Monday, October 2, 2017

Black alert at 504


  1. yeah makes sense with the recent activities happening around us (((the vegas shooting))) oh and here is my project link. still finding land, no luck yet :(

    victory of the light

    1. Farouk.. anothee housing project beong built in desert like conditions..

  2. Keep the faith folks. Back to black, good.

  3. So sorry for you folks in Las Vegas. Madman or the dark forces at work creating anger.

  4. Instant Third Eye Stimulation - M1 (Warning: Very Powerful!)


  5. Toplet Bomb Removal Meditation (French)
    SacredEarth Liberation

    Méditation de Suppression des Bombes Toplet

    💜 Méditation quotidienne mondiale synchronisée : du Lundi au Dimanche à 17:00 pour l'Europe de l'Ouest

    ⌚ 17:00 pour l'Europe de l'Ouest
    Horaire mondial : 3PM UTC/GMT

    Convertisseur horaire mondial :

    👉 Démarrer ce support audio guidé à 17:00 :

    ☆ ☆ ☆

    Instructions :

    1. Utilisez votre propre technique pour vous amener à un état de relaxation de la conscience.

    2. Affirmez votre intention d’utiliser cette méditation comme un outil pour accélérer le processus de guérison de la Terre et de ses habitants, la suppression des bombes toplet et le déclenchement de l’Événement.

    3. Visualisez un pilier de Lumière bleue électrique émanant du Soleil Central Galactique, puis passant par la Porte des Étoiles d’Orion située dans la constellation d’Orion, puis venant dans notre Système Solaire et passant par tous les êtres de Lumière à l'intérieur de notre Système Solaire, puis à travers votre corps jusqu'au centre de la Terre.

    4. Visualisez un autre pilier de Lumière montante provenant du centre de la Terre, puis vers le haut à travers votre corps et vers le haut dans le ciel, vers tous les êtres de Lumière dans notre Système Solaire et notre galaxie. Puis allant vers la constellation d’Orion, et finalement, se connectant au Centre Galactique et à la Source.

    5. Vous êtes maintenant assis entre deux piliers de Lumière, la Lumière coule vers le haut et vers le bas en même temps. Gardez ces piliers de Lumière actifs pendant quelques minutes.

    6. Maintenant, visualisez le Feu Blanc de AN(*) émanant d’un pilier de lumière entre la Source et la Terre et se répandant à travers toute la Terre, son atmosphère et au-delà dans l’espace, purifiant toutes les bombes toplet restantes sur tous les plans (physique, plasmatique éthérique, etc...) dans le Système Solaire ; purifiant toute anomalie et apportant l’unité, permettant à la Source de se manifester plus aisément sur Gaïa et mettant fin à la quarantaine.

    7. Visualisez la Lumière enlevant et dissolvant toutes les bombes toplet restantes jusqu'à un certain seuil à partir duquel toutes les autres bombes restantes seront instantanément enlevées, déclenchant l'Événement.

    8. Appelez l’Archange Metatron pour aider au processus de purification.

    9. Victoire de la Lumière !

    1. Any meditation gear to getting rid of the toplet bombs ... I am in! Let's put an end once and for all to this nonsense.

      The cabal is going to do a lot more incidences like the one in Las Vegas. I am willing to bet good money they will use this as a pretext to further the illegal war with Syria.

      We need to step up the action and focus on getting rid of the bombs!

      Victory of the Light!

    2. spirit..
      from prev post..

      "If you feel so guided, you can use the following meditation to help dissolving alt those plasmoid entities and toplet bombs associated with them:"

    3. Sounds like the guy was under some kind of mind control possible a sleeper considering he had no prior record. Probably program to kill as many as possible then kill himself so he can't be questioned. A patsy to push the cabal agenda to step up the invasion in Syria. The way the corporate news is running with this seems pretty obvious. Also takes the news away from the storm victims, especially P.Rico.

      Five things that just don’t add up about the Las Vegas mass shooting


  6. Toplet Bomb Removal Meditation (English)
    SacredEarth Liberation

    Since latest report of Unity Mediation, it was stated by Cobra that main obstacles are Plasma toplet bombs that still need clearing before triggering the Event.


    17:00 (5 p.m) CEST Daily (central Europe summer time)

    It is 1 hour before Weekly Ascension Meditation and 1 hour after Violet Flame Meditation.


    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

    2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and its inhabitants, removal of toplet bombs and triggering an Event.

    3.Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Orion stargate located in Orion constellation, then coming to solar system and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth.

    4. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. Then coming to Orion constelation and finally connecting with Galactic center and Source.

    5.You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously.Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

    6. Now visualize a white flame of An coming from light pillar between Source and Earth spreading through whole Earth, its atmosphere and then beyond in space purifying all remaining toplet bombs on all planes (etheric, physical, plasma etc) in Solar system and purifying all anomaly and bringing oneness making Source more easily manifest itself on Gaia and bringing quarantine to its end.

    7. Visual Light forced removing and dissolving all remains toplet bombs until certain threshold when all other remaining bombs become instantly removed and triggers the Event.

    *7. If you feel guided you can call Archangel Metatron to assist in purification process.

    Victory of Light!

    - French:
    - German:
    - Hindi:
    - Hungarian:
    - Italian:
    - Slovenian:
    - Spanish:
    - Telugu:
    - Turkish:


  7. Should be promoted on
    a general type time sensitive (at 4 hours) meditation for black alerts.


  8. Is it wierd that I almost find these comforting now because I know it means things are getting *done*?

  9. OH...NO...COBRA...HOW CAN WE HELP..???...IT'S ENOUGH...
    We have to finish with that...IT'S TIME...NOW

    1. Should be promoted on
      a general type time sensitive (at 4 hours) meditation for black alerts.


    2. spirittoo
      October 2, 2017 at 11:59 AM

      Any meditation gear to getting rid of the toplet bombs ... I am in! Let's put an end once and for all to this nonsense.

      We need to step up the action and focus on getting rid of the bombs!

      Victory of the Light!

  10. Events are definitely speeding up. Take it as an optimistic sign as the Cabal is flailing away in its dying stage.


  11. Teasy Love
    September 25, 2017 at 10:07 AM

    The Divine has assembled a team of devoted people to help us host DAILY SPECIALLY GUIDED AND LIVE MEDITATIONS (at special required times), to guide all energies into alignment, and preventing the dark forces from succeeding in their last stand, as well as permanently grounding the foundation of the light forces for a gentle shift of power in favor of the light!

    Our PFC meditation channel:
    The official COEO PFC meditation channel:

    Meditation schedule:
    10am EDT (2pm UTC/GMT) - Chimera Meditation (focusing also on both Long Island and Antarctica) - On Discord and COEO (Daily!)
    - Preview:
    12pm noon EDT (4pm UTC/GMT) - Expanded Ascension Meditation - On Discord (Daily!) and COEO (Sunday only)
    - Preview:
    12:30pm EDT (4:30pm UTC/GMT) - Geophysical Anomalies Meditation (Earthquakes, Hurricanes, etc) - On Discord only (Daily!)
    - Preview:

    We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!
    Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return On Investment of your highly valuable time and energy!

    Victory of the Light! <3

    1. Should be promoted on
      a general type time sensitive (at 4 hours) meditation for black alerts.


  12. Alan479 Martin
    September 29, 2017 at 9:21 AM

    If you want anything to happen this year then perfect your meditations to the point where you can see and feel that changes are occurring by your personal efforts.

    1. Someone is gets it :) - Hooray ... this Voice needs to be heard more. Meditation scripts are offered as suggestion, personalizing it and making it your own, evokes more emotions thus making it that much more effective. People talk about it being synchronous in time and also think that it automatically has to have the same vision in place as put out by the suggested script which is only partially effective. Adding your own essence and creativity to the meditation is key and essential or else we are just robots and rote followers just like religion has instilled in us devoid of uniqueness and aliveness. Think of an orchestra where there are different instruments each making their own sound adding to the perfection of a beautiful piece of music ... that is what it's all about ... shining our own essence and aliveness into a meditation while having the same intention of the meditation in place. <3 <3 <3

    2. I agree with that.


  13. There is need of an LONG ISLAND UPDATE in order to update THE LONG ISLAND MEDITATION, daily at 2PM UTC.

  14. Michael Salla Update - Elon Musk just made Secret Space Program Disclosure Inevitable - September 29, 2017

    Michael Salla Update - Elon Musk just made Secret Space Program Disclosure Inevitable - September 29, 2017

  15. it's a REALLY fun time when the heart/soul is fulfilled and happy as never before while the ego is struggling relentlessly. the key is to let go this time line and feel inside we are already here.
    love and blessings for all! keep in your hearts with love and compassion, specially for yourselves. you are GREAT warriors and all so honored!

  16. HOLD the LIGHT withIN You.

    Focus on the Light that is WithIN You, Focus on this beautiful Loving Light...FEELING it within you, unconditionally Loving You filling you up, throughout your body overflowing and surrounding you.

    Allow your vibration to rise up with this beautiful Loving Light.....lifting you up higher and higher...allow YourSelf to connect and align with Your Higher Self....FEEL it solidly...this is Your place of Power...FEEL it...anchor this alignment within You.

    Allow this beautiful Loving Light to continue rising up higher into each of Your higher soul levels...observe this reconnecting as All of the other million spheres higher aspects of you are also simultaneously rising up speeding swiftly into this huge column of your Loving Light alignment....all coming back together as ONE Loving Light...this constituting your whole self connecting back together again in this powerful alignment....

    Allow this beautiful Loving Light of Your alignment to continue rising up higher and higher all the way up into source....Solidifying all of you in pure Loving Light alignment unity with oneness in source.

    Hold the Light within You....unify....this is where all Your Power is...Focus on the Light witnIN you as this will allow the Light to radiate out from within you like a beacon connecting with all others doing the same....each being of Light across our planet holding and radiating this beautiful Loving Light...connecting each Light beacon together into our ONE powerful Light force alignment... surrounding the earth ...saturating the whole of our planet throughout with pure Loving Light alignment in oneness with source.

    Victory of the Light!

    ~ PW


  17. Cobra, would you and yours send many of us to the galactic centre due to, allegedly, to much exposure to the anomaly.

    Would you, in this way, declare some of us unredeemable and try to get rid of us in this way??

    Have you an estimation of how many of us would you get rid of??

    We expect already that after the Event, when we will stand up for our right, you and yours will say:
    No!, you require to much, it's due to you exposet too much to the anomaly (along your light working)and if you continue standing up you will be sentenced to the galactic centre.

    Would you??

    1. Well if we are "tainted" and not good enough for them, then it's all just more of the same. Send me on my way please! I'm done playing games. Some of us never viewed it as a game, much to our demise.

    2. Only the most evil entities will end up in the central sun. Chimera members, Archons, and some of their lackeys who have spent countless lifetimes spreading misery and death to mankind. These are some of the most insufferable creatures who ever existed. They view empathy, mercy, and kindness as a form of weakness. For all their crimes against humanity and against the "source" they could still be forgiven but they don't want to be forgiven. They would only take that as an invitation to do more evil. Their fate has been sealed. To the central sun they will go. It is not because we have denied them mercy but because they reject the mercy we give them. The central sun is only used as a final solution of last resort when all other attempts at rehabilitation have failed.

      This would certainly not apply to light workers who by their very nature cherish mercy and kindness. Much healing will be provided to them after the event to undo any soul damage that was caused from being exposed to the primary anomaly. Physical wounds and disease can be healed, traumatic memories can be erased through reincarnation, and people will be given entirely new bodies if desired. There exist crystal light chambers that can remove the soul from the body after which one can experience the bliss of the higher dimensions and receive full healing on a soul level. Upon experiencing such bliss all past traumas are quickly forgotten.

      In some very rare extraordinary cases a soul may choose of their own volition to enter the central sun. This only happens in the cases of severe trauma based mind control in which a good soul was forced to do evil deeds after endless amounts of torture. It is not we who judge them but they who judge themselves. Their kind and precious hearts find it to painful to go on existing so they choose to enter the central sun. If they understand what they are doing then their wish is granted for we must honor their free will.

      Try not to over think these kind of things but feel it out emotionally.

      Peace be with you always.

    3. I am astonished that you so eloquently typed what I have been deliberating with great passion myself. I must disclose that I listen to many who have differing, but mostly similar narratives on this meta-situation. I rely on my own experiences and understanding.

      I just used the idea of a complete reset of the multi-lifetime memory/personality structure the chosen last resort. There is another possible place in between where we are and that end.

      Forgiving every time is folly, but to never forgive is disastrous. Forced reflection is a sensible alternative for intransigent parasites.

      What is reflection?

      As you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back into you.

      Reflection is what spiritual vampires do not wish to see, lest they be compelled to change.

      Reflection is perceiving how your behavior impacts others as if you were in recption of that behavior. Adhering to the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you, necessarily elicits this mental focus.

      If you intend to manifest balanced relationships with others, you will find this focus quite useful for attaining harmony with others. However, if you prefer to be a parasite on others, you will find this focus unpleasant and avoid doing it in order to continue to feel good.

      It is like picking up the phone to your conscience, except it's more of an instantaneous broadband connection where the other party rarely says anything except what you need to hear when you need to hear it, extremely quickly and concisely. Then it allows you to accept or reject that truthful perspective of your situation. Otherwise, it's apparently just an inner mirror of reflection of the behavior of the self.

      Some dark beings like to assert they don't have a conscience. How do you believe you access yours as you consider what I said?

      This behavior choice to be in balance with others or a parasite matters significantly to the quality of life you will manifest for yourself and those around you. For you may choose to manifest a behavior that creates an environment that supports and spreads that behavior, effectively making a contagious disease that destroys the value of life for yourself and others. That's an unignorable problem for minds who prefer healthy environments for existence.

      So, this is the origin of conflict between those choosing to be parasites and those who choose to be in balance. The ones in balance produce and share value. The ones who prefer to be parasites spend their efforts instead hacking at others' systems of being in order to establish parasitic relationships that nourish themselves and disease their hosts.

      Parasites first deceive, because its easier and safer. If deception fails, they turn to coercion. If they fail at that, they flee. If they fail at that, they'll go back into manipulation mode to survive. They are self-serving machines.

      The point is that they are aware of how their actions impact others and choose them anyway. They use their empathy, their emulation or understanding of how ourselves work, to figure out how to manipulate others. They choose competition, and perceive the world that way.

      If physical separation occurs between these two basic groups, balance seekers and parasites, some VERY interesting things occur.

      The balance seekers find harmony much easier and the reduction in burden will make them feel much more empowered to manifest their will freely. They will work to create what they wanted, an increasingly balanced civilization that survives.

      The other group gets the same treatment, however, since they don't value producing and sharing value, they double down on deception and coercion for parasitism, tearing each other down and making life even less tolerable overall. They suffer a spiritual entropy, a decreasing desire to animate themselves, if they can't find new hosts.

      In both cases, the general behavior of the self has been reflected. What has been reaped was sown.

      Overcoming deception and coercion gives us back our informed free will, which helps precipitate this outcome.

    4. "unknown": Cobra or no single limited being (or groups of beings) is not the judge of creation. Only unlimited, everlasting SOURCE/"God" is All Knowing, All Loving and in a position to be the Ultimate Will of All.


  18. None a progress is shown, nor in our personal issues,... not at least are we contacted in dream state or altered states of consciousness by ETs, nor are we regaining the mastering of psychic abilities...

    Nor do we at least get a help in our approaches to stop the environmental destruction, thus we asked for help.

  19. Beautiful sculpture for you to better connect with the goddess smile emoticon:) La Deesa, Josep Clarà (The goddess) by Josep Clarà i Ayats (1878–1958) in Plaça de Catalunya, Barcelona. Catalonia:

  20. Thank you for this recent meditation & the coordinated times. When I see alerts such as these, I feel guided to do this new meditation periodically until I see a relief signal posted...

    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

    2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and its inhabitants, removal of toplet bombs and triggering an Event.

    3.Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Orion stargate located in Orion constellation, then coming to solar system and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth.

    4. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. Then coming to Orion constelation and finally connecting with Galactic center and Source.

    5.You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously.Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

    6. Now visualize a white flame of An coming from light pillar between Source and Earth spreading through whole Earth, its atmosphere and then beyond in space purifying all remaining toplet bombs on all planes (etheric, physical, plasma etc) in Solar system and purifying all anomaly and bringing oneness making Source more easily manifest itself on Gaia and bringing quarantine to its end.

    7. Visual Light forced removing and dissolving all remains toplet bombs until certain threshold when all other remaining bombs become instantly removed and triggers the Event.

    *7. If you feel guided you can call Archangel Metatron to assist in purification process.

    Victory of Light!

    - French:
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    - Spanish:
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  21. Could this activity be indicative of the LF removing toplet bombs??? ...


  23. light workers and warriors, feel it!
    we are beautiful like diamonds in the sky!
    shine bright like a diamond!
    we are one big light!

  24. the energy field of Love can serve as a great protection shield.

    Pink egg meditation:

    1. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and relax by watching your breath

    2. Surround yourself with a pink egg full of energy of Love

    3. Surround your loved ones with similar pink eggs full of energy of Love

    4. Embrace the whole humanity and all living beings of planet Earth within a pink egg full of energy of Love

  25. And you guys want us to forgive them...

    1. it is a inevitable next step in our own growth. It is to our benefit not theirs.

  26. As many are beginning to feel as though we are in the twilight zone with outrageous acts of hate and outrageous behaviors, there are those who understand that beneath those illusions, that at our very core. We are the irresistible expression of the universe that is the only true thing there is. LOVE.

    IF you have had quite enough of the illusion of duality and separation, express your true nature, Be LOVE, do what LOVE does.

    In these tumultuous times a message was given to me to bring to the world, to soften the impact of the times pushing us all to the limits. I have brought this massage, along with many others over millions of years and longer too. This message lives in you.

    "The answer to every question is LOVE. If LOVE is not it it, it is not the answer." - ONE

    "LOVE ONE another." - Jesus

    "I Tell you the truth, You are LOVE, and nothing less. if you want to change the world. Be the LOVE you already are. Ignore those who's message is hate & fear. They are ignorant to their true nature and to yours.

    If you are tired and weary. Love ONE another. It is revealed that you are enveloped in Love in every particle. As well, In every inch of empty space in this Universe is the mysterious multi dimensional quantum energy of LOVE. Once you are awakened to this fact, no ONE can ever harm you, and you will never harm another. For what you do to another, you literally do to yourself. It is so simple and so clear.

    When angels appeared to anyone in the past this simple message was their first thought expressed out of LOVE "Fear Not!".

    If you have decided to choose only Love, from this day forward, let your greeting from now on be "Namaste". - ONE

    pass this healing message forward and let it spread out like waves of LOVE in the ocean.Amplify this message through your powerful sacred heart.

    If you want to help those traumatized by the shootings, bombings, hurricanes, Earth quakes, greed, oppression, slavery, corruption, indifference, Pass these words that contain healing forward. You might not understand it yet, But This is not the least you can do. My brothers and sisters, this IS in fact the MOST you can do.

    Choose LOVE and everything else will fall right into place. I promise. -ONE

  27. The other day i was falling asleep and the suddenly when i was creating a state of void , to fall in it, i heard a voice calling my name, it was a female voice...anyway i told it/her to fuck off and go to hell.
    And it dissapeared.
    Well, i wasnt exactly angry or grumpy at the moment, but i have a history of confidence and contact with some entities, and then betrayal...those spirits first posing as friends and allies and then showing their real identity (parasites), that situation destroyed totally my trust in the invisible beings, not desiring to contact them anymore and befriend them. I closed my doors totally prefering to trust myself totally for any spiritual issue. No etheric "friends" anymore.
    But that call...maybe i shouldnt have been so rude with it, when i was in that altered state. Remembering what Cobra said...Maybe i will apologize, open the doors and try again

    1. I too experience negative beings. When they first came, they presented themselves as benevolent beings concerned with my spiritual evolution. Over time it became clear that their interest wasn't my self-improvement, that was their excuse. They wanted to take me into negative emotional states twisting the truth to elicit emotions like guilt, shame and fear. They also apparently wanted me to think benevolence outside of here is a joke. So, I called them out on it all, quite directly. It changed.

      After I did that, they revealed a very nasty, irritating, nasal, contemptuous, undoubtedly alien voice. It has been harassing me for years since I did that. It revealed in this interaction that it is very much connected to thoughts I thought were my own, that amount to temptations to be out of integrity with others or myself. It is THE SAME group that does this to us, coming initially as light.

      An account by Don Juan Matus of the "foreign installation" describes how this interaction seems. He described inorganic beings (read: Artificial Intelligence) which infiltrated our minds many years ago, giving us our ideas of good, evil and also religions. They have one mind, a "one size fits all, economy strength" mind. He said that if we agree with that mind, it becomes our mind too.

      This is precisely how it feels as I interact with it. I am humbled to realize that if I really was a self-serving parasite, I would be easily played by it. For it offers excellent suggestions at times to become an effective parasite. This is how it recruits new members. This mind is no doubt directing the cabal as if they are not being directed at all. It's ubiquitous until it is too far out of alignment with your own mind. Then it slowly becomes an annoying back seat driver that seeks to make you cause yourself to suffer.

      My interactions with it amounts to being tempted, taunted, having salt rubbed in my emotional wounds, being intimidated, hearing women crying (disappointed benevolents in despair), feeling pressure and mild pain sensations in and on my head, feeling pleasant and unpleasant sensations in my upper-belly and chest (BTW, don't trust your heart this way), as a mechanism of reward and punishment, hearing ringing in my ears, hearing the sounds of material settling around me in clusters that coincide with its mental attacks and hearing awful evil laughing (much like how hyenas laugh) that no doubt follows the perceived suffering or powerlessness of myself or others. They often intersperse the alient intimidation vocalizations with the crying for effect.

      It sounds like a supposed possession I watched on reddit/wtf. I remembered it and recounted the similarity in retrospect, but couldn't find the link. This stuff is real and I can't deny it anymore. I have undeniable subjective proof, but presented in ways that I couldn't prove to others. This is by design. Consider how even speaking of my experiences elicits a programmed, predictable response that is anything but helpful, but beaming with supposed desire to help. Yeah, get some drugs after seeing an inept shrink. I'd be better off without that "help".

      Let me put it this way, if you were targeting individuals in order to neutralize their effectiveness against your covert operations they are aware of, wouldn't harassing their minds in this way be of enormous utility? I mean, it can really make people appear crazy and feel miserable. It's very derisive to concentration and contemplation. You can't really tell anyone about it either or it just makes the situation worse. We are programmed to deny this phenomenon exists, despite how many people claim to hear demons when they experience it.

      Part of how I stayed sane was to tell myself I refuse to reincarnate in a system that refuses to take out the trash, the disease, the unrepentant, intransigent parasites. To do otherwise makes me feel broken like a slave submitting to deliberate abuse and I'd prefer to rest in the void instead of having life this way.

    2. "I too experience negative beings. When they first came, they presented themselves as benevolent beings concerned with my spiritual evolution. Over time it became clear that their interest wasn't my self-improvement, that was their excuse. They wanted to take me into negative emotional states twisting the truth to elicit emotions like guilt, shame and fear."

      - That's funny^^, it's exactly what religions do ! All of them...

    3. EXACTLY! Well, there's a good reason for that. Negative beings have been said many times to have created and corrupted some of our religions. Religions are the best tools for mind control, bar none. They are deceptions that are solidified by fear created with dogma and they spread themselves. These beings invested in several of them and allow them to compete, because they still get even greater control, refined by social evolution, as well as steady releases of energy from negative emotions.

      I STRONGLY believe that these beings have researched deception along the lines of being "benevolent" judges of the wicked. They plan to ignore their own mountains of bones while they come to condemn us to servitude under the guise of the skeletons in our closets.

      THAT theme is repeated often upon me. It worries me, because these beings are quite convincing. They're doing more to my mind that merely giving me suggestions. They render parts of my mind less operable, to enhance the deception potential. What I mean is, I fail to detect and resist it far moreso than I should, considering how much their patterns repeated. I don't do this in other areas of my life. It reminds me of a video I saw of a patient undergoing brain surgery. Electrodes were placed on various parts of his brain and he was asked to do certain tasks. The electrodes made parts of his brain malfunction. I wouldn't put such behavior past these beings.

      That this fight is fair and free will based is another deception in my honest opinion. Subversion of free will occurs frequently, even at the soul level perhaps, in this asymmetrical conflict. I don't want to call it dark vs light or good vs evil, because that misdirects our minds. Evil is simply self-serving behavior even at the expense of others. If you choose that regularly, it's because you want imbalanced value exchange relationships with others, like a parasite. Then you'll deceive and coerce others in order to overcome them saying "no" with their own free will. Without information and the freedom to act on it, your will is not free, it's being distorted or even manipulated.

      Someone without my particular set of understanding and attributes may easily succumb to these beings. They only revealed their nasty side when I strongly called them out on it. Until then, it was the repeatedly disappointed (divine) judge theme. Oh yes, this theme even comes with good and bad sensations in my chest, as Corey Goode warned about. NO JOKE!

      The result of succumbing to them, I imagine, is that one is recycled back into this soul slavery system to be exploited for negative emotional energy. COBRA basically said this. When you can spot their incessant hunger for others' negative emotional states, even that concerned, "benevolent" judge theme is seen through. They use it to generate negative emotions and compliance with unaccountable (no verifiable ID) authority. That helps them deceive repeatedly, because no record can be established.

      Beware that while they will deceive you, they prefer to wield the truth you know. The truth has a greater impact on your mind, because at some level you know it even if you deny it. This allows them to create deceptions based on truth, something you're doing or not doing that you know isn't right for you and/or others. Because you know its true, it manipulates you even more. Also, when you believe it, your emotions will naturally come from it. Then, you'll feel fear, guilt, shame, etc. Then they just got some of your loosh, their payoff, and also kept you in a state of disempowerment.

      From some perspectives this can be seen as a positive influence, because if you clean your own life up, doing what you know is right and consistently applying standards of conduct to yourself and others, you deprive them of their most effective ammunition. However, they undermine your efforts in all ways they can without you or other key beings seeing it. They suck the life out of you, making exerting effort harder, among other things.

  28. Charge!!!!! With love and light my friends.

  29. How about the Archons? Are they fading in power or actually putting up a fight?

    I heard they (Archons) attach to individuals chakra's, e.g. solar plexus. This worries me since I have GAD (anxiety) since 2008.

    If you know anything about current Archon status or any tips, please. It might help me and others.

    1. There are amny people skilled to reomve them for you. Search Eric Raines, he also teaches

    2. Edie- thank you so much.

  30. I see things are going well,,, It will be a good end soon,,, The Victory of light! .LSS

  31. :) <3 :) Join our DAILY GUIDED AND LIVE MEDITATIONS to permanently ground the Light in our earthly realm:

    Meditation SCHEDULE... ***Please note that we will have three consecutive meditations starting at 4:00pm UTC (12noon EDT) with the special request meditation for the black alert starting first, then the Ascension Meditation and then the Meditation for Catalonia***

    1pm UTC (9am EDT)
    Meditation for Heart of AN, Peru
    This will be a LIVE Audiocast

    2pm UTC (10am EDT)
    Violet Flame Meditation/Chimera on Long Island & Antartica Base

    3pm UTC (11am EDT)
    Daily Toplet bombs removal meditation

    3:30pm UTC (11:30am EDT)
    Geophysical Anomalies Meditation for both Puerto Rico and Vieques Hurricane and for Volcano Agung in Bali
    This will be a LIVE Audiocast

    4:00pm UTC (12pm noon EDT)
    Black Alert Meditation (using the guided audio of August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse)

    4:17pm UTC (12:17pm noon EDT)
    Expanded Ascension Meditation r3

    4:30pm UTC (12:30pm EDT)
    Meditation for Catalonia

    We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!

    Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return Of Interest on your highly valuable investment of time and energy!

    Victory of the Light! <3

  32. Let's continue the momentum of positive lasting change by
    joining our <3 <3 <3 PFC MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO <3 <3 <3 initiative!
    These daily meditations are instrumental in ensuring that we continue to Divinely stear the energies in the direction of our highest visions for all.
    Please join us on our own online meeting platform here:
    Or alternatively: (a litle different schedule/meditations
    Let's meet together with kindred spirits and forge long-lasting and blossoming friendships!

    Our DAILY Meditation SCHEDULE:

    PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME SLOT for the GEOPHYSICAL ANOMALIES MEDITATION (Natural Disaters) to now 3pm UTC (11am EDT) :star:

    2:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT)
    ***NEW! Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation***
    In this meditation we dissolve all negative exotic technologies of the Chimera as well as the primary anomaly entity Yaldabaoth and its plasmoids.
    We will be doing this as a LIVE audio cast!

    3:00pm UTC (11:00am EDT)
    ***Geophysical Anomalies Meditation (Natural disasters)***
    In this meditation we dissolve any manipulated weather situations and reduce the suffering from natural disasters.
    Specific focus: Wildfires in Northern California, Eruption of Shinmoe-dake Volcano in Japan, Puerto Rico and Vieques from aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Volcano Aguing in Bali, new added focus on: Hurricane Ophelia in Ireland & Scotland
    Preview here:

    4:00pm UTC (12pm noon EDT)
    ***Light Forces Support Meditation (Black Alert)***
    In this meditation we bring more harmony and unity to planet Earth and her inhabitants and empower the light forces in their work.
    Preview: (using the suggested guided audio of August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse)

    4:30pm UTC (12:30pm noon EDT)
    ***Expanded Ascension Meditation***
    In this customized meditation we accelerate our Ascension process including The Event.
    Preview here:

    We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!
    Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return On Investment of your highly valuable time and energy!

    Victory of the Light! <3 <3 <3 PFC-MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO <3 <3 <3
