Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Black alert at 504


  1. Sending lots of Love and Light...!!

  2. Calls made to local team. Help on it way NOW.

  3. And there we go again...
    Hey, wonder if we can have a music to heal or something to "help" in any ways, directly from our brothers and sisters from universe.

  4. Everybody, hold the light.
    Send love and light to the light forces and RM.
    I have no idea what's going on but I'm sure they can use light and love.

  5. We are winning this tonight!!!❤❤❤🕊

    1. Got chills from your message!! I got the feeling "tonight" too :) and the song by Tina & David hit my mind SO STRONG I just had to mention it! And this happened a few hours before I read your comment!! WHOAA

  6. Resistances movement... Good luck to all and thanks, Victory of the light!!

  7. Wow, another BLACK ALERT, you all know what this means, the rest of the chimera are being removed, the last toplets bombs are being removed, the battle in LEO space orbit is gonna be victorious for the light, THE EVENT IS AT OUR DOORSTEP, I have a feeling that by JAN 1 that the EVENT WILL BE TRIGGERED, let's pray for JAN 1

    1. Don't hold your breath yet.. things will most propably take a bit longer than january next year

    2. The Event will happen no earlier than spring.

    3. ... and Jan 1st is the initial full moon of 2018 !!

    4. Dragon sources said that between November 2017 and February 2018 someone will have had enough and will trigger full disclosure, I think their talking about the King of the World, and cobra said that a reliable source said the Event will happen in Early 2018, he also said that this time frame November 2017-February 2018 coincides with a major operation of the Light Forces, that's 4 months, now we all know in the past couple years these various operations would take 4, 5, 6 months or longer but in this past year alone, the various operations that have happened were all completed within 2-3 months, and most recently 1-2 months, so knowing all that, with every victorious operation the next one is completed quicker and quicker, things are speeding up extremely fast because we are now almost at the finish line, I think it's safe to say that this operation Perseus that started this month in November will be completed way before February, I believe by the End of December it will be completed,
      now the point I'm getting at is that The Cabal read this blog obviously and if they knew they had until February until the Event, then they would think they have more time, more time to plan their next move, but I think that the reason The Dragon sources said Between November 2017 and February 2018, was to give the cabal a false sense of security, and so when they least expected it , The Light Forces will trigger the Event, CATCHING THE CABAL OFFGUARD it will happen way before February, this is the reason why I believe Jan 1 is the day the Event will happen, give or take a couple days, but I am sure of it, I just feel that we are that close, everyone please pray for this Day to finally be the day JAN 1, maybe I'm wrong, but maybe I'm right...

    5. @Victory of the Light I'm sorry man, but there's no way The Event will happen as soon as January. Spring at the earliest, if not summer, but January 1st, you've got to be kidding me. No offense. I believe optimism is a valuable trait to have, but it's definitely not happening that soon.

  8. Guess Why I'm having so much leg pain I cant walk or sleep!

  9. LWL-Liebe Wahrheit und Licht. Weiter so ! ;-) Sieg dem Licht

  10. I guess the thing I don't understand is how we're supposed to forgive the child murdering motherfuckers. How are we supposed to not seek vengeance, not seek the most torturous and brutal ending to those who would step so far out of line as to ruin the most pure amongst us. Any one of us is one deer rifle away from taking out one of their ilk. Why not??? Higher up the "food chain" there's those who have implanted us with some strange entity which seems to read thoughts and prevents us from going above heart chakra. At times, breathing is difficulty. But they remain anonymous. I've got a billet for them to (hehe). I'm tired of living this way. I didn't ask for this.

    1. Because your negative feelings of hate and vengeance, create negative energy, which is the food for the chimera. Replace your negative emotions with the happyness that it is all over and let the chimera starve!!

    2. You just have to stop and think a little to realize that the reptilian revenge you instantly want to do will not benefit you after it. You will be worse off and they will be worse off. Forgiveness for me is not about totally forgetting everything that was done. Forgiveness is to not do the exact same thing back but the perpetrators much balance their deeds in other ways.

    3. You maybe didn't if you are a starseed, though you may have on your origional planet; I think I have to sink some dark Pleadian contracts. None of us know what we got up to. The humans did chose separation, in Atlantis, this is the result. They were left and left to try and resolve it themelves, until it was realised they just could not. So we were called and voluntered; I regeret it more than anything I could imagine, lives of trauma, but it was me, I wanted to do it, then got emeshed. I naver thing ok the negatives as eveil, or am angry or need revenge. This states of mind are part of the Earh infection. The pepetrators must be psychiatrically criminally insane psychopaths; they are devoid of empathy, they do not understand suffering of other. They need to be in a safe place, bit what would punishment do to beings in such a state of being? All I can do is "They know not what they do, let us forgive them, no holds barred". We help ourselves, everyone else, maybe them.

  11. It has come to my realization that we can bring about the event whenever we want.

    I have formulated a meditation to help speed things along considerably, I hope many can participate in it and please, do help spread it around.

    My wish is to make this meditation go viral, so that big names can announce and set a date for it in order for many people to join and reach the critical mass required to move things along.

    Here is the meditation, as follows. I posted it the comments of the previous Cobra post:

    1. Bring yourself to a relaxed state of consciousness, both mentally and physically. Any way that works for you will do.

    2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to resolve disputes between the light and the dark, as well as, ask for more divine intervention on the surface of Gaia/Earth.

    3. Visualize our Galctic Family and the dark ones (The dark ships include Human MIC SSP) in their ships above the earth. Imagine a glow of divine pink feminine healing light wash over their ships and the occupants inside, healing all the traumas of the dark ones as it spreads to Gaia/Earth and encompasses the surface of the planet, then the solar system, then the galaxy. Spreading all the way to the Galactic Central Sun.

    4. Now imagine a blue wave of divine light responding from the Galactic Central Sun as a ray of divine intervention and spread throughout the entire galaxy, as it heads towards our solar system, washing over the ships and their occupants, inspiring the dark ones to put down their weapons and return to the light, then washing over the Earth and over you and your body, passing through your outer non-physical bodies, then finally your physical body, directing it towards your crown chakra then down towards the solar plexus.

    5. Finally, Imagine the Earth covered in a cloth as the veil. Imagine this blue wave of light pass through this veil and create cracks in it, the blue light slowly pouring in through the cracks, until finally shattering it.

    The more people who ask for divine intervention, the more divine intervention we shall recieve. Remember that we greatly outnumber the dark, the more people who join, the less effective or even null will a negative counter-claim be.

    Please share your thoughts about this meditation. Much Love!! 💞💕💓💟

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    Asking For More Divine Intervention
    ~ The Light Sharer

    1. I totally agree, the more ask, the more we get. I don't think I want to alter the set meditation though as it was conceived by those out of the illusion, specifically to get the job done, and I think it heals the Earth Grids. I don't think it would work, the dark cannot lay down their arms, low human energy is their only means of servival; all attempts to offer them light and healing failed; they cannot see another way. They do not see it as trauma, just their only way of survival.




    Pleiadians are given full authority and control over the awakening, healing and liberation of Earth.

    message given to James Gilliland

    November 20, 2017


    Artist Rending of BLAJI

    7th Dimensional Master Teacher from Pleiadian Star System

    that James Interacts with

    As of Nov 19th, the councils have all met and agreed the Pleiadians - due to their terraforming of the Earth before the days of Atlantis and Lemuria, and having more genetic stock, plant, animal and human on Earth, will be in charge of establishing once again Universal Law. Tyranny, and all trespass on the divine right to free will, as long as it does not harm humanity and the earth will come to a close. This will mainly be done with consciousness and energy waves yet hands on is also effective as of the 19th. There has been an ongoing liberation movement, yet due to Universal Law, it was limited by what some call the prime directive, or noninterference policy. It has been decided that - due to the extreme negative - intervention to preserve humanity and the Earth major intervention is necessary.

    The malevolent off world visitors and what many refer to as the Archons are being removed. The Draconian Grid has been disassembled. Those who are aligned with the malevolent forces are going to be rounded up. This is a multidimensional operation. The reason there is so much inhumanity on the Earth is it has fallen into the hands of malevolent nonhumans. Their human counter parts deceptive ways will be revealed and no longer tolerated. It is time for humanity to wake up.

    Know your true history, the true nature of God and what it means to be human. Hu=God man/woman. You were created in the same image and likeness of the gods, little g which were nothing more than extremely evolved off world visitors. You have the DNA of the gods which explains all the abductions and hybrids. What better prize than to control and own the gods.

    You have been lied too, dumbed down and manipulated in too many ways to categorize. The additives in your water, food, GMOs, big pharma, the inoculations the endless wars are all part of the programs run by the Archon or Draconian grid. You will soon be released from and be made aware of all of their methods and they will be held accountable. The days of the tyrants, the war and disease profiteers and their puppet masters from unseen realms are and will be removed.

    This is decided by the councils and civilizations that operate under universal Law, the real Gods law. Time to awaken, remember, step into your divinity and take your planet back.

    As above so below


    James Gilliland field

    Pass this on far and wide.

    Be Well,
    James Gilliland

    1. Thanks but this is all part of the furniture around here, I don't know why this guy comes up with stuff as if he just magicked it into being. Some strings don't play in tune with him for me, never had. The full authority over that megga list worries, in that the Plieadians are the most hands on, but it is team work; with the Galactic Federation other ET groups, The Blue sphere maybe, they are revsing their agenda, Earth Alliance, spirit,Arcghangels and Angels, the Masters, us and source. I hope one faction is not given full control over everything, anyway.


  14. A joint interview with Cobra and James Gilliland, by Goldfish Report is required.

  15. Replies
    1. It is a still funtioning portal "to dark realms" which Chimera tries to use to get off the grid (desperately). It may be however located on Long the black stone had been stored there. We can not alow the Chimera to escape. This last chapter has to end here.

    2. I am almost certain 504 is Long Island, where I live.

      Meditate, imagine life without the dark forces & Victory Of The Light!!! ***~~~***

  16. Dear brothers and sisters of the +144k. Is it time for all of us to demonstrate that we can fully embody the LOVE frequency and occupy the NOW MOMENT most of our awake hours? Is it in this frequency and in this moment that we will be welcoming The EVENT?

    Here is my current mission:
    1.I Embody and FEEL the frequency in and around LOVE most of my awake hours. That is thoughts of enthusiasm, optimism, thankfulness, happiness, appreciation, freedom and hope. I allow lower energy feelings/thoughts to arise but bring myself back to the love frequency shortly after.

    2.I embody the NOW MOMENT. That means staying fully present with what’s at hand and bring myself back shortly after realizing I’ve gone into the past or the future.

    3. I bring in my inner visions of the EVENT; full disclosure, mass arrests, abundance, peace and health for all, into the NOW MOMENT when I embody the LOVE frequency. I enjoy the experience, it is wonderful! I do this several times a day while sitting, walking and in meditation.

    Feel free to join this mission if you feel attracted to it. There is no distance to the EVENT, it happens in the NOW!

    We are God, Sovereign and Free

    1. Wonderful!
      Envision, believe, stay positive, mediate for our new future, banish fear...VICTORY OF THE LIGHT! ***~~~***

  17. Tina Turner and David Bowie: Tonight. :) Everyone will be allright!!! Keep singing,dancing and smiling! LOVELIGHT to ALL!!

  18. Cobra, would you please consider sharing a at least bit more about what "504" actually is and means; once we have a more palpable image of the issue, we can assist better.

    Folks, please brief yourself about paid deliberate targeted disinformation:


    The Light and The Truth are winning

  19. Amazing! I had today again a very torturing pain in my stomach that woke me up at 5:00. I was rolling like a worm in my bed, changing positions to feel better, even stood up and ate a piece of ginger but nothing worked...uhuh what a hell !!! Those who passed through this horrible but common condition called "upset stomach" or heartburn know what i mean. I suffer from it a lot in the past and lately i've been controlling it but the fire came back two days ago, in a very strong manner.
    Well, i lied on my stomach, put my focus on my solar plexus...and called the PB STUFF (pain beaters??) Well, inmediately the pain relieved completely, where it was hell now it was cold and a sensation like cotton, i slept like a baby and woke up with the alarm only. Thank you PB staff, for your attention!

    1. It works, I've tried it! But I only use the command when in DESPERATE pain as I don't want light forces wasting energy on a trivial headache. Lol.

      Love & Light!

  20. We need help
    Please can everyone here share this as far as possible?

    Urgent! Alert Meditation every 4 hours

    There is currently an intense battle between the Light Forces and the Dark Forces.

    Due to the repeated black alert status and the matter of urgency, Cobra has asked ALL the Lightworkers to perform the Alert meditation at four hours interval, in order to help the Light Forces to resolve this situation.

    You can choose more languages in the menu

    1. MAGICAL LOVELIGHT specially to the dark ones!! They cant stand the LOVE!! And Light Forces: we are soooooo with you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! We LOVE you and you are soooooo welcome to join us here on wonderful Gaia!!!

    2. I keep gettting attacked, I don't recognise when it is them, or my symptoms and am not usually able to do much with this happens. Next time i will try, keep checking the status.

  21. Sigamos empujando hacia la victoria final de la luz!!! Tenemos todo el poder de la luz y el amor del universo con nosotros!!! Amor, luz y eterna gratitud, dear Cobra, RM, Light Forces y Light brothers and sisters. Final Victory of the Light soon!!!

  22. All US Military Bases Reported on Lockdown

  23. Please people, join the "alert meditation" to help the light forces.

    Spread the word about this meditation also. Thanks.

  24. McCain Busted!


    John McCain was photographed with the walking boot on the opposite leg from 2 weeks ago. Remember it was for an Achilles injury. It looks like there might be something behind the boot after all.

    This relates to pizzagate because McCain is tied to many who are suspected of human trafficking

  25. John McCain’s Walking Boot Mysteriously Swaps Sides Weeks After Treatment For Torn Achilles Tendon

  26. Seguimos en la Victoria de la Luz,,todos juntos por la Liberacion Planetaria,, bendiciones a Cobra, al M. R., a todos los Seres Cosmicos y Galaxticos que nos estan ayudando bendiciones infinitas.

  27. Since COEO still does not support some of PFC's meditations every day or every 4 hours, we are still hosting these meditations daily on our meditations-on-the-go platform with our devoted team of light creators and supporters.

    Daily guided meditations platform:

    We are communicating with the creators of PFC, COEO and We Love Mass Meditation to see if we can collaborate on getting this hosted initiative for daily meditations regularly synchronized on COEO or perhaps another website that is in the works.

    We feel it's very important to somehow create a connection with each other in a more physical way during these meditations (even if it's online just seeing each other's names), so that we build a stronger field of coherence and therefore have a greater impact with our meditations.

  28. To all of the resistances, PLEASE STAY SAVE , we have to know each other, and know that we do our best to help you and send your love and light, we support you! Thanks for all your efforts, and i say this Whit all of my heart, truly appreciate.
    Mariana from Mexico.

  29. I can feel it getting closer! Be steadfast! Stay positive, spread the message of mass meditations, join in the mass meditations, connect with your higher self, dispel negativity & fear, focus on LOVE and freedom for ALL.



  30. I thought about it.
    If we let the leaders of the dark escape, things will improve drastically here at once. It'll all be good for now.
    Sure, they'll come back in a few hundred or thousand years, but it will all be fine for now.

    All it takes is to play a certain song and offer them a "Last Exit For The Lost."

    Getting excited, darkies?
    Looking forward to the last exit?

    I'll play it.
    This is Your song...

    Yeah, ain't gonna happen.
    NO last exit for the dark! FUCK YOU ALL!!!

