Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Galactic Confederation

As I have said, Galactic Confederation is a loose confederate union of positive civilizations within this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians… Its leaders are ascended masters, beings that live in enlightened state of consciousness. On this planet, Galactic Confederation is known under many names: Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light, Galactic Confederation of Planets, Galactic Federation of Planets, United Federation of Planets… All those names describe the same, positive group.

There has been an idea circling on the internet that Galactic Federation and Galactic Federation of Light are two groups, one being positive and the other negative. This is not true. There are no negative ET groups beyond this planet left. Both Galactic Federation and Galactic Federation of Light describe the same, positive group. 
There are many beings on this planet claiming to have contact with this positive group. In most cases this is not true also. Some people have genuine energetic contact with this positive group, but most telepathic messages from the Galactic Confederation are intercepted by Archons and their technology on the mental, astral and etheric planes. Then the Archons insert messages that look full of love and light on a first impression, but in reality are just recycled phrases. They also mix them with disinfo and this has created a lot of confusion among the Lightworkers about the Galactic Confederation. Most channelers are true in their dedication to the Light, they are just unable to penetrate the Veil that Archons have created. Very few channelers are agents of the NSA. 
Those channels that have a genuine telepathic contact with the Galactic Confederation are able to bring new information to the surface of this quarantined planet and are not just repeating old phrases. 
Vast majority of true contactees for the Galactic Confederation were subjected to intense and brutal mind programming in the underground military bases in the mid and late 90s. Their mind was split and disinfo about the Galactic Confederation put into the front alters of their personalities. This operation was orchestrated by the leading Archons who were controlling quarantine Earth at that time because they were afraid that Galactic Confederation will come and liberate the planet. Rightfully so, since the Galactic Confederation WILL come and liberate the planet, regardless of all threats and atrocities from the Cabal. 
Ashtar Command is a section of Galactic Confederation which primary function is to liberate planet Earth from the grip of the dark forces. 

Ashtar is a being of Light and does not belong to the fictitious negative Bafath group, as some people claim. Saint Germain is a being of Light also. So are Koot Hoomi and other ascended masters. They have evolved beyond duality and emanate love that is beyond judgement. Unfortunately that can not be said for many people who claim to be their disciples. 
Ashtar has a twin soul named Astara. She is the one that brought Goddess mysteries to planet Earth and was known as Astarte, Ashteroth, Ashera, Ast (Isis), Aphrodite and Venus. She is also a being of Light. The Cabal tried to erase and distort her teachings but the Goddess will be victorious.


  1. this is the only place where i trust the info. thank you so much. please keep up the good work your doing. filled with hope PETE

  2. popping in for a moment to transfer some of the IMMENSE LOVE i just downloaded to all who read this note.

    1. Now that's my kind of comment! :) Right back atcha, love all around ;)

    2. Great to hear from you Morgaine! I'm feelin it..Love is in the air!:)

    3. Morgaine. You make me feel like we're back to where we were when Cobra first posted earlier this year. But we know how very far we've come. Keep your immense love flowing.

    4. I'm not posting here often, as I spend most of my time with my family and Little One and less time writing comments... but please know that I'm holding us all in the Highest Light and Love and Divine Union... One Group Soul has emerged with Unity and Christ Consciousness shining into all of the little nooks of our Being. We are Diamonds being polished... our inherent brilliance is being revealed, whether we are conscious of it or not...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How does the Andromeda Council (new to me) tie-in with this group?


    Edit: Added link.

    1. Lozion
      According to Tolec (the contactee and representative of the Andromeda Council,) Galactic Federation has a formal representation on the AC - actually is the 10th senior chaired member of it. My understanding is, that GF work and act in total alignement with the Andromeda Council.

    2. I've found this interview that gives more food for thought: “’…the Galactic Federation of Light, we know of them. They have been around for about 1,000 years. Yes, they are based in Sirius. They started small and still only have a very limited number of planets involved in their group. They are not a member of the Andromeda Council. We have nothing to do with them.’

      ‘And, no, the Galactic Federation of Light is not the Galactic Federation. Absolutely not.’

      “further, I asked the Commander about any possible collaboration with members of the Galactic Federation of Light, in space, or here on planet Earth, and here is what he said:

      “’…no, no. We are not collaborating with the Galactic Federation of Light. Nor are we collaborating with any star system or planet, part of, or affiliated with, the Galactic Federation of Light. No.’”


  5. Thank YOU Cobra!!!!
    I wish I could shake your hand, or even give YOU a friendly hug.
    For a long time, I wanted to ask YOU about Ashtar. Yet I knew, that YOU would tell us, when the time was right.
    I can't describe the joy, and the happiness that I got from THIS one!!!!
    Everything YOU said, is what I kept in my soul, as being THE ONLY TRUTH.
    Every single name mentioned by YOU, has been cherished and Loved by me.


  6. Thank you and allies the earth allies for what you do. I do wonder are the archons finally gone? Thought they were pretty well dust by now? Seems like things are changing daily now. I see a whole lot of hope. Namaste

  7. FOR YOU PEOPLE,WE ARE ONE.... http://youtu.be/tbPzNwsuQtE

  8. Thank you Cobra. You are a ray of truth in a world of misinfo and confusion. I'm living with optimism and hope for what is coming. Blessings to you and all of your family!

  9. "the Galactic Confederation WILL come and liberate the planet, regardless of all threats and atrocities from the Cabal."

    Strange, I was under the impression change must come from within ourselves, not txs to a foreign intervention or force. This to me sounds akin to the imo false theory of the "return of the Messiah".

    1. yep same feelings here. i stoped believing anything here and dont actually feel like it. people are just waiting for something to happen, always distracted by future, by someone who will come, etc. who cares? this is just matrix and even if the channelers are repeating information is, because it is all the same there are just few laws, we are one, we are love. what do you need to hear? bless everyone.

    2. and also the fights about positive negative comments. oh come on, are you scared of negativ comment or negativity? theres nothing bad about it, it is just different aspect of what is. you have cold and you have hot.. neither of them is bad, it serves you in a different way.. so does the negativ stuff. get over yourselves

  10. Are you sure your information is pure and has not been distorted while most of others' are compromised or even fake (as you've said here)?

  11. They have already said they will not interfere in our free will and if the powers that were do not bring on disclosure, then AFTER the end of this year they will make themselves more known to us, this may include small groups going into communities and meeting people....telling them who they are.

  12. I've always believed in the positive ET races, as I'm 99.8% certain that I'm a Pleadian Starseed, but for a long time I've wondered if the GFL and/or Ashtar Command actually existed in the way that we've been hearing about for the past 20 years. To hear Cobra's information start to synch up with Sheldan Nidle is both exciting and confusing for me.

    The biggest difference I've noticed is that Nidle's always claimed that after Disclosure, we'll all be underground in light chambers undergoing accelerated ascension in less than a year. The last time Cobra discussed the Post-Event world in detail he said that the Ascension would be a relatively slow process taking about 20 years or so. (Which I imagine will seem to fly by with the cabal gone, prosperity for all and hundreds of suppressed technologies available.)

    I'm more comfortable with Cobra's version, as there are some positive aspects of 3D life that I've come to enjoy. I'd love to hear some clarification from Cobra or anyone else who thinks they have a handle on what's actually going on and how things are going to proceed after The Event.

    1. I like listening to Sheldan Nidle too, Evolution, but I kinda take it all with a grain of salt. I think maybe what he is "predicting" may be true at the time, but things change. Constantly changing is this River of Life. I dont remember Cobra saying that Ascension would be slow, thanks for bringing that up. It's a bit of a relief! From what this YouTube I listened to that somewhat posted here, an astrologer said that October was going to be quite a month of change and turmoil. He also said that once people wake up, they will be impatient for more constructive changes. BUT that good ol Saturn will be in the way, and things will go quite slowly. Its a good listen
      (hope that works, lol) peace!

    2. Maybe we should start by thinking about the concept of "the event". Usually today, people tend to always think anything important is going to take place "out there" in some major city, with everyone looking and the media broadcasting the whole thing around the clock.

      This is the concept created by the influence of todays' media, of course they want you to believe everything will be told by them.

      Everyone has had to talk along these lines, to get their message through.

      What does "the event" represent to you, personally? What is your emotional motivation for believing something will happen?

      What would you want to get out of it for yourself? There has to be something, or you wouldn't care.

      So if you had that thing, and anything else you wanted, but the outside world seemingly remained the same, would you still wish for any exernal event to take place?

  13. Buenas noches familia,tengo entendido que el creador de esta burbuja nos tiene aqui encacelados,devemos despertar separarnos del dios creador y de la creacion es mi manera de entender.gracias

    1. Giraldo, nosotros creamos esta "burbuja" y debemos despertar a lo que realmente somos (un ser espiritual habitando un cuerpo físico) para poder salir de esta ilusión en forma exitosa.

      Trata de escribir en inglés en este foro, para que todos puedan entender y participar junto a ti, puedes usar el traductor de google para hacerlo.

      Saludos y un abrazo

    2. No amigo, lo entiendes al reves.

      Nosotros mismos nos ofrecimos para esta experiencia, para experimentar la ilusion de separacion, dualidad y el tiempo.

      Nosotros mismos tenemos la eleccion como colectivo para despertar de esta ilusion, y superar la ilusion de la separacion.

      Esta carcel o matrix es una cuarentena para contener el experimento, estamos a punto de terminar con esto y de salir a la Luz de una vez por todas.

      De ello se trata el despertar, de recobrar nuestro derecho a dirigir nuestras vidas. Nuestra Familia Galactica y Maestros Ascendidos nos guian y se encargan de que se cumplan las reglas, que son libre voluntad y libertad de eleccion. Fuera de eso, todo esta permitido, hasta ahora, que por decreto lo que no se permite son mas actos de destruccion masiva.

      Te deseo lo mejor,


  14. Sending power, light and solidarity towards all involved in The Event.

    May it happen quickly, smoothly, and successfully!

  15. Wow, Thanks for clearing all that up, Cobra! There is so much bickering going on: "GFL are the bad guys," etc etc. "Cobra is a fake." "Drake is a fake" yada yada yada. I resonate with many messages on YouTube from The Galactic Federation Of Light, and for a long time have been reading Barbara Marciniack's books: Earth, Family of Light, and Bringers of the Dawn, which are Pleaidian messages. Those books are like what the Bible used to be to me. Encouraging. Also the old I AM Discourses by St Germain, back in the 30's, give me just as much encouragement as any YouTube... It's so refreshing to read your commentary! Too bad the channelers were messed with by the Archons. So you just have to "eat the hay and spit out the sticks!"

    Hello, dear Family, We are ONE! Suzie

  16. I would imagine Koot Hoomi is = Kuthumi ? Just different spelling :-)

    I agree some channels may be not really delivering the Light messages all the time but understand that some true messengers of Light and channels also do have repetitive messages but mostly hopefuls. It is because they know that they are being watched. In order to protect the Channelers and their messages ... and GFoL's plans, without losing humanity's hope, they need to remind peoples of Earth that everything is progressing well.

  17. " On this planet, Galactic Confederation is known under many names: Galactic Federation, Galactic Federation of Light, Galactic Confederation of Planets, Galactic Federation of Planets, United Federation of Planets… All those names describe the same, positive group."

    this is dead wrong. they are not the same , neither all positive

  18. Thanks for the information, Cobra.
    Many of those, resonate with me.

    Well, I would like to ask you some questions and I would be very glad to have your answer:

    You say: ‘’There are no negative ET groups beyond this planet left‘’.
    Do you think that reptilians-who are the actual leaders of the human Cabal- have been completely removed from the planet, our solar system or even galaxy?
    The only obstacle is the Cabal, which means some humans that have gathered the world wealth and power?
    Are there any reptilian-human hybrids among the highest levels of the Cabal still operating here as agents of their masters?

    As to the GF and the GFL, I have heard many times that they are in fact, two completely distinct organizations, that are based in different star systems: GF in Tau Ceti and GFL in Sirius B.
    I have also heard that the GFL from Sirius B, are in fact some re-engineered reptilians.

    Most of the channeled messages that are coming from a source, called its self GFL, don’t resonate with me. They talk and talk for years about negotiations between the Cabal and the GFL…and this goes on and on…I really cannot accept that benevolent ET’s, ED’s would ever need the agreement or allowance of the dark forces in order to interact with the people of Earth. Do those ’’leaders’’ really represent the people of Earth or just their selves? Why is the idea of negotiating with ‘’YOUR leaders’’ is coming again and again? It’s as if somebody is trying to persuade us that they truly are our leaders and the only group that can represent us in talking to aliens.
    Furthermore, what they call ’’transformational chambers’’, don’t resonate with me at all. My understanding is that the evolution of the planet and its inhabitants, would be a natural process, that has been encoded in the planet’s celestial mechanism from the very beginning of its existence.

    Anyway, whether there are so many sources of disinfo, who is the entity/ies that represent the true GFL or GF, in your opinion?

    Thanks for creating this place of free speech

    Cosmic greetings


  19. To those that may say "a) The Galactics are not going to come and save us" and b) "It's up to us," I would say, "Yes, they are" and "Yes, it is also up to us." I recall that I am a Galactic. We all are Galactics. We are working in harmony with other Galactics to bring the Light to this planet, and "Evict the Dark".

    That's my understanding, at least.

    Thanks for this post, Cobra...

    1. Mahalo for that clarification, Kauilapele, I agree, it's not "them saving us," it's us all working together, and we need all the help we can get, so why dismiss help when it's being offered? Welcome, brothers and sisters, allies and re-enforcements!

    2. We help with our thoughts and our projection of love, this is what changes our destiny and this is why most of us have come here....to lighten the load so the planet will have less trouble going through the changes of rebirth. Positive ET's help via the projection of love/light to us as an aid, the rest is up to us.
      If you think about it our true selves are spiritual beings and we connect to the body via the tree of mind....the mind is our connection, our thoughts are our reality.

  20. I don't think they will be evicting anyone, the very most that will happen is to make the population aware that they are here and they want humanity to unite and then us to unite with them......the rest will be up to us.

    Some of you guys need to think "why have they not already done what you expect of them??" after all they have been here in force for 70 or 80 years trying to help as much as they can without abridging our free will......this extends to psychic channelling, letting themselves be seen and the occasional contact.

    Its the negative guys who come from the Orion Galaxy who have been seen the most, you know the blonde haired Nordic types who try and pass themselves off as positive entities..........oh sorry that's right there are no more negative planets left apart from this one and crocodiles are starting to grow wings to I have heard.(this could be true)

    The US government had a treaty with the Orions for many many years, even a battle or two over disagreements, you know how these bad guys are, all the infighting and stuff when they cant get their own way. The men in black (thought created beings)the greys (Bio mechanical beings)all bad guys!!
    Anyhow what do I know not much it seems : )

  21. Greetings, Cobra,
    I have a few questions:

    Who is Osho?
    Who is Alaje?
    Where is Alaje?

    Do you know the answers, please?

  22. So many people have been asking for this information and you have made it very clear and simple with no fear or misunderstanding what so ever. Thank you Cobra.

  23. Are the channeled messages coming from SaLuSa being messed with by the archons?

    1. 36, I don't think so.....but always follow your heart when you receive any information.

    2. Hi,

      I say many, not clear which channeler is being messed with, but some messages more than others, independently from the entity being channeled.

      I do still feel OK reading some channelers and others have discordant fragments on them.

      We can always use discernment or well, measure the amount of bullies as a measure of success (LOL).

      Best for all,


    3. I think Salusa is a good example of a genuine energetic contact distorted by Archons. Result--> Recycled bs over and over again.

  24. is there anyway we can find these original goddess teachings in their original form?

  25. I thought Ashtar's twinflame is Athena, not Aphrodite.
    Cobra's informations have been always consistent, if sometimes little too compact. But if you do the research with common spiritual logic, all of Cobra's informations can be backed up by personal stories/experiences, from the past life memories of some people and by lots of independent research. Many would doubt what are the positive ETs doing and why they just don't land etc. If you really want to know, just look at the current situation. The earth has experienced so much damage, yet she is still alive. It's same with us too. We are definetely not alone and outside forces are helping. If we were in a closed or single system, then we would have been already extinct through the amount of negativity and control.
    I personally don't doubt about the existence of federation and galactic commands. My intuition tells me that i was a member of some galactic command prior this incarnation. Only problem is with the channelers, it can be very possible that just 1% of them do channel an authentic source.
    Only thing that i seriously doubt is that there are no negative aliens left outside of this planet. What happened to the vast Orion dark empire? How can it be dismantled so quickly? What happened with their dark lords? Or has it something to do with treaty of Anchara Alliance and Federation?

    1. Agreed. The vision that Earth is the last planet with Evil guys sounds like a gigantic BS.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Thanks for the post Cobra...

  27. Cobra you said before that ascension wont be on december, would be great if you could give some more info about it soon if possible :)

    1. The Planet has already ascended to 4th density positive. yours and everyone else's ascension will happen when you leave this planet and not before, that is of course unless you poses a complete rainbow body and in that case you can leave now if you like.

    2. Why would we need to leave the Planet?? Im hella sure staying here as dark oppression after 26000 years finally ceases to exist and we have the opportunity to build a new world. Where else would I want to be?..

    3. Cof9, I agree we have moved to 4D but for us to leave (decease?) to attain it?
      I think the concept of harvest comes into play here that is come 21/12 most will move to 4D, some will stay in 3D and a few will leave altogether... :)

  28. http://www.atsdeck.com/images/Documents/Dialog-HiddenHand.pdf

  29. I don't know about you guys, but the only channeled messages left which I read are Matthew Ward's monthly and Montague 'Monty' Keen's weekly ones.

  30. cobra your a G! awesome post bro! set that record straight! love, respect and support, oh yeah, and LIGHT! so much light!

  31. I noticed the inconsistencies in some channelers and I already suspected that the critters are behind it. It feels good to have this confirmed. As a general guideline, I consider if a message fills me with hope and joy, then I know that it originates from a higher dimension. If not, then I disregard it, no matter how true the message may seem.

  32. I'm a bit 'angry' of those lightworkers so smart that they want to discredit Cobra or Tolec , i dare them keep their word and stay in 3d after 'the event' if they are so skeptics or just shut up ,or make their sect with head to skull microwave 'channeller greg giles and pretend nothing is happening . keep helping cabal ...'lightworkers'.

  33. Cobra, Thank you so much for your updates! Thanks for everything you have done and continue to do...please give a big thanks from me to all your friends working with you! We are very lucky to have you all who remember where you come from and who you are to help us all wake up! :D

  34. Thank you Cobra for your recent post. I feel guided to include another blog that talks about the issue of 'clear channels'. It's long but I believe is in synergy with what Cobra is referring to as using discernment when following channelled messages. We are at a crucial time when we all need to focus on our own inner-development. We must work on ourselves if we truly want to be of service and manifest 'heaven on earth' - no one can do this for us -yet there is so much genuine help available...this was always one of the most important teachings within the goddess mystery schools. We have been conditioned to look outside ourselves for our answers but this is not true. This has been used in the mind control against the light workers, for example to try and convince us to follow and then hold to account messengers 'channelling information'. Only when you are clear of all your baggage can you really come to understand the truth of unconditional love and the genuine help that is surrounding us. Anyway don't want to waffle on anymore but for anyone that's interested here's the link...it is channeled messages from Saint Germain..but perhaps through a pure channel.. Much love and cosmic hugsxx


  35. Who or what is Aeion? Who is Lord Surea? Sheldon Nidle mentioned these.

    I think most people completely misunderstand what SaLuSa does. He's more about encouragement, morale, broad spiritual concepts than specific details. He strikes me as a bit of a Galactic preacher or sage. He does get specific on occasion. I have yet to see anything to indicate the channelings from SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey or Laura are manipulated in any way. Which is more than I can say of Greg Giles 3.0.

    1. The one thing I have yet to get: "Obama is a highy spiritual being." <quote from the latest Salusa channel, Oct 3. I guess if he is, our President is doing a lot of faking to please the powers that be!
      And LOL at cheesy graphic!! I read in Dr. Fred Bell's book, The Promise, that the Pleiadians dont get to marry until age 65... Maybe a picture of these Pleiadian "teenagers!" Lol, I'm sure they still look great at age 65. Namaste!

    2. Beware (be aware) of Undecuple (11) agents :D

  36. Good article Cobra. Cheesey graphic though... :)Looks like bad religious pamphlets.... We need some decent alien photos folks! Sirians golfing! Pleiadians putting the 18th hole. Arcturans playing whatever their favorite sport is.

    1. Arcturians? I think they like fast moving vehicles. lol

    2. Oh yeah, and Baseball too.

  37. Worth (re)reading George Adamski accounts, such 'Inside a Venusian space ship":


    If you are into mechanics and like to knwo how a spaceship works, you will like it a lot.

    If you want to know how to drive a spaceship, you'll get some marvellous hints.

    If you are into exploring 'the dark side of the moon', you'll get some clues about what's hiding/hidden up there.

    If you want to know more aboud galactic food, drinks, dances and clothes, you'll be rewarded.

    For all those things above, one may say, 'use your discernment'.


    If you find technical details boring, if your are looking at things from the soul point of view, if you are working to elevate yourSelf, you will cry reading the wonderful dialogue when all are sitting around the table.

    And you'll find those words eternal, resonating, uplifting and you will instantly know that we are all one and that it does not matter at all which part of the galaxy or universe you are from, since we all work for love, with love and are heading to a dimension of pure love.

    Love, to all of you

  38. So what about what George Kavasillas is saying ?

  39. Hi Cobra, do you have this one in german ore spanisch on some of your other pages ? Would like to have this for lots of my people ... you may imagen whay... "stupidness" comes from not knowing... so we better inform as much as we can...


  40. Let's see... These supposed otherworlders do absolutely nothing concrete or definitive, are completely unaccountable, and have all their messages relayed by a third party. If only they could get on the ballot, they could join the ranks of the rest of our politicians. If they have something tangible and substantive to contribute, they better get to it. Until they do, we might as well hope for the Tooth Fairy to save us from ourselves.

    1. This made me remind a lot about this guy:


      If you don't mind me to comment, I really had a great time realizing we have always had the same questions.

      Best for all


  41. With Love and Light my friend. Thank you for the clarification.

  42. "There has been an idea circling on the internet that Galactic Federation and Galactic Federation of Light are two groups, one being positive and the other negative."

    somebody not know all is not same thing negative. people have think tolec is not tell right but tolec not just know all or others not know all or i think is both.


  44. Yes! Good question! What about what George Kavasillas is saying about the grand 2012 deception?

  45. If you would know 1% truth about this sector of the galaxy... you would start your stories like this. 1. Planet Earth= JAIL 2. Aliens, UFO-s coming to bring more and more being to put in the Jail... Jail= Put a soul to a meat body give implant and goal to live,born and stay here,for got everything...ect You can not go out from here , there is electric ring around the planet...ect They putted here 11.000 years ago from that point it is a Jail Planet. Yes there is galatic confederation 75 planet in it. And they are not coming to here to visit us or say hello to us. DO youuu go to your local prison to say hello for the prisoners? Aliens coming down and take the politics and economy on the planet? Bullshit... They have doll bodies wich is working -200 to 600 degree. They are spiritual beings and the know this. Space ships going 2500 times faster then light speed. Human body is not for space traveling I can tell you... For get for forever this this theory to go by meat body to somewhere... Meat body societies is the most down level of all societies. And finally the hierarchy of this sector is : 1 Free Beings with no body.( Kings) 2. Doll bodies, 3. meat body societies.
