Monday, September 23, 2024

Ending the Cycle

The last remnant of the Tibetan negative network, the underground base in northern Tibet, has been cleared and thus that network is gone forever. Now only the main surface dark network is still remaining, and without spiritual support of the negative Agarthans, the surface dark network would fully collapse in a seven year physical cycle, even if the Light forces would now stop clearing it.

That means we are reaching the end of the tunnel and the Light can finally being to enter the surface of the planet.

Pleiadians are much more active in the Solar system again, and they have communicated that they have almost completely healed their war trauma. As a result of this, they understand the situation of the surface Lightworkers much better, and they have developed unconditional compassion for them.

There is more indirect evidence coming into the mainstream media about planet X. Scientists have discovered the second Kuiper belt, starting at 70 AU from the Sun:

That is exactly the orbital position of planet X:

The Lurker disentanglement process is proceeding with full force, and there will be a very important astrological configuration on September 27th that will trigger the process of the completion of the 26,000 year cycle by bringing atmic spiritual energy to the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996: 

It will be an exact conjunction of Neptune with Uranus/Pluto midpoint:



This conjunction will trigger the process of great astrological configurations leading to 2025:

From now until the end of October, we are in a proceeds of deep spiritual transformation and purification:

During that time, an impulse to start the New Renaissance will come from the spiritual planes. For this reason we are preparing a short workshop, and as there are still a few places left, you can join us if you feel so guided:

Dragon sources have communicated that we can now rise above the attacks and move our focus away from the darker aspects of reality, which will be decomposed anyway. This refocusing is like a muscle we can train, and with practice it gets better. For that purpose, they have released the following meditation that can help us in this process:

Time between now and November 22nd is the time of final triangulation of duality, which will bring many things to completion. This process will be energetically done through the Earth's second moon:

In November, many extremely important energetic events will happen.

After the geopolitical crisis in the first half of November, Pluto will make its final ingress into Aquarius on November 19th, a huge symbolic step into the Age of Aquarius.

Then on November 22nd, the doorway of the 11:11 will reach its final completion:

Then on November 24th, a very important operation of the Light forces will be completed.

Then on November 29th, a strong cycle will be completed, leading the way into breakthroughs of December and January.

During all that time, the dark forces may try to escalate things, but we need to remain connected with our higher selves and hold the Light:


In 2025, a seven year process of decomposing of old reality will begin. This seven year process will involve many exact Neptune/Pluto sextiles:

At the end of this process in 2032, a well known economist Martin Armstrong predicts the system as we know it will not exist anymore:

Also, according to sources, around 2032 the Earth's magnetic field will drop below 50% to allow the increased solar pre-micronova activity to collapse the surface civilization based on electricity and internet:


All this does NOT imply that the Event will happen as late as 2032, as the timing of the Event still needs to remain classified.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. Greetings, Shalom Aleichem,

      Jewish or Israelian Light Workers, This is an Message and Call with High Urgency regarding the future of your country.

      We gotta be honest here, the reason why you’re government is so Ev1l, dark and cruel (No Offence but Its kinda true if you think about it), I sense that the reason behind these ev1l acts behind your government first and foremost is due to Low spiritual vibrations, Lack of Goddess vortexes and most important, Just tooooo little Grid work from light workers in middle east.

      So therefore I’m reaching out to You all local folks in Israel.
      This is Your time to Shine.
      If you care for yourself, your country and your personal future timeline, I would Love to Invite you to do Grid work (URGENT NEED, Respond ASAP).

      I Will personal Train and Learn you how to do it, and what tools you need, Heck I’m even providing with whatever materials needed. Rocks, stones, Love, Protection or whatever. Just let me know.
      So feel free to join this Group for Grid Workers United for PEACE!

      Lets join together and work together to end human suffering in the middle east once for all, and build that bright and shining future which we all Deserves.

      Shalom! See you on the inside. Love and Light Too You. PS: Don't consume cows meat in India! You will get Lynched :O

    2. Does this mean that the mental and energetic attacks on light workers have stopped forever?

    3. Thank you, Gratitudes For Liberation, for your excellent suggestion to bring peace to the Middle East. 🙏 🙏

    4. @~~

      Not sure.

      Had a WEIRD dream the other night....think the good aliens sent me an answer of my past, but used a human city to illustrate it in. Tall, beautiful woman with very long hair...chased by a group of people who looked crazed....VERY evil eyes....and cornered her. After some thinking, I reached the impression that was me, and that darkies caught me....and did worse than kill me. Forced me soul out of my body, and one of THEM now occupies it.

      Meaning, if I understood it right.....some darkie BASTARD is using MY body, and still is. Might sound weird, but it's the only answer I can come up with in regards to it. Be glad to here a second opinion on it.

    5. @Sherman
      Maybe it's the general explanation of your capture or captured in general because meanwhile I think it's the common way it happened for so many souls. The beauty you were was captured by those evil beings and brought to earth jail.

  2. That is so good. I will read it properly when I get home. Thank you Cobra and Light Forces! I agree, we don't need to fight the dark, just let the Light take care of it!!! So Good.

    1. "Evil triumphs when good men do nothing"

    2. Koitsenshin
      I'm proud of doing nothing. For the Light will take care of it.

    3. Bringing the Light IS NOT do nothing

    4. Holding the Light and Bear the Light is our Mission (and thats certainly Not doing nothing, its Hard work for everyone who have done it, they know).
      That how even the Darkest one's may find the way to the Light.

    5. Don't expect ME to welcome those guys with open arms, though.

      It's like of Darth Vader survived Return of the Jedi, NO ONE in the galaxy would accept him, they'd be demanding his immediate and public execution.

    6. I don't care for the darkest ones and if they find the way to the light. I will wipe them out without hesitation when the full light comes to me.

  3. Awesome news cobra explains a lot,votl...

  4. Healing Planetary Brain

    If we can't keep our focused attention on something, because we have attention deficit, and we're prone to obsessions and compulsions, and our memory is being wiped so that keeps the mind in anxiety and uncontrolled impulses, such as feeling irritable all the time, or we don't have the proper adrenal and adrenaline function happening, then we don't have concentration, and we are unable to direct energy. Also that person will not have the energy they need to be open, alert and aware, to actually raise consciousness. Thus, the Crystal Caverns in our planet are extremely important, in supporting the planet, in understanding bio-plasma that's being crystallized into matter, and that the higher substance of the cosmos, Plasma, is here on the planet through crystals. As we expand Consciousness during the Ascension Cycle, we are moving into more of the properties of crystalline forms. Additionally the importance of this relationship is that this has direct connection to the planetary brain functioning which impacts all of the individual human brains. If the quartz crystals have relationship to the amygdala functions, that obviously means that this is very important to the limbic system functions in the human brain. As the planetary brain functions better, this gives more and more human beings a chance to have healthy brain chemistry activity which relies on the right balance of neurotransmitters, the right balance of these neurological impulses, because we also remember that the nervous system of our planet is the grid network.

    So, when we see Gridworkers and we're working on the Grid, we're actually working on the neurological system and brain of the Planet. Ultimately, this impacts us at the micro level because we are nerve cells and extension of that same neural network.

    Crystal Shelves or Crystal Caverns

    Central Oregon 俄勒岡州中部
    Arkansas 阿肯色州
    Sequoia National Park, CA
    Mt. Shasta, CA 加州沙斯塔山
    Florida Coastal Sands 佛羅裡達海岸金沙
    Bimini Islands 比米尼群島
    British Columbia, Canada 加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省
    Ontario, Canada 加拿大安大略省
    Naica, Central Mexico (See PEG 4, June 2013)
    墨西哥中部奈卡(參見 PEG 4,2013 年 6 月)
    Brasila, Minas Gerais, Brazil
    Namibia, Africa 納米比亞、非洲
    Grimsel, Switzerland 瑞士格里姆瑟爾
    Belize 貝里斯
    Giza, Egypt 埃及吉薩
    Lake Titicaca, Bolivia side
    Siberia, Russia 俄羅斯西伯利亞
    Scotland 蘇格蘭
    Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡
    Xian, China 西安, 中國
    Uluru, Australia

    Full headword:

    1. Miracle TIAN my brother, join this group please. Lets Unite:

    2. Sherman, im waiting for you too Comrad. Ill teach how teach you how to make some homemade High tech shiet........ there is a lot of patents of quite advanced tech out there. Just saying ;)

    3. 光明势力,请你们听一听人民的声音!

  5. Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" ( qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui a été supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...
    Prochains émissions en Octobre 2024
    (Merci de largement partager 🙂)
    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
    Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone”
    Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau 

    vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
    facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"

  6. Victory of the Light!
    Thank you Light Forces!

  7. Thanks cobra rm light forces appreciate the quick update

  8. So many good things are happening !! Thank you very much.

    I am feeling better with each day and I think the departure of the Lurker is having a very positive impact on everybody. Autumn came in and it feels gentle and wonderful.

    People are happy around me.
    Thank you Mr. Cobra and Light Forces and RM ... and Victory of the Light !!

  9. Let's push forward holding the Light and truly begin connecting with our Mighty I AM Presence! Victory of the Light!

  10. VOTL! i hope the event will happen soon.

  11. "All this does NOT imply that the Event will happen as late as 2032, as the timing of the Event still needs to remain classified. "

    By 3032 we would be in the middle or the aftermath of WW3 if the Event would take this long.

    1. No, there will be nothing left in 3032 things go bad.

    2. The process of decomposing the old reality has to be complete by 2032, that means the Event has to happen sooner than that. I would guess sometime between 2025-2027.

    3. The point of it, is there will be nothing left at that point, it's the very last moment to start the event. The micronova will probably happen in 2032.

  12. I stopped 9/11/99 attack delaying mason mafia NWO genocide by exactly 2 years. The concentration camp around my life has gotten so extreme by state sponsored terrorists that it exposes how every community in the US is controlled at lower mason state levels by higher up "g men" at federal levels and international corporate structural levels of satanic and luciferian nepotism.
    The border is open because fbi, police and sheriff are arming an illegal migrant militia with ballistic, chemical and biological weapons to attack the public behind a cartel "oopsie" story as well as frame the victims and survivors as racist.
    Same deal as 9/11/99 and 01, the state uses race to hide behind, accuse and misdirect from the origin point of crimes.
    I won't detail the crimes against me but the state is human trafficking and terrorizing in the most extreme and physically personal ways in nworder to illicit a self defense response to frame as a threat. The same pattern is used geopolitically as to the individual as the old terrorist satanic playbook is the same but scaled to the target.

    Never give up!
    VotL. 555

  13. As a reminder 7 years is one tenth to one twelfth of the average human lifespan. It may be short from the view of Light Forces, but it is not so for humans. The Light Forces are doing a great job and I am grateful to them. But I would prefer some physical help than sympathy from the Pleiadians. For example, Bitcoin, which was mentioned in a previous meeting.

    1. As a reminder 7 years is one tenth to one twelfth of the average human lifespan. It may be short from the view of Light Forces, but it is not so for humans. The Light Forces are doing a great job and I am grateful to them. But I would prefer some physical help than sympathy from the Pleiadians. For example, Bitcoin, which was mentioned in a previous meeting.

    2. Yep, we're genetically raped monkeys compared to them. I'll be HAPPY to give up my humanity first chance I get.

  14. 行星生物学:





    除了接下来9-11月 ,继续对中东区域 ,以及俄罗斯乌克兰区域的两个发炎预备结痂的点进行能量作业。


    我们诞生在此,为了为地球进行一次全部的所有维度的行星排毒,这样她,地球妈妈就可以重新完全合一,作为一颗行星细胞在宇宙中自由自在的成长,去成为,成为这颗星体成长一次次扬升为无限可能的AM what AM.







    我们都是盖亚与无限宇宙AM what AM的微小版本的个性式独一无二的表达。

  15. Some of us need full healing/reconnection from the Galactic Wars. It's not easy to see your family eaten by reptilians right before your eyes. These traumas need healing before we can move on. Patience and tolerance has it's limits...

  16. Thanks for the post. If you guys wanna chat, come and join the unofficial 2012 portal discord at

  17. Replies
    1. Sure sounds that way....what happened to 2025 by June??? He DEFINITELY said 2025!!😭😭😭😭

    2. He is saying the process of the decomposing of the old reality will be complete by 2032, that would mean the Event has to happen sooner than that. It can still happen in 2025.

    3. NO...There is A LOT that has to happen between now and 2032. We need to learn the truth and clean up the planet. I believe the pre-event activities will start in Nov. leading to the event before June 2025 according to the astrology and also confirmation by David Wilcock.

    4. B, 👋🏻 hello. Victory of the Light!!

  18. Planetary Biology:
    hope each ones understand this 7 years means it is final (and the best and most appropriate timeline for all beings), and that Earth is the macroscopic counterpart to the planetary expression of the human body. During the long and special interplanetary history of the Earth, the interplanetary groups and individuals with different selfish desires (partially disconnected from the light of unity), which intertwined in the intricate behaviour of the Earth's growth process, have caused the Earth's body to accumulate many toxins, imbalances of energies in all spheres, miasmas, inflammation of the planetary chakras and the various large and small secondary pivotal energy points all over the Earth's surface (which are actually(which is actually the stress protection defence mechanism of life, to detoxify and protect the other relatively clean parts), and all these discordant information fields disturbing all the planetary beings, elements, crystals, minerals, insects, plants, animals, souls ect.

    What happens in 7 years 2017-2024 is: toxins within the planet rise up and coalesce in the skin layer of the planet (surface society), things are exposed and discordant energies are forced to gradually drain into the skin, reddened acne manifests, the surface detoxification areas are tense in terms of energy and vibe, especially in the areas where wars are often triggered, and most of them appear in the Earth's meridians and acupoints, which is symbolic of the Divine male The Dragon Chakra yang working the sacred male energy, and the Goddess Vortex yin working the sacred female energy. Because of the severity of the inflammation phenomenon, meditation is designed to apply the secret science of energy for the healing and balancing of the inflamed areas, and those who have had their own acne should be aware of this process, and on top of the whole process of healing, the inflammation of acne is usually worst in the first 2-4 days, and the subsequent need for the metabolism of the cells to coalesce, dry up, and witherand begin to scab (this is the same process of the great arresting action that has been happening behind the scenes for these 7 years, bringing together the cells that need to be detoxified for purification and scabbing).

    The significance of this update today is significant, it means that the detoxification project of the Earth from the inside out (1D to 4D) is complete. Irreversible. All the crusts that have formed on the surface of the earth, that is, without tearing these dead skins by hand, will naturally fall off and turn into cosmic dust, returning to the Universe of Unity. This is what happens in 2024-2032.

    It also means that from now on, dark forces have no more energy to interfere with the workings of the Light (because they have cured and scabbed over), and the Lights can be ready to begin the true planetary dreams, visions, and acts of practice that your soul has been calling you to!

    In addition to the following months of September-November , continue to work energetically on the Middle East region, as well as the two points of inflammation ready to scab over in the Russian-Ukrainian region.

    In late November, the entire planetary acne healing project will be essentially over.

    We were born here in order to do a total all dimensional planetary detox of the Earth so that she, Mother Earth, can be fully united again, free to grow as a planetary cell in the Universe, to be, to become, to be the AM what AM of the infinite possibilities that this stellar growth has lifted up once and for all into.

    When we have heal the most fundamental 1D/2D/3D/4D. anchor the Holy Light of source in its entirety to connect to 4D/5D/6D.We will be able to regain the fullness of Gaia that leads to 7D/8D/9D, and naturally grow again, rising beyond Gaia into the infinite possibilities of 10D/11D/12D.

    When we heal the Earth, you heal yourself, and you heal every being living on the Earth.
    At the same time, if you heal yourself, you heal the Earth, and you heal all beings.
    It is two sides of the same one.


  19. A drop tear of Source .
    Go to loving,Go to see deeply with your full heart.
    There is nothing else, true love will make you reflect, true love will make you observe life with your heart, and usually the most enlightening things, often appear in unexpected places.
    It could be a valley, a mountain, a plain, a meeting of eyes, a small insignificant thing, in your own life with yourself.
    Look with your heart fully and try not to ignore something ,everything has it meaning of exsit.

    We are all tiny versions of stars and the Infinite Universe AM what AM's individualistic unique expression

    1. I think you Right MiracleTian, I voting for You as Inheritor of the Green Heitan Jade dragon!

  20. MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation to disentangle the Lurker - on September 27th, 2024

    1. The time listed on the site is incorrect for France. It's 12.03pm, not am

  21. Translation to the czech language

  22. Then if it collapses the internet and electricity, you should explain to us what would that be replaced with

  23. I'm not disappointed, I reviewed this thread a long time ago. I wish everyone the best of luck in the 7-year wait for another disappointment

    1. Yes. And in the meantime, the introduction of transhumanism will continue until 2030, and ultimately the takeover and hacking of the human mind by artificial intelligence and connecting all people to the hive consciousness

  24. this is my favorite update of the year!
    soul clarifying!

    i am completely with the dragons. we can indeed rise above the attacks. felling/doing it since July so my muscle is a bit trained already YAY

    nature helps A LOT.
    weed, cats, birds, dogs, trees, flowers, fruits, rain, crystals, rocks, mountains, ocean, sunlight and lots of drinking water.

    however this geopolitical crisis made me wonder.
    aren't we already in it?

    if anyone knows more information about this, i would appreciate a lot!

    be kind to yourselves brave warriors!

  25. Does this mean that the pole shift tsunami is not going to occur?

    1. It means it's most likely to happen in 2032 or later.

  26. that sounds good. Kind of hard starting a new Renaissance when the top tier owns 85% of all wealth. We still have to pay taxes, find work, get paid nothing. Wall street is still booming... Nothing has changed here. sounds like the second renaissance will be sponsored byt he rich for their own pleasure, like the first Renaissance.

  27. The timeline is basically the WEF plan. To be clear and on the record, I see no objection with the plan. I hope Jerusalem does become the place from which peace reigns under the leadership of the chosen people. I am totally serious and mean no malice. I hope peace finally comes on this planet as a result of obeying God. . We do need a unifying leadership. I had hoped for a Star Trek future but now realize we've been deceived by all governments, and this site . By 2030, I'll be really old and living and starving in my van or dead. So it won't matter to me what happens by 2032. I've made arrangements to incarnate on a different planet. The hardest challenge for humans will be to let go of their stratification system. I don't think that will ever happen.

    1. "The Chosen People"? The People? The Chosen One? By whom? You are all deprived of the right to vote about the future until a planetary investigation is conducted on your PRESENT and PAST, taking into account all the MERITS of your tribe in relation to each planetary people and earthly humanity as a biological species. Are you even sure that your tribe will survive the trial? In the Indian poem "Burning of the Snakes" it is written that your tribe will be burned to the last one (during the "Flash" perhaps?)

      I think the blacks of Africa and America will be interested to know who gave money for the slave trade, and the Chinese - who sponsored the opium trade, labor force and trade in their historical heritage. The whites of Europe, whom you are trying to mix with blacks and Arabs against their will (migration funds are sponsored by the World Bank, Soros and the British government), have not yet spoken out - no matter how many new Hitlers grow up, 1 or 2 in each country. The Russians have not yet said their word, and we also have many "claims". I am sure that there will be enough votes in your favor? All the evil done to humanity will be returned, you are a small part of a large cycle that will be thrown out of the equation having worked out its purpose as a lesson for all people who try to put themselves above others - the law of the universe, the First Law.

      "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men! For you neither go in yourselves, nor suffer those who are entering to go in... You compass sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is made you make him twice as much the son of a hyena as yourselves... You tithe flesh and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith... You cleanse the outside of the cup and the plate, but inside they are full of extortion and unrighteousness... Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you are like whitewashed sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness... You build the tombs of the prophets and garnish the tombs of the righteous, and say, 'If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the shedding of the blood of the prophets'; thus you bear witness against yourselves that you sons of those who killed the prophets; complete the faith of your fathers. Serpents, offspring of vipers!"

      The words of Jesus about the leaders of the Jewish sect - the Pharisees, during its early formation.

  28. Text in the image:
    Workshop10 am to 2 pm
    Lunch break 2 pm to 3:30 pm
    Ray lnitiations 3:30 pm to 6 pm
    New Renaissance Workshop 9o EUR
    Ray Initiations(Price on demand)
    Tachyon products for sale on site,cash only

  29. Replies
    1. Read it again...It says that would be the total collapse of surface humanity...That's NOT going to happen until the micronova. Which could happen in 2032. There's a ton that needs to happen prior to that. The astrology of 2025 and the end of this year shows huge happenings and the end of the cabal.

  30. Please pray for me.

    I'm in a very miserable and helpless situation where I need a drastic intervention from the light forces ASAP otherwise I would not survive. Dark forces talk to my mind and energetically torturing me.It has been like this for the last 4 years. These bastards control my my mind.

    Dark forces have blocked my income and my savings are all gone now and maximum I can go with my financial situation is until end of this month where I have to pay the mortgage which I don't have any money left.

    No one deserved to be tortured like this for any reason for this long. I can't believe light forces are sacrificing my life like. I'm in fear of becoming homeless. I have 2 young children and I can't balance my life anymore.

    I cannot see a wayout from this nightmare and got no one to talk about this misery I'm in.

    1. San Di, suggest you play via youtube Gayatri Mantra, Stuart Wilde version only. Immediate relief. Love Annette

    2. Also suggest youtube channel Steve Nobel. Arcturian Healing Chamber meditation. My arm is around you San di. Love Annette

    3. Can't you teleport this guy a few bars of silver so that he can hand them over to a pawnshop and hold out for a while?

      A strange claim to technological superiority and a promise of assistance. They could at least provide it to those who have made it to this site (or create a separate site for this).

  31. My Father/Mother God! What wonderful news! My heart is burning with love! 🔥❤🔥Gratitude dear Cobra! Gratitude to the Resistance Movement and to all Lightworkers. I LOVE YOU DEEPLY! ❤ Wonderful Meditation! Gratitude to the Luminous Dragons! I SEND MY INFINITE LOVE TO ALL OF YOU! ❤💜💙🤎💖

  32. Looking for advice, wisdom, and inspiration? Join our server to connect with like-minded individuals, share insights, and chat with others who enjoy this blog! Come be part of a positive, uplifting community. JOIN US HERE

  33. This is great information. Planet X is NOT Nibiru and is inhabited by The Resistance Movement and The Galactic Confederation Fleet is present there.

    Thank you Cobra for reminding us of this (01/27/2016). This report felt so good. The light is returning to the surface and I am of the light so, let's do this together, as one.

    Victory of the Light!

  34. OK, if I understand it correctly, 2032 will be the time of polar shift and the tsunami will wash out everything on the earth so that the surface cabal(if they still survive at that time) will be wiped out even if the light force don't do anything from now on.

    1. I don't believe this is what cobra means. The polar shift and tsunami can still happen after that date, from my personal perspective on what cobra said. 🙂

    2. They could..but that is a possible time frame.

  35. I woke up today with a numb arm, at least my little fingers were numb and part of my arm. The advantage was they gave me back the ability to walk almost normally without a stick. My arm is still numb though. Still, I would prefer being able to walk. But it probably won't stay that way.

    Yep, we'll keep holding the light. Looks good for November. Lots of good stuff happening. The Pleiadians are doing very good. Thank God we are getting towards the end now.

    Victory of the Light!

  36. Bahasa Indonesia:

  37. Merci
    Je me demande qui a inspiré cette méditation aux dragons, la Déesse peut être, elle me guide depuis des semaines sur un travail assez semblable, c'est un signe que la lumière passe de plus en plus. Tout comme le point Omega en Égypte, j'ai fait un rêve parlant d'oméga.
    Je tiens juste à ajouter, je viens de me réveillée d'un rêve où j'avais retrouvé mes" pouvoirs " et les obscures attaquaient les humains en retour, je peux tenir la lumière mais ils va falloir que les Lightforces gèrent cela, sinon je ne suis pas certaine de regarder sagement.
    Vous pouvez utiliser le pouvoir des sigils pour augmenter votre pouvoir, c'est très puissant combiné au mandala du vide, Je posterais un article bientôt.
    Que la Lumière Soit ✨🌹

  38. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  39. Cool ça veut dire que c'est bientôt les vacances 🥳 Mon objectif principal se trouve en Novembre - décembre ...

  40. Thank you dear Cobra! Victory of the Light!!! ⚡⭐🌟❤

  41. Mulțumim Cobra pentru aceste informații importante . Victoria Luminii .

  42. I'm only typing this because we feel sorry for the dark side. Like Cobra said, we don't need to rub it in. But I'm bored.

    "We will use tactical NUCLEAR WEAPONS" Russia warns NATO against escalation

    Well listening to this I feel very sorry for the dark side. We see that Zelensky is getting more money off America. Oh he is signing the bombs and so is his American friend there.

    Ukraine keeps saying as a people they belong to Russia, and voting for Russia to protect them, but no, America needs to kill them for some reason. Kamala is pathetic. So I have to stop reporting all of this but it is just so sad for the dark side... That's not really helpful is it?

    1. Lol russia is paper dog, they not gonna use anything, because of 2 poor ukranian region nobody will using a nuke. They just blabla about this for 3 years soon.

  43. Why is America publishing this letter offering anyone who kills Trump $150,000. What the hell? I think they are mad over there.

    1. The Deep State wants Trump dead, that's why!! They're scared of him and that he'll dismantle the FBI/CIA, etc.

    2. @CoryCat I hope he does, and a whole lot more. According to his Naadi, he will not die from an assassination.

  44. Very good news! Victory of the Light! Thank you dear Cobra!

  45. If the time of the event needs to be kept confidential, then a date has been set. I hope it happens before 2025 is over.I can only express my infinite disappointment to Light Forces if the time occurrence date continues to be delayed.

    The Lightworkers on the surface world are tired. If Light Forces really understand surface life you will know that what people really need is money, enough money to escape the war zones and start a new life. Enough money for people to heal themselves. Enough money can also make people realize that life can be full of abundance and joy. The Galactic Codex shows that all being is worth unconditional abundance. Light Forces should realize this first on Earth. With the Dark grid gone, I don't think it should be hard to pay Lightworkers anymore. If this is not possible you can still help the lightworkers win first prize in lottery.

    Light Forces can leaving the galaxy to heal themselves, but we have nowhere else to go. Requests for you to take us off the planet have been slow to achieve, so please give us some monetary help. Don't forget that this planet is so materialistic that it's not enough to just send some divine energy

    1. I agree, we do need money. BUT! There is no point in us having money, finally, and millions of people falling into poverty, countries being ransacked and pillaged by the cabal with their "pact of the future/agenda 2030/NWO shit' getting heavier each day.

      The problem must be solved before justice and abundance can be served.

    2. To hell with money, Jojo, I'll settle for the alien tech, which automatically makes money irrelevant.

    3. This this this this this this!! LFs! Please note! It really is the best way to help us! A friend and I were saying exactly this yesterday.. and LFs please make it cash to avoid any cabal backlash..

    4. We all were here when we read Cobra say he felt the event would happen in 2025. Right? And so, now it's a secret??

    5. Jw that was just his estimation

    6. He can't give away dates to the Cabal...especially if they're close!!!! If they knew when it was coming, they'd throw everything at us at once. It has to be a surprise so they get caught offguard!

    7. @Sherman I'm also hoping that advanced alien technology makes the money worthless, but for now it still has to be used.

    8. @Ailish You are very brave Ailish. it gave me a sad feeling like a war movie holding the enemy and detonating a grenade. Wishing you a speedy recovery from the attack. I think you should take care of yourself first and foremost now, after all the situation on the surface is still difficult. Also so many years of delay have sapped my trust.

  46. And I have to keep in mind that part of me on some dimension or some plane would be dark. We are both Light and Dark, on some level, so I have to remember that as well. Hmm, lots to think about I think...

  47. Ok, so now we’re seeing the finish line for the first time. And with it all the complexities that entails to dismantle a whole civilization in all of its aspects and to the very foundation. I always thought this process would be after the Event, and maybe it will, maybe all that schedule is “post event” for the most part. But the suffering from negative programming and negative events will be over probably by the end of this year, at least for the most part, and this will make a huge difference for the remaining time until the Event happens, and for those more in a “waiting “ mode (in which to a different extent we all are…)

    1. Remember...the Event will happen when the chaos on Earth becomes worse or equal to the chaos that the EVENT will bring. The EVENT keeps becoming less chaotic as threats are eliminated while the surface becomes more chaotic. At some point these 2 lines with intersect and it will be time for the EVENT. Just think how bad it would have been if the toplet bombs and Chimera were still in charge. It's actually much easier for us in the long run the longer it goes without happening. But, I do feel we're getting very close.

    2. Yes, I remember the graph, and I think now the entropy or chaos of the Event has decreased pretty significantly, as the DF have been so much weakened. So much so that it could be equaled by a bit spread conventional war, more or less, so at that point it would be worth to trigger the Event, but who knows… Anyway, in a few months the waiting will be much easier for everyone, hopefully.

  48. Thank you, thank you, thank you! A great relief!

  49. Thank you Beloveds. Love to you Cobra. Annette

  50. Very interesting article I don't remember we ever got this detailed roadmap day-by day what will happen. Since we can talk so openly about this I feel its a good sign

  51. Ottimo, un'altro aggiornamento dopo poco dall'ultimo. Io spero che l'Evento ci sia nel 2025, sono molto stanco di vivere così.

  52. French translation on Prepare For Change France Official since 2013 blog | traduction en français sur le blog de Prepare For Change France Officiel depuis 2013 :

  53. J'organise un nouveau cercle de méditation sur ma chaine dédié à l'énergie de la Déesse le dimanche 29 septembre à 14 heures (H de Paris) .
    Nous travaillerons avec l'énergie libératrice de l'Archange Michaël .
    voici le lien :

  54. I'm sorry. Aren't we on the same Earth? Where's the good news? Or seven years? Not acceptable. The only deadline I personally can accept is next August. So, whatever you say.

    1. Hi brother, What will you do after the next August. It is time to focus on real life and stop waiting. Frustration kills. It is the same again and again. We grow older and it is only up to us to start doing something new. No news nowhere is what will help. All the leaders and gurus must hold on because they live on it. Nevertheless, we who do not get paid by any people from the Internet must start enjoying our lives now and stop waiting. Frustration kills but we can stop it, unlike stress which cannot be avoided by our will. I have switched off all the internet broadcasts. I did the same with TV and radio many years ago. I wish to live in the present, so I will not read the same news again and again. I will still do my spiritual work but without the Internet.

  55. "There is no sadder story in the world than the chronicle of promises from this site." We are waiting.

    The text that I tried to write and translate through the translator was blocked as "illegal" and the result of my fabrications was deleted. Okay, Google. So we are just "waiting".

  56. Last night , I meditate Meditation for Disentangling from the Lurker and I dreamt about Planet-x article. Today I woke up and see your new article. And a paragraph is about Planet-x, Is this a coincidence? I never dream about Planet-x. Thank you!!

  57. "Pavel Durov announced a change in Telegram policy

    Now the messenger will transfer to law enforcement agencies all IP addresses and phone numbers ( against whom legal requests have been filed.

    Terms of Service and Privacy Policy will be brought to uniformity throughout the world.

    According to Durov:
    "These measures should scare off criminals."

  58. This is, of course, amazing news! Thank you COBRA for the latest intel! Thank you Saint Germain, Sananda, Ashtar, Semjase, The Light Forces and Resistance Movement, Agarthans, and Alderbarons! And to all the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds... WE GOT THIS! VOTL!

    1. Oi @One Of 144K. A equipe de luz me pediu para entregar uma mensagem para você. Eu deveria ter feito isso algum tempo atrás (talvez uns dois meses atrás, quando entreguei a mensagem de Sherman) e não fiz por motivos que não vem ao caso agora. Peço que me perdoe pela demora. Você andou se queixando de cansaço e desmotivação e isso tem um motivo. Ainda não está no momento de desempenhar o seu papel específico na libertação planetária. Esse seu momento será mais para frente. Agora (desde aquele momento em que eu deveria ter trazido a mensagem) é um momento prévio de preparação (com a desprogramação de áreas importantes da sua mente, com o desemaranhamento do Lurker e com alguma expansão de consciência) e de descanso. O descanso do seu corpo físico (dormindo mesmo, ou pelo menos deitado, repousando) é importante para permitir que as equipes de luz trabalhem em profundidade nos seus corpos sutis, desprogramando a sua mente, desemaranhando o Lurker e expandido a sua consciência. Esse processo pode trazer emoções e sentimentos negativos à tona como consequência da desprogramação e a tendência é que se dissipem naturalmente com o passar do tempo, desde que você não fixe sua atenção neles. Ao fixar a sua atenção neles na tentativa de entender e soltar, você pode se recontaminar com isso e fazer o processo de liberação ser mais lento. Caso aconteça de emergir sentimentos e emoções negativas, apenas perceba que você está sentindo isso e que "tudo bem eu estar sentindo isso, vai passar em algum momento". Então, em resumo: você está trilhando seu caminho; está no rumo certo; seu momento específico de agir vai chegar e para fazer o seu trabalho você precisa estar preparado. Esse é o momento da preparação. Se você se sentir guiado, você também pode se beneficiar da possibilidade de aumentar o seu bem estar fazendo uso do cacau - e nesse caso, caso escolha fazer isso, terá de pedir que as forças da luz limpem o cacau com a chama violeta e ativem os códigos ascensionais e de alegria para você. Basta usar cacau puro (de preferência) ou chocolate muito amargo, em água ou leite, com ou sem açúcar, com um pouco de pimenta caiena, da jamaica ou do reino. É importante que o cacau ou chocolate seja livre de trabalho análogo ao escravo. Cacau de fontes sustentáveis, se tiver por aí. Mas o principal, para você, é entender que você está no processo e descansar para ficar pronto. Por favor, só use a terapia do cacau se você não for alérgico. As forças da luz sabem o benefício que o cacau pode trazer, mas não conhecem a fisiologia do corpo de cada um, então seja sábio. Quem pediu para trazer essa mensagem para você é uma entidade que você conhece muito bem, mas não lembra o nome. Mas através dessa mensagem você poderá sentir a energia que ela emana - e a reconhecer. Ah, sim, mais uma coisa. Ela diz que sabe que você quer acessar suas memórias de antes da Terra. Ela diz que essas memórias podem ser retornadas à você, mas ela não aconselha que o faça agora, porque pode trazer alguma sensação de tristeza lembrar do que não está disponível para você agora, e diz que quando você aceitou esquecer, você o fez sabendo que lembrar poderia te trazer problemas. Esteja em paz, One of The 144K.
      Meu comentário: sua avaliação do papel das sementes estelares sendo a borda do quebra cabeça é bem parecido com o que eu mesma observo. Eu entendo dessa maneira e vejo que cada um carrega um arquétipo específico, como os arcanos do tarot. Eu reconheço o arquétipo de algumas pessoas aqui no blog. Ele nos indica o papel específico de cada um. Vejo que todos os missionários tem os mesmos trabalhos gerais (tendo ou não consciência disso), como segurar a luz, expandir a consciência, ancorar códigos ascensionais e coisas do tipo, e alguns têm trabalhos específicos, tendo ou não consciência disso, e para entender qual é o seu papel específico no quebra-cabeças da libertação planetária pode ser útil estudar tarot e reconhecer seu arquétipo. No seu caso, não sei. Mas se fosse dar um palpite, diria que é Temperança.

  59. "As we expected earlier, the new Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian turned out to be a reformer of the Gorbachev type. Just recently, he addressed the citizens of the United States, offered them détente and called them brothers. Yesterday, speaking at the session of the UN General Assembly, Pezeshkian said that Iran does not support Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and suggested that everyone sit down at the negotiating table with the Europeans and Americans. He also added that since he became president, Iran has not supplied ballistic missiles to Russia, although such supplies may have been made earlier.

    In general, we see that the death of the previous Iranian President Raisi is finally ceasing to seem accidental, at least to a minimal extent. They say that the deceased also used a pager. After the change of president, Iran's foreign policy underwent radical changes, and a leader took the helm who began systematically begging for negotiations with his country's opponents. This usually does not end well for states."

  60. "Russians do not exist": the multinational regime is preparing a systemic document according to which Russians will be abolished.

    This was reported by Russian nationalist Dmitry Demushkin:

    "A new interethnic doctrine of Russia until 2035 is currently being written. The current doctrine expires in 2025 and a new one will soon be adopted. According to the new doctrine, Russians, as an ethnic group, do not exist. That's it, we have been removed. The government will not answer the question of why there are no Russians. There are no Russians, period. They want to call everyone Russian - Russians of Tatar nationality, Russians of Gagauz nationality, Russians of Chechen nationality (!). I asked [the source of information], and if I am ethnically Russian, what should I do, they say - no, Russian nationality does not exist, there is no such thing. It turns out that we are again sacrificing our nation for the sake of this community and we must drag it along."

    "Systemic anti-white racism".

  61. 今天的讯息如下:

    2024年12月21日(冬至) 至 2025年3月20日(春分)

    1. 1 让你有一个不确定的感受:光明势力隐约传递出,事件会在2025-2032年发生。朋友,我的感受不是这样的。看文章: 1 即使光明势力不介入,7年,地表黑暗也会自行崩溃。现在光明势力正在清理。红龙,主要负责清理实体黑暗存有。以及引进新金融系统。之前更新也有,红龙清理序列可操作。现在正在清理。而且,之前说了2个关键阶段:1是秘法战争。2是11月进入摩羯座之前的地缘政治危机。很明显第1阶段已经赢了。现在只有第2了。现在光明势力在努力的干活。虽然我们看不到,但请不要因为我们自己本身的困难,想象不到光明势力的付出,也请不要因为时间长了,就失去了耐心和信心,更不说信任。光明势力也不能一下看清全貌,他们要根据局势去斗争。现在星象这么强大,没人可以阻挡的。

      2 光明势力也包括源头,我的理解,地底地面天上的光明势力发送地表信息,给源头,源头根据情势发动士令。

      3 发钱: 只要地表有黑暗势力,就不能保证金钱的自由流动。发了钱,阴谋集团不给你流动,你不是白纸一张嘛。

      4 为什么不现在事件,不移除地表阴谋集团,现在潜伏者还在,如果现在潜伏者没法对地表施加影响了,现在就可以事件。现在主要就是地缘政治,及潜伏者了。而潜伏者,很多人可能没有想过。为什么叫潜伏 者~ 这个好好观察体会可能才能感受到。80%光工都受影响。并不是说有20不受影响,是多少的差别。及时机的差别。潜伏者容易对其有危险的人发动明显攻击,平时会悄无声息地潜伏~。现在每个人能对事件做出贡献的,是清理自身潜伏者,做潜伏者冥想,这个不需要付出什么。既帮助自己又帮助加快事件。[合十][合十][合十][合十]

  62. What is the "geopolitical crisis in the first half of November" ? 🤔

  63. ""Will they open a second front: Israel started a war with Hezbollah, putting Iran in front of a difficult choice

    As we wrote, the game of "Red Lines" on the part of Iran and Hezbollah itself led to only one thing - Israel, and the West as a whole, became convinced that they can be beaten. It could not be otherwise. When your generals are killed, then the president dies under very mysterious circumstances, then allies - guests are killed, your diplomatic missions are bombed, and in response you hear only threats, wait - then missiles will fly and tanks will move.

    Any arguments about "Iran does not need war" no longer work - Israel needs it, Britain needs it in order to push the Persians, giving way to the Turks, part of the US elite needs it, so it will happen, and in this scenario it will be according to their rules. As we had with the "Minsk agreements" and the "Normandy format".

    Now it has begun. Hundreds of Israeli aircraft attacked 1,600 Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon in a day, MLRS and artillery were in action, calling it a "preemptive offensive operation" based on the principle of punishment for an incomplete invasion.

    "Preemptive means that they were tired of waiting for Hezbollah to start a war against Israel and started it themselves. Preemptively. What can't you do when a war is sorely needed," as Oleg Tsarev accurately noted (

    The number of victims of Israeli bombings in Lebanon since the beginning of Monday has risen to 492. Among the dead are 35 children and 58 women, the country's Ministry of Health reports. Another 1,645 people were injured, the department clarified. The footage allegedly shows traffic jams on the way out of the southern regions of Lebanon, people fleeing to troubled Syria, escaping ( death.

    Help is also coming. The US is transferring additional troops to the Middle East due to growing tensions in the region. This was reported by the Pentagon. How many troops will be redeployed and what their tasks will be, were not specified.

    It is difficult to say now how long Lebanon and Hezbollah will be able to hold out on their own, without help from Iran, but it is clear that they themselves "will not be able to carry out". Yes, they can hold out for six months, up to a year, but the forces are too different. And apart from the Yemeni Houthis, who are far away, and parts of the Syrian and Iraqi militias, with whom they fought the terrorists, there is nowhere to expect help. Iran does not want destabilization of the situation in the Middle East, said ( President Masoud Pezeshkian.

    The reasons are clear - the United States and Europe, and China too, are putting pressure on it, trying to keep it from entering the war, openly or covertly. They threaten with new sanctions and airstrikes, tempt with "new prospects", given that the new leader is considered, albeit partially, pro-Western.

  64. "...
    But if he gives in and does not open a "second front" against the West in the Middle East, mobilizing the entire "Resistance Belt", then quite soon, and events are currently developing rapidly, we will see not only the fall of this regional power, but also its collapse.

    Firstly, no one will cancel any sanctions - the carrot should be dangling in front of the donkey, and not get into its mouth. Secondly, with the decline of authority in the region, the government will lose authority within, first of all, the IRGC, and this is fraught with destabilization of the system. Thirdly, Britain and Turkey, and with them Israel and the United States, will activate all national minorities, from Azerbaijanis to Kurds, thereby creating a "perfect storm".

    For China, this will not be a big problem - it has quite normal relations with Turkey to exchange Iran for them and is unlikely to actively interfere, for Russia this is very, very bad, but we now have too few levers in the Transcaucasus to interfere.

    The only option to prevent such a scenario is to take a risk and start a war. You can lose in it and get collapse and devastation, but this will be a chance. Otherwise, Iran will still get war, collapse and devastation, but there will be almost no chance to get out of them intact."

  65. Grazie Cobra per le ottime notizie. Sono contento che i Pleiadiani abbiano ora sviluppato una compassione per noi. Ciò significa che non esiteranno ad aiutarci. Finalmente...siamo quasi fuori dal tunnel. Ho bisogno di cure per gli attacchi di panico. Certe volte sono a terra. Ma non vedo l'ora di vedere la Luce fuori dal tunnel. Vittoria della Luce! 🛸

  66. UN Secretary-General Guterres calls for censorship:

    “Digital platforms are being misused to undermine science, spread disinformation and hate to billions of people.”

    He called for coordination against the threat.

  67. still laughing rolling on the floor about: "we don´t need to fight - the light will do everything"

    dear cobra: what do to, when you live every single day in violence?

    1. Don't laugh. Listen to this. Cobra knows what he is talking about. I've actually written that quote down. I know a lot of people laugh about it, but it is vitally important to keep love in your heart (violence or not). There is a lot of fighting going on that is a GAME. We are near the end of it I think. This quote from Cobra is serious. The Light really will take care of it. Listen to this.

    2. WAR, psychic.....people don't suffer and, you know, DIE, in games.

      I personally want to fight, because I personally feel like this:

      Sending in a ferret to flush out a badger, while the man with the gun waits. I feel like the mother fucking FERRET. I personally feel like a little worm on a big, fucking HOOK. I feel like fucking BAIT.

      I want to FIGHT, not be the bait.

    3. You want advice about your situation living everyday in violence. Ok how about trying to do anything it takes to avoid the violence. Whether that's dropping friends or family from your life if possible that are creating violent situations that make you uncomfortable. Perhaps just trying to avoid the bad in your life so you won't feel afraid or unsafe about things that are not in your ability to control.

  68. With prior authorization from Cobra, who approved my initiative, I would like to remind you of the recent release of my e-book 'The blue dawn: return of the Light', a gift to yourself or a loved one, to gently prepare for the upcoming events that are about to unfold. My e-book is available at

  69. Avec l'autorisation préalable de Cobra qui a approuvé mon initiative, Je vous rappelle la sortie récente de mon e-book "L'Aube bleue: le retour de la Lumière" à vous offrir à vous-même ou à offrir à une personne chère à votre coeur de façon à la préparer dans une sorte de divulgation douce à ce qui va se passer très prochainement maintenant. Mon e-book en version française ( traduit également en anglais) est disponible sur

  70. The light forces should fully understand this. Most light workers are poor and destitute. The so-called abundance is a luxury for them.

  71. btw:
    like many or just few, my life worsening from week to week..., so

    dear cobra:
    i am experiencing the complete opposite of these infos, i am getting the impression in my personal life, that the bad guys are winning...
    next year, i will be living on the streets - no joke if all persists in going down...

    1. Thats horrible to hear brother. It could be a its gonna be worse before it gets better situatuation for you.
      And just a wild guess, your Living in United States right?
      Sad story the poltics there and how th governement sold out the people and sold their soul to dark forces.
      Please join this group, im working on something that could bring in revenue after a while.
      Tune in! I don't want you to be on the streets or suffer in any way. I care about you, even if i don't know you.

      Others in economical struggle or tight situatuations who would like to change that is welcome to join the Group!

    2. You'd think the light forces could beam down some gold, silver of money to us? I mean why not? The government prints money out of NOTHING all the time. Least gold is worth SOMETHING.

      Send some wealth down our chimneys, I say.

  72. Merci Cobra et merci aux FL pour ces nouvelles, la méditation recommandée est magnifique <3 <3 <3
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  73. our extraterrestrial sources sees beyond Neptune's orbit that is composed of all kinds of rocks, dirty ice balls. then follow - Planet Haumea 51.4 AU/34.9AU Moons: Hi'iaca and Na'maka. Planet Eris (slightly smaller than Pluto)97.6AU/37.9AU.Moon: Dysnomia and Planet O'ha'lu 190.4AU/152.7AU No moon.Large planet with a high density. size approximately 4 times the size of Earth. location at the outer edge of the Kuiper Belt. advanced civilization there, interstellar, Mantis Insectoid base.

  74. I Vote for Miracle Tian To Get that Green Heitan Jade Dragon!

  75. Dear Cobra and our friends! Here are the translations for this new Cobra post, for which we are so grateful, as it enlighten my day! I send the translations links in Italian and Romanian too:


    Victory of the Light!

  76. It is really hard for humans to understand the importance of this awareness but we must let go of fear, guilt, shame, lack, woe to innerstand we already have everything. Those are all part of the illusion that we are separated.
    We are NOT separated from the source. we Just believe we are.

    Pleiadians began teaching me in 2016 (i was in HELL, pratically homeless, living with cockroaches complete desperare asking the LF to "save me")
    Then they started saying "Luisa, If you wanna change your sorroundings you must change your inside First")
    Everything AROUND us is a reflex of how we feel and think about ourselves.

    The Light Forces have huge respect for our Power which they wanna see It rise. They are NOT here to save us, but to hold the light for us, like we are doing now with the New awaken ones.
    We are part of the Light Forces actually so asking for them to save us is like asking ourselves, got It?

    Our I Am presence is our great gift and the best way (maybe the only) to navigate well through the increasingly gigantic waves.

    Keep constantly saying "I Am" to yourself and watch your transformation get wings.

    1. Gonna take MORE than "I am" to change my gender, and become alien. I've seen NO ONE manage anything close.

      I say LET them save us. I see NO 'power'...otherwise we'd see tons of people become bad ass jedi warriors, or super, WHERE are they? There's none. We're genetically floored monkeys.

      Light forces come, pick me up and take me home to be restored, that's all I care about.

    2. You should preserve yourself more then

    3. dear if it was easy you think it would been taking me 8/9 years to learn?
      it is the hardest thing we can do. unlearn all we learnt.

    4. Yes, CARE PACKAGES.....even the military does that sometimes.

  77. My story is the opposite.
    Every "coach", therapist, hypnosis, guru i went after simply fucked a bit more with my Head.

    Seating or laying still with both my hands on my chest aware of every breath i take does miracles from the other hand.

    It is going deep inside your heart and NOT your mind.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. the world illuminates


  82. @Ailish
    Let's hope the Pleiadians have walked enough miles in our iron boots to get the idea, now.

  83. "bringing atmic spiritual energy to the surface of the planet for the first time since 1996"

    "atmic consciousness" "reaches the seventh dimension"

    "The purpose of the atmic plane is to transmit the divine plan into, I would say, more dense planes of creation"


  84. "Sometimes the world works out the way you want it
    Sometimes you say the things that you meant to say
    Sometimes the moments break clear and certain
    Sometimes the things you fear just roll away"


    We are old
    We are young
    We are In This Together.



    1. Le temps de la moisson approche, l'ivraie sera séparée du bon grain 🤫.

  85. This is from the Bible, or was it removed from the Bible? I think the later. I think it was supposed to be a dream from Mordecai. (sp?) Anyway, he dreamed that the red dragon and the white dragon were fighting. Sometimes the red dragon wins (as in evil wins) and sometimes the white dragon wins. It lasts about 500 years, as to who wins and rules over earth. Well the white dragon is about to win, so the devil will lose!!!! It's from something I listen to regularly.
    Poor dragons, as in the real ones. I think they've been tortured in many different universes.

  86. Oh you deserve It so much more than i do Sherman.

  87. This is rather interesting. It is about Trump and his Naadi (which I know next to nothing about Naadi). It's like some form of predictive thing and the Indians take very seriously. Trump actually has a Naadi, and it says he *Might* fall from grace entirely - but even though he himself isn't uttering it, Indian people are repeating this Indian instruction or chants FOR him. And it says in later life, Trump may become much more spiritual... and see God more than a man in the sky type thing. Also it mentions a lady who will help him, and older lady... Anyway, you can hear it here:

  88. Tachyonized Jade would be a nice addition to the site.

  89. Why timing of Event is still remain classified, when all the major negative aspects is cleared. May be waiting to complete the Disentanglement process from Lurker? Hoping the timing of Event will be declassified after completing Disentanglement process.

  90. I just spoke to my doctor about my MRI scan I had on my brain. He used the word excellent. Although he didn't have the scan in front of him. I mean, why not? He called me, so what is so secretive about the scan..? Anyway, there is no follow up... Well why can't I walk and what is from the new numbness in my right hand? I'm so confused. My angels say it will resolve itself soonish. Well I bloody hope so. And my legs too...

    What is interesting is my doctor told me that the MS diagnosis came from me. That is bullsh*t. We had all these scans done in Melbourne, I was told by the doctor (i.e. him) I had MS... But since then I've been ridding myself of mercury, and doing EES treatments to cure MS, and my doctor refuses to send the scans I had 17 (?) years ago to Geelong doctors. Whatever. I'm just glad it is gone... however it happened. I'll play stupid if he wants. Please angels I hope you are right!!!!! Anyway, meanwhile I can still hobble around, so that's something. I'm sure God is watching over me... we'll see what happens.

  91. I've said this before and repeat it now:

    Maybe the only way to stop the serious problems around our world would be to stop the use of money COMPLETELY.

    Question: What would our planet and everything on it have looked like, had money never been invented?

    To me, money is ONLY a tool of slavery, to get absolute control of the entire population of a planet. Money doesn’t DO anything. Humans do. We build things, invent things, create art and beauty, we teach and pass on to our kids, our experiences in all kinds of areas.

    So, to me, money is just a brain ‘spook’, a fantasy that’s been spanked into us since we were toddlers, that everything in the universe has a PRICE TAG on it.

    Well, what if it DOESN’T and is actually for free, supplied by mother nature.
    Does this kind of thinking shock you?
    I mean, say that there is a complete collapse of the financial system tomorrow and we all end up losing all our savings, yes, even our gold or silver that we invested in because we descided to store it in a bank vault.

    What I’m trying to say is: yes, the money is gone but everything else ISN’T.
    Our infrastructure, power generators, communications, roads, transport vehicles, factories and workforce are still there. We can still keep going and instead start teamworking, with everybody else, to share what ever is available.

    In our current world there is basically no shortage of anything. It’s just that the ‘controllers’ are witholding life essentials to keep us in line.

    Is it possible that we could start with putting together Village Councils and then move on to Town Councils, City Councils, State or National Councils and even a World Council whose jobs it would be to, as much as possible, share what ever we have equally?

    I know it would be very hard for us initially but I believe we all would prefer the afore mentioned to WW3 or Nuclear Exchange.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. Thé 2025portal that was published in 2020 says that the end of darkness Will be in 2025,,,Now we have another 7years cycle And until Now we didnt anything about that...Very strange... In any case goodluck with another your whole life on it

  94. Oh look, Kamala is panicking over her very low low low statistics. Trump is 59, Kamala is 34. There's a big, huge shift AGAINST Kamala Harris. Well look at that.

  95. * "S velkou pokorou děkujeme všem světelným bytostem, které nám v těchto těžkých dobách svítí cestou a nabízejí svou nekonečnou moudrost a lásku. Vaše energie nám dodává sílu a naději.

    * "Chceme vyjádřit svou hlubokou úctu všem světelným pracovníkům, kteří svou láskyplnou prací přispívají k uzdravení naší planety a všech bytostí na ní. Děkujeme za vaši obětavost a odvahu."

    * "Jako svíčky v temnotě záříte nám, světelné síly, svou láskou a péčí. Děkujeme za vaši přítomnost a za to, že nás nikdy neopouštíte."

  96. Welcome the light forces to come to the surface of the earth to experience painful life (including finding a job to work and earn money)

    1. Honestly. once someone finds a job and starts working, it's really not so bad. I don't want to downplay people's hardship though. This has just been my experience. Depends on the person and the situation.

      I hope others here don't jump all over me for saying that working isn't horrible. Don't get me wrong. I've had some rough jobs in the past and I was definitely mistreated.

      But I actually finally had the opportunity to not have to work at all for several months. Eventually, the novelty of not having to work wore off. I found myself pacing back and forth wanting to do something. I never thought I'd actually want to go back to work, but I do!

      It's beneficial to have some kind of external activity in one's life. No activity and isolation can help to spiritually awaken, but too much of this can end up causing harm. Just my two cents, take or leave. Again, it depends on the person and situation.

    2. to experience it you don't need to go anywhere, it is enough to get acquainted with the philosophy of mankind over the last 2500 years and economic science of the 18-21 centuries, focusing on the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. The whole understanding of all socio-economic processes has long been known. The key is that the rich do not want to share or even give people the opportunity to isolate themselves from them (the Soviet Union was destroyed by them) or gain independence. All key technologies were obtained in the 1960-1980s of the 20th century, at least in the USSR Cold Thermonuclear Fusion was already ready for implementation (death to oil and gas workers - the Rockefellers and the families of the Arabian Peninsula - the OPEC cartel), wave research (up to the treatment of all organs and parts of the body with sound vibrations, the author - an old man was recently killed - the symptoms are similar to EMP, as well as those researchers who study history and come to the 15-16th century and the Jesuits' new product). Energy independence - the emergence of projects on composite materials with tuning of characteristics and complete chemical synthesis - obtaining any materials ("alchemy" - transmutation of substances) and solving problems with the construction of a superluminal space engine, as well as the transition from "socialism" (a step towards building a "society without exploitation) to "Communism" (there is not and never was a single communist state on the planet) - a society of positive "cyberpunk" with an emphasis on the spiritual development of people, robots are needed not as the meaning of life or a replacement for human labor, only to increase productivity, but to free up human time to study science, philosophy, economics, arts - so that each person has enough free time to become a philosopher, scientist, artist - to do what he really likes without looking back at his financial situation and the presence / absence of time. Up to the complete absence of going to "work" - money in such a society loses its meaning completely and the population does what it wants. It was precisely to prevent this that the Western "Club of Rome" and other structures of the "rulers" of the "world" cancelled scientific and technical progress in the West, and then through their agents in the Jewish lobby of the USSR Academy of Sciences, they brainwashed the greedy party elite (by that time also becoming pro-Jewish through the "institute of Jewish wives") and forced them to consider technocrats a threat to their power and privileges. You have all seen the result over the last 50 years. Do you like it? I don't think so.

  97. They only experience part of the pain that people on Earth suffer in heaven.

  98. I would say light forces still need to intervene the situation in china,the meditation from dragon sources is good but they still need to take action.

  99. "The first cases of infection with the new variant of COVID have been identified in Russia, writes ( RBC. Cases of infection have been identified in Ufa and the Rostov region.

    Rospotrebnadzor noted that the XEC variant is spreading rapidly, and its symptoms are similar to the sub-variants of "omicron": fever, sore throat, cough, loss of smell and appetite, body aches, fatigue, headache and runny nose."

    Bill Gates: "Even if we avoid a major war... There will be another pandemic," he told CNBC in September 2024.

  100. Extrait d'un livre fort intéressant :
    "D'un point de vue plus élevé, de l'Atlantide faisait partie du
    plan divin, et les Magiciens Noirs sont venus sur Terre avec la permission
    d'Ashtar. Ainsi, la dualité pouvait jouer et ensuite s'effacer complètement,
    sinon elle ne le pouvait pas‛. Il y avait des guerres intenses et des abus
    génétiques sur l'Atlantide ; comme maintenant, même si c'était beaucoup
    plus répandu à cette époque. Dans sa période tardive - les 200 derniers
    milliers d'années‛ sur terre"
    "Les êtres d'Orion sont en fait des anges déchus, ils ont été élevés
    auparavant. Ils sont passés par un processus similaire au nôtre, mais ils ont
    perdu leur conscience de façon beaucoup plus importante. Une partie de
    leur origine est encore un mystère qui ne doit pas être révélé. Ils sont allés
    au cœur de la matière, ils sont allés consciemment dans une séparation
    totale. Si nous regardons en arrière dans l'évolution - lorsque cet Univers a
    été manifesté, une partie de Dieu a décidé de se séparer d'elle-même. Et
    les êtres d'Orion sont issus de cette partie. Ils sont nécessaires, ils font
    partie du Plan Divin, ils accomplissent leur mission. Beaucoup d'entre eux
    seront sauvés lors de l'évacuation, beaucoup d'entre eux ne le seront pas.
    Ceux d'entre eux qui veulent continuer à répandre toute la négativité
    mourront aussi en tant qu'âme."


  101. There is a group on Facebook called Nova Atlântida-New Atlantis that sells cintamani. I paid for one on 07/24/2024 for 380 reais (59 dollars) and never received it. The group administrator Assulus Sentinela always sends me messages saying that I will still receive it, but I don't believe it. This group always translates all of Cobra's information and posts it. But given this fraud in the sale, I don't think they are trustworthy people who use the group to sell stones that never arrive.

  102. I saw this comment under a video about 'progress bars,' and I’d like to quote it:

    "I can never forget an experience from many years ago when I was in elementary school. I once downloaded a game on my phone. After entering the game, a loading bar appeared, showing the progress of the game loading resources. I waited for a very long time and finally, it reached 100%. And then... it turned into 101%. The number on the progress bar just kept increasing endlessly, and I never knew when it would finally stop."

  103. If the financial system collapses, something has to happen here. Example. 2001: the event did not take place due to the destruction of the twin towers . Infer from this.

  104. Thank you Cobra! Thank you Light Forces and Resistance Movement! 💖

  105. I recommend a food prepared for the event - compressed biscuits. Compressed biscuits can be consumed without heating, so they are not affected by power outages. In addition, the shelf life of compressed biscuits is very long.

  106. COBRA info discussed in this excellent
    supersoldiertalk interview.

  107. What can be a better timing of the event than now? As the dark reality had started decomposing and there is nothing left for the light forces to really stoop and fight actively, why can't the event be triggered? Trigger the event! Now!

  108. This comment has been removed by the author.

  109. Here is Finnish translation of this article / Tässä on suomenkielinen käännös tästä artikkelista:

    The Portal Suomi: Cobra: Syklin päättyminen (maanantai, 23. syyskuuta 2024) (

    Telegram group for Finnish translations of Portal / Telegramryhmä suomennetuille Portal artikkeleille:

  110. 100m inbound

    Atmic arrives


  111. ⭐ E D E N ⭐


  112. "The results of the permanent meeting of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on nuclear deterrence will lead to the introduction of important amendments to the nuclear doctrine of Russia (a document called "Fundamentals of State Policy in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence"): the possibility of a preventive nuclear strike and the use of nuclear weapons against a non-nuclear power. In the end, this happened.

    This step is largely forced, since the political leadership of Russia tried until the very end not to play its nuclear trump card in the current confrontation with the United States and its allies in Ukraine. However, it was simply forced to take such a step by threats to strike with Western weapons on Russian territory at a strategic depth.

    Moreover, Moscow escalated in an extremely measured and gradual manner. Last year, it suspended its participation in the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty and transferred tactical nuclear weapons to Belarus, then conducting joint Russian-Belarusian exercises on their use. An order was also given to prepare a test site on Novaya Earth to nuclear tests.

    And now - a new and extremely important decision: the ability to respond with nuclear weapons to a massive attack by non-nuclear weapons, including a nuclear strike on a non-nuclear power that attacked Russia (if it is supported by countries that have nuclear weapons). Apparently, the threat of using Western long-range missiles against our country from Ukrainian territory was serious.

    Why "was"? Because with the introduction of changes to the Russian nuclear doctrine, it has decreased. Although there is always a chance that the opposing side will try to test Moscow's strength. But in any case, Russia has made its warning, and the options for the development of events can be very different. As well as their consequences. It is possible that we will still see the reincarnation of the Cuban Missile Crisis in new conditions."

  113. Oi CoBRa. Agradeço por me responder novamente tão rápido. Então quinta-feira foi a limpeza final da rede tibetana o que me aconteceu. Foi menos intenso do que o dia 07, mas ainda assim foi forte. Sempre teve suas peculiaridades, mas desmaiar é uma novidade que eu não previa. Da primeira vez um pranaiama me reorganizou. Da segunda vez, um grito dentro da minha cabeça me trouxe de volta (não foi coincidência, né? Vocês devem ter providenciado isso). De qualquer modo, confio que vocês vão providenciar que sempre apareça algum recurso.
    Então, se ninguém fizer nada, a situação se resolve por si só em sete anos? Esse prazo de sete anos me atende bem quanto ao único pedido que tenho a vocês. Mas... eu aguentaria até lá? Sinto que não tenho vida em mim para mais sete anos. Supondo que eu aguente, acredito que em sete anos eu consiga ajeitar a vida, mas a probabilidade de todo mundo ficar sem fazer nada até o colapso é virtualmente nula. Não acredito que ninguém faria nada. E isso inclui os escuros. Eles também teriam de fazer nada. Basta alguém fazer alguma coisa, de qualquer lado, que pode desencadear uma reação em cadeia que pode mudar tudo. Então, na prática, continua igual. Tudo pode ser finalizado agora, ou em algum momento no futuro, qualquer que seja esse momento. Eu não pretendo ficar sem fazer nada, só não sei o que fazer nessa situação específica. Não sei quando vou fazer alguma coisa, mas em algum momento eu vou fazer. Para mim o desafio é não saber o que fazer (Alguém já recebeu o pedido que me foi feito? O que essa pessoa escolheu?). Entendo o motivo de terem me pedido para me afastar do blog e das informações sobre a libertação. Entendo o motivo de estarem se afastando. Entendo o motivo de só observarem de longe e me atenderem só quando necessário. Entendo o motivo de "eu ter de fazer o que eu quiser fazer, que essa é a escolha certa, e que eu vou acertar se eu fizer o que eu quiser fazer" e que "para fazer o que eu quiser fazer eu não posso ter informações, pois as informações podem induzir as minhas escolhas". Eu realmente entendo. Só que me sinto insegura com isso e não consigo ficar longe do blog. Entendo que Miguel não possa ficar, mas será que Kurt pode voltar? Aproveito para pedir desculpas pelo meu comportamento com Kurt, ele foi muito gentil atendendo ao chamado e passar esses meses com ele por perto foi importante. Aquele domingo foi um momento extremo e me comportei mal. (Me perdoa, Kurt, por favor. Eu sinto muito. Eu sou grata pela sua companhia. Eu te amo. Se puder, gostaria de ter a sua companhia até o fim).
    Agradeço a cura dos pleiadianos, sinto que os traumas de guerra estão curando, e o amor, o apoio e a compaixão incondicional é recíproco. Os traumas estão curando, ou estou ficando insensível, porque, curiosamente, não desabei ontem. Minha gratidão.
    Esse trecho: "Dragon sources have communicated that we can now rise above the attacks and move our focus away from the darker aspects of reality, which will be decomposed anyway. This refocusing is like a muscle we can train, and with practice it gets better." merece um post só para ele, acredito que a maioria dos leitores não está no seu melhor momento para entender o que realmente precisa aqui. Mas essa é só a minha opinião.
    Estou entregando alguns dos recados. Os que ainda fazem sentido, os que ainda são necessários, os que me sinto à vontade de entregar. Sinto muito Forças da Luz, por favor me perdoem. Eu amo vocês. Eu amo tanto! Eu sou muito, muito grata por tudo o que estão fazendo.
    A guerra está na superfície, os players estão posicionados, todos querem a manteiga de amendoim e eu só queria ficar quieta no meu canto (ou só conseguia, melhor dizendo). Eu sinto muito, por favor me perdoem. Eu sou grata. Eu amo vocês.
    E, para finalizar... dessa vez não choveu! Glória a Deus!
    Em tudo dai graças.
    Muito amor

  114. V slovenščini:

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  115. 你们在地表活不过一天,而我们却要再等七年~
