Sunday, January 12, 2020

Age of Aquarius Activation Preliminary Report

The critical mass has been reached. Full report will be posted within a week.

In the next few days, it is very important to stabilize the planetary energy grid every four hours with the following meditation:

You might also want to do the same meditation at the moment of quadruple Sun-Saturn-Pluto-Ceres conjunction which comes on Monday, January 13th at 2:30 pm GMT (equals 9:30 am EST).

Victory of the Light! 


  1. We did it! yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you and also thank you dear Cobra!

    1. Yes,
      ...something going on, at this meditation feeling hot and next cold in my body.
      Others sympthoms is when I go by street fell like swiming. Others its strange but its feel like not in time, not in place. Sometimes I have many energy , few hours later fell so weak....something changes, i dont know what but we touch something big

  2. I felt it just after the meditation ended! Wow amazing. Many thanks Cobra! Victory of the Light.

    1. that was psychosomatic. you would've felt it during the meditation.

  3. Victory of the Light! Thanks Cobra, i will keep that light, and positivity, spread the love, and care; thats the main goal and ambition, to keep this spirit going!

  4. Fantastic News Cobra Thank You :-)

  5. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

    Y la meditación de la flor de la vida en castellano

  6. Acá en Argentina meditamos 03:00 sintió la energía,gracias cobra.!!

  7. The critical mass was actually reached?
    Wow... I am very positively surprised!
    Congratulations to all!
    Together we have achieved this.
    You can be proud of yourselves.

    Victory of the Light!

  8. !!!!!Omg!!!! This is Huge
    Thankyou Everyone see your in Golden Age.

  9. This is Amazing!
    Enjoy your final days in The Matrix, we'll be waking up to the Real World soon!

    Victory of the Light!

  10. Thank u so much Cobra!!! Many blessings to you and the team!!!

  11. Wow! The light will be able to bear mankind and all living beings towards a future of unity, oneness and love. Let's do this together. Thank you all around the world!!!

  12. Flower of Life♡♡♡ Easy to do in your Heart even if you are at work or shopping food or eating dinner with your family or playing with your grandchildren or...I think you got this :))♡♡♡ You know how to do it!

    1. Exactly I think of it and make an intention flower of life around earth now until the event!

  13. I want to express my deepest thank you to all of you who pertisipated in the mass meditation.WE DID IT!! Expect to see big changes coming and prepare for what we all have been waiting for.PLEASE!! Continue thinking positive thoughts every minute of THE day. CONGRATULATIONS LIGHT TROOPERS!!!!

  14. This message is really exciting, thank you all for working together to achieve this goal, I love everyone, light victory!

  15. VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!!! The golden age is coming round family of light, and this is what we’ve been waiting for. The tides have shifted and we’re all gas no breaks heading straight for the final defeat of the dark. I can FINALLLLLLYYYY feel the victory on the deepest level of my soul, and it’s time to remember that we all have front row tickets to the best show in the galaxy and this is why we’re here!

    During the meditation I saw a tsunami style golden wave of light eradicating all final darkness and the sky’s opened up and all the beings of light helping us were cheering as the last remnants of dark vanished! It was so profound and glorious I was crying tears of joy at how everything is about to change. They reminded me that although it’s been a rough and salty journey here on earth, that it’s time to anchor this light and hold onto the excitement because victory is ours!!!!!!! No one can stop the light that’s coming.

    Shine on, keep vibrating with love and light, and MANY PIECES TO THE VEIL!!!

  16. My deepest thanks to all who were able to participate! This is by far the best update from Cobra I personally have ever read. I want to also thank Cobra and all the amazing Galactic races who are here helping us free ourselves from eons of slavery and darkness. I know many we all come in contact with are still asleep and I hope we all can help them transition to 5D earth when the time is right. Victory of the Light never felt so good to write! Love to all!



  18. New Timeline and New Grid Stabilization in Progress!

  19. We did it! Thank you everyone. ♡

  20. muchas gracias a todos, ahora a meditar con la flor de la vida. besos

  21. Oh, GREAT !! Hurrah!!
    I am speechless. (Probably a good thing.)
    .....; ^ ).....

  22. Yay yay! Just wonderful everyone! Victory is here now!!

  23. I am crying! Literally!
    I wasn't sure what kind results to expect because for me it was difficult.
    I think, I was attacked.
    I fell sick and heavy during the whole meditation. I still meditated intensely, though.
    So happy to know we did it!
    WE DID IT !!!!!!!!
    Thank you sisters and brothers!
    Victory of the Light!

    1. Greatest love to you, thank you for enduring.

    2. I got heavily attacked before and during the meditation. I suffer from seizures and i was knocked out with a massive grand mal seizure 3 1/2 hours before the meditation time. I somehow woke up in time due to my alarm to be able to do it, and i gave it my all, but i was feeling so ill and out of it....SO HAPPY we finally reached critical mass! Thank you to all who participated! I love you! VotL!!! <3

    3. Essa de ser atacado eu já tinha aprendido na meditação anterior, os meus cachorros me atacaram durante a meditação anterior, e olha que eles são super doceis e amáveis. literalmente eu já sabia que ia ter muito ataque nesta meditação.

  24. C'est magnifique ♥️♥️♥️

  25. Today was a very important day in our Planet's history.

    Thank you Cobra for initiating this mass meditation event!

    And THANK YOU to all the volunteers who spread the message far & wide to every corner of our beloved Earth!

    Also GRATITUDE & BLESSINGS to all those participated in it!


    Victory of the Light!

  26. This is wonderful news. I felt and heard we had reached critical mass near the end of the meditation but it is nice to have confirmation as well. Victory of the light 💛🌍🌏🌎💛🙏☀️

  27. It ain't over, until it's over. Flower of Life Meditation is my favorite! Thank you, Victory of the Light.

  28. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podporo dogodka na Facebooku:

    Čestitke vsem, ki ste sodelovali!

    Zmaga Luči!

    Congratulations to all who have participated!

    Victory of the Light!

  29. Nice! I knew it!! Certainly will be doing Flowoflight meditation now! Kind`a felt the need to do some additional meditations!

  30. Superb news! Awaiting full report. Thanks Cobra, light forces and everybody :)

  31. "The same" meditation on jan 13 th was meant Aquarius med. or the Flower of light med?

    1. as 'commonsensed' it seems not a regular 4 hour meditation, but rather belongs to the Aquarius activation.


  32. I will do as much as I can on Monday, of course.
    I meditate every day 8 AM EST.
    It is hard to meditate every 4 hours due to a busy schedule but I will do my best.

  33. This is the WLMM quadruple conjunction facebook event <3
    Flower of Life Meditation at SunSaturnPlutoCeres conjunction

  34. I will do as much as I can on Monday, of course.
    I meditate every day 8 AM EST.
    It is hard to meditate every 4 hours due to a busy schedule but I will do my best.


  36. I understand why now, 30 minutes after meditation I wanted to go out in the garden. It was still dark and in the sky I saw lots of flashes of light like a Christmas tree!
    I know other people have seen them too.
    It was a signal to tell us that critical mass has been reached! I am so happy ! thank you to everyone who participated, I love you all!

    1. Yes... Same...
      Just felt that I need to go out...


  38. YAY!!!!!! <3 <3 <3
    Yesterday on the way to work I was passing by a particularly beauitful field with massive oaks and herons in the grass and I said prayers in my heart and when I turned the corner there was a rainbow!! Made me sing!

  39. yesssssssss, now the galactics may get directly involved with the liberation of the earth?

    1. They are directly involved... Now they can do more... We consent it.

  40. Perfect!!!The energies where too intense...I think we all felt it very strong.
    We are moving on.

  41. J'ai participé aux deux méditations et j'ai ressenti une énergie puissante venant du bas et du haut en même temps se concentrer et irradier ensuite au niveau du chakra du coeur ! Wahou, merci à toutes les belles âmes que étaient présentes ! Namaste

  42. Je suis tres heureuse.J'ai sentie beaucoup de joie durant la méditation,mère terre Gaia était heureuse.Merçi a tous !

  43. J'ai ressentie beaucoup de joie durant la méditation.Mère terre était heureuse.Merçi a tous !

  44. Thank you so much COBRA.
    I love it all.
    Victory of Light !!!

  45. Mindenkinek köszönjük, imádni való ez a hír! I hope, Cabal's final defeat is coming. Greetings from Hungary.

  46. Holy smokes, that's crazy there's that many people doing the meditation. That was the most focused I've been in years.

  47. GÉ-NI-AL !... Ça valait donc la peine de se réveiller tôt ce matin à Paris pour participer à cette méditation mondiale... Puisse l'Évènement arriver bientôt ainsi que notre libération à tous et notre Ascension!... Namasté.

  48. "2020 is the year of happiness, this is the year of Light, this is the year of transformation, this is the year where you will grow, climb several steps in your own ascent."

    This is part of the message of Monique Mathieu concerning this year, from the Pleiadians, the whole message is magnificent, read it, it can be translated into all languages

  49. Yes indeed....
    The Great Evolved Beings of the Flower of Life emanating their Isness, Love, Joy, Compassion, and Deep Understanding pulses to all who participated. As we are all connected, ALL are affected and imbued with their effluvia of Well Being.
    My sense is 'they' were patiently waiting our participation and reach out to all assisting us and the Cosmic Event.
    And so it is.
    Meditations to solidify our commitment of acceptance is wise and appreciated.
    WE DID IT !!!!
    ♥ ♦ ♥

  50. It's been a long road, many have died In the process. I give gratitude and honor to those that gave up the ultimate sacrifice for us. And thank you Cobra you given so much also.lets move forward for the final stage. Peace and love.

  51. Very good news Thank you all !!!

    Victoire de la Lumière !!!

  52. It sure is exciting that so many people can work together, especially in the middle of the night in the US!

    1. Hi Patrick, I agree. It's a commitment to wake up at midnight. But well worth it. It's the intent that brings in the light stronger.🙋❤️

  53. Yeahhhh, how wonderful is this "the critical mass was reached", I'm thrilled and still can't believe it that we did it. It was such a powerful meditation. Let's go ahead now. I'm soooo excited and can't wait for the update and the changes.

    Victory of the Light

  54. I had tears during the meditation, felt a tickling sensation in my soul afterwards. Just we all began, the wind picked up fiercely where I live. By the end, all was calm. I love these mass meditations and look forward to us learning how to grow these efforts worldwide for greater and greater good. Victory of the Light!

  55. I wonder what happened after the meditation and if I was attacked in a way. The meditation itself was rather powerful but I had a horrible night. I woke up 3 times with rather painful cramps in both legs. In the morning I had a horrible nighmare which I never had before and my husband said thad I did cry in the midlle of the night.

    I don't have any explanation for this. I thought I would sleep very relaxed after the meditation but obviously something strange is happening and the dark forces try to keep us at bay. I keep fighting for yhe Light no matter what.

    Virctory of the Light

    1. I was attacked too but a few hours before the meditation, so I did the protection protocol when I went to bed (in France we had to meditate at 7.11 in the morning) and everything stopped, nausea, headaches, intense heart pain and uncontrollable and unwarranted outbursts of anger... Protection protocols become indispensable because the dark forces are howling to death!

    2. On Saturday I spent several hours grounding, even sitting under the trees barefoot here in Pennsylvania for over an hour. I went to bed early and set my alarm for 1am to join the meditation. Woke at 11pm with intense nasea and vertigo. Threw up over and over again until 3:30am, resorting to sleep on the bathroom floor. I know I was not under attack. I was helping purge emotions from the collective like shame that didn't serve anymore. Perhaps you also were assisting in this way?

  56. Danke an alle die mitgewirkt haben!


    Sieg dem Licht

  57. I always felt kinda bad not being able to participate...ive still yet to get meditation down. But im glad we reached the goal

    1. For next time, all you have to do at the time,for,the meditation is listen to the guided audio that Cobra posts on his blog. It comes with versions in many different languages.

  58. This is amazing .... victory to all of us in light... thank you cobra.. thank you to all the light workers and beings ..

  59. Awesome family!
    We made it happen!
    Thank us
    Thank us
    Thank us
    We are the ones we've waiting for🙏👍

  60. victory of the Light, I felt it wonderful news excited to see some changes soon.

  61. We made it ! ��✊��✨ Congratulations to all of us ! Victory✨

  62. I hope the report will be positive and the work of the past few weeks will be rewarded. The light forces must finally intervene, the cabal has been doing what it wanted for far too long

    1. I've literally never felt as light and connected as now and oh yes please it is now time to see some physical changes.

  63. Thank you Cobra et al. (2012-2020) for providing us the well organized platforms to team up for moments like these.


  64. victory of the LIGHT.

    I love you all my brothers and sisters.

    We DID IT )))))

  65. YEs we did it! So excited! Thank you Cobra for all you do. Was powerful last night, now if we all follow through with continuous meditations, we will go into the stratosphere!

  66. Mercii à tous mes frère et sœur je vous aime au plus profond de mon âme maintenant à nous de créer la nouvelle terre. Victoire de la lumière☝🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽

  67. Iam so greatful and happy that we can now enter into the golden age being assisted by our light family and get there faster ..this is truly amazing and a blessing. And so it is ...

  68. I have felt the anxious energy for about a month now building up to Jan 12th but now it feels soooo much calmer and amazing today. The difference is huge. I am very sensitive to the energies. Thanks for the update, wonderful job everyone

  69. It's amazing what we can do if we work together, we are powerful. Let's carry on the spiritual work together. Thank you Cobra. And the resistance. Bring in the golden age. Victory to all of us. 🌝🌠🌅🌍💖❤💜💙💚🧡💛🌞😘🌈⭐🦄🐁🐀🐬💐🌹🎆✨🔮🏔🌅🛸🛸🌠🌈

  70. I made a meditation song and integrated it into protocol Command PB Stardust. This meditation song will strengthen the Pleiadian Protocol for all those who need it. Command PB Stardust really does work. Allow my song to assist in your pain management. I care very much for all people going through extreme pain at this time. I can relate because I am one of those people with a body that has prematurely aged, and my pain can be extreme at times. I am weak because I am strong, and I am strong because I am weak.

    1. Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

  71. Is the Twitter Account @cobrainfo1 { } the Cobra from here, or is it another person repeating Cobra intel from this blogspot?

  72. Hooray! Yes, yes, yes. So happy. Thank you to all. Love and light!

  73. Yay! Thank you to everyone who made this happen. The energies were something else! <3

  74. Got off work to read this, in happy and crying at the same time. This is it! Yeah! Cobra I'm with you full force. Liberation now!

  75. Victory of the Light!
    Full Claim!
    Let Heaven & Earth Rejoice in resounding Joy!
    Bravo Lightworkers💕

  76. Congratulations!!!! There is no looking back now. The first piece of good news will be the signing of the first phase of the China trade deal....then Brexit...keep your seat belts on, it's going to be a fun ride.

  77. Thanks Cobra!

    During the meditation, I felt a strong and yet subtle loving feminine bombarding the planet. It was really a blissful feeling. My brother and I immediately knew that we reached the critical mass.

    I would like to send love and light to all of us, lightworkers and non-lightworkers alike as we are all in this together! Much love to Cobra and the team at We Love Mass Meditation as without you, we would have not had this beautiful planet-helping meditation!

    1. Also special thank you to those who prepare the guided meditation videos like smaly7 and all of those who spent their time spreading news about meditation. Thanks a lot!

  78. Aqui do sul do Brasil, também senti que havía acontecido algo de especial, meditamos as 03:11 mas desde as 3hs já senti algo acontecendo. Senti quase me desdobrar em projeção astral por diversas vezes durante a meditação.
    Parabéns COBRA e a todos nós

  79. In the words of Mr Burns, "Excellent".

  80. Great news. From the Sisterhood of the Rose interview:

    “COBRA: If we achieve critical mass, we can cut the waiting time quite significantly. If we don’t reach the critical mass, we will just cut it very, very, very slightly.“

    1. Thats actually not true, in 2017 he said we halfed down the time and we had like 8 years back than so that's half is 2021. And if we would cut the waiting time significantly that would mean event should happened right after the meditation.

    2. I checked the calendar and it's not 2021 yet.

  81. For the first time doing these meditations I saw waves of sparkling light descending. And this entire weekend, wherever I went there was a sense of happy community among the people.

  82. For the first time doing these meditations I saw waves of sparkling light descending at the culmination of the visualization. And this entire weekend, wherever I went there was a sense of happy community among the people.

    1. I have also noticed progress in the way people interact with each other. But what surprises me again and again is that most people are not even aware of this progress (of the light forces), which has continued for years.

    2. Soon they will.
      People feel i would say more relieved therefore kinder.

  83. Seni seviyorum Cobra, çok seviyorum!!! ❤

  84. Emocionante. Emocionante imaginar o futuro maravilhoso que em breve se manifestará para todos neste plaeta. Gratidão a todos que auxiliaram e continuam auxiliando este processo. Obrigado Cobra e obrigado a todos os seres de luz que têm nos auxiliado. Gratidão.

  85. Cool, Ive made peace with everyone i can think of. Thanks for the help

  86. We'll be celebrating~
    Dancing until dawn~

  87. I feel a calm I haven't ever really felt before.

  88. After the completion of MOSS, the event will follow.

  89. This is the turning point when people realise their own power is beyond the authority structures. So much light hearted love was achieved and afterwards a thunderstorm and rain with lightning. It has been a magic ride with you all over the last few years.

  90. some day we will all be celebrating together this accomplishment! We’ve staved off darkness and risen to the occasion despite all the distractions pulling us away from our mission. Many thanks to all who sat down aRound the world simultaneously!! You rock, and we did it ��

  91. this is wonderful, we really did it ! thanks to everyone . planetary liberation now !

  92. Wow! Preparados para o Evento! Vitória da Luz! Finalmente a Era de Aquário!

  93. Congrats:

  94. im glad we did it, i knew we would, but something keeps attacking me, i get crazy forced thoughts and panic attacks out of nowhere that i never had before, it sometimes feels like im going insane... what can we do about it?

    1. There are many tools. Visualise white fire of AN, ask St Germaine and Violet Fire for protection, ask archangel Micheal for protection

      I would also recommend using crystals for protection and for calming down. Buy two bracelets made of black tourmaline (one to use at night other at daytime). Black tourmaline is strong protection stone. On top of this you could also use amethyst for protection and calming down, chrysoprase to keep calm down. Selenite is great to have to cleanse aura and keep negativity away. I use crystals all the time and they help me greatly.

      More about protection here :

    2. I am also attacked and by the same things that you have just described it started on the evening of the 12th and to strongly increase today on January 13th remains strong my brother uses the protection protocol that could improve things. 💪

    3. This sounds much more like a cleasing than attacks.
      Tell me if you feel better next days when the energies set a bit down.
      Anyways you can call Rafael archangel and the green ray angels. They will help you.

    4. The Panic or Anxiety and the thoughts confronting you in that feeling of fear is first and foremost a reaction to this new energy. The Panic is due to the energy being inserted and then subsequently your feeling of wether or not you can maintain the expansion, or whether to return to the familiar. Many times when we expand a part of us wants to remain in the familiar because it is Safe. We have become accustomed to a certain mindset and it is familiar and anything to change that becomes a threat. The body will react because the body is programmed for survival and safety. And anything that threatens the body will result in what? Increased heart rates, tension, as a mode to get your attention, to stop , run , and return to safety. It is a fear in that respect. Like an alarm going off.
      Now,what to do? First,.acknowledge it, like you have done, then instruct the body it is under no danger. Literally, tap the body and say, "this is not a threat" and Do an action that is non threatening. In this way you give yourself more choices other than to retreat, you could do something like meditate, as cobra has suggested with the meditations to implement a balancing and integration of Essence, or you can go for a walk and commune with nature, or you can enjoy a comedy or some avenue where the energy is released. What you dont want to do is reinforce the fear or the feeling will continue. I have learned this the hard way and i can tell you the held energy will be expressed eventually in some type of manifestation that compounds the situation. Everything is Ok though, this shift will continue and what we enter now can seem unpredictable, or unknown, that is fearful and it is ok to admit that and acknowledge that, but there is beauty in self direction and self intention and being a intentional creator. Many will experience many memories triggered during this time, past traumas and held energies where certain events come flooding back in, this is time now to release them and embrace a new experience and to let go of the old familiar patterns of self judgement, victimhood, discounting of self , lack of choice, lack of awareness, you get the idea those held energies make anything new fearful. But the alternative is remain a sheeple being told what to think, how to act, what rules must be followed and those modes of denial have no place in this expansion, quite the contrary, they prevent it. Exciting times as we begin to implement this new direction and open to our full potential as conscious creators.

  95. Congratulations everyone on a job well done!

    However, keep in mind that the dark ones are now cornered are more dangerous than ever. Keep those protections up and stay centered, focused and vigilant until the Light Forces can start intervening more directly. Try to participate in all meditations from that blog if you can, even if you're too tired, it will be worth your while. We achieved a breakthrough with this activation, secured the timeline where there is no war between Iran and USA, but hold the line until the direct intervetion of the Light forces can occur. This is of paramount importance.

    Victory of the Light everyone!!!

    1. You are absolutely right. That is why we now meditate every four hours to stabilize the situation :)

    2. awesome bliss feeling, never had so much power behind anything. Starseed is I. I Am...

    3. Agora é muito importante manter o equilíbrio mental, emociona e a luz que ancoramos em nossos corpos. Os grupos de escuridão estão muito nervosos. Level um bom ataque no peito esquerdo ontem à tarde, os nervos estavam todos embolados, tipo criou uma bola. más agora estou 1000% de novo, afinal eu sei o poder que meu espirito (co-criador) tem. avante! avante!

  96. Do you know how many participants were in Justin's meditation?

  97. At what point can we consider to be now?

  98. Greetings again from Downunder.....for the 1st time since about Nov 20th last year I've felt a certain weight lifted after yday's big effort....obviously Australia is" catastrophe central" ATM and it's not over.....smoke from these fires is being directed back in to Melbourne currently and it's" fuelling" more of the same panic,concern, get the idea......interesting that many people who I may have regarded as" asleep" etc are now calling for open rebellion/ civil disobedience and so forth even in this country.....all this" darkest before dawn" shit better be worth while I'm not concerned as the work I'm doing in this life will" hopefully" give me a discernible and usable memory in my next one.....I am watching the regular citizenry here becoming more and more disillusioned/tested etc......mind you nothing could" jolt" a person more here than having our small but agile military evacuate our own citizens to warships and black hawks due to unprecedented bushfires............mmmmmm

  99. I live on the West coast of United States in Washington State. I will do my part at 12 pm 8 pm and 12 am, the 4 slot in time may be tough... Love and what a Aquarius meditation. Very emotional wake up. beautiful people. Love you all. Join in... Raise our consciousness. it's free...

  100. Well said. I have been participating on schedule since yesterday's initial critical mass meditation. I've set multiple alarms to correspond with the many countdown timers and have the two guided meditations ready to play. I can catch up on sleep later in January.


  101. Great news Cobra! Thanks to all others participating in the meditation!

  102. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

  103. This is awesome news!!! I hope everyone understand how huge this really is! We did this together and unified as a team of light <3 <3 <3

  104. coooool…..thanks all lightforces soldiers for stepping up to the plate and hitting a cosmic grade grandslam…..and thanks to our superfierce lightwarrior and fine intelligence hub for the victory of the light writer mr,cobra fro massive and effective soldiering works-including pre meditation interviews etc conducted,increasing the amount of lightforces walking the earth that meditated resultant in reaching critical mass.....

    the energies arriving to earth were very much like the silver trigger meditation energies that arrived I found-a beautiful almost milky white light and calm serene healing energies,very powerful at the same time.....the final few minutes of the meditation having these very sacred energies completely engulfing all of the earths surface and flowing to the earths centre and beyond.....
    The Crystal Sea
    it came one day far from home.....
    a distant calling of once unknown.....
    the milky substance poured over the earth.....
    and consumed toxins of industrial birth.....
    eating well that evening they celebrated of the night....
    dancing wildly in the firelight.....
    in the morning they came from all around.....
    to share in the new wisdom found.....
    that all are part of and no one does own.....
    the lands and the waters and the skies of ozone.....
    such delight brought supreme high....
    opening wide the minds eye.....
    sacred energies set her free.....
    aquarious arrived from the crystal sea.....


  105. Ben Fulford Talks Iran, WWIII Avoided and 1,000 Years of Peace Starting | Robert David Steele

  106. At the peak of the meditation I felt strong energetic waves flowing through my body. At that Point i knew we made it. There were also waves of joy, happiness that I could feel.
    Thank you all, Love for all 🙏❤️🌈☀️

    I also invited people to join the Meditation and shared a Song, enjoy listening 🎧🎤🎶🎵

    Avalon Pleiades

  107. Wow, this was an amazing experience. I started already 2012 participating in the Mass meditations and I never had such a strong experience as this time. There were waves of Joy flowing through me. It felt like I can feel all of us together, amazing feeling.
    At the peak there came strong energetic waves that made my body vibrate. There I felt we are a Lot and we made it.
    Love us ALL and thank us ALL
    I also invited people to join the meditation in social Media (Facebook was successful),
    Singing and Sharing a Song, enjoy listening 🎵🎶🎤🎧🙏

    Avalon Pleiades

  108. Where is new Smaly's Turkish language for every four hours meditation video? Im always here from Istanbul in Türkiye

  109. Get down, folks. It ain't over until the fat lady sings. The structural dismantling of the financial system has been explained to take quite some time.

  110. Thank you for all you do, Cobra. I do not understand all the celestial alignments. But I am so grateful that you do.

  111. You need to do protection meditation before and after each mass meditation to build and strengthen your light shield.

  112. That was one of the most beautiful moments of my life.
    We (my life partner and i) woke up before three so we would meditate at 3:11am. I had prepared a 5 music playlist including Aurora, Björk and Beethoven for the great moment which couldn't have been more perfect. They leaded me to all suns and when i reached Gaia's core i felt one with it and Beethoven's Pastoral made a scenary of a disney movie where everyone and everything over the globe was harmonically dancing, happy, helping each other and singing free of slavery. It was the most amazing experience!
    After a while we went to the beach for the sunrise and there was this atmosphere of new year, birthday and a brand new cycle beginning. I bathed in the sea and had the most exausting delightful afternoon with our kittens at home.

    Thank you all for accomplishing your missions of bringing light to this realm. You are TRUE heroes.
    Thank you sm Cobra for promoting this awesome event in our lifes!
    Looking foward to the update.

    Guys... WE DID IT!!!!!!!

  113. This is really a very good news in the opening of this year, thanks all the light workers, good people, meditation groups, ETs and thank God.

  114. I wanted to participate in meditation January 12, it was at 9 am . but I was given to Wake up .and attack and continue to this day . therefore, I can't believe that critical mass is achieved . because I'm not well and attacked my mother . feeling that nobody helped and will not help . well the holiday without me . it makes me sad .

    1. The White Fire of AN helps me with attacks. I just bathe in it for a while and send it to my loved ones too when needed.


  115. Successful meditated at 2:30 pm GMT

  116. First of all, thank you to everyone who contributed to the reaching of critical mass. The meditation was beautiful and powerful. Now, I'm seeing this 'every 4 hours' meditation to make this transition "as smooth as possible". When I read that, my mind translated it as "spread it out over a longer time so it doesn't get too intense for anyone". I'm speaking as a Scorpio and Witch, so take this for what it's worth, but I think it's time for some intensity. Most of us participated in this because the awakening is taking too long, and now we are supposed to meditate to slow it all down again? That doesn't make sense to me. What does make sense is meditating for the strength to handle the more intense aspects of what is coming, perhaps taking the brunt of it so that others are not harmed but are definitely made aware. It's one thing to trust the process and believe that there is order emerging from the chaos. It's quite another to know that we have the strength to make sure.

    1. Hi, I can see your point, however I took the 'every 4 smooth as possible' bit to mean that we wanted to keep up the intensity by having something more frequently to maintain what we achieved with the big one, and 'as smooth as possible' to mean by keeping the energies up, there wouldn't be any dips, so any pushback wouldn't cause issues, for whatever positive things are happening now that we've reached that critical mass. Just another perspective, in case it resonates. Thank you for sharing your perspective and for your caring about all this. :)

    2. Hmm, I don't think 'as smooth as possible' means 'slow.' Personally, I want it to happen NOW, regardless of how much chaos it could potentially cause. But then again, how many people do you think can handle a sudden transition? It takes a lot more than meditating 20 minutes a day, and most of the population isn't even doing that.

      The meditation was pleasant no doubt, but all it did is put a salve on my wounds. I see a lot of shadow work in my post-event future. And the same can be said for many people on Earth. I think this meditation aims to make the process of accepting the shadow self a little easier. Could be totally wrong though.

    3. We were told that the subsequent 'every 4 hours' meditation schedule, were to keep dark entities from returning after the critical mass meditation.

    4. Not slowing down i think... But to make it smoothly as possible... Chaos will not help... See?

      General public are not ready as they should be by now... so another approach is needed...

      So smoothly to not make the process even longer since people can go too much crazy if it crash too abruptly...

      The Good is that we are closer then ever...

      So... Lets enjoy the ride...

      As myself, Can't remember others planetary transition i've had help... So.

      Keep push with love and light... Almost there.

    5. Forget space and time. Know who you are NOW and your strength and patience will be One.


  118. Powerful vibrations afoot.
    Awoke by God Mind before 6:30 PST (9:30 EST)
    Mind focus on Flower of Life~

    for those who feel the need, a suggestion:

    Protection can be evoked with calling forth the Violet Ray
    at any time and all day.

    "Beloved I AM Presence bright,
    round me seal your tube of Light;
    from Ascended Masters' flame,
    called for now in God's name;
    Let it keep my temple free,
    from all discord sent to me;
    I am calling for violet fire,
    to blaze and transmute all desire;
    Keeping on in Freedom's name,
    til I am one with the Violet Flame"

    Blessed BE.
    Victory of Light!

  119. Sometimes you just need to relax from frustration. To leave behind the people who bring to life more of sadness and grievances, to remember what you dream actually, and start to go towards it.

  120. Beautiful! I KNEW we did reach it because I surely felt it immediately. This is the very first time I could feel THIS energy. It was like no other!! We did good, everybody!

  121. Cobra talked to us about narcissistic psychopaths. 90% of the Earth's population enjoys life in the above "disease". Well the more serious ones are around 50%. ... How are they transformed.?

  122. "Synchronicities After Aquarius Critical Mass." :

  123. +

    Beautiful piano channeling for this EXACT Breakthrough / critical mass portal... 🔥
    Gathered 600 views so far - feel free to connect to it and share it for the next days!!

  124. Could be Betelgeuse explosion the astronomical event that we all wait?

  125. Blessings, yes!! So happy! We are the strongest of the strong as Kiesha says. I connected to all of you and I connected to the crystal grid, the devas, the waters, the whales and dolphins, all our beautiful trees, the elves and our star brothers and sisters to enhance a thousand times the energy and our goals for this meditation to free us and heal mother earth.

  126. Victoire et Gratitude Éternelle 💫👽✨💞☺️🌠🌪️🔥☄️🌏🌎🌍🌐

  127. Please share if guided to Alt Media and your blogs to spread awareness about ,
    "Cobra on Trump & Q" :

  128. Cher Cobra, mission accomplie, merci de nous avoir accompagnés, emmenés là où nous devions aller tous ensemble. Oui, victoire de la Lumière, celle qu'il y a en vous cher Cobra !

  129. Thanks Cobra 🙏🏼Victory of the Light!!! 🙏🏼🌟❤️🌈

  130. Aquele que teme a tempestade se iguala ao cisco. Seja você também a tempestade.
    Seja a chuva e o vento.
    Seja os raios que iluminam a noite escura.
    Seja aquele que faz a drenagem do pântano.

    Vitória da Luz!!!

  131. Obrigado! Ao Cobra e as forças da Luz que proporciona a todos os seres sencientes a liberdade a muito tempo esperada. Vitória da Luz!

  132. Thank you so much cobra, thank you RM, thank you to the light force, light warriors and light workers and to everyone involved. i am so great full that i have many hard working brothers and sisters out there. because of you i have hope, because of you i will see the light, because of you we all will see the light. thank you again.

  133. I got my new tachyon crystals today! I got another rose quartz sphere and I got a new one, the morganite. Tachyons are absolutely incredible, they are alive, you can physically feel the buzzing and tingling. It's as physical as static electricity. It's not like normal crystals or healing stones that only some people can feel, everyone can feel this. And possibly the most powerful thing is knowing that aliens and Cobra are the real deal, it will change your life.

  134. I can't wait until we have a power grid around the earth with our cintamani stones. Will that be next?

  135. I knew we reached critical mass because during the meditation my feet started to burn. This never happened in past meditations. WE DID IT!

  136. I had a hard time starting to meditate too. For me sitting, closing my eyes, and focusing on my breath for 5 minutes was a good start and working up from there. A breathing technique that I have learned to keep you actively engaged so your mind wanders less is to make a Vulcan salute (Spock hand sign) with your hand and use your thumb to close your right nostril, than breathe in with your left. Use your little finger and ring finger to close your left nostril, let go of your right nostril with your thumb and breathe out AND in with your right nostril. Close your right nostril, let go of your left nostril and breathe out and in and repeat until your timer goes off after 5 minutes. Keep trying 5 minutes until you think it's easy then try for longer. If any thoughts come up just try to focus back on your breathing and return to thoughtlessness. :) Best of luck friend.

  137. I had intense energy during the meditation, like a luminous white laser throughout my body as Cobra mentioned during the interview.

    The energies at the moment are very heavy as if there was a lot of action behind the scenes.

    I noticed a change on my bank's website on January 13th on the investment accounts. So they erased the credit card from my account. Maybe it's temporary... Or a hacking modification in the banking system due to the age of Aquarius being activated.

    Anyone else notice this kind of anomaly?

  138. Dear C,
    Thank you for the fast GR+ information :) I was so happy to read this and had not wait so long.
    Normally I have the best and Beutifulst Dreams during full moon but unfortunately this time I just dream bad things that I am in prison, have to flee from bad people... Normally I never have bad dreams, hope this will change

  139. Peace and blessings from Pakistan . It happened to fall on 11:11 am here on Sunday. I also experienced shimmering light particles on 13th Jan night.

  140. You don't even understand what that means. You have low-high to mid level friends in a weaker faction.

  141. Surprise, your friends were under orders to contact you. Your spiritual development doesn't place you as worthy of Intel. Neither does your friends.
