Monday, October 21, 2013

Compression Breakthrough Video


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hello Siv, you can find the transcript here:

  2. Wow, I really needed that - good news. Thanks to Cobra and the light forces for all they do. Mitakuye Oyasin (We are all related)

  3. These are some cool UFO sightings. Impressive.

    Galactic Codex

    Section I + II: wonderful

    Section III: Casting someone into the central sun (against his wish) seems to be the most cruel thing to do and should be the last resort after incarceration and rectification. I would do it only to the leaders of the loser cabal.

    Section IV: Earth is in hostage. What happened to your 'highly advanced technology'? Dealing with nuclear war and etheric critters should be a piece of cake for you, I would expect. It seems to me there is more to it that you are disclosing. Is there some higher authority that keeps you from intervening? When will we hear the full truth?

    Peace and respect.

    1. Part of the problem lies within the date of the information that the video provides. The video itself was made in 2012, and so much has changed and happened within the scenes that they needed to happen in since then.

      Sections 3 and 4, considering your statements, pertain to information that is a little over a year old. Much has changed for the Resistance since then.

  4. Could this please be posted in a format that android can see? Thanks!!

    1. That's why I can t see anything on my I pad thanks

  5. KING of Kings, and LORD of Lords. Come.

    FAMILY OF LIGHT. We say: "Come".

    Let's open The Books together, and READ them. Yes, LET'S read them together.

    Let's HEAL what was broken. Let's FIND what was lost.

    3dHD Impact
    222-6-1335 Jacob's Ladder. Let's begin with it. We're as ready as we'll ever be.

  6. Infinite Gratitude, Love and Abundance to the OneNess! Thank you Cobra!!! Namaste

  7. Beloved family, transcript so you can translate in any language.

  8. just feel the power in you, and deliver to the world all of them you have, THE POWER OF LOVE! [Imagine]

  9. Wonderful...Let the changes manifest!

  10. Everytime I read or listen to an update from Cobra, I am re-inspired and filled with hope again. But, when I look around and see even more control measures from the Cabal, e.g. mass polio vaccines being forced on children in Syria, NYC about to mandate flu vaccines in kids younger than 5, SmartMeters installed on my home, huge weather fronts and earthquakes that appear to be man-made, on top of all of the already controlling measures like chemtrails, GMO, fluoride, mind control, etc. it's beginning to get me a little worried that it will be too late for us by the time the Event happens. We will be so mind-controlled by then that we won't even know what's going on!

    Anyway, that's my fear. Not trying to fear monger, just expressing my feelings of concern and hoping and praying that things change soon before it's too late. I know I'm part of this change and I'm doing my best while raising my 9yo twins, but let's face it, the Cabal is moving quickly to get all of us under it's rule and I'm not match for the energetic and chemical and psychological controls they have us all under. We're practically swimming in toxins from the air, water, food, and technology. Oy vay!

    I am so ready for this all to be over so I can breathe again and just live my life, without having to worry about what the Cabal is going to do.

    1. As true as this is, the best way for it to all be over at the quickest pace we can expect is to keep desire and focus of intent towards the future you want to see happen, *without fear of negative outcomes*.

      Also, it is a great risk... terrible, yes...but great risk, to start blowing whistles and proverbially slapping faces to bring this world's present state to the public awareness.

      Blame not the government exclusively. They are, for the most part, a bunch of toys and tools that the ones who want us to suffer are using as a public face of influence. That has always been the point. When they found out that people were starting to become smart enough to connect the dots and trace the money and the history together, they tried to sweep their tracks under the rug.

      Unfortunate for them, those tracks have still left their traces and their dust bunnies. All it takes is a peek under the rug, and seeing how deep the rabbit hole goes.

      And once the mess and its present perpetrators are in your grasp of knowledge, it's time to blow the lid of it to your neighborhood. Don't be afraid to. The government may have the power to hurt you, but that only stands if--only if--you let them commit that harm.

  11. Cannot see the video on mobile software. Is there a youtube link?


    2. Cannot view. It says content Italy.

    3. "The content owner has not made this video available on mobile
      Add to playlist to watch it later on a PC."

    4. Will do. Thank you:) Love Love love to All

  12. Hi Cobra :)

    I wanted to share a little story with you and everyone...

    There has been some physical confirmation of the wormholes clearing ... !

    I had set up an altar to the Goddess in a very dense archonic space - energetically and physically..

    There is now a black puddle on the altar, resulting from some black gloss paint that escaped and dripped from above.

    Also ... ! Today there was an appearance of a small baby snake in the area -an indication of Goddess kundalini energy, or maybe it is an appearance in the physical of Cobra ;)

    Anyway, the Goddess Aphrodite, the Goddess of Beauty and Love, is returning in full force !

    Victory of the Light is near !



  13. Thanks for this great video !!...i have passed it on..

  14. Hello Cobra! This Galactic Codex is so filled with light. Wonderful and so encouraging! And thank you for the exceptional footage in the video!
    If I may, I would just need you to clarify this part under Section IV :
    "On Earth they have threatened with nuclear war if the Light Forces would intervene. This is the main reason why the Light Forces have not yet liberated this planet (...)"
    My question is, don't the Light Forces know how to neutralize destructive weapons such as nuclear arsenal, and if they do, well, the question remains as to why they don't intervene. To me, this bit needs more clarification if you would. Thank you in Love and Light!

    1. The GF can not intervene before the Cabal is removed from power and positions because otherwise they would start killing on a mass scale. For that to happen the Event must happen. The Event can only happen when the non-physical planes are completely free from negative influences. Otherwise to many people would go crazy too. That is basically why it is such a gradual process.

    2. certainly taking them long enough to get the job done...with all the glactics advanced technology and advanced knowledge they sure to do move slow. While humanity continues to suffer while GFL waltzes their way through the process

    3. Just brainstorming here dear brother :

      There are et/ ed civilizations whose technologies are millions and even billions of years ahead. Even if they have never had an Archon problem, they are capable of coming up with a solution on demand. An inorganic parasite that is capable of driving the masses crazy and which exists in the etheric plane and which needs to be cleared out in as little time as possible even before they can trigger off the masses : how long will it take the GF's best scientists to crack this problem ?

      Under the Galactic Codex, we have the right to demand this solution and it's implementation.

    4. @time missionary - our free will choices appear to not mean very much. Currently the notion of "free will" only applies to the dark cabals and the galactics. Our free will choice to have a full experience in this very given moment of now is not honored. Why the double standard and why should we respect universal law when it does not apply to us and its enforcement is non existent?

    5. @Matthew Waxelbaum

      Thank you for your response. This is a most interesting discussion.

      Our contracts are over and it is time to go home. But the "pests" are still staying on and not letting anyone leave. We are well within our rights to speed up their eviction.

      The spirit of the Galactic Codex demands a minimum amount of consensus and proactivity on our part ( Cobra is a sterling example of a focused initiative involving mass participation) to provoke a response from the GF.

      The coming AION portal activation can be utilized to formally present this demand to the GF and AMs. After the activation is over, those who are interested can continue sitting in silence for a few minutes to demand a better solution to the Archon problem. If we succeed in our duty in getting a critical mass of people to make this demand, the GF will be bound by the Codex to respond. We can then look forward to the Event taking place in a few weeks instead of waiting for months and years.

    6. @ time - i read the codex, im afraid i didnt see any mention of enough of an enslaved population, or a "critical mass" of an enslaved population needing an understanding or knowing about the existence of the higher frequencies of reality for the light forces to interject militarily or non-militarily.

      The video makes mention of the light forces not using their legal power for direct and overt interjection due to the threat of nuclear weapons being detonated. I have a hard time believing with the GF advanced knowledge and advanced technology neutralizing a nuclear threat from a few rouge warheads couldn't be done in short order.

      The issue of clearing archons and any negative non physical entities has taken long enough. Our liberation is long over due. Our freedom shouldnt be contingent on the ignorant, brainwashed, uninterested and uneducated sheeple population to wake up. The codex, if true as written doesn't require us to wait for that to happen and doesnt require it for the light forces to act, directly and overtly.

      I have read the codex and I accept it. For what's it worth I am requesting, in this very given moment of now, that the light forces use their legal authority granted to them by the codex to directly and overtly intervene in the liberation of planet earth at once and with no further delay.

  15. Hi Everybody!
    It worth watching!
    The title and sub is in Hungarian, but the interview is in English.
    The title is: "The dollar collapses, and a new financial system is emerging"
    And thank you Cobra for everything you are doing, really!

  16. i ask for divine intervention so that this codex can be full applied on mother earth now and for ever

  17. The dark triangle will soon be replaced by the light square!

    A link to an explaining picture.

  18. 50 is the magic number. it is 50 years soon since jfk was assassinated (staged event). from 9/11/01 to 22/11/13 is 4455 days.
    23/11/13 or 11/23/13 is a big day for us all. it always has been.
    we made it, my friends.

  19. For me the dvd was very very new age. following this ascension theory for 30 years now the time span it would take was still in the future and then after 2012 just one excuse after the other appears ( ET's, channelings from everywhere you name it. from Egyptian gods to into ET turned Sananda's) with all different reasons. so yes why does it take so long with all that fancy equipment. And thank you Steven Jeanty for your explanation, you know Cobra well.On the other hand Sheldan Nidle mentioned problem with head and shoulders/neck because of the uplifting that "soon" will happen and I do have problem with my neck/shoulder the last days. HERE WE GO AGAIN, LOL

  20. Beloved Brothers & Sisters, we ALL have to take responsibility for our actions & were we are at this present moment. We can't expect everyone else to fix our issues, we must put the effort & hard work. We must awake as a whole & help our selves. Our star family will only shine the light on the path, we must walk it.
    Love, Light & Inlakesh

  21. Oh my King, You sent a Missile to my toe. I'm about to throw a mountain at your FEET.

    It's Yule-Tide. Dan-Yule.

    1. LOL. I suppose it's not a mountain yet. Only a rock atm. :)

  22. <a href="'>The 33rd Degree</a>... Bricklayers.

    Thank you, Black-cHat

  23. LOL <a href="'>Inktomi</a>

  24. Oh My King... Did You know that I was Bee's Knees.
