Saturday, November 25, 2017

New Cobra Interview By Chinese Prepare For Change Team

You might want to read this new Cobra interview by Chinese Prepare for Change team here:

Or here:

Victory of the Light!


  1. When using the links provided for this article I got the following message from my virus protection software,...

    McAffe WebAdvisor
    Are you sure you want to go there? may try to steal your information.

    Why were you redirected to this page?
    When we visited this site, we found it may be designed to trick you into submitting your financial or personal information to online scammers. This is a serious security threat which could lead to identity theft, financial losses or unauthorized use of your personal information.

    1. Hi Jimmy. I think its because its a Chinese site. I used my Chrome browser to direct me without any virus problems. Hope this helps. Victory of the light.

    2. I have both IE & Chrome. Unfortunately, both give me the same error. It must be my McAfee Virus protection. Thanks anyways,...

    3. Thank you,... This link works,...

    4. This happens on all kinds of sites that get hacked when they don't want you to go there, to scare you away. Make sure you are on https not http, might help.

    5. Hello Jimmy. I also experienced this with this site and other "awakened community" webites such as TheEventChronical and StillnessInTheStorm. Seems to be deliberate in my opinion.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Ben Fulfords current up date ,tells of lots and lots of ground forces taking Down the corrupt Cabal , around the globe, in a MOST UP LIFTING report !!! The crumbling of the cabal is louder each and every
      Word he writes.This World is finally bearing fruit of abundant ,positive actions ,currently on going.
      Victorious is THE LIGHT!

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good job at all!
    (Please make sure, that the shawarmas are vegan!!!) we are not finished yet, dont let your guard done !!!

    I hope that happend to the dark ones at Antarctica ...

  4. Thanks and justice of Maat!

  5. Dear Cobra!
    Blocks the file, Panda Antivirus !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Phil, circumvent the Panda antivirus, I have visited the site using Chrome browser with no problems Victory of the light

  6. Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  7. For those who are having trouble accessing the link
    You can read on Pastebin.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Não traduzem para o português... boicote total do Google..

    1. a entrevista traduzida em portugues de portugal em:
      for the portuguese readers

  10. Não traduzem para o português... boicote total do Google...
    Precisamos de um navegador Russo..

    1. Olá Tania... Você pode entrar no e colar o link da entrevista direto no campo de tradução ! :)

    2. a entrevista traduzida em portugues de portugal em:
      translate to portuguese

  11. People some information of antartic translate portuguese totodos english

  12. Very interesting interview, thank you Cobra and Victory of the Light!

    Also, a comment to this specific Q & A line:

    "PFCC: In the 1960's, a black man in Africa was likened to be "Black Jesus". He had the ability to see what others were thinking in their minds and so on. He promoted love, peace and forgiveness and was hunted down by the Cabal, but they did not succeed. Did this Black Jesus really exist? Can human beings develop those abilities? Are those abilities due to the "I Am Presence"?

    Cobra: Yes. Yes. Yes."

    My comment:

    I have similar abilities which I have been utilizing ever since I could remember, however they are not as refined as those mentioned above. I can get impressions of other's thoughts and feel their emotions quite strongly. It actually leads to anxiety in my case because a lot of people are very judgemental and I catch what they are directing towards myself and others. I also tend to catch general thoughts and feelings within a group, most notably I can hear words being directed at me through someone else's mind. It is involuntary on my part and can be very inconvenient at times. Is there any way I can tone this down so the effect isn't as strong? I can see this becoming a real issue for people after The Event once they begin developing these abilities at the level mentioned above. It will take some getting used to for a majority of the surface population.

    As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    ~ The Light Sharer

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Light Sharer - Thank you for your uplifting posts. You may find some help in the book - Spirit Matters - down to earth tools for a spirited life, by Jim Self. See chapter 15 - Making Separations, about keeping from absorbing other's energy. Use your own guidance, but I found some of it useful.

    3. Sounds like you have a great gift!

      I think looking at those judgements from a different perspective could help. So if someone is very judgemental could this not be part of the mind programming going on the planet and a call for more love?

      If you are hurting from a judgement then remember to give love to yourself <3

      I hope after the event things will start to change rapidly and there will be less judgement.

    4. Thank you, everybody for your very wonderful, beautiful and inspiring comments!!

      I have been very busy with personal life responsibilities these past few days and have not had a chance to come in here and take a look at the comments, until now that is. I'm even getting ready to go out as I write this.

      Thank you all, sincerely for the immensely helpful and insightful comments!!! May they help and inspire others!!!

      Much Love to all of you!!! 💞💕💓💟

      As always, Much Love & Much Light - Peace Be With You

      In Deep Appreciation & Sincere Gratitude
      ~ The Light Sharer

    5. Edit

      I should help, I use myself and have positive effects:

    6. Exactly. This is almost the core of my problems since i live in a big city...
      Since i was a child i felt disgust for crowds and big groups. I love human company but it needs to be reduced to at least 5 persons. When i am in the streets i try to keep separate from crowds and if it happens that i am close to a lot of people, after let's say half an hour i start to feel bad, and the desire to go grows wild. Definitely dont like, and i dont want to force myself to be in touch so long with that. I dont consider it as a pathology, i consider it ok and healthy. I am in peace with myself

    7. Yes, I have the same gift or karma.

      People who are not like that have no idea of the suffering that is. Because our planet is still formed by thoughts of greed, vanity, anxiety, anger. So we absorb it all often. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night in a terrible crisis.

      I'm tired of having explanations to know where the emotion came from. The best thing to do is to always return love and heal, heal, heal, and heal. Also use of meditation and contact with nature.

      Imagine the following. If we suffer with the emotions of a person or environment, imagine how much we suffer when we ourselves have negative emotions? That is why people with these gifts necessarily need to take care of their inner cleansing or they will end up going crazy by committing suicide.

    8. Empathy is not good at all.
      It is sterile, unless we take physical action to help the suffering person.
      But just feeling other's emotions...where is the good, the virtue in that? Just empathy, by itself, is more like a disease, a defect. Suffering for the other (except i do something to help relief the other's suffering) is stupid and meaningless

  13. The galaxy timing the event wave w/ the removal of TB is expected but still Great News!!

  14. "We observed that many people are waiting for a major change in the world to happen, and we call them “The waiters”. Each of us has a lot of mental or emotional traumas. But the group of “waiters” do not want to face and heal their own wounds. Instead, they want to wait for “others” to heal them after the Event. These people are therefore vulnerable to interferences and instigations from certain negative entities, and will attack other people with violent emotional outbursts. The awakening community is full of light and love rhetoric, but no harmony. What is your opinion on this?"

    This one hit a nerve. Any opinions on this statement

    1. Yeah, it's disrespectful to nearly all of us as we are all waiting for things to get better, even as we work on our own issues. Calling people names is never nice.

    2. I strongly agree with this comment. To many live in denial and continue harmful habits that prevent healing in my opinion.

      This is not all light and love... poof...all is good. We are in a war. We must take action to win this battle. It is not easy and waiting for others to do it for us is not the solution.

      It all begins with TRYING instead of waiting. Lets TRY to live in harmony with animals, to abstain from harmful behavior, to be kind to our bodies, be kind to others by not promoting harmful competition or competitive behavior and not judging one another if we fall. Lets TRY to live in harmony. Try to heal our wounds. If we fall, just get up by our boot straps and keep marching on. Side by side, we make this happen.

      It all starts by looking at the man in the mirror. Michael knew. :)

    3. Eu entendo que isso é fundamental... como Cobra já falou várias vezes, primeiro "devemos nos sentir guiados" para tal processo. Então cada um deve seguir seu caminho e se manter alinhado as vibrações, não é tão simples quanto falar, vivemos na dualidade e junto com nossos egos, mas o simples fato de sabermos disso nos trás mais responsabilidade com o processo. Vitória da Luz

    4. Manguis,
      Oh yeah, it did exactly what you said:
      It totally hit my NERVES!!!

      That was very badly put indeed.... And she/he thinks to be an awakened one?


  15. James Gilliland 11-20-17… “Message Received from the Pleiadians”

    Posted on 2017/11/23 by Kauilapele

    [Kp note: I published this earlier, but I am reposting as I had a small correction.]

    This is the full article mentioned in this prior post. I felt it was needing it’s own posting.

    “As of Nov 19th, the councils have all met and agreed the Pleiadians… will be in charge of establishing once again Universal Law. Tyranny, and all trespass on the divine right to free will… will come to a close. This will mainly be done with consciousness and energy waves yet hands on is also effective as of the 19th…

    “…an ongoing liberation movement,… due to Universal Law,… was limited by what some call the prime directive, or noninterference policy. It has been decided that – due to the extreme negative – intervention to preserve humanity and the Earth major intervention is necessary.The malevolent off world visitors and what many refer to as the Archons are being removed. The Draconian Grid has been disassembled. Those who are aligned with the malevolent forces are going to be rounded up.

    “You were created in the same image and likeness of the gods, little g which were nothing more than extremely evolved off world visitors… You have been lied too, dumbed down and manipulated in too many ways to categorize. The additives in your water, food, GMOs, big pharma, the inoculations the endless wars are all part of the programs run by the Archon or Draconian grid. You will soon be released from and be made aware of all of their methods and they will be held accountable.

    “This is decided by the councils and civilizations that operate under universal Law, the real Gods law. Time to awaken, remember, step into your divinity and take your planet back.”

    1. This has only just been decided now? That tyranny and the trespass on free will not be allowed. They have just met and agreed to this now? Now?

  16. Will the removal of all chimera instantly cancel all toplet bomb threats ?

    1. i think the toplet bombs need to b remove in order to get to those entities

    2. There was 180 chimera left in late March from cobras post. 6.25 Months later their was less than 80 on cobras early October post.

      That must mean the light forces are clearing a lot of toplet bombs in that case then to capture so many chimera (more than half) in 6 months .

      It’s safe to say the MAXIMUM time towards the event is another 6 months from October , that being April but I actually feel it’s a lot closer

    3. chimera or archons? those are two diff groups

  17. I am also having problems opening the files... what can we do?

    many thanks

    1. Use this link (provided above),...

  18. A very angrying interview I don't like thinking I am going to be booted off this planet >:(

    1. [By law of Galactic codex I demand this post to be posted here]

      Well, I dont think You, Me, or any other who visit this blog and at least done some minimal meditation and inner work will be removed from here. Why? Because we are incarnated from others realms. Event will only allow us to display more of our power we have now blocked.
      You here on this blog, because you were incarnated to do the job.

      But I partially agree with you statement. I do believe its unfair for humanity to be removed from here post window of ascension time 2023-25 since ascend of Gaia as planet. I wonder if this liberation took faster 2012, or as I was told 1995 the window of opportunity would be longer leadind to increase number of people able to ascend.

      Right now if this window ends in 2023 we give them 5 years to increase vibration. This is the same amount of time we had from 2012 to present. We can only judge our own inner how much we done work as refrence.

      Although considering non influence from dark beings and advanced technology from LF in that time, I have own doubts about if people will be able en mass to melt theire own heart demons and done inner work, not drown in post scarcity abudance consumptionism model, were they focus more on having bigger tv, ferrari and traveling world then meditating, which is another unfair for them, since its lead to blocking what the need at that time. And I dont mean restricting material abudance, but diverting focus of it leadind to stagnate or block of spiritual development.

      Bear in mind they need healing, we also need but we done steps for it(small) in last 5 year or more depend on person.

      From my personal perspective I would be deeply dissapointed I people important to me (family, pets, friends) who arent incarnated higher beings wouldnt be able to ascend in 5 years time frame.

      Also doing so 26,000 years or more for liberating this planet would lead to not many people ascending because of too short time frame would be in my opinion stupid.
      I do believe that process of ascension from my perspective should be increase for another 5 years, since delay and non complete intel from source.

      It`s not Cobra, RM or LF fault for this, or own but Source. Thus inhabitants of Gaia should be compensated also our own planet should consider this because its plain unfair

    2. they didnt give a time frame... not sure if they referring to after the 2025 solar system transformation..
      . Gaia needs to cleanse.

      they do say option to live underneath...

    3. but who is going to boot you off planet?

      tell us more please how do you see it!


    4. It seems rather you are forced to remain 'on planet', not 'off'...

    5. Douglas... veja o que Cobra postou em outra entrevista: "A grande maioria permanecerá na realidade física, com corpos físicos baseados em carbono embora com muitas outras opções, sem as ações da Cabal, sem a pobreza, com novas tecnologias avançada." Então isso me leva a crêr que não seremos arrancados da terra :) Abraço

    6. @Unknown "but who is going to boot you off planet?"

      No one will boot you off. It is a vibrational thing. When Gaia ascends to 5D those who cannot match the 5D vibration to ascend with Gaia will have to go to other 3D planets because 3D Earth will no longer exist. Think of it like a fish in a pond and then all the sudden the water evaporates in an instant. The fish will have to be rescued and put in another pond of water. In terms of humans that pond of water will be an entire planet.

      From what I understand the new 3D planets are much nicer than Earth's recent past.

      The new planets that have been prepared have low populations and clean environments and never experienced war for they were never under the occupation of the dark powers. Some light workers will choose to go to the these 3D worlds of their own free will in order to help uplift the stragglers. Understand it is not a punishment and there will be no karmic repercussions for those that did not ascend. This arrangement is only temporary until everyone has increased their vibrations enough to ascend to 5D.

      In all there is nothing to be afraid of. All will work out well for all beings concerned. Some will ascend immediately in the 2023-2025 window while others will ascend at a later date on another planet. All beings will be entitled to their rights under the Galactic Codex whether they ascend or not.

      Peace be with you.

    7. Can you choose which planet to go?
      And I don't thing I will stay on this planet.
      Any way after the Event,with all the technology it will be much easier to ascend.

    8. I give those unaware more credit to ascend once they are liberated. The unknowing is a huge barrier. Once people know the nature of existence they will grow exponentially. That's my thought on the matter. It is very difficult to have one foot in ascension mode and one foot in 3D earth mode at the same time especially without overwhelming evidence of the ascension model described by Cobra.

    Viktory of The Light ! :)

  20. December 19 is the Date:

  21. Big pedophile arrests in CA.

    1. hi Spiritoo,
      I think this is about 10 months old, but it's still good news...!

    2. Thank you. Awesome news!
      Victory of the light!!!!

    3. You are right Megan ... I should have looked at the comment section ... I'm sure we will be getting updates concerning this.

  22. The question that was asked about whether or not everybody will be able to recall past lives after the Event or will only awakened people be able to. Cobra you say only the awakened people will be able to. Sorry but that does not seem right or fair. Separating one portion of the population after the Event as being able to sounds like the creation of another Elite. Sorry but in my view no one gets left behind. We either all ascend or we don't. It's not the fault of a large portion of the population that they are not awakened. To say they are denied a part of what would be the ascension process is unfair and just creates more separation when what is needed is unity.

    1. these individuals have been doing the inner work for years to expand their consciousness, everyone else will reach this point when their own divine timing takes play in their reality , there is such a thing as too much too soon is all, It’s like giving the keys of a fast car to a child . The shoes will be filled in their own timing when it’s safe for their conscious mind to integrate the knowledge of past lives . Hope this clears it up a bit.

      The event starts the true ascension process for the world , the people who aren’t aware of the event or anything related obviously will have a longer acclimation period -oppose to those with pre understanding- to utilize their co creative abilities & past life connection which is really your higher self connection.

    2. My guess is a lot of people will exponentially grow in a short time once full disclosure is revealed and the event is under way.

    3. I can't see why, after the Event when there are no more dark forces left to hold humanity back, that anyone, even people who where 'unawake' beforehand, wouldn't be able to experience past life remembrance as a part of their ascension. Saying that only awakened people will be able to experience this doesn't make sense. With the dark forces gone, what would be holding them back?

    4. the old beliefs.. once the dark is gone people still need to go thru a transition... adjustment.. reprogram self.. i doubt it will be an instant effect..SOME people will resist to change initially ...

  23. Try this link on stillness in the storm:

  24. Dragon sources said that between November 2017 and February 2018 someone will have had enough and will trigger full disclosure, I think their talking about the King of the World, and cobra said that a reliable source said the Event will happen in Early 2018, he also said that this time frame November 2017-February 2018 coincides with a major operation of the Light Forces, that's 4 months, now we all know in the past couple years these various operations would take 4, 5, 6 months or longer but in this past year alone, the various operations that have happened were all completed within 2-3 months, and most recently 1-2 months, so knowing all that, with every victorious operation the next one is completed quicker and quicker, things are speeding up extremely fast because we are now almost at the finish line, I think it's safe to say that this operation Perseus that started this month in November will be completed way before February, I believe by the End of December it will be completed,
    now the point I'm getting at is that The Cabal read this blog obviously and if they knew they had until February until the Event, then they would think they have more time, more time to plan their next move, but I think that the reason The Dragon sources said Between November 2017 and February 2018, was to give the cabal a false sense of security, and so when they least expected it , The Light Forces will trigger the Event, CATCHING THE CABAL OFFGUARD it will happen way before February, this is the reason why I believe Jan 1 is the day the Event will happen, give or take a couple days, but I am sure of it, I just feel that we are that close, everyone please pray for this Day to finally be the day JAN 1, maybe I'm wrong, but maybe I'm right...

    1. I feel the same and worst case scenario there is an obvious sense that this will take place absolutely before the end of spring so I’ve just been full speed on the inner work , rising to the optimal timeline

    2. It definitely won't happen in January. Don't get your hopes too high up. It will be spring at the earliest.

    3. It will happen before 2025 unless there are more toplet bombs and worm like entities.

  25. Questions for Cobra's next interview:
    * When will all of the information regarding the ascension of humanity will become "unclassified" ?
    * If you intuitively feel a certain tendency to participate in the ascension of humanity in a particular capacity because that is what you will be doing ?
    * Will you be literally unbounded & limited only by your own imagination as to how will you participate in the ascension of humanity after the event ?
    * What if you feel inclined to use advanced learning via mental downloads, will this become available to anyone who wishes this kind of learning after the event ?
    * Can one advance as fast as they wish after the event ? Or will one's personal advancement be dictated & limited by external influences ?
    * Can anyone explain real "fast reading techniques", or this somewhat of a mith ?
    * Why did Cobra say that not everyone can learn from a Mystery School ?
    * When will the information regarding negative uses weather manipulation technology, to overcharge hurricanes, including artificially inducing fires in the US, will become available to the masses ?

    1. I can answer all these for you, this answer is... after the event hahaha i have noticed from many credible sources that they all say for a short period of time, everyone will be takun off the surface of the earth while something takes place.. not sure if cobra has covered this in the past.


    2. Rob - Can you talk about what’s going to happen with education after the Event.

      COBRA – Education will finally start getting interesting for children because the truth will be told. The reason why children are bored at school is because the truth is not being told. They are being fed lies. The truth about human history, about real science, about free energy, about E.T. contact, about the reality of behind the scenes politics will make things much more interesting. People will be motivated and also higher intellectually, spiritual abilities will make this process much easier.


    3. Cobra: Not everybody will experience ascension in this lifetime because it is such a big step of consciousness most of regular humanity will just experience deprogramming, it means removal of the programs that they have accepted in their selves by being exposed to the cabal so this is
      going to be removed and they will be free to choose their own destiny afterwards.
      ---ref lh0612

      Lisa: But are we talking in my lifetime?
      Cobra: I would not give any timeframe right now not yet.
      ---ref lh0612

    4. ALEXANDRA: This is really exciting. One person was asking about our full consciousness coming forward through the chambers somewhere in Agartha. Do you agree with that and would it take 3 days within these chambers to receive our full consciousness or not?

      COBRA: There was a lot of dis information about the chambers, fear, misinformation stating that the chambers are not of the light. Actually, those chambers are very advanced light technology, organic, integrated technology that assist us in reaching our full consciousness. There will be a gradual introduction of those chambers to the surface population at a certain moment around the event. I would say around first contact. They will will be used individually to those advanced light workers that are ready for them before the first contact, but after the event then more massively after first contact and as we come deeper into the full ascension process.
      ---ref am0613

    5. Rob – And will this also take place with the Galactic Federation openly and certain locations be able to have people meet them in a sense, not like a rock star or some sort of oddity but in an open interaction of, I guess we could certainly say, teacher and student from individuals who come from cultures that live a long time and are willing to share their information? Will this take place on the spiritual level? Everyone‘s talking about giving us technology and helping us with finance. For me personally, I’m looking forward to the – as the Moody Blue’s say – learning the secrets of our soul and how to develop a closer union with spirit. Can you talk about that a little bit?
      COBRA – Yes, of course, the Galactic Fedration will assist humanity in spiritual development and also technology. All that assistance will be given as fast as humanity will integrate it.
      ---ref rp0215

    6. last, this is the latest disclosure on the ascension plan.

  26. Some anonymous unknown character, supposedly close to Trump, that is putting out "Questions" (that is where the 'Q' comes from) for "truth seekers" to research, investigate & thus connect the dots (so to speak), as to what is going on. So that we all have a chance to discover together what is going on right now,...
    The following 2 links cover & discuss some of 'Q's recent dumps of questions.
    Destroying The Illusion - yT -
    Anti School - yT -

  27. To accelerate "the Event" I suggest the following:
    Anyone who wishes to participate can "meditate" [starting at any hour of the day], whenever they'd like. This way, people around the world will join in, at the beginning of any hour, & thus synchronize & join forces w/ those other participating. No need to announce it,... just do it whenever you feel up to it. These way there will always be "bursts" of "meditation energy" around the clock, directed towards "the Event", & until "the Event" happens.

    1. Jimmy,
      That's what I've been doing all my life.
      So, the more important ones asked by Cobra, are the ONLY times I would join the group.

      I chant, sing, and even dance for the "Victory of the Light" whenever MY heart is being guided by my Higher Self! Not what time the watch is showing.
      I obey to my HS, cause IT knows better when am I on a high vibes, so whatever I say/do, can be much much efficient, and FUN to do! 😄
      Peace, and Happy meditation!

  28. Update on the medical protocol. I feel an energetic sensation in my feet, as life force energy after thinking the command code 3 times. I use this as a guidance system of sorts. If it's energetic movement up my legs, it's a healing force. If it's burning/stinging sensations then it's the cabal. There is a third sensation in the legs associated with the cabal as well that is difficult to describe.

    Anyhow, the healing is limited in my case because I have something in me that is not human that has been eating me alive for years. I get emotions/feelings that are very distorted and not supposed to exist. This is something so very wrong I can't explain it in words. My intuition tells me this is cancer in me being perceived on a 'multidimensional' level. Perhaps cancer doesn't just operate on the physical level. Or perhaps it's something psychological; it's just in my head. Or a combination of the two.

    Thank you for the interview :)

    1. info Finder You can remove cancer and other pathology on many energetic levels. You have basically 12 bodies. You can remove it before it gets to your physical body. I've been using this method for many years now and it always amazes me. Check out the link and good luck! :


  29. One more thought as well. Disney. I'm hearing 'Disney owns this, Disney owns that' on a frequent basis. Just how large has Disney become? Disney owns Star Wars as well now.

    1. Disney owns a large percentage of the major food companies too.

  30. I have to say this, (because it's being repeated by many interviewers).

    So, Cobra is being interviewed by the people who follow his blog. How nice. But....
    Hungarians ask mostly about the past of Hungary. Russians - about Russia's history. Turkish ask about Turk history. (Yet, I am Armenian in THIS lifetime, and I know there was NO Turkey when the Armenians, and the Greeks were the ones populating that land).
    I'll skip the part how Turks got that country. Because, now I know for sure - ALL wars and genocides have been created by the archons, and handled by controlled and brainwashed puppets. That's ALL I KNOW.
    Nine out of ten people dream about Peace and prosperity. NOT war and blood!!!

    I no longer care WHAT HAPPENED in the past! (Only a few things, mostly related with our Ascended Masters).
    So, when I say; "I love ALL people from ALL nationalities" - I really mean it.

    I think it's time for us to be READY for the EVENT, and keep this always in our minds:
    ALL past history we have had has been a part of divide and conquer program of the darks, so they created new languages, new nationalities with their country borders, contradicting religions, etc, etc....

    Thus, in my humble opinion, A TRULY spiritually awakened person, who's saying -WE ARE ONE-should not ask that many questions about her/his country and culture. (A couple is okay. We can understand it).

    Nothing can be true than saying - WE ARE ONE NATION; ONE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH!!!
    To build the New Atlantis, and see our new "Dreamland", can be done ONLY when we LIVE as sisters and brothers of the world.
    (Check out Cobra's intel on "Operation Dreamland" from 2012).

    Peace to ALL!!!


  31. Massive UFO Landed Mount Adams
    ECETI Stargate Official YouTube Channel


  32. Insider Q Update November 25th

    Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID:3LaVfhm8 Sat 25 Nov 2017 19:20:08

    USA_leadership change
    SA_leadership change
    GER_leadership change?
    PAK_leadership change?
    (8, 7, 6, 5……).


  33. Watch this!

  34. The yaldabaoth of bleeding just only max 8% are still there... Do you think the light forces stop ?!

    1. where r u getting this info from?

    2. Parasitas de corpo maior começam a ser removidos. 39%

      Parasites of the bigger body (yaldab...) started to been removed 39%


  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Hi Dear Ones,
    I also had issues trying to get to this new interview. Here is a link to the transcript.LOVE HAS CONQUERED ~

  37. Hi Dear Ones,
    I also had issues trying to get to this new interview. Here is a link to the transcript.LOVE HAS CONQUERED ~

  38. The classified information regarding the removal of the non-awakened people after 2025 gave me some bad feelings. if possible, better clarify this matter. thank you

    1. You need to adjust to the frequency of Gaia, but some people don't gonna do it, because they don't want, can't make it or just don't know about it. Then, basically you go to other planet with a similar frequency of yours to help you evolution, and without Chimera in these other planet evolution gonna be very peaceful and quick.

      But don't worry, with us(Gaia,earth) or in other planet, dimension etc, don't matter, we are ONE. You always gonna be where you need to be.


    2. For who remembers from all Cobra's interviews,... this problem with moving the remnant 3rd density people was scheduled as 'much longer after the Event'.

      Who remembers it?

    3. @ "Willian Clark": My experience and understanding is that Higher Knowledge of the Light, of Divine Intelligence, of "God" is ALWAYS beneficient - from Love and for Evolution and Increased Evolution. Forever.

      So, if something is deemed "classified information" from the Intel that Cobra has at any time, we can consider that it is only classified in our best interests and/or to keep that information from the dark forces if it is wise to do so.

    4. Henry G. Bieler, M.D. Food Is Your Best Medicine

      He cured many people in his day, many in the entertainment industry.

      The famous "Bieler's broth" was named after him: Cooked zucchini, green beans, celery in pure water. Then blended to puree with fresh parsley.

      I think he was reported as saying: all the intelligence accumulated by humanity could be tossed in the ocean for all it's amounted to, for all it's worth, IF IT WEREN'T for the detriment of the fishes.

      Truest knowledge comes from within. Deeper than the intellect. In the heart and from pure Being.

    5. What happens when there is going to be some natural event like a hurricane .. a tornado.. or tsunami announcement...

      some will feel they can ride it off..
      some wont believe or refuse to believe it could happen...
      some will stay for fun to watch it...

      Some may not even know about it for one reason or another...

      Maybe this analogy is not exact but point being... many may not hop into spaceships or go underground or might not know what to do or even care to know about it.. who knows

    6. Cobra:

      "The reality of the situation is that toplet bombs take long time to clear. The sooner we all realize this and keep working for the liberation, the sooner it will come."

      NOTE To Consider:

      Analysis, evaluation, and predictions of THE EVENT, and all else, are many times "off" because Truth is a "Living God" (Source, Divine Intelligence, the Unified Field [of Physics], etc.). The God Force, Divine "Light" Energy is in control and the master plan that will be, and is NOT told to any individual or group. Even the highest archangels and Ascended Masters do not have the All-Knowing recognition that the ONE who Knows All Things, In All Time and Space, simultaneously, has.

      Each moment everything is in flux as a moving Living Spirit of God/Source. Free will and interactions are all part of the play that determine the All-Encompassing Divine Will.

      Victory of the Light.

    7. I don't get it either unless it means the unawakened people remain in 3d until they wake up, but I think more people will be awakened by then though. I honestly don't get why we can't have divine intervention, I mean with the way things are now i think we do need it.

    8. wait.. after 2025??.. i dont think they have explained how earth will be on 2025.. that is the big change timeslot .. the big transformation... i dont know if there has been any info if there still will be a 3D Earth.

      btw why bad feeling?.. if the earth needs to cleanse .. lets pretend that is the case.. would u not want people to be move out of harmsway...

      is not like they r going to be taken to a fema camp...

      the analogy i posted earlier.. about the reaction people have when informed of some climate event... may also play out if told that earth will go thru some real changes.....

      some may not believe it...some may not understand and resist who knows...
      i think that is what they refer to unawakened...

      but with the assistance of everyone.. meaning you... you could persuade and make people understand...

      worse case scenario... just scotty them up :)...

      or u would prefer they stay?

  39. Found the comments on silver interesting. As a stacker, I’m not alarmed it won’t go to $400 an ounce for the reason that if money is going to be phased out, we’ll have to go through a massive deflationary period in which real estate price would contract by 75% and the Dow by about the same percentage. $150 silver wouldn’t be too bad in that kind of world.

  40. Who qualifies as Awakened ???
    Who decides ??

    1. Who decides how much you believe in animal rights? Other people can judge how much you believe in animal rights based on what you say and do but really, you are the only one who knows. And to be honest, at the bottom of it it doesnt matter how much you are judged by other people. It only matters what you know of your self.

    2. You decides,
      You know when you get there. You just know! Because it's come form a higher state of self.

      There's no rule here. No end line.
      Awakening from earth truth are not the top of it.
      Awakening for the great experiment/school is earth for the soul, is not the end line too.

      Everything is connected...

      Every single person have their own path to run, many will not have access to that truth, they are not ready as a living matter, even in a soul level.

      Many will be relocated in another planet to continue their path of evolution after this life time and they will not remember about earth.

      It's all a big process of souls coming back to source of pure love, we as a collective choose to come to light from the dark. To grow higher on souls level, to learn.

      We are already from light at first, we are souls experiencing what is to be separated from the source, from love, from each other.
      To do that we choose to come here, Gaia enabled this experiment on her, we come with no memory of others lifes nor our real I Am. That's the game of separation and duality.

      As a collective we are ready to the next step, we learn how to bypass the darkness and come to light from there, trough eras of this game.

      There's a many levels of what is a awakened person.

      Light means you know the truth...
      Dark means you know nothing...

      Many still in darkness about the truth of the soul. But is in light about earth changes...

      No matter where you are, what you know now, that IS what you have to have, no more, no less. Is perfect for you and your soul.

      It's all a process, and if you are ready, things will let you there and you will get more, and when you reach it, you will just know, you will be full of what you searching. And that's will be enough to continue your life time, it will set you free.

      So those who feel a true freedom from all the matrix games are ready to next step. See?


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Entities will only assist in the removal of unqualified entities from other planetary spheres, thereby avoiding immeasurable pain.
      It is not a question of "Who" but of vibration compatibility that will not be compatible with what the planet will have.

    5. To make it seems like there's different degrees. What one awakened person may be awakened to, another may not. I think it's to do with finding out how things like religion are used for control or, that wars are manufactured for the global elite. One big one is finding out 911 was an inside job.

    6. one aspect.. is the understanding of the matrix...

      different levels of awareness...
      there are those that are spiritually more awakened than others.. but bottom line the mere understanding of this game... (well once its over)... it will lead to greater awareness within and out.. is all an individual process.

      we all had been subjected to programmings.. the more you deprogram yourself the more awakened u become.. leading to discovering ur true identity...

      Anyways... dont let the word 'awakened" bring u hesitation.

      You might hop to the top of the line once the binds are cut..

      we all will get some leap forward as far as awakeness is concern once this game is ova. imho...

  41. It is cryptic. I suggest following Jonathan Carty's blog, he distills it down and analyzes it.

    You can also go on twitter and search for #QAnon or #4CHAN #QClearance etc. to find posts and links to more information.

    see also:

  42. So basically extraterrestrials not even from earth are now classifying information about the future history of OUR planet? Not even that, i heard from somewhere that pleiadians are in charge of OUR incarnation cycles and OUR planet. This is some BS right here, and violation of both the galactic codex and universal laws.

    I don't mind it though, no reason to ascend in the first place so you could just return to the same shit you came for with no reason whatsoever.
    Who's up for round 2 of primary (more like secondary) anomaly madness on another planet? Sounds like true fun! Though we'd have to wait a few years for the harvesting cycles to restart. Or can i just get erased again? I'll recover everything i knew for a second time, souls are indestructible.

    Friendly remained: removing this comment is a violation of free will, and expression of human emotions. Even the constitution is with me on this one.

  43. This is us, uniting and growing faster in a legion, we being here like soldiers, volunteers fighting for the planetary liberation.

    And being so, like soldiers, may we have to remember that our language is, or may be, much more 'flexible,'... as much as we may not feel ashamed if hearing certain phrases...

    But the problem is that in some cultures the phrase may seem very strange,...
    So, even is your language accepted, you get often the question: OK, but what does it mean?...

  44. I find interesting the connection between "waiting" and "attacking other people with violent emotional outbursts."

  45. We talking about 90% of the population here. How many people are going to ascend?


  46. I had a dream early this year, a kind of dream in which, while being on a city sea side, in a dark night with a few mercury lamps only, there was coming from far the sea the loud sound of a song having 'the voices of the world' music and Sarah Cecilia Carr's voice, in a kind of mixed Spanish-English hard understandable language,
    saying something about SOLARIAN Star System, and DISCLOSURE.

    Hopely, 'in the foreseeable future' the Light Forces would be able to keep it from Akashic Records, and give it to the public in a kind of record to be shared.

    It is worth to be shared,... I tell you the truth...


  47. We have to stand up now, and ask for our desires beside of working together.

    What becomes clear now is that Cobra's plan of Ascension is surrealistic for the nowadays earth, even if liberation on the etheric and plasma plan occurs.

    We have to be here and draw our desire concerning the Ascension plan.

    They, RM, LF drew a preset Ascension plan without to ask us for a word.

    It's like another case of say it dictatorship, but for the Light, for the 'higher purposes'.

    We have to stand up and to say: this yes, and this not for.
    And not to wait or ask for their plan.

    Let's act it now! LF will support out initiative in the way that Cobra claims they support any initiative for light...

  48. What comes as dangerous now (and nobody still speakes about) is,... guess it what?...

    Of course... there is, what?...

    Nothing else than... delays in... post-Event era.

    Yes!... We will not get the new technologies due to our lack of understanding (as a collective consciousness)... and we have to wait... 'much longer after the Event'...


  49. A huge and disgusting dictatorship is emerging... beside but simultaneously with the planetary liberation.

    It's the dictatorship of 'higher interest', 'higher purposes', 'the highest good', so on.

    In a word, the dictatorship of 'higher/highest', beside of which each of us seems allegedly absolutely unimportant.

    And, putting this in a galactic context now.

    We are slowly, but surely educated to give up our power to this 'high', now, this time, not to a higher authority, but higher interests, good, or purposes...

    And... as any dictatorship... it needs to have you (in fact all of us) at its disposal. So, it shows us an unique way to follow.
    It is, obviously, the 'service to others'. The other, the 'service to self', is presented as the opposant way, which allegedly works against it.
    And so, we are subliminally learned that 'the evolution' works like a war. In fact, a process in which you have to be involved, pro or con, and to 'go' with the wave in a certain direction, for the 'higher good and interest'.
    In any way, you are silently taught that you can not, you are not allowed, to remain or to be neutral.
    You have to be involved, to be put on rack, either for you or, or, preferable for others (STO). Of course, for the 'higher good', 'higher purposes', 'higher interests', so on...
    You are attentioned that there in not a 3rd way, between service to self and to other, so, you have not a choice to remain uninvolved!!
    And, to be better 'indoctrinated', you are told that being in 'service to others' you will feel yourself blissful and in full joy and happiness...

  50. Can human beings who moved to other planets without being ascensioned inherit the current level of civilization? Or do it over again from the primitive age?

    1. Not everyone will be going to the same planet if they don't ascend. There will be at least 20 different planets made available to accept refugees from Earth. Some planets are more advanced while others are more primitive and practically uninhabited. The new planets that have been prepared have clean pristine environments and never experienced war for they were never under the occupation of the dark powers. This separation is being done to fulfill the obligation required under the second section of the Galactic codex.

      "Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to be divided and protected from the negative actions of other sentient beings."

      It requires that the Forces of Light always divide the parties in conflict to protect them from producing mutual harm to each other. For example Christians will not be forced to live amongst Muslims nor Muslims amongst Christians. This is done for their own mutual protection. The racists and xenophobes will also be divided so they cannot harm each other. These people have a lot of spiritual growing to do and need time to rehabilitate themselves before they can be integrated into a more mixed society.

      The level of civilization and technology people receive on the new planets will be appropriate to the cultures they are living in now. People living in the rain forest will not be forced to live in a high tech city nor will current city dwellers be forced to live like cavemen. Sheep herders will still be herding sheep and farmers will still be working the land. However people can live a quiet life in hobbit hole if they so choose. Healing will be given to all before the planetary transfer takes place.

      Where people end up as always depends on their level of consciousness. People of high consciousness will likely ascend directly to the 5th density in 2025 and avoid the refugee planets altogether. After the event people will have many choices even if they don't ascend. Just something to think about.

      Peace be with you.

  51. Disclosures in the TV Show ‘The 4400’

  52. Aurora in pink color!

  53. Oh wait no i get it, those who are of 54% or more into positive polarity ascend to 4D to learn to love, those of 95% of more negative repeat this same divide and conquer stuff for 26k years, and the rest that are in between, they reunite with the source, while their bodies desintegrate into light and are being transported to an earth like replica, with all their families, houses, jobs and pretty much the same thing we have now and they still remain "quarantined" until another 26k years passes and they choose a polarity, or still remain in quarantine.

    I get it, the "game" (our reality of extreme polarities on 3D) would be unfair if we knew everything from the begining, but the harvest is soon approaching, why is this still classified? People deserve to know the real truth. I demand you de-classify this to the surface population. You're light beings afterall...

    1. What you wrote is pretty close to the truth aside from a few minor details. After the event and the initial ascension period in 2025 all the souls that could not ascend will be transferred to other Earth like replica planets. However, there will be a long period of grace given to the people who transferred.

      This grace period is to last at least 1000 years before the next 26k year cycle begins. During this grace period people may ascend at any time to the 5th density. After the grace period expires only then will people be locked into another 26k year cycle of duality. It should be understood that future 26k year cycles will never be as dark or as difficult as the cycle we have just been through. That kind of suffering is simply forbidden under the laws of the Galactic codex. There will be no more war and no slavery, torture, debt, or otherwise allowed. The karmic system where souls are punished lifetime after lifetime in rigged games they cannot possibly win is a mechanization of the dark powers.

      Earth was the last planet this was permitted under and it only happened because Achons held the planet hostage with toplet bombs. After the event this kind of darkness will never be allowed anywhere in the entire universe.

      Duality will still exist on the replica planets however it will be balanced towards the light in such a way that favors spiritual growth and ascension. Duality will only be manifested in the form of the natural life and death cycle of mortal life for that is all that is needed to facilitate spiritual growth. There was never any need to torture souls and make people's lives miserable. Life is meant to be a journey of joy and creativity.

      After the event no matter where people end up going (3D or 5D) the laws of the Galactic codex will always apply.

      Peace be with you.


  54. That interview was good - good confirmation that I really shouldn't be reading these interviews. I apologize, it will not happen again.
    I've only been told that for four years, I really should have known better. My bad.

    Instead, here is something really UpLifting.

    Please do yourselves a favour and check this one out. It's only a few minutes long, and it shows what humanity and human nature *really* is all about: Love and Togetherness.
    No matter how big or small, how healthy or handicapped, how awakened or not:
    We are humans, and We are All in this Together, and We Will ALL DO THIS TOGETHER. Ascension will happen for EveryOne.
    And if you think otherwise or have been told something else, then you or your information are wrong. Plain and simple.

    Emmanuel Kelly & Coldplay Perform "Imagine"

    Nobody gets left behind. NOBODY!

    And that's the Bottom Line 'cause that's how it is in this Universe!


  55. It would seem Cobra continues to place the toplet bombs as the crux of holding the compression breakthrough event from happening. However I still maintain there is a problem with that. Mainly the problem with that is that a true dyed in the wool sociopath would rather take down the whole world with them knowing they will be sent to the central sun to die permanently. So what's been stopping them from detonating one?

    There are only 1 of 2 possibilities here.

    (1) Either these strangelt/toplet bombs were false to begin with and were used as an excuse to buy more time with humans waiting for the event to happen knowing the Company of Heaven would have to wait for things here on the surface to proceed further. Or.

    (2) These bombs are real but have already been neutralized knowing many dark people here with the means of detonating them would do so if they realized they had no chance of escaping the Company of Heaven and their end goal of being sent to a central sun to die.

    Does anyone here doubt these dark beings haven't known for quite some time they wouldn't be able to escape earth or their fate? So why haven't they triggered any of these toplet bombs? Why hasn't the earth blown up yet. It's not like these dark ones didn't have that opportunity, right? So what has been stopping them? A good conscience? Did they suddenly have a change of heart? Anyone with half a brain reading the headlines would know that isn't happening.

    So IMO, either this story of these strangelt/toplet bombs is false or they are real but have already been disarmed which begs the question, what's holding up the compression breakthrough? Mass arrests here in the west? Or disclosure of the secret space programs and their inherent technology? Or a financial collapse? All of the above?

    If so, it will be a long wait given how long those have been taking place.

    1. Yes, all that leaves a lot of doubt. It would be so stupid easy to leak some real photos or some prove, so that this guessing BS could end. NEVER ANY REAL PROVE - NOWHERE. Even guys like Wilcock, Goode, Greer etc. ALWAYS leaving serious doubts. What a world.

    2. Maybe toplet bombs isnt really a bomb in the way we normally think of it.

    3. The bad guys dont want to destroy themselves... think of a psychopath... they will fight to the very end. they had already form a pattern or belief that they can outsmart everyone else. They will try to create opportunities to escape.
      If the light is naive enough as the bad guys hope they are... they feel they have a chance.

      The light wont intervene as we already know because of the hostage situation... so i take it the toplet bombs being the primary reason why.

      At least that is my understanding..

  56. I wanted to repost this analysis of Babylon 5 from earlier this year. It is the crown jewel of all of my work. Nothing else comes close to this epic download of everything we have been hearing about: The solar flash, The Event, the operations to liberate Earth, the Cosmic Anomaly, the Jesuits, super-soldiers, the Resistance, the Galactic Confederation, a secret space program, Blue Spheres, Ascended Beings, the Illuminati/Freemasons and much more. I have updated the clips so they are in HD and with much better audio. Also, the creator of the show even tweeted me about it (included in the beginning of the post). I hope those who haven't read it yet will enjoy it!

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.


  58. PFCC: The next questions involve the key of humanity:

    Recently a Humanity Report was released through a video of Manifesto of Humanity gaining wide recognition.
    Their impression is throughout time the forces of Light have not had sufficient understanding of the changes of humanity on our planet (Video link:

    The opinion of some of those who are awakened is: People have talked about the Event year after year, the story is endless.
    This causes more disappointment for the light workers. Sheldan Nidle has been saying every week that “The time is near, it is now and the Light Forces are ready to let it happen”. Here comes the question:

    “During the time of liberation of earth and mankind, the key component of humanity is ‘trust’ and ‘seeing is believing’.
    After repeated delay of the Event for many years, the faith of the Light workers is fading.
    Do you think that the Light Forces realize the danger of it?”

  59. the OPS Perseus decides everything.. according to my divination.. Ashtar it suggested this to us.. No??

  60. The eagle has landed.....? Chimera down?

  61. "Wayfaring Stranger" by H.P. Lovecraft

    I am a poor wayfaring stranger
    Travelling through this world of woe;
    And there's no sickness, toil, no danger
    In that bright land to which I go.
    I'm going there to meet my brothers,
    And from that land we'll find a way;
    I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger,
    Looking for a brighter day.

    One of these mornings and it won't be long
    All men will rise, stand side by side;
    Then hand in hand we'll stand together,
    Vibrations calling all mankind.
    I'm going there to meet my brothers,
    And from that land we'll find a way;
    I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger,
    Looking for a brighter day.
    Brighter day
    Brighter day
    Brighter day

  62. 2017-11-27

    Huge actionable intelligence haul from Marine raid on CIA HQ

    By Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society 

    The good guys are winning, folks, and it will not be long before the last brainwashed slaves are freed from the Khazarian debt-slavery mind-control matrix and the criminals rounded up.

    The Marine raid last week on CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia has yielded a huge haul of actionable intelligence, say Pentagon and other sources. “[U.S. President Donald] Trump is winning BIG, with Clinton-linked pedo rings busted in China as well as the Philippines, Africa, and Germany. Military tribunals and sealed indictments across the USA are approaching 4,000,” according to Pentagon sources.

    This raid was made possible because Trump signed an executive order on October 20th to recall retired military to active duty in order to “take down the Bush-Clinton cabal, the Jewish mafia, and purge the CIA and FBI of traitors,” the sources say.

    The sources say that during the November 18th raid on CIA headquarters, computers and documents were seized and as a result, “some 400 drug facilities were located and the U.S. military began bombing them in Afghanistan on November 19th.” They added that the bombed locations were labelled as the Taliban’s in order “to be politically correct.” In other words, they do not want the world to think there is a civil war going on inside the military-industrial complex.

    In any case, “The Marines have proven once again that they are semper fidelis (always faithful), as this was not just a military operation but an intelligence operation, a psychological warfare operation, and the largest anti-drug operation in history,” the sources continue.

  63. For Slovenian readers:

    Link to our ESG and SOTR group on Facebook:

    Thank you for this interview Cobra and Victory of the Light!

  64. This week I started reading "Alien Interview", by Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, which contains the 1947 interviews of a Roswell alien. You know, the Roswell UFO crash.

    Here's a part about pyramids. Made me think of the illuminati eye-on-the-pyramid:

    (from page 84) The pyramid civilizations were intentionally created as part of the IS-BE prison system on Earth. The pyramid is alleged to be the symbol for "wisdom". However, the "wisdom" of the "Old Empire" on planet Earth is intended to operate as part of the elaborate amnesia "trap" consisting of MASS, MEANING and MYSTERY. These are opposite to the qualities of an Immortal Spiritual Being which have no mass, or meaning. An IS-BE "is" solely because it thinks that it "is".
    (end of excerpt)

    'IS-BE' can be read as 'human' in this context. (The term is explained earlier in the document.) And I think "Old Empire" might be what we here call the Chimera (I could be wrong!) and if you just start reading from chapter 6 you get a really good idea of how Earth is a prison planet. Another one:

    "If The Domain sent ships to every corner of the universe in search of "Hell", their quest could end on Earth. What greater brutality can be inflicted on anyone than to erase the spiritual awareness, identity, ability, and memory that is the essence of oneself?"

    This last sentence really struck me. And I just saw this is actually the preamble of the document.

    Direct link to pdf.

    1. The pdf link should be Corrected hyperlink:

      Direct link to pdf.

    2. The pdf link should be Corrected hyperlink:

      Direct link to pdf.

    3. The pdf link should be Corrected:

      Direct link to pdf.

      (3rd time I have to submit this comment because it just doesn't work. Apologies if this comment appears multiple times. Blogspot-- what a mess.)

    4. The pdf link should be Corrected:

      Direct link to pdf.

      (4th attempt at posting this comment... sorry for multiples)

  65. Ben Fulford's 11/27/2017 post indicates a lot of very positive movements have happened recently.

    I wonder if Cobra can confirm that the US Marines actually did raid the CIA headquarters (Q calls it "Clowns in America" and Steve Pieczenik calls the CIA "Catholics in Action") and the Marines departed with a gigantic stash of "actionable intelligence," which will put a lot of very bad people behind bars.

    Can anybody out there in Cobra-land confirm Ben's post from today?

  66. Two "channelings" but possibly accurate information.

    Vero Verius
    Published on Nov 20, 2017

    Archangel Michael / Ashtar / We are Moving Now in Full Force

    Universe Inside You
    Published on May 14, 2017

    Ashtar Galactic Command - Everything You Wanted to Know 2017

    Victory of the Light and the Will of Divine Intelligence (Almighty Father/Mother Divine) Fulfilled on earth.

  67. Looks like Cobra's keeping busy as well. Comments haven't been accepted for over a day now. I hope this means a lot is getting done.



    I hardly believe that... (maybe some but not all)
    those are where the Archons tend to incarnate into per the info provided in this blog... via the jesuits they control the other minions... rothchilds etc...

    in turn under the direction or leadrrship of some of them is where the biggest human atrocities ideaa were conceived n directed.
    the Archons are responsible for the mary-go-round of the tampered reincarnation... Alsurrendi assume those reside in the other realms...

    so i really doubt that group has been cleared yet or surrendered... maybe the younger generation. maybe.



  70. PFCC: After 2025, can human beings who have not ascended continue to live on planet earth?
    COBRA: This answer is classified.

    PFCC: It is said that the Blue Avians have evacuated the spheres between the sun and the earth. As result, Galactic energy will directly impact the solar system and the earth. Many awakened people are making preparations. Some are prepared to leave the solar system through flying saucers. Some will go into the inner earth, and some will take refuge in the caves. I would like to ask, if unprepared, what will be the outcome?
    COBRA: The Light forces will assist the unprepared.

    What is being said by these 2 questions and answers?
    That the surface of the planet will not be inhabitable after 2025?

    1. Alexandra: You also talked about the star-gate, the time window being opened from 1975-2025. You said “The transformation needs to be complete”. Can you clarify what the transformation means. The event itself, or the full unfolding and cleaning up the planet and healing humanity, etc.

      Cobra : The whole transformation including the event and the purification and healing of humanity needs to happen before the end of 2025.
      Alexandra: Wow, so we have 11 years. OMG. OK.
      ---ref am0114
      (Alfred) So what you’re really saying is that there is an integrated multi-dimensional coordinated plan that multiple intelligent entities from different dimensions (from Agartha, the layers beneath the surface of the earth, lightworkers in the human population, the White Hats, the ethical Regional Galactic Governance Councils, the ethical ET’s and also spiritual dimensional beings) are working on -- that this is the Shift of the Ages -- and that we’re coming to the culmination of it because we’ve made the turn around the Galactic Sun in 2012. Is that more or less what you’re saying?

      (Cobra) I would completely agree with everything except the timing, because it’s a process. The Stargate, the time window for the whole process, started in 1975 and will be over in 2025. It’s a 50 year transformational window. 2025 is when the transformation needs to be complet

  71. O FOR a voice like thunder, and a tongue
    To drown the throat of war! When the senses
    Are shaken, and the soul is driven to madness,
    Who can stand? When the souls of the oppressèd
    Fight in the troubled air that rages, who can stand?
    When the whirlwind of fury comes from the
    Throne of God, when the frowns of his countenance
    Drive the nations together, who can stand?
    When Sin claps his broad wings over the battle,
    And sails rejoicing in the flood of Death;
    When souls are torn to everlasting fire,
    And fiends of Hell rejoice upon the slain,
    O who can stand? O who hath causèd this?
    O who can answer at the throne of God?
    The Kings and Nobles of the Land have done it!
    Hear it not, Heaven, thy Ministers have done it!

    William Blake
    The initial - central circle
    mirror of all other radii
    originating outside IT and within IT.
    we will „single out“ our rhymes and riddles
    now found and played by those with fiddles
    stopping all diddles
    as the fun is in the middles

    I just wanted to stop by and say hello to my beautiful dragon family... we at dragos anonymous

  72. A few years ago I read a book named"The Gaia Project 2012" written by Hwee-young Jang. ( writer is deceased).. The author said people will not believe this and to read with an open mind. I have to admit , I found the book, very much "out there" but at the same time fascinating. After this interview , I'm thinking it's time to reread this book. I know you're not a fan of channelers but do you have any comments COBRA?

  73. The final moments before victory

  74. Please forgive me for I'm writing off-topic.
    But Negatives are about to obstruct Disclosure and stripe out efforts of RM by proposal of ABOLISHMENT OF (THE INTERNET) NETWORK NEUTRALITY, starting from United States. Again, in the year 2017.
    Below will be explanation clip in YouTube – what is absence of the Network neutrality for not well educated people:
    Below is link to the site, telling how citizens of US be able to take action:
    I wish to notice that it is not the single activity by Negatives for to obstruct Disclosure. In Russian parliament is being discussed bill №318825-7, what should regulate placement information about certain physical and legal persons, allowing to hide facts about plundering of the state funds.


  76. It is interesting to see Cobra call the lines in the ocean 'fracture zones' when anyone with any observation skills can go to Google Earth, zoom all the way in on the lines , and see that Google has used brushstrokes and blurred out much of it. But this is all over the ocean, and as much as they tried there are still places they didn't get completely. So take a look.

    Look at those areas and you will see many Ancient structures. In fact, our whole landscape is a Conglomeration of many different ruins that have their origin in concept, and myth. If you think I am kidding pull out Google earth and zoom into the Atlantic.

    Not only do we get lied to from NASA constantly about earth and space, Google is also keeping us in the dark.

    And I have found plenty of info on the ocean lines , the connective tissue of consciousness, as its called, which connects the collective, which connects countries and cultures together. If the earth had a brain these lines would be the neuro pathways. But it's more the aetheric grid of the earth these lines are on.

    So fracture lines? That is the most status quo answer I have seen from a source of planetary liberation Intel. How about you disclose what the earth really is, instead of all the space races coming to save us. If we know where we are that is more liberating than anything!

    For those interested , look up ' the connective tissue of consciousness' much love to you all.

    1. Excatly how I feel for a long time with all this blabla here. We are treated as stupid little idiots, who have to watch the big brothers to clear the earth for us. And from time to time they allow us in all gracious moods to make a meditaion which might help or not- what we of course have no real prove of. Use your inner guidance is the great answer to all the concerns -as we would have any chance for that with all the mind control, programmng and untrained as we are. Very bitter what stays as a tangible result of all this blablabla....after so many years.....! :-(

  77. Wazupp everyone??? It is sooo quiet around here...

  78. Warning, this has some dark information in it. It is a story given to me in a dream about a little girl who survived horrific abuse in an orphanage from the 60s. I was inspired by Arbre Solaire's latest video... I hope those who feel guided to see it will enjoy has a happy ending.. <3



    "Federal standards are raised in advance of income Light Bearers.

    Flashes of Brilliance Light the skies.

    hu-being expansion is at hand.

    Nothing can stop the Trains of Illumination."

    All Aboard.
    This Train Is Bound For Glory NOW ♥ ♥ ♥
    *Choo CHOOO!*

    Mumford And Sons, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, O.C.M.S - This Train Is Bound For Glory

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace and Freedom for All on, in and around Gaia


  80. (Les informations classifiées concernant l'enlèvement des personnes non éveillées après 2025 m'ont donné quelques mauvais sentiments) je suis 100 pour cent d'accord avec toi Willian Clark désolé je suis comme st thomas sérénité et amour pour tous


  81. God works in mysterious ways ;-)
    Mysterious Ways

    One man, one goal,
    One Mission.
    One heart, one soul,
    Just One Solution.

    One Flash of Light.
    One God, One Vision.

    One flesh, one bone,
    One true religion.
    One Voice, One Hope,
    One Real Decision.

    Gimme One Vision.

    No wrong, no right.
    I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white.
    No blood, no stain.
    All we need is One World-Wide Vision.

    One flesh, one bone,
    One true religion.
    One Race, One Hope,
    One Real Decision.

    I had a dream when I was young,
    A dream of sweet illusion:
    A glimpse of Hope and Unity,
    And visions of one Sweet Union.

    But a cold wind blows,
    And a dark rain falls,
    And in my heart it shows.
    Look what they've done to my dream.

    One Vision!

    So give me your hands,
    Give me your hearts.
    I'm ready.
    There's only One Direction:
    One World, One Nation,
    One Vision.

    No hate, no fight,
    Just excitation.
    All through the night
    It's a celebration.



    Mysterious Ways

    We are ONE!



    1. Again ;-)

      Mysterious Ways

      It's All Right


  82. (Part VI) Massive Intel Drops on 4Chan by Individual(s) with Highest Level ‘Q’ Clearance & Other Updates

  83. A few years ago I read a book named The Gaia Project 2012 . It was written by Hwee-Young Jang ( now deceased) . The author said most people would not believe this but to keep an open mind . Talks about people leaving the planet ... I' m going back and reread that book .. are you familiar COBRA?

  84. Sealed indictments now over 4000 cases

  85. All I know is this story after story year after year hope after hope scam after scam hate after hate killing after killing war after war its still the same story once again you will know change is happening when they stop spraying their shit It has now took on different form you can actually see it encompass mountain ranges you could not see it at a lower altitude before I wish I was the hulk so I could smash our way to change

  86. Operation Perseus II 432Hz



  88. This comment has been removed by the author.


  90. Let's take advantage of the multidimensional portal surrounding the winter solstice time to help create the foundation for lasting positive change for our world.
    We will also be taking advantage of the pleiadian Command PB Stardust technology for healing, as well as the 0010110 decree for planetary acceleration, in a group effort and meditation.
    Please join us DAILY if you feel interested, inspired and guided:
