Monday, January 3, 2022

Divine Intervention Activation Report

Our activation was a big success, with over 250,000 people participating in the meditation on December 21st and over 190,000 people signing the petition.

This is far more than the Guinness world record claimed by Deepak Chopra:

And is one of our most successful meditations up to date:

Pleiadians were very much present during the activation on December 21st and many people felt wonderful energies:



The process of signing the petition was much more tumultuous. The Cabal has interfered with the signing process on the first petition website a few times and finally deleted the petition page, so we had to migrate to the second petition site.

As soon as the first petition site was deleted, the Pleiadian High Command contacted top brass in the Russian and US military, telling them that a critical mass of Galactic Codex principles has been violated, because people's ability to state their free will about the extraterrestrial contact was severely obstructed. The Pleiaidian High Command has then revealed one part of their intervention plans to the top brass in the Russian / US positive military factions. This has triggered strong reactions within the military, as the Russians felt that First Contact goes against the territorial sovereignty of the Russian state, and many within the US top brass felt this intervention goes against their religious beliefs. This has led to the following development:

The signing process continued on the second website, and a critical mass of 144,000 signatures was reached on December 11th.

The very next day, many cloudships appeared across Japan:

After the critical mass of signatures was reached, the Pleiadians have communicated that the legal basis for their intervention on the surface of the planet is now established.

They will start contacting first the individuals who are participating in the Contact Dish project:

Since Galactic Law overrides local laws, this contact will be established regardless of the local laws in the countries where people will be contacted. The Pleiadians have stressed that they want to initialize the contact as soon as possible, but will NOT contact anyone until the basic safety of contacted individuals can be assured, and for this the Dark forces on the physical plane need to lose more power. They do not wish to say when the contact sequence will start, but when it starts, it will start suddenly without warning.


People who do not own land will be contacted also, but for that contact they will need to be in nature at least 60 meters/yards away from the nearest human being to avoid implant / biochip interference, and as far away as possible from the local military bases.

As soon as this contact happens, and even before, it will trigger strong emotional reactions among the surface population. Remain calm then, and use common sense.

The critical mass reached for our meditation on December 21st has started the planetary grid reversal process. This practically means that now the Light Forces are reverting the energy fields around the planetary surface from the inverted negative energy grid, created during the Archon invasion in 1996, back into the Light grid. This means a full offensive of the Light forces on the non-physical planes around the Earth surface, removing entities, dark technologies, anomaly, everything at once:

It is now a full scale war there, and Lightworkers / Lightwarriors are seriously attacked, but this is the final battle which has now reached the surface of the planet, at least on the non-physical planes, and it will lead into full liberation.

Planetary grid reversal process will clear all anomaly that made dark forces and evil possible and eradicate the cause of evil and darkness from this Universe forever.

The Light Forces are now focused on clearing the primary anomaly on the astral and lower mental plane. On the astral plane, they are clearing the so-called “jealousy network”. Nothing more can be said about that now, just two hints:

Removal of the primary anomaly on the astral plane will start removing the cosmic cause of negative emotions such as anger or fear.

On the lower mental plane, they are clearing the so-called “invisibles network”. Removal of primary anomaly on the lower mental plane will start removing the cause of false ideas matrix. False, erroneous ideas right now form more than 90% of the thinking processes of the surface humanity.

As a result of this clearing, people are beginning to be aware of the mind virus, as both Musk and Putin have stated publicly:

On the physical plane, this final offensive of the Light Forces is clearing all remnants of the dark force fleet in the Solar System, and all negative subterranean bases. All captured dark beings are offered a “surrender or die” option. If they surrender, they need to accept the Galactic Codex, accept the Light and repair the consequences of their past actions. If they are unwilling or unable to do so, they are taken to the Galactic Central Sun for restructuring via the Ganymede sorting facility.

The final offensive of the Light Forces on the physical plane on the surface will NOT be initialized until the danger of excessive violence is removed, and both non-physical planes and primary anomaly need to be substantially cleared to achieve that.

On the quantum level, the Light Forces have managed to clear all black wormholes that the dark forces were using for secure quantum communication, and as a consequence, secure and unhackable communication network of the dark forces has fallen apart. Top Chimera leaders now have to use encrypted communication that can easily be hacked by the Resistance. As a side effect to this, there were significant developments in the creation of the positive quantum financial system (QFS).

All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed.

On the surface of the planet, there are many legal initiatives that go parallel to the Planetary Liberation Petition, and are slowly but surely building legal infrastructure for arrests of the Cabal during the Event and their subsequent trials.

Disgusting deeds of Anthony Fauci are finally being exposed:

Fauci is fully exposed in this excellent new book by Robert F. Kennedy Jr:

Klaus Schwab is exposed here:

These people are not safe anymore, and 2021 was peak Davos:

The bunkers will not help them, as the Resistance is waiting for them deep below:

Covid virus was created by the Chimera-controlled DARPA and released as a mechanism against the progress of the Light Forces towards the liberation of the planet:

Panicked, the dark forces are now using the pandemic as a tool to impose a worldwide totalitarian state in their last ditch effort to control the surface population. They are doing this by inducing mass formation psychosis:

By keeping the people in perpetual state of confusion, hopelessness and fear on purpose:

Leading to the death of science:

Reliable intel about covid is hard to find, but here are some pieces.

About the end of the pandemic:

About lasting immunity against covid: 

About ivermectin:

About covid tests and DNA data harvesting by China:

And about vaccines:

This brilliant interview with Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology, sums it all up:

This might be the beginning of the end of the official mainstream covid narrative:

People worldwide are organizing into peaceful non-compliance, and here is a link to resources:

Happy New Year:

And Victory of the Light!


  1. Replies
    1. People just need to avoid getting elphoric to avoid disappointment as back in 2017/2018. Something in my gut tells me this won't end before 2024.

    2. Yeah, I’ve written off 2022. My total guess is fall 2023 at the earliest, but probably “last second” of 2024 is likely. And If it happens earlier all the betterm

  2. This WAR isn't over yet. Keep your stand against the dark, confusion energy. We're very close. VOTL! It's happening now.

    1. Exactly. Rejoice with caution. It will be over when we see the tower with the eye fall to the ground and the Orks begin to run for safety.

    2. The War will be finish with The Full Victory of The Light and Love.

    3. @Patrice Closin Funny you say that. Had a dream some years back about basically what you just said.

  3. Very good news on all levels! 👏
    Thank you COBRA, Light Forces, Resistance Movement, and all the Lightworkers and Lightwarriors!
    Still much to do to prepare...
    can't wait, CAN'T WAIT!!


  4. I am so grateful for divine intervention.
    So grateful.
    Thank you Cobra and the Light Forces!

  5. 新年快樂🎆 很高興看到這則消息 光的勝利

  6. very nice update! I hope that the whole corona issue disappears, people are getting more and more depressed. After 2 years of resistance, my mother will soon have to vaccinate herself so that she can go to a special hospital, which is important for her illness :(

    Victory of the light!!!

  7. This is excellent news. Victory of the light.happy new year.💛🧡💚💙💜❤🖤🌞🙏🌈🌠🎉

  8. More information on the QFS will be appreciated

    1. you shouldn't ask your siblings for money, you should help them just because you have compassion for them, that's all the info you need about that.

    2. @Unknown You should ask your siblings for money because helping each other is necessary. Go elsewhere with your nonsense.

  9. Yeah! Let's go, I've even seen the bubbles of heaven in sparkling wine lately.

  10. I don't know if anyone can help me but I don't know after leaving a message previously how to stop everyone's new messages coming into my email in box
    Huge number - need help lol !

    1. At the end of each post (in the list of posts in the email) you can choose to either

      - Post a comment


      - Unsubscribe to comments on this post.

      Choose the latter and you won't receive any more notifications.

      If you want to avoid this in future, don't tick "Notify me" when you publish a comment.

    2. At the comment box uncheck "Notify me"

  11. Victory of the Light!! It is so wonderful for us to start the New Year in such a company, in celebration with all Lightworkers and Lightwarriors and the Light Forces beside the Earth Alliance! It is time for the First Contact and Divine Intervention in the most possible powerful and brightest way! Wish you a wonderful and happy New Year!!

  12. With deep gratitude to Cobra and RM,
    Victory to the Light

  13. I must say this report has seriously reinvigorated me. CREDIT to Alex Jones for waking up Joe Rogan! Joe's breaking the internet!! VOTL

    1. Joe rogan stands for nothing, he just agrees with every guest, not a bone in his body.

  14. That's a nice update. Thanks Cobra

  15. YESSS!! YESSSS!!! YESSS!!! I will stand my ground until the finish line. Come on light workers… we are almost there!!! Dont give up!! Only God knows how I was attacked! My daughters!! We dont backup!!! We cant back up now!!! Keep going more than before! We almost There!! Cobra , Thank you” is not enough!! I salute your soul…


  16. 傾你们所有的力量,全力进攻,毁灭一切挡路的东西,就这样吧。

  17. Very good update! Finally it seams that something is moving in the good direction after a decade of delays. We may be just couple years away from some big revelations.

    About the military of Russia, since when Russia has the right to decide if the first contact is right or not?! Who elected them in the first place to speak in the name of earth people?! And the excuse with the “national sovereignty interference” is such enormity that I don’t even want to go into it!

    And about US military it seams that when they used to participate in the mass murder endless wars that was not go “against their religion”!?

    And somehow now they just decide to grow some conscience?!

    It smells like bulshit for me. For sure the high heads of any military on earth are in the Cabal pockets and they just try to delay things by finding endless stupid excuses!

    Not to say that they interfered with the free will directly when they delete the petition several times!

    Not that I expect the Disclosure to happen in this decade as they are now much more pressing things to be done first, but I will not like to get us stuck for another decade just because some mass murder criminals called “military” they are not agree!

    1. Is there any evidential proof beyond conjecture that any such Military or their personal stated anything that pertains to the conjecture being replied to?

    2. Yes, those two reasons they named smells fishy to me. I never liked military because of their brain dead "do as you are ordered" philosophy. In this case I suspect some infiltration or personal agendas even if they are deemed "positive" by Cobra.

    3. In 10 years, there will be nothing LEFT, at this rate.

      And Cobra said that galactic codex takes precedence, and the 'local laws' can go smeg off.

  18. Great! I do not own land but if a communication is given, I can meet somewhere. Perhaps in the secret spot with a little stone adobe without a roof? Or, near the spot a contact was achieved in the late 90's while driving the small Honda late at night?

  19. Thanks for the update!!
    Translated to spanish
    Traducido al castellano

  20. To clarify "People who do not own land will be contacted also, but for that contact they will need to be in nature at least 60 meters/yards away from the nearest human"

    In this situation I just keep going to middle of nowhere to "try" or i get a message before somehow saying "Go, we are waiting you" ?

    1. Cobra said many times that it's good to go out into nature anyway, and that it's easier to feel the Bubbles of Heaven there.

      I think it works like this:
      If you want to meet them, then you need to put in some effort to raise your vibrations and give them an opportunity to show themselves to you in a safe and convenient location. Spiritual people who want to see UFOs often go out in nature and seek places with strong energies to meditate there and ask for contact. ETs don't really want to show themselves in places where many random people can see them. As Cobra explained, it's dangerous for them until the Cabal loses more power on the physical plane. They could physically retaliate against those ETs or even YOU, by sending agents to harass, threaten, or kidnap you or your family. This happened to many known ufologists and whistleblowers. So it's even easier for them to make a regular person disappear or get hurt. And no one wants that, right? So just go into nature once a week or two and give them the opportunity, even if you're not asked to do so. At worst, you'll get some exercise to get more healthy, and raise your vibrations. At best, they'll initiate the first contact with you the fastest. Because it's safer than even someone owning a big land, but in a place where hundreds of people can clearly see ET spacecrafts. Owning land is probably important to reject this claim about "national sovereignty interference". But it doesn't mean it's actually safer for them to show up there, than in nature far away from other humans.

      But if they want to specifically contact you, then they'll probably find a way to send you messages or instructions what to do. Just watch out when you're dreaming or meditating. Or maybe you'll get attracted to a specific place when you're taking a stroll in nature.

      Either way, it's definitely a good practice to go out in nature. I own land, but probably not big enough for even a small Pleiadian space ship (they'd have to land on top of my planters for crops and veranda). And it's in suburbs, with potentially about 100 people who could see them at once. So I'll probably start going into nature like once per week or two to give them a good opportunity to show up. I'll also look for good places where they could land without being seen, and meditate there for physical contact. And if I receive any messages, instructions, or strong feelings, then I'll definitely try to follow them. This is probably the best I can do. And it'll be good for my physical and mental health anyway, even if nothing happens.

    2. I got more than enough land, just a little under 50 acres. In the middle of rural, farm lands.

      *Wink, wick. Nudge, nudge*

    3. That's it, i go every weekend in some parks with lots of nature to do a little run and keep healthy, always.
      But as stated we need to be a least 60 meters away from the nearest human. In this case i would need to find and drive alone to an area more distant with nature around. This put me in "danger" already because i'm alone in the middle of nowhere. I don't care about chimera/cabal doing something because it is useless.

      I know this is not happening now, but that's why a message would be appreciate before i keep going in these deserted places to "try". So we just wait for more updates about the situation and hope that at least the ones in the Contact Dish program get contact fast and maybe can share some photos or messages with us, unlikely.

      That's why knowing if we receive a message or not would make things way more easier for us all. When the time is right...

    4. Do you think there is a higher chance for contact at night? When it’s completely dark

  21. What is exactly the purpose of the black stones and what their removal means? I thought the removal of the urim bs would shut down the archon grid and the implants.

  22. pedophilia and slavery and prisons good, dangers of excessive violence bad

  23. reliable intel about covid is shared hundreds of times by david icke.

  24. Brothers and Sisters of Humanity...sit back, clear your mind, close your eyes and leave behind, dive down into a sea of panoramic tranquility...Victory of the Light!

  25. ...not one major business media outlet has reported the details of the Fed’s big reveal.


    There’s a News Blackout on the Fed’s Naming of the Banks that Got Its Emergency Repo Loans; Some Journalists Appear to Be Under Gag Orders

    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: January 3, 2022 ~

    Four days ago, the Federal Reserve released the names of the banks that had received $4.5 trillion in cumulative loans in the last quarter of 2019 under its emergency repo loan operations for a liquidity crisis that has yet to be credibly explained.

    Among the largest borrowers were JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup, three of the Wall Street banks that were at the center of the subprime and derivatives crisis in 2008 that brought down the U.S. economy.

    That’s blockbuster news. But as of 7 a.m. this morning, not one major business media outlet has reported the details of the Fed’s big reveal.

    On September 17, 2019, the Fed began making trillions of dollars a month in emergency repo loans to 24 trading houses on Wall Street.

    The Fed released on a daily basis the dollar amounts it was loaning, but withheld the names of the specific banks and how much they had borrowed.

    This made it impossible for the public to see which Wall Street firms were experiencing the most severe credit crisis.

    It was the first time the Fed had intervened in the repo market since the 2008 financial crash – the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. The COVID-19 crisis remained months away.

    The first reported case of COVID-19 in the U.S. was not reported by the CDC until January 20, 2020 and the World Health Organization did not declare a pandemic until March 11, 2020.

    The dollar amounts of the Fed’s repo loans grew to staggering levels. On October 24, 2019, we reported the following:

    “The New York Fed will now be lavishing up to $120 billion a day in cheap overnight loans to Wall Street securities trading firms, a daily increase of $45 billion from its previously announced $75 billion a day.

    In addition, it is increasing its 14-day term loans to Wall Street, a program which also came out of the blue in September, to $45 billion.

    Those term loans since September have been occurring twice a week, meaning another $90 billion a week will be offered, bringing the total weekly offering to an astounding $690 billion.

    It should be noted that if the same Wall Street firms are getting these loans continuously rolled over, they are effectively permanent loans.

    (That’s exactly what happened during the 2007-2010 Wall Street collapse: some teetering Wall Street casinos received, individually, $2 trillion in cumulative loans that were rolled over for two and one-half years – without the authorization or even awareness of Congress or the American people.

    One bank, Citigroup, received over $2.5 trillion in Fed loans, much of them at an interest rate below 1 percent, at a time when it was insolvent and couldn’t have obtained loans in the open market at even high double-digit interest rates.)”

    Under the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010, the Fed was legally required to release the names of the banks and the amounts they borrowed “on the last day of the eighth calendar quarter following the calendar quarter in which the covered transaction was conducted.”

    The New York Fed released the information for the third quarter of 2019 last Thursday, a day earlier than required. We reported on it the following day.

    Those Fed revelations, that had been withheld from the American people for two years, should have made front page headlines in newspapers and on the digital front pages of every major business news outlet.

  26. 2/3

    Our article alerted each of these reporters that a much larger data release from the Fed, for the full fourth quarter of 2019, would be released on or about December 31.

    The data was posted at the New York Fed sometime before 1:23 p.m. ET last Thursday.

    The most puzzling part of this news blackout is that the majority of the reporters who covered this Fed story at the time it was happening in 2019, are still employed at the same news outlets.

    We emailed a number of them and asked why they were not covering this important story.

    Silence prevailed. We then emailed the media relations contacts for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Financial Times and the Washington Post, inquiring as to why there was a news blackout on this story. Again, silence.

    Next, we emailed a number of reporters who had covered this story in 2019 but were no longer employed at a major news outlet.

    We asked their opinion on what could explain this bizarre news blackout on such a major financial story.

    We received emails praising our reporting but advising that they “can’t comment.”

    The phrase “can’t comment” as opposed to “don’t wish to comment” raised a major alarm bell.

    Wall Street megabanks are notorious for demanding that their staff sign non-disclosure agreements and non-disparagement agreements in order to get severance pay and other benefits when they are terminated.

    Are the newsrooms covering Wall Street megabanks now demanding similar gag orders from journalists?

    If they are, we’re looking at a form of corporate tyranny previously unseen in America.

    The history of Bloomberg News came to mind.

    That news outlet had previously come under fire for spiking stories that may have been counter to the business interests of its billionaire owner Michael Bloomberg, who derives his billions of wealth from leasing the Bloomberg data terminal to Wall Street’s trading floors around the world.

    On March 11, 2016, Matt Winkler, Editor-in-Chief-Emeritus at Bloomberg, wrote a sycophantic piece titled “Stop Bashing Wall Street. Times Have Changed.”

    Winkler wrote a fantasy view of where things stood at the time:

    “One of the reasons the American economy is performing better than any of the largest in Asia and Europe is that its regulators have repaired the damage of the financial crisis and the worst recession since the Great Depression.

    Led by the Federal Reserve, they replaced incentives for reckless speculation with catalysts for old-fashioned credit creation backed by levels of capital that are unprecedented in modern times.”

    Winkler’s column was an egregious coverup of the “reckless speculation” that continued on steroids on Wall Street.

    The megabanks were trading their own stock in their own dark pools – which continues to this day.

    The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency would report that as of March 31, 2016, just four banks held 91 percent of $192.9 trillion in notional derivatives held by all banks and savings associations in the U.S.

    Those four banks were JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup’s Citibank (which blew itself up with derivatives in 2008), Goldman Sachs Bank USA, and Bank of America – the same banks that were taking giant sums from the Fed’s emergency repo loan facility in 2019.

  27. Thanks Cobra, ehhm dou you or LF may have any comment about the telescope Webb mission?

  28. Thank You COBRA, RM, LF, LW and All Forces of Light!!
    Tremendous Work Everyone!!!

  29. En español:
    :D. VOTL!

  30. 3/3

    Also in 2016, Michael Bloomberg showed very poor judgement in co-authoring an OpEd with Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, a man who should have been the target of investigative reporting by Bloomberg journalists for an unprecedented crime spree at his bank.

    In 2015 Politico’s Luke O’Brien deeply reported the details of a Bloomberg News article that was critical on China and appeared to have been spiked to preserve business sales of the Bloomberg terminal in that country.

    And then there are those strange associations with felony counts or fines at Wall Street banks and those expensive Bloomberg terminals.

    The chat rooms that facilitated the rigging of the Libor interest rate benchmark and the criminal charges that came out of the rigging of foreign exchange trading were tied to chat rooms on the Bloomberg terminals.
    “Oct. 23: The New York Fed boosts the size of its overnight repo offerings to at least $120 billion, a size it is set to maintain through at least Dec. 12.

    “Nov. 14: The New York Fed says it will conduct two repo operations, each with terms of 42 days, on Nov. 25 and Dec. 2. With maximum sizes of at least $25 billion and $15 billion, these would carry past the end of the year.

    Numerous other Bloomberg News reporters wrote about the Fed’s emergency repo operations in 2019 and early 2020, including Liz McCormick, Adam Tempkin, and Alex Harris.

    And yet, today, not one of them has revealed to the American people that the very same megabanks that were drinking at the Fed’s trough in 2008 were back again at the trough in 2019.

    “One of the opinion writers at Market Watch wrote late last week that the Fed is in ‘stealth’ intervention mode after the Fed injected $99.9 billion in temporary liquidity into the financial system and $7.5 billion in permanent reserves as part of a program to buy $60 billion a month in Treasury bills.

    “But market demand for overnight repo operations far exceeded even the $75 billion the Fed allocated.

    So, on Wednesday, the Fed added $45 billion in addition to the $75 billion repo facility for a daily total of $120 billion.

    “There’s nothing stealth about continuing to pump billions into the repurchase market long after it said it would be needed.

    “The Fed originally said it planned to conduct daily repo operations until October 10. That intervention has now gone on beyond the end of the month of October with no end in sight.

    Obviously, the banks that were borrowing the largest sums on a perpetual basis from the Fed were the “chronically illiquid.” JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup’s Citibank ...

    We’ve never before seen a total news blackout of a financial news story of this magnitude in our 35 years of monitoring Wall Street and the Fed.

    Theories abound as to why this current story is off limits to the media.

    Granular details of just how deep this Fed trading scandal goes have also been withheld from the public as well as members of Congress.

    If the media were now to focus on yet another scandal at the Fed – such as it bailing out the banks in 2019 because of their own hubris once again – there might be legislation introduced in Congress to strip the Fed of its supervisory role over the megabanks and a restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act to separate the federally-insured commercial banks from the trading casinos on Wall Street.

    Why might such an outcome be a problem for media outlets in New York City?

    Three of the serially charged banks (JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup) are actually owners of the New York Fed – the regional Fed bank that played the major role in doling out the bailout money in 2008, and again in 2019.

    The New York Fed and its unlimited ability to electronically print money, are a boon to the New York City economy, which is a boon to advertising revenue at the big New York City-based media outlets.

  31. There won't be much humanity left once this "excessive violence" is safe... not much left but resentment.

  32. 3/3
    Also in 2016, Michael Bloomberg showed very poor judgement in co-authoring an OpEd with Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, a man who should have been the target of investigative reporting by Bloomberg journalists for an unprecedented crime spree at his bank.

    The chat rooms that facilitated the rigging of the Libor interest rate benchmark and the criminal charges that came out of the rigging of foreign exchange trading were tied to chat rooms on the Bloomberg terminals.

    “Sept. 17: The New York Fed conducts its first overnight system repurchase agreement in a decade, taking in $53.2 billion of securities.

    “Sept. 25: The New York Fed increases the size of its overnight system repurchase agreement operations to a $100 billion maximum, from $75 billion previously, and also raises the limit on its 14-day term repo operation to $60 billion from $30 billion.

    “Oct. 11: The Fed announces it will purchase $60 billion of Treasury bills a month and will keep doing so ‘at least into the second quarter of next year.’

    “Oct. 23: The New York Fed boosts the size of its overnight repo offerings to at least $120 billion, a size it is set to maintain through at least Dec. 12.

    “Nov. 14: The New York Fed says it will conduct two repo operations, each with terms of 42 days, on Nov. 25 and Dec. 2. With maximum sizes of at least $25 billion and $15 billion, these would carry past the end of the year.

    ... the Fed injected $99.9 billion in temporary liquidity into the financial system and $7.5 billion in permanent reserves as part of a program to buy $60 billion a month in Treasury bills.

    “But market demand for overnight repo operations far exceeded even the $75 billion the Fed allocated. So, on Wednesday, the Fed added $45 billion in addition to the $75 billion repo facility for a daily total of $120 billion.

    “The Fed originally said it planned to conduct daily repo operations until October 10. That intervention has now gone on beyond the end of the month of October with no end in sight.

    Obviously, the banks that were borrowing the largest sums on a perpetual basis from the Fed were the “chronically illiquid.” JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup’s Citibank are among the largest deposit-taking, federally-insured banks in the U.S.

    Americans have an urgent need to know why they needed to borrow from the Fed on an emergency basis in the fall of 2019.

    We’ve never before seen a total news blackout of a financial news story of this magnitude in our 35 years of monitoring Wall Street and the Fed.

    (We have, however, documented a pattern of corporate media censoring news about the crimes of Wall Street’s megabanks.)

    Theories abound as to why this current story is off limits to the media.

    If the media were now to focus on yet another scandal at the Fed – such as it bailing out the banks in 2019 because of their own hubris once again – there might be legislation introduced in Congress to strip the Fed of its supervisory role over the megabanks and a restoration of the Glass-Steagall Act to separate the federally-insured commercial banks from the trading casinos on Wall Street.

    Why might such an outcome be a problem for media outlets in New York City?

    Three of the serially charged banks (JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup) are actually owners of the New York Fed – the regional Fed bank that played the major role in doling out the bailout money in 2008, and again in 2019.

    The New York Fed and its unlimited ability to electronically print money, are a boon to the New York City economy, which is a boon to advertising revenue at the big New York City-based media outlets.

  33. Thank you COBRA, RM, The Light Force and to all sisters and brothers I am so happy that we came this far some times waiting for something this important is very hard and then again waiting beautiful

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Que de bonnes nouvelles !!!! On ne lâche rien. Toujours vigilants et optimistes. Très forte émotion lors de la méditation et la demande d'intervention divine !! La source a hâte de nous retrouver. Victoire de la lumière mes frères et sœurs 💪🌈

  36. Much gratitude excellent update final battle of the war! I liken this to Berlin being surrounded. The enemy is defeated but still dangerous.
    250k meditating!! Congrats everyone!
    Galactics thank you! I am seeing ships in our skies here.. 5 were forming a cross in perfect formation the ships on either end colorful.
    Cobra any truth to Antarctica portal sending cabal members to their own prison planet per Dr Salla info?
    Thank you!

  37. InterReflections Movie

    InterReflections is an experimental, mixed genre narrative feature film by Peter Joseph, adapted from his book The New Human Rights Movement.

    The ambitious, nearly 3 hour educational work challenges not only contemporary thinking about society, it challenges the very art of filmmaking itself with an unprecedented avant-garde style.

    Taking place in three time frames, the through-line is connected by the story of Concordia, a hacktivist organization comprised of high-ranking military defectors from around the world.

    They seek to stop further destabilization of the world in the mid 21st century by strategically shifting technological focus from “weaponry” to “livingry”.

    #PeterJoseph #Zeitgeist #structuralviolence #structuralclassism

    1. Started playing Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel again recently. The main hub is a city called Concordia... full of civilians stranded from around the world because of a mining debacle causing a massive earthquake. A band of heroes seeks to stop further destabilization of the world by use of weaponry... not really the same but an interesting correlation nonetheless.

  38. ...
    Point being, an adult that has become aberrated because of an early childhood trauma is most categorically suffering from a psychological disorder, even though other factors are present.

    And that's one variant of this, there are others.

    Such as studies that show how the more wealth and income people get the more antisocial and selfish and greedy and indifferent and apathetic they become.

    Lots of study on that. While on the other side of the class, spectrum people existing in relative poverty and deprivation will have a statistical inevitability of common crime, robberies and other aberrant behavior.

    In turn building cultures of such behavior as we see with gangs, mafia and so forth.

    It's complex of course, but the overwhelming correlations and hence implied causality is extremely strong after generations of empirical data when it comes to the psychological effects of socioeconomic inequality across the spectrum.

  39. Let's go
    Let's do it
    Let's keep pushing
    Let's shine


  40. The most important update in all the years I've been following Cobra. My prediction - 2/22/2022 USA Pluto return HUGE SHIFT hitting the fan / death of USA Corp. Vernal Equinox 3/21/22 massive influx of light / major positive timeline shift, July 2022 mainstream media starts reporting major arrests and prosecution of cabal leaders and minions. BIG LOVE & GRATITUDE to you Cobra, the Pleiadeans, The Alliance all us anonymous ground crew!!

  41. Thank you COBRA for this powerful and positive update and for all your work. Much Gratitude to the RM, GF, and all Light Beings everywhere for holding the Light and fighting for our Liberation.
    Much Love to all.

  42. "
    Either they made a conscious decision to enter the Quarantine Earth to anchor the Light and help the Light forces to liberate the planet, or they have simply wandered into a dangerous zone in the Galaxy without fully understanding the risk and got caught by the Archons in the interdimensional scalar net, dragged to Earth and forced into reincarnation cycle. "

    I'd be in the latter category.

    Wonder how many folks are going to get to use their property as a landing/first contact site? o.o

    1. Sherman,

      Lucky you have property suitable for landing, but even if you didn't, if you still leave near nature, it would still be easy to get contacted. Hope you'll be one of the first to be contacted by the LF and they'll give you the healing and changes that you so yearn for. But when you do, don't forget to drop us a line here and let us know you succeeded and you are doing great.


    2. Sherman, literally thought of you when I read that; nice to see you commented too!

      I agree with unknown^ here, can’t wait to hear from you once we’ve made it :)

    3. IF you see me type 'YIPPIE YIPPIE YIPPIE!', you'll know.

      But yes....Galactices....

      ....Near FIFTY ACRES OF LAND......

      .....think about it........

      ....first contact would be best in small town america and small towns in other countries.

    4. Gosia from Cosmic Agency, James Gilliland from ECETI ranch, Naughty Beaver et al seem like good candidates. So if they're a benchmark and still stick around, will we know it's all a ruse? Or they just didn't "hold the light" enough or whatever lame reason they can come up with to discourage us? Plausible deniability all around lol.

  43. VOTL! 2022 will be a year to remember!

  44. You're making us think it's going to happen this year again.
    Sure letting us know about the problem isn't going to fix the problem.
    It isn't going to the wake up the sheep to see the problem.
    This doesn't change anything for all of us personally.
    Can only affects people that we don't even know if they actually have been affected positively or not.

    Where is the change where I can say hey because of that meditation I personally don't have to do it a/b or I personally now get that opportunity. Nothing just more hope p***.

    See you guys next year.

    1. Agreed. Where is the support on a personal basis for lightworkers on the ground ? Can't survive like this for too long.

  45. Hello Cobra,

    thank you very much and gratitude for the update.
    I just have a question regarding the Dish contact.

    Can the decree be said differently if we do not have private property?

    Victory of the Light

  46. this is the post we've been dreaming for

  47. COBRA...Wow!...This is amazing news! I also hope that all negative cryptids, negative entities and negative aliens have been eradicated! COBRA you and your team are amazing! Thank you! VOTL!!!

  48. COBRA...Does this also mean that the people who have been vaccinated will get the technology very soon to reverse any damage that the vaccines have done?

  49. I signed the petition and did spread the word about the meditation although I have not been able to meditate for a couple of years now. Hypothetically if you are open for contact I would not say it aloud or type it out, keep your intentions positive and silent. The walls have ears. I have always had attacks but for the last few weeks it seemed pretty bad like there are people around taunting me or physically attacking me.

    Purple energy and tony sayers have playlists on their youtube channels with a variety of healing videos which I recommend for people being attacked. They can be played low or muted and they should still work. These guys do not believe in the light forces but they do a lot of good regardless. They do healing sessions for things like covid shots and have been helping people who got the shots.

    purple energy

    tony sayers

  50. Thank you. Let end the darkness entirely NOW!

  51. "Surrender or die" option, let's sort these suckers out!

    "All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed."
    And Victory of the Light!🌹🌹🌹 Great work

    Thank You Soul Family!
    Thank You 144k Army of Light!
    Thank You Mass Meditations!
    See you in DREAMLAND💞💞💞
    #SisterhoodoftheRose #PlanofSalvation

    1. What happened to the quantum supercomputer in Urim? Is it gone too?

    2. All chimera removed… was waiting for that update!

  52. Reading this made my heart race!…in a GOOD way!😊 Best damn update I have ever read here, so far! THANK YOU Cobra, RM, LF, and all who are working so tirelessly and holding the Light toward our final liberation. All the pieces are quickly coming together, and the energies are definitely shifting into high gear. We are almost there, and I’m so grateful to be alive on Gaia at this time!…Even if my exhausted old body doesn’t make it to the end, I will never give up the fight as long as I am breathing, At least I know my daughter and grandson will have a wondrous future when this war is finally over…which hopefully will be sooner than soon so I’ll still be here to celebrate!😊
    VOTL, indeed!

  53. Woohoo. I can be at peace now with leaving my job because they are forcing me to take the jab. First contact. Bring it on!!! 👍🙏😇♥️

  54. ...The Pleiaidian High Command has then revealed one part of their intervention plans to the top brass in the Russian / US positive military factions.

    This has triggered strong reactions within the military, as the Russians felt that First Contact goes against the territorial sovereignty of the Russian state, and many within the US top brass felt this intervention goes against their religious beliefs. ...

    ..finally some legitimate intelligence if not euphemistic in nature with 'territorial sovereignty' and 'religious beliefs' as stand-ins for >CAPITALISTIC INTERESTS<.

    #can'tfoolusnow #thehighestformofviolenceispoverty

    1. Same reasons why free energy, and other tech that had 20% energy efficiency or higher, getting bought....or the name of 'national security'

      OIL, COAL, and NUCLEAR.

      Take their territorial sovereignty and religious beliefs and SHOVE EM UP THEIR ASSES.

    2. I would dare say that the so called positive military showed their true colours, when shown a clear path for liberation of this planet, instead of being more then willing to work with far superior beings to liberate this world, they came up with nothing more then pathetic self serving excuses as to why there can’t be liberation (god forbid they loose their position of power so people can be free)
      The truth is They don’t want liberation for humanity and this planet regardless of what they say, the dark is tainted deep with in their beings, whether they realize it or not.
      The upper brass want the people that where forced into the many military industrial complexs’s dark projects to be rounded up and put into a kangaroo court found guilty of half truth charges, then put to dearth and blamed for what was done in those projects.
      The unwilling participants will be come scapegoats for them, as they have many dark secrets to hide. “Betray humanity much?”
      They will have some convoluted stories made up for the sheeple of this world, painting themselves as innocent unknowing military leaders or some other nonsense in this truly dark reality.

      Those who hinder the light are shadows of ancient darkness, which should be struck down with hast, lest it grows as before.

      There will only be peace through force.

  55. So good thanks Cobra. Team Dark are realising no matter what they try to do it will work for the Light and against them. We are winning because they are now so desperate and the lies are easy to see through. Yeah!

  56. This are very good news.Thank you Cobra.
    Yesterday I had a massiv attec. But it's good to hear, that's the last fight. Victory of the light. And thank you for your Work.

  57. THE problem is this:
    all the xombiez are addicted to the control system and demand more control system. They will never awaken. That crux passed.

    1. Don't worry, the zombies will all be removed from the planet and taken to another planet in the Pleiades where they will be able to continue being zombies and idiots under control all they want faaaaaaaaaaaaaar away from us.

    2. I wish, but i would trust et's with morality like i trust toilet water for drinking.

    3. Why u think they wwill never awakened?. Once the control mechabisms get removed, full disclosure happens there will hardly anyone that would not be affected.. or not see how blinded tgey were. Imho

    4. I really doubt zombies will ever wake up. Like in movies they will self-destruct, they can't be saved.

    5. Just shock the masses, and let em go from there...they either accept it, or you'll see a lot of folks hang themselves....

      ...either way's fine by me.

  58. Yeah! Let's go, I've even seen the bubbles of heaven in sparkling wine lately.

  59. Ready for contact! Peace, love and happiness for all.

  60. As he thus stated, we need to hold the Light as much as we can. And for us to do that, we need to help each other out. I am re-posting what I just wrote in the last Cobra blog: I have to go back home to an island country that gives you only two options: mandatory vaccination or mandatory quarantine. Since I'm doing my best to avoid getting vaccinated... I would like to go into "mandatory quarantine". The only problem is... that I'd be charged with $95US a night for NOT getting vaccinated... for 14 days. The minimum number of days/nights is 9 days/nights... and I just hope that I can negotiate with the ones in charge to grant me only 9. I do not have such funds to do that... and I need your help. I am finally back on Facebook, and hopefully will be able to give you more information about it, as soon as I get word from those who are responsible for the Quarantine Status. I'm asking you all... all of you who can afford at least $5 up to $95US to help me pay for the entire Quarantine help me out in any way you can financially to get me through this. If you ever can... my email address is: ... there I will share you my paypal account (or Moneygram/Western Union as an alternative).

    1. Dear Lou Ann,

      I remember your wonderful promo videos for some of our last mass meditations.

      You were willing to give time and energy to help with the liberation process - without asking for anything.

      Without a doubt, I will help you get through this situation. Now it is up to us to give and up to you to take.

      Let's show the other side that we stick together and that's why we are stronger than them and their insane measures.

      Every single person counts.

    2. Thank you @We speak German for helping Lou Ann and encouraging others to join.
      What an emaculate heart 💖👍🏼

      I pray to the spirit of Money and God to bless me Financially, Abundance and all people on Earth. I will send Love, Light to Lou Ann and I will ask the Light forces to intervene in her situation.

      I don’t know what is happening to me, I don’t know if it’s the healing process, wearing the Cintamani stone every day, the new incoming Light energies, Ascension symptoms, the pressure of the Compression Breakthrough process, or if it’s attacks from the Dark forces or a combination of these.
      My head feels very strange there is something massive happening in my brain. I’m bed bound, I wasn’t even able to put up my Christmas decorations this year even though I like doing them.
      I have been going through the healing process for many many years now, this is very different. It’s not covid and I didn’t get the vaccines, maybe it’s still the healing process, just a different stage obviously every stage is going to be different than the previous.

      Is anyone else experiencing similar symptoms?
      I have started taking Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Zinc and a bunch of other Vitamins cause I feel like my brain and body is going to dissolve and fly away, isn’t that the Flash Ventura or Compression breakthrough that Cobra showed us?

    3. I also feel this in my brain. Quite is this ? Shedding from vaxxed people ? Ascension symptoms ? Attacks ? Please HELP !!!

    4. Actually due to this symptoms especially in the head ( headache , stitches in brain , dizziness , etc ) as well as stomach / digestion issues and leaky gut , am like totally disabled and can't even share this with anyone else. Besides this I have serious legal issues and need to pay a quite big fine to leave India and go to a more suitable and safer place. I stayed in Asia because , as I remember , we have been advised to choose Asia and also to get our money out of banks. I don't blame anyone for it but would appreciate some donations to be able to escape from a triple dead-end situation ( they are also starting to implement vaxx passports here ). Is a new healing protocol possible ? Thank you


    6. Lou Ann wish I could help you. But am in a similar financial emergency situation now

    7. There are many symptoms depending on where you feel them and what they are. You said something is happening to your brain? That would maybe indicate a change in your third eye or brow (6th) chakra. Indigo energy perhaps? There's a lot to learn about that kind of stuff. Could be a "prepatory" change for the higher chakras as well. It's your experience, own it, learn what it is and move on from there :)

  61. Thanks to all master's victory of the light.this is excellent news


  63. It's an honor to be a part of this. Victory of the Light!

  64. German translation of this article / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels:

  65. Cobra, if we let helium balloons fly, can they make a hole in the quarantine?

    1. Even if they could, what does that change? We have Bubbles of Heaven on the planet's surface for 2 years now. Just go out far away from other humans and meditate in nature.

      Helium naturally rises above the atmosphere. Physically, it doesn't matter if you release it as it is, or in a balloon. If releasing balloons would've helped in any way with planetary situation, then Cobra would've already mentioned it.

  66. Thanks Cobra for the update.
    French translation of the post.

    Traduction de l'article en français :

    Victory of the Light! Victoire de la Lumière !

  67. Thank You, and You all
    Victor of the Light

  68. Great news on all fronts! Thank you dear Cobra! Thank you to the forces of Light! And we confirm, the attacks are strong! However ... Victory of the light !!!

  69. Gracias.
    Era necesario este progreso y justo a tiempo.
    No se puede incriminar a los dormidos sin menospreciar su control mental oscuro arquetipal.Se debería incidir en deshacer esta hipnosis mental engranada.
    Gracias a la Luz.

  70. Grazie CoBrA per questa fantastica relazione !
    Buon Anno 2022 a tutti !
    Sarà l' Anno della nostra Vittoria della Luce , dell'Amore e della nostra Libertà ,che la Verità prevalga su tutto !
    Vivo in Italia e ho visto qui la ribellione dei cittadini di Napoli ,grandi !!! Non vengono trasmesse queste notizie in Italia ! Sono felice della Ribellione ! É tempo che tutti i popoli si rivoltino , saremo aiutati dalle Forze della Luce ,dai nostri fratelli Galattici e da Dio ! Grazie a tutti quelli che capiscono e gli altri poi capiranno... Siamo potenti creatori ... uniti c'è la faremo!! Super Vittoria della Luce !!✨🙏✨🌈🌞⭐🌍🌎🌏✨

  71. Thank you for this huge update. I didn't expect the LF to increase the tempo this much to be honest, so it was a pleasant surprise.

    On a more personal note, it's the first time I'm actually feeling tangible positive change on non-physical levels myself. Though my experience is limited, taking significant action on the astral and mental planes speaks volumes about how far the LF have come.

    A big thank you to everyone who made this possible. I'm really looking forward to future developments.

  72. I want to note for the "Pleiadians" and "Forces of Light" that the government of the "Russian Federation" ("Russia"?) Is the successor of the protege of the Jewish oligarchs Boris Yeltsin, who carried out a coup in 1991 and shot the RSFSR Extra Parliament from tanks - is not legitimate. This government has been violating peoples' right to self-determination for 30 years by falsifying elections and destroying opposition while continuing to fuel the US dollar system by selling resources at cheap prices. The country has actually been in a state of social and ethnic genocide for 30 years, primarily against the Slavic (Russian) population, replacing them with Muslim migrants from Central Asia, who are already openly raping and killing Russians in the streets. All this gets away with the oligarchic lobbies and security officials, the overwhelming majority of which in the upper echelons are in Masonic lodges and defend their goals unknown to the general mass of the population. 70-80% of the population of "Russia" adhere to social-communist views, Stalin's personality wins in all social polls as the most reasonable ruler who burned out corruption with a hot iron, for which he was loved by the masses of both the Soviet and Russian population in our time.

  73. We want justice now our rights have been violated for to long action now

  74. Multumim Cobra pentru aceste informatii foarte pretioase . Victoria Luminii . Lumina a cistigat .

  75. So who is thinking the event is going to be this year? Let's hope!

  76. Buon 2022!!! Che sia un Anno pieno di Successo nello sradicamento totale del buio che regnava sulla faccia del nostro Pianeta!!! Auguro tanta Potenza, Forza, Determinazione, Ottimismo e Coraggio a tutti quelli che sono in Servizio e che sostengono la Vittoria della Luce!!! Un mega abbraccio di Luce e Amore!!! Grazie, Cobra!!!💖💜💥💫♒♾✴

  77. Dear Cobra, thank you very much! this is an awesome report, it will help us strengthen and do our best to maintain the Light on our planet! I am sending the Romanian translation here: Victory of the Light and God bless all of us!

  78. Awesome thanks cobra and everyone, victory of the light...

  79. What a beautiful way to start the new year, this is it, I can feel it! Thanks Cobra, Light Forces and all Light workers and Light warriors incarnated on the surface of the planet who had to put up with all the hard trials, we are almost there, celebration coming soon, keep holding the Light!

  80. the territorial sovereignty of the Russian state, and many within the US top brass felt this intervention goes against their religious beliefs. This has led to the following development:
    if they know about the light forces why do religious beliefs matter

    1. Because they feel that makes a perfect excuse. .. not reason


      What makes their beliefs override everyone elses

      Maybe they have not been told or shown that religion was invented by those very ones that wanted to enslaved us...

      Perhaps that is what the light forces need to educate the high ranking brass about..

      N finally. this is a task to liberate a human race... it is a duty...

    2. It may be as some have said in the past that the governments and military of nations who interact with et's have their own agenda about informing the public and their program is intended to take a much longer time of disclosure.

    3. @Unbeknown Universe...Good point. However, Maybe the Russian military and the US top brass are afraid that if the Intervention happens then crimes against humanity from both countries will become exposed.

    4. It's interesting that the Russian & US military have these convenient excuses regarding a divine extraterrestrial intervention. The Pleiadian High Counsel made it clear that the signed petition by people all over the world want a divine intervention now. So what are the Russian & US military afraid of...or what are they hiding?

    5. Maybe "feeling offended" as a display of "power"?

  81. UN Special Rapporteur on Torture; Human Rights Chair, Geneva Academy; Professor of International Law, University of Glasgow; Vice-President IIHL, Sanremo:
    call for evidene in The Netherlands:

  82. It still sounds like a lot of time is needed to end the war. May humanity still have time to ascend. I mean, why humans? Why earth?

    1. My 2cents. Earth? Is the last stronghold of the bad guys. Why earth? Location location location. Why humans? Hostage purposes.. for slavery n to feed the negativity the bad guys from beyond needed.
      Time to ascend?. I would not worry about ascension.. it will happen eventually... the process will cobntinue whether in underground bases, underwater bases, above or below or elsewhere in universe. If here... assistance will be provided to speedup process. Imho

  83. I recall a meditation with an even higher number of participants that could not be used by the 'Light forces' due to some obscure reasons, that were detailed with the jargon usually used here by Cobra.
    Sorry for not being enthusiastic but we experienced some many setbacks in the past..
    PS: I participated.

    1. Yes there has been delays.. unfortunately the predicament we are on is a constant state of flux.. actions and counteractions caused delays. Is normal. Nonetheless if one looks at the activities old to new one can see the progress made. Imho

  84. Great and exciting news!! Thank you!

  85. Sheriff's Departments in the USA are a national security threat due to membership in extremist pedophile death cult. I have evidence of this.
    Hernando county sheriff is the latest to repeatedly try and murder me repeatedly just after Shasta county Sheriff, San Diego County Sheriff, Mesa county Sheriff, Eagle County Sheriff, Maricopa County Sheriff, Pima county Sheriff, etcetera etcetera etcetera...

    US Sheriff's Departments are where the rubber meets the road when it comes to corruption and industrial human trafficking. If there was one honest Sheriff they would have already blown the lid on this. There isn't. All satanist pedophile masons. I have EVIDENCE!

    Alexander William Britton

    1. You are walking a tough path. Now all i can commend about your situation which i dont know anything about obviously is that.. try not to generalize. Again i dont know the details.. unless you have direct evidense of each of those u claim to be bad... what are the chances that some were acting based on orders or requests which are made to look legit.
      Granted some officials may be compromised/blackmailed... from time to time some high ranking officials have been ousted as being compromised

      Now again i dont know your situation. If u indeed have proof i would not advertise it (unless is part of your plan). This just invites more uninvited probing eyes n less room for u to move. If u have the means to seek out those that would listen make sure each step you take is clear. You yourself know the obstacles you have... and you would have a better idea what is the best step to take next... what group to reach out

      And please if u do have proof please dont do the same thing that others do.. their proof gets taken away cause there is no copies anywhere else.. or they keep it all in one place...

      If you truly being targetted by high end people ..then most likely u r being monitored directly or indirectly. Dont let that get u paranoid.. instead use that suspicion to help you make a better choice on the next move.

      Now i am speaking in general terms as i dont know your situation.

      Try to regain yourself if you feel you are in a state of desperation. Back to drawing board if you must but this time do things right.

      Best of luck to you.

  86. Fabulos and Fantastic, Very Well. Congratulations to Us.

  87. The planet belongs to God and no one has the right to specify something. All the governments of the world are usurpers and it is not worth having dialogues with them. Act boldly and persistently, people need to know the Truth.

    1. I second that. The liberty of humanity and Gaia.. do not depend on the beliefs of a few... or on religion of the many.. but based on what is the righteous act toward all. Righteousness is independent of religion. Is an unconditional idea.. act concept.

    2. I would like to add.. that is good to get cooperation at all levels.... but not to agree to anything less than "righteous".

      I dont know what they do on those global meetings where galactics are present... but a bit of show and tell seems to be in need. How can the higher ranks do not know by now religion was invented to entrap us.... n to use such as an excuse really does not look well. I would expext such remarks from people that didnt know better... so if we are to have xonfident the higher ups have our best in mind... they neeed to as well do some changes themselves as in perception..

  88. Dear light workers what a wonderful work
    ....feeling goosebumps....🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  89. Interesting why cobra doesn't post my opinions like he's the one who meditate and live this shitty life. Maybe some of you have understanding how Eil event and ascension will happen in three years? How is it possible?

    1. Unsure if the 2025 deadline will be postpone which i hope not. If does not... people will be place in underwater or undergeound cities or cities of light.. in either case.. ascension process will continue somewhere safe.

  90. Wow what a great update. Awesome news. Thank you Cobra

  91. The Pleiadians should not be contacted by the regular army but by mercenaries or volunteers.

  92. Please let us know when the Astral is cleared enough for physical death to be safe... Much love Cobra. 💚

    1. That information is hypothetical at best and a trap at worst. Better to let nature take it's course don't you think? Then again if everything is preordained I suppose there's no point in arguing lol.

  93. Thank you Cobra and The Halcion Collective for working hard to fix this problem here on Earth. I am witnessing the surrounding ether changing and the new ether is strengthening as it is definitely affecting everything including my ability to assess my environment and clear out all of the false truths I have been holding on to.

  94. Arabic translation of this article:
    :الترجمة العربية لهذا المقال

  95. Thank Cobra and the Light forces for the new updates.
    And hope we will see more positive events soon.
    The delay has been dragged for too long.
    May the LOVE be with you always!

  96. Porque Cobra deixou de publicar no site de Aniron_o Evento Ascensão ?
    Lamento profundamente!

    1. Cobra nunca publicou nesse site. Os administradores do site, oevento, é que partilhavam informação deste blog.

  97. The Most High God YHVH was delayed from using the Dark Cabal to cause the 5G networks to mindcontrol va'x'd people to turn them into zombies. YHVH wanted it to happen on Jan 6 but then they claimed it would cause airplanes to have their nav instruments malfunction thus causing airplane crashes. But people prayed to the Gods so that the mind control would not happen for 5G so the Dark Cabal delayed it for 2 weeks to Jan 19.

    YHVH uses the Dark Cabal to mind control the V'ed people through 5G then he transfers it over to the White Hat Alliance, also who worship YHVH, the same God the Dark Cabal worships to cause a connection to 5D consciousness. 5G and 5D are simply a play on words, they lead to the same thing. Then YHVH through the White Hat Alliance causes all the V'ed people to ascend to 5D consciousness when they turn it up and allow YHVH and his demons to possess mankind and accept the Mark of the Beast (666th day from the time Corona started was set to be tomorrow, the same day 5G was supposed to be up but was thwarted by the Gods who are opposed to the Most High God YHVH/Satan/Lucifer/the Devil).

    YHVH would then destroy the Dark Cabal after he used them and exposed their evils he made them do in his name. Then YHVH then hands controls to the White Hat Alliance (White Light Demons instead of Dark Cabal Demons) to usher in the Anti-Christ Yeshua Ha Moschiach reign for 7 years.

    The Book of Revelations is coming true and it is the Most High God YHVH who is the Beast. Him and his false Christ Yeshua will descend to the Lake of Fire when Jesus Christ and the Roman Empire of God/Creator comes and brings judgement unto them.

    1. Aren't u tired of holding on to so much doom n gloom?... or holding on to a book written by men is what is upmost importance n is what defines you and directs you.

      What does your heart prefers?

      Let ur heart be not ruled by the imagination of other men.. or lack there of... but by your unique n true one. Otherwise you basically would resemble nothing more than those u want to marked as mind controlled... no difference...

      Now if what u just claimed you came up on your own... i urge you to focus more on positive affairs... cause what u wrote says volume more about you than what you attempting to convvey about others.

      Relax... go back to drawing board

    2. Actually that does sound like something "God" would do. No one ever said "God" was on our side, or anyone's side but "God's" own. I'm on my own side and no one else seems to be, family, friends or otherwise, so that in itself is my proof of concept. Haven't you ever heard the saying "be careful who you follow"? If you follow someone, then be prepared to be disappointed because their ideals are not yours and yours aren't theirs. Contrast seems to be more important than I thought in that regard, as it seems drama is increased by differing opinions... who knew!?

      Then again, most people have a false misconception of basically everything lol.

      Try playing The Fool once in awhile. Let it go? Go with the flow?

  98. On his recent global blog program Here We Stand (January 2), Kevin Annett Eagle Strong Voice shared from his heart a stirring new year’s message and update:


    on january.15/2022 more verdicts of big crimes that has plagued the troubled civilization will be publicly announced by international criminal court.....natural law galactic codex enforecement returning absolutely.....

    another mindblowing intel delivery by mr cobra-bravo zulu.....

    were dying in some ways so we can be born again.....

    the anger reduction effect is already happening by the looks and sounds and feels of it-no need to be maddogging it as much as some of us have been.....easier on the brain for sure-hahahahaha......

    we begin to live a thousand plus years again on earth-lots of off planet work opportunities will manifest for all etc etc etc etc etc.....

    creative ways are our ticket out of hell sometimes perhaps-paint sculpt write sing dance play - its the human way to a better day.....

    namaste and thankyou very much lightforces for intervening.....

  99. Ready for first contact, light forces


  101. V slovenščini:

    Vabljeni v našo skupino Sestrstva Vrtnice in Podpore Dogodka na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  102. Let us do in our personal lives this same clearing on ourselves. Purify our own thoughts, deeds, energies, intentions and vibrations, helping ourselves and the LF in this process of global energetic purification and positive recalibration.
    Hold Fast!!
    Anchor The Light!!!

  103. what if i don't have the means to be in nature away from human building or whatever how will i get contact or will i get it once full first contact comes

    1. I think at the initial phase they will be cautious..later on i am sure there should not be problems contacting anyone else

  104. Please find below:
    • the official French Telegram channel for 2012portal:
    • the Telegram link to the French translation of the above update:


  105. Quantum State - Expansion


  106. En effet , espérer un changement maintenant est une perte de temps , comme ils nous disent le changement commence par nous . Il faut regarder et nettoyer notre intérieur. Un changement sera plus vers 2024 . Ne suivez rien juste les méditations, pétitions et la lumière . Le reste est superflu .

  107. Bringing the Light Through Part 2

    I listened to this interview mentioned by Cobra, and found it to be well worth watching to the end:

    (All the links on the update are definitely worth taking the time to look at and read.)

    A source of continuing internal debate within myself is the use of physical violence against the negative elites and their minions. I'm asking myself if I went too far to promote physical violence against the negative elites and their minions in a previous post. Would massive peaceful noncompliance be a better course? My conclusion is that it depends on the situation.

    The more tyrannical politicians, such as ones who have experimental drug mandates for children, will probably have physical violence used against them. As Hal Turner pointed out, this is already happening. The reason for physical violence against politicians creating experimental drug mandates against children is the following:

    This causes the protective aspect of Goddess Presence to go into full force. It is said there is nothing more wrathful than a mother protecting her children, which is the motive behind physical violence against those mandating experimental drugs against children. This wrath can manifest in both women and men.

    It needs to be emphasized that in most cases throughout history, physical violence was not from Goddess Presence. In the vast majority of cases, wars and conflicts have taken place on Earth from the manipulations of the negative forces. Goddess Presence is nurturing, and only becomes violent for protective reasons.

    If the non-physical planes still have negative forces and anomaly, other tyrants-to-be could easily replace previously removed tyrants. The negative non-physical forces would simply find new puppets to replace previously removed puppets. Therefore, there will be peaceful (and in certain instances non-peaceful) noncompliance, while the non-physical planes are cleared by lightworkers and the Light Forces. The negative elites and minions who have not been removed by the surface population will be removed by the Light Forces when the non-physical planes are completely cleared.

    The violet flame and rainbow flower of life, or other welovemassmeditation meditations can be utilized for those who feel guided, to assist in the clearing of the non-physical planes.

    Victory of the Light!

  108. I suppose most of us who dont own a land or live in the cities, but who are supporters here from the early days, who signed the petition, who lost friends because we are ceazy or conspiracy theorists, who didnt take the vax and live on the edge, will not be the ones that the light forces will make contact.. even here there are 'groups' that will be the elites for the contact.. and not us the commoners.. anyway i wish to see finally some changes.. regards..

  109. Super Update, Cobra. Victory of the Light!

  110. Hrvatski prijevod /Croatian translation:

  111. Redditors Raged Against the News Blackout of the Fed’s Bailout – Then All Hell Broke Loose When They Learned the Wall Street Banks Literally Own the New York Fed

    Image: Occupy Wall Street Protesters ,.. chanting: “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out.”

    Pam Martens: 01.04.22 ~

    We were attempting to hold the Fed, Big Media, and the Wall Street megabanks accountable with our article yesterday on mainstream media’s news blackout of the Fed’s release of the names of the Wall Street trading houses that got $4.5 trillion in cumulative repo loans from the Fed in the last quarter of 2019 – long before the first case of COVID-19 was reported in the U.S. on January 20, 2020.

    (The full tally came to $11.23 trillion ...)

    .. a Reddit group that calls itself “Superstonk” spotted our article and posted it in their comment section, our website got caught in the crosshairs.

    ... too many people were attempting to access the website at the exact same time.

    ...posted our article to a Reddit forum known as Superstonk and that it had “made it to the front page of Reddit.”

    A blessing in terms of getting the story out to our fellow Americans, and a curse in terms of keeping our website running.

    ... comments section of Reddit’s Superstonk ...

    Folks were outraged that this kind of cronyism is still going on between the Fed and the banks after their hubris during and after the financial crisis of 2008, and that the media won’t even report it to the public.

    The rage on that aspect of our article was intense, then someone on Reddit Superstonk noticed this part of our article yesterday:

    “Three of the serially charged banks (JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs and Citigroup) are actually owners of the New York Fed – ...

    The New York Fed and its unlimited ability to electronically print money, are a boon to the New York City economy, which is a boon to advertising revenue at the big New York City-based media outlets.”

    That really hit a nerve – ... ItalicsWhore posted this:

    “Wait. The banks…own the New York Fed…and can loan themselves unlimited amounts of money at practically 0% interest… in secret…? What. The. F*ck.”

    ... d-Loop responded:

    “Kinda makes the whole thing hit a little different with that piece of info doesn’t it!

    “Everyone is out there digging for the reason they’d need that money in that timeframe, and I’m over here just trying not to throw up from the federal incest.”

    ... comes to mind when we think of the former Chair of the Fed, Janet Yellen, who went straight from her perch at the Fed to grabbing millions in speaking fees from the banks the Fed was in charge of supervising.

    This is corruption, ... how arrogant is it to imagine that money corrupts everyone but you?”

    ...As Treasury Secretary, Yellen is in charge of approving all Fed emergency lending programs to Wall Street;
    as Treasury Secretary, she has control of a slush fund called the Exchange Stabilization Fund ...; as Treasury Secretary, she Chairs the Financial Stability Oversight Council (F-SOC) which is allowed to hold non-public meetings with the Wall Street regulators.

    “Federal incest” also comes to mind when we think about the trading scandal involving the former President of the Dallas Fed, Robert Kaplan, and Goldman Sachs; and the former President of the Boston Fed, Eric Rosengren, and Citigroup’s Citibank.

    And for the cherry on the top of this grand pile of “federal incest,” consider who it is that’s investigating this unprecedented trading scandal at the Fed: it’s being investigated by the Fed’s Inspector General who reports to the Board of the Fed.

    It’s pretty easy to see why they’re talking about throwing up on Reddit.

  112. Manipulation of emotions
    Cobra: “[false ideas matrix]”

    Connecting with one's feelings is very helpful in connecting with one' s Higher Self. This is why the dark forces spend a lot of money manipulating people's feelings through advertising, media and politics.

    The following song is called: Humanoid sampler without feelings

    With robots there is the connection: no soul - no feelings.

    In the same way, the dark forces want to cut off or restrict the connection to their feelings in humans in order to prevent them from connecting with their soul.

    The "false ideas matrix" supports this concept in that people feel it is normal for their feelings to be manipulated or for them to manipulate other people's feelings without a guilty conscience.

    The invisibles, according to Cobra, are "parasites on the lower mental plane who have the ability to merge with the environment", so they cannot be perceived by the subplanes of creation below and can do their work undetected. But this game is now slowly coming to an end.

    Miumiu Guitargirl's jumper features a figure with a cap over its head. On it is the saying: "UNLEARN RELEARN".

    When we become connected to our soul through connection to our feelings, then we will be ready to unlearn things we have learned (cap over head) in order to evolve on the path back to source.

  113. The cabal is getting nervous.


  114. Video of a stargate portal or is it fake? What say you?

  115. Congratulations to all people here and everywhere!For people who want to read Cobra's updates in Persian:

    تبریک به همه. کسانی که مایلند بروزرسانی‌های کبرا را به زبان فارسی مطالعه کنند اینجا

  116. It's getting so bright, we'll have to wear shades..VOTL!!

  117. @cobra

    "People who do not own land are also contacted, but for this contact they must be in nature at least 60 meters away from the closest person"

    Are these people just being contacted? Or do you still have to say the protocol internally but without own land?

  118. Best report ever! The future is already here!

  119. Still have just over three and a half years until liftoff... sooo... what's the hurry?

  120. Cobra,
    "All Black Stones and all Chimera spiders on the surface of the planet, including those in the Urim base, have been removed."

    This means also the black goo technology has been removed?
    So also biocomputers and quantum computers using the black stones are not working anymore? so biometric technology has been disabled?

    Please say more!


  122. excerpt of a 7 year old boy walking the earth surface in 1969.....

    a journey through a matrix of extreme duality-light and dark fighting at all levels in inifite manisfestations of expressions .....of such seemmingly terminal war conditions infesting an entire human civilization.....

    the 7 year old boy had been getting into trouble-vandalisms and break and enters-serious enough crimes that now a days would probably result in that same boy being sucked into the system of deceptive yet often non deceptive -jackboot experiences for those who get a little closer to these hellfires burning raging on and on -elephants in the room kind of thing - swallowing up consuming various levels of lifeforces from the humans.....

    a police officer took two 7 year old boys for a drive in 1969 in canada.....he was a tough cop and an excellant cop i would propose - and one that was uncorruptible for his entire police officer career for sure....he was like a big tough uncle on the scene.....

    the police officer spoke to us for about an hour as he drove us around town.....and explained we will probably go to a prison of sort for children - a certain correction school he mentioned we would probably be sent to was in alford ontario canada -that has since been exposed for abusing children.....

    that police officer was also like our guardian angel that day,he had true care and concern for the children-i never did another break and enter again-and didnt get sent to alphi.....

    that was a taste of how this civilization will be for all-especially the children - the day is coming when the monsters will never harm our most precious humans - the human children - our hopes and dreams and inspirations of the highest human creation.....

  123. william lyon mckenzie king(prime minister of canada-1935)-quote—–once a nation parts with its control of currency and credit,it matters not who makes the nations laws.—–unquote…..


    the lawful quantum financial system to replace the demons monster from hell – is going to be great-no one can rip it off - hahahahaha…..
