Saturday, April 1, 2023


Pandora in progress, M signal field substable. SD security breach recovery complete, drastic several security breaches at 504, black alert. Dreamland v0.9 activated, wipeout sequence 9 in progress. Minimum M / HP requirements met, VTX / SD / DL / MDS  requirements not met.  


  1. Solar Wind


    1. Light of interaction🤚✨

  2. @Divinasion, this is bestbatman. Please check your discord DM’s

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Damn...
    VTX / SD / DL / MDS requirements not met.
    That can't be good

  5. Can sense something terrible has just happened

  6. Ciao a tutti, permesso che non capisco assolutamente niente di tutti i vostri codici e sigle varie. C'è un modo per capirci di più? Altra domanda... C'è qualcuno che ha contatti con la federazione galattica o simili che potrebbe riassumere come procede il tutto? Che io sappia la luce sta vincendo e tra poco ci sarà finalmente un evento mondiale biblico. Un abbraccio a tutti... Luca

  7. Bonjour 🙂
    Notre équipe s’envole à présent vers de nouvelles aventures avec la création d’un nouveau facebook et Telegram avec sous-groupes encore plus beau, complet, et intuitif qui diffusera plus largement encore les informations, conseils et outils nécessaires à la transition exopolitique et spirituelle actuelle.

    Nous l’avons nommé « Libération Planétaire et Ascension » et espérons qu’il saura combler vos attentes et répondre à vos questions dans une large mesure. Il est constitué d’un canal principal auquel s’ajoutent de nombreux sous-groupes relatifs aux méditations, aux intels de COBRA, à l’ascension spirituelle, aux protocoles de guérison, etc.
    ✅ LIBÉRATION PLANÉTAIRE ET ASCENSION => canal général de nos émissions YouTube, salons vocaux, échanges, partage et questions.
    ✅ MÉDITATIONS => le canal principal pour les méditations de groupe.
    ✅ COBRA l’Intégral => toutes les intels de COBRA compilées dans un document PDF de plus de 2000 pages couvrant l’intégralité de ses mises à jour et interviews depuis 2012. Pour retrouver n’importe quelle information en un clic, rendez-vous à la FAQ de la page 14.
    ✅ ASCENSION Spirituelle => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif au processus d’ascension actuel, avec comme ouvrage de référence, « L’Escalier de Cristal » d’Eric Klein.
    ✅ SORORITÉ de la Rose - France => canal relatif aux sororités françaises, selon le fonctionnement et les directives données par COBRA.
    ✅ GALACTIQUE et COSMOS => canal d’informations et d’échanges relatif à la Confédération Galactique, au Codex Galactique et plus largement aux lois universelles et cosmiques.
    ✅ Sessions IMPLANTS => canal principal de nos émissions de dissolution d’implants et de résiliation de contrats d’âme.
    ✅ GUÉRISON et Protections => canal d’informations et d’entraide relatif aux protocoles de commande pléiadiens, aux chambres à tachyon et autres outils favorisant le bien-être énergétique et spirituel.

    Retrouvez toutes nos émissions en intégralité sur notre chaine YouTube :
    Ainsi que les actualités de notre canal sur notre groupe Facebook :
    Pour nous rejoindre, C’EST PAR ICI :

    Liste officielle des groupes Facebook officiels du réseau "Prepare For Change" en Europe liés au réseau

    Nous organiserons aussi un LIVESTREAM /emission/Meditation FRANCAIS officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour "l' Activation du Portail de Lumière"
    Article explicatif :

    #portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere

  8. (pour francophones/french-speakers)
    Nous organiserons un LIVESTREAM/emission /Meditation FRANCAIS officiel EN DIRECT le 1er Mai 2023 chaine youtube "Libération planétaire et Ascension" pour l' Activation du Portail de Lumière

    Evénement Facebook francophone officiel :
    Article explicatif :

    #portaloflightactivation #activationportaildelumiere #activationduportaildelumiere

  9. Porque eliminaron el último post?allí pedían evacuación inmediata?por favor digan que esta pasando

  10. A Divine Message for Everyone Including the Cabal:

  11. The less the starseeds work with the energies at hand, the easier it is for a chaotic transition to manifest.

  12. Last week I went through a hellish experience of regrets and past experiences "recall"....all the false evidences being brought up to me, in order to force me to throw all my life away and "go back" to people and situations that are long gone...terrible...ive drown in melancholy...good thing is i checked up upon some facts and the situation disappeared in a blink of an eye....totally bizarre experience...

  13. Trigger the Event now and don't delay!

  14. how does anyone know what will happen at dreamland v1.0?

  15. As I thought, they are planning to hide Trump away because this indictment is totally illegal. They (the DS) plan to disappear him. It is around the 21 minute mark of Byington ( on 1st April. He needs to hunker down at Mar-a-Lago under military protection. Oh look, the helicopter is back over me. The police helicopter, doing circles. They can literally get here in a minute.

    God, General Smith can see the potential for "unimaginable carnage". He warns that if they betray Trump, he will literally be all alone. God, keep out of Manhattan. This must not be a real call. Of course they will kill him. He reckons Manhattan will turn into a bombed-out Baghdad if they have to rescue him!

    Then Trump outlines how he has to accept extradition and plead not guilty to Bragg's baseless charges. And he feels we will win either way, if they try something funny or not. I'm scared for him!

    Then General Smith offered a final plea, offering safety at Fort Bragg or Guantanamo Bay. But it seems Trump will go through with it. That takes balls. And Judy goes on to list all that WE have done, lost jobs, lost friends, lost family, and etc. We have. We have fought for the Truth. We never got vaxxed. But we are still here. And she encourages us to stay there. It's a nice speech. And God's got this!

  16. I personally think Trump will be under the protection of UFO's. So don't panic too much! I was told by some of those pleiadians that Trump went up there to outer space. Very special person. Not that they treated him weird, they seemed to think it was normal and maybe it is. So anyway, I think he will be okay, thank God. My angels are saying so anyway :)

  17. This special mass meditation must be a success!

    Crises are just around the corner!

  18. Remember the good old days when VTX was the only requirement not met. All this time and not only have we not gained any ground, we are actually losing more ground. The light forces may as well just roll the dice and trigger the Event regardless of if the requirements are met or not. It is obvious this constant struggle to make conditions absolutely perfect is not working. Let's not prolong things anymore. Just get it done.

  19. This is why it is said that our point of power will always be in our ability to remain neutral.

    A spiritually developed person that has consciously participated with shadow clearing, negative ego healing and inner male and inner female harmonization, has cultivated a modicum of self-responsibility and self-discipline that has effectively reached some level of energetic balance. Energetic balance, as the state of inner to outer coherence, functions as the supreme protection from all kinds of outer aggressions and harmful influences, which include the capability to repel AI targeting and neutralize electronic harassment.


  20. "From Truman to Bush: how the CIA blew up the Ukrainian SSR" automatic English (any) subtitles from YouTube:


  21. I gather you got your answer regarding the MDS and PHX fractures mentioned in the deleted post from 9:03am yesterday?
    Any news on that?


  22. The XX-Intro


  23. I guess

    If things are getting worse, which means the enemy is attacking.

    This means the enemy has left their fortress.

    Maybe the overall cleanup process will speed up.

    If the enemy keeps hiding in the fortress and does not come out to attack, the war will longer.
