Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Security breach at LOC2


  1. Replies
    1. @Cobra...Please tell me why a commercial/ad interrupts the hostage liberation meditation? It's hard to meditate when that happens. Can someone please remove the commercials/ads from the hostage liberation meditation? Thank you.

    2. YouTube now has ad in everything, monetized or not.... Install ad block

  2. Major websites down like guardian, financial Times, blomberg, reddit, eBay etc

    Very interesting....

    1. cobra nailed...2 days before the east coast pipeline got hit by cyberattack cobra said cyberattacks will now happen.

      now this larger outage of the internet(cloud services and sites).

  3. https://francais.rt.com/international/87552-plusieurs-sites-internet-inaccessibles-dans-monde-dont-nombreux-medias

  4. Something really weird is for sure going on...I have for the past two days started to questionig my own sanity...whaaaat? :D And for two days my stomach starts to hurt really bad when I go to sleep...Now here in southern Finland they start to spray the air from airplan again..havent happened for a while..Anyway, Endgame this is and I keep sending Pink Light and Lovelight ♡♡♡

    1. In Australia too. Just two days ago I saw it.

    2. From:https://www.disclosurenews.it/the-jewels-of-june-dr-schavi/

      "...the chakras constituting the awakening of the Pineal Gland (third eye and crown) will be given an upgrade in LIGHT QUOTIENTS.

      This may manifest as strange sensations of billowing movements in the head, headaches, clogged sinuses, sniffles, vision blurriness, itchy eyes, watery eyes, or increased ringing in the ears.

      Solar flares, winds, and coronal mass ejections at heightened levels can cause anxiety (nervous system fluctuations), heart palpitations (heart chakra), and stomach issues (solar plexus chakra) as adjustments to the elevated LIGHT frequencies occur."

      Check his other articles connected to planetary constellations and also about upcoming Solar Eclipse.

    3. Question everything.it is how you can see how profoundly conditioned we truly are.

    4. T'inquiètes chaton Maman va bien Bisous ♥

    5. My stomach also started to hurt for three days now. I don’t know what it is. I’m in German.

    6. Thank you all for your comments♡ Seems something BIG is happening! We are all in this togheter and togheter we are strong !! LOVE to all♡♡♡

    7. @Radhika

      Been having those sensation and symptoms since 2010. Another reason I want this madness to end fast, as well as get picked up by the aliens.

    8. I'm having stomach problems the past few days too. The 9th was particularly intense. Detox it seems like.. very intense though.

  5. what the f+ck is going on?!?

    1. A war, and light warriors can help.

    2. My personal national hymn for the last decades.

  6. Changes in non-awakened
    I heard for the first time on Sunday, June 6, 2021, a non-awakened person, but believer in God, speak indirectly about an improvement in the energy situation in an environment.

    She was in a park and was amazed to notice a very positive change in the atmosphere among people.

    While I have noticed such things for years, I have never seen non-awakened people become aware of them before.

    By the way, there is something special about this second youngest sister of mine: she is 11111 days younger than our father, and her only son is 11111 days younger than my youngest sister.

  7. http://2012portal.blogspot.com/2015/09/solar-system-situation-update.html?m=1
    Cobra mentioned LOC (lunar operations commend) in this previous update.

  8. It seems like we're in the "ramping up" phase.


  9. Replies
    1. yep bro/sis it's time for the world to experience unconditional love :) it really is...

    2. @Joni
      Kill the spiders, win the war...than all that loving stuff can happen. But win the war, first. Otherwise the bad guys will reload their weapons.

    3. GOT'EM !




      If you feel guided you can spread this to increase awareness on the subject to we can remove the chimera ,

      Victory of The Light

  10. https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2021/06/08/ufos-national-security-with-luis-elizondo-former-director-advanced-aerospace-threat-identification-program-aatip/

  11. Holdbázis corey goode beszélt erröl

  12. Irreversible work
    The Light Forces can be the intelligence and the consciousness of the Galactic Central Sun.


    They are using that opportunity to completely transform human society. The change is irreversible. It cannot be reversed. (Cobra)


  13. I hope this video gives inspiration for my fellow lightworkers.

    Remember who you are and the amazing worlds from where you come from:

    A Dreamlike World Is Coming Soon

  14. Crop Circle | Crawley Down | Hampshire | 08/06/21

  15. Stay strong everyone it will get worse before it gets better.. the outcome is known the journey isnt it.

  16. VOLT! Eliminate every single bad et with the surface cabal and send every single one of them to death. Not only death of their bodies but their souls (GCS).

  17. I believe the universe is seeking balance. A very strong wave of counter-balancing energy is coming. Find balance inside yourself.

    Saudações ao Ser e poder do Curador Celestial

  19. 2 more security alert and this sol system will be free and the Universe evolution as well!!!!

  20. Power of the Trinity 1 and 3, 3 and 1. Trust in the plan. Full faith and confidence in God/Goddess. Hold the light. Love, connection, creativity, compassion, community and unity in this now. We are getting there!

  21. There are many ways to do the meditation. The meditation can be combined with soundtrack music and so forth. There are many non-drug ways to get into a relaxed, yet focused/alive state. I myself previously associated meditation with being a chore, but not anymore because I incorporated meditation into other things I enjoy doing, allowing me to meditate for over an hour at a time.

    There is physical evidence of bases being cleared, with earthquakes happening at various unusual locations. Do what works best to bring the pink light through, and keep going!




  23. 6501/2944-2021: The seventh experiment.
    I wonder what the eighth attempt will be ?

  24. Time to meditate everyone and to kick those spiders where it hurts them the most so that they will die! VOTL!

  25. @Джульій Либра Акила....I agree. Instead of trying to figure out codes not intended for us just do the job you were asked to do! Keep MEDITATING as much as you can so we can remove the dark ones and help trigger the event quicker! VOTL!!!

  26. Washington Post Live
    Transcript: UFOs & National Security with Luis Elizondo, Former Director, Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program
    By Washington Post Live
    June 9, 2021 at 2:19 a.m.

  27. Très bonne connexion avec Mères Nature hier magnifique énergie jamais ressentie ca avant ♥

  28. Bee Nice if loosh became poisonous and fatal to consume, adrenechrome as well, instant physical and soul death as well as for those that intentionally create suffering for this glandular/energetic purpose. Come on Creator, Source, Great Spirit, God, Intelligent Design is fatally flawed. GALACTIC CODEX NOW, IN EVERY WAY, ACROSS AND THROUGH ALL TIMELINES INCLUDING THE TIMELESS VOID, PAST, PRESENT, FUTURES, THE ETERNAL NOW. I THROUGH MY OWN FREE WILL AND INTENTION, DELIBERATELY MANIFEST THE BRIDGE ALLOWING THE LIGHTFORCES FULL ACCESS AND PERMISSION TO MANIFEST ON, IN, WITHIN, WITHOUT, OUTSIDE, INSIDE, BEYOND, BETWEEN, JUXTAPOSED QUANTUMLY BRING IN THE GALACTIC CODEX AND THE EVENT.
    Thx, awakened folks of Earth

  29. Let's go light forces take the SSP R out for good!!!

    To the resistance movement, you can do it!!!you will succeed to take out all of evil in the inner earth.

    Let's gooooooo!!!!

    Come on, that's the last line!!!!

    Your sacrifice will not be in vain!!!

    You will bring love and light to this world!!!

    Stay strong light forces and the resistance. Now is time to finish this mess!!! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽.

  30. In Paraguay started massiv chemtrail spraying with the end of Mai 2021.Since June a massiv vaxin campaign is running

  31. I know this one! Lunar Operation Command 😄

  32. “Ring of Fire” solar eclipse on June 10. Please participate in the global synchronized hostages liberation meditation if you feel guided.


  33. My stomach also started hurting one day before all these security breach and black alert post came out.

  34. In German language:

  35. Let's hope this breach doesn't affect Eratosthenes Lunar Base. VOTL!

  36. And we continue our beloved Lightworkers. Victory of the Light!) ♡Thank You!

  37. Can I have clarification on something?

    When the EVENT happens, will *ALL* Dark Forces and Cabal and all evil be gone from the Earth immediately? Or will it just be the start of a new 12+ year World War 3 where billions of humans suddenly take up arms to try to violently resist the Galactic Federation of Light, the new GESARA Economic System, and stop the spiritual ascension from happening on Earth?

    It seems like a video game if *suddenly* after the event, within a few months of the event all evil and darkness is gone forever from the Earth. Like it is too easy. "They will say Peace and Safety, then sudden destruction comes."


    1. This is from Cobra's blog of 2016. Although he said that that,there have been some changes in the Planetary Ascension plan which he will share when he is allowed.

    2. concerned person, your name and question match and according to CoBra evil will be erased quickly and there should be no new wars.

    3. Is a process. Ascension is a process by the way.

      When the event happens... many things will change. There are immediate actions that will take place at the event... and after. For example event First Contact is plannned for some point after the event

      Please read previews interview info on this at prepare for change. On Desktop Mode if you are using a mobile.


    4. Read the archive of articles here and you will have a greater understanding of all that is and will happen.

    5. 3 billion humans take up arms against the new positive system... omg I am busting out laughing because you definitely understand humans. They would definitely be like "give us back our pesticides!" Or they would be if the negative etheric and electromagnetic grid, and entities were not removed. The forces making people like this are what's being removed now. The Event is when dark ET's are gone, and the start of fixing human affairs, but it will go quickly because humans were never the real problem. Immediately there will be beneficial changes because advanced technology already exists in secret government and corporate labs, so that stuff will come out in the first year. And it will build after that as positive ET's help. Immediately people will think clearly and we'll feel better, even if we have to use gas cars for awhile. Surface problems like pollution are not the real issue anyways, it's the etheric grid making everyone miserable and sick. So things might look the same to our eyes, but people's health and happiness will dramatically improve right away. Even before the Event, a major etheric change might have people saying "hmm I don't remember what I was so depressed about, and my autoimmune condition is clearing up, I sleep great and my headaches are gone, my kids started calling again and we're on good terms, I wonder why."

    6. I just want off this planet, Pat.

      I want to go home, to my real home planet.

  38. And we continue our beloved Lightworkers. Victory of the Light!) ♡

  39. Victory of the light!!! Always!!! 💜💫🌏

  40. Anything else we can do to help? We’re here and we’re ready! VOTL ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Yes! This Meditation is most important one to be helping with when you can:


  41. Hope we will have an uptate very soon!

    1. I know, everything else is boring compared to what he talks about! I think I'll go to the next conference to meet him. I don't want to go to another country for any reason, but maybe for this.

    2. Patrick, i agree i really want to go see him to. But for now i can't but i would love to!

      I think it will be a good idea for you! If one day you go if you can say hi to him for me 😊🙏🏽 i would very appreciate!!!


  42. Code Of Existence



  43. How were they able to reach LOC, I thought everything except earth was control by the confederation? Mjollnir full force🙏. VOTL

    1. The most sophisticated members of the Chimera group can last the longest.

  44. 1/2

    There Is Not One Elected Official at the Federal Reserve, But It Has Been Unilaterally Rewriting the Rules on Wall Street Since 2007
    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 9, 2021 ~ wallstreetonparade.com

    Federal Reserve Building, Washington, D.C.The Federal Reserve will release the results of its stress tests of the mega banks on Wall Street on June 24. That exercise is nothing more than a shell game to mislead Congress and the public into believing that actual due diligence is being done by the Fed on these massive federally insured banks with their inhouse trading casinos. (See Three Federal Studies Show Fed’s Stress Tests of Big Banks Are Just a Placebo.) In reality, the Fed is a completely captured appendage of Wall Street.

    The Fed has outsourced the nitty-gritty supervision of Wall Street banks to the New York Fed, which is, literally, owned by the same banks. (See These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button.)

    That the Fed is still allowed by Congress to have anything to do with supervising these banks shows just how far down the rabbit hole Wall Street’s money and influence in Washington has taken the country.

    There is only one institution in America that has less credibility than the mega banks on Wall Street. That’s the Federal Reserve. Despite not having one elected official among its ranks, the Fed has unilaterally altered the U.S. financial system into a grotesque version of itself.

    Let’s start with what the Fed did beginning in December of 2007 without any approval from Congress. The Fed created a sprawling octopus of bailout programs for the mega banks and their foreign derivative counterparties. The Fed then battled in court for years to keep Congress and the public from learning the astronomical sums the Fed had spent to prop up failed banks across Wall Street. When the government finally released an audit of the Fed’s bailout programs on July 21, 2011, the tally came to a cumulative $16 trillion. (See chart below.) But when the Levy Economics Institute added in other Fed bailout programs that the government audit had bypassed, the actual tally came to $29 trillion.

    In what kind of democracy does an institution lacking even one elected official get to unilaterally prop up insolvent banking behemoths after those same banks cratered the U.S. economy through the creation of fraudulent mortgage products?

    When the government audit was released, the office of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont released a statement, which read in part:

    “The Fed outsourced virtually all of the operations of their emergency lending programs to private contractors like JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo. The same firms also received trillions of dollars in Fed loans at near-zero interest rates. Altogether some two-thirds of the contracts that the Fed awarded to manage its emergency lending programs were no-bid contracts. Morgan Stanley was given the largest no-bid contract worth $108.4 million to help manage the Fed bailout of AIG.”

    Sanders stated at the time, “The Federal Reserve must be reformed to serve the needs of working families, not just CEOs on Wall Street.”

    That statement from Sanders came almost a decade ago in July 2011. Not only has the Fed not been reformed but it has unilaterally given itself new powers to replace the free market’s setting of interest rates for its own regime of Fed administered rates.

    How is the Fed administering rates? It has ballooned its balance sheet to $7.9 trillion (yes, trillion) by gobbling up Treasury securities and mortgage-backed bonds from the surpluses on Wall Street and parking them on its own balance sheet. It’s been engaged in this sleight-of-hand, which it quaintly calls “quantitative easing” since the financial crisis of 2008.

    On December 12, 2007, the Fed’s balance sheet stood at $881.75 billion. It has exploded to nine times that amount in the span of 13-1/2 years.

  45. Livestream for Hostage meditation June 10th /Solstice

    We love mass meditation


    If you feel guided
    Please share this one 1 simple link,
    let people know all the details are in the description
    & since its a future live video they can click the bell & they will know when their time zone is naturally .

    Dont forget that completion of this operation will ultimately lead to The Event, what we all want its not just about helping out an unfortunate situation . Those are some ones twin souls down there in a situation that is literally the worst circumstance in the universe.

    Like Cobra said at the end of his last interview , the cabal has a better idea when the event will be
    b/c they know what they got left before they lose all assets & leverage thus finally be defeated

    ** & There actions exposes their ever diminishing position in this final battle , so this insanity represents a desperate measure rooted in fear of knowing 100% defeat has arrived to their door, when partial disclosure begins whether it be july or some later point it cant be stopped once its begun & we will have entered the real final countdown.

    Its important to expose the etheric archon grid by sharing this link with people b/c this is one of the last factors preventing the event other than chimera


    You can also help spread this link to increase awareness of chimera , therefore accelerating their removal


    Victory of the light!

  46. 2/2

    Even Fed insiders have spoken out against these artificially low interest rates administered by the Fed. Eric Rosengren, President of the Boston Fed, noted the following in a speech he delivered to the Marquette University Economics Department on October 8, 2020:

    “…the extended low interest rate environment after the Great Recession helps explain why the leverage ratio rose over the past 10 years. Corporations increased their leverage as the prevailing low interest rate environment provided more capacity to take on debt.

    “However, in an economic downturn, greater leverage – with its principal and interest repayment demands – may prove problematic for firms, or by extension the economy. This can result in firms being forced into bankruptcy, which hurts a wide range of stakeholders in addition to lenders and investors, including customers, suppliers, and employees.”

    Rosengren added later in the speech:

    “Clearly a deadly pandemic was bound to badly impact the economy. However, I am sorry to say that the slow build-up of risk in the low-interest-rate environment that preceded the current recession likely will make the economic recovery from the pandemic more difficult.”

    The mega banks on Wall Street that are supposed to be supervised by the Fed are among those corporations that have gorged on debt. According to a June 2020 article at Bloomberg News, four of those banking behemoths have also been paying out more than they earned for years. The article revealed the following about the dividends and stock buybacks at Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo:

    “From the start of 2017 through March, the four banks cumulatively returned about $1.26 to shareholders for every $1 they reported in net income, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Citigroup returned almost twice as much money to its stockholders as it earned, according to the data, which includes dividends on preferred shares. The banks declined to comment.”

    Citigroup was the largest of the bank basket cases during the crash of 2008. It received a secret $2.5 trillion in cumulative loans from the Fed. (See chart below.) The Fed was not permitted by law to make loans to an insolvent institution. But it decided, on its own, to make loans to this highly questionable institution.

    Just how little Congress has done to rein in the Fed is clear from the multi-trillions of dollars the Fed showered on Wall Street trading houses during the repo loan crisis that began on September 17, 2019 – months before there was any COVID cases reported anywhere in the world. (See Fed Repos Have Plowed $6.6 Trillion to Wall Street in Four Months; That’s 34% of Its Feeding Tube During Epic Financial Crash.)

    The Fed is not just administering interest rates. It is also administering the stock market. On March 12 of last year, the Dow was down 1900 points intraday and looking like it was about to plunge further. The Fed directed the New York Fed to make the announcement that it would be offering an unprecedented $1.7 trillion in repo loans to its primary dealers (trading houses on Wall Street) over that day and the next. The Dow immediately shaved 500 points from its losses.

    As we reported on that date:

    “To prop up the stock market further, the Fed announcement indicated that the $500 billion in 3-month loans and $500 billion in one-month loans will be offered weekly ‘for the remainder of the monthly schedule.’ That means $1 trillion a week will be available at below-market interest rates. That will be on top of the $175 billion the Fed is offering daily in one-day loans and the $45 billion it is offering each Tuesday and Thursday in 14-day loans. This is a dramatic expansion of the Fed’s balance sheet to support Wall Street — all without one vote, or debate, or hearing occurring in Congress.”


  47. Hi Cobra,
    With El Salvador making bitcoin its legal tender - does this change your stance that Cryptocurrencies will fail??

  48. It would be good if Cobra published a new article about the saved, those awaiting ascension. More and more controversial writings are appearing in this regard. Whoever has struggled totally throughout-suffered his life doesn't deserve a little peace of mind !?? Why fuck the human brain with another 3-dimensional planet!? Khalthar, Stone Age life, and other 3D planets. If anyone wanted to see clearly, to be conscious at the age of 14, well it was me. (...)

  49. Paradoxical writings: about 2 billion ascend to 5D, 5,5 billion go for the Stone Age. Another 26 thousand years! Congratulations.! "Ascension" into another 3D!

    1. @Anonymneminem "3D planet" doesn't mean "stone age". Even Pleiadians themselves are still a 3D race. If all of them were ascended, then they wouldn't have physical bodies and wouldn't be fighting against DFs with physical (but very technologically advanced) weapons. They wouldn't even be able to enter quarantine Earth, because the manifestation of ascended beings is still blocked here.

      So is it such a nightmare to live on another 3D planet or space ships like Pleiadians? With advanced technologies, open ET contact, connection to higher planes, etc.?

      Also, Earth's quarantine is the last bastion of Dark Forces. After the planet is liberated there won't be any significant and purposeful negativity and suffering in the universe. The entire universe beyond Earth is liberated already.

  50. kevin annett eagle strongvoice-quote—–End the Reign of Terror against Children: Stop the Canadian Genocide!

    Starvation. Torture. Gang rapes. Medical experiments. Sterilizations. These crimes were inflicted on children for generations in the Catholic Indian “residential school” in Kamloops, B.C. But it was only one of over a hundred such death camps across Canada run by the Catholic, Anglican, and United churches, with the funding and approval of the Canadian government. Over 60,000 children died in these hell holes, but no-one has ever been prosecuted for their mass murder!
    The criminals responsible are hard at work destroying the evidence and subverting justice. Church and State have burned documents, silenced eyewitnesses, and destroyed the graves of their victims, as is happening right now in Kamloops. You the taxpayer are funding these crimes, in violation of international law.
    These atrocities are not a thing of the past. Native children are still trafficked and killed by the Catholic Church and used by Big Pharma in drug testing experiments. Aboriginals still die at genocidal levels as their communities are destroyed by corporations hungry for their lands. All of us are threatened by this slaughter. The same police state methods of imprisonment, censorship and mandatory vaccinations used against natives are now being deployed against all Canadians.
    Despite this, resistance is building. For years, our Tribunal has documented the residential school mass graves and confronted the churches and government. In February 2013 we convicted them of Crimes against Humanity and forced Pope Benedict to resign. Standing arrest warrants empower Canadians to detain officers of these churches and seize their properties as reparations for their murdered victims. Justin Trudeau and Pope Francis belong behind bars!
    Our Tribunal is leading the fight to end genocide in Canada. We are conducting excavations at Indian residential school mass graves and are taking direct actions to shut down the Catholic, Anglican, and United churches as convicted criminals. Save the lives of children by helping us stop the ongoing genocide!

    For more information contact canadiangenocidetribunal@protonmail.com and see http://www.murderbydecree.com. Issued on June 10, 2021 by the Canadian Genocide Tribunal, an affiliate of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State.—–unquote…..




  52. @Джульій Либра Акила..... Absolutely!
    It is very sad that at this crucial time when we need to unite all over the world to do these meditations people are more concerned with codes and other bullshit distractions. Going to go now and meditate to release the hostages. VOTL!

  53. 清除负面电浆消除全世界的病毒疫情

  54. The new Cosmic Disclosure guest is Jason Shurka who claims to be in a Resistance type group. There are humans in everyday positions, on up to those with advanced tech and ET's as well. I listened to his interview with Jimmy Church and they didn't cover much interesting, but he is convincing and there's more on his Youtube channel.


    1. Wish those of us, stuck down here on the planet of the apes, could get a chance to, you know.....sign up and join in the battles.

      I know I want to.

  55. Проклятые люди..интересно, кем они были прокляты

  56. Well imagine two updates of cobra in the same time.

    One a situation update and the other the plan for Ascension.

    Yes i am dreaming big 😂😂😂.

    Just want to know if the Ascension plan can be discose soon 🙂.

  57. On 6th June 2021, at 8.00 pm CET, an emergency occurred during the transportation of Earth on a new 5D vibrational orbit.
    Having overcome another internal barrier in this space (there are eight of them in total), the Siriusians’ ships fell into a funnel of super-powerful quantum flows.

    Through energy tug in the form of a string bag, by which the Siriusians move the Earth into a new orbit, these powerful waves hit our planet.
    Entering the energy channels of the Earth’s pyramids, these streams spread over the surface in shock waves and moved towards the Earth’s Crystal. The ripples radiating from the blows also grazed the Sun’s core.

    A general alert was issued on the ships. After a brainstorming session with Galacom, the Siriusians took action.

    Using a timeless channel, Higher Light Being that had recently re-activated the pyramids of Giza has urgently returned to Earth to coordinate the actions of the others.

    On-site analysis showed that the entire planetary pyramid complex, through which the operation of the Earth’s core is controlled, is functioning normally, although with a large overload.
    Meanwhile, the quantum tsunami, breaking through a wide corridor in space, got up. Attempts from Giza to divert the flows failed. But it became possible to energetically slow down the speed of the waves.
    Some of the rescuers operating from Shambhala took advantage of this opportunity. They were backed up by the Siriusians’ base on the Moon, as well as their ships inside and outside the Solar System.
    When everything was ready, the rescuers cut off the channels of all the pyramids from receiving quantum streams. They began to crumble in the form of energy splashes, not reaching the surface.

    One of the surviving streams hit the area between Iran and Southeast Asia. With the help of the Lunar base, it was diverted to the side, avoiding destruction.
    At the same time, the Siriusians carefully monitored the work of the Earth’s Crystal and the Sun’s core. To reduce the load on them, all the Portals of the planet were switched to energy output.
    The interplanetary equipment for Earth’s Crystal running was put into emergency mode.

    All Siriusians’ squadron modules that were in low-Earth orbit also turned on their power systems at full power to weaken the quantum tsunami.
    The energy shake-up affected the ship’s crews. Some of the teams were temporarily placed in special protective capsules.
    Those who remained on combat duty replaced each other at short intervals, often rested, and drank a lot of clean water to maintain metabolic balance and remove the products of adaptation from the body.
    The situation on Earth was monitored online using a dense network of generators installed on the surface to influence and control the quantum energies coming from Space.

    On 9th June 2021, at 07.00 am CET, the combined efforts of the Galactic Committee, the Siriusians, Shambhala, and the Light Forces eliminated the emergency.
    Siriusians’ fleet continues to transport Earth to the new 5D vibrational orbit.
