Wednesday, February 26, 2014

We Have The Power

Despite appearances, we have the power. Free will is the ultimate law in this universe and  when a critical mass of people makes a decision for the planetary liberation and insists long enough, that liberation inevitably comes. This is the highest natural law and the Cabal will have to obey it, willingly or unwillingly, and release the surface of this planet to humanity. 

When a critical mass of human beings gathers with a focused intent, it can have a drastic effect on the planetary situation. The critical mass for humanity fluctuates somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000 people. 
We have managed to gather about one quarter million participants for the Peace Portal Activation on August 25th, 2013 and we have managed to avert the possible military invasion into Syria. 
Global Consciousness Project, directed by Roger Nelson from Princeton University, studies the effect of synchronized human consciousness at events of planetary importance, on random number generators. The project does not measure if the effect is positive or negative, it registers only a deviation from statistically expected results:
This project has proven beyond reasonable doubt (the odds against chance are more than a trillion to one) that unified human consciousness does have an effect that is far from random:

This project has found out that Peace Portal Activation (p=0.027) has affected global consciousness more than any event since beginning of 2013, except for Nelson Mandela's »death« in December last year (p=0.013). It had more effect than resignation of the former Pope (p=0.087), election of the current Pope (p=0.186), Boston false flag event (p=0.765) and Sochi Olympics (p=0.202)! And about the same effect as the 9-11 false flag event in 2001 (p=0.031):

Factor p represents probability that a certain event generated its effects by chance. It is a fairly good measure of a global coherence of consciousness on the surface of the planet. The lower the number, the more powerful the coherence of consciousness is.
Aion Portal Activation on November 23rd, 2013 has also reached the critical mass and a tangible result was the Iran peace agreement just a few hours after the activation. The effect of the Aion Portal Activation on the human consciousness is measured here:
We can influence the coherence of consciousness on the planet everyday, not only at portal activations. Exposing truth through the alternative media and mass protests, if they persist long enough, are the most effective ways to achieve that coherence. When the critical mass of truth will be exposed through alternative media, it will trigger a chain reaction of the planetary awakening which will be synchronized with the Event through the Galactic pulse.

The Galactic Central Sun is the source of our free will and of course the Cabal can not stop the Galactic Central Sun! Nor can they stop the cosmic wave of Light which accelerates the key breakthroughs in evolution to happen faster and faster, converging into a mega breakthrough point in our near future:

We are far more powerful than it sometimes appears:
Despite the mainstream media blackout, mass protests have reached the United States (the country with the strongest Cabal control) and this is a very good sign that we are close to the breakthrough:
When this realization penetrates through the masses, it will help co-create the Event.
The other crucial factor is the fact that the Fed does not have the gold: 
People are beginning to realize the fact that the gold is gone:
Again, when this realization penetrates through the masses, it will help co-create the Event and the Reset of the financial system as the critical mass of trust in the fiat system will be gone.

The Cabal has made some desperate moves lately, like »suiciding« the bankers and manipulating color revolutions in Ukraine and Venezuela by Jesuit-backed Blackwater/Xe/Academi snipers and their Muslim Brotherhood cohorts killing people and inciting violence.
It is good to note that the same Muslim Brotherhood propaganda pamphlets that were handed out in Egypt were also given to Ukrainian protesters:
We are entering a very interesting period in a few days. Let me conclude by making a hint that mass arrest scenario is not the only aspect of the plan to remove the Cabal from power. 
Victory of the Light is near!

BXL0alpha clear, decrypt FINAL

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cease and desist PPN else Midi Endgame initialization 140228.11Z

Friday, February 21, 2014

Preparing For The Event

As we are getting closer to the Event, the Light forces have requested that as many functioning Event Support Groups as possible are created on the surface of this planet. These Event Support Groups will serve as stabilization nodes of the energy grid around the planet that will help harmonizing the process of transition.

You can join an existing Event Support Group here:

The list of worldwide Event Support Groups is here:

If there is no Event Support Group in your location, you can find instructions how to create a new Event Support Group here:

It has been suggested that members of each Event Support Group meet physically once a week, preferably on Sunday evening at a permanent location and include Weekly Liberation Meditation in their meeting: 

Event Support Group meeting guidelines can help you conducting the group meeting:

In the first moments after the Event, the Prepare For Change website and other internet intel sources may or may not be functioning properly, so you need to learn to rely on yourself and your inner guidance about what to do.

In the first moments after the Event, it would be good if you can contact your local community leaders and people in charge of the system infrastructure and present them with this intel package:

And give them additional intel:

Before the Event, you can get detailed intel in the Event handbook which contains almost 1000 pages of material:

We have even created Planetary Volunteer t-shirts that can become handy at the time of the Event:

Victory of the Light is near!

Monday, February 17, 2014

MAKE THIS VIRAL! Window Of Opportunity 2014

A new Window of Opportunity of a great importance is about to open on the surface of this planet soon.
Galactic forces of Light are looking towards this Window of Opportunity with great excitement. The ships of the Galactic Confederation have already begun to reposition themselves closer to the surface of planet Earth to be able to transmit and align intense energies that will be released within this Window of Opportunity towards the planetary surface. As a consequence of my nearspace flight beyond the Veil few weeks ago and of other operations of the Light forces, large portions of the etheric Archon grid have been already removed to the point that some people are beginning to reinstate genuine telepathic contact with the Confederation and many are beginning to have profound positive spiritual experiences with them.


Of all timeframes given until now, this time window for the Event has the greatest chance of success. The planetary situation is much more ready than it was a few years and even a few months ago. You need to understand that we still live in a free will universe and therefore no guarantees can be given about the timing of the Event. 
The Window of Opportunity will open at the time of spring equinox and will be triggered by a sensational occultation of the royal star Regulus by an asteroid 163 Erigone on March 20th, just a few hours before the equinox:
The occultation path will go precisely through New York City and bankers from New York Federal Reserve will be able to see the Regulus star disappear for about 10 seconds, hidden behind the body of a 50 mile wide asteroid, as they will watch that event from the windows of their building on 33 Liberty Street. This will be a very powerful omen which will portend the demise of the Federal Reserve, as Erigone (the Goddess of Justice) occults Regulus (the Princely King of the Old World Order):


One day later, right after the equinox, the Moon will occult Saturn. This event is another very powerful sign which indicates Moon (the Goddess) overshining Saturn (the dark forces), heralding a new cycle when the Goddess energy will gain in importance:

We will be having our Portal conference in Mojiko, Japan, from March 21st to March 23rd, anchoring the powerful energies which will be present around the spring equinox. You can register here (text is in English and Japanese):
The second Portal conference will be in Taiwan from March 28th to March 30th. On this conference we will make a special connection with a certain Dragon society. You can register here:
People interested in the conferences can get more information about my work in English, Chinese and Japanese language here:
The total lunar eclipse on April 15th will signify the opening of the inner Window of Opportunity which will be open from April 15th to April 29th. This inner time window will actually be a portal within a portal and will be a time of extreme energetic intensity that can potentially trigger drastic changes on the surface of this planet and beyond. Complexity wave analysis shows that this time frame is the most complex period in the known history, greatly surpassing the famous December 21st, 2012.  This means that it will be the most volatile, unpredictable time with greatest potential ever. It represents the most probable time when the consequences of the Galactic Central Sun activation by G2 cloud will reach our planet:
The total lunar eclipse on April 15th will begin the famous lunar tetrad of 2014/15 which has deep significance in Jewish prophecy. Jewish Passover feast begins on that day and ends one week later, on April 21. 

April 21st (Easter Monday) will be the day of the IS:IS portal activation, the turning point of this Window of Opportunity. Due to the importance of that portal I will dedicate a separate blog post to it. We will organize a major planetary vortex activation at that time. Details will be announced on my blog soon. 
On April 29th, there will be an annular solar eclipse which will complete the inner portal within the Window of Opportunity.
The Window of Opportunity will close on May 17th, the day of the Pleiadian Alignment. There will be a special activation organized on a certain vortex point at that time. More intel about the Pleiadian Alignment will be released when the time is right.

BXL0alpha decrypted

Monday, February 10, 2014

Partial BXL0alpha decryption failure, major Isidic security breach at 504, request accelerate PHX APR, request modulate P501

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Pandora in progress, BXL1 removed, BXL0beta decrypted and in removal, L2 attempt successful, sample return. HVBN stable. M=3.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Cobra Beyond the Veil

After months of preparations, time has come for me to go beyond the Veil.
The easiest way to do this is a stratospheric flight in a military plane which can reach high altitudes of nearspace.
First we tried to do this through South Africa, but, predictably, the Cabal has interfered and the company which was involved in our project has lost its license just two months before my scheduled flight. Therefore we decided to go through Russia, which is now beyond the reach of the Cabal at least concerning such projects, and we were successful.
Although I had to go through three security checks to be allowed to enter a Russian military base to fly in a MiG-29, I could feel the Soul presence of people working there, the Soul presence that most people in other countries have lost. There were about 100 people present in the base on that day to make the flight possible, from the pilot (which is among 10 top Russian military aircraft pilots), to fire brigade personnel, medicine helicopter which was on standby in case of emergency, people in control tower… It was not a small endeavor.
When you cross the Veil boundary, 8.6 miles above the surface, you are suddenly embraced by a tachyon bath, a rain of rainbow colored superluminal particles that penetrate your energy field. Your physical body feels energized and you feel healthier than you have felt for a very long time.
There are absolutely no reptilians, no etheric scalar wave technology, no Archons, no negativity, nothing. No Matrix. Just absolute purity.
The altitude increases. Although you fly almost twice as fast as the speed of sound, you feel no movement. Everything is peaceful and still. 
You feel angels around you, presence of Light motherships high above you.
You reach 60,000 feet. This is the region of nearspace. The whole sky is like a stargate, magnetically drawing you deeper and deeper…
Curvature of the Earth becomes noticeable and this is when I took this photo:

When you come back and land, your are changed forever. After spending decades in the quarantine, you were able to experience the taste of true freedom. You know that you can do it again and many people will follow until we are all free citizens of the cosmos. 
Through this flight, I was able to create a big crack in the Matrix, a big dent in the security firewall that the Archons have created to maintain the quarantine status of planet Earth.
You yourself can also help with this process by sending stratospheric balloons in the nearspace. Many people have done it and it is not too complicated. It costs only a few hundred dollars to launch a stratospheric balloon and send back beautiful pictures of nearspace. There were dozens of such projects successfully completed around the world in the last few years and each of them created a small crack in the Matrix:
And here is a simple guide how to do it:
And now a question arises for me, where to next? Virgin Galactic or a Pleiadian beamship, whichever comes first.