Sunday, July 8, 2018

Sacred Union

This is the last of the “social dynamics” articles, which the Pleiadians have requested to be posted as part of preparation for the Ascension process. I have received clearance to release some “other” intel shortly after July 13th.

Sacred Union is merging of spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric, plasma and physical bodies of soulmates and twin souls:

Such merger creates a moment of no-time when the Veil is pierced, and this moment of no-time, if expanded, is the key to physical immortality and / or Ascension.

Since the fall of Atlantis, priestesses of Astara were preserving the mysteries of Sacred Union on the surface of the planet:

And inside the Agartha network:

Later, in post-Atlantean period, Sacred Union between the king and the high priestess has created resonance waves of harmony for the whole kingdom the king was the ruler of.

High priestesses of the Goddess were also able to heal the war trauma of men:

Or heal the women:

As we are approaching the moment of Compression Breakthrough, some of the most awakened priestesses will start using the energy of Sacred Union to heal others and to channel Goddess energies into the planetary Light grid.


Since the Kurgan Archon invasion more than 5000 years ago, the Archons are using etheric and plasma scalar technology to disrupt Sacred Unions. These disruptions are the source of most drama in love relationships.

They are then harvesting the psychic energy of those disruptions and are funneling it into Hassuna-Samarra vortex, which they are actively suppressing for millennia by creating wars in the region.

Their first way is to create disruptions in existing relationships and even engineer relationships themselves:

Their second method is to switch one of the pair off ad thus create great emotional pain for the other:

Their third way is to induce possessiveness, and create jealousy dramas.

Their fourth way is to use isolating scalar fields to disconnect people from each other.

Their fifth way is to create women physically passive, so a woman can never physically approach a man.

Their sixth way is to create men emotionally passive.

Their seventh way is to induce twin soul fantasy, when someone is projecting an idealized image on a partner.

And if nothing else works, they tend to kill happy couples with directed energy weapons:

Regardless of all programming attempts, the Light is pouring through the cracks in the Veil, and the Pleiadian fleet is supporting Sacred Union with the force of their spiritual Love.

Victory of the Light!


  1. Precious info… as we are approaching the moment of the Compression Breakthrough… my heart rejoices… Let's move on with and in Love...
    Thank you Cobra!!! :)

    1. I wound like a women understand a light worker!!!!! I’m looking for my new mate!!!

    2. Maybe in the next life for me to fined a soul mate😍

  2. Sounds promising if it's last post that we are close to compression breakthrough!! Still have lost all hopes for finding my soul mate but maybe in next life!?!

    1. Your way to young and beautiful to talk about the next life
      You have no idea what the future holds. Dint look for it . Just know its meant to be and it will happen , dont apply expectations
      Just be you.

    2. Minddezign good advice. Perhaps if we all just stopped waiting and just BE, the Event would be happening...

      Perhaps the Event is simply being here now :-)

    3. Hey dear Jennifer, don't lose hope, because this sacred union CAN be true for you. Maybe you dont find your soul mate here on the surface, but you'll gonna find in the sacred space of your heart. Trust me, you can communicated with him, wherever he is.

      Archangel Michael told us how to do it:

      Victory of love!

    4. The key is always to BE timeless.

      i am

  3. i wish Sacred Union to everyone!!!!

  4. ‪I sampled the dark agreement oath for young people who do not know about meditation slave arrested in Japan and made it a dance music. The image is centered on images taken at the Tamaki shrine in Totsukawa village where the Creative God of Japan lives. Please listen.‬

    Victory of the Light!!

    ‪THE EVENT IS COME!! 闇の契約解除宣誓文 @YouTube‬

  5. Thanks for the update
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  6. Victory of the Love!
    Victory of the Light!

  7. Please join this group in order to spread awareness on human trafficking and paedophilia

    Share this group all over the internet,add your friends,we are motivated by horrors like this

    Trying to steal a small child in broad daylight! This is in the uk! Share share share was only a few days ago


  8. It is no coincidence that I started remembering profound sexual healing memories with my Twin Soul before 3D Earth incarnations. We were a warrior group and seen and done a lot of things to prevent even bigger atrocities, as the dark ones forced the circumstances around us to use violence to clear things up. Because of these war traumas, all twin soul couples from the group I worked in performed sexual healing on a regular basis. Every time I playback such a memory, it gets more intense and I remember more of the specific details that come with sexual healing. Folks these things are unbelievable. Imagine for a moment being in 3D and seeing and feeling the 7D and beyond, it's almost remembering how the Source was like before sending its tiny sparks of consciousness (us) into creation. Sexual healing can be performed to a certain degree with a ''non-soulmate'' partner, to a great degree with a soulmate partner, to a greater degree with a primary soulmate partner and to the greatest degree possible with a twin soul partner.

    In this lifetime, I have experienced the first way of manipulation (creating artificial love feeling in my heart chakra) numerous times. In relationships that were standing out the most, I have experienced a combination of the first two ways of love manipulation (they were falsely inducing love feelings in my heart, almost making me feel sick when I saw the guy and perhaps turned up the volume of my implant connecting me with my twin soul) and then tehy used the second way, I have never been more heart broken before – the man probably even wasn't my soulmate). And I also experienced the 4th way of manipulation.

    My Higher self tells me, that for my major 'love life plan' in this lifetime during the old timeline for the Event (which was supposed to happen in 2012), I was supposed to meet my primary soulmate some 10+ years ago, we would then channel each other's twin flames and channel energies that would help with the global piercing the veil. The meeting was prevented, we never met. Because of this, my twin flame started contacting me in dream state some time before 2012. Fortunately I met my primary soulmate some 2 years ago, but we didn't enter a love relationship, (as he was already married then) it was more like a teacher-student relationship. I learned a lot from him and he also learned a few things from me. He managed to enhance my connection with my own twin soul, as my primary soulmate already had his 3rd eye opened, and I also helped him to get to know something about his twin soul, which is currently not incarnated on the surface. Thanks to my primary soulmate, I now have regular contacts in a certain way with my twin soul, but they often get obscured. Unfortunately they disconnected my primary soul mate from me after that with the 4th way of manipulation – we simply stopped talking to each other, ever since I made him see about the real situation on Earth and that karma is basically Archon manipulation and so on and so forth (even though he had his 3rd eye opened, the implants sometimes still made him see and believe the wrong things). Even though I wanted to maintain conversations with him, he simply stopped answering back (and I wasn't stalking him or anything like that, just imagine someone with whom you have deep conversations from time to time, and then that person simply disappears from your life, with no reason whatsoever – clear Archon manipulation).

    For those of you, who are wondering if you're having a soulmate relationship or a primary soulmate relationship, the trick is in the eyes – you think you're actually looking at your twin soul, but he/she is not your twin soul, he/she is only channeling your twin soul's energies. The look in the eyes can be pretty intense (the same with energy flow) but is still not as intense as with a twin soul.

    Thank you Cobra ;-)

    Victory of the Light!!!!

    1. Thank you... word in word is the same situation.

    2. Thank you so much.. word in word the same situation.

    3. interesting about the eyes. thank you. meditating a lot for twin flame connection. love to you

    4. Also very interesting that my soul mate and i have been practicing tantric sex for the last 2 days and then received this email today. No coinkydinces.

    5. I would have thought a fully opened 3rd eye would see through the separation illusion, and not understand awful and insane cruelty. 1000000s years in prison.

    6. That comment I just wrote was for Ninch.. sorry.

    7. @Indi Fernandez, I thought that too, but if there are additional things blocked in that person, Archons can still manipulate visions that the 3rd eye sees (this was told to me later on by another evolved person). No wonder I can't get my 3rd eye to open, while he did it easily with bineural beats but had a totally different understanding of the quaratine Earth situation.

      Once, not long before we stopped talking to each other, my primary soulmate actually said to me that he realized he was being manipulated by his guides (something in that sense) or that he was receiving the wrong things and that one thing I said to him before hand actually turned out to be true. Soon after this, we stopped talking.

    8. A veces es necesario pasar por esas confusiones para llegar a discernir cuando llega la verdadera cinexion con nuestro ser superior

  9. Thank you and much Love 🌟❤️🌟

  10. Hello, thank you cobra for this post. This post is is translated into French :

  11. Thank you Cobra, I feel now that I can forgive my ex. I'm sure they were hitting us with both barrels for a long time to kill a love that great. The confusion on why it happened was causing me great suffering. I think I can move on now.

    I hope people realize how important this info is. The coming peace is not only about secret societies and justice, its also about Love, which is our saving grace. I hope me and my ex poked enough holes in the veil to make some difference for everyone. I'll never stop trying. I'll meet someone new and our Love will launch a cannonball through that fucker ;) All in divine right timing, I have complete faith. Thanks again Cobra

    Victory of the Light, WWG1WGA

  12. Cobra - thank you for this message. Valuable readings in the links you provided. I always learn so much from your blog. Please consider posting more on "social dynamics". My regards.

    1. I hope he can get rest and some relaxation.

  13. For Sacred Unions dissolve the Veil. For God and Earth. Please read and sign Liberation petition now. Than pass it forward. Victory of the Sacred Unions.

    1. Important update for Cobra's Earth Prime Liberation petition. It has surpassed 36,000 signatures taking it passed the 25% mark toward its goal of 144,000 signatures. To sign this petition use the link below. For God and Earth.

  14. Za slovenske bralce:

    vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva vrtnice in podporo Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra and Victory of the Light!

  15. This makes me so happy cause i'm leaving by the ocean for the last 10 days and i'm having those dreams i meet women i love but have some kind of problem with me in this dimension but in the dream they see me, understand me and love me and i've been feeling a bigger connection with the goddess energy.
    Still Wating for the calling to Agartha though... where are you Resistance? Hope you show up here by the beach on july 13th.

    Big giving love to all!!!

    1. nice. same here as for the RM. feels like we will be called in a matter of several weeks. just a hunch

  16. I have a strong feeling who my twin flame is or he's at least a soulmate, but he ran away and avoided me suddenly. Giving reasons that dont make sense. I didn't chase him much even though I'm hurt and confused because of his change in behavior. For the past four years I avoid getting into relationships despite having dozens of interested men. Because I knew intuitively it wouldn't work because I'd be thinking of him. I asked his sister what happened and he told her he didn't agree with me that aliens exist. Well, with the Event happening and full disclosure I'm hoping he will see what I mean and come around. But I'm preparing for a future where either he's not my twinflame. Or if he is my twinflame I'll have to settle for a soulmate who actually cares about me.

    1. Either way is beneficial so be happy, he either is or isnt both are exactly as they should be. just BE and all will happen in gods time. Peace & Love

    2. sorry to hear this.. yes for many the programming is too much to overcome to realize ETs colonized earth, it blows away their belief system they are so tied to, it basically turns everything upside down.. I mean here we are still putting gas in cars for transportation!! It's absurd yet people keep doing it and don't question.. many are so used to doing the same thing they just can't fathom it's all been a game of lies, UFOs are all over the internet just a search away, military, astronauts, fighter pilots, airline pilots, police, normal people all with their encounters and yet adults won't believe it? You can't get more credit than Gordon B Cooper..

    3. I have read of them just doing a runner, too much for them, remember they are emotionally dumbed down and not connected to their soul mate.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Thanks. <3
    Blessings to everyone.

  19. Ready and willing for the Compression Breakthrough here!!!

    1. are we there yet?

      I feel the galactics are dragging their feet...

      I aint waiting. DIY Compression


  20. This one hits home. I can relate to it in a form that brings the A-HA feeling and yet more catharsis to surface. I could never understand why I had these images seemingly projected onto my mind where my old friend was betraying me in such brutal manners, it was like a movie designed to evoke the worst kind of feelings possible in me. We had a beautiful connection that was targeted from the beginning, and neither of us had a chance at that time to fight all this. I left it seriously drained and thought that my obsession was what triggered and fed the entities causing such disturbance, once I was visited by some during sleep paralysis, we had a good fight and I could go out of my body and look at me in the mirror, my dream body was strangely menacing and I could see what I was becoming to fight what was attacking me, it was time for a new strategy. But now reading this all comes back, it always had this synthetic quality to it, and it was always punctuated by UFO sightings. I used to sense a lot of anticipation, anxiety and awe at the intuition that this was all connected but never really got someone to talk about it anyway, and now it really seems that there's so much more to it I am yet to know. I've had this used to me again nowadays, to disturb my relationship with my sister as we're becoming friends, this time I could laugh when the image of us fucking suddenly pop into my head as a designed movie, it was just sick and disgusting, I could never identify to it and recognised as the bait it was. The little clarity I gain from all this is indeed little. It actually disturbs me a little envisioning the means and nuances of this fight, but what disturbs me the most is the possibility of remaining in ignorance about all this. At this point it has become hard to trust anything, anyone, but the path. Something in all this smells fake everywhere, but in levels I could have never imagined the depth.

  21. It was an honor to fight by your sides, brothers and sisters.



    As always, Much Love, Much Joy, Much Peace & Much Light - Peace Be With You.

    ~ I AM A Light Sharer
    And we are ALL Lightbringers 🌟

    VOTL. 😊🌈🌎

    1. Yes, Thank YOU!
      "we are ALL Lightbringers" 🌟
      we are ALL Lightbringers 🌟
      we are ALL Lightbringers 🌟

  22. Thanks for the interesting information.

    The latest Ben Fulford interview (Prepare for Change with Ben Fulford, July 4, 2018) now has a transcript.

  23. Wonderful article Cobra. Thank you for bringing light to this subject ❤. Thank you again for your dedication and perservearance through everything that you have gone though. Your information always resonates with me and i always find it to be of a very high vibration. Sending much love to you xxx

    1. (I have felt his prescence in me 'many' times.. He became a big soul.

  24. Thank you so much :-)
    Victory of Light and Love!!!

  25. Interesting...As someone who has lost faith in relationships, it easy to understand why! I've been alone for so long, I'd be just happy to know it is still possible to be in a healthy/balanced relationship! Twin flame relationship (realized) feels utopian especially with all the interference. It would be nice to KNOW WHO IS my Twin Fame?!

    1. It's good to be alone until everything is fixed. I'd say you're doing the right thing, same as me most of my life.

    2. Alone, but never lonely. I agree with you.

  26. Thank you Cobra, certainly explains a lot. Much peace and love.
    Victory of the light.

  27. Oh joy, thanks for attacking me, these last 3 months have been hell, only 5 months left of this living nightmare ,hey thanks again though, wait how does this help????

  28. “As we are approaching the moment of Compression Breakthrough” i can’t help but think people have took this qoute as if its about to happen, i hope so but we have been approaching the Compression Breakthrough for years now. I thought i’d clarify this so people don’t start saying “ oh well Cobra said the compression breakthrough was about to happen but it hasn’t.” Victory To The Light

    1. Hi Cruise,
      I'm glad you wrote this. I also thought this was quite confusing. But I go with my own intuition and that also has a strong message for me, even a year( even that I know that I can't make predictions about this)

    2. Well if we all want it, think/dream of it even when not in own distress, refuse to not believe it soon, the law of attraction will prove somewhat sound. I will ask the unseen healer to help with those who really want to go to the light. If we invoke it every day, it must help.

    3. We are soon ready to start the approach of the beginning of the start of the compression breakthrough is probably a better wording based on the latest 15 years of predictions.

    4. @Cruise,
      Look around you. Look at all the RESISTANT movements happening all over the world. And only then... you'll see that the Compression Breakthrough ALREADY has began in a form of "bread crumbs". I.e., NOT in the way it was Planned to happen. Being one of the longest followers, you know that tons of previous plans have been changed to suit the present situation. Have a PEACE of mind, and trust THEE plan! 😊🌎

  29. thank you Cobra this is a prefect example what had happened to about 12 years ago. we were very happy for about 20 years all the sedan they turn my to something that ruin my life and later hers to. i knew some dark force where at work in my family life then i started searching to find what exactly was going i red many books to the answer. i had too many whys but i couldn't find the right answer. some material leads to some i heard Cobra's interview by Albert in 2014 after that through Cobra's blog's i started seeing some light thank you cobra.
    Victory of the light

    1. @Alem Imru,
      THANK YOU! Cobra and RM did help many of us with our FULL and DEEP awakening.

  30. Cobra...I do appreciate these articles.

    My feel is we are already in sacred union, just not fully aware of it yet. Some parts are coming closer,some parts are not.

    Some parts of our sacred union are suffering in jails all across the US. Some parts are dying of hunger as we speak in Yemen and many different places. Some parts are busy separating women from their children...Some parts are bombing Syria and killing people....

    Sexual energy is important...but so is peace, freedom, good food, housing and not being attacked for being a women, black, brown or Muslim.

    When your homeless, sexual energy is not the first thing on your mind.

    Its challenging for me to embrace sexual energy when im regularly discouraged and attacked by the forces of fascist white male supremacy.

    If Pleiadians want to help, they can accelerate plans to remove the fascists from power NOW...and I mean all of them, including Trump :-)

    How do Sirians feel about the situation? I suspect not everyone in the Fed/Resistance is okay with this extremely slow and I feel irresponsible timeline....

    Im DONE. My faith lies in the forgotten people in the streets to sort out this mess... the Weak Becoming Heroes!

    I like you Cobra...but we need a diversity of tactics :-)

    We are the Ones we've been waiting for

    I aint waiting....


    1. Try and just BE. All the other thoughts create resistence and pain. Do your best to flow with the river and steer versus attempting to swim against the very strong current you seem to be caught in this moment. Imho i know easier said than done but that has been my experience as best you can. I am praying for everyone peace, love, light and healing energy. Peace & Love

    2. Try and just BE. All the other thoughts create resistence and pain. Do your best to flow with the river and steer versus attempting to swim against the very strong current you seem to be caught in this moment. Imho i know easier said than done but that has been my experience as best you can. I am praying for everyone peace, love, light and healing energy. Peace & Love

  31. For those who are guided:

    The Cintamani Stone/Brotherhood of the Star Disclosed in Stargate SG-1/Atlantis?

    1. @Jonathan Carty,
      Thank you, Brother. I love reading your articles. You have a very good writing, and logical ANALYZING skills!

  32. I made a comment a couple of posts ago and explained I was pushing my wife away, who is a powerful healer and lightworker. It was down to me creating non-existing dramas, exactly like what, Cobra has talked about here. I have managed to get myself back on track. Thank you, Cobra. VOTL X

  33. Thank you so much, Cobra! I love you so much, thanks for all you hard work, you inspire our hearts throught this process of planetary liberation.

    The social articles that you posted it had changed my life and help me to reconected with my pleiadian family. I'm eternally grateful to you.

    Victory of light!
    Victory of love!


  34. Very interesting Information,thank you Cobra.🙏💖🌟.

  35. Being alone is the best tactic until everything is fixed. The implants in each other, the Archon attacks, it's awful. I was single most of my life until I got married at age 30. The girlfriend I loved instantly turned into a monster. It's a story many people tell actually. It doesn't matter who you think you're with, the corruption and attacks will greatly increase and you'll be screwed. Plus the astrological influence of marriage moves you from the house of lovers to the house of enemies. Astrologers laugh it off as a funny paradox, but that shit's real. You can see it everywhere if you want to. You'll start to notice every married couple are their worst enemies. Scary stuff. But even casual relationships, the implants and DNA commands placed by the Dark forces are awful. It's not only foreign objects, it's the body itself, it's corrupted and acts in terrible ways when exposed to the opposite gender. Never again for me. I'm walking the talk, I've been divorced for 3 years and don't even look at women anymore. I don't see beautiful creatures anymore, all I see is the Cabal, Archons, and the System. For me it's just a trick to further trap me in the 5 senses, same as junk food, drugs, and entertainment. Maybe it's different for aliens, but my understanding is that's what the human body and relationships have been since their creation. I'm sure it can be fixed when there's open contact with positive ET's, but I think the fun is gone for me. It was the spiritual purpose of this life, to get the momentum to Graduate, break the addiction of physical reality.

    1. This is honestly the worst advice anyone can give. Creating True Sacred Unions speeds up Evolution and would therefore speed up The Event as well.

      Unfortunately my 3D brain sees the situation much the way you do and I don't expect to be in a relationship, much less a sacred union until after The Event. Manipulating us through love is one of the most evil things the dark forces do.

  36. Notice that one of the tags of this post is "Goddess Vortex".

    I believe the Goddess Vortex is one of the most effective ways the surface population can create cracks in the veil. If you feel guided to create further cracks in the veil so that more Light may shine through, I would suggest doing the Goddess Vortex. If you are unfamiliar with it you can read more about this technique here:

  37. Comet PANSTARRS C/2017 S3 in Outburst - Its Atmosphere is Twice as Wide as the Planet Jupiter 3:08;sstr=2017+S3

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. But why did all this happen?? RA 1 says Source became aware of itself and out of love and curiosity made more of itself? Accuracy. If so then why split a soul and be allowed to spilt from God, when all was love and perfect. Free will.... cannot it not be tempered when it goes to far.The extreme suffering, my own fault for coming down here, I experience, have experienced, have seen and watched all my life, I wish I had never had one or delete it right now..

    1. @Indi,
      Dear one, we ALL blame ourselves for making the "wrong" decision and coming down here.... BUT! Hold on a little more, dear. Very, very soon... We'll be so very PROUD, we DID it!💖

    2. Hope so....for right now, it is NOT.

      Bad enough I was:

      1: Born on earth, aka Planet Alcatraz
      2: Born human
      3: Born male
      4: EVERYTHING blowing up and back firing in my face.

      I need to meet the aliens, go with them, get my body changed to the CORRECT gender, get a REAL life span akin to the aliens (they live centuries, some pretty much immortal....why do WE get a pathetic 80-100 years?), and travel the stars. Also, I gave up on finding a special someone in the form of a human 5 years ago....I've had too many rejections and cold shoulders.....the only ones I will accept as a special someone will be the aliens.

  40. It may change in 26,000 years, but I cannot see how these tragedies can happen again if the anomaly is diffused

  41. I had last night a weird dream about this website and gamma timeline failing. it was something, like a warning about the need to destroy this planet and before the destruction, sun will rise and have red color, this is what i can recall, maybe was more on my dream but i am not so good at remembering dreams...

    1. According to the Book of Ages (Dreambooks), this is good because the opposite is the truth .

  42. For those of you that haven't seen this it is H U G E!!!

    Wikileaks has released a copy of the files of the DNC server to the public ... this must have been what Cobra was talking about ...
    Quote ... Recently, Dragon sources have communicated that “between November 2017 and February 2018, somebody will finally have enough and will trigger Full Disclosure.” end

    They are late but what the hell ... this tells us EVERYTHING they have been doing.

    The Goldfish Report has a break down of it on two shows so far ...

    The Goldfish Report should have another show out sometime today or tomorrow discussing this subject further.

    Also remember when Cobra posted the update stating the mass arrest may or may not take place after The Event?

    Quote ...
    Mass arrests of the Cabal may, or may not happen. You will be informed about the Event operations in real time as they happen, through the mass media.

    Could it be the white hats on the surface will be doing some of those mass arrests before The Event?

    Benjamin Fulford ... and I know his sources accuracy is extremely poor ... is reporting that mass arrest will occur in August, 911 announcement in September and Jubilee in October.

    Only time will tell if this is the case. As far as the DNC server is concerned that is for real. Q stated there would be fireworks this month and if it is the DNC server being release to the general public it will definitely light up the sky :D
    Victory of the Light!

    1. Spiritoo,
      The server!
      Thanks for letting us know.

    2. @spirittoo
      Thank you for taking your time, and informing us, Sister!💖

  43. This is an interesting read, although there is a certain danger of grave misunderstanding here. I am wondering if the soul mate teaching are actually that helpful, at least for a certain part that thinks in romanticized versions of love as need.

    I think that many people have a quite egoistic understanding about relationships already. They may think they are in love, when in reality they are obsessed with certain aspects of a person they do not live themselves. They do not see the person as a whole, and quite frankly do not care.

    This so-called “falling in love” creates a situation where someone thinks about the other one primarily, and gets distracted from evolving in an individual and self-reliant way. They think about their partner all the time, make compromises, sacrifice time and energy.

    If that continues, personal evolution comes to a standstill. It is deadly if someone sees the other one as the reason for existence, as the fulfilment in life, or the completion of oneself. If you think you need to be complete, so that you need someone else – well, then you are already dead.

    The only option is to become happy in and of oneself on one’s own at first. Only then, and once again, only then unconditional love may occur. Since otherwise, you will always be preoccupied with what the other one may give to you, whether your expectations are met. And you will fear loss.

    Do not look for a soulmate, and twin soul or whatever, but look for a person who inspires you to live to fulfil your potential, while you will do the same for him/ her. Without “feeling into” there is no love, anyway, with expectations that there is someone out there who fulfils you neither.

    Personal evolution can never depend on someone else, but merely supported by it. It may be true that there are soulmates, but even them will not be able to fulfil you if you are lost by and with yourself. Live in a way that you will never need anyone.

    “I love you, but I do not need you” is the resulting sentence. It is based on the concept of unconditional acceptance, without expecting and wanting anything but the happiness of the other part. If you are with an inspiring person, the concept of soulmates is unnecessary anyway.

    1. Well said , well said indeed. I don't much care about find out my soulmates or twin soul after Cobra introduced this concept . Simply because the planetary situation is not in proper condition for us to "look for him/her in life". On one hand, there are quite many interferences from Archons and social programming. On the other hand, it is too dangerous when you succeed, you will be killed. I don't mean I am afraid of death but I think in order to fight against the dark force you need to be alive at least before you can organize resistance on the surface. What's more, there are still many light workers/awaken people don't have any idea of the attacks from archons so say nothing of protecting themselves.

      I am a male and have been more than 30 in age but I still keep my virginity, it is not because I am incapable to find a girl or have sex, I just keep single deliberately. I walk on this spiritual way independently since I got awake from the social matrix many years ago even I didn't know Cobra at that time, it is just a inner feeling that I must walk on this way by myself. Hence, for the security of me and my future soul families, we'd better not meet at this moment, at least before the "Event", let's do our job respectively and do not bother each other.

    2. Mark, when we have achieved the state of soul you delicately synthesize, the Quest may begin. Until then, the vicissitudes of relationships will gift us with virtues of tenderness, fidelity, innocence, humor, and all incorruptible states of soul that will prepare us for the Sacred Reunion, the moment of the Great Beginnings. And for this reason, knowledge of the twin soul harms not but can positively catapult humanity towards the spiritual development resulting from one's embarking on the Quest of Quests.
      Side by side, therefore, does your contribution stand to Cobra's post about Sacred Union.
      Solve et coagula, when the Source of Life is one together, male and female, we return to AN.

    3. Love is the most important thing. Loving someone is a projection of loving your twin, so you need your twin to have a whole soul. Your twin gives you equally the love you give to him so it is nothing wrong to expect the same kind of love from the person you love. It that person does not give that to you, it is time to walk away. I think that unconditional love is a misinterpreted term. You can stay in love and to be love, but that is not an excuse for you to do wahtever, to stay in your MIND and to not support your "loved" one. The mind does not require love.

  44. If you've never felt plasma before, you're in for a real treat. When they say you feel Keshe devices, you FEEL it, like a physical force. It'll change you life for sure. I'm able to make Gans again, it's a gel that makes plasma, aka chi. Here's a picture of how it's made. The electrolysis process strips atoms from the burned copper side and combines them with the powder in the zinc scoop. After awhile the black coating is gone and the powder is gone. In the bottom of the tub forms a white/clear gel, it's crazy. No black specs and no powder. When you shake it up it looks like snowflakes. Plasma lives in the gaps between molecules. That's why it makes energy forever, there's no reaction happening, it's the molecular structure that creates plasma.

    The GABA gans is amazing. Anxiety medications like Valium and Xanax were created by mimicking the GABA molecule. Taking the amino acid itself is much better, similar effects but no withdraw. In fact you have to take less over time because it actually feeds your neurotransmitters. Anyways this gans is incredibly relaxing, even sedating within a matter of seconds. I'm really impressed. The effects fade in 15 minutes once you're away from it so you'll be good to drive or whatever. There's permanent healing though, like all gans. The calcium is equally amazing. The tubes are only $15 with $7 shipping. That's a steal, each step of the process takes hours or days. I'm doing it basically as a community service. It's not even worth $15 for me to drive into town to mail it, but I really want people to have it. :)

    Check out the Experiment tab for proof of the reality of plasma.

    I highly recommend buying Pain Pens from Keshe. You feel it like running your hand under water, totally physical. It's legit, they arrive right away. I've bought 4.

    1. I just fixed our international shipping so if you tried to order a couple and the shipping was like $50, it's fixed. :)

    2. coooool......plasma technologies continuing to expand into a world as part of the liberation process on going.....the keshe pain pad is grooooovy also for sure.....with instaflex,and the pain pad,the kind of lower back injury I have is quite manageable now.....real medicines and real medical technologies for real peoples.....absolutely.....the best health for all now.....why not.....can if we want lets go.....namaste.....

      rounds of H3O2 4th stage plasma water for the surface population will help very much im figuring also.....

    3. Thanks for commenting! The fourth phase of water is created by a different kind of plasma. It's the standard definition "ionized gas". Keshe and Cobra plasma is etheric energy that is it's own thing. But yeah, cool stuff, thanks for sharing.


  46. Evil has as many shapes... as there are shadows
    (and has the shortest life in the Light)
    A mass of evil is only charged by the "perception" of causing pain
    Be The Portal
    And Light Just Happens

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. I can feel it coming through my spine. :-)

  49. Any thoughts on how to fight or protect against scalar weapons?

    1. Yes. MEDITATION. You can prevent scalarwaves from intrusion into the molecular cell system by simple MEDITATION. Allow no peronal Ressonace with negative scalarwaves (frequencies)!

  50. my whole soul mate plan got major facked from the start. some personal disclosure id like to share; two incarnations ago i was known as clyde barrow. the next life was in london which eventually involved a gay lover who may have been clydes sister n law in life previous. not aware currently of bonny's presence in the london life. so now with the knowledge of the previous gay lover i sought that person out and discovered they were now female. very soon after i learned their identity we clashed and permanently lost contact. that was 7 years ago. i experienced many examples of the primary example of ET influence including remote vision since then but eventually that died out.

    primary concern and confusion; bonny reappeared in the midst of all this. only shes a he, and very confused and unstable. bonny is also zion, and very important to me. he said he was "taking off" after the 28th when his apartment lease ended. we fell off just before that. just afterwards, i realized many of these things ive mentioned now and much more and now i can't reach him. i have not the SLIGHTEST clue what he MIGHT do but i cant let myself believe he would kill himself, even though he might. i should have asked long ago. he could probably use tons of consideration in this very unstable time.


  51. Any chance to escape earth in 2018-2019? i mean no longer get involved in reincarnation process, leave human experience, to disappear in 3D reality...

  52. Oh oh no! My twin flame turned out to be a homosexual bipadel being in its past life. This being was also known as a member of the five foot race, a rarity on this plane. Most beings such as this are kept underground during this time, but I heard truth that these are actually the elephant men of inner earth at this time! No wonder I have had such a foot fetish during this life. It was never able to be satisfied, except when I learned to suck on my own feet just two weeks ago. I am so glad I have discovered this before the event and I have made it my life goal to teach to others are experiencing insatiable foot fetishes.

  53. I had a dream. This is what I saw.

    "Know God. Know thy self. Know the law of thy self." Master St. Germaine

    This short yet powerful message is the cabals biggest nightmare. They cannot trick us when we know who we are, and the law of our Being. We can also wield our power for the Light with this wisdom.

    "To Be or not to Be? That is the question?" William Shakespeare
    To Be IS to Be. That is the answer.

    Be in alignment with our I Am presence. Be the change we wish to see. Be Care. Be Gentle. Be Unconditional Love. Be Compassion. And most importantly for now, Be Honest with our self regarding our own choices and Behavior. This allows us to Be Grace.

    We have been in war for a very... long time. We could all use a vacation at the Temple of Love. Let us wash off the blood, sweat and tears. Lift our heads high. Embrace the higher understandings...smooth the rough edges... heal our wounds... find our soulmates, twins...and soul family and just Be the Victory of the Light!

    1. @Sonja
      Very nice, Sister!
      I Love, Love, Love St Germain, and I feel a deep connection.....
      Oh, and don't forget, Sonja;
      WILL I AM / SHAKE SPEAR = St. Germain💖

    2. Sister Hye Angel.

      Thank you!

  54. Thank you dearest ✨ Cobra ✨ victory of the light ✨🙏🏼❤️🌈


  55. If you add the numbers of yesterday's date it adds up as a 27 which is equal to 9+9+9

    Here is GaiaPortal's UpDate from 999

    "Vortex alterations refine the alignments.

    Essences of silence are honored.

    Forces from the Inner Realm are embraced.

    Sol is embraced."

    Sol thanks you for that.
    Especially because just a day before came this, posted in another thread:

    "Let yOur Song Be Sung
    If you listen you can hear the Silence Say

    "When you think you're done
    You've just begun"

    Love is bigger than anything in its way

    Love Is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way


    Ich hab Dich auch lieb, Süße ♥

    And today's date's numbers add up as a 19 and thus a Perfect TEN.
    Which also makes it's a ONE

    Amazing Grace - let's get this SpaceStation off The Ground

    Sonnige Grüße

    I AM


    1. I Can See Clearly Now

      Cool Runnings

      I AM
      DK RaJah


    2. With that having been said:

      You're My Lover,
      Not my rival.

      Und in diesem Sinne:

      Come On!
      And Stir It Up
      Little Darling ;-)

      STIR IT UP

      Here's One with over 100.000.000 ( One Hundred MilLion ) Views on The Tube.
      Who's Next?

      "Don't worry about a thing
      'Cause every little thing gonna be all right"
      I Won't Worry!

      And neither should Anybody Else ♥

      We're All gonna be

      IRON like a
      LION in

      A reply to the ... --- ... calls.

      At Last it's just The TIME BELL Ring :-)
      Here are the


      They Play Creole

      And still I call It All

      Rock And Roll

      LOVE and LIGHT
      ♥ ♥ ♥

      I AM
      DK RaJah

    3. Oh das hört sich ja schrecklich an...also Du sprichst doch immer mit Gaia, oder? Wieso sollte sie denn denken sie sei Deine Rivalin? Ich meine, wenn Du das so wahrnehmen würdest dann würde mir das doch sehr leid tun, ehrlich. Naja, vielleicht sind ja mal wieder die Ankle-biters unterwegs? Obwohl..... irgendwann müssen wir doch mal aufhören immer alles auf sie zu schieben....Doch ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass momentan grundsätzlich eine grosse Verwirrung herrscht, zumal ja keine echten Informationen mehr freigegeben werden - laut Cobra. Ich gebe zu, es ist "fast" das einzige was ich lese, ach nein, zur Zeit lese ich doch tatsächlich mal ein Buch, hihi....

      Grüssle nach.... wie war nochmal der Ort Itze-irgendwas oder so... ehrlich gesagt noch nie untergekommen.... muss seeeehr wenige Einwohner haben..... lol....aber ist bestimmt schön, sonst wärest Du ja nicht dort. Nicht wahr? Also, bitte nicht die Hoffnung verlieren.....Ok?

      Weil, ich denke, das ist genau das, was Cobra möchte: dass wir Hoffnung haben. Das finde ich doch äusserst nobel von ihm. Sehr galant. Ich möchte auch gern aus meiner eigenen Verstrickung heraustreten damit ich anderen eine Freude machen kann.

      Rock and Roll und Sieg sei dem Lichte!



      S. O. S.



      I AM DK RaJah

    5. Wow. Sultans again. I must have an earlier life in Middle East. There's so much beauty in those areas:)


    6. Keine Bange, alles gut :-)
      Nicht alles ist wortwörtlich zu nehmen, aber Der/DIE Empänger/in/innen wissen was gemeint ist ;-)

      Here Comes
      A Sky Full Of Stars

      Full Of LOVE And LIGHT

      I AM DK RaJah


    7. Pst: nicht weitersagen

      Das gehört ja auch alles nur zur Show.
      Erinner' ich mich dran.
      Und Erinner Euch daran.

      Das ist ALLES Teil Des PLANs

      I AM DK RaJah


    8. Oh, and the town I was BORN IN and now LIVE in now is Itzehoe - Die Stadt Im Grünen

      IZ - IZ 1111

      OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole

      Rizock 'N' Rizoll

      I AM DK RaJah

  56. Any opportunity for a world-wide meditation here?

    This looks like a big one.

    The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century (total of 103 minutes) will take place on Friday, Jul 27, 2018 and it begins at 17:14:47 UTC.

    (This is about 5:14 pm on Friday evening in London, and so figure out your time zone from there).

    Here is one of many places you can read about it and look at the path of where you can see the full eclipse. There are some good animated maps in the link below.

    With this one, the entire continent of Africa receives the full eclipse darkness, so perhaps this is an opportunity for Africa to re-energize.

  57. New Moon meditations on Friday, July 13th

  58. New Moon meditations on Friday, July 13th

  59. What of those who struggle just to get a damned date?
    Each time I THINK I found a special someone...they always....and I mean ALWAYS...DISAPPEAR before anything good can happen.

    Also, I hope that when the event comes, I can get my body CHANGED to the gender it SHOULD have been. I might have been born male, but inside, there is a woman SCREAMING and BEGGING to come out. Also, I want a life span FAR longer than 80-100 years....the average human life span is too short to learn and evolve.

    1. I don't know if it will help to hear, but I went through a similar very dry spell for a LONG time, like ten years. It was like I was facing an impenetrable obstacle to get women to even NOTICE I WAS ALIVE, much less gain an interest. This despite being a decent-looking guy who had previously had pretty good success in relationships. It was very strange, and extremely hard to take.

      Then, one day, poof! There she was, and it was all over, the pain was gone. Turns out in my case, there was a special someone out there who was longing for me as well, and as we approach this time of transformation when our thoughts are becoming more powerful, her powerful mind was somehow saving me just for her.

      I believe our higher selves (self?) allowed such a thing because of the opportunities it afforded me to work on some karma-related stuff. Not that this information would have been useful to me prior to meeting her, and I have no pithy advice to speed up or otherwise alter your situation. But the compression breakthrough is going to change things drastically. It's our last chance for these intensive, hard lessons. It's boot camp. It's a doctoral program. It's jedi training. If you are struggling right now, it's because you're making sure that you become a badass.

      I personally have no doubt that you are soon to become authentically yourSELF. In ancient cultures, those with mixed or non-aligned gender identities were revered because of the inherent POWER that seems to accompany that state. You might have put yourself in this situation because of opportunities it affords you to participate uniquely in this process of the re-emergence of the Goddess. Embrace who you ARE. And hang in there, badass-in-training.

    2. Problem....I DON'T WANT to be a 'bad ass', and I'm FED UP with 'BOOT CAMP'! I'm no soldier, nor do I want to be. I am an EXPLORER.

      And I shall only be happy when I can meet the aliens, get my body transformed....I am not going to be happy being some 'effeminate man', I need my body changed to look and sound like a girl. I also want my real self to be allowed to form.....I want to be emotion that has become so unknown to me these past 39 years I have lived. It seems instead of happiness, all I get is one disappointment and frustration after another...and in a constant, unmerciful way.

      WHAT is is going to take to for me to be ALLOWED to finally have the FEW things I have ever personally wanted in life? Just let me meet the aliens, go with them and get my body changed so I can enjoy life, for this is going to be my FINAL reincarnation, no more after this...I can't risk another lifetime as a human, as a male, on this prison planet.

      PLEASE tell me I'm gonna get SOMETHING, other than disappointment, for once.

    3. Also, I GAVE UP on finding a special someone....not earthlings, anyhow...IF there is a special someone, it's going to have to be an alien....a true alien....not "an alien soul in a human body" crap, has to be a full alien for me, I'v had it with Planet Alcatraz and its sheeple....from ages 14-34, I TRIED to 'awaken' the sheeple....and was laughed at, spat on and beaten up for the sheeple themselves.

      I soooooo hope the aliens will let me go with them physically with them, away from this dank, urine soaked hell hole of a prison planet.

  60. thanks a lot cobra,and the pleiadiun brothers and sisters who green lighted this intel to be made available to the surface population.....potentially this intel can help massively absolutely,hopefully more peoples on the surface(including myself of course.....hahahahaha.....) will continue to reduce attacking each other in various ways on various levels.....helping to more and more open up portals of light and love,delivering more and more of the lovely goddesses energies.....soooon we drink the finest nectars of the galaxy,with our brothers and sisters of the galactic lightforces.....namaste.....

  61. I miss her..

    I want her back.

    1. “Goodbyes are only for those who Love with their eyes. Because for those who Love with Heart and Soul there is no such thing as separation.” Rumi

      Connect to her through the Love portal... we are never separate, for we are One *

    2. She hurt me more than anyone ever has or ever will.
      i miss my old life.
      i dont want her.

  62. Reading the The Runner and Chaser Twin flame and Soulmate Dynamic made me remember all the emotional torture I've been through. I've had more than a dozen love interests that I chased after, only 3 of which were actual relationships. The last one that left me , nearly had me suicide, too. I didn't know all this hurt was engineered, I thought it was all my fault and my attachments. It didn't make sense to me why loving somebody is such a bad thing.
    Thankfully, I've learned to stop chasing, cry alone and wait for the runner to come to me.

    CoBra, I'm afraid of attacks, but I'll do what I can for the liberation effort. I know you'd tell everybody to follow they're guidance, but what can somebody who's scared, confused and doubtful do to connect to their guidance? I'm really scared ...

    1. Aria:

      I'll just give you "what helps me" when I'm scared.

      I try to get out into nature.... like into a forest...near a body of water....out into a nature park.

      Or, I go swim laps at the local pool. Swimming completely takes me out of "the fear place" of my mind. Swimming is very healing to me.

      I also meditate daily. Meditation simply keeps my connection to source stronger and integrates my brain more. So my left brain (where I analyze and get scared) is more balanced with my right brain (where I create and feel).

      When I am in my creative head, such as my right brain, CREATING something, I am not scared.

      I am simply creating.

      Lately I have been trying to think about "What can I create?" Rather than thinking too much about what is scarey.

      Creating is fun. Being scared is not fun.

      Anyway, maybe one of these will resonate with you.
      It takes practice, I think. Hear your thoughts (Hmmm...I am scared...) and then do something to move your thoughts over (What can I do to change my thoughts?) into positive creative thoughts.

      Maybe one or two of these ideas will resonate with you.

    2. I'm with you, this shit is ridiculous, I dread every day.

    3. Thank you very much for your input. I really wish I could go out in nature but to do so I have do drive around 2 hours to get to something that's not overpopulated, safe or basically a balding garbage heap of a forest. As for meditating, I still have issues with staying focused but I do create a lot and that is very helpful advice. Also I looked into what actually scares me (being targeted by directed energy weapons) and I've found out there are ways to protect yourself from it and now I'm a lot less scared of it.

  63. cosmic sailors take on invaders.....putting it all on the line.....for liberation of a star nation.....the golden way blooms all around.....
    lighting up.....

  64. It is happening. Many of us are waking up. and finding one another.

  65. Thanks Cobra. I've had 2 partners that died. Suïcide and the second one by a terrible illness for having not taken his medicines. I have this inner feeling this was created from the outside. I'm having a very very hard time healing myself from these traumatic events (as I feel it). It's good to know I am not the only one with such experiences. Victory to the light!

  66. Thanks Cobra. I've had 2 partners that died in a short time. Suïcide and the second one by a terrible illness for not having taking his medicines. I have the inner feeling both cases were triggered from the outside. I still have a very, very hard time coping with these traumatic events (as I experience it). It's good to know that I'm not the only one experiencing sortlike events. Victory to the light !

  67. Call to Brotherhood for Justice on Friday 13th July

    1. Goddess meditations at the time of this New Moon at 2:47am UTC, Friday 13th July = Thursday, July 12th at 10:47 pm EST (New York):

    2. ... and another one on

  68. I think it's also important, not to try and blame everything in our lives on, Archons and take some semblance of responsibility for our choices and actions. It's easy to point the finger elsewhere, rather than going within.

  69. \o/
    Former king of Spain Juan Carlos I accused of using 'lover' to secure low-tax property deals

    The main forces directly controlling SMOM are old European Archon black nobility families, such as Pallavicini and Ortolani and the former King Juan Carlos of Spain.

  70. Attention EVERYBODY.
    Don't forget that Trump-Putin meeting is happening just 2 days AFTER RIDAY the 13. What an excellent TIMING! 13 is one of the most powerful numbers. That's why it's been "soothed" by the fallen ones.
    Let us keep this DATE in our minds, and send tons of 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 and ❤️❤️ to both of them when they meet!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

    VOTL is HEAR!

  71. Thank you Cobra!
    This post helped me to understand what's happening with my marriage right now.
    I know now that it is disrupted with a 'love bite' scenario.

  72. Seven stars and one white tree...

  73. Hi, this is an off the cuff question..

    Has anyone seen or have knowledge on an octopus-like entity that has four translucent slightly-glowing blue seaweed-like tentacles that also has a bulbous translucent head (also glowing slightly blue) that is shaped like a light-bulb and inside the head has a bunch of smaller dark blue balls that are tightly packed together that form a spherical shape?

    Basically, I got a 'mental-flash' of this thing, wanting to know if I should deal with it or not. Thanks

    1. Could be an archon/plasma entity. Because of their nature it's typically easiest to summon an archangel to help you. Michael and Raphael say they can oblige.

    2. Please watch thus video. It's a creature filmed bay the workers of a gas station, while it moves crossing the road. Looks similar to an octopus, with biga head and four fins that it uses to wals. I'ts colour is intense blue.

  74. I was just reading the latest Recreating Balance article. That blog makes me crazy. The idea that your thoughts and feelings will somehow change your life or the world is absurd and insulting. Spirit creates us on Earth TO BE tortured. Spirit isn't going to change anything because you think loving thoughts or are nice to people. Trillions of people have lived for tens of thousands of years in torture, it's clearly the main point of our lives. I hear things like following your guidance, for what?! I don't need guidance, I need someone to destroy the cell towers, eliminate poison food, fix our genetics, etc, nothing that my I Am presence is going to do. It makes me crazy to hear such mumbo jumbo. The I Am presence animates the physical, makes it walk and talk, that's it. It's not going to answer prayers. All the life crap we have to deal with is exactly what it wanted to do. I fully reject the idea that spirit was implanted and forgot and is stuck in a loop. Our higher selves know exactly what each life is going to be like and did it on purpose. It will not change it. It will not activate the 12 strand DNA or any other significant changes. I've been looking within my entire life, there's nothing there, especially nothing that's going to make improvements. It's so disappointing to hear such false hope, false empowerment. It's nothing more than imaginary friends which cause a brief endorphin release. I have beautiful candles with colorful images of Catholic Saints. I like them very much but it's just pretend. I think anyone who claims to have a deep spiritual connection is just enjoying good brain chemistry. They are stuck here the same as us and I don't like the phony advice.

    1. I think we all feel like that sometimes, all have doubts. Not easy to know what we know and then to live in the current world, we feel disgust and betrayal in. I've always been an open minded sceptic. That being said, I have had numerous circumstances throughout my life that can't be easily explained. Rough times for all. Not even going to say any of the cliche spuritual terms to make you feel better, i get the impression you don't want to hear that. Things are rough, especially on the mind right now.

    2. I feel you. I was told that if I was a good little boy, Santa would come and leave me amazing presents. I really wanted to meet this guy. It was like Charles Schultz' Great Pumpkin; I'd fall asleep in my hiding place and miss him every year. Until I was mocked and shamed for believing in such an absurd fantasy. I felt so betrayed. Then I tried to live my life as a christian; being a virgin when I got married at the age of 30. The big jokster gave me a manipulative narcissist that married me for a green card. Is there nothing left to believe in but disappointment? Maybe i was setup to not believe any longer--so the compression breakthrough won't occur if many can be manipulated in this way? We are certainly stuck here; I've been tortured in every phase of my life..... but all my life.... I've never stopped believing there is something great out there waiting to introduce itself to me. I don't belong here in this facade we call life. Maybe it's only waiting for death..... but I still believe something is coming. The sun is being drained of energy by stellar cores in it's corona; I've been monitoring numerous NASA satalites. Visit:;0304;0171_synoptic;0193;0171;HMIBC

      Earthquakes and volcanoes are going off like crazy around the globe. Bodies of water going away. Major UV readings including UVC. The Schumann resonance is spiking like crazy. Something is up.

    3. 5G hell coming. CBS News reports firefighters complaining of mental problems from the new 5G tower outside their station. It's already so bad now, I can't even imagine.

    4. Life is always going to have challenges caused by ignorance. However, we face a greater challenge. We are set up by spiritually parasitic bully trolls that collect tolls from negative emotional states. They don't love or care about anything really, just pleasure and fear. Our dissatisfaction gives them their satisfaction. So they work with the willing servants here to create more problems beyond what would occur normally.

      They do their best to keep our minds from realizing how things work. THAT is how they suppress us. They play on our vulnerabilities to keep us from efficiently and effectively dealing with problems or to create problems. They are hackers and manipulators and so infiltrate, corrupt and utilize systems for their benefit.

      They know that if we as a people unite around our common self-interests in love for one another, concern for the freedom and pursuit of happiness of one another, we will achieve self-control as a species and won't have the vulnerabilities they target to harvest energy nor control us anymore.

      These beings want us to look outwardly to authorities from any number of places for our beliefs and perceptions. That way they can corrupt the authorities into corrupting us into believing, thinking, feeling and acting as they prefer, rather than doing what we perceive would be required to solve our own problems independently.

      The dark beings want us to abandon care for others and act like predictable, manageable self-serving machines so that they can control us with gain and loss, pleasure and fear. If we care for each other, we defy that simple beast-like form of behavior for something more supportive of harmonious social structures. It resembles a body, a harmony of cells working to create a whole larger and more capable than the mere sum of its parts.

      From the perspective of a body, we can perceive disease of the body. This dark group is a disease that calls out to others to become disease. As they do, their wills unite around common interests, exploitation and overcoming others' free will. They are the natural enemy of freedom and life, and we can all join them if we just want to be predictable, self-serving machines. They get used by more intelligent versions of themselves due to their predictable nature and mutual alignment of interests and abilities. Both gain and this is why the disease outside networks with the disease inside our species.

      It attacks the integrity of our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions.

      The best defense seems to be self-knowledge and compassion for consciousness. Observing how your mind operates teaches you how it operates from the inside. Then you may notice the same processes in others. You may be able to alter their behavior even without their awareness using this newly acquired knowledge. Yet, you wouldn't want to be treated this way. So you don't, but still recognize you could. This knowledge is power. Evil chooses to abuse it profit and it is insidious. Knowing how your mind operates works toward immunizing you against their manipulations and machinations.

      The compassion is a practice that pulls you toward the other direction from becoming just a self-serving machine. Compassionate perspectives compel you to control yourself knowing how you affect others' freedom and pursuit of happiness. This focuses your power toward benefit for all, the whole.

      The evil are unwholy in their pursuit of happiness, because destroying others' freedom and pursuit of happiness could have potentially even denied them their own choice if they had been intercepted by another like minded being. Thus, they don't allow nor deserve free will. Self-control

  75. This union must be very powerful indeed, if the Archons go to this length to prevent it!
    The post is very helpful, including the websites in the links.
    Thank you Cobra!

  76. video from Arbre, thank you for your companion and courage with your videos..


  77. You and Me, Babe.
    How About It.

    I can't Do Anything except Be In Love with You

    The TIME is RIGHT

    ♥ ♥ ♥

    I AM DK RaJah

  78. "HYE ANGELJuly 11, 2018 at 10:09 AM
    BUT! Hold on a little more, dear. Very, very soon... We'll be so very PROUD, we DID it!💖"

    Didn't you say that like 3 years ago?

  79. its been such a long time since the entry protocols announcement that i'm not sure i even still want to go XD

    things are only getting better. it's like i know that what there is with the resistance is so much greater than i can have here and yet i still find great joy in becoming alive in the midst of so many who are experiencing this as like a rebirth into a whole new dream.

    none the less, i stay prepared.
    with the grace of the light

  80. Hey man, this one is just for you. Let's say, for a moment, that all is actually a reflection of self, in one way or another, to one degree or another (by way of relation, or by way of whatever). What then, this being considered, can but one man do to improve any actual thing at all, other than to exercise mastery over himself to whatever degree is at all possible?... In whatever circumstance at all?...

  81. Chess, not checkers. Not a child's game either.

  82. Here is a new original song by Melbourne, Australia singer/songwriter Joe Darwish.
    Written, performed and produced by him. It's called...

    Calling the Awakened (432hz)

    This song is dedicated to the awakened community. Lyrics are below.
    Arbre Solaire has been kind enough to do his last video on Youtube for it as well!

    Song link -

    Youtube link (Arbre Solaire's video for it) -

    Please be kind enough to share the links and spread the word out there for this positive song about awakening.

    Calling The Awakened (432hz) - by Joe Darwish

    Full Disclosure, is whats needed to ascend
    Living in the matrix is a struggle playing in my head
    From the heart and not the ego is where its at
    Raise your frequency to the levels where love is everywhere
    I wont let the feeling die
    Divine has decreed
    A Positive bright timeline
    For Hue- man- ity

    Calling the awakened
    Leading the ascension
    Filled with love and light
    Angels guide you now

    Break the Illusion
    With the love you share
    Just open up your heart
    I know the light will free us now

    You have the key within you, you won't find it out there
    The bad guys want to keep your consciousness suppressed
    With the drugs, vaccines and the Chemtrails in the air
    It's amazing how we're still on Earth, and not blown up to bits

    I wont let the feeling die
    Divine has decreed
    It's time we said goodbye
    To Du- a- lity

    Calling the awakened
    Leading the ascension
    Filled with love and light
    Angels guide you now

    Break the Illusion
    With the love you share
    Just open up your heart
    I know the light will free us now

    I can't wait to meet my Galactic family
    It'll be the greatest show on Earth
    You won't wanna miss this for anything

    In this game of separation, its only just a game

    Calling the awakened
    Leading the ascension
    Filled with love and light
    Keep vibrations high

    Break the Illusion
    With the love you share
    Just open up your heart
    I know the light will free us now

    I know the light will free us now

    It'll be the greatest show on Earth
    You won't wanna miss this for anything

  83. I took part in the meditation this morning. The special energies could be felt. I even woke up early. The energies supported the use of free will. There was a special feeling of freedom, strength and strength for personal mission.

  84. Let us complete our mission! Lovelight to the whole Universum :)

  85. Thank you so much Cobra and the team !

    Very enlightening and heart warming :)

  86. „Wenn Ihr mit Liebe arbeitet, sind die Gegner zum Scheitern verurteilt. Wenn Ihr die erlernten guten Verhaltensregeln anwendet, werdet ihr geschützt werden. Wenn Ihr Euch an die Wahrheit haltet, dann erlangt Ihr die Belohnung und Vergütung, in einer besseren Welt zu leben.“

    Khrisnamerck – Plejadianischer Kommandant


    „If you work with love, opponents are doomed to failure. If you follow the correct rules of conduct that you have learned you will be protected. If you abide in the truth , then for you is the prize and the reward of living in a better world.“

    Khrisnamerck – Commandant of the Pleiades


    „Si trabajan con amor, los opositores están condenados al fracaso. Si tienen las buenas reglas de conducta que han aprendido serán protegidos. Si permanecen en la verdad, entonces es de vosotros el premio y la recompensa de vivir en un mundo mejor.“

    Khrisnamerck – Comandante de las Pléyades


    „Si vous travaillez avec amour, les opposants sont voués à l`échec. Si vous appliquez les bonnes règles de conduite que vous aves apprises vous serez protégés. Si vous demeurez dans la vérité, alors c’est à vous que reviendra la récompense de vivre dans un monde meilleur.“

    Khrisnamerck – Commandant des Pléiades

    Victory of the light!

  87. The last one??? Way?? No no no!! Please don't, I understand that we are on a different level and we have to deal with the tinks by our on, but people like me ,that don't have the opportunity to go to Cobra's conference , need more information, for example, we need support of information for the Mexican people , we need more, and in my personal experience ... The peace that I feel when I see the articles, and the information of the true reality it's something that make me continue, I'm not ready to continue "alone" in the knowledge phat and connect with my higher self to remember :'( I trust in you...
    Thanks my dear friend for all the help, I don't want to say good bye

    1. Don't understand rong it's the last message from pleydian brothers because this year it will be the event so it will not be need for more information on this blog
      It will be new information on the TV when the event it will occur.and cobra it will appear on the TV

  88. Merci de tout COEUR ! Sincérement! Vous apportez tellement d'éspoir et de confort aux gens, et surement bien plus dans le monde de l'invisible pour l'instant. Bravo :)

  89. 🌈💗✨🙏😍 Join us every day whether it is to meditate, chat with other like-minded individuals, participate in Healing Circles, get updated on the latest intel, clear your mind by attending our mindfulness meditations ... there is something for you. 🌈💗✨🙏😍

    Would you like to do all of the planetary liberation meditations (PFC, WLMM, etc) in JUST ONE SINGLE meditation, including all the key points of importance? If so, then we have the answer for you ... Join us here and invite others to join you (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light)

    Our COMBINED Planetary Ascension MEDITATION combines all PFC/WLMM/etc meditations into ONE and is hosted every 6 hours to cover as many areas of the world. We are hosting this meditation at UTC Midnight, 6 AM, 12 NOON, 6 PM UTC. 💗
    💗 We also host a selection of Mindfulness Meditations from various masters like Mooji, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Eckhart Tolle, etc 4 times every day. A randomly selected meditation is played at 1 AM, 7 AM, 1 PM and 7 PM UTC, to further ground our own light in this realm so that everyone can experience more aliveness and empowerment. 💗

    🏳‍🌈 We currently also host the SUNday Unity Meditations from Sandra Walter on Sunday at UTC 3:11 PM, 6:11 PM and Monday 11:11 AM UTC, in our special MEDITATION UNITY audio room. 🏳‍🌈

    Our current PFC/WLMM Meditation Schedule below is hosted on our 🌌 MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: 😊🙏💗 (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light)

    🔹 = important meditations

    D A I L Y Meditations: (Hosted in the Meditation Main audio room)
    02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT)
    🔹 Breakthrough Meditation 🔹
    02:20pm UTC (10:20am EDT)
    Recite 0010110 Decree
    02:25pm UTC (10:25am EDT)
    Simply repeat "Command PB Stardust" 3 times in your mind/vocally.
    02:30pm UTC (10:30am EDT)
    🔹 Goddess Meditation 🔹
    03:00pm UTC (11:00am EDT)
    🔹 Emergency Meditation 🔹
    03:15pm UTC (11:15am EDT)
    Expanded Chimera & Primary Anomaly Meditation (Toplet & Plasma Parasites)
    03:45pm UTC (11:45am EDT)
    Primary Anomaly Detachment Meditation for Gaia (Gaia & Yaldabaoth/Plasma Parasites - Detachment)
    09:00pm UTC (05:00pm EDT)
    🔹 Meditation for Removal of Directed Energy Weapons 🔹

    P R I O R I T Y Meditations: (Hosted in the Meditation Priority audio room)
    🔹 Alert Meditation is now the Breakthrough Meditation at the following times:
    02:00am UTC (10:00pm EDT)
    06:00am UTC (02:00am EDT)
    10:00am UTC (06:00am EDT)
    02:00pm UTC (10:00am EDT) (in Meditation Main audio room)
    06:00pm UTC (02:00pm EDT)
    10:00pm UTC (06:00pm EDT)

    W E E K L Y Meditations: (also hosted DAILY on our platform)

    11:00pm UTC (7:00pm EDT)
    🔹 Meditation with Goddess to neutralize negative rituals 🔹
    11:17pm UTC (7:17pm EDT)
    🔹 The Goddess Vortex Meditation 🔹

    12 noon UTC (8:00am EDT)
    🔹 Violet Heart Meditation 🔹

    4:00pm UTC (12 noon EDT)
    🔹 🔹 🔹 Weekly Ascension Meditation 🔹 🔹 🔹
    4:30pm UTC (12:30 pm EDT)
    🔹 🔹 🔹 Goddess Meditation 🔹 🔹 🔹

    M O N T H L Y Meditations: (Hosted in the Meditation Special audio room)
    02:45pm UTC (10:45am EDT)
    🔹 New Moon Meditation 🔹
    🔹 Full Moon Meditation 🔹

    🔹 = important meditations

    If you are Prepared For the Change, join us to connect with like-hearted beings, and to raise the Planetary Vibration, on our 🌌 MEDITATIONS-ON-THE-GO Platform: 😊🙏💗 (Disclaimer: If you dislike the name, or feel uncomfortable with the intro image, let it be a reminder that we are here to infuse all discord with light) 💖🌈🙏✨💗

  90. Thank you, and I wish I can see the Liberation with my lifetime, because my health is getting worse in the past 3 years, hope everyone can keep going, many thanks


    How The Divine Masculine & Feminine Was Highjacked In Ancient Times. The History & The Remedy Now Awakening/Healing


    Firebloods, Nephilim and the Priestess Harlot Paradigm Part l - with Eve Lorgen

    Video 1:

    Firebloods, Nephilim and the Priestess Harlot Paradigm Part II- with Eve Lorgen

    Video 2:

  92. is a subject that many people have an opinion about, but the phrase is also abused. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is characterized by consistent obsessions, accompanied by compulsions that disrupt a person’s ability to handle everyday life. When you exhibit an obsessive personality you are constantly having unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, and/or impulses that plague your mind even when you try your best to eliminate them.

  93. I am so eager for a sacred union with my twin flame. I'm just burning with anticipation.
