Saturday, November 11, 2017

Operation Perseus





    1. ha ez igaz akkor látni akarom ahogy letartóztatják a sok mocskos korrupt nemzetáruló politikust akik rabszolgaként kezelik és terrorizálják és terrorizálták a lakosságot. az én nevemben eljárhat az asthar parancsnokság és ezennel felhatalmazom öket a közbelépésre.minden fénymunkásnak ugyanezt kellene tennie jelentse ki hogy felhatalmazza a Fény Galktikus Hadseregét hogy járjanak el a Galaktikus Kódex Igazságának fényében mert a földi emberiségnek nincs a Cabaltól független hadserege aki megvédené az embereket

  2. let me be the first to say LOVE, LOVE,!

  3. Replies
    1. Täytyy kertoa! 11:11 tunsin miten sieluni meni nauruen ja tanssien vapautuneen portaalin!! Ja sieluni teki kuperkeikkoja takas itseeni :)

  4. So much going on right now all around the Globe, It feels like this could be the Compression Breakthrough/Start of the Event we've all been waiting for? It certainly feels like it!

    I'm not going to post much more on here, but a simple google search for the following; QAnon, CBTS (calm before the storm threads on 4chan) #followthewhiterabbit #thehappening (not the film), POTUS twitter.

    Too much to keep track individually but rest assured those seeking freedom and the truth will prevail, let us pray/meditate to manifest the outcome we all wish for which is nothing short of complete disclosure regarding the Evil Elite who have enslaved and corrupted the Earth we all live on. May we all be blessed with complete planetary liberation from this tyranny, and pray for those who are in arms way.

    This is big brothers and sisters, I love you all. Stay safe, stay strong and pray. We are all connected, let's raise the vibration of the planet together.

    In complete love, light and unity.

    1. È preciso remover os illumnatis . Que assim seja.
      Edith Olga Petsch

    2. Até quando essa união do mal permanecerá dominando a economia do planeta?

    3. Definitely has been quite a lot going on! It's certainly kept busy many lightworkers I know. I have barely been able to get online.

      In the CBTS, there's been many "esoteric"/multi-dimensional references too, not just "3D intel". Saw this in thread #222 on 4chan... Regarding [advice] reference, Q had a message with letters in [] that also said "pray", which I think is perfect advice right now -- prayer and meditation, together and within! I also noticed the words after a /... message to subconsciousness?

      Realizing timeframes may be weeks/months/etc, I'm also feeling It's Time!
      (starts with link to that has a great image showing timeline of disclosure so far)

      MTRY !UYw.FOPwdk (ID: j9Ydf4+k) PR 11/10/17(Fri)22:22:28 No.148919586

      not wrong

      First/only post maybe, from kindness/love.
      No clearance, just what's been/can arise in minds of all.
      If many read/save this, it's a first.
      (no ego-trip; I get lost so made trip to watcher for q's)

      I don't do details on who/what's going where when.
      Just some pointers for fellow blind seekers/wounded healers.
      Digital crop circles I guess.

      Yeah Vegas supposed to be 9-11/4-11; also has easy rabbit holes & how fortunes tie them. (Angel and devil came together, and changed what purpose that block could fulfill.)
      11-9 reversals of those fortunes
      11-11 good push if not visibly
      Folks Booted, Red Queen offs heads, Huntsmen save Snow Whites, NK=headless horsemen, world FED UP w-petrodollar shenanigans. Symptoms. Not Disease.

      Meme diagnoses but also drop some hits of cure.
      For just a few, set all those details into mental safebox, follow Q's [advice].
      If your mind and heart are the battlefield, consider what you/we create there decides what wins.

      Forget a moment what you think you must believe to be who you think you are.
      Religions mockeries and infiltrated to divide us.
      Chessboard patterns hold both maps and keys. JHVH even holds clue.

      Why must pawns be sacrificed to protect the King from the Queen?
      What is the Queen's reach vs the King's?
      In most religions, what is held most sacred about the Mother (of) God?
      How were/are we united when we overcome disasters as brothers & sisters?
      In this, how are all peoples won/one despite all the old hates?
      Forgiveness on our part isn't at-one-ment for theirs. It's just not eating their mess anymore.

      All you own is your heart and mind.
      All you own is your present moment.
      Step up and own what's your responsibility, nothing more or less.

      Everything has at least three levels of meaning.
      Find two or more of your own, and follow where your heartmind leads.
      You have all you need already, to fulfill what you alone can fulfill.
      It's time. Toplets become lovelets.
      It's time.

      (not an acronym, just a watcher-word)

  5. That's some nice sci-fi you have there...

    1. You will be very surprised soon!

    2. how do you "know" anything?
      connect to your higher self, it is the only way to ever REALLY "know". otherwise you can only ever "believe" in what your senses are telling you and they can be tricked quite easily.

    3. Or you could just test it yourself and see if it's true and don't look like a complete retard relying on an invisible mans voice inside your head.

    4. Most of those here are in alignment with the energies conveyed.
      On the other hand, you seem to be attempting to stop a title wave by throwing stones at the water.

      We tend to judge that which we do not understand. I intend you will move beyond it. Surely, you will believe and know soon enough !


    5. Promises, promises, and more promises...

      Great! See you then!

    6. @Matas Vasylius I recommend "unacknowledged" by Steven Greer on netflix. It is more easy to understand that ETs are real and that advanced technologies are real.

    7. My friend who is in contact with his star family has been saying there are many cloaked ships surrounding Earth right now. He even described some of them for me.

    8. I already know ETs are real, i watched that movie and seen countless ufos myself.

  6. Huge happenings going on globally, been trying to keep up with it all night.

    Feels like this might be the compression breakthrough we've all been waiting for. Let us pray for those who put themselves in harms way, striving to liberate the planet from the Evil clutches of tyranny.

    Beings of light, let us be united in this incredible time. May we manifest our reality through our collective consciousness.

    In love, light and unity.

    1. nothing wrong with a little excitement and anticipation but remember - CoBra acknowledges that these things move in frames of months and years, so please stay steadfast and continue to hold the light even if the deadlines we create ourselves come and pass.

      We'll know the time when it is time and not before. But yes, I believe we can all feel the crescendo is do finally within our reach

    2. Wise words James, I'm right there with you. It's coming regardless of when, the swamp is loosing and they know it.

      Keep the light all and patience is key.

      In love.

  7. Huge happenings going on globally, been trying to keep up with it all night.

    Feels like this might be the compression breakthrough we've all been waiting for. Let us pray for those who put themselves in harms way, striving to liberate the planet from the Evil clutches of tyranny.

    Beings of light, let us be united in this incredible time. May we manifest our reality through our collective consciousness.

    In love, light and unity.

  8. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT !!! !!! !!!

  9. Bring it on bro' we are ready!Whatever it takes ,ready to put myself down to end this shit fostered on ignorant humanity.

  10. You go by galactic codex ... then I am in.

  11. It's about the time.

    Although a little late than I originally expected. I learned much after that anyway.

  12. Let's have a look at the codex. Because if measures aren't taken now it seems like we need a re-write on that.

  13. Feeding was an animated picture,And you're still about compression,If they had such strength, they would have done so long ago the system of evil..

  14. Yaaayyy, loving loving loving it!! Victory of the light !!!

  15. Operation Perseus is connected with this:

    President Donald J. Trump Proclaims November 9, 2017, as World Freedom Day

    World Freedom Day, 2017

    - - - - - - -

    By the President of the United States of America

    A Proclamation

    For 28 years, the Berlin Wall divided families, friends, and communities, barricading oppressed Germans living on the Eastern side from seeking the freedom they deserved in the West. This World Freedom Day, 28 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, we celebrate the day on November 9, 1989, when people of East and West Germany tore down the Berlin Wall and freedom triumphed over Communism. We laud the courage of all people who insist on a better future for themselves, their families, and their country, as we reflect on the state of freedom in our world today and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending it.

    The fall of the Berlin Wall spurred the reunification of Germany and the spread of democratic values across Central and Eastern Europe. Through democratic elections, and a strong commitment to human rights, these determined men and women ensured that their fellow and future citizens could live their lives in freedom. Today, we are reminded that the primary function of government is precisely this, to secure precious individual liberties.

    While we live in a time of unprecedented freedom, terrorism and extremism around the world continue to threaten us. The ultimate triumph of freedom, peace, and security over repressive totalitarianism depends on our ability to work side-by-side with our friends and allies. When nations work together, we have and we will secure and advance freedom and stability throughout our world.

    On World Freedom Day, we recommit to the advancement of freedom over the forces of repression and radicalism. We continue to make clear that oppressive regimes should trust their people and grant their citizens the liberty they deserve. The world will be better for it.

    NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim November 9, 2017, as World Freedom Day. I call upon the people of the United States to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities, reaffirming our dedication to freedom and democracy.

    IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this eighth day of November, in the year of our Lord two thousand seventeen, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-second.


    1. What a load of american bla...bla...!"freedom" "peace", "the spread of democratic values""oppressive regimes" ! Which means for the world,more western imperialism, more wars , "stay away from communism" !... They don't even change their wording, same stupid "we're the good guys' song.
      No more lies, no more manipulations ! Victory of the Light !


    2. Yeah, sorry but that's a load of crap-talk right there.
      "While we live in a world of unprecedented freedom..." - are you fucking *kidding*? There is no freedom on this earth right now, we're all prisoners and slaves to an inhumane system!

      Plus, having 172 US military bases all over the world doing God-only-knows what and wreaking havoc all over the place hardly constitutes as "peace."
      Don't even get me started on all the covert operations by secret services, false-flag terrorism and the funding of exactly the same extremists this guy points out as being a threat.

      And sorry again for being nit-picky here, but citing Germany of all places is just disgraceful. There was never a peace-treaty with Germany after WW2 and we still live in a controlled colony over here. "Germany" is not a souvereign nation, it is a governing corporation. And what "reunification" is this dude talking about? For a reunification Poland would have to give back the eastern provinces of Germany that were unlawfully given to them, causing over 8 million people to have to leave their homes and flee (on foot!) to other occupied zones of Germany. Hundreds of thousands of people died from starvation or were murdered while fleeing, and they are never mentioned at all!

      And now this clown declares world peace day? With all the atrocities and crimes his country commits against humanity every day at the moment?
      World Peace Day my ASS!

      We will have REAL PEACE soon, and it will be completely different than what The Donald, his handlers and his writers think it is like.

      I wholeheartedly agree: No more lies, no more manipulations!

      Victory of the Light!


    3. @RaJah. I think the word your looking for is hypocrisy. They don't blow people up they drop peace bombs, they don't commit genocide they cleanse the earth, they don't spray heavy metals in the sky they geoengineer, they don't fund/arm hybrid army they support moderate opposition. Matthew 7:16
      Event 5-7 weeks


    4. @Artist:
      Yep, you are absolutely correct, that is how we get sold their lies. Very well said, my friend.
      It's called "kayfabe" - telling a fake story so convincingly that the "marks" believe it and buy it.

      Only by intricately constructed lies can the bad guys get good people to unknowingly support their evil cause.
      That's the age-old trick: Do evil things while disguising as the good guy and make people believe the story you're telling so that they will support the evil while thinking they are doing something good.

      No More. We will not be kayfabed any longer. And we ain't marks, we're smarts!

      RaJah 3:16 says "We will kick your dark evil Asses!"

      The Rising

      Victory of the Light!


    5. Thank you Rajah for all the clarification about Germany. Very interesting

    6. @marie:

      Okay here's some more of the story to clarify things a bit more.
      After WW2 the occupied zones in the west were turned into "The Federal Republic Of Germany" while the soviet-occupied zone became "The German Democratic Republic."
      The eastern provinces were simply handed over to Poland.
      There was never a peace-treaty between the countries at war, and it is a fact that according to the UN charta "Germany" and Japan are still "enemy nations" of the United Nations. You can look it up, it's officially written in arcticle 53 and 77 of the UN charta.

      Germany does not have a constitution.
      What was implemented after WW2 was a Basic Law. According to the Hague Land Warfare Convention of 1918 occupying forces have to implement a Basic Law to uphold the normal life in an occupied country for the civilian population.

      Which is what they did.
      We do not have a constitution (Verfassung), we have a Basic Law (Grundgesetz) written by the occupying forces. The media is of course not allowed to point this out but instead praises the "Grundgesetz" as the be-all and end-all of democracy.

      Since the occupying forces had to somehow govern the population in their occupied yones, they founded a company responsible for taking care of the population. That happened in both the east and the west. You can find the DDR in the Warsaw trade register, the BRD is registered in Brussels.
      And that is why we do not have "person identity cards" or "personal identity cards", we have PERSONNELL identity cards. The population of the German corporation is by law considered employees of a company. And many basic human rights do not apply to German people because by law we are not "people" we are "loot of war" (Kriegsbeute) to this very day.

      And as a matter of fact, in 1973 the German constitunional court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) officially declared that "the German Recih from 1939 did not go under, it still exists. It just is not able to operate, in its place the governing duties are being done by the Bundesrepublik Deutschland."
      Let 'that' sink in for a minute or two...

      What happened in 1990 was not a unification of two countries but a merger of two governing companies.

      We do NOT have ANY democracy in this corporation. We get to vote our CEOs and they get told what to do - which is why the quality of life is slowly but steadily decreasing every year.
      And why should we have democracy? We are not even considered people by international law.

      It's really funny: This little bubble here in "Germany" is basically a mirrior-image of what is going on with Gaia.
      Funny as it may be, it fucking SUCKS.

      But unfortunately it's all true.

      Anyway. Who gives a shit? It'll all be over real soon :-)

      Call on Me. I'm the same Lars I used to B.




    7. P.S.:
      Another little-known fact is that there was also no real peace treaty after WW1 either. What was officially drafted and then signed was a "treaty of peace" which may seem like the same thing as a peace treaty, but according to International Law it's something completely different.

      "Germany" got blamed for starting two world wars, and they didn't, and they didn't. And no peace treaty was ever drafted or signed for either of those wars.
      But the winners write their history, so the real truth is not being told by the winners' media and their propaganda-machine.
      The Germans represented the Light and as early as 1890 the dark planned two wars against them, started them and then blamed it on the Germans, the representatives of the Light.
      And it worked, too, because they had the entire media-machine working for them for decades and decades, both internationally and right here as well.

      Living in "Germany" really means experiencing a microcosm of what is happening worldwide.
      If you think you're being told nothing but lies come to "Germany" and things are a thousand times worse. Nowhere else will you get mind-fucked any more than over here.
      Did you know that if you want to work in the media you have to sign a piece of paper that says you will not write or say anything negative about the USA or Israel? Probably not, but it's true.
      This place here is a total clusterfuck of misinformation and lies.

      Which is probably the reason why I was destined to be incarnated here at this point in time. 'Cause if you can liberate yourself from this programmed fuck-up you can see the Truth in everything.

      And I did.
      What a fucking load of bullshit we're all being fed here every day! Nothing but lies, lies, lies and more lies. Just a big stinkin' piece of horse-shit, all of it.

      You can fool some people all of the time.
      You can fool all the people some of the time.
      You can NOT fool all of the people all of the time!!!

      The Truth will come out.
      Real soon.

      Victory of the Light!


    8. ITS TRU hungary was same system only everybody forgot cion and vatican grand orient bnai brith and all bank sectors made every total war 1914-18 1938-1946 .

    9. It's time to free ourself from this prison planet. Thank you to the light warriors!

    10. Thinking of the "11-9 as a reversal of 9-11"... regardless of the gladhanded hypocrisy of a "World Freedom Day", there is a power of declaring one out of the US on 11-9. I'm choosing to invest that power with my loving attention, helping it put an imprint into reality that will help speed Victory of the Light! <3

  16. i've seen this picture some months ago and i'm suffering deeply.
    how much more time does enough mean?
    i ask if anyone can send some compassion cause i'm in profound heart ache. thank you.

    1. I AM sending you beautiful healing intentions of Love and Light and am energetically holding you up. Hold the line my friend. "The answer to every question is Love. If Love is not in it, it is not the answer"

      "Soon" by YES

      Soon, oh soon the light
      Pass within and soothe this endless night
      And wait here for you
      Our reason to be here

      Soon, oh soon the time
      All we move to gain will reach and calm
      Our heart is open
      Our reason to be here

      Long ago, set into rhyme

      Soon, oh soon the light
      Ours to shape for all time, ours the right
      The sun will lead us
      Our reason to be here

      Soon, oh soon the light
      Ours to shape for all time, ours the right
      The sun will lead us
      Our reason to be here

      - ONE

    2. "Soon" by YES
      Soon, oh soon the light
      Pass within and soothe this endless night
      And wait here for you
      Our reason to be here

      Soon, oh soon the time
      All we move to gain will reach and calm
      Our heart is open
      Our reason to be here

      Long ago, set into rhyme

      Soon, oh soon the light
      Ours to shape for all time, ours the right
      The sun will lead us
      Our reason to be here

      Soon, oh soon the light
      Ours to shape for all time, ours the right
      The sun will lead us
      Our reason to be here

    3. thank you both so much! i already feel much better and i'm sure i could feel your good high vibes.
      lots of love! divine intervention now!

  17. Cut The head of plasmatic monsters and Atena light will shine forever in the word.

    Vitoria da luz 💓

  18. More like "Operation: Pierce The Veil."

    Eh, Cobra?

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    In Endless Gratitude
    ~ The Light Sharer

  19. Merci Commandant Ashtar.L'Amour, la Lumière et la Paix nous boostent, nous guident et nous soutiennent.Namaste Bénédictions éternelles à tous mes frères Galactiques

  20. This is awesome. Victory to the light and LOVE to all.

  21. "The time for honoring themselves will soon be at an end!" and so it shall be! compassion, gratitude, namaste.

  22. For Slovenian readers:

    Here's the Link to our ESG and SOTR group on Facebook:

    Victory of the Light!

  23. it is time for us to stand down and stop fighting, disengage the enemy
    I fully and loudly echo every word from Ashtar Command, what are these dark guys thinking?
    the fractal virus programmed them broken, they need our help to get through this - time to shine Light


  24. see you all in less than 4 hours... to go !! Victory of the light!!


    no sequel this time ha ha


  27. "Please don't miss this train at the station
    Cause if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you"

    People all over the world (everybody)
    Join hands (join)
    Start a love train, love train
    People all over the world (all the world, now)
    Join hands (love ride)
    Start a love train (love ride), love train

    The next stop that we make will be remember
    Tell all the folks in Russia, and China, too
    Don't you know that it's time to get on board
    And let this train keep on riding, riding on through
    Well, well

    People all over the world (you don't need no money)
    Join hands (come on)
    Start a love train, love train (don't need no ticket, come on)
    People all over the world (Join in, ride this train)
    Join in (Ride this train, y'all)
    Start a love train (Come on, train), love train

    All of you brothers over in Africa
    Tell all the folks in Egypt, and Israel, too
    Please don't miss this train at the station

    'Cause if you miss it, I feel sorry, sorry for you

    People all over the world (Sisters and brothers)
    Join hands (join, come on)
    Start a love train (ride this train, y'all), love train (Come on)
    People all over the world (Don't need no tickets)
    Join hands (come on, ride)
    Start a love train, love train

    Ride, let it ride
    Let it ride
    Let it ride
    People, ain't no war

    People all over the world (on this train)
    Join in (ride the train)
    Start a love train, love train (ride the train, y'all)
    People all over the world (come on)
    Join hands (you can ride or stand, yeah)
    Start a love train, love train (makin' love)
    People all over the world ('round the world, y'all)
    Join hands (come on)
    Start a love train, love train

    People all over the world (on this train)
    Join in (ride the train)
    Start a love train, love train
    People all over the world (come on)
    Join hands (yeah)

    1. I *LOVE* the love train song!
      Are these guys (The O'Jays) fun or what?

      Here's one really old video.

      Thanks for posting.



    1. @ "unknown": Great video 4+ minutes -
      ashtar command final transmission. I think the
      "gist" of the message corresponds to what Cobra
      just posted.




  30. Here We Go! … Special Episode of Ground Crew Command For Official Launch of the 144,000 Activation Campaign @ 11/11/17 – 11am MST

    November 10, 2017 by Ada Shaw

    Time to join the 144,000.

    … then come back & click the pink Follow button here:

    … to receive the email reminder for show time & follow Ground Crew Command; the official radio broadcast platform for the 144,000.

    Call in #: (310) 807-5232

    Then you’ll be able to join the official FB Group:

    This is the special official launch episode of the 144,000 on Ground Crew Command, this Saturday at 11am Mountain time. (Check for your time zone here:)

    Commander type souls like Ashtar’s (and no less than Ashtar’s) … are now in position.

  31. Thank you , i wisch i was there to help..

    Victory of the light!

  33. Please Ashtar, take us outta here, cause there's almost nothing left of us, we don't recognize ourselves anymore.

  34. YES!!!

    Ashtar, we ARE ready and stand with you to go forward!

    Thank you for being here with us and for us throughout this battle and reinstating freedom back to Gaia, humanity and all her inhabitants.

    Hold the Love and Light!

    In Loving Kindness

    ~ P.W.

  35. Perseus killed the Gorgon which should be Yaldabaoth or the plasma worms in this sense.

    1. Damn, I wanted to write the same thing :-) Yes, this is EXACTLY what this operation is all about. If they are not clearing Yaldabaoth yet, then they're after those plasmoid worms.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. The Cabal are doomed and finished now many real evidence of their crimes and many truths will start appearing.


  39. I just did a search on what Perseus means and where the name originated:

    Per Wikipedia:

    "He beheaded the Gorgon Medusa for Polydectes and saved Andromeda from the sea monster Cetus. Perseus might be from the Greek verb, "πέρθειν" (perthein), “to waste, ravage, sack, destroy”, The origin of perth- is more obscure. J. B. Hofmann lists the possible root as *bher-, from which Latin ferio, "strike".[2] This corresponds to Julius Pokorny’s *bher-(3), “scrape, cut.”

    So my interpretation of this operation is "Operation Kick Their Butts". ;) I could be wrong of course. Just passing along a glancing bit of research.

    Victory of the light!

  40. Lets get this over with, I'm more than ready for the Compression Breakthrough, I will help regardless in a surprise situation regardless. May Love and Light Guide Us All.

  41. Btw i've already agreed to the Galactic Codex

  42. Yes, Please. Informed consent is fully given. It cannot get any worse, Intervention according to the Galactic Codex is permissioned ad requested. Thank you.

  43. I was dreaming last night of the Event and what was happening to me after the Event. It was amazing. Love and light!

    1. @Domagoj Švarc That's amazing! Could you share more details?

    2. I was outside my house and i ve seen i think it was a member of resistance standing across d road and he gave some final command that triggered the Event. All of the sudden big white flash occured all over d place. I went into my house and tried to shout to my family that the Event is here and they didnt know what i am talking about. All of the sudden i felt like i got loads of info in my head like i ascended into higher state and i knew about things that i never knew before. I went on my balcony and looked in d sky and all was different. It was evening and aky looked different. There were no more distant start but i could c all of them so close and whole galaxies and planets. Like there ws no more time but everything was happening at d same time. Spaceships were visible and flying all over the space and i could seen them landin on d surface and all.i felt so happy like never before in my life. I didnt wanna wake up from that dream into this horrible world. It was all just Love and Light!


  44. I have fully stocked up on Light Ammunition.
    Meaning that the depot is currently filled with over 130 candles and more than 3000 tealights.
    Ready if you are.


    Victory of the Light!


  45. YES!
    Thank you Ashtar, thank you All , thank you!
    Victory of the light !

  46. Can someone help me. I am suicidal due to really bad kharma.

    1. @ "chariot snow": Let go of the so-called "reasons" and thoughts that may come to you and tell you WHY you feel as you do (for example, "due to really bad karma"). Just let everything be. Call someone. Listen to a happy song. Go in nature.

      National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

      We can all help prevent suicide. The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.

    2. Its not because of karma its because of prison earth you are suffering. Dont give up, we are close. I send you love :)

    3. Whenever you feel strongly this way. Just hold on. Sleep if you can. We are almost there. The energy you are experiencing is not you & it is not permanent. Try to distract yourself & remember nothing in this dimension (especially negative) is real no matter how strong the feelings or energy. I know it feels terribly real to you, but all you have to do right now is Nothing. Just be. Hang on. Wait for it to pass. Then meditate & know the Universe loves you as it's own. As do we. Love Love Love

    4. Command PB stardust chariot snow!
      Command PB stardust chariot snow!
      Command PB stardust chariot snow!

    5. Make ur choice.. blue or red pill.

      "You need to distinguish between Law of manifestation and Law of karma. Law of manifestation states that we co-create our reality with our thoughts, emotions and actions and is part of the Light teachings. Law of karma states that we will suffer consequences of our past actions and that our past actions are debt that has to be paid off - this is part of mind programming teachings of the dark."

    6. @chariot snow I feel you, dude, my twin flame broke up our long-distance relationship for several hours earlier today due to major stupidity on my part. I was extremely suicidal and in extreme pain. Luckily, we patched things up, and I am relatively at peace.

      I have serious issues due to abuse from my mom, and I'd say I have a lot of bad karma myself. My brains are all scrambled up.

      Just try to hang on. My friend who is in contact with his star family says The Event is most likely to happen this coming spring. We've held on for so long already. Don't give up when we're almost near the finish line.

    7. Many times lately a flash comes up: 'I quit. I'm done. I don't want this anymore.' But than I very quickly erase it, realizing that tha's not my truth. I'm still here (68 old).
      Being young I was refused by an insurance company because I did have sometimes suicidal thoughts. I was honest. Life in this reality is not peanuts. I should not have been honest (to them).
      Fuck it. No one will win from me. Chose for yourself!

    8. Yo bro, i was too. Check this out: karma aint real, and you're the bauss.

      You suck at life like me? Blame others. Like archons. They are the ones that "make you "pay"" for shit you didn't do.

      You're not guilty. Embrace your shadow self. Don't kill yourself for what you didn't do. Your past lives are not what you think, maybie you didn't even have them. False memories and karma control is powered by the powerless scumbag archons. You know how i'll help you? The way i helped myself overcome this problem.

      Rock and metal! Listen and feel the power within ya, then make em pay! Fuck everyone that goes aginst your will! (also reply to me cause i want to know if i did any good to anyone yet)

      Now who's suicidal? Not you i bet!

  47. Wow, I was just reading this twitter channel and the Perseus connection is tied with that. You might want to read this channel:

    "Operation Perseus: Ashtar Command has upped the Power around the Grid of the planet. This is being done nonstop by Crafts flying in directions to cover all areas."

    "A Blue Light with a Frequency only used by Pleiadians is being transmitted and left in place. This protection also repels the negative energy of forces that continue to delay The Event."

    "Neioh: This is more Powerful than all we have used so far and we have waited to apply this as the Frequency is sometimes heard and we do not wish to alarm humans."

    " Many will notice they hear a high frequency that they have never heard before. This will not be harmful to humans. We will soon take down all as planned.

  48. Victoire à l'Amour et la Lumière !

  49. Posted 4 hours ago on Twitter:

    "You will not hear about what has happened for a while longer. Not at all in MSM but it will come slowly from leaked sources. Be patient. We can celebrate, but it is not over. Many more to go."

  50. I wanted Ashtar to hel p me but he ignored my messages.

  51. Posted 19 hours ago on Twitter:

    "I'm hearing rumors something BIG may be going down tonight."

    Reply to that tweet:

    "Many arrests will take place late Friday because their attorneys want less coverage. All of those indicted will be in prison soon. Trials are lengthy but now evidence has been obtained."

  52. Posted 19 hours ago:

    "Photo is not taken by Q and he is not with POTUS... Photo was transmitted to Q by Pleiadians. Q and POTUS are having face to face contact with Pleiadians. Many Pleiadians are on the ground, are with POTUS, and in the air in Crafts. Meetings are happening."

    1. Thank You, Ashtar! You are spectacular!

    2. Just looked up this Kabamur-Twitter page. Quite interesting.
      Thank you.

  53. Thank You God! Thank You Ashtar! Thank You all Light Beings that help! Victory of the Light!!!

  54. 11:11 A day that will go down in history. Thank you COBRA, Ashtar and the Pleiadian fleet, All Light Beings contributing to this cosmic event. We are ready. We support the Galactic Codex. May the Galactic Codex rule the Universe.
    Victory of the Light.

  55. We Are Each Invited Daily To Participate In


    To Bring About THE EVENT As Soon As Possible.

    Golden Opportunity #1:

    One meditation daily is easy to remember.

    World Unity Meditation

    Scheduled Daily 4:00PM (16:00) GMT.

    You may find your corresponding meditation time as follows. Type in GMT 4;00 PM and your local time will be shown:

    Meditation Note #1: In step 2. as follows, the INTENT “to speed up the process of bringing harmony and unity for planet earth…" is All-Comprehensive. It includes ALL conditions whatsoever, including the "final push" towards realizing THE EVENT.

    Meditation Note #2: One can ALSO fulfill steps 3. and 4. as follows, by using one’s own meditation, prayer, or affirmation instead. The "intent" and “time” should remain the same to ensure unity in our collective worldwide meditation.

    Please feel free to invite others to join, as positive “critical mass breakthrough” (up to and beyond 144,000 people) increases exponentially with more numbers.

    Instructions (adapted from our August 21, 2017 World Unity Meditation):

    1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

    2. "State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of bringing harmony and unity for planet Earth and its inhabitants."

    3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

    4. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all people of the planet of their past traumas, bringing peace, harmony, understanding, abundance and unity. Visualize this soft pink light healing the minds and hearts of all people worldwide. See all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors and Truthers working in unity for the creation of the New Earth. See the people of Earth celebrating and joyfully participating in the creation of our new reality where everyone can obtain what they need and freely choose to live as they desire.

    Suggested time of meditation is 15 minutes (Cobra). “Any” amount of time that you can meditate that is comfortable is a tremendous contribution.
    *********** ***********
    Golden Opportunity #2:

    We Are Each Invited To Ask For:

    “Divine Intervention”

    To Bring THE EVENT As Soon As Possible.

    We may speak aloud in our own words (daily) and address our request/prayer to the “Source of All,” “Almighty One/God,” etc., whatever words make sense to us.
    *********** ***********
    Golden Opportunity #3:

    “You can help with the final push by doing this meditation” (Cobra Nov. 6, 2017 post):

    Gaia (Earth) & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment Meditation:

    Victory of the Light.

  56. Operation “Perseus” – A Legend, Metaphor, and REALITY NOW

    In Greek mythology, Perseus (/ˈpɜːrsiəs, -sjuːs/; Greek: Περσεύς), the legendary founder of Mycenae and of the Perseid dynasty of Danaans, was, alongside Cadmus and Bellerophon, the GREATEST G reek HERO and SLAYER OF MONSTERS
    before the days of Heracles.[1] He BEHEADED the Gorgon Medusa for Polydectes and SAVED Andromeda from the SEA MONSTER Cetus. He was the SON of the mortal Danaë and the god Zeus, and the half-brother and great grandfather of Heracles.

  57. Thank you Cobra for posting all this very encouraging news. That Ashtar! Handsome guy! :)

  58. It's Official and Spreading Like Wildfire: New York Times Reports Podesta Group Subpoenaed In Uranium1 Debacle



  59. Did I mention that We're bringin' The Band Back Together?
    Well... ;-)

    The Change got made UpTown
    And The Big Man joined THE BAND
    From the coastlines to the city
    The little pretties raise their hands

    I'm gonna sit back right easy and laugh
    When the Light Forces strike and bust the Matrix in half!
    Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
    "Say again?"

    This is my second-favourite Boss song of all time.

    Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out

    My favourite Boss song ever is of course


    I wanna sleep beneath peaceful skies in my lover's bed
    With a wide-open Gaia in my eyes and these romantic dreams in my head

    And We Will Make It Happen!


    Victory of the Light!



    1. I asked for it. I really really asked for it.
      It was almost like a prayer.
      "Please please please wait until you publish this when there's exactly 111 comments. Pleeeease!"

      And you did exactly that!
      111 comments on 11.11. and posted at 11:11
      YES! YES! YES!
      Now THAT is what I call TEAMWORK!
      Thank You SO much!


      If I was any happier I'd have to be twins just to handle it :-)

      We do The Walk - The WALK OF LIFE

      Victory of the Light is in clear sight!



    2. Why does it have to be so hard to spell it correctly?
      Fuuuck! :-)


      What a Wonderful World / FIX YOU

      WE BRING IT!

      Victory of the Light!


    3. My mother died in 2003, she died at 11:11 after a long fight against cancer. She knew she was going to die but she didn't want to die alone and she didn't want anyone around her.
      I was maybe away to the kitchen for 30 seconds, my sister just left a minute before, my dad was sleeping and my brother was in highschool just 1 mile from our home. So all near but not around her. She chose that exact moment at 11:11. She died very conscious.
      The months after, we (my sister, brother and dad) saw 11:11 everywhere. This for problably a year or more. This faded a long time ago.... but the latest weeks I see 11:11 everywhere again!
      The fact that she died conscious and the planetary liberation is proceeding and probably in the latest fase, this is not coincidence.
      Cory Goode said something like right before the event we will see our passed loved ones again. Well I don't see them,(my dad died 3 years later) but I am sure they are not far.....
      Its like their spirits are liberated. You know, not recycled anymore through the incarnation process.... that how I feel it anyway. My brother was born on 11/11 so we have something with 11:11. Not as much as a universal holly number, but more as a personal sign, a signal....

      I am not posting this here for compassion or anything, how hard it was, but just to show you that something is up, not only in space, surface, underground, but also in our personal lives. What happens in big manifests in small in our own lives. There's like fighting against the dark everywhere, the big final battle. In every realm the dark is being concurred. Even my work environment, were people are finally beginning to stand up against negative behavior and so on.....signs are everywhere.
      I think it's time for this planet. Even people who don't know anything about this are ready.


    4. I had the same yesterday, on 11.11. I felt my long passed away parents. And today again.

    5. I feel my parents too. My mom died on Nov. 5 (11/5), not this year, but not that long ago... and I still sense her around me all the time. My dad died ages ago..... I keep trying to talk to him when I'm in a really relaxed state... but it feels like he is in another universe or something.

      I am hoping we get to reconnect with all our loved ones: grandparents, aunts and uncles, and now I have much-older cousins who have died in the last 2 years...

      I just want them to be safe and happy, wherever they are, "over there," but I also want them to come and tell me some how (in a dream?) they are safe and happy.

      Dearest Pleiadians in your beautiful ships, I have a question:

      How can we connect with our loved ones? Do you have a command for that, that would put out the call for them to come in and talk to us?

      Thank you ! :)

  60. I just posted this article about the piece of art I did back in the 1990s on my FB page. People already dont talk to me, but, what the hell Im all in. :)
    If you are familiar with "The Event" or galactic shift of consciousness we are going through and "The Resistance " and COBRA, and the compression breakthrough of the "Veil" and the dissolution of the Plasma entity called "yaldaboath" then you will know that there is a leader called Commander "Ashtar" of the "Galactic Federation of Light" It has been revealed that this commander is in fact an incarnation of Jesus. commander of the very large planet sized Mother ship called "The New Jerusalem" which was the star of Bethlehem the night Jesus was born. and is here with many other beings from around the universe to liberate planet Earth from the "Primary Anomaly" which is simply "Us and Them" programming responsible for war, borders and maintains the illusion of Lack and debt slavery. what some know as Evil. This "Evil" is in fact ignorance to all's true divine nature. Now there are thousands on thousands of churches around the world, all looking for Jesus to return in the sky from the East. and yet some will say I AM nuts or loonie. My aim here is to just familiarize all with the potential that this Ashtar may be who you have been expecting just not the way you were expecting. It remains to be seen and requires discernment and Faith. I wrote and created characters for a graphic novel back in the early 1990s that was never published called "Flight of the Fishermen" I believe this concept was a channel from my higher Self about our true origins and a prophetic glimps of what is happening now. Remember "a prophet is never accepted in his own country". Obviously we as a planet are at a tipping point, so what if? what if? in the end, it costs me nothing to believe. This artwork I did as part of my book Flight of the Fishermen back in the 90s, You decide. is that Jesus in Space? Ashtar? I think it is.

    1. I looked at your work. Fun stuff!
      I want to know if Jesus is Ashtar... Is Ashtar Jesus?
      It's an interesting theory.
      Maybe Cobra can throw some light on it.

  61. Beautiful colors
    in Mexico exemplifying
    paradise on earth -
    a "metaphorical and literal prelude" to

    Xcaret Park Riviera Maya Attractions

    YouTube short video 1:49 minutes:


  62. Here is more work from my graphic novel (unpublished yet) called

    "Flight of the Fishermen" and the graphic novel called "Kilroy was here" Which I discovered that Kilroy was here was an extention of the Flight of the Fishermen story line after watching revelations by the whistle blower Corey Goode and David Wilcock revealing the Secret Space program. AS I watched their program on "Cosmic Disclosure on GaiamTV everything Corey and David was revealing was in my graphic novels I wrote back in the 1990s. The two ships, the "Sparrow" and the "AngelFish" run off of zeropoint or free energy. You can see the intake ports inthe front, along the wings etc. I want nothing more than to finish these stories and publish them. I have done a lot of the work on them but much more to do and need help. "Kilroy was here" is a story about a man awakening out of duality after he served in Iraq after 911 and discovered his Higher self and how that effected his relationships and his life once awakened. If you want to know more or can help, contact me at my web site at or message me here. Love and Light. Namaste

  63. Victory of the Light. Blessings to All.

  64. some more art from "Flight of the Fishermen". Notice the Yaldaboath entity and commander Ashtar/Jesus character.

  65. The story of Perseus. Born in captivity (because of the prophesy of his birth and his destiny to kill the king). Against all odds, still he is born, lives, & rises to defeat his captors & oppressors!

    Victory of the Light!!!

  66. Love it justice of Maat let's do it.. 😘👽😇

  67. Let's see a lot of Rock'n Roll. Full consent is given.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. ✨Here we’re go✨Victory Of The Light

  70. post thise questions at the prepare for change website...

  71. (Part III) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates

    1. Thank you, wow a lot of info to digest. It's all making my head spin!


  73. Salute! Greetings and thank-you for all
    of your amazing coordinations!

  74. Please do not play with me. does not make me anxious or frustrated. Do not play with my feelings and emotions please

    Space Oddity

  75. Our small community hosts wonderful cosmically guided initiatives that can be considered part of a Cosmic Restaurant, where you can relax and sit down to browse our Divine menu of daily Meditations and Healing sessions!

    Bon appetit!

    Heal yourself, Heal the world - Meditations-on-the-go platform

  76. You have my consent sir!
    Parasites gotta go NOW!
    Planetary liberation NOW!
    SO IT IS!

  77. Make it happen. Let us remove all venom.

  78. Update: The members of the Chimera group in the US Air Force are in total panic because the Light forces above the surface of the planet breaks the quarantine and approach. Now, The Air Force "actively Training for Space Warfare". Victory of the Light!

  79. And of course Cetus being a personified representation of the sea monster of “The Great Cosmic Sea”, that is. All myths and tales that refer to ocean deities and demons should be understood in this way. From a Cosmic perspective as we are here on Earth are “Cosmic Beings” ~ Of The Stars & The Cosmic Sea that they all swim in. (For example, Easter = EeStar = Of The Stars...when we look at what we know & see on our poor distorted suppressed Earth from a Cosmic perspective all of the missing dots suddenly become luminated & Magically appear. ;)
    We all belong to and exist in the D’Anu/Danu or Duat ~ The Great Cosmic Sea Of Nun

    .....except for of course for Cetus and company as they are all nearly gone.

    Ooooooo YES!!!!!

    And Source keeps repeating to me yesterday Trebuchet Trebuchet and then my youngest student “Alexandria” showed up with a little Trebuchet she had just built out of “pop””sickle” sticks! And now every interaction is gold dusted in magic for me as Source is fully integrating itself again into this realm at long last!! Hoooray!!!!!!!!
    Then I awoke to the Scottish pipes and drums of Remembrance Day and realized our New Remembrance Day is finally here! Marking this passageway now that we will all remember as the time when War finally disappeared!
    And then I keep hearing among many other codes streaming in like crazy is, Exodus Exodus repeating as well as this incredible experience of how The Arc Of The Covenant (which is of Egyptian origin and operates like a ascension Machine ~ the missing piece being the resonator that attaches to it) but now this arc of the covenant is actually here and accessible “in Flesh” now & finally washing upon our own Cosmic shores here upon our poor battered Earth.
    And ~ Not to be battered much longer, but truly healed and then she & us & all the creatures will begin to flourish and learn to eat lovelight instead of each other ;)

    Victory is Here & Now

  80. I don't know if this is the event but something big is about to go down.

    Legal Experts "Have never seen anything like this before, ever" -- 294 MORE SEALED INDICTMENTS NATIONWIDE and increasing by the hour.

    The harbinger of mass arrests.

  81. ✨Greetings Ashtar and RM, i’m ready for intervene. Good Luck, Love, Peace and Victory Of The Light ✨

  82. Enough.. Enough.. Enough!!!
    Victory of the light

  83. We are more and more liht worker, we are ready for the final... the event! Lets do it

  84. in anticipation the world awaits... may it be consciously or not.. we all know the time has come.

    Unlike during the old Atlantis were many awaited for its end... we await today for a new rebirth.

  85. Great news! Thank you Cobra, RM, Lightwarriors, and Lightworkers! Namaste🐬🐬🐋🐋

  86. 123 comments when i saw this one.


  88. Ashtar was one of the first Ascened Masters of the Earth. He ascended over 26,000 years ago, just before the Earth was put under the quarantine.
    Ashtara/Isis is His twin flame.

    Now. This is one of my most favorite Russian songs called "The Grass at Home" from 1983, by the group Земляне= "The Earthlings".
    It tells how the cosmonauts on the board don't like being in the dark, cold, and icy space. They are missing the Mother Earth and life on Earth, and are seeing dreams about being back home again.

    The singer looks so much like Ashtar! And the song is EXACTLY what Ashtar would sing...
    So, every time I watch this video, I feel like watching Ashtar singing how much He missed living on Earth.

    Земляне - Трава у дома

    With open arms, we are waiting for You Ashtar, and the whole Ashtar command.
    Soon, we'll meet again, and we'll say to YOU:
    "Welcome back HOME!"

    Oh; and we'll sing this song together!

    1. @HYE ANGEL Oh yeah, I know this song. I remember it from an episode of the Russian cartoon series "Nu, Pogodi!". Thanks for the share.

  89. You certainly have my approval Ashtar! Let's finish it!

  90. I don't like talking about my personal life, but.... today, I feel so.

    Today was my son's 40th birthday.
    His birthday is 11-11-77 at 23:33, or 11:33PM.
    We were out celebrating the day, and I missed seeing these awesome RM messages sooner!

    I was told by some mediums, and also, according to the Mayan zodiac, my son is one of the oldest and wise souls on Earht. He knows all about Ashtar, Sananda, the whole Ahstar command, the RM, and of course, about the darks as well.

    However, after years of not seeing any tangible proof, he lost his belief and hope, (like many did), that it was for real, and that anything would happen. Thus, he stopped following this kind of "brainwashing" stuff, and got back to the REAL life, to take care of his business and me. Needless to say, that he didn't like seeing me following Cobra.
    It was, (and still is), one of the most painful orchestrated attacks against me by the darks. My son is all I have in this life.

    And here we are; the best Ashtar messages yet to be heard coming directly from Ashtar, on my son's birthday!!

    I can't wait for the day when my son will be freed from the dark entities, and join me, and the LIGHT again.

  91. You don't need to look up, but only to look within to YOUR SPIRIT which is light of TRUTH. Stop handing over permissions of the GIFT of FREE WILL to more "idolization". NOTHING is here to help us... YOU are the one to help yourself in a good way. YOU are what you seek. When you figure that out, good "hearted" ones will find you, and the collective consciousness will support that light.

    Seriously tired of all of this because it's false promises and worship of more false B.S (like evry other religion of the past). .. Yes, beings exist in other dimensions... so every single one we make contact is going to be "benevolent"? If your SPIRIT was within your body, you would already understand the truth and what "AUTONOMOUS WILL" is!

    I say this because these Fourth Dimensional bastards are energy vultures... by handing over your heart, hope, light, humility, peace, etc... you are giving them your SPIRIT because of whatever trauma you have experienced/experiencing.... these are the vulnerabilities "ENTITIES" crave.

    Take heed of this, please.

    1. Also... assisting by any entity is "interference". By allowing "assistance" you are doing a disservice to YOUR spirit. YOUR light is stronger than their "mind" tricks for the 4th dimensional beings are all about the mind... not SPIRIT. Think of it this way... there are 34 levels of ascension... why would 4th dimensional beings want to assist those who are moving into the 5th? Because they themselves can't go there because they do not understand "SPIRIT" or the "AUTONOMOUS WILL".

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Last night I dreamed that in 5D the Event happened<3

  93. I do not pretend to understand or know the complexities of the situation as it has been on earth with so many layers of evil control. I really do feel though that we cannot wait any longer, humanity does not deserve to exist in this debacle we call life any longer nor do the animals the plants the trees anything we have to leave this paradigm of lack and abuse and evil, its high time now...lets get the job done.!!

  94. A Fény Győzelme !!!! 🙌

  95. My brain is a confuddled mess. The sooner The Event happens, the sooner I can finally piece my life together.

  96. Is this all have some connection with asgardia's satellite deployment?

  97. Heal yourself really. Do believe people that dedicated their lives to a topic. In this case Hulda Clark:

  98. Nov 7 2017
    Trump has direct communication with 3 Pleiadians that Q is also speaking with. They are the ones guiding him.
    Pleiadian names given only: JIOPLEE, KAPEIL, MOKIEK. They are very protective over POTUS.
    This is code for our 3 Pleiadian friends.

    Trump tweeted 1:15 pm - 6 Nov 2017
    My visit to Japan and friendship with PM Abe will yield many benefits, for our great Country. Massive military & energy orders happening+++!

    So according this tweets TRUMP is aware of OPERATION PERSEUS and he have help from 3 pleiadians

    1. Thanks for that, I forgot to post this message Lester. Funny thing is Trump is signing his name with +++ and so is Q on 4chan. Yesterday my other half stuck a sticker on my arm. What was on that sticker? +++ lol, you couldn't make it up! It's now on my laptop as a reminder, big things are happening! :)

  99. in the battle never forget ,''we are the one we have been waiting for''.our consciousness is the conduit through which the dark forces reign darkness over our activities.This is the dark forces endeavour over million years it is mind boggling for ordinary mind to even consider, but this is against prime codex so now we are given the chance to reclaim it back.All the answers are inside physically the galactic federation can assist but final freedom is within or even they might benefit equally who knows.Lets break this million year old dark project of the CHIMERA and their chosen sociopaths.

  100. I like the name "Operation Perseus". Perseus was a Greek God, son of Zeus. A great hero that slayed the monsters in the times before Hercules.

    Victory of the Light!!!

  101. The day is near when all beings will accept the gifts of love from you, beloved(s) <3
    I prayed for it too...

  102. Things just got a little crazy. I've been following this twitter channel by qanon. Now someone has a very interesting question...

    "So if I search #QAnon , the POTUS Twitter is top? When did that happen?"

    Is Q none other than Trump? I've been following this channel, and I never saw that photo of Trump at the top of the page!

    1. Yes, QAnon is Trump. QAnon said to connect the circles and dots. (Look at the hands)

      - Everyone has one hand the touching the Q once except Trump.

      - Trump has two hands touching the Q

      - Trump's signature calling card is "Two scoops."

      The Clue:

      QAnon is Trump.

    2. thanks Novusod. I saw that Q pic earlier, didn't think to post it. The pieces are falling slowly into place. :)

    3. I forgot to mention there is a picture out there which blows up the Q picture and it shows the newspaper headlines on Trump's desk. It foretells the arrests of the Saudi princes!

      Ah, found it....

  103. Some more Twitters, both posted 16 hours ago:

    Darkness is imminent - expect media blackouts Stay calm Pray +++ Q

    Roseanne Barr said:
    lots of ppl will become Woke AF this week

    Does Roseanne mean that people will wake up after this week when she says "woke AF?"

    Just connecting some dots here. I've gone Twitter mad, lol. (I don't even post on twitter!) :)

  104. Below are compilation of Q posts that someone has kindly put together:!ITPb.qbhqo/

  105. Ashtar,
    Thank you for yours words of assistance to the earth. With much love, respect and gratitude.

  106. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. So this q guy sounds like a completely indoctrinated religious asshole...

      Yes "god" of the old testament is a monster, and no, satan doesn't exist, neither does god...

      Christianity is poison to humanity...

    2. You really believe in all this "linear" information? You are infinite my friend and all this "knowledge" is just human and linear, and i don't gonna say more anything because i don't care about this illusion, go to the point when you "know" lots of linear information, there you gonna make a conclusion and finally "see", but i can't do it for you or for anybody, good luck to all.

  107. Don't start the Event right as we are heading into Winter!! We are all going to freeze to death without power!

  108. I was told in my meditation from my spiritual leader which is Sirian female that i will meet her soon in person. And not to worry anymore and that everything will be fine.

    I always think of commander Ashtar and his fleet. He will finish Cabal very soon and we will be all free.

    Lets get rid of evil once and for all!

    Love and light!

  109. (I wanted to post this under the previous intel, but couldn't do it because of a comp glitch).

    To those who still are worried by the politics, and/or see no positive changes happening;


    I wish people would stop worrying about the Hollywood scandals, the tensions between the USA and N. Korea conflict, etc, etc...


    #1 - The LF will not allow another nuclear war NEVER EVER again! THAT'S FOR SURE! PERIOD!!!

    #2 - in one of his recent interviews, (could be one with the Goldfish, or the last Rob-Cobra interviews), where Cobra said something like this:
    IF there will be a war between US and N. Korea, that will BE A VERY SHORT one, (like less than a week), And... that will BE THE ONLY EXCUSE to free N. Korea from the archons.

    So, if it happens, it will be a part, a MILESTONE for disclosure. And please, keep in mind what did Cobra say about Trump: He's taking advices from BOTH sides - the dark and the Light as well.
    (I could go even deeper, in regards Trump's political games, but I'll stop it here... ) Let me just say.... may be he saw what happened to Obama, (who was also from the Light....), so Trump learned to be more careful.

    Never been interested with the politics, nor the politicians But I like this man as a HUMAN being with a good heart. Just read and watch about the nice things he did long before he became the president.
    So, don't be surprised if one day, we will learn who really he was.
    In fact, be ready for ALL kinds of surprises, and NOT be surprised at all!!!

    #3 - I ask you to very carefully, re-read this part:
    (Now it's the previous intel, so I include the link)

    >>I have received very interesting intel about the Event and hopefully I will be able to release it in early December. I can only release hints until then. Let me just say that 2-4 weeks before the Event, situations will drastically accelerate<<.

    Many people miss this smart tactic done by Cobra. But I've noticed it long ago. When he can't say, talk about things with direct words..... he tells them through the pictures.
    The pictures are there for those who CAN see them. That's why I always observe them carefully, analyze them, and then make my own conclusions.
    So, much of "THE HINTS" he's talking about in this intel, are hidden in the pictures.

    And now, take a close look at the pictures 2 and 3.

    Picture #2 shows 2 fingers are reaching each other. As you, know the original picture was done by Michelangelo showing how "GOD created Adam". In other words, it's the touch, THE CONTACT of the Adamites/Earthlings, and the heavens/E.T races. The picture posted by Cobra, shows that the GAP between the 2 fingers is EXTREMELY short. Therefore, it tells us how CLOSE THE FIRST CONTACT with our Galactic family is!!!!

    Picture #3 says; "ALL EARTH DEBT IS CANCELLED"!!!!
    Well, this is one of the most powerful "HINTS", a clue connected with Cora's statement of: "2-4 weeks before the Event, situations will drastically accelerate".
    The word "drastically" does NOT mean they will get worse. I believe, it means the OPPOSITE!
    So my conclusion is, that this statement declares NESARA and GESARA TAKING PLACE!!
    That's the only way to have All Earth Debts cancelled!

    Please, stay POSITIVE, and concentrate on dreaming BIG and SWEET dreams!!

  110. Folks

    if you have never seen a Zachary K Hubbard youtube video please do yourself a favour

    Houston, World Series, hurricane Harvey, flooding
    news by the numbers


  111. Ok, the last time Heather said "ALL ON" the shtf with the banks and TDA accounts, lol.

    to "China": old man, i love you, and all your family placed at the Federal Reserve, US Treasury, CIA, FBI, DOJ, is time.

    ...ALL awoken by the kiss of consciousness...ALL, the new guard, lovingly introduced by the old guard...

    "Trump", "Putin", and "XI"...thank you for using the "wash, rinse, and repeat" of the bear distracting for the dragon, from the 1920's...of course, with the added "arabian spice" this funnnnn!!!...

    ...the stage is NOW yours to make the formal introductions of ALL, the new guardians.

    ALL ON!!! ~ hatj

  112. Well..........we sense that the 'Creative Collective Imagination'

    .....seeks, intends, wants, desires, 'a change'........


    how about.....starting with


    and then keep going...


    one more and one more and one more and one more and one more and one more and one more and one more and one more.....

    NOW.......we are at 10........amazing......

    The Power Of ONE........BE Came ........The Power Of TEN

    NOW.........Choose .......The Power Of TEN

    and that ......BE Comes.......The Power Of ONE Hundred

    and that ....BE Comes......The Power Of ONE Thousand

    and that ......BE Comes.......The Power Of ONE Hundred Thousand

    and that ......BE Comes .......The Power Of ONE Million

    and that .......BE Comes .......The Power Of ONE Hundred Thousand Million

    and that........IS........BE are making this up as you go along......on....m*y*o*u*r....path

    YES LOVE YES how about.........we choose.......NOW the 'mind' long will this take........ how about.........IN THE TWINKLING OF AN EYE........



    IN JOY

    ........BE CAUSE......AS YOU CAN....AS YOU WILL....AS YOU RECEIVE....AS YOU ALLOW.......


    ........m*y*o*u*r......can 'choose' have this all........ALL IS NOW..........YES LOVE YES


    GET READY...........LOL



  113. Dance dance, if you do that dance
    I'm gonna let you join my one man band
    Be my doll, be my baby doll
    Come get to know me like the back of your hand
    I like the name hanging out in shade
    I like the way you do the push and the shove
    You can blow my mind if you're that way inclined
    All that I know is that you fell from above

    She fell, she fell, right under my spell
    Hold up pretty baby c'mon
    She danced, she danced, right into my hands
    Hold up pretty baby c'mon
    Be my butterfly
    You were almost shaking me
    You rolled me at the top of them all
    And if you feel the need
    I'll send you Godspeed
    To me you're hangin' at the break of the dawn

    Get out of the doldrums, baby, now
    You lie, I'll set ya' on fire
    Get out of the doldrums, baby, now


    COME ON!

    Victory of the Light!

