Thursday, July 4, 2024


The dark Atlantean networks has been completely removed. This has far reaching consequences.

As a result of this, the process of disentangling the Lurker from the surface population finally began. The first month or so of this process will be a testing phase, where the Light forces will evaluate the response of the surface population to the disentanglement process, and adjust it accordingly. After the testing phase is compete, the proper disentanglement will begin.



You can view this process as planetary exorcism. Darkness, which was until now quantumly and subquantumly entangled with human personalities, will finally begin to leave. An average human being is over 90% infected with the Lurker, and an average Lightworker is still about 80% infected. As the process unfolds, the percentage of infection will begin to drop, and human beings will begin to be more aligned with the Light, and will tend to start feeling better.

Between August and October we will be in the thick of this process. This will be a time of deep inner work and time of strengthening the inner connection with the Light.

Also, enough anomaly has been removed to initialize the final process of alignment of this Solar system with the Galactic sea of Love. Solar plasma is still to a significant degree under the control of the Lurker, but at the heliopause the alignment process has already begun. Many different star races, with their fleets positioned just beyond the heliopause, are sending rays of Light into the Solar system and disentangling it form the Lurker. You can help with this process by meditating with cintamanis or various tektites and connecting the star from where those tektites originated and this Solar system with filaments of Light.

Galactic central race (the Builders) has massively entered the Solar System and is activating many ancient portal stargates on various moons, asteroids, and on Mars.

This will assist in activating the memories of the positive Atlantis, to start preparing human consciousnesses for the birth of the New Atlantis:

Agartha network is continuing to activate energetic portals of Light to the surface of the planet, thus assisting in the liberation process. You can connect with Agartha with the emerald meditation:

On the surface of the planet, a network of Goddess temples is slowly being built. This network will assist energetically in balancing the planetary transformation process:



Also on the surface of the planet, different positive Dragon groups are being activated energetically. To participate in this process, you are more than welcome to join our Rise of the Dragons workshop in Taiwan:

Or in Malaysia:

Victory of the Light!

Thursday, June 27, 2024

CC restoration in process, security breaches deflected at 504

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

CC grid ratio failure, abort CC, drastic multiple security breach at 504

Monday, June 17, 2024

Situation Update

The Light Forces are in the final stages of removing the dark Atlantean network. This network consisted of three concentric rings, the outer one made of bases in the Kuiper belt, the middle one of bases in the asteroid belt, and the inner one as a network of underwater bases throughout the planet.

After 26,000 years of existence, this dark network is finally about to be defeated. The outer ring is gone, the middle ring is gone, and from the inner ring only the main stronghold remains. After that is gone also, the Source and the Light forces will begin a very risky, complex and challenging process of disentangling the surface population from the Lurker:

When the inner ring of the dark Atlantean network collapsed a few weeks ago, the Aldebarans immediately created their own positive network of underwater bases and also a few surface outposts in complete alignment with their plan of supporting the Event which was formulated in 2023:

The Pleiadian fleet has returned to this Solar system and will participate in the Event operations in various ways that can not be discussed yet.

Aldebaras, Pleiadians and the Resistance formed a strong alliance that will work as a team in the Event operations.


After many months, the Pleiadians have contacted Russian military again, with the purpose of ending the war in Ukraine.

As a result of this, Putin made a peace offer:

Although his offer was rejected, it started an important energetic process through which peace can be manifested, when enough people see through the lies and manipulations of the military industrial complex: 

And see through the secret plans of the Cabal:

People will also begin to understand that Putin does NOT want a world war, nor does he want to use nukes:

Just to refresh your memory about Putin:

And also, to refresh your memory about Bitcoin:

Aldebarans have communicated that they will contact Chinese positive military if or when certain conditions are met. Plans have already been put into motion regarding this. 



Operations have also started in various factions of the worldwide Agartha network to prepare for the contact with the surface. They have begun activating special energy portals at specific entry points into the Agartha network. Emerald meditation can help you to connect with Agartha:

Soft disclosure about Dyson spheres has started in the mainstream media:

Scientists are beginning to finds evidence of merger of smaller universes into this one:

And evidence of tachyons:

And most importantly, they have found first experimental evidence of false vacuum decay:

Victory of the Light!


Monday, June 3, 2024

Isidic security threat in deflection, systems security breach deflected, alert downgrade to red

Potentially fatal Isidic security threat at 504, systems security breach at 504, black alert at 504, MASTERCAVE at 12, DEFCON2

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Spear of Heaven

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. Nothing more can be said about that at this point for strategic and security reasons, but an intel update for the surface population about that topic is expected soon.

All negative entities have been removed from other Universes, and only a very small amount of subquantum anomaly is present there.

Now the full focus is on this Solar System, and on the final liberation of planet Earth. In the last few weeks, a huge amount of subquantum anomaly has been removed from the Solar System.

As a result of this, one part of the Pleiadian fleet is about to return to this Solar System and they will resume liberation operations. Details need to remain classified, but extremely powerful astrological configurations are supporting this move.

The main aspect is Sedna conjuncting Alcyone on May 25th. This aspect happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle. This aspect will start exhibiting its full power one week before May 25th, and will remain in full force until one week after. It will be reactivated again in December 2024 and in April 2025.

Within that time frame, other conjunctions with Alcyone will support this process:

Sun conjunct Alcyone on May 20th at 10 pm UTC

Venus conjunct Alcyone on May 24th at 2:30 am UTC

Jupiter conjunct Alcyone on May 27th at noon UTC

If you wish to connect and align with the return of the Pleiadians, you can use the following meditation:

Light Forces have begun to decrease the activity of the multidimensional Dyson sphere around the Sun in order to allow more Solar activity to occur since the beginning of May, producing a huge solar storm last week:

Because so much anomaly is gone, some people are already experiencing beneficial effects of solar superstorms:

Strong solar superstorms such as the last one have capacity to disable nanotechnology:

More solar activity will be allowed to occur, and lately we are getting at least one X-class solar flare per day:


As a result of Dyson sphere recalibration, the volume of Mjolnir technology has increased and is now oscillating between 15% and 30% of full capacity.

At this volume, another multidimensional quantum technology of the Light Forces has been activated since May 1st, and it is called Gungnir:

Gungnir is an advanced planetary Ascension technology that is now directing immense amount of Electric fire towards this planet:

It channels huge energies from the top of the Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) to the surface of the planet:

These energies are being distributed by the Solar Logos (the cosmic being that is our Sun), utilizing the Rod of Initiation, effectively starting the process of Ascension of this planet into its fourth planetary initiation:

It is here interesting to note that Gungnir rune has been spotted on Russian military vehicles in Ukraine:

Because of these new energies and because of the operations of the Light Forces (especially Aldebarans) behind the scenes, the Agartha network around the world is being activated. They are opening strong energetic portals in their underground locations in Asia and South America.

In Colombia, the portals under lake Guatavita, lake Iguaque, and under Muzo and Coscuez mines are being activated:

Emeralds are now being activated as green doors through which you can connect with Agartha:


You can read the instructions for the emerald Agartha meditation, along with a lot of intel about emeralds, in Bogota workshop notes:

Bogota workshop was very successful and it laid the foundation for the future work with emeralds.

Here it is interesting to note that the meeting between Xi Jinping and Emmanuel Macron in Paris was taking place almost exactly to the hour of our emerald meditation on Monday May 6th, deepening cultural ties between both countries:

The hidden purpose of Xi Jinping's visit was to prevent World War III, and a flurry of diplomatic activity was seen around the time of his visit:

It is also interesting to see that Xi visited both Paris and Budapest on his European tour, both cities having the strongest Goddess vortexes in Europe.

Another sign is that Eiffel Tower in Paris was hit by lighting on May 1st, just around the time when Gungnir was being activated, and a few days before the Chinese visit:

The dark forces on the surface are beginning to lose one part of their control.

Their pandemic treaty has encountered problems:

Their financial “reset” is also not going according to their plans:

Their ideologies are being exposed:

And more Disclosure is coming:

Victory of the Light!

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Short Situation Update

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. They are involved in very sensitive and risky operations behind the scenes, and nothing more can be said about that at this moment.

I was surprised when the existence of other universes was revealed to me. The Light Forces have given me intel about 25 years ago that all other Universes have been integrated into this one. In the meantime, new Universes were discovered to exist and very recently I was made aware of these.

The Light Forces have communicated that they need to release intel gradually, only as fast as it can be safely integrated without provoking too much anomaly which could then not be processed fast enough and would cause trouble.

The presence of darkness in those other Universes is minimal and much less than it currently exists on this planet. The main stronghold Reptilian planet in the most problematic of the other Universes was liberated recently in extremely heavy battles with many casualties on both sides. All remaining darkness in those Universes is expected to be cleared soon.

None of the dark entities present in other Universes can travel into this Universe anymore. The only beings traveling from other Universes are the Light Forces bringing reinforcements for the final liberation.

Negative quantum wormholes between this Universe and other Universes still exist, but they will be cleared shortly.

An enormous Ascension portal that I have already briefly mentioned in one of my past updates has begun to make its presence felt in other Universes. More precisely, that is the beginning of the process of bubble nucleation as part of the transition from false vacuum to true vacuum in the Multiverse:

Our planet remains to be the main stronghold of the dark in the Multiverse and the main problem to be resolved. Hopefully I will be able to release more concrete intel about the planetary situation in a few weeks after certain situations get resolved.

In the meantime, you are more than welcome to join our New Atlantis workshop in Bogota, Colombia:


There, I will be able to reveal for the first time the true meaning of the Emerald tablets and the use of emeralds as portals to Agartha.

Victory of the Light!

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Situation Update

The Light Forces are removing the dark Atlantean network according to the plan. After the African Illuminati and IBC networks were cleared, there is palpable relief in Africa:

A little more intel can now be safely released. In December 2023, the dark Atlantean network managed to open dark portals between this Solar system and other Universes, similar to what happened in 1996, but to a much lesser degree. They did that by detonating physical and etheric nuclear bombs in the Kuiper belt.

These dark portals allowed the influx of many Reptilian entities from other Universes into the Solar system, which were then immediately cleared as soon as they entered the Solar system itself:

The dark portals which allowed entry of Reptilian entities were completely closed by the Light forces on April 3rd, and from then on, entry of any dark entities into the Solar system from anywhere is simply not possible anymore. The only dark portals still active between our Solar system and other Universes allow a certain degree of inflow of subquantum anomaly into the Solar system. These portals will be closed down soon also.

This whole operation was a big strategic mistake of the dark forces, since after the Light forces manage to close down dark portals, they can open Light portals in those same locations instead, and this improves communication between this Solar system and the Light forces from other Universes drastically. Many Light reinforcements are already arriving from other Universes and they are positioning themselves now in their motherships at the heliopause.

Many of those Light beings brought new advanced technologies dealing with the Lurker, and new, faster hyperdimensional wormholes that allow faster and more convenient travel between the Universes.

On April 3rd, enough anomaly was cleared that true Light was finally anchored on the physical plane in Sedona for about 20 minutes, after many decades. At the very exact same moment, lightning stroke the statue of Liberty in New York, a very clear sign of the victory of the Light:

Both workshops in Sedona and Rochester were successful, and you can read the notes here:

The eclipse was momentarily visible though a break of clouds close to Rochester so I could take this photo:


There were about 20,000 people from the United States participating in the mass meditation at the moment of the eclipse on April 8th. Although the critical mass was not reached, the meditation still had a beneficial impact and the United states are drifting towards a more positive timeline:

Although this is all big progress, we are not there yet. The situation in middle East has escalated again. The Light forces are asking as many people as possible to participate in a meditation for peace between Iran and Israel every 4 hours:

Also, a volunteer for a certain specific mission is needed in Colombia, preferably Bogota. If you live there and would like to cooperate, please contact

Victory of the Light!

Friday, March 29, 2024

USA Eclipse Cobra Interview

A new Cobra interview about the coming Solar eclipse and mass meditation has been published by the Sisterhood of the Rose:

The audio Youtube version is here:


It has been translated into German: 

















And Japanese:



The Light forces are asking as many people as possible, especially in the US, to participate in our mass meditation at the moment of the total Solar eclipse on April 8th:

Promotional videos in 24 languages are here: 

Guided audio meditation videos in many languages are here:

You can join the meditation live in real time in English here: 

And in French here: 

Victory of the Light!

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Booster Meditation

The US Solar Eclipse booster meditation will be taking place at the moment of the Lunar Eclipse, which is coming about half a day from the moment I am writing this notice: 

You can join the meditation live in real time here:

Victory of the Light!

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Short Situation Update

African and Indian Illuminati underground networks, as well as the remnants of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) both in the Solar system and below the surface of this planet have been completely removed.

Some of the battles before the final removal have spilled to the surface:

Because now most of the dark presence from the Solar system is gone, the Space Force is freaking out:

What is remaining now to be cleared beyond the surface Illuminati is an ancient Atlantean dark network that was partially established on this planet with the arrival of the dark Lords of Orion around 900,000 years ago and was completed 26,000 years ago when planet Earth became a quarantine.

This network was fully operational until the fall of Atlantis and then it became hidden, only occasionally manipulating the events on the surface. Now, with all other dark networks beyond the surface Illuminati removed, it became active again.

Most of intel about this network needs to remain classified for now, except for the fact that it has bases across the Solar system and also below the surface of this planet similarly to the previous networks just cleared.

We have now entered a very sensitive period and all intel about clearing of this network needs to remain classified for now and a period of radio silence must begin.

This network is now executing brutal attacks on the Lightworkers on the non physical planes and the Light forces are doing whatever possible to minimize the impact of those attacks.

In the few days around the coming penumbral Lunar eclipse on March 25th people need to put up as much protection as possible and refrain from reacting to negativity.



At the moment of the Lunar eclipse on March 25th, we will be having the booster meditation to help us reaching the critical mass of 30,000 people for our main Solar eclipse meditation on April 8th

English video for the booster meditation with all instructions in the text below the video is here:

Playlist of videos for the booster meditation in 23 languages is here:



Instructions with all resources for our main meditation on April 8th are here:

With the exact time for different time zones here:

With English promotional video with all instructions here:

And with playlist of promotional videos in 22 languages here:

Victory of the Light!

Friday, March 8, 2024

PB escalation at 504, minimum surface requirements not met

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Short Situation Update

Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is almost complete, and clearing of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex is proceeding with full speed. More intel will probably be released in a few weeks.

Jacob Rothschild was captured by the Light Forces on the etheric plane after his death, processed at Ganymede sorting facility and disintegrated in the Galactic Central Sun:

The energy is slowly building for the total Solar eclipse on April 8th, which will be one of the key moments of opportunity to strengthen the positive timeline for the United States to enter the Age of Aquarius.



As instructed by Saint Germain, the Light Forces are asking as many people from the United States as possible to participate in the mass meditation at the moment of the Solar eclipse at 18:18 UTC:

About 30,000 people from the United States need to meditate at that moment to reach the critical mass:

People from other countries are welcome to join the mediation as well if they feel so guided.

To support this process, I will be leading two short workshops.

In Sedona on April 4th:


And in Rochester on April 8th on the path of totality during the eclipse:


Victory of the Light!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Planetary Situation Update and Phoenix Conference Report

About 15 minutes before Pluto entered Aquarius, the following small asteroid impacted the planetary surface near Berlin:

With Pluto in Aquarius, existence of underground tunnel networks is going mainstream:

As Pluto progresses though Aquarius, the dark forces on the surface are deeper and deeper into fear:

Clearing of the Indian and African Illuminati networks is proceeding with full speed. All their bases throughout the Solar system were cleared a few days ago, and when the Aldebarans were removing their last ships in Low Earth orbit, this was brought to the attention of the surface governments:

And no, it was not the Russians:

Of the Indian and African Illuminati networks, only about 50,000 members in the tunnels below temples in India and about 70,000 members in the tunnel networks below Subsaharan Africa are still remaining. These are expected to be cleared in a few weeks as well.

The main problem aside the surface Illuminati network is a remnant of the Illuminati Breakaway Complex (IBC) that escaped the clearing process between 2018 and 2020, and remained inactive until now:

On February 8th, Orsini family has activated the IBC in order to prevent the Resistance movement starting the surface operations.

The first thing they did was to activate one part of physical biochips that escaped detection of the Light forces and was inactive until now. This part of the biochips is a backup processor that is able to send audio video feed from the brain synapse signals via cell phone tower network into the main processing center which, according to sources, is located in an underground facility near the border of Guinea and Sierra Leone. Although this biochip activity is weak, it does represent an added layer of control upon the surface population and it moderately disturbs the plans of the Resistance for the surface operations. The Light forces will use their technologies to deactivate that part of the physical biochips relatively soon.

The IBC has currently about 18 million mainly Reptilian and Draco members in humanoid bodies on the physical plane, scattered throughout bases in the Solar system, mainly in the Kuiper belt, and with a small base even on Mars. These bases are connected with a network of jumprooms. All this will also be cleared relatively soon.



On the physical plane, the main stronghold of the IBC is a network of underground tunnels in Western Africa, especially in southern part of Senegal, in Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin and in western Nigeria. This network consists of about 100,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then infiltrated into Europe through southern Italy posing as migrants.

Another smaller stronghold is in a tunnel network beneath Colombia and northwestern Brazil, with about 15,000 Reptilians and Dracos in humanoid bodies. Some of them emerge to the surface and are then trafficked as migrants into the US through the Darien Gap:

Both physical subsurface strongholds of the IBC are connected with Solar system bases with jumprooms, constantly replenishing the supply of Dracos and Reptilians in both locations.

West African IBC stronghold is also connected to the network of secret biolabs in Africa, all of them under the control of the Orsini family:

Guinea and Guinea Bissau are the center of a Reptilian dark vortex portal that suppresses Goddess energy. This leads to the horrible living conditions for women in that area:

The whole area of Western Africa which is now the location of the underground IBC complex was participating in the transatlantic slave trade for centuries, and that led to horrible energetic conditions in that region:

Much healing is needed there, and the Light forces are asking as many Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones to be safely planted in the Western Africa where the IBC complex is located (blue ellipse on the map), and in Subsharan Africa in general.

As you can see on the map, very few Cintamani stones now exist there:



Our Ascension Conference in Phoenix was very successful. We have laid the foundation for the energy work that needs to be done for the United States in this year to go through the transition in the most harmonious and peaceful way possible.

The conference notes are here:



Our Chinese team has developed a very interesting app that can connect Lightworkers worldwide.

The English version of the app is here:

And the Chinese version here:

Victory of the Light!