Monday, March 14, 2016

The Ascension Plan Video


  1. listen to it daily. Feels like... I can finally get to work.

  2. Beautifull compilage. Thank U Cobra. Makes a lot clear to me.Namaste


    1. Olá Maria, aqui tem o texto que é falado:

      "O Evento está a chegar brevemente.

      Eu vos saúdo, no amor e na luz do creador infinito.

      O Plano de Ascenção, por Cobra:
      Chegou a hora de libertar uma grande parte do Plano de Ascensão para este planeta.

      A janela de Ascensão foi aberta neste planeta em 25 de maio de 1975, teve o seu ponto de retorno em 11 de agosto de 1999 e fechará em 07 de julho de 2025. O plano das Forças da Luz sempre foi limpar a anomalia primária das trevas e acionar o Evento dentro desta janela de tempo e este plano não se alterou.
      Esta janela de tempo tem a sua base no Solstício, quando o Sol está completamente alinhado com o Equador Galáctico, dentro do prazo de 1975 a 2021, sendo este alinhamento perfeito dentro do prazo de 1980 a 2016:

      O alinhamento do Solstício do Sol com o Equador Galáctico, ocorre duas vezes no ciclo de precessão de 26.000 anos. Na verdade, o ciclo de precessão é perfeitamente incorporado na pulsação do coração galáctico, que envia uma Super-onda Galáctica para dentro dos braços espirais da galáxia a cada 26.000 anos. Assim, cada alinhamento entre o Solstício do Sol com o Equador Galáctico ocorre logo no momento da Superonda Galáctica (ou uma Grande, que acontece a cada 26.000 anos, ou uma num meio-ciclo, que acontece após a 13.000 anos de cada Grande).

      Felizmente para nós, a Superonda Galáctica que estamos a aguardar é uma de meio-ciclo e será significativamente mais suave que a anterior, que causou a inversão geomagnética de Gotemburgo, a extinção terminal em massa de espécies no Pleistoceno, há 13.000 anos atrás e, consequentemente, o dilúvio da Atlântida.

      No entanto, ainda será forte o suficiente para espantar toda a escuridão do nosso Sistema Solar, retirá-la da superfície do planeta e acionar o Evento.
      O ponto central dessa transformação cósmica já estava determinado há 26.000 anos atrás e foi estabelecido em torno da Grande Cruz e Eclipse Solar total de 11 de agosto de 1999.

      Esse ponto central é notavelmente próximo da data exata do alinhamento do Solstício do Sol com o Equador Galáctico. O Astrónomo Jean Meeus calculou que este alinhamento aconteceu em Maio de 1998. Smelyakov refinou esta data para 07 de maio de 1998.

      Os Pleiadianos comunicaram-me que a data exata foi 17 de maio de 1998. Este é o dia em que foi decidido o destino deste Planeta e quando as Forças da Luz souberam, com toda a certeza, de que o Plano de Ascensão será bem sucedido.

      Após a abertura da Janela de Ascensão, em 1975, uma grande quantidade de Luz começou a fluir vinda das dimensões superiores em direção à população da superfície provocando o despertar em massa do genuíno movimento da Nova Era, dos anos 80. Infelizmente, os seres ascendidos não estavam conscientes de toda a extensão do poder de anomalia primária e não conseguiram deter as forças das trevas que operavam nas sombras. Os seres das trevas infiltraram o movimento da Nova Era, infiltraram o programa espacial Solar Warden e, finalmente, dominaram o planeta e o Sistema Solar no início de 1996.

      Entre 1996 e 1998, as Forças da Luz estiveram extremamente abaladas, tendo de se reagrupar e o Plano de Ascensão teve de ser atualizado. A frota Pleiadiana, começou a reentrar no Sistema Solar em 1998 e, em 17 de maio de 1998, recebeu partes do novo Plano de Ascensão de "Fontes Superiores". O Comando Ashtar, fez a sua reentrada no Sistema Solar no início de 1999, evacuando a maioria da humanidade da Terra para Pleiades, em Agosto 1999.

      Antes de 1999 a humanidade da Terra consistia em cerca de 70 mil milhões de almas no Plano Etérico e Astral e cerca de 6 mil milhões de seres humanos encarnados. A maioria das 70 mil milhões de almas humanas não-encarnadas foram evacuadas em massa, em 14 de Agosto de 1999, para as naves-mães do Comando Ashtar e depois transportadas para um certo planeta na periferia do Aglomerado Estelar das Pleiades, onde começaram a receber uma muito necessária cura."

    2. "As únicas almas restantes que permaneceram no plano etérico e astral foram aquelas que eram reféns diretos dos arcontes não-físicos, aquelas que tinha um forte apego ao plano físico e aquelas que decidiram ficar para ajudar os humanos físicos como guias espirituais.

      Entre 1998 e 2016, as Forças da Luz mantiveram o Plano de Ascensão estritamente confidencial para evitar a interferência dos seres das trevas. Muitos canalizadores e intuitivos tentaram aceder ao Plano de Ascensão, contudo não receberam qualquer sinal.

      Recebi agora a luz verde para revelar uma parte do Plano de Ascensão à população da Superfície.

      O verdadeiro processo de Ascensão começará no momento do Evento. As energias vindas do Pulso Galáctico, começarão a fluir através do campo energético de todos os seres humanos do planeta. Estas serão energias amorosas vindas diretamente do coração galáctico e começarão a trazer a cura, há muito necessária para a humanidade.

      Ascensão é tanto um processo individual como coletivo. Todo o indivíduo passará pela sua própria experiência interior, passando pela cura, libertação do passado e transformação interior. Com muitas pessoas a passar pelo mesmo processo ao mesmo tempo, isto irá reforçar o campo de Luz em redor do planeta e abrirá a porta para muitos outros que, de outra forma, não poderiam fazê-lo. A duração do processo completo de Ascensão está prevista que seja de poucos anos para os indivíduos mais avançados, e mais para os outros.

      A ascensão real acontece quando nós libertamos todos os bloqueios ao fluxo de energia, atingindo a supercondutividade dos nossos corpos: Mental, emocional, etérico, plasmático e físico.

      Existe muito mais a divulgar acerca disto e eu irei fazê-lo quando receber a autorização para tal.

      No momento do Evento, as Forças da Luz entrarão em contato com a humanidade unicamente de forma indireta com divulgação de informações através dos meios de comunicação em massa. Após a conclusão do processo de prisão da Cabala e depois de a maioria da humanidade superar o choque inicial, as Forças da Luz começarão a entrar em contato direto com certos indivíduos. Isto irá provavelmente começará num prazo de, algumas semanas a alguns meses após o Evento.

      Neste momento, zonas de contato serão criadas. Zonas de contato, são áreas em propriedades privadas, onde os proprietários irão dedicar parte de suas terras para a experiência de contato. Estes proprietários, irão então experienciar um contato físico com os Pleiadianos, que desembarcarão nas suas terras numa pequena nave de luz (beamship). Esses indivíduos irão até os meios de comunicação em massa, para relatar as suas experiências, portanto, preparando a humanidade para a realidade do contato. Estas zonas de contato irão tornar-se bastante numerosas, até que uma massa crítica seja alcançada para o Primeiro Contato.

      O Primeiro Contato será o início das relações diplomáticas oficiais entre a humanidade da Terra e raças positivas de ETs. Isso está previsto ocorrer em aproximadamente um ano após o Evento, nas Nações Unidas, sendo transmitido através dos meios de comunicação em massa para todo o mundo.

      Após o Primeiro Contato, as raças de ETs positivos começarão a distribuir as suas tecnologias avançadas que rapidamente levarão a humanidade da Terra para a idade do ouro penta dimensional (idede do ouro da 5ª Dimensão).

      Ao mesmo tempo, muitos indivíduos começarão a realocar-se para criar comunidades intencionais, chamadas de Áreas de Luz. Quando a influência dos arcontes não-físicos for removida, irão aprender nessas comunidades a finalmente viverem juntos em harmonia, com cada indivíduo seguindo o seu propósito mais elevado e, juntos, criando uma bela mandala de Luz. As Áreas de Luz irão evolur e crescer, a sua frequência vibracional irá aumentar e, em poucos anos, estas irão conectar-se com as naves do Comando Ashtar, equipadas com Colunas de Luz. Estas colunas irão acelerar o processo de Ascensão coletiva."

    3. "As Câmaras de Ascensão são uma tecnologia orgânica positiva muito avançada que eleva a nossa frequência vibratória e é uma ótima ferramenta para ajudar no nosso processo de Ascensão. Elas serão usadas após o primeiro contato para acelerar o processo de Ascensão daqueles que estiverem prontos.

      Após o Primeiro Contato, as naves do Comando Ashtar e da Confederação Galáctica serão cada vez mais visíveis à medida que estas se revelam nas suas posições por todo o Sistema Solar.

      Esta é a melhor descrição do Comando Ashtar e da Confederação Galáctica que eu pude encontrar na superfície do planeta:

      E uma descrição bastante confiável e visualmente bonita que ajudará a visualizar a nossa vida depois do Evento:

      Até então, poderão pedir aos seres positivos ET ajuda na sua vida diária, e aqui está um exemplo:

      As Forças da Luz do Comando Ashtar e a Confederação Galáctica estão a enviar sinais de que a vitória está próxima.

      Tal como este sinal V (vitória), que apareceu exatamente no ponto médio entre as minhas duas conferências anteriores em Laguna Beach e Irvine:

      E esta enublada nave de Luz Pleiaidana que apareceu perto de San Jose, Costa Rica, um grande vórtice de energia Pleiadiana:

      Vitória da Luz!

      Hospedado por Cobra

      Deixamo-lo no amor e na luz do creador infinito."

      Espero que tenha servido a ajuda :)

      Paz e amor

  4. I know.

    (New Wine)

    1. That talk of The North is inspiring. Do share ma sista :-)

    2. Evolution not revolution.

  5. Thank You Cobra.
    I dedicate this song to You..

  6. ...and this one


    with LOVE

  7. can not control my thoughts , I'm going crazy .

    1. I am crazy too. I can see 2x The Ascension Plan topic on Cobras site.

  8. Much more love to the people involved in making this video

  9. Replies
    1. This is brilliant, first time I ever heard of this kind of telescope.

    2. hard to tell but then again, Im not sure what to make of it.

    3. I think these are the amoeba-like entities that Cobra talks about in the article "Etheric Archon Grid".

    4. First time I posted about this I got the following reply from Deino :

      Deino January 31, 2016 at 5:14 AM PDF file size : 4770 KB This is real deal for sure. Figure 7 looks like your typical archon and Figure 10 is that tapeworm entity I mentioned in one of my comments. Goes along nicely with these CIA Ufo, X-Files, Planet X etc. mini-disclosures.

  10. Hay cobra is there any truth to all tbe stories about ryan & dunford when i hear it from you i know its true there is a lot of bs out there

    1. I am pretty sure that the Dunford and Ryan stuff is pure BS. It is coming from the dinar RV people, I think that says it all......

    2. Any temporary Pres. & VP (for America) are already standing by waiting for the Event to occur...not chosen by Chinese Elders. And after the Event, We the People will be able to freely without any electronic cheating be able to choose the Pres. & VP. Yes, what you hear about Ryan & Dunford is Disinfo & BS to take people's attention & focus off of holding the Light....just to keep them frustrated....I'm sure there will be a lot more BS stories before the Event so discernment is of the highest order now.

    3. I feel that there is a lot happening involving White Hats where they have plans to reclaim the constitution. Dunford info is also coming from Fulford by the way. I am sure there is a lot of disinfo, but I believe there is a lot of truth in that info especially info coming from Anna Von Reitz. This is my inner voice telling me this. I can't stop it.

    4. thank you, sunshinepop7773 <3


  12. Interesting audio and pictures. I wonder if the author is basing a lot of his story on Arthur C. Clarke's Childhood's End.

  13. Sometimes I tend to think that the Pleiadian High Command are out of their minds. I have made contact with them before and they just don't seem to be there mentally or emotionally.

  14. Thank you very much.
    Exciting times.
    Thanks everybody.

  15. Replies
    1. Enslaving a planet & people i would say is grounds for VOIDED investments :-)

    2. Note: This comment has been revised as per request. Ashtar is not "Sheran".

      Also, Galactic Federation should be Galactic Command...

  16. We don't bring weapons to the Table. Go and read my Valentine's day card again until it becomes crystal clear that every day is Valentine's day for me until it isn't.

    I AM Gaia Sophia
    I AM Earth and a Sovereign of Sol System and Spectrum.

  17. Blessed Be. The Peacemakers.

    The fact we don't use our weapons says more about our restraint than our capabilities.

  18. New Arms agreement. Be whole and be held. Whole-I is Holyness.

    Earth only observes Policies of Truth, Policies of Peace and Cultivars of Trust.

  19. ...lalala...

  20. Whats with the russian army leaving Syria? Excited to hear new changes in the worlds field.

  21. Your comment will be visible after approval.


  22. And I carry a redeemed reptilian gene - CROCODILE.

    You have to redeem yourself also, COBRA.

    Come on! Join Jesus Christ and the White Light.

    It's not difficult.


  23. Mr Keshe wants to know where the young victims of the Red Circle are buried. Arrests are being made and Mr Keshe is working with Interpol to ensure the arrests of the Red Circle and their network. Please take time to listen.

    Thanks to Enerchi over at AWE. Audio is 35 minutes long.

    God bless the little ones.

    1. So Mr Keshe's free energy fraud has been exposed & now he's pedo hunter? LOL

  24. With clothing of the emperor
    passed down to princess toad

    Burn of a stinger could float you down the road

    White Galactic World-Bridger
    Kin 86
    Moon Day 9
    Tuesday 15 March 2016


    I Harmonise in order to Equalise
    Modelling Opportunity
    I seal the Store of Death
    With the Galactic tone of Integrity
    I am guided by the power of Heart

  25. Larry Silverstein - New WTC7 designed in 2000 -

  26. 27.883 signatures.March 16 ... what happened with this signature ::: ?????

    1. It's being tampered with. It probably way more than that. The goal was 25,000 so hopefully it is being presented as Cobra stated. I too would like to know what is happening with the petition now that we have the required sigs.

  27. At the UK Alfriston conference (with Cobra) one of the slides shown included showing as part of the scene, some kiosks, these were I think indicated as healing chambers, and Cobra's comment included that people seemed to have trouble with the idea of them but he did not see what the trouble was about. Completely separately, from (other) contacts, channels, whatever, there is increaing mention, even recommendation, that crystal light chambers (should) be used in near future to assist with ascension (not 'healing') process, while yet another (contactee) source has stated emphatically that HE would certainly NOT enter a chamber, and was most suspicious. Another source claiming asoteric actions, has separately mentioned in the past that some negative beings, entities, have captured souls holding them captive for tortuous purposes. Personally Iam deeply sceptical of the suggested opportunity of a chamber to assist with ascension. I would be interested to hear comments from others

    1. Me thinks that would be great, Brotha ;). Pleiadian light technologies, yeah, did we not have enough hard time?

  28. Beloved Light Wielding Knights of Conscience:

    Visions of Utopia 5.10

    Cosmic History Chronicles Vol. 5, Book of the Timespace by José Argüelles and Stephanie South
    The idea of private property gives rise to inequality. Some people have and some people don't. In many regards the belief in private property and government negates the possibility of equality or justice. Consider that when the American republic was formed and Democracy was created the first and only people who could vote were the property owners who were all white males. In this regard the template of Utopia is closer to Anarchy. Anarchy literally means no government. Government exists because of the prevailing belief that man cannot rule himself. Anarchy nowadays has a violent tinge due to the over regulation of human existence.

    But a Utopian society means there really isn't any government nor the need for government as we now think of it. Government does not exist in (ab)Original societies.

    Whatever imperfections exist in (ab)Original societies everyone lives within an unspoken covenant with nature and the universe and matters decided in common. There is an equal balance and equal give and take so there is no need to think of things as imbalanced.
    This brings us back to the question was the human created imperfect? Is the human capable of ultimate perfect and perfectibility or is the human already perfect and doesn't know it. Utopia in this sense is the result of an evolutionary change of mental/spiritual nature.
    If we look at the world today we see massive inequality, poverty and the inability of human societies as they are constructed to promote genuine justice and social equality all the opposite of Utopia.

    Utopia is also associated with a freedom from fear. The Greek word ataxia means no fear or piece of mind. Utopia in ideal society is the elimination of fear.

    The template of Utopia then is the mirror opposite of what exists as the end state of material civilization. In this regard Utopia is a condition or state of mind that is free from fear, war, inequalities and all things that plague the modern world.

    The idea of Utopia is also that the individual is autonomous. The notion of justice in Utopia is that there is no interference with the individual and that the individual is recognized as having the autonomous intelligence to govern his or her own life as long as they do not hurt others. In the Dreamspell this is summarized as The Law of Kin. In the Law of Kin all Kin are equal. It is for the Planetary Kin equal and free to create a path of power for the rainbow nation that is completely liberated from all institutions, money, war and poverty. Autonomy, equality and loyalty are the 3 mutually self-regulatory expressions of the Law of the Kin.

    Many people view government as a coercive interference in their lives. Many people fear the government when in fact the government was originally created to help the people.

    We cannot make property unless we make money. And if we make money we have to pay taxes and our taxes are used to fund wars and if we do not pay taxes then the government will penalize us. This is a highly coercive form of social behavior.
    What is a state of mind that expresses Utopian spiritual freedom? Think to yourself: I am already perfect and I have the right to perfect myself even more in the way that my contract with the absolute tells me.
    The one who transcend his or her consciousness, who grasps the truth is the one who passes through the narrow gate says the knowledge book. To transcend our own consciousness means to rise above historically conditioned points of view to create the possibility of the planetary human. It is the transformation of our conditioned persona altogether that allows us to grasp the truth and pass through the narrow gate of spiritual freedom. We are merging into unity. In Utopia there is no "my space".

    1. Bring on the UBUNTU money necassary.......ALL equal .....natural and joyous lifes for ALL ♡♡♡


  29. "Watch the West Indies. Watch Chris Gayle."
    Yeah, awesome!
    What a wonderful Batsman, I've seen so many highlight videos of him knocking the cricket ball out of the park. And so many times when he was on strike I missed it.
    Let's get entertained and see what all the fuzz is all about.

    He was delivered 47 balls, scored 100 runs - 3rd fastest Century in T20 World Cup history and the only person to have scored Two Centuries in World Cup History.

    4's: 5
    6's: 11

    Ah, I see - so *that's* what all the fuzz is all about :-)
    There's a Gayle-Storm in full effect, they say.
    And Number 45 Chris Gayle was *not out* when they won the game. And what Numerology all over the place in the game again as well :-)

    Well Done, the W.Indies

    Amazing Grace indeed

    SIX !!!


  30. Sanni Ceto Roswell grey re-incarnate speaks out on human manipulation

    with PEACE and LOVE

  31. Thanks Cobra! Bravo! Beautiful Video, very inspiring!!!
    Victory of Light!

  32. Few weeks ago when Cobra has released that the lightforces have done extremely progress, the astral body of Seth and Satania have been removed from planet earth. The astral body of "her" was a big reptilian snake that was hidden under the plasma-bomb network and connected to it. The octupus is/was her plasma body. "His" astral body was an evil dragon that was inside of the earth. It was huge.
    They have had occupied the tree of life. Originally Seth wanted to hang God at the tree of life, enslave all beings and ridicule and mock God (Light=Il-Illu). He could not hang Il-Illu at the tree of life, so he/they somehow manipulated the energy of Isis (and all others) through the tree of life. They enslaved humanity to mock Il-Illu. There is much more to this. This is just a detail, a piece of the puzzle. It might as well be a bit different, as soon as it gets shown to me I will share it.
    Other things related to that topic are not allowed to share yet.
    Some more ascended masters are recognized and some of them are.....let us say at the same place for whatever reason.

    1. And the work is not finished. Clearing/removal of their mental bodies in progress. All cleared levels have to be done as well on all beings because all carry on all levels their energies. After reading some really cool update intel draconians as well had the pleasure to be cleared a bit. Some choose the light and many where brought to the CS, because they where not able to choose, also after clearing. In the Central Sun, many realized finally and they had the opportunity to go to the healing ship even then and they did. As often experience has proven, there is also much work left, supposedly. The same with the other information.
      Thanks to the Pleiadians, they are so welcome. Oh how I wish they would come. I believe when they visit us humans, we feel parts in our bodies we did not know they exist, only by their presence. Yesterday in the radio on my momentous working place (only stay there for a few more days and then I will see) they said 20th of March is the lucky day. Let it be so. Pleiadians, your wish is my command, always.

  33. The problem I have is I no longer watch any media at all because I can't tell if they are lying or not after being lied to for so long I find it hard to be leave the media on anything so you mite have to contact me directly bypassing the media all together . I don't want to miss a thing.

  34. Same rhetoric, again and again. Please post something new cobra, I am bored.

  35. Listen to the Latest News : Ascension : Its All In Our Own Vibration :
    Be Love. Be a Light unto Yourselves & Others.Be Peace. Be ONE with All That Is & Love Yourselves as U Are. We Are ALL Part of the Awakening ! Follow your Heart, Go with the Flow & Let go & Let God Within Align with the Pure & Positive. I Am

  36. Panet X , No problem ?
