Friday, December 27, 2024

P touchdown, ATVOR  sequencing stable


  1. I wish you success, the evil must be isolated and eliminated.

  2. Welcome to Earth, Pleiadians!!!!!!!! We are so happy to see you return!
    In other news, we are doing a mass meditation on January 5th:
    MAKE THIS VIRAL! Meditation for Peace between Russia, Ukraine & NATO on January 5, 2025 at 7:30 pm UTC

    REPLAY Émission du Solstice MÉDITATIONS: LIGNE de TEMPS PERSONNELLE Positive / Favorable+Méditation pour se CONNECTER à AGARTHA +Explications (ANNULER CONTRATS D'ÂMES NÉGATIFS,Energies actuelles ...)+ Pilier de Lumière ATVOR...

    Rejoignez "PREPARE FOR CHANGE FRANÇAIS OFFICIEL " L'UNIQUE chaîne YOUTUBE OFFICIELLE de l'équipe française du réseau "Prepare For Change" (qui remplace la chaîne "Libération planétaire et Ascension" qui a été supprimée ) avec des vidéos/émissions explicatives+méditations+outils spirituels...

    Groupe officiel Prepare For Change pour la France et les pays francophones
    “Prepare For Change #France#Francophonie"
    Page Facebook officielle du site français Prepare For Change “Prepare For Change Francophone”
    Liste officielle des groupes officiels PREPARE FOR CHANGE en Europe liés au réseau
    vous y trouverez des sous-groupes intéressants y compris des méditations, emissions,articles,salons vocaux…
    facebook "Libération planétaire et Ascension"



  4. i don't know what is happening but it's incredible!
    ATVOR is almost touchable how close and clear it became. such a powerful technology! urgh! i'm in love again,
    every night i am making deep complex and final clean ups waking up feeling like the most beautiful and perfumed flower almost getting wings.

    i am SOUL EXCITED OH MY GODDESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I really hope that there will be Peace on Earth! And even the Ground moved a little. Victory of the Light!

  6. Starlight432
    December 25, 2024 at 11:26 AM

    "A Truly Flawed Universe
    (I could be incorrect, but this is what I felt guided to write, independent of any person's and any group’s influence.)
    If a creation can be damaged/distorted/twisted, this is an inherent flaw in the creation. A truly perfect creation can never be damaged/distorted/twisted in the first place.
    This current universe is severely flawed. Universes outside this universe can be flawed as well, but to a much lesser extreme. Universes outside this universe are fundamentally of a much higher quality.
    In a truly perfect universe, there is no ‘choice to be good or be abusive,’ because there is no abuse and thus no temptation to commit abuse – there is no debate between free will and non-free will.
    One of the most flawed aspects of this universe is sexuality and the physical sex organs. There are many who try to view sexuality as a beautiful, sacred, and divine expression, but truthfully, other far less flawed universes know that sexuality is a fundamental flaw. Regardless of how much some may try to embrace their sexuality, deep down, they know that sexuality is a distortion of creation. The more someone says, “I’m not ashamed of my sexuality,” the more they fight against a deep inner knowing that they are suppressing.

    With sexuality, there should never be a form of ‘love’ that is so conditional, vulnerable, and abusable, and pedophilia proves this – proves how flawed sexuality truly is. Again, the more flawed something is, the more it can be damaged/distorted/twisted, and everyone would definitely agree that pedophilia is one of the most damaged/distorted/twisted aspects of creation that can exist.

    Ultimately, there will be no more sexuality. There will be no need to hide anything, nor will there be taboos. All such flaws will no longer exist when this universe has its ‘pythagorean comma’ corrected.
    There are forces from other universes that try to work with this distorted universe to heal and perfect it. From their perspective, it is always a very difficult task to work with such a massively flawed universe at this one."

    1. I believe it's true in the higher dimensions there is no gender or sexes. (Angels/Archangels etc...). It also feels like sexuality and physical union were meant to be something pure and beautiful. It got distorted and perverted by the lower dense energies that only exist in duality. In the higher frequencies our whole being (all chakras and energy centers) lights up like a Christmas tree during Divine union with another. Here in 3 D the heart usually stays closed during intercourse and energies stay in the lower 2 chakras. Someday soon we'll get to truly "make love" in 5D with a Soul who can embody our Twin Flame frequencies. 🔥♥️

    2. Extension Blog, thank you for re-posting!

      CosmicCustodian, yeah, as a general rule, it looks like the dimensions become less flawed the higher they go. 3D and 4D at least are definitely very flawed. Probably the more dense creation becomes when going down the spheres, the more flaws there are, because with increased density comes increased complexity. A certain level of complexity being reached starts to allow for very undesirable possibilities.

      The anomaly may have not been able to interact with dimensions that are high enough. These dimensions would be completely immune, although I don't know which dimension this starts at. Interesting to ponder, thanks for the perspective.

    3. Actually, the ugliness of modern "sexuality" (you can better call it pornography, modern people dont do sex anymore, they do porn) is the result of a very well planned job of repression by the darkies. Religions, idiologies, pornography (pornography is repression of sex!!!) destroyed the beauty of sex and love. Of course you have some individuals here and there who are loyal to their natural being, but they constantly suffer archontic interference! Believe me, nothing receives more attacks than pure, innocent love between man and woman. They will tell you otherwise, but is just bs.
      Perversion is not only allowed by the archons and their minions, it is almost forced on us!

    4. Porn can be used as a mapping of pure desire- though because of its nature, it has become a tool of programming and control. How many men and women have their insecurities maximized by pornography? How many are programmed to see themselves as invalid, as unlovable? Erotic art -including porn- can be very innocent, if the collective lets it be. The collective misunderstanding of sex and emotions as evil, vile, shameful are projected onto the material and indeed, are required by the people.

      In the harsh past of our species, women evolved to sell sex, and men evolved to consume it. The rules of capital therefore push it all towards profiteering; to sell zero sex for infinite profit. This cannot go on forever. Funnily we're at the endgame of just about every area of humanity itself, and yet it feels like it's only the beginning.

    5. gersey, my premise is because archons and so forth cause the perversion of sexuality, sexuality itself is a flawed creation. Anything that can be messed up in such ways (which your description of such ways is accurate) is flawed to begin with. However, people can make friends with their sexuality. Beings from other universes of much higher quality probably still have to work with the many inherent flaws of this universe.

    6. @Arkavian I agree with you 100% sexuality is not evil and it's sad that people think it is when it's not

  7. Oh! Então os amigos conseguiram levar a bola até a end zone!
    Contribuição do chat: "Metaforicamente, um touchdown representa o ato de atingir um grande objetivo ou realizar algo significativo, especialmente após um esforço planejado e focado. É como dizer que a pessoa "marcou um gol" em termos de conquista, mas com o tom mais ligado à ideia de estratégia, superação de desafios e trabalho em equipe". Que a Deusa abençoe!!
    Por aqui, tudo bem.

  8. Great news! so now they’re already here… it could mean the peak moment of the portal we’re at (until Jan 21st) is getting closer, among other things.. let’s hope they’re very succesful!

  9. Looks good! P for Pleiadians? For sure! Great news!

  10. Replies
    1. If you constantly repeat One sentence in a Meaningless way, “tired” will become your reality.

    2. In fact,“Tired” has been my reality for very long time as LFs always don’t intervent the Surface.

      LFs must give me enough compensation.

    3. @Sariel

      Welcome to the war zone.

  11. P's are welcome to stop by for lunch. We'll put together something vegan if you want.

  12. Touchdown? that sounds very good. Fortunately we have many people ready to say hello and work together with our galactic friends. A large portion of the population will come around it once they are no longer subject to extreme programming. The rest, IE, the controllers and their stooges can be recycled. No one in their right state of mind would ever tolerate the system of slavery they placed on us.
    I am totally ready to go home. I don't mind helping a little during the transition period after a receive my normal body and am reunited with my family. I request a small decompression period back home before returning for a short time.

    1. Just pick me up and take me home, not coming back to this planet ever again.

  13. NOW WE'RE TALKING! This sounds VERY positive! LET'S GO!!🫵😎👍
    COmpression BReAkthrough coming!

  14. VotL
    For Christmas we breathed poisoned air from USG chemical weapons because our truck was adapted into a concentration camp torture chamber by the state.
    All local dirty police work with dirty federal police to torture to discredit to murder "targeted persons if Interest" in their fraud based national security ponzi scheme. They frame TIs/Whistleblowers as criminally insane and TIs evidence backed statements are disregarded because the only routes to report crimes are to those who are complicit from police to the Congressional Oversight Office.
    The privatized security satanic state church gets money to torture targets to frame them and murder them. They are incentivized with fundamental conflicts of interest. When the state and private companies work together to commit war crimes against humanity then that state and those private businesses can't use NDAs and privatized compartmentalizing to hide from FOIA because their crimes supersead pseudo-legal documents that contradict the Constitution.
    The state is the national security threat. The people didn't stockpile weapons, the state did to attack the people so legal intervention is required.
    Talk about taxation without representation, they use our tax money to develop, manufacture and deploy chemical weapons on the public. In the same way they use our truck battery to power the GPS, A/V and biochemical dust and neutotoxic aerosol to assault us by our need to breath. The police with security companies stalk, record video and assault targeted people in the bathroom and try to arrest for legally shopping. INFRAGARD is how the 702 interfaces for police crimes to mesh using private businesses such as a grocery store. You can't press charges or sue because all police departments are involved the the Knights of Columbus Terrorist Organization.
    The 4th Reich invades it's own countries and poisons sub-lethally by air for police and security companies to then finish off targeted people with guns using a "crazy person" story.
    There is no recourse to the law under this failed state paradigm.
    The police using of our truck battery to release poison on us for Christmas drained our truck battery. We didn't leave headlights on or something.
    All my information can be cross checked and evidence has been shared.

    Mass Arrests. Free the People

    Peace on Earth ~~~
    One Infinite Being


  16. ATVOR stable. Sounds great to me.

  17. Replies
    1. WoW, i love this ❤❤⚡⚡
      Make ATVOR Gteat Again 💪

  18. A tutti quelli che chiamano gli sfoghi delle lamentele dico: c'è una bella differenza. La lamentela è un sintomo caratteriale di un individuo e fanno molto male alla salute , anche di chi le ascolta. Lo sfogo è al contrario , un modo per buttare fuori una sofferenza o un dolore che sono accentuate in questo periodo di intense trasformazioni energetiche che non è tossico ,anzi è un sistema per non inglobare troppo fumo nel cervello. È doveroso ma anche capibile visto il periodo e visto il ritardo dell'Evento. Ma io le opinioni degli altri le lascio dietro di me. A me interessa vedere risultati tangibili. Ed è inutile tergiversare sulle cose, è ora della sveglia. Ci sono persone che possono permettersi di aspettare ulteriori ritardi, altre che sono al limite. Non siamo tutti nella stessa situazione ma vi prego di moderate i termini quando si parla di questo argomento perché si rischia ancora una volta una spaccatura all'interno del blog tra Operatori di Luce e non ne abbiamo bisogno. Tutti hanno un margine di ragione ma non dimenticate che questo blog è stato creato con l'intenzione di unire non dividere. Allora vi dico: le cose non sono andate come sarebbero dovute andare e questo l'ha menzionato anche Cobra recentemente. Per cui qui è un obbligo essere d'accordo dal momento che è stato dichiarato dall'autore, ma comunque chi è un po' sveglio avrebbe dovuto capirlo da solo. Per cui riflettete un attimo prima di scrivere sermoni e ramanzine. Che nessuno critichi più nessuno. Comunque, quando ho fatto presente ciò che non funziona, l'ho fatto per fare sentire la mia voce anche a nome di tutti coloro che soffrono e mi riferisco soprattutto ai bambini che subiscono traumi da guerra, non certo per ego. Sono qui a fare lo stesso lavoro che dite di fare voi. E visto che parlate di lamentele non fatelo voi per primi , dato che lamentarsi di chi si lamenta crea un lamento ulteriore. Fatevi i fatti vostri e andate avanti a lavorare e date il meglio di voi, oltremodo si crea un vortice negativo da cui non si esce facilmente senza discussioni accese: evitiamo le polemiche.

  19. A costo di diventare logorroico ma non mi importa proprio niente, la mia non si chiama lamentela ma SVEGLIA!! PIÙ VELOCI , PIÙ VELOCI LF, io prometto il mio lavoro come ho sempre fatto ma non ho l'astronave in mano come voi. Ah se ce l'avessi cosa farei...😤 Ho già svolto molte battaglie sapete. Nessuna paura di morire , vorrei vivere per vedere l'Evento ma non ho paura di morire. Ho già visto l'inferno in 53 anni , non può essere peggio di così dall'altra parte. Gli oscuri sono dei vigliacchi pur sapendo che perdendo la battaglia sulla Terra non avranno altro posto dove andare se non al Sole Centrale. Sono anche stupidi in un certo senso. Non siete riusciti a finire l'opera con me dato che sono ancora vivo. Siete delle 💩 fumanti.

  20. am I the only one who remains skeptic?

  21. What does this mean, the pleadians labded physiclly, if I go outside I would see a pleadian in person?

    1. The touchdown could be in Agartha and not the planet surface. I'm not saying this is the case though. If it is on the planet surface, this could mean first contact. Many possibilities. An update in the near future will most likely elaborate.

    2. From what the previous post hinted, they have been beamed to Agartha, which at least is this planet…

    3. Wish we can get such invitations.

    4. I would like to see them physically but I do have to admit its a bit scary seeing an actual extra terrestrial and I hope I'll be ok spiritually but its still a cool idea

  22. Could this phenomenon be related to today's update as well?

    ”Around 23:06 on December 25, 2024, multiple unusual objects suddenly appeared in the field of view of NASA's solar observation satellite SOHO's LASCO/C3 coronagraph.

    Four round orbs can be confirmed, along with several white trails visible as well. These were caused by multiple orbs making high-speed passes and course changes at close range, as no celestial bodies exhibit such sharp curves. It is speculated that a large number of UAPs passed within close proximity to the satellite, but did they then enter Earth's sphere? This appears to be a real case of mysterious flying saucers (UFOs). This should be considered an event that suggests something to humanity.”

  23. Pure infinite unconditional love connecting all🦋🦋🦋🌹💎💎💎✨️🌏✨️🌍✨️🌎✨️💎💎💎🌹🦋🦋🦋💖💖💖💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💜💜💜💜💜💜🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

  24. When will we start to awaken our memories on a large scale?

  25. January 21st is less than a month away. When will we start to wake up?

  26. ladies and gentlemen-say hi to your pleiadian brothers and sisters;they just scored a cosmic grade touchdown after all…..go pleiadians go-hahahahaha……

    1. Se segnano anche il Field goal da 3, forse riescono a bucare la rete (il velo)...applausi comunque per il touchdown, sono stati bravi 👍🌲🛸🌲

    2. If P is code for Pleadians, then it's no wonder there are security breaches constantly. :-D

  27. The landing sequence. Touchdown. Seven sisters.


  29. TD! Go for the Two Point Converstion!

  30. Most of us will probably not notice the Pleiadeans at all when they turn up around us because the first ones to make contact will look just like us and that is a good thing.

    I mean if someone who has completely blue or green skin and perhaps red eyes suddenly walked up to us it could lead to some unpleasant reactions among (at least) US.

    However, the really interesting thing will be when "our friends" start talking to us, using telepathy and we "see" what they are "saying" to us.

    Wow!!! I can't wait for that moment. : ) : ) : )


    Victory of the light!

  31. Immagino che il prossimo aggiornamento di Cobra sarà pieno di speciali novità, positive.
    Tutte le strade portano ad Agartha. ShambaAllah

  32. Welcome, Pleiadians! 💙💙✨🛸

  33. Ottime informazioni dal Comando Ashtar attraverso Neva:

  34. Я налаштована досить скептично. До 21 січня залишилося мало часу.Та й і взагалі я відношуся до всього з певною недовірою, все досить затягнуто. Який толк із того, що я в своєму обійсті зробила
    Контактну Площадку???Агов, плеядеанців???!!!!! До речі, які саме плеядеанців, адже їх багато видів!!!!

  35. Я налаштована досить скептично. До 21 січня залишилося мало часу.Та й і взагалі я відношуся до всього з певною недовірою, все досить затягнуто. Який толк із того, що я в своєму обійсті зробила
    Контактну Площадку???Агов, плеядеанців???!!!!! До речі, які саме плеядеанців, адже їх багато видів!!!!

  36. Does this mean something will actually happen on the surface now because I'm done. Been at this forever and still no tangible results. There is only so long people can keep holding on.

    1. I don't enjoy saying this, but I expect that it'll still be a few months before things start to improve on the physical level.

      But I do think that things will substantially improve somewhere in 2025.


  37. I first heard this 25 years ago, and have posted this song on here many times.
    However! Every version I shared had something wrong with the lyrics, some lines had been swapped around.
    And yesterday, finally, I found a version with the lyrics as I remember them. And again, I didn't look for this, I just found it.

    This is Maria.
    She walks like she don't care.
    Walking on imported air.

    Love and Light

