Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Entry Protocols

Behind the scenes, the Light forces are preparing the most awakened individuals of the surface population for physical contact with positive subsurface and extraterrestrial forces.

These preparations are part of a huge project that I am involved with.

In full alignment with the new (beta) timeline, certain most awakened members of the surface population may, or may not be given an option to leave the surface of the planet and be accepted within the underground Resistance Movement or other positive Agartha factions.

Recent prophetic dream of Teresa Yanaros is a direct result of this awakening sequence and requires a detailed analysis:

The dream was taking place in a hypnagogic state, that thin line between the waking state and sleep that is a portal between physical and higher dimensions:

The dream was induced as a signal for the surface population to start preparing for the contact with the Agartha network, and actually reveals a large part of entry protocols.

If you are reading this, you may, or may not be invited to enter the Resistance or other positive Agartha faction before the Event.

I can give exact description and guidance for the entry protocols into the Resistance. I can not give exact entry protocols for other positive Agartha factions, although they are almost exactly the same in most aspects.

If you are selected for pre-Event entry into the Resistance, the entry protocols are as follows:

1. You will be physically contacted by a Resistance agent, very near to the place where you live. He or she will be wearing plain civilian clothes and will emanate very positive energy. He/she will introduce herself/himself to you and ask you if your are willing to enter the Resistance. It will be explained to you that after entering the Resistance, you will NOT be able to have any physical contact with the surface population.

2. You will be given between 5 and 15 minutes to collect your personal items to bring with you. You will be asked to bring objects of personal emotional value (wedding rings, photos of loved ones,...) because all other objects (clothing, food, gold, cash, ID documents...) can be easily reproduced with replicators. You will be given a small bag and all your items will need to fit in that bag. Size and weight requirements will be very similar to requirements astronauts had for their personal items on a Space Shuttle:

3. The Resistance agent will escort you to the entry point into the Resistance. This will usually be a service door in the cellar or basement inside a commercial building close to your home. There he will guide you to descend a set of stairs that will lead you 30 meters/yards underground to the topmost level of the Resistance. The stairs will look somewhat like this:


4. When you reach Resistance level, you will approach a high-tech door that will lead into a structure that will look somewhat like a shower cabin:

At this point the agent will ask you the last time if you are willing to enter the Resistance. If you refuse, you will be brought back to the surface and will never be contacted again before the Event. If you accept, the agent will leave you alone and you will enter through the high-tech door by yourself. You will be asked to take off all your clothes and leave the bag with your personal belongings in a special tray. Then you will be asked to enter the “shower cabin”, where you will be disinfected from all nanotechnology and from most viruses and bacteria.

5. You will exit from the other side of the “shower cabin” into the Resistance proper, refreshed and disinfected. At this point you will feel much better, with bursts of inner joy and will feel very alive and full of energy.

A new set of clothing will wait for you in the tray with your original clothing being disintegrated, and your personal items will be waiting in the bag, disinfected and free from nanites.

6. You will enter the next room where a medical doctor will perform a medical check. This check will take about 30 minutes and will be totally non-invasive and painless. If you had any serious medical condition prior to your entry into the Resistance, it will be in most cases corrected within additional 10 to 20 minutes with a special quantum correction chamber in a painless procedure. After the medical procedures are completed, you will be given a special drink that will trigger a detox process.

7. You will be given your own room to rest and sleep and go through a detox process, which will sometimes be quite intense and can be moderately unpleasant. This process will usually take 1-3 days and will help you release most physical, energetic and emotional impurities that you have accumulated during your life on the surface. During the process you might experience mild to moderate side effects of the detox process such as headache, tiredness, light nausea, vomiting, strong emotional release, loss of appetite and prolonged sleep.

8. After the detox process is over, you will be able to move freely into some of the outermost areas of the Resistance:

You will be slowly integrated into the Resistance society and will find your place inside the Resistance soul family:

9. After you are accepted into the Resistance, you will not be able to go to the surface, contact the surface population or even use the surface internet / cell phone network, except in extremely rare cases that will be directly related to your mission. You will be only able to make direct contact with surface human population after the Event.

Victory of the Light!


  1. It's cool info, but the problem most of us will face, we didn't make trough the first point and nobody will contact us :D

    1. Actually it is very difficult at the 1st step if you still have your parents alive and live with them, they will be very painful if you suddenly disappear .And the most realistic problem is - nobody knows when "Event" happens so nobody can assure how long will his/her families get pain for. If it is just one or two months , that is ok for most to "vanish", if one or two or more years away from Event, then I think very few people can accept this emotionally.

    2. It may not properly to say this, but it is true that if you are an orphan and single at the same time and reading this post , you will be the best candidate to enter RM.

    3. It's only with your free will:)

    4. I'm sure there is work to do on the Ground!

    5. don't worry about family and friends, they will be comforted by angels and ascended masters. Everything is planned for a long time

    6. Fit for full duty. Awaiting instructions, Sir. Love and gratitude❤️😇!!!

  2. Assim seja!!
    Vitória da luz!!

  3. This is great news and opportunity❤

  4. It would be a tough choice for many. We wouldn't be able to let our loved ones know we are alright. If I'm chosen I'd definitely go, but I'd want to at least let my mother know I'm alright.

    1. I think no one IS chosen. YOU have or not chosen.

  5. Cobra, If we are contacted, how will we explain to our families and loved ones without compromising our location?

  6. Thank you dear ✨Cobra ✨ Victory of the light 🙏🏼 ✨🌎☀️❤️🌈

  7. Oh hell yeah I was born for this. Come and get me.

  8. Is it going to happen anywhere in the world, near big cities? What about south of Chile, for example? ... and when could this happen?

  9. Amazing 👌👌👌👌👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  10. In case I meet the requirements, I volunteer to go.

  11. What about sending thoughts/psychic communication?

  12. this is big..i wish to join there, family and friends need me to help when The Event happen, you know, banks closed, the RV, info/intel/discernments, etc..(this is what i feel i need to do)

    "You will be only able to make direct contact with surface human population after the Event."

    In 2013 i thought i was ready, then i learned a lot of things and now i know i was not ready, after too many delays, actually this delays make sense for me, that was part of the preparation

    Reading this post i have two opposite sensations, happiness and sadness, happy because this is a bigger step and sadness because i wish go there (if they choosed this human being of course) anyway come to say "hello" :D

    Anyway, here is the translation :D
    Translated to Spanish
    Traducido al Castellano

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  13. Cobra there's a dire contradiction: you have been writing and saying that the codes in your blog are meant for the resistance. But now you write that Resistance members may not even have access to the Internet? Sorry but that does not make any sense at all. Please clarify and explain. Mahalo.

    1. There are a large number of specialized surface operatives.

    2. "except in extremely rare cases..."

    3. you're thinking that the restrictions ONLY apply to these humans that agree to get enclosed into the underground until (short time after) the Event? Well OK, that sounds kind of plausible..

  14. Just curious,what about their family and friends? Will they receive a letter said “my beloved ones, I will be gone for the next 4~6 months, and of course your guys won't be worried to death with no info about my situation. Good day. ”

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. My first thoughts are why the secrecy of all this? Why is it that one has only 5-15 minutes to make this monumental decision, without knowledge to evaluate such a decision? And if one has "already" made their decision before coming to earth this lifetime, then why the formality of choosing now? And why post it publicly wide and far, when relatively "very few" it would seem have this particular destiny, dharma and calling? What is the purpose or reason one would join the Resistance now? Hasn't this process already been going on for 26,000 years, recruiting others? Why does the Resistance and/or other galactic intelligence need MORE human population in the Resistance at this time? How is one to know?

    Even Teresa Yanaros, in her re-telling of her lucid dream admits that she doesn't know how to respond. Then she finally does affirm "yes" and is told that she already previously made her decision.

    Makes more sense to me that the people that are intended to have an invitation to leave earth and join the Resistance, could be done so quietly, privately. Why is there an open and public posting of this for many people to see, in detail, when I would guess that relatively "few" are meant to receive this calling.

    To me, the posting evokes more fear and uncertainty than Love and Peace. Personally, I don't aspire to higher realms and experiences for their sake. I am here to serve the Most High Almighty "God", All-Knowing, in the role He has for me at this time.

    People would not be able to return to earth until after The Event. The Event could happen in an instant or it could be many years. Even The Event itself may NOT happen the way Cobra has described it as compression breakthrough. Why is this so?

    Because no one has the full story, the full intelligence, other than Supreme Source, "God".

    There are more reasons not to accept the invitation (that is, IF one is invited in the first place!), than to quickly make a decision to accept it.

    One ultimately will decide by their innermost knowing, intuition. So why all the hoopla? Just let the Resistance contact the appropriate souls and be done with it. I really don't comprehend the posting of this far and wide on Cobra's website blog.

    These are the thoughts of someone who has been with this blog since its inception in 2012. I have been deeply spiritual my whole life, began meditation at age 17. Perhaps my thoughts will be beneficial to others considering this information.

    Love and Blessings.

    1. I think this post was done to allow interested people to think about before being contacted, for myself, I can only tell that "I'm HERE to serve and HELP the Surface population!".

      That's all! :)

      Endless Love and Light

    2. I think this was actually one of the more "straight on" posts by Cobra in a long while. Although this is not for many of us it is still useful for broadening our perspective.
      I sensed that you might have got this also while you wrote this. Or maybe it was just me, we are quite confused you know :)

    3. You writed what I though during I read this post... Something is wrong with this

    4. "then why the formality of choosing now?"

      Free will I think, from what I've read, you plan your whole life before coming down. But once you are there you can make different choice from was you planned the best for yourself. That's a risk when you incarnate here.

      Personnaly when I have a difficult choice, I like to think about wich choice would make me have the most regret afterward.

    5. I feel what you are saying....peace amd and love.

    6. I love your comment, it resonates with me totally! If I were presented with this opportunity, I would probably refuse only because I would not TRUST whomever is contacting me. We've been lied to and manipulated far beyond our wildest imagination. It is difficult to comeback from this at all. Whom are the "awakened ones" anyway? To me, to qualify as "awakened" one you must be in the "know" beyond this world knowledge. So if only for this I say I would not qualify AND apart from the trust issue, I would go.

  17. Oh mine.
    May I tell my family of this, in an eventuality that I disappear they know what actually happened?

    1. i think that is a good reason for this public post

  18. Quite amazing!

    Victory of the Light!

  19. tough one, leave family, kids & wife behind with no goodbye or explanation. Your asking us to make a decision that impacts everything we are vested in for this incarnation. not a easy decision to make in 15 min.

    1. That's why he's talking about it now so we have time to talk about it and think about it! we will not have only 15 minutes, we have all our time from now, for those who have not been guided well before to this eventuality.
      If you have been following COBRA for a long time he has indicated readings where all this is well explained.

  20. Very interesting Update. I'll be keep an eye on this subject matter. As usual, Cobra's take on the process of invitation into the resistance movement is congruent with lawful principles, and highlights the effect of detoxification from of deleterious influences from the surface.

    1. Agreed. It sounds like what would actually need to take place if we were able to enter the RM.

      I do wonder a couple of things though.

      1. would it take days, weeks or months for the Event to take place after some of the surface population is brought into the RM

      2. What would Cobra recommend we tell our families if all of a sudden we're "missing". What if the authorities got involved?

      Either way, this is an exciting post for sure! As with all info on these subjects, we must take this with a grain of salt. That is, until you're face to face with the RM - then you can toss that salt shaker lol.

      I would love to go but wonder how long my family would have to fend for themselves without me🤔


  21. Why not give the shower technology to the human surface population or have a retreat that has the shower available??? The security pre-cautions are understandable but also seemly useless being this close to the Event itself unless they plan on doing this the long and hard way.

  22. Eu queria tato ir! será que podia levar comigo as minhas cadelinhas? Obrigado Cobra por todo o seu trabalho.

  23. What if you want to be contacted and help, but you have a cat?

    1. Good question. Or what if you're in the middle of baking a turkey or something. This post brings up too many questions.

    2. I was thinking the same.....I would love to be involved, but 3 dogs, a cat and my beloved girlfriend. Can we all go? Stay well

  24. I started thinking about the reality of accepting this proposal, and i sort of laughed ironically at realizing, after thinking about leaving my old life, how much i "love (am conditioned to love)" my imperfections---complaining, being depressed, stagnant. But its nothing but bad habit. Theres not much for me in this material life and id love the change as much as im afraid of change. My light is pretty dim and i dont know how i could help but id love to be considered. The one thing i want most is to understand and be a part of the REAL world and the fight for GOOD.

  25. I am ready to be part of the resistance. I would gladly give my life to make the Event happen quicker.

  26. I am ready. My mission is calling me..

  27. i feel a joy energy in my heart reading this, i want to join

  28. Wow... This is unexpected and amazing. I'm a little sad that, on the off chance I was contacted, I think I'd decide to stay here.

    Don't let this update discourage you, the fact that they're able to do this at all shows how far we've come and how close we are!

  29. I wish that those who will be selected be kind enough to reflect the suffering (chronic illnesses), the financial burden (bad economic), etc to the RM and let them know our current situation and not allow the events to be delayed any further. I thanks them and RM and Cobra in advance.

    I will not be going even I will be selected cause I am the only awakened one in my whole family and I need to stay behind to guide them during the events otherwise they will be confused and fearful. Although I would like very much to have my chronic illness cured instantly but leaving the family behind is irresponsible. I look forward to the day of events. Get it done please.

    May the LOVE be with you always!

    NOTE : I had received telepathic messages repeatly recently to do up a video for the GFOL for the human race to ease their fears and doubts about their presence. And also the future broadcasting of their messages over our radio and tv. Hope I am not getting this wrong.

  30. Assuming if I was selected, I would join the resistance movement if my mom was financially taken care of during my mission. She can't make it on her own without me financially because she is elderly.

  31. Dear Cobra, RM and Ground Crew; Cobra's recent call to Soul Families to start gathering inspired me to post an ad on Craigslist, "Looking for my Soul Family". It was flagged and removed right away. So I wrote an Open Letter to Craig Newmark, Founder of Craigslist, asking him to create a new category for "Soul Family Connections" on Craigslist. It is 3 pages.
    However, just now I read Cobra's Entry Protocols about allowing some of us who are in full alignment with the new beta timeline to join the RM and leave Earth. I offered to serve the RM in several letters over the years. Well, it would take me less than five minutes, in fact, only a heartbeat, to get ready and follow the agent. Victory of the Light!

  32. My Open Letter to Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist, is too long for a comment. You can read it here:

  33. Opportunity of a lifetime!

  34. Wow, stunning. I guess it’s put up or shut up time for blog followers. I’m wondering though how many people can “afford” to go missing from jobs and be able to put their loved ones through such worry. I know it sounds selfish when the mission is so important, can’t help but feel a little guilty that I would refuse to take part (not to be presumptuous that I am a candidate). Perhaps part of the pre-selection process would entail most people not being viable candidates in the first place?

  35. Please please tell the RM me and my lovely life partner are more than ready to go and our personal items are our cat and our crystals.

    Thank you so much!

  36. This sounds great. I say to anyone who is picked, go represent!

  37. Naaah i cant leave my children and my baby behind

  38. This is interesting, though the terms are a little suspicious. So individuals are expected to just disappear from their loved ones, and put all their faith in this mysterious at best group known as "the Resistance"? How can people put their loved ones through that much trauma of having no idea what happened to them, just to satisfy their own curiosity?

    I would exercise caution here.

    1. As always, use discernment.

    2. I guess only individuals with no ties whatsoever will be contacted

  39. Only problem I have with this is that every single step in these protocols could be replicated by a negative group in order to trap lightworkers and diminish their impact on the surface, where they are most needed. Am I wrong??

    1. discernment is vital here

      "You will be physically contacted by a Resistance agent, very near to the place where you live. He or she will be wearing plain civilian clothes and will emanate very positive energy."

  40. People with families are scared...leave others behind. How to deal with that?

  41. What to do if you have animals?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. i think your concerns are a good reason for this public post. we can in some way prepare "them" for our possible departure.. and to let them know it is for the good of them and the rest of the surface population

    2. i have been feeling differntly lately... more not a part of this 3D matrix reality. more sad and lonely.. i think i am ready to leave... ready to arrive somewhere where i can put more of amy light worker ambitions and skills to use.

  43. Amazing ! See you soon ! Victory of the light

  44. I hope and pray that I will be selected to be invited to join the resistance movement, it would mean so much to me, I want to fulfill my mission and help to liberate the surface world, i am open and willing to join the Resistance

  45. I would miss my twin 4 year old boys to much, even though I'd be doing it for them. Sounds amazing however. Chance of a thousand lifetimes

  46. I AM always ready to be in service to y HU-man brothers and sisters, and to mother Sophia. It has always been my passion, conviction and true mission for choosing this beautiful water planet to anchor and serve the Light of The Creator. Congratulations to my Light brothers and sisters chosen to be the first Alliance Family from the surface pre-Event. Thank you for representing us and can not wait to see Us All reunited for once and all as one human civilization/consciousness with THE ONE.

  47. By the law of Galactic codes publish please this post

    So if Im getting this right. Truthearth, Hoshino or Teresa Yaneros or some guys from Stillness in the Storm suddenly dissapear that could be taken as a sign of validation for what Cobra spoke in last years for non belivier nor convicted crowd, and those saying nothing happening?
    And RM give that offer beacause post Event time this will let those people emerge again on surface and ease problem of integration of RM, Agartha with surface population, they will work as link between those 2 diferent cultures right?

    Or and here is a bit tricky, since that info blackout (thanks pleiadians) I have been blocked with most of my premonition abilities and I cannot estimate checkpoints where would be chance of Event happening/being triggered. That could be interprate the time of Event possibility is lenghtened (that where name BETA timeline comes for) and this is form of protection for those enlightened individuals (Ashtara example) since if those where gotten discourage or anything happen to them a lot was build from 2012 or earlier could get lost or postponed enough that whole movement could dissipate on surface.

    In short, either we extremely close or theres long way ahead of us. I lean toward second.

    Also what about family memebers, many dont want to make they relatives grief or trigger negative emotion in them, what about pets? Who will take care about them? There is many question that would be good if could answered.

  48. cool. Me instead of being contacted, fallen ill after recent invasion of chemtrails. It's already second week of fever, cough etc.

  49. By law of Galactic codes please post it

    Also what about getting enough people to meditate if you take the most shining one? This will not hinder achieving critical mass? Not hinder light progress on surface, since many are involved in spreading light and no one would take their position, especially in ascension meditation or removing toplet meditation or others?
    Also in time of Event this will not complicate coordination of Compression breakhthough on surface?.... Wait, do you plan to get those guy and gals, tell them what to do on surface upon the Event, are they going to be those operator that resurface at this moment and make sure everything go without problems?

  50. Esa es mi familia que tanto busco

  51. You will be only able to make direct contact with surface human population after the Event...If there is still surface human population after the Event.

  52. Wow. Stunning news. Thank you in advance to the brothers and sisters who accept the contact. Light is victorious!🌹


  53. Thanks for great NEWS...

    It's coming... 'soon'...

    'the time is' going to be... 'right'...


    1. There is also another point which needs concerns about.

      How will this look like for your family?

      Is there need to do it 'in silence'?
      What will do your family in this case? Of course, they have to announce your disappearance.
      What will come out from that?
      Or, have you to leave a message for your unawakened family? What do you have to do in this case?

  54. Cobra, I noticed that the picture of the tunnel to the undergrounds is 180 degrees upside down. Seems that the pic was take from down up. Is there a meaning fro that at all, or just occasional?

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  56. I’m ready to join the resistance. There’s nothing for me on the surface of this planet. I almost feel like I’ve been to inner earth before.

  57. Don't worry about making a decision, youve already made it. Now you must understand why you made it. I wonder what I decided?

  58. And if i have a child 8 years old ?

  59. Si j'ai la chance de faire partie de ce choix, je n'hésiterai pas une seconde !!!

  60. very thanks Cobra for big update
    but now I know that as a light worker I can not leave my closest people, which I slowly prepare for the event, the mission in Resistance is simply not for everyone,
    but I do not regret it at all
    that I so deeply love my closest people
    love is the most powerful energy in the universe,
    and I'm afraid, by going to Resistance
    I would cause them great pain
    so I'm choosing to continue working on the surface

    1. Pick me pick me pick me.
      I am serious.
      I am ready.

    2. Pick me pick me pick me.
      I am serious.
      I am ready.

    3. I Think this is the answer most people would give, if you had time to say goodbye would that answer be different?

  61. This gives me the feeling we are extremely close to The Event. I look forward to the benefits of the healing chamber after The Evevt.
    This Resistance for under the surface is obviously for those who have no pets or kids or other surface responsibilities. I’m open to any above surface assistance though where I still can take care of my loved ones! Little Victories

  62. hope my mom won't worry about me too much..

  63. I AM Chinese, while i was child, one sound speak to me in my head. "you meant to do something different" after awakened i realize that is the call of duty. i am ready to take the task, just hope we could save the planet earth as quick as possible...who have the same experience pls chat with me via email

  64. I am ready to serve. I was thinking about asking you in a private e-mail if it was possible for me to join the resistance.

    Then you post this, thank you brother Cobra. You are too much of a blessing for this world. We are extremely lucky to have you here, fighting with us.

    I hope I get chosen for this task. This is what I have been hoping for. I am ready. This is what I want. It brings a tear to my eye knowing that this means I will not be able to return for awhile but I am prepared for that. I can leave behind a message to a certain close relstive of mine who follows this blog and they will completely understand what has happened to me and fabricate a story for the rest of my family so that there is no worry after my departure.

    I really, really want to help. I've actually stopped posting here for awhile because i've become somewhat disillusioned with the current state of events, but I remain involved. I apologize for that and I hope you forgive me, my brothers & sisters of light. But, i'm sure you find it understandable so I humbly digress.

    It broke my heart to see this homeless veteran sitting on a busy intersection with his head down in defeat and hands held upright while everyone walked by and ignored him. My own life situation is not that great, I have no income so unfortunately I was not able to help the man. It sucks, but that is the reality on the surface.

    Resistace Movement, I volunteer myself. I am of age and able-bodied. Just look at my own personal life situation to check if I am a suitable candidate. I understand the risks involved. You can be assured of that, i've thought about this for a long, long time. The day has finally come. Thank You.

    To all, my brothers & sisters of light. I love you all and I wish to serve you on the fighting side.

    As always, Much Love, Much Joy & Much Light - Peace Be With You

    ~ I AM A Light Sharer

    I hope to prove myself ready.

    Adonaï/Until Next Time

  65. Thrills my heart deeply to hear this. Standard queries like what to tell family, ensure they are served etc. Primed.

  66. uau encontrei meu serviço. grato pela opertunidade de estar a serviço da luz. namaste!

  67. I am ready now, I want to start my real life mission

  68. Been waiting for you for quite some time, LETS GET IT ON! :-)

  69. Honestly, this post is very sad to me, I think and I feel that we, LightWorkers and LightWarriors, come here to be an EXAMPLE, a lighthouse, and not to hide underground. We come here NOT for ourselves but for the entire HUMANITY, the Surface Humanity, so our goal and Soul Mission is to stay HERE and simply do our work, we have been prepared for so many lifetimes to do this, we have to only believe in ourselves!

    If we are looking for happiness and health, we have to only sincerely start to follow our Soul Mission every day, and this will trigger all the required changes to let ourselves shine.

    Only this, my brothers and sisters, only this!

    With endless Light and Love.

  70. I Am so ready for this Now.
    I Am That, I Am. I Am Adami

  71. I Am so ready for this Now.
    I Am That, I Am. I Am Adami

  72. No need to in!!!😁 Peace and love to all!!! Thank you COBRA!

  73. Maybe it is to do with detachment. In how far you are detached of family, friends and pets, materialism? Cobra said before family and pets will be taken care off.


  74. Will it be also a 2nd wave of entering the RM before the Event?

  75. what if you have obligations here.
    leaving my business behind among other things.
    who pays the monthly fees? wouldn't I get into deep trouble here.
    Like you described going into the resistance just feels going from one prison into another.
    so then why does the guy who is going to contact you allowed to interact between both worlds but you are only allowed (forced) to stay in one?

  76. I am ready to leave if chosen. I struggle on the surface and feel my mission isn't here, like I need to be somewhere else. I commit myself to helping the resistance.

  77. Something big is going to happen on the 15 of this month, I got the message that out father is coming, I mean the masculine energy , so if this is true maybe is related to the event of so, the people who is going underground should be selected in these days probably

  78. Cobra, I doubt I would be asked, but would want to play a part in Earths liberation. My concern with a toatl cut off from the surface. What would happen to our loved ones and family. As I know the majority of people have financial dependants. Millstones like mortgages etc. How would loved ones be catered for if beings are leaving the surface with no trace? As in my case, I really want to be part of this and help. But My family depend on me as I am the main earner. IF i was asked, selfishly I would want to go. But i would leaving my family to economic hardship. They would lose their home and income.

  79. God Speed to those who choose! I wouldn't couldn't go, because couldn't leave the loved ones on the surface. Longing for something like this, BUT REsistance is on the ground also. Vive la libération, in Love we Trust. All is good, in the end we Will Win the Evil defeated

  80. I bet many uf us would go to join the resistance if asked, but there needs to be a little time to at least inform our closest relatives... leaving them just like that?? Come on resistance?? All these comments on this blogpost clearly demand some further clarifications by Cobra or the resistance..

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  82. We agree to go but only if we could take our dog Mirka with us:))))

  83. yes, exciting news. wonder if this in any way indicates that the Event isn't that far off? Also Tom Maples' question about helping the surface population is still a valid one. It mus also facilitate our own spiritual path as well. I will ask Cobra about this at the conference this weekend. Also wondering if this will allow meeting our soul mates, soul family and twin soul. Also about the possibility of contacting with our surface friends or family telepathically. I'm ready.. If i don't come back from Taiwan, you know where i went... ha

  84. Wow its really big update..Please share any info is there any possibility to leave Earth during or after Event.To travel to another star systems.Thanks

  85. I had very strange dreams last night, very strange indeed.. It was somewhat of a post apocalyptic world... There was people from space, or somewhere else, I think they were trapped and contact was barely made with strong efforts from both sides... We were building some kind of a jet engine or space ship from wreckages and scraps.. It was imperative that we somehow got off theplanet/a ship out of the atmosphere... It was also a bit dangerous, not sure why but there was a feeling of something "out there" that could come get us(not scared or afraid, but just knowing there was something). . Also found a creature of some kind in a hiding place/under wrecked buildings or a tunnel.. We had to be careful so it didnt notice us.. It did and started chasing us, after intense fighting im pretty sure we defeated it. (it was fast, huge and insanely strong). There was made contact with these people in space/space stations/the other place not on physical earth, and everything ended in huge celebrations..
    The "space people" I got a feeling like something from out of the tv series "The 100"... Pretty sure I was underground at one point as well, looking for someone/something..
    Have had weird flashbacks and feelings from this dream all day long...

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Follow the links guys, they will answer your further questions, the information presented here is complete. Dig in and take the time given to study this possible option.

    If you have pets you should ALREADY have a wonderful arrangement made for them in the event of your death. And even if I could take my cat, she would be a greater comfort to people here.

    My declaration of intent is to serve my source. I choose and commit to serving my highest power fully, completely and totally.

  88. alpha beta sigma theta testing testing

  89. I had a dream long tome ago I was finished working and when I came put side pleadian small ship land and two men came aout holding in one hand some paper with names and they told me to come with them and I flew in space than I woke UP next day I had continuation of that dream I was in mothership and saw earth and some deep men vodice told me earth grids are activating and I saw the wave of very bright light from every corner of space hiting earth then I woke up. Is that sign or what

  90. I will be honest COBRA ...

    The whole process doesnt feel "right" to me - it has a full sense regarding the nanoinfestation and no outside contact , but the sacrifice like this is selfish - selfish to members of our family . Basically , a person would need to be an orphan , without anyone - which is sad . It hasnt been mentioned if members of families would be said where their loved ones are - but Im very sure they wouldnt be told , because they would immediately be exposed to dangers - real physical dangers . So , they would think their loved ones permanently dissapeared . Who knows what could happen with them before the Event happens ? Some people could fall into deep depression , some maybe even committing suicide . Thats all far too disruptive and not at all helpful . There is a choice , yes ... but sacrifices are too big . And "sacrifice" is not exactly a word that truly empowers , even when it comes from truly selfless ways .

    You wont have many people joining in - and I think this is pretty much related to location and proximity of Resistance underground bases - so , it will be closely related to certain cities and countries .

    Also , why now ? Why would Resistance start "recruiting" surface population now ? Also , why not accepting whole families then ? There surely are families like that ...

    Im sorry ... but it doesnt feel good to me and it doesnt feel correct and empowering to me . Even if I get "invitation" ( which I doubt ) , I would 99.9 % reject it . Maybe I would be psyhically fully ready - maybe I am ready for years now ... but leaving members of your own family , they thinking that you are gone or dead ... thats simply wrong on all levels .

    As I see it , personally ... we are all Resistance here . On surface , under surface , above surface . We are ALL Resistance , even if many are infected with nanotechnology . We are ALL Resistance - mainly because many dont yet recall their past roles they had . Were all here with specific task - and that task doesnt include separation , but exactly the opposite . Even when it is for a noble task - its actually selfish imposing of suffering on people who love you the most in your life . Thats a no-go .

  91. Surely they would let us tell our families/love ones we are going to be on a journey and going to be away for a while, not just only give us the choice to disappear without saying a word.

  92. I had a dream long time ago I finished working and when I came outside and saw pleadian small ship landing in font of me. Two men came from ship and in one hand holding some list of names. They told me to cime with them and I did. Then I flew i to space Then I woke UP. Next evening I had continuation of that dream I was im Mother ship close to earth and I was watching earth suddenly samome deep men vodice told me earth grids are activating and I saw a wave of very bright light hiting earth from every corner of space The a I woke up. Is that a sing or what

  93. I believe only people with no significant ties will be invited to enter the resistance movement.
    Its highly illogical they will invite individuals that their disappearance will cause chaos and trauma in their friends/family lives.

  94. i'm ready To trop <3<3<3 contact me

  95. Thank Cobra, Resistance Movement and Light Forces, Gratitude to You All. This blog knocked me side ways WoW! What a fantastic turn of events. I await the future with great anticipation, very, very exciting and changing times ahead.
    The Light is Victorious!

  96. I am ready to join! Victory of the light 🌟

  97. Cobra has sacrificed all to free this planet. I have thought all morning about this and I feel this is my mission. I too will be leaving children and my beloved wife, but if it means freeing the surface population, it will be worth it. I do this willingly for all of us. If I no longer blog, you will know I've gone. Pray for me please.

  98. 100% ready to assist if called upon, love to all.

  99. Iv’e been lurking on this blog for over 4 years now and only now do I feel ready to post my first comment.
    I’ve lost relationships, family and friends due to the nature of the topics discussed among everyone. My Earth mother is gone she was taken by cancer. My Earth father abandoned my mother before I was born. The only human contact I have is at work, but my job is meaningless and my co workers are heavily conditioned I no longer have attachments to surface life. I want to thank everyone who comments on this site for truly opening my eyes to the reality of the situation we have faced as a collective for eons and that there truly is loving caring people walking this planet.
    So to you COBRA, Resistance Movement and Light Forces alike I AM ready...I AM ready.

    Victory of the Light always.

  100. Iv’e been lurking on this blog for over 4 years now and only now do I feel ready to post my first comment.
    I’ve lost relationships, family and friends due to the nature of the topics discussed among everyone. My Earth mother is gone she was taken by cancer. My Earth father abandoned my mother before I was born. The only human contact I have is at work, but my job is meaningless and my co workers are heavily conditioned I no longer have attachments to surface life. I want to thank everyone who comments on this site for truly opening my eyes to the reality of the situation we have faced as a collective for eons and that there truly is loving caring people walking this planet.
    So to you COBRA, Resistance Movement and Light Forces alike I AM ready...I AM ready.

    Victory of the Light always.

  101. I don't understand Cobra. What the Resistance would be doing is asking us to make a selfish decision. How could one leave their children behind to cure themselves and be free? How would that come off returning after the event to your family who will think I have abandoned them? I suppose this offer will not be for someone like me. I have a higher morality and duty to my children than to be so selfish. I assume anyone else willing to do such a thing would not be in my circle of light workers, for how can any light work be done with a bunch of selfish people hiding under the surface? My answer is no. I'm not a coward and I will face these demons head on to the bitter end. Bring on the event so we can all enjoy life TOGETHER!!!

  102. no thanks.
    I rather stay up here

  103. May 10, 2018

    After only the first 79 comments to Cobra’s latest post, I read that nearly 100% of the people on this blog are rightly concerned about its practicality. And there are many unanswered questions. Rightfully so.

    Unfortunately, many times when Cobra posts something new, there arise MANY MORE questions than the amount of information that has been provided to inform readers of the message at hand. I think this is a prime example.

    It may be gallant for some to proclaim that they’re “ready to join the Resistance,” etc. But as some have cautioned, we don’t really know at all the ramifications of such an “invitation” being presented to us that we are expected to decide on in literally 5-15 minutes!

    And for those who feel in their Soul, their innermost Being, a definitive answer of “yes,” I think they are very “few,” relatively speaking. That is why in my first comment posted, I indicate that the whole public posting seems “off,” almost irrational, to put it politely. It seems wiser to contact the chosen individuals who will make an affirmative decision to join the Resistance, Agartha and other galactic intelligence networks, IN A QUIET MANNER.

    Consider from Cobra’s words, that talk of THE EVENT has existed already for the last 43 years (since 1975)! As you read further below, you will see that NO ONE except Source knows when (or how, for that matter, the transition from darkness to DIVINE LIGHT) will occur on earth for a New Age and Heaven on Earth!

    So for those who may think it’s happening “soon,” there is absolutely no guarantee of that. It “may” happen soon, in any instant or it may not. In fact, there is much more history and precedence that it has NOT occurred since the beginning of time, when others thought it would during their time period and era. So it may not happen in human time soon in our age. Only "God" the Almighty, Ever-Present, All-Knowing ONE has that capacity to know.

    The battle between the dark forces and the Divine Light has been occurring since the beginning of time.
    LIGHT always wins out ultimately, but that is in “God’s” hands. We must live out that reality in our own daily individual life on earth at this time.

    April 6, 2012 excerpt from Cobra’s post:

    Resistance movement


    “In 1975…”

    “The idea to devise a plan to overthrow the Illuminati network was there ever since the formation of Organization in 1975. In 1977 I spoke with the man who conceived that plan. The document that Drake saw around 1979 was probably an early version of that plan. The early idea was for the military to take over and overthrow the Illuminati under the guidance of the Organization and later the Resistance Movement.”

    “No human authority will decide when this is about to happen. The final word when the Event is to happen is coming directly from the Source. This is an event of cosmic importance. The last planet under the grip of the dark forces is about to be liberated and this is going to send ripples of Light throughout the Galaxy.”

    Hopefully, Cobra will provide more needed information to satisfy the questions from countless readers of this website and blog.

    I personally have been here since 2012. I have been spiritual my whole life – deeply so. I only write this to offer others a clearer perspective that it’s not uncommon to question such a posting by Cobra. It makes more sense to give it deep and serious thought and consideration.

    I have posted the following before and will do so again now. When I was in school, I went along with what I was told, “followed” what teachers said, and got high grades. When I reached high school, for the first time I had a teacher whose mission was to get students to think for themselves. He had a quote above his chalkboard which read:

    “Think for yourself
    Your teacher could be wrong.”

    Love and Divine blessings of transformation on earth for All. Let us continue to pray, meditate deeply, and ask for Divine intervention to bring true liberation and abundance on earth, spiritually and materially.


  104. That's GREAT news! That's actually is for what I've been preparing for the last 7 month or so. I created as a "last gift to surface population" a free course "Meditation with Action!"

    ▶️ ▶️ ▶️

    And you can also visit a post in a nice facebook group where you can discuss this course and connect with good people
    ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ The Resistance movement

    P.S. There are also written versions of all the exercises:
    ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ Read The Course!

    ▶️ ▶️ ▶️ If you like this course feel free to repost and share it with all the good people you know!

  105. Where we go one, we go all.

    See you on the inside.

  106. 2 questions:
    1.Who's going to tell my families if I disappear suddenly?
    2.How can I help in the RM?

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. I have been ready for a long time and I have relaxed from any physical or material attachment.
    But I live in the countryside far from a big city, will they find me?
    How do they know where we live if we moved there a short time ago?
    How do we know if the people who come to pick-up us,are not of the cabals? Now the cabal knows this, will not she take advantage of it to kidnap the lightworkers?

  109. I red this, thought a few hours and...what the hell...Im gone If this offer comes :) Nothing holds me here anyway. Have no ties to this place. Actually never have felt connected with it anyway. Have nothing much left to do here either. Only have to help my mother at the end of the year to deal with one complicated thing and thats it.

  110. I am ready. If it is to be, then please contact me. Thank you.

  111. I am open to the possibility that I have already made the decision to participate. My daily meditations reflect my heart's vision and blessings for humanity. Victory to the Light!

  112. i would go to you.. enough 'of earthly hell'..

  113. Interesting post, and who wouldn't be curious of how's life down there? I bet the detox process is also great, but at the moment I don't know how I could be useful to the Resistance down there, I know that at the surface at this moment, as hard as it is sometimes, I'm fullfiling my mission! If there is anyway I can help down there, please let me know, but for now I know I'm being very useful to the planetary liberation here on the surface and I don't want to leave anywhere until this planet is free! Sometimes it sure feels like leaving on a spaceship, but since we are in Service to All mode, might as well just keep doing what we've been doing and spreading the Love here on the surface. That being said, I'm open to all possibilities and unatached, let the Light guide us, thank you!

  114. Coven Tree please align with Trianon.

  115. Estou quero participar.
    I want to participate.

  116. In light!✨✨✨ Amen!🌟🌟🌟 Thank you,Cobra!🙏💖🙏.

  117. Amazing! I hope you all go. Might want to check this out as well -

  118. Where We Go One We GO ALL.
    Prepare us as the whole surface soul family.

  119. This is fantastic news, it must also signify that the event getting quite close.

    Victory to the light!

  120. Wow, this is big! Maybe the Event is really close by? Cobra said in once of his updates that not long before the Event some people will be contacted by the Resistance and ETs (can't remember if he said the same for the Agartha or not).

    The stairs on the picture look very similar to what I saw in my dreams!

    Victory of the Light!!!

  121. I am ready and Happy to go!
    Obrigado Cobra!

  122. I believe people already made their choice before incarnation, i myself would not leave my kids because it doesn’t serve the higher purpose. I think i’m ment to stay till the event but many with little attatchments will gladly go. Would be good to be contacted though for a sort of proof lol


    Manter-se na LUZ E NO AMOR, ELE NOS GUIARÁ.


  124. An interesting and comprehensive post about Cobra and RM:

    especially for new comers...

  125. Cobra, najlepša hvala.
    Trust, faith, love. <3

  126. Great. Victory of the Light! It is happened

  127. I would never leave my family in this life.
    Just keeping my promise I made long time ago. :)
    Good luck to all new Resistance members!
    May The Light be with you.

  128. For some time I have been longing to close the door and not come back, because I feel without real purpose with much limitation in all kinds, probably my last dream resembles a new reality that is happening, ... I flew over the hills, you could see beautiful medieval castles, as in Austria, suddenly I am in a super fast train, it seems to cross the sea because on the windows rose cobalt blue color, the wagon was almost empty, three or four men in classic business travel suits, all it went very fast, I felt the wind in my hair, I just said ... Wow ... Everything was very clean and refreshing, I did not talk to anyone in this dream ...thank you 💕

  129. For some time I have been longing to close the door and not come back, because I feel without real purpose with much limitation in all kinds, probably my last dream resembles a new reality that is happening, ... I flew over the hills, you could see beautiful medieval castles, as in Austria, suddenly I am in a super fast train, it seems to cross the sea because on the windows rose cobalt blue color, the wagon was almost empty, three or four men in classic business travel suits, all it went very fast, I felt the wind in my hair, I just said ... Wow ... Everything was very clean and refreshing, I did not talk to anyone in this dream ...thank you

  130. I wonder what the age and degree of injury/infirmity cutoff is to be called. Some questions would be: How would I benefit the resistance, ie how would I be used? Is this world wide, ie in every country?

  131. Thank you Cobra! Victory of the Light!

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Wonderful I'm ready I knew something like this would be coming I'm here let's go

  134. I am ready. Victory of the Light!

  135. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podporo Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra, RM and LF.

    Victory of the Light!

  136. Fantastik Article , Thanks !
    im READY to join !! , anytime to Goo , for leave this infected Society ! and start Great working for Planet Earth Liberation ! ! !

    Alo REZISTANCE , PLEASE Accept Me !


  138. Wow this was totally unexpected.


  139. (((♥)))


  140. Part 1 of 2

    Purplegir1 May 9, 2018 at 7:56 AM (re-posted comment)

    Cobra/Resistance/Galactic Confederation:

    As a representative human and female, I think it is very important to point out out some things for you all to assist our planet most fully. Someone in the blog (I think it was) somewhen said that the extraterrestrials have perhaps been hindered in helping us fully because they don't completely understand us. Its my understanding that Earthlings are unique in many ways.
    With regard to bringing the "Goddess" energy to our planet to help it heal, I feel it is very important to be careful how it is introduced to our society/culture. Negative programming on our world has made "Goddess" into a blasphemous thing as compared to "God" for many. I think it would be helpful to emphasize that the Cabal/Archons have deliberately sabotaged the BALANCE of the Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine (and worked to divide males and females, in general, through hidden agendas/victimization/abuse), and that the POINT of the return of the Goddess/Divine Feminine is to be careful not to introduce a DEITY/religion of the FEMALE. What is important is the return of the balance. If this is not emphasized, we are being set up for repeats of past historical failures where the message was twisted into a new religion that disempowered the balance.
    Also be careful not to oversexualize the introduction of the Divine Feminine. The result of a healthy feminine/masculine balance is healthy sexuality. But (as is being exposed to the world so clearly now regarding human trafficking and ritual abuse, etc), you all are not dealing with a healed people. Emphasis must be on healing the person before trying to introduce what can seem like jusy another aberration to many people on our planet (things such as polygamy, open relationships).
    I am open-minded and nonjudgmental regarding others choices (I don't have to went it for myself), but in a time in which the planet is having revealed to them aberrations such that may require being sent to the Galactic Central Sun for recycling, there's a need for priority and order of attention.
    This does not need to delay the Event. I just feel that in addition to us obviously needing to focus more on removing the damn toplet bombs, it would be nice to have some focus on sending a mass healing to us humans, with the qualifier that only those whose higher self agrees, would receive it.
    Also please be careful not to deify/overemphasize the "Goddess" aspect to the point it becomes a religion, to the EXCLUSION of the MASCULINE ALL OVER AGAIN. The BALANCE is critical in my opinion. We have experienced so much history in which one side was completely excluded. It doesn't work.
    All of this is my opinion, of course, and everyone is free to disagree. I am doing my humble part to try to assist humanity's liberation in the way that I feel called.
    Much respect and love for everyone whose goal is the same!

  141. Part 2 of 2

    @Purplegir1 (re-posted comment): Well said. I agree wholeheartedly. This is precisely the reason that I believe our suggested meditations and references to Goddess are NOT universally appealing even to spiritually open individuals. They have a hint to "religious" belief and rituals.

    I think it's more receptive to most people to emphasize that when "Goddess" is referred to, it is the predominantly Heart or "feminine" aspect of the ONE, that balances the predominantly "masculine" aspect of the ONE, which is beyond BOTH opposites. AND yet the ONE, is present in the feminine and masculine opposite qualities because it is Ever Present in all things.

    Also, after being on this blog since 2012, it would be helpful if Cobra explained exactly WHY he suggests meditations which are visual. And why he feels that type of meditation is important for group meditations. To me, I think the reason is that MOST people have not learned a specific meditation. So his suggested meditations are just one easy way that MANY can copy and do, without having to know any specific meditation.

    I think there are other meditations more powerful, and I would like to see Cobra encourage people to do whatever meditation they resonate with. WITH THE SAME INTENTION, so that there's a unifying focus for a group/collective meditation. But I don't see that his specific suggested meditation is the best. And, as stated, to others who we would like to join the meditations, there's an appearance of ritual and religion, rather than Universal Spirituality and Unity for Peace on earth.

    "Return of the Goddess" as an expression almost sounds like a religion. If we instead said, let's bring back the inherent love, forgiveness, and compassion that is is our true nature, THEN I believe it would be appealing to the most people and NOT sound like a religion or cult.

    I wonder what other people feel about these topics. Most people just "go along" with what Cobra says regarding a suggested meditation, and I believe they're afraid to speak out because others may ridicule them.

    The most important thing is unity of the goal, not so much the "specific means" to bring it about. That's my understanding, having been spiritual my lifetime.

    Victory of "God's" Divine Light, Liberation, and Abundance on earth for All.
