Thursday, November 14, 2019

Financial Reset

Our Silver Trigger activation has reached about 80% of the critical mass. Although we have not reached our goal, our achievement was significant, as it will still ease the planetary path towards the financial Reset.

Tens of thousands of Lightworkers were buying silver and this will become the seed for the manifestation of their future abundance, as I will describe in one of the coming blog posts in detail.

In early morning hours in Europe, shortly after midnight on November 11th, a certain “family” has bought over 100 tonnes of silver for immediate delivery, on Sydney exchange. This has skyrocketed the silver price, as it can be seen on the following screenshot from Kitco website, one of the main referral sites for the price of silver:


Silver price rose almost 40% in matter of minutes, before it was artificially suppressed about one hour later.

The strange bump in silver price was erased from Kitco website about 12 hours later and the silver price curve smoothed out:

The “family” has communicated that they will equally share all that silver among all those who have participated in the Silver Trigger, at the time of the Financial Reset and the Event. I can neither confirm or disprove those claims.

Since we have not reached the critical mass, the Light Forces can still not intervene directly in the financial system in the ways we have hoped, but one immediate effect of our activation is a massive release of intel about the coming financial crash in mainstream media on November 11th:

The Black Nobility families and the Jesuits have been encouraging the debt bubble to expand and are carefully steering the global economy towards a systemic crash. They are doing this to consolidate their power and to introduce a global and centralized digital financial system that will have total control over people's finances:

You need to understand that the global central banking policy is dictated from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and not from the Fed, and Torlonia Black Nobility family is controlling the BIS:

Their plan for the new, green crypto based financial system is well described here:

Their way of crashing the old financial system is described here:

JP Morgan and Deutsche Bank are the two most likely triggers to start the crash.

Few days ago, this article about Deutshe Bank was published:

It was reposted on the same day on Zerohedge and it sent Deutsche Bank into panic mode to the extent that they issued a public rebuttal on Twitter that was later deleted:

The dark forces are NOT the original planners of the crash, they are merely adapting their plans to hijack it:


The actual underlying reason for the systemic crash is wealth inequality and explosion of debt that has reached the point where the society becomes unsustainable. In terms of physics, the amount of energy the dark forces need to control the society grows exponentially to the point where they can not control anything any longer, and their system collapses:

When this happens, dark forces will try to orchestrate the crash, and the Light forces (Resistance Movement and Galactic Confederation) will use their advanced quantum computers to hack the global banking computer which are located at JP Morgan headquarters in New York. 


The new financial system will be introduced:

It will be a gold backed quantum financial system:

Based on productivity, culture and skill:

When this is expected to happen I am not at liberty to say, but behind the scenes in many circles, the talk about “2020 crash” is the most important conversation topic:

To summarize the Plan:

Victory of the Light!


  1. Thank you Cobra. We are all hopeful.
    Victory of the Light!

  2. We have to be much better organized! :( Youtube videos in all languages ​​(there are already) and then a group of supporters who spread the link everywhere and send to blogs and acquaintances people

    1. We need DIRECT intervention from those up in space.

    2. I think they're helping us in a way that we can't even imagine...👽🦋👽

    3. Sherman, that is not up to you or any small group, it is up to humanity at large. And thus far the majority wish for five more minutes before the properly wake up. Don't be disheartened though, no one can stay asleep forever. Impatience will not help. I repeat, to all here IMPATIENCE IS COUNTER PRODUCTIVE.

    4. Sherman, it's not up to us, it's up to all humans. One can only be controlled if they chose to be. Hard a pill as it seems to swallow, impatience is really counter productive.

    5. @electorainbow

      One can be TOO PATIENT, you know.
      I am forty years of age as of this will only mean, as my late dad would day, "A DAMN SHIT!" if it happens while I am both ALIVE and YOUNG enough to enjoy it.

      What good will all this do ME if I am either DEAD, or in some old age home, coughing up blood and sitting in my own shit, huh? The light forces have their space ships, technology and LONG LIFE SPANS, and apparently ageless. While WE, on the other hand, are genetically RAPED monkeys with SHORT life spans and we fall apart the more we live, aka aging. We don't have the luxury to WAIT.

      no one can stay asleep forever.....I'll believe THAT when....IF...I can SEE IT.

      IF I am denied contact and a GOOD life in this life...which is going to be my FINAL soul will HATE humanity....and the universe will have an extremely angry soul, full of MURDEROUS FURY to deal with...

    6. @Sator

      Like WHAT? We need DIRECT INTERVENTION and CONTACT....I am SICK of all this "BEHIND THE SCENES!" BS.

    7. >electrorainbow
      Those of us who are 'lucky' to have a job and an income stream to buy more than a few ounces of Silver have to deal with putting on a mask to keep our jobs and a gradual erosion of the soul as a result.

      As one of the comments said in a blogpost by Cobra considering removing the comment section, he said many of us are a few lifetimes away from being completely absorbed into the dark.

      I know since I started work I have felt a gradual erosion of the spirit from the daily work grind. Its a cutthroat world, and the only silver lining to all this is I don't have anyone to support and so I got a little more breathing room than most.

      People are justified in their impatience and frustration when progress is stunted.

  3. Thanks for the update
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

    Sad we didn't reach the CM...

    1. We're all gonna be elderly, or dead, by the time the good stuff happens, aren't we?

      I am sooooooooooooooooo disappointed.

      To ME, ALMOST only works for horse shoes and hand grenades.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @Honecone

      I was not trying to be funny.

      I am, once again, disappointed...especially with the light forces, who can come in at anytime they choose, but WON'T....waiting for the MASSES...who have the IQ of a potted plant, to pass some sort of test.

      We need DIRECT ET contact, and we need it mother fucking YESTERDAY.


    Noos-letter #121

    1. >Takecake
      I see you also follow the Jose Arguelles 13:20 Mayan calender. I use this one which combines all known calenders and the Mayan Longcount:

  5. Cobra: Will the system collapse only when the critical mass is reached or even before? Can we do something? Buy more silver or meditate more often?


  6. While the idea of a gold-backed financial system makes a million times more sense than the current one I still fail to wrap my head around what is so special about gold.
    I mean, I know that it has a spiritual value and have used it myself for such purposes, like purifying water and producing gold water and holy water.
    But what are the actual values to a society?
    It is a very rare metal, I get that. If all gold ever dug up was put together it would be a cube with sides less than 27 meters long. So it is rare, okay.
    But what can it actually be used for other than to make jewellery?
    Aside from using minimal amounts of it in computers its only value seems to be that "well, I have something rare that you don't have."
    We dig it out of the ground, use ungodly amounts of chemicals to clean it, melt it, put it into the shape of bars or coins.
    And then put it BACK UNDERGROUND in some highly guarded vaults to just sit there.
    And do NOTHING with it except claim that it's worth a lot even though it seemingly cannot actually be USED for anything.

    So what's the real value of gold?
    Anyone got an answer why it's supposed to be so precious?


    1. From what I heard, we got a LOT more gold than that.

      About 10 times, or more.
      The official numbers are lies to make it so damned pricey.

    2. it cannot be printed at will and costs a lot of time and energy and effort to mine it, unlike paper currency or zeros in a computer...even crypto's can currently be undermined by quantum computers...

    3. Gold has many uses outside the earth for its high energy, thousands of races outside Gaia use it and Gaia is one of the few planets that produces it but all the uses you mention are part of a 3D language I mean it is limited knowledge imposed socially but the energy of gold in the ether transcends beyond Densities is not just a pretty mineral with qualities and limited existence and this is known by the dark forces that is why they have prevented the rest of humanity from knowing about the true value of gold and what they do with it, the population is really not informed about what they really do with gold, in addition this mineral was integrated into a monetary system that was created only in Gaia and that does not exist outside the planet, the Gold does not have a monetary value in the universe because there are no monetary systems as we know it here, we (you, me and the rest of people with soul) have 5D nature and beyond, we receive limited information In "language" of 3D and its Matrix generates cognitive dissonance, remember that the 3D Matrix was designed to suppress and all that you mention is socially imposed information because of that your understanding of the true value of gold is limited, however leaving One side that you have by nature the information, when you understand that the ether is the creative source (God as religions know it) existence itself and we are part of the ether, when you integrate this element to your information you will better understand the existence and importance of everything outside a monetary system and there will cease to be a cognitive dissonance especially if you remember that gold does not really have a monetary value other than within this unnatural monetary system called matrix, gold is prized for its high connection with the ether for so to say it in a 3D language

    4. oooh! I forgot to mention this !! gold is a frequency, everything is a frequency and frequencies form a whole in existence

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Honestly mate, and I'm sure you already know this, but your attitude is literally the most conducive to the ends everyone here would love to achieve. TAKE NOTE ALL, CURIOSITY OVER IMPATIENCE WILL DO US ALL A FAVOUR

  8. The Language of Living Knowledge is the native consciousness language inherent within all of humanity, it is the multidimensional language of light, sound, and symbols that are contained within the many wave spectrums of consciousness-energy that make up reality. The Language of Living Knowledge is the Universal language of interconnected energy relationships that are encoded into every molecule, it is present within every atom, found in every element in the matter world. This is the native language inherent within the cells of our human biology; it is the consciousness that makes up our higher mental body matrices. This is the language of our soul that communicates with all other levels of our spiritual bodies, and it naturally communicates with the consciousness body of others, interdimensionally.  The energy of our consciousness uses this language to direct thoughts, mental imagery and sounds through symbol codes and spoken words that translate into electromagnetic instruction sets that effect our lightbody and co-create our reality.
    This is the Language of the Stars, an encoded architectural language of the multidimensional consciousness spirit, that governs the morphological process of progressing consciousness energy into matter forms.  Its usage includes the building of the consciousness infrastructure that makes up the mechanics of the dimensional layers of the holographic reality, using complex instruction sets filled with light symbols that form the structures of time and dimension located throughout the Universal Time Matrix. All of this and more, comprises our original native human language that we have forgotten.
    When a human being begins the bio-spiritual awakening process of soul initiation, embodiment into the higher frequency aspects of the lightbody begins, and the native language of the soul and spirit starts to come online, unfolding the unique higher sensory perception functions recorded in the individuals core manifestation DNA template. With the inner activation of one’s natural soul language during spiritual ascension, conscious perceptions then start to change and evolve into increasing levels of multidimensional awareness and subtle force communication. We start to remember again. This instigates new interdimensional communication skill sets generally referred to as telepathy, channeling, multidimensional awareness, perceiving reality pictures in time, remote viewing and getting downloaded information from assorted sources. The source of subtle forces using interdimensional communication are filtered through the mind-set of the individual, influenced by the collective consciousness mind programming of humans and non-humans, directed by hierarchies of entities and dimensional structures that may be sourced as artificial intelligence, impostor spirits or organic consciousness.
    This means that it is increasingly important to be aware of verifying the integrity of the downloaded information we receive as sourcing from the Language of Living Knowledge, organic creator code, which can be deciphered by the inner spirit as truth reflections that are made through an open and loving heart. Before we act upon anything, first observe, discern, hold neutral and then verify through direct experiences over time.
    Yet, for most experiencing this process of activating multidimensional awareness to perceive timelines and related mental picture imagery, this remains extremely ambiguous and obfuscated from the comprehension of how exactly this is happening and how to verify the source. Most people that awaken and begin to activate their inner senses to perceive energy fields and interdimensional entities are unable to discern the difference between information that sources from artificial intelligence and imposters, from organic creator code and

  9. Whatever happended to plasma bombs being the most important problem for the light forces to be working on. It seems now it's all about the financial system. Another delay, another detour to the event. Shouldnt these higher extra dimensional beings who number in the millions be focused on, what has been called the no. one obsticle to the even, these bombs. Seriously!

    1. yes is sad the people is so indifferent...hopefully our galactic bothers don't stop with they help toward to the Earth, if not we will be like that for many decades more

  10. Off course we didn't reach the critical mass the people doesn't tink anymore in the event all the people that once believed now after so many years they now think that the event will never come or that it's just a bulshit.invented crap.

    1. Is too much manipulation and the people doesn't have any energies left...very Sad no reached the goal.

  11. Thank you, Cobra. We will keep trying. This is strengthening our light. Sending my Love to you all! Victory of the LIGHT!

  12. "When this is expected to happen I am not at liberty to say, but behind the scenes in many circles, the talk about “2020 crash” is the most important conversation topic"

    Sounds about right, I "felt" this way about 2020 as well based on certain points of information gathered up and analyzed. However, I also want to note that SSP "sources(?)" have mentioned that 2022 might be the golden ticket. If we consider the overall legitimacy of the SSP and dragon sources and other overall "things" then activation should be around 2020-2022 assuming "wild cards" don't suddenly appear. Haven't heard anything about 2023 when related to the Event. Which is a good sign.

    1. How many victims and suffering are needed?
      much more...

  13. Over 100 tonnes of silver shared equally among 115,000 (80% of 144,000) of Silver Trigger participants is about 1kg or less per person by the way. Or $550 with the current silver price. Sooo... even if it's gonna raise in value like 10 or 20 times after the crash it's gonna be worth about $5-10k per 1kg. Not bad for personal use, but certainly nothing that would let us change the world though. For poor people it'll let them survive for maybe 1 year, the middle class could make a small investment or make a few trips to various places around the world, and for the more wealthy participants it won't make much of a difference either way.
    I don't know if it's supposed to be a reward for the participants or is it supposed to make some difference in the world, but I wouldn't mind giving up my share if it was used to buy food for people who'll be starving after the financial crash. Or to further the research in some ET or hidden technology like free energy, anti-gravity or medbeds.

    1. Free energy, anti gravity and medbeds also ready to use things just can't be published yet. So maybe better to not spend on this, they even manufacture it.

    2. You're thinking in terms of the current times, what things cost right now. Most prices of most things are artificially high right now. Try not to worry.

  14. I'm ready, let's go...Victory of the Light!

  15. Is it possible that an archangel (or a part of him) could incarnate as a human being?

    1. Yes, I have seen QHHT sessions clients who had archangels as higher selves. They are aspects of an archangel.

  16. COBRA the last link, about "the summary plan", is a bit nationalistic to be posted here, don't you think? I must say that this makes me a little disgusted, given the great amount of "nationalism" ("American") even among most postings of people who claim to be "awake"

    1. We all have a Higher Self to distinguish.

    2. It all depends on what you think of it. Being disgusted by "nationalism" shows that you have not realized where your beleifs and arguments come from. How they are inserted into your mind.

  17. Love and Light to All!!!

  18. Replies
    1. Star seeds haven't done what they can for a long, long time. Nevertheless, there is an awakening process.

    2. Yeah we could do better also, but we really trying and so dissapointing to see no big result in the last 6 years. Always the next year "brings" the big change....

  19. Dude, if it turns out you are actually working with extraterrestrials, I'm not sure I ever want to meet your group.

    This is beyond insulting to say the least. They bought silver and the stock market went up? Duh! That's how they manipulate the prices! I gave you the math before. Where are the statistics? I enjoyed the astrological window idea but where is the math for this 100 tonnes?

    Honestly, this is just getting worse.

    I really hope you can help some of these people. I will be removing my money from banks asap, praying to god others will be safe, we can come together for food and shelter. Starting back at the basics. Because heaven knows we are NOT going to get no fucking intervention. I grew up for this ambassador position and I am so incredibly dissapointed by all the bullshit. I would rather live in a van by the river. Escapism either way, easier than this nonsense. Good luck, hope u find some peace and be decent to each other in daily lives. Support each other, thats all it takes. Just keep going, u can do it!

    What the fuck ever.


    2. I mean at least have everyone buy gold if the new system will be gold backed??? This silver buying fiasco is beyond insulting

    3. What about the children and babies?? How are they supposed to buy silver to add for 144000 critical mass? No! 8 billion. Was 7 billion 10 years ago. Our population is growing. 144000 is only rough estimate. 100 tonnes of silver covers all of us. Thank u that family. They could single handedly hand out all that silver 1 piece to 8 million people 1 % of population. Go cash it and then the system would crash. Oh whoops that easy, 1$ each.

    4. They broke prime directive several times for peace and it did not result in doom

  20. Thanks Cobra for the update, regardless things are building up so I think we are closer than we think. With that I'd encourage fellow light workers to stay strong and keep grounding the light. The situaion in the US is heating up as well. As well as the rise of protests around teh world is sign of many people waking up to tyranny as part of our bigger effort of grounding light. Keep up the great work, as we move ever so closer to the Compression breakthrough.

  21. I suspected an artificial recalculation in the price and value of silver would happen by the 'dark fores', as an adaptation to the changes we are bringing forth. It will very likely come to an economic implosion point, the collapse is inevitable, the system of debt slavery is not self sustaining. This hacking you speak of, is an interesting solution to the necessary transition of the world economic system.

    Although we did not reach critical mass, the mass meditations brought forth on 11:11 is a positive influential change to the psyche of the collective consciousness. Riding this wave of progress, we push forward; unto completion, disclosure, and The Event.

    Victory of the Light!

  22. Cobra, do you think that your distant attitude helps the attendance and general following of this blog and it's projects?

    I can't help but wonder how many would participate if you interacted with your followers.

    I suppose being engaged and accountable would be against the 'light forces' ethos.

  23. 'Our Silver Trigger activation has reached about 80% of the critical mass... Since we have not reached the critical mass, the Light Forces can still not intervene directly in the financial system in the ways we have hoped..."

    I hate to lose.

    "In early morning hours in Europe, shortly after midnight on November 11th, a certain “family” has bought over 100 tonnes of silver for immediate delivery, on Sydney exchange... Silver price rose almost 40% in matter of minutes, before it was artificially suppressed about one hour later.

    The strange bump in silver price was erased from Kitco website about 12 hours later and the silver price curve smoothed out.."

    That's the Cabal still running the financial system and artificially suppressing Silver. The 'free market' doesn't exist.

    "Tens of thousands of Lightworkers were buying silver and this will become the seed for the manifestation of their future abundance, as I will describe in one of the coming blog posts in detail."

    Looking forward to it. At least 80% is better than no percent.

    Still giving control of the money to the Light Forces would have made for a fairer financial system.

    The current system is responsible for a lot of negative energy among the Surface Population.

  24. Just for fun.

    1 ton = 32,000 oz

    there are 1 oz silver coins that can be bought.

    the "Family" bought over 100 tons in silver.

    If they bought 1 oz silver coins. That means they bought over
    3,200,000 1 oz coins. Some coins are bought for $20 per coin. That means the "family" spent around $64,000,000 for silver. Very rough estimate.

  25. "Since we have not reached the critical mass, the Light Forces can still not intervene directly in the financial system in the ways we have hoped"


    I'm gonna die on this planet, rather than reach the stars...aren't? Gonna be stuck as a man for life, aren't I? X_x;;

    1. Hahaha, don't wait for anything, freedom means free your mind, free of thoughts,

    2. I need off this planet.

      All that 'within' stuff won't do that.

  26. To extend some of the profound comments here; the embodiment of the Stream of Consciousness for each person, filtered by attitude is only as good as the passion to evolve and create greater. Also to advance to higher levels of frequency cleanly and with clarity of purpose.
    It is a journey of choice for each one of us.
    On 11/11, a special day for me personally from my participation in 11:11 Solara Journey through the Doorway- my group was in Peru, I took that energy along with the silver meditation intention as I went into timeless meditation.
    I felt the power of that, critical mass or not; for truly in the quantum field, what electron A experiences so too does electron B non-locally.
    Who knows how and where our 'B' electrons were resonating in the Universe while we were meditating and then purchasing silver?
    Let's not forget we live infinite parallel lives.
    The silver I purchased had a heartfelt cosmic stamp on it for other people to whom I am gifting the silver. I bought it to gift as that was what P501 meant to me with the reset.
    It wasn't and isn't about me; it is about the collective heart of the Goddess in all of us.
    So again, thank you Cobra for sharing the opportunity for us all to advance in some way once again.
    I am humbled and step back in awe.

  27. Dear Cobra,
    After reading one of your links (Izrael Zeus), I came to wonder why the light forces do not use extreme force to liberate this planet from the absolute psychopaths ruling this world. The evil found here is so deep and vast, it deserves total and immediate destruction. To allow this perversion to continue one more day makes me question whether the light forces can ever beat the evil found here.

    1. Great question. We were told once the toplet bomb threat is removed intervention. Money system is short term once replicators med beds and the like are released plus 5D we can instantly manifest what we need. I am positive but if we are 1 then all the galactics are us too right so I ask why would you not directly intervene and safe your family?

  28. Is that film true or false?
    "They Won't Stop Us From Releasing This Video! 2019-2020"

  29. " The Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland is designed as a tower. The Torlonia and Borghese families both have established residences in Switzerland and they are both banking dynasties. The name Tor-lonia means Loan Tower. Tor is a French word for tower and Lonia like loan. The Bank for International Settlements is considered the "Central Bank for Central Banks" and it makes loans to central banks."

  30. ..what is exponentially more criminal and evil than this: ? is the "lightforces", who sit on the sidelines in the safety of their spaceships and inner earth kingdoms snacking popcorn, slinging their bullshit lines while fully aware of what is being perpetrated on humans, babies and children of eARTh": the monetary institutions' STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE leeching every last ounce of our lifeforce while blackmagic, predation and satanic cult rituals et al are practiced on us to fulfill some insanity of a pre-ordained destiny.

    Lightforces (if that is indeed what you are): YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO INTERVENE AND HELP US ON BEHALF OF LIGHTHUMANS INCARNATED ON eARTh TODAY, AND REMOVE, INCAPACITATE AND NEUTRALIZE ALL BANKER-PEDO-SATANIST-GANGSTERS FROM EVER HARMING US AGAIN. Anything less will be construed as co-operation with afore named predators and as hostile actions against us.

    The Awakened Community speaks on behalf of those not yet awakened for if they were consensus is assured. What exactly are you waiting for? The 144,000? That biblical nonsense. You know who needs to WTFU? The Andromedans, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians and all the rest of you gawking ETs.

    And if one more alien blathers on about freewill - let's just agree that NO ONE was FULLY informed about what incarnation on this planet entails - the playing field has NEVER been level and no one in their fully informed right mind would ever agree to have their innocence raped from themselves or their babies. GROW A SET AND STEP UP.


    1. @Takecake

      THANK YOU!

      Finally....some GETS IT!

      They do all this evil stuff...and the good guys, who have the POWER to EASILY rub out the bad guys, like the GERMS they are, WON'T...and, instead, give us CHEER LEADING.....and SILENT cheer leading at that.....ummm, something is real wrong here.

      We ARE ready for contact and intervention.

      And THANK YOU in regards to the free will bit...I can not tell you how many times I get SICK TO MY STOMACH each time I hear the tired old 'FREE WILL!' speech from the 'experts'. Cobra even mentioned how earth is a reincarnation trap, where souls are tricked or forced to come here. I would NEVER incarnate here by CHOICE.

      And here is an article I think holds merit....and if Swaruu, that galactic PRINCESS, is somehow reading this, this will hit home big time.

      Come on, light forces.....LAND...or are you AFRAID?

    2. It seems there will be no Event until 2022..Lightforces have no intent to intervene at all. It"s a sad truth

    3. If they directly intervene even more dangerous beings will bring more destruction as per law of free will. More of us will hurt.

      Its tough for us, trust me I know. Do what is best and ask your inner self, you're infinite self, ask mother Earth.

      Keep spreading the word.
      Keep focusing on being yourself and be kind.

      We have more intervention than we know from Earth, Sun and our own being (soul). The evil has done too much and our reality that Earth is making as is here to end evil. Soon the world will be visibly more awesome!
      Be a good person and help spread that vibe! Be strong and sovereign, we all are.
      Find inspired a from others and again spread the word.

    4. >PatAGod
      Well as a collective we didn't do a good enough job, despite some of us being forced to do extra effort beyond just walking down to the Silver Bullion shop because of roadblocks thrown our way.

      There's evidence posted by others that certain groups were actively discouraged from buying Silver.

      Some years ago I decided to end donating blood to the blood bank for this reason. There's a significant portion of people who aren't interested in doing it for team humanity.

    5. I agree. There doesnt really seem to be any reason why this world couldnt be liberated right this second. I mean are we seriously supposed to believe that the SOURCE itself doesnt have the power to do so.
      Day after day goes by and the suffering of billions continues and all the might of the universe cant free one little planet from a tiny force of evil.
      Plasma bombs? SOURCE could remove those with a thought.
      And I agree about that free will BS too. Its like me saying I cant help someone in need because it might infringe their free wiil.
      Anyway, dont worry, it will be over soon. SOON. Soon.
      Nice to see those who could afford to buy silver will have the seeds to their abundance at the Event too. I guess that means there will still be the haves and have-nots at the Event. Nice!

    6. >PatAGod
      Asking Gaia would be a fair option right about now.

  31. when will there be another mass meditation? for removing toplet bombs for example...

    1. True meditation it's aimed to stop your thoughts, you can meditate anytime. Whatch videos of Eckart Tolle and mooji



  32. Sadly, we still have not a silver light lamp to light our homes and surroundings, beside of wearing in our pockets the silver coin bought on 11.11.2019...

    More about silver light, platinum light and gold light:


    1. Islands of Light are coming back...

      "Three Phases of Islands of Light"



      The transmutation of the 'quicksilver' inside a mercury lamp into silver, in order to achieve at least a 'quasi silver lamp effect'.

      To light your home and surroundings with that light, in order to achieve the desired effect of 'silver light', as long as Cobra claims that "silver is the metal that connects us to abundance and to the Goddess energy".

      P.s. However, our blog is not about speculative science, (we only do educated guesses and speculation starting from scientific proven facts), so we will try to post 'a comment' on another blog, or even here, if the readers get not to 'angry'... about 'lighting'... :-) :-)




      And, if you want a deep speculation, starting from certain scientific proven facts,... this is what Cobra and his team could achieve:...

      > you have the 'overunity' abnormal glow discharge,

      >> You have the silver electrical discharge,
      details on the page

      >>> And,... you have the tachyon tech...

      Let's try to put them together, to see what comes out...

  33. Rick Jewers told his followers to not buy silver, if more spiritual leaders were on the same team we could have reached critical mass.

    1. Looked up his name it seems he's a bum drug addict smoking GMO skunk weed. Right there is an agent of the dark who contributed to the Critical Mass not being reached.

  34. for ebook:

  35. Sad to see we nearly missed critical mass again :(

  36. Iam so sad right now, that we didn't made it

  37. Friends, Like me you must be disappointed in not reaching the critical mass. I came across this article from "Indian in the machine" and it was the most wonderful news.
    I urge you to read.

    1. >Aquila

      Messages like these have been posted for years. It would give us the impression that the inner Solar System is more crowded with bumper to bumper spacecraft than a typical busy shopping street in a modern city.

      It would help a lot with the credibility if they can be discerned in the Visible Light range of 380 - 740 nanometer wavelength of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

      Otherwise we might as well be talking about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny here.

      As long as I am still reporting to work for a job to pay for food and drink and a roof over my head, and inflation keeps eating at my buying power, there's little to be excited about.

    2. @Aquilla

      I'll believe it when I SEE it.

  38. It is not just being visible. Go convince people to buy silver, and meditate. When they do not see anything wrong with the current world. And/or do not think meditating and visualisation, can do anything to it (only the physical world exist right ? )

    1. Good LUCK trying to convince them.

      Got a better chance selling ice to Eskimos.


  39. This time there was a too much investment of energy for a too less result, comparative to other similar situations.

    The Light Forces have to seriously think to decrease the critical mass somewhere to less than 50000.

    In this respect they can act not so globally, in order to be not necessary the involvement of the entire population.

    They have to do something like to target only the population involved directly in the decision of the banking system, or the mainstream media, for this case, so, the critical mass is much much lower than global.

    1. Yep.

      To hell with 'critical mass'. The bad guys here don't follow the rules, why SHOULD the light forces do?

      IF you fight an adversary who will do ANYTHING to win....don't stick to the rule when fighting them.

      This, while a work of fiction, shows what happens when you fight someone who will fight dirty

      And while Optimus Prime died....Megatron not only lived on, but got a NEWER, BETTER body.

      Moral of the war....especially against the Cabal and their dark masters.....SOD the rule books...and do what it takes to WIN.

      It's just THAT simple.

    2. the figure 144,000 is surely a quantum number, it is much named in the Bible, it is not a choice made to the cookie-cutter, but it means something important, and it is impossible to reduce it.

    3. >unknown
      After the results of this, people will be less inclined to put in their effort for the next one.

      Things got in the way that almost prevented my contribution to the Silver Trigger and required effort on my part to get those issues out of the way.

      Despite spreading the message on known YT channels that have an audience of Silver Stackers it seems they couldn't care less about the importance of a planetary transition than choosing their own time to buy their next batch of Silver Bullion.

      Seeing we didn't achieve Critical Mass as well as the relevant consequences of this failure is therefore more than a little disappointing.

    4. lotus@

      there was previous a discussion that for 'not so planetary' the events critical mass can be lower...

      "Strong weather events are not planetary in scope but are localized to a certain part of the planetary surface and thus critical mass of meditators to dissolve them is usually between 5000 to 10,000 people, which should not be too difficult to reach."

      So, you can take in account an intervention which involves, let's say, only a quarter of the population, and you will have a 35...40000 number.
      Or, to have something like to target only the population involved directly in the decision of the banking system, or the mainstream media, for this case, the critical mass is much much lower than the global one...

      This is!...

    5. There is only ONE option:
      Lightforces....the dark forces MUST be EXTERMINATED...once and for all. CRUSH them like the BUGS that they are.

      There is NO other option. Anything else just gives the bad guys more time to reload their weapons.

  40. Thank you dear Cobra fo update ❤️ But I am so sad, I really hoped we will reach critical mass :( Almost crying :( I hope we and our planet will be free soon. Peace and Love and Victory of the Light!!!

  41. I felt extreme anger and anxiousness in the days before this silver trigger. As if I want to destroy everything and everybody. Not normal. I still feel very tired. I've really had it after all these years. Continuous nightmares in which I'm attacked. For god sake end all this.

    1. @Steven Jeanty, I have had the same thing and it is worse after the meditation.

  42. Okay.
    Unfortunately, I expected that the critical mass would not be reached.
    Somehow... I had doubts.
    Therefore my expectations were not so high.
    I am sad.
    Nevertheless, I am very proud to have supported the Silver Trigger!
    Thanks for the update.

    Victory of the Light!

  43. Although I am sad.

    After adjusting my mood, I will continue to do light work.

  44. I think it was not a real failure. This was a much more difficult and and harder task to all of us:

    - Many of us are already have an indisposition for any kind of money
    - It was difficult to separate the real silver from the coating coins
    - Many silver coins contain little silver
    - It is not clear to convert the ounce to gram and vice versa
    - The minimum amount of silver (3..5g) was published too late
    - October 11 in many countries are public holiday so the stores closed and many (older) guys are unfamiliar with shopping online
    - This task was outside the comfort zone
    - Much people in the World doesn't have a lot of money and they don't want to ask

  45. Again a disappointment .. nothing happened and the light forces can not intervene. It will be hard to persuade the people for the next mass meditation, if they say that so far nothing happened .. no arrest, no financial crash, no free energy .. But never give up, even if it's tough right now

  46. This is actually great news, not the news we were hoping for but nevertheless its a positive step forward. We are slowly but surely hacking away at the darkness. Picture a snowball rolling down a snowy hill and that snowball is now 3/4 down the hill gaining size and gaining speed. We are destined to win, keep up the faith.. keep up hope.. continue to fight with the divine spark in your hearts because we are winning my friends. It was never gonna be easy reversing the 1000’s of years of slavery/captivity/corruption/darkness but look how far we have come in a short space of time. Stay united and stay blessed knowing the fact that one day this will all be history told by the bravest of the brave throughout the universe. Bless you all and keep up the good work

    1. What's MY prize gonna be? What victory will I be presented with, as in "THANK YOU very much! THIS is what you suffered for! This is what all those YEARS of misery and PAIN have been for!"?

  47. Hi peeps. How do I join this movement please? Been waiting for this my whole adult life.

    1. Buy Tachyon crystals from Cobra's site The rose quartz sphere and glass energy cell are great. You can physically feel the energy. It's real alien tech for sure. There's not much else to do for the average person other than wait. There are weekly meditations if you like. There is a countdown on the side of this page.

  48. How many people did the meditation? Deos we reached 144k there?

  49. I bought the silver coins of the dolphins🐬. I received it today, it’s beautiful. I bought it for a night. The dolphins regained their freedom. This is the first silver coin in my life, I am very happy, thank you, don't give up.

  50. I'm part of the solution.And the process is ongoing. Be calm.

  51. Damn...we were so close...Ok, we need to do a better job next time if it`s necessary :)) We all are using facebook right? So we can add 5000 friends each. Then if all of them are reached then theoretically we need JUST 25 people to reach the critical mass. If to consider that the friends will overlay and not everybody would be reached or will be willing to participate, the needed amount is greater than that for sure. For example 250 people. If everyone of them reach 500 others then we get 125 000 critical mass. But I`m sure we can get more than 250 people. :D:D

    1. How 2plus milion people said they'll go for the area 51 raid and like 50 was really there. This is a power of facebook

  52. "You need to understand that if you wish to make your life better, you need to do 80% of the work yourself so the Light forces can help you with the remaining 20%."
    well we did 80%. waiting for the 20% of the forces of light ...

    1. BINGO!

      We did that bit, what are you waiting for, light forces?


    2. 👏👏👏🕊🌎💙🛸

  53. I feel we need to gain momentum over a certain period of time with these types of global meditations aimed at a specific sector of society, such as the financial system for the silver trigger. It is my feeling that we don't have a full chance of reaching critical mass if it is a one-time event, a single moment meditation. I believe we would have a greater chance to reach critical mass if the silver trigger meditation became an ongoing work, in other words a "project", to be done at least weekly while at the same time trying to reach and convince as many people as possible to join the project, emphasizing the importance of their participation in liberating the planet from economic oppression. I have a suggestion for a possible plan: We could do a weekly silver trigger meditation while holding in our hands and charging the silver we bought with our collective intention to free the financial system from current corruption. At the same time, we could start to contact as many spiritual groups around us and talk to them about the importance and urgency of joining such a project for humanity's sake, because we need to reach critical mass, and this is our work, let's not forget. What do you guys think?


  55. What about those that didn't buy silver (but took part in the meditation) ... did they sow the seeds for their future lack!? Or what is this supposed to mean!?

    And what about the silver for the participants - will they get a little share, too - even if they did just contribute to the meditation!?

    1. participants in meditation receive a reward from the dark forces to change their minds. I wonder how much we will survive to the next meditation, which will be first in a year ...

    2. Unknown, I don't know the answer, Cobra did say he could not confirm 'the familie's' intention wrt sharing the silver, but the ritual included BOTH meditating AND buying silver on 11/11. Only meditating or Only buying silver is not completing the ritual. My guess is this would not count toward the critical mass.

    3. >Unknown
      Well the same could be said for those like me who can't keep focused for more than 5 seconds and therefore have trouble meditating, if you flipped the script, but have experience buying Silver and shared that first-hand knowledge here and did buy Silver bars (40 oz for a month's worth of take-home pay).

      I like to think everyone who was involved in either meditation or buying Silver all got something out of it. Effort should be rewarded in physical or in spirit. I noticed a few things today that went my way or raised my vibes, despite the disappointing results of the Silver Trigger.

  56. It is my belief that such a meditation would become much more effective if it were an ongoing project, to be done weekly until we do eventually reach critical mass by the sheer amount of momentum we gain over a certain period of time. In order to achieve critical mass, here is my suggestion: The silver trigger needs to become a weekly meditation. By holding our collective intention to free the financial system from current corruption and adding a constant stream of weekly meditations with the same intent, we can achieve a much more powerful result. As we continue doing our weekly silver trigger, and this is hugely important, we would need to reach as many groups around us as possible, telling them about the importance of joining and adding their spiritual force to this project, convincing them that their participation is absolutely vital, absolutely essential in order to reach critical mass and finally free our planet from economic oppression. We could also hold the silver we bought in our hands, charging it with our collective intention. It is my belief that if we combine a weekly silver trigger meditation with efforts to gain momentum by contacting and convincing individual people and groups to join this collective project, we would have a chance to reach critical mass over time. What do you guys think? I have a feeling the momentum we could gain would be infinitely greater than what we achieved on the 11/11 and we could actually have a chance at reaching critical mass. I invite everyone not to lose hope, and keep faith in this project, we do have the potential of reaching critical mass, but we need more discipline in making this an ongoing work while at the same time feeding our own and collective faith that we will be successful.

  57. What you said is what I have felt like lately about all of this. It feels like it is a game to them. We keep getting treated like we are infants and that we don't know any better. I feel like their is abit of elitism comming from the "light forces" as well. While I might not know the whole scope of the situation I feel like we are left in the dark about alot of things. If they expect us to do certain things their going to have to show us alittle more of what is going on instead of just having blind faith and trusting them through messengers. I am not in any way trying to be negative about the situation. Just my perception from living on this planet everyday and it feels like these light forces never see the every day life of earth humans. If they did maybe they would understand why there is so much distrust and why people are tired of hearing things and not really seeing any results other than things being "behind the scenes".

    1. BINGO!

      Show us something TANGIBLE, light forces.

    2. >Unknown
      In addition the Light Forces as a higher intelligence should know that 'blind faith' is a tool of cult control and choosing to be in mind control, which runs opposite to thinking for oneself and forming one's own opinion which is the mark of consciousness.

  58. It was clear from Cobra's earlier interview that there was no significant breakthrough. No big-major breakthrough. Didn't you feel it? Well, they already saw the future. But let's get ready ---believe Ashtar.

  59. let's not forget that everything that happens is a reflection of our consciousness...

  60. If buying 0.4% of annual mined silver output can raise the spot price by 50%, that shows how thin the available supply of silver is and how precarious a position the Cabal is in.



  62. More interesting than other speculation might be this post of 2013,

    but the content must be actualized for 2020 instead of 2015.

    Try it, and let see how it comes out...

  63. They can't, its 144,000 for a reason. That's why its called the Critical Mass, that's the minimum amount of people we need to make things happen. If more people do it like in January 2019s Mass meditation then its even better as the critical mass was reached many times over, but the absolute minimum is 144k.

    Much love.

  64. Everyone thinks it's THEM doing the great work. Humans still ain't ready to work together as one family yet 'light workers' or no. Ti's why were still where we are.

  65. Well I Have to say that this is disappointing since a lot of us spent extra money to buy silver so I think right now a lot of us are discouraged with this report.

    1. >Robin
      The way I see it, even though the Silver Trigger was a failure, the Silver itself can be used as a storage of wealth. Better than devalued paper and safer than cryptocurrency which can be wiped or made inaccessible by an electronic glitch.

      Outside of this blog and its theme, people are stacking up on Silver regardless of what is going on 10 miles above our heads or 10 miles below our feet.

      V the Guerrilla Economist, Dr Jim Willie and Bill Holter have been talking about the return to the Gold Standard for over a decade now and the Zimbabwe style economics that the US is involved in with their endless money printing labelled as Quantitative Easing and the relevant consequences of this insanity.

      Unless you are living in the United States this should be good news as it means the end of the US Dollar hegemony enforced by coups, guns and bombs. It will be the end to 50 years of free-floating debt-based fiat and endless inflation eating away at our spending power. However the transition may be a hard one and that's where Silver/Gold, storable food, weapons to defend yourself against the society collapse will be key.

      Meditation and faith in a higher power be it God or Light Forces will be useful for keeping one's sanity, but it alone won't be enough.

      If there's anything positive of the Silver Trigger is the possibility that a few more people have realized there's more to fixing the problem than just meditating, and keeping your personal 3D life in order is just as important. Its easy to type on the blog when you have a roof over your head and an internet connection that money is just a construct.

      Unless you are into the homeless life, contracting deadly antibiotic resistant tuberculosis and freezing to death in your sleep (it gets cold in Southern California at night, because of low humidity, not because of a lack of CO2), don't give me that shit about money is a construct. I don't have time for people who might have experienced hardship but never learned the lesson from it.

  66. Cobra does this mean that the new financial system can now come in before the event?

  67. 原本可以超過100%臨界值 但受到了處於後台的人為壓低

  68. It's sad to see so many comments disappointed (again) and losing faith. But I so get it. I've been a Cobra follower since waking up and we never ever quite "make it" in these exercises. And the date gets pushed forward. This might seem ok to younger people but older people are tired.
    And we have to question...if we'll have ET technologies immediately after the event (which is what everyone else says) then why do we need "gold backed" anything? It's just another controllable money system and we'll have replicators...for anything we need and want! This is as it should be. A money system will be a problem no matter what "backs" it.
    I don't know. It feels like it's time for Cobra to actually be more involved with his followers. Everyone else "leading" this movement is.
    This is just one disappointment after another.

    1. It can't all happen in one day.
      Even after the event, there are still many unawakened people who influence the situation.

    2. this is what i am so confused about. why would we even need anyone’s precious metals after the event?

    3. In German you have the word 'Enttäuschung' for disappointment. It literally means something like "end of illusion/deception". So one also might be grateful for disappointments?

  69. I agree seems odd to me we didn't blow past 144k easily? I heard this silver trigger on several sites I follow. What I dont understand is, why is the # so important if we are all Gods ie extensions of Source consciousness? Wouldn't 1 person with great focus and intention be enough? Also the family that purchased 100 tons of silver amazing right so we had enough silver bought it would seem. 80% = 112,000 approx in people joining why is it always a certain # to liberate when our friends and family are on the ships too? Part of the problem is we haven't had anything that is the masses that Light Workers can really use to awaken people. Words arent enough for the programmed. We all know the system of dark control but the masses are so programmed they cant see it. My siblings came see it. They may see a small piece like vaccines but 9ii, fiat system, religion, they cant see it and I have tried. I am positive but we need intervention we need Trump assist with truth we need media taken over. We cant keep going like this we are losing momentum.

  70. let's keep pushing until the last minute. We are so close!!!

  71. I ask the Light Forces to intervene directly in this now, in this now, in this now. No more waiting for a specific # we are all gods correct? Extensions of Source energy? We are all powerful we are infinite we are pure love.

    Let's take down this dark satanic system now.

    Thanks Cobra appreciate all you do to keep us informed.

  72. My take is that this effort by the Light Forces was very powerful, and that is would have brought about a huge shift had it succeeded in reaching critical mass.
    I sent a link about the 'Silver Trigger' to a youtube personality that has been advocating the Reset for years and seemingly waiting for the collapse to occur, being aware for the manipulation of the silver market. Hoping that he would support this global effort and inform his follower about this coordinated effort, I was quite surprised when a negative response came back to me.
    This was almost too real, too palpable, too close to victory; I feel some people were afraid of profound changes.
    Just my 2 cents.

    1. Bhanche Prasad, I agree. Just my opinion but buying silver could have been a problem for many due to a poverty mind set. But when 'the chips are down' ie when the Event happens there will be enormous change and folks who have been some of the loudest cheerleaders are not necessarily on board for that.

    2. >Bhanche Prasad
      Basically you exposed the guy as an agent, whether he's conscious of it or not. He was in it for the money and the likes.

      Him being a Youtube personality I wouldn't be surprised if his thumbnails have clickbait images and other tactics used by people looking for Youtube revenue.

      Sums up the the false 'alternative media' seeing this as a business opportunity to make money off people's need for change. Things haven't changed much since the truth movement post-9/11.

  73. although the Light Forces cant intervene the financial system directly on a global scale, they can intervene with our daily life in a much more effective way (even the tiniest thing), as long as you invite them to your daily life.

    When this blog first posted the 2019 ascension conference, I did not think I could make it. Because currently I am a student in U.S. and the time is very close to my finals. But I also talked to LFs in my heart that if I have the chance to go, please show me clear signs. Then on a early morning when I was mediating,my brain received a message that I could make it. It took me two weeks time to conquer all the obstacles and now I am ready to go!!!! I know the LFs are helping all the time and I even bought the flight ticket at a lower rate.

    Inviting the LFs to your daily definitely helps a lot. At first you may perceive they do not respond to our request. But as long as you insist, you may notice that they are with us all the time. All you need to do is to reach out and ask for their assistance!

    They can not do things for us, but they can help us make things much smoother and bring us surprises!!!

    1. That's inspiring! Thank you so much for sharing. VOTL

  74. I apologize if i sound not positive enough . I do my best to stay positive. But this is just sad and disappointing . What does it take to get direct divine intervention here ? Before the situation on this planet deteriorates even more. We are doing our best but that never seems good enough. Many if not all of us are in urgent need of advanced healing and financial support. Yet there's still not all much of any real VISIBLEpositive change anywhere to be seen. Am just tired of this game . Of this low vibrational fake matrix.

  75. We need VISIBLE proof that something really happens . Stop neglecting the lightworkers and starseeds . This is torture . We need advanced healing and financial help now before we get more damaged or die of old age . NOW not after more months and years in this horrible reality

    1. You underestimate the dark ones.

    2. Im with you a lightworker. I prepare my suicide right now, for the comming weeks.

      I give up TOTALLY!!

      I cannot even angry/dissapointed i ALL the lightforces/beeings, who still delay/refuse to start the event right now......I have no words for it.


      ALL my sick friends are go die soon!

      I pray for them to experience the event right now, before they die.

      Love and light to you all.

      I lost ALL my faith.

  76. Za slovenske bralce:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podporo Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the report Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  77. The good ones up there need to take action this is ridiculous and delay after delay we demand action NOW


  78. Feel the calling of a miracle
    In the presence of the word.
    Now we hold the right to rearrange
    How the stories can be heard.

    In the beginning is the future,
    And the future is at hand.
    I'll be calling voices of Africa
    Be the rhythm to the plan.

    From the Congo to Lenasia
    Be the writing on the wall.
    I'll be calling the colors of India
    See the Asian life explode.

    Head in to the headlight.
    Don't turn from the rain.
    There's a fire raging somewhere near,
    Like a longtime friend who's
    Seen it darker than ebony.
    Take off on the turnpike
    (Asking for the first call)
    Give me more of the same
    (Asking for a song)
    There's a fire burning in my heart again.

    I'll be calling the dragons of China
    See the dancers of the Nile.
    See the wings of change are on display
    This revelation mine.

    Yes - The Calling

    By the way, my 11 silver kangaroos arrived today, and one of the coins is now in a very prominent place, reflecting the light of a candle.
    Absolutely brilliant.

    Lots of Love and Light


  79. En español, en castellano:

  80. I prepare my suicide right now!!

    As i have said here for hundreds of times...GO HOME SHITTY LIGHTFORCES!!

    Who still delay the event to happen..while EVE,,RY...BODY..has lost their patience/health TOTALLY!!


    Or start the EVENT right now.

    Im in a totale rage right now!!

    So, i stop writing right now.

    What a bunch of fucktards all the beeings who should liberate us, and start the event.....but they dont.

    While our world is getting destroyed before our eyes..all beeings include.


    Thats why i dont do any useless meditat

    ions! They have zero result..only more and more and more delay!

    Im only crying right now.

    I want die!

    Love and light to you all!!

    Hope to see you all in heaven VERY..VERY soon.


  81. Tachyon crystals and plasma devices are probably the best thing you can do. And they'll prove to you and others that ET's are real. Advanced tech is already here. It's limited but real. I tell everyone to get them. It's the only thing that keeps me going. If I didn't have the constant proof I don't know what I'd do. It's the only real way to wake other people up, to have physical proof. I've shown plasma devices to dozens of people and tachyon to a couple. When they physically feel the energy they are forced to admit that normal science can't explain it. Also the Event doesn't depend on us. It won't happen because we meditate or buy silver, or even if everyone wakes up. It will be because an ancient galactic war is won. So strap in because it's going to be awhile. I've come to accept I won't see it. Why would the war end now? I don't believe it anymore. But we can at least have small gifts from the stars, for $30-70, that's pretty cool. Better to die in prison with a cool rose quartz tachyon crystal in one hand and a Pain Pen in the other, knowing it was real.

  82. Dear Cobra! You should say to everybody , "I AM also sad, disappointed, and tired!"

    Be honest!

  83. You always do your best, thank you, Cobra!

    Don't be sad, disappointed!

    Go ahead, go ahead, go ahead!

  84. Victory. �� Of �� the �� FUCKING �� LIGHT!!! �� We are so fucking close goddammit!!! ������������

  85. For those of you who have not been to a ascension conference, I highly recommended you to go. I went to the ascension conference last year for the first time in my life. It has inevitably changed my life in the most positive way.

    Now I am ready to go Taiwan for the second time. And I know even thought the flight tickets cost me a lot, the payoff definitely worth much much more. Making the decision to go to the conference also brings me courage to overcome many difficulties in my daily life. I am happy that I finally made it.

    For those of you who are coming, I look forward to uniting with you there! <3

  86. Cobra, RM, Light Forces and all who could, should, would and probably are trying to help us.. I hope.. Here's one of the things I cannot grasp.. At least 370.000 babies are born per day.. if they were given an honest choice (even for one day) they would choose Abundance Freedom and Love.. this would hit Critical mass at least two times over..
    On the other hand, at least a 150.000 people die per day.. if they knew there is a choice they can make.. well.. you know.. Critical mass.. even if some people would organize a big maybe multiple Day, almost free Event (or supported amongst the awakend) alike so many festivals.. welk, all those people together, meditating with all the rest around the word.. I'm sure the Critical mass would be hit.. So, why non of the above and so, so, so many more options available? Only little least from my point of view..

    Abundance Freedom and Love for all 💖

    1. i was just envisioning this same thing earlier today when i first read cobras post.

    2. i was just envisioning this same thing earlier today when i first read cobras post.

    3. IF IF IF......these IF's are IRRELEVANT to the unwashed masses.

  87. Thank you Cobra, LF, and everyone who participated in this action/ meditation.
    Victory of the Light!

  88. Sometimes I wonder why the lights do not finally intervene and the kabale, if need be, eliminated in the war! Fight for freedom fight as years to lead a slave life here .. Unfortunately they do not understand that it is a fight for many light workers here every day ... :( So many people in my family, it is extremely bad, physically and financially

  89. Implosão de engenharia do sistema financeiro - Ben Fulford
    14 novembro, 2019

    Um colapso maior do que o Lehman Brothers no sistema financeiro está sendo projetado para abrir caminho para um novo sistema financeiro, disseram fontes asiáticas da sociedade secreta. Tendências recentes nos mercados financeiros, notadamente uma bolha do mercado de ações de proporções bíblicas, confirmam essa afirmação. Qualquer veterano financeiro lhe dirá que, quando os mercados financeiros lutam contra a realidade, a realidade sempre vence no final. Isso significa que os preços das ações podem cair 90% ou mais.

  90. Uma coisa deve ser dita sobre ter a prata em sua posse por ocasião do reset bancário. A prata pode te salvar na emergência na hora de comprar alimentos, água e energia e transporte.

  91. I have to say that dark ones were working hard to block our effort..
    I placed an order at at 6 AM EST for 40 pegazes just to learn 5 hours later that my order was cancelled
    because my mailing address was different than my billing one. Ok, so I placed another order with same billing/ mailing address... They didn't confirm it, but I thought everything was ok, it wasn't... I called next day to learn, that the system didn't accept my card due to that first discrepancy. I could place a new order, and pay by personal check... but it was the next day already - too late.
    Thank goodness, one of my girlfriends said that her boyfriend bought 3 pieces
    - one for each of them, and one for me, so I still waiting...
    Anyway, we will win!
    Victory of the Light!

    1. Yes I had my Mastercard declined several times no credit limit issue just wouldn't go thru. Wanted a St Germain coin from Belgium but was able to get 2 from Scottsdale Mint. We are close stay positive LWs

    2. I also had an issue with GoldSilver as well. They said that my information didn’t match and if I didn’t get back to them they would cancel my order. I sent them an email and explained things and then they said they checked my order again and it was approved. I thought it was very odd as I order things online all the time and I’ve never had an issue like that before! Glad we are getting our silver! VOTL ❤️

  92. Cuando ya no te queden fuerzas, cuando te sientas abatido, cuando ya no puedas exalar tú último aliento;yo cogeré el testigo del fuego eterno de la Verdad y el Amor. Cuando YO desfallezca, quién cogerá el testigo?
    Gracias Cobra, y a Tod@s los herman@s Galácticos y Seres Dimensionales. Verdad, Amor y Luz.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. how wonderful would that be if they shared their riches with us. but do we even need silver after the event? will a money system even exist? will there even be those have more and those who have less? won’t we all just have?

    love to you all. love to the RM. love to tachyon cobra. love love love

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. also, when i went o purchase silver i tried 2 store and they all had issue. one was shut down just till the end of the month. one said they sold silver coins on their website and when i got there they said they only buy. i live in a rural area so with a crying baby on the mission with me I decided it was time to just go home and order it online. i’m waiting to receive them now. it did seem the evil ones were blocking my efforts


  97. Open



    I AM DC

  98. Former President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,

    Congratulations of you being released!

    You are a real light warrior and worker!

    May the LightForces bless you!

  99. the Incan and Mayan sacrificing their most beautiful children or Abraham being commanded to kill his son - because a 'God' whispered in their ear, not realizing that even if a 'god' tells you to do unspeakable evil, even if it means your death, to have the personal sense and duty to stand firm within your discernment of right and wrong and refuse to perpetrate evil is what Creator demands of you. You must be brave - always remember that.
