Sunday, March 3, 2024

Short Situation Update

Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is almost complete, and clearing of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed. More intel will probably be released in a few weeks.

Jacob Rothschild was captured by the Light Forces on the etheric plane after his death, processed at Ganymede sorting facility and disintegrated in the Galactic Central Sun:

The energy is slowly building for the total Solar eclipse on April 8th, which will be one of the key moments of opportunity to strengthen the positive timeline for the United States to enter the Age of Aquarius.



As instructed by Saint Germain, the Light Forces are asking as many people from the United States as possible to participate in the mass meditation at the moment of the Solar eclipse at 18:18 UTC:

About 30,000 people from the United States need to meditate at that moment to reach the critical mass:

People from other countries are welcome to join the mediation as well if they feel so guided.

To support this process, I will be leading two short workshops.

In Sedona on April 4th:


And in Rochester on April 8th on the path of totality during the eclipse:


Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. A strong appeal to non-Americans:
      Visualizing More Americans Participating in Solar Eclipse Meditation on April 8
      That is, using meditation to increase the number of Americans participating in meditation during the April 8 solar eclipse.

    2. light workers community to have an international communication

      Until them, surface humanity can accelerate the removal of the Lurker by healing their relationship traumas and sexuality traumas, because that is the deepest place where the Lurker tends to hide.

      Anybody can get healing in monthly ascended master and stellar rays healing sessions:

      What the single person can contribute to get rid of the opressors of this Planet, besides the meditation? I mean, in more active way .

      Spread the intel, plant Cintamanis, be kind and loving.

      🖐🏻️ It is time to forget our apparent differences and join forces in our fight for freedom. It is time to admit that nobody among us has total understanding and absolutely correct view of reality. If somebody has a different point of view, it does not mean he is automatically a disinfo agent. So it is time for each one of us to allow others to be who they are. We are all human beings. We all make mistakes. It is time now to forgive. And then join forces. United we stand, divided we fall.

      Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

      Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

      Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness.

    3. As always, it’s a good idea to contact prominent whistleblowers such as David Wilcock, Corey Goode, and David Ike for help

      Dzień Pierwszy:

      Niedługo na blogu pojawi się również dzień drugi i inne ważne informacje przetłumaczone na język polski, zapraszam do czytania i komentowania! :)

    5. Corey Goode is a joke. He admitted in court on the stand he made it all up. 🙄 He thinks he's a God and wants you to pay him for it. Start following yourself and your own intuition....

    6. if going to contact those other leads. oresent to them that theur meditatiin for peace or what not also being shared here.. ( not sure if it passed or what date it will be)

    7. To jw301330, according to Corey himself, he said under oath on the stand that Some of his testimony was made up in order to spot deception in others. Names like the Dark Fleet and other terms were his invention for security purposes. If one goes back to all his revelations enmass his predictions have been spot on.

    8. @Babs
      Or he's trying to save his own skin.

    9. Save from what? he havent done anything wrong.... except exposing reptilians and the dark business they where doing various places.

  2. Oh wow, the clearing of Indian and African networks almost complete! Sure was fast. That would be a great workshop in April to go to if you can. I just feel drawn to that. But I have to keep saving for another car. Good stuff Cobra and Light Forces!

    1. They cleared 100 million entities in 3 months or so. Clearing a few thousands should be faster.

    2. I don't see any difference. Indian illuminati network cleared but guess what we are moving towards capitalist dictatorship in India. More draconian rules and laws will be implemented. COBRA says eastern alliance supported by light forces. Lol, a big lol 🤣🤣🤣. Elites like Blackrock, bill gates are doing meeting with the Indian government. Bill Gates is chilling with tea with some roadside chaiwala while visiting his killer vaxx industries in India. Klaus Schwab wants organic farmers to be arrested. Elon Musk microchipping the brain.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. @IndiGods. The work is being done behind the scenes. You are focusing on the main stream media news and that is fake news. Bill Gates has been dead for years…lol…all fake

    5. @Indigo
      Any proof of this? Cobra said Gates is one of the 4 remaining members of 'the unholy five', IF Gates died, I THINK Cobra would have mentioned this.

      Just because rumbles says something, does not mean it is genuine, especially since there is nothing they have to back it with.

  3. Disintegrated old Rothschild. Good!

  4. 20 Mars 21h CET MÉDITATIONS / Protections+Annuler CONTRATS D'ÂMES +Déprogrammer IMPLANTS +vos questions / commentaires... Une invitée surprise sera avec nous et nous fera bénéficier d'un bonus de SOUTIEN ÉNERGÉTIQUE pendant l'émission que nous expliquerons.Gratuit, pas d'inscription. Prévoir Papiers, stylo, bouteille d'eau
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  5. Méditation pour l'éclipse solaire totale aux États-Unis 8 avril 2024 à 18:18 PM UTC(20h18 heure française d'été)+ notre LIVESTREAM / MEDITATION FRANCAISE EN DIRECT


  6. NOTES OFFICIELLES CONFÉRENCE COBRA ASCENSION PHOENIX 2024(les 2 journées+documents/liens/videos français complémentaires/audio guides,Emission explicative)
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    Official reports : Cobra Conference on Ascension in Phoenix USA with additional links+documents( the 2 days, February 2024)

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    Join "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANCAIS OFFICIEL" THE ONLY OFFICIAL YOUTUBE channel of the French team of the "Prepare For Change" network with explanatory videos/broadcasts+meditations+spiritual tools+Livestreams...
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    Official Prepare For Change group for France and French-speaking countries
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    you will find interesting sub-groups including meditations, broadcasts, articles, voice chats/ vocal saloons...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It seems to me that those whom this person addresses should check his words for accuracy and provide him with emergency assistance

  9. Forward March cobra<° victory of the light...

  10. Merci Cobra pour ces nouvelles <3 gratitude, Victoire de la Lumière <3*
    Sandrine Veilleuse des Energies de Gaïa

  11. IAM hearing operation Menai bridge is in effect...

  12. Un último empujoncito y...¡hora de recreo!
    Gracias Cobra
    Gracias LF
    Gracias St Germain


  14. Very good news dear COBRA and LIGHT FORCES!! Our meditation to send Jacob Rothschild's soul in the Galactic Central Sun, was very successful!!! I knew it from the second day of meditation, I felt we made it! I am so happy and also, so sure we are very powerful and if we decide to do a strong meditation, we will do it in the best way, well organized, precise, sharing it using all possible means, to all the world! In general, we need 144,000 persons for a worldwide mass mediation, but now are needed only 30,000 persons from USA, plus people like us, living outside this country, but with ferm will to support american people from USA! So, I wish much success to all Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, all the people who are guided to do and advertise this mass meditation for USA !! Victory of the Light!

  15. I'm ready for the benevolent ETs to cone get me out of this planet it's not for me :(

    1. Id be glad if they would show up to say hi in person. Then we would see what would come next.

    2. And for ME to finally get to go HOME.

  16. Translation to the Czech language

  17. Key strategy to help achieve critical mass: Find groups and individuals in the US who believe in St. Germain but don't know about 2012 Portal.

    1. This will not be easy) in Europe, and accordingly throughout the world, this man, if he is not a myth, has established himself as one of the most famous swindlers and dreamers, posing as an alzimist and sorcerer-magician, promising the elite of that time what he could not provide and suffered persecution because of this. The very idea that this man has been alive for several centuries seems ridiculous, and it sounds even stranger in the context of the fact that he is a strategist on a planetary scale. Again, these are just words for now.

    2. Sorry, I'm passing. Don't print if you can.

    3. OMG I know St Germain, and I've known him for centuries. Centuries. I know who I was in various past life times! I love St Germain. He Rocks!! Love him!

    4. There are definitely energies associated with Saint Germain. Specific information on him is shrouded in mystery. There is information that cannot be found anywhere online. That's why I would never think I know what I'm talking about by echoing any of the internet's negative claims regarding Saint Germain.

    5. zio i take it you got all this from our trusted history books.... trusted me friend is the key word here.. if there is anything to learn about this whole game... is we being played.. and you can bet much info out there is influenced/fed by the controllers. dont forget.. we help build their playground.. their vision

    6. @DH
      The 'playground' was here long before we were. We helped build nothing.

  18. China’s People Liberation Army has long known that the US has been reverse engineering captured alien technologies, and both alien spacecraft and reverse engineered US spacecraft are regarded as a national security threat. The PLA first learned of this through the father of China’s Space Program Qian Xuesen (aka Tsien Hsue-shen), who was part of Operation Lusty to Occupied Germany in 1945, and was part of the elite scientific team studying the retrieved Roswell UFO craft. For details go to my 2020 book, Rise of the Red Dragon: Origins & Threat of China’s Secret Space Program.

    1. this statement seems a little strange...the Chinese in the US were seen as agents of the Soviet bloc after the Chinese Communist Party led by Mao won the civil war and then helped North Korea in the war with South Korea by sending volunteers. Judging by the popular culture of the United States reflecting that era, I do not remember Asians in the American government or army, in the educational sphere, given that they even had few blacks in the army (they received their rights in the United States a little later, Martin Luther King). The main ties between the US and communist China began to emerge from the 1960-1970s, when Mao called Khrushchev the murderer of Stalin and the USSR's perversion of the communist idea. The rapprochement in terms of the economy occurred after Mao left power. But you claim that the Americans, i.e. The US government, controlled by Jewish banking clans (there are more than 300 families), allowed a Chinese to study UFOs? And then he somehow miraculously managed to return in marvelous form and convey everything he had learned to China? Frankly, this sounds a little strange (since I live in Russia and don’t know English, and because of sanctions I won’t be able to purchase the book with delivery, I wanted to express my surprise in at least this way).

    2. disclosures pouring out for sure.....eventually the entire human civilization on earth will perceive collectively in large part that fighting in militaries against each other on earth is quite insane.....and there will be lots of work for our warriors off planet when we achieve mass peace within our own civilzation;i would propose.....

      The “human wave” tactic was borrowed was from ancient strategist Sun Tzu, who advised commanders to “attack like water,” flowing over or around enemy positions.

      one of my uncles a special forces airborn soldier described what he called a yellow wave;when he was in korea and he and his brothers in arms saw about a hundred thousand chinese soldiers approaching as they came over the horizon.....the expression on his face when he briefly mentioned this;i cant think of words to describe it.....

      the human wave can come in many colors of course.....

      like an american general says;the french foreign legion are the pen ultimate builders of this thing we call unite cohesion.....

      hats off to russia the mighty bear-the shiniest star of countries on earth i would propose....the rest of us will want to buy the russians a drink when meeting each other in the bars on and off planet for the next thousand years;of course-hahahahaha......

    3. Thank you for your praise. I think that we all have to learn a lot of new things about ourselves, both general and specific. if we all live to see it.

  19. thanks very much mr cobra fine sir and super fierce lightwarrior.....

    and thanks very much all lightforces members here in theatre of war operations.....

    every living organism in the matrix is increasing life force energy quotients;increasing operating efficiencies levels etc;with the massive energetic changes happening.....including facilitating expansions into more enlightened and true soul expressions from the lightforces soldiers of all sorts;i would propose.....

    mindblowing revelations being experienced by all soulbeings in the matrix now;frequencies speeding up;harmful wave patterns forced to take formations of harmony and enhancement and such;i would propose.....

    the matrix is so massively cleared and clearing in continuim now;thanks to the advanced lightforces soldiers cosmicly amazing works ongoing;bravo zulu cosmique.....

    im finding when i think and act more in the 3d matrix type mentalities;its almost unbearable these the massive decrease ongoing of distortion levels in the local ether constructs make heavier density soul being transmissions less and less compatible in the rising aquarious new atlantis realities.....

    and dont forget to laugh fine human beings-;its good for ya.....hahahahaha.....

    1. I think the real marker will be the simultaneous abolition of military conflicts: Russia-Ukraine, the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza, the dissolution and departure to their homeland of a group of 5 US aircraft carriers from Taiwan.

  20. Very nice! Thank you so much. When can we trigger the Event?

    1. It seems to me that this summer there are all the prerequisites, astronomers expect the peak of solar activity of this solar cycle to reach in 2024, leaving a lower probability for 2025 - that is, according to Chizhevsky, the peak of social unrest should begin this year. I can say with confidence that these “elections” in Russia will not be accepted by the absolute majority of the population and this can be used by NATO to send in troops and at the same time command to attack a multi-million army of Islamist migrants from Central Asian countries to create chaos in an attempt to prevent the population from consolidating. At the same time, a civil war may begin in the United States or the collapse of the dollar as a global financial reserve currency, because of this the entire world economy will collapse, since China, grown as a global factory, loses its main market (and at the same time the entire world trade logistics collapses) and plunges into the same chaos (China has a systemic economic crisis, unnoticeable as long as they can sell their goods, the Chinese real estate market is the hot wick of its economy - in fact, there is no socialism or communism in China, after the resignation of Bo Xilai, the Chinese Nazis came to power in China). But that’s what “high friends” are for; they should have thought through the collapse of civilization and a method for stopping it? If terrestrial specialists, given the available time and resources, could do this, then how could the specialists of the interplanetary confederation not be able to? They must be smarter, and they must have more experience, computing power at a level inaccessible to our understanding to calculate possible economic models. All that remains is to wait.

    2. What about India and wannabe capitalist dictator Current Indian Government? I used to like and support this PM but now I don't like him at all. I wonder who's this benevolent Eastern alliance COBRA is talking about?China is totalitarian and experimental lab for the elites. Russia's Putin is not a saint too, he has many innocent blood in his hand and I don't see any benevolence in this current Indian Government. All I see is a future fascist dictator under some Indian and globalist elites who has totally controlled the mainstream media and also some social media platforms and you tube channels related to alternative news, civil service etc. Draconian rules are coming soon to this great country with the name of progress and digital India.

    3. If we ever live to see freedom, I think we will meet and try to discuss everything that really happened in your country and mine. Moreover, we are actually relatives and we have big questions about our shared past. First, you need to complete the consideration of the events of the last 120 years, then the 16th century (Jesuits around the planet and the substitution of history - the problem rests on Tartaria) and finally the search for the ancestral home of the whites, or rather Mount Meru or its ruins. Rumors about vimanas buried in the northern latitudes have been circulating in my country for quite some time, and supposedly there are even people who have assembled private expeditions for research and excavation; some kind of knowledge base exists. If it was a planetary solar civilization, it should have either ruins, or a data bank in the form of gold tables in “Sanskrit” (we know that this word was invented by the British to name this language, the real word is unknown to me).

  21. Recent Light✨🌌🙏🏻

  22. I buried my cintamani! It wasn't exactly where I had expected, but it was a beautiful spot. In the centre of Geelong or right next to it. The beautiful park, in amongst the trees. No one walks there where I put it, under a huge tree. You can see the beautiful bay there too, (like a few hundred meters away as it slopes down). Great view. The ground was really hard; I got it down to 20cm but too hard to dig further. Luckily I don't have more of them. Peaceful place but lots of cars further away. Nice spot!

  23. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  24. Thank you dear Cobra for the update.

  25. Minunate vesti . Mulțumim Cobra .

  26. For denying the pandemic.

    Now people who oppose government-approved treatments for any disease will face criminal penalties. The globalists are preparing the world for the “disease X” they announced.


    Everyone keep quiet!
    According to amendments to the criminal code recently adopted by the French Parliament, criticism or advice against the use of treatment methods approved by the government will be punishable by up to 3 years in prison or a fine of 45 thousand euros. We are talking about paragraph 223-1-2 of the 4th article of the French criminal code. In the comments of non-systemic Western media, this has already been called “medical fascism.”

    The new law concerns, first of all, vaccination. The law is directed not only against ordinary citizens, but also against doctors who allowed themselves to have an independent opinion. This measure of the French authorities, completely subordinate to the globalists of the World Economic Forum (WEF), should be considered, first of all, as the beginning of a rolling process of adoption by all countries of the collective West of similar laws in light of the “disease X” pandemic already announced at the last session of the WEF.

    Are they all sectarians?
    The latest coronavirus pandemic showed that the vaccination campaign controlled by the largest pharmaceutical companies (bigfarma) was accompanied by the issuance of relevant electronic documents to people under the general code name “vaccination passport”, without which, in particular, citizens of most of the countries of the European Union, the USA, Canada, and Australia were not able to work , use transport, etc. This caused massive protests in Western countries, as well as a wave of scientific research, which is now countless, which showed the extreme dangers of vaccines launched by Western pharmaceutical companies without proper research and leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

    At the same time, the globalist “elite,” in particular within the framework of the WEF, insists that any criticism of the global vaccination campaign and, in general, the activities of Western governments should be considered “subversive.” It is therefore no coincidence that the purpose of the new French law is explained by the need to “strengthen the fight against sectarian abuses.”

    As the pro-government French resource Les Surligneurs writes, “these sectarian abuses received impetus due to the health crisis (during the pandemic), developing in new forms that are condemned by the Interministerial Mission on Vigilance and Combating Sectarian Abuses (la Mission interministérielle de vigilance et de lutte contre les dérives sectaires, MIVILUDES), in particular in the form of systematic denigration of certain medical methods that are recognized throughout the world in favor of erroneous treatments."

    Medical fascism
    It turns out that the opinions of independent doctors are “wrong.”

    Well-known doctors are already becoming targets, whom this article of the criminal code will silence... France is entering a totalitarian regime. Macron and his cronies are followers of the WEF and globalist policies. This is a disaster for a country where the majority of citizens no longer comply with vaccination propaganda. Social unrest is ahead, writes the non-systemic American portal InfoWars, calling the amendments to the French criminal code “medical fascism.”

  27. ...
    Another non-systemic American portal, The People's Voice, provides the opinions of different people regarding Article 4 of the French Criminal Code. “This is a very important warning to everyone about how extremist fascist members of the WEF and other globalists are trying to push their crazy ideas everywhere, in all free countries,” said one of the Americans, whose name was not given.

    Extremist fascist legislation is being introduced everywhere. This massive legislative push began with extreme measures to combat COVID-19. They were not temporary, they were to be fully realized from this point forward. That is why “emergency measures” were maintained for several years - to accustom the population to extreme fascist measures, The People's Voice quotes another American.

    Another opinion:

    It is extremely important for us, no matter what country we live in, to openly speak out against such things. Condemning every medical fascist in power who promotes such things will prevent government abuses of power.

    One more thing:

    The adoption of Article 4 of the French Penal Code means that France is now a medical dictatorship, where citizens must take government-prescribed medications - and do so with an approving smile.

    By the way, such statements can no longer be found in the French press - for obvious reasons.

    According to WHO protocols
    That is, when the “disease X” pandemic, announced and prepared by the globalists, arrives, all countries of the Western world and their allies will have to have legislation that, under pain of imprisonment and a huge fine, will prohibit any criticism of the method of “treatment” prescribed by the authorities. And it is clear that this method of “treatment” will be brought down from above, that is, by the World Health Organization (WHO), whose bureaucracy is controlled and paid for by the globalist “elite”, in particular the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

    The efforts of globalists to force people to undergo “treatment” according to the protocol they have approved coincides with their intention to endow WHO with the powers of a supranational global governing body, which will be given the right to declare pandemics, approve and lower protocols for “treatment and prevention” of diseases to national levels, and introduce global restrictions on all kinds of activities for the purpose of “non-proliferation of the pandemic.”

    Pandemic Agreement
    These provisions, which essentially turn the WHO into a world government, are written in the International Treaty on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response. The globalists intend to submit this document, also known as the Pandemic Treaty, for approval by the 77th World Health Assembly (the highest body of WHO), which will be held in May this year. Countries that sign the Pandemic Agreement delegate their sovereignty to the WHO, that is, to the globalist “elite” behind the WHO. At the same time, likely internal protests in nation-states regarding the “medical dictatorship” of the WHO will be suppressed on the basis of laws similar to the one adopted in France.

    What about in Russia?
    As for Russia, we note that Russia participates in WHO. And, moreover, there have been no official statements from Moscow yet that Russia does not intend to sign the “Pandemic Agreement.”

    It is important to understand that all countries annually delegate to the World Health Assembly, as a rule, their health ministers, that is, officials who were not elected by the people. However, it is these officials, on behalf of their states, who are expected to sign the “Pandemic Agreement” and make their countries and their people hostages of a truly satanic plan to establish the unlimited power of the globalist “elite”, which, behind the screen of WHO and under the guise of concern for people’s health, will assert their financial, political and spiritual power over the world.

  28. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    The post in French / L'article en français :
    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  29. Here is a list of Lightworker communities that supported the Portal of Light Activation mass meditation last year on May 1st, 2023. They may be interested in participating in next month’s April 8th Solar Eclipse Meditation for the United States.

    Corey Goode
    Laura Eisenhower
    Fire the Grid
    The Awakened Species
    Pam Gregory
    Many newspapers and TV stations in India
    Christina von Dreien
    Prepare for Change
    Golden Age of Gaia
    Global Peace Meditation
    Blossom Goodchild

    “Make this viral to everyone in the USA! Forward to friends, post on social media, notify people you know who have large mailing lists, and send to people with large viewing audiences!”

  30. I thought until yesterday that aside of Pepe the frog and myself nobody used the name Pepe (outside of Spain), but no, there´s someone else... no other than Domenico Napoleone Orsini, who as I could see in TikTok was known by everyone as Pepe Orsini, and was said to be the "Grey Pope". There were many videos about him, in different languages (English, Italian and Spanish at least), all referring to him as Pepe Orsini, amazing how many people know who he actually is. A seemingly silly but weird coincidence.. I can tell you I have nothing to do with this guy, but maybe I go to see and ask an exorcist to make sure.. :(

  31. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  32. I'm a Targeted "Person of Interest" by the Insecurity State partially due to my Stopping a Terrorist Attack on 9/11/1999. The meaning of 9/11 is that All Emergency Services are involved.
    There were Arabic terrorists but they were a racial and supposed Muslim religious cover for state sponsored satanic extremist terrorism.
    The State also tried to blow us up in Durango CO in April 2019 to frame and sacrifice me.
    The police state was torturing children with tape over their mouths in the apartment below us to get me to hate the country publicly to frame me before their attempted bombing as well. Of course I do not have Stockholms Syndrome for the state trafficking me and terrorizing me.
    I suffer the fool and use their attacks for legal and spiritual judo though.
    I call it OPERATION FLYPAPER at the surface level of this phase.
    The country must be completely redone.
    The modern COINTELPRO concentration camp is called INFRAGARD and poses as charity while weaponizing and attacking every variable it takes to live including air.

    Or US MARSHALL'S trying to assassinate me while we travel down the road.

    FBI Attempt paid hit in a Walmart using agent Peter Fanone and two illegal immigrants (this is why border is open DOOM 33 genocide attack).

    I'm currently in Durango CO USA again and these same state sponsored human trafficking terrorists are continuing to trap themselves by attacking me.
    Assistance Required. They won't let me work, shop, eat, breath or speak without firing poison into my face and mouth.
    We wake every day to being covered in toxic dust. The FBI installed not just surveillance in our truck when taking our blood for adrenochrome but also installed knock out gas, WMD gasses and dust to hit us even while driving. No recourse to the law in the Failed State USA Axis of evil.

    555 Alexander William Britton

  33. Hmmm, after years of checking the site it seems the Nevic Grid Update web page no longer exists. Guess they couldn't think of any more "infotainment". Good thing we have this site!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. hi,everyone,you can use this sample to let more people to join our 4.8 meditation.

    this is short verison:Chinese/English

    English ver.
    It's time to make America great again and make the Atlantis great again! To all meditation lovers (especially dear American citizens), let's join in the collective meditation on April 8 to anchor strong and pure spiritual energy for the United States. For the sake of this country and people, for the sake of sacred love, we are together!
    The link is here↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

    Victory Of The Light!

  36. Hi everyone,I hope this sample to share our meditation for America on 4.8❤️



    English version:
    To all brothers and sisters who love meditation, spirituality and peace, we will hold a collective meditation during the total solar eclipse in the United States on April 8. We will use this meditation and astrological energy to make America great again! And make the new Atlantis great again! For those who don't know: the United States was guided by Saint-Germain masters from the very beginning of its founding. The original intention of the United States was to lead all mankind to the golden age of the new Atlantis. Although this sacred grand plan was unfortunately disrupted, we now have the opportunity to re-anchor the powerful spiritual energy for this country and lay the best foundation for the future. It's time for the American Constitution, the law from God, Master and Truth, to lead the world again. It's time to take action for the future of our fellow human beings. If you are guided internally, please take 20 minutes to participate in this meditation for the United States, especially American citizens. This meditation is very important to the United States. If you want to know more about the meditation process, details and time in different time zones, please click the following links:❤️

    We can achieve a critical mass of 30,000 people!🤝

    You can also check cobra's blogspots to learn more interesting facts:🛸

    Victory Of The Light!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Traduction française de cette publication | French translation of this post:

    par Prepare for Change France Officiel depuis 2013

  39. Translations of the new update from our Cobra, thank you so much!
    1. Italian:

    2. Romanian:

    Victory of the Light!

  40. I am Ukrainian, from Odessa. A year ago I was in a car accident. Some reckless driver cut off my car and caught it on the left wing. My car was spun around and thrown into a ditch. Hit. Darkness. I don’t remember what happened next. Doctors say I was put into an induced coma for three days. I don’t know where my subconscious or soul was “walking” at that time. Obviously,
    in future. When I woke up, I remembered what I had dreamed at that time.

    A dozen of my friends and I are hiding in the Odessa catacombs from being drafted into military service. The fact is that a war between Russia and Ukraine began for the liberation of our occupied territories. And my friends and I don’t want to fight for the Ukrainian oligarchs and against the Russians. Don't know,
    What kind of provocation was there on our border, but the United States and NATO countries blamed the Russians for everything and sent their troops into Russian territory without declaring war. But they quickly received a rebuff.

    We listen to the news on the radio. For some reason nuclear weapons are not used. Probably everyone understands that this will be the end of everything. Russian troops have already occupied most of Ukraine
    . No one except the Bandera battalions is offering resistance. The Americans, abandoning their NATO allies, are evacuating their troops from the territory of Ukraine. The Ukrainians who were in power are fleeing with them. The United States is not interested in a war in Ukraine. They started a war with China over some islands.

    The radio reported that Russian troops were already approaching Odessa.
    We decided to return to the city in the morning. And in the evening, we noticed in the sky some small, shaggy object of a reddish color, which was quickly rotating around its axis. There was a barely noticeable black dot in its center. Another celestial body was visible next to it. Satellite?

    Nobody was particularly worried. They decided that it was an ordinary comet.
    This picture taken by American astronomers in Antarctica is very similar to the object from my vision.

    In the morning we are walking along the Black Sea coast to Odessa. Suddenly the ground began to shake underfoot. A wind began to blow from the north, which grew stronger and stronger, and then grew into a hurricane, which literally knocked us off our feet.
    We took refuge in a small grotto in the rock. It shook violently and the earth began to rumble. A strong earthquake began. It seemed to me that the Earth was shaking back and forth.

    - Look! – one of us shouted.

    -What is that in the sea?

    Near the horizon, a huge column of water was visible, which went into the sky, covered with black clouds. The pillar was moving in an easterly direction
    . One of the drawings you have in your gallery has a very similar one. Here he is.

    The Jews' Crossing of the Red Sea

    The water in the sea began to move away from the shore. My flatmate, who survived the Indonesian tsunami in 2011, realized what was happening and shouted:

    - We're going up the mountain. Now the sea will return. Tsunami.
    We ran out of the grotto and crawled up the hill, as the hurricane did not allow us to stand on our feet. I felt like I had lost weight. Thanks to this, we quickly climbed to the top. From the height of the hill we could see how the gray strip of water was rapidly approaching us. I don’t know how high the tsunami wave was, but the hill we climbed was
    was 30 meters high. And then a wall of water rolled over us. Swipe. I was caught in a whirlpool. Not enough air…

    At this point the vision ended. I don’t know what it was, but it really bothers me.

  41. I wanna say thanks. 8-pointed star high five! And I'll throw a VOTL in there 😂 to be a team player 🙄

  42. Thank you dear Cobra for the good news!
    But on the other hand, are we the only ones thinking this, or have energy attacks been on the increase in recent days? (V and M-H)


  44. A quick question for Cobra: on the portrait of Saint-Germain that you used to illustrate this article, it says "Comte de Saint-Germain" followed by a signature.... Is this the authentic handwriting and signature of Master Saint-Germain?

    1. Have you ever heard Cobra answer one of these questions??? No - because he doesn't!
      Hello - St Germain certainly exists! Why don't you talk to him psychically, hm?


    3. psychic.. at ease younglady... btw Cobra has answered before.. is very rare. Indeed most likely questions wont be answered. however you may give her ideas as to where to submit questions. if u know. if not.. perhaps suggest to inquire where to.

  45. Oh wow ... NE Ohio is in the total eclipse zone. I will have my cameras, and telescope set up ... this is a once in my lifetime event. I want to help with the meditation, but I don't know if I can. However, I'll do the best I can to help.😳👽

  46. Cobra
    An Updated personal optimal timeline meditation
    For when the team has time or feel guided

  47. This is sad. On the morning show (which I hardly watched), they had an interview with a farmer, who is talking about all the farmers who are quitting as the supermarkets charge $10 for broccoli and only pay the farmers $2 or something. Total rip off. Of course, whenever they have a farmer on TV, suddenly the sound never works. He was asked a question and we could not hear the answer. So they just took him off like he was unimportant. It's the most important issue we face. i.e. NO INTERVIEW HAPPENED. And this is regular. But come on as the illuminati is bare bones now. They won't last long.

    Then they showed a picture of Kate Middleton, an old one, and claimed it's proof she is alive. OMG. Well I think Kate is long gone. They'll clone her and she will appear around Easter. Cos it takes several months to get *her* ready. What idiots.


  49. The only moment that I will believe this things is the moment I see a UFO in front of my door

  50. Quanto mais chegamos perto do final, mais rápido as coisas acontecem, é um aumento exponencial. Vitória da Luz !!!

  51. Yes, This is the great news we wanted to hear! Calling all Forces🌟 With Love and gratitude forever in our hearts! She is connected galactically💫

    1. Dispensation : exemption from a rule or usual requirement.
      a certain order, system, or arrangement; administration or management. Theology. the divine ordering of the affairs of the world. an appointment, arrangement, or favor, as by God. a divinely appointed order or age

    2. Istent most a tudósok úgy nevezik, hogy pozitív energia. Akár istenben, akár a sátánban hisz valaki, biztos lehet, hogy csak kárára lesz. Lásd a vallásokat, mert minden vallás meg fog szűnni, vagy átalakul, de akkor nem vallás lesz már.

  52. OMG How heartless. They are killing off koalas on Kangaroo Island, and see no problem with it. Take a look at this: 4 mins

    Kangaroo Island, 13km (8mi) off the coast of South Australia, is one of the best places in Australia to see wild animals like koalas, kangaroos, sea lions and seals. (not anymore)

    Interacting threats propelling the Koala population towards extinction include habitat loss and fragmentation, inappropriate fire regimes, climate change impacts, disease, and feral dogs and cats. Many of the populations in New South Wales and Queensland are now in decline.

    Koalas are now labelled as endangered in Queensland, New South Wales!!! This is completely heartless! Those poor beautiful animals.

  53. Quote: Two events in 2024 will have the most impact on the future of the United States of America. One is the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024. The other is the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. the presidential election seven months later, American citizens have two huge opportunities to wake up, turn the country around, and reclaim the sovereignty that is ours. end

    NEWSFLASH!💥🔥 The machines design to steal elections are STILL IN PLACE! The American people have NO opportunity to turn the country around with the election process. Whoever wins the fraudulent elections will be the puppets of the black nobility.✋🏿

    1. The LF seem to be much more in control of the surface now than four years ago, surely by November they´ll have removed the system to steal the election. Otherwise there´s no way, riots on the street they can infiltrate and manipulate as they want

    2. April 8th as the eclipse, but I couldn't find any significant astrology for November 5th. Waiting several months on an election to change the world is not a game I will play.

    3. Surely the Trump team has some kind of plan to deal with the dominion voting systems machines ????

    4. St. Germain is in control.

      April 8th marks a window of opportunity for We The People.

      Make Atlantis Great Again!

    5. @d250 Trump and the gray hats have no intention what so ever of removing dominion voting machines. If they were they would have done it long before now. If Trump wins the election (and I believe he will) with those machines still in place there will be no doubt in my mind that he is controlled opposition. He was allowed to win in 2016, he will be allowed to win in 2024. They always intended to do nothing and use the carrot on the stick to keep the trumpsters complacent until 2024. The trumpsters will be so happy he is back he will be able to continue the dirty work of the deep state with impunity.

      @ star ... I will no longer vote until the illegitimate congress is dealt with, the people that committed election fraud are put in prison, and the dominion voting machines are gone. I won't play their game either.🤬

    6. A folyamat része, hogy az USA felbomlik tagállamokra, de ez később lesz. Ezért fontos most a meditáció teljes napfogyatkozáskor. Még sok megpróbáltatás vár az USA-ban élőkre.

  54. Do you got estimated 20 minutes to think about: (?)

    Get to know the dipole character of water. H-O-H .
    Look for the images of a water dipole in your search machine.
    Make sure you got the force of the H and O atoms. Try to imagine their local directions of stability inside the molecule. (
    Now realise that the polforces of earth impress every single molecule that is..
    Now know that the polforces already dimmed over 25% of it origins… .
    And continue to change physically quicker.

    Read again: and look at the second pic.

    So maybe you stop to wonder about headache, bloated fingers, ringing ears, things your doc can´t explain.

    We live in exciting times, don´t we?


    1. Ha székely rovás írással ráírod a poharadra, hogy szeretet, akkor olyan vizet fogsz kapni, hogy az nem fog ártani senkinek. Ne angolul írd rá, mert az nem hat olyan jól. Nézz utána, kérdezd meg egy olyan nőt, férfitt, aki ért magarul.

  55. I´ve realized that the "Pepe" name thing has yet one more twist, aside of coinciding such un uncommon name with Pepe Orsini´s. I took it from Donald Trump (Don), and Pepe "the frog", being this last name very common in Spanish (goes for José), just to put a name to sign in. At the time I knew about the Orsini family but not about any specific member, I wasn´t making a joke about it.
    If you have watched "The Godfather" movie, you know Vito Corleone was "Don Vito", therefore in the same manner Pepe Orsini should be... yes, Don Pepe for those around him, most likely.
    Is this a coincidence, a twisted syncronicity, or just normal...?

    1. Csak magarul értheted meg a szavakat, neveket. Pepe az papát, pápát, pópát is jelent. A vicc az, hogy a papák sokat hazudnak, mert nem atyák.

  56. Le temps presse et les "retardataires" - les races hostiles - continuent à rendre la vie encore plus difficile aux Starseed. Ces "retardataires" continuent à glorifier les humains qui travaillent pour eux comme des agents du "Système" dans tous les genres de travail et en plus, à tous les niveaux! Ça suffit! À Rome, on dit: "Ci avete rotto il cazzo!"

  57. 真希望我們能看到光明勢力在地表的行動,而不是各種我們看不見也摸不著邊際的內容,在我們的物質世界裡面,看不到摸不到跟不存在是同一件事,你們在人民的腦袋裡面還是跟不存在沒有兩樣,不要等什麼星相了,你們只需要證明自己

  58. We are close! Solar Flash let's go! NCSWIC!! Carbon to Crystalline

  59. There's another big outage in America. The sun is it??
    I say go white hats, even grey hats!! Go galactic community!! (or whoever is behind it)

  60. “In connection with the sinking of another Black Sea Fleet ship, Sergei Kotov, by Ukrainian naval unmanned boats, I decided to express my opinion as an armchair expert on this matter.

    Such a development of events was laid down at the very beginning of the Northern Military District in February-March 2022, when it was decided to abandon the suppression of Ukrainian air defense and gaining air supremacy. As a result, this led to the fact that, among other things, we were unable to control the airspace and territory of Ukraine, as well as the surface space of the Black Sea adjacent to the coast of Ukraine, using aviation means of radio engineering, optical and optical-electronic reconnaissance.

    Although, for the sake of objectivity, it should be admitted that there are practically no such aviation technical reconnaissance equipment left in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces compared to Soviet times. The Russian space group is incapable of this due to its small numbers.

    Unlike Ukraine, which receives the intelligence information it needs from NATO countries around the clock in a 24x7 mode using NATO space, aviation and other sources, and from a vast territory right up to the Urals. And it is not without reason that as soon as Long-Range Aviation aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces take off from an airfield in the Arctic to launch a cruise missile attack on military targets in Ukraine, the alarm is already declared there.
    We don’t have anything like this and won’t have anything like it in the coming decades.

    Therefore, we are not able to timely reveal the production sites of unmanned marine boats, their warehouses, their delivery to the Black Sea shore for launching, subsequent launch of engines and movement to designated targets. As a rule, they can only be detected visually a few kilometers from our ships.

    Please note that when Ukraine launches maritime drones, the exact location of our ships, located hundreds of kilometers away, is unknown and it cannot enter their coordinates into the on-board computer of the unmanned boat. Moreover, as a rule, they move and maneuver. Ukraine does not have such information, since there are no appropriate detection means. But NATO has such information, which monitors their location around the clock using satellites and has information about their location with an accuracy of several meters.

    Therefore, after launching and starting the engines, the control of the unmanned boats is taken over by specialists from the NATO satellite constellation, and they then independently issue target designations to the boats, control them along a route of hundreds of kilometers, and launch the boats into the target area with a subsequent attack via video.

    I do not rule out that for NATO members, attacks on Russian ships in the Black Sea have turned into a kind of computer game, and there may be queues of people wanting to use a joystick to sink a Russian ship. After all, it is impossible to catch them doing this.

  61. "...
    I consider it unlikely that Ukraine will be involved in attacks on Black Sea Fleet ships using unmanned boats. Full-scale tests of attacks on ships using unmanned boats are extremely useful for NATO specialists as they provide invaluable information on their use and, accordingly, the development of methods to combat them. For example, in the Red Sea with Houthi drones.

    Therefore, today the Black Sea Fleet has practically no technical capabilities to combat unmanned sea boats. In addition to all-round massive fire from heavy machine guns in all directions.

    We cannot strike the NATO satellite constellation - this is the third world war.

    This means we need to look for options to make NATO realize that such “computer games” will not bring them any good. At one time, Khrushchev succeeded in this during the Cuban missile crisis."

  62. "Above are the words of a Soviet general. NATO's actual participation in World War 3 on the side of Ukraine in the form of arms supplies and the provision of intelligence data using satellite constellations leaves no way to influence the situation in the conflict due to weak technical and technological equipment. Since the destruction of US satellites gives NATO a causus belli to participate in the war, the Russian government, if not for its strange behavior, playing giveaway in an attempt to bargain its future with the globalists, could lead to the supply of weapons of mass destruction to countries of the second and third world, for example to South America or Southeast Asia. How these weapons will be used further is a big question, the fact remains that the enemies of the United States will receive them and can use them for various types of provocations.

    This actually suggests that NATO participation (European weapons and American intelligence) is forcing the Russian government to move to the potential distribution of weapons to the enemies of NATO countries, both external (for example, Mexico or South American regimes) and internal, for example, opposition political groups or nationalist groups. That is, if we assume that Putin is not an agent of the West who destroyed the industry, army and science of the Russian Federation, then this remains one of his options to influence the situation in order not to suffer a military defeat and remain in power. These transfers of weapons to opponents of NATO countries create the preconditions for these opponents to carry out various military and other actions that could serve as a pretext for a third world war. It would seem incredible, but the Europeans are already actually forming an army to invade Russia and preparing public opinion for the fact that Russia will attack them, secretly creating a causus belli for this purpose - transferring offensive missile weapons to Ukraine that can reach the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, that is, they are ready to create a casus belli for Moscow for the complete (5 million people) mobilization of the country and force the entire population to go to war with NATO and The West, which the Soviet government had been predicting since the time of Stalin. The result of this will be the complete destruction of Europe, since the tactics of mobile light units armed with automatic weapons and anti-tank guns will be used, which will make it easy to infiltrate across the border, for example by sea (ask illegal migrants from Africa if it is so difficult). Those who sponsor all this and who will not be touched by the hands of retribution will benefit, because... the culprits are far from the battlefields - the USA and England, or rather the Jewish banking clans of the USA and England (let's be honest, the so-called Rothschilds and Rockefellers are only top managers, managers of the funds of those who keep this money). I think that if residents of European countries do not want to participate in the war against Russia (and the Baltic countries generally gained independence from the Turks with the hands and help of Russia, is this how you pay good for good?), they need to support the political opposition of their country, and if it is absent, then create and lead and politically force your government to abandon your country’s participation in an armed conflict with Russia (especially important for Germany, France, England and the Netherlands, I don’t hope for the USA, where any opponents of the war will be destroyed by the hands of the CIA). To be honest, I really don’t want to fight with the Europeans, but your governments may force me to take up arms, and I really wouldn’t want that. Very.

  63. "...
    Therefore, if you have the opportunity to stop this peacefully, do so (by supporting, for example, an opposition political party that is against the war with Russia and actively participating in its activities). So far, there is a strong impression that things are heading towards the Third World War, we are all being actively pushed towards this. Why am I talking about this if I assume that Putin is a puppet of the globalists, whose goal is to inflict maximum damage on the country and then escape? Because seeing an imminent defeat or the possibility of occupying the country, radical military personnel will take Putin’s place, either after his escape or by neutralizing him, and will wage the war to a victorious end - either by mobilizing the entire male population of the country, or by inflicting a series of nuclear strikes on aggressor countries ( NATO has already driven Russia into a corner and there will be no other way to preserve at least some sovereignty)."

  64. List of the "We Love Mass Meditation" articles about the Eclipse in April 2024 in several languages.

  65. Important message for the light forces:
    Don't expect the surface population to snap back into healthy, normal behavior once enough evil has been cleared and enough love energies have hit the surface. We have adapted to being surrounded by dark energies and any heafty insertion of love is damaging.
    If you want the surface population to cooperate, you first need to learn us and integrate with us. Then heal us and our society from within. 2 ways you can integrate is to first present yourself as a visitor and then do business like buying land, building a house, living there. But not like an E.T. You need to live like a human, no alien shenanigans. Secondly a very good way is to integrate into our major religions. Catholic and Orthodox Christianity for example. Priests can't wait to have you but again, you need to play by our ules. You need to fast, pray, do confessions until your duhovnic is proud of you. Then once your duhovnic knows you, you can start telling him about how ET society does thi gs. Church is an easy way to make lots of friends and close family relations.

    1. @Aria
      HELL NO.

      We NEED 'alien shenanigans'. Also...RELIGION......seriously?
      Religion is a DISEASE, Aria.

      Plus I need direct ET contact whilst I am still alive, and young enough to enjoy it. Enough of hand holding Joe Sixpack and Plain's time for DIRECT ET CONTACT.....not more lollygagging and working within the system.

    2. The surface population is going very well back to the light. The Light Forces are very pleased and there is a HUGE AWAKENING going on. Hallelujah. People are doing this easily. I am so pleased with how well it is going....

    3. @Psychic
      I'LL be pleased when I see the alien ships arriving, landing and me getting to go with 'em.

    4. Sajna a legrosszabb módszereket mondtad el. Másként fog megtörténni. A vallások meg fognak szűnni. A vallásokban mindenki mindig hazudik.

  66. Ukraine is preparing military surprises for Russia, the US claims - RIA Novosti, 03/05/2024

    "Here's the surprise:

    1. The NATO contingent, carrying out a “peacekeeping mission to protect the civilian population of Ukraine,” is deploying combat units along the border with Belarus and the Bryansk, Kursk and Belgorod regions of the eReFii (Russia would not allow this...), thereby liberating the AFU units located there ...;

    2. Remark: in the summer campaign of 2023 there was no “ZSU counter-offensive” and there were several reasons. Realizing its futility (before the start or during its implementation), Zaluzhny, following the lead of the ambitious Mr. Zelensky and his “pushers in the back,” very skillfully imitated a counter-offensive (the reason for his conflict with the president...). As a result, he retained most of the combat-ready units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, ensured the accumulation of weapons and ammunition, and relaxed the enemy with a “quick victory.” Alas, as a result of the “failure of the counteroffensive”, we left not only Kherson, withdrawing troops from the right bank of the Dnieper, but also marked time all autumn and winter... Having spent all our energy on... Imitating a counterattack by the enemy...;

    3. In the present VFU reserves are undergoing combat training, military specialists are being trained in NATO countries (pilots, anti-aircraft gunners, missilemen, armored personnel carrier crews, UAV operators). That is why “the defense of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is bursting at the seams”.....;

    4. Having now lost Avdeevka and “strategically important???” ten villages along Avdeevka, Ukraine, with the support of the “world community”, will “reach the 1991 borders in 2024.” (quote);

    4. To implement this plan, the destruction of the ships of the Black Sea Fleet, A-50, is taking place, and then they will reach long-range aviation...;

    5. The enemy plans to compensate for superiority in the air and ground weapons through the infinitely massive use of attack UAVs (they are many times cheaper, less noticeable and more vulnerable than the F-16-Su-34, Haymars-Smerch or Paladin- Msta"). Now they are being delivered and stored in thousands, although at the front end they are many times superior to us (hone the tactics of their complex combat use)..."

  67. "The collapse will begin yesterday"

    A collapse in the American market can begin at any moment, and before this happens, it is necessary to record a historical moment that has no analogues.

    For almost the entire month of February, I recorded interesting observations on the greatest bubble in the history of mankind, and below is a consolidation of key statistical facts on the American market and some more relevant information.

    From the minimum of October 27 to the maximum of March 1, the American market grew by 25.3% and this does not seem so enchanting if not for the facts based on our own calculations.

    Almost 11 trillion capitalization was created at the moment, which is exactly comparable to the dot-com bubble of 1995-2000, but then it took 5.5 years, and now it’s 4 months - the intensity of the growth is incredible. Taking into account inflation, the dot-com bubble created about 19 trillion in capitalization in 2024 prices.

    In 75 years (the period of availability of statistics on intraday fluctuations), there has not been a single year when the market grew at a comparable rate as in 2024 (25.3% from October 27 to March 2). The closest analogues: 1986 -21.7%, 1991 – 21.6%, 1963 and 1998 – 20%.

    Not taking into account seasonality on a rolling comparison, a 25% increase in 85 trading days has occurred only 13 times in 75 years, and only 7 times in the last 35 years: Jul.20, Apr.19, Feb.12, Jul-Nov.09, Jul. 03, Jan.99, Aug.97, Mar.91.

    However, such growth was almost always preceded by a strong collapse, by at least 15%, i.e. the recovery occurred from local lows against the backdrop of a strong recovery impulse in the economy (2003, 2009, 2020) and a change in monetary policy (a period of monetary policy easing and a sharp phase of QE, as in 2009 and 2020) or a recovery after a strong fall in 2019 or 2012.

    The market growth at the beginning of 2019 (comparable with 2024) occurred after a decline of 20% at the end of 2018 (a similar scenario in 2011-2012), while in October 2023 the decline was only 11%.

    There have been three times in 75 years where the market has risen 25% in 85 days without a previous correction - 1997, 1987 and 1980 - but the 1980s saw a recovery from all-time lows after 25 years of stagnation at the bottom.

    Accordingly, only once in history (1997) has the market been in a comparable frenzy.

    ▪️Market volatility is at a historical low. Over 75 years, there was comparable or lower volatility only twice – January 18 and February 20, 30 days later there was a record surge in volatility and a collapse of 12 and 35%, respectively.

    Market volatility is two times lower than in 1997 and three times lower than in 1998-2000. Accordingly, for the first time in history, a market growth of 25% in 85 days occurs in the absence of selling pressure; even in April 2019, volatility was a third higher.

    ▪️Trend stability, weighted by volatility, is the strongest in history - its own indicator that combines the rate of capitalization growth, volatility and a predisposition to corrections of 2.5-3% on the growth trajectory.

    Strong growth usually involves a battle of buyers and sellers (volume and volatility), as was the case in 2009 and 2020, while low-volatility growth usually has low intensity, as in 2013, 2017 and partly at the end of 2019.

  68. "...
    If the S&P500 average is above 5011 in March, it will be the fifth consecutive month of growth. This happened in 1961, 1967, 1983, 1986-1987, 2012, 2017 and 2021, however, given the intensity of growth, comparable analogues are only 1986-1987, but then the multipliers were extremely low, and now they are record-breaking.

    The market has grown by 7.8% since the beginning of the year - only 1987 and 1998 had a stronger start to the year with a successful completion of the previous year.

    It is important to note that never in history has the market grown with such intensity in the context of a reduction in the money supply and central liquidity and in the stagnation of the real sector of the economy.

    Typically, balanced market growth occurs along the trajectory of economic growth and with soft monetary policy, as in 2003, 2009, 2012, 2020, or as compensation for the collapse (2019), but not in stagnation and not in liquidity compression.

    Based on a combination of factors (trend stability, rate of capitalization accumulation, volatility, multipliers), taking into account external conditions, it is reasonable to talk about the greatest bubble in the history of mankind."

  69. Grazie Cobra! La traduzione in Italiano è qui:

  70. Created a GoFundMe to cover the costs of volunteering at the upcoming Cobra workshop in Sedona, AZ on April 4th:

    TY for your time and I wish everyone much love always <3

  71. I just had to go into Melbourne, for the first time in 5 years (since Covid). Well, it used to be that half of the population was dark skinned, or Asian. Now I estimate that it is only one out of twenty people were born here. They were all Asian, or Indian or dark skinned. I'm not kidding. So many apartment buildings (i.e. high rises) have gone up. So. Many. Where are the white people? It was weirdly quiet too. But I was only using the train network. So I think maybe the white people are driving. Well, it isn't nearly so bad where I live, out in the sticks...

    1. Does it matter about skin color?

    2. You're asking the right question. Trust me, I've seen white people be replaced by people with brownish sick looking skin. I said it last year too. It's not racial it's more about health. Everyone's bad brownish sick looking skin.

    3. Are you talking about the city? Its a melting pot there, youre not gonna get an accurate view of said ratio "1-20" which is vastly exaggerated anyway. There has always been said Indians hete, and South east Asians moreso. Sudanese and iraqi community is also large, but not as big as Indian. But if you think theyre big here, try sydney...have you seen an Iraqi wedding in the Sydney suburbs?? It's like the whole country packed into the street. There are plenty Caucasian Australians about here, we just don't have the same sense of community probably because we've already been so mixed for decades.
      I was just at a busy pop culture market last Sunday in the north and more than half were caucasian. Not "1 in 20". Again, not sure which suburb you were in, but if you want to see white people, try the eastern suburbs where a bunch of snobs live and the occasional rich Indian. I live out in the West where it *is* more diverse but those communities stick to each other. So of you go to tarneit or truganina you will find their communities more prevalent. Don't forget the italian/Greek communities still exist here too, but would you count them as foreigners due to their skin colour..? Technically they're Australian living here for so long, but ethnically not like said asian/African. Honestly, who cares. Australia was anyway built by slaves and convicts getting whipped by racist dickheads of the same ethnicity, drunk on power trips. Even then, vietnamese gold miners were out here century ago and some remained. People are as good as they are to their fellow man, not by their ethnicity.

  72. What would Jacob rochchild have done to be completely exterminated? That's very uncompassionate no?

    1. He was an evil son of a bitch. He's one of the big banker/robbers of the world. His inbred family been part of the banking cartel that's part of why only 1-2% have so much wealth, and the rest of humanity going hungry. Amongst other things.

      He deserved WORSE than what he got, I say.

    2. Probably encourage the deaths of millions either indirectly through funding war machines, or directly through God knows what. Also being unwilling to change for the good. sometimes dispassion is needed to rid an infection from a healthy body. Jmo

    3. He could not turn to the light. So no, not uncompassionate. He had a choice.

    4. Beings that have so much anomaly that they cannot ever return to a viable state are sent to the Galactic Central Sun to begin anew. This is actually an act of compassion, both for the anomalous being and for creation.

    5. Ő egy archon volt. Sok lelket és testet nyomoritott, és gyilkolt az év milliók alatt. Régóta vadásztunk rá.

    6. One does NOT love a disease, one kills it.

    7. Akit a központi napba küldenek az végleg megszűnik létezni, és soha nem fogják újra teremteni. Elég sok mindent kell a szikrának csinálni, hogy a központi napba kerüljön. A legfőbb amit tett, az, hogy a szeretet hatására nem tudta kiárasztani a szerelmet. A szeretet, és a szerelem nem ugyan azt jelenti, csak az angolban sajna ugyan azzal a szóval mondják.

    8. Genocide, multigenerational starvation cycles, the spread of lies, the poisoning of humanity.. can be largely attributed to him as he inherited that throne of evil. He was not alone, of course, but he was sickness incarnate. As is common of those who come from lineages of multigenerational baby torture (circumcision).

  73. I'ma be in the eclipse meditation, no questions asked. Cobra, is it possible you can teach us more about eclipses and what they mean for humanity, or whatever else? Thank you. If not, I accept that.


    In 1985-1991 Russian “Jesuits” completely privatized Soviet and then Russian media. (The era of "glasnost").
    In 1991-1998 they privatized the Russian economy. (The era of the “seven bankers”).

    In 1999-2014 Russian "Jesuits" privatized the state.
    By 2023, having defeated the “Russian spring” in Donbass, they have completely privatized the Russian agenda and Russians.

    The final stage of Russian privatization was:
    A) “Special military operation”, which was conceived by the foreign authorities of the Russian “Jesuits” as the most important element of the global plan, and into which Russia was masterfully drawn, ensuring that it would have an external threat for many years to come;
    B) Prigozhin’s “rebellion”, which the Russians and Russians swallowed like crucian bait.

    Now the time has come to intensify the Russian agenda the way the “Jesuits” need it.
    The main thesis is “all Russians (Russians themselves, Buryats, Chechens, Tatars, etc.) must unite around the state and the sovereign.” (Note - not around Russian or Russian values, not around the Russian people or even Russia, but around STATE POWER, i.e. around officials and security forces).

    A whole regiment of full-time “ideologists” (mostly with “noble” surnames) sang the same song:
    “He who is not with us is against Russia!”, “Give us an empire of autocratic spirit!”, driving the country into a kind of “conservatism,” but in reality into an archaic state, into a dictatorship, into a freeze of criminal and peripheral quasi-capitalism.

    Question: why should people unite around state institutions privatized by the Jesuits?
    It's the same..."

  75. Also, this is open to anyone. Is it okay to send healing rays to Biden?

    1. you can send the violet flame to him and company, to sabotage their evil plans and transmute their dark energy. So him weakens and will fall again or will say something stupid as usual

    2. Thanks. Yeah violet flame. 👍🏽

  76. Putin US agent:

    National Democratic Institute on International Affairs - NDI (, USA:

    “According to Novaya Gazeta, between 1992 and 1996, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs and the International Republican Institute conducted “trainings” for “reformist-minded political activists”[3]. These trainings were attended, in particular, by representatives of the Choice faction Russia, the Yabloko party, as well as other political parties. However, Yabloko became the only party prepared by the foundation that managed to overcome the 5 percent threshold in the State Duma elections in 1995. [3] Among those who completed the training was the future President of Russia Vladimir Putin.[ 3]. Subsequently, after the start of Putin’s presidency, this fact was hushed up[not in the source] by the authorities of the Russian Federation and pro-Kremlin youth organizations[4].

    In the summer of 2015 in Russia, in accordance with Federal Law No. 129-FZ dated May 23, 2015, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs was included in the “patriotic stop list”[5], and therefore its activities in the country are undesirable. "

    "About the author: Alexander Domrin is a candidate of legal sciences, leading researcher at the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law (under the Government of the Russian Federation), visiting professor at the School of Law at the University of Iowa."

    Ironically, among the approximately three thousand 'reformist political activists' who marched in 1992-1996. 'training' along the lines of the above-mentioned American programs, Vladimir !Putin! (worked by representatives of the National Democratic Institute), is currently characterized by Michael McFaul, for many years an NDI consultant in Moscow, as a potential "Russian Milosevic" whose election as Russian president is not a "positive step" for US interests.

    No less important was the fact that while at the end of 1995 NDI and IRI had lost up to 90 percent of their clients in the State Duma (due to the inability of all “reformist” parties, except Yabloko, to overcome the 5 percent threshold) , a program of the Congressional Research Service whose credo was to work on an impartial, nonpartisan, strictly professional basis with all parliamentary factions and committees, has retained all of its contacts. Paradoxically, it was this low-budget program (two and a half million dollars were allocated for it over three years) that was abruptly stopped by the American authorities in 1996..."

    The Young Guard of United Russia (Putin's political party) explained their participation in US State Department programs:

  77. “Now it’s clear why Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Olaf Scholz was so nervous in recent days. Perhaps the information that the Russian authorities have a recording of a conversation between high-ranking German Air Force officers forced him to urgently justify himself.

    In general, the situation for Berlin is lousy: the German military is discussing in detail the delivery of a large batch of high-precision Taurus missiles and their strikes on the Crimean Bridge. Let us especially note that the participation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces is not even discussed: the operation is planned and carried out by the armed forces of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    Moreover, in Berlin they are well aware of the consequences and, in fact, fear a military response from Russia on German territory and are preparing for it. This is evidenced by the document “Risk Analysis for Civil Defense” recently prepared by the German government, which precisely assumes a direct Russian-German military conflict.

    Without taking into account the recently published conversation between German Air Force officers, this document looks meaningless. And taking it into account, formal logic is restored. Therefore, we can draw a very definite conclusion: Olaf Scholz is desperately resisting attempts to drag Germany into a war with Russia. To which he is pushed by both internal and external forces.

    And we can also say that the “moment of truth” is coming in the conflict in Ukraine. At the front, a turning point in favor of the Russian army is slowly but surely emerging. However, NATO's defeat in the proxy war with Russia means the political and moral defeat of the West. And so they are trying to raise the stakes.

    The risks of playing with fire are not realized by some of the European elites (unlike the American ones, they act much more carefully). And the whole situation is developing in such a way that it is becoming increasingly difficult to avoid a major war in Europe. The level of involvement of a number of European countries in the Ukrainian events is such that at some point it will simply leave Russia no choice.

    Results of the survey ( on our channel: what should be Russia’s response in the event of a German Taurus missile attack on the Crimean Bridge? The two answer options that have become leaders can be called moderate and radical scenarios.

    The first is the destruction of NATO reconnaissance aircraft in the Black Sea. The second is a strike on a strategic facility on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany using conventional weapons. Let us say right away that it is better to put the second option into practice solely as a response measure. If the German attack does take place.

    But the first one can be applied right now. The intercepted conversation between German Air Force officers clearly speaks of the presence of Western military personnel on the territory of Ukraine for the purpose of servicing and using missile weapons supplied for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the British Storm Shadow and the French Scalp / EG. That is, there is actual evidence of the presence of NATO military personnel in Ukraine with hostile purposes.

    Since these missiles (like British naval drones, which are prefabricated in Ukraine) are aimed using NATO reconnaissance aircraft, they are already a legitimate military target. Their destruction will greatly reduce the accuracy of the missiles that periodically attack Crimea, and will also complicate the use of naval drones."

    1. Az oroszok pontosan tisztában vannak azzal, hogy ukrajnának vége, akár segíti őket a nato, akár nem. a natonak vége, ha bármiféle háborúba kezd. A nato hadereje valójában semmire sem jó, és könnyedén el lehet söpörni, és védtelen lesz az EU.

  78. “Why should we carefully watch the Nordic Response 24 exercises in the Arctic? Because this is preparation for a big war with Russia on the part of NATO. The Arctic and Baltic are the two theaters where hostilities between the North Atlantic Alliance and our country are most likely.

    In this case, Ukraine will clearly be a secondary front. If only because NATO does not have enough ground forces to fight Russia on the broad Ukrainian front. The maximum possible for the alliance is the deployment of troops to Odessa and the western part of Ukraine (approximately to the line Kovel - Lutsk - Ternopil - Chernivtsi).

    The main events will unfold in the Baltic (where Russia has two critical points of vulnerability - the exit from the Gulf of Finland and the Kaliningrad region) and in the Arctic (Murmansk region and the strategic railway St. Petersburg - Murmansk).

    Most likely, NATO will act in a new military conflict not as a single military bloc, but as a group of countries that makes decisions independently. And he will try to provoke Russia into making a first strike.

    This will be done either by introducing a transport blockade of Kaliningrad, or a blockade of the Gulf of Finland along the Nargen - Porkkala-Udd line under the pretext of expanding the exclusive economic zone of Estonia and Finland (introducing the practice of inspections of Russian merchant ships).

    A combination of these two actions is quite possible. In this case, Russia will have no choice but to try to release the Kaliningrad region by military force and ensure the free passage of Russian ships through the Gulf of Finland. This scenario is still hypothetical, but the chances of its practical implementation are growing every day.

    It is possible to avoid a major war in Europe today only through a sharp, proactive escalation on the part of Moscow. That is, a demonstration of determination to physically destroy the most active actors in the game against Russia. So far this is not visible and thus we are getting closer and closer ( to the point of no return. We are practically already standing on it.

    Now is exactly the case when a flexible Russian policy, tuned to compromise and the desire to come to an agreement, can turn into a great misfortune. On the contrary, a sharp increase in military stakes still leaves some chance of resolving the situation without a major military conflict.

    There are no more good solutions, only bad and very bad ones remain. And if Russia in the near future (without waiting for the United States) does not conduct large-scale nuclear tests and closes the Black Sea to NATO reconnaissance aircraft, then it needs to immediately prepare for at least a limited nuclear war.

    Only through overwhelming escalation can one convince the enemy that his actions are disastrous for himself. The time for streamlined political statements ended yesterday. Now they are only aggravating the situation and provoking the other side. It’s too late to express concern, it smells too much like gunpowder.”

  79. "It is absolutely wrong to compare the development of the military and political situation in Ukraine with the struggle of certain parties of peace and war. Dear colleagues mistakenly believe ( that the focus is now not on war, but on negotiations. This is true only in relation to Russia, which at various levels continues to declare its readiness to start talking about resolving the conflict.

    At the same time, Moscow’s opponents do not even think about anything like that, still insisting on the need to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. The only exceptions to this general position of the collective West are Hungary, Slovakia and Türkiye.

    But in general, the European Union - both in the person of the Brussels bureaucracy and the largest EU powers (France, Germany, Italy), as well as Great Britain, which is now outside the eurozone - have not changed their position. Things have reached the point where the introduction of European troops into the territory of Ukraine and the transfer of new strike weapons without range restrictions for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are already openly discussed.

    So far we see on the other side of the barrier a constant increase in rates, to which Moscow responds extremely moderately. One can only recall the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus. As a result, such a reluctance to play for aggravation leads to only one thing: the NATO countries leading the proxy war against Russia sincerely do not believe in its ability to respond.

    As a result, the desire to avoid escalation and refusal to raise rates instead of reaching agreements will lead to a major war with the likely use of nuclear weapons. Because there will be no choice anymore. It is better to avoid this by periodically clearly demonstrating to your opponents the seriousness of your intentions. Large-scale nuclear weapons testing is perfect for this.

    And in conclusion, we cannot ignore the thesis about the significance of the resignation of US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, one of the architects of the Kyiv Maidan, who was responsible for communication with the Ukrainian political leadership:

    A symbol of the beginning of a new era in the Ukrainian theater of operations was today’s information about the resignation of “cookie” V. Nulland, the American curator of Ukraine, the architect of all US policy on this track since the sacramental year of 2014. The end has come of this tragic 10-year era, culminating in the bloody breakaway of Russia from Europe. The Moor of the “war party” has done his job, the Moor can leave.

    This is not a symbol of the beginning of a new era in the Ukrainian theater of operations, but Nuland’s punishment for the failure of her political task in relation to Zelensky and his team. In particular, she failed to defend Zaluzhny, who was a “Pentagon man.” Although she personally came to Kyiv and persuaded the Ukrainian president to leave the American protégé alone.

    Nuland demonstrated that she had lost influence in Kyiv and was predictably taken out of the game. It will be possible to seriously talk about changing the vector of US policy in Ukraine and the course towards confrontation with Russia only after the resignation of such key figures in the Biden administration as CIA Director William Burns, Assistant to the President for National Security Jake Sullivan and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. They are all still in their places."

    1. Vigyázni kell Putyinnal, mert Ő is egy sötét erők által bekötött elnök. Mikor erre az orosz nép rájön, az Putyin végét jelenti.

  80. “There is a clear logic in Emmanuel Macron’s actions - to guarantee France the role of the unconditional military and political leader of Europe, and at the same time to provide the French defense-industrial complex with orders for the future. And it is for this purpose that he uses such aggressive and emotional rhetoric.

    Paris now has a unique chance to assert its primacy in the European Union at a time when the United States is increasingly distracted by East Asia and the Middle East. France also benefits from the new British foreign policy, which is focused on the global role of London and its drift away from the EU.

    The peculiarity of the current situation in the European Union is that there is simply no one to challenge France’s leading role in this organization. The French economy is second in the EU and inferior to the German one, but Germany is an economic giant, but a political dwarf. In contrast to it, not to mention other European countries, France has a number of advantages.

    Firstly, it is a nuclear power (the only one in the EU). Secondly, Paris is a permanent member of the UN Security Council with the right of veto. Thirdly, thanks to nuclear energy, France is much less dependent on energy imports than many of its neighbors. Therefore, the French political establishment has a real opportunity to greatly strengthen its position in the European Union and become the number one power in this organization.

    The best way to solve this problem is to unite a united Europe around one common idea. But in general there is no need to look for it anymore. It already exists and is called the confrontation with Russia in Ukraine. Therefore, France sets the tone, trying to stir up EU countries and convince them to join the fight against Moscow. There are still few people willing, and that is why Macron is acting so assertively and even provocatively.

    For the same reason, Paris may indeed take a limited military action in Ukraine. But not at all in order to put Russia in a situation of “strategic ambiguity.” And with the aim of creating such a dilemma for other European countries and forcing them to engage in a more active confrontation with Moscow.

    The game Macron is playing is quite dangerous. However, the French political leadership clearly believes that it is worth the candle. If successful, Paris will strengthen its leadership in Europe for years to come. If the plan fails, then the subsequent escalation is unlikely to directly affect French territory. Because France does not have common borders with Russia, and Moscow does not believe in the use of nuclear or long-range conventional weapons in Paris."

    1. A franciák ebbe be fognak pusztulni, akár sikerül, akár nem Macron terve. Amúgy nem Macroné a terv, őt is mások mozgatják.

  81. What is going on in Texas fires is exactly what happened in Maui. Huge fires in Texas and they are all from DEW weapons. Mostly against meat manufactures, and beef farmers of course. Even Biden made a comment giving it away. He says, "Even one home because they have the Right Roof On." i.e. a BLUE roof. Go to about 8 mins to see this one.

    1. I was thinking that with the state of the clearing, these scenarios would no longer be happening. With all the technology of the LF, one would think they would be able to disable such weaponry, especially this late in the operations. This does not bode well...

    2. Although the planet surface is not liberated, satellites in space should be no problem to disable. Just sayin.

    3. I will exercise the practice of reducing importance in order to not get stuck on this, and let the facts of reality speak for themselves.

    4. unless some satelites still hidden... i think that was the issue they discovered not long ago??

      smoke n mirrows

  82. I found that after 2024, Cobra no longer updates the STATE OF MISSION REPORT monthly. I feel the entire operation has entered a more secretive phase. It's more like the calm before the storm.

  83. Arabic translation of this post/الترجمة العربية لهذا المنشور:
    لكي يتم إعلامك فورًا بترجمة جديدة ، يمكنك متابعتنا على تيليجرام:

  84. Guys ... have you ever woke up and felt like you are afraid to go on living? I get that feeling a lot and I don't understand why. My life now is no where near as bad as it was when I was younger. In fact things are calm. I have minor health problems ... nothing serious so far.

    Yet, I feel anxiety at times and I feel very run down. I believe my 1221 team helps me when I ask, so I just don't understand these feelings.

    Anyone else experiencing something like this? 😟😕🙁😳

    1. my hypothesis... it could be because of the elf waves they use on us. We need high vibrations and these low frequencies make us uncomfortable, your brain decode the low vibrations in the emotional body as fear. Something good to do could be to leave the phone at your home and go for a walk close to nature. I think they send the elf waves in your phone location since the biochip got destroyed.

    2. I agree with risveglio della fenice. Hey do a rainbow body meditation. It helps a lot. I also think there's a lot of pent up anxiety, unresolved astral stuff.

    3. Don't forget ascension symptoms, which made my life HELL since 2010, as well as the darkies zapping us.

    4. Thanks guys ... I appreciate your input. It helps. 👽

  85. I use email to let more people know about and participate in the meditation. this is an example↓↓


    Two events in 2024 will have the most impact on the future of the United States of America. One is the total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8th, 2024. The other is the presidential election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

    The energy of the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th presents the opportunity for a moment of decision for citizens of the United States, where people in the United States can decide what our future will be.

    You are cordially invited to join the meditation:
    Meditation for the United States Total Solar Eclipse on Monday, April 8th 2024 at 6:18 PM UTC

    The intent of this meditation is to restore the Constitution of the United States of America as written and intended by the founding fathers and to usher in the new era of the Age of Aquarius.

    Let's come together to help our Earth anchor these energies!

    As stated earlier, it is important that as many people as possible do this meditation at the same time on April 8th for it to be the most beneficial. Scientific studies have confirmed the positive effects of mass meditations on human society, as discussed here:

    Please share with the world! Thanks for your participation🌹😊

    Have a beautiful day!

  86. En Español

  87. Dear Cobra, the hunting and chasing game is getting more intensive. It seems the Cabal in Germany is busy only with me, now they are attacking me at home. A Big Khazarian family was waiting for me , they wanted to attack my legs ,they do it once a year it didnt work and I asked them"Who is payimg ypu for that?". They left .No warm water, and skin allergy symptoms twice.I am only busy to defend my self from their daily plans. We are simply easy food for them and pay all the bills for every progress I am glad the RM is back ,gives courage to those very hard days for me, they dont have to worry , I know the rules and I will never talk with them, not before the Event.

  88. I hear a lot of you slamm Corey Goode all I know is he was one of first people years ago to make me realise that Iam not going mad this shit is real,and this is speaking from personal experience.with the exception of cobra a lot of what Corey was saying back in 2015 I was experiencing personally,yes and to try verify this before a corrupt court makes you look dilusional.pretty much everything Ive tried to share online gets distorted by parasites.if anything I would like to thank Corey for his work
