Monday, March 31, 2014


Pandora in progress, FINAL in decryption and in removal. HVBN unstable to stabilized, major Isidic security breach deflected, PPN in removal, L51 threat removed. Prometheus in progress, M=24.


  1. @Cobra

    Since the mobile version of this site never displays the sidebar, please post atleast the links to the weekly meditations within your new posts ( maybe not every single post but at least once in a few posts).

    Many people who access only the mobile version of this site don't know what they are missing.

  2. From Ben Fulfords newest artcle!
    Also, the WDS told them the man going by the name Cobra claimed to have ridden a supersonic underground train from London to New York before the bases were shut down. This corroborates extensive written records about these underground train networks. The Russians were also told the WDS had been shown photographs of underground wheat fields.

  3. Sweet music of the Spheres!!! Thank you Cobra, RM and all you brave souls in service to the light! Let there be light! So be it

  4. OMG! Cobra...your mission is almost complete and you have the thanks of all humanity. LOVE you! Let's imagine ourselves in this video!


  5. Sound like things are in good order :)

  6. Some very powerful clearing took place over the weekend. Thanks to all involved.

  7. What's the abbreviation HVBN stand for?

  8. Welcome back, COBRA! Sounds like the Portal Conference went well. Thank you and RM for all you do, all that you are.

  9. from Wikipedia: In Greek mythology, Prometheus (/prəˈmiːθiːəs/; Greek: Προμηθεύς, pronounced [promɛːtʰeús], meaning "forethought")[1] is a Titan, culture hero, and trickster figure who is credited with the creation of man from clay, and who defies the gods and gives fire to humanity, an act that enabled progress and civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and as a champion of mankind

  10. Good morning from Europe.
    Pandora in Progress - Financial reset?
    What is Prometheus?

    1. @ Janina

      Pandora is the codename for cleaning the etheric/astral planes.

  11. Lots of talk about Cobra in the most recent Benjamin Fulford post!:
    The most interesting part is how the cabal are wanting to bribe Cobra with trillions of dollars. Hmmm...desperate much?

  12. Pandora´s box opening will surely release all monsters to be known by all of us. Bravo Cobra!

  13. Thanks, Cobra! I love updates...M is really high now, HVBN even stable? Wow! Pandora is sure full on: LOTS of stuff coming out. And speaking of which, thank you to our space family for this one:
    Glad to hear we're on FINAL approach...and that the security breaches are always deflected. As for Prometheus..go for it!

  14. Pandora and Prometheus in progress? Would like to know what this is... Sound great!!
    Victory to the light!!!

    Source of news":

  16. I would love to see a translation! Send to

  17. Strange.....Why are all the comments being Blocked??

  18. Be the Ones to Deliver the most important document at the time of the Event

  19. Pandora doesn't go back in the box, she only COMES OUT BABAY

  20. I was expecting an April Fools joke saying that the Event just happened. You disappoint me, sir.

  21. I have just came across an AMAZING article that sums up and answers most of the questions that weve been asking cobra the topics in the article a quick summary of topics
    - Time distortions and timeline as they Relate to the Event
    - What the EVENT is
    - How the G2 cloud realtes to the event
    -Actions of the cabal
    -chemtrails and speculation of their effect on the event
    -E.t intervention

    Simply a must read for anybody who comes to this site
    and ill leave you with a quote

    When we speak of the Event we know there is a sequence of events taking place in a very particular order. Very recently, this month, the Extraterrestrials who came back from in the future to repair this Timeline placed Earth within the new Timeline. That means it is possible now to dissolve the old timeline which will uncreate those negative ET’s who were the few wanting to control the many. Nothing else more need be done."

    The article is long but read every word

    1. Excelente articulo, Gracias Paul,por informar.

  22. Wow, thank you Cobra for this message. I love the words "in progress, in removal and stabilized". The light is getting stronger and stronger and all the lightworkers getting stronger and stronger. Yes, we make it, I can feel it.

    Victory for the light from New Zealand

  23. HAPPY 2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY COBRA RESISTANCE!!! It's been such an AWESOME ride and definitely feel honored to be part of something so exclusive, aka "shit that you just can't make up" club, and yet it ALWAYS made perfect sense...:) And then to get such publicly-brave recognition by Fulford was the bestest birthday present I think :D

  24. So.

    Love and peace ?

  25. Here is a little story that i have made.
    Hope you like it.

    Life was a woman who once sang a subtle melody. Of that beautiful melody this Universe was created. Seeing what she had created, she felt in love with her song.
    She soon decided to enter to her dream, and one day inadvertently, she forgot that she had done it. By not remembering that she had entered into her own creation, things started to go wrong.

    The darkness began to emerge, wars began to appear , discord , jealousy between people. Goodness was soon forgotten , and also that love is the greatest force in the universe.It is the primordial energy. Altruism was also lost, and the little that was left , was destabilized, since failing to find a balance between altruism and self-love, people started getting sick. They forgot that their own emotions, not being well managed , would overcome them and be their executioners. As these are immensely powerful.

    By not remember who she was (life itself), beings inside her creation, began to forget who they were. They started hurting themselves, believing that their suffering comes from outside, when it really comes from within. But how can we expect them to find themselfs, when life itself, has not been able to do it by herself.

    She did not realize it was risky to go in here, because her dream would behave as she felt. And if she couldnt find a perfect harmonious balance within herself, things could go wrong. She never believed the immense power that it would do in her melody. She did not know she would be entering in an eternal dream of gradual self- destruction, in which only she could make it out. Just by her-self.

    Without knowing that her emotions were the vibrational Guidelines of Earth and the entire universe her fear and anguish, was reflected in the world, and for thousands of years we all suffered. The darkness was slowly taking over her.

    This darkness began to emerge from a subtle emotion she felt and embrace one day. It was “Nostalgia”. It came from her unconscious desire to leave her own dream and prison. And she rejoiced in this, she rejoiced in it for a long time. Too long. Unknowingly, Sadness was born from this feeling and it stalled in her.

    The Universe and the earth mainly, being only a reflection of Life, also became ill, and gradually the darkness began to spread, and Life, lost in herself, fell into a deep pit of loneliness and sadness. Her Melancholy, was reflected in the Universe as duality and on Earth as wars, suffering, pain and injustice. This happened for a long time, and for a long time her once beautiful melody, got sick too.

  26. One day , she began to listen to a subtle voice speaking to her. At first she did not understand it, because the noise of her upset and unhappy thoughts didnt let her listen. She Felt curious and decided to listen, to give it a try. It cost her a lot, since she needed first clearing her mind and body. She needed first to let go all the weight in her And then filled it with the voice she has been hearing whispering to her.

    It took quite a while. It was an arduous and complicated task for her, but she never gave up. This come and go of strouggle and postponent of healing her-self, took time, many hundreds of years.

    After a long time looking for ways to quiet her own mind , after going through countless obstacles, and realizing that they were just from herself, as she was the one who created her own impediments , her own walls. She started feeling this strange voice was becoming clearer . Until one day she Heard it. It was herself. The self she forgot one day.

    She was saying to her: "Stop dreaming, wake up now, It has been YOU the whole time, cant you see it. The answer you have been looking all those years, has been within you the whole time. You have always knew. You just couldnt remember me."
    Without hesitation, Life reminded who she was, and aroused. All of the people and beings within her song, began to remember who they were, they remember theyre true self, the became aware of Life.

    From the outside, and holding what she has created in her hands , she understood what had happened. Crying of happiness and joy she grabbed her song and stroked it with great tenderness. Soon, with incondicional love and understanding, and while dancing, they soon fusioned with each other, becoming the most beautiful song ever created.


    1. Finca--
      What a wonderful story with an important message! I love how it speaks of the importance of emotions. Thank you for sharing!!!

  27. Thanks Co.bra

    M increased 3 to 24

    Is this good news?



    Yet another prediction of the date of the financial collapse ( group meditation will ease the transition ).

  29. Thank you Cobra and RM!Liberty soon!

  30. Does anybody have an update on the location of the G2 Cloud?


    1. Because of the nature of our limited telescopes, and the fact we have to look through a dense cloud of stars to look at our galactic core and with all the light pollution, we can't exactly pinpoint the location or the exact properties of the cloud and the object within it. The diameter of the cloud, the nature of the object which could be a brown dwarf or a large sun or even a gas giant planet if I remember reading correctly, and the way the cloud distorts due to the increased speed as it reaches periapsis(closest approach to the orbiting body), all make the estimates for the interaction of the G2 cloud and the galactic central sun very wide ranging. Hence, the different estimates say around march to may is when we could expect to see something significant.

      The short answer is, we don't really know when, just wait and find out. Cobra also said information on the G2 cloud would be classified until further notice.

  31. Hi Cobra, you haven't posted any comments in quite a while so I am a little bit worried about your health. Going from Asia back to the West is likely to give you very bad jet lag...especially on the trip back (one change is tough, but two is terrible!). Please take care of yourself; drink plenty of fluids; lay down as often as possible; and take melatonin for a while to help you sleep at night. My best wishes are for you Cobra!

  32. ¿se mantiene la 2°mitad de Abril como fecha del Evento?

  33. Please join us and participate in the group meditation to support the Worldwide Wave of Action on April 4, 2014 ... !

    As I typed this the weekly meditation clock read 4:04:00:04 ~~ !!

    A New Earth, A New Paradigm

  34. Still no comments released here (at the time i write this). No one is saying something or massive work behind the scenes?

  35. Lazer focus for the HIGHEST GOOD for each and all everywhere! May the time be NOW for reset, the Event, and unfathomable celebration in each and every BEing - sure will be awaiting CNN's announcement supposedly this coming Sunday, April 6th, about the new currency reset globally. AND having some of the new TRNs (Treasury Reserve Notes) in our pockets/accounts.

    Thank you to all who are helping bring this into 3D physical manifestation - relief and release to a higher place of BEing and living on this planet. :-)
    You, aka YouMa
    Boulder, Colorado

  36. Please forgive Us Prometheus and Be Healed. We Love You and we want Your Fire. The Technology of Fire. Not only for us but also for YOU.
    Yes. We all, All, ALL want Your Fire.

    Prometheus is unbound today.

  37. Chiron. Wounded Healer. Everyone has benefited from your healing but you. WE all want that to change now.

    1. Well Levi, I am as serious as a Ukranian Heart Attack.

      Not all things that effect 3D happen on 3D.

    2. btw I intended the reference to causality here.


  39. "My contention has always been that all countries and institutions are reading from the same script and this whole charade is a playing out exactly as intended, as a method of Hegelian Dialectic.

    With each step and move the financial world is being pushed into the waiting arms of the International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements.

    The details of this process may vary and some aspects may still be undecided. Perhaps there are still choices allowed but those choices will be held within a narrow path of ultimate outcome. The emerging pattern is becoming very obvious. When Russia, with the support of China, threatens a specific action in retaliation of potential western sanctions, and then a western bank makes a move which forces Russia into exactly what it originally said it would do, one can only shiver with foreshadowing of what will come next".

    Read more:


  40. Event on 4/15? Any insights?

  41. I think the event will happen sooner than we think.

    A lot of dates came and went, specially December 2012 where everybody was expecting something amazing to happen, even then things felt SO weak compared to now.

    Right now, the energy is so strong, we're constantly being bombarded by amazing things that wouldn't be out there usually (the free energy projects for example) so many things that I'm having a hard time catching up.

    Behind the scenes, everything feels "rushed", it seems like all the positive groups are doing their final preparations for whatever role they have.

    April feels like a very likely month for the Event, and I pray everyday for it. But by the way things are going, it really seems that this bomb is about to blow sooner rather than later, I don't think the Cabal can handle the pressure for much longer.

    Let's get this party started already, the sooner it happens the quicker we can actually spend our days rebuilding humankind rather than being slaves in this prison planet.

    Victory of the light!

  42. Would it be too weird to find out that all the delay about the Event is due, mainly, to Love?

  43. Cobra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  44. Here is another channelling message about the importance of this date 15th April 2014, hope this is not another empty promise again (We had enough). Read this yourself :-

    1. This is a Cabal channeled message, pretending to know what they are talking about. You can just tell.

  45. Cobra,
    Please forward this letter to the resistance or someone that can help. Thank you.

    I am writing for a very serious reason! The reason is that American Citizens here in Dunedin, FL are being attacked by a group of Criminals and rapist using US government agency procedures, covert weapons and technology to hurt families of honest law abiding citizens and run an organized crime organization. We are attacked because of what we know about them and their many crimes. Many others are attacked and sometimes robbed or killed and don't even have a clue they are being attacked.

    We need help in the form of Special Forces to arrest and prosecute them now. They are primarily hired ex-military as contractors to reportedly a US corporation. Some of them must be connected to the military or FBI or other police force as they use these connections to scare, mind control, gag, or any of a slew of intel agency techniques to illegally control or hurt regular citizens.

    Everything done is covert, illegal, and behind the scenes so they can't be dealt with in the court system. They physically and mentally attack, mind control, rape, covertly or overtly rob, and vandalize property of people they are paid to hurt or get in the way.

    They are a full criminal racketeering operation with sex crimes against adults and CHILDREN usually in their own bed at night in their own home and covered up by high tech hypnosis (~ you won't remember anything)and this is part of their normal operation and they have been getting away with it. This is rape by covert entry and technology to hold their victim unconscious and then use agency high tech electronic Pain-Drug-Hypnosis or similar. What is worse is they give the victim hypnotic suggestions that encourages them to break up their family with criticisms about their partner or parents and enforced by hypnotic suggestion. Sometimes they use suggestion to turn a heterosexual male into a homosexual male and sometimes they keep a relationship with them afterwards and may even hire them to work with them in the criminal activity. Families and children are commonly hurt or split apart usually by hypnotic suggestion move away or the previous way.

    All of this is terrifying that someone can use intel agency technology to come into your house torture, drug, rape, molest everyone there whenever they want and the police won't investigate or even let you report the many crimes. (Police are apparently infiltrated or corrupted)

    Please help! We are not safe!

    Larry Pearce
    Dunedin, FL 34698

  46. victory of light ahead ! Be prepared and ready to help




    Turning Point in our collective karmic mission tasks – The Message of the Libra Ascending Moon Node

    In the current stellar message we would like to say a few words about the Ascending Moon Node – the North Node, which represents the karmic mission tasks – entering the sign of Libra at 5:21 PM on 22 March, 2014. After one and a half years, the focus of karmic mission tasks shifts from the Scorpio – Taurus axis to the Libra – Aries axis, retuning the direction of the collective missions. We should prepare for this intentionally now, as the North Node will stay in the sign of Libra until 6:15 AM on 10 October 2015, and so it appoints a new collective karmic mission task for the whole humanity and of course it will have its influences felt in all of our solar years as well.

    It is not by chance that it is in the “Year of the Goddess” – the year permeated with the spiritual codes of the Stellar Nation of the Female Serpents – when this change occurs, after having been carefully prepared by all the stellar messages and planetary effects of 2014 so far. After the encompassing Scorpio Moon Node, which as a guiding principle often brought up very difficult collective and personal themes, we can now feel an energetic ...

  48. Cobra,
    can you give us some intel about the current situation?

  49. Check out this posting regarding the QEG (free energy) device, its presentation at the Taipei Cobra conference... and... it is going viral, folks..... wow....Dated today: April 3, 2014.

    1. WOW! That is absolutely amazing how fast the QEG is spreading around! I guess it just goes to show that the world is desperate for free energy.

  50. Is Athena behind Pandora and Prometheus?

  51. I look fowatd to your March interview with much is bubbling to the surface.
    Rollon the 15th april
    Be safe be well hold the light .
    I look forward to the party:))

  52. This sounds like great news Cobra and RM! Thank you for it all... And Victory Of The Light!!

  53. Dear Cobra ...
    On behalf of thousands of human beings ask your help and the Resistance Movement ....
    We are victims of AIDS fraud that keeps us isolated and marginalized ... our health is perfect , without any medication ( poison) and our situation is not considered ...
    This fraud is only for depopulation of the Earth .... and human waste time waiting cure something that does not exist ( at least not as the HIV virus that kills immune system ) .....
    AIDS is the most ... immunological stress generated by malnutrition ( especially Africa ) , intoxication ( recreational drugs ) and mental stress ......
    There transmitted virus and because of this lie live alone , though healthy ...
    Mothers are deprived of their children , can not feed them .... there are people who are arrested because they would be " contaminating " others ...... all this for what? To cause death, pain and especially profits for the pharmaceutical industry ....
    I refuse to be part of it , but wanted to have my life back ...... and this will only occur if this fraud is revealed officially that , since the media there are countless proofs of this lie ......
    Peter H Duesberg ( Germany , December 2, 1936 ) is a professor of molecular and cell biology at UC Berkeley . Ph.D in chemistry from the University of Frankfurt , became a researcher at the Max Planck Institute of Virology in Tübingen , and since 1973 he is professor of the chair of molecular and cellular biology at Berkeley , this chair was already occupied by more than one Nobel.á award numerous researchers and scientists who claim that HIV does not correlate with AIDS :
    The " Duesberg Hypothesis ' , promoted by biologist Peter Duesberg at UC Berkeley , argued that HIV was an accidental finding in people with AIDS and that AIDS was not caused by infectious agents such as illicit drug use . Thabo Mbeke , former president South AIDS attributed to poverty , chronic disease , malnutrition and other environmental factors Africa, and was reported to have stated that Western drug companies were promoting the view that HIV caused AIDS to increase sales of anti-HIV drugs
    Dr. Kary Mullis , Biochemist , 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry :
    " If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS , there should be scientific documents which either individually or collectively demonstrate that fact , at least with a high probability . 's No such document exists . " ( Sunday Times ( London) November 28, 1993 )
    • Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sanger , Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology , Max- Planck - Institute for Biochemy , München . Robert Koch Award 1978 :
    " Until now , there really is no scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV . Not even once such retrovirus was isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology . " ( Süddeutsche Zeitung Letter to 2000)

  54. Dr. Alfred Hassig , (1921-1999) , former Professor of Immunology , University of Bern, and former director of the blood bank of the Swiss Red Cross :
    " The sentence of death accompanying the medical diagnosis of AIDS should be abolished . " ( Sunday Times ( London ) 3 April 1994)
    • Dr. Charles Thomas , former Professor of Biochemistry , Harvard and Johns Hopkins Universities :
    "Men and women of the Western world . " ( Sunday Times ( London ) 3 April 1994) The HIV-AIDS dogma causes is the largest and perhaps the most morally destructive fraud that has been perpetrated on young
    • Dr. Joseph Sonnabend , New York physician , founder of the American Foundation for AIDS Research ( AmFAR ) :
    " The marketing of HIV , through press releases and statements , as a deadly virus that causes AIDS , without the need for any other factors , has research and treatment that may have caused thousands of people to suffer and die in a distorted way . " ( Sunday Times ( London) May 17, 1992 )
    • Dr. Andrew Herxheimer , Emeritus Professor of Pharmacology , UK Cochrane Centre, Oxford :
    " I think zidovudine [ AZT ] was never really evaluated properly and that its efficacy has never been proven , but it's toxicity certainly is important. And I think I've killed a lot of people . Especially at high doses . Personally I do not think so should be used alone or in combination at all. " ( Continuum October 2000)
    • Dr. Etienne de Harven , Emeritus Professor of Pathology , University of Toronto :
    " Dominated by the media , by special pressure groups and by the interests of several pharmaceutical companies , the AIDS establishment efforts to control the disease lost contact , peer -reviewed medical science with an open mind because the hypothesis unproven HIV / AIDS received 100 % of the research funds while all other hypotheses were ignored . " ( Revaluation AIDS November / December 1998)
    • Dr. Bernard Forscher , former editor of the National Academy of Sciences Process :
    " The HIV hypothesis ranks with the theory of ' bad air ' theory for malaria and the ' bacterial infection " of beriberi and pellagra [ caused by nutritional deficiencies ] . 's A joke that became a scam . " ( Sunday Times ( London ) 3 April 1994)
    Years are fighting this lie , as you see, but the mainstream media does not give space to researchers and discredit before the public ....
    Help us ..........

  55. Useful to ground yourself amongst all the fear porn and intense energies coming out of April:

    Be present.

  56. Thanks again Cobra
    I am Tom Bodet and I'll leave the light on for ya.

  57. I just listened today to an old Coast to coast AM show from October 9 2013 where abductee Joni Strother described her traumatic encounters with the aliens (greys) and I've got goose bumps when she mentioned that those aliens are ready for THE BIG EVENT!!! I know they are NOT the good guys, so are they the ones that are staging the event or what is going on here? the Coast to Coast show is here: Alien Contacts_C2Cam_9 Oct 2013 (youtube) and she is mentioning the EVENT at 1:12:35. I was hoping to see a positive EVENT not one staged by the corrupt government controlled by the greys. Can anyone listen to the interview and bring some light in this issue. I honestly don't know what to believe anymore and like George Noory I don't believe in coincidences. I am waiting for positive explanations. Thanks.

    1. Well, I think abductees may have been subject of MKUltra "treatments", as well. Furthermore, it could be disinformation.
      But, anyway, what I really believe in is that we're all awakening and we will feel right away whether the thing is evil or not.
      It's really essential that we understand that the power rests inside of us. We have to create the reality we desire.
      Hope it helps.

  58. 2dd, listen to this
    Bashar - Annunakis and Greys

    Bashar - Alien Abduction

  59. CNN , 6 APRIL 2014 --> new financial system ?.../// 15 april 2014 --> The Event..?...

    1. From what Cobra said, the financial reset doesn't occur until the Event happens ... not before the Event. I love Zap but his version of the financial reset includes the Federal Reserve, the IMF, etc. and that would only be another Cabal takeover of the new financial system....same old slavery system with a new face.

      I intuitively feel the Event is right around the corner but I'm holding onto patience and getting ready for the Event (stocking up, sharing the Event Handbook, working on gardening, etc.) and trying to hold love and light in my thoughts.

      Victory of the Light and safety and lots of love and hugs to Cobra and the Resistance, the Positive Military, the Secret Societies that are helping the advancement of the light and all the Lightworkers worldwide working so hard to help bring about the Event with their love and kindness generated to others.

    2. @ sunshinepop7773: Disagree. Global financial reset can happen before the Event.

      Read second half of this post:

      There is some rumor of the public global announcement next week, but these dates come and go and nothing happens...

  60. Something that I just realized about the G2 Cloud.. G is the seventh letter in the alphabet, 7x2=14. April 14th? I hate to talk about dates, but I thought that was a funny coincidence.

  61. Here's couple of really great 30 min audio interviews regarding mh370, and how it is directly tied to 9/11 amongst other things…

    "4-1-2014 Power Hour Field McConnell", who is interviewed here and doesn't get to ramble on as much as in his own radio shows lol.

    CPR News interview with top aide to former Malaysian PM who discusses the two multi-national military exercises, "Cope Tiger" and "Cobra Gold", not mentioned in the msm, that were taking place when mh370 went missing.

    1. Duh, sorry, the second link for "Stealth BUAP MH370 · War Game Exercises"

  62. The Cobra Tshirt changed to the event tshirt!!!
    Awesome! :)


  64. See this:

  65. projet prometeus est ce la divulgation des technologie énergie libre ..

  66. actuellement quel est le taux de la résonnance shumann?
