Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Urgent Meditation for Peace in the Middle East

Situation between Iran and Israel is escalating:





Therefore the Light Forces are asking as many people as possible to meditate for peace in Middle East every 4 hours :




  1. WHEN will the last red line finally be crossed and the light forces or the positive military intervene? So much suffering and death that can be prevented... I think we are all tired of this madness. Victory of the Light!

    1. BINGO!

      Just END this CRAP. Surely the cabal, the evil HUMANS, can not confound the light forces.....just snuff 'em out, I say, and be DONE with it.

    2. That's right! Why does the Light Forces allow war crimes committed by Israel year after year. Benjamin Netanyahu is a complete psychopath and probably also a Draco in a human body. It seems that the Light Forces just want to play cosmic 5D chess and the loss of human lives is just collateral damage. To me, this kind of inaction by the Light Forces is against Cosmic Law.

    3. Lucas_20_21. Cuanto veas a Jerusalén rodeada de ejércitos su fin está cerca...se dará el Evento.

    4. Our will plays a role.
      The will of all people plays a role.
      The will of the dark forces plays a role.

      The work must first be done.
      Every light-work on our part helps.
      The victory of the light is certain – the timing unclear.

    5. ARC, Douglas Reed, "The Zion Debate" They're all psychopaths, he's just the biggest one.

    6. 我的预感不太妙,OMG,怎么办

    7. @3k14Pi
      The role of the darkies is for them to shrivel up and die.

      Our wills have been violated for millennia.

    8. Ahhh not surprised, some good ole fashioned antisemitism. There are “good” and “bad” from all religions and all cultures. It’s called duality. And your hatred simply adds to it.

    9. The rubicon was crossed many years ago

    10. Name of the game it’s the Game...play,what you “gamer” do,bat not go aut of your field...the dark side its going ,wery wery aut of Gods playing “Bret” of the game...this it... No more the game this is the “war”...

  2. The brightest minds in all creation are working around the clock making life or death near impossible decisions more than we know.

    So if you're blessed enough to have your limbs, senses, relative safety, freedom, nourishment and ok health then you're way down the list of beings who need saving compared to adrenochrome victims. My ego is losing patience with the ones who lose too much patience.

    Lets not let our demons possess us family, the new age is here. For the love of Goddess, count your blessings and mind your thoughts, words and actions 🍀

    1. The adrenochrome victims make everything less important. Even death when you become free from all this.

      Nothing can be worse than the situation of those children. Whenever It comes to my attention i get very angry. I don't understand how this is still happening.

      Where are the white hats for crying out loud?

      A mass meditation for It count me in.

    2. @Intourselves
      Death is NOT an option for ME.

      And FUCK the whitehats, they're overrated.

    3. Yes,stay on thee Light,weary embarsed, at be strong...in light...

  3. من ایران هستم،لطفا نیروهای نور اجازه جنگ و بدبختی بیشتر ندین

  4. We need intervention from the LF. Peace cannot be just allowing Cabal to keep freely operating without resistance.

    1. Seems intervention is the only way.

    2. It IS the only way, Core. Look up how many good people tried to take on the cabal, and were easily destroyed by them.

  5. Sorry, but I’ll do my version of the meditation (when it gets to influence those potentially involved in the war), considering what we know is the real situation. Which is the Cabal trying to escalate an all out war through Israel, and not normal neighbor states about to start a war for ordinary reasons. “Harmonizing” those under the orders of the Cabal is nearly impossible.
    The pink light would go to Lebanon and Iran to resist without escalating too much, as they’ve been doing so far, and find creative ways to counteract in the safest way possible (maybe with the help of the LF).
    And just in case, to key people in Israel's forces to not follow higher orders at least to their full extent, or turn to the light if possible.
    It’s just I can’t follow with conviction instructions based on a paradigm I don’t think to be the real one, but hope all of them work anyway.

    1. These groups are all controlled by the Cabal. The royalty in the Middle East is part of that group. Cobra posted links with their members. You can look who is in the Cabal. Iran and Russia is controlled by the Pallavicini family. It is difficult to defeat them, because nomatter who wins the Cabal remain in control.


      So you see why the Light forces have difficulty.


  7. This sad and dangerous event in the Middle East could trigger the Event? I remember the chart explained by Cobra, the phases which lead toward the Event, the most turbulent times will come .... so we are near the Event! Victory of the Light!

    1. @Eva Q. : potrebbe...ho sempre pensato e scritto più di una volta che l'Evento sarebbe scattato in condizioni estreme come estremo rimedio ad una situazione pericolosa innescata dalla cabala. Ho il dubbio che LF e RM aspettino sempre il momento migliore per intervenire ma intanto si consumano atti di violenza atroce. E la cosa che più mi fa arrabbiare è che sono coinvolti i bambini. I bambini umani non sono meno importanti dei bambini extraterrestri! Credo che questo continuo procrastinare possa essere più dannoso e soprattutto ingiusto nei confronti degli esseri di superficie. Cobra ha riferito che i Pleiadiani hanno guarito il loro trauma , pertanto hanno sviluppato una compassione incondizionata nei nostri confronti: lo dimostrino con i fatti e non più soltanto dietro le quinte. Si all'intervento attraverso l'Evento, anche in condizioni meno ottimali. Sono favorevole all'Evento immediato nonostante ci possano essere dei rischi. Così non si può più
      andare avanti. Io sono Time X ed ho una coscienza elevata. Ma tolleranza 0 per la cabala.

    2. He also told short war somewhere on middle east before the event. Hmmmm let me try to search I will send another message if I found

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  10. Iran has attacked Israel with 200+ missiles, thankfully no injuries reported thus far.
    At the same time, though, two terrorists shot at innocent civilians in Jaffa, killing eight and wounding nine people.
    None of what is going on in the middle east is good, and we desperately need solutions. And help.

    (What's So Funny 'Bout) Peace, Love And Understanding

    Blessed be, all.


    1. You mock the Goddess by glorifying the demon who took over Israel? I must say, I didn't expect to read a comment like that from you!
      Poor Israel, which has massacred, beheaded and burned children alive, which prevents humanitarian aid from arriving, now these child victims of Israel are victims of polio and live, if you can call it living, in the extreme suffering of the disease, I think I hear the merdias here, "finally it's good Israel is ridding the world of terrorists" the thousands of innocent victims? Collateral damage.
      What a disappointment coming from you, but maybe with the cleansing, the masks come off to show the real faces.

    2. Interestin. Iron dome systems seems to be quite effective. Where you from?


    3. @Steph:
      I don't quite see where I glorified anything or anybody. I also didn't victimize anybody.
      Neither did I demonize anybody.
      I just stated what happened according to RT.com that day.

      Iran attacked Israel.
      The Zionists will probably strike back.
      The spiral of violence continues.
      And none of what happens there is good.
      From either side.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Thanks
    I raised the subject with Starlight a few days ago, I felt a rise in negative energy there, during meditations, maybe we could add meditation against negative rituals.



    1. Yeah, they may be hitting lightworkers with negative energy from their rituals.

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  15. German translation of this article (including the link to the German guided audio) / deutsche Übersetzung dieses Artikels (mit dem Link zum deutschen geführten Audio):


  16. I don't know why you think the light forces are going to intervene because they never will. They believe in free will even if it means war and destruction for Humanity. No one's coming to save you. Save yourself there is no other way stop believing in false hope or else you just ignorant

    1. 2 words why.

      Spare us the prime directive star trek CRAP

    2. Yes Sherman! Thats true, Galactic Codex goes over all Laws. Regardless.

    3. Not to mention there is NO free will on this rock. As George Carlin said, "You have the ILLUSION of freedom".....voting, cheap fast food, paper or plastic, smoking or non smoking, 31 flavors, etc. If free will actually meant something here on Planet Gulag, there would be NO wars in the middle east or anywhere.

  17. They have clearly stated via many channelers that they will not intervene because in the past when they did it only brought even worst outcomes. We are on our own we always have been and we always will be

    1. Channelers.....

      Channeling is soooo unreliable. More often than not, they are talking to a DARKIE.

      Channeling is a joke, there is no prime directive, and if there was, we'd all be living in caves, banging rocks together.

      Wake up and smell the mocha.

    2. What I'm personally getting is not that they will not intervene under any circumstances.

      What I'm personally getting is that they just really don't want to intervene because it might make things worse / create long-term instability / it means that we won't learn ours lessons and might repeat out mistake. However, I'm getting that they will intervene if they absolutely have to.

      Although note that their idea of "absolutely have to" is probably different from ours. Things will have to get even worse than now.

    3. @Lightworker
      There is NO prime directive. And leaving us alone will make things worse, PLUS...there is NO 'lessons', for that would suggest PURPOSEFUL SUFFERING...which is a crock of bullshit, same goes for karma. No 'school' using pain and suffering as a learning tool, you only see that in kung fu movies.

      And let's say they do nothing till things get even worse than now. IF they wait and intervene ONLY after most of us have been killed, and the survivors in small, tribal communities, waging local resource wars and holy wars.....

      ...THIS is how the survivors are going to 'welcome' the light forces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXw6hC7hxBA

      And I'll probably be the one pulling the trigger on that shot gun. Shit, I'm pretty much a younger version of him now, anyway.

      We need intervention and we need it YESTERDAY.

  18. October has arrived....weather is out of control, war is raging (but not WW3), division among the surface pop is growing cognitive dissonance at its highest?

    Is it the caos, social unrest, before the Event?

    1. Change only happens when we as a collective reach the precipice

    2. We are the strong light togeder,keep going

    3. *goes to bed* Wake me up after the world's been saved, or destroyed, Aquilla.

  19. "I must rest here for a moment, sir..."

  20. Iran's attack was like trying to destroy a tank with a wood stick.

    1. Lets put away our guns and have some wood stick fights instead! to ease up tension a little bit. Would love to see Supreme leader Kalimares and Netanyahooo.com in a duel.
      Supreme ledaer would probably have some tricks up his sleeves.

    2. I'm not sure about that -- although it's hard to know what's real.

      There are sources claiming that Iran's attack actually was quite effective and that it has rattled Israel. Israel just lied about the attack's effectiveness.

      The fact that Israel hasn't retaliated yet, and that Netanyahu's hands were shaking, suggests that it might be true that Iran's strikes were effective.

  21. Indústria da guerra dos EUA faturando trilhões (que poderiam ser aplicados na erradicação da miséria e na recuperação ambiental), e um punhado de religiosos fanáticos querendo provocar o apocalípse para realizar suas crenças.
    The US war industry is making trillions (which could be invested in eradicating poverty and environmental recovery), and a handful of religious fanatics wanting to provoke the apocalypse to realize their beliefs.

  22. En un post anterior Cobra dijo que las fuerzas de la Luz estaban interviniendo en la guerra de Israel...inclusive hablo de túneles ocultos qué usaban las fuerzas de la Luz para desbaratar la red oscura de Israel...al poco tiempo Israel encontró y destruyó esos túneles...acaso la FL perdieron esa guerra?Cobra nunca volvió a hablar del asunto....mmmm hay muchas cosas que ya no me resuenan o ya suena fake news....a ver si empiezas a contar la verdad o simplemente haz desaparecer este blog....saludos Diego Uñates,un verdadero guerrero de la luz...deberías hablar de las luchas qué existen en el astral

  23. "Burning of Snakes. (From the Mahabharata)
    According to the covenants that are more ancient than the world,
    The evil snakes will be consigned to the fire.

    Now I will perform the purification of the earth,
    Now I will bring an offering to the fire.

    [God] said to the priests: "For such a rite
    We must arrange everything that is needed."

    Then they came, as the Lord commanded,
    Both the priest-guardian and the priest-executor.

    They chose a plain under a joyful sky,
    Abounding in sun, fruits and bread.

    They erected, in order to destroy the snake race,
    A huge altar in the middle of the plain.

    "Here, to the altar, rush quickly,
    O, evil snakes, biting snakes!

    Hurry through forests, fields, meadows,
    Today the great flame will devour you," -

    The priests repeated their spells,
    Raising the groans of the snake state,

    Forcing those who were sleeping peacefully to wake up,
    And the most cruel and evil - to shudder.

    And the snakes, driven by their fate,
    Rushed in a stream to their doom, to their death.

    They crawled, unwillingly, they crawled in fear,
    Nobles, scholars, guards, monks,

    Doctors, executioners, singers, revelers,
    Those who did evil in the light and in the darkness...

    They crawled, and crawled, and crawled millions, -
    An endless stream, devoured by fire.

    They are cursed by maternal power,
    Crawled, devoured by the fiery mouth.

    What was more terrible for a pure heart,
    Than vile snakes, treacherous snakes?

    And now the living creatures looked,
    As they became fuel for combustion.

    The very same snakes, the evil community,
    Which brought terror to all living things, -

    Powerless, weak-willed, submissive, cowardly,
    Now they rushed into the just fire..."

    I pray for Iran's victory. Persians as part of the Indo-European superethnos - forward! And the main thing is not to listen to Putin who will deceive you with persuasion not to strike Israel (in the same way, at his request, Yanukovych - the president of Ukraine before Poroshenko and Zelensky - did not disperse the Maidan with troops, because of this millions of people died) - this will be the beginning of your end.

  24. It's alarming. Let's all meditate, yes.

  25. 太遲了,LFs,世界大戰已經要上演了

  26. V slovenščini: https://zmagaluci.blogspot.com/2024/10/nujna-meditacija-za-mir-na-bliznjem.html

    Pridružite se nam na Telegramu:

    Vabljeni na našo stran na Facebooku:

    Thank you for the post Cobra.

    Victory of the Light!

  27. Everything is vibration. If you want everything to improve, just increase your vibrational frequency. By doing this, you will either go to a planet that is compatible with your vibration, or you will go to the new fifth dimensional Earth soon.

    1. I just want off earth and go HOME, Juju.

      Can't 'raise one's frequency' living on planet gulag.

      And to quote Uhura, "I think if I hear the word 'frequency' one more till, I'll cry".

    2. Leave Earth and go home? Which house do you want to go to? The only home you can go to is within yourself. Go back inside! There is no home out there and there is no reason to leave Earth, if we came to Earth it is because we came to be earthly and we came to experience this character here and we did not come to leave here. Hmm, if you are talking about being a starseed and wanting to return to your home planet, know that you will only return according to your vibration. Sorry to repeat this, but it's true, everything is vibration and everything is due to energetic affinity, there's no way you can come back vibrating low! So, I saw that you said that it is not possible to increase the frequency while living on Earth, but it is possible! I know people who have their frequencies elevated and live normally on Earth. To increase your frequency, just go back inside, don't get distracted and stop worrying about the world outside, everything out there is just a reflection of you, and everything and everyone has their process! What is happening to others is their process, we cannot interfere! For everything to change in our environment, in our scenario, we only need to change ourselves first because everything is just a reflection, everything only comes to confirm what you are. I hope I helped, maybe there are some words wrong because I'm using a translator. A hug and be well!

    3. @Juju
      Back to my HOME PLANET, juju. Earth is NOT my home, never was, never will be. And I did not chose to come to this OVERRATED BALL OF MUD to be 'earthly' or to 'experience' ANY of this. Go tell any trans person, or someone with a terminal disease or those kids getting raped and tortured for their blood I am SOOOO sure will agree with you...they ALL CHOSE this....

      I've not seen THAT MUCH CRAP since the days I cleaned out horse stalls when I was a kid. And SPARE me the 'increase your frequency!'....I soo want to punch ANYONE who says that in the damned nose.

      So SPARE me the new age, non interference bullshit. That's Archon propaganda at its finest.

    4. Sorry for telling you to raise your vibration, I was just trying to help, but I didn't realize you didn't really believe it or care about it. And just one thing, I was curious to know why you think this would be Archon propaganda, could you explain this to me a little better?

  28. Cobra, please do start showing videos of Israeli indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians, which has caused the death of over 40,000 civilians in Gaza and Beirut.
    When will you announce that it is Israel that remains a main hub of the Cabal.
    You will notice Cobra that no civilian infrastructure was targeted by Iran.


    1. Hmm the news or updates we get here are not necessarily of keeping us up-to-date with each war zone pros n cons... upto the minute news n changes like the tv news do..

      The bad guys are everywhere creating chaos.. they play on both sides

      Cobra is doing what he has done with any other area of friction.. whether is in Europe Asia. Middle east south n north america hot spots

      He has spoken about the special ops onsite a few months back..working behind the scene etc

    2. I Fuly Agree with Richard on this one 1s1sReal cant get away wit Everything. Iran has the Right to Defend itself.

    3. Richard, many this are not said including so called November geopolitical crisis where people asked whether that is conflict in the middle east but today's timeline is that there will not be election in November. This is the crisis.

    4. https://2025here.blogspot.com/2024/09/test.html?m=1

    5. He did. When Gaza was attacked, the peace meditation was specifically for Gaza, implying Israel was the antagonist in the article too. Now when Israel is the "victim," the meditation is for general peace. It's the correct perspective.


    6. And the Arabs that surround them are all so innocent. Sure.

  29. Chiedo ai Pleiadiani e Aldebarani più tutti gli altri facenti parte della LF di aiutarci immediatamente, non potete lasciarci in queste condizioni ancora per mesi e mesi. Si rischia ogni giorno un'ecatombe. Su questo pianeta è stato messo ogni genere di arma vigliacca dagli oscuri. Questo significa che il Pianeta Terra ed i suoi abitanti hanno un'enorme importanza per i malvagi. Senza di noi sono finiti. Dobbiamo smettere di essere il loro carburante. Ma abbiamo bisogno che i buoni E.T. ci aiutino immediatamente a tirarci fuori da questo pasticcio. Hanno il dovere morale di aiutarci senza la scusa del libero arbitrio degli umani perché non c'è nessun libero arbitrio in un mondo con abitanti disperati e sotto continuo ricatto delle forze oscure. Il tempo delle scuse è finito ed anche i maggiori pericoli sono scampati. Possibile che non riescano a distruggere i pochi incarnati qui che vogliono annientare il Pianeta ed i suoi abitanti?


  30. Todo es un proceso de cambio, nadie en el universo puede intervenir. Todo es un proceso kármico, es el libre albedrío de quien dirige la guerra y afecta al colectivo. Es una lucha entre dos fuerzas fuerzas, las que representan a la luz y la oscuridad. El camino de la humanidad depende quién ganará la gran guerra que vendrá. Si gana las fuerzas que representan a la luz, será un cambio positivo para la humanidad. En cambio si gana la oscura la humanidad seguirá bajo el mismo régimen de la hegemonía del control del orden mundial. Cualquiera que mirase desde arriba, dirían que Netanyahu es el anticristo. Dios es Amor y Compasión y nunca jamás creo una religion.

  31. State bene attenti LF a non aspettare troppo per mettere in atto l'intervento, altrimenti correreste il rischio di pentirvi di non averlo fatto prima che troppi innocenti muoiano. È brutto poi piangere sul latte versato. Non fate domani ciò che si può fare oggi. Non c'è cosa peggiore di avere un grande potere e non utilizzarlo. Da un grande potere derivano grandi responsabilità, che se non vengono adempiute potenzialmente possono portare al disastro e ad un annichilimento delle coscienze di coloro rimasti immobilizzati o disfunzionali. Create una Task-force ed agite immediatamente! Immediatamente! È un ordine che io non posso emettere ma che mi sento IO in dovere di dire in qualità di uno dei 144.000!

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  36. Bem, do lado de lá do véu todo mundo sabe o que aconteceu com você, ainda que você mesmo não saiba, e todos da Luz estão comprometidos a garantir o seu repouso, mas é possível que seu repouso esteja prestes a ser quebrado pela Escuridão. Torço que você me dê ouvidos, porque tem uma chance dos escuros quererem te jogar no abismo de novo. Eles querem você, por três motivos. A luz está concentrada em evitar os problemas maiores, mas tem algo que você pode fazer por você. Se projetar no astral agora é arriscado para você, de maneira geral. Pode ser que você seja muito tentado, muito tentado, mas muito mesmo, a ir dar uma conferida em como estão as coisas e essa é a maneira mais fácil de como podem te pegar. Não importa se você agora quer ir ver as coisas, o que importa é que eles podem te tentar muito para querer ir. Eu te peço que mesmo que te tentem muito, não vá ao astral, não importa o que te digam. O seu espaço sagrado é seguro, mas o astral não, pelo menos por enquanto. Todo o astral é ruim para você agora, mas alguns caminhos, como o caminho para o seu amigo que me mandou aquele abraço, são especialmente inseguros para você. Você deve ter notado que aquele seu amigo está indisponível para você. Você liga, manda mensagens e nada. Não vá atrás dele. Ele está bem, sendo quem ele é, mas o caminho entre vocês está todo minado e o seu bem estar depende disso. O Chefe não, o Chefe está ok para você, mas ele anda muito ocupado segurando as pontas em outra situação que também o deixa um tanto indisponível. Mas ele é seguro para você. Aqui ou no seu espaço sagrado, não no astral. Nada no astral. A saída do seu espaço está hackeada e também alguns caminhos que os escuros acreditam que seriam da sua escolha. Pode usar a chama violeta, pode usar o raio azul, pode usar o fogo branco. Quanto ao astral, minha sugestão é esperar o seu amigo se manifestar para você. Quando ele fizer isso, você vai saber que é seguro. Ou o Chefe, ou a sua guiança interior, ou o CoBRa, do jeito dele. Outra coisa que pode te ajudar é usar os presentes que você ganhou. O cristal rubi é ao mesmo tempo um campo de proteção e um canhão pessoal. Não ajudou muito da primeira vez, mas é o conjunto de ações que vai trazer resultados. Você é o Rei de Espadas e estudar esse arcano do tarot pode te trazer mais ferramentas. Por fim, o vídeo que o CoBRa postou recentemente, Cosmic Light, ou algo assim, tem códigos de luz que funcionam como remédios espirituais. Pelo menos quando escutado pelo blog, nem tanto pelo youtube. Espero que isso te ajude a ficar bem. Com alguma sorte, eles vão colocar a atenção em outra coisa e te deixarão em paz. Mas se não deixarem, pelo menos agora você sabe como evitar ser recolocado em guerra.
    Eu também te diria para fazer a meditação da luz arco-iris, mas isso seria apenas a minha sugestão e não a orientação da Luz.
    Não posso dizer que não colapsei, mas estou tentando não causar problemas, pelo menos.

  37. Meditation for first intervention brings fruits but it is necessary to wait another 7 years

  38. To be honest, it's a little frustrating to insist on doing peaceful meditation, but it seems that you can't see the effect in reality. I'm sure pink light is effective, but the reality is still full of crises. Light Forces, we have eliminated most of the obstacles now. Please don't be afraid in the comfort zone. LF,RM,Pleiadians, Aldebarans,Andromeda and Dragon Family, please really pay more attention to and intervene in the situation on the surface, for the Middle East, Russia and Ukraine,Chinese Lightworkers.More involvement is the responsibility of the light forces. No one deserves to be perfunctory. We love you, but we are also very tired and difficult. . . ,
    I really don't want many light workers and innocent victims on the surface may can be give up in the simulation and strategic plan of the light forces.
    we are one,
    enough is enough.

    1. WORD. The longer the wait, the higher the casualty list is going to be.

    2. Our meditations, and actions by the light forces, have prevented many, many disasters.

      It's just frustrating because we can't see that our meditations, and / or light forces actions, probably prevented WW3 a certain time period ago.

    3. Anyway, I will resolutely fulfill my mission, for the victory of light.

    4. @Lightworker

      Not good enough. I want to see things HAPPENING from what WE did....not things that did NOT happen.

  39. Cobra: what is preventing direct intervention by the Light regarding the situation with military escalation in the Middle East? My specific question is, what technologies remain in the hands of the dark forces? Where are these technologies located? I am requesting as much information as you/the RM/galactic forces are safely able to give me.
    And as always, thank you.

    1. There are almost 3 years, and nothing true came out!

    2. Cobra probably won't answer you. It's useless trying to ask him the obvious.
      Answer: Military escalation in the Middle East is a game. No one on this forum plays it. There are real actions going on with the dark forces, but the Middle East is not one of them. By the way, the dark is losing furiously. The Light is winning, and guess what? It doesn't involve the Middle East. Imagine that? No Middle East at all. Hmm.

    3. Bingo. I want to know HOW the CABAL....the stupid, HUMAN stooges are SOMEHOW able to delay and postpone things.....the giant octopus is gone, the chimera are gone, the toplets are gone....I really do not understand how the dark aliens' STOOGES are somehow able to last longer than their masters, and keep up a fight. Are Schwab, Cheney, Gates, Hilary and such some sorta of evil super heroes, like from Superman 2?

    4. A disconnect from source.
      Only way to stay alive is to consume other life forms.

    5. Even before 1996, the situation had not yet reached the point where the light forces could intervene directly, although Orion's dark technologies had not yet arrived here.
      But by the early 90s, they almost had. That's why the dark forces used all their skills to concentrate darkness from the universe here.

    6. @3k14Pi
      Cobra said the world was on the verge of a mass awakening AND first contact.

      The darkies would not have done what they did in '96 if nothing was going to happen.

  40. Here are a few quotes to share with:

    “ The world that surrounds everyone is created by us, our thoughts, our emotions, our fears, all the feelings that we have put into it during all incarnations. And it’s we, who have chosen to be in, consciously or unconsciously. And it’s ONLY ON US depends, in which world to live today and tomorrow. But we still don’t understand and accept this. Many are living in war-torn countries, suffering poverty and hunger, violence and unrest, constantly ask: “Why don’t Co-Creators, the Light Hierarchs and the friendly space races step in and save us? Why are we not protected from the forces that have been doing evil for thousands of years and keeping humanity in total slavery?” And at the same time give a hateful reception to any reminder that WE OUSELVES decided to incarnate here and in these conditions to get the new experience, which couldn’t obtain anywhere.

    We can feed a hungry person and help the poor. Stand up for the exploited and deprived of all rights. To be reformers and heroes, and many are. But if any Light Beings, ETs or their groups arrive and say: “Calm down and relax, we’ll re-do everything instead of you, for you and much better than you to live happily forever after,” we’ll simply lose what we came to Earth for.

    No matter how frantically we demand mass arrests and thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, or even millions of trials in order to reveal the truth and punish those who committed horrid deeds on our planet, Co-Creators will never be judges, jurors or executors of sentences, because this is EXCLUSEVELY OUR task and responsibility, whether we realize it or not. They help in a different way: completely transform the planet and us in sync with the Local Universe, send high-frequency energies, upload soft, codes and new knowledge into us so that we can live and evolve in new vibrations, be successful in our aspirations and daily work.

    They are not going to do it instead of us, to balance the scales for us, but expect and believe that we can do it ourselves and not hold on to the resentment and condemnation of Co-Creators, who, in our opinion, are responsible for all the problems in our world. And when we get rid of all this mud, heaviness and Darkness inside selves, we no longer need to endlessly wait for help and do nothing, but only whine, suffer and demand. On the contrary, with awakening, honesty and growing consciousness, our responsibility for the energies, which we generate and radiate, will increase, and the experience that we receive here and now as avatars, will be much greater.


    For those of you who are ready (it's critical that you know exactly what you're doing and are ready).
    Use the Divine Spark that is within each of us in everywhere of the Earth's heavens to connect into a starry ocean of blessed love. The power of encircling and healing inflamed parts of the planet that need healing is very powerful.

    The path of ascension means valuing and acknowledging the fragility, the sensitivity of life. And to feel the recovery of an indestructible source of divine power within, and to share, support and activate this power with other beings in a rational and highly empathetic way.

    Learning to take responsibility as a child of the stars, the universe exists in unconditional love. It is only when one learns to take responsibility that one understands from deeply what is true freedom, liberation and liberty are.


    1. We CHOSE to incarnate here, to learn about suffering?

      Ummm, no. There is NO SUCH THING as purposeful suffering. Show me an actual school that uses PAIN and SUFFERING as a teaching tool.....there are none. Do I have to post Cobra's 'soul families' for the millionth time again? Same goes for "WE create our reality", WRONG. Just more darkie propaganda to blame the victims and exonerate the perpetrators.

      Also, how are WE, alone and unaided, to take on the darkies...which include dark aliens.....who can turn Hawaii into a burnt cinder? Look how many people who TRIED to take on evil were destroyed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3dMv5LbOaU

      So, YOU go and let us know HOW YOU intend to take on the darkies alone and unaided, ok? When the government storm troopers are firing a magazine or two of ammunition into your belly, remember what I said.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @MiracleTian
      I already DO most of that stuff. I don't see any amazing things happening to ME.

      And I don't CARE what the Chinese have to say. And, given how China is a cesspit right mow...even MORE SO.

      "The scale and dimensions are so much bigger and deeper than you focus on daily.
      And not what you think liberation is.(a hero come and beat the bad save the princess. True-oneness loving will both help the bad and princess. The bad guy needs to release the reasons why it kidnapped and hurt; it needs to break through its own misunderstandings and shadows and rekindle the divine spark within.
      The princess needs to reclaim her inner sovereignty of divine will and power, and if one cannot feel the power of being born whole and free as a being, one cannot respect and see that all beings have this"

      Nope, to HELL with that the villain needs to 'release', FUCK 'EM. And WHAT 'divine power' I see NO power around here. IF there was, this rotten planet would not be in such a mess.
      I'll GLADLY take rescue....there is NO SHAME in calling out for help and rescue.

      You give Chinese sayings, I'LL give YOU MY sayings:

      1: Calling out for help takes MORE courage than it does to tackle a problem alone.
      2: Not everyone can help themselves. Look at the poor sods in the Nazi death camps, they were starved, emaciated, doped up on fluoride, and broken from seeing their prison mates be taken to 'the showers'. Even if the Nazis were to have left the main gates of the prison wide open, I doubt the prisoners would even have had the strength to crawl through them.
      3: We're not all here by choice, otherwise I'd be an ALIEN WOMAN, traveling about the stars on a slick space ship.
      4: Bad guys are bad guys....they deserve NOTHING...apart from either a JAIL CELL, or GUN SHOT to the FACE. This is not some phony baloney Darth Vader, "He ceased to be Anakin and became Darth Vader" bullshit....George Lucas was making it as he went, and probably snorting some gooood cocaine in the 70's and 80's. The only good villain is a DEAD ONE.
      5: Going within only does so much....and not much at that. That goes double for when one is a genetically raped monkey.

      GOT IT?

    4. The mentality of the narrow-eyed is fundamentally different from the culture of Christian Europe, which is the basis of American culture, its foundation, its pillar. The narrow-eyed will never truly understand a white European, an American - these are different civilizations. Don't be too offended by them, that's just how they are.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. There is NO 'purpose' to be here, and FUCK the 'experiences' to be had here. THAT is purposeful suffering, and something the darkies have beaten us over the head with for millennia.

      Whomever said suffering is good for the soul is full of shit.

  42. 冥想,能量锚定,扬升的过程。

    就像毛毛虫在茧中孕育的时候 ,它不可能抽出自己的一部分继续过着毛毛虫的生活。





  43. Meditation, energy anchoring, Ascending ~
    All those actually the state of being that refers to the perpetual functioning of the 7 days x 24 hours non-stop. So it's not something that takes a portion of your daily time to do.
    It's connecting to that state of being and doing or acting on it.
    It means full commitment with all your heart and soul, with no margin for other things not about it.

    Just like a caterpillar when it is conceived in a cocoon , it is not possible for it to pull out a part of itself to continue to live the life of a caterpillar.

    When the nurturing anchor (light energy) has accumulated to a certain state of completeness, the butterfly will surely break out of the cocoon at the most appropriate time. (As it happens and must happen), Mother Earth is now at the end of this process, and the first wave that was ready, is now ready, and the first wave will help the second, and the third wave.
    It's like the waves that bloom in the spring!

    This is how Cosmic Planetary Nature connects to the Holy Light to nurture all things!

    When the egg is broken from the outside, life passes away.
    When the egg is broken from the inside, new life is born.

    Don't be afraid or run away from the pressure and tension boiling inside the egg or cocoon chrysalis. These are the alchemy of the universe to help you break through and become a butterfly. To support you Ascension.

    So you will know by yourself how great meaning....treat and share others beings same unconditional loving with deeply understanding and wisdom and truth .

    Being The Master within
    Living The Master without
    It's one thing.
    It is important part of breakthrough .


    1. We need intervention, we DEMANDED it. WE did both the petition and the meditation in December 2021 STATING it.

      We need, and are now LEGALLY entitled to direct intervention......not motivational speeches.

  44. Cobra has stated in the early times of this blog that things will get bad. The Killing of innocent lives is the most despicable thing in the universe. I feel that Cobra hurts so much in his heart because of the things that occur in this timeline, as we all do. But hopefully its the last timeline we have to endure to get to the event. Because that's our only hope! Just like in Star wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi you're our only hope. The event is our only hope. It's a waiting game that totally sucks because we have to sit and watch this madness. We counter the madness with meditation, because we know that meditation does work. It's not the magic wand, but it's something we fight with in truth. It's our job! Source has heard or cry, the event is closer than we ever been. We must hold the light to get to Victory of the light.☮️♥️

  45. Know that this month of October is decisive so that the light can descend even more into the planes of consciousness of the earth and the Beings.

    We must hold on by releasing our power of light through our energy field, it is time for many workers and warriors of light to awaken and take action, that is to say to understand their role in what is currently happening on earth.

    We can no longer remain inactive and hope that others do our light work because we are "those others".

    We are part of the Forces of Light on the ground and the seeds of stars who have long come from other galaxies to free this planet from the grip of different negative Beings.

    Our role is to keep the light on earth and within us, to increase our vibrational frequency so that we receive again a pure light/energy coming from the Source and have the duty towards ourselves, our mission and our soul and earthly families to carry out the opening of consciousness of each one so that this light shines through us and our body of light.

    Chaîne youTube :https://youtu.be/BDe8OHQBteQ?si=Dy5MXURSxKP434TN
    Canal telegram : https://t.me/+7TcO7FcRf-o1N2Nk
    Amma-galactée : méditation d'Ishtar : https://youtu.be/e9yjIhAG_v0?si=Gd4NPO_tUTewhwEt

  46. Hi, in my last comment I wrote about my problems, unfortunately my situation has not improved, on the contrary, one problem follows another, I struggle with severe stress and anxiety every day. All this led to the ambulance coming for me and the doctor prescribing me antidepressants, I never thought before that I would ever be in the situation I am in now. These antidepressants help me because I no longer feel such pathological stress and I no longer think so excessively about everything. I hope that my situation will finally improve in the near future and that we will finally see some visible and tangible changes (changes for the better) in the world. And what's up with you? How are you feeling? I hope that everything is fine with you :)

  47. I am very glad people are now waking up and demanding for real action and asking to stop joking with meditations. Also if this thing is real which I experience as real, since my soul was one of those creating light forces, so the action will start very very soon. First we will go down since sleeping masses must see who controls the world and only then the military will intervene.


  48. Here Comes The Sun


  49. Not at all. It is time for the harvesting to go to the next level. The world had many thousands of years to chose peace. Israel will be victorious. The book of revelation is a psychological operation dating back to Roman times. The NWO is prevailing. The global obfuscation media network is able to confuse the masses, but anyone with discernment can now see the tipping point that reveals the real plan.

    My advice, forget trying to save anyone. Most people don't want to be saved. Save yourself and your animals as much as possible. The next 6-8 years will be the concluding chapters for the final enslavement of 95% of the world (those who remain). As mentioned before, my connections tell me the earth will be wiped clean for a new civilization at or after 2033. A new civilization will be given a new beginning once the planet is cleaned. . Lastly, The chosen people were indeed chosen to bring judgement to the world. Just not in the way most people think.

    1. Since when is the bible a reliable source of information? Been changed over the centuries for political and material gain. Plus a bunch of books were REMOVED and BANNED.

      And I say "FUCK YOU!" to that god of the bible if all we got to look foreword to is chaos and death.

      Also, this guy does a lot of videos showing how the god's a piece of shit. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CNH64glU79Q

  50. Carefully considered approach
    The dismantling of the dark network requires a high level of expertise in higher-dimensional physics from the light forces.


    Our part
    Remain connected with our higher selves and hold the Light.
    Every light work we do helps the light forces.

  51. Meditazione fatta! Ne farò altre...sperando che le acque si calmino. Ma si è tutti stanchi di vedere le solite problematiche mai risolte. Non vorrei che si andasse avanti a tamponare le ferite con meditazioni a oltranza. Ok che non è finita fino a quando non è finita ma tutto deve avere un inizio ed una fine 🌲🛸🌲

  52. The Dark-Forces Keep Trying To Play The Same Cards, The Same Chess Move... That's Not Going 2 Work...War War 3 Will Not Happen... They Don't Understand That We Live In The Ascension Timeline...& This Will Lead 2 The Event... They Can't Stop Or Prevent Whats About 2 Happen... Victory of the Light ✨️✨️✨️✨️

  53. Ok the last time Iran launched missiles they td the world and all landed in open areas no damage. This time supposedly 400 were launched was anything hit?
    Also per Q all is theatre and galactics won't allow a nuclear conflict and all is being done to portray a near death event which will be used by the Alliance to have all lockdown in their homes while arrests are made and ebs is initiated.
    If Iran wanted Israel wiped out it could do so right ?but I think it's all theatre and yes at this pt why is Amy of this being allowed if space force can create a portal and grab Malaysia flight 370 a few years back they can easily take out conventional missiles. No more meditations come on let's put up or shut up we have been strung along now since 2012 ...I recall pole shift to happen in 2025 all 3 waves would be completed by then ..🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

  54. for the hearts that can listen:


  55. Well this is out of control. Youtube is not working for me. It just jiggles the page all over, as in I can't watch it at all. Whether I open the page wide or not, it reduces the page again and jiggles it. Now it has started showing new pages as half watched. A page I haven't watched! Yet it shows up as half watched... it's jiggling all over the place. Total crap. Why am I not surprised youtube is totally horrible? Pulling hair out here.

  56. Crisis in Appalachia


  57. Weather warfare in the US:

    MAJOR Hurricane Helene MANIPULATION Caught on Radar!

    "As expected, Hurricane Helene got its share of ZAPS from the NEXRAD radar network. We see this all the time, especially in these big storms as they approach landfall, and this is no different. What we see here is advanced technology used to manipulate weather."


  58. I Want to Say a Big Congratulations to The Brave Chinese Lightworkers who Fought one heck of a Fight in the Occult Battle for China. Congrats on the Victory.

    Lots of Inspiring and Cool News Coming from China Already.
    As For example:
    - Moon Suit for A Very Soon Moon Landing launched.
    - A superfast train that runs on H2.
    - Chinese diplomats working hard for Peace in middle east.
    And many more Good stuff. Remember your wins, because we always tend to move on too next goal and tasks when one thing secured, thats our creed as warriors and workers to bring more light.

    I know its not always easy to hold the light in your country due to various reasons, but I Respect and admire your work and dedication. Truly amazing stuff.

    I was honestly a bit skeptical to the lightworker App coming from China (Due to survailance and privacy matters), but maybe im gonna check it out soon, who knows....

    May God the Almighty Reward, Protect and Bless You, Like Forever. And I Think China will be a Central and Inspring country to shape the future of Humanity. So be Brave and keep it up, maybe engage in poltics if you feel guided to it.
    PS: You can also plant morganites to strenghten G-dess energies even more in society. 1 gram equals around 250 meter-300 meter vortex, more put together should increase that. Plant on smart places. Your work is appreciated and brings benefits for many, although it might not always feel like it.

    US is a total mess right now, but Please remember to Pray for them. Its a Sh*t Show. That goes for everyone else here too.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. good propaganda of the Chinese Nazi capitalist regime. I think 100% duties on Chinese goods in the US and Europe will not let you lie about how well they are going to take care of "humanity". Probably about "Chinese humanity"? The Uyghurs will not let you lie (by the way, the link to the video where a Uyghur prisoner is beaten with the regime's truncheons was never approved by the author of the blog, I wonder why?). It's funny and absurd, you can't even feed yourself, and you claim that you are ready to lead someone somewhere? While I see how you destroy the industry of countries that, in their stupidity, launched your goods on their markets.

  59. The strong demand themselves. The weak complain about others.

  60. Hmm. This is from Scott Ritter...

    Israel took up the sword.
    Israel shall now perish by the sword.
    Iran proved today Israel cannot defend itself. (lol)
    Even with the full weight of the US behind it.
    Any Israeli retaliation will result in greater destruction, until Israel is no more.

    I mean, lol lol.


    They did say that they would leave Israel until last. Poor civilians who are involved in this!!!!!

  61. OMG the propaganda being fed to Americans is amazing!! It's all lies! I wonder if America is awake? Hopefully, waking up.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This morning after i woke up i felt a great feminine energy that i think it was goddes energy and it was really a great feeling that i never felt before.

  64. If the Goddess wants peace, why doesn’t she show herself?

    If the galactics want peace, why don’t they show themselves?

    Push the Event button already. Now!

  65. Ormai da tempo faccio molta fatica a resistere in questo mondo. Ma ultimamente è anche peggio di prima. Mi fa tutto così vomitare. Esco poco di casa , trovo la gente monotona , con i loro discorsi sempre noiosi. Non è rimasto praticamente nulla di interessante qui, tutto basato sulla bugia , sull'ipocrisia e sul materialismo inutile. Vanto, fanatismo e narcisismo sono frutto di cattive personalità derivanti da un' ego eccentrico e malato. Questa è la società di oggi soprattutto in occidente. Questo sistema ha reso la gente come se fosse anestetizzata, scollegata. Spero che a novembre la società cominci a togliere quell' incrostazione che gli soffoca il cervello e che li rende perfetti schiavi esecutori e pedine ignoranti. Senza Lurker si auspica che possano avere un margine di miglioramento, chi più, chi meno.

  66. Questo è un link italiano che parla di un piano NATO per evacuare e curare vittime della guerra che secondo loro potrebbe scoppiare in Europa contro la Russia. Questi sono pazzi , per cui abbiamo bisogno dell'Evento come mezzo per disabilitare questo scenario assurdo che hanno ipotizzato e prevenire tutto ciò. Sempre più sul filo del rasoio. L'Evento è il solo modo, per cui prima arriva , meglio è per tutti.

  67. Altra meditazione fatta per la pace in Medio Oriente 🌲🛸🌲

  68. Also a peace meditation for Russia and Israel needed?


  69. Will they use this opportunity to declare martial law?


  70. It seems that the cabal/deepstate is going all in and playing their final hand before the United States presidential election.

    1. They've orchestrated a mass invasion of violent criminals into our country and being paid well with benefits to be here. My guess is that they may have marching orders to cause chaos and fear if the election doesn't go the demoncrats way.
    2. They obviously used their HAARP technologies to amplify the latest hurricane that devastated and laid waste the States in its path... who ironically were RED states that favor Trump for re-election. They're purposely stranding and mistreating the victims... basically doing very little for them and saying they haven't the money or resources to help because it went to foreigners and foreign countries.
    3. The sea ports went on strike and basically cutting off the supply chain causing scarcity and holding.
    4. And let's not forget the shit show Sabre rattling missile exchange between Iran and Israel leading everyone to think WWIII is beginning which frightens the entire planet with fear porn.

    My only conclusion is that the Lightforces, Resistance Movement, and white hats and good military have made BIG breakthroughs and this is the Cabal throwing another temper tantrum. Most Americans are calling for Donald Trump to be elected to office to begin to clean up the mess that this current administration has gotten us into... and I'm in FULL AGREEMENT! WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK FROM THIS SATANIC CABAL!

    I want to KNOW for certain that the Lightforces and Resistance Movement have our backs, the Lightworkers, Lightwarriors, and Starseeds. I want to KNOW that we're protected for SPEAKING OUR TRUTH. It's VERY important that WE know that our collective is watched over and protected from ALL negative threats to our physical well-being. We can handle the Lurker ourselves by doing the meditation and protection protocols... but I want to make damn sure no outside threat in the form of murderous illegal immigrants or mercenaries working for the Cabal are coming after the Lightworkers and our families. We signed a petition for direct intervention and First Contact as well as participated in numerous mass meditations to keep the peace and bring in The Event. I would like some sort of guarantee that you guys HAVE OUR BACKS.

    COBRA, please let us know as soon as possible that we're safe from any dangers the Cabal/deepstate might send our way so we are free to SPEAK OUR TRUTH and continue to awaken the masses pre and post EVENT. Thank you all for everything you're doing on our behalf to liberate this planet once and for all. And please... protect Donald Trump and his family with all means and technologies available. It's not about the man so much... but the Movement behind what he represents.
    Love and Light... Troy









  72. War cannot be avoided now. Israel and the U.S are hell bent on attacking Iran. This cannot be stopped. How can it?
    The only way Israel can be stopped is through war. Right now Israel continues to massacre civilians. No amount of meditation can stop this and hasn't. Unfortunately the end of Israel can only come through Iran, and Russia stopping them.
    Conflict is inevitable. Israel will retaliate for the Iranian missile attack. Then what?

  73. MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Saturn-Rigel square on Oct 13, 2024 at 2:15 pm UTC
    We have called for a mass meditation at the exact moment of heliocentric Saturn-Rigel square. More details can be found here: https://votl628.blogspot.com/2024/10/make-this-viral-meditation-for-peace-in.html

  74. X7 and X9 CME October 4 and 5
    G3 to G4 (Kp7/8) expected
    Earth impacts coming


  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. This is a very interesting piece. It is saying that after the dark ones are gone, then the Changeover can fully happen. I mean hooray!! So dark ones gone soon, then the changeover can happen.
    The new republic, or the old republic, however you see it, it is very close. It has nearly happened several times, but it will be brought through. Woohoo. I personally think we must be close now. I am going through a whole lot of (stress, crying, feeling sorry for myself as I cannot walk).... it is to help the collective I think. I am told it will not last.
    Even though the dark continue to try, they can no longer hold back the truth. Won't that be wonderful? Really, really wonderful.
    This whole message is from Sananda. Don't you love him?
    It will get very rocky, but then we go into a kind of bliss, and we can't even know how peaceful it will be, how nice and blissful.

    The Event Is Already In Process - Dark Forces Cannot hold it back much longer!


  77. Wow, massive amounts of karma are being cleared. We are letting it all go. Don't worry about the earth releasing massive amounts of karma as she releases all this stuff as well. It totally needs to come OUT.
    There will be many reconnecting with soul family as well as with galactic family. You may find it bizarre that you have been in many timelines so don't be freaked out by it. (I hear that.) Shed old beliefs, limitations and patterns. The reason for all of Earth's upheavals is because she is ascending too and letting it all out, and letting it go. I feel so bad for those living in north Carolina etc. Earth is shaking off the old energy and preparing for the new. You can feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster, with the highs and lows. This is all part of releasing old energy (okay, I'm not going crazy so that is a relief). To release these emotions will make it all go more smoothly for you. All these difficult experiences are helping you to go through karma. All our guides are protecting us from dark ones who are trying to prevent our ascension.

    Wow, what a great message. I see more clearly now. There's lots more of this message.


    1. No such thing as karma. That's darkie propaganda.

  78. Fantastic message!!!

    ❗Elites Underground bases in Antarctica that are now completely seized. Ashtar Channeling


  79. Dystopian America:

    "Where right is wrong and wrong is right. Where moral is immoral and immoral is moral. Where good is evil and evil is good."



  80. Iran and Lebanon know Israel’s goal is to have a (huge) war, and so they self restrain very much, but it must be difficult to do it all the time under so many attacks and provocations.
    Indirectly or not they must have some kind of contact with the LF and there must be a plan underway to deal with the situation, though it’s difficult to guess what it could be. Otherwise they would have escalated, as they are very well prepared to go to war against Israel, and historically we know self restraint is not common in the region.
    Meditations will always help, as there are so many variables, but I guess we can have trust that this can be finished off without a big war, let’s have hope…

    1. As Cobra has said: The light forces can prevent 99% of all scenarios. For the remaining 1%, they need the support of the light workers.

    2. That’s it, and it must be interesting how the LF are preventing those two from seriously counterattacking, what’s the plan they’ve offered them. We will see soon, probably

    3. Quien te mintió para que pienses con tanta convicción?busca la verdad pensando con tu corazón y con tu espada de la méditation

  81. Importante breve menzione ricevuta da Gabriel Raio Lunar attraverso Pleiades1 sull'operazione Stardust 2. Eccola: P1 chiama i Terranos per riconoscere le loro origini! Attenzione alle chiamate verso PVSE/SdE!!

    Le guarigioni ancestrali continuano a verificarsi.

    Le prossimità degli eventi cosmici riverberano in astrale+.

    Le corazze continuano a cadere.

    Pacchetto argento riverberato.

    Gli oracoli continuano ad essere divinamente attivi.

    Strati plasmatici miasmici in fase di rimozione (2 e 3 NOR – T) – secondo movimento: 39% (non regressivo) – Possibili collaterali.

    OPStardust2 preparato. La “contaminazione” è iniziata… 97% (non regressivo).

    Codici specifici in fase di consegna. Prima Ricezione >>> 90% (non regressivo).

    Pro-Amore in superficie 96% (non regressivo).

    Temporaneamente, fine della trasmissione.

    Pleiades 1 (Supporto alla ricezione di nuovi codici)

  82. Ed ecco spiegato il significato dell''operazione Stardust e Stardust 2:STARDUST 2 (o STARDUST) = L'operazione Stardust è stata effettuata dalla Flotta Pleiadiana dall'orbita del pianeta Terra. Stardust è il codice per una speciale nanotecnologia avanzata. Si tratta di una polvere fatta di nanoparticelle che sono state spruzzate all'interno dei corpi fisici dei membri della cabala e dei loro servi (si pensi alle "scie chimiche cosmiche"). Questa nano polvere non può essere rimossa da nessuna tecnologia conosciuta sulla Terra. La sua attivazione prevede due fasi. La prima fase blocca immediatamente il sistema nervoso centrale e la persona non è in grado di muoversi. La seconda fase uccide la persona. Verranno attivati ​​al momento dell'Evento per bloccare qualsiasi danno che la cabala tenta di fare. Nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi sarà sufficiente attivare la Fase 1. Lo scopo dell'Operazione Stardust è annullare gli effetti negativi di Doom33 che la cabala potrebbe voler utilizzare in questi momenti. In combinazione con l’azione dell’Esercito Positivo, sarà uno scacco matto al potere della cabala.

  83. E qui, c'è un resoconto passato di Cobra dove è citato il Doom 33. Evidentemente il Doom 33 è quella situazione da scongiurare perché è riconducibile alla guerra nucleare. Fortunatamente le bombe toplet nel frattempo sono state eliminate. Non fa mai male un po' di ripasso per collegare meglio i puntini e capire
    spunti di altri colleghi che, citando alcuni contenuti, ci aiutano ad avere maggior polso della situazione di concerto con ciò che Cobra condivide puntualmente con noi operatori di Luce. La Luce è molto intensa, la Luce vince! https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2022/03/ekpyrosis.html?m=1

  84. 但愿一切安好,一切都符合光的安排。

  85. Essa guerra se passa no plano físico... na superfície e abaixo.

    It's bloody April and the tide is turning
    Higher, the king of the sky
    He's flying too fast and he's flying too high
    (Ele quer reinar... ele preparou o terreno... ele criou as situações... ele esteve perto? Talvez, por muito, muito pouco)

    e então:
    60 days of siege
    Await relief from Holy League
    Outnumbered and weak
    A cry for help in time of need
    Sent a message to the sky
    We remember In September
    That's the night Vienna was freed
    We made the enemies bleed
    And the Winged Hussars arrived!
    (Storm clouds fire and steel
    Death from above made the enemy kneel)
    (Shining armour and wings
    Death from above, it’s an army of kings):

    For the grace for the might of our lord
    For the home of the holy
    For the faith for the way of the sword
    Gave their lives so boldly
    (terra liberada, mas o papa fugiu):

    A poderosa águia comanda sozinha
    Mighty eagle rule alone
    O libertador reivindica o trono
    Liberator claim the throne
    Libertar e reinar!
    Libera et impera!
    Feroz e poderoso!
    Acerbus et ingens!
    (Feroz e poderoso leão, libertar, reinar)
    (Acerbus et ingens leo, libera, impera):

    Take the scepter, from its hand - Não. Não, não.

    Tenho perguntas.
    Quem é o vermelho?
    Os acontecimentos de hoje, o que significam para as ameaças atuais?

    1. Até onde vejo, a agora é só caos; caos puro... carrega um pequeno potencial de evento (mais forte dias atrás), mas seria um evento ruim, uma reação desesperada para evitar a aniquilação que uma instabilidade pode causar. Não seria bonito, nem gostoso, nem levaria a algum lugar melhor. É a minha visão, do meu ponto de vista, claro.

      Tal como é em cima, é embaixo.

  86. LF e RM , aiutateci. Abbiate fiducia negli operatori di Luce, non faremmo mai niente per deludervi e se è successo in passato è perché eravamo in situazioni molto critiche. E lo siamo tutt'ora, per cui chiedo l'intervento diretto subito. Grazie dell'ascolto. Ci vediamo presto!

  87. @Ailish
    Lucky you, I don't get too many of those.....last time, I saw shiny black helicoptors, with purple weapons, hovering over large, public festivals.

  88. @Ailish
    Same here, same here. I want specific examples, I want dates, I want names, I want places.

    And how is the remaining 1% such a pain in the ass?

  89. Fool me once, shame on you.

    Fool me twice, shame on me.

    IF they fool you for a third time, you're their BITCH.

    The light forces MUST pick up some of us, so we can EXPLAIN it to them, face to face, mono e mono.

  90. @Ailish
    Let's hope our retirement packages arrive fast.

    Me to to the light forces: Where's my money, bitch?!

  91. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBhaPTqTN9w

    It's a long road
    When you're on your own
    And it hurts when
    They tear your dreams apart
    And every new town
    Just seems to bring you down
    Trying to find peace of mind
    Can break your heart
    It's a real war
    Right outside your front door I tell ya
    Out where they'll kill ya
    You could use a friend
    Where the road is
    That's the place for me
    Where I'm me in my own space
    Where I'm free that's the place
    I want to be
    'Cause the road is long yeah
    Each step is only the beginning
    No breaks just heartaches
    Oh man is anybody winning
    It's a long road
    And it's hard as hell
    Tell me what do you do
    To survive
    When they draw first blood
    That's just the start of it
    Day and night you gotta fight
    To keep alive
    It's a long road

  92. @Ailish
    Not to mention some of them might not just give up, but SOME might change sides.

    An example is, again, from the 1988 movie, "They Live". There was one homeless guy, the one that looks like a crotchety Whaling Jennings. He was one of the many folks on the homeless community at the beginning of the film. He actually ratted out the location of the rebel freedom fighters and the police, possibly national guard, in full riot gear and tanks....came in and trashed the entire community, smashing the shelters the homeless folks made for themselves....beating up many of the homeless.....and beat the living hell out of the rebel leaders.....one old man and a blind priest. (REAL brave there, police....)

    Later, when Roddy Piper and his colleague are inside the negative alien base, we see many of the mega elite wealthy humans (cabal? illuminate?) talking about the big money they are getting for the year. Amongst them is the aforementioned homeless guy, who betrayed EVERYONE. He's in a fancy tuxedo, expensive jewelry and he's saying "there's always 2 sides...why not join the winning side for once?!" And, in the fire fight Piper began, the homeless guy does the road runner act with the transporter his wrist watch has.

    I can EASILY see some folks actually doing such a thing, JOINING the darkies, especially if it means getting something good in a tangible manner....and if it's wealth, power and so on, I can easily see folks giving up, selling their souls (metaphorically, anyhow), and being one of the darkies themselves if nothing tangible happens, and ASAP.

    Sorry, folks, to say such things, but I'm being realistic, so forgive my pragmatism.

  93. wow. i am being attacked in these past days as i haven't since June. nightmares are back.
    they last much shorter but are intenser. like a machine gun.
    feels like the dark forces are incredibly desperate to break the light but guess what we're stronger than ever and they can't break us no more.

    along we have all this amazing disclosure happenning in America so close to election that must not happen but it truly doesn't matter when Trump is already much bigger than just a President <3


    also they always said they were leaving Israel for last.

    it's pretty obvious we are in the pre-event.

  94. The Elites Are Collapsing America !

    Whitney Webb Exposes BlackRock


  95. We've just gone onto another higher timeline, with better potential. Woohoo. Thanks to the solar flares of 7.1 and 9 that we just took.

    "HUGE 5D TIMELINE JUMP..." - The Pleiadian High Council


    We just have to use our imagination to imagine a world of love and light everyday. It's easy, it already is love and light in Australia, or mostly anyway.

  96. North Carolina After Hurricane Helene


  97. Volunteer Pilot EXPOSES Fed's Disgraceful Response to Hurricane Helene


  98. I really like motorcycle racing, and noticed a spiritual lesson as a result of this bike. Ducati started making their MotoGP bikes longer. You can't turn as quickly, which sounds like a problem, but you can brake very hard because of the length and stability. You don't really pass people mid corner anyways. The trick to this bike is coming into a turn, brake later and harder than everyone, you zip past just before the corner. Ducatis are all clustered at the top of each race because they're so fast. An accomplished racer who had been with Yamaha, was excited to switch to the Ducati team. He thought, "If I'm doing well now, a Ducati will be easy to win." But he said it was actually harder. The bike is more difficult to corner. He says, "You can't ride however you want, you must ride how the bike wants to be ridden." It's a great lesson for learning anything, or life in general. Instead of wishful thinking, learn the rules of the game. It might feel unnatural, but you'll actually be winning.


  99. These people in the flooded regions are completely on their own. FEMA is doing exactly NOTHING except take donated money off people and put it in their pockets. It's like Lahaina and Katrina all over again. I don't know what the hell they are doing!

    “The Stench is Unbearable”: Dead Bodies Piling Up, FEMA Abandons NC Residents Amid Hurricane Helene


  100. This comment has been removed by the author.

  101. The fact is that we are slowly turning into tired and frustrated warriors, separated from anything that is being said will happen when we still have to go through all the sh*t from inside the matrix and things are getting all the way worse, supposedly.

    Still, I feel that everything is going accord to Cobra's reports...

  102. The power of meditation is massive, but there is no amount of meditation that will stop Israel from continuing its genocide/ mass murder of innocent civilians. They must be stopped.
    Sorry Cobra, but just like Hitler, sitting around meditating will not work in this case. Unfortunately fire must be fought with fire. The light forces still do not intervene, and the resistance has been hopeless on this issue. Time to fight fire with fire.
    Maybe both parties ( Israel / Iran) can be held back, but I'm not so sure.
    Only the halt of Israel and the U.S can bring peace.
    If a war does break out, your next update will be very interesting I'm sure.

    1. En un post anterior de Cobra el decía que los túneles eran de las fuerzas de la Luz y estaban avanzando en destruir la oscuridad en Israel...que era el centro de operaciones del cabal en la tierra...encuentro muchas contradicciones

    2. Acaso las LF no pueden detener una bomba nuclear?no tienen la tecnología para detener misiles qué matan inocentes de un lado y del otro?por favor!!!!basta de mentiras...me canse de toda la mierda que circula x diferentes medios...la única verdad está en mi interior y en tu interior...medita,haz fluir tus energías!,no pienses con tu cerebro que lo maneja tu ego...piensa con tu corazón con profunda meditación...nadie te va a salvar...solo tu...tu tienes el poder...todo lo demás es todo basura

  103. The Light Forces are working furiously to help us and to help our planet. They are doing everything we would want and need. They are DESTROYING the dark. To say they are doing nothing is a LIE that the dark keeps repeating, yet who cares. They are only words. They do not hurt us and do not reach us. Silly, silly dark ones.

    The two solar superstorms are now merging. The one out the front slowed and joined the one behind. Am I the only one excited about this? It is so cool. It's so funny how apparently nothing is happening (according to the dark) and yet these massive plasma superstorms from the sun are washing over us, it's truly amazing how much help we are getting and how much transformation is taking place. Let the dark holler how no one is helping us. They're not even annoying. They are just sad at this point. Like the people trying to start wars, don't watch the news and if you see it, it's nearly over.
    You think Cobra is just about meditation? Ahahahah. We are meditating powerfully, and otherwise ignoring them trying to blow stuff up. They will not get far.
    Before long, the dark will be GONE. Gone forever. And we are ascending. ASCENDING. We just have to get out the last bit of stuff we need to process to Ascend. That's right... Soon we will leave you dark ones to a world of hell and ascend right out of here. And we get to keep our bodies this time (cool).
    Keep babbling dark ones, it makes no difference at all.



  104. Hello friends of the truth solar flash
    moving to the new Earth
    timeline the number and intensity of the
    solar flares has been increasing rapidly
    so what is their purpose and what are
    the accomplishing they are bringing in high
    frequency Divine masculine energy from
    the Sun this contains light codes that
    start to ignite happiness within
    Humanity for the first time since
    Atlantis people are able to experience
    true happiness they are also Awakening
    pure Divine masculine
    energies this higher light is activating
    qualities of wise leadership with
    Integrity so that a wave of higher
    frequency leaders is being prepared and
    will soon step
    forward the solar flares are touching
    people with the impulse to use their
    power for the highest good and to
    protect the vulnerable
    in this way it is raising the frequency
    of Earth humanity and even the universe
    it is no coincidence that there are more
    Super moons that are pulsing out high
    frequency intense divine feminine
    energies they are beaming out divine
    feminine wisdom as well as a desire to
    start caring for and nurturing each
    other regardless of nationality or Creed
    this is starting to spread through the
    consciousness of
    humanity because we are being bombarded
    by highfrequency light we are needing
    extra assistance with grounding Lady
    Gaia herself is Raising her frequency to
    help us all ground the higher energies

    There's lots more...

  105. A must watch for all Americans

    BUSTED! FEMA's SHOCKING $750 Offer: The Ultimate Land Grab SCAM Exposed!


  106. For those souls interested.

    October 4th - Strongly divinely guided to go to a specific local Walmart. I felt strongly that I needed to get out of my place and go do something. The store was about to close but I went anyway.

    There was an aisle with a blown up nativity scene with baby Jesus, Mary & Joseph and a Santa with his sleigh pointing towards them with the words 'Overnight Delivery' on it. I got a photo of it as it felt important.

    14 minutes later, the Vatican News twitter account (official news account for the Vatican) shared a post which included a Gospel of the Day which is about how God handed everything down to Jesus:

    Twitter Link

  107. Very, very, very powerful. This is utterly amazing!

    Decree to release the fall of Atlantis from We Love Mass Meditation


  108. Weather Modification:


  109. I rarely put my comment here but now IS the time.I totally support the recient posts of Ailish and Sherman.We have been meditating since the 2012 and some of us even earlier to prevent disastrous events, to evoke the breakthrough and we' haven't seen visible effects of our efforts.I also believed that Light Forces should interviene on the surface just now!We all are tired, dissilusionated and need some proof our fight doesn't come with nothing.I am afraid that Light Forces don' t understand our fragile situation down here.We, the people ask you now: do something visible ! We need It dearly.
    I also believe that once people lose their patience there will be our own breakthrough, but bloody one this time....

  110. Amazing, October has just begun and the sensation of wellbeing is already what could had been expected by the end of the month or more. It must be the influx of new energies, suppression of darkness, disentanglement etc are building up momentum and have surpassed certain threshold. I had noticed good changes the last months or weeks, but now it’s another level.
    I’ve read quite many comments where many people feel much better too, no doubt it’s something general.
    So now we can really enjoy the show, and end of the movie is the best part… good prospect!

    1. I do not know where or how do you see the sensation of wellbeing. What influx of new energies and suppression of darkness? What went down in NC and the South the past week is the exact situation that happened in Lahaina last year. Now we're having another geoengineered mega storm heading towards Florida. I'm sorry to tell you this but there are zero positive changes, not on a basic level, let alone another level as you suggest. The dark is more active than ever before and active genocide is going on as we speak. It happened last year just like this. In other words, despite Lurker and other developments claimed here on this blog, nothing in actuality has changed in 12 months because the same exact horror was pulled on people like last year and before.

      As for me, I am no longer meditating. I was a faithful follower of this blog, silently, for 12 years. It has lost all credibility to me, along with all spirituality. I know what temporary delusion is like, reading or watching hopium and wanting to see...really wanting to see the things we've been led on with for years or decades. But - it's just not there. It isn't. It's just our goodness and energy that we project into the dark, so eager to see something, anything...and we keep deluding ourselves with these imaginary things, while our brothers and sisters are being genocided all over the world, now even here just a few hundred miles or less from a lot of us.

      No one wants to stop praising the Emperor's new clothes. Everyone feels they can't be the one who say it....Well not me.

      The Emperor has no clothes!! Anyone else with me? Who will be brave enough to say it with me?

      There's some sort of shame associated with not feeling these new energies or not seeing these "new clothes" as if it's our fault that we don't feel or see anything. It's just ego.

      I no longer have a spiritual ego, unlike all these years where I was super spiritual, super enlightened, and I tried so hard to feel and see things that probably weren't there.

      I don't care if I am the most unevolved person on the world anymore but I still say the same. The emperor has no clothes!
