Saturday, April 22, 2017

Situation Update

Now that the Cabal could not trigger World War 3 directly:

they have turned to electronic warfare.

Aside from many times mentioned plasma scalar weapons, they are now using directed energy weapons to their fullest, targeting key Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in an obvious attempt to remove them from the surface of the planet, as the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors with the power of their unified consciousness are one of the main obstacles in Cabal's plans to create global war.

Directed energy weapons are physical radio frequency, laser, microwave, sound or plasma beam weapons that can incapacitate the target:

These weapons are used by the Cabal agents worldwide, torturing a very important segment of civilian population:

Also, the Cabal has bribed many people from the general population to become unconscious co-perpetrators of those crimes against humanity. These sheeple are thinking that they are just spying on targets with a funny looking telescope, when in fact they are irradiating the target with a directed energy weapon:

A certain elite task force has begun removing key perpetrators of those crimes internationally. They „shoot first and ask questions later.“ They have issued a warning, stating that „anybody using a directed energy weapon against a civilian target, either knowingly or unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may expect to be dealt with.“ They have also stated that an „international diplomatic and political scandal with far reaching consequences, exposing certain key people from the United States, responsible for use of those weapons against civilian population, may explode soon.“

Another source has stated that „the King has declared the opening of the hunting season.“ Regarding this statement from the „King“ it is interesting to note that George Bush Sr. has received a warning from Maat:

Last Monday, the Pleiadians have contacted top Russian military personnel about the directed energy weapons issue. If the attacks on the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors do not stop, the option now on the table is to disable key organizations perpetrating those crimes with a selective EMP strike or with another similar electronic warfare operation. The first two targets mentioned were DARPA and Raytheon. 


Russian electronic warfare capabilities were tested on Tuesday, when Russian electronic warfare system Khibiny has successfully paralyzed NORAD across Alaska, as you can read in this partially correct report:

Here I need to say that while NORAD was down, the Pleiadians took certain action on the surface of the planet.

The following article was issued as a warning to negative factions within DARPA and US Air Force:

Also, power outages in San Francisco, LA and New York were NOT a coincidence:

Now it is of the utmost importance for all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors to invoke and anchor the Light as much as humanly possible, although I am fully aware that we are tested beyond limits. Here is a very good and effective example of how to do this:

The other extremely important thing is to awaken as many people as possible to the reality of directed energy weapons. The easiest way to do that is to make the following article viral through your blogs and your social networks:

Our unified awareness and consciousness will transmute this situation, as it has transmuted countless situations before.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. These "cabal" people seem to be so resourceful & so powerful, they are always a step ahead. No wonder this thing just goes on forever,...

    2. Running ramantly scurrying like rats shooting as they run .resourceful ,well if you stole from the world for millenia you too could be resourceful .They have been drained of poor to the point they have become a wounded grizzly.
      Unfocus shot gun approach to get any and every body they can on the way out .Their time has come these are a dieing breed ,dieing every single moment continually.There is the brightest of light glowing over this last horizon. Buckle up keep sharp,do your part to spread the Light and quelch the dying Dark it's closer than ever EVER to be over.VICTORIOUS Is The Light ,shine your full brightness ,shine on.

    3. The stronger they are: the harder they fall. We shall bring them to justice, and liberate this planet, for then only peace and prosperity for all will exist, and we will create our future, ourselves

    4. I was very happy to read this, even though i already found out that the major harrassment around me and my house was suddenly less. It also helps to make a picture of your harrassers and sent it out to friends and the internet. I could feel the many flybys of the pleaidians and other factions. I also know the andromedans have now even joined in to make this madness of the elite be put to an end. i was very releaved to hear this. They would normally never do this, interfering with other civilizations, just monitor. But these benevolent beings and their cabal have gone too far and will not stop and finally they decided to step in too since december 2016. Cobra thank you for the information, since not much real news is spread around right now, even the guardians rather give radiosilence, to ensure that we the lightworkers are safe and their work isn't compensated before it is done. Let there be higher love all over the world now! Victory of the Light!

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    1. Thank you for this:)

    2. Thank YOU soooo much Brother!!! I'll be reading it right away.

    3. Thank you!! It will help :-)

  3. With deep gratitude to you Cobra, all Light Workers, all Light Warriors, PLEIDIANS and all our Galactic Allies.



    SO IT IS!


  4. We stand ready and united with our shared vision of the Victory of the Light!

  5. Also, i want to ask cobra: almost at the same time this was posted, i saw a ufo with an orange light outside. It zigzagged for about a minute, it went around my house and dissapeared into a cloud. This was in Lithuania, Kaunas. Can you confirm or deny if it was indeed a ufo, and if it was a positive or a negative one? I don't have it recorded as my battery was drained the same time i hit record, but i have a blury, 12 second long video, i could mail you it (cobra only). So, what will you say about that?

    1. If you can feel energys, you should have felt either a positive or negative vibe from it.

    2. E posibil sa fie negativ,eu am vazut multe din acest fel.

  6. May we all stay UNIFIED TOGETHER in the PILLAR OF PURE LIGHT! The war is ramping up more and more and it has to peak eventually where the perpetrators are stopped forevermore. Blessings, Prayers & Good Luck to all of US as we march on toward the Victory of the Light, and many prayers that we all Stay Safe Dear Light Workers & Light Warriors, Cobra, RM and the GFL!!

  7. Keeping your frequency high is a sure way to be protected from any of these attacks

  8. Dear Cobra and RM, thank you for the update.

    These attacks have been increasing this whole week, and just this last night I thought they were stepping over the line, as my body was shaking and I could feel something targeting my head, almost if someone was stabbing me in the head and they were trying extremely hard to scare me about the potential 'consequences' of certain lightworking actions, that I was planning for the next day, I also received threats in my dreams the night before last night.

    I asked the positive ET's and higher beings for help and I could feel the attacks around me suddenly stopped and when I woke up this morning, the strange presence was completely eradicated and I was not threatened in my dreams.

    And I know other Lightworkes and warriors experience even more brutal shit from this desperate bastards, so I advice to authorize your personal group of light beings who protect you (personal guides, guardians, angels, etc.) with your full free will to counteract such invisible attacks on your behalf. If you make such a request, they can directly intervene as you consciously asked for help (even though the Galactic Codex allowes them direct intervention on your behalf when you're threatened, they have even more power if you consciously ask for help (just like Syria asked Russia for direct intervention to help Syrian people).

    Stay strong and centered in your heart, if they are acting like this, these are probably their last moments and they know it.

    Victory of the Light!!!

    1. Completely agree. Invoke the presences of angels archangels etc to help you. It is all about intention, remember that. There is no specific way you need to go about it. Set the intention to clear your fields from any negativity. You can ask for example archangel Michael to place his deep blue cloak of protection over you to help you

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    3. Yes very brutal attacks in dreams now.

      Victory of the light

    4. on top of this you have also been given your manifesting powers back - there are energetic protocols to follow that we just don't have access to right now so our higher selves will more or less do it for us through our intent

      I had something weird trying to get into my left foot and I zapped it - not really but my higher selves did

    5. I never knew how to explain this but now it's quite clear: during some random nights I wake up to very lucid spiders (or something similar to it sometimes it's just a weird bug) hanging from the ceeling. Last weekend was two times in one night. The second time I shouted "you don't have permission to disturb my sleep" and it stopped. Praying and asking for protection helps, and my interpretation is that those astral beings have one clear intent: stop you from acting on whatever light work you do, based on fear. They won't stop me! Victory of the light!

    6. Thank you for all of your comments guys, it seems there is some really strange shit going on with everyone these days. And lately I'm having this sensation, that I only felt as a kid during 1994, when the Breaktrough of the Light Forces was near, I swear it's the same sensation, we must really be nearing the Event (and this time, there will be no Kongo-like invasion to stop it!)

      Hang on everyone and Victory of the Light!!!

    7. NinchXD,
      Thank you for your service to Humanity and the Light. You are obviously doing something making progress, otherwise they would not br interested in you..

    8. Beloved Mike T. that was what exactly happened to me a few nights ago. First, they send a black panther to fighten me and then a monsterous hand trying to grasp my left leg and I waved it off. It seems they are also afraid of us, the moment I turned to my left side, the hand disappearred and appear again when I turned away.

      Thanks to Cobra, RM and the Protection from the High.

      May the LOVE be with you always!

  9. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING US! It helps SO very much!!!

    Victory of the Light! SHINE ON...

  10. Thanks......fascinating news...........

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Du-te ,etc. cu balonul tau...Te plateste careva ,sa spui prostia asta ?

    2. Sorry I my self have removed my comment, it was at the wrong place.. It should been in a reply in some of the first comment.. Never mind it wasn't important.

  12. I'd like to remind everyone of two of the Isis Mysteries that I've been thinking about a lot lately.

    * The existence of divine plane of creation of pure Love and Light where no darkness can exist, and techniques to access that plane in your consciousness

    * The protocol to embody the Goddess presence and to become a living embodiment of that Goddess presence in all daily actions

    I believe the powerful Pillar of Light technique that Cobra has shared in this post is a very effective way to unlock and fully live these sacred mysteries.

    May all beings be happy <3

  13. can pyradyne pyramid headgear reduce the effects of these electromagnetic weapons?
    and also can pyradyne's nuclear receptor reduce the effects of these weapons?

  14. much gratitude, heartfelt thanks to Cobra and all lightworkers and lightwarriors. stay strong, hang in there.

  15. >>Shine your Lights out … it matters not in which direction. For anywhere it radiates, shall surely be recieved Gratefully... aware or unaware<<.

    >>There are those upon your Earth plane who feel they have nothing of any substance to offer.
    They are neither channelers, speakers, healers, or indeed anything in which they FEEL many are giving of.

    ••One should never feel guilt for not always being the BEST one can be. Life is an ups and down ride.... as you know. If you did not have the downs..... how could you
    recognise the ups?
    The difference these days … in these Glorious days... being... that the 'lows" are no longer as low as they used to be<<.

    From the Galactics through Blossom Goodchild

    So, dear Sisters and brothers,
    Let's keep on shining OUR INNER LIGHTS like powerful STARDUST! ;)))
    And let's BELIEVE that the end of these "ups and down ride" is very near to its "DEAD END!!"

  16. Now i know way I am sick... but we are standing up like always, because we are strong,and soon we wake up of this horrible nightmare,and it is a proud ho we continue even the contamination of or food, the manipulacion of our mind's, and the lowest vibration of the dimension, we stand up and keep walking to the victory of the light, Warrior's never surrender!! Love and light for everyone

  17. Thanks Cobra and thanks to all of the light Warrior's and worker's , thanks for found stranges when apparently don't have anymore.. thanks for all your are!

  18. I have to re-post this...
    As it's the case with me, the day i posted it, there was a new RM message shortly after. So; many people did not see it. Yet, these are things that will make all hopeless souls to SHINE!!

    HYE ANGELApril 19, 2017 at 12:06 PM
    Sooner or later; with the supports and prayers of the POWERFUL army like people in this blog, and hundreds of millions around the world - THE LIGHT WILL PREVAIL!!
    So, let's talk something more inspiring and uplifting.

    Extremely important informations FOR THOSE WHO'D LIKE TO LEARN MORE about the 144,000 Star Seeds and the Moldavite chalice, aka. "THE HOLY GRAIL", coming directly from COBRA.


    >>Brotherhood of the Star was never public since the time of Atlantis. It was working secretly through its discliples. Disciples of the Brothehood of the Star comprise the Order of the Star. Order of the Star is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the first, second and third Initiation that have incarnated on this planet with the purpose of occult triangulation of light and darkness.Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star<<.

    >>Esoteric symbol of the Brotherhood of the Star is the heavenly stone of Sirius, fire jewel, cinta mani, lapis ex coelis, which represents the jewel of our true Self (atma-buddhi-manas).

    Esoteric symbol of the Order of the Star is a chalice of Moldavite, the heavenly stone of Pleiades, the holy Grail, sangreal, which represents our causal body and the star nobility, the mandala of 144,000 star beings of light<<.

    And this is from Cobra Laguna Beach conference in November 2012. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART ABOUT THE CHALICE - "THE HOLY GRAIL".

    >>The Galactic Federation has The Holy Grail. This chalice was made of 144,000 facets of polished moldavite. It activates the 144,000 Light Beings. Each facet contains a code for a star seed and when the light hits the facet, the star seed is activated.

    Some souls connected to The Holy Grail are aware, others will awaken. More are awakening during and after The Event from The Holy Grail.

    The 144,000 is a complex mandala, and each personal will have their own role<<.

    LET THERE BE LIGHT, and nothing else but LIGHT!!

    1. Thanks beloved HYE ANGEL, I was wondering is Order of the White Botherhood is the same with Order of the Star Botherhood (Sirius). Or they are difference groups of Star Beings / Ascended Masters?

      May the LOVE be with you always!

  19. I feel like I've had the hell beaten out of me these last couple days too. I can't put thoughts together, having tough time breathing, very irritable. I'm ready to be done with all of this.

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  20. COBRA, My friend, I am grateful for all you do. I send you Love and Light and say Namaste to you. How long should sovereign awakened beings remain in the dark(so to speak) surrendering our power to those that work on our behalf in the background.Are there secrets in the Light? How can we be expected as an awakened being to be patient as so many months and years go by with consideration for the dark, but not much for Light workers. The dark are apparently not taking the countless warnings seriously, and to be honest their continued control on humanity is pathetic and hardly tolerable to anyone with any common sense or understanding of their own divinity? Those know we are all ONE and want to change the channel. Additionally, Why am I not involved in bringing this about? other than to anchor Love and Light on the planet and meditate which I know is not the least I can do, but actually the most I can do. But I AM no longer willing to remain "In the Dark" about the goings on in the background. As a remnant of the Divine, I give my permission to go ahead and activate the "Event" So let's go ahead and get this done. I do speak with authority and am not prepared to continue in this Loop, much longer. Time is up, no more updates, let get this done. If you and your crew cannot, perhaps it's time to bring me in. The side lines are no longer working for me. Again, thanks for all you do from my limited understanding via words. Peace.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. dont you forget about toplet bombs. the yaldabaoth head is just 40% dissolved. when it will be 100% dissolved then the event will start

    3. What is this supposed to lead to? If you argue like that you make yourself a victim.

      This war could still go on for years. What do you want to say next year? Get used to the fact that this is complicated. It takes time. However, life will still go on, regardless what.

      You stated you would have been left. But if you were not involved you were not meant to. Secrets are just necessary. And: Would you expect anyone to hire you if you came to an employer argueing like that?

      Never let the outside dominate what you feel on the inside. Never have expectations. Especially as to what others should do!

      The Galactics have prevented much, and so many times. At least an atomic war. Think about that.

      And yet, some people seem to complain about that they would not be taken care of. Often. Too often.

  21. I'm very sorry for doing this... But my right hand is swollen, and typing is not an easy task to do. Therefore, i have to re-post THIS one, which comes from my heart.

    HYE ANGELApril 20, 2017 at 10:10 AM

    I've been sending love and protection prayers to everybody involved, more than EVER -DAY and NIGHT. Everything else has gone from my busy mind, and that's the only worry i have left there..... Oh, how I wish i could DO more than that!!

    I know there will be some casualties.... some powerful WARRIORS will exit...
    That is why, deep in my heart, i am sooooo hoping that NOW it's easier for them to penetrate the wounded veil; go directly to the SOURCE, and IMMEDIATELY, come back in their LIGHT bodies, as even more powerful and UN-STOPPABLE WARRIORS of Light.


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    2. ~JustBe~April 23, 2017 at 1:55 AM

      You'd really send out your energy when you're in a state of blockage and sickness? Wow. Thanks. I'll pass on that. And I'll override you at the same time, on your knowing of casualties, because you're not in your clearest state right now. It's really not very nice to wish people dead.

      I don't believe HA meant it that way.

    3. Hye Angel, May your guardians stand by you and protect you at this very trying time.
      Much love to you also for your uplifting posts time and again.
      Many this healing light coming in heal you and protect you and all the other Light Workers and Guardians out there of the Light.

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  22. To an anonymous being out there in this big big universe: Thank you baby.



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    2. I've been told that some of these weapons can target and lock onto your DNA (via biochips?), meaning that no matter where you are or where you go you can be under constant unrelenting attack. You'll need to utilize whatever method works for you for self defense. Get that pillar of light around you and you'll be protected. In meditation it was revealed to me that those of us who have been targeted by these scalar and directed energy weapons will (maybe, just maybe) be entitled to significant compensation packages for the hell we've been intentionally put through. Remember, you will be taken care of when the war is over.

  24. I've had seizures in my sleep, along with burning sensations in my legs, and twitching in various parts of my body, including my head. The main problem I've had over years is stomach problems. I get really messed up vibes in the stomach area.

    All I can say is that the feeling in my stomach is extremely inorganic. I try to focus on something else while it happens. I'll focus on anything to no have to feel those inorganic feelings. I've modified my diet many times but it keeps coming back. I've thought for a long time that it was some kind of cancer.

    If it really is me being a targeted individual, I'm asking for the ones doing this to be permanently stopped. Anyone being targeted needs to be set free asap thank you.

    1. I have the same sensations

      -Some days i sleep 10 hours then i can't sleep in 30 hours
      -Burning sensations in feet and legs (i wnet to the doctor i he said it's all ok -after some resonances-
      -Really vivid dreams -even prophetic dreams-

      What i do?
      -I try to make deep meditation
      -Play with the animals from the forest -birds normally-, this helps a lot
      -Baths with salt
      -Dont' watch news
      -Ask to my higher -self for help/hints

    2. I've had great success with chakra cleansing binaural beats meditations. Doesn't hurt to try, I promise. Though you may get a little emotional the first few times.

    3. Yes I also am dealing with not being able to keep my mind off my stomach, such an uncomfortable feeling this has been going for some time though, now I know it's these scaler attacks,yesterday I went off the hinges breaking my car window with my hand, got real close to using a razor on myself, never have I come to this point in my life I have self control but yesterday I just lost it, afterwards sitting in my vehicle blood running down my hand for hours with no cares. Today after seeing that their using these electronic weapons widened my eyes I'm not going out that easy, thank you everyone for being strong in the light, please send your positive thought this way as I will also all your way, thank you all and cobra, all we can do is stay strong.#wecanbeatemwithlove

  25. As always I am grateful for these updates. Cobra your efforts are very much appreciated and I wish to convey my deepest gratitude for all the intel and information the RM and yourself are going through the trouble of releasing.

    Like Dory from 'Finding Nemo' says, "Just Keep Swimming!"

  26. I agree that we need to awaken as many other people as we can, however every single person that I have spoken to about UFO Disclosure, Global financial reset, mass arrests of the Cabal, the Earths' and our energetic shift ---- they all have that silent frozen look,one even laughed.

    This is the level of mind manipulation and "obedience to authority" that the masses are enslaved to.

    Lightworkers who follow the intel of Cobra, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, even Ben Fulford, Dr. Steve Pieczenik - we are the choir that they're preaching to.

    Tell your friends, neighbors, co-workers, acquaintances, strangers about the coming Event, give them a list of good websites -see what happens!

    Victory of the Light !!!

    1. I am glad to hear someone else say it as it is when we try to share even a small portion of what we ourselves have discovered. Many of us a completely isolated because we have shared. ALL of my family have distanced themselves and all I shared with them was how rigged the financial system is. I was in politics for a long time and I talked about vaccinations, flouride, agenda 21, child abuse and our screwed up child protection system and many other really obvious, almost mainstream, in your face issues. Once the media was finished with me even my family and long time friends withdrew, believing I had succumbed to the pressure of public life and lost the plot. I fugure I have done my bit and now live life as hermit, enjoying my garden and the nature around me. I meditate, pray and live a simple life holding the space until the shit hits the fan.

    2. Yep. Likewise, I share much of this and much related info to others. They think of me as off a bit. Doesn't matter. I am serving by chipping away at the layers. More layers will come to them and st some point , they will get it. And , when THE EVENT occurs and any too obious to deny , open ET contacts, I wil be vindicated in one fell swoop. So, there is no probelm in that category for me. Just haning in there trying to maintain and keeping vibes up ( sleeping a great deal ) until THE EVENT happens.

  27. Some of this news was very encouraging. I went to the link and read the synopsis regarding Babylon 5. How the writers were being fed the info. I have watched Star trek since I can remember and always knew that Gene Roddenberry had knowledge of how the other half lives. It certainly added credibility to alot what u have been saying. WOW it blew me away... O well back to the salt mines for now. Prison Planet Don't want to get too excited as these things take time. Hope their kickin ass and taking names. Got a good chuckle out of the rockerfella and daddy bush (hee hee) Still waiting on my ride but I know I am destined to get the Fxxx out a here someday. BEAM ME UP Ferchrisakes!!!! Pleabe Out.



  29. Here is a link to an article by Preston James who writes for Veterans Today. He elaborates on various directed energy weapons, but he also has several links on how to prevent these attacks from affecting you, and how to mitigate any of their harmful effects.

    1. YES! And he has several great in-depth articles on the Illuminati on that same website. Great to pass along to others who may be open just b/c it os from Veterans Today publication. I have also heard him interviewed, search You Tube.

  30. "If the attacks on the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors do not stop, the option now on the table is to disable key organizations perpetrating those crimes with a selective EMP strike or with another similar electronic warfare operation." Hasn't it been long enough??? why wait to see if they stop-end game now-time for the RM to take them all out-Not very impressive that 90 year old Cabal members are finally dying- they should have been removed years ago. Hard to believe that the light has anything to do with it now as opposed to natural causes. The line in the sand keeps being drawn and they continue to cross it. Time to stop it all.

  31. A 'white' Schu' again:

  32. You may want to get involved and use this as a guide to send your own letters to the appropriate individuals for where you live, including Wash DC. Providing this information because we are personally aware of people who have been abused and victimized (murdered) by these weapons. This report is providing TRUE FACTS.

    Urgent National Security and International Terrorism Alert

    1. Secret Deep-Black War to Hijack your mind

      By Preston James

      The current state of mind-kontrol is probably far beyond anything you ever imagined possible:

  33. I don't post here often but this time I wish to express my opinion. During the last ten years, I have been guarding a portal and I have been living under torture like conditions with many, many attacks. Things have now escalated to an extreme degree.
    Reading this post with statements as "anybody using a directed energy weapon against a civilian target, either knowingly or unknowingly, is committing a crime against humanity and may expect to be dealt with.“ , I came to think of an old post from 2015 with a similar saying: "The Resistance Movement has issued a few warnings to the hard core of the Cabal to stop attacking Lightwarriors and Lightworkers with scalar directional energy weapons."
    It is now my hope that light forces now actually starts to take action and not just talking about it. I believe that anyone holding such a weapon must be face consequences. Regardless if they understand what they are doing or not. This is an outright war, and light forces must act accordingly.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. JustBe~April 23, 2017 at 1:42 AM

      Isn't that part of your job description as a guard of a portal??? Otherwise it wouldn't need guarding???? Unbelievable. I think you better let someone else take over your position. The reality of your job seems to have taken you by surprise. I can't believe no one told you that the reason you're guarding something is because it needs guarding and that you might find yourself having to fend off attackers. You seem quite unprepared for the job.

      The OP should be allowed to ask for help when needed can they not?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Wasabi,

      I choose to send you Loving support and Intentions.
      May the help you need come swiftly and soon.
      I know you are not a one man army and I hear your call for help in your extreme circumstance.

      Disregard negative comments from others. It is their conditioning that they respond to you in a negative way.

      Thank you for your diligent service to our World and to her inhabitants by guarding this portal.

      Peace, Love & Light to you.


    5. @justBe, I send love and light your way, something negatives got a good hold of you, of course like us all, but u seem pretty angry at the world, lighten let people feel how they feel, no need to have something negative to say every time u see words that rub u the wrong way.

  34. Hurray! Hurray! Hurray! to All light forces including us all light workers and light warriors!

  35. I'm sure I will be attacked for this comment, yet I need to voice my opinion.

    Why do commenters of Spirituality and hope for a positive future for our World, use foul language to emphasize their point?

    I cherish sites of uplifting messages that we are on the right path of Spirituality, transforming our World into a planet of Love, Light & Abundance for All, without the use of foul language.

    How can we resonate with that message when we are subjugated to unnecessary foul language?

    Please use positive language in your messages to help society refrain from using that type of negative language in the first place.

    That's called, "Positive Conditioning."


    1. .. but as you said ist is Conditioning.. not necesseraly the truth

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Its freedom of expression. You are making boxes, when you say foul language is negative.

      It can be used positively too. Like in jokes.

      In the end it comes down to what you percieve as negative.

    4. Attacked? Well, when you write a comment that suggests we need to control what people say.... That's your own belief system you're trying to impress upon others. That's not gonna fly around here. You should probably work on dissolving that because everyone has free will to express themselves in the way they choose.

    5. Ned Flanders is right ! when you listen to channeled AI love and fake light messages there is no foul language at all! Diddly...

    6. Justin Cosgrove,

      I didn't suggest for anyone to control what another person says.

      I suggest we control our own selves as to choose to use foul language or not.
      And by the replies to my comment,yes you people did attack me in the way you responded negatively, just like I predicted.

      Because most of you took my suggestion out of context and misunderstood my meaning. Typical. Some of you replied about "conditioning."

      Life conditions us in a myriad of ways. Take movies and t.v. shows. People are conditioned to use foul language every time they view these "programs" that are filled with foul language. Get it? PROGRAMS=PROGRAMED.

      So like it was said by Farouk, if foul language could be used in a joke as being funny, then what's the difference with my suggestion to control ourselves from using foul language in a positive and Spiritual conversation?

      We are all conditioned from our environment and from each other. So why am I being targeted for my comment?
      Because most people are CONDITIONED to attack a person's comment in a negative way instead of using positive constructive criticism.

      And for people to embrace the use of foul language as normal usage in all conversations is from DEEP CONDITIONING to do so.

      Good Luck with that!


  36. This makes sense. I feel heavily attacked, tired. I also receive unwanted phone calls all the time. I'm not gonna let me knock off my feet, but this is not normal anymore.
    When Event happens I want tot explain all this, everybody must know this. What happened on this planet.

  37. No one has the right to cheat the divinity of another. No cheating. That means no killing of another who is in the process of freeing themselves and those around them. Cosmic law must be enforced!

  38. "Netanyahu’s wife to be indicted over corruption charges"

  39. I wonder, how you you actually know you are being attacked?
    Is this some sort of pain you suddenly have, or can this be a chronic thing?
    I have chronic head pain, and my partner has days where he has no energy at all and he can hardly focus on anything. We don't know the source of this. So could this be related?
    Maybe Cobra could tell us about the symptoms of those attacks.

    1. Alina...

    2. Yes that is some of the symptons.
      When they go fullforce you will know you are being attacked.

      List of symptoms.

      Fatigue and no will, to do anything

      Random disease, skin problems

      Negative thoughts(suicide ext)

      Attacked in dreams

      Black goo on your body, in the other planes(dimensions)

      People seem to go against you for no reason.

      Unpleasant energys to the head from scalar tools, if you dont move location you get depressed

      The list goes on.

      Victory to the light

    3. Thanks.
      So they know you have the potential to be a threat to them so they attack you? How do they know for sure that you are in their way?
      Because we are not in any resistance or any obvious threat, we just work on ourselves to become stronger and let our light shine more.

    4. you can translate. j'écris en français cela est plus facile pour moi. j'explique dans un commentaire le genre d'attaque que je subie. Les gens qui partagent activement les informations de cobra/prepare for change etc... sont les personnes qui sont ciblées. j'ai 2 sites + youtube+ page facebook où je partage des informations. Je pense que les gens qui ne s'exposent pas ne sont pas visés...pour le moment.
      l'augmentation des fréquences de la terre donne beaucoup de symptômes aussi. ce n'est pas la même chose.Quand vous subissez une attaque c'est rapide et violent, vous ne vous demandez pas si vous subissez une attaque : vous le savez !

    5. Ah ok. So I would probably know when there is an attack. Like when somebody wanted to take over my mind and scare me to death. This happened some time ago.
      I just kind of wonder if they maybe know us.. like from former lifetimes and know we have been a threat then so they also want to destroy us now.

    6. c'est possible ! nous ne savons pas qui nous sommes vraiment, ni ce que nous avons fait dans les autres vies...
      les attaques d'entités négatives peuvent ressembler a une volonté de prendre votre corps ou votre esprit.On sent qu'il y a une entité qui fait cela, car elle bouge.
      cela m'est arrivé aussi. mais, ce n'est pas la même chose que les attaques a distance par des ondes dont il parle dans cet article. les attaques a distance c'est vraiment une énergie qui vous entoure, surtout la tête comme un étau, on se sent paralysé, tout le corps semble vibrer. Mais c'est une énergie statique elle ne se déplace pas sur ou dans le corps. c'est comme si nous étions dans une bulle d'énergie "électrique". Ce n'est pas facile à décrire. cela m'est arrivé avant que je lise cet article et j'ai su,de suite, que c'était une attaque "à distance" et non une entité.

    7. Alina: You were born with a mission, and even though many of us forget what our mission is, the Chimera/Archons/Cabal are very aware of why we're here and they take these extreme measures to stop us from being successful. If you're here reading this and taking part in the group meditations, obviously you are remembering your mission to some extent. Remember, simply raising your vibration will have a positive effect on everyone round you. For many of us that's all we came here to do; very simple. Raise your vibration, walk around with that "glow" radiating from you and everyone you encounter will have their own vibrations raised as well.

  40. Écouté si vous voulez mon avis encore sur des question guerre vous pouvez m oublier car j ai ma Dune,, et j ai remis mon tablier de Guerrier alors si vous pouvez régler sa vite ,,,, ICI,,,,,,,

    (((((11LIGHT FORCE88)))),,,,,,,,


    1. Je le demande tous les jours : l'important, c'est l'intention et les hautes vibrations que l'on envoie. Ne jamais arrêter d'y croire

  41. thou shall pass,
    ive become so much accustomed to that pain, stabbing and heat feeling[oven next to bed??] that i only feel numb from it, also invoking presence of higher self helps i feel from energy that ship above us are working full time to deal with that with im thankfull for.

    Remember light and love only wins, those who take part in this atack on us, will feel in future something more difficult, when they understand in wich they participated and how much they fucked up, and how horrible this was, our night of soul will be stroll in park in comparision. I had unlocked some of unpleasant memories from past lifes when i was on other side, and from my experience its very difficult to accept because you dont look at this from history veiwpoint but from point of being one constant being, even when you aknowledge your where part "unconciuous".
    Right now knowing or more likely feeling what future awaits those "beings" i can only feel pity on them

    thou shall pass
    victory of light

  42. Bonjour, j'habite en france et j'ai eu plusieurs attaques. la dernière date de hier après midi. Comme je dors très mal la nuit, je faisais une sieste, comme a chaque fois j'entend un son interne juste au moment où je vais m'endormir. Cela 'arrive depusi des mois comme si on voulait m'empêcher de dormir. Cela est arrivé par 2 fois hier je tournais dans mon lit sans parvenir a dormir, quand j'ai sombré dans une sorte de sommeil hypnotique très profond mais avec la conscience que je dormais. je me sentais totalement paralysée, quand j'ai été prise dans une sorte d'énergie électrique très puissante, avec un sifflement dans les oreilles. J'avais des picotements partout sur et dans le corps, le temps de me dire "qu'est ce que c'est que ça ?" j'ai vu une grosse forme noire arriver sur moi, j'ai mentalement créé un bouclier miroir en essayant de la repousser de toutes mes forces. Et j'ai appelé le commandant Asthar, ainsi que tous les archanges et être de lumière. Puis je me disais "réveille toi, réveille toi" mais je n'arrivais pas à ouvrir les yeux malgré mes efforts, je me sentais replonger dans un sommeil profond mais je luttais et j'ai fini par me réveiller car mon chien a aboyé !
    j'avais très mal a tête et j'ai été dans un état second pendant longtemps.

    ce matin j'ai encore très mal à la tête.

    pourtant j'ai une pierre tachyon autour du cou en permanence, mais cela ne parait pas suffisant.

    je m'entoure d'une colonne de lumière et permanence et je crée un oeuf miroir autour de moi...mais cela ne semble pas suffisant.
    Que faire d'autre ?

  43. Also guys remember that if you have some unpleasant things your not proud of like constant anger, problems with concentration,some behavior or weakness for some substances its not you or your experiences but those weapons attack also plasma body of use so its make INBALANCE IN CHAKRA with we are not always consious, just google some of chakra inbalance symptomps, i recently [yesterday] understand that my problem wasnt made by me, or my past lifes experience but it was just imbalance in sacred chakra, so check your chakra:P

  44. Love, Light and DIVINE Support to all Light Brothers and Sisters. <3

  45. Bizarre transparent ‘alien cylinder’ spotted on live NASA feed for International Space Station leaving star gazers baffled

    Original source

    And commented by Fox news too

    Fake? Distraction? Real?

  46. Hi all,i proteckt my self wat i can,but in my eyes the used also persons one me in the last 2 years i lost weight 10 kilo,s,from last wednesday i am sick colt it feels like an flu.I have send all this bad feelings return to sender and love.Weird now i this have read and writh i get it warmer.So in my eyes the used people also.

  47. Thanks for showing in this photo how people can shine, not all people know that. And that brightness can be even greater, it only depends on your acceptance and willingness to have that brightness and more.

  48. It is so confusion i have mush troubles now for a few day,s from my Astma my hole body is hurthing.Tyred and so one never i complain but i,am confused is it from persons ore the wapens

  49. Thanks Cobra I felt it was I was in Chicago and here in NY...

    WE Must Stand as ONE Let this Song inspire THE Light Warriors and Light Workers.. We are Close to the COBRA

  50. In the past few weeks I am depressed for the first time in my life. I feel that whole my life is in vain, that I did nothing and have extreme low self esteem. Plus lack of aim and willingness to do anything. Plus some light body indispositions.
    But mainly my sense of self worth is down.
    And this really hasn't happened before. Ever!I make big efforts to stay in some good condition, but feel more than ruined. I wondered if this is me or some psychotronic weapons. And now I know!

    1. this maybe your "dark night of the soul". I was in the same heart space as you for 2 years> It has only recently lifted. For me working on forgiveness for all who I perceived had wronged me and taking full responsibility for EVERYTHING that presented in my life was my way back because of the realizations I had during that process, mostly that ALL was a necessary part of my evolution to learn to speak my truth and stand in my own power, no matter what. My main problem
      was trying to live up to the expectations of others. It is true that we allow ourselves to be stripped bare of our perceptions of who we are and what we are worth, until we have reconciled and rebuilt our self and are comfortable with that creation of who we are
      and what our real worth is. Honor this sacred process during the journey. There is a lot of literature on this and the more you understand what is happening the more you will understand why you are feeling what you are feeling. Many blessings to you.

    2. Suck it up sunshine, did you come here to cry in yourself ego or save this world?
      We are wage war, stop defeating yourself and looking for excuses, ah now I can say it was their weapons that made me feel shitty.

    3. Bunch of cream puffs!!!!! Are you warriors of the light ?!
      Being defeated by bullsh,t

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. in everyone's defense.. i don't think "cream" is the best fit anymore .. maybe 26K ago ... maybe now more like dust puffs.. rock puffs. brittle puffs .. ok i should stop while I am ahead.

  51. The triad waves modulated on the Schumann resonances dissolving the Matrix programing like red hot knife on butter.
    THE GAME IS OVER!! and no one can STOP it, with or without electronic technology weapons.

  52. ~~~~
    Another source has stated that „the King has declared the opening of the hunting season.“ Regarding this statement from the „King“ it is interesting to note that George Bush Sr. has received a warning from Maat:

    There is only one individual who is willing to take on such a task of being a phylax or "guardian" whom is responsible for the actions of this individual. His name, Wepwawet, Opener of the Ways to the afterlife.

    He is an Old Kingdom god, an aspect of Anubis, created by Anubis from himself, as such, he is considered the son of Anubis. His conception was a stripping away of what Anubis had to give up to become a Judge; the aspects of compassion and protection of all life.

    Although Anubis is not incarnate upon this plane of reality, Wepwawet is, and has a stake in the historical workings of David Rockafeller, for a positive timeline.

    Wepwawet, guardian of the underworld and spiritual afterlives. The reason for his absence from the more modern Anchient Eqyptian texts, is simple, he took one incarnation between, to work with an extraordinary group of individuals from many different realms, some having incarnations and associations to other galactic locations. Taking an incarnation on a distant world, one of which you can now deduct how origins run deeper than known, and explains the anchient connection between the higher dimensional councils of Draco and Orion.

    Trust me on this one, there will be no mercy this time... David Rockefeller's Judgement resulted in sanctuary under Wepwawet's watchful eye on him within Lycopolis, the spiritual "City of Wolves". This was an exception, but no more shall be made...

    - Fates De Whynot

  53. The US Navy is sailing toward the Sea of Japan. They will reach near North Korea. Then "North Korea" will launch missile towards Japan. But it is not North Korea's launch. It is a missile that the US Navy launched to Japan. Then the US government will declare that it is a North Korean crime. And US Navy will invade North Korea. Japan will also get involved if Japan agrees or disagrees. This plan is clearly the same as the Tonkin Gulf incident and 911. Stup*d fu*king idi*ts! All people know your poor operations.
    This operation of the United States are exposed before the execution.

      And that WAS the case with "Pearl Harbor". Unfortunately, back then, no one knew how dececive the USA "government" was.....
      Fortunately, the sheeple has been awaken and "their" magic tricks/games can NOT be played the same OLD way. And IF "they" do, then they'll be exposed BEFORE they are triggered!!

  54. Toplet crapolet bombs still here after 25 years of the galactics helping us ?! No
    Yaldabaoth Yabadabadoo still a presence here?
    Soooo 4th-5th-6-7-8th.... dimensional beings who are on our side with technologies we can't even comprehend, they can't destroy these things in a few seconds!? Really cobra ?
    'OWK' has said your cabal, care to defend yourself?
    Are you being fed false intel or creating false intel?
    And now this fear intel of light workers being attacked with these weapons, light worriors don't give a fuk about fear, nothing with stop the salvation of this world!
    Only the minions remain

    1. maybe your ideas of higher dimensional beings and reality in General are not how it actually is out there! Thought about that?

    2. Beware, those who point the finger of accusation are often unwittingly confessing their own stories.

      It is not advisable to blindly follow anyone. If one is lead off of a cliff it is because they chose to follow the leader. Do not be lead off of a cliff. Make your own path instead.

  55. This is my second or perhaps third comment since the inception of this blog. I can personally state that there is good evidence of action against those using directed energy type stuff. For three straight years i have been subjected to such a variety of stuff that it is difficult to articulate. Three nights ago I awoke with what had become the most recent and recognized onslaught that felt like splinters of electricity going through my body. This is the entire upper floor of the house i'm in penetrating downward mostly as far as I can tell. I sat up in bed ready to find solace when intuition told me to put my head back down on my pillow. I did. Several seconds later a most beautiful and welcomed experience unfolded.
    A powerful, warm, intense yet comforting wave completely overtook what was all around me and surrounded my body. This was powerful light and protection. It was not short lived either. It allowed me to fully relax, process and release a whole lot of stuff even as the other harmful energy buzzed around me. I laid awake for perhaps an hour being grateful and knowing again that there are greater forces than here on the ground at work for this turning point in history.

  56. Like Cobra and David W. had mentioned it appears that we are going through the 'dark night of the soul' on a mass level and individual level, as I have definitely been feeling lately.

    This is the part of the story where everything seems hopeless and that nothing will get better, then at the last moment there is the triumph and victory of the good guys. Per David W. this is a fundamental part of Hollywood film writing and it is a requirement if you want to get a movie financed.

    It is also written into fabric of the Universe and in each of our lives. I hope we are near the end of this long nightmare. Much love everyone!

    1. Like the end of the movie matrix when everything looks lost with the machines inside...

  57. Really laying on the scalar waves Heavy starting last night through today!

  58. On behalf of the attackers, to Cobra and Lightworkers:

    I'm sorry
    Forgive me, Thank you
    I love you

    And to the attackers:

    I'm sorry
    Forgive me, Thank you
    I love you

  59. I have tried sharing several times but google stops me each time. Obviously they are afraid.

  60. Folks, if you want to know who some of the very important light workers are and what they do check out this Youtube channel

    Unite the Collective

    Alex and Rion are grid workers and they share their insights in a way we can relate

  61. Tachyon and Orgonite are quite good in harmonzing your living space. I also can highly recommend Shungit. This was helping alot in my case. Sleep improved alot.

  62. @JustBe,

    YOU DO NEED HELP, DEAR ONE. I really feel sorry for you. GOD knows; I AM saying these words with a creat pain in my heart. I assume/feel that you're FROM THE LIGHT, but you are being manipulated and attacked a big time! (I would hate to find out that you were a troll.... But that's NOT the impression i'm getting about you).
    YOU are simply very, very confused and out of BALANCE.

    Now, i'd like YOU to read your OWN reply to my posting. (HYE ANGELApril 22, 2017 at 6:18 PM).

    >>~JustBe~April 23, 2017 at 1:55 AM
    You'd really send out your energy when you're in a state of blockage and sickness? Wow. Thanks. I'll pass on that. And I'll override you at the same time, on your knowing of casualties, because you're not in your clearest state right now. It's really not very nice to wish people dead<<.

    If you go back and re-read what is that i was saying in THAT posting... and then take some deep breaths and TIME to ponder it.... Then, FINALLY, EVEN YOU will see who's been "in the state of blockage and sickness", and that in fact.... "you're not in your clearest state right now".
    You'll see that contrary to your conclusion, I DID NOT ask for people be dead. It's quite the OPPSOITE!!! My wish was for them to RESSURECT at once, and come back as even more stronger WARRIORS of LIGHT. Just read it, please.....

    Go ahead, and delete this repliy of yours, too. Isn't that ALL you do? You are the ONLY one who ALWAYS posts something NEGATIVE, and the next time we check the site.... AAAALLLL your replies are gone!
    And it's been going on for months and months.... Why say somtheing and after awhile regret for saying it? DO YOU THINK YOU COULD STOP DOING THIS? Is it possible to "JUST BE" your best?
    On, guess what dear; for the last couple of months, as soon as i saw your comments and/or replies, i have copied and saved them. WHY? I knew they would be there for only a short period of time. So, I did copy them, so that later on, i could compare what was that YOU said in your reply, so the response of the other person's reply to your statement would make a sense.


    #2-It would save me the 40+ minutes i spend on typing THIS LITTLE, with just one finger, (my right hand is swollen),
    This morning, was feeling very very happy. As soon as i openned my eyes, i did say "PEACE reings on eart", (9 times), then before starting my group meditation, I went outside and invoked the WHITE PILLAR Presence by AA Michael. All these made me feel very energetic and in joy. But then I'm checking the site, and reading this reply by JustBE, and my joy was sweeped away.... I can't help it. I AM STILL IN A HUMAN BODY.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Oh stop it you two. Fighting and arguing will get you nowhere. Instead, remember that you both are right and wrong at the same time, and that there is NO "right and wrong", only different perspectives. It doesn't mean that one of you is wrong, it simply shows that you have different points of view. So stop this pointless fights and start focusing on the Light and planetary liberation. Truth will make itself known, and there's no point in arguments, because everyone has their time to find it out. Peace, you two :)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. agree with ng.
      u both on same team...

      i think is good to hear both opinions.. even if is followed with some disagreement and or with some clarifications...

      however after a certain point where a discussion or argument turns into a bickering match, it then does no justice to either one... regardless who may be closest to the truth if that is ever so within our grasp.

    6. !! good Lord!! you ladies hold a strong passion for what you believe to be right and is good... but let it not be at the expense of your gracious selves...

    7. who between u both women.. will be the "man enough" to walk away and let things be?

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. Sisters, I don't know why anyone is upset, unless they are unnecessarily taking other people's comments personally.

      I could be wrong, but it seems to me @~JustBe~ was making a point about being mindful of the intention behind invoking the dead to rise up and fight. Why would anyone want to do that? Please do not wake the dead. Please let them Rest In Peace. IMHO, that would be best for all concerned. They've done their part, now it's our job to fight...but not each other!

      Let's remember the task at hand and our collective goal: Victory of the Light!

      In Lakech

  63. I pray that many who are asleep awaken ...we need ALL to hear the call...of the Prime Creator of Light and Love.

    I see Golden Energy around Cleansing and Protecting ... in this Awakening.
    Be Strong and Believe and Reclaim your Rights as Sovereign Beings of Love and Light.
    I stand with the Goddess and MaY Peace, Love and Light Reign once more.......

    Victory to Light ...

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. To the LF , make this viral : saying stop it, or issuing lots of warnings to evil entities on this planet does NOT work in any dimension or timeline !!!
    Please stop issuing warnings !
    Please start using force !
    Saying "No - no" and "surrender now" lots of times is NOT enough to make evil entity stop doing evil things !
    Please consider using unpleasant (even rude) methods in your liberation operations !


  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Blessed everyone! Thanks Co.bra, RM, FGL and everyone who is fighting for our liberation. There are many things explained here but most of the time you know well that you are "attacked" we can not and can understand with the mind in 3D. WHY WHAT WERE YOU ATTAKING IF YOU HAVE TECHNIQUES THAT WE NEVER LOVED? WHY DO YOU LEAVE? WHY THE SUFFICIENT YET ??? BENEFITS ABROAD AS WELL AS THE BIT NOT GET LIMIT, WHY ??? Hunting started ..... or what we do not have in the power to understand ???? * "Another source said that" the king declared the opening of the hunting season. "As to this statement of the" King ", it is interesting to note that George Bush Sr. received a warning from Maat: " We're all tired ~ DECLANSAY EVENIMENT - GO -STAR DUST -ACTIVATION GOooooooooooooo

  69. The coastal blackouts are likely caused by the magnetic radiation we have been getting for the last 3 days from the coronal holes and ejections from our sun. A 5 minute solar weather update can be seen art this website called Suspicious Observers.

    1. Yes - a good friend who closely follows suspicious observers says the same thing... He says there were blackouts all over the planet -- due to the big solar ejections.

      So I am wondering -- Cobra says the blackouts are NOT a coincidence -- as if they are a big warning from the light forces..... So, are "light forces" perhaps taking advantage of the big solar spikes to cause blackouts ? As in, somehow they are working together? ... The blackouts are not a coincidence, but we have these solar spikes at the same time... .........

      Or, perhaps the "blackouts all over the world, not just in these major cities in the US" story is fake...... in order to confuse the whole thing...

      In other words, we are told by the media and researches, "there are blackouts all over the world -- it must be from solar spikes! -- nothing else"

      My little brain wants to narrow it down... :)

  70. In the weekly meditation today I made a point of also sending some light and positivity to all Lightworkers/Lightwarriors being subjected to these attacks. Hand in there everyone, we aren't losing.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. Cobra, there are many ships visible every day in the LASCO C3 imagery at (Coronal Mass Ejection, blue imagery). Not sun-diving comets, not clouds of energetic particles, the ships appear as bright blips or streaks. At times they can be seen to change course, and even move in parallel as a fleet. There are MANY, MANY ships visible out there.

    Why is no one mentioning this???

  73. THANK YOU COBRA for all your work, it is much appreciated.
    THANK YOU RM/LF, Lightworkers and Lightwarriors.
    Many, many blessings to you, to us all.

    May we have ever greater connection with the Divine and the Galactic Central Sun, being Protected and proceeding unfaltered in the Light.

  74. I wonder if all the curses and overall ill fortune I've been having for the past 4 years are part of this or just a different form of "attack"

    Background: I awoke sometime 5 years ago. Everytime I try to do something to stop false flags from happening (via sharing intel with white hats, events mainly happening on American soil) I always seem to have some form of "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" kind of ill fortune/curse sent my way within 2 weeks of my actions.

    The worst ones (ie the ones with long lasting chain reaction effects) always seem to happen after trying to tip off regarding child sacrifice or false flags targeting the pedogate investigation.

    Whatever fiend or cabal filth is involved in all this...let me say that I will....NEVER....forgive you for what you've done. Hope all of them end up getting automatic one way trips to GCS or some form of even worse punishment.


  75. Anyone knows what they are saying in the video Cobra provide a link to?

    1. is the same information Cobra posted (meditation report)

      except that is being read by the computer voice...

  76. The good get better,,,,,,the bad get worse,,,,,,,the insane go more insane......There has got to be a light at the end of this tunnel, I was told there was a light,,,I feel there is a light,,,,,but year after year,,I see more dark..........

    1. the reason why u may feel you are seeing more darkness... perhaps is because is coming out to the surface finally now compared to before... it was always there... hidden..

      so in order to dissolve it... it needs to be exposed first.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. 4 in 5 days.

    Operations are to begin to eliminate.

    Redemption has been, or will be directly offered.

    Then, the remainders shall perish by the sword and will eternally remain in anguish.

    The Anubi Guard shall deliver the final round of warnings and the ultimatums with company.

    The space ghost is on route to town.

    Santa is comin' to town.

    Feont and confirm with Beowulf.

    Be with great fortitude if necessary..

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. This morning turn my radio on... this is what I found... ehehehehe... wowwwwwwwwwww...



    We are at the dark night Turning Point... be patient... be strong in yourself... BE LOVE and LIGHT... BE YOURSELF!!!



  83. Ronald’s advice for humanity is simple. We must wake up and see what is really happening around us. If we unite in rejecting the darkness, humanity can destroy the Illuminati before they destroy us.

    “Unite, unite, come together, and this entire shit story ceases to exist. That’s how fast this could happen.”

    1. Dutch Whistleblower Real Big Money Revelations by an Insider

      39 minutes
      English subtitles

      Spanish subtitles

  84. According to Cobra, a sudden event is under preparing, which will change our world for better, and will ultimately introduce us in a galactic society.



  86. KP and Pleiadians?

    P.S. ... I don't know how behind the scenes... It's the Hawaiian mission,... the Hawaiian mission...
    ... Aloha, aloha, aloha!... Aloha!...

    1. ... I don't know how behind the scenes... It's the Hawaiian mission,... the Hawaiian mission...
      ... Aloha, aloha, aloha!... Aloha!...

  87. Apart from the products of orgonodrome and sessions with the lakhovsky oscillator and rife's phanotron you can try the following to detoxify yourself.

    Fill up the bathtub with water as hot as possible and drop inside 25 tablets of Alfalfa(Nature's Plus 300 Tabs) and 10 tablets of St. Johns Wort. Also a glass of Sonett(Organic household cleaning product). You get in at the point where you can barely stand the temperature and sit for one hour. If you have Morgellons you will see them leaving your body!

    Also you can try Oil Pulling with coconut oil and Grape Therapy. In Grape Therapy you start by not eating anything for two days and then eating only grapes for 25-30 days. When the days have passed you slowly start eating green vegetables and fruits for some days before you go back to your normal diet. Along with Grape Therapy you can make a drink of colloidal silver and zeolite and drink 3 times a day for 10 days.

    1. You find also to CopenLabs a kind of Lankovsky instrument:

  88. Break the Veil:

    Just by watching it - the amazing view form out there - you can feel it!

    1. This is rather a kind of 'Cobra beyond the veil'...

    2. breaking the veil means rather you to have a linkage with the 'beyond the veil' world...

      ...not only to fly or to send something above the veil...

      P.S. we are plentifully enough about childishness!!...

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. COBRA..I'm sorry..I'm disappointed. As he said ROB POTTER.. .... maybe the event is not in our life

  91. I for one find these "holier than thou" comments exhausting. Now more than ever we need to support each other. I come here daily and read all the posts and comments to absorb every ounce of love and wisdom that you all have to share because I struggle every day with myself. Sometimes i feel like i have finally figured things out only to realize that i don't really know much of anything. I do get better every day though! So with that being said I'll ask that we stop passing judgement and replace it with Compassion. We are all in this together!
    I'll also add that I feel so at home here among kindred spirits who inspire and teach me so much! Sending you all big bear hugs!!!~

    Love and light! <3

  92. Project Peace & Love: Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace

    April 24, 2017 by Therese Zumi Sumner

  93. Attacking me for my health. Starting to recover from a bladder infection, but now I have prostate problems. Anyone out there know of a good natural remedy for a swollen prostate? Starting to wonder if I'll live through these attacks.

  94. This is how the Cabal and its minions work to attack websites A table showing the attacks in just one week, mostly coming from Ukraine and US...
    Attacks and Blocked IPs
    Attacchi e IP Bloccati


    I have been going back didn;t realize how long this story has been going back over COBRA posts and I did not realize how long we have been in this holding pattern. We keep hearing about all the STUFF going on behind the scenes and yet nothing seems to manifest the changes we all pray and meditate for. Think I will take a break from all this for a while because I am no longer convinced that this plan will ever eventuate. I have followed this blog since the beginning, so are we really such basket cases that we continue to believe we are ALMOST there. I need more than a few words every once in a while. Even the monthly interviews are getting further and further apart with no tangible info provided. So see you all in this new world hey.

  96. Thank you, Cobra.

    I initially felt this post to be disconcerting, as I realize that sometimes when I am home I do feel under attack, and I seem more susceptible to feelings of limitation, depression, etc. --which makes me want to stay home and hide, and it is hard to meditate at those times, after it got a lot easier in recent months.

    However, when I go out and about, I often feel much better. Even in the rain.

    I am going for a bike ride. Spring has sprung, trees are popping and flowers are blooming. Nature heals.

  97. It has also occurred to me that when we see or participate in in-fighting in these threads, it is often in conjunction with Cobra mentioning stepped-up attacks on Lighworkers and Lightwarriors. We also see agitations in other relationships as tensions rise out in the world. I think we get knocked off balance. All the more reason to seek heart-centering activities and increase our self-care.
    We could:

    Get a massage
    Walk in nature
    Take an Epsom Salt bath
    Do some gardening
    Write a Poem
    Have a heart-to-heart with a friend
    Connect with animals
    Journal your thoughts and feelings
    Do some yoga
    Meditate, especially outdoors
    Hike or bike
    Make a nurturing, healthy meal
    Listen to gentle music

    There are many ways we can make ourselves feel better fast and find the balance.

  98. I am feeling better so I am hoping the grid is strengthening. Excited for an update on that front.

    Let's keep shining family of light! Much love to all of you!!!

    Victory of the Light!

  99. So, 504 is the plasma plane! Layer 504 from the plasma plane, maybe?
    FAITH, brothers! The light will repel the counter-attack!!!!!

    Don't forget raise your vibrations after reading. :D

  100. Ha! He answers a question I often ask myself, but never bothered to ask anyone else:

    Why Can’t I Meditate Consistently?
    By BenArion, April 24th, 2017.


  101. Free from the handcuffs, broke past the chains
    The answer is always clear when the guilty is to blame
    I'm moving mountains, look, can't you see

    I won't stop till you surrender
    I won't until I breathe
    The passage will find you and there you'll face a chance
    Hunting and reminding but the truth remains

    Watch it all fall down around you now
    Was it ever really worth it?
    Having your kingdom crumble to the ground
    Because you never had the courage
    stand up STAND UP
    stand up STAND Up
    stand up STAND UP

    I am the warrior
    I am the change
    I've been hiding in the shadows waiting for your judgement day
    The rest to show you're to blame
    You can't walk through a lake of fire
    Without feeling the heat of the flame
    With a picture with the perfect world full of masquerade
    Disguising and hiding but the truth remains

    Watching it all fall down around you now
    Was it ever really worth it?
    Having your kingdom crumble to the ground
    Because you never had the courage
    stand up STAND UP
    stand up STAND UP
    stand up STAND UP

    You got a reason to follow my lead
    So hold on to me and Stand Up

    That was just sent to Me as part of the soundtrack to
    which is just AWESOME - and *nothing* compared to the non-water Waves approaching Gaia :-)

    Victory of Love and Light. And Peace Forever.

