Thursday, October 1, 2015


Pandora in progress, MOSS/sublunar/L1/L0/INT in progress, PlMOSS RescueNodes/VTXC operational. PB removal vector confirmed, Minor Isidic /Systems security breaches, deflected, HVBN substable to stable. M=10, multiple Midas package. 


  1. You cant be galactic federation without ships, where are the ships?!

    1. Well, he's not "galactic federation". And when you will open your eyes and your hart. You will see the ships you are looking for. <3 Keep on reading and following my young padawan. :)

    2. open your heart and raise your frequency so you get in contact with the Galactic Federation and ships

    3. @ Daniel van nuland and sirius. I don't mean any harm but please spare people with the "Open your heart" talk. I get it but it's a bit too wishy washy and not needed when talking about ships. Open your heart and you'll see the ships....really?? Smh

    4. Yes, really! You can't see them when you are cynicle. You have to trust, have faith and an open heart and mind! Otherwise you are vibrating too low to be on their wavelength. So to you they are invisible while the person standing next

    5. Actually, Shariff Broady, they are correct with the "open your heart" talk. The ships connect through consciousness, and part of consciousness is an open heart.

  2. Thank you Grandmothers (1)

  3. Sounds all very positive to me.

    Way to go everybody!

  4. I don't really know what's happening Cobra but I can tell you one thing. The last time I've felt this out of synch , out-of this world was when I accidentally consumed almost a litre of home made Ayahusca instead of a small 2dl cup. I asked the spirits of the plant for permission and guidance and I went on a very intense, indescribable long trip and ended up in a hospital. My pineal gland just opened up so much that I've felt every drop inside my head and couldn't handle the heat consciously . The doctor who took my blood was Pakistani looking but when I looked at him, he turned into a human looking lizard. He asked me if I am here to get rid of him. I had no idea then what was he talking about. He said he'll back with the blood test result but I never saw him again. After I just ran with a black leopard through time for 16 hours in a fuzzy jungle looking setting . Now, I'm feeling the same way now. I've not touched Ayahuasca ever since. But I'm having the same experience. My head is on fire.

    1. Sounds like you desperately need to stabilise. *Immediately* cycle energy to and from the trouble spot with your Heart Chakra, with the intent to stabilise it.

    2. I also recommend the following invocation.

      "I use a Metetron Spiral to clear, stabilise and if necessary remove Ayahusca energy from my body."

    3. Ayauska é uma bebida da Amazônia feita da cocção de duas plantas e tem propriedades que nos levam a ter visões e entrar em outras dimensões . É uma bebida sagrada. Eu a tomo.

    4. Ayahuasca is powerful Plant Medicine, to be done after intense purification (yes, vomiting, etc.) in Ceremony guided by a Curandura.It seeks out and heals imbalances in the body/spirit. Nothing to play with.

    5. I have the feeling the most people misunderstood my post. The Ayahuasca experience I had happened almost 10 years ago. But nowadays lately I'm feeling the same warmth and feelings in/around my pituitary gland area without the help of the spirits of Ayahuasca and the so called spirit molecules. The plant and it's spirits weren't abused in any way. Permission was asked, fasting was done, cleansing was performed . The journey was mind opening and positive. I was truly cleansed both physically and spiritually. Thank you all spirits and that beautiful black cat. The plant doesn't work for just anyone. If the traveller is not worthy the drink just goes in and out, or you cannot hold it in for the drink to have it's intended effects. The spirits know you straight away as you do your preparation, if you are not ready you won't have the journey. You only had a tiny glimpse of that 16 hours with what I had written above, where time was similar to the time in Alice in Wonderland. Don't be so quick to judge a puzzle where you have not had the pleasure to see the whole picture. love to all creatures working towards truth, love and light. L

  5. Relax people id suggest a bowl or two

  6. What the world needs right now:

  7. What the world needs now:

  8. M= 10 / Month= October?

  9. Thanks Cobra for your informative update. Also, thanks to all the Light workers for your continued efforts in the ongoing pursuit of liberating planet Earth and all humanity.
    I see progress continually being made as each day passes.

    Here is a recent message from Archangel Michael I highly recommend everyone read;

    I was awaken from a deep sleet a few nights ago with a sensation of intense energy pulsating throughout my body. I have never had a similar experience before. I can only attribute it to being one of 2.3 billion souls resonated with the 21 hertz frequency at Tetrad 9282015.

    I am very curious if anyone else reading this blog had a similar experience?

    1. Same experience here a few days before Blood Moon.

  10. How to know if my incarnation was modified?

  11. Progression beats digression and scicors. Sounds and feels like Progress none the less.

  12. looks like a lot is going on ,well now in the news (the fabricated news anyway ) talking about another shutting in Oregon ,that's smell fishy to me .thanks Cobra and RM for the hard work ,I love to be there to kit some reptilian or any bad guy ass out of this world .thanks

    1. Yeah, this shooting play-act sounds like it was conceived by the same people who wrote the Elliott Rodger narrative -- but were instructed to tone down the soap opera elements a bit -- not to say I didn't enjoy the over-the-top quality of the Rodger story, it was quite entertaining..

  13. +Chuck Spencer, yes I did experience this a few days ago. Some sort like cold water pouring onto your body. Thanks for sharing your experience. And thanks Cobra and RM and all who helping this liberation. May the LOVE be with you always!

  14. To all the Light Workers who feel financially disempowered... I too once felt that way. Stuck, alone and desperately "waiting" for the Event to solve my financial woes. Until last year I took a training course on online marketing and actively engaging my manifesting potential. I personally know the pain I read here- I was there only months ago. As I finish up my training- I am required to "coach" others on the tools I now have. My training is called the Diving Living Certification- and it has without a doubt changed my life. If you feel compelled to create your own personal road map to empowered wealth with me I have an offer for the Cobra and Prepare for Change followers. It is this training that allowed me to buy an extra large Cintamani Stone- and now travel the world. I knew how to manifest and use my gift to create income by doing something that matters. Empowering Health and Wealth. This is business coaching for Light Workers and Healers. Find my offer here: .. You will see on my website my actual cost is $1000. At the bottom I will post price- I will do it like the Cintamani Pricing. REREAD Cobra's posting on how to manifest. What he says is real and true. You simply have to follow the steps and take inspired action and make your services more visible. email me at: This offer is only for October as I am graduating November. Unburden yourself. You will be able to be more of service to those who desire your work. We all have a niche- it is simply knowing how to find it and tap into it. Your services are needed. People are waiting for your healing words/ touch/ lessons. Be Ready. Prepare for Change Now.

    Choose your ability to pay:
    3 hours $500= 50% off
    3 hours $250= 75% off
    3 hours $150= a lot off!!!
    1 hour Free Because I know what it is like to only have $20 in the bank and have to feed kids. ( only 5 available of free) First come first serve. Please use integrity when choosing your price.

    With Beams of Love.

    1. Yeah..

      I've seen thousands and thousands of cases where people get rich, start to feel good (what a no-brainer lol) and then, start to spread their "spiritual wisdom" and false love from their ivory tower. Those advices aren't helpful but to only those who are rich also.

      Real love & spiritualism & helping HAVE NOTHING, NOTHING TO DO WITH MONEY (asking for it for something)! MONEY kills almost every good intention as it's form of EVIL !

      So please all, understand that we can't give nothing real to others if money is along! We can only do good to others if we GIVE them money! All knowlegde around health, spiritualism etc. is complete, infuriating garbage! Mind is the ultimate healer.. and it has to be FREE to fill spirit's needs.

      Just instead if someone rich sees this, please know this. I'm one of those rare kind of people, who whould help others for FREE. At first, I would give bank card with access rights to my friends - I would love to see their lives changing. I would use the money to benefit ourselves, nature and future, win-win-win. At least 3-5 million is needed. If you can help, please contact me. I'm trapped in this insane country & environment which are totally killing my soul and body.

    2. Ya bro!!! business!!!! get it !!! long live capitalism and consumerism!
      Namaste !!!

    3. Money in itself is a form of energy, and should be seen as such. Personally if I could live in a bartering society I would be the happiest person in the world.
      The problem with money for those of us that are poor is so associated with survival that has become an obsession. For those who are rich, it is often the only reason for living. For the elite money equals power.
      Until we do away with this system, we have to start learning how to perceive money in a different way on a much deeper level. It is not money in itself that is causing the problem, Inequality is causing the problem Our perception of money and how it is used is causing problems and misery. Why should a banker earn more than a fire fire-fighter? And if I become homeless and destitute, what good can I be to anyone else? Would we take a homeless person into our own homes, are we going to miss a meal, so to speak, to starve the bully? Are we going to stop going to doctors who are lining their pockets and Big Pharma's pockets by torturing animals and people? We have to start asking ourselves these questions and then act.
      If people cannot pay for my healing work I do it for free but then I do menial work to pay rent and bills.Not a happy situation. When a large number of people will decide to get together and refuse to pay income tax, local tax and money to keep a roof over their head, food and clothing, then we will see the right changes we so much desire. Take away the stress, the misery and fear of survival and some real evolution on this planet will start taking place.

    4. Congrats too you thanks for Sharing keep on doing what your doing.. :)

    5. Lay It On The Table, have you posted here before? I don't think I have seen your 'name' here before but I could be wrong. I wish you great success.

    6. Wealth is not a dollar amount it is a mindset.

      Money is actually neutral. It is not spiritual it is not evil, it is simply a tool- what you choose to do with it or project on to it is your business.

      It is simply the form of currency used on this planet. Yes, it has been distorted and used for unspeakable crimes against humanity- but what if we start putting it in the hands of light workers? What if the Light Worker community learned how earn a stable sustainable income where they could fund every humanitarian and environmental project that could radically shift this planet. The choice is ours.

      Truth and Detox no doubt you have skills and gifts that could generate the 3-5 million you seek. Honestly it is simply believing it is possible for yourself and using proper strategy. And absolutely.. Real love and spiritualism and service have nothing to do with money- I couldn't agree more. What I am talking is putting a roof over your head, buying food, paying for gas to put in your car- my kids grow like weeds... I have to buy clothes every six months for them. But it is part of my spiritual practice to buy high vibrational food (expensive), sustainable clothing not made by human slaves (expensive), and other mindful practices that support startup organic really cool stuff- like homemade soap (cost more then a 6 pack of Dial).

      Bennet Roath yes! There is incredible wealth of information online.. free information abounds! I personally never knew my potential until I invested in myself. I was broke and in pain and I needed someone to show me the way. What I do is not for everyone, this I know.

      Personal ambitions... yes.... I desire to see Light Workers empowered, financially, emotionally and able to provide for themselves without seeking donations. Honestly. My personal agenda is to live debt free and the most empowered way I know to do it is to share what I know in exchange for currency.

      Until we are liberated, we must liberate ourselves.

    7. Absolutely! You put it very well. Charity starts at home as they say. And what you are describing here is totally feasible. Ultimately is greed that is causing the state of affairs we are in, not charging or exchanging our services for currency in a sensible way. Also a lot of people are waiting to be rescued whether by the light forces or someone else. We indeed need help, and also help with technologies that makes it possible what you describe above but there is a lot we can do in daily life. I could post a long list here, starting from buying second hand or making your own natural cleaning solutions at home for instance, or stopping using anything that is tested on animals including a lot of useless medicines that are often not needed and so on and so forth. Yes the list is endless and if more and more people would adopt this way of life instead of sitting in front of the internet feeling so pleased with themselves thinking they are awake because they visit certain websites,we would start seeing changes happening a lot faster.
      You must also take into consideration that although American people are hit the hardest at this point in time, the vastness of the land is an asset. It is a lot more difficult to live this way in Europe where the "sharks" have laid their hands on every piece of land available for the profit of the few......

    8. Absolutely! You put it very well. Charity starts at home as they say. And what you are describing here is totally feasible. Ultimately is greed that is causing the state of affairs we are in, not charging or exchanging our services for currency in a sensible way. Also a lot of people are waiting to be rescued whether by the light forces or someone else. We indeed need help, and also help with technologies that makes it possible what you describe above but there is a lot we can do in daily life. I could post a long list here, starting from buying second hand or making your own natural cleaning solutions at home for instance, or stopping using anything that is tested on animals including a lot of useless medicines that are often not needed and so on and so forth. Yes the list is endless and if more and more people would adopt this way of life instead of sitting in front of the internet feeling so pleased with themselves thinking they are awake because they visit certain websites,we would start seeing changes happening a lot faster.
      You must also take into consideration that although American people are hit the hardest at this point in time, the vastness of the land is an asset. It is a lot more difficult to live this way in Europe where the "sharks" have laid their hands on every piece of land available for the profit of the few......

  15. Regarding the Energies:

    We have felt big headaches and big fatigue the last couple of days. I finally broke down and took some Advil for the headache (that particular drug stops the headache and puts me to sleep, but it is probably a drug that is not good for us.).

    According to Dr. Fred Bell, we can eat raw almonds and the salicylic acid in almonds has a gentle aspirin affect and this helps headaches, too.

    1. I've noticed something VERY strange since the Blood Moon. My Body's food relationship has changed - Drastically (like over-night). I can now only eat smaller portions (compared to what I'd usually eat) or else I get a "food coma" MUCH Quicker & I feel dizzy. I am not used to eating so little food but it seems to be what I need now.

      I had the nastiest Migrane after the Blood Moon & it rocked my stomach chakra hard but I could also feel my sinuses (Pineal gland?) expand energy filed expand or enlarge by 3 or 4 times? - Something happened.

    2. England October 2, 2015
      Boy I empathize with you. We are all sick here. They call it a flu.It is making people so sick that you can hardly function normally. Nausea, coughing, blocked sinus. dizziness, inability to rest properly , strange dreams and an awful sense of fatigue. My body is screaming for rest and I feel hyper and restless. Something indeed happened on the top of the fact that they have been spraying like hell for four days last week. It is a massive cleansing that is taking place and eating smaller portions of food or taking a short fast helps a lot .Organic Chlorella and Cilantro Tincture are vital to remove the onslaught of heavy metals and to counteract the lack of nutrients and the removal of vital vitamins and minerals from our food. The incoming energy is not easy for us to adjust to, we are bombarded from all sides, , time is also accelerating in an overwhelming way. There is a set of exercises called The Five Rites which is very very useful and helps a lot to keep up with the pace. You can find them on-line. Do try them, everyone can do them.

    3. @Grantz. OMG yeah. Same here. appetitte has dropped right off. Used to eat mountains now I barely finish an average meal. Also eating more veg which always despised. Go figure. Damn near over night too. Even my folks give me weird looks now. Like I'm ill or something hahaha. Seeing your comment made me laugh. Always good to know I've not completely lost the plot!

    4. Right - I'm eating a lot less too. I am not very interested in food.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Forget the energies man just be happy with existance choosing to make us a part of itself. shit smoke a bowl or two trust me after the event errbody gonna flower power. Namaste lol

    1. I like your post. You really are narrowing down to essentials. The thing is I would like to live on this planet, not only exist and that makes the going a lot rougher....

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. LOL! Yeah, number four comment. At least you are keeping track! Very good discernment! :-))

  19. Mikey internment fasts everyday. Namaste

  20. FAO Cobra *Free Energy devices to be released*

    Please could you include information about The Keshe Foundation in your next update. Mr Keshe has recently made an announcement that he wants all ambassadors from all countries in Italy on 16th October 2015. He will demonstrate and give away free plasma devices to the ambassadors that meet all energy needs. (Free heating and lighting.)

    On top of this he is already in manufacture for these devices to the general public (on his website) and he will upload the blueprint to this device for people to make themselves if they choose to.

    Please look into this as Mr Keshe needs all hands on deck and there is a great need for manufacturing in all countries. He estimates if the team in Italy work hard they can only push out 1 million of these devices a month and there's 7 billion of us!

    I'll keep this short but please if you or anyone here reading this can help with manufacturing of these devices or in any way help please go to the following links:

    Youtube clips for knowledge seekers:


    Keshe Foundation forum:

    Contact form:

    Please note that a lot of videos are missing as they need to redo them due to copyright infringements. Also, the devices should give you up to 80% off your electric/heating bills. He will be doing it this way first, then the devices will provide for 100% of your needs.

    1. i dont have the 200 cash for this very cool energy device, but once i see in side it i,ll be able to make it . so please if you by one of these devices please put up pictures so i can see it. i will make as many as i can for every one in my community. i cant wait for this it,s been a lone time coming

    2. We won't have to wait too long. Mr Keshe says that shortly after 16 October the blueprint will go up online and he's being quiet for now about the inner workings. He did say that will all be revealed 16 October. Can't wait!

  21. *Important info*

    More information on Keshe.

    Correct Livestream link:

    More info about the energy devices from Enerchi at Ascension with Mother Earth:

    Thank you Enerchi! :)

    1. The 81st Knowledge Seekers workshop is now on youtube:

      (3 hours 41 mins)

  22. I've got the feeling that something great was about to be done or announce by the good guys and them the CABAL team have to stage this shooting in order to create diversion or look ,look ,look this way , SO SICK OF IT ,I can not way to see all their ass behind bars ,and by the way the one promoting his or her special training ,are you kidding me ,still in the same paradigm ,give me money and then I'll do it ,the key is serving to others ,everything should be free ,we still stuck in this because of the controllers ,they bring the money to create division and duality .if we operate in the same way where is the progress? it feels to me that keeping spraying the same disease we are trying to eliminate .done now .let's meditate .

    1. Mind they do to really smart guys in the Military..I know one..he survived 4 tours..I think he knows things...dark things...that he saw...


  23. "I swooped a Supermodel off her feet with a 1987 Buick and a Neil Diamond song."
    - Mick Foley -

    They have been married for 23 years, have four lovely children, and are happily living ...
    Right There !
    ON Long Island, New York

    This one worked for Mick, it's gonna work for ALL Mankind :-)
    Achtung! Anschnallen!!!
    DINI !!!

    "Money talks
    But it don't sing and dance
    And it don't walk
    And long as I can have you here with me
    I'd much rather be
    Forever in blue jeans
    Honey's sweet
    But it ain't nothin' next to baby's treat
    And if you pardon me
    I'd like to say
    We'll do okay
    Forever in blue jeans"

    Have A Nice Day
    And That Is FINAL
    Bang Bang :-)



  24. She'll Be All Right :-)

    UP !


  25. Some amazing claims in this video.

    Mr Keshe shows the final prototype of the Keshe Foundation Power Unit.

  26. There is a bit shift in energies here in the world.

    The displacement of people in Europe is causing a very sad energies around the world.

    So lets change this frequency around to some Love and Happiness energies ....

    When ever you may feel down at any stage of the day, get outside immediately and face the sun and recharge yourself with pure energy coming from the Sun.

    This has been happening to losts of people around and if left unattended can cause one to feel very negative and depressed.

    Also if you have time take a walk, and take large breaths , relax and look around you would be amazed as you would start seeing things like the aura of people and the aura of trees........


  27. Kate, I saw the Keshe Livestream video last week. His device looks super cool. I pray that it is real and not a scam. Just want to correct you on 1 item. It is not strong enough to do "resistive" applications, so, no free heating yet. However, it is capable of laptop/cell phone, lighting (probably led). And many other (dc?) uses around the home. It is definitely great and could significantly help humanity if it is real, just saying you can't run a space heater off of it. This plasma battery sounds amazing and I suggest people check out the Livestream link to view his lectures.

    1. I do know that one knowledge seeker is using his own device to power his home. He says his lights are on all the time. I don't think the blue box that Mr Keshe shows is online yet but two of his products for energy are here:

      The car system and Magrav-Power Universal System that is for the home. Description on this unit says "With this product, you are able to support the main outlets in your house. This allows the system to increase the supply that you are receiving and meet the demand that you are using at that point."

      All needs will be met from this device not just small appliances. I have a feeling that the magrav power universal system might be the blue box that comes out because they are busy changing logos. The blurb on the item says product not exactly as shown.

      This technology is very real and people are making their own devices, healing pens, reactors from Mr Keshe's teachings. Enerchi has put up an article about this technology and says, "We will be able to maintain a heating as well as cooling system in our homes. It will maintain a consistent room temperature always and does not require a cooling system itself."

      Hey, if you think that is cool wait til January 21st when Mr Keshe hopes to demonstrate a working spaceship! (Might be model sized, don't know yet but they are working on one with plasma, no bolts and screws necessary.)

      I cannot emphasize enough please everyone do not sit back. This is what we have been waiting for! We all need to take this on board, it is such a game changer. Changes start with the grass roots, us. We are being given a wonderful opportunity and gifts from a man who has risked his life to get this tech out there. The implications are enormous!


  28. Guten Morgen, jetzt ist Schluß.
    Die tanzlosen Tage sind vorbei.

    "Ich versicher' Ihnen, und das ist nicht gemein gemeint:
    Melodien haben schon MILLIONEN VEREINT

    Das ist Rocket Radio - hör gut zu
    Das ist ROCKET RADIO - *AT ITS BEST*!!!"
    Sirius Satellite

    Fast wie von selbst sind Wir hierher gekommen,
    Und jetzt stehen Wir Gemeinsam HIER

    Auf Los geht's Los.
    Achtung ?!

    Ich bin der Meinung: Ihr seid SPITZE !!!
    Lasst uns Wellenreiten gehn :-)

    Gute Freunde kann niemand trennen !!!


  29. This comment has been removed by the author.


  30. Leck Mich Am Arsch - Zeit Abzugehn:-)))

    What Campino said +1


  31. It's much better than the 1i use really which is like a simple notion but never use something like which is specially designed for men mom soused to be kids care products for my mom's up game Cream that it's kind of like a bee created a and I'm at another curious man Korea I years he claimed he stays and it's not a surprise to use call extent.

  32. "MOSS/sublunar/L1/L0/INT in progress"

    Im guessing that the sublunar operations are finishing. In previous operations, the L0 were the last ones and in this case that "INT" means interior.
