Saturday, November 29, 2014

Progress in Advanced Technologies

It appears that the surface population is not handling free energy technology development easily. One of the main blocking factors is greed and insincerity of inventors, investors and other people in the overunity technologies creation process. 
Anyway, we are hoping this project will soon bring tangible results:
Otherwise, Dragon groups are still searching for sincere inventors without any personal agenda that have a working overunity prototype which can be immediately put into mass production and does NOT require additional funding. Those inventors can contact us at .
It is more likely that overunity technologies will be released at the Event, or the release might come gradually even before that through government channels of the BRICS nations, especially India, China or Russia. These countries are working intensively on decoupling the global financial system from the petrodollar and thus effectively decreasing global control of the US negative military/Chimera on free energy technologies:

Dragon sources are suggesting that in addition to overunity technologies we temporarily shift our focus into other advanced technologies that do not trigger so many personality issues. Some of those technologies have been released already:
There was a lot of progress in development of laser healing technologies. In addition to Mandala Sphere laser healing system, Mandala Scan can evaluate the state of our physical and energy bodies whereas Mandala Light Space is an advanced biofeedback system that can teach us how to reach higher states of consciousness. You can read more about those exciting new technologies here:

There was also some progress in Pleiadian Tachyon technologies.
You can read about the Pleiadian Stargate here:
And about other Tachyon technologies here:
Victory of the Light is near!

TOP EGG primary clear

Friday, November 28, 2014

Meditation for Egypt-Victory

The protests in Egypt have fizzled out with almost no violence:

This will have a positive effect on the geopolitical situation in the region. Our meditation has been a significant contributing factor to this victory. In the future, we will direct our meditative focus to key points around the planet and nip tensions in the bud before they develop. Those events may be announced just before they happen so fast response will be required.

We were successful, Victory of the Light is near!

PHX SIGINT loop operational

Meditation for Egypt Update

Meditation for Egypt is proceeding nicely and we are holding the Light, stabilizing the situation in Egypt:


The critical moment for possible peak tension is between 5 pm Cairo time (sunset evening prayers) and 7 pm Cairo time (Moon Saturn square astrological configuration), possibly extending through the night. The Light forces are asking us to intensify meditation in this time window. You can check the current time in Cairo here: 

Please distribute this short update through your networks as soon as possible as it is very time-sensitive. 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


There has been a very recent development in Egypt that might become a critical trigger point for geopolitical situation in the whole Middle East region. It is a desperate last resort attempt of the Cabal forces to hinder the progress of the Eastern Alliance in the  region. 

Ultra-conservative forces are trying to destabilize situation in Egypt by calling for massive demonstrations on Friday November 28th, which might turn violent:

Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that as many people as possible support the people of Egypt with our meditation. This is time-sensitive and needs to go viral! We need to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing it is attained. It is time for us to unite in purpose so that Light will be victorious. Please post this on your websites and blogs. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can share it with your iphone. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube. 

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives in Egypt and worldwide:

We will be doing this meditation the whole day on November 28th. You can start holding your intent on November 28th at 00:00 Cairo time and keep the focus throughout the day, repeating the meditation whenever you feel necessary, ending on November 28th at 24:00 Cairo time.

You can check the beginning moment of the meditation focus for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness
2. State your intent to bring peace and healing to the situation in Egypt

3. Visualize a beam of Light emanating from your Soul Star chakra (8 inches / 20 centimeters above your head) into the Soul Star chakras of everybody meditating


4. Visualize the now collective beam of Light expanding into the Earth energy grid and reaching Egypt, connecting with Soul Star chakras of everyone involved in the situation in there, harmonizing them and inspiring them to find a peaceful solution. 

It is very important for people in Egypt to be aware that we will be supporting them with this meditation so that the energy of Light we send will be received and will be able to heal the situation. Therefore it has been requested by the Light forces that you inform your contacts in Egypt that we will be helping them with this meditation, using email, Facebook, Twitter and other means of communication. It has also been requested that people in Egypt distribute this information within their networks.

You can watch the Youtube video for this meditation here: 

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!


Monday, November 24, 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Short Update

There is a very delicate operation of the Light forces ongoing and until it is complete, no substantial intel can be released. If everything goes according to plan, heaps of intel will be released in a few weeks and especially after mid-December.


Until then, you can listen to this short but interesting Cobra interview (the first 14 minutes):

Also, for the French speaking population, beautiful videos have been created.

About the Event:

About the compression breakthrough:

About the Galactic Confederation:

About the Galactic Codex:

About the forces of Light and forces of darkness:

About the White Knights:

About quarantine Earth endgame:

And about the Removal of the Chimera:

Despite all appearances, the victory of the Light is near!

Systems security breach deflected, TOP EGG L3 infection cleared

Thursday, November 6, 2014

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Window Of Opportunity 2014-2015

A new Window of Opportunity is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.
This Window of Opportunity is our greatest chance until now to make the final breakthrough into liberation. Although the battle is still far from over, the Chimera group is losing its power with the fastest rate in recorded history and the Light at the end of the tunnel can clearly be seen. 

This Window of Opportunity will open on December 15th, 2014, will have its turning point on January 21st, 2015 and will close on March 17th, 2015:

The opening and closing points of this Window of Opportunity are moments of exact Uranus-Pluto square, the sixth and the seventh (which is also the last) exact Uranus-Pluto square positions within the Uranus-Pluto square planetary configuration that is occurring within 2012-2015 time frame. Uranus-Pluto square signifies the revolution of consciousness which will dissolve the controlling structures of the Cabal:

The Window of Opportunity will open with the IS:IS Portal activation part II, which will occur on December 15th this year. On that day, we will continue the work that was started with the first part of the IS:IS Portal activation about 6 months ago. We will be anchoring Goddess energies (energies of pure feminine principle) into the planetary energy grid with the purpose of balancing and harmonizing the planetary situation and easing our transition into the Event. We will be having our main activation on the Giza plateau in Egypt. You are more than welcome to join us:

The turning point of this Window of opportunity will be on January 21st next year with a special activation codenamed RR6, which is important for the Resistance Movement and not so much for the surface population.

The closing point of the Window of Opportunity will be with the last exact Uranus-Pluto square on March 17th. After this completion of the Uranus-Pluto square configuration, which was ongoing for almost 3 years, things on this planet are expected to be much less volatile.

More intel about each of the points within the Window of Opportunity will be released when the time is right. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

A New Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. There is a certain operation of the Light forces that will be ongoing for the next few weeks therefore not much intel can be released until it is completed.

Until then, you can read a little bit about Chimera presence on Long Island:
You can visit this beautiful place, an entry point for Goddess energies on Long Island:
You can also participate in a meditation to clear Long Island, taking place at 3 am, 11 am and 7 pm GMT daily, whenever it is convenient for you (the link only works if you are signed into your facebook account):

If you prefer not to use facebook, you can simply visualize violet flame purifying Long Island: 

The Chimera group is afraid that private space initiative will start creating cracks in the quarantine Earth and that is why they have sabotaged Virgin Galactic:

They did this just before SpaceShipTwo was about to pierce the Veil at 13900 meters:
The Black Nobility Archon families and their Jesuit minions in Italy are losing their power as they have problems in their little bank:
They are also losing their power over Italy –EU relations:
And the Eastern Alliance is finally voicing its position through the famous Putin's speech:
The Cabal is trying to maintain the illusion of the current financial system by ending the quantitative easing and manipulating down gold and silver prices. Maybe this would sober them up:
Until then, if you have some money to invest, you can buy silver or gold on sale.

If you do not have any money to spare and you believe you have financial problems, this will put things into perspective for you:
Ebola virus was engineered in laboratories in Africa and when it did not spread as the Cabal has hoped, due to intervention of the Light forces, they have hyped up a media campaign to instill fear of Ebola, especially in the US.
In reality, the Ebola »pandemic« is already receding:
So there is nothing to fear:
And there are many cures available. Despite some claims in alternative media, colloidal silver does help with Ebola, which is a viral infection:
And it did help to cure the disease in Sierra Leone:
Vitamin C is a very effective treatment:
And so it is ozone therapy:
No more fear, the Victory of the Light is near!