Monday, September 12, 2016

A Short Situation Update

The Chimera group has used the September 1st annular solar eclipse as a trigger to reopen a negative plasma portal through the Congo energy vortex. You can see that the path of totality for the eclipse goes through Congo:

Exactly 67 minutes after the eclipse was over, the Chimera group has used a scalar beam weapon from one of their UAV craft to destroy Elon Musk's Falcon 9 in order to create a delay in the surface space programs that attempt to break the quarantine status for planet Earth:

Elon Musk is the visible representative of a certain positive SSP faction and in his latest statement he hinted at extraterrestrial involvement in Falcon 9 explosion. This was openly reported in Russian mainstream media:

Since September 1st 2016, which is the 77th anniversary of the beginning of WW 2, there is an open war going on within our Solar System between the Chimera and their Draco minions, and the positive Light Forces of the Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan fleet and positive SSP factions. This is the last escalation of the Galactic Wars before the final liberation of our Solar System and the final removal of darkness from the Universe.

One aspect of this war is the increased attacks towards the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with scalar technology.

Because of this situation, in order to strengthen the Light grid on the surface of this planet, we will be doing two additional Weekly Ascension Meditations this month.

The first one, at the exact moment of the September 16th lunar eclipse at 6:54 pm UTC:

The second one, at the exact moment of the equinox on September 22th at 2:21 pm UTC:

The instructions for the meditation are here:

You can convert time for meditation from UTC to your local time zone here: 

Victory of the Light!


  1. Well, thank you Cobra for this update... hope everything goes without any problem!

    1. For you guys and gals trying to crack open the path to family and freinds. Here is another path to show them a way to understanding

  2. And what about The Felines AKA The Lion People?
    Why are you not mentioning them here Cobra?
    They are helping humanity.
    Thank you Cobra for update.

    1. Has Cobra ever talked about the Felines or the Carians?

    2. @Slasher
      No, I'm not aware of that.
      I ordered book - The Lion People: Intercosmic Messages from the Future / Murry Hope(Author) and I will share informations with you guys.

    3. James Gilliland talks about the lion people a lot, but I've never heard Cobra say anything about them.

      Corey mentioned them at the Mt. Shasta conference a couple of weeks ago. They are evidently positive ETs.

      Don't kitty cats usually kill lizards and other reptiles in the garden?

      Hmmmm....Seems like we need more kitty cats.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. are the ahriman entities from another universe frank?



  6. What an update! We will win, we are winning. Victory of the light!

  7. I have felt that something is going on, regarding the increased attacks towards the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, and this explains why i have been feeling very low in my energy for for sometime now. Both my mind and body goes in slowmotion. I have to heal and ground myself even more now. I will contact as many people as possible to unite in these 2 additional Weekly Ascension Meditation this month.

    1. I haven't posted here lately for that exact reason - I've been feeling extremely tired and having sleep problems for a few months now. And also having negative thoughts coming in :(

    2. I recieved an inspired email from HEY Angel <3. Thank you sister!!! And here is an excerpt from that email " please keep in mind that we're going through the most crucial and difficult times ever on earth. The coming energies make people lost, confuzed and dizzy. On top of that, the dark are getting more agitated and violent, and are doing all they can do in their power. For the first time in history, for the first time in their lives they are fighting to survive. This is why, it is not right giving up now, and we should keep believing on our collective power we have. Remember; Divided we fail, together we conquer"

      It's rather easy to shine in the light but to glow in the dark that's mastery
      ~ Rick Benetau~

      Ian~ lets glow and take our power back-:)

  8. I just came here to post and saw this update. Thank you Cobra. I hope we are on the home stretch and hopefully this bit of major news ties in with all this.

    You've probably seen all the videos of Hillary Clinton "collapsing" at the 911 memorial. I have looked and looked at those videos.

    One thing that stands out is at one point there is a distinctive metallic sound and something metal drops from Hillary's trouser leg. You need to have your volume up. That went unmissed the first few times I watched it.

    Now, here's the next kicker. Was she collapsing or was she arrested? She was dragged into that van with her arms BEHIND her back. She also lost her shoe. Check this article out:

    Check out the video:

    Yes, Hillary was seen leaving her daughter's apartment later, but is it really her or a double? I am always suspicious of people being bundled into black vans. She may be ill but I think there is more than meets the eye here.

    For video of metal piece falling from Hillary's leg watch here. Have volume up:

    1. Wow, Kate. THe clip on TV from a different angle looks like she stumbled. But in this clip, seeing it from that angle...she does look cuffed, as her hands/arms are in an unnatural and seemingly uncomfortable position behind her back. She is leaning on the column as if weak from her illness. But as they step forward (we hear the clink as cuffs are released) she loses her balance because they are dragging her. Only then do her now freed arms move forward, as the SS Agents move in to block the view.

    2. I thought this may have been an arrest also!!! I will also look into this deeper now, thanks for the article and video

    3. Look at this video. This lady also thinks this is the arrest of Hilary. And the lady also mentions the metal object that dropped to the floor, in which Kate mentioned.

    4. Some leaked emails (out today, I think. These are DCLeaks ) show that her associates were emailing about her terrible health that was obvious in January - February 2015 !!

      That's nearly 2 years ago..... This is months before she even announced she would run.

      The whole thing is so weird.

    5. Hi folks! Thanks for the feed back. Ian, thanks for that video, I was only on Cindy's youtube channel a few days ago and would have missed this.

      Well, things are getting stranger...

      Hillary Did Not Appear In North Carolina! They used a CGI generated image and it was caught on camera in a frame by frame shot.

      Actual video is here:

      (23 mins long)

    6. I've just quickly scanned the video and noticed quite a number of glitches. Even funnier is at the end when Hillary finishes her speech she waves and points to a wall! lol. I'm sure I recognise that wool suit she's worn before. Surely for a presidential campaign she would be wearing something new.

  9. Let's make the final push towards the victory! I hope it will not take too long for The Light Forces to clear all negative groups in this last GW escalation.

  10. Fulford said that SpaceX's rocket got destroyed 'because of facebook (rothchild's front) wanted to use the satellite to broadcast their censored Internet access over Africa' so 'good guys' prevented that.

    If Musk is truly a face of any kind of faction with ties to beyond Earth communities, the said communities should try doing better job at protecting their assets. Especially when the said assets are essential in achieving Veil disintegration.

    1. It is the fourth explanation I see about that rocket. It must have been something really important and secret with so much disinfo distributed.
      Or people are just full of fantasies :)

  11. We will be organizing mass meditations at both times Cobra has given. Please keep on the lookout via Facebook, email, Cobra's blog and Prepare For Change regarding updates.

    1. Thank you for the 9/11 Ascension Meditation. I cannot believe it has been 15 years. On that day, I lived in California and slept through it all. One of my psychic friends called me and said, "Phoenix, it's starting...". We knew on that day we were not being told the truth, and in retrospect, we now see the progression of events that led us to the world we exist in today. In addition to the perpetual wars and deaths it spawned, so many people have also died trying to expose these lies. We owe it to them to out the bastards. I have always believed that 9/11 is a critical component of Disclosure, and may be the thing that cracks it wide open.

      May Truth come to Light, so we can all go home.

  12. Thanks Cobra for the update.

    I have marked the meditations on my calendar.

    I feel for the people of Congo. And all of Africa, for that matter. Sending some love into that portal. ((( ))).

    I've wondered about all the explosions and accidents with the Tesla self-driving cars, so now I'm thinking we have watched sabotage of Musk's Tesla cars, too.

    Peace on earth.


  13. Obviously the dark is scared shitless and now resorting to last-ditch efforts to avoid the Inevitable Victory Of The Light. Whatever they are trying, it will not work.

    To any and all Light Workers, Light Warriors, Light Forces and supporters of The Love and The Light, no matter who you are and where you are:
    WE WILL DO THIS, Victory is close at hand

    Let's All show 'em who We Are and what We are made of.

    When you walk through a storm
    Hold your Head Up High
    And don't be afraid of the dark
    At The End Of a storm
    There's a Golden SUN
    And the sweet silver song of a lark

    Walk On, Walk On
    With Hope in Your Hearts

    Lots Of Love And Light. And Peace Forever.


    1. Yes!!!! We are much more than those crazy worms!!!!! Let us manifest this TRUTH!!

    2. Hey Rajah, its been awhile, and I don't get around to watching all your videos, but I appreciate your pep rallies and cheerleading!

      Surf's up indeed!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. If you need this to stop, you'll have to kill me,ok?


    1. you are negative and should not be allowed to vent here.

      Please, please, hold on a little more, my Brother.
      Understand that YOU ARE UNDER A TRMENDOUS ATTACK, because...
      You're a "dangerous" Warrior of Light who has the power and the ability to CRUSH and smash them!!!!

      Go and get from a store a bottle of VALERIAN ROOTS capsules, and take 2-3 of them before going to bed. You may also take just 1 during the day, and again, 2-3 capsules before going to bed.

      It will calm you down, will control your blood pressure and your heart beats. Little by little, YOU WILL REGAIN YOUR power, and more importantly - YOUR MIND BACK!!!

      I will pray for You, dear one.

      My Love goes to every one who reads this, and to EVERY body who's suffering like You and me........

      May Hope and PATIENCE be with us in these chaotic times.......
      May WE be alive when the VICTORY OF LIGHT will prevail bringing FREEDOM and LOVE TO ALL OF US!!!

      Your sister,

    3. DO you still follow hamourapi? I miss the good ol days when everyone was friends and we all got along. Now i feel like the protoi and everyone here is in some kind of secret cold war with cobra in on it :(
      I was reading over the past messages and you seemed to believe in hamourapi. What did he tell you?

  16. Here you can find a nice audio for the meditation:

    Please join the meditation. That is the only thing we Earth surface people can do.

  17. NO dont think...JUST DO IT, injsanity is settiong god please stop this facade...please do the thing I want my judgement NOW...I fully offer my body to die if needed and yes I mean this I offer my eternal soul for galactic resetting or central sun...please just do it now.Oh Prime Creator please
    heal our world...NOW.We win no more waiting, no more pausing, I am typing while insanity increases...right now,real please...please...please...please...please...please.Do it now Ive asked you in my Im asking, in this lower way Im becoming brutal to a brother and Im fighting to hold my heart, my mind is winning in a not so bad way.why am i still in the fight at all

  18. Oh boy, i saw the alien ship on the video when falcon exploded, also this explains why i have felt myself different, and negative pleasures has raised and had to control myself.

    Get ready for the meditations, thank you cobra


    1. Yes, it explains a lot. Old "selves" emerging for release.

      there is an image in this tweet:

      Victor Dumitrovici ‏@VictorD_ro Sep 11

      @elonmusk @NASA @faa @AFPAA 4K USLaunchReport footage confirms UFO heat signature change synchronized to explosion.

      and in this one, the ufo is also visible:

      eugenelee3 ‏@eugenelee3 Sep 9

      @elonmusk @ashwin7002 @NASA @faa @AFPAA top left. Catch him if u can lol

  19. This lag and drag...hurts my heart.please do have us put our hearts a drives for the rise of Aria into meditations that just lead to us...waiting more with patience an love.Our patience should not be required...this really hurts.You let
    no arrests become public...your still secret, that hurts now.
    Please surrender our well deserved REVELATION...NOW' NOW' NOW...NOT LATER...NOW...THIS PAUSE HURTS MY HEART' OK

  20. Quimera are humans ? dracos ? or what kind of race are ?

    1. No, they belong to the Shit Race

    2. The Scum Race. Something that should never have existed, and that soon will desintegrate

  21. WHY ARE YOU GUYS STILL you not understand
    what NOW means or just send someone to kill me.Enough.

    1. I will send you love. I wish I could see the whole picture and tell you how much we need to wait.

  22. A guy I know was cracking jokes about the explosion and the suggestions of ET involvement. Before seeing this update I told him it could very well be ET involvement. He thought I was nuts along with those that suggested it.
    One of those asleep at the wheel with no desire to wake up.

    I was wondering if the Chimera, and Archons still had access to beam ships ... looks like they do.

    Of course I will participate in both meditations. I hope it will be of help to you.

    Thanks for the update.

    Victory of the Light!

  23. Please...please.Its, now.

  24. this is hurting my heart i dont konw why.

    1. Please, Don Cambell, you're so out of body in your messages, that you allow your basic instincts to get the better of you. It's not that your heart aches for a liberation in the world outside of you, it's aching for a liberation of your inner world, by disciplin of your own feelings and emotions. Can't you see, that by choosing this attitude of yours, that you accept a veil, that you're obeying to the agenda played out now, by those trying to keep all in contril,keeping humanity in suffering and fear, powerless. Don't give away your power?

  25. Whatever I guess...what you cant show the world is our problem...still.We hold the vision are you really gonna run with it, or let it lag for courteousness providing more time for more harm to inflict...enough...end it now.Need a life for that...take mine...just get on with it, arrest

  26. Can we get more Intel on Facebook role in space x rocket? The truth is out there... 🤔

  27. Just your casual lacashow...substance bears its own weight.
    You got no show written all over ya`s.Wordsmiths with veiled intentions and not even control of simple rudimentary TELEVISION.Please dont try to come across as wiser its just TV bitches.Aww poor light forces cant even get 10 seconds of cosmic message...thats a weak light force isnt it

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @JustBe. I think you are an attention whore and you have a deep disrespect for this blog and this comment section. I cannot tell Cobra what to do, but I hope he will decide to stop approving your messages.

    2. People, don't lose faith in or misjudge the entire group just because some of us are struggling with the process at times. The number of people who comment is small compared to the number that actually read and participate, unseen.

      My guess is, the quiet ones have already dealt more with the stuff inside that is coming up for release. The need to spew angst diminishes when we are grounded, but seems to get triggered in many when the scalar weapons are used. A lot of people freak out and feel a sense urgency and impending doom. I actually got triggered before the eclipse, but that usually happens, I feel the challenging aspects before they arrive.

      Spending time in nature is a great way to re-ground and heal. Plants and flowers indoors are also helpful. Pets are wonderful, as they give us unconditional love all the time, and especially when we need it most.

      Peace sounds like a good plan. A little love and forgiveness goes a long way.

  29. Cobrawhat was really inside the rocket. Some say it was a device that would have been used to strengthen the veil and keep humanity as slaves. Apparently has some affect on our Ascension process. Some Intel in that would be good

    1. This was in the new recently, it has to do with HAARP, and I assume, keeping the veil in place:

  30. Final hard work. Victory of light.

  31. That is amazing news!! Let's hope this last escalation ends quickly..

    I've made this update into a video for those who would like to watch.


  32. Thank you, Cobra, RM, Galactic Family, SSP, and Lightworkerbees.

    Wow! That explains a lot about the past week or so!

    I apologize for my bad behavior...not sure exactly ~WHAT~ ~possessed~ me...or where it came from...but it is very old and very dark...a bit familiar, like a former friend from another life...or perhaps some thing that was here from the beginning. It kind of felt like Primordial Mud...

    Not even knowing his role in SSP, something always seemed off whenever Elon Musk's rockets fail. He is brilliant! I always felt it was seems too convenient that these rockets explode "unexpectedly".

    1. Musk's beautiful Tesla self-driving cars "explode unexpectedly" or "run into things," also.

      Seems like sabotage. His cars are just over-the-top beautiful.

    2. Yes, and don't forget that modern cars can easily be hacked and remote-controlled. There have been a number of unlikely and odd deaths of people who had some critical information, or were about to testify, etc. Strange things they sometimes called "suicide", sometimes called "accidents".

      Perhaps you will remember the sudden death (murder) of one of my favorite Investigative Journalists, Michael Hastings. They said he lost control and hit a palm tree on a divider. "A witness to the crash said the car seemed to be traveling at maximum speed and was creating sparks and flames before it fishtailed and crashed into a palm tree.[55][56] Video from a nearby security camera purportedly shows Hastings' vehicle speeding and bursting into flames.[57]"

      "In June 2010, Rolling Stone published "The Runaway General", Hastings's profile of U.S. Army general Stanley McChrystal"

      This resulted in Obama later firing McChrystal.

      He didn't shy away from controversy, in fact he thrived on it, and it may have led to his death.

      "Soon after his death, some[who?] described the circumstances surrounding the crash as suspicious.[67][disputed – discuss]

      Former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard A. Clarke said that what is known about the crash is "consistent with a car cyber attack". He was quoted as saying "There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car. So if there were a cyber attack on [Hastings'] car — and I'm not saying there was, I think whoever did it would probably get away with it."[68] Earlier the previous day, Hastings indicated that he believed he was being investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. In an email to colleagues, which was copied to and released by Hastings' friend, Army Staff Sergeant Joe Biggs,[69] Hastings said that he was "onto a big story", that he needed to "go off the radar", and that the FBI might interview them.[70][71] WikiLeaks announced that Hastings had also contacted Jennifer Robinson, one of its lawyers, a few hours prior to the crash,[72] and the LA Weekly reported that he was preparing new reports on the CIA at the time of his death.[73] His widow Elise Jordan said his final story was a profile of CIA Director John O. Brennan.[74] The FBI released a statement denying that Hastings was being investigated.[61]"

      He was just one of many, many good people lost this way, in the dedicated effort to bring Truth to light.

      image of crash site:

    3. Oh, my. That image of the Hastings crash site is rather telling...

    4. Oh no, look at one of the repercussions of this explosion:

      Tesla ‘pushing the envelope on safety’ - driverless tech firm that cut ties with Musk’s company | RT
      Published time: 15 Sep, 2016 12:10

    5. I don't think any of us, as drivers, should give our power over to a "driverless car," quite yet.

      It's simply a hunch I have.

  33. Not sure what to think about Cobra's intel regarding the SpaceX rocket explosion. Other sources have suggested the opposite to this narrative, that it was actually a positive event, such as Dr. Salla's article concludes:

    The important thing to note here is that this rocket was carrying a satellite owned by Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg -- a key detail that I'm surprised Cobra left out. Now I don't know about you guys, but as Salla's article suggests, I cannot possibly see how a satellite tied to a known Cabal agency such as Facebook would be launched into orbit for the positive benefit of humanity.

    As for SpaceX? Still unclear as to what their motives are. To me at least, it just seems like another typical Corporation, aimed at generating profit from the eventual launching of the space tourism industry, where they will undoubtedly charge astronomical amounts of money for a flight that the average citizen won't be able afford anyway.

    That, along with helping a nefarious Cabal institution in Facebook further their "Police State/Trans-humanist/NWO" agenda does not seem indicative of a benevolent agenda, but I could be wrong.

    Another possible scenario here is that this is just infighting between various rival Cabal factions, with one group trying to stop the plans of whatever faction Zuckerberg and his cronies are associated with.

    Whatever the case,
    Love & Blessings to you all! :-)


    1. I agree with you.
      By Dr. Salla update the event was positive and not negative

  34. Thanks for update!
    We will do it!
    We have now a guided meditation for Ascension, and a much better mind set for this!

    You are right Cobra concerning the attacks, as long as some or many of us, (thus not very sensitive) have our own signs. It was so.
    But it was maybe the first time when the attack on us seems to be weaken itself...

    We remember from you that: the more clear the etheric and lower astral plane is, the more energy is needed to perform the attack...
    And this seems to be evident now. A very high investment in the attack, but a very low result on the targeted ones.

    Our 'group hug' (as you call it) was very weaken broken, and is or will be very easy hugged again.

    1. It seems that the etheric and lower astral plane is enough clear so that the entire energy input disponible to perform the attacks is no longer sufficient, and therefore no longer efficient to manipulate the awakened part of population...

      The nowadays attack towards lightworkers and lightwarriors seems as hilarious and ludicrous like throwing stones in a freight train...

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Victorious the light shall be.I will help with my meditations , I wish in this life I could be more warrior than, just meditate, but I will use all my power of meditation , and I know my meditation can infiltrate and penetrate deeper and fuller than one on one combat, but at this end of the journey it would feel
    A warriors fitting end to many many past life battles .

    So I will gather all my ancestral souls , all my past life , fury and use it to fuel and channel all the power of my past and now into these two pivital meditations enclussive of my daily event meditations , Ill warrior on as a beacon of light and do more than my part to help this last tsunami of endless prayer for the light Victorious

    Ill meet you all that join this effort ,I will see you warriors ,in the light !

  37. We will do it definitely and success is ours. Victory of the light now and every time:)

  38. Guided audio for the Ascension Meditation here :

    1. Thanks! This makes the visualization perfectly synchronous and increases resonance...

    2. Thank you, Untwine, that's a beautiful music-and- voice-energy to be with, during the meditation.
      It's very calming to the brain, I perceive.
      I've saved the file on my desktop and play it, also on other moments of contemplation and quietude, saving the world on my own.... ahem ;)

  39. i have heard two other versions of who did in the Musk rocket-and why-the others had to do with the attached satellite belonging to the Israeli's and Mark Zuckerberg-that had nefarious intent to cause harm in Africa i think-- Then there is the report that the Chinese were in process of purchasing said satellite-and that Obama had the navy take the rocket out because of being insulted at the g-20-by the chinese hosts--because he is no longer president of usa,inc.---all this good buy bad guy stuff is giving me indigestion-on top of the attack on Hitler's birthday when a nazi jinn snuck up on me and kicked my foot out from under me-i have had very little use of my left hand and arm since...all swollen and excruciating pain-and that is on top of the local nazi hitting me all week with a pounding noise that they said was a pneumatic pump laying electric cable-though this has been going on for weeks now right in front of my house-then there is the long term scalar attacks from the JSC -that has made me deaf in my right ear-and that is on top of being blinded in my right eye with a flying crystal platter that flew off a shelf into my face and left me knocked out and sitting in front of a CRYSTAL EYE. I could go on and on-i guess i am a light warrior--undercover-so i can sure validate things have not gotten any better at all-in fact, it has been hitting the fan all over me for years-never a break at all. THAT MUCH I CAN VALIDATE-now about this Elon Musk white hat??? ...that seems unlikely-i would more believe the meme that he is a jesuit stooge and that elon funded paypal with vatican money...paypal/papal banking. The chimera-where do they fit in with the corporate facist/nazi/jesuit/jinn/rothchildrockefeller/draco/a.i pyramid of evil? I am like vinny barbarino-"i am so confused!!!!"

  40. I don't understand... so Mark Zuckerberg, the Facebook guy, is on the good side? Every other source of information I read seems to say the contrary...

    Benjamin Fulford Report September 6 2016: "For one, the explosion of the SpaceX rocket in Florida last week has been widely reported as being caused by a UFO and there is plenty of video evidence to back this up.

    Since this has been widely covered elsewhere, we will only touch on the possible motive for this. The Israeli Satellite that was supposed to be launched was intended to beam only Facebook controlled internet data to Africa. Since Facebook is a Rockefeller outfit, clearly somebody powerful did not want Africa to be subjected to Rockefeller/Facebook mind control."

    I am totally lost... lol... and now lightworkers are being attacked by chimera scalar technology. Cobra, can you tell the lightworkers community how to avoid this? Does anyone here have a clue?

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Awesome I will be there for both of them! Thanks for the update Cobra.

  43. The karistus has already claimed responsibility for that shoot down as apparently it contained payload for the 'final solution' for humanity - activating the chemtrails. (Forgot who said the chemtrails do not matter) Considering the karistus have been helping alongside (incarnating) humans for thousands of years one can be more inclined to believe that version from Dante. Oh and their videos are cool lol.

  44. Yes, I have also felt the attack of darkness recently. I think it is very good to have additional meditations to fight this final battle!! They are losing and they know it. But let us not just do two additional meditations- let us do our life as a meditation!

    With every breath we breathe, may we wish for the liberation of this planet and the victory of the Light Forces! With every feeling of frustration and disgust, may we turn our minds to the victory of the Light Forces to ease our burden and sorrows!

    Let us send the very essence of our life forces out into the universe to free us all from darkness!! Meditation is not just one or two times, it is ALL times!! Victory of the Light!!!

  45. I see many people here writing messages of confusion regarding the SpaceX explosion.

    Consider looking at that event from a whole different angle; what if the Chimera (who are apparently not an Earth-based faction but use the "Dark Fleet" & exotic technologies to remain a constant threat) deliberately chose to blow up a rocket that contained the payload of one of their minion factions?

    Perhaps the shorter-term impact was to fool the White Hat Intel community that it was a good thing that this satellite exploded.

    However, this explosion may have damaging long-term effects by scaring people away from space travel and effectively keep humanity imprisoned upon Earth.

    The Cabal is not a homogenous entity where interests are 100% aligned. There are many factions... and they try try position themselves constantly over various time horizons to achieve objectives beneficial to that faction.

    Facebook-controlled content over Africa could benefit the Earth-based Cabal factions, but the rocket's explosion may beneft the Chimera more over the long term by reinforcing quarantine over Earth.

    The Chimera would happily sell out the Earth-based Cabal if it served their purpose over the long-term war.

    Hence, Cobra's Intel may be compatible with others. Always consider factions and motives for various actions... it is sometimes more important to know the bigger picture as facts and details can be more easily distorted... but the whole picture is hard to obfuscate once the scope comes into focus.

    1. Biscotti... you are a worthy successor to Cobra...

    2. This idea New age bisquit , proves your thinking all kinds of angles , " BUT" if awke and soon to ne awake people , surely do not beleive , straping humanes to a phallic shaped bomb and thrusting them out into space is the current state of space travel .

      You need to apply your thinking , just as broad when it comes y o travel and space travel technology.

      There are ever 10,000 filmed footage of ufo craft on you tube none which include any body strapped to a rocket.

      Then again maybe you are right, people should be afraid
      Of that old anceint technology

      Thats equal to hirse and buggy travel compared to a jet.
      Im just saying

  46. another set-back, some more delay before Liberation....totally lost now, dont feel meditations doing ANY good watsoever...give up

    1. Whose fault is it for the meditations not doing any good? The surface population that's who. The Source saw fit not to depend on lazy asleep at the wheel humans to help bring about The Event for which I am eternally grateful.

      I have a clear conscience that I did what I could and continue to do what I can to help speed up The Event despite the low meditation participation.

      It is the least I can do to help liberate the planet.

    2. You have now a much more clearer etheric and lower astral plane.
      It is a situation in which the action of darks is more and more difficult due to the much more energy input needed, eventually exhausting them.
      You can now laugh them out.
      Do it so, spend time in nature (now even in populated areas, no matter) and come back and tell us again what you felt.
      Do it at least once, and come back here...

      P.S. You can find now that even in populated areas the nature is much more friendly. Do it now.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. 6:54 pm UTC = 18:54 UTC (Maximum eclipse)

    2. Thanks, I was also confused because looked at the 'P1' time listed on the Wiki page not the 'Greatest' time.

  48. Stay protected friends

    1. Stay protected, and laugh them out!

      You can find now that even in populated areas the nature is much more friendly due to the clearness of the etheric and lower astral planes.

      Even in this areas, the energy output in order to perform the attack is below the needed level to reach the desired outcome of the attack towards the awakened population.

      Enjoy this time of out laughing them!!!

    2. Stay protected and keep a dildo in your pocket and show it to them when you feel the attack...

    3. Did you wake up this morning and think "I'm gonna be a dick? (pun intended).

  49. Eclipse Energies and the Unified Field of the New Time
    by D.L. Zeta


    "...Visiting the Unified Field in Consciousness

    This eclipse signals a time when the veils between dimensions thin and we're more able to tune into cosmic energy radiated by high spiritual beings, and from the stars and constellations that radiate very high spiritual energy. The full moon is a time when people of every spiritual path join together in consciousness to focus spiritual energy needed to build a world of justice, unity, love and peace. Everyone everywhere is able to join the unified field of this time in consciousness. Even if you are unable to tune in at the exact time of the eclipse (3:05 pm EST on Sept. 16), you can enter a meditative state anytime in the next few days and allow yourself to be transported."

  50. I meant to post this on Sunday. After the meditation, I spent a lot of time watching videos. This one blew my mind, as I think it holds a key piece of information I had not heard before from anyone.:

    Phoenix Boulay
    September 11 at 1:05pm ·

    Just when I thought I'd heard everything 9/11 related...including all the controlled demolition theories...these facts reveal subterfuge and connections no one anticipated, due to the many layers covering what's at the bottom.
    THIS WILL SHOCK YOU TO YOUR CORE: 9/11 From Cheney to Mossad
    This is just the intro, I will post link to her full interview below. First, here is the link to the webpage she is referring to in the intro video. These explosive materials are explained in the intro video above.:

    Methodical Deception
    This is the 2nd in her series of 3 books, Methodical Illusion, Methodical Deception, and Methodical Conclusion.

    I have to say that despite my being 9/11-savvy, when I listened to this interview, I gasped and got complete, whole body shivers.
    May Truth come to Light,

  51. ABC News New York Reported ‘Hillary Clinton Dead’ at Local Hospital

    1. Obviously they are wrong ... clinton is a draco and may be a lot stronger than people think.

    2. Found the report ...
      Is this like reporting the WTC falling before it collapsed? TV anchor accidentally reports Hillary Clinton died

      Maybe they have a clone for her as well ...

  52. Yaaaaawn! Energies are wearing you out to Surrender
    ~ Vera Ingeborg

  53. Yes, I also read that the shoot-down of SpaceX was to prevent Facebook from taking over Africa.

    But I also remember Cobra saying Zuckerberg is involved in the cool new space stuff and Zuckerberg and his plans are not much of a threat.

    As I see it, Facebook is simply all programming and although it dispenses "the Facebook news as they want us to read," the Facebook programming can be turned off or redirected any time. Facebook can be taken apart and turned into something good, in other words.

    My guess is that the planned takeoffs of the SpaceX rockets (now delayed by this explosion) are overall very good things. These SpaceX projects moves the Space program in the right direction. I think a launch like this also pierces the veil if I am remembering correctly.

    Although the SpaceX projects currently have "barnacles" attached to them, such as the Facebook-Africa-satellite, soon those barnacles -- the payloads and projects on this SpaceX ship -- will be reprogrammed into something positive...

    All of this stuff is reprogrammable.

    We can turn the negative junk into positive stuff if we are thinking, feeling and paying attention.

  54. Cobra maybe it will be better for us, if you duplicate countdown timer and make two more with different colors: for the September 16th and September 22th ;)
    The Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are here for us! We need to support them totally!

    1. I found this post right after I suspected an unusual attack, only the 3rd of this kind in 3 years.

  55. They distracted the truth seekers with the MT. Shasta Event! and while everyone is coming back from their publicly announced holidays they pounced. Pretty dumb guys. Now we need to scramble together to do more meditative healings? ill do what ever i can to help but who ever is running the show for the light needs to be smarter than that come on!

  56. looks like you folks are missing all the fun and THE EVENT.

    1. The facebook page is no more, but this is what it was talking about:

    2. Dude! I'm guessing that you didn't realize that you forwarded an anti-abortion/right-wing fundamentalist video to all of us??? Thanks Soooo much BRO! You MUST be a Light-worker! Thanks again man!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. Cobra,thanks for the update ,would be nice a picture video explaining the meditation ,,I'm having a hard time to visualize your explanation .those days Ill be on call ,I hope something big happen and we can quit working ,no wanna be slave no more ,no more ,no more .peace and love



  60. Advice: anyone knows of violet ray devices that are affortable... I see some on ebay under 40 bucks.. Are they the real deal? I see some like over 200s... Will the cheap ones do the job? Thanks in advance for any advice on this matter

    1. D'arsonval High Frequency Violet Ray

      I own this one, price isn't too bad and it's worked well with no problems for a year now. I recommend.

    2. Dragon Heart:

      I ordered one a while back from the "Altered States" website out of New Zealand. They have a very interesting business and interesting newsletter.

      Theirs are a little more costly than $40. I'm recalling $140 or something, in equivalent US dollars. But you can look them up and see what they have these days.

      I did use it for a while, but honestly, I don't know if I used it correctly and the "directions" that come with it are not great... I had to read between the lines to figure out what they were trying to say.

      I'd be interested in hearing what others know about it.

    3. Thanks Dandridge, Megan and andre for thereplies. I will take a look at all suggestions

    4. Those toy plasma balls?...

  61. Accordance
    In August I saw many unusual, delicate beautiful white clouds. Cobra said in the last interview, to indicate that they, among other things on the cleaning of the plasma level. Now in September I miss them. This is consistent with the message from the opening of the negative Kong plasma portal on September 1st.

    1. I see often unusual feathery and linear whisps of clouds in layers over the Dartmoor landscape in Devon UK, between the usual cauliflower cloudforms.

  62. I am raising funds to buy myself a Powerdome( created by Dr -Fred Bell. I greatly appreciate anybody that can send me money to my paypal account, email is
    Thankyou for co-creating the world with me.

  63. I found Kara's most recent insightful and helpful, as she describes the challenges many of us are experiencing. You might, also.

    Ascension Notes: Security and Knowing
    by Kara Schallock 13-Sep-2016

  64. It doesn't matter if spaceX is for which side, when you put something big up there you need to make them think it's good for them.
    I think it is important to take actions, attending as much ascension medication as possible, and passing out the truth on social networks. either it is about hillary, dokota pipeline, vaccines, spraying for zika, ssp whatever that crack out the mind-controling beliefs of people.
    I'm attending both two additional meditation, let's do it guys.

  65. FBI are squirming?

  66. Did you guys know that a percentage of people are born without the ability to visualise imagery in their head?? (like me!)

    If you can't see images in your "mind's eye"; then you can't do the group meditations! I am actually having to learn how to do it from scratch using a guide that I found online.. and It ~is~ definitely possible to learn how to visualise things with crystal clear detail!

    I've uploaded the guide as a text document:


    1. I also have aphantasia, but I participate. When the conventional fails, you find another way. Use arm and hand movements to give your blind mind's eye a sort of abstract braille, if you will. The movements can help your mind form an imageless abstract framework of concepts, for instance reaching up to solidify your thoughts of reaching from Gaia's center to the heavens and downward movements to solidify thoughts of the GCS beaming downward. It's a tough condition to work with, but once I learned what aphantasia was, I adapted a really powerful way of keeping cohesion to my free-floating thoughts. My higher self revealed to me that I was born 'blind' so that I couldn't hide away from the reality of now with my own fantasy-generated imagery. I had to do without so I could learn to focus. As a bonus, the adaptive skills I've developed have proven very powerful in terms of decoding and technological skills.

    2. I'm sure visualization helps to strengthen the effect of meditation, but I wouldn't say it is necessary

      "You do not need to be able to visualise, but to simply remember that our thoughts are enough. It is our intention that is important" Shimara Kumara

  67. „.......Coincidence?....... ~ Dancing in the key life...those are cherished moments Lets DANCE .. Beautiful................ ❤ Trust in yourself....believe in divine timing....and let go ❤Lσνє . ☆´ρєαcє ☮ Harmony ♫♪ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¨Magic¯`¸¸Gratitudє ° ₪ ✲ *¨`¸.☆ ✫* Woo............... hoo let's dance blessing of all”
    .......Coincidence?....... ~
    Dancing in the key life...those are cherished moments
    Lets DANCE ..
    ❤ Trust in yourself....believe in divine timing....and let go

    ❤Lσνє . ☆´ρєαcє ☮ Harmony ♫♪
    Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ¨Magic¯`¸¸Gratitudє ° ₪ ✲ *¨`¸.☆ ✫*
    hoo let's dance
    Blessing of all
    Yap .................**************....................And the positive Light Forces of the Central Race, the Galactic Confederation, the Pleiadian, Sirian and Andromedan fleet and positive SSP factions. This is the last escalation of the Galactic Wars before the final liberation of our Solar System and the final removal of darkness from the Universe.
    Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .................. *************
    Namaste !
    Blessing of all !
    Victory of the light !

  68. cobra please answer this question: Can diatomaceous earth (food grade) remove toxins from the body

    1. Hi Andre, I can speak from experience, been taking Diatomaceous Earth about 1/2 teaspoon daily or as needed mixed in a smoothie or other food.
      Diatomaceous Earth pulls/chelates heavy metals, that are added into food/water/air, out of the body where they most def don't belong. Look into it's multiple beneficial uses further and as always, listen to your own body :)

    2. Well i am not cobra but yeap, heaps of evidence of it. I am on my third week of DE and i am feeling much better

    3. Wellsir ... I looked it up and bought an 8 oz bottle on line. Hope it works. Was about $7 to the door. Worth a try at that cost.

    4. @frei and ger sey,

      Where do you get it from?

    5. I got it from a local health food store, 12oz bag (appx 1 lb / 1/2 k/g) cost -$10, and lasts "forever" or, you can also buy online directly from the company @
      (Very synchronistically they are having a "summer sale" right now -35% off Diatomaceous Earth :)

    6. Cilantro also pulls out heavy metals, you can add it to food or make a Cilantro Pesto, there are lots of recipes out there. If you do eat tuna, cilantro is a must to counteract the heavy metals you are likely ingesting.

    7. I've never tried it, but it has many benefits, including strengthening bones and tooth enamel, and anti-aging!

      You can get it at health food stores, and even from Amazon.

    8. Thank you guys :)
      About the Putin thing I was wrong, it was a misunderstood information.
      The russian Freemazons believe because the oil that is taken from Gaia she would need blood sacrifices through wars. Not that I would agree with that theory but it is a little difference to sacrificing babies intentionally. All my hope is on the LF, RM, positive secret services, etc.. I am new to this blog and I would like to know are the RM real people or just imagination? Has anyone seen a spaceship in real life? Extraterrestrials in real life? Not that we all are victims of our phantasy (?) Hope that there is any REAL hope. Without dolphins we would be lost, I promise. What does Cobra know about the Draco situation I would like to know. Better not asking here, right, I see the Blogger Cobra never writes answers here. Maybe he is busy.
      Keep the force, be the force. Victory of the light.

    9. You'll get 1,000x the results by stopping eating toxins.


  69. Message to Lightworkers
    September 13, 2016 Caroline Oceana Ryan

    This one's about transcending fear. Good timing!

  70. Just more evidence that Cobra is correct about bases being on the moon. Thanks for the link.

  71. First i apologize for using the Sh word before. I was so much stressed because the attacks. Now they seemed to lessen!!!! Op Pandora is in progress indeed. I have proof through experience what Cobra said about the Astral World: i would add "it is still a very dangerous place". Indeed. So keep urselves alive, be brave, fight!! Keep ur holly anger alive! It is sacred like sex fire because it comes from the Mother. It is the energy Archons fear. This need to be properly understood


  72. We Break out of The Matrix.
    The Future Is NOW.

    We Belong To THE LIGHT

    Time to Go Home



    1. Funny little bit of Synchronicity that made Me Smile:

      A few days ago, in another thread, I posted the Pearl Jam song "Sirens" - and guess what? Yesterday the local newspaper reported that all 240 Emergency Sirens in this little council called Kreis Steinburg (Stone Castle) will have a test run on saturday at noon :-)

      Looking forward to it already.

      Hear the sirens,
      Hear the circus so profound.
      I hear the sirens
      More and more in this here town

      Let me catch my breath to breathe
      And reach across the bed
      Just to know we're safe
      I am a grateful man

      I study your face, and the fear goes away,
      The fear goes away,
      The fear goes away,
      The fear goes away.

      Love And Light And Peae For All And Forever.


    2. So look for light, listening endlessly country western songs fizzle? You can sleep and otherwise ...

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. Full moon Sept. 16 COUNTDOWN CLOCK in UTC:

  75. Astral traveler,
    I sent this video to several friends.
    It is hilarious!

  76. Cobra, please post on your blog Untwine's meditation audio guide:

  77. Just finished the COBRA Meditation.

    Victory to the Light! Love and Light to everyone and Everything and mother Earth (Gaia) and all the heavenly host and to all our galactic family, past,future and present in the eternal NOW. We are all of us ONE without a single particle, being, animal, tree, All energy low and high all vibrations the dark and the light left out. We are NOW integrated and in balance. So it is. Thanks Cobra for organizing this beautiful meditation. Thanks to all involved. Gratitude! See you next time.
    Image may contain: plant, tree and outdoor

  78. Sorry guys, forgot to meditate with u

  79. Meditation on Sept 16 lunar eclipse was a great success!!
    It could be for anyone else.

    Use also the audio guide; it's very nice:

  80. I am appalled at this new 'intel' and cannot understand this new setback. Why is this still being allowed and what are the implications? My mind is going everywhere and I find it very hard to meditate. I am beyond sick of this situation and it doesn't help that we are dealing with unknown forces for evil. When is enough is enough?

    1. Dear Enyiah, Most people feel "enough is enough" but if you have food on your table and a roof over your head you are better off than many right now. "Count your blessings" to calm yourself down. Remember, it's always darkest before the dawn. Here in the USA, the circus act is peaking in politics and many people feel hopeless that they have no power to make their life change but "Power of Love and Positive Thinking" is much more powerful than the evil dark forces right now as so much work has been done behind the scenes to create help us win this war. So many good souls have given their lives to get us to this point...We are so close to Victory of the Light, so please hang on and work hard to join the Light forces...We need your help!

    2. It is not a setback in the true meaning of word.
      It is an awarning from Cobra to keep us informed.

      Due to my signs, the attack towards lightworkers had a maximum one week ago, and is decreasing now.

      The situation on etheric and lower astral plane is much more better and makes impossible a stabilization of a set back. So setbacks are now for short period of time.

      A visible sign of improvement is 'the Hum' (the anomalous sound around the world).
      The hum seems to stumble in itself, and sounds so ludicrous. It may be due to the disbandment of the scalar tech, so on.
      Prior, the hum was strong and fluently, but now it seems stumbled and hilarious like an out tuned music instrument. It sounds like a squared wheel.

    3. When I play videos, first they are extremely fast and second no sound anymore. Has my computer alligned with the speed of Gaia and for my protection removed the sound? ^^


  81. "You cannot be serious!"
    Yes, I am serious.

    Three months ago I was advised to start playing an online game called "Shakes & Fidget" where you build a character from scratch and have it defeat various dark, evil monsters and some-such. I was totally new to the game when a very nice guy invited me to join his "Guild", which I did.

    We'd only been chatting briefly but when he found out that I was a Vegan he sent me a wonderful "care package" of Vegan food in August - that was sooo nice of him!
    I may not have much money, but I repaid the postage & packing.

    Okay, now this is where it gets interesting. It may not mean anything to anybody reading this, but is highly significant symbolically:
    I had been a so-called "officer" in our little "guild" for quite a bit, and had never done a thing except congratulate others for their progress and be friendly to everyone involved. As is par-for-the-course 'cause I am a nice and friendly guy.

    A few minutes ago "officer" RaJah did something unexpected: I ordered our guild to attack another guild. That's a new one.
    The name of the guild we'll attack is "Fallen Angels."
    The name of our guild is "GALAXY."

    This is more than just Symbolism, folks. This is The Real Deal in Real Life.
    Let's Get 'em, Galaxy Warriors!




    1. And before people write stuff to have a go at me, let me please let you in on a few details.

      The above-mentioned thing may only be a game, but life in 3D isn't a whole lot more either, and I've done quite a few things and been to a few places most of you haven't.

      I have been in The Birth Chapel in Bethlehem and surrounding areas.
      I have walked all round the old town of Jerusalem. I have beeen to the Western Wall of The Old Temple multiple times.
      I went to Gethsemane and all the way to the top of the hill. On the way back I lost my way and walked straight into the Palastinian part of town - very nice people there who pointed me in the right direction :-)

      And not least of all, I have walked the Via Dolorosa three times all the way to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and inside.

      NO, I am Not a member of any church or religious organisation, it was something I was told I'd have to do in this lifetime, and I was scared shitless going into the heart of enemy territory back in 2009. But I did it. Even got the full strip-search treatment at the airport...

      So, yeah. I'm as serious as a Heart Attck

      I AM RaJah

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Officer Rajah, what is really interesting is today GaiaPortal posted this:

      Stratospherics are transcended as Galactic Intervention accelerates.

      Fealties are brought to bear.

      Encampments are abandoned.

      Movements en masse predominate.

      Lives are recovered and embraced.



    4. And just like we'll do in Real Life, Team Galaxy won the online battle quite easily ;-)
      So there.

      Auf sie mit Gebrüll.


    5. You are amazing RaJah. I am surprised how many awakened people are commenting here on this blog, this gives me hope. Maybe the Blogger Boss will do a gathering someday? Are there any meetings from this group?

  82. To keep enthusiasm level high, you could continue releasing more photos like the portal and the sleeping lady so that we we know more what to expect.

  83. An explanation of events leading to the mass arrest and the arrest of Hillary Clinton.


  84. GaiaPortal's newest UpDate in just NOW:

    "Stratospherics are transcended as Galactic Intervention accelerates.

    Fealties are brought to bear.

    Encampments are abandoned.

    Movements en masse predominate.

    Lives are recovered and embraced."

    TEAM GALAXY Brings It.
    WE ALL Bring It.

    Okay, I may have told a little white lie all this time . . .
    I'm not just a messenger - go ahead and sue Me ;-)

    Mother Earth:

    Küsschen zum Aufwachen, meine Süße ♥ ♥ ♥

    12370744 For All
    God In Every Cell Of Life


  85. All is so filthy,... and so disgusting... All which is related to 3rd density world...
    No matter there are wonderful 3rd density worlds abroad the Galaxy...
    All is so filthfull,... and so disgracious...

  86. Your Power | Creator Writings

    Some of you spend a great deal of time searching for the future; asking when your soul mate/true love will come, divining your ‘future’ or any other number of questions regarding things that may or may not happen. It is time to open your mind to the fact that you are solely responsible for the co-creation of your world! In laying those questions at another person’s feet, you relinquish your power and, in essence, making excuses for why something is not happening in your life. You, and you alone, must take the initiative and action to move forward. No one else can do that for you. It is time, dear one, to take back your power, work on your own healing and grow in a way that is best for you. ~Creator

    [Yep! Truth! Thanks for the reminder, "Neo"!]

  87. I some how did the meditation to early :( on 16th i did it at 11:54 am not at time with every one else....I feel out of place we moved inside town in a over 100 year old house it is nice i am thankful for the Christian family that has went out way to look for home for me kids ....They bought it in bad shape we helped fix it up ....Just to get us out dump we lived in ......But i lost the nature out doors trees land space the beauty of sky nature ...I am feeling in closed not able to really go out so many people around close to us i am only sleeping 1 or 2 hours each night this started few days before 1st September feel so out of place got scared pulled my bedding my self to floor hid under covers cats layed there till dawn .....All i can say i still do not have phone internet yet hoping to get my meditation times right hope one i did on 16th still counts as i did it way to early :\........Tired and i am getting back into swing meditation again at least we are not sick any more Peace love Light ....

  88. FYI "spreaker" with Thomas Williams Sept 15th, he releases info that he has confirmation of Hillary's death. You can also find this ( middle of show) by going to on left hand column scroll down archives for title "Thomas Williams confirms...". See what you think. He also shares that 7 other unamed Cabal have been removed.

  89. Did anyone else experience psychic attack after the lunar eclipse meditation? I've been feeling so low and angry ever since?

  90. One of the reasons why the mediations are not working so good is the lack of feed back. On several levels.

  91. Wow...I have been trying to stay positive after delay after delay year after year and no event. Just more set backs and now more evil coming through and North Korea doing Nuclear Testing, which Cobra says was not to be allowed anymore but here they are testing. I am starting to doubt everything. Im so sick of watching friends die from being poisoned from the air, water and food. No light helping stop this. This sucks!!!

    1. I understand your frustration, but the Light Forces are not to blame ... they are doing their job ... the surface people asleep or don't give a shit are to blame. Not enough people helping the Light ... that's what sucks.
      We could speed up The Event but no, not enough people that will do the meditations. Just be grateful The Event happening doesn't depend on us otherwise we would be doom to watch our people suffer and die for no good reason forever.

  92. I hope Cobra will explain on this monthly interview about the explosion of this rocket, because like many things it gets one million or one billion of explanations.


      There we go.

      Didn't the resistance movement think the solar system was clear 2012, so the resistance movement think the shoot down was the bad guys. Dante been saying 2017-2022 for 7-8 years. Maybe the resistance movement should use YouTube. Maybe part of the rocket was good but they had a sneaky plan with something else hidden in it.

  93. Please help me heal my beautiful cat, Doctor Chops, who has Acute Liver Failure.

    Today the Vet delivered the unexpected news to us that our cat has a slim chance of survival. He's just 6-7 years old and I don't want to give up on him straight away..

    If you like cats and don't mind - I would be so grateful if you could help me imagine Doctor Chops as healthy!

    Here are 3 pictures of the cute fella:




    Kind regards,

  94. Maria, i understand where you are coming from. I would like first to clarify something. If my understanding is correct the deadline 2025 is when all negativity will be rremoved regardless of what any group is doing to clear it. The hope is that the event is to happen before this.

    Again i understand your sentiments regarding what the point might be in prolonging the ending of this madness.

    Do keep in mind that our view on the whole earth drama (scope) is limited. Take heart in thinking that higher beings and other more responsible individuals involved that are working to liberate are not guided by desires based on greed. At least we hope.

    I will leave it at that.

  95. How come the Agarthans are not affected? They are down where Hell is supposed to be, and having a great time. From what I read, their squabbles are responsible for all the suffering we are now experiencing.
    We don't need to high-tail it to a space ship; we just need an invitation to the Agarthan Shangrila!

  96. Sister, you have to calm down. We are not passively waiting, the whole universe is focusing on solving the anomaly. It takes time, right, but will be done. Your understanding is not quite correct in some things, according to my views.

    There won't be another 25k years of darkness if nothing happens untill 2025. 2025 is only a target date, and the "worst" thing that could happen, is for humanity to be extinct, together with the dark ones. Yet, the souls are eternal.

    The archangels who fell to darkness in the beginning were infected by huge amount of "dirty" energies, because that was the experiment, but the lesson was learned, and it's never going to happen again.

    The universe is perfection. The only place that still needs to be corrected is our tiny solar system. It is being done with care, to preserve as much life as possible.

  97. My meditation teacher always said "a death of a person close to you blasts a hole in your soul," and you wake up to ask "what am I here for? What is life about?"

    I have watched family members ask these questions very recently. Because, I attended two memorial services very recently, back to back, of family members.

    I know 'they' (the people who died) were there at the services, outside of their bodies that didn't work any more, hanging out, saying hello (I tried to mentally talk to them at each gathering and tell them hello) and I want to believe, anyway, that they are okay on the other side.

    Of course, if healing technologies were available for either of them, they would not have died.

    And this is why I want the Event to happen -- we will be given wonderful healing technologies that can help people all over the world. All this suffering from "all these modern diseases" will end.

    Think about what a wonderful world we can create. We can create it ourselves. We just need to move our consciousness toward life and health. After the Event it will be glorious and it feels like it won't be long, now.

  98. 'Time-frames'?? You mean those things that COBRA has always insisted we shouldn't rely on? Because they're never accurate??

  99. Cobra! Fullford said Killery is dead. Is this true?

  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. Lets keep the faith everyone! We all feel its taking to long for the Event to happen . This is the final count down to the End of darkness. Here is a video I made about the Event, I hope it helps everyone:)
