Thursday, September 5, 2024

R11 EXMOSS sequence complete


  1. Replies
    1. Gold/asset-backed Quantum Financial System, NESARA/GESARA appears to be live for the greatest transfer of wealth in history. US Inc. is said to have been collapsed = The Fed is Dead, the era of Financial Enslavement over.

    2. Still waiting to see this big transfer of wealth, Ann. :/

  2. Oh yes victory of the light baby ❤😎

    1. They have a big Dragon statue made from green Hetian jade which is quantumly entangled with all pieces of jade on the planet, and through this they manipulate Dragon leylines. Light Forces are now using ATVOR technology to quantumly disentangle all jade on this planet and this process is expected to be completed in a little bit over a month. After that, jade can be used for the positive energy work by the Lightworkers.

  3. merciiiii <3 VOTL
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  4. Replies
    1. Do you think you're special? Endure through the pain! I've been enduring it for the last 5 years and nothing... yes, it hurts, but what can you do... and stop whining, pull yourself together..

    2. @Sergey
      Ahhhh, the 'Full Metal Jacket' brigade returns.

      SORRY, if we are not BRAVE and STRONG like you so OBVIOUSLY are.

      Iron boots, pal, iron boots.

    3. Sherman, my friend 🙋🏻‍♀️, Sergey must be a newbie, he doesn't realize this isn't Twitter where having a smut mouth is allowed. No worries, we at least see him for who he really is.....get back to work Sergey. 🙄

  5. INFRAGARD Confidential Informant tortured me with chemical weapon and attempted to shoot me with gun on his right shin by antagonizing me about his FBI terrorist attack using Roaring Fork Transportation Authority as his cover:

    Terrorist Attack was done by FBI coordinated with Glenwood Springs Colorado PD:

    Mason Mafia is currently using biological weapons against the US public and it needs to be stopped immediately:

    Human Trafficking US Government uses Directed Energy Weapons to knock people out then inject them with neurotoxic chemicals:

    I'm a hero and treated like a criminal in the by the state which is currently holding me hostage with a concentration camp around my life in Basalt Colorado.

    Alexander William Britton

  6. tacit understanding.

    Most of the true light energy operates in silence rather than verbal words, and in that silence flows a great deal of real-time interaction with multidimensional beings.
    For those who are on the path of ascension, it is crucial to illuminate and activate their own inner source as the core (AM) to become their own Masters/Alcmist.
    Many masters are harmonizing together in the induction dimension full of tacit understanding.



    There is a dragon line of secret knowledge in Tibet. This Dragon Line originates from the Pamir Plateau, passes through the Himalayas, Tibet and then south through Thailand, Malaysia and finally east to Bali, Indonesia. Thousands of years ago there were secret wars in Tibet. Long ago, Tibet was a place of intense struggle between the forces of light and the forces of darkness. Now the forces of light are fighting for the Dragon Line. The positive Andromeda Galactics have built many bases underneath the Dragon Vein in Tibet. During the opening of the surface vein, the sacred male energies of the Andromeda Galaxy enter the surface world through the Tibetan Dragon lines. The forces of light are anchoring the sacred light along this vein as much as possible to heal past conflicts. The plan for the future is to plant as many Milky Way center Cintamanis along this Dragon's Line as possible. Now it is necessary to wait for the war to calm so that we can organize meditations to heal this dragon's line.


    Each Every existing have light . Even it only have 0.00000000001% or lesser . That's why it exsiting. So does Luker...
    if we discover this such least light drop of Luker.'s very difficult maybe but have possibly.
    it will support Luker resonate back to will back to source with the most suitable way of Luker .
    Blessing to every beings on Mama Gaia.

    每个存在都有光。 即使它只有 0.00000000001% 或更少。 这就是之所以存在的原因。 潜伏者也是如此..

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. “September smells like Christmas!” Maduro said in his weekly television show on Monday, to the apparent delight of his audience.
    “This year and to honor you all, to thank you all, I am going to decree the beginning of Christmas on October 1. Christmas arrived for everyone, in peace, joy and security!” he said.
    -Venezuela #QFS

  9. 许多答案存在于太显而易见而被忽视的地方.....或者存在于看似风马牛不相及的地方.....
    Many Answers exist in places that are so obvious that been overlooked .....or in places seemingly irrelevant.....
