has come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the
period when the destiny of this planet is being decided and people need to be informed
so better choices can be made.
26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their property and all
beings living on it their hostages and slaves. They have declared this planet
to be a quarantine and every space vehicle entering or exiting this planet
needed a special permit from the Archons. This is the reason for
“non-interference” we hear so much about. The human race was being held hostage
by the Archons for all those millennia, and after being held in a closed loop
system of reincarnating to the same place over and over again, amnesia and
lethargy crept in. The time of amnesia is almost over. After June 21st this year, the rescue operations
coordinated by positive ET races will increase in intensity.
the past, the only way a human being could escape from the quarantine was
through the ascension process, during which he had to release all attachments
to all physical, etheric, astral and mental realities where Archons can operate.
An alternative option of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star
systems will open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves.

Archons have been sustaining their control with a special technology that is called
The Veil. It is an electromagnetic frequency fence on the lower astral and
especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards
from the surface ground level of our planet,
that to a great extent prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine
Earth. The Veil is being operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology
could be best described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time /
space structure on quantum level and thus creates big difficulties for UFO
propulsion systems of the positive ET
forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the positive ET
races towards this planet significantly.
from keeping the good ETs at bay, the Veil has a function of programming /
reprogramming the human population and keeping it in the reincarnation / recycling
process. I will now state few of the main astral / etheric programs for
incarnated humans currently in operation:
Lowering of consciousness and light body / merkaba deactivation. This program
is maintained with etheric standing wave resonance technology.
Blocking of free will and of positive initiative. This program is maintained
with etheric infrasound technology. Part of that sound precipitates towards the
physical plane and some people can hear it as a very low frequency hum. This
was the source of mysterious sounds that people heard in the beginning of 2012
and not the destruction of deep underground military bases, as some sources
erroneously reported. Infrasound blocks certain centers in the physical brain
and this blocks positive initiative. This infrasound is also the cause of
unusual tiredness that many people experience without any apparent reason.
Lowering the intelligence. This is done by inducing strong magnetic fields to
the etheric brain and to the membrane between the physical and etheric brain
and this disturbs the thinking process. This program results in foggy mind,
forgetfulness and lack of focus.
Inducing disharmony in relationships. This is being done by tampering with the
chakras of the etheric body and creating dissonant frequencies on the auric
membrane with etheric infrasound. This program results in artificial split
between love and sexuality, closing of the heart, overactivity of the mind and
disbalance between female and male principles.
Inducing poverty. This is being done by projecting poverty holograms / images
into the etheric brain.
Subculture division. This program operates by targeting different subcultures
with specific opposing etheric holographic images and thus creating division
among them.
Eating patterns / obesity. This program is induced by projecting images of a
certain food that creates obesity, into the etheric brain.
All-seeing eye. This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors
all activity of physical beings and then reports this to the non-physical Archons.
Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into the aura of
every human being just before the incarnation, as that person needs to descend
from the mental / higher astral planes through the lower astral / etheric towards
the physical in order to incarnate. Those implants remove the memory of the prior
incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not remember past lives,
nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. Implants are somewhat poetically called
the “veil of forgetfulness”.
were also physical implants. The physical implants were very popular in
Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of Atlantis happened. There was
an attempt to reintroduce physical implants after the World War II with
physical biochips that were put into the vast majority of human beings through
vaccination programs. This is the main reason why WHO has made vaccination
mandatory. Physical biochips reinforced other programming but were successfully
completely erased from the human population about two years ago with a special
technology that could be operated from a distance, developed by the Resistance
Movement. Therefore fears about NWO planning to microchip human population are
not based on reality since the population has already been microchipped and
those same biochips have also been removed without anybody really noticing.
Archons have reactivated and renewed The Veil in early 1996 after the mass
awakening happened in early 90s that made intervention of the positive ET races
on this planet a real possibility. This was done with about 200 nuclear
explosions on the lower astral and etheric planes. Those non-physical nuclear
explosions have created a rift in the fabric of space / time that has opened
dark wormholes through which many reptilian entities invaded planet Earth from
outer space and infested its astral and etheric planes. The Veil was
reactivated again in December 2004 after the mass awakening to the Goddess
presence which happened after the first Venus transit in June 2004 and after
some successful operations of the Pleiadian fleet towards liberating this
planet. Now, after the second Venus transit in June 2012 the awakening is
happening again. This time the Veil can not be reinforced as there are no
negative physical or non-physical ET forces in the outer space left to invade our
planet. We are thus very close to the final victory.
success of our mass meditations was such that about 70% of the Veil on the
astral plane and about 35% of the Veil on the etheric plane has already been
removed. Therefore it is very important that we continue with mass meditations
until the work is done completely and the Veil is completely removed. This is
scheduled to happen in the 7 months period that started on May 20th/21st
at the Reboot of the Grid and will be completed on December 21st, 2012.
Archons and the rest of the physical Cabal may and can be removed long before
the Veil is completely gone.
and non-physical Archons have a plan with a codename Doom33 to prevent the mass
arrests from happening. According to that plan, when the mass arrests would
start, the non-physical Archons would give a signal through occult rituals to
top physical Archons inside SMOM (Knights of Malta) and among 33rd
degree Freemasons. Those people would then give orders through their links inside
the military and alphabet agencies to create as much destruction and havoc as
possible. This goes along with the Armageddon End times prophecies that are
highly respected among the physical Archons. They would do anything to see
those prophecies fulfilled. You do not need to be afraid of those plans as
Light forces have detailed plans to prevent most of this from ever happening.
physical Archons are still in control of the fuzzy logic artificial
intelligence financial system computer program that Benjamin Fulford is speaking
about. The Resistance Movement has put a computer virus in that program at the
Reboot of the Grid on May 20th/21st and can now reboot
the financial system if / when this will be necessary for the operations of the
Light forces.
physical Archons lost much power over general population in the March
revolution in 1848/1849. Most of them have then moved to lower astral and
etheric planes. Those that remained on the physical plane still control
humanity indirectly through the Rothschilds. Rothschilds do not operate
independently but obey orders from their Jesuit Archon overlords.
of 2012 is the turning point when many things about the Archons and the planetary
situation will be decided. Sheliak timewave novelty graph shows a drastic
decrease in entropy until June 21st, which indicates this turning