Although Reboot of the Grid
was very successful, one significant part of the Archons grid on the etheric and
astral planes is still intact.
It is a grid that keeps controlling
and manipulating human personal relationships for millenia. This grid is the
reason for most human conflicts. It is
the main reason for delays in final victory of the Light on this planet. It
consists of Archons and their minions on the etheric and astral planes in a
thin layer close to Earth’s surface.
The physical counterpart of
this grid consists of people deep within the Jesuit network. I would suggest
everyone stop focusing so much on Committee of 300 because the real control
lies elsewhere. The physical Jesuit Archons are still quite dangerous and the
green light for the Event will not be given until those people are cut away
from their resources. The Resistance is dealing with the situation and I will
post more intel about this when/if it will be declassified.
It is time now to keep
dissolving the Archons grid on the etheric and astral planes with a unified
meditation this Sunday May 27th. Please use the exact meditation from Reboot of
the Grid so our consciousness stream gets unified.
1. Relax your mind and body by
watching your breath for a few minutes.
2. Visualize a pillar of electric
blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, going through your body to
the center of the Earth. Keep this pillar of Light active for a few minutes.
Then visualize all negative entities around the Earth being removed from
etheric and astral planes along with all their negative spiritual technologies
and magical tools and all those entities being escorted into the Light by the
non-physical freedom fighters of the Light. Visualize this process taking place
worldwide peacefully and smoothly. Visualize the world finally being free from
spiritual slavery, free from all evil Archons, Reptilians, demons, elementals
and other negative non-physical beings. Visualize the vibration of the etheric
and astral planes getting lighter and brighter until all dark beings are gone
and only Light remains.
3. Visualize bright new spiritual
future for humanity, with angels, fairies, dolphins, unicorns, spiritual guides
and other beings of Light inhabiting etheric and astral planes. Visualize all
wounds of humanity being healed, all humanity being inspired and guided with
everybody having their own connection with their own Soul and the Source.
Exact times for different time zones
9:00 am
HAST May 27th (Hawaii)
11:00 am AKDT May 27th (Alaska)
12:00 pm PDT May 27th (Los Angeles)
1:00 pm MDT May 27th (Denver)
2:00 pm CDT May 27th (Houston)
3:00 pm EDT May 27th (New York)
4:00 pm BRT May 27th (Rio de Janeiro)
8:00 pm BST May 27th (London)
9:00 pm CEST May 27th (Paris)
9:00 pm SAST May 27th (South Africa)
10:00 pm EEST May 27th (Bulgaria)
11:00 pm MSK May 27th (Moscow)
12:30 am IST May 28th (India)
3:00 am CST May 28th (Beijing)
4:00 am JST May 28th (Tokyo)
5:00 am AEST May 28th (Sydney)
11:00 am AKDT May 27th (Alaska)
12:00 pm PDT May 27th (Los Angeles)
1:00 pm MDT May 27th (Denver)
2:00 pm CDT May 27th (Houston)
3:00 pm EDT May 27th (New York)
4:00 pm BRT May 27th (Rio de Janeiro)
8:00 pm BST May 27th (London)
9:00 pm CEST May 27th (Paris)
9:00 pm SAST May 27th (South Africa)
10:00 pm EEST May 27th (Bulgaria)
11:00 pm MSK May 27th (Moscow)
12:30 am IST May 28th (India)
3:00 am CST May 28th (Beijing)
4:00 am JST May 28th (Tokyo)
5:00 am AEST May 28th (Sydney)
Facebook group for this event:
Count me in ...
ReplyDeleteAs Light(Warriors)Workers it our duty to continue "Lighting Up" the planet as per directions mentioned above. It is time to realise we are powerful and Our actions are manifesting a new reality on the material plane. Post Cobra's instructions wherever you are able to, there are millions of people on this Planet that are still afraid to do something ... so encourage them gently to assist. They may not believe in the Light however they may be comfortable with the suggestion of Mind Power, Prayer or whatever allows them comfort with their potential involvement.
ReplyDeleteI have posted the link below "A message from Ashtar Command" ....regardless of the source it is very well written with a powerful message ... The content has the basis for a motivating Mission Statement !
Peace & Light
The Wiz
“THE LAW OF ONE “ is the original Law of Creation and is the Supreme Law over all Laws in all Dimensions. With the energy of LOVE, WHICH CONQUERS ALL, I now address and pray for all aspects, all things concerned with, and all that is connected to this and all existing situations; known & unknown, physical & non-physical, visible & non-visible, human & non-human by declaring that:
And so it is! I vision a huge circle of beautiful blue electric light surrounding our Earth, and I have been zapping the magic tools and creepy war mongroling spirits OUT till they disinigrate into LOVE!! In my circle are Mother Mary and all our Ascending Master friends and all our Pleidian sisters and brothers and all our Arturian Helpers, and the devas and fairies and the dolphins and all spirits of freedom from fear, and I zapped the pharmacies and they are replaced with the long hidden CURES, WE ARE ALL ONE and "I AM the governing presence, governing in complete Divine order, commanding happiness, harmony, and the presence of God's opulance, in my mind, in my home and in My World!" (quote from the I AM Discourses) Thankyou! Amen!
ReplyDeleteTo whom it may concern:
ReplyDeleteI know who you are, and I know what you've done. And I would like to say that I forgive you, and I love you. You know who I am. But, more importantly, I know who I AM. This is your last chance. Give back what you have stolen or it will be taken from you by force. You have broken the laws of God and man and your time is up. Stop the suffering. Do the right thing! This game has gone on long enough and it stops NOW! We both know what I'm capable of, but I do not want to punish you. We are ONE and we must move forward. There is nowhere to run and there is no place to hide. We are not afraid of you or your minions. WE have the power, and WE are LOVE. Sincerely...
Well stated MelodyDove Namaste.
DeleteJust love it !!!
DeleteWe are ready in Germany.
ReplyDeleteLight NOW!
The Beginning Is Near.
ReplyDeleteWow this message made me sooo happy, been waiting for days for it :)
ReplyDeleteI for my part will notify fellow Hungarians via my increasingly popular blog where all your messages are translated.
Will do the meditation as directed with full heart but still I'm a rookie at this. Hope everything goes out as planned !!!!
ReplyDeleteI will be there!!
ReplyDeleteHi Cobra, count on my and my contacts too! ;)
ReplyDeleteFrom Italy... the new Gold Earth is really near... can you feel she? :)
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ReplyDeleteIll second for Colorado!
DeleteThank you Cobra. I am here in the heart of Dixie holding the line. Much love to all brothers and sisters everywhere. Mitake Oyasin, aho!
ReplyDeleteHello Tyler :) Good day to you too! Namaste
DeleteTyler whats up dude? 5d energies heading your way :D
DeleteI think this time around, I'll just straight go after whoever is left. There is absolutely nothing they can do to me. No amount of trickery or dark "magic" can disrupt my light.
ReplyDeleteArchides (Greek term for scrotum since I refuse to call them by any other name), fear me because I'm coming for the whole lot of you.
Your time is up. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
I'm in and ready... and a BIG hug to Cobra for stepping into this job we are with you until they're gone.
ReplyDeletelove & Light .... Everywhere
Is anybody experiencing pressure on the top of the head? Enough to cause a little discomfort?
ReplyDeleteHave done all the protection stuff I know, so it must be all in the line of the changes. Thanks for any input.
Oracle Report Saturday, May 26 - Monday, May 28, 2012
DeleteCrescent Moon Phase
This weekend brings air to situations. The theme of air has been dominant the last few days, and when air energy is in force, dramatic events take place. This is what has been happening over the past few days and will continue through Monday. Remember "Wind" days from the Mayan Sacred Calendar, Tzolkin? (Tzolkin is another name for the Sun but is also the name of this particular calendar - same thing really.) Wind days blow in strong and hard and substantially change things.
But wind energy also enables powerful forces and powerful people to really extend themselves. A confluence of astrological events of great power involving 1) Vesta and tthe Black Moon (home, comfort, sense of peace), 2) Jupiter blowing through the last degrees of Taurus (expanded perception of what home really is), and 3) this weekend's conjunction of Mercury, the South Node, and the Sun (new thoughts about the past and how to bring a revamped version into the present). Plus the energy of last weekend's solar eclipse is still popping off and spinning off its Ring of Fire (not a good thing).
All in all, this weekend's energy is about letting air into situations. An energetic window (vortex) is being opened, which is wonderful - if we are careful what we let in. I posted this on twitter yesterday when I realized what was happening. It is very easy to be affected by negative energy, but also just as easy to turn back toward the more positive side. I don't talk very much about eclipses, but this past solar eclipse energy was and continues to be impossible to ignore. The airwaves are charged. People are saying things that they wouldn't normally say. They are going out on limbs and, on the other side, going off the rails. Quick episodic remarks have great power beind them - power to heal or harm. We need to be viligent and super-careful about what we say. Give things some time (some air) before speaking them. Be aware that forces that oppose the feeling that comes with home - comfort, peace, heart, and hearth - are out in full this weekend. As a sort of tonic and counter-measure of protection, maintain a strong connection with the Earth by being outside and aware of all the beautiful things in the air and pull back into this if you feel yourself getting down or negative in some way.
Minglyn, I had a huge headache and felt very tired all week but we will suceed, it's written in the stars! I'm Gemini so it may have yo do watch the air energy Victory has posted.
DeleteAlbert, I am Virgo. Maybe something was said about that earlier, but this is in addition to all the emotions from the eclipse. Got over the anger and crying already. Thank you for replying to me. Amazing how much just being in the loop of talk can assist. XOXO
DeleteOh yeah, the pressure on the crown of the head I've been feeling it for weeks but its getting better now.
DeleteWait till your hands buzz, upper arms buzz, and neck and back spasms. Hunger, sleepiness, waking up early, is never too bad, just unusual.
Lots of energy being absorbed by everyone.
ok. cool. I had this dream beforehand that I woke from because the pressure was in the dream too. I looked at the guy across from me as he was holding his head and grimacing. The push was so hard think I lost an inch in my neck. It`s all good now cuz it`s about a new energy body. Hey that fits cuz we were guys in coveralls working on machinery like maybe cars. The coverall/overall term fits here too. Love the play on terms in dreams. Thanks for input guys.
DeleteAho! Ya-Ta-Hey! Hola!
ReplyDeleteEveryday Is Earth Liberation Day!
The pillar of electric blue light to me is a Galactic Fire Hydrant Of Electric Blue Light. I am posting things of interest on my YouTube channel. I have added the link within my profile.
I have more photographs as of this post that I will be up on YouTube as well. A great many things on interest show up in my photographs AND within 15 minutes of this log-in, a BALD EAGLE flew over our house! Aho! Ya-Ta-Hey!
Thanks, I reposted on
ReplyDeleteReposted on I'm already getting questions about how long to meditate...
ReplyDeletedo you think that the chaos in Greece and that they will leve euro zone is something desirable and a good sign, or rather good for the bad guys? I can't really see clear in this issue.
Greece exiting the Euro is very good for the good guys. It will bring on the complete collapse of a cabal based idea, essentially bringing down the cabal empire.
DeleteIt's history repeating itself. Sumeria, Babylon, Egypt, Rome... all empires that fell. This is just the newest empire in the line. It's also the last.
Their machine is eating itself from the inside out never to thrive again.
We've been told that before the mass arrests will take place, the euro zone will fall along with the central banks and the federal reserve. The dominoes will fall quickly once they start.
DeleteI´m in! Thank you so much Cobra! Keep up the good work. Love and light!
ReplyDeleteIf you are going to screw the establishment, make sure you have protection... they screw everybody :) Words to live by. Namaste
DeleteGood to hear! Sending you much love. You are appreciated. WE ARE
DeleteLight and love to Meritocracy! Namaste :D
DeleteWhat i suggest for people to do is to ignore negative comments towards our starfamily saying we do not need outside saviors or them at all we are the ones we have been waiting for,i agree with that statement to a degree we are the ground crew part of this mission look how far we have came by doing these meditations connecting with each other doing our emotional clearing etc.The galactics are assisting us in many other ways things we could not possibly do ourselves at all for instance deactivate nuclear weapons take out underground and sea bases send light energies from their starships and the central sun keep a eye on the dark cabal's every move put a stop to ww3 which they have been doing and if need be deactivate all weapons,so that is just some examples how we work as a team with them,they are not saviors they are our distant family just from many other evolved planets from our universe many souls here now are commanders and members of different councils and federations directly from the, ships that have choose to incarnate on this planet for the upcoming event and transition always remember that i send out the violet flame to everyone here love you all.Namaste
ReplyDeleteIt's my personal opinion that it's another ego trick to think we're the kings of this castle... we are not the only beings here that call Beloved Gaia home. In addition to all of the four legged relations, our relations that swim and those that fly... some say that there are 18 other races of beings that call this planet home ("aliens"). So it only makes sense that it's a little presumptuous to act as though we're the only ones with a vested interest... I completely agree with you SirianStarseed that we are all working together in concert, along with the entire galaxy and MotherFather God to bring about our liberation and ascension. Peace and blessings to All Our Relations.
DeleteI'll be anchoring the Light in the Pacific Northwest with all of my sisters and brothers around the planet. The Crystalline Grid is becoming a beautiful creation. Feeling the Unity and Joy that comes from this... with deepest gratitude to Each and All.
There is no us and them. We are one. The sun, the water, the air and the earth become us. No matter through where it comes, ET's, us, it is the One doing it anyway. There is no separation, no credit to give to anything except the Source, Everything, the One.
DeleteWado, SS, your comment resonants with me, as I have thought this as well.
DeleteWhen Katrina came , it was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I so was grateful for the many brothers and sisters who lent a hand- I do not refer to the FEMA or other gov't "help" I mean people from near and far who brought things, shared things and showed us ways to rebuild quickly and efficiently. And yes we all could have found our way our of that eventually without outside help, but at what price?
Accepting help is not something to fear, but to embrace. It is the sharing of our godly existence, it builds bridges to understanding, creates friendships. I did not expect anyone to do my work for me, but I certainly was grateful to have a helping hand during an awful time. We rebuilt TOGETHER and are better and stronger for it.
I believe if we accept that the galactics are our brothers and sisters we have to see that they wish to lend a hand during this "hurricane" of change. As with Katrina, there are those who will come into a traumatic situation wanting to take advantage, create fear, etc....but we have the hearts and minds to discern who is going to help and who is leading us astray. No one can take our freedom and our good sense unless we allow it. We are no longer spiritual "babies" who need to "worship" those who are "more advanced" (a subjective phrase).
I welcome any entity who comes in Love and Light and gratefully take my brother or sisters hand when it is offered. What better way to bond in love that through assistance and shared growth? At the same time I use my free will to shield myself from any entity that seeks to rule me or use me. It is my divine birthright to protect myself, and to also allow love.
And now on to today's meditation, may you all be blessed this beautiful day (May 27) . I am honored to serve with you for the betterment of all, all for the highest good.
One for all, and all for one.
Mitake Oyasin, Aho!
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ReplyDeleteI will do my part over here in Malta. Let's just blow them away!
ReplyDeleteSome weeks ago my wife told me that she was removing some type of joint's that looked like spheres as a connection point on a grid. It all makes even more sense now..
ReplyDeletetry to meditate in the presence of or physically holding crystals, especially quartz. This will amplify the affect exponentially. The energies will stay in the crystals and linger well after. Clean and reset crystals before you start. Give em Lots of sun and saltwalter, from the ocean if possible. Reset and recharge the quartz under a new light. A frequency much higher than the one before. We are so very close. Love and Light.
ReplyDeleteSymptoms of transition to Light:
Count me in! Let's rock this grid with a massive surge of Light. These Archons will have nowhere to hide because we will never stop shining our Light. I believe these meditations are strengthening, encouraging, and motivating us as a collective and individually. We are transforming ourselves and the world around us by raising our vibrations. Stay strong and 'know' that Gaia and her people will be liberated. Love to all of you.
ReplyDeleteI just watched John Carter and those bloody Therns remind me exactly of the Archons. Hide in secrecy, choose a few who seemingly rule but in reality rule them and feed from the fear they cause among normal citizens be it a citizen of Helium,Zodanga or a Green Martian.Interesting..
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI'll be doing it here in Utah.
ReplyDeleteMy Suggestion: Let's keep it up on a weekly schedule. Can you imagine if we had millions around the world doing the same meditation? After this negative grid is dissolved, we can continue to take our world to higher and higher levels.
Let's set a regular weekly schedule... What do you all think?
from what I understand, these specific meditations coincide with alignments and energies making them much more effective.
DeleteA regular weekly meditation can and will help, but when coupled with specific circumstances, they're much more powerful.
I've been doing these meditations daily since the first mass meditation. I don't do them at any specific time, just whenever my heart tells me it's time.
Thanks for your response, TheoDaGreek. I agree with your comments and that having them on specific alignments will be more effective and should continue. Maybe we have both?
DeleteMy thoughts for having something on a set schedule is that maybe we could get more people to participate over time... Not to detract from the particular alignment meditations nor when we do our own personal meditations, but to simply to get larger numbers to participate...
I have a lot of friends I can tell about the meditations and the idea is that we keep doing them for as long as it takes till we see the results we want in this world.
ReplyDeleteJust wondering if there will be a group meditation for the June lunar eclipse?
Suddenly i flipflopped inside out. All paradoxes merged, all mysteries ceased and all needs dissolved. My voice is ancient and silent. No more seeking. There is no transition when illusions dissolve. Being is flawless.
ReplyDeleteWith and wthout illusions; i am and you are. Before, during and after liberation; i am and you are.
The other side of fear is not love, but hope. Love/Life/Being has no opposite. Start remembering what you never really forgot.
Truly yours.
Beautiful, thank you
DeleteErik~I had the exact same flip flopping inside-out. The same experience that you describe. The same conclusions.
DeleteWe are all one :)
A United Humanity
ReplyDeleteThe more you take
The more we grow
As proof that your scheme
Will never sow
You’re afraid of us so you create an illusion
To bind us with fear and limit us with confusion.
Be warned… be gone...
For good this time
You are no longer welcome
In our new paradigm
We’ve got you’re number so expect a call
For A United Humanity will not fall!
Thank you for this - looking forward to creating a new United Humanity timeline.
DeleteA new blog here :
And a meditation to protect Bill Brockbrader, and all whistleblowers, white knights, allies, and warriors of the Light, taking place today before the reboot meditation.
Thanks to Kauilapele for the info.
Wouldn't stopping payment's to the cabal's credit companies all over the globe in June be nice?
Love and light and bless you all!
great idea! It makes complete sense. If we all as one did this with all debts including credit cards, mortgages, insurance premiums and even taxes the financial terrorists aka big bank cabal would starve. They would Be out of business in weeks. Its amazing and beautiful how the simple the solution really is. We could use some assistance making it viral and making it stick.
ReplyDeleteStill holding the light right now, but I think this one is going very, very well. I know *I* feel a lot lighter, anyway! I saw the entire center of the earth brighten as bright as a sun. There are no more hiding places now.
it appears to me that the light is growing exponentially
ReplyDeleteCobra what is your position on Rosicrucianism and Theosophy?
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't heard bill Wood/Brockbrader was arrested.
ReplyDeleteHello Cobra and friends I went ahead and created a new video to help support our mass meditation on June 5th - hope it helps
Oh, no you don't! ...And yes I DO own that identity. Thank you. ��