It's neither good nor bad, just uncomfortable. 504's environment doesn't allow the forces of light total protection, which should be resolved in a few weeks. It's not good because the balance of the grid is targeted, but it's not bad because the point of attack is detected and neutralized. But it's much worse for some wormholes, particularly those located in major metropolitan areas. 504 is a key point for the event, which is why it is regularly attacked.
Being good on earth is hard, because even when you're good you're attacked. People project their own sexual dysfunctions and illnesses onto you. Grounding yourself in spirit only helps so much before the disconnect between spirit and manifestation wears you out. It's very personally felt. Imagine being all the same race and yet people who look like you try to harm your integrity every day. And our perspective is limited to experience. It's hard to bear in mind the friends and the hidden benefactors.
The question that won't go away. How many of us will survive the end of this process??? We are exhausted 🥺😰 I ask that this end soon.⌛⌛It's time for liberation and light!✨✨✨
It is good to remain neutral in such situations while striving to be good and maintaining a high vibration. We should stay neutral and avoid reacting to actions that put pressure on us. If the pressure becomes too intense, it’s best to leave the environment and not let it affect us. I fully understand this concept and get what you mean.
Overall, the victory of Light is very, very near, and we must be patient, my friend. Patience, perseverance, and faith are the key elements of this path.
It is good to remain neutral in such situations while striving to be good and maintaining a high vibration. We should stay neutral and avoid reacting to actions that put pressure on us. If the pressure becomes too intense, it’s best to leave the environment and not let it affect us. I fully understand this concept and get what you mean.
Overall, the victory of Light is very, very near, and we must be patient, my friend. Patience, perseverance, and faith are the key elements of this path.
(FRANCAIS /FRENCH) REPLAY Méditations en DIRECT: NETTOYAGE énergétique +MEDITATION de la LUMIÈRE +AMOUR Sacré et UNION Sacrée/Energie de la Déesse/Sororité de la Rose+MEDITATION / visualisations d'amour et de PAIX pour S'AIMER SOI-MÊME +Méditation pour Se SOUVENIR de notre ORIGINE STELLAIRE... Méditation pour se SOUVENIR de son ORIGINE STELLAIRE : LIVRE : "LA RENAISSANCE DE L' AMOUR" :
The dark and light are fighting over the etheric grid. I believe it's describing the balance of power, which is why it's always changing. As I understand, ratio failure isn't a catastrophic failure such as losing Earth, it just mean an increase of dark attacks.
The last time we saw this message was when the Chinese tried to take on the Aldebarans in a space war (June 2024). This time it seems as if Trump/Musk have lost the Occult War for the United States 😢
There is little doubt in my mind, ultimately, the controllers of this world want to have a great life for eons to come. They do loosen the chains on occasion to make it look as if life is good again. A Renaissance of sorts. Alas, humans remain slaved to their credit cards, student debt, mortgages, and petty crap jobs.
I'll release this again" Let my people go".
VOTL 628, btw, thank you for the Phoenix workshop notes you made. Very clear text, good illustrations etc. Only when the cosmic cloud on the background got too bright it was a bit difficult to read the text, but in some devices you could do it.. 👍🙏
Benjamin Fulford is being targeted. He himself asked for help in a video yesterday, saying he will be targeted on February 21. I want to help him, but I don't know how. Can you do something? I am so sorry to send you this email.
I am so sorry to hear that, I hope the white hat military will help him this is not the first time he is attacked or nearly killed..pls help BF he is a nice honest journalist
So the DF are still able to make those failures happen… with the little they have left compared to when the Chimera was around, or later on with all those networks (Indian, African, Atlantean, Tibetan..). Is black magic still able to have decisive effects, with all that has been removed? Or maybe the dark military still has powerful devices to make such things happen…? Anyway, whatever it is, hopefully won’t remain there for long, at least that’s how it looks like from the information we’re getting lately.
@Don I still to this day,, HOW are the CABAL, the evil HUMANS (genetically raped monkeys like ourselves) able to go on delaying the Light Forces, DESPITE the fact that the spiders are GONE, and that the toplets are GONE, the giant octopus is GONE. I don't get it. HOW are guys like Gates, Schwab and Cheney STILL managing to DO all this?
And why not just KILL THEM ALL and be done with it?
I hope Trump and Musk do well because I want the event to happen in my lifetime but not when I'm old, I want to see the good stuff happen, disclosure, and first contact, I hope this bad thing won't last long.
Ok Then!!! It will be more rough and confrontational. But the truth needs to come out. The Aldebarans have a backup plan which will continue regardless of surface politicians.Game On!!!
It seems like a bad thing, but in fact there are many powerful allies behind the scenes who help us get through this period in desperate situations. I have a hunch that things will turn around! The Holy Light has arrived (and is growing continuously), and what we need to do is to anchor the Holy Light as much as possible, connect with the soul to guide the Holy Light with free will, and shout out the voice of our own soul!
It was hinted 504 refers to the classified project 504th Flight Test Squadron from Groom Lake, Los Alomos Air Force Base. "Testing" has often been a cover for advanced projects, so it's probably one of the covers for the Resistance. Other flight test patches feature dragons and wizards, hinting at "magical" technology. I believe the grid referred to is the etheric grid, so these battles involve entities, etheric plane soldiers, quantum computers, and things we don't understand haha. Failures in the grid means the Dark made attacks, recoveries are the Light retaking ground.
This is utterly stupid. Zelensky is a dictator, fact, now Trump says it and Trump is falsely accused of lying by everyone. That is what they are doing: if enough people say it, maybe we can "fool the population". Now they are falsely saying that Russia started the war, when of course they started it, the CIA and Ukraine started it. Oh we don't need facts, or truth, we just have to be loud. It's idiotic. The deep state are sooooooooooo losing. NOTHING CAN STOP IT. I guess now I can sit back and enjoy it even more.
The TRUTH in Ukraine has been EXPOSED by Trump and they are melting down | Redacted
February 19th - Influenced to mouth the words "You can add world peace to your resume..." (video proof of this email at link below).
February 20th - Elon Musk reposts a speech by JD Vance about peace:
"VICE PRESIDENT JD VANCE: "Peace is in the interest of the American people, and he's going to fight for it for the remainder of his administration. Wherever war breaks out, he's going to be the president of peace.
But we've got that in the White House. And I really believe that we're on the cusp of peace in Europe for the first time in three years because we have leadership from the Oval Office, and we haven't had it in four years in this country."
"On October 30, 1973, Vysotsky gave a concert at the Moscow Central Statistical Office (CSO USSR). This concert was organized by the same Jewish "roof" that had settled in the CSO under the auspices of the 1st deputy head of this institution, Lev Voldarsky. The head of the CSO since 1948 was 68-year-old Russian Vladimir Starovsky. However, with the beginning of "détente" they began to prepare him for retirement, and they were tipped to replace him with 62-year-old Lev Voldarsky, who had worked at the CSO since the same 1948, but then he was only a deputy. Now his position was strengthened and he was actively earning points for himself, especially among the young employees, among whom Vysotsky was especially fashionable. Therefore, an invitation to Vysotsky for a concert (and this was not his first performance there) increased the popularity of the 1st deputy. About who “ran” the Central Statistical Bureau and invited Vysotsky, we read from O. Platonov, who worked in this institution from September 1972: “…In the Central Statistical Bureau, I first encountered a powerful and influential, not even Jewish, but a real Zionist “party”, on which the entire internal life of our institution depended. Most of the most prominent positions were occupied by Jews. The “Zionist Party” was structured into the party organization of the CPSU. The formal leader of the “Zionist Party” was Lev Markovich (Leiba Mordkovich) Voldarsky, the brother of the famous Jewish Bolshevik. Voldarsky held the post of first deputy head of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR V. Starovsky, but due to the illness of the head, he actually performed his duties. The unofficial leader of the “Zionist Party” was the head of the library, Nisa Aleksandrovna Elisavetskaya, the daughter of an old Jewish Bolshevik, a Chekist. She fiercely hated any manifestation of Russian feeling, which was expressed even in the selection of the library's collections. It was impossible to find classical works by Russian statisticians in it, but there was a huge amount of Western literature. The prominent Russian statistician Professor Vvedensky noticed this feature of the CSB library and bequeathed his personal library of several thousand volumes to its collections - Russian statisticians were exhaustively represented in it. Elisavetskaya and Voldarsky ordered the destruction of Vvedensky's donated library and sent it under the knife of a special machine. Several employees (including me) managed to pull individual volumes of this library out of the machine's container. These are the rarest works of the first half of the 19th century. The greatest act of barbarity towards Russian culture was carried out not in 1918, but in 1974 - in front of hundreds of CSB employees. ..."
"...The "Zionist Party" in the CSB was militant in nature. Many of its members did not hesitate to openly support the Zionist bandits... and almost openly propagated Russophobia. As one of the Zionist figures later admitted: "Hatred accumulated in our souls - hatred of the authorities... People (Zionists. - O.P.) hated - and hatred strengthened their forces." Hatred of Russians was so strong that the "Zionist Party" in the CSB supported the terrorist acts of Armenian nationalists who came to Moscow in 1977 to kill Russian people. The capture of the bandits and fair retribution caused discontent among local Jews. Some of them even supported the Russophobic propaganda of A.D. Sakharov at open party meetings, refusing to believe the authorities that the bandits had come to kill: in his opinion, they were "honest human rights activists." The idols of the "Zionist party" in the CSB were A. Shcharansky, A. Sakharov and A. Solzhenitsyn. I myself more than once heard a joke told by a Jew in the corridors of the CSB: "Who is Brezhnev? He is a minor political figure from the era of Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn." Local Jews often discussed Sharansky's statements broadcast on the Voice of America. The exposed American spy, caught red-handed by the Soviet secret services while transmitting information to the CIA, was declared a model of a "noble fighter for civil rights." The true face of this "fighter" revealed itself in his post as the head of the racist organization "Zionist Forum," which united former Soviet Jewish Zionists. At that time, the Jews also considered the writer Solzhenitsyn to be one of their own. An entire myth about him was born before my eyes. I read "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" and "Matryona's House" before entering the institute. At that time, Solzhenitsyn became one of my favorite writers. However, the constant mention of his name next to the idol of the anti-Russian movement, Sakharov, forced me to reconsider my attitude towards the writer in many ways. I was steadily moving towards a Christian worldview, while Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn were just as steadily moving away from it towards godless liberalism. “The West is led by Jews and Masons,” my teacher Mindarov repeatedly emphasized, “and supports anyone who strives for the final destruction of Russia. ..."
"...Along with the strong "Zionist party" in the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR, there was also a "Russian party". However, unlike the Zionist party, it was, as it were, underground. Its "members" feared not only Jewish intrigues, but also the cowardly and duplicitous policies of the official administration of the Central Statistical Bureau. While clearly sympathetic to us, the official authorities were also afraid of being accused of supporting great-power chauvinism, which at that time was more frightening than open support for the Zionists and Sakharov. I think that the real strength of the "Zionist party" in the Central Statistical Bureau was much less than we assumed. I am sure that our opponents overestimated the strength of the "Russian party". All this created tension in the relations. I remember, going up the ramp, I heard a rather loud conversation discussing "Shcharansky's heroic behavior". (Natan Sharansky is one of the initiators of the Moscow Group for Monitoring Compliance with the Helsinki Accords in the Field of Human Rights (the so-called Helsinki Group), assistant and translator of the dissident academic Andrei Sakharov; arrested in 1977 and sentenced to 13 years. – F.R.). All the participants in the conversation are Jews, Gurvich and Georgy Ostapkovich (future assistant to the head of the Central Statistical Office Leiba Voldarsky) are in charge (in the post-Soviet years, G. Ostapkovich will become the director of the Center for Market Research at the Institute for Statistical Studies of Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. – F.R.). They are so carried away that they do not see me. He deliberately coughed, I hear (already in a whisper): “Quiet! This is not our man!” I pass by, smiling, the “conspirators” froze like pillars of salt. The Russians and the Zionists lived in different worlds, so to speak. We, Russians, lived our lives, read our books, went to our concerts, evenings, museums, traveled to Russian memorable places. Historical Russia was with us, defeated, but still spiritually alive. ..."
"... The Zionists existed in another world and in another dimension, created by Jewish Bolsheviks who hated everything we love, everything Russian and especially Orthodox. They read Kafka, Mandelstam, admired Trotsky, chased tickets to concerts of foreign pop divas, sang songs of Galich and Okudzhava... ". Vladimir Vysotsky, who was from the same "litter" with Galich and Okudzhava, can also be added to this list. According to Vysotsky: "... I write very different songs, almost all of them are written in the first person. Bulat (Okudzhava) does this less often, but I do not want to compare, I will only say that I treat him with great respect, I just love him - both his poems, and the way he does it, and in general as a person - this goes without saying. He is my spiritual father and in this sense remains the brightest for me... ". Bulat Okudzhava said the same about Vysotsky. At the time of the bard's death, he wrote a song about him, "I decided to write a song about Volodya Vysotsky..." In short: "The cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo. ..."
"...And again we will continue reading the memoirs of Oleg Platonov: “I remember that we, Russians, at that time read the poem by Ya. Smelyakov “The Jew”, published in the collection “Day of Poetry”. Smelyakov was one of the first Soviet poets to raise the topic of the responsibility of Jewish Bolsheviks to the Russian people. In a short poem, he reflected one of the incarnations of the Antichrist, capable only of killing, but not of creating. We read and admired Smelyakov’s courage, while local Zionists, as I learned later, went to Moscow stores and bought up this collection in order to burn it. They received money for this barbarity from the synagogue, with which the already mentioned Ostapkovich was closely connected…”. It should be noted that after the 20th (1956) and 22nd (1961) congresses of the CPSU, it became unacceptable to publicly mention that there were many Jews among the first Chekists. And even in the films about those years, the villains of the Cheka were exclusively Russian. Moreover, these films were mostly shot by Jews, and the roles of the villains were played by Russians. For example, the film "Cheka Officer" (1964) was shot by Boris Volchek, and the role of the villainous Cheka officer by the last name of Illarionov was played by Oleg Efremov. His character made threats like: "Up against the wall!", "Well, are we going to deny it or confess? Or you'll get spanked, madam", "Revolutionary hatred is my main evidence". In the film by Alexander Stolper "The Living and the Dead" (1964), the role of such a villain was played by Oleg Tabakov, and in Alexei German's "Road Check" (1971), it was Anatoly Solonitsyn. In short, the Russians got it bad, and the Jews were kind of out of it. That is why in February 1963 Yaroslav Smelyakov wrote his poem "Zhidovka", where the main character was a former Chekist-Jewish woman, whom the poet knew well. The most interesting thing is that the word "Zhidovka" appeared in the "lists" (samizdat), and in the printed editions of this poem it was replaced (it is clear who) with "kursitka", rewriting a couple more lines for rhyme. In the original it sounded like this: "Proclamation and strike, / Shipments of a huge country. / In the nineteenth, a Jewess became / A commissar of the civil war ... / The Chekist pen splashes with blots, / The moon shines in the frosty window, / And the firearm is silent / On the belt pulled to the side.
We, Russians, were outraged by the crimes committed on earth by the fascist regime of Israel, while the Tseiseus Zionists openly rejoiced at the bandit operations of the so-called Israeli army against the defenseless Arab population. They also justified the mass murder of defenseless women and children. With animal arrogance, they declared that all Arabs should be "thrown out" from the territory of Greater Israel. In 1974-1975, I first watched the film "Secret and Overt", where Zionist crimes were openly discussed, and documentary evidence of the monstrous atrocities of the fascist regime of Israel was presented. I remember a comrade sitting next to me, usually very reserved and withdrawn, emotionally summed up: "Such crimes must be answered for at the Nuremberg Trials. ..."
"... Much later I met the creators of the film "Zionism: Secret and Obvious", director B. Karpov and writer D. Zhukov (he later gave me a recommendation to join the Writers' Union). From them I learned that the film was created by a special decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU, but was banned by order of Yuri Andropov, which was carried out by the hands of the faithful dog of Zionism, KGB General F. Bobkov. The talented and honest film was not liked by the Jews from the Central Committee, it was immediately banned, and all copies were destroyed. However, Karpov managed to take a shortened version of the film from the special room where it was edited. Several copies were made from it, which in the mid-70s were secretly shown in the apartments of some high-ranking officials of the Soviet leadership. We saw this film at the home of the son of one of these figures. We were very surprised. Why was it banned? The alarm bells had to be raised about the crimes committed by the Zionists! From this fact it became clear to me which side the influential part of the USSR leadership was leaning towards when it banned this truthful film…”.
DeleteUniverse is my home
ReplyDeleteGood or bad?
ReplyDeleteIt's neither good nor bad, just uncomfortable.
Delete504's environment doesn't allow the forces of light total protection, which should be resolved in a few weeks.
It's not good because the balance of the grid is targeted, but it's not bad because the point of attack is detected and neutralized.
But it's much worse for some wormholes, particularly those located in major metropolitan areas.
504 is a key point for the event, which is why it is regularly attacked.
No,no, oh, no.
ReplyDeleteFor the pleadeians and other galactics:
ReplyDeleteBeing good on earth is hard, because even when you're good you're attacked. People project their own sexual dysfunctions and illnesses onto you. Grounding yourself in spirit only helps so much before the disconnect between spirit and manifestation wears you out. It's very personally felt. Imagine being all the same race and yet people who look like you try to harm your integrity every day. And our perspective is limited to experience. It's hard to bear in mind the friends and the hidden benefactors.
The question that won't go away. How many of us will survive the end of this process??? We are exhausted 🥺😰 I ask that this end soon.⌛⌛It's time for liberation and light!✨✨✨
DeleteIt is good to remain neutral in such situations while striving to be good and maintaining a high vibration. We should stay neutral and avoid reacting to actions that put pressure on us. If the pressure becomes too intense, it’s best to leave the environment and not let it affect us. I fully understand this concept and get what you mean.
DeleteOverall, the victory of Light is very, very near, and we must be patient, my friend. Patience, perseverance, and faith are the key elements of this path.
It is good to remain neutral in such situations while striving to be good and maintaining a high vibration. We should stay neutral and avoid reacting to actions that put pressure on us. If the pressure becomes too intense, it’s best to leave the environment and not let it affect us. I fully understand this concept and get what you mean.
DeleteOverall, the victory of Light is very, very near, and we must be patient, my friend. Patience, perseverance, and faith are the key elements of this path.
Every day for me for the past 40 years.
DeleteAnd WHAT 'friends' and 'hidden benefactors'? I sure as hell don't sense any around me.
Good job!
ReplyDeleteIn effetti oggi è un giorno pesante...
ReplyDeleteAnxious for President Donald to release any Nikola Tesla intel from uncle John's hand me downs.
ReplyDeleteREPLAY Méditations en DIRECT: NETTOYAGE énergétique
+MEDITATION de la LUMIÈRE +AMOUR Sacré et UNION Sacrée/Energie de la Déesse/Sororité de la Rose+MEDITATION / visualisations d'amour et de PAIX pour S'AIMER SOI-MÊME +Méditation pour Se SOUVENIR de notre ORIGINE STELLAIRE...
Méditation pour se SOUVENIR de son ORIGINE STELLAIRE :
Love and Light to All!💗
ReplyDeletewhat was grid ratio again?
ReplyDeleteWhy does the grid always fail?
ReplyDeletePlease give us an update Cobra? 🩷
The dark and light are fighting over the etheric grid. I believe it's describing the balance of power, which is why it's always changing. As I understand, ratio failure isn't a catastrophic failure such as losing Earth, it just mean an increase of dark attacks.
DeleteNone of this changes the outcome, hold the light 🍀
DeleteWhilst we continue being cannon fodder......
DeleteHow about the situation between Aldebarans and Musk?
ReplyDeleteDark grids collapsing? Sounds good to me!🤩. It's about damn time! 🥳💥🔥😎♥️
ReplyDeleteO que significa? Alguém sabe dizer?
ReplyDeleteThe last time we saw this message was when the Chinese tried to take on the Aldebarans in a space war (June 2024). This time it seems as if Trump/Musk have lost the Occult War for the United States 😢
DeleteI have decoded this message here:
ReplyDeleteThere is little doubt in my mind, ultimately, the controllers of this world want to have a great life for eons to come. They do loosen the chains on occasion to make it look as if life is good again. A Renaissance of sorts. Alas, humans remain slaved to their credit cards, student debt, mortgages, and petty crap jobs.
DeleteI'll release this again" Let my people go".
VOTL 628, btw, thank you for the Phoenix workshop notes you made. Very clear text, good illustrations etc. Only when the cosmic cloud on the background got too bright it was a bit difficult to read the text, but in some devices you could do it..
This is not good, I was awakened from my sleep by a nightmare at the time you posted. I dreamed that there was a fire on the floor above me.
ReplyDeleteWhat? Why? What happened?
ReplyDeleteOne step behind
ReplyDeleteOne step behind
ReplyDeleteGod I don't want to see this🙏
ReplyDeleteBenjamin Fulford is being targeted.
ReplyDeleteHe himself asked for help in a video yesterday, saying he will be targeted on February 21.
I want to help him, but I don't know how.
Can you do something?
I am so sorry to send you this email.
I am so sorry to hear that, I hope the white hat military will help him this is not the first time he is attacked or nearly killed..pls help BF he is a nice honest journalist
Deletedoes this mean that Trump&Musk rejected the offer of the aldebarans to work together with the lightforces ?
ReplyDeleteSo the DF are still able to make those failures happen… with the little they have left compared to when the Chimera was around, or later on with all those networks (Indian, African, Atlantean, Tibetan..). Is black magic still able to have decisive effects, with all that has been removed? Or maybe the dark military still has powerful devices to make such things happen…?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, whatever it is, hopefully won’t remain there for long, at least that’s how it looks like from the information we’re getting lately.
If the dark ones no longer have great power, I would say the event is taking place.
DeleteI still to this day,, HOW are the CABAL, the evil HUMANS (genetically raped monkeys like ourselves) able to go on delaying the Light Forces, DESPITE the fact that the spiders are GONE, and that the toplets are GONE, the giant octopus is GONE. I don't get it. HOW are guys like Gates, Schwab and Cheney STILL managing to DO all this?
And why not just KILL THEM ALL and be done with it?
Hi Cobra, When will the notes from the Phoenix conference be released? Many thanks, Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteI hope Trump and Musk do well because I want the event to happen in my lifetime but not when I'm old, I want to see the good stuff happen, disclosure, and first contact, I hope this bad thing won't last long.
ReplyDeleteOk Then!!! It will be more rough and confrontational. But the truth needs to come out. The Aldebarans have a backup plan which will continue regardless of surface politicians.Game On!!!
ReplyDeleteConnect to the Supermatrix. The Supermatrix is above all.
ReplyDeleteIt seems like a bad thing, but in fact there are many powerful allies behind the scenes who help us get through this period in desperate situations. I have a hunch that things will turn around! The Holy Light has arrived (and is growing continuously), and what we need to do is to anchor the Holy Light as much as possible, connect with the soul to guide the Holy Light with free will, and shout out the voice of our own soul!
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean that the grid was attack? How so?
ReplyDeleteIt was hinted 504 refers to the classified project 504th Flight Test Squadron from Groom Lake, Los Alomos Air Force Base. "Testing" has often been a cover for advanced projects, so it's probably one of the covers for the Resistance. Other flight test patches feature dragons and wizards, hinting at "magical" technology. I believe the grid referred to is the etheric grid, so these battles involve entities, etheric plane soldiers, quantum computers, and things we don't understand haha. Failures in the grid means the Dark made attacks, recoveries are the Light retaking ground.
This is my best guess; it hasn't been clearly explained.
ReplyDeleteSecured timelines
ReplyDelete"Cosmic Energies have incessantly poured into your world, on all dimensions, since..."
Delta Option light forces. Delta Option now.
ReplyDeleteWe need a proper update
ReplyDeleteThis is utterly stupid. Zelensky is a dictator, fact, now Trump says it and Trump is falsely accused of lying by everyone. That is what they are doing: if enough people say it, maybe we can "fool the population". Now they are falsely saying that Russia started the war, when of course they started it, the CIA and Ukraine started it. Oh we don't need facts, or truth, we just have to be loud. It's idiotic. The deep state are sooooooooooo losing. NOTHING CAN STOP IT. I guess now I can sit back and enjoy it even more.
ReplyDeleteThe TRUTH in Ukraine has been EXPOSED by Trump and they are melting down | Redacted
For those souls interested. Divinely guided to sneak this one in here.
ReplyDeleteFebruary 19th - Influenced to mouth the words "You can add world peace to your resume..." (video proof of this email included at link as a reply).
February 20th - Elon Musk reposts a speech by JD Vance about Trump being the president of peace:
"...Wherever war breaks out, he's going to be the president of peace..."
Link to BlueSky Page (Similar to Twitter/X)
Kash Patel Confirmed As FBI Director! Why This Changes EVERYTHING
Dear Cobra, I'm thinking the Light Forces are very interested in reading an update from you. (So am I). :) Thank you.
ReplyDeleteTrump Launches OPERATION WHIRLWIND To Protect Elon Musk From DERANGED Libs
Poor Democrats.
Redoing this one. For those souls interested.
ReplyDeleteFebruary 19th - Influenced to mouth the words "You can add world peace to your resume..." (video proof of this email at link below).
February 20th - Elon Musk reposts a speech by JD Vance about peace:
"VICE PRESIDENT JD VANCE: "Peace is in the interest of the American people, and he's going to fight for it for the remainder of his administration. Wherever war breaks out, he's going to be the president of peace.
But we've got that in the White House. And I really believe that we're on the cusp of peace in Europe for the first time in three years because we have leadership from the Oval Office, and we haven't had it in four years in this country."
Link to BlueSky (Similar to Twitter/X)
"On October 30, 1973, Vysotsky gave a concert at the Moscow Central Statistical Office (CSO USSR). This concert was organized by the same Jewish "roof" that had settled in the CSO under the auspices of the 1st deputy head of this institution, Lev Voldarsky. The head of the CSO since 1948 was 68-year-old Russian Vladimir Starovsky. However, with the beginning of "détente" they began to prepare him for retirement, and they were tipped to replace him with 62-year-old Lev Voldarsky, who had worked at the CSO since the same 1948, but then he was only a deputy. Now his position was strengthened and he was actively earning points for himself, especially among the young employees, among whom Vysotsky was especially fashionable. Therefore, an invitation to Vysotsky for a concert (and this was not his first performance there) increased the popularity of the 1st deputy. About who “ran” the Central Statistical Bureau and invited Vysotsky, we read from O. Platonov, who worked in this institution from September 1972: “…In the Central Statistical Bureau, I first encountered a powerful and influential, not even Jewish, but a real Zionist “party”, on which the entire internal life of our institution depended. Most of the most prominent positions were occupied by Jews. The “Zionist Party” was structured into the party organization of the CPSU. The formal leader of the “Zionist Party” was Lev Markovich (Leiba Mordkovich) Voldarsky, the brother of the famous Jewish Bolshevik. Voldarsky held the post of first deputy head of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR V. Starovsky, but due to the illness of the head, he actually performed his duties. The unofficial leader of the “Zionist Party” was the head of the library, Nisa Aleksandrovna Elisavetskaya, the daughter of an old Jewish Bolshevik, a Chekist. She fiercely hated any manifestation of Russian feeling, which was expressed even in the selection of the library's collections. It was impossible to find classical works by Russian statisticians in it, but there was a huge amount of Western literature. The prominent Russian statistician Professor Vvedensky noticed this feature of the CSB library and bequeathed his personal library of several thousand volumes to its collections - Russian statisticians were exhaustively represented in it. Elisavetskaya and Voldarsky ordered the destruction of Vvedensky's donated library and sent it under the knife of a special machine. Several employees (including me) managed to pull individual volumes of this library out of the machine's container. These are the rarest works of the first half of the 19th century. The greatest act of barbarity towards Russian culture was carried out not in 1918, but in 1974 - in front of hundreds of CSB employees.
"...The "Zionist Party" in the CSB was militant in nature. Many of its members did not hesitate to openly support the Zionist bandits... and almost openly propagated Russophobia. As one of the Zionist figures later admitted: "Hatred accumulated in our souls - hatred of the authorities... People (Zionists. - O.P.) hated - and hatred strengthened their forces." Hatred of Russians was so strong that the "Zionist Party" in the CSB supported the terrorist acts of Armenian nationalists who came to Moscow in 1977 to kill Russian people. The capture of the bandits and fair retribution caused discontent among local Jews. Some of them even supported the Russophobic propaganda of A.D. Sakharov at open party meetings, refusing to believe the authorities that the bandits had come to kill: in his opinion, they were "honest human rights activists." The idols of the "Zionist party" in the CSB were A. Shcharansky, A. Sakharov and A. Solzhenitsyn. I myself more than once heard a joke told by a Jew in the corridors of the CSB: "Who is Brezhnev? He is a minor political figure from the era of Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn." Local Jews often discussed Sharansky's statements broadcast on the Voice of America. The exposed American spy, caught red-handed by the Soviet secret services while transmitting information to the CIA, was declared a model of a "noble fighter for civil rights." The true face of this "fighter" revealed itself in his post as the head of the racist organization "Zionist Forum," which united former Soviet Jewish Zionists. At that time, the Jews also considered the writer Solzhenitsyn to be one of their own. An entire myth about him was born before my eyes. I read "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich" and "Matryona's House" before entering the institute. At that time, Solzhenitsyn became one of my favorite writers. However, the constant mention of his name next to the idol of the anti-Russian movement, Sakharov, forced me to reconsider my attitude towards the writer in many ways. I was steadily moving towards a Christian worldview, while Sakharov and Solzhenitsyn were just as steadily moving away from it towards godless liberalism. “The West is led by Jews and Masons,” my teacher Mindarov repeatedly emphasized, “and supports anyone who strives for the final destruction of Russia.
"...Along with the strong "Zionist party" in the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR, there was also a "Russian party". However, unlike the Zionist party, it was, as it were, underground. Its "members" feared not only Jewish intrigues, but also the cowardly and duplicitous policies of the official administration of the Central Statistical Bureau. While clearly sympathetic to us, the official authorities were also afraid of being accused of supporting great-power chauvinism, which at that time was more frightening than open support for the Zionists and Sakharov. I think that the real strength of the "Zionist party" in the Central Statistical Bureau was much less than we assumed. I am sure that our opponents overestimated the strength of the "Russian party". All this created tension in the relations. I remember, going up the ramp, I heard a rather loud conversation discussing "Shcharansky's heroic behavior". (Natan Sharansky is one of the initiators of the Moscow Group for Monitoring Compliance with the Helsinki Accords in the Field of Human Rights (the so-called Helsinki Group), assistant and translator of the dissident academic Andrei Sakharov; arrested in 1977 and sentenced to 13 years. – F.R.). All the participants in the conversation are Jews, Gurvich and Georgy Ostapkovich (future assistant to the head of the Central Statistical Office Leiba Voldarsky) are in charge (in the post-Soviet years, G. Ostapkovich will become the director of the Center for Market Research at the Institute for Statistical Studies of Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. – F.R.). They are so carried away that they do not see me. He deliberately coughed, I hear (already in a whisper): “Quiet! This is not our man!” I pass by, smiling, the “conspirators” froze like pillars of salt. The Russians and the Zionists lived in different worlds, so to speak. We, Russians, lived our lives, read our books, went to our concerts, evenings, museums, traveled to Russian memorable places. Historical Russia was with us, defeated, but still spiritually alive.
ReplyDeleteThe Zionists existed in another world and in another dimension, created by Jewish Bolsheviks who hated everything we love, everything Russian and especially Orthodox. They read Kafka, Mandelstam, admired Trotsky, chased tickets to concerts of foreign pop divas, sang songs of Galich and Okudzhava... ". Vladimir Vysotsky, who was from the same "litter" with Galich and Okudzhava, can also be added to this list. According to Vysotsky: "... I write very different songs, almost all of them are written in the first person. Bulat (Okudzhava) does this less often, but I do not want to compare, I will only say that I treat him with great respect, I just love him - both his poems, and the way he does it, and in general as a person - this goes without saying. He is my spiritual father and in this sense remains the brightest for me... ". Bulat Okudzhava said the same about Vysotsky. At the time of the bard's death, he wrote a song about him, "I decided to write a song about Volodya Vysotsky..." In short: "The cuckoo praises the rooster because he praises the cuckoo.
"...And again we will continue reading the memoirs of Oleg Platonov: “I remember that we, Russians, at that time read the poem by Ya. Smelyakov “The Jew”, published in the collection “Day of Poetry”. Smelyakov was one of the first Soviet poets to raise the topic of the responsibility of Jewish Bolsheviks to the Russian people. In a short poem, he reflected one of the incarnations of the Antichrist, capable only of killing, but not of creating. We read and admired Smelyakov’s courage, while local Zionists, as I learned later, went to Moscow stores and bought up this collection in order to burn it. They received money for this barbarity from the synagogue, with which the already mentioned Ostapkovich was closely connected…”. It should be noted that after the 20th (1956) and 22nd (1961) congresses of the CPSU, it became unacceptable to publicly mention that there were many Jews among the first Chekists. And even in the films about those years, the villains of the Cheka were exclusively Russian. Moreover, these films were mostly shot by Jews, and the roles of the villains were played by Russians. For example, the film "Cheka Officer" (1964) was shot by Boris Volchek, and the role of the villainous Cheka officer by the last name of Illarionov was played by Oleg Efremov. His character made threats like: "Up against the wall!", "Well, are we going to deny it or confess? Or you'll get spanked, madam", "Revolutionary hatred is my main evidence". In the film by Alexander Stolper "The Living and the Dead" (1964), the role of such a villain was played by Oleg Tabakov, and in Alexei German's "Road Check" (1971), it was Anatoly Solonitsyn. In short, the Russians got it bad, and the Jews were kind of out of it. That is why in February 1963 Yaroslav Smelyakov wrote his poem "Zhidovka", where the main character was a former Chekist-Jewish woman, whom the poet knew well. The most interesting thing is that the word "Zhidovka" appeared in the "lists" (samizdat), and in the printed editions of this poem it was replaced (it is clear who) with "kursitka", rewriting a couple more lines for rhyme. In the original it sounded like this: "Proclamation and strike, / Shipments of a huge country. / In the nineteenth, a Jewess became / A commissar of the civil war ... / The Chekist pen splashes with blots, / The moon shines in the frosty window, / And the firearm is silent / On the belt pulled to the side.
ReplyDeleteWe, Russians, were outraged by the crimes committed on earth by the fascist regime of Israel, while the Tseiseus Zionists openly rejoiced at the bandit operations of the so-called Israeli army against the defenseless Arab population. They also justified the mass murder of defenseless women and children. With animal arrogance, they declared that all Arabs should be "thrown out" from the territory of Greater Israel. In 1974-1975, I first watched the film "Secret and Overt", where Zionist crimes were openly discussed, and documentary evidence of the monstrous atrocities of the fascist regime of Israel was presented. I remember a comrade sitting next to me, usually very reserved and withdrawn, emotionally summed up: "Such crimes must be answered for at the Nuremberg Trials.
ReplyDeleteMuch later I met the creators of the film "Zionism: Secret and Obvious", director B. Karpov and writer D. Zhukov (he later gave me a recommendation to join the Writers' Union). From them I learned that the film was created by a special decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU, but was banned by order of Yuri Andropov, which was carried out by the hands of the faithful dog of Zionism, KGB General F. Bobkov. The talented and honest film was not liked by the Jews from the Central Committee, it was immediately banned, and all copies were destroyed. However, Karpov managed to take a shortened version of the film from the special room where it was edited. Several copies were made from it, which in the mid-70s were secretly shown in the apartments of some high-ranking officials of the Soviet leadership. We saw this film at the home of the son of one of these figures. We were very surprised. Why was it banned? The alarm bells had to be raised about the crimes committed by the Zionists! From this fact it became clear to me which side the influential part of the USSR leadership was leaning towards when it banned this truthful film…”.
Hold on to the light friends.
ReplyDeleteBest of Both Worlds
This circus will have its wire cut soon enough:
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