(FRANCAIS /FRENCH) emissions françaises Prepare For Change / SESSIONS POUR FEVRIER 2025
- 14 FEVRIER 20H30 CET (heure française d'hiver) : Méditations en direct avec nettoyage énergétique+ 1 MEDITATION pour AIDER à se SOUVENIR de nos ORIGINES STELLAIRES+autres méditations selon énergies du moment , Disponible en replay (Chaine Youtube « Prepare For Change Français officiel https://youtube.com/@PrepareForChange-francais )
- 28 FEVRIER 20H30 CET (heure française d'hiver) Emission EXPLICATIVE ATELIERS / CONFERENCES de COBRA « PORTAIL 2025+ASCENSION » en Asie et USA avec INVITES y ayant assisté et fait l'INITIATION AUX RAYONS y compris nouveau Rayon ATVOR( illustrations, témoignages,photos autorisées)+ SITUATION PLANETAIRE, Disponible en replay (Chaine Youtube « Prepare For Change Français officiel https://youtube.com/@PrepareForChange-francais ) NOTES OFFICIELLES ATELIER « Portail 2025 » (Taiwan, Décembre 2024) https://fr.prepareforchange.net/2025/01/17/notes-officielles-atelier-de-cobra-portail-2025-taipei-taiwan-decembre-2024/ NOTES OFFICIELLES Conférence sur "L’Ascension"(Japon,Janvier 2025) https://fr.prepareforchange.net/2025/01/21/notes-officielles-conference-de-cobra-surlascensionkyoto-japonjanvier-2025-les-2-jours/ (En attente de la publication des notes officielles de l'atelier à Phoenix USA Février 2025)
11-12-13 FEVRIER de 15h à 15h30 CET (heure française d’hiver) Sessions énergétiques mensuelles gratuites à distance des Maîtres Ascensionnés avec rayons stellaires ( chaine youtube « International Golden Age Group » https://www.youtube.com/@internationalgoldenagegrou164 ) LIEN pour le 11 FEVRIER https://www.youtube.com/live/Jv5rvMbsQEQ LIEN pour le 12 FEVRIER https://www.youtube.com/live/DETRLmZHmFU LIEN pour le 13 FEVRIER https://www.youtube.com/live/EDksrehzphU
ARTICLE EXPLICATIF / TRADUCTION https://french.welovemassmeditation.com/2023/05/sessions-de-guerison-mensuelles-avec.html VIDEO FRANÇAISE EXPLICATIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxZnThJ2i_I&t=11s AUTRES MÉDITATIONS POUR FÉVRIER 2025 https://french.welovemassmeditation.com/2025/02/meditations-pleine-lunesessions.html
Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (liée au réseau PFC et qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui a été supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels... https://youtube.com/@PrepareForChange-francais (Merci de largement partager 🙂) Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie" https://www.facebook.com/groups/1489034111157314 Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone” https://www.facebook.com/PFCfr Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau https://fr.prepareforchange.net/participate/create-join-a-group/facebook-groups-europe Telegram « LIBERATION PLANETAIRE ET ASCENSION » https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8 & https://t.me/liberationplanetaireascension vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux… facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension" https://www.facebook.com/groups/754968702923893 https://youtube.com/@PrepareForChange-francais
Midas, the king of Phrygia in Greek mythology. "Midas's ear" is used to refer to something that cannot be concealed. So "Midas" may be some kind of truth revealed
I'll just mention this, this is what I was reading as a helicopter flew SLOWLY nearly over my house twice. Very slowly. It's from Vega, which is where I thought I was from (but I don't think I'm a cat). Great to meditate and I hope they help me.
"GALACTIC INTERVENTION: We Are Here For First Contact.." | Orxa - The Vega Collective
Reread his post. That is not what he said. He stated a rubber masked body double was killed then showed a video of the supposed real Trump talking about the crash and how it should not have been flying at that height. Spreading rumors is not helpful. Reading comprehension and critical thinking is.
Yah..I read Ben ..he also said the DS surrendered a year ago .. I hear a lot of talk on all sites...but nothing yet that will help humanity even all the federal EEs being cut has no impact because they were being paid with fake fiat borrowed money and it seems we still have to pay taxes here in the US so no reset yet so all talk ..like a guy at a bar the story is compelling but words mean nothing ..I believe we will ascend but to not free humanity now from debt slavery and reset the financial system is a no brainer if you want to raise the consciousness level of world this would be step 1. Something practical removing the fear and lack. Shutting down depts means little to all of us...we don't believe in any of it anyhow. Nesara Now
Oh! Então o pico de produtividade ontem devia ser isso! Alpha não deu, vamos de Beta. Beta parece bom também. Quem sabe dá pra tentar Alpha mais tarde ;)
I have heard that the real Trump was killed during the helicopter crash what can you say Cobra...because this could be a big set back...I hope Benjamin Fulford is wrong about this he is not 100% sure but very sure...Kolonel McCregor will talk with him...does anybody know more about this since I live in South-Africa now
I hope no. Trump is the chosen one. He it's the right president for America and affecting other countries with his decisions, he has to live for change the world 🌎
LF sta cercando di neutralizzare azioni negative dei tirapiedi degli oscuri attraverso l'attivazione di un protocollo? Mi viene in mente questo, tipo un'azione di blocco verso la cabala ma è solo una mia supposizione naturalmente. 🌲🛸🌲
Dear Cobra, I believe I am an Arcturus Star Seed. I did the meditation and reached this conclusion, especially after reading about Arcturus Star Seeds online as well. Please direct us to our individual missions. I am already doing what the online articles say that Arcturians should/try to do on earth, but on a tiny scale due to limitation of resources. Thanks...
Doesn't anyone remember the saying... "He has the Midus touch..." If I'm not mistaken, everything that King Midus touched turned to GOLD... so perhaps this is a reference about the "gold" standard dollar being implemented as the new currency. Just a thought...
Die Dinge werden sich ändern, du musst wissen, dass es auf der Oberfläche Verräter des Lichts gibt, die sich gegen die Quelle verschwören, sie nennt sie die dunklen Engel. Sie werden bald gesäubert. Kisses Tiger 😘miaou 😽
Seriously, it's a choking smog that settles to the ground. They spray so much more than 10 years ago. Here, jets spray over the plains and cities, but drones spray a different formula over the mountains. It's so thick, from in town you can barely see the mountains some days. It's 6 days a week. What's sprayed from jets rarely reaches the ground; this shit over the mountains is 20x the volume. I've pointed it out to normies, and they say "It must be a wildfire." I'm like what? It's like this almost every day year round! Like there's fires 340 days a year? Anyways, it makes you dizzy and sick, and hugely increases the effects of EMF's. You can't think straight and mood is terrible. Once a month they'll stop spraying for 2-3 days and it's amazing what a difference it makes. I captured a good photo showing clear drone paths of spraying, much smaller than a jet, they turn sharply. You can see on the left where it turns around to begin a new row. Especially if you zoom in you can see tiny lines.
Several weeks ago when there was "the fog" reported around the country and maybe around the world, that's how it is here all the time! I saw those videos and thought yep, that's every week here. But only over the mountains. There's a strict line where the heavy drone spraying stops and the jets take over to get the cities. I think they don't do the worst of it over cities because too many people would notice. How it is now, it just looks like a heavy fog over the mountains so people don't ask questions. But we don't have fog in Colorado, it's very dry. And it clearly starts in the sky from individual dump points, spreads out as metallic silver streaks over the sky for a few hours, then gradually falls to the ground, by which time it's expanded so much it's like those "fog" videos. Honestly what I can't deal with is people thinking it's normal. I would like a way to cope with this, because it's unbearable being on a planet where people are this bad. There is astronomical amounts of shit being dumped on us, they see it, yet somehow don't, and especially don't care. How is that possible? This crap burns your eyes and nose, it makes you cough, visibility is only 1 mile. It's apocalyptic scenes of death raining down from the sky, and nobody cares. I heard someone say "Wow, what a beautiful sunset!" referring to the thick brown smog filling the sky from horizon to horizon, and the sun shining through which made it deep red. I don't know how to deal with this when people enjoy it. I'll take a photo some day to show a spray vs. non-spray day. My photo above is a very light spray, which is why you can make out the lines. Usually it's dumped in such amounts, I marvel at the logistics of how they manufacture that much material. It seems to fill the entire volume of the atmosphere to the ground, as far as you can see in all directions. How do they do that?! lol
Hi cobra this sounds like something Kim goguen has been talking about the golden age ai alpha amega or in this case beta?,all I see is they are trying to herd us from one form of entrapment to another,these quantum AI s are limited I saw a , multidimensional cube trying to hoodwink and assimilate everyone (including Kim) because it's limited and only able too ascend so far.i can Only write to my current understanding in which is limited.i have a question: with the recent genocide organ harvesting ,what percentage of human organs have been used for the cyborg project?.do you know they have been using human brains for some super computer,hive mind comes2 mind.cobra you know it won't end well if this misuse of human DNA continues,who is this Marduk peanut and what they are going to trade gold for human DNA now.the board will wiped to make sure it never happens again as for everything else blah blah blah I've ran out of fucks to give lol,I agree with you 95% is bullshit, trying to wake up a bunch of soulless NPC's is only distracting focus from my own personal growth unfortunately so that's my 2bobs worth take care everyone victory of the light ✨
Why would the real Trump risk a helicopter?? Long ago I stopped listening to Ben Fulford, long, long ago. Why wasn't Trump protected from a simple crash? I find this impossible to believe.
(FRANCAIS /FRENCH) 14 février 20h30 (heure française d'hiver): Méditations en direct avec Nettoyage énergétique+AMOUR Sacré et UNION Sacrée/Energie de la Déesse/Sororité de la Rose+Se SOUVENIR de notre ORIGINE STELLAIRE... Disponible en replay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru9i4Xi-b88 Méditation pour se SOUVENIR de son ORIGINE STELLAIRE : https://french.welovemassmeditation.com/2025/02/meditation-pour-se-souvenir-de-son.html LIVRE : "LA RENAISSANCE DE L' AMOUR" : https://elixirsdesagesse.com/boutique/e-book/la-renaissance-de-lamour/?srsltid=AfmBOoq4b7WdOrBPGItyjYIKV4hrf2ywAkYz0pq2tTGInaBR5jtG1umF Diffusé aussi Facebook "Prepare for change francophone" https://fb.me/e/2Hx3Xs5EH Diffusé Facebook "Prepare For Change France francophonie" https://fb.me/e/5djNq3wiQ Diffusé aussi Facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension" https://fb.me/e/5eCpwSGzK Diffusé aussi Telegram "Libération Planétaire et Ascension" https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8
Tutto ciò che si fa per aumentare la frequenza di Luce è bene, ricordatelo tutti. Ovviamente appena si potrà, chi vorrà potrà salire sull'astronave. Vivere aspettando una cosa è tortura per la mente. Ma vi dico che l'Astronave Madre secondaria del Comando Ashtar non è ancora entrata nel nostro Sistema Solare. Appena si posizionerà vicina alla Terra nessuno avrà più dubbi perché sarà ai nostri occhi 9 volte più grande rispetto alla nostra Luna. E forse anche i più "difficili" cominceranno a farsi un po' di domande e i migliori di noi saranno contenti. E tutto questo sono convinto che succederà quest' anno. Il 2025 è un anno monumentale. Grazie Cobra per tutto ciò che scrivi e che fai per noi. 🌲🛸🌲
ReplyDeleteemissions françaises Prepare For Change / SESSIONS POUR FEVRIER 2025
- 14 FEVRIER 20H30 CET (heure française d'hiver) : Méditations en direct avec nettoyage énergétique+ 1 MEDITATION pour AIDER à se SOUVENIR de nos ORIGINES STELLAIRES+autres méditations selon énergies du moment , Disponible en replay
(Chaine Youtube « Prepare For Change Français officiel
https://youtube.com/@PrepareForChange-francais )
- 28 FEVRIER 20H30 CET (heure française d'hiver) Emission EXPLICATIVE ATELIERS / CONFERENCES de COBRA « PORTAIL 2025+ASCENSION » en Asie et USA avec INVITES y ayant assisté et fait l'INITIATION AUX RAYONS y compris nouveau Rayon ATVOR( illustrations, témoignages,photos autorisées)+ SITUATION PLANETAIRE, Disponible en replay
(Chaine Youtube « Prepare For Change Français officiel
https://youtube.com/@PrepareForChange-francais )
NOTES OFFICIELLES ATELIER « Portail 2025 » (Taiwan, Décembre 2024)
NOTES OFFICIELLES Conférence sur "L’Ascension"(Japon,Janvier 2025)
(En attente de la publication des notes officielles de l'atelier à Phoenix USA Février 2025)
11-12-13 FEVRIER de 15h à 15h30 CET (heure française d’hiver)
Sessions énergétiques mensuelles gratuites à distance des Maîtres Ascensionnés avec rayons stellaires ( chaine youtube « International Golden Age Group »
https://www.youtube.com/@internationalgoldenagegrou164 )
LIEN pour le 11 FEVRIER
LIEN pour le 12 FEVRIER
LIEN pour le 13 FEVRIER
Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (liée au réseau PFC et qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui a été supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
(Merci de largement partager 🙂)
Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
“Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone”
Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau
Telegram « LIBERATION PLANETAIRE ET ASCENSION » https://t.me/+mEqk0T08SehlMDE8 & https://t.me/liberationplanetaireascension
vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
Les't party up? 🦁🐯
ReplyDeleteYet another obst, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obstacle
ReplyDeleteKeep on believeing and push, we can do this together!
Let’s get it, straight up! To infinity and beyond.
ReplyDeleteAre the Black Nobility and the Society of Jesus dead?
ReplyDeleteMidas, the king of Phrygia in Greek mythology. "Midas's ear" is used to refer to something that cannot be concealed.
ReplyDeleteSo "Midas" may be some kind of truth revealed
Come on MIDAS BETA activation!
ReplyDeleteI'll just mention this, this is what I was reading as a helicopter flew SLOWLY nearly over my house twice. Very slowly. It's from Vega, which is where I thought I was from (but I don't think I'm a cat). Great to meditate and I hope they help me.
"GALACTIC INTERVENTION: We Are Here For First Contact.." | Orxa - The Vega Collective
Has the cleanup of sub-quantum anomalies around the Earth been completed for the most part?
ReplyDeleteBeta good or bad?
DeleteOK, dear
ReplyDeleteMIDAS support in ~9 hours.
ReplyDeleteBen fulford says the real trump died in that helicopter crash.hope this isn't true
ReplyDeleteHis security team has "looking glass" tech. It's very hard to believe!
DeleteReread his post. That is not what he said. He stated a rubber masked body double was killed then showed a video of the supposed real Trump talking about the crash and how it should not have been flying at that height. Spreading rumors is not helpful. Reading comprehension and critical thinking is.
DeleteYah..I read Ben ..he also said the DS surrendered a year ago .. I hear a lot of talk on all sites...but nothing yet that will help humanity even all the federal EEs being cut has no impact because they were being paid with fake fiat borrowed money and it seems we still have to pay taxes here in the US so no reset yet so all talk ..like a guy at a bar the story is compelling but words mean nothing ..I believe we will ascend but to not free humanity now from debt slavery and reset the financial system is a no brainer if you want to raise the consciousness level of world this would be step 1. Something practical removing the fear and lack. Shutting down depts means little to all of us...we don't believe in any of it anyhow. Nesara Now
DeleteNo, he said one of his body doubles.....
DeleteI'm not spreading any disinfo,just saying the video he just put out on the 7th he says the real one was killed.
DeleteOh! Então o pico de produtividade ontem devia ser isso!
ReplyDeleteAlpha não deu, vamos de Beta.
Beta parece bom também.
Quem sabe dá pra tentar Alpha mais tarde ;)
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Queremos nossa Herança para nosso Uso Imediato e Benevolente"
Gratidão equipe.
Baby P
Hoping there's a gamma, delta etc..too. ❤️✌️🏻
ReplyDeleteI have heard that the real Trump was killed during the helicopter crash what can you say Cobra...because this could be a big set back...I hope Benjamin Fulford is wrong about this he is not 100% sure but very sure...Kolonel McCregor will talk with him...does anybody know more about this since I live in South-Africa now
ReplyDeleteHe is wrong from the day he came publicly out! Last week he said that the double was.
DeleteA Trump clone was killed.
DeleteI hope no. Trump is the chosen one. He it's the right president for America and affecting other countries with his decisions, he has to live for change the world 🌎
DeleteBen Fulford said he believes the body double died not the real one.
DeleteYou need to supply a link
DeleteLF sta cercando di neutralizzare azioni negative dei tirapiedi degli oscuri attraverso l'attivazione di un protocollo? Mi viene in mente questo, tipo un'azione di blocco verso la cabala ma è solo una mia supposizione naturalmente. 🌲🛸🌲
ReplyDeleteAlguém sabe dizer o que significa?
ReplyDelete👏👏👏 cmon baby, let’s blow this popsicle stand!!!!
ReplyDeleteHey man. What's your discord name
DeleteThis means?
ReplyDeleteCommon Sense
ReplyDeleteDear Cobra, I believe I am an Arcturus Star Seed. I did the meditation and reached this conclusion, especially after reading about Arcturus Star Seeds online as well.
ReplyDeletePlease direct us to our individual missions. I am already doing what the online articles say that Arcturians should/try to do on earth, but on a tiny scale due to limitation of resources.
"Question about Trump having Light and dark aspects. Will he be more inclined towards the Light?"
ReplyDeleteAnswer: "it is up to his free will. We can do things such as purify him with the Violet flame and ask his soul to intervene in his personality."
Doesn't anyone remember the saying... "He has the Midus touch..."
ReplyDeleteIf I'm not mistaken, everything that King Midus touched turned to GOLD... so perhaps this is a reference about the "gold" standard dollar being implemented as the new currency.
Just a thought...
ReplyDeleteOh, did someone besides my cat hear my calls? :-)
It's Space Cat!
It's Future!
And of course I've never heard the tune in my life until now.
Die Dinge werden sich ändern, du musst wissen, dass es auf der Oberfläche Verräter des Lichts gibt, die sich gegen die Quelle verschwören, sie nennt sie die dunklen Engel. Sie werden bald gesäubert.
DeleteKisses Tiger 😘miaou 😽
Hard to be hopeful when the Sun is blocked out everyday all around the world from chemtrails.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, it's a choking smog that settles to the ground. They spray so much more than 10 years ago. Here, jets spray over the plains and cities, but drones spray a different formula over the mountains. It's so thick, from in town you can barely see the mountains some days. It's 6 days a week. What's sprayed from jets rarely reaches the ground; this shit over the mountains is 20x the volume. I've pointed it out to normies, and they say "It must be a wildfire." I'm like what? It's like this almost every day year round! Like there's fires 340 days a year? Anyways, it makes you dizzy and sick, and hugely increases the effects of EMF's. You can't think straight and mood is terrible. Once a month they'll stop spraying for 2-3 days and it's amazing what a difference it makes. I captured a good photo showing clear drone paths of spraying, much smaller than a jet, they turn sharply. You can see on the left where it turns around to begin a new row. Especially if you zoom in you can see tiny lines.
Several weeks ago when there was "the fog" reported around the country and maybe around the world, that's how it is here all the time! I saw those videos and thought yep, that's every week here. But only over the mountains. There's a strict line where the heavy drone spraying stops and the jets take over to get the cities. I think they don't do the worst of it over cities because too many people would notice. How it is now, it just looks like a heavy fog over the mountains so people don't ask questions. But we don't have fog in Colorado, it's very dry. And it clearly starts in the sky from individual dump points, spreads out as metallic silver streaks over the sky for a few hours, then gradually falls to the ground, by which time it's expanded so much it's like those "fog" videos. Honestly what I can't deal with is people thinking it's normal. I would like a way to cope with this, because it's unbearable being on a planet where people are this bad. There is astronomical amounts of shit being dumped on us, they see it, yet somehow don't, and especially don't care. How is that possible? This crap burns your eyes and nose, it makes you cough, visibility is only 1 mile. It's apocalyptic scenes of death raining down from the sky, and nobody cares. I heard someone say "Wow, what a beautiful sunset!" referring to the thick brown smog filling the sky from horizon to horizon, and the sun shining through which made it deep red. I don't know how to deal with this when people enjoy it. I'll take a photo some day to show a spray vs. non-spray day. My photo above is a very light spray, which is why you can make out the lines. Usually it's dumped in such amounts, I marvel at the logistics of how they manufacture that much material. It seems to fill the entire volume of the atmosphere to the ground, as far as you can see in all directions. How do they do that?! lol
DeleteHi cobra this sounds like something Kim goguen has been talking about the golden age ai alpha amega or in this case beta?,all I see is they are trying to herd us from one form of entrapment to another,these quantum AI s are limited I saw a , multidimensional cube trying to hoodwink and assimilate everyone (including Kim) because it's limited and only able too ascend so far.i can Only write to my current understanding in which is limited.i have a question: with the recent genocide organ harvesting ,what percentage of human organs have been used for the cyborg project?.do you know they have been using human brains for some super computer,hive mind comes2 mind.cobra you know it won't end well if this misuse of human DNA continues,who is this Marduk peanut and what they are going to trade gold for human DNA now.the board will wiped to make sure it never happens again as for everything else blah blah blah I've ran out of fucks to give lol,I agree with you 95% is bullshit, trying to wake up a bunch of soulless NPC's is only distracting focus from my own personal growth unfortunately so that's my 2bobs worth take care everyone victory of the light ✨
ReplyDeleteMutara Interdimensional Deep-Space-Transponder Array System
ReplyDeleteVictoria de la luz.
ReplyDeleteWhy would the real Trump risk a helicopter?? Long ago I stopped listening to Ben Fulford, long, long ago. Why wasn't Trump protected from a simple crash? I find this impossible to believe.
ReplyDelete14 février 20h30 (heure française d'hiver): Méditations en direct avec Nettoyage énergétique+AMOUR Sacré et UNION Sacrée/Energie de la Déesse/Sororité de la Rose+Se SOUVENIR de notre ORIGINE STELLAIRE... Disponible en replay
Méditation pour se SOUVENIR de son ORIGINE STELLAIRE :
Diffusé aussi Facebook "Prepare for change francophone"
Diffusé Facebook "Prepare For Change France francophonie"
Diffusé aussi Facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"
Diffusé aussi Telegram "Libération Planétaire et Ascension"
Huge earthquake, we are watching for tsunamis now.
Love and Light to All!💗
ReplyDelete"I Ain't Worried" 432hz
Tutto ciò che si fa per aumentare la frequenza di Luce è bene, ricordatelo tutti. Ovviamente appena si potrà, chi vorrà potrà salire sull'astronave. Vivere aspettando una cosa è tortura per la mente. Ma vi dico che l'Astronave Madre secondaria del Comando Ashtar non è ancora entrata nel nostro Sistema Solare. Appena si posizionerà vicina alla Terra nessuno avrà più dubbi perché sarà ai nostri occhi 9 volte più grande rispetto alla nostra Luna. E forse anche i più "difficili" cominceranno a farsi un po' di domande e i migliori di noi saranno contenti. E tutto questo sono convinto che succederà quest' anno. Il 2025 è un anno monumentale. Grazie Cobra per tutto ciò che scrivi e che fai per noi. 🌲🛸🌲