Friday, June 4, 2021

GREEN DOOR detected


  1. A lifetime of silence behind the Green Door, maybe it's not this one.

    But anyways, victory of the light!

    1. Thanks. I was wondering where I heard that b4.

    2. What does the post mean? I’m new here

    3. I think it is same as satanic Government Patch posted previously. I'm targeted by that evil Program. Just trying to be safe and do basics of survival is difficult when there is an INFRAGARD Concentration Camp scripting false complaints and violent attacks basicy daily at this point.
      I think "detected" is an understatement!
      Anyhow, Victory of the Light!!!!!

      Peace after mess cleaned up:)

    4. I'd remembered he'd mentioned the Green Door. Thanks for finding the quotation!

      Heard Understood Acknowledged.

      The meditation is VERY important now.

    5. You are a beef! It's only green food, not about sillence.

    6. Green Door - Wikipedia

      Within the American intelligence community, " green door" is a slang verb and adjective, relating to the restriction of an individual's or ...

    7. They know where to enter the headquarter.

    8. I immediately thought this too!

      Let's go everyone! Meditate for the hostages!! LET THAT GODESS ENERGY FLOW FROM YOUR HANDS LIKE A CATEGORY 5 RIVER OF LOVE!!

  2. Cobra should we keep doing the hostage meditation???

    1. Thanks cobra. I just hope this will end soon. I feel there is not many bases left. 🙄 Hope i am right!

      We will continue meditating!!

      The next uptade for sure will be very very interesting.

    2. This hostage meditation should be done not only continuously, but also four hours interval as the other important meditations!

    3. Lets keep doing the meditation till the Event happens.

    4. You have the them let's keep going!

    5. Are people sticking to the previous 'every 4 hours' schedule? Would be nice if we had some way to sync our meditations.

    6. Quantum foam anomaly removed 70%, dark goo still 39% remaining. Wherever you are in this moment, pay attention to your inner bodies. Focus on clearing it with all your might pls. As below so above🙏 let's finish the clearing together!!

    7. The spiders scream like thunder when they remember who they were...
      Thank you Cobra.

    8. Ja,so ist es. Sieg dem Licht.💜🌈

    9. @IoanaS J'adore le désherbage , pas d'inquiétude j'ai une excellente paire de gant .

  3. Let's end these Chimera once and for all. Victory of the Light!

    1. It is a war and in war there are the losers and the winners; could we finally win this never-ending war? and send the losers to hell? Everybody. Forever.

    2. Love is the only way to conquer them, because the dark entities can't stand the Light of Live!!

    3. Love is the only way to conquer them, because the dark entities can't stand the Light of Love!!

  4. Command RCV Stardust Command RCV Stardust Command RCV Stardust for every wounded heart, mind and body everywhere <3

  5. Jsut ignoring the exact meaning of this english expression. I am feeling a deep energy today ... full of Peace. Thank you to all of you ! We will meet in a near future, hold the line :=)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Cobra, if everything goes well, can you tell us a little bit about the Green Door.

    If that's the actual SSP usaf dark project if not, i think is a secret code so don't say it 🙄.

    I think is maybe related to the military chimera Bases but we can't know 100%.

    If you have clearance it will be interesting to know!

  8. What does green door even mean?

  9. My Gang Stalkers are going crazy, so I think it's all a pretty good sign for evil losing big time. Godwins.

  10. Sounds promising. I hope it is. I am sure it is beneficial to keep meditating on the liberation of the hostages

  11. Keep working.
    As it is inside so it is outside.


  12. Wrecking Ball

    And down goes that door.


  13. We have a great health food restaurant here called the Green Door. Nice. I love Us all. May Light be comfy !

  14. I almost fell of my chair when I saw this :D Don't know what this means, but feels like this is something Huge :)

  15. Thank you Cobra, we continue to join the Meditation for liberating all hostages from the underground bases! And one idea - we can do the meditation together on June 10th at the Full Moon Meditation time! Victory of the Light!

    1. The time for this meditation can be considered on June 10th, when the New Moon Meditation will take place at 2:45 PM UTC or we can think about the maximum solar eclipse that occurs on the same day. You are welcome to join it!

  16. I can see a "WINDOW" being cut approximately in half and when the "GREEN DOOR" is opened the bottom falls out and divine light, prosperity and abundance rain down from heaven like has never been experienced before since the beginning and evil is gone forever!

  17. Cobra is it necesssary to do Israel Palestine conflict meditation

  18. "A lifetime of silence behind the green door..."

  19. Never seen this one before.🤔 I can only wonder and hope its going to gey even better. All beings of light I'm here with you until this fight is over

  20. Unfortunately, today it seams the DF have managed to block even the “soft disclosure” that many was waiting to be the revelation of aliens on our planet:

    The US rapport send to the Congress ordered by Trump last year it’s full of “fake news” that China and Russia are using this kind of technology and there is prof of aliens whatsoever.

    So not only that they blocked the disclosure but also they couldn’t wait to blame it on Russia and China.

    I guess now it’s clear that whatever info Allison Coe she is getting it’s directly from the cabal and not from the LF. I think Allison she is a honest person but she is definitely mislead!

  21. First thing that came to mind is a Lifetime of Silence behind the Green Door. Exciting!

  22. Here's the lyrics for Shakin' Stevens, Behind The Green Door:

    Midnight one more night without sleeping
    Watching 'til that morning comes creeping
    Green Door what's that secret your keeping?
    There's an old piano and they play it hot behind the green door (Green door)
    Don't know what they're doing but they laugh a lot behind the green door (Ooh, green door)
    Wish they'd let me in so I could find out what's behind the green door (Green door)
    Knocked once tried to tell 'em I'd been there
    Door slammed hospitality's thin there
    Wondering just what's going on in there
    Saw an eyeball peep in through a smoky cloud behind the green door (Green door)
    When I said Joe sent me some one laughed out loud behind the green door (Ooh, green door)
    All I want to do is join the happy crowd behind the green door (Green door)
    Oh, rock on in now!
    Woo! Weeah!
    Midnight one more night without sleeping
    Ahhh, watching 'til that morning comes creeping
    Green Door what's that secret your keeping?
    There's an old piano and they play it hot behind the green door (Green door)
    Don't know what they're doing but they laugh a lot behind the green door (Green door)
    Wish they'd let me in so I could find out what's behind the green door (Green door)
    Saw an eyeball peep in through a smoky cloud behind the green door (Green door)
    When I said Joe sent me some one laughed out loud behind the green door (Haa haa haa! Woo!)
    All I want to do is join the happy crowd behind the green door (Green door)
    Wish they'd let me in so I could find out what's behind the green door (Green door)

  23. More meditation for the hostage rerelease !

  24. In the past cobra posted the green door reference with the final battle. We're getting closer to first contact. Nobody has dates it's events that have to unfold... Meditation is the most powerful way I know of for us ground team members to support until events, especially with a balanced energy. Nobodies perfect, we learn and grow... always.

    We have to get through the age of aquarist to get to the golden age and Event's not dates is the best thing I have learned in trusting the plan of God.

    I meditate and wait for orders.

    1. I too heard its events and not dates we should concentrate on

  25. Great news! :)
    I presume: if they open the doors LF can free the hostages.
    We are sending Pink Goddess Light and Love and hope it helps you do what you do best - Freedom for All!
    Love, love, love to all good beings underground and above

  26. yes, but can we surface population escape from the green door? or is it just for the hostage ? :)

  27. praying for compression breakthrough

  28. The goddess on video

  29. Does someone knows what it means?

  30. Blessings from the Emerald Isle

  31. Estoy la servicio de la LUZ!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  32. I hope the Light Forces initiate The Event as soon as possible, as once the planet is liberated I need to urgently get started on professional teamwork-based videogame project to make an RPG with a Black Male Protagonist also featuring a cast of diverse party members from all sorts of backgrounds, ethnicities and colors. I have been waiting a long time to make a work like that with quality rivalling AAA titles, as diversity in main characters of videogames is important to represent marginalized and oppressed groups living in stress and daily difficulties so they can have role models and relatable protagonists they can embody as to make living on this Prison Planet more bearable and happier.

    1. Encore dans ses jeux hein ! Un conseil trouve une protagoniste féminine à ton personnage où sa finira en chaos ton jeu comme sur Gaia .

    2. It won't be a prison planet anymore after the Event though. And people with deep traumas will be busy receiving professional healing from ETs. So I don't know who are you making this game for.


  34. Violet Flame highly recommended when intending and doing the meditation.
    Much resistance from dimensional planes.
    It nearly took me out for most of May.
    Not 100% yet; yet with strong Mind, Spirit, Soul.

    Victory of Light
    Vibration, Sound frequency, and chorus of Live!

  35. O que significa PORTA VERDE DETECTADA ? Evio minha energia de gratidão pra alguém q queira explicar.

  36. I AM Targeted by that Green Door. I have Evidence the satanic cult is using the tools of the state to assassinate me partly because I Stopped a Terrorist Attack on 9/11/1999 where Khalid Al-Mihdhar and Nawaf Al-Hamzi were Confidential Informants for the FBI who was carrying out attempted attack along with other domestic and foreign enemies and using REAL North African Terrorists as cover for their intelligence operation.

    DHS paid hit Against Me using Security Companies ongoing.

    Alexander William Britton

  37. Give the Chimera an extra missile from me.

  38. Green door or green light?❤️ Thank you Cobra! VOTL❤️❤️❤️

  39. I feel the change ! The change is comming ! I am so happy to meet someday all this galactical humanfriendly beings!

  40. And, till now, was it not detected?

  41. <3 <3 <3 VICTORY OF THE LIGHT <3 <3 <3

  42. Cobra, will the LF arrest Steve and Anika from Hungary and sens the to Ganimede??

    1. Very good question... István & Anita did a bad job!

  43. Actual photos taken of light force in action, you can also see grey alien being booted out of our world by our brothes and sisters of light from higher dimension. They have been fighting for us for months am just referring to in the sky at night. Dont lose your hope, meditate and hold on to your light, we are being helped and being helped a big time

    Yoda Reincarnated

  44. Sun Eclipse 10th of June ♡♡♡

  45. Is this related to this Cobra?

  46. Re read old articles from cobra to have a better understanding of our current position

    Victory of The Light

  47. This is a military patch originating from the 504th flight test squadron, operating out of Groom Dry Lake, and Los Alamos AFB. Most of these projects are classified, and bearers of this patch are prohibited from discussing their occupation, hence, "A Lifetime of Silence". In a 1930's novel and a 1980's pornographic film, they both have green doors that a character cannot gain access to. In addition, the military, and most banks, use green vaults. So, the Green Door could be referencing that there are secrets that the public dosen't have access too. The true meaning of this patch is currently classified, and most likely will not be declassified in our lifetimes.

    1. Monday, July 7, 2014
      Fall of the Chimera

      " Their main current strongholds, through which they control the surface of the planet, are:

      *Sandia / Los Alamos, NM "

      "Lifetime of Silence, Behind the Green Door
      This is a military patch originating from the 504th flight test squadron, operating out of Groom Dry Lake, and Los Alamos AFB.
      ( Military Space INteligence ) " -

      * 504:

      " some stuff that is behind the green door is going to have to come out, and those are some tough decisions that senior leaders are going to have to make..At some point, we have to reveal some things — not everything, but some things.” -

      "Next month, a process of partial Disclosure may begin through signs of life detected on Mars through Perseverance NASA rover and through Pentagon UFO files." -

      In conclusion

      this has to do with chimera,disclosure & the return of the Goddess / awakening

  48. Yeahhhh!!! It seems Good!! 💗💫😃

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. silence behind the green door

  52. let’s destrory chimera forever


  53. It's been a little while since something like this happened.
    Included in the "My Mix" playlist a tune showed up that I have never heard before ever. And that is good.

    Even better is that somebody is anouncing that they are




  54. I go to a large gym that has a dozen TVs down the center hung from the ceiling. Among the channels are MSNBC and Fox so you get "both sides." I noticed they were covering Dr. Fauci scandal on one, which could lead to the downfall of the whole system. A short while later I saw both channels were covering UFO's at the same time! Both screens looked identical, the left 2/3 was UFO video and the right 1/3 was a commentator. It wasn't just flash a 10 second video and then move on. Both channels were playing them on repeat, then to the next UFO and play that on repeat. They dedicated full segments to it. I'd exercise and look up again and still, big screen TVs in public with UFOs on every channel. I was like hell yeah I've been waiting my whole life for this. It doesn't matter if the first wave is downplayed, this is final disclosure and it will only increase. There will be a pouring of experts and witnesses to keep this going, as well as media coverage which will result in the public finally demanding more information from the government and the positive factions will give them more and more. A watered down first report is okay. The media already has the tone like when they're trying to steer the masses. They wouldn't be doing this wall to wall coverage if it would turn out to be a hoax and they'd lose credibility. They want no such label as conspiracy theorist. They don't even talk about pesticides being bad. It's clear somebody there knows this is about to get real. I'm not surprised to see Cobra updates that sound like a final battle because it looks and feels like it here. The EMF's are so severe and have been in cities for years, this is it. They're raining hell on everyone and exactly as I predicted would happen once 5G is established, murders are skyrocketing everywhere. Sure it's partly because of the lockdowns, but the increase in violence is totally because of wireless tech. It's brutal, I don't know why not everyone can feel it because for me it's unbearable. The only reason I stick around is to watch this all be revealed and to see the grid get taken down. UFO's on every channel is a good start.

    1. Yeah, end time madness. And that Bloodmoon May 26th really got me. I wasn't able to focus properly on any meditation since then.

  55. Sometimes Green Door is associated with change, growth and wealth, either your own or society as a whole. It can also mean a set of restrictions for someone or a group within intelligence or the military community. So, maybe it means that some restricting device has been found and when it is dealt with it will lead to rapid change, growth and wealth for humanity...

  56. Is this a sign that the Event is coming any day now?

  57. É possibile fare qualcosa per l'obbligo vaccinale imposto a tutti gli operatori sanifari qui in Italia? grazie

  58. The dark seems to have lost their ability to predict the future (looking glass,evil whisperings etc...) Are they really looking to Light blogs to glean information? Is that the reason for codes and nebulousity? If yes, that is a good sign we are close to final victory!

    1. Si c'est le cas il devrait savoir que les Roses ont des épines !

  59. Or did they find the green door? Humm mind speculates.

  60. Keep meditating every chance you get! VOTL!

  61. Wormhole? #FreeWillChoice dang this new internet rocks! The psychic connection feels so good🌟My dreams are LIT🍄

  62. JS - Vaccine centers shutting down || next trick (possibly) the Project Blue-Beam psyop

  63. Strange.

    I was feeding some nature spirits in a local park, then shortly after healing someone from the inner Earth they brought me (connected to the hostage drama).
    Then suddenly there was an invasion by the top cabal into the whole situation and I left pretty fast.
    So they have a heavy portal through the natural spirits at least...
    When I came home this message was new.

    If it is connected remains of course uncertain, but I guess some messages are related to the Starseeds anyway.

    And btw some hostages were already brought out to the surface and contacting us.
    Great work, finally some success.

  64. What's interesting is I watching Harry Potter the other day and I think it was the fifth movie translation to me was, where at the end of the movie they found a part with all the soul memories in globes in the dark green and black tile shaft or underground tunnel basically. That's what it reminded where all those toured light beings are residing really.

  65. A vida real se assemelha à ficção:
    Você já viu o filme DEIXADOS PARA TRÁS?
    Este filme trata de uma abdução em massa (no estilo arrebatamento bíblico), e a tomada do controle na Terra por Lúcifer, personificado por um homem que assume seu poder como secretário geral da ONU.
    No filme é relatado como grandes banqueiros ...
    (eu disse banqueiros?) ...
    Os grandes banqueiros investem bilhões de dólares na ONU, e essa adquire asa melhores terras do planeta. Quando este homem assume o poder, ele se diz que tudo será feito em seu nome ... LÚCFER (O ANTICRISTO)
    Vida Real:
    São terras agricultáveis.
    Está o grupo ligado a Elon Musk interessado em controlar a produção de alimentos na América?
    Porque um particular tem mais terras que o governo?
    Abra o link e veja por si mesmo.

  66. What is the Greed door ? Is this good news?

  67. Ok let me write my theory what it means
    If wipeout sequence 5 was the Moon
    Wipeout sequence 6 is Mars
    Wipeout sequence 7 will probably be earth
    Then Green Door could mean slave trade facilitys on Mars?


    1. No. The entire solar system beyond lunar orbit was already liberated last year. So all of the wipeout sequences have to be about clearing the DFs below lunar orbit or on the Earth.

  68. Cobra, as an african woman from Congo ( DR) is there anything I can do.?

    1. Hello,
      Would it be possible to contact me by email?

  69. A lifetime of silence behind the green door

  70. The truth must be revealed!

  71. Could this be the entry point to take out the Chimera spider king and queen, if not then it's something else that is quite profound.

  72. The green emerald door is extraordinarily beautiful.)

  73. Is it a good or bad thing? Is it some kind of backdoor of the dark forces?

  74. The green emerald door is extraordinarily beautiful.)

  75. 1/2

    Crypto: Congress Dawdles as $1.7 Trillion Con-Game Goes Unregulated, Threatening Reputation of U.S. Markets

    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 3, 2021 ~

    If you want to get your hair cut outside of your home in the United States, the job has to be done by a licensed worker at a regulated business. The same thing applies to plumbers, electricians, home inspectors, real estate and insurance agents. They all require a license and are subject to regulatory scrutiny.

    Likewise, commodities like corn, sugar, wheat, lumber and oil are all traded on regulated exchanges which are overseen by a federal regulator.

    But, for reasons that have yet to be explained to the American people, when it comes to the $1.7 trillion cryptocurrency market – which is effectively a con-game based on the greater fool theory, nothing is regulated. Not the crypto currency; not the promoters; not the crypto exchanges; and not the firms that are providing as much as 100 times leverage to fuel this “rat poison squared,” as the legendary investor Warren Buffett has characterized Bitcoin. (See The Smartest Guys in the Room Call Bitcoin “Rat Poison Squared,” “a Colossal Pump-and-Dump Scheme” and “a Big Criminal Scam” but Federal Regulators Look the Other Way.)

    At a May 6 hearing before the House Financial Services Committee, newly-seated Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Gary Gensler testified as follows: “Right now, the exchanges trading in these crypto assets do not have a regulatory framework, either at the SEC or our sister agency, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.” Gensler added: “Right now, there’s not a market regulator around these crypto exchanges, and thus there’s really not protection against fraud and manipulation.”

    The U.S. now has the dubious distinction of being the capitol of innovation for every conceivable type of fraud surrounding cryptocurrencies – a “currency” backed by nothing and regulated by no one.

    Just last Friday, the SEC brought charges against hustlers for the crypto exchange, BitConnect. According to the SEC complaint, “BitConnect, an unincorporated organization, raised approximately $2 billion by conducting an unregistered offering and sale of securities in the form of investments into BitConnect’s ‘lending program.’ Defendants Brown, Grant, Maasen, and Noble, along with BitConnect itself and others, offered and sold the lending program as securities without registering the offering with the SEC as required by the federal securities laws and without a valid exemption from this registration requirement.”

  76. 2/2

    On May 17 the Federal Trade Commission reported that crypto scams are skyrocketing. It wrote:

    “Reports to the FTC’s Consumer Sentinel suggest scammers are cashing in on the buzz around cryptocurrency and luring people into bogus investment opportunities in record numbers. Since October 2020, reports have skyrocketed, with nearly 7,000 people reporting losses of more than $80 million on these scams.”

    As of this morning, according to the website, Bitcoin had a market cap of $724.5 billion. That’s more than the combined market cap of two of the largest banks in the United States, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo. It’s also more than the combined market cap of Boeing, General Motors, Ford, AT&T, and General Electric. The trading in all of these companies is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Commission; they must publish audited financial statements; and they must disclose all material facts to the public. None of that is true when it comes to the $1.7 trillion cryptocurrency market.

    But aside from Bitcoin, there are other crypto currencies that make up the balance of the $1.7 trillion market. According to, as of this morning, Ethereum had a market cap of $323.9 billion. That’s 55 times the market cap of Macy’s.

    Then there is Binance Coin, which has a market cap of $64.5 billion. That’s more than twice the market cap of Delta Airlines.

    Does any of this make sense for U.S. markets – which Republicans in Congress continue to refer to as “the envy of the world.”

    Previously, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated that cryptocurrencies were “essentially a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar.”

    We’d like to suggest that cryptocurrencies are a substitute for gold – only if it’s gold mined at a BRE-X style gold mine.

    BRE-X was originally a penny stock that soared to a high of $286.50 on the Toronto Stock Exchange in May of 1996. An officer of the company claimed in an interview that the company owned a massive gold deposit in Busang, Indonesia amounting to 200 million ounces of gold or about $70 billion. That would have made it the largest gold discovery in history. In reality, the mine was an elaborate fraud based on salting of samples with gold. Bre-X shares collapsed and became worthless, forever tainting the Toronto Stock Exchange for listing one of the biggest stock scandals in Canada’s history.

    Congress and federal regulators need to step in before this crypto cancer metastasizes further and becomes a permanent, indelible stain on U.S. markets. Morgan Stanley has already been allowed to place Bitcoin futures in its mutual funds and an annuity product marketed to retirees. The SEC has multiple applications pending to list cryptocurrency Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the New York Stock Exchange. A publicly-traded commodity futures exchange, the CME Group, is offering futures and options trading on Bitcoin. CME Group’s federal regulator, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), explains in this podcast that all that CME Group had to do to launch its Bitcoin futures was to “self-certify” its plan with the CFTC.

    >The integrity and stability of U.S. markets is a national security issue.< What on earth has happened to U.S. intelligence agencies?

  77. Brothers and sisters , hope y’all doing fine. Keep it up, more love more understanding. VOTL

  78. I hope the Light will win this. <3

  79. une UAP Report will Confirm UFOs are Real but Intel Community disagrees over their Origins

    1. Please google "The Cosmic Conspiracy Millenium Edition by Stan Dejo.pdf". There is a nice explanation of how to cover selfmade and let the taxpayer finance it.

  80. how to stop children inoculation? any ideas?

  81. Well, i hope the light forces can make it before they obligate me to take the vaccine shot. My family is totally brainwashed. They don't even want to inform themselves about anything.

    I just hope the chimera is gone very very soon. I need to find my soul family, this can't continue.

    Let's do this light forces, bring the liberation fast!!!

    We need the cabal out of this planet the most rapidly possible.

    And i need to be out of a toxic family and be with inteligent awake people directly after the event.

    I mean when the resistance finally touch the surface, us lightworkers we need to be contacted or in a way helped. The lightworkers are even not souls from earth and they need to find their true people after 26'000 thousand years of no contact with them.

    I really hope the resistance can accept the lightworkers and bring them to their soul family. Of course with all the protocols they need to do (with the clearing of the implants and others)

    Thank you to the resistance movement and the light forces to fight for the liberation.

    1. Same here brother I need to be away from my closed minded family and with other like minded people. Stay strong our time will come.

    2. Real superheroes are who born into this world endure abuse, harassment and toxicity from their own blood and outside and still working to liberate the world they born into.

  82. Area 51 military patch "A Lifetime of silence behind the green door".


  83. Sunrise

    Come and get your Love


  84. Green door detected and grid failure ratio. Doesn’t sound good but if it is negative then it’s another stone unturned which will bring us closer to the final victory.


  85. No further updates about the Green Door contact? Might as well do the conical patch.

  86. Psychic Attacks - How To Recognize And Survive. Vital Information:

  87. Greetings from the 5D Earth Station,

    I want to share some profound insights I received during the peak of the May 26th Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio…and also to send out an Urgent Call for all of you to join me in the Daily Cosmic Reset Meditation I created based on a series of cosmic downloads I received (which I’ll provide links for down below). Your participation will help accelerate the planetary liberation process.

    I have been busy the last couple of months launching my first 5D Healing and ascension project. I would like to add more people to my team who can assist with the project and also let more people know how they can physically benefit – the results I am seeing just in the preliminary phase are quite amazing. Please email me if you’d like to know more about it:

    I am also starting a podcast where I will be sharing more insights and practical guidance in an inspiring entertaining format. That should be launching next week and I’ll share the link here for those who are interested.

    <<<< I need your help to make this high vibrational DAILY COSMIC RESET MEDITATION extremely VIRAL as quickly as possible to greatly increase the participation. This is the single most important activity we can do over these next few weeks leading up to the August 8th Lions Gate Portal. Your participation…and that of millions more…is urgently needed!!! >>>>>

    Humanity is standing at the most critical crossroads in all of Earth’s history and our collective destiny will be largely determined by what we all FOCUS ON these next 8 weeks……

    Astrologically, what we focus on between May 26th and the Lions Gate on August 8th - will have HUGE repercussions on the Earth Plane. The anomaly surrounding Earth is constantly reinforced by negative fear-based thoughts and trauma-based emotions so the way we clear that is to send out Love and highly positive emotional feelings on a daily consistent basis.

    This is precisely why it’s so important for us to do the Daily Cosmic Reset Meditation -- because it will help steer the thoughts and emotional energy that is being projected by people around the world in a very positive direction. Our Manifestation Abilities and the Rate of Manifestation are also accelerated during the Eclipse/Solstice portal so we need to ensure that we only manifest the highest possible outcomes.

    NEWS FLASH: If we get enough consistent participation, we can save countless lives in the critical weeks ahead (hostages and those who have been vaccinated)……and dramatically alter and raise the Timeline and Frequency of our planet!

    HERE IS THE LINK TO THE DAILY COSMIC RESET MEDITATION VIDEO (use headphones/earbuds for immersive audio experience):

    Here is a link to download the mp3 audio to your phone or computer. Please also download the trinity creation symbols provided which we use during the meditation:

    *** Please send the video and audio link and invitation to everyone you know and ask them to forward it to their contacts. ***

    Preferred synchronized meditation times are either 11:11 am, 1:11 pm, or 3:33 pm your local time (but can be done at any time of day or night).
    You can do this meditation during lunchtime, in the early morning hours or just before sleep. You will feel inspired, empowered and intently focused on the 5D Earth Reality each time you do this meditation!

    This is not a passive meditation – it is serious (yet highly inspiring) meditative work done in our light body form. The work we do in the relaxed alpha brain wave state is immeasurably powerful…and even more so when we come together in UNIFIED INTENT and project our intention with our Heart Power.

    Let’s all get on board the Daily Cosmic Reset Meditation train and SHUT all Matrix Programs down A.S.A.P.! You are loved and appreciated.


    1. What we really have to focus on is keep doing the hostage meditation. When the Chimera spiderking and queen is confirmed elmininated and when our hostage friends are safe, then we can enjoy a cup of tea.

  88. beyond the green door we go absolutely .....bravo zulu.....


  90. from this article-quote----The two villages are located on the border between North Kivu and Ituri provinces-----unquote.....

  91. PART 2 – Insights

    The dark forces scrambling to keep their control over us really put their efforts in overdrive these past couple of weeks by heavily promoting the fear based ‘zombie apocalypse’ having to do with the supposed ‘killshot’ vaccine – it’s literally like a Hollywood movie script that they desperately wish to bring to life.

    The sad thing is that many in the spiritual community actually bought into the ‘zombie apocalypse’ mass depopulation scenarios and were ready to write off 2/3 of the global population – even their own immediate family members - as ‘goners’ – unavoidable ‘statistics’ - and that they could not be saved……… ☹

    Nothing could be further from the truth! We are POWERFUL beyond measure and it is time to exercise that power as One Unified Force.

    When I entered the void of the lunar eclipse, I was shown a vision that this alleged mass extermination event is nothing but another Matrix Program…..and it can only proliferate and solidify into our experience if we accept it and send it our precious energy.

    It is a proven fact of quantum physics that NO reality can exist unless we observe it and consistently send our energy and attention to it. We are creating our reality and experiences moment-to-moment by where and how we focus our energy.


    1) Placing all of our Energy and Attention ONLY on the Vision and New Earth we wish to manifest…..and nothing else…..24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
    2) TURN OFF all matrix programming channels and content – don’t watch it, don’t listen to it. Do not allow fear based or doom scenarios to enter your consciousness or feel the fear these induce, which causes them to manifest. When enough of us do this…it will shut down the entire matrix grid – it cannot continue without our participation!

    3) Begin Living In Our Hearts, which dramatically raises our frequency. Send unconditional love out to everyone daily. Blast the Planet with Mega-Tons of Pure Love and Heart Energy! LOVE is the most powerful force in the universe.


    One way we can do this is by acknowledging that all lives are precious and express empathy for those who are still asleep within the matrix.

    Like us, the majority of humanity has endured decades (and lifetimes) of the greatest suffering ever brought to bear on a civilization. Just think, according to a recent Cobra update, each human is now only negatively influenced to turn to the dark side by a mere 100 darth vadar demons! It’s truly a wonder that most of us are still as kind and loving as we are with all of that insanity and darkness swirling around us 24-7.

    The hostages underground have experienced the most horrific levels of trauma imaginable. All of the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters on this planet have been deeply traumatized and are heavily programmed. Most of them are very loving, giving and caring by nature, and they deserve our love and empathy. In our daily meditation we can see them healed, healthy and whole. At its core, humanity is a wonderful loving highly creative race and will be able to fully express their gifts and talents once they are free of all the intense matrix control and oppression.

    NOT ONLY DO WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE THE FUTURE, BUT WE CAN ALSO ALTER THE PAST…which is something I included in the updated version of the Cosmic Reset meditation. I will end with a mind blowing brief video showcasing a true story about a skeptic who set out to debunk the power of 'prayer' and 'intention'.....and ended up proving we can absolutely alter the past in the present moment (10 minute mark):

    Sending each of you oceans of love,


    1. Very well said, Brianna. I could hardly agree more.
      And I wish you great success with your projects.

      Lots of Love


  92. I forgot to make the links live for the Daily Cosmic Reset Meditation.

    Here they are again for easy access.

    HERE IS THE LINK TO THE DAILY COSMIC RESET MEDITATION VIDEO (use headphones/earbuds for immersive audio experience):

    Here is the link to download the mp3 audio to your phone or computer. Please also download the trinity creation symbols provided which we use during the meditation:
    Daily Cosmic Reset Meditation - mp3 Download

    *** Please send the video and audio link and invitation to everyone you know and ask them to forward it to their contacts. We need massive participation! ***

    Preferred synchronized meditation times are either 11:11 am, 1:11 pm, or 3:33 pm your local time (but can be done at any time of day or night).
    You can do this meditation during lunchtime, in the early morning hours or just before sleep. You will feel inspired, empowered and intently focused on the 5D Earth Reality each time you do this meditation!

    We are doing the Cosmic Reset meditation at the peak of the upcoming Solar Eclipse on June 10th at 6:41 am EST / 10:41 am UTC. You can start the meditation 10-15 minutes before the peak time as the first part of the meditation is 'prep work'.

    This is an important Eclipse Portal leading us to the Solstice on June 20th so let's all join together in a Unified Field of Intention next Thursday, June 10th!

  93. Couldn't be more obscure. :(

  94. I am more than ever as a Lightworker ready to combat the darkness. Not sure if we can turn them into light maybe iam a dreamer. Love and light and peace 💜

  95. A nice and usefull way to get to know your self.. step by step.. 😄

  96. Cobra, is the galactic war approaching?

    1. it will take a million year more!

    2. There is no galactic war aproaching. We were told our planet is the chimera last stronghold. This is it. That is why what is happening is so important to our solar system, Galaxy,and universe.

  97. Cobra? What is the Green Door? Coupe you explain?

  98. Let's unhinge it and break it wide open...

  99. Within the American intelligence community, "green door" is a slang verb and adjective, relating to the restriction of an individual's or organization's access to information and/or locations: "We green doored them," or "The situation has been highlighted by the 'Green Door' compartmentation and exclusion.

  100. What does it mean, "Green Door detected"?

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.


  103. Pls the final breakthrough! 🙏🏻

  104. I had a extremely vivid dream last night. I saw the event. I lived the event. It's coming everyone, please keep up the effort. Be kind, be open, meditate, and keep the light strong. It was such a beautiful dream. I wrote it down when I woke up but its like 7 pages of details that I don't feel like typing right now. We are here everyone, finally! Patience is the name of the game now, IT WILL HAPPEN! Love you all with all my heart.

  105. Sometimes I have posted comments that are angry at the Light Forces about this whole mess and all this seemingly war and suffering, saying Please Finish This! I guess my interpretation of Source, God, Creator has been wrong, for if Creator is omnipotent and still allows this cruelty, then that's messed up. Thanks Cobra, Light Forces, LightWarriors and Lightworkers, please forgive me for the times I have left frustrated or low-vibration comments here. Thank You, So Ready for The Event and a Multiverse of Love, Kindness, Colaboration, where The Galactic Codex is Employed Everywhere. Blessings Dear LightFamily, Hold Fast


  107. Same winco locally people wld be about 50% masked today less than 10% employees no masks .. in Idaho

  108. UFOs & National Security with Luis Elizondo, Former Director, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program

    By Washington Post Live
    June 8, 2021 at 10:30 p.m. GMT+3

    Register for the program here.

  109. Years ago this info was posted on the blog:

    "The implants in the frontal lobe of the brain compromise the decision making process and keep the person separated from the Source. The implants in the reptilian brain cortex keep the person locked into survival fears and thus susceptible to become a slave worker for the central banking system. The implants above the navel separate heaven from Earth, a man from a woman, emotions from the mind and love from sexuality. They fragment the personality and block the flow of kundalini life force. They suppress the emotions, which lower their vibrational frequency from joy into pain, then further into anger, and down into sadness, further down into fear, then apathy and finally into unconsciousness. This is the reason why many people feel nothing."

    It was mentioned that doing the implant removal meditations and cintanami stones can help with this. I've been wearing a stone everyday for years, and do the implants removal meditations regularly. I also do the 12-21 and 771 protocols daily. I also do energy healing work on myself as well as attend therapy, meditation, spending time in nature, drinking clean water, grounding, cobra breath, having professional healers do energy work on me, shielding, prayer, vitamins, etc.

    I was numb for 8 years until the spider queen died and now I alternate between numb and in intense emotional pain (wanting to die) and which state I'm in doesn't seem to be affected by my efforts. Is there something else I can do to help things? Am I missing something that has been recommended here? I'm sorry if I asked this before my memory isn't the best. Thank you.


  110. You are a beef! It's only about green door, not about sillence.

  111. Green Door - Wikipedia

    Within the American intelligence community, " green door" is a slang verb and adjective, relating to the restriction of an individual's or ...






  115. Green door could be a hidden server with only access to higher dimensional entities, Kim A. Goguen mentioned it yesterday on her call.

    I follow this blog for a long time but until now I haven’t asked the question why need the advanced ET Resistance Movement public messages like this “green door” issue?

    Désolée mes Amours c'est en français , très intéressant reportage hier
    sur une chaine d'info nationale à 29 min révélation ET .
    je ne regardes plus les infos trop déprimant surtout en ce moment beaucoup trop d' attaques visant le coté féminin on m'a en parlé ca a piqué ma curiosité espérons que ça aide au réveil .
    Bisous mes chéris .

  117. L0 grid ratio failure-14 comments...GREEN DOOR detected- 144 comments. So its seems synchronized||

  118. I wish that we have some news of your brothers and sisters (hostages) very soon.

    That's 2 weeks doing meditation and i don't even know what is going on.

    If we can have some news it will be very appreciated!

  119. Forgot about Kim. Figured she's a shill like everyone else but here's your green door reference

  120. The Green Door is the entrance to humans connection with nature. For many centuries the natural has been separated from human perception. I have detected that door, and started to open it once again.

  121. This comment has been removed by the author.

  122. This is for COBRA.

    My name is Lucifel Pendragon.

    There are two things I need to tell you. These include matters of great importance to me, to you, to COBRA, and to the liberation of Earth. And there is one that I need to contact you about very urgently.

    I have a Gmail address from PFC-JAPAN Official that may be yours, but I would prefer to talk to you COBRA yourself via Tutanota or Signal, as Gmail communication may include inappropriate conversations.

    Even if some of the details are not appropriate to write here, please connect with me physically.

    I am the link between these two cases and you.
    I'll leave it to COBRA to decide what kind of person I am.
    I know I will have to contact you many times until we connect.
    I am confident that by connecting, a positive synergy will occur.

    【Tutanota MAIL】
    【Signal ID】
    +81 90-7061-9257

  123. Is this a cult or is this legit?

    Sounds WAY, WAAAY too good to be true. But the 20% consent thing I just learned about recently, but does it work for positive intentions too? If so everyone sign up and share. If we're all going to be doomed from doing so, then I apologize in advance lol.

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. I think the green door is a backdoor for hacking the human spirit. It seems to move using electromagnetic waves. Brainjack by possessing a person. The opponent is mentally ill and aggressive. Soaking in a cold salt bath will make things a little easier. However, complete defense is difficult. Gang stalker harasses financially. It will definitely be negative. The target is mentally weakened and the chimera is possessed by electromagnetic waves. 504 is also under the same attack.

    1. I enjoyed reading this, thank you for your insight.
