real occult reason for the Syrian conflict is the battle for the
Syrian goddess vortex which is one of the most important key energy
points in the planetary energy grid.
controls that energy point is very close to controlling the majority
of the energy leyline system on the planetary surface. Whoever
controls the energy leyline system has direct access to global
consciousness of humanity.
is why the Jesuits have engineered the creation of Daesh (Islamic
Syrian energy vortex is actually a pentagram. In the hands of the
Light forces, this pentagram is an instrument of good that can
transform the whole Middle East and can be a huge transmitter of
positive feminine energy. In the hands of the dark, this pentagram
can create much suffering, as people in Syria have experienced in the
last few years.
five points of Syria pentagram are key towns in Syria that had a
strong connection with the Goddess energy in their rich past.
five points are:
a city with a strong Goddess presence:
the birth place of Julia Domna. Julia Domna was a Roman empress who
tried to bring wisdom to the Roman court:
the birth place of Zenobia, a queen that lead the revolt against the
oppression of the Roman empire:
the area where the Halaf culture was born:
which was the center of worship of the Syrian goddess of fertility,
of those points, Aleppo, Homs and Palmyra, have already been
liberated from the clutches of Daesh, Palmyra very recently:
Manbij will be free soon, too:
The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:
The liberation of Palmyra has cleared the path towards the liberation of Raqqa, the main Daesh stronghold in Syria:
Raqqa is liberated, that will very rapidly lead to the complete
liberation of the Syrian pentagram and will drastically improve the
situation in the Middle East.
who feel guided, can help supporting the healing of the Syria
pentagram by visualizing this piece of ancient Halafian pottery
rotating over the whole Syria pentagram, strengthening the Goddess
vortex there and removing all darkness from the region:
piece of Halafian pottery, made 7000 years ago, contains sacred
geometry codes that activate Goddess presence and remove darkness
from all four directions.
of the Light!
people are asking what is behind the Panama papers. This link
explains it all:
Here's link of the pottery
A larger animation of the Halaf pottery can be seen here. Originally posted on November 24th 2014.
Looking at the pottery can change your very consciousness.
I was using the hebrew letters and color flame decrees and charging it with sacred feminine energies of mary magdalene, shekinah, durga, kali, and masculine energies of yhvh, yeshua, saint germaine, also doing decrees to cleanse the region and put sacred feminine energy into the region. I hope that this works cause the more I charged it with this kabbalistic magick the more it spun to the right. I hope this works....
DeleteToday a dreamed about this pentagram....somebody was teling me here is where the best worriors are born...
Seen this actual map exited..was shoking.
I dont know nothing from this culture...i am very away from this a educated person.
Im really very intriged.
What to do..
I dream today of this map en somebody was twlling me that here is where the best worriors are born.
DeleteFunny thing is...i dont know nothing of this region, nothing from this culture....shoking this actually existed.
I am an educated person....simply very odd..
Dont know what this actually means dough..
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteThanks COBRA
ReplyDeleteThank you dear Cobra
DeleteAnd may SHE finally be at PEACE and know PEACE once again! Peace and Victory of the LIGHT!
ReplyDeleteI... thank you for clarify what's happeninh in the world right now, you give people reasons to be happy and look the future with hope.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
OK...I have been using This piece of Halafian pottery over Syria daily as part of my daily meditation!
ReplyDeleteVICTORY of the LIGHT!
ReplyDeletePanama Papers and Syria.
In both cases, I have had feeling about Syria, and the 'DARK' Cabal' is using OIL as another distraction. For so many congregated in one area of the EARTH, fighting to no end, something much more important than mere oil is at stake. Something, an anomaly, under Syria.
The Panama Papers sure bust on the scene, all slick and prepared. At first, I got 'fished in', then shortly, it hit me, another DISTRACTION. Sleight of hand, you do not see what the other hand is doing. But the 'showing' hand is quite dazzling (hey, don't look over there). After all, PUTIN actually DID something in Syria.
Good luck out there, the only ones that are going to save us, is us. It really helps to FOLLOW THE MONEY, and you will always know what the world is running on.
All this distraction, something large, huge, big is about to happen.
Think 'ROPE' and 'COLLAPSE'.
Cobra, thank you for the fascinating information regarding the pentagram in Syria. You have written about the goddess vortex there, but I didn't know anything about the pentagram there. This is fascinating.
ReplyDeleteThe author of "Forks: A Quest for Culture, Cuisine, and Connection. Three Years. Five Continents. One Motorcycle," is a friend of a friend....
The author rode his motorcycle around the world (5 continents, 35 countries) and one of our friends asked him,
"Well, which countries were your favorite?"
He said "Syria and Ethiopia."
"Why?" he was asked.
"Because the people there are so wonderful."
If this awful mess is cleared up, maybe we can all visit Syria.
ReplyDeleteI want to say something, but i'm not sure if i should do that. So it takes me a few days to decide. And when i'm finally posting it - a few hours later - Cobra is posting a new intel...........
So, i had to re-post this.
If you have missed reading this posted by me back in December 2015,, then I'm asking you to first read my posting regarding me, Cobra and Rob. Because; only after you've read it, i'll be posting another one closely related to this one.
HYE ANGELDecember 30, 2015 at 8:05 PM
TO ALL, who are frustrated with Rob's attitude.
Believe me, i hate doing this. And after reading this, you'll see - it took me a very long time to get the guts and reveal, talk about this matter.
The recent many comments posted by many of you, was a "push the button" point for me to go ahead and do this.
So without further ado, let’s begin……
(More to read....)
Thanks Hye Angel.
DeleteI went back and found your very informative full comment post from Dec. 30, 2015 (which I had not earlier read). I totally understand why you would have Rob call into C2C, and it is great that the Laguna Beach conference was immediately filled up. You helped Rob out and he thanked you.
Rob's departure from doing the Cobra interviews strikes me as just another step in his development. He moved to Maui (I am so jealous of that!) and he's trying new stuff and helping Corey Goode on stuff. Why not?
I have felt a small kinship with Rob because we both grew up in "surfing towns" on the Calif coast and I understand him, at some level.
And when he refers to Cobra as "The Cobes" it totally cracks me up.
I will miss Rob but hope to be at his Mt. Shasta conference this summer. He will have, among other people, Luis Martens there, the Lake Titicaca "shaman" or whatever his description is.
I hope Rob checks in with us from time to time.
Aloha and Mahalo and Best wishes to Rob in his new adventures.
Well that was a great thing you did, Hye Angel.
DeleteOh, car troubles led to me to losing jobs and leaving California to be near family!
I noticed my comment in that thread, a bit above yours, which was a response to someone who seemed to think we were the thought police on Rob.
Ger sey responded to those people, and I chimed in to clarify my own position:
ger seyDecember 30, 2015 at 4:42 AM
Please stop those disgusting and rude comments about Rob.It is getting boring.....focus only on the positive! Ignore the rest!!
Specially in these times, we have to remain UNITED.
I think Rob is a very positive guy, if he have some personal preferences about Jesus, ... so what? He doesnt seem to try to impose them...i have my preference about Buddha so what? We are all different ( this is not a sect!!!) and yet, we have a common goal which unite us, the Event.
So please, no more attacking
Indeed very ungrateful creatures, you are (Yoda)
Phoenix BoulayJanuary 1, 2016 at 7:11 PM
Thank you. I responded to some comments far above in the thread, but I don't see that it got posted, and this was many days ago. Maybe Cobra is busy or maybe he chose not to post it, but I wanted to participate in the discussion to respond to a general accusation I read far above in the thread.
No one has told anyone to "shut up" about Rob, we have repeatedly urged/requested that people stop making personal attack on him and everyone else. We have also been ridiculed and attacked simply for coming to his defense (not that he needs us to, he is a big boy and has spoken up in his own defense on occasion). Can't people verbalize their issues without character assassination or condemning him or others?
For example, one person persists at ridiculing Sheldan Nidle at length, thus proving only his own ignorance, IMHO. I urge anyone, if his channelings don't make sense to you, then simply ignore them, and maybe try listening to Sheldan being interviewed instead. Alexandra Meadors did a great interview with him earlier this year. He is extremely intelligent and articulate. Seems to me that his timing may be off, but I sense that his messages and his mission are well-intended.
As for Rob, I like Rob, I respect Rob and yet, I do not agree with him on everything, but that doesn't keep me from enjoying his immense contributions. I like his larger than life personality, too! He makes me laugh, in a good way. I am still not sure what to think about Dave Schmidt, as I find him to be very charismatic and likable, but I know he is a controversial figure, and I don't understand the whole Iraqui Dinar thing, the Ambassadors and various Dragon families, it is all rather confusing to me. So I listen to such things with a grain of salt and an open mind until I gain more understanding.
DeleteI did this with Corey Goode. I was not one of the first to jump in and celebrate him, as much of what I read sounded too fantastic to be true, and it just didn't resonate or grab me at first. However, once I saw video of him interviewed on camera, I had a much different impression. Seeing his eyes as he spoke about his experiences told me a lot about him, much more than I got out of reading his posts. I feel that he is sincere and for real. Notice, I didn't say I THINK so, I said I FEEL so. Intuition comes from your heart, feelings, not from your mind or mental constructs. He is incredibly strong to go through the things he has gone through, and maintain his sanity. Now I only wish I had more time to spend watching his videos.
One more thing regarding Rob, because people said they don't trust him. I trust Cobra, and he trusts Rob, and that is good enough for me. But I also feel that Rob is sincere and has only the best of intentions in all his efforts as a Seeker and Lightwarrior.
Of course it is OK to have different opinions than others, and to respectfully disagree! ger sey laid it out, this is bigger than we as individuals, and we must focus on the the greater good and our collective efforts towards The Event, which should be more than enough to unify us.
I have a quick French temper, so it takes effort and reflection to keep my own kneejerk reactions in check. One of my intentions this year, is to learn to RESPOND instead of REACT to people and situations. (Live sporting events trending on twitter, being the exception.)
Happy New Year to all. I expect that humanity will make great progress and have amazing breakthroughs in 2016! Keep up the good work!
That Halafian pottery tricky with the eyes lol Peace And Love to all
ReplyDeleteCAPP Enforcement Action Deadline - Annoucement from Kameran Abdul-Rahim Faily Consultant to The Ancient Royal Families
ReplyDeleteYou can read all about that here
Kameran for president !
DeleteIf this is really happening right now I will be so excited. The attacks here on earth are definitely going on it doesn't look like the chemtrail structure has been taken down yet.
DeleteIt seems Soros has started much of the problems in the world. Sure hope that he is on the priority list of The Event.
ReplyDeleteJust look at his face! His soul is rotten
DeleteThanks for the update. Very interesting what is going on in Syria. I was happy when I heard the news about Palmyra being liberated, and some of the ancient structures are still standing. After The Event we can rebuild there. Two more cities to go! I will be watching this war with great interest.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for giving info about the Panama papers. I thought it was the cabal, the way they were hammering Putin, and not mentioning too many western politicians in the corporate news being in those papers.
Victory of the Light! :)
which proves its not coincidence but a false flag war :(
ReplyDeleteIm sorry..but this whole Goddess thing turms my stomach. Modern women today treat males like garbage. the last thing I need is "goddess worship". Rolls eyes.
ReplyDeleteIf a woman will be able to see a Goddess in herself, she will be able to see a God in men. You can't see Shiva if you don't see Parvati..
DeleteThis modern fashion called feminism
Deletehas nothing to do with real Goddess msnifestation, is just a stupid, uggly, fake reaction to machism. It doesnt have any root in the Real Goddess energies. Today feminists are so distant from the Real Goddess like a dead, plastic decoration flower is from a real Rose.
Feminists are reactionary, like communists or punks. No reality in them.
One thing is the modern affirmation of womens rights, other thing is this uggly mutation of womanhood, called "feminism"
Any woman who treats ANYONE like garbage is not a goddess. It takes more than a vagina to make a goddess.
DeleteYour pseudonym fits well with your message
DeleteIf women treat you like garbage the problem lies definitely within you. Look inside
So if that was the case, please forgive them, so you can let go your frustration, okay? I wish for you to meet a woman from your soulfamily or soulmategirl that treats you with love and respect and honors who you are, so you can grow together in harmony and enjoy life. <3
DeleteWhoa, people. Let's not take the feminine Goddess aspects out of feminism! Angry woman militants do not OWN the word feminism any more than angry male militants do, and "feminism" and "Goddess" actually are NOT dirty words, nor are they mutually exclusive. Sorry guys, but you don't get to define us as women.
DeleteI am a feminist, a Goddess and sometimes I'm even a bitch. The purpose of these energies are to help bring us all into balance, foster harmony and to provide nurturing, but of course women can be fiercely protective and outspoken as well. BTW, I love men, and their masculine qualities that balance in an interactive dance with women's qualities. Not opposite, not more, not less, but equally important. Remember, we're all in this together.
We all can become a bitch sometimes, women and men, especially when we suffer severe sleep deprivation. This condition is the worst for triggering the "bitchy days", i noticed. Lol
DeleteFeminism, like any other "-ism", was created by the globalists, in order to box people into unnatural groups, pitting them against each other, to ultimately only serve the globalist agenda. In case of "feminism"it was to break up family-units, sad to say, so far it's worked pretty well.
DeleteAs James Mitchell cleverly pointed out above, "It takes more than a vagina to make a goddess". Yes as a matter of fact, I've met men who possess way more "goddess energies" than many cold and calculating women without any connection to their feminine "goddess side". in the public-eye..I'll pick Hillary and Janet Napolitano, some scary women..
Where does it begin, or end? Women make babies, yet don't raise their sons to respect women, women give life yet they proudly send their sons to fight senseless wars that are not theirs to begin with, and the cycle goes on until you stop the cycle in your personal life. and take responsibility of their own feminine and masculine sides and balance their hearts into One complete, conscious being.
Cobra is not talking about worshiping some ancient female goddess, or idol worship!! but "the Archetype and the archetypical 'positive' aspects of the Feminine", such as softness, kindness, patience, compassion instead of the 'negative feminine' qualities. I agree that it ain't all pretty, or easy, in a world ruled by overly masculine energies, such as aggression and greed of and by both men and women but, I can also think of several wonderful masculine qualities without which nothing would ever "get done", stagnant life would be pretty boring ;)
Great insights, Freia!
DeleteThis post of Cobra's is supremely important. We need people to step up and join in healing this region as much as possible:
In this context, the following 'blurb' feels a bit out of place, but I did previously promise to share my Tachyon Chamber experience come April. Below is the article which I have written describing this experience. I encourage everyone who has an opportunity to visit a Tachyon Chamber to do so - it is well worth the time, effort and money.
For those who may not have the resources to do so now, please understand - this is why we are all working to make the EVENT happen as soon as possible. Money should not be an obstacle to feeling better and living more happily - all of us have a right to this, and by making the EVENT happen, we make that right a reality for every human on the planet.
Healing is the common thread between the Syria Pentagram as well as the Tachyon Chamber; we heal that region, we heal ourselves, we heal Mother Earth - all is interconnected.
Thank you for sharing your experience! I am glad that you received the healing you so desperately needed. Personally, I bought one of the first tachyonized cintamani stones that Cobra sold. It did have a profound influence on me that was quite tangible. However, eventually that wore off. The energy of our world is just too toxic for the positive effects to last long. That is why we need the Event! Liberation NOW!!
DeleteJames, Sure we need the event...
DeleteBut go back and read (in one Cobra's last 1 or 2 interviews) how the cintamani stone is not dead -- it is alive and bursting with energy.
Once I started understanding *that,* I started talking to it... asking it for protection (it works!) asking it for solutions to things (solutions arrive!) asking it to help me develop to my highest abilities (my personal compass feels like it is getting stronger and I'm more convinced about my choices) ...
These "Cinties" are millions of years old. They don't just "wear out" from what I can tell. I don't think the effects wear out either, honestly.
To me, this little rock is becoming part of me (I feel a song coming on!)and I always feel better when I'm wearing Cintie.
So -- just my humble opinion, of course, but in these crazy times, we need these stones.
And they appear to be changing the course of humanity...
They are very special. I feel honored to have one.
DeleteHi Megan,
thanks for sharing your Cintamani experience. When I first got my "Cintie" (I like that) I treated it like a pet, cuddling it, playing with it, feeling where it wanted to be as part of the Light Machine and putting it in different spots all the time.
And taking it on walks and drives wherever I went of course.
In January I got the Urge to wear it closer to me and was shown in my mind's eye how to manufacture a necklace that holds the stone. It worked the first time I tried (no trial and error this time) and I've worn it every day since then.
The first necklace got dissolved by wear and water after 23 days, the second one lasted 42 days. This third one I'm currently wearing is the best-looking one so far, let's see how long it'll last.
But, yeah, keeping "Cintie" close to me feels really good, especially at night. For me it's like having a cat on my lap or under the covers when I'm in bed :-)
It's a Light I Hold Tight and Treasure in the Night :-)
And by popular demand it is my pleasure to play for you, one more time . . .
One More Time: We're Gonna Celebrate
Lots Of Love And Light
... "Cintie" ... I like that :-)
Cintamani stones may need recharging in sunlight like gem stones? Just a thought. Do they need purification like gem stones? I don't know. I doubt it but just wondering.
Delete@Megan, I would imagine that each person is going to have a different experience with the Cintamani Stone because we are each different. No one person’s experience is more “correct” or “true” than anyone else’s. If you have different and ongoing experiences with your stone, great! However, that has not been the case for me. As I said, and I stand by what I said, when I first got my stone I had a flurry of different experiences but they have since stopped. My stone is now completely dormant and inert. Perhaps when the Event happens it will become active again. I don’t know. But I know what I experience now and no one else can convince me differently.
DeleteThanks Rajah,
DeleteMy Cintie hasn't started Meow-ing yet, but when she does, I will take her for a drive... :)
And James:
Perhaps your Cintie just needs a little cuddle or something... (kidding)... Yes, of course, we each have our own experience with these things and I didn't mean to imply everyone's experience is the same (I *did* sort of imply that, though, didn't I?)
Who knows, you may find your Cintie on your pillow some night when you least expect it... :)
Each and every person that is able to visit a tachyon chamber, helps themselves and helps the earth, in my humble opinion. It is a humbling and beautiful blessing. Regarding the cintamani stones, has anyone noticed their stone getting lighter? I am sure I could not see through mine when I received it and now I can. A long time a go my little sister called me cinti which I now recall.
DeleteI have been using the pottery visualization over Syria for the last week, sending light, love, and prayers for peace, and will continue to do so. May the return of Goddess energy bring peace and freedom to the planet. Blessed Be the Goddess in Her many manifestations.
ReplyDeleteVictory to the Light.
ReplyDeleteWe created a meditation on facebook Healing Syria Pentagram every Thursday 7 pm utc
ReplyDeleteThe Syria Pentagram with ancient Halafian pottery:
Thanks for the update!!!
ReplyDeleteCobra & crew, the cool "mysticism" that you are involved is in reality sexual foreplay by the Goddess.
ReplyDeleteHmmm--- I think I really like this post. Sounds wonderful to me.
Deletecan we have some info on the US Presidential race please Cobra (besides Trump news!)
ReplyDeleteThe whole thing is a circus.
DeleteThe whole world stage is a Circus INDEED! Putin included.
Deleteone step up... the whole reality is a circus ;)
Deletebusiness as usual.. :) sound about right as an update.
DeleteThe feminine/masculine energy is inside each one of us. It is our responsibility to come to self inner balance of our being. Our inner world creates our outer world.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice, if you could mention our website in the article, cause you are using it:
ReplyDeleteThanks and nice article.
may Goddess energy smother all the haters with big smooches of love, light and harmony.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cobra! Despite seeming appearance, if we look more closely we can see many indications that things are zipping right along!
ReplyDeleteI did a search to find prior posts mentioning the Halafian pottery, to refresh my memory on the background info.
Prior related posts:
Cobra I do hope you start activating masculine god portals across the planet as well, I think if we balance the energies things may go alot smoother. So if there is conferences to be held on god portals I think many of us would be interested in attending. I love the feminine energy to but I do think masculine energy balanced with the feminine energies will help the people get out of their victimhood state and fight the dark forces more effectively.- Thanks Tim
ReplyDeleteTim, the source energy is both masculine and feminine, cobra only talks about the importance of the Goddess energy because this is the energy that the earth needs the most right now. There is too much negative masculine energy in our planet nowadays(wars, or competition, for example), and the feminine energy will balance everything.
DeleteIf the masculine energy would be the most needed now, we would focus on channeling it also.
The God and the Goddess principles are both respected and honored by the light forces.
This ancient Sumerian seal will unlock the divine masculine energies:
You don't have to ask permission to use either the masculine or feminine energies. You can open as many portals as you want. Cobra is only requesting our assistance in the most critical areas and I am more than willing to help him any way I can.
Cobra - Actually both aspects are distorted on this planet.
DeleteUntwine : Ok. Because it seems that the masculine is also suppressed, people have a hard time to take initiative and action.
C : Yes it is suppressed. Healthy masculine initiative is greatly suppressed on this planet.
---ref ut1114
U : Ok. So why are we more talking about the feminine and not of them together ?
C : It's just because there was such a big imbalance in the past because the feminine was suppressed even more. And of course you and anybody else are much more than welcome to talk about healthy masculine it is also very important. Taking and inspiring action is one of the keys to planetary liberation.
U : Ok. So what we aim really is balance yes ?
C : Yes.
---ref ut1114
My father was born in Aleppo. He died when i was 18 months old.
ReplyDeleteThe wast majotiry of people living in Aleppo are/were Armenians, who survived the most horrible genocide organized by the archons/cabal, and was executed by their puppets and mind controlled army. IT WAS NOT DONE BY THE COMMON, HARDWORKING TURKISH PEOPLE!!!!
When this Syrian war started, among thousands of other Armenians, my uncle, (fathers' brother) and his family, left everything they had/owned in Aleppo behind, and had to flee to Armenia.
I LWAYS LOVED ALL the people on Earth. WITH ALL MY HEART. Long before knowing/learning the truth.
I believed in reincarnation since my very early age. I had little, tiny memories telling me - i was here before. Therefore, my ancient soul could see - WHO THE REAL people are, and WHAT IS THAT THEY REALLY WANT?
The list goes on and on and on....
(This was a spontaneous writng i felt/sensed i had to put together).
Hye Angel,
DeleteThank you for sharing your heartfelt history & story...You are a cherished soul!
Nice. Agreed! Thanks Hye.
DeleteThanks HYE ANGEL!!! Beautiful words!!
DeleteHYE ANGEL. Well said I couldn't agree more on everything you said. BEAUTIFUL
DeleteUS gone too far?
Haha! Good joke. US always gone too far.
DeleteGuys, check this out!!
I don't understand what guys at NASA try to prove every time they cut the live feed and try to hide such things! The disclosure of ET's is inevitable, isn't it?
you will be surprise... the cutting of the feed is just enough to maintain the ignorance alive... People will tend not to ask questions anymore.. they will thing is "normal" event
DeleteYeah, well, it's annoying. But we got to see pretty much in the video.. Haha
DeletePlease Cobra , tell Mr Putin that we love and that everything you hear about him is false and we appreciate it. Send him this message of love please . thank you
ReplyDeleteThank you for this VERY valuable information, Cobra.
ReplyDeleteLet there be Light!!!
ReplyDeletePraised be HIS name and ALL HIS glory and righteousness. I AM eternally grateful.
DeleteNOW YOU're talking! ;)))
DeleteWelcome back, my friend.
Cobra & crew, is there a specific reason you are not mentioning this scientific article about archons?
Robert M. Stanley mentions this in his website and it's obvious he knows what he's talking about:
I mean it's... just nothing more but the main enemy here being photographed for all to see in American Journal Of Modern Physics.
These are not Archons; these are sylphs:
How are they?I doubt Wikipedia tell the whole story.
DeleteI can tell for 100% first-hand experience that they are archons. Not "hmm, they kinda look like them...", but rather a perfect match.
DeleteIf you scroll down the following link, you can see another pentagram. The "Great Occult Pentagram of Vatican-Samaritan Evil". It connects the concentration camps in Poland:
ReplyDeleteYour Love keeps Lifting Me, keeps on Lifting Me
And We Will LIFT YOU
Higher And Higher, Gaia ♥
Ganz viel Licht und Liebe für Alle
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSo Come On.
Gaia, sweetie, it' Time to go
Back To That Same Old Place . . .
Karlstraße 8, 25524 Itzehoe
(The codes in the YouTube links are getting ridiculously obvious, by the way; just saying...)
DeleteStop the Presses, this just In ;-)
The World's Famous HOT STUFF INTERNATIONAL is Back In Business and ready to Kick some serious Ass
If You want Solid Ground
Come on and Try Me
Or I can Take You so High
That You're Never Ever gonna wanna come down :-)
Drop the pilot
Try My Balloon
Drop The Monkey
Smell My perfume
Drop the bullshit ;-)
I'm the Easy Rider
[Darkies? This Line's for you:] Don't use your army to fight a losing battle
Animal, Mineral, Physical, Spiritual
I'm The One You Need
And You're The One I Need ♥
And We'll Drink And Dance With One Hand Free, And Love The World So Easily.
Back In The HIGH LIFE Again ♥
ReLoad *Five*
Licht, Liebe, Einigkeit, Freiheit und Frieden für Alle
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Lars B.
The White Heron flies SouthWest.
ReplyDeleteSolar Warden is CLeAR.
Solar Warden? Good old Guys with old Guns?
DeleteDo You like western movies?
Cobra... i think you don't have ANY IDEA what you do when you give us a place like this to TALK without have to being AFRAID of receive mock and/or being betrayed in front of public being condemned to be alone, completely alone because no one understand me... no one understand us, having to HIDE OUR TRUE PERSONALITY and have to remain silent 'cause i don't have any other thing to talk 'cause the only thing that make me feel alive is talk with other persons'bouThis, and yeah... i'm VERY AFRAID of what i'm gonna' see if i meditate, i'm not sure if i'm ready...
ReplyDeleteThis blog, Prepare for Change, and the groups of Pleiadians;their page in Twitter follow me, even Cobra Etheric in facebook, THANKS COBRA...
Sorry for the capital letters... but i'm not screaming, simply the words are in such way to remark certain parts of my writting... the chance to being informed and talk with such LOVE but also respect...
Sorry... little by little i've feeling that i'm not of this planet... I love being in my room studying myself and/or in my things, and knowing what REALLY!!! happens in the world... but now... I really feel that I am loved in this blog, and I've always tried to fit into a group without real success, in the end i grow tired... i... simply thanks for give me the chance to speak freely...
I follow too the blog of White Hat Dark Hat, for what i read, seems so good to be real...
i salute you, guys...
Dear Cobra thank you for your updates. I see that Rob Potter stopped interviewing you. What happened? And are you going to get someone else to do it?
ReplyDeleteI am very concerned because Rob Potter said he doesn't think the Earth will be liberated in his lifetime. What happened? I hope he is wrong, and the victory is close
Maybe here you can find a few answers:
Sara, I thought the same thing.I said to myself, "I hope he's wrong"
DeleteRob just follows His Own Path to the Source like all of us...
DeleteThere's nothing to worry about, sweetheart.
"...Regardless of what people may think their purpose is for being on Earth, life is infinite and you are ever seeking growth and your return to the Light.
ReplyDeleteAt times it must in fact seem that there is no purpose to life, but that is largely down to the dark Ones who have continually confused the truth and kept you in a state of “lack”. It includes the truth of your being from a spiritual perspective, as even that has been distorted to keep you under their control. All that will change in the near future and eventually only the truth will remain. So keep calm and know that each one of you is playing a crucial part in the changes taking place that are all important to the whole.
The events that are waiting to manifest are so important to your future that the Earth is being monitored and guarded by Galactic Forces that are far more evolved than those of you on Earth. You can therefore live without fear as to the outcome of present events both on and off Earth. The future has already been written and the Light is victorious and the dark Ones removed to ensure that there is no further interference with your lives. You may feel that matters are so out of control that there will be no end to the worldwide problems, but be assured that they are fully monitored. Chaotic times will gradually cease as their actions are curtailed and total peace will return to Earth..."
Mike Quinsey Message, April 08, 2016
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete<3 Let's come TOGETHER and COMBINE our efforts! <3
ReplyDeleteJoin us NOW in our weekly GUIDED GLOBAL MEDITATION to Speed Up the transformation of this WORLD.
Please join us today, and every day at:
- 18:00pm GMT for the Emergency Europe/Syria Meditation
- 19:00pm GMT for the Event Speed-Up Meditation, immediately followed by the Liberation Movement's Weekly Meditation on Sundays
Web location:
Skype channel:
I sure hope you participate in the massive energy that is coming tonight. 11:00 p.m. PDT or 2:00 a.m. sunday EDT.
DeleteFor LIVE interactive conversations with fellow beings of light that are geared towards the aspirations of the Prepare For Change Network, we welcome you to join our Skype group:
ReplyDeleteThe Latest on
"Mysteries of Light movements clarify.
Purposes of energetic transformations are viewed and embraced.
Frenetics calm.
Harmonics are realized.
Hue-Beings couple."
Sweet Soul Music 3:16 ♥
Seven Nights To Rock, Seven Nights To Roll
Ganz viel Licht und Liebe für Alle ♥ ♥ ♥
ReplyDeleteWhat hour will it be in Spain... ? Thank you!
DeleteIn Spain, this energy will start in at 8:00 a.m. Sunday morning, 7:00 a.m. in Canary Island area. You must raise your vibration and meditate for 3 hours if you can and listen to soft meditation music and visualize all your friends and family and think of what you would like this world to be after The Event and what you want your life to be like after The Event. Your body will act like a transmitter or repeater of this energy to those you think about. This is the first wave of the event, more to come.
DeleteHYE ANGEL. Well said I couldn't agree more on everything you said. BEAUTIFUL
ReplyDeleteHi All,
ReplyDeleteMy new vision was really interesting. I saw that an important public figure was on TV making a speech and suddenly the veil was broken and he became a reptilian creature. I knew then that something happened and he couldn't hide his true self anymore.
Interestingly nobody seemed that surprised to see this...
Looking forward for humanity to see the whole truth. so be it.
Victory of the Light!
Those of you who took the time and did read my posting from December 30th, 2015, know that i love both - Cobra and Rob. Well; that was before.
ReplyDeleteThis is another time when my inner voice is telling me to shut up, because it's NONE of MY business, but my heart is pushing me to open my mouth and tell just A LITTLE bit. Nicely and with respect, so i will NOT create/start anything bad...
Therefore: may i ask - NO REPLIES, please..... Just read and think.
The day I saw and read Rob's "important announcement" posted on the Event Chronicles' site, i immediaetly, smelled it to be "fishy". Something was NOT right.... Actually; the WHOLE thing was not right. Most of his explanations did not make sense to me.
However, it made me feel very sad and disappointed to see that Rob had enough with Cobra. (Maybe it was the other way?)
Unfortunately, many of you who did read it, you MISSED seeing the truth hidden behind his "important announcement", and his new projects, he's so fascinated about.
We should be more careful what we read. I mean -in general. Always.
We must pay a deeper and closer attention on what that person is really talking about. Always read between the lines.
For example, did you ask yourself; why is that he does NOT have time to hold Cobra interviews, yet he HAS TIME to do them, (including many other projects), with Corey?
Oh, and once again, he did NOT miss another opportunity to advertise about his new projects with Corey.... through COBRA's site?!!
ALL OF US should avoid becoming BLIND FOLLOWERS, and use our heart and our brains to think, and yes -TO JUDGE - which is not a bad thing at all like we're forced to believe. There's very little difference between "to judge" and "to discern".
The capability of judging shows that you are NOT under mind-control. You're a human, not a robot, who can think and can differ the bad from the good. Just "ask any child", like Cobra said.
Yet ACTING BADLY, DOING WRONG TO OTHERS is what i concider to be a PROOF, an evidence that one is being mind-controlled and acting like a puppet. (I'll talk about this another time).
This being said. I hope that one day, Rob will get over his ego; will be truely AWAKENED, and start P-R-A-C-T-I-C-I-N-G UN-conditional LOVE.
(I'd hate seeing him doing it because of the EVENT).
I hope soon he will understand what does it mean when you say to a friend:
>>I have worked diligently and faithfully side by side in the mission with Cobra and I will continue to do so. I stand by my love for Cobra and his intentions as I have understood and shared them<<.
I really hope he'll keep his words and be a FRIEND IN NEED - devoted, loyal and FORGIVING.
And i wish him good luck with his new projects, because i like Corey. He's a very brave and sincere man.
However, i will NOT be missing Rob's inteviews. Cobra got pepole with lesser egos to handle HIS interviews. (Let's hope they'll stay like that).
So i salute "FREIA" when she bravely stated:
freiaApril 5, 2016 at 6:30 PM
>>Furthermore, many of us stopped listening to Cobra monthly interviews because of Potter, the o n l y reason to even tune in was to hear the super-star, Cobra - never once "Rob Potter ego-show", which I assume will go on without missing a beat, so nothing's lost for those who so "miss him" so, what's the big deal?
PS. There will be many more awake, naturally gifted and talented interviewers out there..more than qualified to fill the spot<<.
Rob is gone now. End of story. It is boring to keep talking about it.
DeleteNot replying, just adding a thought:
DeleteWe can listen to this new Rob And Corey interview on the Prepare for Change website. Hmmmm....
In my humble opinion ego opens the door to trouble. Rob is knowledgeable and has helped many and likely was the target of intense darkness and a good lesson to all to keep your ego in check.
DeleteOut of ALL people, you James, got bored?
DeleteWell, then this is all i have to say; FIRST to you, and then -to everybody who found it boring.
I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
@Hye Angel, yes, it is a little boring to keep rehashing why Rob quit (or the other way around). But the reason I replied is because you told everyone NOT to reply. You should also know that I, of ALL people, don’t appreciate being told what to do. ;-))
DeleteThise are ancient anunnaki gods they need access into the Halls of Amenti star gate systems of the earth during this solar activation cycle they need human consciousness for accessing the amenti sphere.
Tusk: I love YOU the MOST!!'
ReplyDeleteUS: No Contest
TUSK: I Love YOU the MOST.
ReplyDeleteUS: No Contest.
Love! Forgiveness! Peace!
ReplyDeleteVictory of Light!
Order of the Star thank you so much until you are better paid.
ReplyDeleteProof of Life - it's worth every penny.
Oh and you already know this of course, but it's pronounced d'Ash.
LoL - that Hillbilly accent just cracks me up!
Mossack Fonseca was raided in El Salvador. Posted on the main page.
ReplyDeleteI hope this might just lead up to another data leak.
May we all receive utter serendipity.
Is it just me or are things really stuck at the moment?
ReplyDeleteProgress seems so slow and that bad guys seem to be operating with impunity
I really need to know if we are getting close to a breakthrough or not
The most powerful spots are already control by the Saturn pentagram you keep showing and in Europe and the islands outside of Europe is the strongest of the fields you speak of.
ReplyDeleteStrange. Type - phi golden ratio - in google and it gives the wrong number.
ReplyDeletethat's because it calculates phi^2.
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ReplyDeleteThere is so much going on right now. the false flag "panama papers leak" has backfired - another operation foiled by the "truth energy" that has anchored on this planet. it is true that actions being taken are effective in the lead up to full disclosure.
ReplyDeleteAs for Rob Potters decision to not continue with Cobra interviews - who cares. All I need is for interviewers to ask the right questions so that we can be well informed. I guarantee most of us cruise around the net looking for new information from a lot of different reliable sources so RP and his decision seems irrelevant to the mission as far as I am concerned. IMHO it is just another distraction if I allow it to be.
You r welcome BR and thank you for supporting my statement. Now is a time for calm and making conscious decisions not to get hooked into OPD (other people's drama). Being OK with the decisions of others is required of all of us - respecting free will choice regardless of assumptions of what may have motivated those choices.I am grateful for all the interviews that RP has done and all others who have assisted Cobra to spread the message and make it clear that our participation is essential to this shift that we all yearn for.
Let there be light
ReplyDeleteLet there be love
Cosmic Love
For all
Did Putin just out the worlds ruling class as Reptilians?
I don't trust Your Newswire.
DeleteIf this is true then there is no hope of the dark elite from controlling the narrative now. I am sure he would not have done this without having a plan to follow up what he has said because he is a smart cookie and a top notch strategist.
@Kar Paree
DeleteThis game is not about Putin and Soros.
All is done behind the scenes, Putin is good actor.
Like you can say same about Obama, he is smart and top notch strategist but the true is maybe far away...
@ orange juice. I respectfully disagree one about Putin and the other about Obama. He does not appear smart, a good strategist or leader. It is obvious to most that he is a mind controlled puppet whereas Putin is out thinking, out manoevering at every turn. I feel Putin is working for humanity. Time will tell and by their actions they will be known.
DeleteI think this was the end of last month
ReplyDeleteSorcha Faal- Trump/Sanders
Still makes me wonder, how much "Free Energy" a "wall" could produce in a place with so much Sun- (ocean water in, steam/salt/new water out)... With new water and free energy how much new life would relocate/thrive at the wall.
Looking at this first week of the new "Planetary Moon" Perfects Manifestation...
("Solar Moon" last month)
Yellow Galactic Human
Moon Day 7
Kin 112
Sunday 10 April 2016
13 Moon Calendar
I Harmonise in order to Influence
Modelling Wisdom
I seal the Process of Free Will
With the Galactic tone of Integrity
I am guided by the power of Intelligence
I am a Galactic Activation Portal
So far (my best guess how this works), each Solar Seal has a script in the web of Time.
The experiences you have that relate to each script in the web is how much actual "kin" you are with each Solar Seal of the web, causing the web to grow stronger with you.
Lifted with a slowness of breath for the sureness of Time added to Spiral
Feather in one hand
Seed of New Life of the True Garden in the other
Float softly to a place to Power each part of your Central Core
Read the Vortex
Be the Portal
ReplyDelete:) :) :)
Good news & good progress! Thanks to all the Light Workers getting this job done!
DeleteThat is excellent news Cobra found someone to take the cintamani stone to Antarctica. Fantastic!!
DeleteThis will make it difficult for those cabal MFs. Things are certainly looking up. :)
Many thanks to the person(s) that took the stone there. :D
best if we know little to none info about this operation... ... just saying.
DeleteAnyone notice during Sunday's global meditation that the Matrix wobble fluxed? House of cards? London Bridge is going to fall down.
ReplyDeleteHi Cobra,
ReplyDeleteCan you write article about AIDS? Real reason/history of AIDS? How can we eliminate AIDS?
Thank You.
send your AIDS question or modified question to the PFC address... the email that Cobra listed..
DeleteAny significance to Paul Ryan running a "parallel" presidential campaign or am I smoking too much NESARA hopium.
He emphatically denies wanting to run and insists people should only vote for those who are running. I think Trump will win and then they will kill him and his VP, then Ryan as Speaker will become POTUS without a vote.
DeleteR we there yet...
ReplyDeleteI have high doubts about this report. I'm sure Cobra would have said something about the people he claims have been arrested and taking care of include the unholy four.
ReplyDeleteCobra stated this would not happen until The Event takes place.
Tory Smith: More Details on the 819 Arrests!!! March 23, 2016
Now this was put out by
It is long ... the part about the arrests start 1:45:00 into the video. This can't be correct ... if it were The Event would have stated and it has not.
The interview was done by Alexandra Meadors.
Cobra is probably busy preparing for the Ascension Conference in Switzerland.
DeleteBut I hope there will be an update soon.
Mmm... i didn't hear the interwiev yet but i don't think that is false, i mean... why they would say all that and then being fake? We'll have to wait...
DeleteWhy would the RM allow clones to take over those arrested including the unholy four? That is what he is claiming why they are still running around free. What sense does that make? The most of the interview is about him being raped, the part about the arrest is around 1:40 into the video.
DeleteThere really is only about 15 mins. on the arrests.
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of drug dealer are you?
DeleteLOl. I could ask you the same question.
DeleteOh don't mind me, just chilling here.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThere's also absolutely no sound of a lightning strike or transformers blowing.
DeleteFairies? Aliens? Or something bigger?
The wheel is a strong symbol.
If such video is what the publisher of facebook claims... wooow, little by little the veil is falling apart, ^^
DeleteThanks B M for put this in here!
Dear Cobra,
ReplyDeleteThis is the fist time ever i'm posting my question in here. I would prefer sending this question to the PFC crew, but there is a very little time for this event to take place.
I've read a lot and watched videos about these black portal arhces that soon will be erected in New York, London and in a few other important spots all over the world. According to sources, these will help the darks to open new dark portals for their allies to enter the Earth, or do something for them.....
Though is sounds very unlikely that these "pillars of darkness" will do the job; because there are no darks left in our galaxy, and the remaining little of them are scattered throughout our solar system.
However, if the darks still think that they actually can be unnoticed and safe, if they fly to their hidden Antarctica heavens, (which shows how deeply hypnotized and programmed they are, and can't think properly), then it is possible, that somehow, they are hoping to get help from beyond Earth.
I ignore most of these kinds of fear mongering news. But this one is a little different and it disturbes and worries me.
Therefore, because YOU're the only one i trust, i'm asking YOu to post a very short intel asap, and explain to us:
1) What is the REAL intention of building these arches?
2) Will they do the job (black magic).
3) What can YOU tell about April 19th, the day of Ba-al?
4) If this is a dangerous thing to worry about - WHAT CAN WE DO?
Should WE ALL hold another world wide meditation on THAT DAY?
(I wish the Light Forces would EVAPORATE THEM right there, in front of all live streaming cameras, and participating people! Wouldn't that be great way to start the FULL disclosure?!).
The Temple Of Baal Is Coming To New York City In April! - Michael & Meranda Snyder Episode 2
It is a Psyop. The dark doesn't have any allies outside of the Earth. The Cabal is not trying to open portals. Their aim is prevent the resistance movement from opening more light portals by calling ALL portals evil. It is a total Psyop,
Delete1. The Cabal knows there a lot of semi-awake Truthers who are still locked into the "Christian" narrative of Armageddon and dark time lines. The Cabal is counting on using these semi-awake people against us to prevent the Syria Pentagram from manifesting.
2. The masses are being put under a spell (psyop) to prevent the light based time line from becoming a reality. Don't be fooled by their tricks and they will have no power against you.
3. The period between April 16th to April 19th is the anniversary of the battle Megiddo fought in 1457BC. It was the first large scale battle in history and symbolizes the dark's divide and conquer tactics. It didn't matter who won the battle as long people died the dark was happy with the results.
4. Everything in this universe is consciousness. What you focus on becomes your reality. There was a time when humans lived in peace and then the dark came and divided us against each other. That became our reality. WHAT WE CAN DO...
Is focus on oneness and peace. Continue the Syria Pentagram meditation and visualize the Cabal's plans failing. Victory belongs to the light. All dark time lines have been dissolved.
ReplyDeleteHall Of Fame, Sweetie ♥
Lots Of Love And Light
My Goodness DK! That's a hit. Four nine fine feels like a weak end's in Hand.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteIt's hard for me to read this.
DeleteThis kind of stuff just depresses me.
The surface population needs to digest more fluoride to be able to accept this letter.
DeleteAdamu ? Who is that suppose to be ? A cabal members cat ? Give me a break. Please.
Adamu & Zingdad? Not to worry folks - I started reading this article - and whole thing is simply channelled psyop/disinfo/garbage. Talking about how the cabal have performed nothing wrong & why are they so harshly judged? Couldn't stomach reading much of it. A great discredit to the site that posts such tripe.
DeleteIt's a discernment exercise.
thank you
"Link not available". Despite of that: Still manipulating Archons around on astral plane? No problem. Starseeds, FORCE them to CHOOSE. Clear them in the Ganymede portal as Cobra has teached us, give them a chance. They have never got any love. So under new chief (=YOU) they get even love and respect. Forgive those who are distracted. Forgive your own distraction, no matter how small it may be. No one of us is completely in the light (guessing).
DeleteThe brighter the light, the more the attacks increase, that should be obvious by now.
Reading the news about syria its seems that both Raqqa and Aleppo are still under the control of IS or Al Nusra.
ReplyDeleteSo it seems that there is still a long way to go before the Syria situation is resolved
My only hope is that the strangelet and toplet bombs get removed before any other arm battle forecast. I have read on previous posts about the Turkey or Putin's involvement in some prophecies.. can we create a new prophecy as we stand... Holding on to potential old prophecies is most depressing for anxious hearts. Not to mention is a reminder of the old paradigm... a path defined by someone else's writing.
DeleteWhat news organizations are reporting it? The ones controlled by the cabal? Raqqa is still under their control, but not Aleppo. If Cobra state the LF and RM have control in those three cities, then they do.
DeleteI am not sure this "negative" feminism is just a creation of the sionists, thinking about it!!! Of course they have incentivated, exaggerated it.
ReplyDeleteArchetip of the Goddess has been surpressed and demonized for so long, "kept in the dark cellar, like dogs" like Nietzsche used to say.
So once the the doors start to open, the dogs escape the prison but "they are still barking, covered up with dust and mould, willing to bite". This is a very understandable situation however if you are a man, it doesnt mean you have to be the next victim !! Dont become a masochist!! We all need to heal our wounds and shake out this disgusting dust from our beautiful Beings, but we have to try not to throw this filth to others.
This is the Day of the Spirit!
I celebrate the death of love, and the death of god. Out of this the Spirit will arise.
The only thing i have Faith in, is the Spirit. Only the Spirit can LOVE.
We are the Spirit, and we are in the long process of achieving Balance.
I have big faith that (with Nietzsche beautiful words): "the rabid dogs in the cellar will turn into charming Birds"
This is for all the Real Lightwarriors, those who understand the Holly Anger, those who dont condemn it:
ReplyDeleteWrath is a necessary and positive part of human nature: “Wrath is the strength to attack the repugnant; the power of anger is actually the power of resistance in the soul,” wrote Josef Pieper. The lack of wrath against injustice, he continued, is a deficiency: “One who does good with passion is more praiseworthy than one who is ‘not entirely’ afire for the good, even to the forces of the sensual realm.”
Aquinas, too, says that “lack of the passion of anger is also a vice” because a man who truly and forcefully rejects evil will be angry at it. The lack of anger makes the movement of the will against evil “lacking or weak.” He quotes John Chrysostom: “He who is not angry, whereas he has cause to be, sins. For unreasonable patience is the hotbed of many vices, it fosters negligence, and incites not only the wicked but the good to do wrong.”
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteI agree it is absolutely appropriate to feel anger when injustice or abuse occurs. It is what we do with that anger that matters. Emotional Intelligence = responding to the right person at the right time for the right reason.
DeleteWhen we hold onto anger and make no effort to respond then we do become depressed and anxious. I have never tolerated abuse and I have never believed that a passive approach is healthy. With the events in the world right now however, I have to ask myself how can I possibly influence global outcomes and the answer is to feel the outrage, share that feeling with others in a reasonable manner (not projecting the rage) and then pray on it, because really what else can I do about the pain and suffering being caused on a daily basis. I pray until the rage subsides and I believe that rage from love of others is what makes us a functional member of the human family.
I like this right here, wish I could be there
ReplyDeleteThe George Soros-Led "Democracy Spring" Plans for Immediate Public Civil Disobedience Have Been Issued
It's cabal controlled.
The why the media is silent?
DeleteGood question ... perhaps things are backfiring on Soros like the Panama papers.
Deletewhat happened to the new post?
ReplyDeleteIs there shedule somewhere?
DeleteCOBRA...THIS IS TRUE...Cintamani Stone for Antarctica...Mission Antarctica accomplished..Gerhard Voelker en Sisterhood of the Rose...PREPAREFORCHANGE.
ReplyDeleteI look forward meeting you soon, Cobra. It's not gonna be in a conference.
ReplyDeleteI would like to see a banner on this website with title:
DeleteWe are recruiting! Join the RM team!
Luck Dog.
ReplyDeleteA puppy is born. Not too long after he has his mouth open, tounge out, and a grin from ear to ear. His new master is a man, who tethers him with a short rope, and trains him to be mean.
After long abuse, his smile dissapeared. A caring person stepped in, and reported the man. Soon afterwards, he became the dog's new owner. He knows retraining is an uphill battle, but In time the dog responds. The owner rejoiced, when he saw the dog's smile return.
Was the dog at fault for being mean, or was it the fault of the programmer? The dog had no means of asking for help-he didn't know help existed! Thank God a loving person took the initiative, and intervened. Lucky dog!
Primary anomaly...
DeleteBaal (Bel=Beelzebub) mistakenly was accused to be a bad guy. Another trick of "him"?. To many tricks. Bel and Belit/Belti are the LEADERS of the middlerealm-lightforces who created middlerealm, together with Marduk and Ereschkigal. They are ELs, Archangels. Those did not want to stay in heaven with Il, they wanted to explore their freedom. They where not against IL. I believe there is much with the mystery of free will involved in this, because Ea (Eschthor/Aschtar) and Ischtar did put Il above their longing for free will, despite they felt the longing as well, to experience the unknown. They trusted Il.
ReplyDeleteThere are those 3 main directions of consciousness:
1. Mockery against the Source,
2. Exploration of freedom and
3. Unconditional Loyality with the Source.
They are interwoven, as some of the Els and Igigis went with Bel and some with Jaho, but many who went with Jaho where fooled because what he told them was not true. Why did they believe him? Also not so good, as they knew he was against IL. (>>>???).
Now a higher octave of all of this will come. It is going to be beautiful, especially with the human seeds who will awaken. Maybe something toatally new and unexpected will happen. May THEY FIND OUT THAT THERE WHERE PRETTY MUCH FOOLED!!!!!!! I believe what our beloved brother said: "And you will do much greater things than I". I am sure he meant those human seeds, who once in heaven where angels, called Igigi and Archangels, called El.
When they left heaven to follow Jaho/Satan, IL out of love throw a cloak over them, so they where reduced to regressed seedlings only, but a clear barrier between them and Jaho, so they would not end in his demonic hell. Imagine: IL knew they where follow someone who wanted to ridicule and erase him (which is impossible of course) and he protected them. THIS is unconditional love, this is how the Source is like.
About a third of every tribe was of hostile nature, those went first with Jaho. I really DO wonder, how it is possible, that Source created everything and choosed IL, and besides of this, all beings where already created and some where hostile from the beginning. How is this possible? Is this the divine plan, that there must have been beings created, that where matching with the frequencies of the anomaly to be attracted to it, so this duality game could happen? Or was it all just acidentially? The Source would never create hostile beings. (?) or is this another ZEN-paradoxon?
Finally, there must be understood that free will is impossible without being totally connected with the Source. So there is something like a fake free will. Where there is infinite love there is infinite free will.
Okay, to understand it on a bit deeper level: Someone told me that the Source made a negative copy of itself and while exploring all aspects of the negative world, it is adding to the original blueprint infinite numbers of possibilities. It does not justify suffering to me. On the other hand we all learn that we are the soul and not the matter. Or better, we learn, that matter is soul.
(Il means IL)
Delete...The demons where also angels and Jaho was an archangel. Now they are fallen ones because they did not listen to the warnings. In real they are our brothers and sisters. As some/many Archons have returned to the light, this means, now they are not fallen ones anymore.
I think this whole story is very sad. I do not like it, really, because of all the lies, distraction, pain and suffering. I don't understand why a third of all where already hostile. How shall I understand that.... I am also not perfect, but I ..... I mean, what is so difficult just to be at peace and to love. Should I ask myself that now as well??? Visualize also highest levels together with plasma plane for clearing, it is connected. Highest planes of manipulation are anchored in plasma plane. The returned archons like to help because they have a very bad conscience, they are very ashamed and they can work better if we forgive them and give them aknowledgement. In the beginning they need a kind of a feeling of hirarchy, but that is only until they understand what is freedom and trust. We must also trust them - those who are working for the light, when we give them a task. You see, they can solve manipulation structures the best, because they know how they have been created, they have created them.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Delete@Ger Sey and
ReplyDelete@James Farrell,
YOU are two very wise guys!
We are very proud and happy to have both of YOU in this community.
I had similar thoughts long before reading Adamu's last message. Actually, i always siad that they are even more programmed and hypnotized, so i felt sorry for most of them.
May Heavenly Love and Compassion guide OUR hearts today; tomorrow and ALWAYS!!
Thanks for the related update.
ReplyDeleteDisclosure NOW! T-shirts available here: or create your own!
ReplyDeleteThe Top 5 Lessons I've Learned After Reading
ReplyDelete500+ Self-Help Books
Thank you for this, those are INCREDIBLE GOOD NEWS, those people have balls of steel; i don't forget the womans that are also fighting, defending their country, here in spain... we are sleeping!!
ReplyDeleteI... don't know what to say, those news and this article of Cobra overwhelmed me, thank you guys, especially for those who are fighting, first, for their country, but also for us... !!! When all this is over there's should a statue of those heroes!!
ReplyDeleteCobra! Was there some sort of removal or energy shift of some kind Friday 15th around 145 pm pacific time? Some friends and I All had the same experience of feeling really discombobulated and light headed for about 3 minutes. After that felt very tired and run down. If anyone had a same experience please comment.
ReplyDeleteCobra! I thought the RM was now going to be intervening and saving innocents from death! How many more human-made mega quakes do we need before the Pleadians that are supposedly helping Putin, tell him where to shoot down the satellite doing this?!
I believe that as the truth remains Isil or daesh will be completely defeated soon. I charged it with the Yeshua, Saint Germain, Mary Magdalene, Shekinah, Sophia, Kali, Durga, and Akasha, plus lady nada, lady magda, michaela, michael energy and a balance of masculine and feminine energy but charged with feminine energy of the pink ray, feminine magenta ray, the violet, and indigo ray of the masculine, and charged about 80% feminine and %20 healthy masculine and cleaned with the green, gold, white and sent blue flame legends of archangel michael and michaela to defeat daesh of isil. Unfortunately it spun clockwise I dont know if this is good any advice cobra on whether purity and balance and unity peace harmony love and happiness are charged in I was charging it clockwise and cleansing it counter clock wise using hebrew letters and decrees in sphinx yoga posture. Any advice, it I hope it works. Promise to Gaia I will elevate you. Destroy the secret cabal. Halelujah...
ReplyDeleteThe great step