Sunday, October 1, 2017


Pandora in progress, EELA in progress, B96 removal in progress. Systems/Isidic security breach deflection in progress, red alert at 504. PB removal attempt in progress, drastic PPN security breach, in deflection. HVBN  substable to stable. M minimum requirements met.


  1. Though I have no clue what all the codes mean, I am sure this is very good news!
    Thank you Cobra, LF, RM and all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors everywhere who are hard at work on our liberation!
    Peace, Love and Light to ALL... ❤️💫❤️

    Victory of the Light!!!

    1. it means they're steadily moving on with the process of getting rid spiritual/plasmic evil anomalies.

    2. That's what I surmised from it...good news! ... I do know that 504 means Long Island, so the LF must be busy there😎 ..

  2. So is it safe to say Cobra that the event will mostly not happen until spring of next year, or is it possible that yaldaboath, the toplet bombs, and the primary anomaly, and these parasitic entities will all be cleared by Dec 31, 2017? I just need some hope cobra that this will be the year

    1. beloved one,

      we are all needing some hope specially these last couple of months when things got really accelerated. even though i feel we have a good potential to see it happen this year, i really believe no one can precise a date. they all have their agendas and remember how merciful light is wanting to embrace everyone/thing home. it will happen when the time comes. in between let's just keep connected to our hearts feeling the transformation inside. this is the best hope we can have!

      much love, your sister

    2. Eyob Mehari:

      We can't make any true assumptions. No one but SOURCE/"God" knows the answer to your specific questions.

      The GoldFish Report No. 133
      Exo/Geo Political Round Table with
      Cobra, Benjamin Fulford, and Kauilapele
      September 20, 2017

      Louisa: "yes! Cobra, what would you like to let to leave our viewers with, today? What kind of positive, hopefully positive, hopeful message of some kind."

      Cobra: "ok, I will not give any dates but yes, we are making big progress and is always most challenging just before the breakthrough and the reason why this year was so challenging was simply because we are dealing
      with the real issues, we are finally resolving this stale mate position at the very top, it is being resolved right now. So, the reason why it was so tough is because we are right before the breakthrough, I know, it's not gonna happen this week, it's not gon
      na happen today, but it's gonna happen in a foreseeable
      future and we just need to keep going, keep going, keep
      going and never give up and we will get there."

  3. Great news brother... Thank you... We are getting closer to the final victory... Woooow

  4. Great news brother... Thank you... We are getting closer to the final victory... Woooow

  5. Wow...sounds intense! Good luck to all that are working on our planet/humanity liberation. God speed...Victory of the Light!

  6. These codes are for light warriors who have proper communication with spirit and are fully protected

  7. our faith will never EVER be shaken!

  8. O pior já foi vencido pelos trabalhadores e guerreiros da Luz, com a Federação galáctica e demais Seres da Luz em 23/09/2017. Desde então o grande fardo trevoso que pesava sobre nós ... foi dissolvido, removido e transportado o que tinha que ser assim confrontado. As energias entrantes recebidas e ancoradas. Como num sopro de Luz e Vida, passei a sentir a realização do ancoramento do Novo Céu e da Nova Terra.

    Edith Olga Petsch

    1. internamente o evento começou oficialmente neste dia para mim tbm. o externo realmente só questão de linha xD somos um!

  9. Great news brother... Thank you... We are getting closer to the final victory... Woooow

  10. :) <3 :) Join our DAILY GUIDED AND LIVE MEDITATIONS to permanently ground the Light in our earthly realm:

    Meditation SCHEDULE... ***Please note that we will have three consecutive meditations starting at 4:00pm UTC (12noon EDT) with the special request meditation for the black alert starting first, then the Ascension Meditation and then the Meditation for Catalonia***

    1pm UTC (9am EDT)
    Meditation for Heart of AN, Peru
    This will be a LIVE Audiocast

    2pm UTC (10am EDT)
    Violet Flame Meditation/Chimera on Long Island & Antartica Base

    3pm UTC (11am EDT)
    Daily Toplet bombs removal meditation

    3:30pm UTC (11:30am EDT)
    Geophysical Anomalies Meditation for both Puerto Rico and Vieques Hurricane and for Volcano Agung in Bali
    This will be a LIVE Audiocast

    4:00pm UTC (12pm noon EDT)
    Black Alert Meditation (using the guided audio of August 21st Unity Meditation at the Solar Eclipse)

    4:17pm UTC (12:17pm noon EDT)
    Expanded Ascension Meditation r3

    4:30pm UTC (12:30pm EDT)
    Meditation for Catalonia

    We have humbly been given this task in this Divine window of opportunity and we would be honored if you could join our efforts to herald in the light for the New Age that is about to commence!

    Your support and participation have an ever-lasting effect, so this is a grand Return Of Interest on your highly valuable investment of time and energy!

    Victory of the Light! <3
