Monday, May 29, 2017

Cintamani Grid

Since my last Cintamani update, the Cintamani grid on the surface of the planet was strengthened significantly.

Two pieces were strategically positioned on certain key points in Antarctica:

Many pieces are now being positioned on the ocean floors and in the caves worldwide.

Dedicated teams are positioning Cintamani stones in flower of life grid patterns in the most important key vortex points on the planet, such as Long Island:


And many others, especially in east Asia.

Since the first flower of life grids were completed in early 2017, east Asia has experienced a drastic increase of cloudship phenomenon:

Those cloudshps are cloaked motherships of the Galactic Confederation which create ATVOR pillars that descend down into the buried Cintamanis and purify the primary anomaly.

Cintamani grid around the planet is one of the major tools for manifesting the planetary Light grid. Whenever a Cintamani stone is planted in the soil somewhere around the planet, a huge angelic being is anchored in that spot, creating an energy vortex miles in diameter:


When the critical mass of those angelic beings are anchored around the planet, the head of the Yaldaboth entity begins to dissolve. An update about the status of the dissolution of the head of the Yaldabaoth entity will be possible after mid-June when certain operations of the Light forces will be completed.

Cintamanis are also being positioned into many dancefloors around the planet, facilitating the Contact experience with the positive ETs within the mainstream rave culture:

Your own personal cintamani is your own conduit of the energies of Compression Breakthrough when the Event happens.

Stones that are positioned into the soil worldwide are part of the planetary Cintamani grid that will be the planetary conduit for the energies of Compression Breakthrough when the Event happens.

I have been guided to prepare another batch of Cintamani stones. They are available here:

A limited quantity of Cintamani stones was put on StratoProbe 5, a nearspace vehicle which was launched by my team. StratoProbe 5 has reached a maximum altitude of about 21 miles (34 km) and the photos it took at that altitude clearly show the curvature of the Earth:

These Cintamani stones contain cosmic energies from beyond the Veil and they are available here:

Victory of the Light!


One batch of Cintamani stones is now also ready for those Lightworkers and Lightwarriors who do not have money to buy one. They will receive the stone for free, they will only need to pay actual shipping costs. If you are from Asia or Australia and would like to receive your stone, please contact . People from North and South America can contact . People from Europe and Africa can contact   .

For those interested joining the planetary Cintamani burying project, detailed instructions are posted here: 

Just a short remark, do NOT bury your personal stone.

Crop circle in Fonthill Down and cloudships in Taiwan appearing in the last few days are Pleiadians expressing their support to Cintamani planetary grid project: 

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Disclosure Process

There are great changes happening in our Solar System. A vast fleet comprised of many motherships of countless positive cosmic races has reached its final parking position on key resonance points within our Solar System to support the process of full Disclosure.

Some of those ships can be seen clearly on photos which were taken by our team this week with StratoProbe 5 about 17 km (57,000 feet) above the surface:

For the first time in 26,000 years, the Chimera group is lately starting to show signs of worry about the stability of the quarantine status for planet Earth.

This is why they are fortifying their defenses within the Air Force Space Command:

Disclosure process is an exponential curve, going slowly at first during the soft Disclosure phase we are experiencing now, but steadily accelerating until we reach the breakthrough at the moment of the Event into full Disclosure.

Many seemingly unrelated initiatives of the surface population are part of the same greater plan of the Light forces (Operation PrisonBreak) to penetrate the quarantine.

Many space program initiatives in the nearspace, in Earth orbit, on Moon and Mars are expected to experience their breakthrough in the next few years:

Mainstream media are slowly preparing for the announcement of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Although certain negative factions will try to spin this into partial Disclosure, they will not be successful and all mainstream media soft Disclosure announcements are really stepping stones towards full Disclosure and are part of the same Operation PrisonBreak:

Scientists are finally discovering the plasma web that spans across the Universe:

Which is perfectly described here:

Dipole Repeller, one of the biggest toroidal structures in the Universe is a sector in this Universe with the Local group of galaxies in its center and two lobes of opposite polarity laterally spaced in both directions. This is the cosmic purification station for the Primary Anomaly with planet Earth in its central null zone. Dipole Repeller is the cosmic dynamo that energizes the process of Compression Breakthrough:

Regarding the basic structure of the Universe, scientists are finally beginning to realize that dark energy does not exist:

At the same time, alternative community is finally beginning to realize that Schumann resonances are NOT increasing:

Schuman resonances are named after professor Schumann who was involved in early German secret space program and was later paperclipped into the United States. The frequencies of Schumann resonances are fairly stable and are mainly defined by the physical size of the ionospheric cavity.

The amplitude of Schumann resonances does change and is bigger when ionospheric plasma gets excited. Ionospheric plasma excitation happens because of solar activity, thunderstorms, use of scalar plasma weapons and HAARP and lately also when the Light forces are clearing the plasma anomaly.

There are other concepts in science and in alternative community that will begin to dissolve slowly as more Light and understanding comes in, among them being the second law of thermodynamics (closed systems do not exist), time travel into the past (it violates causality, at least on macroscopic level), and flat Earth (sunsets into the ocean on flat Earth would be impossible because of atmospheric absorption, as sunrays of the setting Sun would need to travel through thousands of miles of air).

Victory of the Light!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Cobra Interview by Rob Potter

There was immense opposition to this interview being posted. Two engineered emergencies during the recording and two computer hacks during the editing and publishing process were not enough to stop this, but the posting was delayed nevertheless. Make note that the first 35 minutes of the interview were recorded in early April, the second half in early May. Obviously certain interest groups mentioned in this interview did not wish this information to be released, but here it is, in audio format and as a transcript:



If Rob's website gets hacked again, the transcript is available here:

Monthly Cobra interview by Prepare for Change has been delayed also and we expect to publish it by the end of the month. 

Victory of the Light!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Discernment and Awareness

Although drastic action was taken, the situation with directed energy weapon attacks upon Lightworkers and Lightwarriors is far from being resolved and the following article still needs to go viral, translated in as many languages as possible and posted on blogs worldwide:

Here I need to repeat again that the main reason the Light forces do not intervene more directly are plasma toplet bombs:

As plasma strangelet bombs have already been removed successfully, so will be plasma toplet bombs and that will lead to the Event. As soon as the presence of plasma toplet bombs falls below a certain threshold, the Light forces will address the directed energy weapons situation very drastically if it does not get resolved more peacefully until then.

On top of those weaponized attacks, a massive disinformation campaign against the key Lightwarriors on the planet has been engineered by the etheric and plasma Archons, manipulating personality weaknesses of certain people, "suggesting" them to attack. It started immediately after I published this article about directed energy weapons:

A certain individual that „has no idea of what he is talking about“, has released a public attack against me, and there was enough awareness to quickly put that into perspective:

To put it again very simply: I have released the directed energy weapons article to bring awareness, NOT to spread fear. Only awareness can transmute such situations. Denial will not make them go away. In fact denial which led to passive allowance is the main reason why concentration camps in World War 2 were even possible.

A few days later, a similar attack targeted Corey Goode and that was quickly put into perspective too:

It is true that Corey Goode and David Wilcock were not very open to cooperation, but they still did a huge contribution towards the planetary liberation. Although together with my network I am powerful enough to positively influence the planetary situation, imagine what we could do all together if we would cooperate!

To help clarifying the issues, the Resistance has asked me to briefly provide my perspective on Corey Goode's intel.

Through my sources I can confirm: existence of secret space programs, spheres in the Solar System, extensive ancient ruins throughout the Solar System, ruins in Antarctica (and also in Amazon delta, gulf of Aden, bay of Bengal, north of Long Island...), giants in stasis

Through my sources I can NOT confirm: existence of Anshar, Corey Goode's recent experiences beyond the surface of this planet

I also know beyond any shadow of doubt that main Atlantis civilization was in the middle of Atlantic ocean, with precise location revealed in this post:

All this is a lesson for many people in the Lightwarrior and Lightworker community to start using discernment. True discernment is not possible on mental level, it can only appear when you make contact with your Soul, your higher self. Then you simply KNOW.

Until then, the following two articles can help:

If we focus again on the planetary situation, the North Korean conflict node still needs to be dissolved:

I would also like to bring massive abuse of basic human rights in North Korea to public awareness:

There is now a strong worldwide campaign to expose the Cabal. The following genuine testimony has reached over 1 million people:

Evidence about a child abuse ring extending all way up to UK royal family has been recently released:

Also, Russian mainstream media now talk openly about Trump being controlled by the deep state:

Jared Kushner is identified as being his handler:

Probably you already know that Kushner owns this building:

But most likely you did not know that 666 Fifth Avenue is the home address of Rockefeller Grand Lodge, the main masonic lodge of the Rockefeller faction of the Cabal (link in Spanish, you can google translate):

The Eastern Alliance is now speeding up their preparations for the Reset:

Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Zimbabwean Dollar are NOT the key currencies in the coming financial Reset.

People are becoming more and more aware that taxation is theft:

The idea of universal basic income is getting more and more support, and now even Cabal is considering using it in their own version of the partial, fake Reset:

Needless to say, only full Reset with abundance to all humanity is an option.

Victory of the Light!


Pandora in progress, EELA in progress. Potentially fatal Systems/Isidic security breach, grid ratio failure, Morph decrease from 150 to 126, deflection attempt in progress. Black alert/red alert at 504. HVBN  stable. M minimum requirements met.