Monday, June 13, 2016

Chania Conference Report and Two Cobra Interviews

Our Ascension Conference in Chania was a huge success. It was located in one of rare places on the planet where pure Goddess energy is still present. From all our conferences until now, this one had the most Light and harmony present and everything was flowing with ease. This gave us a glimpse of taste of what our lives after the Event will be.

Therefore we can invite you on two Ascension conferences which will be taking place in July in Asia.

The first one in Chiang Mai, Thailand on July 2nd and 3rd:

And the second one in Taipei, Taiwan on July 16th and 17th:

You are welcome to join us!

Until then, you can read two Cobra interviews.

The first one was on AGN Veg Global here:

The second one was a joint interview with Randy Cramer, Red Dragon Ambassador and Rob Potter here:

The Youtube version of that interview is here:

There is much happening behind the scenes but unfortunately not much that can be reported to the surface population. Situation update will be released as soon as it will be strategically wise to release it.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Cobra, Thanks very much.

    I'll look forward to hearing these interviews.

    1. Yes very good to hear it went well and things are progressing :) thanks C

  2. Interesting, i'll read it, thank you so much Cobra!! Check it out this Message from Mira:, what do you think, guys?

  3. The surface population yeah, that's me right there and i don't care what's behind the scenes anymore.
    Are we just gonna stay like this forever, floating.
    I'm serious, my heart is furious.
    Don't go to war for me.
    I'm not the one that you want me to be.


  4. Very Happy that the Conference was a Success.
    Thank You for your Invaluable Contributions, EveryBody

    Progress is Being Made in a Big Way.
    No Need to talk about it - DO IT ♥

    Greetings from The Night Watchman
    Tonight's gonna be a Good Good Night

    And not just this night :-)

    Victory Of Love And Light And Peace
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


  5. when a ferocious animal has nowhere to run and is traped in a corner, that's when he is the most desperate and dangerous, so slow and easy now.....

  6. After the event already exists. All probabilities exist.

    Each of us is the event.

    1. Well said. yes!

    2. Yes, it's what I begin to grasp more and more.
      We are The Event, there's no group of directors, concocting their play behind closed doors, with us in waiting. The actors tearing each other apart in jealousy, desiring the largest role in it. We're capable of dreaming and declare our dreams are coming true.

  7. Some may choose to experience an event, and that will shift them into that probable reality. Some may choose other directions. Everything exists so choose whatever is most beneficial. The reality is the choices we make are so connected to probabilities that we don't even notice the shift unless it is so different from the current probability. Thus, an event. A great change, to become aware of the process of creation.

  8. Thank you Cobra and Resistance Movement! Digging into the interviews now and greatly appreciate all that you do. Victory of the Light!

  9. Read carefully and PAY ATTENTION to what Randy Cramer is saying - especially how the SSP is directly linked to PSI !

    Peace out

    1. Randy seems overly paranoid to me, I accept Cobra's perspective on the topics Randy discussed.

    2. I was following Randy before I found Cobra. I think the main difference is Randy is from and supported by a US SSP. Cobra is speaking from the RM perspective. From what I understand the RM would have a broader more holistic take on whats happening. Notice Randy opens with a 18 month time frame, but at the end hes moderated and simply say "...closest, soonest place of full disclosure in the shortest amount of time." This is what we all want.
      Victor of the Light!

    3. Thanks for the perspective @FairWindAlliance, I think my concern is that Randy's expression instilled F.E.A.R. in me, while Cobra's fostered hope and inspiration...and inspired me to re-commit to perseverance. Or maybe Randy is just intense, like me. :)

  10. Let me just clarify, that I DO NOT in any shape or form support Sanders (or ANY other political candidate for that matter!), who is a side-show dead-weight distraction for the "big boys" and...a straight-up communista who spent his honeymoon in Moscow in 1963

    1. Oh pa-leeze, don't believe the hype. It's all a big, dangerous game, Sanders is the Love and Light candidate, therefore he must be stopped, even if it means subterfuge. Hillary is and always has been a shrewd and dangerous criminal. Trump is an enigma of the old, dying world. He uses a platform of fear and obtuse pretense.

    2. As I have said before, I visualize NO Election. I would love for the Event to occur before the (s)election, and put an end to the political madness once and for all.

    3. Oh dear...ugh...ok PB take a deep breathe, you' can believe 'anything' you want.
      I'm not stating opinions or "hype?" but facts based on Knowing, not believing.

    4. Yes, you know that he went, but I doubt you know WHY he went. Are you inside his head? No, and I'm not either, so I can only speculate, although I am from New England and have witnessed his consistently inclusive and positive attitude toward all people, and his Senate voting record. I have been on his email list for years and knew of his great contributions to society long before most of you even ever heard of Bernie Sanders. He has worked very hard in the Senate to effect change that helps the middle class, although he is more of a hawk than I'd prefer, but so are the rest of them. He has seen the increasing corruption and power of government and corporations at the expense of We the People, and has fought to correct that imbalance, calling out people like the Koch brothers. Sure, I like him, and yes, that's an opinion, but I don't give a shit where he spent his honeymoon. (Sorry but this is how we talk in New England, straight up direct.)

      Did it occur to you that he may be a Russian Jew returning to the land of his ancestors? If so, so who could blame him? I don't really know, I just imagine maybe that's why he chose the location, as it seems not your typical honeymoon destination. But since I would love to visit the home of my ancestors in Canada, France and Madeira, Portugal, I can imagine it had more to do with family than politics.

      I DO know that both the Clintons are dirty dangerous, going back to their rise to power in Mena, Arkansas, with many witnesses and survivors of their heinous acts speaking out. I expect her to be arrested when the shit hits the fan. Trump, he is careful not to do illegal things but he is an opportunist and his ideology is dangerous and incendiary. I am not sure what his real agenda is.

      I honestly do hope there is NO election, but as Cobra has stated, ultimately it doesn't matter. Once we manifest The Event, all of this controversy will fade into irrelevance.

    5. Bernie Sanders even called out the Koch brothers! I have to admire anyone who does that. But sure, he probably won't even get to be POTUS, despite initiating a meaningful dialog about the State of the U.S. I just have a thing for people who speak Truth to power. Notice the capitalization. Truth is greater than power, for Truth IS the ultimate power.

      Now I hear 2 things..Neil Keenan has stated that Obama and the US regime is out, and General Dunford is in..and Anonymous has confirmed it. Someone posted it in this thread, a link to the info at Galactic Connection (Alexandra Meadors site).


  11. Thank you for the Crete update.
    And for the upcoming conferences.
    The 2 interviews are interesting.

    In the interview with the "Vegans" (I mean people who don't eat animal products -- I'm not talking about people from the Vega star) Cobra states that animals have a very wide range of emotions -- like humans do.... That interview made me quite sad about our wonderful animals.

    We live near a lot of cows and after living near them for a couple of years, I stopped eating beef. There are pigs nearby also, and chickens, too. I can't eat pork or chicken either. Hardly any eggs. Very little milk or butter.

    This change happened to me gradually, simply after living near these creatures and watching them and talking to them. They have become very special to me.

    Moving away from meat and animal products happened rather gradually -- I didn't even "try."


    1. Good on you, Megan, and thank you for that post.

      I was a vegetarian for many years and turned into a hardcore Vegan about two years ago. I wanted to comment in more detail about this topic but it would have turned into a several-pages-long essay.

      So I'll just say this: Killing, Abusing and/or Enslaving animals in any way shape or form is Wrong. They're just like human beings, only difference is that they look different and we currently don't understand their languages.

      The dark side knows that very well, which is why they want humans to eat as much animal products as possible - it is a large part of the poisoning process. They're basically selling us our own brothers, sisters and children for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
      To which I can only say (pardon my Extremist Vegan Accent):
      "No thanks, and FUCK YOU, you murderers of the Innocent!"

      Oink, Moooh, MeeOw, Woof, cock-a-doodle-do and what have you.

      Really very good on you, Megan.


    2. You are kind to comment, RaJah. Perhaps even more unusual is the fact that my father was in the meat business! I ate enormous amounts of meat as a kid.


      Once you spend any time around these wonderful animals you will notice how perceptive they are. They sometimes notice me walking around in the kitchen and they look at me through the windows. "What's she doing in there? Can I come in? Is what she's making better than this grass I'm eating?" You know, they have a lot of questions.... ; ^ )...

      I recommend we all go vegan. Read up on it and try it.

      As Rajah put it so eloquently:

      "Oink, mooo, meow, Woof, cock-a-doodle-do......"

  12. Thank you Cobra.
    You say: 'There is much happening behind the scenes but unfortunately not much that can be reported to the surface population.'
    I really believe you but in daily life it's hard to realize in what reality I live. It feels like there is none. There's much but at the same time nothing.

    1. we will know when we will know. We have each other and let us continue doing our inner work. SMILE:-)


  13. And as if the darkies didn't have enough to think about because nothing is going like they want it to anymore . . .
    they get RickRolled - OUCH! :-)

    And that's the Bottom Line 'cause the toughest S.O.B. on the planet says so!

    Sorry if no-one gets the joke, at the end of the day it *is* quite the insider ;-)


  14. Thank You. Victory of the Light indeed!

  15. I just want to express a great thank you, for all info that you said us and for all that we felt as an info from you. But also it was a great pleasure to meet Isis Astara and her unique energy.
    Her voice and song, her moves and dance was a great gift for all of us and also an awakening.

  16. My Dear Brother COBRA
    Thank you from the buttom of my Heart for these two wonderful days in Chania.
    The Ascension Conference was more than great and the participants from all over the world were fully dedicated and focused.
    My Twin Flame and myself would like to Thank personally also Astara Isis for her unique and Divine presence wich harmonised and grounded the Goddess Energy and COBRA once more for his healing crystals for Danae's sons.
    We would like to Thank all the Light Beings for been with us in the Conference that made them selves visible floating over the hotel one night before as glowing light orbs.
    Last but never least, we would like to Thank the people who participate with their pure energy and of course those who organised such a perfect event.

    We All are the Light...Spreaded everywhere.
    ☼ Victory of the Light. ☼


  17. and as I was writing yesterday on the cornered animal, this important message from James Gilliland of ECETI arrived, very important for all to read:

  18. Thank you so much Cobra - you are doing great job!
    We are all very fortunate that you share your intels and great spiritual treasure with us. Victory to the light!

    It´s amazing, that I got a message from Master Kuthumi recently in my last channeling. He emphesises the importance of vegetarian life style and protection of our animal brothers and sisters. Kindly allow me to share this channeling with our brothers and sisters of the light. Here is the link from this blog on my website:

    (Sonja´s Channeling vom 23.5.2016 mit Meister Kuthumi)
    It is in German language,therefore please use the google translator into English. Thanks.

    Ein Leben mit Tieren - Living with animals – about Vegetarianism

    The message of Master Kuthumi, which was the ancient holy Francis of Assisi. He want to give all his blessings to those who chall upon his mercy. All glories to the ascented Masters of White brotherhood and holy Spirit! Victory to the Light!
    With kind regards, Team Golden Spirit

  19. Wonderful joint interaction, crossing light

  20. Cobra, what happens to reptilians incarnated in humans body after event? Im one of them so its important to me. Also what about those who gonna need meat, reptilians arent green fans.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. not all reptoids are on the negative path. If you are service to others, my bet is that you'll be alright.

    3. you're a hybrid like Simon Parkes?? Did you your physical vessel need a DNA upgrade to contain your soul inside??


  21. Too perfect... president bummer, bumbling his wisdom for all u.s... as his craft being twisted against him
    (29 pages- don't forget who didn't do it)
    A price I would not want the task to repay
    Most powerful person where..?
    (size of the Pulse any other day..? @ last call)
    50 killed, +50 shot... how many got away... @ last call
    smaller than a school gym...
    parking for 70 tops (@ last call)
    +100 bullets all from 1 gun, right..?

    Or take a cell tracker and force a 911 call, and set loose the cops
    Pull the building Waco style..?
    fist trapped in cookie jar

    and how bad an up-date this good is needed
    (or I would be wondering about the other stuff all-day)

    1. Actually you can tell the pictures in the.paper are all staged. The feds are competeing with hollywood and dont believe their budgets are as seperate as we should think they are.

  22. Awesome Vegan interview. Thank you to everyone participating in this transition. We are holding hands as we walk our way into Victory !

  23. Thank you Cobra and all the interviewers and people behind the scenes...

    The AGN Veg Global interview certainly gave us food for thought. I am doing a lot of re-evaluating lately anyway, despite being under Doctor's orders NOT to become Vegetarian (or Vegan) at this time, due to my thyroid issue. As it is, I still struggle with the addictive and deadly substance of sugar!

    As for The GoldFish Report ©2016 ExoPolitics Round Table Part 2, Red Dragon Ambassador, Cobra, Randy, Rob...

    ...I felt like it was a trip down the rabbit hole, a bit confusing, but I tend to agree with Cobra that MOST people certainly CAN handle Disclosure, and the benefits of Full Disclosure ASAP far outweigh the potential fear and inability of a minority to comprehend the new information and change their belief systems. And yes, the energies will also be shifting which will support more ease and flowing with the changes. For one thing I understand, even though most of us don't know exactly what to expect, and many people never even heard of "Disclosure", clearly, most sentient beings on the planet strongly desire positive change, and I believe we will adapt, and eventually thrive.

    1. I dont think there will be much issue with people stuck in their beliefs. When the common consciousness change it will not be so difficult.

  24. Oh, and I look forward to the intel releases of what is going on behind the scenes that Cobra refers to, as I think it will put a lot of our speculation to rest, and help us to make sense of the incomprehensible things we see occurring on the surface.

  25. How do you know you are reptilian? I'm sure if you're over all a good person or willing to be you'll be fine. You can adapt to eating "greens" theres lots of vegan options that can taste like the real thing.

    1. When you can speak parseltongue you're reptilian, just kidding, golly. There's a man who's capable of discerning with you, if you're reptilian or not.
      His name is Simon Parkes, go google for his contactdata, if you want to figure it out.

  26. Good News-some progress:

    1. Oh great, thank you for sharing this, James Farrell <O
      Icecream for you.

  27. Soulstice Rising Ascension Notes: Surrendering and Flowing to What Is - 10-Jun-2016 by Kara Schallock

  28. AGN Veg.
    Is it true that as Humans are harvested energetically by dark entities, so are the animals, directly and Through us?

    Yes, exactly

    "Humans are harvested energetically by dark entities"
    Can someone explain this?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Negative energy, it's called loosh. Negative entity's especially the Draco use it as their life force. They will literally fly over battlefields where there is lots of death and suffering and soak it all up.

    3. Keep in mind that "dark entities" aren't in the same reality always with human beings, although they can keep us company when we're not vigialnt. We're talking about energetic parasites here, not consumers of meat. When we choose our meat for consumption carefully and bless the animal in gratitude for the benefit of our strength and health, we're on a different page. It all depends on our intentions and choices, see what I mean?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. Sorry wunmansho.. I have literally no idea what you're saying.. haha. I'm not a mind reader (yet!)

      From what I understand - the dark forces are so deep in the primary anomaly; they have lost almost all their connection to Source - and with it; their life force energy. If they are not constantly nourished with the energy garnered from us, I don't think they will survive..

      Some of the energy they vacuum from us will be absorbed from the animals we've consumed.


  29. The AGN veg interviewer seemed quite aggressive in his questions. It also made Cobra passive. Felt like one wrong answer and the interviewer would go mental.

    1. Agreed. I'm not sure why Cobra did this interview, the whole thing felt like the interviewer trying to get Cobra to admit that "It's Wrong To Kill Animals For Any Reason EVER!"

      I always got weak, sick, and ravenously hungry when I tried to go vegetarian, did my research and discovered my blood type essentially means I'm some kind of cave-man and/or directly descended from Hunter-Gatherers who ate meat as a primary part of their diet.

      I plan to get a replicator or download into a new body ASAP but until then I'm eating meat guilt free.

    2. Same.. You can't convert vegan when your body isn't design to eat only vegetables. I tried it and I was so weak, couldn't walk.. because I had bad reaction to certain foods.. You need meat for protein source and none other than meat can provide the most potent.

    3. I didn't like this interview at all. Every question was a loaded question that didn't seek information, but rather begged for confirmation of the questioner's opinion. This interview was neither helpful nor informative; more a political vegan statement than an interview.

    4. I felt the same, it was very proselyte. I just zapped through! I'll stick to my escargots for the time being. Not mentionning I see nothing wrong with eating an egg and a velvety Camembert! With a glass of red wine!

    5. Maybe you were not ready for it then. I have the latest months felt more and more weak, sick and strangely hungry when I eat meat. It feels much more calm and balanced when I avoid meat. Just bought a vegetarian cook book to read over the summer.
      Listen to your body. If you are not completely out of balance your body will signal what it needs.

    6. I've been a vegetarian since a baby.. I don't think you do need meat as your primary protein source! At least not for vegetarian.. which is still better than being a meat eater.

      Here in England, all supermarkets generally sell fake meat alternatives. I think some might have some egg in the ingredients.. but again; that's still better than eating a dead animal.

      The other thing I do is take a multivitamin etc. every day.. that way; my limited diet is supported.


  30. are Donald John Trump Rob Porter?

  31. WHy do some ppl claim that the orlando was a false flag when there is no evidence? how tf was it done?

    1. You may find some dots to connect here.
      The news of today, June 15th.

    2. What they are saying, correctly, is that some dark elements in our Govt and/or alphabet services, helped to coordinate it and pull it off. All of the "mass shootings", in the past several decades, had assistance from folks that have an agenda and work for the US Govt. Look up Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group (who closed their secret annual meeting in Dresden, Germany, Sunday right before the shooting). There is absolutely a conspiracy by the elite, super rich, but they also happen to control the the sheeple keep on blindly believing. The good news, is it's changing, it's been changing and we are close to spectacular changes for the good.

    3. Agreed. The only thing sicker than another mass killing in America are the predictable conspiracy theories the next day of "false flag!" Sandy Hook, the Carolina church shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing, and now the Orlando club massacre...all part of some campaign to snatch people's guns.

    4. Keep watching the videos on YouTube that explain and show it. You have to watch a lot on any given FF. And you have to do that before you can claim that there "is no evidence," just because the mainstream media didn't explain it to you and because your neighbors and coworkers don't get it.

    5. Did you know that Dan Rather was one of the first ones out the gate to lie to the American public about what happened to Kennedy? Then look what happened. Yes operation mockingbird was in full swing even back then. Controlling the conversation. Controlling access to information. So whos making the assumptions? Just sayin. This is what waking up really is.

    6. US Intelligence Officer: “Every Single Terrorist Attack In US Was A False Flag Attack”

  32. Understatement of the day from the Goldfish Report:

    Cobra: "....then we have on the negative side the Dracos and the Reptilians, the two main races who went a little bit off the track..."

  33. If any of you aren't vegan and don't plan on going vegan anytime soon then you really need to revaluate your priorities and your entire being.

    1. I cannot say I agree with you because I don't know. What I DO know is that from the first moment I read 'you shall not eat animals', I knew that was truth. Giving myself small 'meat presents' afterwards I knew was impossible because each time an animal would have to give its life for those few minutes of selfish joy that it would give me. Imagine it would have to be my own dear dear cat. No way.

    2. LOL what? not all people can convert to vegan trust me I tried.. and almost died.

    3. Have you gotten a lion to eat tofu yet?

    4. You might want to use SUGGESTIVE language like Cobra does, rather than judgmental language ("you should do this or that"), especially since everyone's situation, and history is unique.

      I am sure many of us were Draco-Reptiians in other lives, even you vegans. I am also sure we were conditioned to crave animal protein, although I also eat many fruits and vegetables, and especially love high-nutrient green drinks that contain blue-green algae, spirulina and chlorella, for example. The more I eat those things the less I seem to need animal protein, although I have a long way to go, and our society has an even bigger leap to make. I used to only eat meat once a month, but that was before I routinely beat my body up in service to others, which often leaves me feeling depleted. Probably a mineral imbalance. I am sure there is a better way, and having more money to be able to access better quality natural and organic foods would help us make leaps and bounds. I've also wanted a Nutribullet for years but can't justify the expense, in light of my huge debt load. I am also not ready to give up yogurt. Love to pile fresh berries in it! for many of us, even if we gave up animal protein, life without cheese looks dismal. I am being somewhat facetious here.

      Cobra seems to imply that we will adjust to many of these changes in a matter of months, and I am perfectly OK with that. How exciting!

      I am reminded of the song...

      If you smile at me, I will understand
      'Cause that is something everybody everywhere does
      In the same language

      I can see by your coat, my friend
      You're from the other side
      There's just one thing I got to know
      Can you tell me please, who won the war ?

      Say, can I have some of your purple berries?
      Yes, I've been eating them for six or seven weeks now
      Haven't got sick once
      Probably keep us both alive

      Wooden ships on the water, very free and easy
      Easy, you know the way it's supposed to be
      Silver people on the shoreline, let us be
      Talkin' 'bout very free and easy

      Horror grips us as we watch you die
      All we can do is echo your anguished cries
      Stare as all human feelings die
      We are leaving, you don't need us

      Go, take your sister then, by the hand
      Lead her away from this foreign land
      Far away, where we might laugh again
      We are leaving, you don't need us

      And it's a fair wind blowin' warm
      Out of the south over my shoulder
      Guess I'll set a course and go...

    5. Absolutely! And what an amazing interview with AgnVeg and Cobra. Thank you so much for it.

    6. :) When I was growing up everyone thought Vegetarians were weird. We hadn't even heard of Vegans. Turns out, they were ahead of their time. But considering that many of our parents fed us since birth according to the (outdated) USDA food pyramid, no wonder it is so hard to give up animal protein!

    7. Lol, jl644, Evolution and Patrick all typical meathead responses.

      Jl644 and Evolution here are your replies to Slashers comment.

      Evolution: "Agreed. I'm not sure why Cobra did this interview, the whole thing felt like the interviewer trying to get Cobra to admit that "It's Wrong To Kill Animals For Any Reason EVER!"

      I always got weak, sick, and ravenously hungry when I tried to go vegetarian, did my research and discovered my blood type essentially means I'm some kind of cave-man and/or directly descended from Hunter-Gatherers who ate meat as a primary part of their diet.

      I plan to get a replicator or download into a new body ASAP but until then I'm eating meat guilt free."

      Evolution: "Same.. You can't convert vegan when your body isn't design to eat only vegetables. I tried it and I was so weak, couldn't walk.. because I had bad reaction to certain foods.. You need meat for protein source and none other than meat can provide the most potent."

      Cobra did this interview to address a serious topic. The elephant in the room. The one thing that most "light workers" like yourselves constantly try to avoid, Veganism. Addicted meat eaters always barrage you with excuse after excuse. "Oh it made me so weak and tired, I don't have the right blood type, I don't have enough money BLAH BLAH BLAH". I wonder what type of excuses you'll come up with in your next reply.

      First of the "Blood Type Diet" is a complete scam. I'd also not that it's a THEORY, not fact. It's not based on any solid science AT ALL. The “Blood Type Diet” theory and the book which promotes it, present many scientific and nutritional problems which have raised the concern of numerous scientists and health professionals from all over the world.

      For example. Adverse effects of lectins? Where is the evidence? Author D’Adamo states that, “…certain beans and legumes, especially lentils and kidney beans, contain lectins that deposit in your muscle tissues, making them more alkaline and less charged for physical activity.” (p.53) This is quite a serious scientific charge, and an alarming thought if you are blood Type O. Worrisome statements like these should be backed up with solid scientific evidence – complete with “footnoted” references – which the book repeatedly fails to do.

      There's so many problems with this theory it's not even funny.

      A critique of the blood type diet theory by two naturopathic physicians. “The foundation for the blood type diet theory is comprised of three ‘legs’. The individual legs contain inaccuracies which render each one scientifically and logically flawed.”

      "According to the blood type diet theory, people with Type A blood (39% of the population) are best off as vegetarians, while people with Type O (46% of the population) are natural born meat eaters. Type B’s (11% of the population) are somewhere in the middle. Simple and clear cut? The problem is the theory is based on shaky science."

      "Colleen and John discuss this during a recent podcast. Colleen responds to the common concerns about the Blood Type Diet theory by pointing out that she, herself, is Type O, the blood type of those who are “genetically required to eat meat” according to this theory. Colleen reports that she has felt so much better as a vegan for the past four years. And a past member in the Resource Centre, Kate, has been a very successful Type O vegan for over 10 years. Colleen has also learned of several more Type O vegetarians and vegans among her friends."


    8. You guys realise there are MILLIONS of vegans and vegetarians who are type O right?? And vice-versa, there are billions of meat eaters who are type A. I'm type O+ myself...According to this theory I'm genetically required to eat meat. I turn 20 in September, I went vegan last year in august and I HAVE NEVER FELT BETTER. I'm bulking at the moment, I gym 5 days a week heavy weight training and you guys are sitting there saying your tired, weak, ravenously hungry and can't even walk. LOL. Are you kidding me?? It's not hard to do ACTUAL research and then slowly transition to a vegan diet. Either you have a serious mental disability or you're just flat out lying.

      jl644: "You need meat for protein source and none other than meat can provide the most potent."

      What the f*** are you on about? You're literally just spouting shit out of your mouth. Yeah go eat some cancer causing meat because that's the only way you can get protein. Here's a surprise. PLANTS HAVE PROTEIN TOO. AND GUESS WHAT. THEY DON'T CAUSE CANCER.

      Nuts, legumes (including beans), seeds and whole grains all provide protein and when combined can help provide all essential amino acids.

      Many people are afraid to follow healthful, pure vegetarian diets—they worry about “incomplete proteins” from plant sources. A vegetarian diet based on any single one or combination of these unprocessed starches (eg, rice, corn, potatoes, beans), with the addition of vegetables and fruits, supplies all the protein, amino acids, essential fats, minerals, and vitamins necessary for excellent health. To wrongly suggest that people need to eat animal protein for nutrients will encourage them to add foods that are known to contribute to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and many forms of cancer, to name just a few common problems.

      Try and give me at least 3 points to prove that this blood type theory is correct, go on. Should be easy for you Evolution. Apparently you've done your "research" already?

      Phoenix Buddy. I appreciate your input but I'm sorry, I don't want to use suggestive language. I don't need to use suggestive language. I am stating the facts. Oh hey guys I'm just gonna suggest for you not to support the rape, torture and murder of billions of innocent sentient beings along with the numerous environmental consequences that come with it which are destroying our planet. But hey, do what you want, it's just a suggestion.

      How about no. I'm not Cobra. I don't have all the responsibilities he has. People don't look up to me so I could care less if I hurt their precious "feelings". There are more important things to worry about and if people aren't planning on atleast slowly transitioning to veganism in the near future then they shouldn't be able to call themselves light workers and especially not light warriors.

      I just want to put this out there. I have no hate for meat eaters, especially the ones who are TRULY ignorant. I forgive them and I love them unconditionally. That doesn't mean I have to be nice or accept the things they do. I'll still state the facts and I'll still call you out on your bullshit. End of story.

      Hope you're all having a good day. Love and light to you all.

    9. Oops the second quote was from jl644 not Evolution.

      And by the way the only vitamin you would have to be concerned about when you transition to a vegan diet is b12. I would definitely suggest a b12 supplement. Like someone said in one of the comments the classical response is why a man made supplement?! Food contains all the vitamins and minerals we need!! Wrong. Mother earth is almost dead, at least where the soil is exploited for agriculture. There is little to no b12 left in the ground. Not even grass fed cows are consuming the nutrients they use to 50 years ago. Even cows are given b12 supplements and a few other ones as well. SO yeah just something to keep in mind.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. For any of you interested in Veganism check out my girlfriends website
    We are vegans and we eat amazingly nutritious and delicious food. I am 6'5" and weigh a healthy and strong 225 lbs. People who say you need to eat meat usually fall into the "condemnation before investigation" category of thinkers. Don't knock it until you've tried it. I haven't eaten meat in almost 20 years and I am healthier than most people my age (41). Try going vegan for two weeks. You will notice the effects almost immediately. Good luck to all with the courage to make a small difference in their eating and live compassionately with regards to animal suffering. There should be no guilt-free meat eating whilst that industry of suffering continues. Sticking your head in the sand will not make your food compassionately sourced but your informed choices will. Good luck and get in touch through the website if you would like any guidance on your vegan journey. Good fortune to you all!
    Great interview guys!

  35. The Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature by Starhawk

    Overview: America's most renowned witch and eco–feminist offers a sequel to her bestselling classic The Spiral Dance, weaving together the latest findings in environmental science with magical spells, chants, meditations and group exercises to create the ultimate primer on our relationship to the earth.

    From the earliest times, respecting our interdependent relationship with nature has been the first step toward spirituality. Earth, air, fire and water are the four elements worshiped in many indigenous cultures and celebrated in earth–based spiritualities such as Wicca. In The Earth Path, America's best–known witch offers readers a primer on how to open our eyes to the world around us, respect nature's delicate balance, and draw upon its tremendous powers.

    Filled with inspiring meditations, chants, and blessings, it offers healing for the spirit in a stressed world and helps readers find their own sources of strength and renewal.

    Genre: Non-fiction; spirituality, Witchcraft, Paganism, Wicca

  36. The goldfish report was awesome! I'm looking into the baking soda as was mentioned to clean up the inner glands. Thank you for that information. Every little bit helps.

  37. going vegan is a very personal choice, when the person is ready, they are:-) for me it was baby steps all the way and getting used to new tastes/textures. Information, trying new things and baby steps, that's how my transition was. Every "body" is different.

  38. Thank you Cobra and the Light Workers.........

  39. Evolution, here to back up what you're saying. Also an O blood type here as well as a Health Coach and Yogini. I was a vegetarian for 12 years and became nearly non-functioning. Hard to get out of bed, zero energy, constant infections, mood disorders, adrenal fatigue. After much apprehension and heart break I made the decision to begin eating meat again- first fish, then beef and chicken. The agreement was with my higher self in order for me to do the work I was here to do, I would need the strength and eating meat provided me that needed strength. I give great thanks for the life sacrificed and eat only humanely raised meats. I do all I can to transform myself into a higher vibrational being through self work and compassion for and towards others. For those who need to eat meat it does a great disservice to project values that simply arent sustainable. Since I have to eat meat, I eat the smallest amount necessary and tons of veges. For those of you who are A, AB and B blood types, good for you- I encourage you to absolutely embrace a vegetarian diet if/when that works for you. For those O blood types, don't allow yourselves to feel judged for what you are and what you need at this current level of human development ( glad you're eating guilt free, Evolution). We can Eat higher vibrational foods, offer prayers of gratitude and do our parts to raise vibrational frequency through prayer/meditation/yoga/compassion towards self and others. Peace out ohmies.

    1. Yes. Learn from First Nations on living close to the land, and the animals close to the land. They are the true salt of the earth, and as such are the original LeMUrian crystal children.

      Those who live close to the land ARE close to the Earth.

    2. And Model Her ascension.

    3. Aw shucks, Thanks! :)

      Spirit has been whispering to me that I would do well cutting back to just fish, but that would be really expensive right now.

    4. A health coach that follows the blood type diet THEORY and talks about it as if it's scientific fact. Lol.

      First of the "Blood Type Diet" is a complete scam. I'd also note that it's a THEORY, not fact. It's not based on any solid science AT ALL. The “Blood Type Diet” theory and the book which promotes it, present many scientific and nutritional problems which have raised the concern of numerous scientists and health professionals from all over the world.

      For example. Adverse effects of lectins? Where is the evidence? Author D’Adamo states that, “…certain beans and legumes, especially lentils and kidney beans, contain lectins that deposit in your muscle tissues, making them more alkaline and less charged for physical activity.” (p.53) This is quite a serious scientific charge, and an alarming thought if you are blood Type O. Worrisome statements like these should be backed up with solid scientific evidence – complete with “footnoted” references – which the book repeatedly fails to do. There's so many problems with this theory it's not even funny.

      A critique of the blood type diet theory by two naturopathic physicians. “The foundation for the blood type diet theory is comprised of three ‘legs’. The individual legs contain inaccuracies which render each one scientifically and logically flawed.”

      "According to the blood type diet theory, people with Type A blood (39% of the population) are best off as vegetarians, while people with Type O (46% of the population) are natural born meat eaters. Type B’s (11% of the population) are somewhere in the middle. Simple and clear cut? The problem is the theory is based on shaky science."

      "Colleen and John discuss this during a recent podcast. Colleen responds to the common concerns about the Blood Type Diet theory by pointing out that she, herself, is Type O, the blood type of those who are “genetically required to eat meat” according to this theory. Colleen reports that she has felt so much better as a vegan for the past four years. And a past member in the Resource Centre, Kate, has been a very successful Type O vegan for over 10 years. Colleen has also learned of several more Type O vegetarians and vegans among her friends."

      Humans are biological herbivores this is scientific fact. Our bodies can't even properly digest meat and people are wonder why it causes cancer, obesity and heart disease...We are only behavioural omnivores. We could eat cardboard if we wanted to that doesn't mean it's good for us.

    5. There are MILLIONS of vegans and vegetarians who are type O right?? And vice-versa, there are billions of meat eaters who are type A. I'm type O+ myself...According to this theory I'm genetically required to eat meat. I turn 20 in September, I went vegan last year in august and I HAVE NEVER FELT BETTER. I'm bulking at the moment, I gym 5 days a week heavy weight training and you guys are sitting there saying your tired, weak, zero energy, ravenously hungry and can't even walk. LOL. Are you kidding me?? It's not hard to do ACTUAL research and then slowly transition to a vegan diet. Either you have a serious mental disability or you're just flat out lying.

      Nuts, legumes (including beans), seeds and whole grains all provide protein and when combined can help provide all essential amino acids.

      Many people are afraid to follow healthful, pure vegetarian diets—they worry about “incomplete proteins” from plant sources. A vegetarian diet based on any single one or combination of these unprocessed starches (eg, rice, corn, potatoes, beans), with the addition of vegetables and fruits, supplies all the protein, amino acids, essential fats, minerals, and vitamins necessary for excellent health. To wrongly suggest that people need to eat animal protein for nutrients will encourage them to add foods that are known to contribute to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and many forms of cancer, to name just a few common problems.

      As long as people are slowly trying to transition to a vegetarian/vegan diet I have no problems. But don't try and use the typical blood type THEORY as an excuse. Peace.

  40. I noticed some people in the comments are expressing frustration over the current difficulties. I've only been following Cobra for 3 weeks but I've now done the meditation 3 times. I would encourage everyone to do the meditation every week. Especially if you have doubts or are struggling in your life. By way of explanation I'll share my experiences.

    For anyone new to meditation my personal pointers :) Meditation is like a Reese peanut butter cup "there's no wrong way to eat a Reese!" Meditation can be eyes open or shut, long or short, full of experiences or uneventful seeming. Clarity of mind, intention and visualizing the aspects of the Event as laid out in Cobra's instructions is the key.

    I don't look for experience when I do the Event meditation. In the week after my first meditation I noticed that I was more aware of the Compression Breakthrough process, in daily life. Thoughts and focus on the Event naturally occurred in my personal meditations. This helped me to stay focused on what really matters in a day. The second week was the same but stronger. As of the last meditation something really interesting happens. I was experiencing the residual dark energies of someone who had tried to control and manipulate me in the past. It was a blockage against my meditation. Then it hit me! "Visualize all other exotic weapon technologies being exposed and then removed effortlessly" (from the Cobra Event meditation instructions). I used this intention for this specific problem and Wow did it help!

    For me, the meditation is more then just a numbers game 144000 people. Its a tool that is bleeding into my daily life, it is a blessing, even if you don't feel or see it working immediately.

    I would encourage everyone to do this and to tell your open minded meditation friends to join. Don't even try and sell them on the Cobra blog. All light workers and warriors will instantly resonate with the Event Meditation Instructions.

    Victory to the Light!

  41. Quote from "The GoldFish Report No. 53 : ExoPolitics RoundTable Part 2
    May 27, 2016

    Cobra: "At the moment of full disclosure that energetic environment will be different. There will be much
    more assistance of the light forces at that point."

    I'd like to add that we as human beings with a longtime experience on planet Earth, call it service if you will, have had experiences of dimensional shifts in earlier times. I'm sure we know what to do and when to do it, our cells hold the memories. We'll be fine, when we're entering a different vibration and especially when manifestation of thought accelerates, much good can be done in a very short time, when coming from the heart.

  42. Yes, yeah. Though I walk through the Valley of the shadow of vegan eaters, I shall fear not a thing. For Thy Rodger Dodgers and Thy American Staffordshire Terriers walk with and without me.

    Live Long and be free Prospero. Blackwater, Dragon Wind out.

  43. Eating animals is the most basic human right. Anyone who even hints that it's wrong is a traitor and the sworn enemy of all decent people. Vegans are right there with the Cabal with their despotic, transhuman delusions. "Heh heh, let's force the people to subsist off rice cakes and corn meal." Sick sick sick...

    1. This is exactly the mentality of the reptilians. Eating (and exploiting) human animals is the most basic reptilian right.
      As above, so below (in the predato's chain)

    2. flesh is flesh no matter how you slice it. I advocate to stop cannibalism. No more killing please.

    3. Nice try Ger Sey, but I don't have time to write an essay covering every reason it's different.

  44. Confused... Cobra's weekly Event meditation provides us all with a very powerful focus, or intent for diclosure. We also need a powerful focus for what will happen after the Event. None of us followers really have a set picture of what will happen at that time. The Bible says: " Luke 17:36 Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left." " Matthew 24:41 Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left". Others claim that the Event will be instant, and we will find ourselves in a world not unlike the movie Avatar. Then we have some who tell us that many will be taken aboard massive star ships. The ones remaining will have to 'tough it out'. While others say that the Earth will be evacuated of life, allowing Gaia to renew herself. Some say that we will all go to Agartha. There is one who warns us not to go on their ships! Now, how are we to get a one-minded view, or intent, when we have all these conflicting stories to process? "Divide and conquer"! Where have we heard this before? Is this the case here? Think of the 'powerful Intent' we would have, should Cobra could give us some clue of 'Life after the Event'.

  45. As someone deeply open to spiritual truth since childhood in this life I would like to speak out on behalf of those who cannot thrive on an exclusive vegetarian or vegan diet.
    I believe though well intended and noble-minded people advocate a plant based diet, it has become a popular, almost "fad," something that is so called "politically or spiritually" correct.

    First, I do not condone the mistreatment or killing of animals in current cruel ways. As Cobra as pointed out, that will change after the Event.

    It is important to note that ALL species and life form are evolving, on the one hand, and are an expression of the ONE ETERNAL being, on the other. Every bit of matter can be said to be "living" in the divine intelligence which permeates all life expression.

    While scientific studies may claim that one can get complete protein from a vegetarian/vegan diet by combining all of the essential amino acids in plant form, there is a greater knowledge to consider than this. i.e. What kind of protein does a body want and need to thrive energetically and to have clear thinking, optimal functioning. Sometimes the answer to that will conclude that animal protein is mandatory. I have experienced that first hand. I was vegetarian for years and when I was counseled by someone very evolved, who had celestial perception to ascertain what foods were best for someone's organs and physiological functioning, I tried animal products. Immediately, even after eating lamb, I had my deepest spiritual experiences and tremendous strength. Later on I went back to a veggie diet because at the time I couldn't reconcile eating animals. It didn't work, I looked "purer" but was not anywhere as strong and energized. I was told that those animals are beings going into a body which is going to be enlightened, realized (of the omnipresent oneness of divine intelligence everywhere present). That is profit on a greater level and there is no harm in that.

    No two people of some 7 billion on earth are the same. No one diet is best for all the people. We are that unique and at the same time, we share the same non-changing, undifferentiated oneness and unity of the supreme.

    One could argue that even a vegan is participating in the killing of plants which have emotions and living intelligence. Everything is alive in God's kingdom.

    There may be an "ideal" not to kill animals, but the reality right now is that God has setup creation and existence so that there IS a manifestation of non-vegan diets present in the lives of countless people. There is nothing wrong with this. Only, as Cobra points out, animals will be recognized as sacred as consciousness changes. This is a deep subject and goes beyond a mere "black and white" analysis that promotes one diet that is vegetarian or vegan. More important is the realization of our full being one-with Source.

    1. I do not eat meat, but it should be considered to add supplies, yes. I have heard when the body gets used to supplies it unlearns to take the vitamins out of the food. The problem is if there is no such in the food anymore, maybe we have to do the compromise with supplies then.

    2. Hi Starship --
      I believe when you write "supplies" you intend to write instead, "supplements," or "vitamins."
      I am guessing here.

    3. @WestCoastUSMegan: Yes, sure I meant "supplements", for some hidden reason the word "supply" was occupying my unconsciousness. ;)

      I am happy, have a happy day too!

  46. (a variation of this message was also emailed to Cobra)

    hi Cobra,
    i was wondering if you would be open to including more emphasis on the inner or emotional work in your blog posts.
    we have a small PFC group where i'm located now with some members who visited your ascension conference with much joy and inspiration.
    however they seem very rigidly focused on trying to change the world outside of themselves without making a connection between their own emotions and the people around them (self responsibility).
    it is my understanding that our spirit attempts to make us aware of where we are by sending messages (as energy-in-motion) through emotion.
    i have seen a lot of people following your blog over the years being very focused on the external, and i notice that more secluded or private initiatives like group therapy/tantra etc have a much greater impact in opening people up to being empowered, taking initiatives, flexible/open-minded, etc.

    it is my understanding that most people don't really understand or have a clear overview of the relationship between for example the plasmatic plane and the veil of forgetfulness that is inside ourselves, as i notice most people see these ideas as something outside of themselves.
    one of the pictures you used on your blog to illustrate the layers of consciousness very clearly also shows this inner-outer relationship but i did not see you draw this connection in any of your posts since i've found your blog in 2012.

    in the picture i see the "ego triangle" (yellow) where the pinnacle/top of the ego borders the plasmatic plane, which goes in line with the source (idea) of separation as well as "Yaldabaoth" as the energy holding this 'collective' idea in place.
    there is actually someone else in our PFC group who had a (near) death experience and very elaborately describes piercing the veil, and the perceptions beyond.
    the way i understand it is that, just like when we go in transcendental meditation, we can let go of most of our ego, and can perceive through this seemingly impenetrable veil.

    i think a lot of confusion is created by terms such as "plasmatic plane", "toplet bombs" etc which are all derivable back to simple terms such as mental and intuitional bodies (change begins within), letting go of cultivating the mind, mental attachment to (or belief in) separation, etc
    i understand that using these specific technical terms creates interest for the mind for people who are focused on the external to gravitate towards this particular message format, which leads to me thinking that excluding simplicity in semantics does not have the greatest impact you can have.
    i have found that when we find a way to internalize these concepts, and change our feelings or "play" with changing our thoughts about it, we have a much greater impact on the external expression of these concepts.

    if i may make a suggestion, perhaps you may find joy (and people will find value) in you bringing forward a few hints here and there that go deeper into the inner work that i think would provide more clarity and inspiration for people to find more grounded and heart-based solutions to their personal situation.

    we are finding ways to create more initiatives with our groups online and offline that inspire more people to open up to what's really going on inside of them.
    thank you for doing what you do, and bringing forth your energy in the unique way only you can <3

    P.S. it is also interesting to note that yet another PFC member brought forward a book about communities of light being created now and in the near future, which goes in line and is identical with a vision i had in 2009.
    i have found that it is important to focus on creating solid connections with other people who we feel strongly connected so that we can use this as a foundation to create these communities.

  47. My Brother and my Husband.
    IC that feather in your CAP has become three.
    I flanked your Z-car(gun-metal gray) westbound today in my white Tesla. Were we moving heliocentric?

    It's said that Full Birds walk on water.
    It's true! It's because of the wings.
    See? Even turkeys and Condors can walk or run with you, when they mount up with wings like Eagles.


  48. are you have Implants cobra?

  49. are China and Taiwan will Unite after the event?


  50. What's so funny 'bout Peace, Love and Understanding?
    Where is that Harmony? Sweet Harmony!

    "All I need is A Miracle - All I need is You"
    Now I'll Catch Up with You.
    And I will Love You for the Rest Of All Time ♥

    If it's Miracles that it takes to bring Eternal Peace to this Universe, Miracles it Will Be.
    Right Here - On GOD'S GREEN EARTH ♥ ♥ ♥

    And there ain't *nothing* funny about that - although We will all be laughing with Joy and Pleasure and Love ♥

    Love, Light, Unity, Peace, Freedom and Ascension for All


  51. I advocate veganism as well, but it should be properly studied and understood before you "convert" or try to convert others. It is not just "eating salads and tofu". I felt terrible sick in the past because of it and saw others, too. Specially two importants factors need to be considered: the zinc-copper balance and the b12 factor. Those, if not properly understood, can lead to disasters in your health. I became therefore an advocate of supplements. The classical reaction of people is: why manmade supplements? Food contain all the minerals and vits we need!
    I spent long time in the country, talked with farmers, did my own research too. Conclusion: Mother Earth is almost dead, at least where the soil is exploited for agriculture. Not even the grass free range cows are eating contain the nutrients it used to contain 50 years ago!!! Even cows are given supplements!! The soils are screwed up and thus, the crops. This is a worldwide fact.
    So if u are a vegan please dont fall sick. Do ur research. Zinc and copper imbalances and b12 deficiency are evident dangers. I take three of them with my vegan diet, and after that change, my health, energy and even sleep really got restored. Gesundheit!!!

  52. Okay, this has been on my mind for a while now, but what happens to people who align themselves neither with the 'light' nor the 'dark' after the event? I consider myself 'neutral' if that makes any sense. I know this site is is all about 'victory of the light,' but the notion that 'darkness' aspect of ourselves has to be completely wiped out doesn't feel right to me. I wonder if my soul will be forcefully restructured?

    1. Very good question. I have similar feelings.

    2. that's a really good question. I think now is the time to choose; hot or cold...Lukewarm may not make it, I dont' know. Good question for Cobra:-)

    3. van Hellsing - the question really should be not about light quotient, but about water temperature.

    4. @Kat L: I had got it already before. Thank you for your help.

    5. Kat

      See, that's the point. There doesn't appear to be a choice. You either follow the love and light path or your soul gets shredded. I may be exaggerating, but that's the message I'm getting. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the help we're receiving. However, the prospect of walking along a path neatly laid out before me doesn't seem very inviting. My physical disability and psychological issues will be easily dealt with, thanks to the technologies that become available post-disclosure/event. After that, it's just a matter of climbing the density ladder all the way up to the source. The whole process seems kinda boring to be honest. I don't want other people telling me what the goal of existence is, let me figure that out for myself.

      I don't want to get so drunk on love and light that I forget darkness exists. At the same time, I don't want to become so consumed by darkness that I begin to think it's okay to manipulate and enslave people in order to satisfy myself. There's a middle ground between chaos and order and that's where I belong. It's a healthy mix of the two that brings about balance. Wiping out either one is ultimately bound to repeat the cycle imo. I would rather leave the planet and find a more suitable home than have them push the reset button on my soul.

    6. Hmmm okay Ryuga that is quite the question. First you say that you consider yourself neutral in this duality based reality. So dose that mean that your okay with purposely doing bad and good things, you see you can try to be neutral in an reality that is of duality, but what do we decide is making the balance. You decide what the balance is, only you can decide what is good and bad, not anyone telling you. To you that is just their own understanding, as you have your understanding. In my own interpretation of what it means to be neutral, is complete understanding of every aspect, you see the source of who we really are dose not see good and bad, because if it thought something was bad it would not have created it, therefore is has complete understanding that its not good or bad it just is. That is also why we can it I am, because it just is, it is not good or bad, it is everything and nothing. It is the parts and the whole, the thought and the action. The reason higher consciousness seems so good and of the light, is because in reality there is only light, darkness is just the absence of light, fear is just the absence of understanding, and true understanding is pure love, because we are all of the same source we are all of the same soul or spirit.

      Thank you hope this helps, by the way people who want to continue 3d can on other planets;)


    7. @Ryuga:

      A few things:
      In every Universe the Game is always the same: darkness vs. Light, with the ultimate goal always being to get rid of any and all destructive darkness.
      As Cobra-san correctly stated many times, the only place where there is still darkness in this Universe is inside our Sol System.

      Darkness is like a virus or a parasite which poisons the environment and the beings living in it. You cannot retain "a little bit" of that virus in you because it would just grow inside your soul.
      Darkness does not belong here, and there is no such thing as a "balance."
      Either get rid of *all* of it or don't even bother. Do you like War or Peace? Do you like people suffering, getting raped and killed or do you detest that? You cannot be "neutral" to that kind of question, just like you cannot be "only a little bit pregnant."
      If you want to retain dark poison in your soul, that choice is totally up to you of course. the thing is just that you will have a hard time finding any place to live in this Universe because darkness is absolutely villified everywhere. Just stating the Facts here.

      Plus, the way to higher dimensions and densities will not be shown to you directly like a walk-through in a video game. You can ask for help or get offered help, but if you don't want that, that is perfectly fine.
      You are totally unique, and only you will know which way to go to move forward. It is *anything* but boring, it's the most exciting experience imaginable.
      The path of Light and Love leads to Freedom of Will and Ascension, and how you want to walk that path is entirely up to YOU. And nobody else can walk it for you.

      You may want to reconsider your thoughts on this subject.
      But you'll definitely have to choose which side you're on. Light or dark, White or black. No 50 shades of grey available in the EndGame.


    8. @Rajah

      Thank you for being so candid in your response.

      The neutral answer to all of your questions is that every action has inescapable consequences. If you want to know what I personally think, you'll have to provide me with context. For example, I wouldn't kill for pleasure or power. However, if I had to kill to protect someone I care about, I would do it without hesitation. Of course, I will have to bear the consequences.

      The 'game' you speak of is eternal and I want no part of it. The balance is very much real, imo. strength and power(darkness) must be balanced out by compassion(light.) Our universe is not the only place in creation. I know I can find a suitable home if my soul isn't shredded.

      My experience of the love and light path was not empowering in the least. It was all rules and regulations about every single aspect of life. If what you speak of is different, so be it. But I am very slow to trust anything labelled love and light.

      At the end of the day, The choice between light and dark is a false one. No matter what you choose, you'll have to confront the other at some point.

    9. Oh that is a wonderful summary RaJah, I love it


    10. @Ryuga:

      Fair enough. It's a Universe of Free Will, and I respect your decision. Good luck explaining that to The Source.

      And I quote Her:
      "The next time I create the Universe I'll make sure you can participate."

      We wish you all the best in your Future Endeavors. They just won't be in *this* Universe. Good-bye.


    11. @Ryuga: You know, all this light and love has also been distorted. I imagine, in a universe where everything is in complete divine harmony, there is many variations of light patterns, we have just forgotten that it is not as we are teached here by the "light and love honeycake fraction". They mean well, but this thing with the circle has been missed. I do not think, only because right now you believe you will not like light and love you will be recycled. Only those who agressively work for distroying creation and those who enjoy to torture other living beings will be restructured.

      I am thinking about a speech once I had with my children. I was really angry and told them something about the divine wrath that some day will clear this mess. I did not know how right I was at that time. Thinking back, that was really as something else from above was speaking, I did not use names, it was about justice, just like a message for their/my soul. Right now I feel great, the energies are increasing.

      @RaJah: may I ask, a channeling of who, your Nadine? I really do wish she will read your messages, because always when I read your comments I feel so with you, I can feel your love you have for her and it makes me sad, she does not seem to read here on this blog or she is just not available or something, because if she would be with you, you would not have to send messages. I might be wrong. Best regards.

    12. @Croix de Lorraine: I hope you're right. But some of the material I have read on this site doesn't seem to be accepting of my path, which is why I asked my original question. Ultimately though, If anyone wants to recycle my soul, they can do so without much resistance on my part. However, I would stay as I am given a choice. My intention is to explore all realms, including the so-called 'dark' ones. This, in my opinion, requires a neutral, non-judgemental attitude towards existence.

      I find myself repeating here, but I associate darkness with strength and power, which if unchecked by wisdom and compassion could lead to war, tyranny, suffering and all of that nonsense. Conversely, wisdom/compassion will not get you anywhere unless you have the power to act on your thoughts. This is my definition of 'light' and 'darkness.' Actions are only 'good' or 'bad' in context and they have consequences. Living beings take actions, light and darkness do not.

      I do not dislike love and light. It is very much required, but so is 'darkness.' I only object to the dogma surrounding these two concepts. Others are welcome to have their own definitions. All I ask is that they don't jump to conclusions.

      @rajah: Is it not a little too soon to bid me goodbye? :D

      Jokes aside, I'm really curious about your channeled message. Who's it from? I find it hard to take it seriously. I don't think I have to wait quite THAT long to find a place that is suitable.

      Oh and I haven't done anything which requires 'explaining' as far as I know.


    13. I do not "channel" anybody. All my messages come from My Higher Self, and I only write what I'm told to write if My Heart agrees with the message.
      In this case there is quite a bit of direct Source Info involved, so all complaints about the content can be directed at Her not Me.

      I'm just the One doing the Typing ;-)

      Lots Of Love And Light


    14. Love your insights Ryuga. You seem to be one of the wisest souls here. Who is your teacher sweetheart? I don't know why, but your messages warm my heart, I would just hug you right now if I could!

    15. @Rajah: I don't have any means of communicating with 'her'. So I cannot complain even if I wanted to. Whatever happens, happens.

      @Starship to the Pleiades: Why, thank you. I don't have any teachers in the conventional sense. I am an eclectic with a flexible belief system, who prefers to learn through experience. But yes, I have reached a point where having a teacher would benefit me. This is one of the reasons I want to explore various dimensions. Maybe I will find a trustworthy teacher. Until then, I'll let a healthy mix of reason and intuition guide me.

  53. Anonymous has great words for Mr. Neil Keenan:

    1. yes I read that and I also heard the Ambassador talk about Mr. Keenan. Two totally different perspectives. This is where I step back and watch how this unfolds & not come to any conclusions. sigh. Why can't we all just get along?

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. We ascend because we all one.

    1. Why then didnt we ascend together with Jesus and the other ones, if we are One??,

  56. Don't be distracted.. mega quake this year.

    1. Few understand Keshe. Like he says "you will take from the teachings according to your intelligence."

    2. If you're not a Physicist, how can you understand someone who is a Nuclear Physicist? expect the unexpected.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. are Chimera group auditory hallucination

  59. D'art

    IC you've taken my "additive" comment siriusly. Good on you. Thing is you must think I'm color blind.

    It's true, but also not true. Blue + Red makes Purple and Red + Yellow makes Orange - lol. I can pay attention on the Rail System, so I shouldn't need to pay the fares. Thank you for asking though.

  60. Con Agra - Thank you so much for letting me sample the Cream of the Crop. It was delicious in my coffee. And I was surprised to discover that Reddi wip is made with REAL Cream!
    WHO does that now? Only the best hands in the business.

    Papa primed the pump with his "Make this viral with code 37783307" thing.
    Can we break the bank now? Let's try!
    Let's End child hunger here and now.

    1. So are so ignorant that it beggars belief!


  61. Yesterday's GaiaPortal UpDate was good, today's is even better :-)

    "Stargates impend as Light streams coalesce.

    Perishables are released from Hue-man consciousness.

    Standards of Inner behavior present to all Gaia personnel.

    Flamboyants are noted, and removed.

    Prescient compliance is appreciated."

    History In The Making - Right Here and Right Now

    Shiny Happy People Holding Hands ♥

    Brighter Than The Sun ♥

    Lots Of Love And Light


    1. I don't understand these gaia portal posts at all.

    2. RaJah is a shaman from Germany and he just reposts them, that is at least what I know. I understand you do not understand because sometimes I also do not understand.

    3. messages from gaiaportal are interpretated here

    4. justin at the sitshow blog does some decent "translations"
      stargates are like your portals to god so those are how you get his blessings which comes in the form of light "rays" or "streams" like waves. theres apparently not just one light stream but several as indicated by coalescence. the abundance of light perpetuates itself exponentially which is what it means by impend. more stargates are opening faster and faster.

      the next line seems like a breaking down of the old ways like materialism.

      the next line is about the "light bearers" gaia personnel. where before we have dealt with much inner convolution there is now a constant understanding of initiative and morality. its like everything before was gray area but now we are seeing a defined contrast.

      i think flamboyance is obviously undesirable and prescient compliance in my mind sounds like responsible presence of mind. like being aware that you are part of the all and by being so are responsible for the all and act on that responsibility. hope that helps!


    5. @Crroix de Lorraine:

      Oh sh!t, have you actually been paying attention to my posts? 'Cause you're totally right, that's exactly what I am. Unbelievable, I love it :-)))

      Two years ago I turned on my LapTop computer and in the bookmarks there was GAIAPORTAL.
      It was not there the night before, and I just looked around stunned and bewildered . . . "Where the heck did THAT come from?
      And what does their current message mean?" Totally clueless.
      Rather quickly it became evident why I received that bookmark and why their messages are vitally important to The Liberation Process :-)

      My Higher Self explains the GaiaPortal UpDates for Me, and I get asked to re-post some (but not all) of them. And I won't even pretend to completely understand all of it either. But I get sent pictures to My Mind's Eye, I get Postive Emotions, and they just make Me Happy.
      And if I'm Happy, I want to share My Happiness - just can't help it, and I won't stop ♥

      So . . .

      Genesis Wusterhusen

      Tell Gaia She can kiss my Ass, then laugh and say that you were Only Kidding.
      That Way She'll know that it's really Really REALLY Me. ME ;-)
      Time To Wake Her Up

      Ich liebe Dich, Süße ♥

      Victory Of Love And Light And Peace


    6. I like them, too, and I also don't always have a verbal translation. I have read several people's interpretations, but I really think it is up to us to fathom the messages if they resonate with us...but don't overthink it.

      About GaiaPortal:

      "GaiaPortal conveys messages regarding changes and progress in Mother Earth’s planetary energy phases. The messages contained herein are to inform, assist, and alert those drawn to it, to energetic events transpiring moment to moment.

      Those drawn to this site will know instantaneously if it is theirs to read.

      The authors of this site are Star Beings connected to the sacred land of Éire, and embody the original sacred feminine energy of that place.

      This site is for transmission of messages only."

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. I think this is a symbolic representation of the Event. The blue energy of SOURCE changes into golden energy:

    1. Hmmmmmmm very good interpretation Michael......Never saw this before......Interesting its been brought out....... Whats everyone else think....






    WHEN A WOMAN SHARES HER FEEEEEEEELINGS, what the hell does this mean?????????







    Have you not yet observed that the MAIN exercise of woman is to express feelings. Its just for fun, only because they NEED this. THERE IS nothing wrong with their feelings.


    1. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

    2. I am far away from sexism, thank you

    3. maybe that person had a bad day or other reasons to write that which are not obvious to others

      anyway, all this sexism (like in the yelling comment) is a product of the artificially created roles of genders, controlled by implants (so its pretty obvious that person still has implants)

      lets move on to unite our own Shiva and Shakti inside

      Victory of Shiva and Khali over the demons (also inside)!

  65. Food for thought:)............

    How do self-replicating and self-repairing implants influence the nutritional demands of the body.....

  66. Agreed! Which adds to the cruelty is a cow is here to channel cosmic energy with her horns, otherwise the dung would not be used for Agnihotra rituals which is able to dissolve the veil.

  67. I made a new video for free energy download.

  68. TWO THINGS have come to my attention, even though I wasn't really paying attention...and they seem connected, as they carry much of the same message:

    s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s
    Response From ANONYMOUS
    June 15, 2016 / Keenan Team | GroupK

    Neil posts a transcript of the Anonymous video:

    Response From ANONYMOUS Regarding Neil Keenan

    The Mike Quinsey message for June 17th below, ties in with this, as he mentions the transition of power behind the scenes in the US. (Mike is a channeler in England who used to channel SaLuSa but now channels his Higher Self. I know some of you don't trust channelers, but do you trust your own Higher Self? Of course you do! And so does Mike!)

    Mike Quinsey message for June 17, 2016

    I post these kinds of things (geopolitical updates) and a lot of real Astrology articles, as I enjoy that tool of analysis.


    and here:

    as well as on fb and tribe


    1. World War 3 is not possible.
      Dont worry about big scenarios, not gonna happen.

  70. The very first second i read Cobra saying that the photo of Yaldabaoth had been captured by NASA, i started searcing for it. Did not find anything.

    A few days back, somebody did post a link saying that on that PAGE we would see the photo.
    I tried it, but the page did NOT open.....

    Yet, i kept searching.... Finally, after tons of research, i found it!!


    (It's the first 2 minutes of the video).


    BTW: I CONTACTED THE VIDEO MAKERS, because they had no idea WHAT it was, so they were asking for our help.

    1. Hye Angel,
      The first two minutes of the video is the sun, not the earth ... the anomaly looks like a pyramid, or pyramid shape, and it could be a solar flare coming out, when you think about it... just a guess, I have no idea..,,

      (I have never been to the sun, so there are many things there I am unfamiliar with...:))

    2. That could be it hye. Cobra said it moves around like a living being. It does almost seem like an octopus sitting on the surface of the sun. This is the image I shared recently of what appears to be a close up of one tentacle and perhaps an eyeball.

  71. "...As I mentioned in my previous message to you, a lot is happening at the moment. I am sure that most of you have heard of the 3rd Wave of Ascension. Or as I have been explained Part III of Ascension.

    They are also talking about “The Event” which I am sure many of you have heard of before. I would like to just quickly say that although the event is to be a truly magnificent experience, I strongly feel that we should not wait for any grand events in order to change our lives and mold them into what we wish them to be.

    The veil has thinned enough for us to take responsibility for our lives and take appropriate steps in order to manifest what we want to experience. And although once again there are special moments in time when things become much easier to manifest which I will further talk about in this message, all change begins with you and it is up to you to either take advantage of various energies or not. So please remember that all “events”, “juncture points”, “portals”, etc., are there to make things easier for us, but it doesn’t mean that we should moan and complain about our lives, whilst doing nothing to prepare for these moments in time expecting that someone else will come in and take care of things for us. This does not work. Our guides and various light beings are working around the clock trying to set the stage for us, but it is us who have to actually act out the scene! There is a famous saying attributed to a Roman philosopher Seneca that goes like this “Luck Is What Happens When Preparation Meets Opportunity” So please keep all of this in mind as you continue on your ascension journey....."

    ~Anna Merkaba

    June 21st Portal – Part III of Ascension – Part III of Ascension is Beginning to Unfold Rapidly on GAIA.

  72. The Lego Movie (2014). Recently seen for the first time. I found some fascinating, slightly familiar themes....

  73. Random poem 6/18/16

    Appetite Lost

    Ingestions of nazi gastronomy regurgitated diatribes of misinformation.
    Dished out to the starving troglodyte nation barbecue sheople on a stick,
    glazed in a malevolent Monsanto marinade. Mmmm
    Stand up, Get up, Round up the masses. Did you hear?
    Baptism for extraterrestrials from Francis.
    Follow the trails through chemical colored glasses.
    Hmmm. K. Ultra Sheik ambience
    Ionosphere atmosphere classes,
    available Now until November Sierra Alpha
    scrubs both u-tube & twitters naughty asses.
    It's classic cloak & dagger Orwellian trial balloons
    bursting, in limited hangouts filled with pedophile Fascists.
    Building foreign cabal councils, 300 infused hormones of
    trans-fat Hu-Mans Clone Berger Bastards.
    Reptilian rhetoric permeates our Delta November Alpha
    through scaler Liquid Crystal Displays on Demand 24/7
    an extremely low wave, smashes into our
    Engineered 12 strand cranial caves.
    Mainlining media mendacity Streaming Mainly from
    6 corporations subversive coercion vaccinations.
    This once great nation died in 1871,
    becoming this current Abomination.
    At least I'm Awake and know I'm going make it...

  74. Random poem 6/18/16

    Appetite Lost

    Ingestions of nazi gastronomy regurgitated diatribes of misinformation.
    Dished out to the starving troglodyte nation barbecue sheople on a stick,
    glazed in a malevolent Monsanto marinade. Mmmm
    Stand up, Get up, Round up the masses. Did you hear?
    Baptism for extraterrestrials from Francis.
    Follow the trails through chemical colored glasses.
    Hmmm. K. Ultra Sheik ambience
    Ionosphere atmosphere classes,
    available Now until November Sierra Alpha
    scrubs both u-tube & twitters naughty asses.
    It's classic cloak & dagger Orwellian trial balloons
    bursting, in limited hangouts filled with pedophile Fascists.
    Building foreign cabal councils, 300 infused hormones of
    trans-fat Hu-Mans Clone Berger Bastards.
    Reptilian rhetoric permeates our Delta November Alpha
    through scaler Liquid Crystal Displays on Demand 24/7
    an extremely low wave, smashes into our
    Engineered 12 strand cranial caves.
    Mainlining media mendacity Streaming Mainly from
    6 corporations subversive coercion vaccinations.
    This once great nation died in 1871,
    becoming this current Abomination.
    At least I'm Awake and know I'm going make it...

    1. Wild and weird and a little gross (especially at the beginning) but okay, I like it.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.


  76. Cobra-san and Portal Webstaff,

    a while ago you posted the LOVE SIGNAL video, which was (and still is) really amazing. Thank you once again for that.
    I just want to let you know that, despite me not having played it in quite a while, it keeps showing up time and again as a recommendation whenever I play a YouTube video.

    As a Quick Reminder: This is the video I'm referring to:

    I did play it again after *this* one got recommended to Me basically out of nowhere tonight.
    Eastern Sun "Dawn" from the album WE ARE ONE

    And I got directed to that video by this little beauty:
    ERUPTION / You Really Got Me Now

    And No, I can't sleep at Night :-)

    Greetings from The Night Watchman

    Sun is Rising :-)


    1. whoever you are the synchonicities are amazing, I mean I know that you are from Germany

      there is a word in german, once I visited someone has told me, means "verzweifelt" but I forgot the meaning

      haha, I feel like a night-watch-woman too sometimes

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.
