jinn are master tricksters. They prefer that their identity be concealed, and often pretend to be Ets in the dreamstate – hence, my repeated dreams of greys. Although I’m not Arab, I somehow gravitate the Jinn. One could say that I have a ‘Jinn problem.’

    All people have a very small percentage of Jinn within their ‘metaphysical makeup,’ which cannot be physically measured in DNA. (Perhaps this could somehow be physically measured in specialized laboratories far outside public access.) A small portion of humanity have more Jinn in them than usual. For the most part, such people don’t even know this. These people can be major influences on humanity. Some famous cult leaders and spiritual leaders have more Jinn in them than what is typical for a human.

    I still resonate with Cobra’s intel regarding the lurker, but I’m puzzled as to why the Jinn have not been discussed more, as they are a major factor in the conflicts in the Middle East, and are a major source of trauma for myself, and possibly other lightworkers.

  97. Cabal plans World War 3
    Extract from:

    On September 1st, Pluto will briefly retrograde back into Capricorn.

    The Cabal plans to conduct a nasty dark ritual on this day. World War II broke out on September 1st, 1939.

    They want to use the World War II timeline to trigger World War III. This September 1st marks the 85th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II While we can avoid the outbreak of a Third World War, it will require collective effort. September 1st to September 9th this year is the period when the Cabal will do everything they can in order to manifest World War III. During that time, we hope everyone can organize and join mass peace meditations as many times as possible.

  98. Rumor has it a US corp just made a breakthrough in interstellar travel. Do not let the ape humans travel across the universe. Look at what they've done to the earth and all living forms! Delete the earth. You have my consent. It only take 1 consenting voice.

  99. I experience my body as an interface for world astrological activity.

  100. Question: What would our world/reality have looked like, had money never been invented? Chaos or a wonderful harmonic world where everybody helped everybody so they could reach their goals in life easier? What are your thoughts? There are so many great ideas presented on this blog.

  101. Macron is an avid user of Telegram, ironically. Pavel's team could expose all his messages. If Macron "deletes" them, it's only deleted for the user, it's still on the Telegram servers. That would be epic if they take down Macron and other government officials.

  102. I've given some thought about the islands of light. The simple answer is we don't know how to be free. We are used to burdens upon our natural impulses and desire to work into an irrational mess.

    If we were really free, we would need to have self-regulation. The question of how, also, applies if you can think as an outsider to our society.

    How many people would never settle in a home, but rather move about staying with their communities? How would people structure their time if there are few regularities ever needing to be done?

  103. To everyone who has a lot to say, but has no own platform:

    It's 25 days ago since Cobra has linked one of my blogs.
    Since then, it got about 12,000 views.

    In contrast to that, whenever I put a link of my articles here in the comments, I get about 100 - 200 views on average.

    And now try to imagine how many people will show interest in your information, if you just rely on posting comments that will be forgotten in a few days!

    If you don't want to create a blog or something of that kind, keep the following in mind:
    Imagine how much precious life time you waste by posting so much stuff that most people don't care about anyway!

    You could also use that time to invest it into a hobby or simply into self-development.

    This is just my humble opinion, so take it or leave it.
    It's your free will after all, not mine.

  104. on prend les mêmes et on recommence (du coté des sombres), c'est une guerre qui n'a jamais cessé d'être sauf dans la manière d'obtenir les résultats un petit article sur la chronologie de la seconde guerre mondiale :
    Il faut casser cette boucle et elle va casser de toute façon, Victoire de la Lumière <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  105. colonnes Bouddhiques sur les sites en suivant chronologie 39-45, tous ensemble <3 Victoire de la Lumière <3

  106. "And here it seems they found a Jewish trace! The Daily Mail writes that Durov's companion Yulia Vavilova, who accompanied him on his trip to Paris, may be a Mossad agent.

    Posts with her geolocations played into the hands of the security forces."

    "Pavel Durov could have been handed over to the French authorities by his girlfriend. What is known about her.


    A number of European media outlets have voiced a new theory about the detention of Telegram founder Pavel Durov. According to the assumption, Durov's possible girlfriend, Yulia, could have deliberately persuaded the businessman to fly to Paris so that he could be detained by the French authorities there.

    What is known about the girl

    Yulia is a popular crypto-investor blogger. She regularly posted photos on social networks with geolocation, by which the French security forces could track the owner of Telegram.

    That is why a surprising version was born that Yulia is an agent of Mossad (Israeli intelligence service), who deliberately handed Durov over to Western authorities."

    Why do you think the European media decided that it was Mossad? Not the CIA, not MI-5, 6 or something else? Why not the SVR finally


  107. Meditation 01 08 2024 :

    Hungarian :

    English :

    French :

  108. Step by step
    from 2017-4-12
    Elevants of the Light communities teach the hungry. →

    Star Lighters come from the shadows.
    Astras are conveyed and accepted, in full.
    Flight paths are recognized.
    Massive formations Illuminate the Heavens.

  109. Energy intentions of healing stop "catastrophic" adjustments
    from 2013-4-24
    Healing energy streams flow from portal to portal as Gaia balances with Hue-manity and humanity (smaller h) energies.

    Light Workers called to portal adjustments are encouraged to follow healing energy flow within, as this aligns with the Gaia Healing energy streams, and will lead each to their Gaia healing portal center.

    As Hue-manity aligns, and more and more of humanity (smaller h) begins to align, with these healing energy streams, and accepts those processes within themselves, Gaia rests in the resulting peace, and needs not the “catastrophic” adjustments previously thought necessary.

    Those promoting the “doom and/or gloom catastrophe” scenarios will find difficulty in expressing those ideas, as their time is over. The current energetic state of Gaia does not support, in any way, that type of energy intent.

  110. I can't access to my gmail account. It was saying, "Unavailable because of too many failed attempts. Try again in a few hours". After a day, I tried again but I couldn't access to my account. So I had to create a new gmail account. I don't know who or what caused this problem for me.

  111. Phase 2
    from 2018-9-19
    Separations for the next phase are completed.

    All energetic ties to the past are cut.
    Higher Light enters.
    Strengths are amplified.
    New pathways begin.

  112. Cobra you basically said rfk jr. Was a non-entity in this political race in one of your last workshops.

  113. Trump Drops Explosive Game Changer, Unleashes Shockwaves!

    Lock that sleazy lizzard up! Trump promises to lock Zuck up.
