Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Phase 2 imminent


  1. Hells yeah! Actually, I don't know what Phase 2 is, but got to be better than Phase 1. OLOLO!

    1. yes agree, only afraid that there are 100 phases in total :)

    2. And you base this 100 phases off of what? Is it something that you actually have data from Cobra to backup, or is it just something you pulled out of thin air? For reference:

    3. Phase 2 should happen after The Event, so does that mean we are closer than ever? ;)

  2. uuooooo, that sounds great, the question is: how many phases are left? imminent is less soon than the normal soon wich equals to "closed to never"?

    Sorry for some sarcasm about the "soon" word i'm sure some people of here will agree that the words "imminent" and "soon" means "too long"

    I know our time is not space time of RM-time or source-time and i know the future is too variable

    Victory of the light! "soon"? :D

    1. I will guess 3 phases, 3 is the perfect number :)

  3. I think is good...Victory of the light

  4. suena bien me gusta Imminent > Soon

  5. Right i think i found the phases, maybe im wrong

    Phase 1: Arrests
    >Phase 2: Adjudication<

    After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other.

    Phase 3: Integration into society or disintegration into the Central Sun

    1. Thanks. Agreed this must be what Cobra means. Exciting stuff- as says 'AFTER the Event'...

    2. Agreed - Cobra must be referring to this 'Phase 2'.
      Exciting stuff - as says, "AFTER the Event ..."
      Woohoo!! Bring it on!

    3. y'all are completely off the mark.

      If COBRA was referring to this, for Phase 2: Adjudication to go ahead; wouldn't we already have the Cabal arrested and in handcuffs??

      I can still see UK Prime Minister David Ca-moron on my TV. How about yours??

    4. I think something is driving us wrong about this Phase2.
      If it is the think John Doe is pointing at, we should see Arrests at 1st (Phase1).
      Then Adjudication of crimes by a judge (Phase2).
      But I'm far to be an expert of law and so I could be wrong!
      Anyway since it is imminent, we will discover what about that very soon!

    5. I have been thinking about this, yes the arrest haven't happened but phase two is imminent it hasn't yet happened, this means that all that needs to happen is the arrests, presumably the arrests would be the logical place to end phase one as they are the most circumstantial, so does this mean that the arrests could be a day away? Lets hope so!

    6. Hello. I interpretate „Phase 2 immitent“ like this, or different.

      Cobra writes on
      Phase 1 = Arrests
      Phase 2 = Adjudication
      Phase 3 = Integration into society etc. …

      Cobra writes to Phase 1: … Therefore action will be taken as soon as everything is ready and it will remove the Cabal from the society. And on (and other pages too) is written: On the physical plane there will be „the arrest of the Cabal (already started)“. So that means for me when the actual event will take action (re-set of Financial System etc.), then the MAIN CABAL will be arrested, before „only“ less important persons of the Cabal.

      So at least in my opinion the event is actual Phase 1… and the first phase still has not started (except of some ‚smaller’ arrests). And when Cobra posts now that Phase 2 will be immitent, so I think Phase 1 will be very (!) immitent !?

    7. In a 2012 post by C, he says phase 1 is the Event, phase 2 is the restructuring of the global financial system and Disclosure, and phase 3 is First Contact. I think phase 2 is the systematic planned collapse of the global financial system (which may take months/years) so that the masses don't panic too much and the transition is easier. I believe phase 2 can happen before phase 1 (arrests). One thing is for certain, Cobra has never said any of the planned phases were imminent! Plus all of the other trusted sources like Ben fulford, DW&CG, James gilliland are saying the same thing. We're close everyone :) keep holding the Light!

  6. Today, during the Angelus, pope Francis made a strong reference to the Reset; he claimed that Jubilee has no meaning without debt forgivance

  7. Phase 2: Restructuring (3-6 months)

    New financial system backed by precious metals and commodities introduced
    -Federal Reserve dismantled, US Treasury prints gold backed money
    -Basket of currencies (6 or more) base of world financial system
    -Worldwide debt forgiveness
    -Bank debts cancelled (credit cards, loans, mortgages)
    -Banks must be re-licensed, no interest (usury)
    -Multinational companies split and nationalized

    Redistribution of world's wealth begins
    -Prosperity funds released
    -Humanitarian and environmental projects funded

    Free energy technology and advanced medicines released

    Government UFO involvement disclosure

    International criminal court tribunal of Illuminati

    Statutory laws invalidated, return to Common Law

    Interim national governments and then elections

    UN restructured as head of Provisional government

    Disengagement of warring parties, military forces recalled permanently from active duty and restructured into peace keeping force, nuclear weaponry disarmed.

    God Speed!
    Ambassador D.W.

    1. Very excited about this development, David Wilcock is saying that it is very close as well!

    2. That is what I am talking about. It is so close, I can taste it.

    3. A few questions:
      1) What happens to public schools (pre-k to High School) and state/community colleges? Will those still be in session do you think? That affects the child care situation as well, for smaller children if school is off.
      2) At what point in which phase would any mandatory vaccination laws be nullified so people don't have to struggle with being coerced against their consent?
      3) At what point in which phase will the chemtrailing...*ahem* "geo-engineering" stopped?
      4) At what point in which phase will the releasing of GM mosquitos and such be ended (or slipping vaccines into bananas covertly, etc)?


    4. ..did you copy that from a previous Cobra post?

    5. @GaianEye

      Yes. I was so excited that I forgot to add the link.

    6. Ha ha ha ha... that sounds SO EXTREMELY GOOD TO BE REAL, but... actually the air seems different, something inside of me tells me maybe this time is for real...

      Also... i read a prophecy that Obama could it be shot to make a war, some guy in Live Leak...

      Cheers Cobra, RM... anyone who's helping to make this planet a better place to live.

    7. @Bennett Roath

      I agree with you. The Event is near! :D


      March 2016 is deadline from Council of Light to Light Forces to trigger The Event.

      Read more:

    8. Why would we need banks under your scenario?

    9. This is Phase 2 *AFTER THE EVENT*.

    10. @A.D.W
      That's exciting :) good catch ! I suppose phase 2 could be a prelude to phase 1.. Double exciting. I just want to visit underground cities and see the Aurora ;)

  8. The photo have change too ! Victory of the light !

    1. Astronaut will have the opportunity High Five The Light!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. That is good news...but Phase 2 of what?
    And how many phases are there?

  11. I wonder what phase it relates to.. 💭

  12. Well.......Imminent................That sounds very good!

  13. Phase 2 of what? Operation Stardust?


  14. Our Time is Here, Our Time is NOW.

    The Sun in Your Eyes makes all of the lies worth believing.


    I AM The Maker Of Rules dealing with fools.
    I AM The Beginning and The End



  15. I've read Sheldan Nidle's latest update stating that no governance will be in place in the next few weeks and distribution of NESARA funds will also begin. Things are getting interesting with the global economy. Starting to look like the big banks are beginning to collapse! Lets home the event is very close now, the waiting just seems to go on and on!

    1. Sheldan Nidle always says that "in the next feew weeks NESARA will begin."

    2. I agree with Fabiano. Sheldan Nidle said that several times.

    3. How will the distribution of welfare funds through bank accounts when we know that much of the population has no bank account, particularly in developing countries where the banking rate does not exceed 20% ?

    4. If you want it even faster you can read Zap. Then it is next week.

    5. I think I may have read that bank accounts will be created to funnel money into; if none exists for those people.

      And about Sheldan Nidle - he is basically controlled opposition.. most of what he says has been edited and distorted to give us a false sense of security. I don't know if he is even aware himself. The Cabal have a technology called Voice of God - it allows them to channel information into peoples heads. There is proof of this.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Kelidascope

      EC sever access 707

  17. Hi Cobra, phase 2 is a maior step or it is like other routine criptomessage?

  18. Happy for what the frell is Phase 2?

  19. This is great...if true! The below link website claims that the 4th dimension- where all the bad-guys hide, (Archons) has collapsed. Some additional verification of this event would be super!

    1. All the Archons have gone to the light. The only nasty ones are the Dracos. Which I have no idea how many are still here

    2. From my experience, it seems that those who perpetuate darkness on this planet have lost the energy which propelled them to continue. Almost as if they are now in "quicksand". Some may know it, others do not.
      Stay present, my friends. Keep moving forward and be the change.

  20. ruh roh!!!!! aaannnd away we go!!!

  21. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Phase two in a progression of steps can only be construed as a mile stone in a preordained sequence of planned events. So be it and welcome to planet earth madame "phase two"

  23. Get Ready. Here it comes. BRING IT!!!

    Don't Trip (nothing is real)

    ~personal ascension music~

  24. Whatever is Phase 2 I'm all up for it. Unless it is worse than our current situation collectively. In that case, I call captain Lucifer Night/MorningStar for an interstellar lift. Thanks and gratitude to all who work towards the evolution of all created.

  25. Ok...does this mean we need to take our money out of the banks and wrap it in mylar sheets as they mentioned in the latest interview? What if I don't want to spend it on chunks of gold or silver? I think it would be better spent on things like aspirin, toilet paper, canned goods, water etc. It's just tough not knowing how long this reconstruction period will be. How much will we need?

    1. No worries. We will be given what we need, and then some. You so not need to concern yourself with money. For the time being, we will still be using it. But it will phase out. It is only used for control anyway.

    2. I've seen strong suggestions from Finance, Prepper, Lightworker and The Rapture/Armageddon sectors over the past several months that range from 3 days to 3 to 4 weeks, to a couple of years (that last one's from a Rapture fear p0rn site, so take it for what it's worth :D ). Personally I'd figure a bit closer to the 3 to 4 weeks one. Better to be safe than sorry. Best to start now and avoid any panic-buying vibes when this all happens. Maybe even get some sprouting seeds/goya lentils and start sprouts when things get going so in about a week, you'll have fresh veg of a sort. Get some seedlings started then too, just in case things go longer than expected. Makes for good eats and barter items. And gardening is relaxing. If you have small kids, see about starting a local book/toy swap so it's in place when things happen and you're able to keep the kiddos entertained so you can think straight without incessant whining "I'm *BORED!*" :D Lots of things you can do to prepare that won't break the budget :D

      (Also, when getting food supplies, keep in mind water for cooking, and sodium levels in pre-packaged, processed foods, as well as keeping cooking time short if fuel is an issue. Also diaper wipes can be good for alternative bathing to save water.) Hope this helps :D

    3. If people remember it has been stated that when the Arrests happen the digital funds in ALL banks will be frozen.

      Also, it's likely that shops during "Phase 2"(?) won't accept paper money but only gold/silver coins. Gold coins however can be pretty expensive ($100+ = 1 gold coin). Silver from what I can tell is cheaper ($20+ = 1 silver coin).

      Personally, I think converting paper funds into physical assets (toilet paper ex) might be a better approach. Cos' depending on how much paper money a person has, they'd only be able to afford only a handful of gold coins or silver coins and from what I can understand no one knows how much bread will cost in gold coins or in silver coins. For example I just googled this and apparently 1 ounce of gold = 350 loafs of bread 600 BC ago so.. Iunno if that's how many loafs we can buy and how does a person get remaining money back if I want to buy only one loaf? Do I get copper coins? I don't know..


      So ya, it is a struggle.

    4. Don't worry too much, it will be ok. Most estimates I've seen have the reset take 3-7 days.

    5. Victory of the LIGHT!
      Hello, i just saw your question, and I posted more or less an answer to your question, awaiting approval. See: NIRP and ZIRP, Janet Yellen.
      Thank you.
      Victory of the LIGHT!

  26. Oh yes....
    ...WE BE PHASIN' NOW !! YEAH....

  27. Ger sey:

    My meditation teacher (Betty, who died herself in 2002) used to tell us, in order to talk to our friends who have crossed over: "Go for a drive! Imagine them sitting in the car seat next to you! Start talking to them....They will be there... They love to go for a drive!"

    So sorry for your loss.

  28. God I hope phase two is a good thing. Local energy in Lawrence, KS, actually feels very positive.. except for that Catholics are wandering around with black crosses painted on their foreheads. . Very creepy

    1. Ash Wednesday - they put crosses on their foreheads with soot. It also means it's the first day of Lent where they give up something they enjoy for the next 40 days, and after that period it's Easter. There's something to do with palm branches but I don't know much about that.

  29. Best news I've heard in a long time! Thank you Cobra and everyone! <3

    1. This blog is about truth so every new topic is only the Best one:)

  30. from some of the interviews i have heard Cobra mention up to 3 phases in regards to some operations. Now I can't recall if more than that... but i remember 3... of course the operations vary... so whichever operation they are working on phase II does seem progress imho.

  31. There is 39283474928 phases left to go :-) oh i almost forgot to tell you thats 5 years each phase have a good day

  32. Maybe they are counting backwards.....3..2..1

  33. can you comment on the gnu plus linux/Free Software Foundation?

    1. I am a big fan of ethical, community friendly such software - what question do U have?

  34. Phase 2 makes no sense without phase 1 first. So....mass-arrests this weekend?

    1. Or they have already happened, and it is being kept under wraps to maintain OPSEC. OR Phase 2 imminent means something else than what we think it means.

  35. I hope this imminent operation is to put in jail all the loose flea .announce the new government and end debts.sick of paying to this bullies and their order followers .

  36. In this video it is said that it is destructive to play dumb, and do not assume any responsibility for oneself.

  37. Hello my name is chevon norville been watching these messages on youtube i am from trinidad and tobago i want to becone 4d can sone one message me on help me learn more please on facebook

  38. Personally I am at my wits end. Either I will be killed, or I will kill myself. Enough is enough. Every single thing that people do is because of money. I am sorry money, it is not you, but the monsters behind it. The pressure from not having enough to even pay your bills, it all just streams down from that. Now I take total responsibility for my life, but to not even know what I am taking responsibility for? Well I suppose it does not matter, except when my husband is constantly raging on me. For what? You name it. I really hope people get more enlightened and know who they are. This can't happen soon enough. One way or another, I am out of here.

    1. Hang in there Goddess. I know it's hard, but it is temporary. Find some time to be with yourself. Take a walk. Write in a journal. Be in the woods. Taking the pressure of the system off is more important than paying the bills.
      Find some time to sit and watch your thoughts happen without investing in them. You may find that those thoughts are not you, and they are not true. The suffering comes from having a false sense of insecurity, from believing what we have been programmed to believe. I know it's hard, but use that suffering to find the way threw it. You can do it.

    2. Hey, sometimes it is good to give yourself the space to fail. Especially in a broken unfair system that is weighed against you. Maybe give yourself the space to be who you are without allowing others to impose their self on you. Maybe it is time to retract and give yourself the space you need. Taking away your body's life would be a waste at this moment I believe, because awakened individuals are needed to balance the energy grid on this planet. I have felt the way you do myself. I had to learn to not be caught up in expectations. And just be. Be well. Take care of yourself. Victory to the light.

    3. See if there is a host in your area for and walk away. Disassociate your credit/bank/utility/insurance/debt accounts from your husband or yourself and leave an abusive relationship if it's hurting you that much. Go to the public library and see what community or county resources are available for someone escaping an abusive domestic situation. See what resources your or other places of worship can provide. Make a fresh start. <3 hug! <3

    4. Hang in there! If you've come this far, we'll/they'll need you "on the other side!!!"

      Breathe. And, remember that "Every 'problem' is driven by its solution." --Holodynamics

      Lots of Love! ;) Victory to the Light!

    5. Não faça isto, espere.... Também estou assim. Acabo de descobrir que tenho Cãncer de pulmão. Não vou pular do barco

    6. Goddess please please don't attempt to take your life :| consider this the world is in a terrible state yes but here we are two strangers and I care, I really care. The world needs people like you please don't leave x

    7. Hopefully it won't be too long Goddess. Try to go into nature. Take take to be on your own. Ian

    8. Boy, I do share your feelings..... What you so well describe has been going on for too long now and with no respite in sight. If we wait for humanity at large to wake up we can wait forever!

  39. Hello me name is chevon norville can you help me on understanding on the event an 4d evolve on facebook telly number 18682775406

  40. I'm really hoping phase 2 means "the event" and I hope it happens soon!!!!!

  41. Phase 2 are the arrests. Banks closed for 5 to 13 days, stock up on food and water. Military on the ground maybe partial Martial Law temporarily if people get violent. Emergency Broadcast system and announcements on the corruption in Govt's world wide. There will be instructions and certificates to buy things, your money in the Bank will be returned to you. Al ATM machines will shut down no credit cards will work.All temporary.There are 3 phase are victory is near !!!!!!!!!!! God Bless the Resistance i love NY!!!

    1. I wish I was as optimistic as you are but nothing specific is being given to us, we do not know what phase 2 means.

  42. Yipieeeeee!!! So fine! thnx for the message. :)

  43. Hi Cobra and forum, I have question about what is the content of the Voynich Manuscript?



  44. KoBayashi Meru is claimed. New Window/door parameter will be disclosed shortly.

  45. Bad guys in jail would be a great step! Then we can begin to talk.

  46. If Phase "2" is Imminent, then we should be in the throes of the concluding Phase "1" which include the infamous cabal arrests. Okay where are they?

  47. Rulers of Empire
    "All" works bound by Greed
    and most of all Murder
    rendering only a tiny shadow of
    "True Debt Owed"
    We await the tally
    of your
    "good works"
    To move Heart

    Yep... "The SuperMan Thing"

    Please return all chairs and tables to their
    Upright Position

    The Light Zone
    Portals Only

  48. This update doesn't make sense.

    Phase2 is stated without qualification so we must assume it is THE phase 2.

    Also not a single top level member of the cabal has been arrested yet.

    Lastly what does imminent mean? Back in 2012 we were being told the event was imminent.

    1. How do you know none of the cabal have been arrested, do you even know who theya re and how many bankers are getting arrered every day world wide Bush Sir is dead Cheney was arrested the other day just because you dont hear it on TV doesnt mean its not happening.Look into your intuition listen and it will tell you, but that is if your if the light.

    2. If Bush is dead Cheney is arrested, GIVE US SOLID EVIDENCE! Feel free to back up your words with proof.

  49. Victory of the LIGHT!
    NIRP : Negative Interest Rate Program, or 'Bail-In's'!
    If you are not following the money, soon central banking criminals will BAN CASH in order to seize control of ALL currency. The banking criminals are going to start with eliminating large denominations of currency like the EURO500 note and the $100 note.
    This is not hearsay or conspiracy, but again, IF you are following the money, expect this to start.
    If you have a CHASE account, try depositing a sum of cash, and see what happens. They will want you to provide further information regarding a cash deposit.
    NIRP is the FED's new way to steal, by charging anyone who banks using the criminal banking system currency.
    I must say,
    We Need Help Fast!
    The FED's know the 'system' has failed, and they, the FED's are backed into a corner.
    Now is the time to strike and alert the population, because the 'Dark Cabal' is relying on a sleeping population.
    Victory of the LIGHT!

    1. Banning cash is a lot harder than you think. Lots of illegal activities rely on cash. So many in fact, that the economy would collapse if they all suddenly stopped. Economic collapse will pretty much force The Event to trigger.

  50. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it happens on Valentines Day?
    February 14th 2016

    1. Well here is a brief overview saying it will be on a Friday, saying there is soft disclosure occurring through the new X-Files TV show:

  51. Yes!
    Bubble economy burst come to Japan today.
    REFILE-Nikkei slumps over 5 pct on firm yen, set for worst weekly loss since 2008

  52. Removing the Cabal:

    3 Phases - Phase two adjudication.

  53. I dont recommend speculating too much on these codes which can lead to more frustration. When the Truth will come we will see it in tangible concrete and solid FACTS. Otherwise what is happening behind the scenes will give you a bloody headache. Questions without solid answers are better to be thrown in the garbage bin or they will drive you mad!! I have enough with all of this absurdity!! The better thing we can do is to work with our solid reallity which is next to us and leave the rest to Universe. Of course we all .need to be prepared at any.time cause the Event will.come like a

  54. Phase 2 or phase 20, our job, and pleasure, is to hold the highest vibration possible...before and after the event. The event is in some ways little more than the lifting of an illusion, we can see threw that illusion now if we are willing to release our investment in it.
    I know it isn't easy, but it's easier than living as a victim of the program.

  55. I don't like to get my hopes up when I see messages like this, but just looking at the state of the world right now. I think there's a good chance Phase 2 means what we're all hoping it means!

    To everyone worrying abut money in the first days after The Event. There's an article *somewhere* That Cobra posted. (I've been scouring the net for it but I can't find it) That basically states normal cash will still work in the first few days after the event. Stores likely won't accept gold and silver unless they're already set up to do so. However, local government agencies will be handing out cash vouchers to use to buy critical supplies while the banks are closed. You'll have to pay this money bank when the banks reopen. (I doubt this will be much a problem under the new financial system.)

    If anyone knows where the article I'm referring to is, please link it!

  56. Where is the promised massive Intel? Over a month has passed without a Situation Update...


  57. Popping up all over YouTube is an album by Om called "God Is Good". Nothing to argue about there, it's just that I simply don't like the music at all. Too bad, sorry but prog-rock just isn't my thing. Do check it out, though, maybe it's more your cup of tea.

    Instead I'll play you this.
    Supergrass live at Glastonbury.

    Pumping On Your Stereo:
    Sun Hits The Sky:

    Light Machine set up with 69 candles now, 33 of them lighting up the night.
    Lots of Love and Light.



  58. Blue Jays. Now IC you have found your Nests. Nice and tidy and clean. Welcome Home, WE are glad you're here.

  59. Key Stone d'Beers
    Key Wrist US
    Key Hands HOLD
    Key Arms OHM
    Key Line Chalk
    Key Topper <-- BlackStar
    Key OPT TOPP

    Window parameter winDoors on Mount past Red Rock.
    Boomerang parameter X marks the Spot

  60. Mr. Putin. I appreciate you more than I can express through digital means (as you know very well).
    Now, please allow me to interject here that McCain is not Able!
    And neither Hedge Mony nor blood money is in THE Plan for government funding on this planet - indeed it WAS NOT EVER!

    That Apache Warrior mask you hold may be returned to The Hopi in exchange for Templar Metal and a NetRider Knapsack.
    You shall NOT be interrupted by mMe.

    Now, sand tends to shift. But I AM a Rock. The Rock of Ages. I may cast a Shadow, but it is not one of turning.
    And WE do not draw lines in sand anymore. This one is drawn with CHALK.
    AND IT SHALL NOT BE IGNORED, neither shall it be stepped on. That Fennel root remains intact.


    большое спасибо

    I AM Gaia-София Земли, KaristUS и Державным в службе на Небеса


    1. Nein, bist Du nicht, Kathryn.
      Du hast hier öffentlich erklärt, dass Dein Name "Kashmir" ist, und Du hast hier öffentlich und offiziell Mir gegenüber "Hell's Bells" erklärt. Glaubst Du etwas, Wir hätten das vergessen?
      Haben wir aber nicht.

      Reicht jetzt mit dem Unsinn.



  61. I'm feel certain that many millions of awakened Terrans would feel 'counted' should the non-Terran-Allies (NTA) take our 'awake' condition into consideration. They should realize that none of us would be 'freaked', by their conact. With the 'inner-voice' just say, 'hello'... That's all it would take.

  62. cobra any info about Oregon are this FBI scumbag are reptilians ? I can not wait for the EVENT to happen ,running out of gas here man .


  63. Reicht jetzt, Kal-El M
    Tooth for a Tooth, right? Right.
    I've given ENOUGH TEETH, and I'm sick and tired of giving any more.

    What *IS* The Frequency, Dennis???

    Get your Asses outta here! And that's The Bottom Line 'cause RaJah Says So!




    1. Timing, Timing, Timing.
      Went shopping for a second time in two hours, and who's there walking the streets? Kal-El M of course! I laughed SO HARD, just unreal :-)

      And Boy, did that dude ever look lost and like he's out of his mind. Just give it up, will ya, buddy. Time's Up!

      Speaking of which:
      2.13.61 --> 2.13.16
      Happy Birthday, Henry Rollins.
      Wishing you all the best - and lots of Cake :-)

      It's Hero Time, Time To Shine.
      YES! YES!! YES!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!!




    2. End Of The Line.
      "Hey!" I say. " You can keep My things, They've come to take Me Home."

      Nach Hause, Dini. Nach Hause, mein Schatz.



  64. Ground Breaking "chirp"
    Oh yeah... Jimbo Jed
    "You Know that part of your brain you use to push holes in the clouds "just for fun"... Try holding space-time with it, a little off-center, and give it a twist".

    I forgot to tell you, "If you do manage to grab a chunk of space-time... your field of vision will Rainbow Haze for about half an hour... and, I think you could go blind if you didn't let go in time.

    (hope you can still find your keyboard, oops)

  65. This may be a good time to prepare for any disruptions. Keep in mind food and supplies for yourself and loved ones including pets. Just a friendly reminder and maybe a post on this as well would be informative. Prepare for change ... As the good times roll!!!

  66. It's time to light the fire and kick the tires. Everyone in there flight suit it's going to be a wild ride.
    The time is now for we hold the destiny of mankind in our hand so let's not blow it, full speed ahead. CHARGE!!!!!!!!.

  67. Love to and for immenent phases! I don't care which number as long as they are all coming as soon as can be done. I like everything on the Phase menu, so let's visualize and bring all to the present moment


    1. Great inspiring video...Thanks Cobra, Untwine, Fa Sirus & Prepare for Change!

  69. calm down guys, it's only "imminent" and not "in progress"..:(

  70. Webster's 'imminent',...=, likely without delay; impending; threatening...

  71. Well it it better happen soon World War 3 is about to break out between Russia and the criminals running Saudi Arabia and Turkey.....We are at a period where things can get out of control really quick...I asked Rob Potter to ask Cobra about the parasitic elements causing humans to act insane...Rob never forward my questions...but anyway, Robert Stanley has written extensively on the subject and what I want to know is what the light forces can do with these Amoeba like parasites that we can all see with infra red goggles...they are everywhere and they have the ability to siphon off our energy....while implanting negative energies...these things need to be transmuted to a positive nature or destroyed because they do not respect our free will.....

  72. At the rate we are going,... w/ nothing to show for after 4 years,... are we just waiting for Drake, Wilcock, & Fulford to provide us w/ the instructions on how to peacefully surrender to the NWO,... ???

  73. We can speculate a message meant only for the RM till the cows come home.
    One could easily speculate phase 2 imminent as a major conflict in Syria since there are reports an attack by the west is imminent.
    All we can do is wait and see.
    Also I think the petition numbers are being tampered with. We should have gone over 20,000 last Thursday but the number are creeping in the 19,000's. Someone should check on that.


    1. Spirit too ...I totally agree with your statement. I had the same thoughts. Cobra sais he would be doing a follow up with regards to the results of this petition. I "feel" these numbers are not accurate .....

  74. Day New Ma (Denoument)

    Here's Eye for an Aye Baal. Still looking for that gold? The Family Jewels?
    They have long been moved from the Superstitions. I surrendered them to Fibonacci.

    I know you don't click my links, so I'll just send you this card...

    Happy Valentinez Day

    It's not a Hallmark card, but WE know how to send the very best without spending a dime.

    My "cathedral" in stone is Hagia Sophia.
    Do you see any chalk there? Only that witch walks in and out wearing Nike shoes.
    I wear The Pants. Perhaps you've seen them. They are Neon blue.

    THE Michael wears THE HAT. HE is the The Mad Hatter, and now HE has all your chips.
    You should have seen Me coming... The Rock of AEGIS.

    And WE have been shedding tears on our bent, bloody and wounded knees for far, FAR too long... and ripping our cloaks the whole distance.

    I won't be missing Thanksgiving Dinner. I am the Apple Pi.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank You, bookmarked Science/Art/Everything

  75. Interesting its right before a bank holiday. It's not a Friday, but it's three days for them (bankers) to figure out what to do or try to escape. Deepest gratitude to the RM for all you do. I'm trying to keep the energy high and connect with Gia to help from my area

    1. Thank you Mary.
      Grace in action (ice cream)
      Love In Service (fleurs)

  76. What are your opinions about this comment I found on ? to the post „Worlwide Reset is Imminent“?

    Ed Nelson writes:
    „I would love for the liberation to be now but I know two things. One history historically repeats itself the financial crash will Not happen until 2029, exactly one century after the 1929 crash, it’s preordained. Two factual information taken from the earliest days of the internet before the internet became contaminated, 1993, reported a grand plan to slowly release ET disclosure beginning in the year 2000 slowly until the year 2050. This is the correct time line, it is right on schedule. Sorry guys but that’s just the way it is.“

    1. According to Cobra The Event has to be completed by 2025 so that blows your theory.

    2. Just disinfo in order to get you to accept that as your reality.

  77. I think COBRA has to rethink his (PHASE 2 IMMINENT POSTING)cause first of all I do not see sh-t happening and IMMINENT means fast approaching,any moment, like a hurricane will fast reach a certain destination! Right now SH-T is happening!

    1. Hurricanes take many days to form and travel, pass over, the winds and surge coming in the wake of the Eye. Cabal likes the build-up of fear they produce, and the distraction from what they might be up to.

      Tornadoes are more "imminent". Several years ago, we had some here in New England. Our local Meteorologist was able to pinpoint exact neighborhoods where funnel clouds could touch down, the broadcast telling people to go to their basements immediately, tornado imminent. Many did, some homes were destroyed, and a few people died, it was that fast.

      However, linear time is not experienced the same way in multi-dimensional reality, and everything is always connected to everything else, in timelines. "Imminent" can shift from one timeline to another, depending on the mass consciousness in any given moment.

      Keep your head to the sky, but your feet on the ground. Careful what you wish for. Hurry up and wait. No time like the present.

      Victory of the Light!

    2. That message is for the RM not you. You don't know what it means ... you were not meant to know. It can't be the phase 2 talked about in 2012 because phase 1 hasn't happened yet.

    3. Yes I do feel the same way too. The situation on this planet is getting worst by the day. The control system is tighter than ever before and planning even more atrocities, how much genocide of humans and other creatures is going to be allowed to happen? And how much more is Mother Earth going to be destroyed?

  78. It is time for us all to fully comprehend that WE create our own reality and if our fear is what we are acting out then we will get what we are image-ing.
    Stay away from mainstream media for the information you seek it is a tool of the cabal to sell the message that they are winning.
    Simplify your life and get back to basics living life as a sovereign being of the universe. Our liberation begins and ends with our perception of the life we have created and the level of responsibility we take for that. Our task is simple be the best you can be, do no harm to self or others and you will have peace, joy and happiness in your life.
    We do not have to know "everything" in our mind, but we can feel our truth in our heart and allow that to guide us.
    Be calm, have faith that the divine plan will play out as it should and allow yourself time to relax into the truth that our thoughts, words and actions really matter a great deal. In fact this is all that truly matters.
    If we are truly honest with ourselves we are impatient because we have not taken full responsibility yet for every aspect of our existence and it is easier for make others responsible for WHEN change will come.
    There are so many things we do to cement in our minds that "the system" does not own us and we can assert our personal power daily in many ways without it being obvious to anyone else. The peaceful warrior will win in these times. Blessings to all and live well.

    1. Thank you for the reminder. I needed it!!
      Live like it's already happened!!!

  79. <3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
    Join us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
    Please join us today, and every day at:
    - 13:00pm EST (19:00pm CET) for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
    - 14:00pm EST (20:00pm CET) for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays
    Web location:
    Skype channel:


  80. Volltreffer mitten ins Herz bitte.

    And I can't help falling in Love with you ♥


  81. I miss all the fun here when I'm at work early and late, day after day...and spending my free time recovering from working so much...too tired to get on line sometimes.

    We all need to be recreating balance (thanks for the concept, Untwine!).

  82. Those are the little guys ... when the big guys like clinton, kissinger, bush, rumsfeld, chaney, obama, and their cronies are arrested then phase 1 will be in effect.

  83. Phase 2 ... I think is ... ganimedes portal ...April 19, 2015

  84. I thought that "Inminent" meant a few minutes or hours but a few days have passed. Has phase 2 already started?
