Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Planetary Situation Update

Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The Resistance has managed to clear the vast majority of Chimera underground bases and made a significant blitzkrieg breakthrough there on February 10th and now holds the upper hand in planetary subterranean domain.

Light Forces have also managed to clear practically all negative quantum superposition exotic weapons and technologies of the Chimera, and have dissolved the so-called Schwab quantum matrix etheric scalar technology which was the main energy field behind the Great Reset.

Now that this Schwab matrix has decomposed, the whole dark plan of the Cabal is slowly falling apart.

Dragon forces on the surface are very active behind the scenes and are taking active countermeasures against the Jesuits and their Great Reset plans.

Humanity appears to be coming closer to herd immunity as daily coronavirus cases continue to fall:

Many people, especially restaurant owners, are actively resisting lockdown orders and keeping their restaurants open worldwide:



People are beginning to organize against the lockdown Cabal legally and politically:

People are becoming aware that lockdowns were ordered by Jesuit-controlled Xi:

And are being maintained by equally Jesuit-controlled Biden:

Academic studies have proven that harmful effects of lockdowns are far greater than benefits:

Bayesian statistical analysis has proven with 99.8% certainty that SARS-CoV-2 virus was made in a lab:

And false positive methodology of PCR tests is being exposed:

Resistance is NOT futile, as more and more people are responding to new Aquarian energies:

Silver is a very powerful tool that can take the power out of the hands of the Cabal into the hands of the people.

First came the Silver trigger:

And it paved the way for the Silver squeeze:



Now that the quantum superposition dark technologies are almost gone, the Tunnels of Set are almost gone also and implants are not quantumly entangled anymore. This makes spiritual growth easier and implant clearing easier, as when you now start clearing your implants you are not clearing all other implants in the planetary grid anymore.

So if you feel so guided you can join the group that is conducting regular implant clearing sessions:

Or watch their videos here: 

Light Forces have communicated that it is time now to start taking the planetary energy grid out of the hands of the dark back into our hands again. Therefore they are asking everybody who feels so guided to do the Flower of Life meditation for the planet as often as possible:

We are doing this meditation daily every four hours, and will keep doing it until the Event.

Victory of the Light!


  1. ✨🪄Victory of the Light🛸🌌


    1. Good ole Resistance Movement! Good ole! Bang on schedule! Fingers continuously on the trigger for quite some time now!

      Go get 'em spiders!

    2. Mars Lander Perseverance Livestream Event Today 18/02/2021 at 18:00 UTC

    3. Like NASA is gonna show us anything, apart from blurry jpegs and photo-shopped images.

    4. Voce só esta aqui para reclamar o tempo todo, se voce nao sair desse ciclo vicioso, os ets vao descer e voce nao ver absolutamente nada, sua propria vibraçao nao permitira voce ver as naves descerem, voce esta se blindando com esse padrao vibratorio, eu sinceramente espero que isso esteja claro, caso contrario, nao tem era de ouro pra voce

  2. That's great!

    Victory of the Light!

    1. Somehow I liked the title of this in the YT recommendation so whatever:

      963 Hz

  3. Sounds like the final countdown is on!!! Don't give up, I know your weary and tired. We can do this together. Love to all!! Victory of the light!!❤️🙋🏻‍♀️

  4. A.W.E.S.O.M.E ! ! !

    we are so close!!

    victory of the light! 💖

  5. Thank you very much for this wonderful news, it's heartwarming!

  6. Thanks to Cobra and every one for all their hard work for us...
    And is it going with the mini satellites taking pictures of our friends in Earth's orbit. Nothing cool to show us yet?

    1. Yea, when do we finally get to see the cool, tangible stuff?

  7. I like stars, moon, sky, COBRA
    Victory of the Light!

  8. Wow, we are basically right there. Amen.

  9. Everyone and everything so geared up :)
    Let it be The Flower of Life, we'll do it until the Event!
    I send Love and gratefulness to the brave underground fighters.
    Thank you Cobra for being with us and for the overwhelming update. Breakthrough and Victory of the Light!

  10. We will win and get out of this like warriors. I want to meet my brothers and sisters and heal completely.

    To everyone, stay strong please we are in the finish line now.

    Just focus on the removal of the implants now. It will accelerate the removal of the matrix. Now that the implants are not connected to the others implants we can destroy them praticly.

    I will do my best starting today to remove them, let's join me and the others we will break them together.

    Thank you light forces, thank you cobra.


  12. THANK YOU COBRA !!! it is amazing to have a new update, this may have a huge effect on colective consciousness and hope ! I feel more and more Light is coming and sorrounding us, and our power and energy is rising as well ! God bless you and be with us always!Victory of the Light!!!

  13. Is there news on the vaccine? Is that as Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explained a basic extermination? If so, what can we do for those that received it? Hoping that's something exotic tech can handle before the 4 month to year and a quarter it's supposed to take to destroy the body...

    1. I checked out her info, thanks. Turns out she lived and taught in my town! My health expert mom had told me about her but I didn't remember the name.

      I'm sure nothing significant will happen with the vaccine. It would wake people up and the cabal would rather have a slow kill of asleep people.

    2. They're apparently designed to wipe out M2 macropháges aka the cells responsible for throwing up scabs and anti-inflaming (step 2 of 2 of the bodies healing)... .. there is her video. They scrubbed it everywhere else...

      BUT i'm with everyone here. Love & Light!!! - Only good

    3. Yes, please please Cobra give us an update on the vaccines that are in a rapid rollout already...can you confirm the vaccine plan is not the phase 3 you said wouldn’t happen? Because it kinda looks that way and many of us would appreciate some comforting assurance on this matter.

      I know you mentioned the light warriors had dealt with the really dangerous aspects of the vaccine but the side affects and questionable longer term affects don’t appear anything like safe!

      It’s not exactly voluntary here in Australia, I and millions of other’s are not going to be able to work if we don’t have it!
      Such strong incentives is equivalent to mandatory....this is scary, our physical survival is questionable either way we do it.
      The silence on vaccines feels suspicious,
      whereas a short one sentence update on the matter would go a long way to calm so many?


      Blessings and Victory to the Light

  14. Sounds like great news, however on the surface everything is still looking like just another quiet day at the office. So what's the holdup? Exotic bombs not completely cleared yet?

    Anyways, if we are not quantum entangled anymore, looks like it's time for me to try implant removal and contract cancelling meditations/rituals again. I have tried them all in the past with zero noticeable results.

    1. I notice a lot of results. Just continue to do it. That's not because you did it one time that is enough. Just goo arrow!

      I am sure you can do it.

    2. Just believe you'll get there! Hurry pedal faster! Ohhhhhhhhhhh so close!

    3. Arrow, seems like you and me got the same problem.

      I'd rather the aliens come to me, and they can remove em for me....since they know what they are doing..and can help me with my other needs.

  15. Chemtrails are still being placed in the skies of Earth regularly

    1. Cobra have said that the chemtrails will last until the event. I just say don't focus to much on this. That's frankly not important. Just focus on the positive.

    2. Therefore, it is time to take the planetary energy grid out of the hands of the dark ones and back into our hands.

    3. Siempre me he preguntado ¿ Quien será quien lo ordena ?
      Pues es un mandato supranacional¡

  16. Good news all around, me likey🙃


  17. We now finally need the countdown .. I mean more and more people are getting mentally ill and negative due to the lockdowns .. The cabal must finally be completely removed. Victory of the light!

    1. There are rumours of new lockdowns in some places

  18. Still not clear on what remains between this and the Event.

    1. Toplet bombs. You can search this blog for details about what they are, but basically the dark will blow up the planet if things aren't going their way.

  19. Thanks for the update!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  20. The toplets bombs are practically cleared. That's the time to be active everone!!!

    They have done the hardest. After 25'000 years the chimera are practically gone! Please be conscious of this achievement. Don't let them take the best part of you. Now is time to liberate yourself from this matrix and all of the archontes and reptiles attacks.

  21. If you feel so guided, join this community to support the silver squeeze, even if you don't invest money if you join and upvote we can game the algorithms to get more exposure.

  22. the week when some us were buying silver for the silver trigger in 2019 - i broke bread with an old friend - an old navy veteran who is 74 years of age now.....

    i hadnt broke bread with him for 10 years-and he took a silver dollar out of his pocket at one ppoint while we wolfed down a very tasty fish and chip dinner - and gave it to me.....

    my friend knew nothing of the silver trigger plan of the lightforces at that time-and he blows my mind by giving me an old american silver dollar....

    just a coincidence of course.....hahahahaha.....

    1. Amazing🙏😊. Many humans are more connected with their intuition than we would think.🌍✌💞

  23. Ever closer to a complete and Final Victory, 'YES!'. Thank you Cobra, Light Forces and Light Warriors for all you do. Let the Event become Manifest here and now. Source Knows We need it. Love to you All 🙏🏼❤️🌈
    Victory of the Light Indeed!!

  24. thanks a lot cobra-the super fierce lightwarrior extroadinaire.....your the chief old buddy-if you dont mind.....hahahahaha.....

  25. Cobra, "The Galactic Federation of Light" & "The Alliance" both ignore each other. I don't get it. Why? What am I missing? Aren't you working together?

  26. Thank you 🌟🤍🌟

    Victory of the light and love 🌟🤍🌟

  27. I recently informed Sisterhood of the Rose that 2 of their groups, the only 2 based here in Singapore were not active. They have confirmed and removed these 2 groups.

    This country contains the largest concentration of the most programmed troglodytes on Earth who have been subject to the most carefully constructed perception deception programming seen anywhere. They don't just drink the kool-aid, they swim in it.

    All the progress on the surface level mentioned above is not happening here and mostly because government law does not allow it to happen. Recently, someone is serving a 22 day jail term and fine for holding a public demonstration to raise awareness of past government crimes against the population. Prosecutors were going for a longer jail term for 'repeated offences' when the defence showed no property was damaged.

    They are still pushing for nationwide mandate of Covid Tracking apps. We are running out of time.

    1. Troglodytes haha. Oh man this planet. I saw people were basically talking animals when I was 5 years old. My dad and brother are nuts because they're very smart and "educated" but the programming makes them act like robots. My CNN junkie dad was telling me about this incident they're dragging up again where a woman walking her dog and a black guy bird watching got in a confrontation about her dog being off leash. The media cut out the part about him threatening her dog and being creepy and made it look like she was harassing him for being black. Any normal observer should be able to tell there was more to the story but the lemmings are so high on anti-racism they don't care. The story came up again because part of the woman's legal punishment was to take anti-racism classes. I didn't realize our government had classes like that, sickening. There are all kinds of racism here but only anti-white racism is institutionalized. Anyways I explained to my dad the real situation and there is even video of the guy being threatening. A minute later it's like he never heard it and starts in about how it's illegal to have a dog off leash but not illegal to be black. Oh my god did you just forget that immediately?! I see this all the time that TV holds a god-like power. It doesn't matter if I tell him the truth which he could verify for himself, the TV god said it so everything else must be ignored. It's scary! We have to live with people who truly may as well be skin walker robots. Conversations I have with them are right out of a horror movie where your family is replaced by evil aliens and nobody will believe you. This story is significant because it's so basic. There's no conspiracies, no complexity, yet he still can't get it. Most people are like this. It's hard to deal with. I hate myself for being the same species as these freaks, and nothing is going to fix that. I've been so angry for so long I've become insane. I hope people get exterminated. I've been praying for that forever. Damn right I hope the vaccine wipes out every single person who takes it. They're a scourge on the universe. I don't want to feel this way but humans are an abomination. You can just tell by looking we're genetic mutant freaks. We're all the Whitaker family. Babbling like that too. How am I supposed to be cool with this? How can anyone have an ounce of love and light about anything? It doesn't matter if the cabal gets removed we're still going to be monsters.

    2. >Patrick Kehoe
      The Cabal exists because the people enable it. As a collective we have the power to stop it, but the Cabal exists because the those who have made the choice to be ignorant enable it.

      This false flag virus has been the greatest education ever of how many actual people are there in this world and 90% of the Surface Population are reincarnated herd animals.

      I couldn't bring myself to watch the Mars lander Perseverance landing as they were showing the NASA staff all looking like skin-walker robots with their masks hiding their faces except the eyes.

      Your experience also demonstrates that New Age line 'All is Love, We are all One' has no basis in reality, the world is full of dickheads.

      Recently an asteroid that might have hit Australia or New Zealand came close to Earth, one of many Near Earth Objects that mostly aren't reported. I am hoping one of them smashes into this country I am in. I don't mind going out seeing how life has become these days.

    3. Man i feel you so much. So much truth in that paragraph. Tbh i cant see how this "people" can be fixed. Im pretty sure they are braindead beyond repair and only death will be the karmic justice for them. They need at least 500 more lifes to even START to understand. Not only that, but im pretty sure 70% of them will hate the universe for even making them understand and become future satanist that we will have to kill. But if we must do it, then we will do it

    4. @Patrick yes, and if this vaccine mutates the current human race into a different species in a few decades, they will be even more npc-like. That's the plan. I mean, its not like it hasn't already happened. THe fall of Adam and eve was a metaphor for exactly that - genetic downgrading. Implanting. Our DNA was already tampered with hence how it became double helix: what, they wanna reduce it to a single strand???? The point is, we are fighting thousands of years worth of this exact bullshit. We are disabled handicapped soldiers trying to fight an enemy in top condition. I have to remind myself that for the majority of the sleepers that are brainwashed it ain't easy to undo the level of sabotage and manipulation. We are conditioned to accept this godless matrix. And we are beung force fed that now as they've decided our downgrades have expired- time to update that! You can't expect them to understand you when their eyes are constantly shut.

  28. Sure feels like we are close to a major breakthrough! Lately I wake up more exhausted then when I went to bed. Must be big things happening in the astral...

  29. Thankful for having to wake up to this update today.

  30. Great news!! Thank you Cobra for this update.. we are very close now.❤️✨🌎
    Ignoring the surface circus and focusing on implant removal and Flower of Life. We got this, Light family!

    Victory of the Light!!!✨✨✨

  31. Much needed good news! Thank you Cobra

  32. I am sending the romanian translation to my fellows and friends or to everyone who speak this language and is living around the world: Victoria Lumnii!!!

  33. Let us keep doing the meditation until the Event.greetings the final victory!

  34. The Great Elk.

    The 7D Master's of Space Omega Alpha Ride.

    That one took too long and the Baboons are evolving, we have a retired Airforce member joining collective.

    Thank you again for your patience 🙏.

    My failure is my greatest teaching.

    -The Elk

  35. Is that the xi right now is a clone?
    Xi is negative?
    Or this is the fake xi which is controlled?

    1. Hi Leung, you cannot expect a straightforward and true answer on this here or anywhere public. It is best to have some patience :)

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you Ger.
      What is 'Kaioken Kamehame-Ha in 100% Ultra Instinct Mode' please?

    2. @mariaonline it's from Dragon Ball Super anime. Kamehame-ha is the blue beam of ki (life energy) they shoot from their hands.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I will join your advice as well. Thank you again my brother.


    5. I will be theoretically ready by Easter.

      Kuan Ying by my side and much more.

      Favorite Animation as I'm sure you already know. Haha 8
      - love and light

    6. >Lightworker GER
      I only watched the anime series Ah My Goddess.

      While the story was another typical harem comedy it did make me wonder if the 'goddesses' were inspired by the Cosmic Central Race.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. @ Tropby, thanks.

      @ Ger: I saw the cartoons. I really don't like that kind of movies. Noisy and chaotic. Like the Dark Voices and the Event. A generation lead I guess. What do you try to say please?

    9. >Lightworker GER
      Age Reversal would be good start so that I can recover the lost years since the 1996 Congo invasion.

      It was one of those times the Event should have happened but didn't because 'reasons' and Cabal 'plot armor'.

      I consider the years passed since then wasted time best forgotten, so the next best thing if age reversal is not available would be a memory wipe.

      If that's not available either I can already foresee myself as someone not being able to fit in with the new Galactic Society.

  37. So Klaus Schwab's creepy matrix is gone. What a relief. I had been ignoring Mr. Schwab (who is 83 years old.) (God.)

    I found this, which seems like a pretty good explanation of what he has been up to with his Nazi-feeling World Economic Forum (WEF) and his matrix.

  38. How is silver squeeze a threat to establishment, when hedge funds like Citadel have sizeable long position in it? They even used the 'squeeze' as a way to offset losses from GME short squeeze that wiped MelvinCapital.

    I am surprised you didn't mention wsb short squeeze at all - the only grass roots fight against big money.

    I'm sure JPM would be extatic if silver appreciates. At $450/ounce they will be the richest entity on the planet.

    1. That's not how I understand it. There are lots of people with experience that believe the banks hold the silver price at an artificially low price and leverage that to their advantage with "clever" economics. A lot of seasoned investors are buying the physical silver now because they know that the more people buy and hold all those bits of paper silver will come back to haunt them when they cannot produce the real silver.

    2. Doesn't matter if JPM gets extraordinarily rich of silver squeeze because worthlessness of paper money will explode in the human consciousness when big 8 banks go bankrupt.

      During The Event JPM commodity assets will be reclaimed as they are proven criminals and manipulators in many court cases.

  39. Great update we are close! Who is controlling the energy grid if chimera are almost removed?
    Victory of the Light!!

  40. I am glad things are going swimmingly for the light forces. Meanwhile on the surface, we mortals are in a real desperate pinch. People literally freezing to death because the power has been out for 3 days in parts of Texas. Please light forces prove to us that resistance is more than just a Futile effort. It seems everyone who stands up to the cabal either gets punished or outright killed. See Ron Wright killed (blamed of covid) for investigating election fraud. Now the whole state of Texas is being punished by the cabal. Never have I seen such dark times in this country. It is worse now than it even was on 9/11. I have completely given up all hope that the event will happen in my lifetime. I am a broken man just waiting for death to take me. For only the dead will know the end of war.

    1. so sad to read such sorrow. surely news such as this instils some hope ? and freedom isn't just in the hands of those wonderful Lightwarriors. You have inordinate power in your heart to overcome all the miseries on the planet. You just need to believe and live the faith. if you die before ascending in this lifetime you'll just go through all the 3D crap all over again.

    2. Hi Novusod, do you live in Texas? :)

    3. Don't give up man. Pray to the Goddess

    4. Dear Novusod, I have deep empathy for you and all what is happening at your place. I send Blessings, Love and Light to you and all beings in Texas, please hold on.You are not alone in this.
      We Love Mass Meditation promptly reacted to this problem so they created meditation to support you in this trying times:

      Please Starseeds support this with your Love, Energy and Dedication.
      Victory of the Light!

  41. Thank you for your beautiful inspiring update - We are clearly almost there.
    I think speak for all of us that we are so grateful to have you as our intermediary to the Resistance Movement - We Love You!
    You have worked and persevered tirelessly, through many challenges and hardships on your Beautiful Earth Mission - including the supreme loss of your Goddess Wife Isis - may your joyful physical reunion be very soon.!
    Let's Go Ground Crew, let's Do the Flower of Life meditation, and consider infusing it with unconditional Love to give it lasting substance (i find it easier this way)
    - Everything is easier when Done in Love!

  42. Very pleasing, this post is. Victory is nigh!

    Question is: do the light forces nuke XRP imminently thru the SEC, or later; through Keyhole? Ie. To go all in on silver now, or later?

    1. I'm adding to this question. Is it worth investing into XRP? Will it skyrocket similar way like bitcoin? I have very bad financial situation and would love to break out of this.

    2. Dont invest in XRP dude its a bankster coin, totally anti crypto...
      Invest in Ethereum or Monero (best privacy, anti government coin)

    3. Cobra said a few years ago that, although XRP was in the hands of the Cabal, the Light forces were considering taking control of it after the Event. However, in a recent interview, Cobra said XRP is not part of the plan anymore. I have XRP myself, in the hopes I can catch a price spike before the Cabal is defeated (so I can sell at a profit), but it’s only a small part of my investment portfolio so I don’t mind taking that risk. So it all depends on how desperate you are. (In my opinion, there are no “sure thing” get-rich quick investments out there—believe me, I keep looking for them. :))

    4. I am not looking at "investing" insomuch as I'm looking to increase my Silver purchasing power! COBRA suggested in 2018 it may have a role for the light forces; then in Nov 2020 interview said that was no longer intended.

      They'll be nuking ripple, but will it be before or after meteoric growth?

      Guess that Q can't be answered without compromising the mission integrity, tho :/

    5. Yeah it’s impossible to predict. XRP could go to zero or to $10+. We don’t even know if the Cabal is unified on what direction to take. XRP seems to be favored by Lagarde and the Euro banksters but who knows if the American Rockefeller faction is on the same page. I guess the old cliche stands: don’t hold more than you can afford to lose.

  43. So what are you waiting for? why don't you run it?

    1. Read carefully: The Resistance now has the upper hand in the planet's subterranean domain, there was no mention of the planet's surface.

  44. Thanks. I deeply bow for you

  45. I dont know how in other places round world but Europe is still under the hard lockdown everywhere. Everything closed, childre home for a year and the number are still increasing. Now there are planning testing to allow you to go to school, to go to sport places - everywhere you go, you must be tested... so I hope this will be over soon. It is too long period and people (specially the olda one) are frustrated...

    1. Numbers are also declining in Europe in most countries.

    2. It depends - Czech and Slovak - such a small countries and we are the worst in Europe (compare 10Mio inhabitant versus 80 mio in Germany and we are the worst??) - I think they count it as they wants....

    3. There is no point in discussing the results of testing, especially PCR testing so don't bother. There are no facts behind these results. They don't measure "viruses". They can write what they want... I think it is just an excuse to go hot-cold-hot-cold on humanity (more strict lockdown - loosen the measures etc etc). The warfare is economic and psychological. At the moment Check and Slovak are being punished for something (maybe opening the bars?) or just being squeezed before the loosen it a bit. Don' give a sh.. about that, ignore it.

      I have heard Mr. Marduk has crossed to the Light side and is working really hard to undo his previous dark makings. The "Babel towers" of Brussels and Strasburgh will consequently be transformed...
      We can meditate, connect to the Source and send Love to humanity :) like I do to you :)

    4. I'm from Slovakia and I can confirm that we've had lockdown (shops are closed) since the beginning of a new year and mandatory testing for those who want to move around freely every single week. People are starting to be fed up by all this, I hope it comes to an end soon because it can't go on like this anymore...

    5. The New World Order will fail and freedom will prevail

  46. Updating the situation is a wonderful gift for my birthday thank you 💙
    We are here, VOTL

  47. Great update indeed.Hope we are nearing the end now. I certainly want to do my part.

  48. Lockdowns are always the last thing dark forces/occupiers ressort to. They don't want the surface population to know what is going on. As for resistance, yes there is some. But it is difficult because the state forces like the police are still implementing this. Mass arrests and full exposure of the crimes and lies is what we need. I hope this is on the way also. Victory of light!


  49. The vaccines they are now trying to inject into everybody on Earth are using CRISPR gene-editing technology to alter people’s DNA, forever altering the Genetic Blueprint. They are knowingly pushing harmful RNA Covid, DNA changing, transhumanism vaccines. There will be alterations in the human DNA and RNA genomes, due to mRNA substances contained within covid-19 vaccines, which will lead to teratogenesis and destruction of the nervous system of those individuals that will choose to be vaccinated. You must warn the citizens of the USA and those of other countries of these highly dangerous implications, and you must ban use of these vaccines prior to a biological research and validation of the mRNA substances that alter the human DNA and RNA genome, cause sterility, and have nano components that can be triggered by 5G. You must order the banning of 5G telephony in the USA, because just like mRNA covid-19 vaccines and due to very high frequencies up to 300 gigahertz, they can cause human DNA and RNA mutations leading to teratogenesis, body organ collapse, cancer, destruction of the human brain and nervous system, that is, fatal nervous disorders. DO NOT TAKE THE VACCINE.

    1. Dude. If the vaccine was so bad Cobra and the LFs would've told us about it long time ago. The whole point of this slow liberation plan is to save as many people as possible. And Cobra already said many times that no depopulation agenda will happen. So don't panic.

    2. The whole Covidiocracy is a farce and a simulation long prepared by Davos, IMF, and World Bank, CFR, Rothchild and their Lemmings, in partnership with Rockefeller.

      A vaccine requires 8 years of testing but the one for Covid is ready and safe in a few months. RNA viruses mutate so much that after 40 years there is no vaccine for AIDS.
      Basically we have our genetic code that's encased in this double helix strand what we call the DNA. And then there's another component that helps rewrite that DNA called RNA. Viruses are fragments of this genetic code of DNA and RNA. Now viruses exist inside ourselves. And if it wasn't for viruses, the human system would no longer have survived the planet. Because viruses are how we evolved. Because viruses these DNA and RNA fragments get back into the cell get incorporated within our DNA structure and rewrite certain parts of the DNA in order to help us adapt to our environment and to adjust to environmental triggers. This is where an RNA vaccine comes in which becomes possible when you have the virus's genetic sequence and you know which genes code for which proteins. Making your cell do the work of creating this viral protein that is going to be recognized by your immune system and trigger the development of these antibodies.

      Actually the RNA vaccine will introduce RNA fragments into our system, and what that's going to do is it's going to get incorporated inside our DNA, and literally rewrite our DNA, it will rewrite our human code, our genetic code. This is basically taking the human system and making it into something else. This is going to be generationally so catastrophic. Because we have no idea what the implications are. We are talking about rewriting the human genome, human genetic code will be rewritten by this vaccine. Because once it goes in there, it's not like just introducing X or Y or Z, it's introducing in something that is going to start replicating and it's going to be like a chain reaction it's going to be like a domino reaction and it's going to start causing a rewriting of the genetic code within our system. It's going to adulterate and mutate our DNA, so that we are not even human anymore. When I say that I'm not saying metaphorically I'm talking about generations. That's exactly what's going to happen it's going to start changing how our systems evolve.

    3. I feel like most lightworkers don't trust the light forces anymore and no wonder I'm not surprised really and I don't blame them because of the lack of action and intervention. Unfortunately too much empty talking and not enough action so I understand how most people are feeling. We have seen zero help from the light forces no matter what they say. The human suffering gets worse every day and they seem to be on vacation and not very worried about us. I can guarantee you one thing the light forces will pay for their sins with their karma because there is no escaping that. We greatly regret the lack of intervention and integrity. The Galactic Federation has the power to implement change. Humanity has been wrongfully treated with disrespect. If the Galactic Federation cannot hold the Spiritual Law of Oneness, it will no longer exist. In this the case, we will replace them with completely new Guardians with Divine Light Resonance. The Galactic Federation has already been put on notice and is fully aware of what is stated here. We will not allow this corruption to go unchecked any longer. Unfortunately all this Is just empty talking and nice stories which doesn't serve anyone until there is real physical Action taken against the dark forces this is not helping anyone we have just more stories with no physical action. we waited 8 year we want to see something. I want big cabal players arrested and a sign to the earth people.. It begins.

    4. Become Free of Entrapments:

      Forced Reincarnation

      Karmic Lessons

      Parallel Lives

      Entities, Mind Control, Cordings

      Endless Reincarnation on Earth
      We did not install your enforced reincarnation process. This again was in accordance with the Galactic Federation’s alliance with the Dark. The reincarnation process was devised to capture and use your energy for the Darks own parasitic agenda, i.e. the theft of souls.

      The Dark Forces built the etheric soul traps for the harvesting (recycling) of souls. Humans are recycled after death to remain in the Matrix. A soul-catching net or soul net awaits us at death – and keeps us in the Matrix – The Dark Forces feed off of our negative energy and this is why humanity continuously reincarnate. To allow our spirits to move on and return to Source/God/Creator would end existence for the Dark Forces.

      All Spirits were created as a unique expression of the Divine, freely expressing their own unique Love and Light Frequencies in all of their creations. This was the original Divine Plan.

      You were created to experience one life at a time.
      Being held captive on Earth without your Twin Flame, reincarnating over and over again to learn karmic lessons, having your Spirit Energy diluted into numerous parallel lives. This all came about from the Dark Side’s infiltration of this planet. This was never part of the Lights Divine Plan!

      Karmic Lessons:
      Negative programming from past lives (karma) was never intended to be imprinted on the physical body. This is not part of the Divine Intention. Born over and over again on Earth without being able to leave and being held captive was a program put in place by the Dark Agenda.

      Parallel Lives:
      I am sure you have heard of the saying ‘spreading yourself too thin’. At this time on Earth, people are living a multitude of parallel lives simultaneously. These lives can affect you without your knowledge or consent. This process was not created by the Light.

      You were created to live one life in the NOW.

      The Darkness has progressed since Jesus walked the Earth. This increased density has caused a situation where people are rarely more than 20% in their bodies and they are often sharing their bodies with Entities, (ghost, the emotional bodies of people who have passed on). These Entities cause auditions and a host of other problems. They need to be cleared out in order for the Spirit to come into the body 100%.

    5. The Galactic Federation has allowed negative ET races (Greys & Draconians) to abduct people and do things to them against their will, such as:

      Install tracking devices

      Inject them with mental and physical implants, use devices that control and alter Consciousness according to their will. Each time just before an individual was incarnated, he was re-implanted again. In this way, the surface population was kept in amnesia.

      Infiltration of the physical body by the ‘Dark Forces Agenda’ has radically compromised the human energy system.

      This has prevented the physical and spiritual development of the Human Race for eons.

      This has threatened Humanity to near Spiritual extinction.

      The Dark Agenda’s many methods have included negative imprinting, mind control, tracking devices, psychic attacks, mental and physical attacks, negative implants, invasion of privacy and freedom, soul theft, abduction, spreading of false teachings designed to distract and lead people away from their own Divinity.

      This has become a very large clean-up mission on our part. The Dark Forces are trying to take over the Light’s Creations. We realize that there is a need to clean up this situation and the Divine Forces are united in this effort at this time.

      Light bearers throughout history have come into physical form to facilitate a positive change and help uplift human consciousness in overcoming the force of Darkness. Many of these individuals have suffered from living under the Dark Agenda’s rule.

      Imposters of the Light have proliferated on Earth for a long time. They mislead, misdirect, torture, kill, and steal Life Force Energy from the Earth and its inhabitants. These dark forces have covertly infiltrated all societies on Earth.

      This situation has made it necessary for the Creation Lightship to activate Universal Energy Shifts to cleanse, realign, and restore Spiritual Divine Harmony.

      All inhabits on Earth were created to experience Love and Light. Creation will no longer allow this darkness to go unchecked.

      Originally the Galactic Federation was created as the Spiritual and Physical Guardians for Earth and its inhabitants.

      They were created to:

      Offer Spiritual Guidance

      Aid and Assist when needed

      Protect from Dark Force invasions

      Provide physical healing when needed

      Help with Ascension Preparation at the Time of the Shift

      Unfortunately, the Galactic Federation did not hold their Spiritual Integrity in Love. This caused them to become infiltrated by the Dark Forces. This was accomplished through extraterrestrial races allied with the Dark Agenda who were seeking to control and infiltrate the Galactic Federation as well as the human race. The Darkness overtook them.


    7. You can put out a mass flyer stating that all businesses that comply with regulations to throw out people who have not been vaccinated, refuse contact tracing or refuse to wear masks will be boycotted out of business.

      Or you can create an app that contains a list of businesses engaging in these practices. Money talks in this Matrix.

      When you put memes like these out, post them and ignore the trolling and negative remarks.

    8. Since when does all THAT work, Spec?

    9. Dear Salvatore Lucania, you have some good points.
      However what about the Eternal ligh / God or The Throne of Grace, watching all these without stopping our tremendous suffering caused by really freakish darkness for eons?!
      Now they do. But, why not earlier? This needs some explanation.
      I always thought that highly evolved beings own high level of compassion.
      " They don't really know how it is " Said Cobra.
      But, we lightworkers don't know it too, how it is to starve to death or how an innocent animal really feels when it is experiencing cruelty. But, seeing it, many of us gets teary, and we do want to help and stop it!!
      I do understand how complex our planet's clearing and liberation process has been.
      Yes now, it is hard and long. But, it would not have happened like this, if the GC... anyway,it is hard to comprehend.

    10. @ Sherman. Last night it occurred to me, for the first time, that you are full power according the book, until you are out of breath: self love self love and self love. In that way you did a perfect job. Congrats mister!!!

    11. >Starseed
      Yeah because the Cabal has plot armor and 'reasons'. Its a thing that's popular with today's bullshit reboots of classic franchises that they have used to great effect.

      Together with Dr. Strangelet's Fartlet Bombs its working out just fine for them.

  50. Thank you dear Cobra for all you do and for such encouraging information. Of course, we are continuing the "flower of life" meditation, and our job now is to remove the implants as well, that will work! Thanks to the Resistance movement! Thank you to our Pleiadian teams who, personally, help us a lot Vincent and me because the reality is hard to live even if there are people much more unhappy than us obviously (knowing this is already difficult, so we imagine for them!)! Still a lot of anguish ... Attacks, again? We feel more and more foreign to this world ... Fortunately we feel that this will soon end for everyone (including animals)! May the event come quickly !!! (V and M-H)

  51. Can anything be said about the timeline node on January 20-22?
    Good luck and fast progress to the light forces! ����

  52. Boom!! 💎✨🌟💎👽
    I wish healing and happiness for all! May all your worries Be lifted, healed and released ❤️

    Thank you Cobra for your work and Love 🌟✨🌞

  53. When we experience positive changes on the surface.

  54. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Light Forces you are freaking amazing! Everyone will know ALL the incredible work you are doing, and a very beloved and joyful humanity will embrace you all as heroes so very soon

  55. The arrests of international traffickers continues gaining momentum.. it IS all happening folks..

  56. Actually as predicted the lockdowns are being lifted because they have the 'man' they want as President to perform the final plan. He will be 'bumped' off before his term is over and have a lame excuse for it.

    1. Go see pics in oval office but real on a set at castle rock studios as Q told us. Crack in corner wall.. baseboards dont touch the floor. Cars parked behind oval office window! LOL
      AF1 photo by fox recently really validates it. He isnt boarding a 747-200 jet. They painted a jet to look like AF1. But even that isnt correct. Then photoshpped Trump in front of it. All is under control T won 80% of the vote even CA went red

  57. Love to you all. Each day we get closer. I look forward to meeting you all on the other side. 💕💕💕

  58. Hahahahahah, this dude should be banned from Facebook...oh wait..

  59. Thanks Cobra and all LFs, lovely, heartening and helpful update. VOTL. T

  60. From October 28, 2020:

    With the IBC gone, the only Cabal network still remaining is the surface Cabal network. Surface Cabal network will be properly addressed only after the Chimera threat is significantly diminished.
    The main problem now remaining is the Chimera with their advanced exotic military technologies, especially quantum superposition toplet bombs. The Light Forces are continuing with the operations, now focusing on the removal of the Chimera fleet in Medium Earth orbit and Low Earth orbit, and clearing of the Chimera underground bases.
    In underground bases, the Light Forces are using Mjolnir quantum cannons and sonic weapons to remove as many physical Chimera spiders as possible. Some of those spiders are huge, measuring up to 10 meters / yards in diameter. There are huge spider nests in Chimera underground bases, and all together they form a spider web , a negative leyline construct which is the antithesis of the Flower Of Life leyline grid on the surface. Although many of these spiders are being removed by the Light Forces, the Chimera replenish the nests with fresh spiders which are materialized from quantum superposition state with advanced manifestation chambers. As soon as the quantum reservoir of the Chimera spiders will be gone, the Light Forces will be able to clear Chimera underground bases completely.

  61. From July 21, 2020:

    During the Galactic wars in the last few millions of years, the Draco have gathered many exotic technologies on planets they have conquered, and turned them into superweapons:

    One aspect of operation Mjolnir is capture, research and then destruction of those superweapons:

    Among those superweapons is a special scalar grid inversion technology on Draco ships which suppresses human kundalini and inverts planetary energy field from harmonic Platonic sacred geometry grid:

    Into inverted quasi-trapezoidal negative grid.

    The Light Forces are using vortex reinversion technologies to reset the planetary grid back into its harmonious state and they are relatively successful, as there are already areas on the surface of the planet far away from human settlements where the grid has already been successfully reset into its natural positive state.

    If you wish to support the positive grid reinversion process, you are welcome to do the Flower of Life meditation as often as you feel guided, from now on until the end of 2020:

    Although all plasma toplet bombs are gone, there are still some toplet bombs in quantum superposition state, tied to human implants, which serve as quantum superposition nodes of the basic grid inversion network that forms the backbone of the Matrix construct on the surface of the planet.

    Those toplet bombs do not pose a big problem, as they are much easier to clear than plasma toplet bombs, and they will be cleared together along with the Draco fleet.

    If you wish to speed up this process and make it easier, you can do implant triangulation exercises:

  62. German translation of this article:

  63. Thank you Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post.
    Traduction en français :

    Victoire de la Lumière ! Victory of the Light!

  64. This blog is as trustworthy as the weekly Fulford report

  65. Thank you!!! This is wonderful news, so excited for what the future will bring!

  66. Thank you Cobra and Resistance. Things seem to be changing for the better recently. My ability to manifest has increased as well. We must be pretty close to some tipping point ,at least I hope so.

  67. From March 19, 2015:

    Clearing of the Chimera group continues. What is remaining is the network of plasma implants, connected with each other through the Tunnels of set, and tied to the plasmatic strangelet and toplet bombs.

    This implant network was slowly built throughout millions of years across this quadrant of the Galaxy by mad scientists of the Chimera group who were master strategy planners of the Orion / Draco / Reptilian military complex.

    Everybody now incarnated on planet Earth still has those implants, as we have received them upon or before entry in the quarantine Earth area. They are plasma micro black holes, rotating in a strong plasmatic electromagnetic field. Their purpose is to distort spacetime to keep maintaining the primary anomaly and thus planet Earth quarantine status:

    You need to understand that the physical plane matter is just a condensed plasma wave and plasma anomaly reflects directly on the physical plane.

    As the Light forces progressed with the liberation of the Galaxy through the millennia, the dark forces retreated towards planet Earth, their last stronghold. By manipulating quantum anomaly and activating many negative stargates with nukes and particle accelerators after WW2 and especially after 1996 they have actually managed to turn our planet into a quantum stargate / well which attracts all remaining primary anomaly from the rest of the universe

    Coming reactivation of LHC at CERN does not pose any danger and does not increase the depth of the Earth's quantum well because the Light forces now handle the production of physical strangelets and toplets and can counteract any physical manipulation of those particles.

    Earth primary anomaly quantum fluctuations well, maintained by the plasma implant grid and supported by plasma strangelet and toplet bomb retaliation mechanisms is the background meta-strategy of the Chimera which maintains quarantine Earth status and prevents Disclosure and First Contact.

    This quantum well creates a plasma accretion vortex around the Earth which extends hundreds of light years across the so-called local bubble:

    Rarefied hot plasma from that area gets teleported towards the Earth superluminally through the tunnels of Set.

    This plasma gets gathered by the Chimera in the implant guardian stations throughout the Solar System and then distributed through the tunnels of Set towards implants of the surface humanity.

    Implant guardian stations were built by the Chimera 26,000 years ago to guard quarantine Earth stronghold against the invasion of the Light forces from outside of this Solar System and to implant anybody trying to escape from Earth/Solar System. One aspect of MOSS is to clear these implant stations. This is progressing nicely and there are already many motherships of the Galactic Light forces entering into the Solar system recently. The main remaining implant guardian station is located in the cavern systems on Iapetus, one of Saturn's moons

    1. Ok great info. My dilemma. Law of One states humans were brought to earth 75k yrs ago when Mars was destroyed but then the Orion group didnt interfere until like 12k years ago ie Atlantis sinking and that the Galactics put up the quarantine around earth not the Orion group. We have a huge disconnect. Also how do annunaki and nibiru fit into this puzzle? Anyone what is the damn truth here?
      Thank you!

    2. From my research sumerians told us that the annunaki came 450k years ago and created us for slaves to mine gold then at 25k BC they left. Nibiru is their planet which is not the planet X btw. I have not heard of what you said. Where did you read what the law of one states?

    3. If information about the annunaki is accessed from the writings of Zecharia Sitchin be forewarned that sources have said that he was compromised by the Cabal to provide a fabricated history that is not accurate.

    4. @OPTIKLOPS and @Unknown
      This is disinfo created by z. sitchin who is working for dark, deliberately spreading false interpretation of Sumerian tables. There is no nibiru or annunaki, this story was made up by him and his dark lords to spread confusion and fear among Lightworkers. In his interviews Cobra said it many times.
      So, no worries:-).

  68. From December 13, 2015:

    Clearing of the Chimera group continues. The main problem remaining are implants of the Cabal members, connected with Tunnels of Set to Yaldabaoth plasma accretion vortex which extends throughout the Solar system, tied to plasma strangelet and toplet bombs. Implants of the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are connected to the implants of the Cabal members with Tunnels of Set and this hinders their spiritual progress, but at the same time accelerates the clearing of the Cabal's implants and disintegration of the Yaldabaoth octopus plasma accretion vortex.

  69. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  70. Earthquakes, my latest preoccupation:

    February 10, hardest hits:
    Southeast of Loyalty Islands (Pacific) - many, big
    Central East Pacific Rise, offshore El Salvador - big
    Hawaii, Coquimbo Chile, Tajikistan - medium
    Central and West Turkey, Central Italy, Croatia - smaller ones

    Ummm... it was a really busy day...
    Thank you Resistance Movement, thank you Light Forces. Your are our heroes! Victory of the Light! :)

  71. Here is the italian version for this wonderful uplifting update from Cobra!! molto grazie dal cuore !!! Vittoria della Luce!

  72. Thank you Cobra for the information and thank you to the Light Forces who have taken out all these dark forces.
    Victory of the Light!

  73. Amazing news Cobra, thank you so much, victory for the light !

  74. Thank you . May Goddess bless you and the light forces

  75. What in the hell is this "Great Reset"? You have never mentioned this before.

    1. Where have you been? The great reset is the cabals plan to institute the new world order with a one world government, one crypto currency, removal of all personal property. We would all be slaves to the system where we do what they say and are only given enough to survive on, as long as you take their vaccines and don’t criticize big brother.

    2. There are 2 resets the globalist dark version and the alliance version nesara gold n silver backed currency. Anyone is Bitcoin a dark agenda or light? I suspect dark as many elite now going into it. ??

    3. Cobra:
      "To prepare the terrain for the Jesuit version of the Great Reset, which is presented by the Jesuit-educated Klaus Schwab here:"

      And I found this after a few seconds of searching with Google:

  76. "Let them eat paper!"

    Hah hah hah!

    Great meme!

  77. wonderful progress, keep light forwarding

  78. Thank you Cobra:-)!Amazing news! I felt it all even before posted here.
    Right now I'm sending huge Love energy to all/One.💜
    With deepest Love and gratitude to all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors,Cobra, Light Forces and all included in this amazing, long waited LIBERATION that is happening right now.
    It is big honor to be part of it.

    Visualize all operations of the Light Forces proceeding with full speed.
    Visualize Goddess energy calming all surface tensions at the time of the Event.

    Visualize a new Golden Age on Earth, where the Unconditional Love of the Goddess encompasses all beings and where all people live in Peace, Harmony, Love and Understanding with each other.
    Visualize the second renaissance of both scientific and spiritual knowledge.
    See everyone’s needs being met and everyone living their life as they desire.

    Goddess wants Liberation and Liberation it shall be!
    Victory of the Light!
    So be and so it is.

    1. >Radhika
      Just so you know I have read your reply in the previous blogpost.

    2. Perfect post I am visualizing a pristine earth abundance for all technology balanced with spirituality as it was always meant to be.

    3. @Spec Ops
      Thank you for letting me know, I hope that info was helpful to you. Much Love!

      This is part of Full Moon Meditation instructions. If you feel guided you can do it on Full Moon at 2:45 pm UTC 27.2.2021. Other dates you can find on WLMM web site when announced with this link for active meditations:

      Here is link for Full Moon Meditation in many languages:

      Most Important NOW are:

      FLOWER OF LIFE MEDITATION every 4 hours (12 4 8
      am pm UTC):

      GODDESS VORTEX MEDITATION (every day at 2:30 pm UTC):

      Victory of The Light!

  79. Thank you for good news. Victory of the Light!

  80. For the chat room Victory of The Light, this is here :

  81. Many thanks Cobra for your intel and incredible support in this war ! We are coming to the End now...

  82. Although I continue to have great doubts about a grand-plan to liberate this planet, I can positively attest to the following: the given links above to implant removal are of the light. I received very similar information in a dream about 10 years ago. It works and I believe it to be from above.

  83. Implant removal:

    From this article:

    I wonder if the direction of spin in the cutting ties exercise has to do with plasma. Expanding magnetic plasma spins left pushing the implant away, and contracting gravitational plasma spins right drawing the implant in.

  84. A channeling from Soren said 'we have to finish the 3D ourselves'. Something similar I read 5/6 years ago. As I knew very little I must have done something wrong.. I do it now 3x. Anybody joining or have better ideas?

    The end The end The end
    Finished Finished Finished
    Einde Einde Einde
    Location Earth Location Earth Location Earth

  85. The implant removal videos are good.

  86. The End The End The End

    With thanks to Location 3D Earth and his players
    With thanks to Location 3D Earth and his players
    With thanks to location 3D Earth and his players

    Thank God for this life and lessons
    Thank God for this life and lessons
    Thank God for this life and lessons

  87. ... and THANK YOU GOD


  88. Translation of this article in form of a video

    in German:

    in Japanese:

  89. 'I've been working last night with a a way to say this is the end of this game in 3D, with diverse varieties. Cobra obviously did not post them. The main words were 'The end' in 3 times and 3DEarth. Cause I read that in a channeling from Soren just ago but also a few years earlier. We must end this 3D game ourselves. I must by then not have done it the right way.
    Anyway... I woke up in the twighlight zone, just as with Michael Hastings a few years ago. By then it was truth so I expect it now as well. It was dark in the streets cause electricity did not work. This time I said to somebody 'Het mag weer', 'It's allowed again'. That can only mean speaking truth and about God, which were forbidden in 3D. And that can only mean we're FREE.
    Thank you God... FREED!!!

  90. 所以现在事件的阻碍是什么?
    What make Event not happen?

  91. A liberdade está próxima. Continuamos na Resistência 💖 Thank tou COBRA, LF RM and galáctico brothers. O love tou ALL 💖 Victory of Theo Ligar 🌟🌟🌟

  92. Everyone make sure that when doing the flower of life meditation to visualise the flower of life pattern in a rainbow color now, instead of the pink.

    I've personally noticed that since this update the flower of life meditations are more powerful since more people are joining!

  93. Thank you Cobra for the update! After the past two days of damn near freezing to death without electricity in single digit temperatures here in Texas this was good news to come back online to! Thank God for the good news! ;-) Sending my love to you all. I feel good. And I feel so thankful.

  94. Mais meditações para o gado?! Sério?! Que Deus tenha piedade..

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