Monday, March 17, 2014



  1. Praise Cobra, the beautiful Light Bringer!

  2. Putin Has Nuclear Economic Bomb-Jim Sinclair

    I honestly believe sanctioning Russia is the same as shooting yourself in the foot
    On Russia countering Western sanctions, Sinclair says watch the “struggling dollar” and Russia accepting any currency for oil and natural gas. Sinclair explains, “It’s struggling . . . because it smells the real teeth of retaliation for sanctions being in the simple acceptance of any currency whatsoever for payment for gas to Europe. Believe me, they will settle in other currencies. . . . It makes energy cheaper. Why in the world would anyone want to pay in dollars if they can pay in their own currency? Russia could retaliate in a way that would have phenomenal impact on the U.S. dollar. . . . Russia has the upper hand. They have it in their ability to turn the U.S. economy upside down and into collapse. There is no question whatsoever. Putin doesn’t need a nuclear bomb. He has a nuclear economic bomb that he can set off at any time.”

    1. Overunity is a kill-shot for Russia.

    2. Don't you see? They plan to poke Russia until it does one tiny, itty bitty little thing... like sell oil in something other than Petro-dollars... or say, "boo"...
      Then BOOM!
      The Federal Reserve Note crashes and it's all PUTIN'S FAULT!
      It's a pretty brilliant plan, actually.

    3. :) Rather it would be stimulus for development of own industry in Russia. Being almost neglect after Soviet era was ended in 1991.
      The same will be true for Western countries too -- with introducing of cheap and nature-friendly energy, there will be reason to return back some industries, moved to China, after Cold War was ended.

    4. I've read somewhere China is a king, because it fiercely prohibits exports of its mineral resources. High-tech production needs rare earth elements which China has a lot. So, not much can be done as far as returning production capacity home is considered. I guess, engineering and sciences try hard to reduce the use of rare earths, but you can't use hydrocarbons and common elements everywhere, some things just do not work without specific elements in the equation.

    5. Another interesting idea I've read from one researcher is that UFOs (which I believe are "inside job" in most cases) are extensively used to detect places where rare earth elements are easily accessible. This is done all over the world, breaking all possible treaties. I have a first-hand visual experience that UFO uses plasma technology for swift transportation. In many cases this plasma cloud is hidden behind the hull.

    6. Surf to for extensive news about overunity technology attempts.

  3. When can we have our own free energy devices for the home??? Can't someone make a few hundred and send them out to the public? Also getting just 50 miles per gallon of diesel bugs me when even with old technology we should be getting 200 miles to the gallon minimum.

  4. There should be a "Liberation Park" somewhere in the world after the event, a place where humanity can build statues or some other monuments so we can never forget of the sacrifice that so many, living and dead, had to go through to help free the planet.

    If that ever happens, Cobra surely needs a spot among those people. And don't ever think you don't cobra! You have my deepest gratitude!


    1. I did download by and its ok.
      All other links (including the Camelot Project) just did not fall.

    2. Merci Beaucoup! As this was breaking sources I had found for said docs were all 404. Good to see it's freely available now. Downloaded.

  6. So there was supposed to be a huge announcement that changes everything... and that announcement was that they "found proof of the big bang" - why is this significant in any way shape or form? Why should we care and what does it do to help our situation?

    I really hope the big bang thing wasn't the big announcement that everyone on these forums were talking about - because that would be absolutely absurd. I was really hoping the governments FINALLY say that E.T.s exist and have been on our planet for a very long time... That's what I thought the announcement would be...

    I love the free energy idea, however will it come to fruition with the rothschilds, koch brothers, etc etc etc still in control of all the planet's resources (food, money, power, etc)?

    I'm remaining hopeful but the cabal still have everyone in power, none of them have been jailed yet or anything... so how is this free energy going to be distributed if nobody knows about it but a few thousand/million people?

    I just really want to see on the news "Rothschild jailed awaiting trial for the worst crimes against humanity in our society's history" - when is that going to happen?

    1. If you can follow the mainstream science, it has all kinds of the most complex mathematics and theories yet no single working break-through technology. Most "real" high-tech things (alternating current, radio frequency, control circuitry) we use now were invented or described by Tesla. So, all these years we are only perfecting things that were formulated 120 years ago. Pretty the same applies to atomic energy, fission and fusion. While particle physics models advance beyond comprehension, they do not advance "down to earth" understanding. It's astrophysics on the quantum level. Much talk, but no use.

      Electromagnetic overunity and cold fusion are popular alternative science subjects, but it seems nobody offers elegant solutions and patents like what Tesla had in his time.

      So, it's either humanity hit the roof of understanding, or some forces strip off any higher level understanding.

      On the other hand, at the moment it's obvious nobody is interested in breaking the technological status quo. At the least, unlimited energy supply means unlimited population growth and risks associated with it. It also means losing monetary and energy control over countries and whole regions.

      Overunity won't happen worldwide until new, more transcendental-thinking, elites take over this world.

    2. While most humans are not informed of the actions of the Cabal, while there is not an catharsis causing scandal and nausea for sure manipulation and crimes generated by cabal, no transformation is possible. The strength and omnipresence of mainstream media, create a vision of the world very difficult to be challenged. We, the few who know what's really going on, we went through crazy and foolish, depending on the people you try to aim the rabbit hole. Even among my better informed friends, few are those who manage think outside the paradigms of this civilization. Humanity needs information. If she does not come through the mainstream media, reasoned, and repeated until proven understanding, no real change is possible.

    3. On one hand you hope the free energy isn't controlled by the Cabal but on the other you want disclosure to come from Government??? You don't need government, governance or any other form of control. Look up the word 'govern'. Disclosure begins in you and everyone else. When we demonstrate that we don't need "them" then "they" will become irrelevant.

    4. I agree with you about somethings being happening only when people enter a new era of thinking, feeling, Being. Many will go crazy if those devices were to be released now. My hopes are for the Event.

    5. Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: “Patents Patents Patents?”
      IN a nutshell: 4 of 5 patent holders of new technology were on missing flight.
      5th patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor (formerly Motorola) owned by the Rothschilds.
      from: Project Camelot -Mike Harris interview

    6. @Government Exposed You said that: "So there was supposed to be a huge announcement that changes everything... and that announcement was that they "found proof of the big bang" - why is this significant in any way shape or form? Why should we care and what does it do to help our situation?"

      I think all this has everything to do with the G2 cloud - I just read some one call it a potential "hypernova"! (and also what I hear now is that G2 is travelling up to 45X the speed of light!!!). WE ARE fractions of minutes away in "galactic time terms" from the "zero point" energy field, in a 225 million year galactic orbit (cycle), where all timelines, past, present and future merge.
      What has greatly helped me rid my thinking of the man-made, linear, non-synthetic "time" and non-organic clock, was learning the very basics about the cyclical Mayan Calendar. The Aztecs said "we are entering into the Fifth World" after the completion of a 104,000 cycle composed of FOUR Mayan Great Cycles, which coincides with the cycle of the Four Great Ages of the Aztecs. Our solar system fully immersed within the photon belt (think spiral, conical) already in December 2012, when the Sun conjoined the crossing point of Earth's elliptic and the Galactic Equator…
      (The Maya were't so much of a single tribe but a nation or a race of people. Most Meso-American Indian were "Maya", and followed the "Mayan Calendar")

    7. @Levi Dunn I think they are referring to semiconductor dies not currency
      but there is also the direct reference to death that one could glean.

  7. free energy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Reminds me of minecraft piston engines. Also, I see an american flag in that gif.

  9. Up with Humanity down with the cabal!

  10. thanks for a update, even if it's just one word and 3 pictures ^^

    1. This was is indeed important. Just for the psychological aspect. We see, there is progress.

      One other thing regarding ET seems to be near:

      But nevertheless, the FSB and Paul Hellyer already had an insight to the Snowden-ET-files. I just don´t have a link anymore to this rumor.

  11. Extra link for downloading Keshe's original document.

  12. Free energy!!! Cobra let me know if I can help somehow for Greece....Love and light!

  13. Tremendously blurry photographs. Is there any good reason for that being the case? I squinted really hard on the second one but began to see dolphins.......I love dolphins but really; what are we looking at here?

    On an urelated subject, I saw an article on RT from 2011 where Vladimir Putin commented that 911 wasn't an inside job, that it would be impossible to conceal. The idea that this attack could have been orchastrated by U.S. intelligence is complete nonsense he said. Furthermore, he added that he could not imagine how any of the current or former U.S. leaders could have such an idea....

    In 2011 at least, it doesn't look like Putin was doing much opposing of the Fed board/Washington party line. To me, there has never been a crime in the history of the world with more evidence and data publically accessible then 911. It is the achiles heel of the NWO / Nazi / Zionist / cabal or whatever you wish to call them. It is an achiles heel attached to a large elephant standing in the middle of everyone's living room, including Putin's, and yet he declines to acknowledge it. I find it difficult to reconcile this with the notion that Putin is useful to the R.M. because of their mutual opposition to large elephants.

    I welcome any feed-back on this from Cobra or anyone else. Just don't throw any hate or the troll card at me please. Anyway, I'm Irish, and you have to be nice to the Irish on St. Paddy's day, even if they're really annoying. It's one of the lesser known laws of the universe I think.


    1. @Peter Naughton

      Consider this article:

      in combination with Cobras post on Friday, April 6, 2012

      Perhaps it helps.

    2. you ask why Putin does not declare 911 an inside job. My opinion is at the present time he can;t. But by talking about it he is doing what Mark Antony does in the Shakespear speech 'friends, Romans, countrymen' People listening have the deeds of the true perpetrators brought to their attention by a weak argument that it couldn't be so.

    3. Well 2011 was a long time ago actually. People can change. In 2011 I used to think that Alex Jones was a great guy.

      A lot of things can happen in a short period of time. Look at what has the RM done in just one month and look what's going on in the world just between Feb-March.

    4. Thanks discoveryet,

      I read Preston James' articles and he's got some interesting things to say. These nordics popped up in those alien abduction books that were written in the 70's and 80's. Recently,I read a book called Sands of time, writen as fiction by Sean David Morton where one popped up again. The backdrop was Dulce with the greys and the reptoids but the interesting part was that the tall nordic character was the one calling the shots down there.

      Sometimes it seems that the politics ^ up there ^ are more skewd than the mess we have down here hence we never get a straight answer and have a hundred different narratives of what may or may not be going on. I don't think they can agree on anything which is why we probably got created in the first place, as different aspects of diverse beings in order to serve as a model of how to reconcile differences and live in peace.

      Of course that well got pissed in early on whatever version one reads and so we're back to square one. Negotiations continue and should include earth people, but alas there are too many amongst us who would prefer to eat popcorn and make farting sounds with their armpits.

      C'est la vie.

  14. Let us be clear:

    1) FREE ENERGY was already discovered by Nikola Tesla, we know it as Hydroelectric power: It transforms Gravity into Electricity, and in our homes it is transformed, again, into Gravity/Force.
    And with ONE SINGLE MOVING PART it can generate 100 MW.
    2) According to G.I.Gurdjieff "Man´s extraction of electricity from Nature and its destruction during its use, is one of the chief causes of the shortening of the life of Man"...(Sacred universal energy Okidanokh).
    3)The key is its use with extreme efficiency, as it is now possible, as with "led"lights,etc.
    4)Energy manifests itself following the laws of Three and the Law of Seven (the octave), thus, adequately understood in ourselves and in the universe, we can use it without disrupting the natural equilibrium.
    5)As for the proper development of social energies, immediately following "the Event" we must restore, also, its proper use through the conscious advice (not "government") by those who have achieved such a level of being and by their active "not doing" may attune these forces, now somewhat still chaotic.

  15. I just picked this up from Poofness Office & ZAP Update - March 17, 2014


    Everything seems to be coming to a head. As Cobra has stated previously, the EVENT is expected to happen at the same time. Out wait may be finally over.

    1. YEAH.... i'll believe it when i see it - There's always some "hold-up" someone plays a card, someone threatens 'This or That' - timing issues, I won't believe anything till I see people actually "REMOVED from Power"

    2. It was just announced that Jim Flaherty, the Canadian Finance Minister has resigned!
      Things appear to be happening!

    3. Please don't listen to NESARANews and ZAP. They're deep into the "RV dinar" stuff and are constantly spewing disinfo. If they're being fooled or trying to fool I don't know, but don't waste your time with those guys.

  16. Perhaps they got to Cobra or compromised the website.



  19. That one in the middle looks like an ashtray from Star Trek. :-)

  20. Beloved Cobra & RM
    Any updates? While we Love photos, most of us can read too ;) (LOL)
    Love, Light, Victory Now!! Liberation Now!!

  21. tiptoe through the tulips with me.

    9/11 was a fakery extravaganza.

  22. Beaucoup de choses peuvent se produire dans un court laps de temp avoir confience a cobra frere plaedien e a nous frere exstraterestre cue travail darache pied pour nous nous idee ne sont pas le leurs nous on pence e 3d eux en 5d amour lumiere e verite benedictions sour vous merci egalement a notre frere bien aime cobra victoire a la lumiere divine nous somme la victoire du divin

  23. From Fulfords latest update, free energy device sold in Brazil to locals !

  24. Vous êtes tous des Maîtres de Lumière, et vous allez co-créer les changements pour votre Terre en tant que partie de l’Esprit et le CÅ“ur Cosmique. lumiere e verite a vous tous benediction e notre frere cobra la victoire de la lumiere e lenergie libre reprecente la liberete de notre planete emour lumiere e verite splandeur a nous frere galactique cue livre de tres grand combat pour nous mario morya

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Two brazilian inventors invented a free energy device based on overunity.


  28. Another site about this subject dating back to 2011 with lots of docs, including Nikola Tesla and many more:

  29. The BIG secret is that ZERO does not exist: Energy goes from positive to negative, as the trigonometric functions show easily :

    ZERO was invented to back the power of those who wanted us to believe there was something like a dichotomy in between "matter" and "spirit", so the "spirit" world it was NOT allow to know but only through THEM.

  30. Conversation Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra, November 16, 2013

    Conversation Elizabeth Whitney and Cobra, March 16, 2014

  31. Really?? I'd rather hear about the Missing Malaysian Plane than see 3 blurry pics & 1 word...

    1. don't get too upset or engrossed my friend. there is no missing plane or passengers. it is media fiction designed to expose the media as totally untrustworthy and more especially 9/11 for the fakery extravaganza that it really was. (there were no real plane crashes (faked video including faked demolition and amateur video) and no real victims, most being computer generated entities with no basis in reality).

      april 20 or resurrection/easter sunday is the big day. I feel it in my bones.

      my love and best wishes to all, here and everywhere.

      I really hope that cobra posts this comment of mine, and I thank him for posting my last comment. all truths must out, my friend.


  32. So can we get an answer as to how this will be implemented?

    We've had free energy for a very long time, the furthest back that I know is Nikola Tesla's design that got him killed.

    This isn't any new information, most of us know this stuff exists, just that it's being suppressed.

  33. I detect the astronaut above the earth pic is now clear and not blurry! lol.

    Ok, thought I'd post a couple of links for Cobra fans of two interviews he has done with Elizabeth Whitney. One is an old one (2013), the other is just this month, a couple of days ago in fact! These are just links to the transcriptions only as the interviews were recorded by Skype and not a radio show. I've put this month's interview as the first link being it is most recent.

    1. Thanks so much for posting these Kate March!

  34. and on and on and on it goes,where it stops nobody knows,except mayb the source!

  35. Cobra, could you tell even only with yes or no if there is truth in this interview? I find it pretty revealing: I thank you a lot for all that you're doing and everybody spreading the word to the People. Let the Light penetrate the Life on Planet Earth!

  36. @3DHD and Friends:
    Cloudy is On Board :-))



  37. well guys, I'm in Brasil, in a different city from this inventors, and I found a cell phone in the contact section at their website, and I called and spoke to Barbosa. He hasn't been allowed yet to put his invention on the market, but is working on it. At first I sensed he was a little cautious on he phone, but I let him know that I totally support what he's doing! After that we got to the same conclusion: the technical aspect of it is done, now comes the hard part, the political side of it! And as you can imagine, our country is deep rooted in corruption, its almost a part of society, so in order to get it out on the market he would have to bribe some officials, and so on, so we'll have to make more noise so people become aware that this technology exists and start demanding it! After all, we are disclosure, or did you think it was going to come from the government/corporation?

  38. According to an article dated March 19, 2014, by the second largest, right-wing conservative, daily newspaper in Finland, two Russian media outlets have published reports about what transpired after a Finnish media figure and businessman, Jari Sarasvuo, interviewed a Swedish reporter Johan Bäckman, who reports on Finnish affairs to the Russian sources. The interview aired on a Finnish TV network, TV4, last week. According to the network's internal memo, Backman was not to be allowed on TV because of his "anti-patriotic" views and for being a Russophile, but the interview took place and it was aired. The conversation dealt with the situation in Ukraine and Mr Bäckman aka "Putin's mouthpiece", stated that the Russian military presence in Crimea is for "peace keeping purposes only".
    A day later Mr. Sarasvuo was promptly fired and when asked if the above subject matter had anything to do with the sudden firing, he brushed it off and round about way denied that being the reason. However, Mr Bäckman said that "he doesn't care what Mr Sarasvuo is stating in public, in private Mr Sarasvuo clearly told him this to be the exact reason for him being fired".
    The story is still developing as now the Russian media is asking Mr. Sarasvuo to appear on their TV. Very interesting, and highly unusual behavior especially considering that a global study ranked Finland #1 as "the most liberal media in the world" (ie. the least censorship). That said, there can't possibly be this much smoke without any fire, considering the delusional sanctions placed against Russia by the US and the EU, just few days ago.

    Unfortunately, I was able to read the article only once and am writing from memory only as the link won't open up now (502), but I will paste the link here anyway in case they get it back up later. It looks like the Murdock media cabal is desperately grasping for straws by clamping down on this globally speaking tiny newspaper, in a language no one can understand :) The truth is coming out regardless. So forgive me, if I got any details incorrectly but the gist of it was clear, "the Russian troops in Crimea are for peacekeeping purposes", and titled "Saravuo's firing causing strange brew in Russia: Invited to appear on TV"
    I am glad I happened to pick up this reference link within the article by Jouni Snellman, (the reporter who wrote the article for the Finnish newspaper), to his own website, titled and loosely translated: "Russian news report: Sarasvuo was fired because of his interview with Bäckman". Mr. Snellman is an outspoken critic against the EU and the "Fascist junta" in Ukraine.

    Believe me, I thought myself the last one on the planet to ever trust the Russian government but it seems that Putin's stance is bringing balance to the Vatican Fascist, Nazi-Zionist takeover, and stopping it from spreading into the neighboring countries.
    Not that I really wanna talk about politics at all, I'd rather concentrate on the disclosure about unlimited free energy technologies which is pouring out full force now and can't be stopped any longer. All dreams are coming true…

    1. Freia, Thanks so much for the info & for dampening down a bit of the propaganda about what's really happening regarding the intentions of Putin and Russia! You're letting the light shine through the cracks to help the Light be Victorius. Discernment needed for all of us to sort out truth from fiction, and you did good research!

    2. Namasté, my friend... And I glanced at the screen clock, it said 11:11 :)

    3. Yeah, I am not a big fan of Putin either as he is a homophobic dictator who accepts bribes. But at least he keeps getting in the way of the Cabal so you have to give him some credit.

    4. To make a long story short, I am not an outspoken critic of the EU nor the Ukrainian Government.

  39. Yes, Captain on Board. ❤❤

  40. Live feed for Erigone / Regulus occultation:

    Enjoy !

  41. Note to ~I AM Love~ Thank you for this link to the Erigone asteroid. Very very cool. What a cool website this is... The goddess is moving to her rightful place in the universe!

    ... .....Let's stay positive, keep our energy up, go into nature if we feel discouraged, meditate, affirm, stay creative, stay in our right (creative) brains, but with one foot on the ground. We owe it to ourselves to do this, in any case... even if the event is still a ways away.... Erigone is just about here.. Woweeee.....

  42. Hi,

    Please pass this info along regarding passengers of MH370. Thank you love and light! LOVE LOVE LOVE

  43. Is it true about flight 370 being inside hallow earth?

  44. I cannot help but to think that this movie, The Dark Crystal, relates to our current situation:

  45. the first picture on top looks like its hovering.

  46. Download Keshe Technology here :!f0R10bwS!wEY2nf2ZvOt2unO2NNEIXM62pINPfLRFZP1dp80pqko

  47. Did RR4 begin yesterday, 3/21/2014?
