Saturday, July 28, 2018


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on August 11th to create a portal through which we will unify our consciousness and enlighten the energy field around the planet.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook event for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event and Full Disclosure closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to resolve the deadlock between the Light and the dark forces, finally setting humanity free. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

Plasma toplet bombs are still located inside the planetary plasma shield:

They are the real reason for current impasse between the Light and the dark forces, and are assuring mutually assured destruction (MAD), a certain form of Nash equilibrium:

When those toplet bombs are removed, the breakthrough can happen.

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide. The  Light forces will have their focus on Novaya Zemlya, still an active Chimera base:

Astrological chart for our meditation shows a powerful grand trine between Eris in Aries, eclipsed Sun / Moon in Leo, and Vesta near Galactic Center in Sagittarius, all of them located in fire zodiacal signs. At the eclipse, the energy of electric fire of liberation will flow from the Galactic Center (the Pleroma) throughout the Solar System and all Galactic Command Light forces, and will be channeled through Eris and Kuiper belt, then through Vesta and asteroid belt, through the Moon (especially Mersenius and Tycho lunar bases of the Light forces), though RM2m special task force underground and then through all groups meditating on the surface of the planet. Therefore our meditation at the moment of the eclipse has great potential for a breakthrough, as it is a moment of very favorable connection with the Galactic Center.

This eclipse will be taking place exactly 19 years after the great eclipse of 11th August 1999, which was the turning point of the planetary ascension window of 1975-2025:

19 years is a certain astronomical cycle, related to the Sun and the Moon, called the Metonic cycle:

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Saturday, August 11th at 2:11 am PDT in Los Angeles. This equals 11:11 am EET in Cairo, 11:11 am CEST in Paris, 10:11 am BST in London, 5:11 am EDT in New York, 4:11 am CDT in Chicago, 3:11 am MDT in Denver and 5:11 pm CST in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process of healing for Earth and its inhabitants, removal of toplet bombs and triggering the Event.

3. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through Orion stargate
(Al Nilam / Epsilon Orionis star in the Orion constellation), then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy, going through the Orion stargate and finally connecting with the Galactic Center and the Source.

5. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

6. Now visualize the White Fire of AN, emanating from the Source, flowing through the Galactic Center and through the Orion stargate towards the Earth, purifying all remaining toplet bombs on plasma plane around the Earth. Visualize the Light Forces of Galactic Command Fleet removing and dissolving all remaining toplet bombs with their advanced technologies.
If you feel guided you can call Archangel Metatron to assist in purification process. Visualize the White Fire of AN purifying all anomaly and reversing all entropy within the plasma shield around the Earth.

7. Visualize the Event happening, restoring Oneness, Harmony, Peace and Prosperity to Earth and her inhabitants. Visualize Source Light manifesting itself easily on planet Earth and bringing quarantine to an end.

Suggested time for meditation is 15 minutes.

Goddess wants freedom and freedom it will be!
Updates about the Key to Freedom Meditation:


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We have bin waiting for this time this this place forever😇 It time for all to help🐳🌴🐿 Vichory of the light

    3. Im new to this. How can I receive current updates?

    4. Bookmark the page and come back to it

    5. For current updates on Cobras intel go directly to this blog

      you can also visit Stillness in the Storm website for archived highlights

      And feel free to join our weekly mass meditation at 12pm EST if you feel so guided✨


  2. Please post information about this on You Are Free TV YouTube channel. She has a fairly big following and I have a feeling she might be open to publicizing this meditation because she already participates in some daily prayer wave and she seems open to more “far out” information than the average Q-step..


  3. What?

    "7. Visual Light forced removing and dissolving all remains toplet bombs until certain threshold"


    In English please.


    You forgot the "Victory of the Light" at the end . . .

    1. Did indeed feel like a bad Google translation. Of course you can still kinda understand what it is supposed to mean.

    2. "Visualise Light forces removing and dissolving all remaining toplet bombs until a certain threshold"

      The threshold means the point of no return where the removal of toplet bombs cannot be stopped by dark forces.


    3. Yeah, I guess that's probably what it's supposed to be, Steven.
      Nonetheless, *if* this meditation is oh-so-important, then the instructions should be PRECISE and CORRECT!!!
      This is the opposite of that, sorry but I'm a Stickler for Details.

      By The Way:
      The "moon" is an artificial object.
      Fuck that thing.


    4. Please, be a love finder not a fault finder.

    5. Szilvia please, be a love finder, don't find a fault with his post.


    6. Thank you for changing point 6 and 7 of the instructions.
      Much MUCH better now :-)

      Victory Of Love And Light

      I AM

  4. OH YEA IM IN!!! This is a golden opportunity everybody let's show the source what we can do😁

  5. Thanks for the update
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  6. Get at that diffusing then, my main man metatron, i gotcha back yo.
    Do it.
    DO IT NOW!!!

  7. Thank you Cobra, RM etal...
    A great opportunity to use our free will to liberate ourselves.

    Planetary liberation NOW!
    Victory of Light NOW!

  8. Something isn't right. Something is wrong with the planetary liberation, and something is wrong with me. My climbing partner and friend (who moved to another state a few years ago) is in the same situation as me. We're the healthiest people around, we can hike a mountain with a heavy pack and climb a 1,000' cliff. Our brains work fine, we can read for 14 hours and remember every word. But the constant suffering we experience beyond description. It's been so bad for so long we have a 24/7 fight to not kill ourselves. We have everything to live for but want no part in it. Please hurry Light forces, there's something seriously wrong with us and we can't take it anymore.

    1. just breathe & relax and breathe & focus on your breath and relax & breathe & and think to yourself on the in breath, I am not the body, on the out breath think, I am not even the mind. continue in this pattern. This will help you detach from your faulty programmed mind & emotions & physical discomfort & help you get in touch with the real original higher self you. hope this helps... victory of the light!

    2. I know what you mean. We might be empaths channeling the darks, and we are definetely at odds with the veil tech and being here feels horrible. It reminds me of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, where everything is beating the hell out of Frodo and Sam, and Sam says "...its this place! Its that thing around your neck!" Tolkein knew and/or channeled alot more than he let on to the world.

    3. It is the same with my closest friends and me.

    4. Well one thing we could do for sure is to spread this meditation as much as possible. I feel like absolute shit my self, brain and body. Felt like this for past two years and now it's getting very worse .

      I feel strongly that the one best thing we can do right now is to go to these well known youtube channels and spread the word, or wherever possible.

      I also suggest that we also should inform Coorey Goode
      on this meditation. He is doing one of his own, but I believe that this one is more effective. And the good part about this is that they don't overlap.


    5. 因為你的靈魂還沒有揚升成功,快覺醒跟上我們

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you so much, Slyfoxpresents! So much appreciated 🙏🌹

    2. Dear beloved souls, if you want to obtain a free copy of book cobra mentioned, The Crystal Stair: A Guide to the Ascension by Eric Klein you can get it from either of the links below:

      This is also inline with the Galactic Codex Section I/4: Each sentient being has an unalienable and unconditional right to all information.

    3. Slyfox...

      I was *so* hoping we all could find a "free version" of this book. I saw it on Amazon, priced at over $600 for a copy! (Somebody doesn't want us to read it).

      Many many thanks for providing these links.

      Another person posted it also, in an earlier set of Cobra posts.

      Thank you to that person too (I wasn't able to post a thank you until now).

    4. Thank you for your kind words and I too also saw the frenzy on Amazon, at one point it was over $1000. The information in the book needs to be shared for free for humanity's sake! Do not worry, the original person knows they are also appreciated ;)

      I finally got around to upload another free digital book The Book of Knoweledge: The Keys of Enoch which was mentioned wthin the book, Crystal Stair: A Guide to the Ascension. You can get it from either of the links below:

      Share all the links with as many people you like! VOTL!

    5. Thank you dear, I appreciate knowledge very much.
      However, you and other readers might want to be aware that what Mr. Hurtak wrote has very little or nothing to do with older issues of The Book of Enoch found in caves in Aramaic or those in Ge'ez from the Ethiopian library. All of those are closer to Enoch (Noah's great grandfather) than Mr. Hurtak, which is very different. He says it's not channeled but... I do not know what it is.
      By all means it IS well-intentioned and useful for evolution but it is not the book that Enoch wrote.
      Going through manuscripts and comparing translations is a science in itself and should be done with care. A variation of Book of Enoch can be found on Amazon for 1.24 (kindle) - kinda good for a start.
      Love, light and knowledge to humanity! I agree, we have every right to know… :) :) :)

  10. plz... share this with other communities leadears... we need to do again!

    1. Yeah that's what I was thinking too. We need to share this more and more . I will try myself to contact them. Really hope more people do so .

  11. Nash equilibrium, a very very good term. It is also the reason why the surface light communities are so divided and fractured, why so many lightworkers are too dumb to take action or perform worse that expected, why so many quarrels among each other. Simply because people are sane and rational enough, they have their own Game Theory to protect their own interest(there is nothing wrong here),or to make the liberation process better in their own way. It's all logical from respective views as long as you have a normal mind.

    For example, if you had been cheated by the fake channeling message in 2012 and it turned out nothing happened, if the liberation is delayed for 6 years, why still stay here to waste the time as a sane mind? Why not spend the meaningful time in the normal daily life, earn much more money to enjoy spending and consuming ? (yes, we are insane enough to stay here :D ). All of it is Nash equilibrium, the lack of people to do meditation is Nash equilibrium, I am not sarcastic or ironic here,I am very serious.

    So let us, the insane people to do it , breaking the old equilibrium and establish the new one , for our highest purpose and ultimate interests.

    1. You are right 😀😀😀😀 we are crazy enough to liberate this very awful rong planet.😊

  12. That's sounds good!!!

    Victory of the Light!!!

  13. im confused I thought the light forces were almost already fully operation in the outer orbit of planet earth and were alot closer than the plasma barrier and the surface toplet bombs connected to humanity had to be taken care of?

    1. Agreed..surface operations have commenced yet toplot bombs still remain?? Thought Galactics had tech to dissolve how else could they remove plasma veil?

  14. I call upon the Light Forces to bring justice and healing to the situation on Earth. I call upon Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Angelic Realm, Agarthans. Enough is enough. We humanity ask for physical intervention. So be it and so it is

  15. Hello, this post translate in french :

    victory of light :)

  16. The Instructions this time is really hard to visualize. Like the Orion part and white flame of AN.
    But is not time to give up, just gonna do some research to make it easy to "imagine" when time come, Goddess wants freedom and freedom it will be!!!

    1. On an A4 Piece of paper, draw what you are about to imagine, use color pens. On another A4 piece of paper, draw another image and so on until you have all the images laid out in front of you. You do not need to have your eyes closed to meditate. Good luck everyone. VOTL

    2. CoBra has said before that the center star of Orions belt is a key place of the light forces. Maybe that has something to do with it.

  17. Manifestation protocol.

    1. Clear decision. 144,000 people will participate in the eclipse freedom meditation on August 11th, 2018.

    2. SEE and FEEL the excitement of 144,000 thousand people participating in the eclipse freedom meditation! See the Event Happening!

    2. Action. Share this mediation with as many people as possible and on as many platforms as possible! Send out meditation reminders...Then on August 11th, let's trigger the Event!

    We CAN do this!

    Victory of the Light!

  18. We shall not fail.


  19. We have all asked ourselves, what can I do? This is the greatest opportunity of our lifetime!!!
    Victory of the Light.

  20. 非常抱歉,尊敬的Cobra先生。我在你这里发表的是给上面看的投诉信。我认为他们不诚实。没有告诉人们;我们的冥想跟本根黑魔法无法抗衡。感觉就像那些正义组织要求我们跟一个正在杀人的疯子讲道理希望他能自己住手。而不是立刻帮助弱者把刀夺下来并制伏杀人者。杀手就是看到了正义组织对他们的过多宽容而更加疯狂。因为杀手们认定正义组织出于业力的考虑,跟本不会对他们下重手。而正义组织过于乐观地球上的形势。他们只是以地球最轻的黑暗状况去制定他们的解救计划,我认为他们是故意忽视地球上最最邪恶的地区。所以每一次大计划都会失败。就好像给病人治病。每次只用一半或者都没有一半的药,跟本就不能治病反而会让病毒有了强大的耐药性。结果病人越治病症越严重。我强烈要求上面的正义组织一定要真实面对他们过往的错误,现在地球这样样子本来就是当年他们的业力导致。多听听地球人的建议,他们要解放地球人类,为什么又不能听听地球人的话?我们地球人是不是表现的太顺从了?不敢对不正确的计划说不?

    1. 1. 我個人建議你補充一些基本的靈性和科學知識,關於顯化法則、集體冥想的效果(Cobra文章有連結),以及集體意識、觀察者效應相關的概念,集體冥想的效果是很強大的。

      2. 目前地球的情況就是集體意識(選擇)或(不做決定)的結果,所以黑暗勢力的控制才到現在,不要打算去要求其他外星勢力武力介入地球而不考慮地球的情況,這像西醫用化療去消滅癌細胞的方式治病,這樣害處會更大,也不一定能治好病。

      要從源頭出發,那就是清除毒素(集體意識的內心黑暗),通過排毒(清除內在黑暗> 重新選擇光明)> 表達自己的自由意志選擇 > 集體冥想。

    2. 我通常不喜欢告诉人家自己做不到的功能是有多正确。我会建议他们去尝试,但是我还没有做到,所以不能给我的答案。但是如果我做得到的功能,我会告诉他们,这个是大家都可以做到,还是因为自己的个案才能够做到,我依然会鼓励大家去尝试。不过如果我确定这个事情是有缺陷的,请做提案的那一方用事实年说服我去做到,而不是讲理论给我听。我最喜欢的就是西藏僧人的辩经。我不认为我缺乏基本的灵性知识,而是缺少实践效果zha

    3. 关于你的第二条;我们已经冥想了多少年?请告诉哪一个地球现实是我们冥想出来的成果?如果冥想真的有用,为什么我们到现在还需要冥想解放地球?解放人类?表达自己的自由意志?特别是关于自己的灵魂自由意志,相信在这里出现的所有人都会做关于这条的冥想,包括我,有谁成功了???

    4. 我不评价在这里出现的每个人的形而上学。我也勿需跟任何人解释关于我的形而上学。我只是就事论事

  21. Dear Cobra, it's 10:11 AM in London. Blessings

  22. Sounds like something tangible to get behind.

  23. Hello Cobra and all readers.

    I read this blogpost three hours after it went up and still did not find such a group on Facebook, so I took the initiative to create the central group for this meditation. You can find it here:

    I felt called to contribute. I've been sitting on the sidelines of my spirituality and intuition for months and years, and it felt like it was time for me to DO something for the community as a whole. No more sitting on the sidelines. Cobra once said that souls not fulfilling their soul missions a couple decades ago delayed things. The Event depends on you and me. The least we can do is meditate together.

    Cobra, you said we NEED one group for this. I admit I am not yet sure why or what the next step is.

    So Cobra and anyone else, I invite your participation and intuition in this group for its journey over the next two weeks. I expect to have my own inspirations and insights that I'll share too. Hope to see you in there, and I look forward to connecting with your light during this meditation.



  24. Replies
    1. I'm in the same part of the world --sort of --as you... me too....

  25. The best way to end the stale-mate is to let the chimera detonate toplet bombs. Predators are cowards. They have so much to loose, that is, a life of luxury and doing whatever their dark little hearts desire. Enough is enough. Let them self destroy, it will be the best thing that has ever happened to the universe.

    1. Yes, but the combustion should occur in the appropriate chamber. An entropic mess can do useful work that way. The trash can take itself out.

      I don't think the toplet bombs are even necessary for that though. They'll eat out each others' hearts looking for scraps of loosh that they don't make.

      We are like depleted uranium, they are the kind of uranium that reacts on its own with sufficient critical mass, due to the absence of its hosts.

    2. lol if the Chimera detones those toplet bombs we can say goodbye not only to our Solar system, but to many neighbouring star systems in our local neighbourhood - these toplet bombs are far more dangerous than people realize, that's why the Light forces are as careful as they are and why this stalemate exists to begin with. Bypassing approach to remove those bombs is an extremely complicated and slow process, otherwise everything would've been resolved long ago.
      With this meditation, we have the opportunity to considerably speed up this process, this is an extremely important meditation which was not authorized until after some rather positive Lunar eclipse meditations, that made certain things move forward.

  26. Greetings from the heart dear Cobra and Soul families.
    I find myself guided from the heart to share this, as an another synchronization in line with the intention of this meditation.

    From the Mayan GeoCosmovision I'd like to share how the energies of the Sacred Calendar of Life (Mayan Calendar) will be on the day of this meditation.

    The day will be 9 Kawoq, from the "week" B'atz', on the year 6 Ajpu, from the new cycle of 5,200 years called 13 B'aktun started on December 21st, 2012 (each B'aktun is of 400 years). We are on the sixth year from this new big cycle.

    Number 9 in our tradition is understood as the highest expression of feminine energy: Compassion, Love, Spirituality, Emotions, Cycles of Life (think of 9 months human gestation).

    Kawoq is the day of the community, the day of gathering, either as people, as also the unity in planets, systems, galaxies. The energy of destiny of the energy Kawoq is Kej, the day of harmony, stability and nature, the day of the four elements. And the energy of destiny of Kej is Tz'ikin, the energy of freedom, love, and higher perspective... what a "coincidence"!! Kawoq is also the day in which women with the gift of being a midwife or understand the healing power of plants and nature are born.

    The energy of B'atz' is the energy of creation, of arts. In the book Chilam Balam (The Book of the Prophets) it is explained that Creation was done beginning on day B'atz'. It is the energy of the union of men and women, the energy of space and time, named with one word as Najt, represented as a thread. It is the thread of creation.

    The energy of Ajpu is that of the Sun, the spiritual warrior. Our legends talk about Junajpu and Ixbalamkej, divine twins that defeated the Lords of the Underworld and became the Sun and the Moon respectively. Number 6 is understood as a number of strong energy, which life challenges when passed make people under its influence recognize its own power and wisdom to allow harmony and divine synchronization manifest in life.

    On the day of this meditation, very strong mental energies will be available to connect with. It is important to mention as well that on the energetic configuration of this day the energy of 13 Aj will be also present strongly. Aj is the energy of authority, of leadership, of the professionals, of strong personality and soft heart, represented with the cane and the authority staff. It is also represented as a pillar that connects the Heart of the Sky and the Heart of the Earth. The number 13 is the number of experience and knowledge accomplished, accomplishment.

    It is a great day to join our intention and will, as spiritual family with assistance of Goddess energies, to meditate together for liberation of the planet, to use our spiritual strength and light from our inner Sun, and connect the higher energies from above and the lovable and compassionate energies from our planet through our free will.

    From the purest of my intentions and love...


    Maltyox, Maltyox, Maltyox! (Thank you)

    1. Many thanks to you .
      This post it's really intresting and very important .

  27. Cobra! A Piano transmission came through on the eclipse... calling the 144,000. Please listen & post it if you can!

    ( )

  28. Thanks Cobra!:)

    The translationmachine is almost recovered. It was never perfect.

  29. This will count as the final breakthrough triggering the Event. May the Source be with us. For God and Earth.

    1. Reached 145,000 before and no event. I wouldn’t get too excited. Toplet bombs were supposed to have been gone except for on earth and in people, but now they mysteriously reappear elsewhere?

  30. Of course we will do it dear Cobra and it will be our essential work (Vincent and I) to bring as many people as possible to do this meditation through our group FB, our friends, friends of our friends, our contacts. We want the event and the event will happen. Victory of the Light !!! Thank you for everything you do dear Cobra! We hope to meet you very soon to celebrate the Liberation of the planet!

  31. I wonder if Novaya Zemlya is where Russia sent 'paperclipped' scientists after WWII, who then established operations.

    From Admiral Byrd's 1947 flight, it seems as if Germans might have joined with a 'Hyperborean' civilization at Earth's Arctic pole, which might be a nexus to Agartha. Saucers with swastikas met his polar flight. Crew of these same type of craft bid Byrd farewell by saying, 'Auf Wiedersein'.

  32. Então, no Brasil, será às 6:11 da manhã do sábado, 11/8, correto? 🌹

  33. Let us do it.
    Thank you Cobra and all beings of the Light.

    Victory of the Light!!!

  34. I will do my best in sharing it and also meditate. Thanks for your great job

  35. Hello from Romania . Victory of LIGHT! LOVE for everybody.Thank you COBRA. NAMASTE.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. But Cobra,Corey Goode is organizing mass meditation on 08.18.2018

    Why do not you guys do it together ? It will be stronger

    1. we can all do both

    2. Yes,you made the point but there are people who know only about Corey and they will participate in his meditation and there are people who know only about Cobra and they will participate in his meditation,so the number might split.It would be awesome if they join forces.

    3. The meditation of Corey is not free of charge - the livestream is USD 111.

    4. @bb I believe there have been many emails sent to corey , asking him to cooperate with Cobra in meditation, so Corey ought to have known about it. But I remember Corey said different people have different agendas , it is not easy to work together bla bla bla (Not exact words but similar meaning). So do not bother him further if he really doesn't want to cooperate, just respect by not imposing our value system on him.

      Let me explain a bit more. Resistant Movement is very real for Cobra but not that real for Corey, if I am Corey I may think why I should believe an organization who never shows up its agent in front of me ? How can I trust such group with no evidence? Why I should accommodate my meditation and my people to Cobra's? Why not Cobra accommodate his to mine ?

      All of above called Game Theory, everyone(including Cobra,RM,Galactic Confederation, Corey, Wilcock, all surface light workers, all spiritual groups...) has their own strategy in the planetary liberation process, if either part can not get "extra benefit" by changing its strategy, then the whole situation will be stabilized, or freezed, it is called Nash equilibrium.

  38. Dear COBRA.

    It occurred to me this morning to mention the following message here for your readers and followers, only for the purpose of public and general enlightenment:

    My exposure here is short and quick. As I learned from reading the RA - Raw Teir Eir Material, for those entities lacking love, as is the case with chimera, arachnids, and their like. They do not ascend to the eighth or to the seventh or to the sixth dimension. They can access the 5th Dimension. That's right. Since there is still a duality here. They never enter the Sixth Dimension. And much less above that.

    In the Sixth Dimnsion only LOVE can ascend. There is no duality here.
    Therefore, arachnids can not exist in the eighth dimension, as mistakenly they may have asked themselves.

    I hope I have contributed to the work.

    Victory of Light.

    1. Caro COBRA:
      domingo, 29 de julho de 2018
      Detonadores plásmicos - - entram em falhas constantes.
      Vitória da Luz.

  39. This is coming off as an act of desperation at this point, to be honest. Highly doubt The Event will happen this year, but yea, sure, I'll participate in the meditation.

    1. Remember of Cabal raping children to death,wars,pollution,animal extinction,slavery,crimes of all sorts YOU NAME IT,it all can stop if we manifest the event.So head up and keep fighting.I believe in you,in myself,in people who will do it,I believe that we will do it

    2. Yeah, the level of hopelessness at this point is unreal. This is not what I thought things would be. It's not just Cobra's intel, I was reading UFO books in the 90's and I was like "any day now! There are millions of insiders who are going to come out of the shadows." Forget the resistance and galactics, how have there not been thousands of whistleblowers?! The whole situation is a sickening failure in a hundred ways. The thing is, if there are other blocks to the Event, they're being kept classified and a whole new round of years of work will suddenly be revealed. The strangelet bombs weren't revealed for a few years, it's going to be just like that. I'm starting to realize that's the case. They say to just live your life and not depend on the Event. Well I have no life. It's not possible to continue like this, it's off the charts suffering. They're right in the end, I'm not going to wait around any more. It's idiotic to continue getting eaten alive when I can just walk off stage.

    3. Dear Psychedelicpiper and Patrick,
      Please just keep going towards the light and the shadows will go away.
      Firstly, there is nowhere else to go: if you jump off the frying pan you jump into the fire. Not good.
      Secondly, women and children need you. Men are here to serve and protect. If you feel isolated at the moment, please go out and find someone you can help. It is the best cure for everyone. You have a lot to give and there are many that need it and will appreciate it.
      Regarding the duration of the liberation… we are all in this together. Human life is short, there is a lot of suffering and we are impatient. But there is no alternative... If it takes another lifetime - so what? Let's do it together brothers! It does not work without you...
      Love and light to you to make you go a long way :)

    4. Guys we must stop whining and start working,we must join forces and end this,COBRA literally wrote up there this 'Therefore our meditation at the moment of the eclipse has great potential for a breakthrough, as it is a moment of very favorable connection with the Galactic Center.' DO YOU GUYS REALIZE WHAT THIS MEANS,I believe in you, in myself,in people,we can finish this,come on lets do this.This is my plan for the meditation I will share it with you so you may do some of the tasks that are on my plan list

      1.start massively joining groups,joining for posting-sharing purposes (do not do it too close to the date of the meditation because facebook might ban you,so you won’t be able to post-join,to notify others about meditation)

      2.start adding people massively,talk to them,get acquainted,at the right time notify them about meditation,negotiations,try to persuade them to do it,every heart makes difference (target groups,people from so called spiritual pages,woke guys)

      3.start posting on other pages,blogs,everything you can think of at the right time (few days before meditation,if you start posting it too early they might forget about the meditation)

      4.When you get closer to the meditation make two facebook events like you did before,and add your friends.

      5.try to create more facebook profiles,join big groups,post post post

      6.make a video in Serbian about meditation,translate,post on youtube on youtube in comments a comment about meditation in English

      8.inform other writers about meditation so they can inform their viewers

      9.share the plan with others so they can get an idea to do something that you are doing

      10.make a video about meditation in both serbian and english

    5. I would like to add that a lot of alternative media people have deep inside sources who are in their own way whistle blowers. I heard of CoBra late 2013,early 2014 and have been a reader of his blog and have done many meditations since. I shared some of my stories on here the last few weeks and I will continue meditating but if there is no event by 2019 I will have to reevaluate everything.

    6. @David
      Putting dates on when to do certain things are so "3D" :)
      If you follow this spiritual "interest" you learn that fixed dates will never come to fruition. After a while I realized that is must be so except in the very rudimentary 3D world of meeting etc. There is no meaning to try to do something before it is really ready to happen. This philosophy currently has some problems at work when every boss and project manager want to put dates in excel-sheets for everything but it really applies there also. Thats why things are "late" or you "miss" a deadline :)

    7. I wonder how many of you are approaching the fourth level of initiation and just keep resisting. for me, i broke through with mushrooms. its a horribly lonely and even scary experience. to dissolve the vortex you have to be in total awareness of it. that much is inevitable but most lack the confidence to see it through.

  40. Let's try everything to reach the 144,000! Post anywhere and inform known people that you want to share it. wilcock, fulford and

  41. I saw this somewhere but don't know where. It said: guide us brother now. To the final battle. Which inspired me:

    Father/mother God
    polease guide us to the final battle,
    Let us be inspired by the right things, beyond our self interests.
    Support us in being brave where needed.
    Let love win, let peace win, let heaven win.
    So it is.

  42. traduzido para o português (translated to portuguese):


  43. Here's one.
    About 6 weeks or so ago I managed to acquire a second stand-up clock to accompany the one I inherited from my Mother's Uncle decades ago.
    Neither clock was functioning, serving other purposes in here.
    I'd always get up and set the Pendulum In Motion by hand, causing the clocks to work for three or four minutes at a time.

    And yesterday it happened:
    The newer clocks Pendulum continued to swing even after ten minutes. Fifteen minutes. Thirty minutes...
    "SomeOne" "somehow" "repaired" The Clock.
    It's Ticking Again.
    Fixed It ;-)

    Tick. Tock.
    Time Is Just About UP.
    And while I still have to get it going manually sometimes The GlockenSpiel sounds absolutely Magical.

    This is CLOCKS


    Victory Of Love And Light

    I AM


    1. Tempus Fugit

      I AM


    2. "Lage Machinen?"
      "Beide Diesel."
      "Dieser elende HUND!"
      "SO, Männer! Jetzt kommt's noch mal drauf an!"

      "Ich glaub' Sie Läuft?!"




    3. This comment has been removed by the author.


    4. Every NEW BEGINNING comes from some other Beginning's End.
      We're Going Back to The START.

      I AM

  44. Thank you dearest ✨ Cobra ✨ victory of the light ✨🙏🏼❤️🌈

  45. To German/Austrian/Swiss people new to this blog: you can always find Cobra's articles translated to German here:

    Here is this article translated:

  46. Think and prey for unification. End of the battles. End of all wars. Unification. Love, Peace, Light for ALL.

    1. Yes exactly that is why I am sharing it so hard


  47. Thanks with gratitude, Cobra, the RM, the Plenadians, Sirius, the Arktians and the races that are still there.
    Let it be light! And so it is /Gooooooo ....
    Let us fully bring Gaia and the Galactic condex to manifest itself / THUS IS THAT.
    The Goddess IsisAstara Speaks - Heart-centered life is the key
    We'll all be present for Victory lights.
    Universal and multi-dimensional hugs to everyone!


  49. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podporo Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  50. If the newly highly or advanced group that joined the group lately only brought bubble gum then glue the earthly idiots to the furniture...

    Remove the clowns from the equation

    I forget.. thats probably part of the uncalled for treaty of non interference... u shall not remove the oppressors.. the invaders... the illegitimate tyrants... under no circumstances unless they themselves give permission to under the free will code 123.4 verse 4.5

    lets not forget us the lil people are not covered under reasonable codeS...

    u want an intense momentum to be manifested on that day of meditation to push or urge for a breakthru... then my suggestion is that a global awakening happens in that day or previous...

    Anything else will be bussiness as usual n just barely milestone gains.

  51. Way to go Cobra!

    Thank you for a well timed info - we have plenty of time to prepare. I have invited all my friends of different yoga schools and personally addressed some of the gurus with huge followings throughout the planet... I trust they will cooperate (because they always do, in their own special way :)) and there will be millions of us joining in Light on that day!

    I say we all do both August 11 and 18, it's a priority and it's worth it. If we expect others to join us we have to join them too.

    Dear RM do what you have to, we are anchoring Light on the surface and will continue to do so until we breathe.

    I have started my meditations already and I will do them every day, accumulating energy for the finale ;) and finale is The Event.

    Thank you Cobra!

    Victory to the Light, Victory to the Light, Victory to the Light!

    1. @LightouseSouth
      👋 👍 🙏🏼 🙏🏼❤️✨❤️✨❤️✨🙏🏼❤️

  52. Love and Light to All 💚🌎💙

  53. This is my plan for the meditation tasks and I am posting this here because some of you might find aspiration and do some of the tasks

    1.start massively joining groups,joining for posting-sharing purposes (do not do it too close to the date of the meditation because facebook might ban you,so you won’t be able to post-join,to notify others about meditation)

    2.start adding people massively,talk to them,get acquainted,at the right time notify them about meditation,negotiations,try to persuade them to do it,every heart makes difference (target groups,people from so called spiritual pages,woke guys)

    3.start posting on other pages,blogs,everything you can think of at the right time (few days before meditation,if you start posting it too early they might forget about the meditation)

    4.When you get closer to the meditation make two facebook events like you did before,and add your friends.

    5.try to create more facebook profiles,join big groups,post post post

    6.make a video in Serbian about meditation,translate,post on youtube on youtube in comments a comment about meditation in English

    8.inform other writers about meditation so they can inform their viewers

    9.share the plan with others so they can get an idea to do something that you are doing

    10.make a video about meditation in both serbian and english

  54. August 11th is also the proposed exacting day of the implementation of the world economic reset by AO

  55. Cobra please have an additional ( if you see fit) Mass Meditation on 8-18-18. 11:11 am & pm Colorado time.

    COREY GOODE has an event we’re soul families will be gathered and many that won’t be present I sense will be joining as well

    IF we could have the assistance of this blogs reach we have a good shot to get closer to the 144k threshold .

  56. Give us this day, our daily bread (to)... "Feed the World"
    there has been a winding-up of The Force...
    Feed the people and reduce the amount of evil "money" is doing
    (baby steps, then)
    Every Church of the Earth produces "bread for free"
    will work for food...
    will work for shelter...
    will buy only from the Just
    When The Power of The World is aimed at one area...
    We decide what is food...
    We decide what a bank is...
    We Decide...
    The Portal

  57. Could someone possibly produce a guided meditation video

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Many thanks for the correction moon mama... Love and light

  58. Does this have anything to do with
    Sunday, July 15, 2018
    PHOENIX KEYHOLE in progress

  59. Amen!🙏 Thank you Cobra.💖🌹.

  60. Hope this time will gonna make it !!! Victory of the light !

  61. I want to see a bare minimum of 288,000 people doing this.

  62. Field Updates happen now. Renewals are visible.

    Galactic patrols remain around seismic zones. Plasma releases in progress.

    Galactic interactions remain, as openings are given.

    Ashtar (es) extend security zone.

    Plasma detonators go into constant failure.

    Stacking continues as projectors are pointed to deployments. (5)

    Multidimensional samples are delivered.

    Karmic adjustments continue in zones of acceleration. GRACE remains enlightening.

    Temporarily, end of transmission.

    Pleiades 1 (Intensifying 8th Projector ...)


  63. End once and for all:

  64. Hello Cobra,

    the planet must be released anyway, is it not?

    Our free will is in any way altered since we are reincarnated without our consent since we are prisoners
    is not it ?

    So to put an end to the conflict between light and darkness and since it is toplet bombs that prevent the event from happening, then I propose this:
    we can consider that people who are awake are people who know what is really happening in our world.Therefore, why not make a mass withdrawal of these awakened people, place us on hold and safely in a place chosen by the galactic confederation; thus the toplet bombs explode, end of the cabal, end of the game, Victory of the light. Restoration of the planet and return of people awakened on Gaia and the beginning of the new golden age.

    Okay, the uninvited humans would have died during the explosion of toplet bombs, but at the same time they would be freed from slavery and quarantine. And so checkmate for the shadow, the planet is released with its inhabitants.

    1. You would sacrifice 7.6+ billion people?!

      Besides, the blast radius would reach the neighbouring star systems as well, if not further. Think about that, it's not worth it.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. All these comments expressing the willingness to end the lives of billions of people.. It is the worst form of selfishness and cowardice. These kind of sentiments are not from an 'awakened' individual, rather it is an expression from a utterly dead one.

    4. Go easy on Franck, it is very difficult to see clearly under the veil. I have had my dark thoughts and feelings as well.

  65. This experience happened late 2014 to mid 2015 but I do not have an exact date and time. For some reason I did not write it down in my journal.

    I was in my early twenties meeting up with my high school friends at a local track/football field. It was sunset and one of my friends showed up with this guy who had just bought him cigarettes. I found out after talking with them for a while that the guy was about 22 and a member of a hispanic gang. He knew higher ups and they had a pretty big operation going. He told me that he had been sold a cell phone by a friend and found out it was stolen from the biggest drug dealer in miami, florida which led to him almost being killed, and some other stories. He had been recently released from prison, and was in my home city to 'lie low' because its 'quiet'. I have met family of Italian and Russian mafia and this particular city in south florida was growing so fast with people from all over that is perfect for hiding or witness protection. We started talking about the supernatural. I told him about my ufo sightings and he hesitated, then told me about something he saw while in a florida state prison.

    He was in the yard far away from the prison itself and heard commotion. He looked toward the prison to see a football field sized black oval shaped disk with purple, green, and white flashing lights on the sides. It was very low and moving very slowly. The guards on the catwalks connecting the guard towers dropped their rifles and ran. Everyone ran into the prison except the guys that were too far away. They laid on the floor and waited for it to pass. People go through these things and then look around at the world and it totally doesnt fit in. It shatters everything and may form small cracks in 'the matrix'. I believe there are so many people with these stories that will come forward someday.

    I tried telling him that to be that close to the surface it had to be military or renegade et's but there was only so much I could say. We parted ways, talked once more after, and I havent seen him since.

    1. @M look up some of my other stories in the comments on CoBras past posts. I have many.

  66. Cobra - why is the number 144,000 so important?

      Maybe this video about the Brotherhood of the Star can clear things out for you. Video is made by/posted by Cobra.

    2. This is what Cobra had to say about this number from an old post in 2012.

      "The critical mass for this activation to have desired effect is about 118,000 people worldwide actually doing it with focus. If we consider that human concentration skills are not perfect, we need 144,000 people as the critical mass."

      Also, I believe there are 144,000 Light workers/warriors currently present on this plane who are members of the Order of the Star.

      "Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors belong to the mandala of 144,000 star beings of Light who came to planet Earth many incarnations ago to assist in the liberation of this planet and the Shift of the Ages."

      "Brotherhood of the Star was never public since the time of Atlantis. It was working secretly through its discliples. Disciples of the Brothehood of the Star comprise the Order of the Star. Order of the Star is a community, a mandala of 144,000 star beings of the first, second and third Initiation that have incarnated on this planet with the purpose of occult triangulation of light and darkness. Members of the Order of the Star have been influencing the world situation based on telepathic guidance from the Brotherhood of the Star. "

  67. Dear Cobra and dear all,

    thank you so much!!! :D I feel deeply in my heart that this meditation at the moment of the eclipse is a great chance to bring about the event! We really should combine and unite all our strengths and focus on the planetary liberation. I'm going to share this information and meditation with all people and groups who have the potential, even if I haven't talk to them about bombs etc.

    The work of the sisterhood of the rose groups (with men and women) are very important in this process. Here is a forum for all Germanspeaking sisterhood groups:

    Let's create the greatest possible success and may our forces be with us!


  68. thank you Cobra for sharing this one

  69. Thank you, Cobra! I have a clarifying question: in point 6 of the instructions there is this abbreviation “AN” which I am not sure the meaning of. I suppose it means Archangel Nathaniel, he is assocated with the white fire, am I correct?

    1. No. It is the AN from Untwine.

    2. Dear @Bon, Archangel Metatron is the embodiment of white fire of AN :-)

    3. Seems to be a quite easy Yes or No question that is not trivial but still no answer as usual. Pretty strange...

    4. Hi Bon, I share you this link, it might help you.

      Have wonderful day!


    6. It is a divine code dealing with transmutation.


    8. Thank you all, so it is related to AN conversion, I understand now.

  70. "AURORA is a key word that can evoke a memory. Namely before we came to Earth we contributed on the planning of this project. This is why some people can feel strong energy behind this codename. This is a code that allows us to awaken into a higher reality and thus to assist us in carrying out this plan."

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. The deep state attempted assassinate the POTUS with a missile in June before the summit with Kim Jong Un.

    The Jesuit John Brennan and Michael Avenatti were aware! Look the tweet please, very important! The proof are here:

    Victory of the Light!

    1. I've seen that ... but it means nothing when the general public know nothing about it.

  73. And don't forgett to sign and share the petition for planetary liberation too:

    It would be fantastic, when we hit the critical mass @ meditation and everybody who joins also signs the petition, so we get the 144.000 there too.

    Share the heck out of it the next weeks ... VOTL!!!

    1. The numbers have barely moved in the past 3 weeks ... not even close to the 144,000

  74. Interesting coincidence. Latvian mass media writes about the fact that somebody has placed posters warning of poisonous spiders in the capital of Latvia in Riga. The information is of course false, but I immediately remembered what Cobra wrote about Chimera.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. I will participate and do everything I can to get the word out.
    Of course!

    THANKS Mr. Cobra.

  77. Constellation of Sagittarius is located in the direction of Galactic Center from our point of view, so Cobra meant that Vesta will be positioned close to the Galactic Center in terms of 'line of sight'. Hope this answers your question :-)

  78. This is it guys, time to kick some serious butt.


  79. What the world needs now is Love, Sweet Love
    It's the only thing that there's just too little of
    What the world needs now is Love, Sweet Love,
    Not just for some but for Everyone.


    Let there be Love, Sweet Love

    Love and Light for All
    And Forever

    I AM

  80. Promo @ 😀 🙏

  81. The EVENT! Hot Fun in the Summertime (Sly and the Family Stone):

  82. Replies
    1. Hello Sara,

      "The AN conversion is a system of direct transmission of Light that bypasses contingency filters, and therefore transmits the flow of Light in its fullness, all the way down the planes. This allows the Divine Will to be transmitted by Light, into the densest matter of all planes, transmuting, healing and reconnecting all reality back with the One. This AN conversion system progressively transforms the universe into a reality where the One is all powerful. When the AN conversion is complete, the universe will be an exact mirror image of the One."

      You can find more about it here:

      Have a day full of Love!



  83. I'm in. Just a valuable comment: Cobra released intel regarding Chimera group just this past week and this has never happened. Things are progressing. We keep moving.

  84. Yes. Let's get united, and do this for one more time. And let's get over 150K people, working together AS ONE!! 🙏🙏🙏💖🌹💖🌹💖

  85. Lets puncture the quarantine

    Hajde da probijemo karantinu


  86. I want to be taken to the underground Resistance bases or Agartha as soon as possible (august 2018). If not, let the toplet bombs explode in the end already!!!!!!!!!

    We contacted telepathically with a person from European resistance base (a man with a black beard, I do not know his name). He assured (promised) us that they would take us underground in July 2018 !!! But no one came!!! why do you deceive us??! If not, please contact me!!

    I sent a detailed letter to the email!!!

  87. Prepare for now has the latest Ben Fulford interview posted, with transcript.

    This link has all 6 interviews done recently with Benjamin Fulford.


  89. Cobra has changed the meditation instructions slightly: now its no more „visualizing until the critical mass of toplet bombs are removed to trigger the event“ but were gonna only remove all toplet bombs in the plasma shield... so don‘t get too excited.. the event will not happen at that day (promise you that)

    1. He wrote this

      Therefore our meditation at the moment of the eclipse has great potential for a breakthrough, as it is a moment of very favorable connection with the Galactic Center.

  90. What happened in the sub-lunar orbit space war? Did we win? What's going on with the destruction of the Dumbs? We have no way of knowing what's going on since you stopped giving interviews to PFC. Are you still alive?


  92. Hello, dear COBRA.

    More recently I have received complaints from people with high sensitivity and who are presenting physical symptoms of the change.
    They say they go to the doctor and end up getting frustrated with the appointment or they just leave the doctor's office with more uncertainty than when they came in to consult.

    This is usually due to the type of medicine and limited science of the surface people. Since science and culture are based on two apples.

    I explain: apple number one is Adam's apple in paradise, and it governs religions, medicine of genetics and popular culture (laughs).

    The second apple is attributed to Isaac Newton, and that governs all the rest of science (laughs).

    What happens to people with above-average sensitivity, and who are feeling the effects of the change in their physical bodies, as has been heralded by the Pleiadians -, is that the current body of 3D, carbon is accelerating its atoms to fit in the 5th D, and most people are laymen and are not coping well with it.

    My intervention here, through his Blog that is an excellent Portal for Lightworkers to have access to information on the surface and vice versa, is to release the healing technology of the Pleiadians - - - for the application in humans who need her.

    Thank you for your understanding in giving up this space for a good job to assist the surface people.

    Victory of Light.

  93. all known people have to post this meditation .. corey goode, davild wilcock, fulford, david icke? and meditations youtube channels .. then we create the 144.

  94. En Español, ya viene el video :-) :

  95. What is the time of meditation? I live in Brazil;

  96. Have any of you seen references to the event in mass media before. Than you learn about the event and wonder "How did they know?".
    One such time is in Magica story which is at the end of Dio - Magica. The spell of restoration bathes everything in an incredible and inescapable light and all hell literally breaks loose. Dio was going to make part 2 and 3 but died, so magica story ends with evil being defeated, forever, which is not what he intended.
    magica story 1 and 2:

    magica full album:
